#Delilah Marston
fandomficsnstuff · 27 days
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(Warnings: blood, angst, a lot of more angst and some angsty angsty on top:3)
Note: part 4 of Days Gone By and last time I’ll detail it<3<3 look for the moodboard if you’re unsure if it’s part of the Days Gone By series or look for the Days Gone By tags, they’ll be uniquely in every Days Gone By story so that it’s easy to find them<3
Daisy grinned as Carl showed her the various weapons he had just found, her hands wrapping around a machete with a big grin, showing it to Carl “how do I look?” she asked and he smiled at her “awesome! What about me?” he picked up a small axe and Daisy nodded “no walker is going to stand in our way now!” she said giggling, Carl and her laughing as they examined the various weapons until Lori showed up, taking them away from the both of them, leaving Daisy pouting, glaring at her “you’re not my momma! I want one of those weapons, I know it’s not a toy” she said stubbornly, Lori looking her up and down before sighing “go ask your uncle then” she said and steered Carl away, a frown on Daisy’s brows as she watched Carl cast a look over his shoulder before being ushered away by his mother. Daisy stuck her tongue out at Lori before turning around and walking off to the RV, climbing up on top of it and sitting down, pouting, arms across her chest as she stared at the nearby trees. Dale studied her for a few seconds before putting down his rifle and sitting down beside her on the edge of the roof, groaning as he moved down, making her look at him. “What’s with the pout?” he asked and she looked down “Mrs. Grimes said I can’t have a weapon…” she muttered and he chuckled lightly “well, you’re only a kid” he reasoned and she pouted even more “I know how to take care of myself! I know it’s not a toy, it’s a tool, I know that. My daddy and uncle Daryl taught me, I know how to fight” she said proudly and Dale smiled softly at her before nodding to himself “alright, if I find something small but handy, I’ll ask your uncle if you can have it, deal?” he asked and she nodded softly, her pout gone as she smiled up at Dale who gave her a small wink before getting up, once again groaning loudly, picking up his rifle and smiling down at her “you wanna help me keep watch? Could use some good eyes” he offered and Daisy nodded, getting up and looking out over the highway, the way they came from, while Dale kept watch the way they were supposed to be headed.
“Dale?” Daisy asked softly, hearing him humm in response but he didn’t turn to look at her. She gulped as she watched the walkers stagger closer, more than she had ever seen before, not even the night they were let into the CDC. “Dale” she said more loudly and this time he turned, his eyes going wide as he hurriedly grabbed her shoulders and made her lay down on the roof of the RV with him, his hand softly on her head, making sure it stayed down. “Stay down, don’t move, alright?” Dale whispered and she nodded, making sure to stay low… that is until she heard a scream, from inside the RV, she raised her head but Dale quickly put a hand on her head and softly lowered it before crawling over to peek into the RV to see who was in trouble. Daisy stayed flat on the roof for a long while until she heard another scream, lifting her head and looking over the edge she saw Sophia run over the edge of the road railing and down a slope into the forest with two walkers after her “Sophia!” she screamed, about to crawl down when Dale pinned her down and put a hand over her mouth “Rick’s going after her, it’s alright” he whispered as he continued to hold her down while she kept her eyes on the spot she ran off into, whimpering as she ever so slightly tried to fight Dale’s grip and go after her. The second Dale let go she crawled down and ran over to where she last saw the weapons Carl found and grabbed the machete she liked earlier, running towards the edge of the forest until someone picked her up, spun her around and put her back down, turning her to face them and she saw Shane as he held her in place, his hands on her shoulders as she struggled against his hold “hey, hey- Delilah! You gotta stay here, you can’t run after her, Rick’s already on his way to her” Shane hurried out but she shook her head “what if she’s scared?” Daisy said with a crack in her voice and Shane sighed, took the machete from her and kneeled down, hugging her “it’s alright, princess, it’s alright. Rick’ll take care of her, alright? He’ll take care of her” he assured and Daisy nodded, turning to look at Carl who clearly wanted to go after her as well. “Carl, keep an eye on her, alright?” Shane asked and Carl nodded, walking up to Daisy and putting a hand on her shoulder, steering her away from the road railing while glancing nervously over his shoulder at Shane.
Daisy walked through the woods with Carl, eyes on the ground with her head down as she stepped over a large, broken off branch. “Hey, it’s okay. We’re going to find her” she looked up at Carl and nodded at his words, looking down again. It wasn’t long after Carl’s words that she heard a branch snap, looking up to see a beautiful deer walk right in front of the four of them. She quietly walked closer alongside Carl, smiling brightly at the animal, her hazel eyes glancing to Carl, her smile brightening as she saw his fascination. She looked back at the deer and took a step closer to Carl, taking his hand in her own as she watched the deer with a big grin, so big her cheeks started to hurt. She let out a quiet giggle and looked over her shoulder at Rick and Shane, her hand still holding Carl’s and she couldn’t help but giggle again, looking back at the deer, admiring it. She was considering stepping closer, slowly, maybe it wouldn’t run away, she almost took a step forward but froze when she heard a shot ring out and she frowned, watching the deer fall, Carl’s hand slipping from hers, her head turning to see him fall to the ground, eyes closed, blood pooling at his chest, soaking his shirt. Daisy let out a scream and took a step back as Rick frantically kneeled by Carl’s side, holding on his chest and picking him up, getting up from the ground while Shane was pointing a gun at the stranger’s head, the one who had shot Carl. Daisy’s hand gripped the machete in her belt, eyes wide as she looked between Shane and Rick while they shouted and talked. She doesn’t remember how long she was running for, she remembered Shane telling her to go back to the highway, to her uncle, to everyone else, but she was already following after Rick as he ran towards where the farm was supposed to be. Her vision was cloudy as tears ran down her cheeks while she ran, ignoring Shane yelling at her to stop, to wait for him, to let him catch up as he made sure the stranger kept up with them.
Daisy was panting heavily as she finally reached the farm house, feeling dizzy and weak but she stayed in her spot, looking between the strangers and the bleeding Carl in Rick’s arms. “Please! He’s my best friend” she said sobbing and the oldest man nodded, allowing Rick into the house but casting a nervous glance at Daisy “not you, darlin’, it’s not something someone your age should see” he said softly and Daisy were left to sit on the step outside, crying her eyes out, knees against her chest with her arms wrapped around, head hidden away behind her knees. She wasn’t sure how long she cried but Shane arrived with the stranger who shot Carl, seeing her crying he shook his head softly and she got up, ran to him and hugged him tightly “they wouldn’t let me come with him!” she sobbed and Shane breathed a heavy sigh of relief as he wrapped his arms around her, still panting heavily from running. Shane’s eyes shut for a moment in relief that at least Carl was still alive when he was brought into the house, his eyes opening when Rick walked out, hands shaking, blood soaking his shirt with tears in his eyes.
Daisy sat in the room with Carl, asleep in a chair on the other side of his bed, knees tucked up as her head rested on the back of the chair, her cheeks and eyes red and puffy from crying for so long, exhausted from running and sobbing she had fallen asleep while at Carl’s side. Rick had gotten up at some point and put a blanket over her, taking a pillow from a chair in the corner and softly putting it under her head so she’d at least be somewhat comfortable. Her eyes fluttered open as she heard footsteps, turning her head to see Shane walk in, giving her a weak smile before kneeling in front of her “hey, princess… Rick’s donating some blood, I’m gonna watch over Carl, it’s okay. Hershel has offered his room to you, get you more comfortable” Shane whispered and Daisy glanced at a pale and sweating Carl before yawning, her eyes closing as she shook her head. Shane nodded and sighed lightly “alright, how ‘bout the couch, hm? Does that sound good, princess?” he asked softly and Daisy nodded tiredly, Shane picking her up and walking out of the room with her in his arms, the blanket still over her as she was on the verge of falling asleep again. Shane put her on the couch and sighed at Rick who raised a brow “wouldn’t want to be too far from him, so I offered her the couch instead” he explained quietly and Rick nodded, the two of them thinking she was already asleep until she popped your head up, looking over the back of the sofa with tired, red eyes “can I give some blood too?” she asked quietly, a small chuckle coming from Rick but it was Hershel who answered, walking into the room to check on Rick and smiling softly at her “well, do you know your blood type?” he asked and she scrunched up her nose as she shook her head, Hershel nodding softly “well, then it wouldn’t work, but you’re a brave little girl for offering” he said and she smiled softly in response.
“Daddy?... What’s going to happen to all those people in the city?” Daisy asked in a tired voice and Merle sighed heavily, tensing up as he always did when he had to answer her questions that he deemed ‘soft’. “Well, er… the government bombed the hell outta them, sweetheart” he said in a raspy chuckle and looked down at her, seeing her frown deeply and his smile instantly dropped. He cleared his throat and thought over a good answer to her question “they’re-... I-I’m sure they’re alright, sweetheart, daddy was only joking” he said quickly and she shrugged lightly, continuing to stare at the dark city that should light up like a beacon of safety. “No, they’re dead, or worse… just like momma” she mumbled quietly and Merle studied you with a deep frown, a certain sadness tainted his eyes “yer mom’s probably alright, kiddo, yer never know, some of them folks in the city might’ve survived the bombs” he tried to cheer her up but she just shrugged once again “no, they didn’t” she said and turned around, going back to the fire and sitting down next to her uncle, Merle studying her for a few seconds before sighing heavily and walking over, joining them by the warm fire, despite how low the flames were.
Daryl hurried into the house, eyes scanning the house until he saw Daisy on the couch, eyes closed, and his heart nearly stopped but luckily Lori saw it “she’s alright, just tired. Rick and Shane said she ran all the way here with them while crying, not slowing down one bit, not even to catch her breath” she said quietly and Daryl couldn’t help but smirk and shake his head lightly, scanning her small form for any sign of injuries, but when he found none, he looked down and nodded “yeah, sounds like her” he mumbled quietly as he walked over, kneeling down and eventually sitting down on the floor next to her, his back against the couch so she’d see him when she woke up. “She’s brave, she offered to give some blood for Carl, so Rick wouldn’t have to give so much…” Lori continued and Daryl glanced at Lori before back at the wooden floor, softly nodding his head “yeah, girl got a lotta fight in ‘er…” he mumbled, his eyes glancing to Daisy’s sleeping form again and he couldn’t help his soft smile, his whole expression softening as he watched her. Lori smiled softly at the sight, perhaps they were wrong, perhaps at least one of the Dixons would be a good influence on Daisy, perhaps she really was better off with Daryl, though Lori hated to admit that she didn’t want the little girl to leave with him if Daryl decided to go off on his own.
Daisy’s eyes fluttered open and looked around, Daryl noticing and smiling softly at her “hey, ya awake, kiddo?” he asked softly and she whined quietly before sighing, sitting up and looking at Lori with hopeful eyes “Mrs. Grimes, is Carl okay?” she asked and Lori smiled softly and nodded “yeah, yeah he’s alright, he’s still asleep” she said and Daisy nodded hesitantly, looking down shyly “can I see him anyway?” she asked and Lori nodded, stretching her hand out “yeah, come on” she said and Daisy got up, hugging her uncle briefly, pretty much wrapping her arms around his head since he was sitting on the floor, and went with Lori, her small hand in hers. “Hey, Daisy, I’mma be outside, a’ight?” Daryl asked and Daisy nodded as she glanced over her shoulder at him. Daryl nodded and got up, watching Daisy enter the room, the door closing, and he walked outside, eyes surveying the area. Daisy walked over to Carl and frowned as her eyes scanned his pale body. She bent down and began to dig through her backpack that she had left in the room earlier, getting out Mr. Teddy and placing him on Carl’s chest, softly placing one of his hands over the teddy bear, “you can borrow him… just be okay… do you remember that deer? It was so beautiful… maybe one day we can see another one… maybe we can get closer, I think I would like that… just wake up, Carl… please, you can come too, when you’re better… we’ll go into the woods and look for another one...” Daisy muttered and Lori couldn’t help but cover her mouth with her hand to not let a small whimper disturb the sweet moment, her eyes watering as she frowned, looking at a tired Rick who was sleeping in the same chair he had been sitting in for an hour now. Lori looked back at Daisy and saw that she was sitting on another chair, the same one she had been sleeping in earlier, and was laying her head on the edge of the bed, eyes watching Carl for any sign of movement, vigilant of every shallow breath that her best friend took.
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silkchvffon · 1 month
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delilah wolfe, by dallas marston ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ╱ @heavenstrck.
send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has / has taken of your muse(s) !
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margowritesthings · 2 years
The Greatest Gift A Cowgirl Could Ask For
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a @rdrevents Valentines gift exchange for @cowboydisaster
pairing: Arthur Morgan x f!reader word count: 4,400 words warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, explicit language, sexual themes, vaginal sex, mentions of death, unprotected sex, throwing up (TW EMETOPHOBIA), very brief mention of SA in the past, unexpected pregnancy, mentions of Micah Bell a/n: am I britney spears in her 2000 grammy award winning song??? because oops, i did it again. i don't know how I managed to get Bea as my recipient for a SECOND time, but it only felt right to carry on building this universe I've made for her and lying to her about it all week. Whoops.
Bea, my beloved, Happy Valentines Day. You deserve the world and Im so glad I could dedicate this fic to you. Honestly I probably couldn't have gotten the motivation to get back on my feet and write again if it wasn't for you. Thanks for everything you do bby and I hope this lives up to your 'if by some miracle you get me for your gift exchange disregard my prompts and write a TGG prequel' (yes she actually said that) idea. Love you lots xxx
taglist: @cowboydisaster @inkandbloodbound @counteveryfreckle @elifsukirdaghehe @reaveries @delilah-grimes @luvliewriting @mrsarthurmorgan7 @photo1030 @snobbybastard
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My Darling Wife,
I’m writing to you from up near Tempest Rim. I’ve tracked this bounty all over the goddamn Grizzlies and I’m ready to come home to you. I miss you so much and I’m real sorry I can’t be home in time for St. Valentines. Hopefully I can catch this bastard soon and make it up to ya. We’ll go to the theatre and sit right at the back, how’s that sound? I’ll move heaven and Earth to be beside you soon, you know I will.
I can’t wait to see you, sweetheart. I’ll be there as fast as I can be with enough money to take you out on the town. Won’t be long, I promise. 
All my love, Arthur
All my love, Arthur
All my love, Arthur
Your finger runs over his looped script, over and over as if it will somehow will your husband out of the crumpled paper and into your bed. It’s been 2 months since the letter arrived, 2 months of the agony of not knowing if he’s dead or alive robbing you of sleep each and every night. You miss him, more than you could ever imagine one person could miss another and you honestly don’t know what you’ll do if he doesn’t come home. 
It’s a 600 dollar bounty, it’s sure to be a tough job you constantly reassure yourself, unable to focus on anything but the absence of half of your very soul in every waking moment. 
The day he comes home starts like any other. Time's arrow marches on, the sun rises and sets over your makeshift family as they work and plan and rob and hunt. You busy yourself planning a job with Karen, cushioned into your schedule between menial tasks so that it’s just that bit easier to not think about him. As usual, your efforts are in vain, but at least the chores are done, your steed Diesel is happy, and, all being well, you and Karen will have about 30 dollars to split between you when the week is out. 
An hour before he comes home, everyone retires to bed, save for John (who’s on watch tonight) and you’re left alone by the campfire. It crackles and pops, embers swirling the air around you. It feels like you stare at the twisting flames until your eyes blur and burn and you can’t tell which are tears of irritation to your senses and which are your heart breaking once more.
Moments before you’re reunited with the second half of your heart, you hear John yelling. It’s instinct that drives your hand into your holster, still resting against your hip despite the late hour, and you perk up like a startled deer, straining to decipher Marston’s words.
“Who is it?!” “Arthur, you dumbass!”
“Arthur?!” It’s a breathless shout, barely heard over the rushing blood in your ears as your feet take you to your husband before your mind can even fathom that he’s here. 
But sure enough, when you reach the edge of camp, heart racing, you see Arthur Morgan riding his chestnut mare straight towards you, spurring her into a gallop as soon as he lays his eye on his waiting wife. Marston probably makes some remark about who ‘decided to show up’, but to you, there is nothing but you and Arthur, two magnets parted by an unnatural force finally reaching each other again with a deafening crash. 
And it is. A crash, that is, when Arthur all but throws himself off his saddle and your bodies collide, great big arms wrapping around your frame. It is then that the tears fall down your cheek, soaking into Arthur’s coat that smells so much like him it truly feels like a dream.
You thought he was dead.
Only when you’re safely in his arms, when he’s pressing frantic kisses to your head, whispering your name over and over into your hair do you allow yourself to admit that fact. You thought he was never coming back, and yet here he is. Words fail you, the overwhelming emotion settling right in your throat.
“Oh, god… oh, darlin’ I-I missed you so much…” 
You feel two large hands cup your cheeks, pulling you in for a kiss that holds everything and anything the past 3 months could have been had you not spent it apart. But everything fits back into place, the world starts spinning again and you’re whole the second Arthur Morgan’s lips meet yours. It lasts a lifetime, it lasts a fraction of a second. You want to stop time, keep Arthur in your arms forever and never again have to go through the torture of being away from each other. The two of you only part to throw near identical scowls at John, who is amusing himself by telling you to get a room.
Unfortunately, as Ms. Grimshaw so often reminds you all, the Van der Linde Camp is not a hotel, so tonight you will not be afforded the luxury of a private suite as John so kindly suggested. There is only your tent, hitched against the gang’s weapons wagon, the old canvas pulled around to offer a little privacy when you and Arthur first started… well, needing the seclusion.
Calloused fingers intertwine with your own digits, Arthur’s other hand flipping John off before his weight pulls you towards your little corner of camp. There's so much purpose in his stride, the need to have you all to himself, not even share you with the lord above or wildlife below, driving him forward. Driving him home. 
