#trying to doodle them at least once a day
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crnl-chicken-tots · 4 months ago
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mortal enemies. or something like that. depends on who you ask here
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matamisin · 2 years ago
Against my own will, I haven't seen the afternoon in a week
#I CANT KICK THIS JET LAG AUGSHSKDBX#it was so easy adjusting when i was at the philippines like two days max i was already good#HERE THO??? I AM A SLEEPY GIRL#once the clock strikes 2 PM i blink and suddenly im all swaddled up in bed and its fucking 10 PM AAJSJDHDJ#i wont lie i only like it bc that means i get to see sunrises 🤭🤭🤭#BUT I CANST STAY LIKE THIS#EVERYONE ELSE HAS ADJUSTED LIKE NORMAL AND IM OVER HERE BEING A NIGHT OWL LOL#im gonna try to draw tonight ehehehe might as well#the only thing about being the only one up at night is im trying to vibe downstairs by myself right??#and its a vibe dont get me wrong#however i am what the young people call extremely paranoid#so i carry an emotional support knife around as i watch my silly modern families and scroll and tikkytok#if i at least had my 3 big akitas with me id feel a little bit less ummmm like i need to be on guard#but they go up to bed with my parents every night 😞😞🥲#i tried drawing last night and i doodled a genya but that was all i could muster :(#so maybe DS isnt the best thing for my art block right now 🤔🤔#but idk if im feeling SDV 😩#once i fall for 2 ✌️ sibling-like characters that would die for each other and are like a gold mine for angst i am GONE from everything else#its funny cause ive liked DS for about 3 years but when i first got into it i just COULD NOT get into making fanart#and even tho i loved the charas i was like nahhh none of them are hiting the right chord for me to full on hyperfixate and build my own aus#but i got back into it a bit ago cause i was like alright if the world insists i read the manga thru for the 4th time WHO AM I TO SAY NO LOL#AND SUDDENLY THE SHINAZUGAWAS CAPTURED MY HEART AND THEYVE BEEN ON MY MIND EVER SINCE#HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND TILL MY 4TH REREAD#🤔🤔 hmm maybe its cause we finally got to see genya in action with the 3rd season#they did him so right bros i LOVE HIM HE IS MY SON#anyways thats all for now#gonna go get comfy and make my nest on the couch to try to draw again >:)
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honey-tongued-devil · 5 months ago
Arcane characters finding you asleep at their workplace
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The devil works hard, but I work a little harder, so I’m back to writing Arcane headcanons a month before season two comes out.
- Strong sense of guilt,  
- The first thing that comes to his mind is that you must have waited for him for a long time to fall asleep 
- He will make it up to you by trying to cook something for you, stopping to buy your favorite sweets before heading home, and giving you a shoulder massage the moment you sit down somewhere after you wake up.  
- The man of the Hamlet-like dilemma: he doesn’t want to wake you, but he also doesn’t want you to be uncomfortable.  
- If he has something urgent to do, he’ll try to cover your shoulders with something, even just his jacket, to keep you warm while he finishes only the essentials.  
- Once he’s free, he will very gently try to lift you from the chair, apologizing when you wake up and mumble something incoherent.  
- In the early years of university, it sometimes happened that he found you in his room asleep, slumped over on a chair or bed with your shoes still on.  
- But as the years went by and the lab became his main space, that sight became a constant, repeating at least twice a week.  
- He tries to make as little noise as possible, whether with his aides, the door, or the stack of books and notebooks he needs to organize.  
- Before getting to work, he leaves the room again to bring you your favorite hot drink with a plastic lid pressed on top, so it doesn’t cool down.  
- Then, in complete silence, he works, deciding what to leave for tomorrow and what to do now, so he can finish as soon as possible without delaying too much.  
- It’s hard to define what exactly a workplace is for Ekko,  
- But he often finds you at the Firelights' tree, in that room that’s supposed to be his, having likely sneaked in through the window to surprise him.  
- There are days when he comes back fairly early but stays to tell stories to the kids, and others when things go wrong, and he returns when it’s already dark, and almost everyone is asleep
- Finding you like this always makes him feel the absence of something more stable
- But he shakes his head and quickly pushes aside doubts about his ideals, stepping out of the room again and making more noise as he enters again, so you wake up, and he can pretend to be surprised in front of your open eyes.  
- By now, you know he steps out and comes back in, but it makes you smile every single time.
- You always sit at a table in the back of the Last Drop to wait for him, trying not to bother him, doodling, doing calculations, or planning something for the next day just to keep yourself entertained.  
- But by now, the sound of drunkards and the clinking of coins and glasses have become background noise that helps lull you into a catatonic state.  
- Vander usually notices after about an hour that you've fallen asleep; he always keeps an eye on you, but sometimes the customers cause problems.  
- He doesn’t like leaving you there, so far away, so he usually waits for a quieter moment to come over, pick you up, and bring you behind the counter, laying you down with your arms and head resting on the wooden bar.  
- He knows it’s not a big improvement, but his priority is to keep you safe.  
- When he finishes working, he closes the bar without doing the closing duties, sets his alarm for earlier than usual, and carries you to your room in his arms, covering your forehead with kisses.  
- The problem with Silco finding you asleep in his office is that he rarely arrives alone.  
- There’s always either Sevika or at least two other henchmen following him.  
- He sighs and sends them away, not without Sevika giving him a provocative look that means everything and nothing.  
- He hates those situations because part of him feels a strange warmth at the thought of you sneaking into his office for whatever reason, but on the other hand, he knows it negatively affects his image to be seen as a leader who tolerates certain insubordinations.  
- Because sneaking into the kingpin’s office is something that would get almost anyone else outside decapitated. But not you.  
- He huffs, pacing the room to deal with both emotions, and when he finally calms down, he approaches you, shaking you slightly to wake you up.  
- It’s certainly not the gentlest gesture on his part, but most of the time, it ends with you either going back to sleep in his bed while he works, or sitting on his lap while he flips through papers without paying them much attention.  
- She can’t contain her excitement at all. When she notices your figure in her workshop, she always lets out a little happy sound that wakes you up.  
- From there, she immediately starts apologizing at least a thousand times, feeling guilty for waking you up but still too happy that you came to visit her.  
- She helps you up, talking nonstop about her day and anything that comes to mind as she leads you outside.  
- It’s not because she doesn’t want you around, but because she assumes you must be hungry as soon as you wake up, so before you're fully awake, you’ll find yourself at the Last Drop with enough food in front of you to feed her father’s entire gang of henchmen.  
- And she will absolutely feed you herself when she sees you haven’t taken a bite in too long, while stealing food here and there and continuing to talk.  
- For her, too, a "workplace" is a somewhat vague concept,  
- But in return, she has her secret spot, where she hides at night and tries to survive when she’s not out on the streets looking for trouble.  
- Every time she finds you there, she feels an indescribable pang in her heart.  
- She always feels like she’s neglecting the person she loves and failing to make you understand how much she cares about you.  
- She always hesitates before waking you up; sometimes she’ll even go change into clean clothes and wash the grime off her hands and face first.  
- Then she’ll wake you by sitting next to you, giving you a kiss, calling you by a silly nickname only the two of you know, and rubbing her forehead against yours before asking, with a rhetorical smile,  
- "Did you miss me?"
- Sometimes you find yourself in the inner waiting room of the precinct, with her colleagues pointing out your body slumped in the chair and raising their eyebrows, teasing her. Other times, you simply sneak into her room, which isn’t much different from the police station anyway.  
- Every time, she sighs and gently wakes you, her pale eyes a little sad.  
- “Why didn’t you call me?” It doesn’t matter to her that you didn’t want to disturb her, because to her, you’re never a disturbance. It’s not a problem to have you around, even in public. She just feels bad that you waited instead of telling her, so she could have come much sooner.  
- She takes you away from the station without any issues, letting you continue resting against her shoulder as a Kiramman private vehicle takes you both to her home.  
- If you’re already in her room, she usually changes and lies down next to you, taking the chance to nap together, wrapped in each other's arms.  
- Falling asleep inside the Senate? Impossible.  
- But the keys to her office and her room are always in your pocket, and you usually bring her something to eat when you visit, though by the time you fall asleep, both the coffee and the treats are cold.  
- She’s not used to displays of affection, so she stays still for a few seconds before smiling and shaking her head.  
- She doesn’t wake you immediately, not because she doesn’t want to, but because if the sound of the door didn’t wake you, you probably need the rest. So she lets you sleep for at least 30 minutes before coming over, brushing your hair behind your ears to wake you, laughing when you lift your head with your eyes still closed.  
- The first thing anyone would think is that falling asleep at the Last Drop is extremely dangerous. However, Silco’s henchmen aren’t too different from bipedal dogs by now; they know who you are, recognize your face and scent, and if they notice you’ve fallen asleep somewhere, at least three of them sit at your table to ensure your safety.  
- Sevika is always tasked with the worst imaginable jobs—tedious, long, and often dangerous—so when she finally returns, it’s usually either time to open the bar to the public or time to close it.  
- Even when she sees you, she can’t come to you right away, so she makes a face at whoever is watching over you, as if urging them to protect you better while she heads into the office.  
- Like Silco, part of her feels subconsciously softened by the idea that someone would feel the physical need to be with her so much that they’d wait, sitting until they fell asleep.  
- But on the other hand, she’s terrified that someone might see you and come after you to settle personal scores in a cowardly way.  
- When she finally comes down, she pulls you into her arms without saying a word, holding you under her large cape as she carries you away.  
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pricegouge · 2 months ago
price x pregnant!f!reader meetcute drabble i whipped up on my lunch dedicated entirely to the girl at work who's too heavily pregnant to fit her scrubs rn. john price would love you, girl, keep your chin up
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The worst part wasn't actually the discomfort of the papery material, nor the cheap elastic waistline which dug into your plush sides and itched like a sonofabitch. It wasn't even the embarrassment of having to track down your lead at the start of your shift and shamefacedly admit that you could no longer fit into your designated scrub pants and ask if he could maybe please find some spares somewhere? (He couldn't, because apparently no one on the team before you had ever fallen ill with a baby in the belly or even just gained a little weight.)
No, the worst part was the noise.
It hadn't been something you'd even considered until you were already barging into your first patient's room, swishing away with each step. Mr. Jeffreys had grumbled in his sleep, eye peeking open just as you'd leaned over him to start your morning check. Enough ruckus, woman. You'd thought he was just being irritable, a common enough occurrence, but then it happened again and again, each new room bringing another grumpy occupant, displeased about being woken up so far ahead of breakfast. Still, you almost preferred that to the early risers, the old biddies who would turn to greet you, already alert, take one look at you with your swollen belly overhanging the thin paper pants they'd made you wear over your reliable leggings, and start cackling loud enough to draw attention from the other orderlies. 
You weren't the first pregnant woman to outgrow her pants, but you were perhaps among the first to have done so in a professional setting. 
At least it got easier the more the day dragged on, quippy remarks coming more naturally to you the more you had them levelled at you in kind. You'd even let a little boy doodle on your shin, an attempt to keep his mind of his mother groaning in pain, attempting to work through a kidney stone. You're fairly sure you're rocking an Incredible Hulk there now, but it was a bit hard to tell with the way the magic markers had bled across the tyvek weave. 
"Missed your calling." 
You frown down at the man before you, thick brows only slightly pinched despite the way you knew his shoulder must be killing him. GSW. Didn't get many of them 'round here, but you'd seen enough hunting accidents to figure out the good stuff didn't always cut it. And this didn't seem like your average misfire, or pulled-shot graze. He'd been the talk of the nurses station when the call had come through to prep for him, bullet taken straight on, center mass. He wasn't from here, didn't seem to know anyone from here. No one believed it was a simple hunting accident, but the authorities had come and gone, sent skittering by a rather severe woman yielding a badge no one had gotten a good look at. No arrests, minimal testimonies. Rumors had sprouted roots, grew too tall too quickly to be believable. You'd heard everything from a jilted lover to some sort of military coup, but you hadn't placed much stock in anything other than the three letters which had remained unchanged on his chart since the moment he'd been admitted, and then later the surgeon's notes.
GSW. Successful operation.
That had only been two days ago. You'd been in his room once before, set about the same task. He'd been fast asleep, the handsome man who's been visiting offering charming but ultimately short conversation. It hadn't bothered you as you'd been in a rush, and you'd known full well the stress loved ones usually felt, trying to ensure the best possible rest for their injured loved ones. 
He had no guard dog today, no one to send you packing when your putzing made too much noise. And now you've woken him, poor man.
Blue eyes blink open, cloudy with pain and the influence of strong meds but surprisingly alert. They flick down to your leg, shoulders tensing a bit as he lifts his head to see properly. "Pretty tree you've made there." 
You can't help but laugh. "Seems I'm right where I should be, then, seeing as that's supposed to be the Hulk. I think," you add once you've earned a smirk.
"Can't even remember what it is you've drawn? You the reason I can't find a comfortable position? Been stealing my morphine?"
"I wish," you sigh, pat your belly dramatically. "But they say it's bad for baby."
His brows lift into his hairline, pain momentarily forgotten as he looks you over again, as if seeing you for the first time. You realize pretty quickly that he's one of those people, the crinkling around his eyes revealing him as the type. It's one of the weirdest parts of being pregnant, the strangers who look at you with awe, as if you've hung the moon. You try not to think too much of it, don't like imagining couples who've tried for years when all you've managed to do was slip up your birth control one time, like a fool. This man isn't wearing a ring, but that doesn't mean much. Most women who carry on after you are single, too. At least he's not trying to touch your belly.
"Is that why you're half way to a paper gown? Come wandering from maternity?"
"Har, har," you deadpan, waving your stethoscope at him although you know full well he's seen it - hard to miss, resting atop your swollen tits. "No, I've simply grown too fat for my scrubs. And I think my lead's having too much fun embarrassing me about it."
He frowns, somehow vaguely patronizing even while heavily medicated. "No spares for someone in your condition?"
"Nope! Apparently I'm lucky enough to be the only fertile little heifer ever on the team," you snark, and then squint at his monitor when his pulse spikes unexpectedly. 
"Sorry," he mumbles - odd - and when you check, you notice some color to his ears. He clears his throat to distract you from fretting, though the softness is gone from his eyes again, replaced by an implacable type of tension. "Perhaps they're simply not used to expectant mothers working so late into their term?" 
Ah. At last, the well-meaning concern. It grates at you worse than usual, the ease and simplicity (albeit annoyance) of your silly morning falling apart in seconds. Perhaps it's that, the whiplash, that has you huffing irritably, mood plummeting. "Well. Someone's got a pay my bills," you gripe, snapping the claw of his clipboard just to work out some aggression. Maybe it's the hormones.
There's a huff of breath, almost as animated as yours. When you look to make sure he's not aspirating or something, your new friend's absurd mustache is twitching. "Well. That's what Mr. Pretty Nurse is for, no?" 
The phrasing makes you smile, hands gentling as you busy yourself with his monitor. This is familiar ground, at least, a path well-tread which you'd like navigating with a conversational partner who would call you Ms. Pretty Nurse. "Sure," you concede, tapping away at his station to check the trend of his vitals. Steady, even. All night. Like he was practiced at taking bullets. "You ever see him, you tell him he owes me a back log of bills, alright?" In truth, your 'mister' never was a mister, just some guy you'd been trying to blow off steam with. He'd cut and run the second you'd brought up the pregnancy, but you'd decided to keep it after some thought and had never followed up with him, deciding it ultimately was no longer his concern. You harbored no ill will, really, but the dead beat dad was a common schtick, an easy conversational piece when simply shooting the shit with talkative patients. If the worst part about pregnancy was the noisy pants (and the morning sickness, and the belly hair, and the leaky nipples and the -) then the best part was surely the built-in small talk.
