#red dead redepmtion 2
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arthur morgan
masterlist • 08/17/24
˚‧⁺ ・ ˖ · ୨ৎ recs

𑣲 the forbidden fruit I @messrmoonyy
arthur “steals” dutch’s girl and shows a real man’s loving
𑣲 high vs low honor hc I @/messrmoonyy
𑣲 what’s mine is mine I @margowritesthings
𑣲 shooting your shot I @sapphic-pikachu
Arthur makes good on his promise to teach you how to shoot. You struggle with this time alone with him due to your seemingly unrequited feelings for him.
𑣲 fakin’ it I @hihomeghere
After a botched robbery, Arthur and you take refuge in a hotel, hiding from the O'Driscolls outside your door. When they do decide to search for you two, how will you throw them off your track?
𑣲 dreams I @/hihomeghere
Arthur starts having dreams of starting a family with you
𑣲 fishing in the dark I @/hihomeghere
You and Arthur have a private evening away from camp on the Dakota River.
𑣲 friends with benefits I @anna-proxx
you and arthur are occasional lovers with no strings attached, except you caught feelings.
𑣲 touch starved I @immajustvibehere
Arthur wonders why you, the most touchy person who doesn't mind hugging and being close to everyone in the gang, avoids him. Then you catch him alone one night and he finds solace in your closeness
𑣲 snakebite I @thatwriterchick222
you get bitten by a snake and arthur has to suck the venom out... what could go wrong?
𑣲 embers I @javier-pena
You're engaged to be married to a man you've never met. Arthur Morgan is supposed to escort you across the country to meet him. You should keep your distance, but the dangers of the road bring you closer and closer together with each passing mile.
𑣲 room for three I @morning-star-joy
When Joel and Arthur get caught in a storm and need a place to stay, they weren't expecting to find you—a temptress who offers them shelter in your cabin, and wants nothing more than for the two rugged cowboys to keep you warm.

#arthur morgan#arthur morgan x reader#red dead redepmtion 2#rdr2#rdr2 x reader#arthur x reader#red dead#arthur morgan x you#arthur morgan fic recs#arthur morgan imagine#arthur morgan fluff#arthur morgan angst#arthur morgan smut
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a RDR2 x Black Badge crossover
pairing: N/A for this chapter, will eventually be Arthur Morgan x reader word count: 2650 words warnings: spoilers for RDR2 ending, violence, Micah Bell, explicit language, major character death and subsequent resurrection, brief mentions of domestic violence YOU DONT NEED TO HAVE READ THE BLACK BADGE TO UNDERSTAND THIS SERIES, EVERYTHING IS EXPLAINED DURING THE STORY authors note: What's that, you say? You want a RDR x Black Badge crossover?? No??? WELL IM DOIN IT ANYWAY
The series that no one asked for tbh. If you haven't heard of the Black Badge, it's a wonderful series of books by Rhett C Bruno and Jamie Castle, where the audiobooks are narrated by Roger Clarke. This series puts Arthur in the shoes of the protagonist, who is doomed to hunt the supernatural to pay off his karmic debts. The prologue explains it a little better, so sit back and enjoy! There will be romance, there will be monsters, what more could you ask for?
I have seen so many incredible things.
Living on the land for as long as I have, you tend to. I’ve camped under the most breathtaking sunrises, that big orange orb scattering unimaginable colours over our poor souls as it creeps over the horizon. I've seen nature at its finest: baby deer learning to walk, wolves running together in tight packs not unlike us outlaws, even saw a little chick hatching once. Beautiful women from all around batting their long lashes at me, not even all of them because I was a prospective customer. I’ve been a lucky man, to have experienced so many sights.
Never did I think that the last thing I saw living on this Earth would be Micah Bell’s goddamn ugly mug.
The barrel of his gun was shaking in his tight grip, and I used the absolute last of my strength to keep my head up and look right down it.
“You’re not better than me, Morgan.”
