#rdr headcanons
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duckiiieluv · 3 months ago
the fact that dutch only calls arthur “son” when he’s trying to manipulate arthur or get something out of him still kills me every. single. time.
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mentally-ill-simp · 2 months ago
Trusting the RDR2 men to hold your drink
Tw: mentions of alcohol, mentions of Micah Bell
Arthur Morgan:You walked up to Arthur at the camp looking at him you were a bit tipsy but you really had to go off and pee and didn't want to leave your drink unattended "Arthurrr..could you do me the biggest favor" you slurred your words slightly and Arthur smiled softly at this thinking it was cute "sure what do you need" his southern accent thick and deep as he spoke you melted at the way he spoke "could you hold my drink for me?" You asked smiling wide knowing he would, the man took the drink from you "I can absolutely do that" he smiled holding the cup close to him like his life depended on it..he would protect it like it was a small child guarding it with his life until you came back.
John Marston: You stumbled over to John. "Marston!" You shout trying to get his attention he looks up from whatever he was doing "what do you want" he groans pretending to be annoyed but he did really like you "hold my drink I gotta go do something" you hand him your drink "why do you need me to hold your drink?" He asks confused still taking the drink anyway "so people don't touch it or put weird things in it" you look at him like it was obvious and at that he nods getting protective...he now had a mission and he was damned if he'd fail at it. He holds the drink waiting for you to get back glaring at anyone who even looked at the drink, at one point he forgot it wasn't his drink and he took a sip but when he realized he stopped. Would 100% gaslight you if you asked if he took a sip
Javier Escuella: The man sat by the fire with his guitar when you approached him "Javi could you do me a huge favor?" You ask him softly "anything mi amor just say the word and I'll do it" he smirked at you his playful flirting mixed with his thick accent was enough to make any person weak at the knees "could you hold my drink?" You asked him nicely, and he immediately grabs the drink from you, putting his hand over top of it. He sits there in silence, and if anyone comes up to him to ask about it, he'd start a string of Spanish swear words and insults (mainly Micah or Bill). He guarded that drink with his life until you came back to claim it
Lenny Summers: The poor boy is just trying to have some time to himself and read when you come up to him "Lenny my favorite friend in the whole entire world" you smile at him and he just looks up from his book knowing you need something "what is it" he looks at you and you laugh lightly "I really have to go to the bathroom could you watching my drink for me?" You ask him nicely, hoping he'd say yes. He sighs but agrees after a while. He's upset that he'd have to put his book down but also happy to help, he just sits at his tent the whole time hoping no one else would come up and ask him any other favors while he was doing this. After a while, you come back and thank him, and he just nods and goes back to reading his book
Charles Smith: You walked up to Charles, he was a bit intimidating due to his size but you knew him better "howdy Charles" you say with a small smile and the man gives you a small nod "could you possibly hold my drink for me?" You ask him wondering if he would,"of course I can, " he says softly, putting his hand out to take the drink from you. No one really goes up to him to try to test his patience, and if they do, he just glares at them. Your drink is very, very safe with Charles
Hosea Matthews: When you walk up to Hosea, he gives you a loving smile immediately. "How can I help?" He asks his voice soft and warm, you smile at his friendliness "Hosea would you mind holding my drink for a minute, please?" You ask him nicely, and he nods."Of course I can, " he smiles, taking the drink. He sets the drink down next to him, keeping his hand over the cup the whole time a book in one hand and his hand over the drink in the next until you get back
Kieran Duffy: When you walk up to Kieran he's all alone by himself hanging out with the horses "hey" you give him a small sweet smile and he jumps a little at your voice not knowing you were there "h-hey (y/n)" he says shyly "would you mind guarding my drink for a quick moment?" You ask him softly, and he nods. Of course, he would no one ever ask him to do anything around camp, and he just wants to be helpful. He makes sure to keep your drink really close, scared, anything might happen to it.. he just really does not want to mess this up. When you get back, you thank him so much. He is left feeling really good about himself afterward, like he helped someone out
Micah Bell: I'd rather die
Women Version here
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bigboy-lovers-unite-writes · 10 months ago
do this with whatever rdr/rdr2 characters you like!!
But what's some pet names/nicknames you think said characters would call their s/o?