"Be sure to let him know," chops murmurs, voice tight. You check his file again, correct your mental dub with his real name, John Price. Traditional, like the neat beard hiding the growing color in his cheeks. When he speaks again, his voice is slightly rougher. "Who did that, then?" 
You think he's pointing to your belly, far too forward, but when you check you see his finger aims lower, towards the art that started this conversation. "Kid over in pre-op. Was upset watching his mom writhing around. Passing a stone," you supply with an exaggerated whisper, as if telling him some scandalous secret.
John grins, soft again. "You'll be good at it, then."
"Pardon?" you ask absently, watching as his heartbeat seems to flutter weakly. 
"Said 'too round for scrubs,'" he chuckles. "Good job, mama."
You scoff, scandalized, but when you turn to him you find he's got that far off look in his eye, a sharp contrast to the lucidity of his speech. That does it. You tut, leaning over him to check his forehead with the back of your hand. And outdated practice, sure, but still useful in a pinch. He doesn't feel overly warm, but his focus has slipped back into that slight haziness, blissed out and vaguely absent, staring a good half a foot below your eyes.
"Mr. Price -," you start but he interjects.
"Just John, love."
"Sure. John. Are you feeling okay?" 
Eyes crinkling again, he gives you an unbearably soft smile, at odds with everything you've managed to glean from his chart. "Never better, doll."
banner by @/cafekitsune
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headlinerkwan · 6 months ago
something new - j.ww
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pairing: jeon wonwoo x gn!reader
genre: university!au, e2l, academic rivals to lovers, featuring svt as your friend group, angst, fluff, suggestive - MDNI!!
summary: you and wonwoo have been rivals since the first day you met, everything he did irritated you to no end, and yet, you couldn't escape him and, at a certain point, maybe you didn't want to.
warnings: swearing, alcohol, no one knows how to communicate lol, kissing, suggestive
wc: 5.7k
a/n: wonwoo academic rival bc i love him being all nerdy n shit. i really enjoyed writing this so let me know what you think + if you have any requests for some new fics!! ฅ ฅ
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You stare down at your paper, illegible and scattered with doodles and a sharp exhale falls from your lips. Tapping your pen against the table, you wonder how the hell you’re going to pass this surprise exam - a surprise for you at least, apparently telling you must have slipped everyone else’s mind. Someone taps your shoulder lightly, bringing you out of your spiral. You turn to meet the eyes of the stranger sat beside you, his jet black hair is pushed roughly out of his face, allowing you to see his soft dark eyes peer down at you. 
You raise a questioning eyebrow at him, clueless as to why he would be trying to get your attention in the middle of an exam. He mouths the word ‘pen’ in response, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, his eyes looking at you with pure desperation.  Looking at his desk, you notice the pen next to his hand is broken. You turn away briefly and watch as he lets out a breath of relief and adorns a grateful smile once you appear with a spare pen for him to use. 
It seems like the bell rings almost immediately once you return your focus to your exam paper - shit. Now you’re definitely not passing. The bell sounds vaguely familiar as it continues to ricochet through you, you rack your brain trying to remember where you’ve heard the sound before… oh, it’s your alarm clock. Oh! It’s your alarm clock! 
﹒˚ ₊ ︵﹒⊹ ๑ ︵︵ ๑ ⊹﹒︵
Your eyes snap open as you sit up in bed to turn off the irritating tune that your clock had been emitting for god knows how long. It was the first day of the semester, of course you had woken up twenty minutes behind schedule after a cliche ‘first-day-of-school’ dream, what else could you expect?
Arriving at your first class of the day, you find your friend Seungkwan sat strategically in the corner of the semester hall - just far away enough to avoid the risk of being called upon by the professor. You take a seat next to Seungkwan and listen as he begins to rant about his commute. You and Seungkwan have been friends since Freshman year after getting paired up for a group project. Originally, you were fearful that you wouldn’t get along, on the surface you were like chalk and cheese, but you find now that Seungkwan balances you out just right. His bold extrovertism has pushed you to be a little less timid, to actually live and, you like to think that you’ve mellowed him about a bit too.  You wouldn’t mind listening to Seungkwan talk and joke around all day, that’s when he’s happiest so, naturally, you are too. 
Your conversation with Seungkwan comes to stop as both of your attention gets drawn to a loud racket growing a few rows behind you. You follow the noise to find loveable class clowns Soonyoung, Mingyu, and Seokmin. 
“Ah, it's just Soonyoung, so anyways…” Seungkwan turns back to his laptop and continues expressing his somewhat irrational love of drive-thrus . You, however, are still watching your classmates, unable to tear your eyes away from one of them, his dark slightly nerdy features captivating you. 
“Kwan,” you murmur, “Who’s the guy next to Seokmin?”
Seungkwan hums, satisfied, “I was waiting for you to say something, always so nosy.”
You huff gently, knowing well enough that there’s no point in arguing with him, “So?””
“Jeon Wonwoo. Just transferred for his last year I guess.”
“Huh weird, I could've sworn I’ve seen him before.”
Your friend scoffs jokingly,  “In your dreams bro.” 
You sigh again, resting your head on the desk sulkily.  ‘In your dreams’, Seungkwan’s words echo. Wait… Is he… your head whips around to glance at the mysterious man again. No fucking way… Jeon Wonwoo is literally the guy from your dreams. 
﹒˚ ₊ ︵﹒⊹ ๑ ︵︵ ๑ ⊹﹒︵
If you had known back then how much you would grow to dislike Wonwoo, you never would have commented on his good looks that first day but, you guess you can’t really blame yourself for not knowing how much of a dick he was. Since you had met, you had tried, maybe too hard, to figure out what you had done to make him treat you the way that he did. Over the weeks you have watched him form bonds with everyone in your class - especially your friends, and you saw how his smile fell and laughter stopped as soon as you made your presence known. It was if you had physically attacked him, the way that his eyes immediately dropped to the floor once you came into view. The thing that annoyed you the most about Jeon Wonwoo though, more than the unexplained icing out, was his brain. 
You don’t like to brag but you pride yourself on your intelligence, especially in academia. You had worked hard to reach the place you were in now, throwing away your teenage years in favor of ensuring a happy and successful future for yourself. Because of this, you work hard to make sure you’re at the top of the list whenever your exam results are released - improving upon yourself and being the best of the best,  that’s what you strive for. So of course, it came as an infuriating shock when Wonwoo knocked you out of the top spot, that smug look on his face and the glimmer in his eyes as he walked past  you that day was something you couldn’t get out of your head. No matter how hard you tried, day and night, the only thing on your mind was Wonwoo and how to beat him.
﹒˚ ₊ ︵﹒⊹ ๑ ︵︵ ๑ ⊹﹒︵
“Ok, what can you tell me about Wonwoo?” you are sitting in your campus cafe, your best friend Seungkwan sits across from you as you mindlessly stir your coffee. 
“Why do you always assume I have information on everyone?”
“Because you always do, my favorite gossip.” you reply, buttering him up in hope he’ll give you something, anything. 
“What’s your business with him anyways? Oh…” he gasps “you have a little campus crush don’t you?  That’s why you’re so off around him.” 
“Don’t go spreading false information, Boo Seungkwan, he’s the one who gets cold and quiet when I’m around. Besides, no sleeping with the enemy.”
“He’s the enemy now? Hot.” 
You scoff gently at his comment, rolling your eyes “Just tell me what you know”,  you say laughing. 
﹒˚ ₊ ︵﹒⊹ ๑ ︵︵ ๑ ⊹﹒︵
As time goes on, nothing much changes between you and Wonwoo. He becomes a fixture within your friendship group with the boys taking him under their wing and as he begins to pop up in more areas of your life, you learn more about him. You learn about his love for video games and cats, you learn he’s a great listener but can speak for the country when he’s passionate about something. You learn he’s funny and even smarter than you thought. It’s annoying that you could imagine actually being friends with him if he was just nice, you admit you might be able to understand the crowd of girls that follow him around aimlessly if he wasn’t such an asshole. Because, despite him joining your friendship group and you - unwillingly - spending more time around him, he still acted so coldly towards you, no matter how nice you were to him, he never faltered. 
“Split into groups of six, no more, no less and create a presentation applying your chosen theorem to the 21st century.” your professor orders. Immediately the students around you begin to migrate around the room, collecting friends for the group project. You turn to your left to find that Seungkwan is already clambering over the seats behind you to reach Seokmin, Mingyu, Soonyoung and Wonwoo - all four of them cheering on his show of athleticism. 
“Quickly guys! Come on!” the professor calls out from the front of the class. You look around to realise that you’ve waited a bit too long to choose a group for yourself. That’s when you hear your name being called and turn to find Mingyu reaching his hand out to you with that cheesy grin you just couldn’t say no to. 
“We need the class nerd on our team, c’mon!” Soonyoung calls out to you from above.
“We already have Wonwoo though?” Seungkwan remarks with a mischievous smirk. You quickly shoot him a stern, irritated look as his smile is broken by Seokmin elbowing him in the ribs for a reason you can’t quite figure out. 
A few days later, you and your friends (and Wonwoo) decide to meet at the library to brainstorm for your project. You arrive first with Seokmin and Mingyu and find a table just big enough for the six of you. Soonyoung trails along not long after and the four of you play some quiet games whilst waiting for Seungkwan and Wonwoo to arrive. You note that one of the two empty seats is positioned directly across for you whilst the other is out of view. The solution is clear, Seungkwan will sit across from you, at least then you’ll be able to focus on the assignment. 
Once the pair arrive, you attempt to signal to Kwan, strong eye contact asking him to take the chair opposite you. 
“Won, which seat do you want?” He asks the other boy, and you can’t hold back the sigh that escapes as your plan crumbles before you
“I’ll take this one, the lighting’s better.” Wonwoo replies, making brief eye contact with you before pulling out the chair with a shy smirk on his face. 
…what was that about? And when did he get so cocky? 
Soonyoung clears his throat, breaking the awkward silence that suddenly fell over the group and you thank God that he’s here to take the attention off of your exchange with Wonwoo and prompt you to actually start working on the project. 
﹒˚ ₊ ︵﹒⊹ ๑ ︵︵ ๑ ⊹﹒︵
Soon enough, you find yourself in a quiet bar across town on a Thursday night. Following your friends’ advice you decide to accept your coworker’s invitation to grab drinks. You tell yourself why not? He’s nice enough, attractive and funny, sometimes anyways. Plus you haven’t got much else going on in the love department - no harm, no foul. 
After half an hour or so of pleasant small talk, you leave the booth and head towards the bar to order another drink. As you trudge across the sticky floor you are stopped in your tracks as a man steps in front of you, blocking you from reaching your destination. 
“Excuse me,” you begin, attempting to manoeuvre around him.
“You shouldn’t be with him.” the man says. 
“Excuse me?” you repeat, this time in disbelief. 
“You heard me.” he says, quieter this time. You lift your head to get a proper look at the stranger’s face.
“Of course you’re here.” you scoff. You push past him, shaking your head as you reach the bar. He follows, not giving up. 
“You don’t suit each other.” 
You laugh, God, he’s so infuriating, who does he think he is?
“Oh please, Wonwoo, like you know the slightest thing about me.”
“Actually I-”
Just then your ‘date’ appears, “Is everything ok?” He asks with a slightly concerned look. 
“Yeah! Just a… classmate.” A false happiness lines your voice.
 “Come on, let's head back to the table.” you say, turning your back on Wonwoo who watches on with a solemn expression.
﹒˚ ₊ ︵﹒⊹ ๑ ︵︵ ๑ ⊹﹒︵
Not long after that, you find yourself at the library with your friends almost every day, grinding to get your project completed. You and Wonwoo haven’t spoken about the night at the bar, not that he speaks to you usually anyways. Instead though, you begin to catch him looking at you more and more often, his gaze burning into you, making you heat up and, most importantly distracting you from your work. 
“What’s going on with you and Wonwoo then?” Seungkwan asks one day whilst you do a snack run for the rest of the group.
“What?” you reply, stopping where you are, astonished. 
“Just saying, he can’t keep his eyes off of you.” 
“He’s trying to sabotage me or something.” 
“...Why would he do that? Y’know we’re graded as a group right?” He says, baffled. 
“Whatever.” you reply, turning into the next aisle, fed up of even thinking about Wonwoo, never mind talking about the man. 
Returning to your friends, they circle you like vultures, picking out they’re snacks. It’s a chaotic free for all and you’re left with a candy bar and some chips. Wonwoo stands patiently whilst the others rob you blind so, once the others return to their seats you approach him quietly, avoiding eye contact and place the chips in front of him. He mutters a small “thank you” and smiles gratefully, watching again as you return to your work. Now he’s just being weird, you think to yourself. You can’t help but be curious about what he’s plotting. 
At the end of the study session, the boys decide to head to the bar to reward themselves. 
“Y/N, you coming?” Mingyu asks.
“I’m good, thanks though!” you reply with a soft smile, finding a quiet night watching Netflix to be a bit more appealing today. 
Your friends leave before you, saying goodbye whilst you pack up your stuff. As you shove your laptop into your bag, you can feel someone’s eyes on you and your face begins to heat up at your suspicion. 
“Wonwoo! Hurry up!” you hear Soonyoung whine. 
“Right, sorry.” 
You look up just quick enough to catch him turning away from you and running to meet with the rest of the group. 
Huh, weird. 
﹒˚ ₊ ︵﹒⊹ ๑ ︵︵ ๑ ⊹﹒︵
That weekend, your phone buzzes with a string of texts from Mingyu.
Mingyu: Wanna come over and play video games?
Mingyu: (Say yes)
Mingyu: Pleaseee, I’m so bored :) 
You’ve worked fucking hard recently and couldn’t think of a better way to end the week than by playing nostalgic video games with one of your closest friends
Y/N: Don't even WORRY, I’m omw
You respond quickly, pulling a bleach-stained hoodie on and heading for the door. 
You’re sat on the floor next to Mingyu in front of his TV. The room is dead silent, spare some trash talk from the both of you as you channel all of your focus on Mario Kart. As a result, neither of you notice Wonwoo coming in to watch your fierce competition. 
You swear you see your life flash before your eyes when he, watching the screen intently, mumbles “Be careful. Blue shell coming your way.”
His sudden words do nothing but scare the living shit out of you and make you crash into a wall. 
“Oh my god,” you exclaim, heart beating rapidly after his jumpscare, “What the fuck are you doing here?”
He looks at you blankly, taken aback by your overreaction, “Oh…uh… I live here.” 
You turn to Mingyu who confirms with his lips pressed together in an awkward smile. 
“Oh. Sorry. You just scared me a bit, my bad.” 
He chuckles quietly in response before walking over to the kitchen and leaving the two of you to finish your race (which you still win, despite Wonwoo’s meddling.) A handful of races later, Mingyu’s phone buzzes, ushering him to go and collect the takeout you had ordered. Standing up, he grabs his jacket and keys but doesn’t dare leave before messing with you more than he already has. 
“Wonwoo?” He calls with a mischievous grin, “Come play instead of me whilst I go get the food!” 
Wonwoo hums a response as he moves to sit down next to you whilst you shoot death glares at your friend, who simply mouths ‘be nice’ before slamming the door behind him. 