Never claimed to be, but if I had more time, I might have argued it, the rat. But that was the thing… I didn’t have more time. I could tell, the simple act of breathing was becoming just too much. I might have gotten a few more days, if Micah hadn’t just knocked the seven bells of shit out of me and the last few days had been a little calmer, but such is life. Such is death, I should say.
After a wheezed cough was pushed out of me, I still managed to get one last jab in, as laboured and choked out as it was,
“Whatever you say, you fool.”
Everything hurt, and I could hear the clock ticking my final seconds out as Micah’s finger trembled on the trigger. He was mad, I could see the fury spreading across his face as he registered what I was choosing to do with my final words.
Maybe it was supposed to be the time for prayers, the time to have my life flash before my eyes while I count my regrets and mourn the things that will never happen, but there’d been enough of that ever since that doc told me my days were numbered. I hadn’t lived a good life, I wasn’t a good man, but I got some peace knowing my final hours were spent getting Marston and his family out safe, making sure Milton didn’t, and insulting the gang’s little pet rodent. If I had any regrets in that moment, they would only be that I didn’t manage any more permanent damage to Micah’s ugly ass mug before he got me. Actually, I might’ve wanted to die at dawn, to see one last sunrise, but mostly the Micah thing.
“Damn you…” he spat, the glow of the moon casting the most horrendous shadows from his twisted expression.
“Damn us both!”
And that was it.
A shot,
and it was all over.
No sunrise, no grand redemption in the last few minutes of my damned life…
Just me, the moon, and goddamned Micah Bell.
I never expected I’d get into Heaven, but I never thought it’d be so goddamn dark down here in Hell.
I stirred as if waking up from a fitful sleep filled with nightmares involving Micah shooting me in the face, and even though my eyelids flew open, there was no light to speak of. There was a crushing weight on my chest, and a burning behind my right eye. What felt like dirt fell into my face with each little movement, and suddenly it all fit together, forming a terrifying reality of my predicament.
It wasn’t a dream. Micah fuckin’ Bell had shot me. Tuberculosis ran ragged through my veins and filled my lungs, I’d been captured, hung in an O’Driscoll camp and tortured for information, hell, I’d been shipped off to goddamn Guarma with nothing but the shirt of my back… and in the end the sorry sight to end my story was a rat with a revolver.
The dirt fell in my eyes relentlessly, so much so I had to close them again. It wasn’t like they were being much use anyway, what with me being buried alive and all. Moving my limbs was hard, but not impossible, I found, giving me hope that I wasn’t too far down in the ground. I never thought I’d hope for a shallow grave, but then again I couldn’t have predicted waking up in one either. None of it made much sense, but I reckoned it’d probably be best if I got back out into open air before figuring out why I couldn’t feel my toes, why breathing felt so strange and unnecessary, or how I’d survived a gunshot to the head.
I started with small movements, flexing my numbed fingers in and out until there was enough room to ball them into fists. I would have shouted for help, if I could, but I knew all I’ll get from it is a mouthful of dirt. I’d have to do this alone, it would seem.
The movement spread from fists to arms, the dirt starting to mould around me until it didn’t feel so crushing anymore, and I was soon clawing upwards. I dared to squint one eye open, finding small holes of light poked through the blanket of nothingness like stars. I felt triumphant when I reached upwards into open air, but it was short lived when I failed to feel the wind or the breeze or the sun or anything to let me know this wasn’t all some death dream.
I pressed on, scraping at the skies until big patches of the Earth fell apart around my body and I could pull myself out of my grave. The sun beat so brightly that I couldn’t help but continue to squint, trying to make out my surroundings. It was dawn, ironically. I always assumed Hell’s skies would hold a lot more fire in them, but the blue hues and yellow rays were anything but hellish. They were beautiful, a sight I was sure I’d never see again.