When you’re finally, truly alone, the tears welling in your eyes glistening in the candlelight, no words are needed. Soon enough, you’ll talk for hours on end, catching each other up on every little detail of the last few months. But for now, all that there is and all that could matter is right this very second, when Arthur reaches for you, brushing a thumb over the tear tracks on your left cheek. His eyes, looking almost emerald in the dark of night, roam over each and every detail of you with such an intensity in him that you think he’s trying to remember this moment for the rest of time. You’re sure it’s one you could never possibly forget. 
Arthur snakes both arms around your waist, guiding you backwards until the backs of your knees gently hit the cot and you lay back onto it. He covers the full length of you and then some, making you feel so fragile and small. It’s nice to feel breakable for once, to let go of the need to be the strongest in the room, lest you be ridiculed for being too sensitive or too weak or too womanly. Arthur knows just how strong you are, you need to prove nothing to him, so you can submit to his embrace, allow yourself to just breathe for once knowing you can break and there’s re will always be somebody to put you back together.
He lowers himself to your lips, pressing a kiss to them that doesn’t last nearly long enough. Arthur then kisses your nose, then your cheeks and chin, before trailing down to the crook of your neck. Your skin feels as though it’s on fire, so starved for the man you cannot live without that now he’s finally here everything feels that much more intense. The tiniest scrape of Arthur’s teeth against your flesh shoots through every single nerve in your body and you moan right into his ear. You can actually feel him harden against your thigh at the sweet melody of your pleasure. 
Pushing Arthur’s hat off to the side, your fingers rake through his hair, nails scratching at his scalp encouragingly as he nibbles at your skin.
“Oh, Arthur… Oh, I missed you so much…” You breathlessly whisper, feeling your heart skip a beat when he pauses his movements to glance at you from under impossibly long eyelashes, jade green eyes glistening up at you.
“I missed you too, sweetheart. So so much.” His voice is soft, as if he’s handling the peacefulness around you so delicately and it causes the overwhelming emotion to well in your chest and choke up your throat. Arthur sees this, trying not to be too taken with his own surprising amount of emotion himself, and relieves you of your job of a response by directing his attention to the buttons of your shirt. You don’t remember him pushing your jacket off your shoulders, but there it lies on the floor beside the entrance to your tent, so he must have.
Despite the juxtaposition of such dainty buttonholes and such large fingers, Arthur expertly undresses your top half until you’re bare to him. He takes no time at all to take one of your nipples into his mouth, kissing and sucking at it with a hunger you feel right in your toes. You moan loudly, unable to stop yourself after yearning for this very feeling for so long. 
Arthur coos and shushes you and it vibrates across your skin, not helping you stay quiet in the slightest. The hand not tugging on his dirty blonde locks reaches between your two longing bodies to begin to unbuckle his belt. You can feel your own heartbeat throbbing between your legs, your coil growing tighter and tighter by the second. It’s been almost 3 months since your bodies have joined like this, and yet you’re not sure you can wait another minute. 
You’re purring for Arthur, twitching and grinding as your hand fumbles desperately at the belt. His absence from your skin is agony the second he pulls his hips back to sit up straight. Spotting your downright bratty expression, bottom lip protruding in a pout, Arthur chuckles lowly, “Patience, baby… I gotta get these damn clothes off us.” He gestures to his belt, still very much buckled around his waist. Definitely not your fault. He was being far too distracting.
He’s quick, you’ll give him that, shedding his clothes without taking his eyes off you. You burn under his stare, even more so when he crawls back on top of you to slide your boots off one by one and peel your pants and undergarments down your legs.
The heat radiates off his huge body, his cock pulsing with need. The way he’s putting his weight into his arms to stop from crushing you with his weight adds a definition to his already beautifully sculpted body. Reaching down, you brush the tip of your finger oh so gently over his rosy head, finding a bead of cum already leaking, and you snap. You can’t wait a second longer, scratching and gripping at him like he’s the air you need to breathe.
“Please, Arthur, please I need you. S-So long, it’s been so long-” “Shh, I know, princess, I know. I’m gonna take care of you, okay? Gonna take care of your pretty little cunt, I promise.” He soothes you, though his own voice is shaky from the very effort of restraining himself, maintaining his control to not drive into you and ruin you. While he whispers to you, he lines himself up at your entrance and you quiver in anticipation.
In all your years before you met Arthur, you never really saw sex as anything but something to give, or worse, something to be taken from you. You never truly understood, not until you met Arthur, who taught you it’s something to share, to experience. With Arthur, it’s different. It is connection and pleasure and it’s wonderful and god damn it, it’s addictive. So when Arthur slides into you, letting out a visceral, guttural groan as he does, everything is right in the world.
You feel so full, especially when Arthur pushes all the way to the hilt, connecting you completely at the pelvis. The moan that escapes your lips is downright obscene and Arthur crashes down into your mouth to swallow it. 
Maybe it’s the fact that it’s been so long, or the emotion of it all, but you swear you can feel everything. Every vein and ridge, every twitch and movement of his perfect cock as Arthur slowly starts to move in and out of you. 
“Fuck… s-so good, darlin. So tight- y’feel so fucking good, princess…”
You’ve never hurtled so close towards a climax so quickly in your life. His torturously slow, deep thrusts drag into your sweet spot every fucking time and trying to hold back brings a blur into your vision. Your own hips grind against his, Arthur gripping into your flesh to guide you perfectly in time with him.
“I-I’m so close already, Arthur… fuck…” You breathe out, your breath tickling Arthur’s ear and sending a visible shudder down his spine. He looks proud at your admission.
“You missed me that much, huh? Gonna cum for me already, darlin’?” 
He gives you no time to respond, pressing a thumb to your clit and rubbing in time with everything else. You implode, pulling Arthur down to catch the scream you’re about to wake everybody up with. It has never felt so intense, and with every thrust Arthur fucks into you it only grows and grows, shattering you to pieces for Arthur to fix back together again. 
When you return, a rhythmic thudding in your ears, the first thing you see is Arthur, of course. His jaw is fluttering madly, a bead of sweat clinging to his forehead but the candlelight makes him look ethereal. You still can’t believe he’s here, alive.
Tears start to glisten in your eyes. You’ve never cried during sex before, not for anything positive, at least, but somehow this doesn’t feel wrong. Arthur slows again, watching you, and you spot an extra shine to his own jade orbs. He knows. He feels it too. 
He’s right there with you. As he always is.
He brushes a piece of hair stuck to your forehead away, and the gesture is enough to send the tears falling down the same worn path on your cheeks as before.
“I love you, Mr. Morgan…” “I love you, Mrs. Morgan…” 
It seems to become too much for Arthur to stay still, and you’re glad for it. You’re desperate for the friction, already flying towards another orgasm. He’s really fucking into you this time, pulling almost all the way out before driving back in. He’s groaning and growling and you decide in that moment that it’s your favourite sound in all the world. 
“I… I ain’t gonna last much longer, baby…”
“C-Cum in me…” “Huh?” He slows, shuddering at the exertion required to control his movements, “I-”
But you’re not listening to his protests, your nails digging into the skin of his back and ass and anywhere else you can reach to urge him forwards again.
“Please Arthur, I-I need you… I need you to cum with me, I need you with me…” you plead with him, not truly understanding your need but honouring it. You’ve been without him for so long, you deserve him with you now.
He appears to consider you for just a moment, before diving down to lock your lips with his. His tongue delves into your mouth, tasting every bit of you and he starts to pump into you unreservedly. His body grinds against yours and the friction is perfect and you’re so fucking full and before you can even try to hold back, you’re cumming again, stars scattering your vision, heart pounding out of your chest to find release from it’s mortal, physical cage. Your inner walls twitch around Arthur’s length and this time, he doesn’t hold back either. 
His eyes fly open and lock onto yours as you both climax together. It’s vulnerable and strange, but perhaps more connected than you ever thought possible for two people to be. 
Arthur’s cock twitches inside you, pumping out his spend as he groans viscerally, completely losing control of his rhythm as he thrusts into you one last time, harsh and deep. You’ve never experienced this before, with Arthur or any other man, normally erring on the side of caution when it came to such matters, but even as you come down you can’t bring yourself to regret it. Whatever you and Arthur just experienced together felt spiritual, and worth much more than a little risk.
Arthur collapses, even as depleted as he is still considerate enough to collapse onto his elbows and not crush you. He slides out of you, earning a little wince, and rolls to the side so you can rest your head on his chest. It’s like a locket that’s been ripped apart, finally fixed together with the most satisfying click. 
Two months later, life has returned to its equilibrium. You and Arthur are perhaps clingier, still in a sort of second honeymoon phase where you just can’t seem to keep your hands off each other, more so than usual. It’s a side effect of prolonged solitude, you’re sure.
The first time it happens, you blame Pearson and think nothing of it. It’s pretty early in the morning and you’re sitting with Tilly and Abigail, peeling potatoes for the stew tonight. Abigail is venting her frustrations about when John did this and John said that, and everything feels so normal. Pearson arrives, throwing a rather large, rather dead fish onto the table you’re leaning against and you feel the thud from the weight of it vibrate against your back. 
It isn’t until the smell invades your senses that everything starts to feel off. It smells exactly like all the other fish Pearson has ever slammed onto that poor table, which doesn’t explain why you immediately lurch forwards, grabbing an empty bucket and throwing up your breakfast. The fish stench is suffocating and all you can do is get the hell away from it, not noticing when Abigail’s brows knit together almost… knowingly?
You skip the stew that night. 
The second time it happens, you try not to think about it. You’re riding Diesel and almost don’t make it off him in time. There is nothing to set you off, no horse shit or rotting animal at the side of the road, and yet in an instant your stomach feels like it has been flipped upside down. 
The sheer volume of your retching catches Arthur’s attention and he tugs on the leather reins in his hands to steady his mare. 
“Darlin’? Y’alright?” 
His concern is evident in his tone and in the tight line between his brows, which deepens when he finds you unable to respond in anything but a frantic nod. He dismounts, spurs clicking against the dusty ground when he approaches you. 
“Oh, sweetheart… that’s it, easy, easy… you’re okay…”
You feel gentle circles rubbed into the tense muscles of your back as you try to get through this again. It’s not lost on you that Arthur is speaking to you like a spooked horse, but it actually really does help. (You decide to prioritise peace of mind and not psychoanalyse why that is). Eventually, it relents and you regain your composure, albeit somewhat less gracefully than you’d have liked. 
“Sorry… I don’t know what’s gotten into me, maybe I ate somethin’.”
Your apology for something you can’t help earns you a sad smile from your husband, who places a loving kiss on the top of your head before reaching for your discarded hat and putting it back on for you.
“Y’don’t gotta apologise. I gotcha, darlin’.”
You know he does.
He always does.
The third time it happens, the luxury of denial is stolen from you. It’s early enough that your view while you sit with Abigail drinking coffee involves glorious hues of orange and pink scattered around the rising sun. It’s peaceful, tranquil. The warmth of the little metal mug in your hands and Arthur’s jacket around your shoulders is enough to ward off the fresh morning chill in the air.
There is absolutely no warning when it hits, when it happens again. You’re so goddamn sick (no pun intended) of hurling. Your eyes water and your throat hurts a little and you curse under your breath when it’s over. Abi is beside you, rubbing your back in an attempt to soothe you. She waits until it’s over before speaking hesitantly.
“Uh, can I ask you somethin’?” 
You nod, eyes still red and glistening as you swirl coffee around your mouth to take away from the awful, acidic taste lingering. 
“When did you last bleed?”
“What, like an injury? Uh, I cut my hand couple days back, but I don’t see what-“
… Oh fuck. 
The anxiety bounces around your body and you decide that you’ve become far too acquainted with the concept of nausea. You can actually tell the difference between nerves  twisting your stomach and… well, let’s say it as it is:  morning sickness. This is the former, you deduce, spinning both your engagement and wedding ring around your finger to give your hands something better to do than carve fingernail-shaped moons into your palm. He should be home any minute now. Any minute now and it will all change forever.
It’s quite late, but the poker game Arthur was scoping out for potential jobs is known to last a while. You’re the only one still awake, poking the embers of the campfire to keep yourself as comfortable as possible. 
You hear hooves hitting dry dirt first, and it seems to trigger your fight or flight response. God, you’d love to run away from this, but that is pretty much impossible, so fight it is. It’ll be the greatest fight of your life, you’ll soon learn, one you’re privileged to be a part of. But right now, it feels like an all-consuming unknown. 
Arthur can tell something is wrong the second he sees you. You’re terrible at hiding things, especially from him. He always reads you as though you have a poster advertising your feelings printed on your forehead. Arthur dismounts, kissing you tenderly on the temple and wrapping his arms around you.
“What’re you still doin’ up, darlin’? Is everything alright?” You can feel his worry vibrating in his chest as you nuzzle into his embrace. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine, I just… Can we talk? I kept the fire goin’.” You say it into his shirt, reluctant to move from this hold.
“Of course…” there’s something in his voice, a tense apprehension that really doesn’t help the knot contorting itself in your gut. 
While you’re more than capable of keeping a fire going, Arthur is an expert, and has it healthily burning within seconds of you sitting down on the overturned log the gang has fashioned into a bench. You’re back to spinning your beautiful gold bands around your finger, trying to remember to breathe in and out every so often.
“What’s goin’ on, sweetheart?” His voice is so soft, so kind that it makes you want to cry. But you promised yourself you wouldn’t until you’d told him, because this might just be the most important conversation you’ve ever had, and you definitely won’t get through it if you’re a blubbering mess.
“I, uh… I… somethin’s happened.”
You hear his breath hitch in his throat and Arthur leans towards you, completely enveloping your hands in his. They’re sandwiched in now and you can’t fiddle with your rings anymore.
“What? What happened? Was it Micah? If he’s said somethin’ to you, I’ll kill him, the rat bastard-”
“No, no, it’s… as much as I’d love to see that, it’s not him.” 
The tension releases. Just a little bit.
“I’m pregnant.” 
Oh wait, there it is. 
The silence is deafening, even though you’re almost certain it isn’t actually silent out here right now. There's a fire going and crickets are just metres away, you’re just shutting down with nerves. 
The normally so often tense, fluttering jaw of Arthur Morgan is slack, his eyes wide and gaping at you, occasionally flicking down to your so far bump-less belly. (You should know- you’ve been obsessively looking in a mirror any chance you get for some sort of sign that this is really happening). 
Say something. Please say something. Please don’t be angry. Oh, God please don’t hate me. 
“I-I… You’re pregnant?” He repeats, reassuring you that you haven’t actually gone deaf, though his tone holds no indication of anything but shock. That’s probably fair…
You nod, hands instinctively reaching over your belly. It feels… weird. Holding your hands over your baby. Yours and Arthur’s baby. 
“It happened a couple months back, when you got back from The Grizzlies, I think… I-I’m sorry, Arthur. I shoulda’ been more careful and-and…” You’re rambling, filling a silence that probably should just be allowed to be a silence.
“There… There’s gonna be a baby?”
There. Right there, adorning Arthur’s beautiful features, is the pull of a smile. It chokes you up instantly, so far deep in nightmares of arguments and unhappiness that you hadn’t even considered the good. You start to nod, a little bit of your fringe falling in your face.
“Yeah… There’s gonna be a baby. Our baby…”
“Our baby…” He repeats, his arm raising to brush the hair away from your eyes in such a natural manner it feels like it’s just his instinct to care for you. It is his instinct to care for you, Arthur has shown you that in every minute of every day of your marriage, and suddenly you’re not sure why you’ve been so scared. 
“I’m gonna be a dad?” He still seems in disbelief, but that’s normal. It’s taken you a few days to come to terms with it, and even then the fingernail marks in your palms are still red raw. 
“You’re gonna be a dad.”
It hits him. Really hits him and he all but throws himself into you, scooping you up and spinning you around as he laughs unreservedly.
“Well goddamn, I’m gonna be a Daddy!” 
You laugh with him, worries and anxiety a distant memory as your feet swing around in the air. You’re probably waking the camp up, but you don’t care all that much. Right now, you’re the happiest girl in the world.
A baby. There’s gonna be a baby. Arthur’s baby.
Really, it’s the greatest gift a cowgirl could ask for.
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mydearhosea · 2 years
Characters: Arthur Morgan, Hosea Matthews, Colm O'Driscoll, Van Der Linde Gang.
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence (Warnings will appear at the start of each chapter)
Word count: 1.7k
Story under cut
Arthur had been far more excited than he cared to admit when Hosea suggested they go hunting together. It was early in the morning and most of the gang members were still asleep, apart from those who were on guard duty and the early risers of the group. So, they were lucky to get very few questions as they saddled up their mounts and packed the essentials into their saddlebags.
Then, after letting Javier know that they were leaving, they disappeared down the track at a slow canter, Hosea confidently leading the way whilst Arthur followed along behind him.
Once they were on the track that led up to Mattock Pond and there was no one around to disturb them, Hosea broke the silence that had settled between them, effectively pulling Arthur out of his own thoughts in the process. “How’s that shoulder doing?”
“Better,” Arthur replied, reaching over with his free hand out of habit to massage his mostly healed shoulder a little. “Still hurts, but I’ll be fine.”
“Good. Thought we was gonna lose you for a while there.”
Arthur chuckled, gently spurring the black shire beneath him back into a slightly faster pace the moment he felt him slowing down. Once they were side by side again, he shook his head. “’course not. I’ll live a while yet. The downside to that, however, is that I now unfortunately owe Marston an apology.”
Hosea cackled, his eyes crinkling a little at the sides as his smile grew wider. “I suppose you do, yes! Gave him one hell of a time over that wolf attack, mind you. He complains about it frequently.”
“I’m sure he does.” Arthur couldn’t stop himself from rolling his eyes. “Where we headin’, anyway? Sounds like you been planning this trip for a while.”
“Bluewater marsh. I know you’ve been wanting to get out of camp for a while now, so I planned a little hunting trip for us. ‘pparently there’s a massive boar livin’ out there somewhere.”
Arthur raised an eyebrow. “Who’d you hear that from?”
“Fella I met down at the saloon in Rhodes. I went down there a couple days back and had a couple rounds of poker with ‘em.”
“Without me?”