He picks up Mingyu’s controller and hovers over ‘Wario’s Gold Mine’. 
“What are you doing?”
He looks at you, confused “Uh… choosing the best map?”
You laugh, “No no, my poor Wonwoo. This is the best map.” You take the remote from him and select ‘Koopa Cape’. 
“Ooh, you’re so wrong.” he replies playfully.
“I’m never wrong.”
“That’s true.” 
You catch yourself smiling as the race starts. Maybe you are wrong, maybe he’s not so bad. 
“Oh my god, hit me with a shell again, I swear to god Jeon Wonwoo.” you exclaim as he surpasses you for the fourth time. He laughs, nudging you gently.
“I didn’t know you were such a sore loser.” 
You look at him, forgetting about the game, “You don't know anything about me.” you say, under your breath. He turns to you, concerned.
Turning back to the screen, you find that Wonwoo has stolen first place from you - again. 
“Fuck.” you mutter, refocusing on the race, watching as a proud smile creeps onto Wonwoo’s face. 
“Wow, Y/N actually lost for once!” Mingyu declares as he returns with the food, “I guess we finally found your match.” 
“Shut up.” you bark back, rolling your eyes and leaning back against the couch. Wonwoo mutters a ‘good game’ before standing up with a smirk and leaving the room. You scoff at his slight obnoxiousness whilst Mingyu sits down beside you and begins unpacking the food. 
“Are you gonna stop sulking and go get some plates?”
“Ugh fineee” you reply jokingly before getting up. 
You’re completely lost in the kitchen, opening every cupboard in sight hoping to find some plates and cutlery.
“You good?” a voice calls from behind you. You look up to find Wonwoo leaning against the doorframe, slightly baffled by your snooping. 
“Ah,” he says walking towards you, you step back until you’re caught by the kitchen counter. “Just up here.” he continues, reaching behind you to grab the plates. 
He’s so close that, for the first time, you can smell his woody cologne strongly. Your heart speeds up as he places the plates down on the counter behind you, his hands resting on either side, trapping you. 
You look up at him, breathless, as he scans your face. You’re silent, drinking him in, your hands fiddling with the hem of your hoodie. He lifts his hand, brushing your hair behind your ear. 
“Can I kiss you?” he whispers against your lips. 
You can only bring yourself to nod in complete disbelief at the sudden shift between the two of you, the magnetism drawing you together. He moves in closer to you, so close you can feel his eyelashes as they flutter against your skin and his breathing grows slightly heavier. 
“Y/N, did you find them?” Mingyu calls from the other room. You’ve never moved away from a person so fast, separating yourself from Wonwoo immediately. You clear your throat, maintaining eye contact with Wonwoo, still flustered. 
“Yep sorry! Just grabbing a drink.” Thinking fast, Wonwoo hands you a can of coke.
“Can you grab me one too?” Mingyu shouts. 
You both laugh quietly as he hands you another. You nod and smile, leaving him in the kitchen and heading back to your food.
﹒˚ ₊ ︵﹒⊹ ๑ ︵︵ ๑ ⊹﹒︵
It’s a week before you see him again, your group's last meeting before the final presentation, a chance for you to go over the final details. The meeting is generally uneventful, everyone finally focused on the task at hand. 
“I think if we switch the parts about culture and equity then it would flow better.” Wonwoo suggests.
“Hmm, I agree” you reply nonchalantly because, on this rare occasion, you actually do. 
“What the fuck was that?” Seungkwan whispers to you.
“You never agree with him.”
“He made a good point.” you shrug, brushing off your friend’s interrogation. Looking up you catch Wonwoo smiling at you, giggling under his breath like a teenager. You have to stifle the smile that begins creeping onto your face as you watch him. 
“And that is why we believe that absurdism is an essential mindset to have in order to thrive in the modern day.” Seokmin argues, concluding your group project, finally. The six of you share reassuring nods and smiles, you’ve done your best and you’re happy with it, the rest is out of your hands.
As you exit the assessment room, Soonyoung pipes up, “Drinks, drinks, drinks, drinks, drinks?” He chants pointing at each of you as he does, the group mumbles a variety of agreements. 
“Y/N?” Mingyu asks.
“Come on, it’ll be fun, try something new.” Seungkwan whispers. 
You look at your friends smiling eagerly as they wait for your response, with an exhale and a nod, you give in, “drinks.”
At the bar, you crowd a small table, each with a drink in hand, talking and laughing about whatever comes to mind. You play games, sharing embarrassing childhood stories and weird facts you never would’ve learnt anywhere else. You are having fun, smiling, peaceful but, something’s off. You can feel it. He’s been quiet all night, barely even looked at you. It was annoying. It was annoying that it annoyed you, a few weeks ago this would have been normal behavior but now, it was different, it upset you, made you feel like you’d done something wrong, made you feel… unwanted. 
Being truthful, you weren’t really feeling it tonight. If you had it your way you’d be on your couch right now watching a film. You weren’t gonna go, not until you saw his cheesy grin amongst your friends’, so sweet you could melt. He was the reason you went out tonight. Him, and Seungkwan’s words, you should try something new. You had never felt so overwhelmed by your own feelings, one minute you felt nothing short of hatred for Wonwoo and the next… your heart is fluttering every time your eyes meet. 
During your daze, Wonwoo gets up to buy another round for the group, the sound of his chair moving snaps your focus back to the table but he’s already disappeared. You excuse yourself to the restroom, taking the chance to talk to Wonwoo whilst everyone else is distracted. Standing beside him, his eyes are fixed on his phone, reading some kind of article. 
“Are you okay?” you ask him, nervous for his answer - you’re not sure what you’ll do either way. He looks up at you, soft dark eyes taking you in. He stands with an unreadable expression for what feels like forever before he finally opens his mouth to reply and then-
“Wonwoo! Come here quickly, settle this bet for us!” Sometimes, you really hate Soonyoung. 
He shoots you an apologetic look and then, he’s gone, just like that. All the courage you had built up, wasted on an unanswered question. Fuck this. You grab your jacket, shooting Seungkwan a ‘don’t worry I’ll text you later’ look and head for the door. You’re exhausted, tired of it all, you just want to be in your own bed. 
As you walk down the quiet streets, you hear another pair of footsteps catching up to you. 
“Are you okay?” 
You look at him. You’re irritable and know that you’re probably not going to say the right thing but what the hell. 
“So you’re allowed to ask but I’m not?”
“No, that’s not- I… I’m sorry, I never know how to act around you, I never know what to say, I’m always doing the wrong thing but I-”
“Wonwoo.” you interject, “I can’t do this right now. Just… just go back to the bar.”
He doesn't respond, a silent understanding. He doesn’t leave either. He walks alongside you the whole way home, giving you quiet to think, offering you a comforting smile whenever your eyes meet. It breaks your heart just as much as it warms it, that he, despite your outburst, stays by your side when you need someone.
Even if you try to push him away, somehow he knows, he knows that you want him there. 
﹒˚ ₊ ︵﹒⊹ ๑ ︵︵ ๑ ⊹﹒︵
With the group project over, you don’t see him as often as before, hardly ever when you’re alone. You decide to put him out of your mind for a while, to focus on work and the rest of your assignments. Wonwoo, though, seems to have a habit of sabotaging your plans. 
It started off with simpler things, turning up at your work just to place a complicated order, smirking as he watches you struggle with it. Then on exam week, a bag of your favorite snacks appears at your door. On a random Wednesday, he orders a pizza to your apartment. On your birthday, a small cake. And, there’s not a week that goes by where he fails to visit the cafe, you’ve grown to look forward to his bizarre orders and playful teasing. 
Once the professor announces the end of the lecture, you grab your laptop and walk towards the door where you’re met with a familiar face. 
“Ah, the coffee fairy, what can I do for you today?” you greet him, playfully. 
“Can we talk? I’ll walk you home.” he asks, his voice laced with anxiety.
“Okay…” you nod, curious as to why he’s acting this way. 
Walking through campus, he clears his throat, “So…” he trails off.
“So I don’t really know how to say this. I mean, maybe you already know but I mean… I’m sorry, I’m sorry if I upset you, or hurt you, or made you angry. If you hate me, that’s okay I just-” 
“I don’t hate you Wonwoo. Not anymore, anyways.” 
He chuckles softly, “Well, I just want you to know that I don’t plan on giving up I… I think this is it for me,”
“You. I think you’re it for me. I think it was over for me the moment I saw you.” He takes a deep breath before continuing, “And I’m sorry about everything. Around you, I just, I forget how to act, I can’t think. It’s all just… you.”
As he speaks, your face begins to heat up under his gaze, a smile appearing on your face as you take his hand in yours hesitantly, squeezing it gently. Suddenly, he stops speaking, pausing to think.
“Wait… what do you mean you don’t hate me anymore?” You can only laugh at his question as he pulls you closer to him. 
The walk back to your apartment is nice, peaceful even, like this is where you’re meant to be. You turn towards him to say goodbye and thank him for walking so far out of his way. He can’t hide his shyness as he says goodbye, stammering slightly with rosy cheeks. You look at him, hoping for more, but his eyes are fixed to the floor as he blushes. You laugh quietly, finding him incredibly endearing before turning away to enter your apartment. 
Suddenly, you feel his hand reach for your arm, “wait.” he says, spinning you back to him. 
The action happens so quickly, you’re basically pressed up against him, one of your hands finding his bicep to balance yourself. You look up at him, it’s clear that he’s still nervous but he’s doing his best to play it cool, his hand rests on your lower back as he pulls you even closer. The way he’s looking at you, like you’re the only thing he’s ever known, sends the color to your cheeks and you can feel your heart beating faster by the second. 
His other hand finds your jaw as he leans his face closer to yours, his breath tickling your lips. His soft, puppy dog eyes search yours for consent, and just like in Mingyu’s kitchen, you can muster up nothing but a nod, your breathing getting shallower with anticipation, hunger. 
His lips delicately brush yours, cautious and timid. You kiss him back warmly, he tastes like peppermint and cola, both new and familiar at the same time. He leans into you more, growing more confident as you part your lips, letting him explore you further. You fall into a perfect rhythm with butterflies fluttering throughout you and your grip on the other becoming firmer.
Remembering that you need to breathe, you break away from each other slowly. He rests his forehead against yours, sharing your breathless giggles and smiles of relief. 
“Jeon Wonwoo.” you whisper, still in a daze.
“Hmm?” he hums happily.
“I’m pretty sure I don’t hate you anymore.”
“Only pretty sure?” he jokes, feigning upset.
“100% sure.” you correct yourself with a happy grin.
“Good.” he says, pecking you softly and then pressing another kiss against your cheek. “I almost went insane waiting for you to realize.”
“Realize what?” 
He pulls you into a warm, strong hug, resting his head on your shoulder before whispering “That it was always you and me.”
﹒˚ ₊ ︵﹒⊹ ๑ ︵︵ ๑ ⊹﹒︵
“What’s going on with Wonwoo?” Seungkwan asks on your way to class two days later.
“What do you mean?” 
“Something’s different… he’s brighter.”
“Why would I know anything about it, none of my business” you state, biting your lip to hide your knowing smile. 
“Oh come on, don’t act like you haven’t noticed!”
“I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Bro, he didn’t stop smiling the entire time he was there, it was weird. He even spoke differently, lighter.” 
You hum a manufactured surprised response as your friend continues. 
“Maybe he met someone, he always talks about that person he’s liked since he moved here, maybe he finally made a move - i hope so I don’t know how much more of his schoolboy pining I can take.” 
Your gaze is glued to the floor as you listen, knowing that you were the reason for all his changes and that he was the reason for all of yours. That he made the world seem new, brighter, happier. 
﹒˚ ₊ ︵﹒⊹ ๑ ︵︵ ๑ ⊹﹒︵
“Are you okay? We haven’t talked in a few days.” Wonwoo says over the phone.
“I’m sorry, it’s just my thesis, I feel like I’m never gonna leave this apartment again.”
“That’s okay! I get it,” he reassures you, “talk to me about it.”
He listens intently as you babble about your thesis, humming along, asking questions and offering advice. Whilst you explain the block that you’re facing currently, there’s a knock at the door. Getting up from your laptop to answer it, you continue, “And now, I’m not sure where to go next.”
“With me.”
Opening the door, he’s stood in front of you. His dark hair falling perfectly, as he runs his fingers through it, still holding his phone to his ear with a sweet smile and pride in his eyes. 
Hanging up the phone, he clarifies, “take a break, let’s go for dinner.” 
And how could you deny such a pretty face? 
Walking the streets, he speaks passionately as he shows you his favorite spots around the city and you find yourself just happy to be here with him, to witness his excitement with a cheesy grin that you reserve for only a few people in your life. 
“You’re quite the sweet talker, Jeon Wonwoo.” you say, giggling. 
“Of course,” he responds proudly, “How else would I get to have you by my side?” With that he pulls you into a hug, his strong arms wrapping around you, swaying playfully from side-to-side and holding you as if you’re all he needs with him right now. 
﹒˚ ₊ ︵﹒⊹ ๑ ︵︵ ๑ ⊹﹒︵
The elevator dings as the two of you stumble inside, your arms resting on his shoulders. Looking at him with adoration as he turns you gently, reaching his hand out to clumsily press the elevator buttons behind you. You giggle between kisses as you find your balance, clinging onto each other. You hardly notice when the elevator rings again outside your apartment, too busy with your hands tangled in his hair and his palms running across your sides in painstaking seduction. 
Then he’s guiding you out of the elevator, hands still firm on your hips and not daring to break away from you for even a second. He slips his hand into yours, taking your keys and mindlessly fumbles to unlock the door.
It takes mere seconds once the door opens for him to slam it shut and have you trapped against the wall, he moves against you sloppily, licking into you with pure hunger and adoration, a tsunami of lust as his groans echo throughout your body. 
“Fuck. If you’d just spoken to me on that first day, I would’ve made you mine then and there.” he whispers against your skin, trailing electric kisses down your jaw towards your collarbone. 
You laugh in shock, lifting his lips back up towards yours, his cold hands sneaking underneath your shirt as you kiss him back feverishly. “Me? No, you were the one who ignored me.” 
“Hmm” he responds breathlessly, turning you around and leading you to your bedroom. Drawn together like magnets, you both stumble across the room, hands and lips battling for the next sweet taste, the next wanting touch. 
“Look how far…” his lips find yours again, “just a bit…” and again, “of communication can go” you finally manage to moan out. 
“Are you gonna stop talking and be mine now or…?” he whines as you drag against his lips. 
You giggle softly as he lifts your arms to rest around his shoulders, pulling you in by the waist before his soft mouth is reunited with yours.
﹒˚ ₊ ︵﹒⊹ ๑ ︵︵ ๑ ⊹﹒︵
You could never have imagined that you would come to find a safe space in Wonwoo. That you would eventually know him better than yourself. That the man you loathed, competed against, fought, would be yours. The man whose presence bothered you would soon be the one to hold your hand through good news and bad. That his happiness was your happiness, his sadness, his pride, his love. 
You never could have imagined that he would be the one waking you up on Sunday mornings with sweet kisses on your collarbone. That, at night you would be drawing idle patterns on his chest. That even after waking up from your dreams, he’d still be there holding you. That his touch was the only thing you craved, his kisses your favorite greeting, his voice your favorite song. His gaze and gooey brown eyes which used to irritate you to no end, would soon become your lighthouse in the storm.  You never could have imagined that you would love Jeon Wonwoo.