After my eyes adjusted, I made out the tombstone standing above my grave, a handcrafted wooden cross with my name scratched into the centre. Folk aren’t usually lucky enough (or unlucky enough, I hadn’t yet decided) to see their own graves, and yet here I was. Why? Was this truly Hell, looking over the sunrise while I was damned to sit by my own grave and wait for no-one to mourn me?
‘Blessed Are Those Who Mourn, For They Will Be Comforted’
It was my epitaph, carved into the circle surrounding my name. I hoped it was true. I didn’t know how long I’d been buried, but I didn’t want anyone sitting around crying over me. I hoped I’d done enough, in those last few hours, and that the ones I loved, whoever was left of them, anyway, made it out okay.
I pushed myself up out of the grave, dusting off the mud that clung to me and standing straight despite the complaints of my aching back. I looked over the hill, over what looked an awful lot like Ambarino.
“Beautiful, ain’t it? I tell you, that friend of yours picked a good spot. Shame you’ll get no rest here.”
I froze, my spine straightening on instinct as the voice behind me confirmed that I was in fact in Hell. Even after looking Death in the face and calling him a fool, it still took me a moment to turn and face my father.
I expected anger to course through my veins, for my fists to ball and fury to burn over my skin the first time I saw him after all these years, but it didn’t. I looked my Daddy straight in his cold, dead eyes, and nodded to him. He did the same.
“Fraid so.”
I was almost too dumbfounded to realise what he was sitting on. Who he was sitting on, I should say. Boadicea stood as tall and as beautiful as that last day we spent together in Blackwater. The sight could have taken my breath away, if I had any.
I wanted to step closer, to pat my girl on the neck and feel to make sure she was really there, but I wasn’t ready to move just yet.
“What… What the hells goin’ on?”
Daddy dearest chuckled, probably at my ironic choice of wording, and Boadicea stomped a foot on the ground. Despite everything, all I wanted to do was to get Lyle Morgan off my horse, but there’d be time for it.
“You’re dead, son. Nasty shot to the head, though you put up a good fight.” He said it like he was recounting the most mundane story ever told, not breaking the news that his only son had died. I considered his words, finding a strange peace with them all.
“...This Hell?” It had to be, right? There’s no other way he could be here, not with the way he treated me and Ma. I dreaded to think what Boadicea could have done to deserve an afterlife with him, but it made more sense than both of us fools being let into the pearly gates upstairs everyone always goes on about.
Pa chuckled again, clearly finding my demise much more casual news than I, “To some, but not in the way you’re thinkin’ of it. I’ve got some bad news, boy.”
“Worse than my death?” It was annoying me, how elusive and blasé he was being about everything, dragging this out for longer than he needed while holding the cards right up close to his chest. He knew what was going on, and yet there he was, sitting on Boadicea like he owned whatever goddamn realm we were in. Surely this was Hell, having this conversation with the man who beat me into who I am today. Who I was, before karma caught up with me and shot me in the face.
“Depends on how much you were lookin’ forward to it.”
My teeth ground together as the frustration at his evasiveness built. He must’ve sensed it, as he dismounted Boadicea and patted her on the neck. It threw me more than it should, watching the man I’d left long behind me interacting with my beloved Boa.
He stood just as tall as the day I watched him hang, the only difference being a nasty scar that wound around his neck and made me dread to think what I might look like. It was like looking at a ghost. Well, I guess I was looking at a ghost.
“You’re still here, Arthur. On Earth. Seems you did just enough good there in the end that they didn’t know what to do with you. Too bad to make it to the upstairs, too good to burn in Hell… for now.”
“Earth? But… I’m… we’re-“
“Dead? Yeah. But you’re stuck here, doin’ their bidding.”
He was running his fingers over Boadicea’s mane, and she shook her head in response. She seemed like she wanted his hands off her as much as I did, but I had to find out what was going on first.
“Bidding? Who’s bidding? Can you just be straight with me for one damn minute-“
“Patience, boy.” He snapped, bringing out one of Boadicea’s signature annoyed huffs, “The White Throne’s bidding. You’re theirs now. You do as they say, or you end up in a far worse position than you’re in now.”