I WANTED TO DO SOME FROM PURE REMEMBRANCE SO I THOUGHT ABOUT 8 (please enjoy this took me a while to write <3)
Kieran Duffy; Will call you honey, sweetheart, just the usual ones. Will perhaps name his favorite horse after you. 'Baby' is his most used one for you, it just comes to his mind when he thinks of you :)
Bill Williamson; Drunkenly may call you a slur, but it was an affectionate one, he didn't mean it. 🙏 His usual nicknames for you are Babycakes and Hun. He's not big on pet names sadly imo
Javier Escuella; Latin nicknames all dayyyy, that was he can compliment you all day without the others knowing what he's saying. Cariño, and might call you something to make fun of you playfully if you messed up on something :) (THANK YOU TO THE PERSON FOR POINTING THIS OUT IM A BIT EMBARRASSED ILY THO🙏)
Arthur Morgan; this man will not call you a singular thing bad. Every sweet and sappy nickname in the book, honey, sweetheart, darling, you name it and hes called you it! Will occasionally call you a nickname based on your appearances, like if you're short or clumsy
Dutch Van Der Linde; Will unironically call you 'sugar tits', even if you don't have any. Will point things out about you and makes them into (affectionate) pet names. Curly hair? Your nickname is Curly Fry. Short? Short-stack. Tall? 'Goddamn giant'
John Marston; Usually just calls you by your name, but occasionally calls you things in nature <3 not that big of a fan of pet names, but will say some occasionally to show he loves you and ur his
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garfieldblunt · 9 months ago
VDL Gang Beach Episode
Dutch- Flirting with some of the younger women, definitely has a famers tan
Arthur- Digging the biggest hole he possibly can in the sand, no shovel, hands and knees, scooping sand by the arm full
Hosea- in the shade, lathered head to toe in sunscreen, sun glasses on, asleep
John- he’s really scared of the big water and won’t go near it, he’s also extremely sun burnt but won’t put sun screen on
Javier- Brought his guitar to play music, but now has a weird tan line on his abdomen and legs
Abigail- helping Jack find sea shells on the beach
Jack - making small sand castles and trying to decorate them with the shells his mom found
Uncle- asleep on a raft, drifting off into the horizon
Micah- pretending to be a shark in the water, fake fin and everything
Josiah- had someone roll out a red carpet for wherever he stood so he didn’t get sand on him (he’s still in a suit)
Swanson- drinking a cute summer cocktail with a little umbrella in the glass
Pearson- cutting up Watermelon and made the gang a big fruit salad and sandwiches
Sadie- Spear Fishing, hunting a shark she thinks she sees off in the distance
Grimshaw- Yelling at anyone who has sand on them to clean off
Molly- under a fancy umbrella, fanning herself, plotting of ways to drown Dutch without getting herself wet
Tilly, Kieran, Mary Beth, Karen- The girls forced Kieran to play Mermaids with them because they needed a king mermaid, Kieran was just happy to be involved
Charles- Helping Arthur dig the hole, he has the shovel since Arthur is too stubborn to accept it
Bill- Running along the beach with Cain
Sean- buried up to his neck in the sand, slowly eating it
Lenny- laying in the sun next to Sean, smacking him every time he takes another bite of sand
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tacitusk1llwhore · 2 months ago
I saw a really interesting post about Abigail and Arthur’s relationship and the journal entry where he talks about marrying her. While a lot of people see this as a marriage of convenience, I personally see it a little differently! (Don’t worry, I don’t think they were in love at any point!!)
I think the farthest their relationship could/would go during this is a platonic connection that borders on romantic at times, but not because they have romantic feelings for one another. Personally, I believe that with how at ease Abigail is with Arthur and better yet how at ease Jack is with him in the events of the game, Arthur has probably played a big role in Jacks life, ESPECIALLY in the time John was gone. With John gone, there wouldn’t be any guilt of being a surrogate father (the whole “I ain’t the one takin’ Jack on fishin’ trips.” conversation during that one mission, their little squabbles over it in camp interactions too).
Arthur would, in my mind, absolutely step into that role, especially with how he talks about how lucky John is. I think it would be hard to separate feelings, truthfully. Abigail is watching this man take care of her son, whose father is god knows where, seeing a male figure love and provide for her and her son for the first time, probably in her whole life, something she wished John would do for the two of them—(Arthur continues to do this in-game, fishing trip, storybooks, candy, even giving money for new clothes)— and Arthur is seeing this as a second chance of sorts, his way to protect and provide, to do what he couldn’t do for who he lost.