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taglist: @peachytokki @aidanjoon @mykpopficblog @cheeseburgerjuseyo
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the-artist-grimm · 5 months ago
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Closeup plus basic notes of the lamb's room from my Starfall comic! Anthea's got a room in the attic of the temple
Also extra notes! Placing under Read More just to keep things tidy
The One Who Waits Alter
Anthea started worshipping TOWW shortly after entering Ratau's care. The rat hadn't exactly planned on telling his freshly orphaned, somewhat traumatized ward that their new guardian was previously a cult leader, but Anthea discovered some of his old books on the lost 5th Bishop of Death one day and Ratau was left little choice but to explain. The book was an exact copy of an extremely old, likely from right before Narinder was imprisoned, text that depicted the god of death as a kind, patient being, which for the lamb whose family had died in the most violent way possible quickly became a comfort. It contrasted Ratau's own memories of a somewhat more reserved, stern god, but since it made Anthea happier he decided to let it be. Anthea hasn't missed a nightly prayer ever since, and still does it before bed despite now having direct access to the god himself. The layout was one they read from that old book, which stated that a pentagram wreath was to hang between an evenly divided four candles. Unwritten however was the reasoning-the center was Death, and on either side his siblings who ruled over Life. They were meant to be lit in honor of the siblings who took care of the mortals Narinder would eventually receive after death.
Stars and Starmap
Back when he was still alive the lamb's father, Aries, would take Anthea with him on supply runs knowing they didn't get much one on one time otherwise with their younger siblings around. They'd sometimes be out overnight so the two would go stargazing, and its something the lamb still holds dear. Their original copy of the book, 'A Story of Stars' was one of his last gifts to them which even while he was alive Anthea was super careful with it since books are hard to get, but their brothers kinda colored all over it while Anthea was out gathering supplies shortly after his death one time. The lamb played it off and shared with them after as a 'oh they're little and just miss dad its ok' type of thing, but it was kinda reluctantly, with them being secretly upset about it whenever they saw scribbles all over their favorite illustrations while reading to the kids. It burned with their old life, and now Anthea would give anything to have those scribbled pages back.
Sleep Potions and Herbs
The lamb suffers from sleep problems and often brews their own remedies. They know not to take them often since they're kinda really strong-like once they kick in they literally just pass out, but they keep them around for when nightmares get bad. They know a few other remedies from Flinky, since he used to double as both Ratau's right hand and cult medic. Antidotes, pain tonics, basic essentials for when you don't have a doctor.
The Crown
Gonna make a silly doodle comic but after an uh...awkward incident with Narinder calling the lamb while they were dressing one morning the two made a deal in regards to his being able to see through the crown-if the crown is off and facing a wall it means the lamb needs privacy and he's to try again later or until they call back unless told otherwise. Look he may be a bit of a grumpy god but Shamura raised at least one brother to be a gentleman lol
Hope Chest
In sheep culture weaving/knitting with wool was a huge thing, especially for ewes, like most learned from the time they could walk from their mothers. After coming of age most would start keeping a chest they'd gradually fill with handmade linens, blankets, ect. for their future homes after marriage, and it was something Ratau encouraged Anthea to do since he didn't want them to just drop their culture. They still got a loom over at his place since it's hard to move, though they do have knitting needles in the chest.
Books are somewhat hard to come by if you're not in one of the Bishops' cults where they have scribes so Anthea tends to collect any and all they find
Ratau's Family Crest
Given to the lamb on their 18th birthday. Rats have family crests tattooed onto their foreheads at 18, and since he'd essentially adopted Anthea Ratau thought it was fitting to give them something similar but not permanent. It fell off during their execution, but they made sure to go back and grab it after downing the heretics that attacked after resurrection. They still wear it now under their tunic
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skyeistrying · 3 months ago
can you do vi headcannons in a similar way to the sevika one?
♥️Vi HCs♥️
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broken up into categories for general, romantic, and nsfw headcanons respectively.
safe for bisexual women, trans, and enby lesbians :)!
lower case is on purpose. not beta read, sorry for any typos.
men dni minors dni men dni minors dni men dni minors dni
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her carabiner is on the left. it has the basics and a couple of cute handmade charms courtesy of her sister.
if she wasn’t an enforcer, she would be a professional boxer/pit fighter AFTER fighting becomes less of a coping mechanism for her.
i am not the first person to think of this but … she plays the guitar. she would be self taught.
she can sing pretty well too. used to sing powder lullabies their mom would sing.
LOOOOVESSSS HORROR MOVIES!!! she could probably go on a long rant about the history of horror as a genre, especially slasher films.
dog person. asks to pet almost every dog she sees on a walk.
she apologizes first after almost any argument she’s in.
it takes her 10-15 minutes TOPS to get ready, usually less than that.
smells like old spice and just her natural scent. very plain, but very comforting.
gives the best, most comforting hugs
sends streaks on snap.
and the world's best kisser award goes to…
seriously, she’s like a kissing god. gives the kind of kisses that have you weak in the knees. you get butterflies at the thought of kissing her.
every day before she leaves for work she kisses you SILLY!! like, you will be thinking about that kiss ALL day.
her giving and receiving love language is physical touch. no questions asked. she is constantly seeking your warmth.
she’s almost always touching you; an arm around your waist or shoulder, pinkies intertwined, hands brushing, holding hands.
if you aren’t keen on physical touch, don’t worry! she would be willing to set boundaries with you.
she isn’t very good at drawing but she loves to draw you in the margins of notebooks. tries her best to remember what your smile looks like and how your eyes are shaped, even for low effort doodles.
she is such a sweetheart. goes out of her way to get you flowers or chocolates, even when it isn’t valentine’s day.
will call you sooo many petnames. her favorites to use would be honey, baby, and sweetheart.
loves spooning. she looooves to be little spoon!! please let her be little spoon at least twice a week!!!
She is almost exclusively a top, and she prefers it that way. However, for the right person, she might bottom once in a blue moon.
when it comes to dominance or submission, she mostly follows your lead. she's usually okay with either but will have moments where she prefers one over the other.
when she's feeling more dom, she lets you know immediately.
she has big hands and let’s just say she knows exactly how to use them.
sit on her face. just do it, please sit on her face or else she will die. sit on her face!!!!!
vocal!! in like, every way you can imagine! has the prettiest moans and tells you the sweetest things.
even when shes feeling controlling or dominant, she takes care to be gentle with you.
buuuut if you get her riled up enough she has no issue with a little man handling.
very experimental!!! down to try almost anything once.
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hello dear anon! if you’re reading this, i hope you enjoyed. i had a lot more ideas for vi than i thought i would. i’d love to know if we have any common headcanons ^^!♥️🎠
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my inbox is open for requests! i’ll write for any arcane character and have lots of other fandoms i write for too. i do more than just headcanons btw ♥️🎠
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eyelambspider · 2 months ago
𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐚… 𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐞 || 𝐂𝐎𝐃 𝐇𝐜𝐬
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┊𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : John Price, König, Ghost, Weaver x gn!reader ┊𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : these military men have a cute 'secret' photo of you quite literally hidden on them, its just a uh-memento to look at when off duty ┊𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 : (un)established relationship (you can pick), fluff ┊𝐚/𝐧 : next: old love languages smhhh (maybe)
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▹ John Price
Price has always kept a photo of you with him. Always... Well, since you'd met him.
Its a picture you had insisted he get rid of when he took it himself and showed you.
It showed you truly laughing. A bright, 'embarrassing' smile on your face that completely lit up your eyes and showed your teeth before you could cover your face shyly.
Maybe you didn't like it, but Price had stowed it away for 'safe-keeping' ever since. Once promising to get rid of it but of course... he couldn't really do it, could he?
Price keeps it under the brim of his hat, where he wouldn't let anyone take it.
He keeps the image in great shape, making sure there's a protective film over it, trying not to bend or fold it in anyway. Hell, he'd sew it in there whenever he got the chance... but he likes holding it when no one's looking too.
Every time he looks down at it-the picture of you laughing and pure-it makes him smile too, the rough pads of his thumbs brushing over your face.
▹ König
König technically has two photos of you.
One is on his phone in his photo gallery, and the other is a small polaroid you had taken of yourself.
He is free to look at the one on his phone whenever, and its something quickly available... yet he doesn't really open it if there are people around try to glance over his shoulder at what he's looking at.
So, he deeply treasures the tiny polaroid and tries to keep it as safe as possible.
König is the least discreet, to no fault of his own. He's usually caught the moment he tries to look at either one. Either fumbling with his phone or slapping the photo close to his chest so that no one would see.
He just really likes looking at them.
Acts like it never happens and vehemently denies everything, even if to Horangi its pretty obvious.
Sometimes König draws over the pictures, idly doodling either next to the polaroid on a piece of paper while he's doing work or running his finger over his phone screen.
▹ Simon "Ghost" Riley
Ghost keeps a picture of you too.
Its a small thing, someone had taken when the two of you weren't paying attention. A celebratory photo after a mission.
The moment it was taken, mostly without his knowledge, he had snatched the photo away in hopes to burn it later. Leave no trace of himself to wonder.
But fuck, he couldn't.
It was actually... nice, once he got a good look at it. The image of you both together, standing so closely. The way he looked at you in the photo-brown eyes soft and fully raptured by your face behind his mask-was enough to make him scoff.
Of course the camera caught the exact moment of he showed a bit of fondness.
Still, he keeps it to this day. Buried under all his other meager gear. Folded back so that his image is tucked away and yours stands out.
He doesn't like looking at his face, just yours.
He'd never take it out to the field, where someone could possibly discover a possible... to know your face and use it against him, but sometimes in the loneliest of nights, he takes it out just to look at it.
▹ Grigori Weaver
Weaver would never admit it, but yes, he has a picture of you.
He doesn't want you to know, or find out about it.
If you did, he just denies it and claims "he doesn't know where that thing came from"
but truthfully, its his most precious keepsake.
Its what kept him going through all those years he'd served in prison.
A simple image of your face.
The photo is no bigger than his palm, and its just of you. A small portrait.
The picture is old and worn down lovingly. The corners soft and rounded, and folded in half so many times he had taped the back of it to keep it from splitting entirely in half.
Clearly, it means a lot, with how much care he's tried to put into mending the delicate thing.
He hides the picture in his breast pocket, close to his heart, and in a place only he knows.
It brings a sense of comfort sometimes, knowing your image is so close when he's out there trying to 'fix' things.
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formulawolff · 9 months ago
fanboy behavior - t.w.
pairing: female driver!reader x toto wolff
word count: 1.3k
warnings: an older man having an insanely large crush on a woman thirty years his junior, ONE-SIDED PINING (LOTS OF IT OKAY), allusions to smut/sexual fantasies, toto is a mess, mentions of divorce, common fic tropes, yadayadayada
a/n: this is sort of a prequel to alkaline! this is set one year before the events of the 2024 bahrain grand prix. toto is super down bad in this already, so expect lots of pining and him being a flustered mess hehe! i figured this would provide some context/background for the first chapter of alkaline <3 (ALSO PLS LISTEN TO ALKALINE BY SLEEP TOKEN!!! IT REALLY ENCAPSULATES TOTO'S YEARNING!!)
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his mind is other places.
he should be invested in the current conversation with his engineers and drivers, discussing the current status of the car and the potential modifications that needed to be made before sunday.
but he's not, his foot tapping against the concrete floor absentmindedly, body on autopilot.
it's almost as if his brain was short-circuiting, desperately trying to compute any sort of coherent thought in correlation with the task at hand. yet, if he tries, it just sputters, trailing off, veering towards something else.
well, someone else.
he's thinking about a driver, merely a few paddocks down.
a williams racing driver, actually.
the american girl. barely twenty-one, a rookie in the second williams seat, preparing to compete in her first formula one race in approximately twenty-four hours.
her eyes were like starlight, bursting with a torrent of emotions and complexity, pulling you into their depths, begging for you to get lost within them. her hair was absolutely gorgeous, complementing her features no matter its state.
and her physique?
fuck, the team principal felt like a teenage boy very time he stole a glance, his slacks feeling a little tighter than usual.
with a smile that lit up every room she was in, a radiant aura brimming with kindness and humility, as well as a fiery determination to compete, she was comparable to the sun.
the woman who was starting to become routinely embedded in his daily pondering.
ever since that fateful day in december, when his eyes first drank in that photo of her, hand interlocked with james in front of that williams car, she was the last thing on his mind before he dozed off. and well, the first thing his mind wandered to in the mornings.
she even made an appearance in his dreams, the sound of her voice almost haunting him, so tantalizingly sweet and angelic.
fuck, he was a goner.
this was the third month now where she consumed every crevice of his brain. a continuous loop of all of the sins he wanted to confess, the ways in which he wanted to touch her, and the burning desire to take her under his wing, teaching her all of the ins and outs of racing.
was he obsessed with her? surely not.
not that he memorized every single one of her f2 stats or anything. not that he spent a majority of his free time lately invested in interview clips with her, jotting down all of her favorite things. not that he doodled her during meetings or anything.
not that at least twelve times a day he fantasized about her in a mercedes suit, his fingers carefully tugging down the zipper.
this was normal behavior after a recent divorce. completely normal behavior, actually.
the team principal clears his throat, "i need to step away for a moment. i can barely think straight right now. please, continue. i will rejoin the conversation once i get my shit together."
he can't help but notice the way his drivers exchange a concerned glance, lewis coughing slightly.
"um, all right. toto, is everything okay?"
not quite.
he was going absolutely insane, his mind already reeling at the anticipation of potentially catching a glimpse of her. he wasn't even sure if he would or not, but that possibility sent a rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins.
those endless possibilities are what kept him up at night. what sent the blood rushing in the mornings, the stiffness in his boxers nearly pulling him out of his slumber. what had him pacing some days in his office, desperate beyond belief for some sort of way to break this spell.
as he strolls out of the garage, a warm breeze rolls through the track, strands of hair blowing all over. he curses slightly, running a quick hand through the tousled mess.
just to his left, a flurry of voice catches his attention, his head swiveling, searching for the source.
besides james is the object of his every desire, the apple of his eye.
as the sun dips below the horizon, he can barely make out her expression. she appears frustrated, her brows furrowed together, a deep frown etched across her lips.
"i just don't fucking understand why that dickhead felt the need to ask me if i was on my period!" she groans, shaking her head, "what the fuck was i supposed to do? let that slide?"
there's a sternness plastered across james' face, yet his voice is soft, laced with sympathy, "i know, but you have to realize that you're going to be asked questions like that because there are misogynists within the sport. no matter how much you prove to us that you deserve this seat, there are going to be pricks out there. we can do a little bit more media training, if you'd like. or, i can hire a publicist for you."
"a publicist? are you fucking kidding me?" her eyes widen, her tone growing more and more frustrated, "i'm not fifteen. i can speak for myself, james."
"it was just a suggestion," he shrugs, sticking out his hands, "look, i know you had a rough day, but let's focus on tomorrow. all right? you're tenth on the grid. that's monumental for your first race. you could win us points."
"we'll see," she scoffs, the toe of her shoe scuffing against the pavement, "i'm sorry for getting upset with you. i'm just really nervous. and well, scared."
scared of what? you have nothing to fear, sweet girl. you're one of the best drivers i have seen step foot on the grid.
toto narrows his eyes, lingering for just a moment longer.