I felt like I needed to sit down, but unless I was going to climb back in that grave, there was nowhere to rest.
“I… I don’t understand.”
Lyle sighed, turning fully towards me and hooking his thumbs in his belt loops.
“The White Throne have chosen you to be a Black Badge, Arthur. You’re not alive, nor are you fully dead. You work for them until they decide they’re done with you, and then…”
“And then?”
“Well… I ain’t sure, truth be told, boy. I never got as far as you, I’m just here to pass the message on.”
None of it made any sense, and I had no idea who this White Throne was. Dad didn’t seem to have the answers, nor did he seem inclined to give them to me even if he did. It was then I noticed that my heart should be pounding out of my chest. Instead, it felt hollow, the anxiety of my situation bouncing around an empty can of nothing.
So this was really happening…
“They’ll call on you when they need you with this,” he turned, rummaging through Boadicea’s saddle bag and handing me a journal. It looked exactly like the one I gave to Marston just before I died, the one I collected my thoughts and sketches in, only when I flicked through the pages, they were all blank.
“Keep an eye on it, it’ll tell you what you need to do, who to look for, or where to go.”
“What am I, a goddamn undead bounty hunter?”
He laughed, a proper hearty laugh that would’ve made my skin crawl had I not been so occupied with the confusion of it all.
“You could say that. But you’re not just after anyone, they’ll send you off to the supernatural stuff. Vampires, werewolves, demons, that sort. You’ll get the hang of it.”
I was so stuck on the whole supernatural thing that I hardly noticed him step towards me, slapping a hand onto my shoulder. I froze, but not because my father had touched me for the first time in decades, but because I couldn’t feel a damn thing.
He must’ve seen the shock on my face, cause his brows pulled together in a pitiful look, “Ah, yeah… there’s some side effects to death, son. But I’m sure you’ll figure that one out.”
‘Side effects’ was a light way of putting it. I’d later find out that we unlucky few in the Black Badge have a fair few impediments. I can’t feel. Not the sun on my face, the wind in my hair, the touch of another, not even the burn of a good whiskey. I don’t feel pain, which can be helpful at times I guess. I can’t taste anything, either. It’s a unique punishment, to be stuck walking the earth but not really living, having no access to those simple pleasures in life like a stiff drink or the touch of a pretty lady. If I’d have known what was waiting for me at the end of all this, well… maybe I’d have made some different choices.
“It’s a lot to take in, I know.”
I glanced to my shoulder, finding Dad’s hand still there. He must’ve sensed my discomfort, removing his touch- or lack thereof- from me.
“You’ll get the hang of it, son.”
If I weren’t so preoccupied with my new lot in life (or death, I should say), now would have been the perfect time to confront the man who stood beside me. Ask him why he did what he did, get some answers for every question my teenage self tortured himself with while he wandered the streets for somewhere to stay for the night. But when I turned, he was gone, without a single trace to suggest he was ever there in the first place. Seems I’d gotten all the information out of him I was entitled to.
That left me and Boadicea, standing beside an empty grave I wasn’t sure anyone would have visited anyway.
I sighed, finally stepping towards her and patting her neck in that spot she always loved.
“Well girl, guess this is it for a while…”
I looked down to the journal in my hand, just in time to see inky black writing appear on the page as if bleeding through the realms.
‘Welcome to the Black Badge, Arthur Morgan.’
#arthur morgan#rdr2#arthur morgan imagine#arthur morgan rdr2#rdr2 fanfic#rdr2 fanfiction#red dead redepmtion 2#black badge#roger clarke#tmots
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Happy Hosea Fucks Friday
Best day of the week 🤪 here's a wholesome pic of hosea smiling 🥺
#hosea matthews#hosea#hosea fucks friday#red dead redepmtion 2#rdr2#red dead 2#red dead#red dead redemption#red dead hosea#red dead hosea matthews#horseshoe overlook
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Arthur's Adventures
I know its been a while and I thought I'd contribute a little more to this fandom. I've been really busy and lazy at the same time!