That’s where the issue comes in though…they don’t love each other like that—but at the same time, they feel that connection because they both are using one another to fill a void of some sort. For Abigail, she’s being taken care of, her son is being taken care of, she had a strong male presence not out to manipulate or sleep with her for the first time, and Arthur gets the family that he lost: a good, strong woman and a child.
They both see what can be: her and Arthur a couple, him a father to Jack but can’t force themselves to be that—to truly want that because they don’t, not with each other at least. I think that maybe just maybe they tried it, even toyed with the idea of something at some point in time that John was gone for that reason alone. But with John back, Abigail had to face the reality of the man she truly loved being back (even if he is a deadbeat at the time), and Arthur had to face the fact that Jack isn’t his, he’s not Isaac, and Abigail isn’t Eliza. With the main factor to separate them and give them clarity back in the picture, I think the pair would finally realize this fact and go back to being strictly platonic because any romance that did happen was out of this mutual need to fill a void, not a desire to be with one another if that makes sense. But Arthur seeing that John STILL treats them poorly, the marriage entry makes sense.
The wishing that he could’ve forced himself to marry her, to push through the conflicting emotions and the fact that he didn’t really love her like that—so that he knew that she and her son would be provided for, because at the end of the day he does love both of them, just not in the way that he wants to, and vice versa. Looking into their relationship is so interesting to me.
That’s my hot take for today. That’s all!
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marstonsboy · 4 months ago
i talk a bunch about the similarities between john and jack, so let’s yap about the similarities between abigail and jack instead for a second.
while jack no doubt resembles his father a staggering amount, to the point where he can be mistaken for him several times throughout red dead 1, i also think he has obvious traits he inherited from his mother that, while less obvious at first, become very apparent under further scrutiny.
like, for example, he has her freckles— that one is canon. i like to think he has her smile. the way he talks was probably heavily influenced by her, though he did learn a lot of his snark from john. maybe he makes an irritated face at his own reflection one day and gets startled because it’s the exact same face his momma would make whenever his pa got on her nerves.
maybe he meets the few surviving members of the van der linde gang and spooks them by looking so much like his father. then he’ll smile, or laugh, or roll his eyes, and his resemblance to abigail will be immediately undeniable.
i just think it’d be important for him, since he quite obviously felt inferior to john for a lot of his childhood. he’s undoubtedly john’s son, but he’s also abigail’s, and that much is obvious to anyone who knew his parents.
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cryptidcr3ature · 2 months ago
Taima was probably in Charles’s life longer than anyone else. She was something he was able to know, and something he could rely on. Unfortunately for Charles, our animals don’t last forever. He noticed her getting slower, her hair getting whiter, and strength leaving her. He was up in the mountains, close to Arthur’s grave when the time came. He held her head in his lap as she tried so hard to stay for her boy. She had seen him grow up, and he trusted her more than anyone else. His voice broke as he whispered, “It’s okay. I’ll be okay.” He pet her head gently as she took her last, laboring breaths. Charles looked at her, the only thing that stuck around to the end. She was such a constant, maybe even becoming something he took for granted, he couldn’t seem to picture the day she’d have to go. He didn’t have the time or strength to bury her, but he carved a small headstone for her. When he went back north to Canada, he made a quick stop to her grave. Her bones were still around, surrounded by a cacophony of violet snowdrop. Charles knelt next to his closest friend, whispering a little thank you as he said goodbye for the last time.
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dilf-luvr-4evr · 24 days ago
Modern day Arthur hanging out with John and John has to stop by the supermarket for Abigail.. And I think Arthur is very attentive whereas John isn’t so much 😭
Buying her shampoo and Arthur’s like “blooming cherry or charming lily? 🥰”
“What?” John turned to him, brows stitched together.
“Her shampoo. What’s the scent? Blooming cherry or charming lily?”
“I don’t know, it’s just that pink brand,” John grumbled in frustration.
“How the hell do you not know?” Arthur asked, genuinely confused.
“Real question is, why the hell should I know?”
“Oh I don’t know.. Maybe because she’s yer goddamn wife.”
“Well I’m sorry but I ain’t got a clue, okay? Just pick whatever.”
Arthur scoffed. People were walking by and staring at the two big men fighting in front of the women’s shampoo aisle.
“I think she smells more like charming lily,” Arthur finally decided, taking his choice into the shopping cart. John followed suit.