Hosea rolled his eyes, glancing over at him with a jokingly stern look in his eye. “I would have gladly taken you with me, but you always manage to get into fights when I take you drinking.”
“Hey,” Arthur defended. “Last time I got into a fight was nearly a month ago.”
“Right before you were bedridden, right?”
It all went silent for a moment as Arthur tried to come up with something else to defend himself with. It wasn’t until Hosea gave him a teasing look that the younger man scoffed and gently spurred his horse again.
“Whatever. The only reason I got into that fight in the first place was because he insulted you. I’d say he deserved everything I did to him and more.”
“You nearly killed the guy, Arthur.”
“-and I’d do it again, Hosea.”
The older man rolled his eyes at Arthur’s slightly mocking tone, shooting him another look as they headed up the trail. Other than the occasional rider and the people that owned the houses in between Southfield Flats and Mattock Pond, there was no one around but them, which admittedly surprised Arthur. More times than not, he found himself running into travellers and coach drivers that greeted him along the way, or strangers on foot that stopped to chat with him before heading off again. It was a pretty little trail to cut through and convenient to those heading to Rhodes, so he understood the attraction.
“Once we reach the end of this road, we’ll head left, up to that little abandoned town,” Hosea explained. “Then we head up that road and cross over on the bridge.”
“Been exploring, have you?”
The older man shrugged. “Wanted to know the area a bit before we left. The swamps ain’t the nicest of areas to camp in, but this boar should make the trip worth it!”
Arthur chuckled, practically feeling the excitement radiating from him as he talked about the boar he’d heard about. “You seem very confident about this.”
“I am,” he grinned, leaning down to pet Silver Dollar’s neck. “Look, even if we never find anything, we still got a couple of days to ourselves. I’d call that a win. We’ll just catch a deer or something before we head home so we keep Pearson happy.”
“So, what else are we gonna do if we’re gonna be gone for a couple of days, then?”
“I don’t know. Fishing, maybe visit a saloon or two in Saint Denis. We’ll do whatever you feel like doing! After all, this is in celebration of you finally getting back on your feet again.”
“Really?” Arthur raised an eyebrow. “I thought that was a joke.”
“I don’t joke, Arthur Morgan. You of all people should know that.”
The younger man rolled his eyes light-heartedly. “I never heard so much shit come out of one man’s mouth before.”
Hosea cackled loudly, motioning with his hand as he turned his horse in the direction of the wooden bridge to their right. “Come on, across this bridge here. The spot we’re headin’ to shouldn’t be far off now. You got everything you need?”
It was Arthur’s turn to grin. He gave Hosea a firm nod, reaching down to grab his old carbine repeater and rifle off his horse. “I think so.”
“Great! We’ll leave our horses by that big tree up there and track it by foot. Don’t want to spook it.”
Arthur motioned him forward with his right hand. “Right behind you.”
Once they finally arrived at the spot Hosea had in mind, both men jumped down from their horses and left them underneath the tree.
“Can you see anything?” Hosea asked curiously after a couple of minutes had passed, watching as Arthur crouched down a few meters in front of him, examining some foot prints he’d found in the mud.
“Found some footprints here, but I ain’t sure they belong to the one we’re looking for.”
Arthur shrugged. “Relatively.”
Hosea grabbed his hand, pulling him back up and motioning through the bushes in front of them where the tracks led. “Lead the way, then. You been out this way much?”
“Sure,” Arthur hummed. “Can’t say I like it much out here… you don’t come across many friendly people, and the city ain’t much better. Couple o’ kids tried to rob me the last time I was there.”
Hosea bit back a laugh. “Tried… that don’t sound very promising.”
“Don’t worry. I was a real gentlemen about it.”
Arthur turned to look at him, a look on his face that already told Hosea everything. “Meaning, I killed ‘em and got my money back.”
The older man pursed his lips in a tight, knowing smile. “Should have known.”
The two continued their attempt to track down the animal as best they could, chatting quietly along the way about whatever things came to mind. There was a lot of activity going on that day – more than Arthur was used to. Admittedly, he found it rather difficult to keep track of what he was supposed to be following, but between the two of them, they managed well enough that they found what they were looking for within twenty minutes.
“Look,” Hosea murmured as he knelt down behind a thick bush, pointing out into the open where one of the biggest boars either of them had ever seen stood among some trees. “Damn, he’s big.��
“Just wanna get something straight before we go after this thing; It’s us doing the hunting this time, not the animal, right?”
Hosea turned and shot him a look, choosing to ignore the teasing grin on his face as he turned back around and reached behind him to pull out his rifle. “Shut up and grab your gun out. It won’t be long before someone comes along that path and spooks it.”
Arthur did as he was told, aiming his own rifle right at the animal’s head and waiting patiently until Hosea gave him permission to start shooting. “You ready?”
As soon as Hosea nodded, Arthur fired the first shot. Much to both their surprise, that single shot was all it took for the animal to come crashing down to the ground with a squeal, prompting both men to approach it as quickly as they could so they could finish it off.
“That’s odd,” Arthur couldn’t help but comment as he watched Hosea kneel in front of Its squirming body and dig his knife deep into the animal’s chest. He only pulled it back out after it had stopped moving all together, and that was when Arthur knelt behind it as well, resting his gloved hand on the side as he examined Its large body. “It’s already been shot a few times by someone else.”
When Arthur looked up again at the lack of response he received, it didn’t take him long to notice the abrupt change in body language, along with his tight lipped, tense frown. “Hosea?”
He briefly tried to reach out towards him, but the older man was quick to lower his hand again, his eyes focused behind him. “Don’t move.”
Arthur soon realised why when he felt a piece of cold metal press up against the back of his head. He felt a chill travel down his spine, and his breath hitched as he froze in place.
“Did you really think you could get rid of me that easily, Arthur Morgan?”
Arthur firmly clenched his jaw, slowly lifting both his hands up to show that he was unarmed. “Colm…”
“Shame it had to come to this.”
No more than a few seconds later, one of Colm’s men had snuck up behind Hosea and knocked him out with a firm hit to the head. His pained hiss was the last thing that came out of his mouth before his unconscious body fell back into the thick mud surrounding them.
“Are we takin’ him, too?”
“’course,” Colm nodded. “We’ll find a use for him.”
Arthur made a noise as the realisation hit him. He struggled to pull against Colm’s harsh grip, watching as the O’Driscoll began to drag Hosea’s unconscious body towards their horses. “You can’t! He ain’t done nothing wrong-“
He was very quickly met with a gun to the head, effectively knocking him into the dirt, too. The last thing he remembered was Colm’s slim figure towering over him, a wicked grin curved on his face.
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emmaxmeyer · 5 years
Raven’s Mobile Muse List
Muses on primary blogs
Emma Meyer (Main Blog. Multi-verse. OC. @emmaxmeyer )
Alexis & Olivia Cross (Multi verse. Multi muse. OC. @genusxcrucis )
Columbus (Zombieland. Canon. Multi-verse. @cxlumbus)
Dan Meyer (Multi-verse. OC. @deadmanxdan​ )
Irene (Drive. Canon. @brideofdeluxxe)
Little Rock (Zombieland. Canon. Multi-verse. @littlerxck )
Misty Day (American Horror Story. Canon Divergent. Multi-verse. @mistyxday )
Mr. Nancy (American Gods. Multi-verse. @tigcrballs )
Multi Muse side blogs:
American Gods (Canon. Multi-verse @amongthedeities )
Mr. Wednesday
Zorya Vechernyaya
Shadow Moon
Laura Moon
Dishonored (Canon. Multi-verse @amongtheisles)
Billie Lurke
Delilah Copperspoon
Emily Kaldwin
The Outsider
Mindy Blanchard  
Red Dead Redemption (Multi-verse - canon muses. @amongtheoutlaws )
John Marston
Lenny Summers
Sadie Adler
Susan Grimshaw
Supernatural OC (Multi-verse - OC muses. @xwildatheartx )
Frankie Petch
Jocelyn Slade
Ronnie Parsons
Misc (Multi-verse- canon & oc muse. @amongxthexcrowd)
Bobby Singer (Supernatural)
Dean Winchester  (Supernatural)
Gabriel (Supernatural)
Jason Gutierrez  
Marin Delaney 
Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
Erica Morris
Jude Coleman
Lanona Royal
Leah BL100  (Detroit Become Human)
Monty Slater 
Taylor Locke
Teagan Flint
McGill Sisters (OC. Multiverse @mcglls)
Amber McGill
Pearl McGill
Single muse side blogs
Ash Williams (Evil Dead Series. Multi-verse. @ashyyslashyy )
Easter / Ostara  (American Gods. @ecstre )
Ellie Williams  (The Last of Us. Multi-verse. @hclyshiit )
Elliot Alderson  ( Mr Robot. Multi-verse. @paranoidisms ​)
Hank Anderson  ( Detroit Become Human. @fuckiingpassword )
John Constantine  (Hellblazer. Multi-verse. @worldclassbastard)
Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy. Multi-verse. @seeance )
Max Caulfield (Life is Strange. Multi-verse. @superxmax)
Nevada (Zombieland. Multi-verse. @ncvada)
Proinsias Cassidy (Preacher. Multi-verse. @cxssidy )
Saul Goodman  ( Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul. @justiceforallsaul )
Tess (The Last of Us. @smugglcr )
Wichita (Zombieland. Multi-verse. @wxchita)
Alice Winters  (Multi-verse. @wiinters)
Anastasia Harris-Meyer (Supernatural. @annicbelle )
Dawn Decoteaux  ( Multi-verse. @dxdecoteau )
Sparrow Meyer (Multi verse. @sparrowsxwings )
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raven’s mobile muse list
Muses on primary blogs
Emma Meyer (Main Blog. Multi-verse. OC. @emmaxmeyer) ∴
Alexis & Olivia Cross (Multi verse. Multi muse. OC. @genusxcrucis​ ) +
Columbus (Zombieland. Canon. Multi-verse. @cxlumbus) +
Dan Meyer (Multi-verse. OC. @deadmanxdan​ )
Irene (Drive. Canon. @brideofdeluxxe ) +
Little Rock (Zombieland. Canon. Multi-verse. @littlerxck )
Misty Day (American Horror Story. Canon Divergent. Multi-verse. @mistyxday) ∴
Mr. Nancy (American Gods. Multi-verse. @tigcrballs ) +
Canon Characters (side blog)
Billie Lurke  (Dishonored.  Multi-verse. @amongtheisles​)  +
Bobby Singer  (Supernatural.  Multi-verse. @amongxthexcrowd​)
Dean Winchester  (Supernatural.  Multi-verse. @amongxthexcrowd​​)
Delilah Copperspoon  (Dishonored.  Multi-verse. amongtheisles​) +
Easter. (American Gods. @ecstre )
Ellie Williams  (The Last of Us. Multi-verse. @hclyshiit)  ∴
Elliot Alderson  ( Mr Robot.  Multi-verse. @paranoidisms​)
Emily Kaldwin (Dishonored. Multi-verse. @amongtheisles​) +
Gabriel - Arch Angel  (Supernatural.  Multi-verse. @amongxthexcrowd​)
Hank Anderson  ( Detroit Become Human. @fuckiingpassword​) +
Jason Gutierrez  ( Place Beyond the pines. Multi-verse. @amongxthexcrowd​) +
John Constantine  (Hellblazer. Multi-verse. @worldclassbastard​) +
John Marston (Red Dead Redemption 1&2. Multi-verse. @scarston​)
Klaus Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy. Multi-verse. @seeance)
Laura Moon (American Gods. @maggcts)
Lenny Summers (Red Dead Redemption 2.  Multi-verse. @lcstwatch)
Marin Delaney  (We Are Okay.  Multi-verse.  @amongxthexcrowd)
Max Caulfield (Life is Strange. Multi-verse. @superxmax)
Mindy Blanchard  (Dishonored.  Multi-verse. @amongtheisles​) +
Mr. Wednesday. (American Gods.  Multi-verse. @cneeyed)
The Outsider (Dishonored.  Multi-verse. @amongtheisles​) +
Proinsias Cassidy (Preacher. Multi-verse. @cxssidy) ∴
Sadie Adler ( Red Dead Redemption 2.Multi-verse. @wiidowadler)
Sam Winchester (Supernatural. Multi-verse. @amongxthexcrowd​)
Saul Goodman  ( Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul. @justiceforallsaul) +
Tess (The Last of Us. @smugglcr)
Wichita (Zombieland. Multi-verse. @wxchita) +
Original Characters (side blog)
Alice Winters  (Multi-verse. @wiinters) +
Amber McGill  ( Multi-verse. @mcglls)
Anastasia Harris-Meyer (Supernatural. @annicbelle) +
Dawn Decoteaux  ( Multi-verse. @dxdecoteau) +
Erica Morris ( Multi-verse.  @amongxthexcrowd​)
Frankie Petch ( Multi-verse. @xwildatheartx​)
Jocelyn Slade ( Multi-verse. @xwildatheartx)
Jude Coleman ( Multi-verse. @amongxthexcrowd​) ∴
Lanona Royal ( Multi-verse.  @amongxthexcrowd​)
Leah BL100  ( Detroit Become Human. @amongxthexcrowd​) +
Monty Slater ( Multi-verse. @amongxthexcrowd​)
Pearl McGill  ( Multi-verse. @mcglls​) 
Ronnie Parsons ( Multi-verse. @xwildatheartx​​)
Sparrow Meyer (Multi verse. @sparrowsxwings)
Sydney Barnes ( Multi-verse.  @gutsnotgarters​)
Taylor Locke ( Multi-verse. @amongxthexcrowd​)  ∴
Teagan Flint ( Multi-verse. @amongxthexcrowd​) ∴
∴  more active muses + - low activity
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mondomoda · 4 years
A segunda parte do especial ‘As Primeiras Super heroínas das HQs‘ conta a estória da primeira Viúva Negra (Claire Voyant), Phanton Lady (Sandra Knight) e da toda poderosa Mulher Maravilha (Princesa Diana de Themyscira.
Viúva Negra (Claire Voyant)- Timely Comics
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Víuva Negra – Claire Voyant for The Twelve @ Art by Chris Weston
Com o nome de Claire Voyant, a primeira personagem com o nome de Viúva Negra apareceu em Mystic Comics #3, em agosto de 1940, revista da Timely Comics (tornou-se Marvel em 1961). Foi criada por George Kapitan (estória) e Harry Sahle (ilustrador), ela não tem nada a ver com a famosa espiã Natasha Romanova, criada em abril de 1964. Claire era uma médium, que depois de morta, ganha poderes graças a acordo com Satanás com o intuito de matar seus opositores oferecendo suas almas para o mestre. A primeira versão da personagem apareceu em cinco revistas da chamada Era de Ouro das HQs entre 1940 e 1943. Seus poderem incluíam Força Super humana, Resistência, Capacidade de Voar, Tele transporte, Indução Mental, Invisibilidade, Mudança de Aparência, Toque da Morte, Imortalidade e Capacidade de se comunicar com mortos. Claire voltaria a aparecer num flashback na edição especial #1 da minissérie ‘A Time of Marvels’, em janeiro de 1994. Voltou em novo flashback numa estória do Homem Aranha ‘The Last Stand’, da série ‘Marvel Knights’, em fevereiro de 2005. Finalmente, ganhou 12 edições de ‘The Twelve’ no começo de 2008, tornando-se conhecida pelas gerações atuais.
Phanton Lady – Quality Comics / Fox Features Syndicate / DC Comics
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Phantom_Lady – Sandra Knight @ Reprodução
Criada pelo Estúdio Eisner & Iger e desenha por Arthur Peddy, a primeira versão de Phanton Lady foi na pele de Sandra Knight, filha de um senador americano que morava em Washington, D.C.. Sua primeira aparição foi no Police Comics #1, em agosto de 1941. Usando um maiô amarelo com capa verde, ela tinha o poder de cegar seus inimigos e ficar invisível graças a uma luz de raio negra. Seu carro emitia a mesma luz. Eventualmente ela ajudava seu noivo, Donald Borden, um agente do governo americano. Depois que a Quality Comics deixou de publicar novas estórias com a heroína, a Iger Studios, que acreditava em seu potencial e assinou com a Fox Feactures Syndicate. Sua estreia aconteceu em Phanton Lady #13, no qual ganhou status de ‘Good Girl Art’ de Matt Baker – ilustrações com mulheres em trajes mínimos – o conceito original das Pinup. O ilustrador alterou seu uniforme e  ajustou o decote e o shorts-saia o máximo que pode. Com isso, a personagem entrou na 49# posição na lista das ‘100 Mulheres Mais Sexies das HQs’.
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Phantom_Lady – Sandra Knight – Edição Fox @ Reprodução
Outras versões de Phantom Lady foram Delilah ‘Dee’ Tyler (janeiro de 1989), Stormy Knight (2006) e Jennifer Knight, em maio de 2012, na DC Comics.
Phantom Lady Dee Tyler @ Reprodução
Phantom Lady Stormy Knight @ Reprodução
Phantom_Lady – Jennifer Knight @ Reprodução
Mulher Maravilha – DC Comics
Parte da Santíssima Trindade das HQ (junto com Superman e Batman), a mais famosa heroína da história nasceu em dezembro de 1941 na revista All Star Comics#8, escrita pelo psicólogo William Moulton Marston, sob o pseudônimo de Charles Moulton e pela advogada Elizabeth Marston, sua esposa. Foi desenhada por Harry G. Peter. A estória ganhou continuação no mês seguinte. Com o sucesso alcançado, ganhou sua primeira HQ Wonder Woman #1 em maio de 1942. Super força, Invulnerabilidade, Fator de Cura, Sentidos Aprimorados, Agilidade Sobre-Humana, Projeção e Manipulação de Energia, voo, super velocidade e imortalidade são os poderes da Princesa Diana de Themyscira – Deusa da Verdade e da Guerra. O principal diferencial perante as outras super-heroínas é que ela não é um spin-off de um super-herói masculino (como Supergirl e Batgirl), nem foi criada para ser o interesse de amor de um super-herói masculino (Mulher-Gavião, Miss Marvel, Bulletgirl, Batwoman), parente (Mary Marvel, Mulher-Hulk), token de equipe (Mulher-Invisível, Garota Marvel) ou femme fatale (Mulher-Gato, Viúva Negra). Ela foi criada com estória própria, no qual, a tornou mitológica. Gal Gadot estrelou o filme solo de 2017, que rendeu U$ 821,847 milhões de bilheteria em todo o mundo. Antes, Lynda Carter estrelou uma série de TV entre 1975 a 1979.