Should upload some more soon.
#red dead redepmtion 2#rdr2#arthur morgan#outlaw#cowboy#pc#4k#wallpaper#photomode#photograhy#rdr2 photomode#rdr2 photography#Ambarino#Grizzles#Heartlands#horseshoe overlook#camp#roanoke#Random adventures
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unpopular opinion prolly- but in rdr2 (i haven't played rdr1 yet) dutch van der linde is too complex of a character to really give the villain/antagonist too. he's not a hero or a good character by any means, but i don't think he really falls into the villain/antagonist title.
#dutch van der linde#red dead redemption#rdr#rdr2#red dead redepmtion 2#dutch van der linde rdr#dutch van der linde rdr2
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I constantly zone out 😂 one time I played RD2 as Arthur I had heck of bounty in (north) west Elizabeth. I went to that little abandoned fort knowingly bounty hunters will come. I tried to go in and out quickly but I ended up zone out so badly for only a split second and there was I nearly had a heart attack because all I heard was a pinkerton yelling "VANDERLINE"

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Young John and Arthur Headcanons
Arthur definitely called John "Johnny" to piss him off at some point then it just stuck and became a nickname he'd call him
John definitely followed Arthur everywhere like a lost puppy dog, Arthur pretended to hate it but he actually loved it
The two have such a brother relationship Arthur once knocked a guy out for John when he was bullying him and told the guy only he was allowed to bully his brother
John snuck into Arthur's tent a lot for the first couple of months for comfort because he kept having nightmares about the man he killed
Like imagine 24 year old Arthur comforting 14 year old John cause the poor baby had a nightmare 😭
John told everyone his brother would beat them up when he started shit and Arthur got super annoyed but still did for John
They made up a secret handshake at some point
Arthur once threated to throw John in a lake once when he refused to take a bath which led to John telling Arthur he couldn't swim so Arthur just sighed and took him into a town to get a bath
They used to hide out in Arthur's tent together when they pissed Dutch off
John definitely teased Arthur about Mary when he found out about the two
John was the first person Arthur told when he was planning on proposing to Mary
And Arthur was the first person John told when he found out Abigail was pregnant
#rdr2 arthur#arthur morgan#john marston#rdr2 john#rdr fandom#rdr2 community#rdr2#rdr headcanons#arthur morgan headcanons#john marston headcanons#red dead fandom#red dead redemption 2#red dead redemption two#red dead redemption community#red dead redepmtion headcanons
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red dead redepmtion 2 is great because pressing "F" is like a fucking lottery , anthyding could hadplen
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Making John Marston running Laps around beecher hope because I constantly accidentally get him over weight 😆

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About my 2023 Nano Novel:
Fanfiction, obviously. My newest favorite fandom is Supernatural and Sam/Gabriel (holy cow, I actually like a ship that's not f/m. I'm sort of shocked at myself.) But this story is just crossover crazy, because I'm incorporating dopplegangers, other Richard Speight Jr appearances. So far, I've got plans for:
Supernatural, Harry Potter, The Agency, Jericho, The Evil Gene, Old Henry, Band of Brothers, and Red Dead Redepmtion 2
Yes, I know RDR2 isn't a Speight thing. But it's set in 1899 and Old Henry is in 1906 and RDR2 has more characters with a richer background.
There's also soulmates (both platonic and romantic) and time travel in addition to magic and the supernatural. This could be a monster of a fic (or separate fics for each Speight character maybe) if I can focus long enough. And so freaking niche I doubt more than a few people might end up reading it, lol. That's fine. I write for me anyway. Here's my tentative summary:
The British Men of Letters*, among others, trap and send the archangel Lucifer into the past to give them time to find a way to defeat him. There's only one problem: they trapped the archangel Gabriel in the same net, which dramatically weakens the spell. A three-man team led by Agent Granger goes time-hopping to rescue Gabriel and ensure Lucifer stays buried in the past as long as possible.