Before he stopped abruptly.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean? You been smellin’ my wife?”
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inky125 · 6 months ago
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Mary Linton and Jack Marston meeting in 1922
Okay but these are just my headcanons for the very improbable scenario that they end up bumping into each other in the future. / My headcanons for what they would do with their lives after the events of rdr/rdr2
(I'm going to explain them under the cut)
Okay so, starting with Jack:
I want to believe Jack lived a more or less normal life after killing Ross, successfully getting away with this one (1) murder, and having that as a skeleton in his closet. Not finding peace really, so the whole revenge thing doesn't fix his miserable life but he can go on to try to do something with his life. Gunslinging doesn't really have a place anymore here.
When the US joined WWI I know that boy DID NOT join the US Army, he would NEVER join the group that killed his dad, or make the same mistake as him and make a deal with the government. He would rather be jailed for dodging the draft, what will they do, threaten him with what? He has nothing to live for really, so they can't make him. I don't think he cares much if he gets shot (he has a like saying as much in rdr when he duels Ross).
After the whole jail thing he'd go back to a more or less normal life, I'd guess he would have to have a regular job and write whenever he's able (I want to believe that one Easter egg in GTA is canon...it is to me...), but I don't think he'd be able to make a living just from writing.
As for Mary, I always wondered why Mary was dressed the way she was during the credits cut scene in Rdr2. Because I'm guessing it takes place in 1907 (given that most cut scenes appear to happen at the same time more or less than the epilogue). But I wondered why Mary was dressing in black; I mean, during the Victorian era there were very specific mourning traditions, especially for women. Wearing black was pretty much a part of a social thing, you'd publicly mourn. The extension of your mourning would depend on who died and what was your relationship with them.
And here is the thing, Arthur had died 8 years ago by then, we could assume Mary had found out shortly after of his dead because newspapers in the Rdr2 universe love to brag whenever law enforcement/Pinkertons kill renown outlaws. (Even Arthur and Hosea get mentioned years later in some sort of article in 1907 too). And additionally, we know that Mary kept up with how the gang, especially Arthur, was doing through the news on the newspapers. So again, it wouldn't be crazy to assume she knew about Arthur's death back in 1899.
So then, why is she wearing a black dress to visit his grave in 1907?. Black is the color of mourning, but as far as I am aware (and correct me if I'm wrong) it was not required to visit a grave back in the day. So I like to headcanon Mary mourning Arthur like a widow, because widows would have to wear their black weeds for 2 years (there were different periods of mourning, for instance Mary's clothes could be classified under the 'half-mourning' type, meaning there has been at least 6 months since her loved one passed away, meaning she could now wear some jewelry, other colours, ect.
But here is a little extra, Queen Victoria popularized among some women the practice to never abandon their period of half mourning, and especially, keep wearing black the rest of their lives even if they move on, as a sign of love for their dead husband.
Mary and Arthur never got married, but I like to think Mary lived as a widow for him. Continuing with her life as normal, of course, but always having that bittersweet ache in her heart, dressing in black out of respect and love for him and the life they couldn't have. Even if she had wanted to move on from him after she realized they couldn't be together as Arthur wouldn't leave the gang, I think she would have folded if Arthur had gone after her (I mean she did re-initiate contact after they were supposed to never speak again), and I think she was still preparing herself emotionally when she heard the news that Arthur was dead, ironically not moving on from him.
She didn't remarry, Jamie made good money and maintained her, Mary knew the kind of life she didn't want and she could be respectable and old as a widow. Plus marrying someone new at her age would be a titanic task.
I think Mary kept her mother's brooch Arthur returned for her as her reminder of him, given that she returned the picture and the ring. In fact she's wearing it when she visits Arthur's grave in-game!. So I kept that
It just warms my heart to think of the very few people left who knew about the gang finding each other in usual ways. Maybe next time I'd do Sadie or Charles. I'm just a sucker for this kind of things
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fragolanervegas · 1 year ago
John Marston at the age of 12-17 was the most chronic liar for no reason, nobody can convince me otherwise. Arthur would ask him what he had for breakfast and he'd just make something up for no reason, lying just for the sake of it. He's also came up with the worst, least believable lies. "What'd you do today, John?" "I fought 30 bears and won" and he just sat at camp all day, picking his nose. He says it fully confidently though.