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Mulher Maravilha – Uniformes década de 40 @ Reprodução
Confira a primeira parte da matéria.
As primeiras super heroínas das HQs – Parte 2 A segunda parte do especial 'As Primeiras Super heroínas das HQs' conta a estória da primeira Viúva Negra (Claire Voyant), Phanton Lady (Sandra Knight) e da toda poderosa Mulher Maravilha (Princesa Diana de Themyscira.
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ethrlhq-blog · 7 years
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Vi que acabou de conhecer a versão de conto de fadas de WILLA FITZGERALD! Por aqui o nome dela é DELILAH MARSTON WATSON e ela tem 21 ANOS de idade. Você, no entanto, deve conhecê-lo como a prole de JOHN WATSON (Sherlock Holmes). Recomendo que fique de olho nela, pois, apesar de ser DETERMINADA e EMPÁTICA, também pode se mostrar muito TÍMIDA e RECLUSA. Bom, agora que as devidas apresentações estão feitas, espero que tenha a chance de vê-la novamente em breve, provavelmente andando pelos corredores da ARMIS! ❞
Lyla é a única filha do Dr. Watson com Mary Marston e possui mais um irmão de outro relacionamento do pai..
✧ Quando a jovem de olhos verdes nasceu, não se pode ouvir apenas o choro do bebê ecoando pelas paredes do hospital. Aquele dia não ficaria marcado apenas pelo nascimento de uma criança, mas também pelo último suspiro de uma brava mulher que lutou durante sete meses para dar a vida a sua filha. Não é justo dizer que a garota foi culpada pela morte de Mary Morstan Watson. A doença que a levou veio meses antes de uma possível suspeita de gravidez, assim, ela estava fadada a morte e somente um milagre conseguiu fazer com que a somente uma vida e não duas fossem levadas. Era esperado que com a perda de sua mulher Dr. Watson se sentisse perdido e carregasse a tragédia pelo resto de sua vida, contudo, o homem nunca se sentiu mais orgulhoso ao carregar aquela criança prematura em seus braços e chamar de filho.
✧ Apesar do legado que o Dr. Watson carregava, sendo o principal auxiliar de Sherlock Holmes, isso não influenciou muito na criação de Delilah. O homem sempre procurou ser o mais presente possível e não misturar o seu trabalho com a vida pessoal. Isso não quer dizer que a relação com os Holmes não influenciou a pequena. O convívio com o detetive, bem com sua filha, fez com que a garota não só se interessasse pela arte lógica da investigação, mas também se tornasse uma grande admiradora de seu padrinho. Sim, pois Sherlock Holmes, havia apadrinhado a garota.
✧ Em Ethereal a garota se tornou soturna, quieta e preferia ficar sozinho no canto da luxuosa sala comunal da Armis. Trocava algumas palavras com os membros de sua casa, porém, nada que a tornasse intima de qualquer pessoa. Ninguém sabia sobre a história de sua família, não que devesse, mas seu ar misterioso e tímido trazia algumas conclusões sobre a morte de sua mãe e sua possível criação. Talvez este fosse o motivo que ela procurava se distanciar daqueles típicos adolescentes que apenas procuravam um motivo para minimizar os outro. Não que Lyla fosse exatamente uma santa, na verdade, ela carregava estereótipos da Armis que a definiam.
✧ Com o passar do tempo seu desejo de equiparar-se com o padrinho diminuiu e a jovem passou a admirar muito mais seu progenitor. Seu desejo passou de ser uma grande investigadora, a simplesmente ser uma grande médica, passando a se aproximar mais das pessoas de sua casa e até mesmo das que não eram dela. Ser forte e corajosa, como seu pai, era o seu maior pesadelo e maior desafio ao mesmo tempo, porém, ela não se deixaria rebaixar por meros sentimentos.
Estudo de Escrituras Antigas, Alquimia e Esgrima.
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fandomficsnstuff · 6 days
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(Warnings: Some angst, a little more angst and some fluffy fluff at the end for good measure lol)
“He left…”
“He was just trying-”
“He always leaves” she muttered quietly, trying to ignore the tears in her eyes “he always leaves” she repeated before getting up, Rick sighing heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose as she walked out of her ‘room’, walking down the steps and he sighed, finding Carl. “What happened?”
“I need you to talk to Daisy… keep an eye on her…”
“Why? What happened?”
“Nothing you need to worry about, just-... her dad left, Daryl’s gone after him… I think she needs you” Rick stated softly, Carl studying him before nodding “go on, I think she left for the courtyard” he admitted, Carl picking up his hat, putting it on before jogging outside, quickly finding the brown-red head of auburn hair, the black jacket she wore to block out the cold that kept creeping up, it’s been almost half a year since they left the farm now, with winter coming back around, the days and nights turning colder. He walked over and sat down beside her, glancing at her before taking off his hat, placing it on her head and she frowned at him, Carl smirking a little “you look good in that hat” he stated, Daisy’s cheeks burning and she looked down with a shy smile, taking it off and studying it before putting it back on his head “not as much as you” she muttered, Carl adjusting the hat with a smile as she looked out over the yard which still had a few walkers trailing about. Carl continued to study her before looking down, trying to find out what he could possibly say. “My dad left again…” she muttered, Carl nodding ever so slightly “I know, my dad told me… do you miss him?” he asked hesitantly, looking up at her, the frown on her brows as she thought it over before shaking her head “no, I’m just disappointed… I thought it’d be different this time… he said he wanted it to be different… but it was just another lie” she muttered, glaring at the walkers as though they had anything to do with her dad leaving. Carl studied her before taking her hand into his own, holding it as they both just watched the yard, Daisy eventually leaning her head on his shoulder with tears in her eyes. “Why does he always leave? Is something wrong with me? Did I do something?” she asked quietly, Carl shrugging a little, as much as he could with her head on his shoulder, and sighed “I don’t know… but you didn’t do anything and nothing is wrong with you… and I’m not leaving, I promise…”
“He promised too…”
“But I mean it. I won’t ever leave you, okay? Never” he promised, Daisy looking up at him with tears in her eyes, a tiny smile forming on her lips and she held his hand tighter as she put her head back onto his shoulder, Carl leaning into her as they both went back to watching the walkers stumble around the yard.
Daisy stood besides Carl as Rick moved in front of them, looking down, clearly wanting to say something that he couldn’t quite get out. “When I met with the Governor, he offered me a deal” he admitted, Daisy frowning a little as she continued to look at Rick “he said-... he said he would leave us alone if I gave him Michonne… and I was gonna do that… to keep us safe” there was a long silence, Carl hanging his head slightly and Daisy took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I changed my mind,” Rick admitted, Daisy only frowning even more at him “but now Merle took Michonne to fulfill the deal and Daryl went to stop him and I don’t know if it’s too late” he added, his eyes moving to Daisy who stared at him with wide eyes before storming off, Rick sighing heavily, lowering his head almost in shame as Daisy got as far away from him as possible, practically running into the prison and to her cell, beginning to pack her things, making sure her gun was loaded, her knife was strapped to her hip, her jacket on to keep her warm, her bow ready, every arrow was straight and even and she had food and some extra ammo. “What’re you doing?” Carl asked, Daisy looking over her shoulder at him before zipping up her backpack, pulling it over both of her shoulders before pushing past him “I’m going after him. After both of them.”
“You can’t-”
“He’s my dad!” she yelled as she stopped to face Carl, tears in her eyes “he’s my dad! I can’t leave him!”
“He left you! He took Michonne-”
“He did it to keep me safe and I’ll change his mind! I can do that!” she yelled back, tears running down her cheeks “I can change his mind!” she added loudly before turning around and continuing to storm out, Carl following her “you can’t get through the yard-”
“Daddy got out, so can I.”
“No! I’m gonna change his mind and get Michonne back, uncle Daryl taught me how to track, I can find them-”
“You don’t even know the way to Woodbury!”
“So what?!” she snapped, stopping once more to face him “you’d go after him if it was your dad!” she pointed out, pushing him away a little “so don’t try to stop me” she added in a wavering voice, trying to yell yet her vocal cords failed her, Carl studying her before sighing “I can’t let you leave-”
“Can’t stop me either” she dared with anger before turning around, marching towards the prison gate when Carl grabbed her arm. “You can’t leave!”
“Why not?!”
“It’s dangerous-”
“I don’t care about walkers! He’s my dad!” she yelled, pushing him again only this time he stumbled to the ground, Daisy staring at him, tears streaming down her face and she hesitated before kneeling down next to him “I’m sorry… I’m sorry, are you okay? I’m sorry” she nearly sobbed, Carl studying her before nodding, sitting up “I’m okay…” he muttered, standing up, helping Daisy stand as well, wrapping his arms around her as he pulled her into a tight hug. “Please don’t go” he whispered quietly, Daisy continuing to cry, even as the gate was pulled open and closed, her face buried in Carl’s neck, eyes shut tightly as she kept crying. “Delilah” she turned around at her name being mentioned, eyes red and puffy, snot running down her face as she tried to control her rapid breathing, hiccuping a little as she looked at Michonne. “Where’s my dad?” she asked in a whimper, Michonne hesitating before approaching, kneeling down, Daisy staring down at her, shaking her head. 
“Last I saw him, he was alive” she stated, Daisy nodding “then why isn’t he with you?... Did you hurt him?” she asked, another sob on the verge of breaking out when Michonne shook her head ever so slightly “no, no I didn’t, he let me go… and he asked me to give you this;” she pulled out a necklace from her pocket, a piece of amber the size of a pebble hanging from the string, a green leaf encased in the amber and Michonne gently took Daisy’s hand, opening it and placing it in her hand, closing it, resting her hand above the little girl’s hand. “He asked me to tell you that he loves you, that he was sorry he wasn’t there for you all those years… he said he should’ve made sure you stayed with him, to get away from your mom… and he asked me to ask if you could forgive him… he said this necklace would look better on you anyway” she stated softly, Daisy starting to cry even more, Michonne was about to stand up and leave when Daisy flung herself at her, sobbing her eyes out and Michonne hesitantly hugged her back.
“It’s okay. He might still come back… he’s tough, and he loves you” she stated softly, Daisy nodding as she parted from her, looking down at the amber necklace, Michonne studying her “your brother’s gonna bring him back, I’m sure of it…” she forced a smile, Daisy nodding before turning to Carl, throwing herself at him and he gladly accepted the hug.
Daisy was silent as she fiddled with the amber necklace, tracing the little leaf inside with her thumb, sitting on the ground with her backpack strapped tightly to her, carrying what little she had. Daryl walked over and gently ruffled her hair, getting her attention and she looked up at him, Daryl studying her before offering her his hand, Daisy taking it and to her surprise he pulled her all the way up and into his arms, making her giggle a little “I’m almost twelve!”
“Damn right you are” he stated casually as he walked over to his bike with her, putting her back down “I’m too old to be carried!”
“Nah, not ter me. You’ll never be too old for that. Hell, I wish someone would carry me around like that” he muttered the last part, making her laugh briefly before looking back down at her necklace, Daryl studying her before nudging her ever so slightly and when she looked up, he nodded at her backpack. “Take it off” he ordered and she frowned, put the amber necklace in a pocket and took it off, only to have Daryl take off his kutte and throw it over her, nodding “lookin’ badass” he mumbled, picking up her backpack and putting it back on her before walking to his bike, Daisy walking after him, taking out the necklace, staring at it with a frown. Daryl studied her before gently saying her name, making her look up at him “put it on, don’t want it fallin’ out or somethin’” he muttered and she hesitated before doing it, Daryl helping her adjust the string so it couldn’t come over her head.
Daryl gently patted her back, nodding towards Carl “go on, get” he mumbled and she did as told, walking over to Carl, Beth taking her backpack and putting it in the back as Daisy and Carl got into the car, sitting next to each other, both silent but nothing needed to be said anyway, Daisy’s hand fiddling with the amber necklace as she looked out the window, studying the prison as they drove off.
Daisy continued to fiddle with her necklace as the distant shooting went on, Carl watching, sighing lightly “I should be there” he muttered, Daisy just shaking her head even though his back was turned to her “no… no you should be here” she stated softly, Carl looking over his shoulder at her, at first to disagree but when he saw the way she just-... stared ahead, he kept his mouth shut, looking back at the prison as the gunfire continued. As the gunfire ceased, Daisy looked up, getting up from the stump and walking over to stand next to Carl, a little behind him. “They did it” she muttered, Carl shaking his head “we don’t know that-”
“If the Governor had won he’d be shooting off fireworks- look! They’re driving away” she whispered with a grin, Carl smiling at her before looking back at the prison. Her smile faded as the sound of approaching footsteps broke them out of their joy, both she and Carl walking around the covered cars to see who it was, Carl with his gun raised, Daisy with an arrow pointed at his face, a guy only a few years older than then, around Beth’s age, stopping, a shotgun in his hands. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Don’t shoot!”
“Drop the weapon!” Daisy ordered, Hershel aiming his gun at the stranger as well “sure…” the stranger looked between the three of them with worry, panting from running, the shotgun in one hand as he tried to reach it to Daisy while Carl kept his gun aimed at him. “Here… take it” he offered, Daisy hesitating before lowering her bow, knowing that Carl had her back should the stranger try anything, and apparently, supposedly, he did, Daisy looking at the weapon, reaching for it when the stranger dropped dead, Daisy flinching a little, turning to look at Carl with wide eyes. Her heart raced but she quickly found her head again, hurriedly picking up the shotgun after putting her bow and arrow down, opening it to check if it had been fired, looking up at Carl, Hershel and Beth “it hasn’t been fired” she noted before looking back at the shotgun, closing it, making sure the safety was on before picking up her bow and arrow, putting the arrow back in it’s place on the side of her backpack, attaching her bow there as well, though it was getting rather worn out.
As they arrived back at the prison, Daisy rushed at Daryl who hugged her, Daisy taking off the kutte and giving it back to him, smiling at him and he nodded as he took it, ruffling her auburn hair, making her giggle a little, Daryl smirking. It always made her giggle, always, and he kind of hoped it’d always stay that way, even when she got older, that when he’d ruffle her hair, she giggled. If she’d allow him to when she was older. He’d probably find a way no matter what.
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fandomficsnstuff · 13 days
Dead Ghosts
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(Warnings: Some angst, more angst and this is just kinda angsty, sorry lovelies!<3)
Slowly Rick and two others had made their way through the yard, receiving support fire from everyone behind the fence, the three of them making it, Carl opening the gate to hug his dad as Daisy just stared at one person in particular. Daryl met her halfway, throwing everything to the ground, picking her up as she ran at him, hugging him tightly “I thought you were dead!” she sobbed, Daryl holding her close “I know… what happened to your arm, hm? You’re bleedin’. Another scratch? You good?” he asked the rapid fire questions, Daisy just nodded as she parted from him, smiling at him as he nodded, looking at the bandages “another scratch or sumthin’?” he asked, Daisy shaking her head “just got shot. I’m okay, it just grazed me. Carl killed the one who shot me” she reported and Daryl studied her before nodding “serves him right for hurtin’ you, bitch better thank his lucky stars I didn’t get my hands on ‘im first” he muttered and Daisy smiled at him.
“Delilah?” Daisy looked up at her name, her real name, being called, her eyes wide, brows furrowing at the man she saw before her. A one-handed man. “Daddy?” she asked with confusion as Daryl put her down gently and carefully, Merle looking between all of them before looking back at her, a look of shock, confusion and hurt on his face. “But-... y’all-... y’all told me she was- told me she was d-... that she was-... that she’d… died-... I-” he cut himself off, his legs suddenly feeling unsteady and he actually had tears in his eyes, opening both arms and his one hand “c’mere, baby” he almost pleaded, Daisy studying him before looking at Daryl who nodded but Daisy just stayed put. “It’s a’ight. Go on” Daryl whispered, Merle walking closer with a look of desperation. “Delilah” his voice was weak, cracking a little as he almost begged. She turned to Rick who gave a hesitant nod, Daisy walking a few steps towards him and he fell to his knees, hugging her as best he could with one one hand. “I thought you was dead…” he admitted, parting from Daisy to look at her, a grin forming on his lips “look at you, all grown up ‘n shit… damn…” he muttered, Daisy looking over her shoulder at Daryl who noticed how uncomfortable she was, a sad look in his eyes and he hesitated before deciding that what he was about to do was the right thing, the right thing for Daisy, not Merle, “let go ‘f ‘er, Merle” he stated softly, Merle looking at him, a look of rage taking over his features but Daryl just awkwardly gestured to Daisy “she’s uncomfortable” he noted, Merle looking back down at her before parting from her, placing his hand on her shoulder “sorry ‘bout that, sweetheart. Daddy hug you too tight? I’m sorry” he stated softly, studying her before coming to look at her wounded arm “the hell happened here? You’re bleedin’... You got shot or somethin’?” he asked and Daisy nodded as she looked down at the wound “it’s just a graze” she admitted, Merle sighing “you gotta look out better, a’ight?” he asked and she just looked at him, making him smile again, brushing some of her hair out of her face “when was the last time you had a bath, hm? Your hair’s all greasy ‘n shit… old sheriff prick ain’t bein’ nice ter you?” he asked with a slight growl in his voice, glaring at the man in question who just found it amusing, Daisy frowning as she moved out of his grasp, taking a large step back “his name is Rick… he’s really nice to me and he’s family” she stated harshly, Merle’s face falling as he nodded “‘m sorry, sweetie, alright? I’m just jokin’-”
“Won’t the Governor be back?” she asked, looking away from him to look at Rick who nodded, Daisy nodding as well, looking at Carl, a smile forming on her lips as she looked back at Rick “he was so good! He took out that guy in the watchtower who shot me and everything! He killed a lot of walkers too” she stated with a small smirk, Carl blushing as he looked down before looking back up at her “you’ve killed at least twice as many walkers” he stated and now it was Daisy’s turn to blush, grinning as she looked at him, Merle looking between the two with a frown and before he could say anything, or do anything, Daryl called out for Daisy. “Daisy, c’mon. ‘M starving” he admitted, picking his things back up and Daisy jogged over, walking alongside him as Merle watched with a frown, a hint of hopelessness in his eyes as he watched his own daughter walk away from him. “How’s little ass-kicker?”