"i just don't know if i deserve this seat," he can sense the falter in her voice, how it shakes, "i don't even know if i deserve a spot in formula one. i mean, look at me! i'm this upset over a dumb question. and i'm just scared everything is going to go to my head tomorrow and i'm going to overthink it."
james wraps his arms around the driver, pulling her in for a tight embrace as a sob wracks her body, "hey, when you're in doubt, you have alex and i. we will always be there for you. i know you're nervous, but you have to realize how special and talented you are to be in this position. you've deserved everything that has come your way, and you will continue to deserve this. i promise."
his biceps flex as he folds his arms against his chest, every fiber of his being resisting the urge to just walk over there and casually sweep her off her feet, squeezing her against his chest as he murmurs in her ear how fucking special she was.
james, she wasn't just special and talented.
she was a fucking star. a star that deserved to shine and hold every ounce of that spotlight.
just like the sun, she deserved to cast her rays of light all over the world.
the world deserved to know who she was. where she came from. how she got here. why she was a worthy competitor and excellent driver.
and by god, toto wolff was hellbent on making that happen.
one way or another.
he just had to be patient. play the long game.
every move from here was to be carefully calculated.
as toto harbored a plan. one that had been brewing the second that speculations swirled around the world of formula one that the first female american driver would be signing to a team.
he was going to have her by his side at mercedes.
fuck, he had been yearning for her this long already.
how much harm would a few more months do? a year?
he could wait a year. he was a patient man.
well, he could wait that long.
as long as that hunger gnawing away at him didn't kill him first.
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selineram3421 · 14 days ago
Shit fuck, fucking shit fuck-FUCK!
Late Valentine's Day gift.
I Desire Your Affection
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Alastor X Human Reader
Warning? ⚠
⚠ starring 🔥arson cat🔥, fluff, Italics = thoughts, mention of murder, implied cannibalism, heavy suggestive/implied,😳 its the Gif's fault, friends to lovers ⚠
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Your friendship with the Radio Demon was...strange.
Him being the demon you accidently summoned from an entirely different universe, and you being a fan of him and the show Hazbin Hotel.
It would be stupid to try and deny that you had any romantic feelings for the Overlord. As time went on, you realized that your feelings were more complicated than you thought.
Love, affection, and desire swirled within and you didn't know what to do with it. You were sure Alastor wasn't interested in anything sexual and you didn't know if he wanted anything to do with a romantic relationship. Plus, he was real.
He was a person who had flaws, hopes, dreams, ideas, and concerns. He was beautiful.
[He was also a demon but ya know...]
In the end, you felt a little hopeless.
You liked your friendship but it felt bittersweet. After many, many thoughts, you thought that maybe it would just be better if you didn't say anything at all.
You really did value your friendship with him.
The Radio Demon.
It's been two years, now going to three since he was summoned to this other version of Earth. The human that brought him to it was kind enough to let him stay, even though they knew he was a demon.
At some point, they became friends and he was quite glad for it. As he spent his time with them, he learned that he quite liked the human, enough to kill a stalker that they didn't know about. He did enjoy the meat and learned something interesting out of it too when he showed his host. But that's a story for another time.
When they told him about the animated show, Hazbin Hotel, he was a bit shocked.
Some strong magic must have been used but they haven't told him what spell they were trying to do. The human was quite secretive about it, looking a bit shy whenever he brought it up.
Though he was curious, he let it be for now. You might have the courage to tell him at some point in time.
Or....he could learn by snooping around.
With a simple plan in motion, bribing the little arsonist of a cat the human had as a companion, Alastor was allowed to look around their bedroom for a short amount of time. At least until the furry creature was done causing chaos wherever they went.
He looked almost everywhere in the bedroom, not finding what he wanted, he turned towards one of the closed doors in the room and opened it.
A bathroom.
He moves on to the next door and opens it, finding a closet with only three empty hangers, the rest filled with clothes, and some boxes.
Is that all? Where is their altar? Room of conjuring? Or "prayer" room?
Then he stopped to think.
It must be hidden away like a prayer room..
Closing the closet door, he looks around with a little more attention. Listing off the places he's already checked around the human's home.
Even listing off his current bedroom and closet.
Somewhat given up, he walks to the door and pulls on the handle to close it. Just as he's about to leave he notices something stupidly obvious, something he's already seen once.
The wardrobe.
Not just any wardrobe but one that the human was able to stuff all of their creative tools in. Paint, colored pencils, fabric, ribbons, and more.
Looking at the clock on the bookshelf, he takes note that he has a few more minutes until the cat must return home.
Going over to the wardrobe, he opens it to find it a familiar mess of colors and doodles on the wooden doors. The drawers are filled with many random things and paint, but he ignores all of that. What he's looking for is hidden in plain sight.
Curse their love of hidden rooms and puzzles..
He spends a minute or two just staring. Which annoys him more than he cares to admit.
Where? Where is it? They brought out multiple tools from somewhere. So where is it?
He knows he's running out of time, but maybe he could use that to his advantage..
Deciding to enter the hidden room another time, he closes the wardrobe and exits the room. Bringing the cat back with a snap of his fingers.
Little thing was covered in ash and soot, but it seemed to be pleased by what it had done, purring as the creature rubbed itself on the side of his leg.
"I hope you burned down something interesting.", Alastor grinned.
All the cat does in response is meow.
You got back from work tired.
It was around that time of year when people called out a lot, which left most of the work on other workers, one of them being you.
Something that did cheer you up was the new merch you saw on the Hazbin Hotel website. A cute Valentine's Day Alastor keychain that said "love yourself", the deer demon dressed handsomely in a suit.
You purchased it without a second thought on your phone.
"Welcome home dear!"
Looking up, you find the said Demon that occupied your current thoughts standing in the entryway with you.
"Hi Alastor.", you smiled and put down your book bag on the bench near the door. "I hope you weren't too bored today."
"Nonsense darling.", he says and helps you take off your coat. "I'm enjoying myself in your little abode. Why, I even went out and got groceries for dinner."
"You didn't kill anyone today, right?", you asked.
"No, sadly I did not.", he reassures you, hanging your coat on the hooks mounted on the wall.
"Never hurts to check.", you shrug and follow the deer towards the kitchen.
It's been a little complicated trying to get him back home. The spell you used was a type of calling, and well... It was a little embarrassing to admit, even to yourself.
It was supposed to help your "true love" find you.
But to your surprise, Alastor, The Radio Demon, showed up.
How am I going to get him home? He shouldn't be here. I've messed up everything. Sure, the show is continuing but the Alastor on the screen looks different and everyone just accepted the redesign, the new voice actors, but you're panicking, and you need to think of a way to fix everything-!
You take a breath.
Focusing back on the present, you smell the spices the deer demon is putting in, watching as he stirred the food in the pan.
"It'll be ready in no time, why don't you rest for a moment? I'm sure you'd like to lie down or sit on the couch.", he suggests and glances over at you. "Perhaps some light reading?"
That didn't sound like a bad idea at all. Maybe I could figure out or find a spell to send him back home.
"Sure, thank you Alastor. I'll come to set the table in a bit.", you nod, turning towards your bedroom.
Entering your room, you don't notice the shadow that follows close behind you as you close the door.
You change into something comfortable, a loose t-shirt and shorts before walking over to the wardrobe. You open the painted doors and lift a hand to trace over the phases of the moon painted on top, pressing down on the full moon. A familiar click is heard and you pull out the drawers by a handle, making it go further out, revealing a little passage.
Stepping through, you enter your "office" room that you turned into your personal hide away. Bookshelves stuffed with knick-knacks, old grimoires, and that one random fake skull for fun.
You named it William.
"Ok, lets find something useful today.", you mumble and walk over to the bookshelf near your desk before taking a book out. "When in doubt, try the oldest book in your collection.", you go and set it down on the desk, flipping it open to start reading.
The shadow is looking at everything, finding a board full of papers with a list of herbs, sigils, and other little things. Taking note that it's all for one spell. Alastor quickly takes the shadow's place and reads what you have before letting out a chuckle.
You jump at the sudden noise and turn to find the Radio Demon staring straight at you.
"Is this why you wouldn't share the spell you did that night?", he says walking over to you. "Too shy to reveal it was a spell for true love?"
"I-I don't know why it brought you here though.", you managed to get out. "But I promised to send you home, so as your friend that's what I plan to do."
"Friend?", he tilts his head at that. "Yes, I suppose we have grown our relationship to be as such.", he tutts as he gets closer.
You didn't know if he wanted to kill you or not. You were honestly a little scared but you just decided to trust your friend.
"Why not tell me dear? What made you hesitate?", he asked, now standing in front of you. "Tell me."
"How could I?", you answered, looking up at him with furrowed brows. "I ripped you away from your world for just wanting to meet someone who would love me completely, but I shouldn't have ripped anyone away. I didn't want that. I-", you looked down at your feet in shame. "All I could do in the end was lend a hand as a friend. I didn't want to push anything onto you."
"But you haven't pushed anything~", he lifts up your head with a finger under your chin. "That's the problem."
"What?", you looked up at him confused.
How was that a problem?
"To put it simply darling-", he took a step closer.
Too close.
You bumped into the desk behind you and you placed a hand down onto the wooden surface to keep yourself upright, his chest pressed up against yours. The book you were reading now forgotten, having been knocked off of the desk.
"I desire your affection.", his eyes softened as he lifted his hand to caress your cheek with his knuckles, then his sharp fingers before he held the side of your face with his warm hand. "I desire you."
A shiver ran down your back after he said that.
He suddenly lifted you up and sat you on top of the desk, hands now resting on your thighs.
"Wait-", your breath hitched when he leaned forward and kissed your neck. "D-Dinner is still on the stove-! The cat!", you felt yourself start to get a bit light headed at his actions.
"My shadow will take care of everything.", he murmured against your neck, rubbing has hands up and down your thighs. "What I need to know..", he pulls himself away and gently pushes you until your back meets the desk. "..is if you want this? May I, as your true love, make you mine?"
Your heart was pounding.
The Tumblr post about asking "May I?" in a relationship was right on the fucking nose. It was hot.
With shaky lips, you say what you've wanted to for a while.
Your eyes widened as the deer demon grew larger as he leaned over the desk, leaning over you, his hands on the wooden surface as he caged you in, his smile growing wider as he did so.
"Tell me my dear~", he started, pressing his lips against the shell of your ear. "How often have you imagined us in this position?", he asks and moves his left hand off of the desk, finger slowly gliding up your leg until it reaches the side of your knee.
Then he moves his hand under your knee, lifting your leg so that your calf touches his shoulder as he moved down.
"How many nights have you ached to have me beside you?", he leaned over slightly, his cheek touching the skin of your leg. "To touch you.", he moved closer and kissed your thigh. "To kiss you.", his nose brushed against your inner thigh as he nipped at your skin. "To devour you."
A whine left your throat, which made you blush madly once you realized what noise you made.
"I'm.. I've never done this before.", you look away and bring your hands up to cover your face. "I only read about it. I'm-"
"Come now my dear.", he takes a hand away from your face and kisses the palm of it. "We have time to learn more together. Though this isn't something I'm interested in all that much, I would like to connect with you in this way on special occasions. It's a first for me as well."
"Ok.", you nod, gathering your nerves. "Can we move somewhere more comfortable?"
Something told you that a hard surface wouldn't be so fun after everything was said and done.
"Of course.", he lifts you up and takes you to the bedroom.
As soon as you're on the bed, he's kissing you, touching you, and slowly lifting off your clothes. Being extra careful with his claws on your skin.
"That's it, relax.", he says while undressing, his scars no longer hidden. "Ignore these unsightly things-"
"No.", you quickly say and lift a hand to trace a scar on his chest with your fingers. "They are beautiful."
"Thank you.", he said softly.
You smile when noticing his flushed cheeks.
"May I kiss you?", you ask him.
"Yes, you may. You needn't ask darling."
Placing your hands on his shoulders, you pull him closer and place a soft kiss to test the waters.
His smile widens and he follows your kiss with another.
When you first cast the spell, you didn't expect things to turn out like this. You just thought that you might meet your special someone while grocery shopping or at the park. Instead you summoned them in your living room.
It didn't matter now, as both of you were together.
"Alastor..", you sighed out.
Everything was warm and fuzzy. The oxytocin in your brain was high.
"Let me love you dear."
Arson cat burned a very important building and it was on the news.
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If you know, you know.
~Seline, the person.
@+ in the comments +
ML II Alastor🎙 | 🔥Arson Cat List🔥
The keychain that slipped through my fingers 😭
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porcelaininkpot · 29 days ago
Miscellaneous DAMN Crew Headcannons >:}
Freelancer blocks people on Pinterest
Damien had one terrible experience with the nurses at DAMN and he's still not over it, and so does everything in his power to avoid going to the healers even when he really should
He's also gotten quite skilled at healing magic as a result
Lasko's glasses are in a constant state of being broken, the lens always popping out of the frame, so he's developed a habit where he taps his lens at random times just to make sure its still there
Huxley is capable of manipulating metal, but doesn't wanna bother with honing his skill because he prefers the greenery and flora aspect of earth magic
Gavin runs a DAMN gossip blog, a fair bit of the gossip is what Lasko accidentally spills while rambling
Caelum found out about cotton candy and made it his life mission to make his hair look as much like it as possible
Dear does aeral acrobatics in their spare time, Lasko is ensorceled and mystified every time he watches them practice
If Damien gets angry enough, he can go band for band with Lasko in terms of speaking speed
Damien always wanted piercings, but was worried they'd harm his professional career, it was Huxley that helped him let go of his hesitation and finally get his ears pierced. They held hands the whole time.
Huxley himself has a septum piercing.
Dear is the most eloquent speaker of the entire crew, and possibly the entire DAMN campus, they're one of the highest rated professors at the academy.
When Freelancer is bored, they intentionally create steam and fog up their windows so they can use their fingers to draw on them
Caelum once saw them do this and now insists they do it at least thrice a day so he can doodle
Gavin cannot sit still long enough to get his nails done, so he uses demon powers to shift his form and give himself naturally fabulous nails, whenever he does his he makes sure to go show off to Freelancer because their jealous angry pout is adorable
Huxley once had to return a size XXL compression shirt because it was too tight. Damien begged him not to.
Caelum once has unsupervised access to Freelancer's gaming pc and played Poppy Playtime thinking it was a cutesy roblox type game.
He didn't sleep for three nights afterward.
Then tried playing again because he wanted to finish chapter one.
Lasko has Poliosis, it's especially abundant on his very long eyelashes.
Dear takes special joy in having him try out multicoloured mascara
While Damien is best at memorising text to score high marks, Freelancer is best at understanding it, and often gives tutoring lessons to the rest of the crew.
Dear used to secretly wish they were an earth elemental so that they could manipulate crystals, but now makes the most beautiful ice sculptures with their water magic.
It took Lasko a very long time to accept that he was truly wanted by the crew, and that he wasn't just some straggler they allowed to follow them around.
Gavin and Freelancer once challenged each other to see who would get flirted with the most at DAMN events, Freelancer got 8, Gavin got 13, and Dear won with 21 {not including Lasko drooling all over them}
The characters of Caelum 's favorite cartoon all have a decora aesthetic, so Caelum has started to make a collection of cute accessories and clips so he can dress like them.
Freelancer is his biggest enabler and loves surprising him with sticker packs and rainbow hair clips
When Damien and Huxley have sleepovers, and are all cosied up next to each other in their warm blankets while drinking hot cocoa, Huxley gets so wrapped up in doting over Damien that he only realises how much time has passed when his hot cocoa gets cold, and then he makes them both go to bed because 'Having a healthy sleep schedule is important dude'
Damien absolutely hates when he does this so he secretly and subtly rewarms Huxley's cocoa so he can spend more time whispering to him in his arms.