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famesau · 7 months ago
Red Dead Headcanons
Finally making this post! All headcanons sfw ( unless y'all freaky ass want nsfw ones...) These are MY personal headcanons people so don't fight me if you don't like them.
P.s. sorry that Kieran has more than the others 😭 I really love him y'all.
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Kieran Duffy
He has bad attachment issues after joining the gang.
He snorts when he laughs and he tells bad jokes but thinks he’s hilarious.
He has a lot of acne scars/scabs because he has a bad habit of picking his skin when he's nervous.
He is always fidgeting. With his nails, his hand, grass, his clothes, his hair you name it.
He falls asleep anywhere, when he’s not with the horses he’ll often dose off somewhere random. Arthur finds him sleeping standing up more times than you’d think.
He loves to dance but has no rhyme.  
He treasures anything nice someone says to him as well as gifts. If he likes you he’ll take extra care of your horse. Sometimes leaving small flowers in their mane.
Acts of service all the way. He enjoys physical touch but gets scared to initiate or receive it. He likes to be useful and make your days easier so if he sees you working he’ll always offer a helping hand. He may not like physical touch at first but once he is comfortable with you he’ll be very clingy but mindful.
He has a tight grasp when he hugs people, it’s unintentional most times. 
He loves tight hugs/ compression. When he sleeps he’ll wrap his arms tightly around himself, it helps him sleep. If he's sleeping with his partner he enjoys being the little spoon, he loves being hugged.
Bad at reading sarcasm, and takes things too literally a lot.
Really bad time perception. He’ll mess up the days often if he isn’t reminded. 
His favorite type of physical touch is hand-holding. After brushing the horses and doing chores his hands get really sore. So he’d love it when his partner holds and massages his hands for him. 
Extremely low self-confidence. When someone finds him attractive he thinks they're messing with him. It takes a lot to convince him you’re attracted to him but that won’t stop him from blushing. 
Has very light freckles all over his body, most prominent on his chest and shoulders.
He has very prominent collarbones.
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Javier Escuella
He has dimples, crooked teeth, and a lopsided smile cuz I said so.
Servely touch deprived. If given the chance to experience any sort of physical touch he’d gladly take it and deeply enjoy it. That being said his love language is physical touch. He loves all sorts of physical touch, hand holding, face holding, hugs, kisses, cuddling you name it.
Terribe flirts however when someone flirts with him back he gets extremely flustered. He’s very easy to fluster.
He has a very earthy scent. He often smells of sage and mint.
If he dates someone he is a very romantic lover, he loves singing songs for them and being physical, and his flirts are still pretty bad.
He cannot stand the cold and gets cold really quick.
When he was younger he did at a point like Hosea more but that obviously changed as he grew older.
He definitely has a collection of butterfly knives. ( Loves showing them off anytime he can)
If his partner plays in his hair/ scratches his scalp, he'll get drowsy. It's the easiest way to put him to sleep.
Surprisingly good at foraging. Being on his own for a while and thanks to Hosea he's good at identifying plants
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Charles Smith
His way of showing interest in someone is by sharing nature and animal facts with you. He talks a little more but it’s usually just facts.
He always smells good, usually smells of wildflowers and herbs. also shea butter. The girls would often compliment him on how good he smelled. 
He cannot handle his drinks however he never gets hangovers. When he’s drunk in camp you can find him watching bugs. He will get hostile if you kill them (only if you’re Bill or Micah) if not then he’ll just be really sad. 
Love language is acts of service. He’ll craft things for you, help you with chores, or do them for you depending on the day. Actions speak louder than words, especially for him so he shows he cares for you by helping you with tasks. 
He's autistic. We all know it. 
Parallel play 100%. Ex: While he’s working on arrows or cravings Artur would sit next to him and journal. They never really say anything unless they’re about to leave but they both enjoy each other's presence deeply. 
He likes to collect things, it is a small collection (due to them being on the run) but he loves collecting bones, rocks, feathers, animal teeth, etc. + bonus if Arthur is out and sees something Charles likes he’ll bring I back to him an leave it spots Charles often hangs out it. (He knows Arthur is doing it, he loves it)
He doesn’t think he’s that attractive. 
He loves to knit, and sew too, his earrings and necklace he wears he made. 
Isn't a physical person nor does he like being touched much but he loves to get back, shoulder, and neck rubs. That man is always working he’d deeply appericate the massage.
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Dutch Van Der Linde
He’s really good at writing poems, he likes to write about the weather or how the day goes. Would write Molly short poems and slip them in her book.