*not connected to the canon BMoL at all. Just borrowing the name.
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Is it bad how I decided to play 'the new south' mission at 8:30pm and it's currently 22:40pm and NOW I'm at the part where Hosea is asking Arthur to go fishing.
Um yuh I can't fight my own nature when it comes to taking a whole bunch of pics of VanderMatthews...the only reason I've played it not to mention I'll be screaming my house down to the boat songs whenever I get to that part at this rate😭😂
Can confim I'm the most sane rd player on this planet consider it does take me hours to complete 'the new south' for totally sane reasons 😌👌
#rdr2#red dead redemption 2#red dead redemption community#red dead fandom#red dead redemption#dutchieliciousplans#dutch van der linde#dutch#dutchie#dutch has a plan#hosea#hosea matthews#red dead redepmtion 2#dutch vanderlinde#van der linde gang#vandermatthews are my life#vandermatthews#dutch x hosea#hosea x dutch#cant fight nature#cant fight my nature
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What’s Mine Is Mine
pairing: lh!Arthur Morgan x fem!reader
word count: 1159
warnings: possessive Arthur, spit kink, low honour Arthur, shameless filth, very suggestive, mentions of sex
a/n: i simply Cannot Write Drabbles... thank you so much @elifsukirdaghehe for the spit kink request and anon for the low honour Arthur request! I hope this lives up to your expectations! This is very heavily inspired by this bc its one of the hottest things ive ever seen lol
also click the link at the end for a wonderful surprise and say thank you to @cowboydisaster
tagging: @cowboydisaster @cassidylynnj
“I do believe these belong to me…” Arthur quips, a cheeky grin tugging at the corners of his lips as he pulls the pile of chips towards him. A relatively old guy with a fantastically twisted handlebar moustache throws his cards down, cursing as he walks away from the table empty handed. A low chuckle reaches your ears when you squeeze Arthur’s shoulder, proudly standing behind him while his winning streak continues.
“Baby, we’re in the money!” He smugly exclaims, completely ignoring the grumbles of his fellow players. You roll your eyes playfully, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. The action gives your outlaw a pretty fantastic view of your chest, if only for a brief moment, but of course he catches it. The envious eyes of every other man at the table follow you back up to a standing position.
“I’m gonna grab a drink. You want a whiskey?”
“Thanks, darlin’.”
You catch the coin that is expertly flipped through the air, winking a silent thanks to Arthur and swaying your hips just a little more than usual when you strut to the bar. You know all eyes are on you, as does Arthur, and you know how crazy and possessive that drives him, usually culminating in mind-blowing sex that sends you dumb to everything but screaming his name. He loves knowing how much everyone wants you, knowing that he’s the only one who will ever have you.
It’s only a few strides to the bar, the next hand in Arthur’s game already being dealt by the time you lean one hip against the wood.
“What’s a pretty lady like you doin’ with a dog like that, huh?”
The unpleasant feeling settles in your stomach almost instantly as the worst kind of booze breath reaches your senses. Rolling your eyes, your gaze falls to the origin: a man, probably in his 30’s, with a clean shaven face and a suit that didn’t quite fit right. He isn’t completely unfortunate looking, you’d have to give him that, but the invisible layer of slime coating him from head to toe is enough to send women running for miles. That, you’re sure of.
Glancing back to the table, you see Arthur engrossed in the game. Maybe it’s the devil on your shoulder, or the promise of the kind of fucking that can only be fuelled by the fiercest jealousy, but you subconsciously decide what simply has to be done. The buzz of four drink and the electricity in the air only found in a packed saloon of an evening spurs you on, dragging your fluttering eyes back to the stranger and plastering a sickly sweet grin to your plump lips.
“Why, you reckon you could show me a better time, cowboy?” Your drawl is sickening, but it does the job as a flash of false hope ignites the man’s features.