“Beth says she’s a little gassy, but Maggie fed her” she informed, Daryl nodding as he ruffled her hair “good, you been eatin’ alright? You seem a little pale” he noted, the conversation growing more and more distant the further away from Merle they got, neither of them even looking over their shoulders at him.
Merle watched as Hershel took care of Daisy’s arm, he couldn’t see the wound but if how the old man smiled was anything to go by then it was clean and already healing well. “She always healed well” he called out from the other side of the cell block, behind the locked gate, Hershel ignoring him while Daryl scoffed lightly, making Merle frown “whatchu scoffin’ at, baby brother?”
“Nothin’” he muttered, looking down at Daisy who looked up at her, the two of them staring at each other. Daisy looked over her shoulder at her dad, a small frown on her features as she looked down “should he know?” she asked softly, Maggie glaring at Merle as she shook her head “no, no he doesn’t deserve to know” she muttered with anger, Merle frowning “don’t deserve to know what? What?!”
“You shut your mouth” Maggie hissed, gun out of it’s holster and Merle frowned “that’s my little girl! You ain’t got no right-”
“No, you don’t have no right,” Daryl interrupted, walking down the steps and past Daisy to face Merle, his hand ruffling Daisy’s hair briefly, without needing to look at her or pause as he went by her as he approached his brother “you ain’t got no right to nothin’ when it comes to her. Her mom used ter whoop her ass whenever she got high and you knew it and you sure as hell didn’t stop her from doin’ it!”
“You didn’t either! Don’t you turn this on me, baby brother-”
“Man, stop callin’ me that!” he growled, stepping closer to the cell door “I’ve been there for her! I was there with her when this shit started! While you were gettin’ your dick wet, I was with her! When her momma was usin’, I was there!” he yelled loudly, Merle’s anger fading a little as he stared at his brother “you ain’t never given two shits about her” Daryl growled, Merle shaking his head, his anger beginning to surface again “that ain’t true and you know it! Delilah. Delilah, baby, you know I love you. I’ve always loved you, Delilah, you’re my little girl… Delilah-”
“Man, stop! Stop callin’ ‘er that! She hates it and you know it” Daryl roared, Merle’s face falling and he clenched his jaw in anger, looking past him to Daisy “darlin’?” he asked, Daisy hesitating before walking over, despite Maggie trying to stop her. She looked up at Daryl before looking back at Merle, almost shyly “uncle Daryl and Rick went back for you… maybe if you were there, we wouldn’t have lost Amy… or T-Dog… I liked T-Dog” she stated softly, Merle sighing heavily “T-Dog ain’t your family, girl-”
“He was more family than you were! You’d know that if you’d just waited on that rooftop!” she yelled back, Merle clenching his jaw in anger “how the hell was I meant to know you’d come back for me?! That nigga was the one who left me up there to begin with!”
“Man, don’t say shit like that in front of her, alright?! Don’t call ‘im that! And of course we’d come back for you, Daisy deserves a father, even if it’s a pathetic excuse like you” Daryl spat before gesturing to Daisy “you ain’t got no right to call her your little girl, you ain’t earned it. Not a damn day in her entire life. She ain’t your little girl-”
“She sure as hell ain’t yours neither!” Merle fired back, the two of them flinching and ducking, growing quiet when a shot right near them was fired off, both of them looking at Daisy who had her gun pointed at the ceiling. “Stop arguing!” she yelled loudly, glaring at both of them before looking at Merle “why didn’t you just wait, daddy? And why did you hurt uncle Glenn and auntie Maggie?”
“They ain’t your family, girl-”
“Neither are you!” she shouted with tears in her eyes. “Lori was family. T-Dog was family. Dale was family, Sophia, Jaquie, Amy, Jim… they’re dead now. You were dead too… you were a ghost, just as much as them…” she added quietly, wiping away her tears and putting on a strong face, glaring lightly at Merle “you weren’t there! You were a ghost even before all of this-… this-... this ‘SHIT’ happened!”
“Language” Daryl scolded quietly, Daisy looking up at him before looking down, staring at the floor as Merle swallowed the lump in his throat “I know, baby… I know I wasn’t there and I’m sorry, I really am… but… ‘m here now, ain’t I? ‘m here for you, you’re my little girl, my sweet little girl… look at you… my little girl” he whispered quietly with tears in his eyes that he tried to hide, trying to reach for her through the iron bars but she stepped out of his reach “you haven’t earned that back, daddy” she reminded him before walking away, walking over to Maggie who glared at Merle before she took Daisy’s hand, glaring at Merle one last time before talking with Daisy, leading her up the stairs and up to one of the cells where Merle lost sight of them.
Merle watched before swallowing thickly, his eyes turning cold again and all soft emotion was gone from his face and eyes, turning to look at his brother “I ain’t gonna explain myself to no one, but that’s mah little girl, baby brother… that’s my little girl and I thought she was dead, I thought you was dead… it’s the only reason why I’m behind these bars and not in there with all ‘f y’all” he warned in a low voice, Daryl narrowing his eyes at his brother “nah. Nah, you locked yourself in there long before you ever got on that rooftop.”
“C’mon, baby brother, think! Use that damn head ‘f yours, I would’ve never left the pair ‘f you if I knew y’all was still alive!” he growled with anger, Daryl looking over his shoulder at the cell on the floor above him where he knew she was, studying the empty air before looking back at Merle and Merle nodded towards Daisy’s ‘room’. “You done good, keepin’ ‘er safe…” he muttered, Daryl scoffing “weren’t easy, she never do what I say” he muttered, Merle chuckling lightly “sounds ‘bout right” he muttered, Daryl hesitating before nodding to himself “I made ‘er a bow, taught ‘er how ter use it ‘n all that, taught her to make arrows… teachin’ her to track, too” he stated softly, looking up at his brother, the two of them looking at each other as Merle nodded hesitantly. “You’re not helpin’ yourself, you know… shut up ‘n you might just get ter see her shoot that damn bow of hers” he muttered before walking off, Merle studying his brother, his expression softening a little, a tiny frown forming on his face.
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fandomficsnstuff · 14 days
Strangers In The Tombs
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(Warnings: Angst, angst, blood and shootings and some more angst with a little fluff at the end<3)
Daisy hurried out of the prison as they were getting ready to leave, Daryl turning around just in time to see the ball of auburn hair and outstretched arms running towards him, practically pushing Oscar aside “don’t go! Please, don’t go!”
“Whatchu talkin’ ‘bout?” he asked with annoyance in his tone but Daisy just shook her head “please don’t go…” she begged, Daryl looking at Oscar who quickly returned to packing the car as Daryl kneeled down to Daisy’s level. “Why not?”
“What if you don’t come back?...”
“Ya want me to come back?” he asked and she nodded, making him nod as well “then I’ll come back, ain’t nothin’ that’s gonna stop me, a’ight? Be a good girl ‘n watch out for lil’ ass-kicker. And remember; don’t-”
“Pussy out” Daisy finished as she sniffled a little, Daryl nodding as he studied her “you good?” he finally asked and she hesitated but nodded, making Daryl nod again as well “a’ight. Don’ worry, we’ll get ‘em back” he stated as he stood up and ruffled her hair, making her pout a little but she hugged him tightly “bring back uncle Glenn and auntie Maggie…” she pleaded, Daryl studying her before nodding, grabbing his kutte from the car before putting it on her, smirking a little “you look badass as shit, now go on, get” he ordered softly and she grinned before running off with the kutte on, passing Carl as she did who grinned at her, Oscar smiling at the little girl, which Daryl noticed “what the hell’re you smiling at?!”
“It ain’t nothin’. Don’t look at ‘er” he growled, Oscar studying him before nodding, yet with a tiny smirk “she’s a brave girl, that’s all. I see who she got it from” he stated, Daryl frowning “she ain’t mine, she’s my niece” he clarified defensively and Oscar just scoffed lightly “doesn’t make her not yours. You’re here, you might not be her father, but you’re as close to a dad as she can get from what I can see.”
“Yeah, well, ya can’t see very well then” he grumbled, Oscar chuckling lightly “oh I see just fine, ain’t nothing to be ashamed of. I’d be proud as hell if that was my little girl, niece or not” he stated casually, Daryl studying him with narrowed eyes before forcing himself to scoff like he didn’t care.
Daisy caught up with Carl as he was about to go to the tombs, Daisy catching him, making him stop and she panted heavily before nodding, Carl smirking a little “you don’t have to come, you know.”
“Yes I do. Your dad would’ve gone, which is why you’re going. And my uncle would’ve gone with him” she rationalized, Carl shaking his head with amusement “you don’t have to just because your uncle would.”
“Then why are you down here?” she asked cheekily with a smirk, turning on her flashlight and raising it with her gun as Carl led her through the tombs towards the screams and cries of pain and fear, something they should have been running from, but then again, the men who raised them weren’t exactly the ‘running away’ type. As they walked, Daisy suddenly realized that Carl had stopped, turning and looking at him as he stared at a metal door that was slightly ajar, her eyes studying it before she walked over to him, carefully and quietly pushing the door shut before turning to him “which way?” she asked, snapping him out of whatever he was in, forgetting about the door in order to lead once more, Daisy casting a final glance at the door before following after Carl, firing a muffled shot at a walker that walked around the corner towards them, the body landing with a thud and she caught back up with Carl. They both got around the corner to see a group. A woman was crying, bleeding into the arms of someone with someone else guarding over them, two other people fighting the walkers and both Daisy and Carl raised their guns, each firing a shot, two walkers dropping dead and when the people turned to look at them, Daisy looked at Carl who looked at her, hesitating before giving a nod, agreeing on what he wanted to do with them, and so Carl turned to face them “come on! Hurry!” he yelled, beginning to back up to lead them back to safety with Daisy watching them closely, following alongside him.
Daisy fired a shot at a walker that came towards her, turning around as the woman began to slow down the group, walkers closing in and Daisy fired another shot “you have to leave her!”
“No! No way!” The tallest one yelled at Carl, Daisy frowning at them as she kept leading them with Carl, until a walker popped up around another corner. It reached for the woman with the curly hair and Daisy squeezed her gun’s trigger, except her gun was empty. Her eyes widening and without thinking she charged at the walker, kicking it’s knees, her knife in her hand as she buried it into the walker’s skull, Carl running over after firing a shot at a walker near her, grabbing her and leading her with the others to safety.
Rick hesitantly approached the cell, peeking inside, finding her laying on her side, facing the wall in front of her, Daryl’s kutte clutched tightly in between her hands and when she heard someone, she sat up straight, standing up so fast it was a miracle that she didn’t bump her head on the bunk above her, eyes wide with hope, until she saw who it was. Or rather, who it wasn’t. “Oh…”
“It’s good to see you too” Rick joked teasingly, stepping closer, sitting down on the bed with her, his eyes on the kutte she was still holding close “your uncle let you borrow that?” he asked, Daisy nodding, the two of them sitting in silence before Daisy looked up at him. “Where’s uncle Daryl?” she asked as she leaned away from him, looking past him in an attempt to find the person in question, Rick hesitating before kneeling down, Daisy’s expression softening, tears already in her eyes and Rick shook his head “Daisy-”
“Where is he?”
“He-...” he hesitated, he made a promise. It was wrong. But it was a promise. “He-... fell behind…” Rick lied hesitantly, straining himself to not crumble when he saw the tears in the little girl’s eyes. “He fell behind, I’m sorry… we tried to get to him but we had to get Glenn and Maggie back to safety… I’m sorry, Daisy-”
“Don’t!” she snapped, pushing him away with tears running down her cheeks “don’t call me that!” she yelled, pushing him, Rick allowing her to do so, letting her push him out of the cell, flinching a little as the cell door was slammed shut and locked from the inside. Rick closed his eyes in regret and sighed heavily, looking down, jaw clenched and when he turned to walk away, he saw Carl, Carl frowning at him with confusion. “Carl-”
“Why-” Rick stopped him and gently took his arm, leading him a little further away from Daisy’s cell, kneeling down hesitantly “I want you to keep an eye on her, alright?...” he asked softly, watching Carl intently as the boy nodded hesitantly, Rick nodding in return, standing up and walking off, running a hand over his face in frustration, Carl watching him before moving over to Daisy’s cell, peeking inside to see her sit in the small corner between the bed and the wall, right by the cell door, knees tucked up to her chest as she cried.
Maggie hesitantly approached the closed cell, leaning against the wall before knocking on the iron, the clanging making Daisy lift up her head to look at who had disturbed her, her eyes red and puffy from crying and Maggie gave her a sad smile “mind if I come in?” she asked, Daisy hesitating, a hand touching her leg where the scratches were covered by her jeans and Maggie smiled affectionately “I’m not scared of you, I promise. I know you won’t turn” she whispered softly, Daisy hesitantly nodding, leaning up to turn the key in the lock before sitting back down and Maggie walked in, sitting down on the bed, looking at Daisy as she continued to sit in the corner, knees tucked to her chest. Maggie studied her a while longer before smiling “it’s kinda cool” she started with a smirk “you being immune-”
“I’m not immune…”
“You feel like bitin’ anyone?” she asked jokingly, Daisy shaking her head once more and Maggie nodded “then why’re you worried? You got those scratches before winter, that was months ago now, almost half a year… listen, I wanted to talk to you about something…” she began, opening her mouth to continue when she stopped herself, sighing heavily. “Is it about my uncle?...” she asked, Maggie looking at her, nodding ever so slightly and Daisy looked down “Rick said he-... that he fell behind… Do you think he’s dead?”
“Do you?”
“I don’t know…” she muttered, Maggie studying her before looking away, deciding to keep the promise that Daryl made them all make. “I’m sure he’s just fine, I’m sure he’s trying to get back to you” she stated softly, Daisy just shaking her head, a tear rolling down her cheek “no, he’s dead… like my mom… like my dad…” she muttered, Maggie’s compassionate smile fading into a look of sadness, Maggie studying her a while longer before getting up, walking over and kneeling down in front of her, placing a comforting hand on her knee, forcing a smile “you’re not alone. You have me and Glenn and Rick, you have Carl and Beth and Hershel and-”
“Little Ass-Kicker?”
“And little Ass-Kicker, yes” Maggie nodded with a grin, feeling a sense of joy seeing Daisy smile a little. “Why don’t you come on outta there, hm? It’s gotta be a bit glum, sitting in the dark.”
“You’ve been laying in the dark almost since you got back…” Daisy pointed out, Maggie studying her before nodding “I have, yeah… and I don’t wanna do that anymore… I could really use your help, getting out of that dark hole…” Maggie trailed off, Daisy studying her before nodding, Maggie helping her up to stand. “How about we take a walk?” she asked, Daisy nodding with a small smile when the gunfire began, both of them instinctively dodging down even though it came from outside. “What’s going on? Is it the Governor?” she asked, Maggie looking at her with wide eyes, shocked that she knew and Daisy shrugged shyly “you weren’t whispering when you talked about him…” Daisy admitted, Maggie sighing heavily, briefly cupping her cheek in her hand before the two of them ran out, getting as many guns as they could before running outside to disperse them. She hid behind some file cabinets with Maggie, peeking out every now and then to fire her gun, fitting better behind the metal than Maggie, Carol running for cover as Daisy and Maggie both fired at the man in the tower. “How did they get into the tower?” Daisy called over the gunfire, Maggie shaking her head as she reloaded her automatic rifle “I don’t know. Listen, I’m gonna cover you and you’re going to run over to Carl-”
“I can fit better here than you can!” she rationalized, the distant sound of a roaring engine cutting off their small argument. As the truck broke through, the two of them watched with wide eyes as it just stood still… until the small gate at the back of it fell open, walkers spilling out and Daisy looked at Maggie, the gunfire picking back up and they both made themselves even smaller behind the cover before Daisy peeked out and fired a few shots, Maggie doing the same. Maggie looked Daisy’s way when she heard a grunt and the sound of something hitting flesh, looking over at Daisy to see her clutching her left upper arm, towards the ball of her shoulder, blood pouring out between her fingers “Daisy!”
“I’m okay!” she lifted her hand, showing Maggie that it was just a graze. It’d have to get sewed up, that’s for damn sure, but it was still just a graze, Maggie letting out a deep sigh of relief “don’t you scare me like that!” she hissed even though she knew it wasn’t Daisy’s fault, Daisy managing to smile a little “sorry” she muttered, Maggie chuckling, still relieved at the safety of the little girl. As the truck left and the man in the watchtower fell limp with a bullet through his head, Maggie and Daisy hurried to the gate, Beth, Carol and Carl meeting up with them, helping pull the gate open, each of them taking a position, killing as many walkers as possible while Glenn picked up Hershel and the new person who showed up back when Glenn and Maggie was taken, Michonne, driving over. Once they were inside the gates, Daisy rushed to Glenn, tears running down her cheeks “uncle Glenn” she sobbed and Glenn kneeled down to hug her “I’m okay, I’m okay” he whispered, pecking the side of her head “what happened to your arm?” he asked with worry, Maggie sighing heavily “got shot” she muttered, Glenn staring at her before hurriedly pulling her hand away from the wound, using some of his shirt to wipe away the blood as carefully as possible. “Sorry” he whispered when she winced, his eyes scanning the wound and he sighed, Hershel limping over “how bad is it?”