Spends a lot of time taking care of his features. The type to have customized hair products with his initials engraved on them. 
Used hair dye to cover up his grey streaks. Gave up after a while.
He’s a very romantic man, goes all the stops. Matching jewelry, nice clothes, dancing with you, reading to you, you name it. Shows you off whenever you’re out too
Love language is physical touch and words of affirmation. He tells and happily shows you how much he loves and cares for you. 
Has a smoky, almost nutty natural scent but likes to smell like vanilla and lavender.
Has a big sweet tooth, and loves dark chocolate especially. 
He likes to hug from behind but adores it when he gets hugged from behind. If he’s dating someone he’ll enjoy reading to them while they hugg him from behind. Makes him feel all giddy.
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child0feden · 7 months ago
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eagle flies x reader
- nsfw headcanons for eagle flies!
i really need to stop falling in love with extremely small side characters lol, hope you like this anon <3
- requested by anon | view my video game masterlist here
reading music recommendations: the deadly nightshade by daniel lanois - oh my lovely by daniel lanois
* 18 + content ahead, please do not read if you are a minor *
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- i can definitely see eagle flies being into some hair pulling!
✩ obviously do not pull his hair too hard, just tug it a little as he thrusts into you because he cannot get enough of it…
- it is just that sharp bite of pain immediately followed by the immense pleasure of his cock being gripped so tightly by your warm cunt that really gets him, it always causes him to let out a deep groan right into the crook of your neck as his breath stutters against your skin
✩ he is pretty damn loud in bed, he is always letting out deep groans and moans along with some mumbled words of praise towards you
“ you feel good… so good ” ( he mumbles praise against your skin whilst kissing you most of the time, his breath stuttering and catching in his throat as he speaks )
- eagle flies really loves kissing during sex too! not even always on your mouth, he will place open mouthed kisses just about anywhere on your body that his mouth can reach
✩ usually his deep open mouthed kisses end up being placed on your chest, neck or shoulders! he will press his mouth against your heated skin and moan against it whilst planting the kiss
- when he is about to go down on you, because he loves treating you good and giving you the absolute most pleasure he can, he goes slow down your stomach and places soft kisses trailing down the skin before reaching your underwear, looking up at you and admiring your blushing face when you laugh quietly at how it tickles
✩ he really likes when you stroke his hair as he does this, he loves the feeling of you softly twirling small strands of his hair around your fingers as he kisses his way down towards your cunt
- when he cums, he will pull out! he definitely does want a family with you but just not right now, he has so much to deal with his father, the tribe and not to mention the army…
✩ you usually always know exactly when eagle flies is about to cum because his breath gets so incredibly laboured and he lets out deep hums, his mumbled words of praise become almost unintelligible and his thrusts become sloppier
- eagle flies goes at a slow and deep pace when fucking you, he always takes his time with you in the dance of such intimate passion, making sure he treasures his time with you and shows just how much he really loves you
✩ he really makes love to you, even during times when he is angry and upset at his father! that never causes him to be particularly rough during sex, he just relieves his anger with deeper thrusts and grips your hands tightly in his own, holding them down against the bison fur bed
- eagle flies likes to hold you super close during sex too, like he will always be leaned down so that your chests are pressed right up against each other as he slowly thrusts his cock into you
✩ he just really likes how your slightly sweaty skin feels against his, his hair dropping down and covering the sides of your face and how your body heat is through the roof because of what he is doing to you and the pleasure he is giving you
- he will only pull his body away from you a bit when you are reaching your high because he absolutely loves to watch your face change as it happens
✩ he just thinks you look so incredibly beautiful with your head thrown back and your eyes glazed over with intense pleasure, your mouth dropping open in a final moan of euphoric pleasure as he feels you tighten around him even more
- sometimes, eagle flies likes to take you away from the reservation to have sex!