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popponn · 1 year ago
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summary: there are parts of him that appears after he starts dating you, and of course these parts are exclusive for you and you only. (aka another relationship hcs with bllk boys, even more smitten edition.)
notes: doing this thing is healing sigh. so, here they are. some paragraphs full of love for them. warning: none, fluff of soft smitten™ boys, established relationship, pro/post canon au, reader's gender unspecified, mention of marriage on reo's part.
characters: isagi, reo, nagi, bachira.
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isagi knows this will make him sound like a neighborhood grandpa even though he is not, but he really enjoys afternoon walks with you. he loves holding your hand, walking around the familiar scape, and watching the lighting light every contour of your profile. sunset, moonlight, daylight—he really doesn't care, it's all different but all pretty to him all the same. he usually doesn't talk much during this, either letting the pleasant silence grow on its own or having you fill it with your musings. he will still listen though, so just let him enjoy his downtime with you in his own way. enjoy his company, his soft smiles, and the way he will stare at you as if you are the one who draws the stars in the sky.
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reo, after he starts dating you ("with marriage in mind," he will always add at the end), always buys a jacket or a coat based on "how good and cute you will look in it". of course, he still buys you your own set of ridiculously custom-made jackets and coats. but, what use is his outer if it doesn't make you look soft when it got draped on you? is it really good if you don't look good in it? the only ones that got exempted from this rule of his are the ones you bought for him—and even then he will still have a critical eye plus a hand on his chin if he thinks it doesn't suit you. "for future reference" or so he says. though, hey, at the very least reo is good-looking enough that 90% of outfits fit him without much thought, at least? so it's no harm. just let him spoil you, for his sake too.
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nagi likes it when you draw on his hands. at first, he really doesn't get it and lets you do it because "stopping you is a hassle". but at some point, it just becomes sort of a ritual and lucky charm for him before matches. so, like a child with an x for a mouth, he will cling to you and demand his lucky charm. then fast forward and at some point if you try to do it to someone else you will get a pouting brat. if you try to draw on your own hand out of boredom while he is beside you, he legit looks so offended. "you have me???" is somehow written in his blank stares. at least, if you doodle on the paper, he will settle with only looking, just don't forget to draw some stars or flowers on him too soon though.
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bachira will pull a goddamn concert if you cry just to cheer you up. a bad day so bad you cry the moment you enter your home? don't worry baby, bachira meguru is ready to sing, dance, make you laugh, and dribble a soccer ball all at once. most of the time, you laugh simply because the things he will pull are so unexpected, but bachira will take that happily. he really just doesn't look like seeing you sad and when he once said (repeatedly, actually) that your smile is one of the most precious things to him, he means it. and, if he fails, bachira will still be there as your personal comfort monster! providing from 10 out of 10 cuddles to sweet treats!
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sheepispink · 1 month ago
FIX IT SIMON! ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི
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Pairings: Lieutenant!Ghost x civilian, baker! reader
Part 5 of Sweet As Sugar Series ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི Summary: Simon’s been put on leave, much to his annoyance, and due to the Christmas period your shop isn’t even open. So he has to wait painstakingly for two days for it to reopen once more, and when it does, he doesn’t plan to leave.
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Finally, he’s been pushed on holiday, by force no less, and his first feeling is that he’s bored— extremely so. The initial plan was to sleep through the entire first day, but he could barely get more than a few hours in before he was awake in a cold sweat. At least back at base he could work it off in the gym, or with a few laps around the muddy track. Here in this apartment, he couldnt nearly do as much as he’d like to, especially with the eerie quietness about it. Usually he could hear Soap snoring next door, or at least Price’s quiet murmurs as he reads over another mission plan. It didnt help that he got let off right on Christmas Eve, which meant today and tomorrow he could barely do anything around town since nothing would be open, especially your cafe.
He could never relate to the other soldiers about the joy of returning home though. They’d groan on and on about how they missed the smell of home cooked food, plush pillows in their beds, being warm on the coldest nights and most of all being fussed over by their parents, siblings or well.. their lover. He can hardly remember where he left the spare toilet paper let alone find comfort in the scent of his ‘home’, nor actually find comfort in his bed. The sheets move around too much, pulling off the corners of his bed every time he tosses, and they're rough against his bruises, not doing anything to soothe his aches.
A few years back, he moved out of Manchester to stay in Cardiff. It didn't affect him much anyway, considering he was barely at his own apartment throughout the year, but it did make it particularly easier on the odd chance he was kicked out of base— part of the rules for the Christmas holidays. He really had tried to argue with Price, but he wouldn't have it, telling him to ‘just take a damn break’. Soap had even joked a few times about dragging him over to Scotland with him, but Ghost wasn't too sure if he could handle another Mactavish let alone just Soap. Plus, any type of family gathering was really not his thing.
So, after surviving his second restless night, he makes the impulsive decision to drive down to your town at seven am, arriving there in half an hour. The bell jingles, early regulars already filtering in and out the cafe for their coffee before their jobs start. He usually either went now or near closing time, trying his best to avoid the busiest hours— otherwise he’d never get to see you.
“Cardamom tea.” He grunts at you before placing a five pound note on the counter, eyes catching onto the mess behind the counter before he raises a brow at you.
“What the hell happened back there?”
You sigh, glancing back at the wet floor sign and the spices hastily swept underneath the cupboards. “The front sink suddenly burst this morning. I've been using bottled water but it’s starting to become an issue.”
You ring in his order though, turning around to dispense the premade tea, the large airpot keeping it warm. It was way better than any teabag, the fresh spices balancing out in his mouth in a way that makes some part of him melt.
“Have you called a plumber yet?” He watches as you strain the spices out before pouring into a cup for him, placing the lid on and grabbing your pen for your signature doodle. It’s not like he wanted to admit he liked them, but you’ve been getting increasingly creative with the mini-version of him who's been up to all kinds of things.
“Ah.. well, the closer it gets to Christmas the harder it is to find anyone. It’ll have to be fixed in the new year.” You give him a shrug as you hand over the cup, obviously looking a little down about having to deal with a dodgy sink on top of running the shop each day. It’d certainly makes your tea products a struggle to produce and he doesn't even need to ask to see you contemplating shutting it down. “Let me ‘ave a look.” There’s not much he could do to make it worse anyway, so you unlock the small swing gate, letting him walk around the corner. Usually , you would’ve helped him inspect it, but a group of regulars returned for their usual meeting and you knew this would be an order you had to handle now. Though, when you finally complete it, he’s disappeared off again.
“Hi, what can I get for you today?” Just like the first day you met, your music is blaring in the background, considering it’s half an hour till closing and many don't hang around till now. Finally you lift your head, meet with Simon’s familiar black mask and you smile, though slightly tilting your head in confusion.
“Oh— what are you doing back here? Wait- did I forget a plan?”
Your face grows into one of panic and he quickly quells it with a firm shake of his head. A soft thud rings out and you look down to see a toolkit he had just placed on the table, what looks to be plumbing supplies.
“We’ll have that sink workin’ by the end of today.”
He had gotten to work immediately, muttering to himself about how bad the previous owners had been to let it get to this state as he crouched in front of the sink cabinet. “Simon, you really don’t have to—“ He shakes his head,reaching into a carrier bag to pull out a flexi hose and other things you don't recognise. “You got a customer waitin’ for you.” You squeak, having not even realised and quickly apologise before taking the order. In no time, your sink is working again, although Simon did get a little drenched when he tested it and the water pressure was a bit too high. The sight had you in fits of laughter as you quickly searched for a towel. Besides that, you marvelled at how he had restored the sink with a bit of diy, cringing at the dirty state of the old pipes and the like.
“Thank you for everything today. I’m thinking about getting a filter attachment for the water so it’s better quality. You’ll be the first to try the new teas, of course.”
That’s accompanied by your usual emoji, that of which is a little smiley with its tongue sticking out. He has no idea why you’re so enthralled by the mini pictures but he’s made no effort to stop you, just replying back in his own usual tone.
“You’re welcome. Filtered water sounds good, tea will taste better too.”
Okay, so maybe he didnt text as nicely as you and had a bad habit of getting straight to the point— you didn't seem to mind too much though, and it’s better than leaving you on read like he’s heard some men have done. A sigh puffs out his chest as his head hits the pillows, looking at the speckles on his ceiling as he thinks over the day. It felt good to be occupied, and not in the usual ‘planning something that could end up killing people if done wrong’ way. His job helped people of course, damn every mission was always for a better cause but something was different with the way you had lit up, grinning at his handiwork. Families had thanked him before— nervously because of his heavy armour but thanked him nonetheless. Yet still he didn't get that rush, the one that made his teeth grit, eyes avert awkwardly and his fists to clench a little. One that made him a little uncomfortable, though sent him reeling all the same. ‘If i didnt fix it, I'd never get my tea for a long while..’ He concludes that must be why he ran out to the nearest home diy store, and definitely not the frown on your lips. it must be.
Despite that, he was seemingly having an internal battle with himself the longer the days continued with little sleep. He just had no excuses for what he was doing anymore, nothing was making sense. Most of all was when the next day he made his way to your shop again, muttering something about ‘The fridge made a loud noise when i was here. It’s annoying.’ before he was stalking around the counter and pulling it away from the wall. He checks all the vents, and clears the dust buildup from many years of use. You confess your parents planned for a new one but you haven't been able to afford it yet.
“I don't need it.” He shrugs as he hands you the military discount card he keeps spare, supposed to be for family members but now he’s giving it to you. It’s still early when he's done with the fridge, and decides to check out the lights in the main kitchen, where all the bakes are made. He’s been here before, when you needed to clean it at closing time and he stayed late again. One of them needs to be replaced, obviously and so he takes it upon himself to do that. Somehow he finds another problem, fixing the squeakiness of the back door.
This carries on until a third day, he had come by after munching down some dinner, and he somehow migrated his problem fixing to your small apartment upstairs. You didn't mind of course, and he hadn't pushed, in fact he sounded more awkward than you when he spoke up. “If your pipes were this rusty downstairs, I think the ones upstairs can only be worse. You should.. get that checked out.” He mutters, his arms crossed over as he crouches before the kitchen water pipes. You have to stifle a smirk, nodding along with his words instead. Whilst he worked, he’d ask the odd question and you had explained that the previous owners barely used the apartment themselves— explaining his assumption.
“Ah.. I really should get someone to check it out…”
It feels fun to act like this— you almost feel like you’re saying no to a kid about buying a toy. He’s sitting there silently but you know he wants to go up and sort it out for you. The reason? You’re not sure, but you have a few suspicions. “You’re on holiday now, right?” You glance at him as he stands from his crouched position, and he nods. “Are you doing anything for it?”
“No.” He grunts almost a little too quickly, the boredom practically agitating his soul now as he shifts, fidgeting with the tools as he places them back in the boxes. “Oh.. well, would you mind checking my pipes out upstairs then? I mean… as long as you're not too busy. You can just tell me what’s wrong and i’ll hire a plumber later—“
“I’ll fix tha’ by tonight.” So, you close up the shop, since it’s late now already, and walk up the small staircase up to your apartment. It looked far smaller on the outside, but you had planned your space well. There was a kitchenette, looking a lot more modern than the bakery downstairs. Rather than the dark mahogany, it was a lighter brown and off white walls, matching the plush leather couch before your tv. It was clear you had done some work on it yourself, or hired someone at least, to renovate the place. He takes his shoes off by the door and you take his jacket from his hands to rest it on a little hook. It was cute to him, to see how you’ve cosied up this space to be one of your own. The first thing he notices is how warm it is, not a sweaty hot but like sitting infront of a fire on a freezing day. It’s welcoming, the warm light rather than the sterile white he’s accustomed to, as well as the little picture frames among the walls of artwork you’ve grown fond of over the years. He even smiles at your key holder, the way a cat pops out as you place the key down.
He’d describe it as a home, a real one. From the small clutter of dishes that you shyly hurry him past, or the blanket still splayed over the couch from a late night movie— hell even the bin full to the brim. It’s full of life, something his apartment has never known. “Alrigh’ let’s see the damage here.”
“Will you be fine here on your own? I still need to clean up downstairs..”
He nods quickly, even going as far as to shoo you away and you laugh hurrying down again.
You come up at eight, wanting to deliver him a cup of the leftover tea from today whilst you washed out the large airpots you kept them in. “Simon?” You call out, looking around until you see him standing before the sink, finally repaired and looking a little.. dazed. “I’ll be finished in a bit, why dont you take a seat on my couch and watch some tv?”
“I should go home—“
“No! ..I mean, I can't just force you to go now after all your hard work. Stay and drink the tea please?” He cant say no to those eyes and so he grunts, letting you tug him over to the couch and sit him down. Then you hurry over to the cabinet, rummaging out a pack of nachos and some salsa. “Help yourself, okay? I’ll be done soon. Promise.”
Then he’s left alone again, sitting there quietly as he sips on the mug of tea you gave him. It’s in a mug that has prints of skulls all over it, and a ghost on the centre with a little ‘boo!’ next to it. He finds it awfully fitting, a bit curious on when you even bought this and when you planned to show him it. Like he said before, your tea is just perfect. The right mixture of sugar, spice and everything else nice. It breaks down a part of him he hadn't known existed, muscles relaxing into the plushness of the couch. He’s got a large cushion behind his back, something you must love since there’s a few more littering the couch too. The tv is quiet, on one those stupid adult cartoons that he’s never found quite funny but the ambience of this is too cosy to deny, too comforting. Has it really been that long since he’s slept? He hadn't wanted to admit it, but he’d been avoiding sleep recently just to escape those nightmares for a bit. This was comfy though, almost too comfy, but you said you’d be back soon— he’s sure the military trained him to wait that long anyway. So he sits there quietly, waiting.
When you return, you call out again, only to recieve silence in response. Confused, you walk further in, seeing him sitting upright. “Lt! Simon! …Ghost?” Still no reply, that is until you hear quiet breathing, and you step closer to see his head is slumped back a little. Carefully tiptoeing around the couch, his blonde eyelashes are pressed against the black cut outs of his mask, lips gently parted as his chest rises and falls. You can see his chin properly for once, the small curves of his lips and the pin prick of a scar near his neck. That makes you swallow sharply, only images of him being near death coming to your mind. For now, you shake it out and try to figure out what to do with the sleeping hunk of a man on your couch. Of course, you’re far from being annoyed but you’d feel extremely guilty if you didn't at least try to wake him.
What if he feels uncomfortable when he wakes?
“Si..” You whisper, the nickname unintentionally slipping out as you gently rub his shoulder. No response is heard, only a deep breath leaving his chest as he relaxes into your couch. “Si, you fell asleep.” This time, you think he’s woken but he just shifts his body, head leaning back further to press into the back of the couch. You sigh, not sure what else to do than to just leave him here until he wakes. There’s no point attempting more drastic measures, knowing damn well you likely cant even lift his arm just from the sheer muscle on it. “You gonna lie down at least? That’s gonna hurt your neck in the morning.”
It had been a murmur to yourself but he had seemed to have the same idea, head sinking a little more in search for a comfortable place to rest. He grunts in his sleep, mask crinkling near his eyes as they squeeze. You tug his arm gently to lead him, and he subconsciously follows, adjusting himself until his head rests on a cushion you placed on the armrest. His arm lazes over his stomach as he gets comfortable on his side, cheek pressing in to the pillow just slightly. Smiling to yourself, you grab the thick throw blanket from the back of the couch and tuck it around him before reaching out towards his face. Your fingers tangle on the fabric of his mask, his nose twitching until you slowly drag down the bunched fabric to his chin. “Sleep well, Si.” The couch creaks as he sinks in further, the light ahead flickering off with the touch of your fingers.