You place your elbow on the cool bar, sliding down to place some of your weight on it. Naturally, your chest never rises and falls so dramatically with each seductive breath, but you can smell a free drink a mile away, and this one is much closer than that.
“Oh, don’t you know it, baby, I-I could show you the time of your life.” He’s nervous, clearly not used to making it this far without having a drink thrown over him.
What’s more, Arthur has noticed, glancing over his shoulder every few seconds with the most delicious frown on his face. You can practically hear the territorial growls being ripped from the depths of his throat, low and gravely and vibrating your very being.
The bartender finally arrives, glancing awkwardly between yourself and the other man, not knowing who was there first and who to serve. Luckily for him, and for your grand plan, your slimy admirer speaks up.
“I’ll have a beer. And whatever the lady likes.” He gestures to you, all bravado and ego as he places two coins onto the countertop.
“Whiskey, please. Neat.”
The bartender nods and turns to get the drinks, leaving you alone to be gawked at.
“Oh, I love a woman who can handle her drink.”
“Really? Do you know something, mister, that is just fascinating.”
Every nerve ending in your body is set aflame as you feel a hand snake around your shoulder, resting just above the hem of your low collar. Arthur’s sarcastic drawl has dropped about three octaves. He’s mad.
“And who might our new friend be, sweetheart?” His theatrics boom around the room, earning a few sideways glances from curious patrons, most certainly hoping for a bit of evening entertainment. One wrong word from your ‘friend’ might just make their dreams come true.
Standing beside Arthur, the once-hopeful devotee is realising just how large the outlaw is, how his strong arms fill out the sleeves of his duster coat and how one of those sleeves is hemmed with a bloodstain you just couldn’t seem to get out.
You’re saved from having to introduce your pawn to your king when the bartender places two drinks between the three of you, one beer, one whiskey.
“Aw, for us? Y’shouldn’t have.” The arm draped over your shoulder wraps tighter, twisting around so that Arthur’s thick fingers cup your jaw and squeeze your cheeks. You’re tucked so close into him that the movement forces your neck to crane up to look right at Arthur. You’re putty in his hands, his dominating stance moulding you to his whim. The action is enough to brand you as completely and utterly his, but it’s Arthur and that just isn’t enough.
He tips his own head back, throwing the whiskey into his mouth in one swift movement. A firmer squeeze on your jaw opens your mouth and you lock eyes with Arthur as the fiery liquid is spat from his mouth into yours. It burns your lips and warms your throat. You feel it all the way from your head to your toes, and you’re not talking about the drink. It takes you a second to catch your breath after you swallow, Arthur’s thumb wiping a little droplet of the spirit off your chin and popping it back into your mouth. You suckle on his thumb, just for a second, letting the rest of the busy saloon melt away. In that moment, it is just the two of you, your plan falling oh so cleverly into place. You’re gazing lovingly, seductively at each other, which Arthur only breaks to turn to the man kind enough to pay for the drink he’d just spat into you.
“Hey, cheers, pal. Real nice of ya’ to treat the lady.” He pats the man just a little too hard on the shoulder, sending him stumbling a few steps. You don’t notice, too entranced by your possessive cowboy to notice anything else.
“Let’s get you home, missy. Seems I gotta teach you some manners about talkin’ to strangers, huh?”
God, yes.
#arthur morgan rdr2#arthur morgan red dead#arthur morgan imagine#arthur morgan x reader#arthur morgan x you#arthur morgan x y/n#rdr2#rdr#red dead redepmtion 2#arthur morgan fanfic#Arthur morgan#arthur morgan fanfiction#low honour arthur#low honour arthur morgan#arthur morgan smut#what's mine is mine#MargoFiore
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This just reminded me of a photo of Arthur I tooked 😆 that boah will get himself comfortable literally anywhere and find the most awkward places to take a nap

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Happy Valentines Day
John knows whats what!
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My newest addition, Bran. He is pretty strong and brave, considering hes one of the worst breeds in the game. He goes well with my character!
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