✩ usually when it is dark and sparkling stars paint the night sky, he will help you up onto the back of his horse before taking you away to a small, hidden and secluded little lake before hitching his horse and stripping off his clothes as you do the same
- you always just clean yourselves in the lake at first, but it does not take more than a minute for eagle flies to gently grab your arm and pull you towards him, your naked chest pressed up against his as he looks down at you before leaning his head down slightly and pressing his lips against yours
✩ he will pull you up against from under your thighs, making you instinctively wrap your legs around his waist as he slips his cock into you with a relieved sigh
- the water ripples slightly as he thrusts up into you, burying his head into your neck and sharing moans with you, whispering in your ear about how beautiful you look naked and bathed in the moonlight
“ look so beautiful like this… so perfect ” ( those words are likely mumbled into your mouth as you share an open mouthed kiss, one of his hands dripping with water as he brings it up to your face and brushes your wet hair back behind your ear )
✩ the sounds of your shared sighs and quiet moans echo slightly through the surrounding woods, mixing in with the sound of cicada in the grass and fireflies softly buzzing past the trees
- i can see eagle flies quite liking to mark you up a bit too, with some hickeys and such!
✩ he does not see it as a sign of ownership or anything like that, he just likes leaving love bites on you, knowing that he is leaving you with something that will remind you of your shared night together for the short time the hickey will last
- eagle flies is very good with aftercare too! he will always ask if you are okay whilst gently caressing your hips and if you are hungry at all or thirsty, he is right on it! getting dressed before going to grab you a mix of berries and nuts or some freshly cooked meat <3
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mentally-ill-simp · 3 months ago
Young John and Arthur Headcanons
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Arthur definitely called John "Johnny" to piss him off at some point then it just stuck and became a nickname he'd call him
John definitely followed Arthur everywhere like a lost puppy dog, Arthur pretended to hate it but he actually loved it
The two have such a brother relationship Arthur once knocked a guy out for John when he was bullying him and told the guy only he was allowed to bully his brother
John snuck into Arthur's tent a lot for the first couple of months for comfort because he kept having nightmares about the man he killed
Like imagine 24 year old Arthur comforting 14 year old John cause the poor baby had a nightmare 😭
John told everyone his brother would beat them up when he started shit and Arthur got super annoyed but still did for John
They made up a secret handshake at some point
Arthur once threated to throw John in a lake once when he refused to take a bath which led to John telling Arthur he couldn't swim so Arthur just sighed and took him into a town to get a bath
They used to hide out in Arthur's tent together when they pissed Dutch off
John definitely teased Arthur about Mary when he found out about the two
John was the first person Arthur told when he was planning on proposing to Mary
And Arthur was the first person John told when he found out Abigail was pregnant
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bigboy-lovers-unite-writes · 6 months ago
Cuddling with John marston hcs
•He is the weirdest cuddler ever I would think. He lays as stiff and as straight as a goddamn board, both on his back and on his stomach, face fully into the pillow and barely breathing
•likes to lay on top of his partner no matter what, just sprawling himself on top of his partner completely and basically trapping them down 💔
•I feel like hes not the biggest fan of spooning, but probably likes to curl up like a shrimp and be in his partners chest on both of their sides
•Will definitely wake up, if he fell asleep, on the side of the bed yet somehow still death gripping his partner tight enough to wake his partner no matter what
•drools all fucking over, the pillows, bed, his partner, the floor somehow, just a disgusting little man when asleep
•snores lightly, not a normal dad loud ass snore, but will snore if he's on his back
•stares at his partner during cuddling, like the kinda stare when he's boutta shoot someone but lovingly and slightly less intimidating
•tightest squeezes ever, enough to knock the lungs out of his partners chest, especially if it's a surprise hug or cuddle..
•would tie him and his partner together that way they wouldn't separate during cuddles, but he knows that's sadly not possible 😞
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garfieldblunt · 11 months ago
R.I.P VDL gang Y’all would have loved:
Dutch- Family group chats, vapes
Arthur- Vaccines, Getting Forklift Certification
Kieran- Equestrian Veterinary Medicine, My little pony
Micah- Sigma Male TikTok, Prime energy, Reddit
John- Galaxy Wolf shirts, old spice
Javier- the movie Coco, Playing at cafes and bars
Abigail- Life 360, Child leashes
Jack- IPads, Memes from 2013
Uncle- Doctors Notes, Retirement homes
Bill- Pride Month, Gay Bars, Grinder
Molly- Instagram, Therapy
Karen- Reality TV, Twitter Drama
Sean- Jacksepticeye, FNAF
Lenny- College
Swanson- AA meetings
Pearson- Gordon Ramsey, Crock pots
Tilly- Law and Order (the show)
Mary Beth- Wattpad, AO3, The Sims
Charles- National Parks, Safaris
Sadie- Womens Wrestling, Teaching a self defense class
Josiah- Podcasts, Planes
Grinshaw- IKEA, Roombas, Joann’s Fabrik
Hosea- Retirement
I might make another one of these later
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08melancholie · 2 months ago
8 Random Micah Bell HCs
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A lot of these are connected to Baylock or Micah's family because I love the two of them (Micah and Baylock) way too much, and because Micah's family life is way too interesting to me to pass this opportunity up.