It’s late in the morning when he grunts, though today it’s not the light from the curtains annoying him, nor does he wake up to silence neither. Infact, a soft hum is heard not too far away and he’s almost positive he’s dreaming now. Quickly perking up at the unfamiliar surroundings, he whips his head around only to see you standing in an apron, teeth biting your lip as you concentrate on scooping an egg perfectly in the plate. You practically beam at your own work, finally looking up to see him stare back at you, throw blanket sliding off his shoulders. “What the–” His voice is cold, instantly reverting to his military instincts before you chuckle, the sound easing something in him. “You fell asleep on my couch, silly. Looked exhausted too– have you been sleeping well recently?” He sits up properly now, glad for the mask to cover his warming face, before walking over to the counter you stand at.
“Not my fault your couch is comfy.” He takes the plate you slide towards him, lifting his mask to his nose as he takes a bite of the sausage.
“You’re avoiding my question, Si.” His eyes flicker up, caught off guard by the nickname but any challenge he wanted to give you for having the audacity quickly dies in his throat. He’s not the man for you, but you’re so damn tempting to him. Never has he hesitated to set a boundary, yet here he is letting you call him Si. “Fine, I havent been sleeping well. Just adjusting, tha’s all.”
You don't believe him, but there’s not much you can do, not when he’s being stubborn as it is right now. Despite that, you still couldn't just let him deal with it on his own either, not after everything he’s been doing for you. So you shuffle through your cupboards, grabbing a packet of Chamomile tea and offering it to him. “Take it. It might not be perfect, but it helped me relax when I had insomnia.” Then you’re grabbing a diffuser too, and a few candles, placing everything into a small carrier bag. “If it doesn't work, then I guess you’ll just have to sleep on my couch forever.” He rolls his eyes at your cheeky words, and grabs your empty plate to stack atop his.
“Alrigh’ fine. But I'll hold you to that promise.”
He might have to start praying they dont work.
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@hidden-treasures21 @bieberismysoulmate @gallantys @tessakate @galactict3a @krispymagazinepizza-blog @silas-aeiou @kupids-arrow
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mother-giselles-hat · 2 months ago
Do you think Emmrich keeps a little notebook. Do you think when he was an uncertain young boy, terrified of the dark and the gloom and the inescapable inevitability of death being so very in front of him so shortly after a devastating loss, he needed an outlet? And perhaps an older, kinder Mourn Watch member who themselves did not choose their path but rather stumbled upon it gave the gangly youth before them a small collection of pages to work through his racing thoughts in?
I'm picturing clumsy doodles of flowers from graveyards that as one flips through the years of journals kept neatly on a personal bookshelf turn into masterful sketches worthy of publication in a scientific journal. Rough strokes with lots of pressure behind them, intent on getting the repeatedly written rituals correct so that he no longer has to reference a cheat sheet. Maybe even a list of names, pages upon pages worth crossed out until at last, underlined so strongly the pen tore through paper, we find the name Manfred.
And I like to think that he goes through at least a journal and a half while getting to speak with so many companions from so many parts of the world he has previously never dreamed of traveling to himself, not when there's so much to be done at home. Recipes are scrawled out in Bellara's and Lucanis' handwriting and pasted into the back. There are attempts at drawing the anatomy of Assan, a list of what snacks Halla like best courtesy of Davrin. Even a carefully curated, bullet-pointed selection of topics that seem to work best when trying to get Taash to let down their guard. And of course, a cross-sectioned diagram of the Yam-And-Jam-Slam.
And then, permit me if you will, the opportunity to ruminate on human Emmrich, on a day yet to pass, in which a romanced Rook that never violated their love's privacy finally feels brave enough to go through some of his untouched belongings to see what they want to keep, and finding such lovely records of their first months together. And despite the ache in their chest and the tightness in their throat, they don't stop at the first sign of something more, a little scribbled observation about how much sadness this Rook has in their eyes for someone so new to the field. And then they find the portraits, the loving detail put into the light of the fade reflecting off their cheekbones, their eyes. The carefully crafted notes on what sort of jewelry might do them justice, small scenes of a man, his beloved, and a skeleton strolling across sandy beaches, through shadowed forests, across snowy mountain peaks and through bustling city streets. Until they blink, wipe the tears from their eyes, reach the end of the last journal in what feels like mere minutes (but in all reality is probably something closer to hours).
The handwriting is less structured, the pen doesn't press quite so insistently as it once did. But the sentiment, the sincerity, of the final entry could only be his.
Death is not so frightening knowing how fiercely I have lived. Nothing it could take is greater than all I have been given.
Idk. Just wondering.
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slimybeth69 · 3 months ago
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Summary: The Mandalorian is quite interested in what you've been doodling. What happens when he finds out?
Rating: Explicit
Warnings/tags- eventual angst, slow burn, graphic depictions of wounds and violence, eventual non-con, eventual therapy speak, Grogu, Mando takes off his helmet, so much shit happens in this story.
This was very much inspired by the legendary Rough Day. It's such an incredible story and so well written. Don't have as high hopes for this, it's mostly just me being horny for Din Djarin.
unbeta'd, probably not proof-read because of my ADHD.
Chapter 2 ->
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“What are you doing?” He asked raspily through the voice modulator. You roll your eyes. It’s the second or third time he’s asked you that since you guys found a place to let the child run around and play. Eat a creature or two. 
“Nothing.” You said it for the second or third time. He says nothing in response but you can feel him looking at you. Maybe. You’re never sure with the helmet. That stupid helmet that makes you look right back at your stupid face every time he says something stupid to you.
Okay. That’s a little harsh, per se, but he’s been harsh on you for everything lately. Little messy in the ship? On you about it. The child crying? On you. Something that you had absolutely no control whatsoever over happening inside, around or to the ship? He was fucking on you.
It was exhausting honestly. If it hadn’t been for the credits and honestly, the cute ass kid you might not have stuck around. But you were so desperate to get away. Apparently so desperate you asked him for a ride out of the Canto Casino. No, you begged.
And for whatever reason– it's clear to you now it’s because he needed someone to be mean to– he said yes. And then offered you seventy-five credits a week for as long as you stayed and watched after the kid and cleaned up after both of them. You drew the line at cooking anything because you experienced a burn first hand once, and will never do that again. Not even after he offered three extra credits a week. Not happening, Mando. No way.
Especially not for him . Being so mean all the time. 
You could see Mando out of the corner of your eye shift and try to see what you were doing in your notebook but you dropped your shoulder over it and pulled it tightly into your chest. 
“What’re you doing?” You turn your head to look at him. 
“Trying to see what you’re doing.” He said simply. It was so frank, yeah, that’s what he’s doing. Obviously . “What are you doing?” The little inflection in his words made your heart race for a second. As if he might actually be interested and not just bored of watching the child run around in the grass after small creatures to devour. 
The first time you saw the child eat something, it horrified you, but it grew to be just a little endearing the way he’d chase after it, jump and pounce on it a few times and then snatch it up for a lil’ snack. Just a quick one; the way he’d swallow it hole. You lost track of how long it’d been since then but it wasn’t a long time. Just long enough for you to forget to keep track anymore. 
“Why are you so interested?” You ask him, keeping the notebook tightly to your chest. Mando sits back and looks forwards.
“I don’t know.” He garbles through the modulator.
“Then you don’t get to see.” You tease but you wonder if he even knows what that is. Teasing . 
He’s never even once cracked one little joke with you in all this time. So probably not. Either that or he thinks you’re incredibly unfunny. Which is a possibility. You did try very very hard to impress him with whatever weird homemaker skills he expected you to have. You had literally none so he was very thoroughly unimpressed , to say the least. 
The dirty clothes and dishes around the ship were one thing, but it was the child's incessant crying that really made him ‘ raise his tone’ with you. Not really but he did say in a few very colorful words that you needed to do better. 
But really you just needed to bond with the little green sucker. Mando had thrown you into this ship with that thing? Baby? You really didn’t know or care, but he threw you in there and then shut the door and went on his merry way. For four days. Without even so much as an introduction. 
The kid was scared shitless of you for the entire time Mando was gone. It took the child almost two weeks to warm up to you. You didn’t know where anything was, or what to do, and were left to fend for yourself. It took you exactly thirty minutes of crying to figure out that the child wanted to be outside and the kid didn’t have any kind of harness or tether. Which was terrifying because what if you lost it? You had been so scared the child was going to run away but the kid didn’t. Well... did at first and then you tired it out; chasing for what felt like two hours. 
Then only once did the child have it's fill of an entire ecosystem of poor unfortunate creatures smaller than your foot, did he go back and lay himself down in that floating bassinet in the ship.
You had to lay down on the floor beside him after shutting the ship up, just to rest your eyes for a minute because that kinda cute little thing– asleep in that floating orb– had tired you out. And you didn’t wake up until that cute little thing had pried your eyelids open to show you the mess he had made. Pulled out everything that he could get his six little grubby fingers on
That had been day one . Things had gotten a little better since then. A little .
Every time you turned your back to clean up one mess, the little cutie would just run in the opposite direction and make a different mess somewhere else. This was the hardest job you’ve ever had. Easily. The child was a handful. There was something about the way he snuggled into when it was time for bed though, and it stole the heart right out of your chest. The way he’d bring you different colored rocks and bugs and show you them in wonder and amazement before he tried to eat them. When Mando was gone, it was just you two so you had plenty of time to bond, the Mandalorian was busy. Very busy indeed. 
Busy informing you that you didn’t put things away correctly, didn’t wash things the way he liked and needed to figure it out. You had to explain to him that people normally get at least a couple hours of training. Maybe a tour around, to show them where things are and where things go . He didn’t seem to understand that the reason you weren't doing a great job straight away was partially his fault. Or he just didn’t care. 
It’s . fine .
It’s almost like he’s a bounty hunter who has no patience for anything besides the child. 
And he’s got barely any for the green baby, so, it’s been a very pleasant time so far.
Maker. Okay. You’d also have very little patience for anything if you had to wear that beskar all the time. He was always in that suit, always. You hadn’t even caught a glimps of a wrist or his neck. Nothing. Not even an ankle. You knew the Mandalorians couldn’t let anyone see their faces, like ever , so you understood but, sheesh. It was always on. You didn’t even know what he did at night because you were usually asleep with the child before him. And he was always up before you.
 You told him once you’d blindfold yourself just so he could breathe if he wanted to. He’s never taken you up on the offer, surprisingly. 
So now in the present, still sour with him for being mean and because he’d never answered your question about what color his hair is, you doodled what he might look like in your little notebook you always had on you. Mostly pictures of the child because he was slowly winning you over with those eyes. And because he’s all you seen for however long you’ve been out here. But Mando had been back for a couple days. Longer than normal. You’d been spending a lot of time together, the three of you.
So for the last couple days you had been compelled to doodle Mando. What he might look like under that helmet and in some of your more explicit doodles– maybe what he looked like under that suit too.
The beskar protected him well. 
Too well.  
Okay, no. The beskar saved his life, protected him. Absolutely. But like, it left everything to the imagination. Which was frustrating. Because as much as you wanted to leave where you had been living, you had imagined seeing another person besides the child and Mando at least once. Maybe get a night off and talk to someone about something other than the kid, the ship and the bounty he’s currently after. 
Alas no, you’ve been stuck on the ship and now the primal desires inside of you are starting to flicker like a little flame. Tiny. Unnoticed by you, even. The doodling really was mindless at first, but your mindlessness was what Mando’s lower stomach looked like.
The notebook was still pressed against your chest. 
“So I can’t see?” He asked, looking at the child playing in the field. 
“Nope. Sure can’t.” Even if he had told you why he wanted to look at your notebook, you wouldn’t have let him. He would have had to pry it from your cold dead hands, and then you’d have been fighting him from whatever afterlife there could be. Fighting for the last shred of dignity you have. 
“I could take it from you.” He said like he had been inside your fucking head. Your heart is beating inside your throat and you unintentionally grip it tighter against you.
“I know.” You say. Your whole body frozen in fear. Like, was it a threat? An observation he had just made in his head? “ Why would you do that?” 
It was a weird thing for him to say. You’re leering at him over your shoulder, watching to see if he makes any sudden movements towards you so you can toss your notebook in the small fire he’s made. You might do it anyway because what is he even talking about? Taking it from you?
“Because.” Emotionless rasp from the modulator. “I’d like to see.” No inflection. Nothing. Just staring at the kid who was jumping off the ground slightly trying to catch a small flying bug. He couldn’t get it. 
But it had been said nicer than the other times. You couldn’t put your finger on it because it had sounded exactly the same, honestly, but there was just something behind the words he chose. 
I’d like to see.
Like he was some little kid who just wanted to look at what you were looking at. So innocent. Like he wasn’t a bounty hunter who had killed so many people in just the short time you had known him. And he wanted to look in your notebook. 
And now you had to tell him no again. Because what the shit? You can’t show him the very detailed drawing you’ve done of his pants pulled down to just the base of him and his curly patch of pubic hair that rents space there. You have no idea what the base of him looks like, it’s all made in your head. 
But the doodles are there. Sure are. In the notebook. That’s not imagined. No. The notebook and doodles are there. The notebook happens to be opened up to a page that has the deep indentation of muscles on both sides, a v of just pure rock hard strength and power that lead down to where you’ve been thinking about touching him lately. The little trail of hair that leads from his belly button; where you would oh so love to place your tongue, all the way down to where that v meets right–
Okay stop it right now, this is too much, you’re getting distracted from the point. You very carefully flip back multiple pages of the notebook so that there’s no chance that he could see what you’ve been working on as of late. But now, you peek down and check to see– the drawings of the child, okay. Phew. 
You hold up the notebook. You have to pull it back a couple inches when he tries to take it. He tilts his head down at you for just a moment when you do that and then looks back to the page you’re showing him. He studies it for so long that you wonder if he’s fallen asleep. Your arm is starting to ache. You've been holding it for so long. 
“You’ve captured his greeness quite well, somehow, without color.” He says, still emotionless but… did he just try and exchange banter with you? 
“We can hang it in the ship, right above his bassinet.” You tease. He’s so damn particular with his ship. Not wanting you to change anything . So there’s no way that he’d let you hang up a doodle of anything.
“That’d be fitting.” 
Oh my Maker. Please give me strength to deal with this- this- whatever this is. Because what he happens to be, is impossible. Impossible to read. Impossible to predict. Nothing about him is like anyone you’ve ever met.
“What was on the other page?” His modulator voice scares you, laying there silently on your stomach with your eyes closed. If you had a free hand you would have pressed your fingers to the bridge of your nose in slight annoyance. But you didn’t. You were laying on the free one and still holding the notebook. But when he said that , you pulled it back into your chest.
“What other page?” You snap. You can feel the heat rushing to your face. 
“The one you’re hiding from me.” 
Okay , Maker. Real nice. Real real funny. Give him some emotion now .
This is the first time you ever wished Mando would stop talking. Except for when he was mad at you. But now, he’s chatting you up and you wish he’d shut up. Just leave you alone.
Very funny, Maker. 
“I’m not hiding anything.” You say it so matter of factly like you’re willing it to be true. 
“I saw you.” 