“It’s just a graze, she’s fine” he stated, hugging her tightly before she left to hug Hershel, who couldn’t kneel down but he still hugged her back as much as possible. “I’m alright, sweetie, better get that wound sewed up, we’ll do it as soon as possible” he promised, Daisy turning to Michonne, eyeing her before affording the woman a quick and shy smile “thank you for helping my uncle Glenn and Hershel” she muttered, barely sticking around to see Michonne’s eyes softening, watching the girl run over to Carl, hugging him tightly, the boy hugging her even tighter in return, though while being careful with her arm. “Are you okay? Is your arm okay?” he asked with worry, Daisy nodding with a smile as Carl fussed over her bleeding arm, tearing off some of his shirt and using it to wipe the blood away carefully and then bandage around it, nodding to himself “we’ll get some proper bandages soon” he promised, Daisy blushing a little as she nodded before turning to Beth, hugging her before hugging Carol “we’re okay” Carol whispered, Daisy nodding as she parted from them, turning to look out over the yard, the walkers piling it, stumbling around, and Carl stepped closer, both of them looking at the yard, his hand taking hers as they both stared at it with frowns.
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fandomficsnstuff · 20 days
Marco, Polo
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(Warnings: Angst, angst and a bit more angst<3)
Daryl continued to beat the walker until it stopped moving entirely and was more mush than solid, Rick studying him closely before following after him and further into the forest. “Daryl-”
“Just shut up, man” Daryl growled, shaking his head, stopping and turning to face Rick “you left my little girl behind!! You left her ter die! And now you out here with me, tryna look for her?! Like you ain’t the reason she out here in the first place! Just go on back ter your family, man! Instead ‘f followin’ me ‘round like a damn puppy!” he yelled before continuing, Rick studying him before continuing to follow him “you would’ve done the same thin-”
“It ain’t about that, man! You left my little girl ter die! We out here lookin’ fer a corpse!!” he yelled even louder, Rick looking around to make sure that no walkers heard them before looking back at Daryl “she’s alive, alright? I know she is-”
“Like you knew Sophia was?” Daryl asked coldly, Rick’s stern face falling and he finally noticed the tears in Daryl’s eyes “whatchu doin’ out here, huh? Leavin’ ya family ter look for ‘er after all the shit that just went down?! She ain’t your girl, she’s mine! She’s my little girl!!” he snapped, tears almost running down his cheeks “she’s mah little girl, not yours” he added in a slightly wavering voice that he couldn’t prevent before turning around and continuing to storm off, Rick watching with a sad expression before following. “I know, Daryl” he stated, Daryl scoffing as he turned to face him “know what?” he asked with annoyance, Rick hesitating before walking closer “I know about her… I know she’s infect-”
“She ain’t infected!”
“Jenner told m-”
“Jenner don’t know shit!” he yelled, getting up into Rick’s face “and if you ever say another thing ‘bout this, I’ll gut ya” he warned in a low voice, Rick studying him before shaking his head ever so slightly “I’m not sayin’ she’s one of them, Daryl… if she was then we’d all be dead already… when did she first get infected?” he asked calmly and Daryl scoffed, pacing back and forth “don’t know whatchu talkin’ ‘bout… ‘infected’ my ass. She ain’t infected! She ain’t runnin’ a fever or nothin’!”
“I’m not saying that she is. When did it happen?”
“When did what happen?!”
“What do you think I’m going to do, hm? Shoot her?” Rick asked with slight outrage, Daryl scoffing “you already left her ter die” he pointed out with anger, Rick sighing softly “that was different. You’re telling me you wouldn’t have done the exact same thing had it been her?”
“Shut up-”
“When, Daryl?-”
“The start of all this shit! A’ight?! One of those damn things grabbed her hair ‘n tried to take a damn bite outta her! He scratched her… she ain’t turnin’ into one of those damn things!” Daryl defended, Rick just shaking his head, looking down “it’s been almost a year, I’m not saying she will-”
“Then what the hell’re you sayin’!?”
“I’m saying that I think she’s-”
“Immune? You’re talkin’ shit, like Jenner! It wasn’t deep! That’s why. She ain’t infected” he growled and Rick noticed the way his fists were clenched, ready to probably kill him for even insinuating that the little girl could even be infected to begin with, let alone immune. “You don’t know shit, that’s what you know” Daryl growled before heading off again.
“Delilah?!” Daryl yelled as loudly as he could, waiting, standing still, hoping to hear her response but what he heard instead chilled his blood. Walkers. Walkers clamoring at a tree, turning around at the sound of his shouting and footsteps and he instantly fired an arrow, piercing one walker to the tree with it, firing another, and another, until he threw his crossbow aside, using his hunting knife until a shot rang out and he turned, seeing Rick walk over with a smoking gun, having shot the last walker that was behind Daryl, about to bite him. Rick walked over and studied the walkers closely before turning to Daryl “she’s not one of them” he stated in an attempt to comfort the hunter, Daryl scoffing as he picked up his crossbow, kicking a walker’s head in frustration. “DELILAH?!” he screamed at the top of his lungs, his heart racing until he looked up at the tree the walkers had been clawing at, his facial expression one of remembrance, like he remembered a crucial detail that could solve every problem in the world. “Marco!!” he shouted loudly, waiting, Rick frowning at him as he shouted it again, about to ask him what that meant when they both heard it.
The faintest ‘Polo’ being replied from one of the trees and Daryl spun around, looking up every tree until he saw a dot of blue, remembering the blue sweatshirt she had on. “Marco” he called again and this time a head popped out over the edge of the large branch “Polo” she called weakly and he let out a shaky breath, swallowing thickly “you gonna come down or what?”
“Are they gone?...”
“Super gone, now c’mon” he urged and she got up, balancing herself as she walked to the tree the walkers had clamored at, jumping and Daryl’s heart damn near stopped until he saw that she was already on her way down. The second her feet touched the ground Daryl dropped his crossbow and picked her up, his eyes shut tightly as he held her as closely as possible without squeezing the life out of the little girl. “Don’t you ever do that shit again” he hissed in anger as he continued to hold her, Daisy just clinging to him, sticking to him like glue and he sighed, gently stroking her hair “you tired?” he asked and she nodded weakly “I stayed awake to keep watch…” she murmured and he nodded “all night? Damn… it’s a’ight… you bit or sumethin’?” he asked, expecting a shake of her head but when he didn’t get any he put her down, studying her and then he noticed that she was staring at Rick nervously. Daryl glaring over his shoulder at Rick before looking back at her, kneeling down in front of her “it’s a’ight… is it deep?” he asked and she glanced at Rick again, Daryl studying her “lemme see, a’ight?” he asked and she rolled up her left pant leg, showing off four scratches with blood smeared all over them, sticking to her pant leg, already dried on her skin “they got me when I climbed up, I’m sorry… I wasn’t fast enough, I’m sorry” she admitted quietly as she began to sob, Daryl’s heart racing and he looked up at Rick, his eyes moving to his gun and Rick raised his hands. “I told you, I’m not gonna shoot her” he stated, slowly reaching for his gun and Daryl got out his own, pointing it at Rick as he slowly took his gun from it’s holster, putting it down on the forest ground before doing the same with his knife. “Daisy, get ‘em” Daryl ordered softly and the little girl did as told, getting the revolver and knife and Daryl studied Rick “you got sumthin’ else on you?”
“I swear, if you’re lyin’-”
“I’m not, Daryl.”
“I don’t want you to shoot him” Daisy spoke up and Daryl looked down at her hesitatingly before back at Rick “you don’t say nuthin’, you don’t do nuthin’, not ‘till we’re long gone, you understand?”
“I don’t wanna leave either!”
“No… please, uncle Daryl…” she begged softly, Daryl’s grip on his gun tightening and Rick raised his hands a little higher “I know she’s not going to turn, Daryl…”
“It ain’t that deep, man!” he snapped, Rick nodding “if she was going to turn, she’d have a fever right now. Does she have a fever?” he asked, Daryl hesitantly putting the back of his hand against Daisy’s forehead before dropping it, Daryl shaking his head at him “you don’t-”
“I won’t say anything, I promise” he stated calmly and Daryl hesitantly lowered the gun, walking closer to Rick with it still in his hand “you so much as whisper any of this ter anyone, I won’t hesitate ter gut you, you understand? You and your boy if I have to ‘cause you’re damn right I would’ve done the exact same thing if it’d been Delilah” he growled before picking up his crossbow, putting it over his shoulder before picking up Daisy after she had sheepishly handed back Rick’s gun and knife to him before allowing herself to be picked up by Daryl and carried back to the highway, eyes already closing in exhaustion.
Daisy was quiet as she narrowed her eyes, arms aching a little, her back straight as she had the owl in her sight, Daryl approaching from behind, quietly walking closer as she strained her arms, causing them to shake a little “yer shakin’ too much, relax, let yer back do all the work, a’ight?” he whispered and Daisy let out a heavy sigh, forcing her arms to relax and once they were steady, she let the arrow fly, a big grin on her lips as the owl fell dead to the floor and he smirked, ruffling her messy brown-red hair “atta girl” he praised, walking over and picking it up, taking out her arrow and giving it to her as he started to pluck the bird “shit, you’re getting good with that” he said with a smirk as he walked back down, Daisy in front of him as he continued to pluck the bird as they walked into the living room. Daisy took off her backpack and placed her bow on a small latch that they’d sewn into the backpack, as well as modifying the other side where usually a water bottle could be held but now it held wooden arrows. It was primitively made but Daryl promised the second they could, he’d modify it in some way. Daisy cleaned off the bloody arrow before putting it in with the others, grinning up at Daryl as he sat down and continued to pluck the bird while Daisy looked through her things to take stock of everything while they had the chance.
She looked up at T-Dog before getting up, looking out the window before running back to her backpack, taking the owl from Daryl, tying it to the side of her backpack before putting it on, running outside with him, getting onto the back of his bike and holding on as they drove off again, Daisy looking over her shoulder as the walkers T-Dog had seen filled the area.
“While the others wash their panties, let’s hunt, that owl didn’t exactly hit the spot” Daryl stated to Rick before turning to Daisy, who already had an arrow nocked, Daryl smirking a little at her “you think you comin’ with us?”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“You good enough with that thing yet?” he asked teasingly and she pulled the string back, Daryl and Rick watching her with amusement, watching the arrow fly by them when she let go. They followed it with their eyes, only to see it pierce a walker’s head, both of them looking back at her “I think I’m okay” she stated with a shrug, jogging over and ripping the arrow out of the walker, wiping it on her shirt before nocking it again, looking over her shoulder at them “well? You coming?” she asked, Daryl and Rick sharing a glance of amusement before following after her.
It had been maybe an hour or so before she’d run ahead a little, arrow still nocked but the bow string was slacked, Daryl nervously watching her, barely able to see her past the shrubs and Rick smirked “relax, you taught her well” he stated, Daryl scoffing lightly “ain’t taught her enough yet” he retorted, Rick chuckling “you taught her alright I’d say… You ain’t gotta worry about what I know you worry about” he added, Daryl glancing at him with a slight glare before looking ahead. They hadn’t discussed it. They hadn’t had time. And Daryl wasn’t exactly willing, especially not around the others. “We need to talk about this” Rick stated as he stopped Daryl, turning to face him and Daryl was about five seconds away from firing an arrow into his head. “Ain’t nothin’ ter talk about-”
“She’s immune, Daryl” Rick hissed quietly, Daryl finally looking at him with a burning glare but Rick ignored it “I’d say that’s something to talk about” he added, Daryl studying him, his heart racing and he shook his head “nah, it ain’t-”
“She’s survived all winter with those scratches while everyone else turns within a day or two because a fever kills them. She’s been scratched not once, but twice, Daryl, and she’s still-... standing” Rick stated, for lack of a better word, Daryl continuing to glare at him. “Does she know?” he asked and Daryl scoffed, hesitating “don’t matter if she knows or not” he growled, Rick sighing “you can’t keep something like this from her forever-”
“The hell I can’t! As far as she know, them scratches weren’t deep enough to do shit and she’s gonna keep on believin’ that-”
“What if she gets bit one day, hm? What then? What happens when people wonder why she’s not running a fever? Why she’s not turning pale and dying-”
“It ain’t gonna happen!!”
“What’s not gonna happen?” The soft voice broke the two men out of their argument, turning to look at Daisy who had returned, Daryl glaring at Rick, a warning, before looking at Daisy “whatchu doin’, sneakin’ up on us! How much did you hear?”
“Nothing… why? What were you talking about?”
“Grown up shit, that’s what” Daryl muttered with annoyance, Daisy studying them “I know about the scratches…” she stated softly, frowning ever so slightly “I’m not scared, I know I won’t turn. I would have turned already if I should’ve…” she stated, Daryl watching her closely before looking away, Daisy turning her gaze to Rick who approached “you know what it means?” he asked and she hesitated before shrugging, looking down, clearly unsure of what any of it meant and Rick nodded “you ain’t gotta worry about that right now, alright?” he asked, Daisy just shrugging in response. “I found something, though” she stated, Daryl and Rick exchanging a glance before following her down the railway tracks, both of them noticing a small squirrel hanging by the side of her backpack before their attention turned to her, their eyes following in the direction she pointed in. A prison. Overrun with walkers. “That’s a shame” Daryl muttered as he stood besides Daisy, studying the place and she looked up at him “why? We can clear it out. It has walls, guard towers, fences. Mr. Grimes said there was a place out there for us, what if this is it?” she asked “in case yer eyes ain’t exactly workin’, it’s overrun” Daryl stated with a scoff and Daisy looked up at him “we can take it. What if we make a plan? Like… someone is up in the watchtower with a rifle? Or we shoot from behind the fences? Or we lure them over and use our knives?” she asked, both Rick and Daryl looking down at her before sharing a glance, a silent conversation being spoken in that millisecond that they had eye contact before Daryl nodding further down the tracks “c’mon, that squirrel ain’t enough for us-”
“It’s not for everyone. It’s for Mrs. Grimes and the baby” she stated with a shrug and began to continue walking, Rick smirking with amusement “you know you can call me Rick and you can call my wife Lori, right?” he asked as they walked, Daisy shrugging lightly “okay” she said before jogging ahead a little, an arrow still on her bowstring as she looked around. Rick was quiet before he called out “hey, Daisy!” he called, the young girl stopping until they caught up with her, a smirk on Rick’s lips “how would you do it?”
“Do what?”
“The prison. How would you do it?” he asked again and she frowned, looking at Daryl who gave a small nod and she looked down, they could both practically hear the gears in her head turning “there was a path, right?”
“A path?”
“Between the two fences?”
“We could do it there” she stated with a shrug, Rick looking at Daryl before looking back at her “alright, go on ahead” he nodded and she jogged a little ahead again, seeming to prefer leading, like her uncle. Rick smirked at Daryl before looking ahead again “I’d say you taught her just fine” he stated, Daryl letting out a brief scoff “ain’t sure where she got her smarts from, it sure as hell ain’t from Merle, and it ain’t from her crackhead mom… maybe her mom usin’ while she was pregnant did some shit to her, like superpowers or somethin’” he muttered jokingly, Rick chuckling lightly, shaking his head before looking ahead again. “What was it like, before all of this?”
“Her mom been usin’ her whole life… the day all this shit went down, the day before her birthday, she got strung out with some guy, hadn’t even prepared… didn’t even see her sneakin’ out. She somehow got all the way to Merle’s… ‘course he didn’t give a shit ‘bout her… I took her for ice cream… the owner of the store was dead, some robbery or some shit, the safe was empty. ‘Course she walks over ter see if he’s alright… he wakes up or-... whatever… he turned, grabbed her hair… scratched her when I picked ‘er up and ran with ‘er” Daryl admitted, Rick studying him before looking down “how’d she get all the way to your brother’s?”
“She somehow memorized the route and snuck out, she hid between a buncha kids on some field trip, got on the bus ‘n got off, then walked the rest of the way.”
“Smart kid” Rick commented, Daryl scoffing “damn right…” he muttered, Rick studying him again as they both continued to walk “I’m not going to tell them. It’s between the two of you, and I doubt someone is even still out there, looking for some-... magical cure. I doubt anyone’s left to at least try anyway” he stated, Daryl looking at him as they walked before looking ahead again “there ain’t much point in mentioning something like that” Rick added before looking at Daryl again “but she knows, at least some part of it… I still think she deserves to understand all of it” he stated softly. Daryl studied him before looking down, biting his thumbnail in thought as he looked back up, his eyes finding Daisy as she walked, still on high alert but obviously taking the time to look around and enjoy the scenery.
How the hell could he explain ‘all of it’ to her when he didn’t even know any of it himself?
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fandomficsnstuff · 22 days
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(Warnings: Angst, angst, some more angst and oh! What’s this??... ANGST:3<3)
Daisy was laughing with Carl when Andrea and T-Dog approached, Glenn getting up to talk to them and Daisy saw Maggie looking at her, giving her a smile and Daisy ran over “can Carl and I help make dinner next time?” she asked sweetly, Maggie smiling, about to answer when Daryl and Carol arrived “damn it! Isn’t anyone takin’ this seriously? We got us a damn trail!” Daryl stated with annoyance, turning when he heard Daisy running down the steps and Daryl easily picked her up without missing a beat as she hugged him “did you find Sophia?”
“Not yet, ain’t no one takin’ this shit seriously- oh, here we go” he approached a little when he saw Shane, Daisy tilting her head at him “he looks angry” she muttered but before Daryl could respond, Shane got out a shotgun “what’s all this?” he asked, Shane offering him the shotgun “you with me, man?” Daryl looked up at Daisy before taking the shotgun with a single nod “yeah” he muttered and put Daisy down, Daisy looking up at the shotgun with curiosity. “Can I have one?”
“Nah, ain’t old enough yet, this thing’s bigger than you” Daryl muttered casually, Daisy pouting “it’s not!”
“Almost” he stated casually, seeming indifferent towards riling the little girl up, as though her getting annoyed meant nothing but then he ruffled her brown-red auburn hair and she grinned and he cocked the shotgun, following after Shane with Daisy right behind him. “Can you stop? You do this, you hand out these guns, my dad will make you leave tonight!”