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Used to baby-talk Baylock when he first got him as he grew up, however his father once caught him and he got reprimanded because it was 'un-masculine' and made him look 'weak'. Hasn't done it since then, however he does still talk normally to Baylock when he's sure he's alone and that nobody can catch him. Considers Baylock his best friend and, when talking to him, often gossips or complains about the others in camp. Micah's favourite way to blow off steam after someone pisses him off in the gang is ranting to Baylock as he tends to him.
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Micah is very sentimental about his guns because they were passed down to him from his father. They are basically like a family heirloom of some sort in the Bell family, and that's why Micah was insisting on getting them back; getting them re-made wouldn't have been the same, and thats why he couldn't leave them in someone else's possession. He was afraid somebody like Norman wouldn't have taken care of it as well as Micah does, mostly. It being passed down to Micah by his father is the reason he's so excessively careful about them; cleaning them constantly, for example.
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Micah hides the features he got from his father and tries to make the features from his mother stand out more. For example, his eyes are from his father—so he hides them under the brim of his hat. His hair colour is mostly from his mother—so he keeps it long and makes sure it's the first feature you notice. His father preferred being clean shaven or having a very simple stubble—so Micah grew a beard out and make it a style that would distract from the few features that are from his father, making himself unrecognisable when compared to his father.
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Micah is always cold. That's mostly why he's wearing the leather coat all the time—ever in hot weather like in chapters Clemens Point and Shady Belle. I mean, the swamps may not look that hot, but I definitely think that, looking at what the others were wearing, it's pretty damn warm at least; so him wearing a leather coat on top of a, presumably long-sleeved undershirt AND a vest, the normal person would be sweating pretty hard. That's why I think he doesn't mind it, and enjoys it since he feels cold all the time. Would explain him not sweating all the time or complaining much during Colter. In fact, I don't remember him complaining about the cold once!
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On topic of Baylock; Micah's had him since he's been very young. It was part of Micah's outlaw starter pack, given to him by Micah's dad. He got his own horse, satchel and holsters—and of course, he received his two Double Action revolvers as well.
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Once when Micah was still just learning how to ride Baylock—when he was young, of course—he tried to get him to jump over a fence. At the time, Baylock was still only a pony, and of course—failed to jump over the fence. Ended up hurting his leg and Micah couldn't ride him for a while. As soon as it happened, Micah thought that Baylock was going to die and felt so bad he sobbed until he threw up. Didn't try making Baylock jump over basically anything taller than an inch for years because he kept thinking back on that scenario and didn't want it to happen again; safety first.
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When he first sent a letter to his brother Amos, he actually had hopes that Amos would have even a little sympathy for him. However, when he got Amos' response letter, he had to re-read it multiple times and then left it on that crate where Strauss is to process it. He wished for a way to reconcile but knew Amos well enough to know his threats were not empty and that Amos would have no problem shooting Micah if he even tried to visit him at home; or even worse, Micah would have to fight back and shoot at his own brother to keep his head. However, 'defending' himself would just be proving his brother and everyone else right—that Micah was violent and not to be trusted around Amos' family, especially his nieces. Micah would have enjoyed having family and being called uncle a lot—main reason as to why he contacted Amos was to try and meet his kids.
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It's canon that Micah was drunk during the final mission, 'American Venom', and that's the main reason he acted so odd—almost no reaction to being shot and betrayed by Dutch; that silly walk he did before falling to the ground, all of that. However, Micah knew John was coming, and the reason he got drunk was his fear of death. If Micah was sober, he knew he would have been too on-edge to even shoot his guns; stuck on thinking that he might actually die today. So once he knew John, Sadie and Charles were coming for him, he got overly-drunk so that he wouldn't feel a thing. It didn't exactly work, as Micah still felt every shot—both the one from Dutch and from John. He knew his end was coming, and he was too scared to go fully aware of his death.
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Goofy silly guy I love thinking about youu </3 Should I make more of these? I'd love to hear what y'all think about my silly little headcanons and thoughts...
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