“I don’t wanna leave” Daisy piped up, Carl walking down the steps “yeah, we can’t leave! We have to stay, Shane!” Carl decided, Daisy standing next to him. “What is this?” Lori arrived just as Shane put down the bag. “We ain’t goin’ anywhere, okay? Now look, Hershel, he’s just gotta understand, okay? He-... Well, he’s gonna have to. Now, we need to find Sophia, am I right?” he asked and walked over to Daisy and Carl, getting out two revolvers “now, I want both of y’all to take one, alright? You take it and you keep everyone safe, you keep Lori safe, alright? You both do whatever it takes, you both know how, alright? So come on, take them and do it” Daisy looked at Daryl who hesitated but he gave a small nod, Daisy reaching for the gun when Lori shoved Daisy and Carl behind her protectively. “Rick said no guns! This is not your call, this is not your decision to make” Lori hissed, Daisy looking at Carl before looking back at Daryl who glared lightly at Lori as Shane looked up at her. The moment was broken by T-Dog, however. “Oh shit!” T-Dog exclaimed, everyone looking at what he was looking at and Daisy moved over to her uncle, brows furrowing at the sight. “What is Mr. Grimes doing?” she asked innocently, looking up at Daryl who was just as confused. “Stay ‘ere” he mumbled before joining the others as they ran over, Daisy looking at Carl who ran at her, grabbed her hand and then ran with her towards the others. They both caught up with Lori and she took Carl in one hand and Daisy in the other, marching down with the others and Daisy looked at Carl who held his wounded side. “Mrs. Grimes” she tugged on the hand that held hers, pointing at Carl when she looked down and she slowed down the pace, mumbling apologies to Carl but she kept marching down to the barn with them.
As Shane began to fire, Daisy flinched, Lori holding both her and Carl behind her with her partially in the way as everyone watched in shock. As the barn was opened Lori shoved both Daisy and Carl behind her, Daisy glancing back and forth between her uncle and the barn before running out of Lori’s grasp. “DAISY!” Lori screamed, Daryl looking around just in time with worry when Daisy kicked the knees of a walker getting closer to him, Daryl looking ahead of him, ripping Daisy away from the walker and firing a shot into it’s head, Daisy clinging to his leg, her knife out and if it hadn’t been a life or death situation, he would have been proud as hell. He WAS proud as hell, he just couldn’t think about that right now. She was behind him, safe, near him where he could protect her, that’s what mattered. “Daisy- Daisy! Get the gun from my pants” he ordered, Daisy grabbing the gun that was tucked into his waistband at his back and stepped out from behind him, raising the gun, closing one eye, her tongue poking out a little to the side and then she fired, opening both eyes to see the walker drop dead and she grinned before continuing. As the walkers stopped pouring out, Daisy grinned up at Daryl who smirked at her and she hurried over, standing next to him and he placed a hand on her head as he watched the barn closely. “You did good. How many you got left?” he asked casually and as Daisy looked down, checking to see how many bullets she had left, stopping when there was more growling coming from the barn, Daryl’s hand leaving her head to grip the shotgun and she quickly got ready herself to shoot when she saw who stepped out. Daisy’s eyes filled with tears and she dropped the gun, about to run towards Sophia when Daryl caught her with one arm, turning around when Carol sobbed and Daisy got out of his grip, running towards Carol and Daryl dropped the shotgun, catching Carol as she fell to the ground, holding her back as Daisy did the same.
As Sophia stumbled forward, Daisy got up before Daryl could stop her, picked up her gun and ran to Sophia, standing at a distance with the gun pointed at her, crying, trying to see through her tears. “Daisy, no-” Rick was cut off as Sophia reached for Daisy, grabbing at her arms but before he could intervene, a shot rang out, Sophia falling limp, Daisy’s gun raised as she stared at the corpse with tears running down her cheeks, completely frozen. “Daisy?... Daisy?... DELILAH!” Daryl snapped, Daisy looking at him with wet cheeks and Rick approached, carefully walking around to stand in front of her, kneeling down, hands raised as the gun was still in her outstretched hands, finger dangerously close to the trigger. “Daisy, it’s alright-”
“I had to” Daisy whimpered, Rick nodding “I know, I know you did-”
“I had to. I had to” she whimpered again, Rick sighing softly “I know, sweetheart… why don’t you give me the gun, alright?”
“I didn’t want her to be sick anymore” Daisy sobbed, Rick sighing heavily, tears forming in his eyes “I know, sweetie, I know you didn’t… c’mon, give me the gun, it’s alright” he whispered softly, carefully and slowly taking the gun from her hands before pulling her into a tight hug, glaring at Shane while Daisy sobbed into his shoulder, her small arms wrapped around him as she kept sobbing and mumbling that she had to do it, whimpering that she was sorry, over and over again.
Daisy was quiet as she sat by the fire after Carol left, using the tip of her knife to dig into the dirt, her knees tucked up to her chest and Daryl studied her. “Hey,” he got her attention, her brown eyes meeting his “what? What is it?” he asked sharply, not intending to sound as angry as he probably did but luckily she never thought much of his tone, seeing past it instead of relying on it. She shrugged her shoulders and looked back down at the ground, Daryl studying her. “You mad ‘cause I didn’t go out lookin’ fer Rick ‘n shit?” he asked, watching her shrug again, making him scoff with annoyance “don’t give me that shit” he muttered and she studied him before looking down “why are we staying with them if you don’t care about them?” she asked quietly and Daryl froze, his eyes studying her as the fire lit up parts of her, her brown-red auburn hair that was greasy and dirty, hanging loosely, tangled up in itself from not being brushed. In fact, the last time he had seen her without dirt was at the CDC. “I just don’t get it… why are we here if you don’t care about them?...”
“You care about them?” he asked sharply, watching her shrug again, making him sigh heavily. God he hated this shit. “You wanna leave?” he asked after a while, watching her hesitate before shaking her head “I like them… it’s like a family… I don’t like keeping secrets” she muttered, a hand coming up to scratch the scratch behind her ear without realizing it, Daryl instantly feeling a hint of guilt in his gut but he scoffed “yeah? Well one look at that scratch and they ain’t gonna be much ‘f a family” he warned, Daisy looking at him before looking back down, Daryl, once again, instantly feeling guilty. “Don’t use the tip ‘f your knife like that, alright? Makes it dull” he warned and she stopped poking the dirt, wiping off the tip on her pants before getting up and walking into the tent, pulling up the zipper after her and he sighed heavily. How the hell did people do this shit? Raising a kid? Knowing what to say and what to do. What to tell them when they ask the uncomfortable questions, or even when they asked questions you didn’t have answers to, what the fuck was he supposed to do?
Daisy peeked her head out at all the yelling, frowning at the sight of Carol and she hesitantly walked over once Daryl turned away, being as quiet as possible so Daryl wouldn’t figure out that she wasn’t in the tent anymore. “He’s just sad about Sophia…” she whispered, Carol nodding as she kneeled down, looking up at Daisy “I’m sorry… I’m sorry I shot her, I’m sorry” she began to cry, Carol shaking her head, forcing a smile as she gently cupped her face in her hands, shushing her “it’s alright, you didn’t shoot her… my daughter died long ago, it’s okay…”
“I didn’t want her to be a monster, I’m sorry” Daisy added quietly, Carol smiling at her with tears in her eyes “I know, thank you… you set my little girl free… don’t feel bad about that, okay?” she asked, Daisy nodding hesitantly before looking at Daryl “I won’t let him leave…” she whispered, Carol smiling at her “I won’t either” she whispered back, Daisy hesitating before hugging Carol tightly. Carol was frozen until she finally wrapped her arms around Daisy, hugging her tightly, tears running down her cheeks as she shut her eyes, allowing herself to imagine it was her own little girl. Just one last time. A goodbye. She parted from Daisy and forced a smile, gently stroking her hair before sighing “go back into the tent, alright, you should get some rest.”
“I’m not tired-”
“Daisy, what the hell’re you doin’?” Daryl snapped as he walked over, Daisy hesitating before turning to look at him “talking to Mrs. Carol. I don’t wanna go… I don’t wanna leave them! You don’t leave family!”
“They ain’t your family, Delilah!”
“Yes they are!!... I like Carl! I like Mrs. Grimes! I like Mrs. Carol, I like Shane and I like Glenn and Dale and Maggie and Beth and I don’t wanna leave them!” she snapped, stomping her foot on the ground, arms crossed over her chest as she pouted “and you can’t make me!”
“The hell I can’t! Whatchu thinkin’, hm?! You ain’t got nobody else! Ya mamma’s dead, your daddy’s dead too and ain’t none of them ever gave two shits about you, a’ight?!” he yelled, Carol staring at him with wide and hateful eyes, her eyes moving to Daisy, ready for the tears to start rolling down the little girl’s cheeks but she just pouted even more and stood her ground “so what?! I like these people and they give ‘two shits’ about me!”
“Don’tchu talk like that!”
“Make me!” she snapped, Daryl pacing back and forth with anger “get in the tent!” he ordered with anger, Daisy lifting her head defiantly before stomping off to the tent, walking in and zipping it up. “And don’t you think ‘bout putin’ that damn lock on it neither!” he shouted and a small thud was heard from a small padlock hitting the floor of the tent, Daryl scoffing, looking back at Carol. “The hell do you think you’re doin’, huh?! She ain’t yours! You stay the hell away from ‘er!”
“She’s a sweet girl, Daryl… she doesn’t deserve what you just told her-”
“What I told her was the truth! Her daddy ain’t never wanted her! Her mom got high every single chance she could get! You know what she was doin’ when this shit all started?! Gettin’ high with some guy, didn’t even notice that Delilah took her gun and ran away! She ain’t even prepared for Delilah’s birthday, just shootin’ up! That’s all she gave a damn about, some damn needle in her arm and not her own little girl!” Daryl shouted loudly, Carol just looking at him with a soft expression “and Merle ain’t never cared neither! Both of them would’ve beat the hell outta her if I’d let them! So don’t you come here tellin’ me how ter be with her, she’s mine, not yours, mind your own business, she ain’t your little girl, your little girl is dead!” he added loudly, staring down at her as she just stood there, looking at him. “Don’t you come here, tellin’ me how to raise her, don’t you think you know what’s best for her, like that damn Jenner guy at the CDC” he scoffed, Carol frowning with slight confusion “what are you talking about?...”
“Nothin’... Just get outta here!” he yelled, waving her off before walking back to the fire, Carol frowning at him even more before hesitatingly turning around and walking back to the house.
Daryl sat outside for a long while, thinking, thinking over everything he’d said, everything Carol had said, everything his niece had said… he sat there thinking before he finally got up, walking to the tent, sitting down just outside it, hesitating. “If Rick ‘n Glenn ain’t back with Hershel tomorrow, I’m goin’ out lookin’ for ‘em…” he spoke, waiting for a response and when he didn’t get any he scoffed “c’mon, I know you ain’t sleeping.”
“Yes I am.”
“Nah, ya ain’t… listen I’m-... I’m sorry, a’ight? All that shit I said… ‘bout-... yer dad ‘n ya mom… it-”
“You weren’t lying…” she called out, Daryl hesitating before sighing “wish I was, though…” he muttered to himself before sighing “just-... if ya wake up and I ain’t there it’s ‘cause I’m out, a’ight? Go find Carol if ya need anythin’” he stated softly, waiting, about to get up when he heard the zipper on the tent, turning to look at her as she poked her head out, studying him before getting out, kneeling down and hugging him tightly before walking back into the tent and zipping it up. He nodded to himself, about to leave when he heard the tiny sound of metal “ain’t no way you’re lockin’ it!” he warned and once again, he heard the thud of the small padlock she had found not long ago at the CDC, having ‘stolen’ it the first chance she got to stick it in her backpack. He had learnt that when she was angry she’d lock the two zippers of the tent together so no one could enter, he had learnt to recognize the sound better than his own voice by now.
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fandomficsnstuff · 26 days
Pride And Joy
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(Warnings: Some angst, fluff, angst again and a little more angst)
Daisy was tiredly sitting outside on the porch, eyes fighting to stay open, head resting against the pole she sat besides on the railing, a tiny yawn leaving her mouth as she tried to stay awake, Shane and Otis would be back soon with the medical supplies and Carl would get better, she wanted to be awake when he woke up again, she didn’t have time to tell him about how she wanted to find another deer they could both watch. She yawned once again when she heard the sound of tires screeching on the ground, her hazel eyes opening wide as she jumped off the railing and hurried inside “they’re here! They’re here! Shane and Otis are back!” she called and quickly ran back outside to see Shane limping with the supplies over his shoulder, eyes wide as the others rushed outside to get the supplies inside. “I knew you’d make it back!! I knew it!” she said with a big grin and grinned up at Hershel who wasn’t smiling, making her own smile drop “Mr. Greene?” she asked softly and he turned to her, forcing a smile “yes, you were right. Why don’t you go find the others and tell them we’re beginning now, it would help a lot” he said and Daisy nodded and ran off to where the others were beginning to set camp “they’re starting the surgery now” she announced and Dale nodded, waving her over “I found this hiding in the back of a car on the highway, what do you think?” he asked as he gave her a book that looked a bit battered but still in good condition. ‘Runaways: Vol. 1 Pride & Joy’ she grinned as she studied the front, her eyes moving back to Dale “can I give it to Carl? Please?” she asked and Dale nodded with a soft smile “of course” before he could finish his sentence she yelled a quick ‘thank you!’ and ran towards the house before anyone could stop her.
She sat on the porch steps with the book in her hands, pressed closely against her chest as she waited and waited, occasionally swaying a little as her eyes began to close, exhaustion tugging violently at her yet she stayed awake, always snapping out of it, only to fall right back into sleep. Though the second the door opened, she shot up, facing Hershel as he wiped his hands. “He seems to have stabiliz-”
“Can I see him? Can I give him this?” she asked eagerly yet with a frown on her face, Hershel giving her a soft smile before shaking his head “not right now, that’s for his momma and daddy, alright? Why don’t you sleep on the couch and you can give it to him in the morning? It’s way past your bedtime” he stated, turning to Maggie who gave Daisy a soft smile and guided her inside and to the couch, tucking her in and the second her head hit the pillow, she was out cold.
Daisy was sitting next to Carl when she heard heavy footsteps, turning to look at her uncle who had his hand raised, ready to knock, and she grinned, getting off the chair and running over to him, hugging his legs tightly. “Hey, listen, Daisy-”
“You’re going out to look for Sofia” she stated with a smile, Daryl studying her before nodding, making her nod in return “I’m gonna stay here and watch out for Carl, I’ll be on watch duty, I promise I’ll be good” she stated with a huge grin and he nodded, a hand gently running down her hair as he smiled a little. Just a little bit. “I know, you keep ‘n eye on him, a’ight? Do what Hershel ‘n the others say, I won’t be long” he stated and she nodded “Mr. Teddy will help keep watch” she stated with determination, as though informing that more troops would arrive to save the day on the battlefield, making Daryl smirk with amusement “damn right he will” he stated, ruffling her hair before leaving, Daisy walking back to sit next to Carl on the bed, pulling out her stuffed teddy bear and laying it next to Carl’s head, keeping an eye on him, just as she promised.
Daisy stormed into the room the second she saw him there, running towards the bed, already jumping up, mid-air when Rick caught her before she could land on Daryl, arms outstretched, expecting a hug until she was caught in the air like a bird that had just been snatched just as it’s feet had left the ground. “Easy, easy, he’s still being sewed up, you gotta be careful, sweetie” Rick stated softly as he placed her back to the ground, until Daryl slapped Hershel’s hands away the second he was done sewing him up “nah, fuck that” he muttered, reaching for Daisy and she ran to him, hugging him tightly as he hugged her. “You scared me” Daisy muttered as she hugged him tightly, Daryl wincing a little in pain but he ignored it, holding her as close as he could “shouldn’t be so easy to scare then” he muttered and she leaned away from him to slap his shoulder, a pout on her lips and he scoffed “you done?” he asked and she crossed her arms over her chest, looking down, still pouting, before nodding, making Daryl scoff “then what the hell‘re you still poutin’ for?” he asked and she smiled, this time hugging him much softer and Daryl sighed heavily, eyes closing and Rick smiled at the sight, until Daryl opened his eyes and saw it, glaring lightly at Rick “the hell’re you starin’ at?” he hissed and Rick couldn’t help but smile, looking down and raising his hands in surrender “nothin’” he muttered, looking up at Hershel who smiled at the scene.
Daisy jumped down from the bed before running around it to Hershel, hugging him tightly before stepping back “thank you, Mr. Greene” she stated in a sweet voice before walking around the bed to look at Daryl again, wincing at the wound on his head and then the one at his side, cringing a little at the sight. “What? You scared?” Daryl teased and she glared lightly at him “no!... Can I touch it?” she asked hesitantly and he shrugged “sure, if yer hands ain’t dirty.”
“But you’re dirty!”
“Then go on ‘n wash yer hands, stinky” he stated almost in a stern voice, scolding, but she just grinned and ran off, Hershel chuckling “it’s a sweet girl that you have” he complimented as he packed up, Daryl looking over his shoulder at him, almost glaring at him “she ain’t mine… she’s my brother’s” he admitted, Hershel just nodding “well, she’s a sweet little girl anyhow” he stated before leaving with Shane who waited outside with Lori, Rick nodding with a small smirk “he’s right. She’s doing well, in spite of all of this… she’s good at adapting” Rick complimented and Daryl scoffed, relaxing a little more as he laid on the bed “yeah, kinda had to… her momma was a junkie, got high with my brother and, well…” he trailed off, insinuating that the exchange led to the pregnancy, Rick nodding. “Momma was a bitch to her, kept calling her by her name even tho’ she knew she hated it… she even forgot her birthday, the day before all this shit went down” he added quietly before realizing he had just shared all of that with-... anyone in general, a scoff leaving him as he looked up at the ceiling “whatever” he grumbled, Rick staying silent before shaking his head “nah, not ‘whatever’” he stated and got up, leaving Daryl in the room just as Daisy returned, fingers clean as she ran up and got onto the bed, inspecting the wounds with a cringe. “Ew…” she muttered, Daryl scoffing at her “ew yerself” he fired back and she giggled, getting off the bed to smile at him and he almost smiled back “how’s Carl?”
“He’s not awake…”
“The hell’re you doin’ here then?” he asked with a frown and she frowned as well “thought you were supposed to take watch. You slackin’?” he asked and she hesitated before nodded, leaving the room, stopping at the doorway as he called to her. “Hey!... You doin’ good, a’ight? ‘M proud ‘f ya” he stated softly and despite not being able to roll over on his other side to look at her, he just knew she was smiling, he could hear a new skip to her step as she continued down the hall and down the stairs to Carl’s room.
Daisy practically stormed into the tent, nearly stumbling as she did and Daryl frowned at her “the hell?”
“Can I shoot??”
“Can I sh-”
“Nah, I heard that bit” he muttered, forcing his numb body to sit up a little more “the hell you wanna shoot for?”
“Carl’s learning. Shane says he can teach me-”
“Nah. Shane ain’t teachin’ you nothin’” he muttered bitterly, laying back down and Daisy pouted “why not? I want to learn to protect the camp! I want to look for Sophia!”
“I said no-”
“Please?” she begged, Daryl looking at her again, studying her and her damn puppy eyes, sighing heavily as he let his head fall back down onto the pillow, groaning before looking back up at her “Rick’ll teach ya-”
“Thank you!”
“You better be careful! Or I’ll kick your ass if you ain’t!” he called out after her, hearing her shout ‘I love you’ as she ran off, Daryl smirking a little “love you, too” he muttered quietly to himself before laying his head back down on the pillow.
Daisy couldn’t help it as her tongue poked out a little bit at the right side of her mouth, one of her eyes squeezed shut as she held the revolver, arms outstretched and brows furrowed in deep concentration that made Lori smile with amusement. “Relax your arms” Rick advised, kneeling down next to her with a small smirk “there ya go, alright, now you relax as best you can and-” he was cut off as a shot rang out, the revolver smoking and when the smoke cleared, the oil can was long gone, laying somewhere with a bullet in it and Daisy gasped, eyes opening wide with a large grin on her face as she turned to Rick. “I did it!”
“Yeah, you did! Hey- woah, watch the gun” he warned with a chuckle as she moved to hug him, Daisy sheepishly retreating, putting the gun down in the grass before hugging him tightly, picking it back up and grinning at Carl “did you see that?”
“How are you so good with a gun already?” Carl whined, Lori and Rick about to tell him that he’d be good at it too when she walked over, standing right next to him, gesturing to him with one hand while the gun was in the other hand. “Show me how you are with it… see? Your arms are too stiff” she advised as though she’d done it a million times before, lifting her own gun, just like she had done before, and let Carl copy every aspect of her, eventually firing his gun and the bottle shattered, Carl and Daisy laughing and giggling before turning to Lori and Rick, both of whom looked utterly proud as the two children continued to almost advise each other, discussing what seemed like the best way to hold it, where it was most comfortable holding their fingers, if closing one eye was better than keeping both eyes open, but what Carl wanted to discuss the most was why the hell Daisy’s tongue was poking out the side of her mouth when she focused intently on something, to which she replied ‘it’s gotta be somewhere and it helps me focus’ and left it at that, Carl easily accepting the answer.
Daisy was quiet as she walked towards the stable, having seen her uncle stumble out shortly before and she peeked her head inside, spotting Carol as she appeared to be crying. “Mrs. Carol?” The small voice snapped the woman out of her tears, her eyes locked on Daisy as she approached “it’s okay, we’re gonna find Sophia” Daisy said softly, walking closer to her and Carol forced a smile “I know we are, sweetie…”
“Uncle Daryl’s going to find her, Rick too, and Shane! Carl and I want to go out there, too, but we’re not allowed” she pouted at the last part and Carol chuckled lightly “well, we have to have someone here protecting the farm, don’t we?” she asked, Daisy smiling a little “Carl and I shot a gun today! He was really good!”
“Yeah? What about you?”
“I was good too.”
“I bet. You miss any shots?”
“Only a few” she stated with a shrug and Carol nodded with a smile, “good, we’ll need all the protection we can get” she stated softly, placing a hand on Daisy’s brown-red auburn hair, stroking it softly as Daisy smiled up at her. “He doesn’t mean it when he’s mean, you know” she spoke suddenly, Carol frowning at her before smiling “I know…”
“He’s just scared… he doesn’t want anyone else to go missing…”
“I know…” she stated softly, Carol taking her hand before leading her out of the stables.
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fandomficsnstuff · 29 days
Sickness Within
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(Warnings: Daisy takes out a walker, instances of Trypanophobia and angst, some fluff, a bit more angst and some more angst)
Note: Part 3 of Days Gone by!<3
“Are you and uncle Daryl going to rob these people?” Daisy asked softly, eyes on the ground and head low as Merle frowned at her “why’re ya askin’?” he asked and she shrugged lightly “I don’t know, you robbed those people before, the ones we met before this group” she muttered and Merle anxiously looked around before leaning closer to her “ya don’t ever mention that to these folks, a’ight girl? Never” he whispered harshly and she frowned at him “I’m not stupid, daddy, of course I won’t” she muttered with a pout and Merle smirked, patting the side of her head briefly “that’s mah girl” he leaned back in the chair and continued to clean his gun. “I like these people…” Daisy muttered and Merle studied her before sighing “would you be sad if we robbed ‘em, then?” he asked and she stayed quiet, looking back down at the ground and finally she shrugged “I guess, but it doesn’t matter” she mumbled quietly.
Daisy cautiously looked around as everyone stopped their vehicles, eyes looking around the desolated area, staying a tad too long on the dead bodies outside. “Hey, you listenin’?” she looked back at her uncle’s words, softly nodding “yer stayin’ close to me, a’ight?” he asked again and she nodded, smiling softly at him “like glue” she said and opened the car door, getting outside, putting her backpack on as Daryl got out and walked around the car to her side. “Like super glue, a’ight?” he asked and she nodded again, seeing him give a small nod back in return “c’mon” he mumbled and joined the others. Daisy walked up to Carl and looked around, gesturing to a nearby body “I wonder who did this” she mumbled and looked at Carl, seeing him shrug as they both walked with the rest of the group “maybe it was the army?” he asked and Daisy shrugged herself, looking around as they reached what should be the entrance, but it was shielded off. Daisy frowned as she walked closer to the metal but when a low whistle caught her attention she turned, seeing Daryl nod her over, wanting her to stay close to him. She walked over to him and he gave her his hunting knife, showing her how to hold it “a’ight, you stay behind me if shit hits the fan, don’t do some stupid shit, a’ight?” he asked and glanced at the approaching walker and she nodded, eyes locked on it’s stumbling form as it slowly shuffled closer to her. “A’ight, ya kick the asshole’s legs,” her uncle kicked the walker’s legs after approaching, cracking the already fragile bones, making it fall to the ground and he nodded her over, gesturing to it’s head as it gnawed at her. Daryl bent down and held the walker’s head down, giving a quick glance to his surroundings to make sure no more walkers popped up. “A’ight, come on, c’mere” he gestured Daisy over, using his free hand to take her hand and move it to the skull, guiding her to the back of the head of the wriggling walker, letting her feel the small hole like dent in the far back, near the neck. “Feel that? C’mon, use yer knife” he instructed and she nodded, hesitantly plunging the knife through the back of the skull, cringing at the crushing sound it made as the walker stopped moving. Daryl let go and nodded “a’ight, c’mon” he nodded towards the group and led her back as the others were starting to panic.
It was already beginning to get dark, walkers were getting closer and closer and Daryl made sure that Daisy stayed behind him, his crossbow raised as she held his knife in her hands nervously. “C’mon, man! I ain’t lettin’ Delilah get eaten ‘cause ya think ya saw that damn camera move!” Daryl shouted to Rick as he put down another walker, as soon as he saw a clear path to the truck he grabbed Daisy’s wrist and began to drag her towards it, only stopping when the sounds of the metal shutters lifting, his shock fading as he used his crossbow to bash the head of another walker and then shoved Daisy towards the now open doors “go on! Go! I’ll be there” he shouted as she ran towards the doors, looking over her shoulder to see her uncle right behind her. Daisy hurried inside but froze at the sight of a man pointing a shotgun at all of them, eyes wide as she clutched Carl’s hand and hid behind Daryl who was right next to her, crossbow raised right at the stranger, of course. Daisy continued to clutch Carl’s hand as they were let into an elevator, almost hiding behind him as the man attempted to joke around with Carl but only received a glare in return as he continued to hold Daisy’s hand in his. “What about you, sweetie, can I trust that you’re not dangerous?” the man asked as he smiled softly at Daisy and she glanced nervously at Carl before back at him, staying quiet as she looked down, the stranger, Jenner, nodding as it was clear that none of them would be so quick to trust him.
Daisy’s eyes were wide with horror as she watched the blood being drawn from each of them, until it was her turn, her feet almost rooted to the floor as she stayed put, Daryl noticing and grunting quietly, opting to pick her up and walk over with her, knowing she wouldn’t move otherwise. He put her down and as she attempted to move away from the needle, he held her by her shoulders “it’s a’ight, Daisy, ain’t gonna hurt” he mumbled quietly and she shook her head as Jenner began to get the needle ready. “No, no no no no nonono!” She whimpered and struggled, Jenner frowning at a cold Daryl who just continued to hold her as still as possible, seemingly not even affected by her obvious fear “she ain’t a fan of needles, her momma was usin’, in front ‘f her sometimes” he mumbled when Jenner eyed him with confusion at his cold demeanor. Daisy’s eyes widened as the needle came closer to her and Jenner struggled to keep her arm still. “Daisy? You said you liked books, right?” Carl suddenly spoke up and approached, making her turn her head to look at him, her body no longer struggling as she nodded softly, Jenner using the opportunity to quickly and gently put the needle in her, making her turn her head to the needle but Carl luckily noticed and spoke up again “do you like comics? I’m not really into reading unless it’s comics” he added and she frowned at him, tears in her eyes but not spilling over, slowly fading as she blinked them away and nodded softly, Carl grinning “awesome, maybe they have some comics here, we could read them together if you’d like?” he offered and she nodded with a soft smile, the needle being pulled out of her, a cotton piece taped in place over the wound as Jenner bent her arm for her “we have a pretty good library, not sure about the comics though” Jenner said and Daryl nodded, patting Daisy’s shoulder as it was his turn.
Daisy was giggling as Carl cringed at the taste of the wine, shaking his head in disgust in a way that made her giggle turn into a laugh. She felt as though her stomach would explode if she continued to eat but she couldn’t stop, eating until she felt heavy and full, a big grin on her lips as she giggled with Carl at the table. “Ew! No! Why would you ever want to eat that??” she asked with a cringe and Carl giggled “because he dared me to!” Carl exclaimed and she laughed and shook her head “ew! So what if he dared you, I would never eat dirt” she said with a stern tone and Carl shrugged “I was a kid!” he defended and she smirked at him “you’re still a kid, Carl!” she teased and stuck out her tongue, making him get out of his chair to chase her with her yelping and giggling, hurrying out of your chair and running off. Daryl was about to follow when Rick stopped him “let them have fun” he said in a chuckle and Daryl hesitated before nodding softly.
Daisy laughed as she continued to run down the hallway “you’re too slow!” she yelled and hurried into the break room, giggling and as she was about to hide behind the couch, thinking Carl was further behind than he was, Carl tackled her, laughing, and began to tickle her, causing her to kick and scream with laughter until she managed to get the upper hand, tickling him until you were both lying on the floor, panting and giggling with tears in their eyes. “Hey, do you think they have any comics? Jenner said they didn’t but maybe he’s wrong” Daisy asked and got up, walking over to the bookshelf and Carl got up, walking over and scanning the back of the books. They both searched but to no avail, no comics were on the shelves but a certain book caught her eye. Daisy pulled it out and read the title; ‘The Taking of Jake Livingston’, Carl peeked over her shoulder “what’s that?” he asked and she rolled your eyes “it’s a book, dumbass” she mumbled and he scoffed as he watched her walk over to the couch and sit down “I know that! I meant what kind of book” he snapped back and walked over, sitting down on the couch and peeking over her shoulder as she opened it and began to read “I don’t know, I like the picture in the front though” she said with a grin and closed the book, showing Carl the front that showed a boy with ghostly hands about to take him.
Daisy put her new book in her bag, under the spare clothes and Mr. Teddy, hoping to do it without anyone noticing but of course her uncle peeked his head over her shoulder and raised a brow “what’re you doin’?” he asked and she froze for a second before blushing, looking down sheepishly “it’s just a book!… I-I really like it” she mumbled and Daryl nodded “a’ight” he shrugged and she grinned, zipping up her bag, making sure to not accidentally decapitate Mr. Teddy. “Why’re ya packin’ anyway?” her uncle asked and she shrugged as she sat on the edge of the small bed, her feet hanging off of the edge “so I’m ready, if we need to move again” she said casually but Daryl tensed, his movements halting as he studied her with a small frown “ya don’t like it here?” he asked and she shrugged “it’s nice, but I don’t think it’s going to last” she said softly and Daryl took a moment to process her words, his frown only deepening. “Why?” he asked and she lowered her head as she shrugged, once again “well that guy, Jenner, he looks so sad when he thinks no one can see, if this place is so great, then why is he so sad?” she asked and Daryl sighed heavily, sometimes she really surprised him, and this was definitely one of those times. Daryl rubbed the back of his neck as he thought over her words, his eyes still on her as she was drawing on a piece of paper, pencil in her hand as she used the hard mattress of the bed as a surface. After a while her uncle nodded and got up, groaning quietly before walking over “c’mon, stand up” he instructed and hesitantly she did as told, Daryl nodding and giving her his hunting knife, reaching it to her and nodding “yer ready to learn how to fight?” he asked and she nodded with a grin, making Daryl nod as well as she took the knife carefully from his hand.
It was late when there was a knock on the door, Daryl getting up with a grunt, opening it to see Jenner who glanced at Daisy, whispered something to Daryl who glanced over at her as well. Daryl glanced over his shoulder at his sleeping niece before reluctantly stepping aside, letting Jenner in. “Better be quiet” he warned in a quiet growl and Jenner nodded, his eyes on Daisy’s sleeping form briefly before eyeing Daryl with hesitation, deciding to just get it over with. “I’d like to run some tests-”
“Hell nah” Daryl snapped, making sure his voice wasn’t too loud while also making it clear that this wasn’t the kind of news he wanted to hear “why the hell-”
“She’s infected” Jenner interrupted calmly, Daryl scoffing and shaking his head “nah, she ain’t bit, she ain’t runnin’ a fever neither” he growled, Jenner watching him for a few seconds longer before nodding to himself, narrowing his eyes at Daryl “that’s the point. She’s infected but shows no symptoms… Daryl, do you understand what I’m saying? You’d really let humanity be wiped out just because she’s scared of needles?” he asked calmly, but the malice in his voice was clear, “she ain’t some damn lab rat! I’m all she’s got now, I ain’t lettin’ her be some damn test subject, she’s just a girl!” Daryl yelled angrily at Jenner, forgetting about the sleeping girl for a second and he quickly looked over at her, seeing her still on her side, her back to him and he let out a brief sigh of relief at not having woken her up, at least, he thought he didn’t. Daisy’s eyes were open as she listened closely, eyes barely open, sleep still lingering in them. She had begun to wake up the second she heard a knock on the door but had gradually woken up more and more as they continued to talk. Daryl studied Daisy for a while longer while she seemed to be fast asleep, his heart racing and he looked back at Jenner, shaking his head as he came to a conclusion.
“Nah… nah, yer ain’t layin’ a hand on her, so don’t even think about doin’ shit to her, ‘cause I’ll gut you like a deer if you do” Daryl growled before walking over to the door, opening it and scoffing at Jenner “don’t make me throw ya out” he warned harshly and Jenner sighed to himself, he had no samples left anyway, so he left.
Daisy tensed when Jenner explained how it would happen, the air lit on fire, her hazel eyes wide as she clung to Daryl, tears filling her eyes as he quickly ran from her to get a fire axe, beginning to try and cut down the metal door blocking their exit. Daisy was frozen in place, her hand furiously scratching behind her ear until Carl grabbed her hand and pulled her with him as he ran to get his things “Daisy, come on! We have to get our things!” he called and quickly her brain started itself back up, her feet running down the hall to get her backpack, joining up with Carl after gathering everything in the room that was her’s and her uncle’s, running back to the control center just in time to see her uncle try to hack Jenner in two with the axe, stopped by Rick and Shane. “Uncle Daryl” Daisy sobbed and he quickly moved to her, holding her behind him as he turned back to Jenner “let us the hell outta here!!” he yelled loudly and Daisy ran to the metal door and began to kick it, punching it as much as she could despite the pain in her hands and feet. She was one of the first to run out when the door finally opened, running as fast as her feet could carry her until she reached the glass entryway. She couldn’t help but cry as the doors wouldn’t open, hugging Carl tightly as everyone tried to get out. She ran for cover with Carl as Rick ordered, hiding behind a half wall, hands over her ears with her eyes shut tightly as the window exploded and before she could even get up herself, her uncle had picked her up, sprinting towards the broken window and putting her down, practically shoving her outside “c’mon! C’mon c’mon” he hurried and the second he got out he shoved her towards the truck “go!” he yelled as he began to run, always keeping her in front of him and when they both reached the truck he picked her up and threw open the passenger door, practically throwing her inside and shutting the door, getting in himself just in time for the entire building to blow up, his eyes quickly moving to Daisy as she stared in horror at the flames, the rubble falling back down to the ground and without thinking he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him, making sure her head was hidden away in his chest, her eyes averted from the exploded building.
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