“You didn’t see anything. I’m surprised you can see anything behind that helmet.” You flutter the notebook back at him in dismissal. 
Mando is silent for a long time.
“It actually helps me see-” 
“ Oh Maker . It was a joke . Do you know what a joke is?” You exclaim. “I know the helmet allows you to see better. I know that. I was making a joke.” You’re so frustrated now that you actually move your hand from under your chest and put your two fingers on the bridge of your nose and sigh. 
“You’re-” He pauses for a long time. “-annoyed with me?” 
You’re not expecting him to say that.
“I’m not exactly pleased , no. But I’m not annoyed. No.” You explain to him.
“So can I see the other page, then?” 
You throw the notebook in your bag quickly and snap it shut. 
“I think you should see if you can us food to eat, maybe? I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.” You think for a second, “I’ve never seen you eat, actually, so, maybe you're not. I don’t know.” You speak nervously, the words continue to come out even though you wish you’d just shut up. “I know the kid is probably full off whatever thriving colony of small things he’s decimated. So, I’ll put him to bed while you see if you can find dinner or something.” You get up, take your bag with you and go grab the child from whatever life threatening way he’s found to entertain himself and bring him into the ship with you.
You set everything down on the floor behind the cockpit– your makeshift bedroom– and give the child a quick wipe down with a damp cloth, making sure he doesn’t have any crud or muck in any of his little fold or behind his comically large ears. And then you rock him to sleep. It takes ages– so long– for him to finally settle down and relax. He closes his big eyes while you rock him for more ages until you’re sure that he won't wake up when you lay him down. 
Which is annoying , because he can put himself down for a nap no problem, little thing tires itself out murdering small animals and just lays himself down when he’s tired, passes out within minutes. The minute the sun goes down? Nocturnal. The child has no idea what you mean when you say it’s time for bed. 
You tried to let him put himself to sleep once and Mando told you that he’d cut your credits in half if the kid ever cried like that again. It was worse than crying. It was wailing and screaming unlike anything you’ve heard in your life. The child must be rocked to sleep at night. That was an every night routine.  You deal with the child.  When Mando was around, he’d get you food during that time.
Once you were back outside, a meal had been caught and cooked for you. You assume that in your absence he fed himself, comfortably knowing you’d be gone for the next several eternities putting the child to sleep. 
“Thank you.” You’re hungry. Starving actually. You hadn’t realized how hungry you actually were. All your time and energy has been focused on keeping that little green baby alive that you have sometimes forgotten to take care of yourself. You keep yourself clean, yes. Easy to do when you have to clean the child every day. Eating and all the other stuff? Eh. Forgotten about now that the kid’s around chasing bugs and feeding himself. 
It’s fine. You’re thankful regardless because traveling around the galaxy, seeing things you’ve only ever heard about in stories . Even if you haven’t spoken to a singular other person besides Mando and the child. You have seen such incredible things and for that, you are thankful for Mando.
Very thankful.
Okay! Okay. You’ve gotta be in heat or something. Something! Because why is the way he’s looking at you is making between your legs throb? Okay now you know something is really wrong with you because what the stars, he’s got a helmet on. He could be looking over your shoulder or just over the horizon behind you but he’s got his gaze turned right to you. It’s like you can feel his eyes on you. You wonder what color they could be. Blue? Brown? Green?
“Pretty good.” You say, holding up whatever he caught and killed for you. You stopped asking what it was because you didn’t always like the answer, but it was always… edible. 
“So. That page?” 
You roll your eyes at him. Why oh why is he bringing it up again, the sun has gone down now and it’s been so long since that conversation. It’s old. Dead. Buried. 
“You’ve never taken an interest in anything I do, unless I’m doing it wrong, and then you scold me for it. Now, I’ve got one thing that’s mine and you’re trying to-” You’re huffing at him, actually annoyed now.
“A secret ?” He’s curious. An emotion. 
“It’s not a secret, it's just not– it’s not something I want other people to see.” You say very truthfully. “I don’t think.” You add to soften the statement. He’s actually talking to you about something besides the usual things.
Maker, with the questions?
“Because.” It’s a simple response but it’s all you’ve got. 
“It would make me upset?” You look over at him and he’s positioned in exactly the same way he was when you looked away from him. Staring at you. You think. At least now he’s talking to you. 
But how do you answer that? 
Because yes, it would make him upset. It would make him very upset. It’d make you very embarrassed, and you think that's what's most worrying. The possibility of having to sit in the ship with him after. Now he knows that you’ve been thinking about him? Like that ? 
He can leave you here. It’s fine. You’ll figure it out. 
“No.” You lie to him. Then you feel bad for lying to him because you’re unsure if he’s even capable of lying. You’re not sure. He does seem like an innocent soul, minus all the killing. “Okay. Maybe. I don’t really know what upsets you other than when I mess something up, so I don’t really have much to go on.”
“I’m sorry.” He says and it forces the air out of your lungs like someone just punched you in the back. “I’ve–I’ve had a lot on my mind.” 
Maker, what is going on? Am I dead? 
“I shouldn’t take it out on you. You do good with the child.” 
You’re completely stunned. You cannot form a sentence. You cannot even think. Did he just compliment you? And apologize to you? Surely, you’re dead. 
“Thanks.” Is all you can manage to say and now, he’s warming up to you and you’re throwing water on the fire. 
“You could clean better, though.” 
And then you laugh because yes, you’re still alive and he is actually the Mando you barely know. And he did just apologize for being mean. And took accountability. And insulted you. 
It’s late now and the child will be awake in a couple hours. You’re asleep. Enjoying the thin mat that’s your bed and your warm blankets. You’re in a dream floating amongst the stars and skies, Mando’s floating with you, touching you so sweetly, and then, there is a hand on your arm. A strong one. 
It’s almost alarming, but then you open your eyes and it’s pitch black. So dark. Darker than you’ve ever seen it in the ship and now  it is entirely alarming. You go to scream but there is a warm hand over your mouth. 
“Don’t.” The modulated voice says quietly in the dark. You immediately relax and the terror stops ripping through you long enough for you to get angry. Very angry. After you hastily wrap the blankets around yourself, you pull your mouth away from his hand.
“Why? Why would you turn off all the lights– every single one? Huh? And then shake me awake like that?” You’re whispering, shouting at him. Your heart is still pounding and his hand is still tightly wrapped around your upper arm.
It’s quiet for a long time
“I didn’t shake you.” 
“Oh my Mak-” You whisper. “You know what I mean, you startled me awake in the darkness. Might as well be the same thing!” You’re exasperated. You had just fallen asleep and now this? Being throttled awake the way you just were? What was he gonna yell at you about now? What had he found that had made him grab you the way he had? Was still grabbing you.
The raspy modulator voice in the dark is terrifying. Even if it’s being nice to you.
“What do you want?” You grumble angrily. “I was sleeping so well– so well and you’re throwing me around in my sleep.” You go to turn over but he stops you, squeezing your upper arm tighter. 
“I saw it.” It’s quiet, but there is some emotion behind the words. What emotion? You can’t be sure just yet. It’s something you’ve never heard from him before. It’s hard to tell in the void you’re in.
“Saw it? Saw what? How can you see anything here?” The sleep is still heavy in your brain and you’re also still terrified. Yes, less terrified knowing that it’s Mando gripping you like this in the dark and not an intruder, but why is he doing this? That is terrifying. Horrifying. 
“The page.” 
You gasp in even more pure, real horror and pull your arm from his grasp but he doesn’t allow it, he grips you tighter and in the dark you can hear him breathing under his mask. You thought you were scared before but not like this. Your heart is threatening to break free from the bone cage it’s safely hidden behind and you feel like you’re going to be sick. Your stomach is clenching and twisting inside of you. Sweat starts to bead your forehead and the back of your neck. 
“ Okokokokokok I’m so sorry. Please don’t kill me please, Mando, plea– I’m really, really scared to die and I don’t wanna go like this . In the dark? No. No , ple–  not in front of the child! Okay?” The silence around you now is deafening, you can’t even hear him breathing anymore and if it weren’t for the choking grip on your arm, you would think he had left. You’re begging for your life because this isn’t how you imagined dying. Not over doodles.
“I’m not mad.” He says quietly. Still raspy but soft. 
“Y-you’re not?” You’re too stunned to say more. Ask why, see if he liked it, nothing else comes to mind. You’re glad he’s not going to leave you outside to fend for yourself tonight. 
“Did you- did you think I was going to kill you?” Raspy modulated whispers come out of the darkness.
“Yes!” You whisper at him with a still beating like crazy heart in your chest. It’s about to burst out of you. “Why wou-” He cuts you off.
”They’re good.” He garbles quietly. 
“What is!? What’s good?” The fog in your head hasn’t lifted at all, and you’re so confused. What the stars is he talking about.
 “I looked at all of the pages.” He sighed out. It didn’t sound as gentle as it may have  meant behind the voice modulator. Still garbled and distorted. 
All the pages? All. Of. The. Pages. There were doodles of yourself in that notebook. Doodles of what you look like behind your clothes. The other pages in that notebook held secrets, real secrets and now you were even more mad at him. He could just invade your privacy? You got to have no secrets while his whole existence to you besides what he chooses to tell you? Unacceptable. The anger was bubbling under your skin now.
“You did what!?” It was still whispered as to not wake the child. “That was in my bag! You went through my stuff to get it? Are you sick?” He was holding on to you tighter and it was starting to actually hurt now. “Ow!” You snap at him and tug your arm away quickly and this time he lets you go. 
“Sorry. I had to know.” Garbled attempt at an apology from the darkness. You realize then that he hadn’t had his gloves on. You had felt his skin on yours. Hot calloused skin against yours. Gripping you the way he had been. You’d have bruises in the morning. Of his very real fingers on your flesh.
“You’re sorry!? That’s it?.” You have to force yourself not to yell at him because if this wakes the child up and you don’t get to go back to sleep, you’re going to quit. Walk right out. “You still haven’t answered my question!” He hadn’t. What did he want from you? If it wasn’t to kill you for seeing the drawings, then what did he want?
Nothingness surrounds you. For so long, you’re staring into the emptiness waiting for something . Some kind of response and then you hear him clear his throat. 
“I forgot what you asked me.” His garbled confession comes through in the dark. 
“You forgot? I just asked you wha-”
“The way you draw... it’s incredible.” You can hear him rustling through pages in the dark. The fluttery, scratchy sounds of pages, like a notebook. 
“A-are you-” You stumble over the words because you can’t actually believe this is happening. “D-do you s-still have it ?” You are fuming. “It’s so fucking dar-” and then you gasp loudly at the recollection that he  has night vision in that fucking helmet of his!
The child cries out softly in his sleep and you hear him rolling over and you and presumably him, freeze for what feels like forever before you accept that the baby is still asleep. You don’t know because you don’t have night vision. Then you whip your head back in the direction he’s in. You think he’s in. You honestly have no idea. There is no light coming in from anywhere and your eyes haven’t adjusted at all in the dark. 
You check your face to see if he’s blindfolded you. You pat your hands over your forehead and eyes when you’re completely sure that you’re just now blind for however long he wants you to be, you let your arms drop to your sides in frustration. 
“You’re still looking at it!” You point into the darkness accusingly, remembering he is in fact still holding your notebook. “Are you still looking at it?” You move your finger in a semi circle when you can’t actually decide where he’s kneeling beside you. The darkness is so disorientating. You have no idea where anything actually is anymore. 
“I can’t stop looking at it. I’m sorry.” He confesses from somewhere in the dark. “The bodies you drew are j-just so beautiful.” 
“They’re doodles.” You’re sweating. What is he doing in the dark looking at your doodles? You reach out into the darkness and you hear him take a shuffled step backwards, towards the center of the room. 
“What was your inspiration for them?” His raspy voice is different, like he’s not really here with you, it’s like he’s on that page with them.
“Just… my imagination ?” You lie in hopes he’s going to believe you. 
It’s anxiety inducing. He’s just somewhere in the darkness. With your notebook. 
“The woman's body is my favorite. She’s so…” Garbled modulator trails off. 
Maker. He has a favorite?  
You’re now hyper aware of the fact that if he can see your notebook in his hand, he absolutely can see you too. Oh Maker. 
Why was it suddenly so hot? When did it get so hot?
Your whole body is now prickled with sweat that he’s standing there in the dark. Assumed to be looking right at you and your artistic notebook.
There had been nothing sexual about your doodles at first. Really. They were just the only thing besides the child and the inside of the ship. And sometimes the fields he’d take you to, like the one you’re in now. So all of those things are in that notebook too. But he was looking at the couple pictures you decided to draw of yourself, because the human body is a work of art. Yours and Mandos just happened to be the only bodies around. 
“Just my imagination.” You don’t even know what you’re saying. Just words you’ve strung together fall out of your mouth for no reason known to you.
Silence for so long, you’re sure he’s not there anymore.
“Y-you already said that.” Modulator speaks in the dark.
“I did? Are you sure?” You’re one hundred percent sure you didn’t.
“What do you want? Why did you wake me up? Why are we just standing in the dark?” The questions are firing out of your mouth at the speed of a blaster pistol. “What? What do you want from me?” 
Mando say’s nothing for a long time. You cross your arms over your chest uncomfortably in the quiet. 
“Is this you? The woman?” He taps on the pages and you hear him do it in the dark. “Is this what you l-look like under your c-clothes?” 
“Why are you talking like that? What are you-” You’ve never heard him speak the way he is tonight, no. He’s commanding in his tone and what he says. Mando doesn’t stumble over his words. 
“Answer the question.” He interrupts you. “Please.” His tone is much more firm now. You’ve snapped him out of whatever trance he was in. 
“Maybe.” It’s not even an admittance of guilt and you’re already blushing in embarrassment. 
“It’s beautiful.” He’s breathless and somewhere in your notebook again. Presumably touching it with his ungloved fingers. 
In between your legs twinges. 
“Thank you.” You’re blushing so hard you think your cheeks are going to combust.
Then more quiet. For so long. It’s painful.
“Would you l-let me touch it?” He whispers through the modulator. 
“Touch it?” You don’t get it. “You’re holding it, what do-” And then you shut up because you realize what he’s talking about. It comes to you mid sentence.
It’s quiet again now. So quiet. The dark you could deal with if there was just something making some kind of noise beside yourself breathing in the abyss. You’re waiting for a response but you get nothing. A sigh from your nose. 
“You want to touch me ?” You don’t want to say it, but you’re desperate to hear anything in the void. You’re also so tired and sleep deprived because of the child, you might let him if he just got to the point so you could go back to bed. He’s been on your mind for the last week. The only reason you dream anymore, apparently. 
“Yes.” Honest and innocent garbles from the modulator. You smirk. “And-” But he stops. 
“And what?” You’re so curious what else could go along at his request. But he says nothing again. More blistering silence. It’s actually burning the inside of your ears. 
Maker, give this mandalorian the ability to say more than one word, please. I don’t know how much more patience I have left inside of me. 
“Watch what? What do you want from me?” You haven’t said no. That’s something you start to notice as you wait for him to respond to you. Haven’t said yes but you also haven’t said no. 
So, what could he want?
“Can I show you?” Your breath hitches in your throat because what the hell could that mean? 
“Oh-okay?” So hesitant. So fucking nervous. Your heart was beating fast this whole exchange with him but now it was beating somewhere in the base of your throat. Hard. 
“Lay down.” It’s said from much closer to you now, startlingly close. You hadn’t heard him get closer. How did he do that? But you obey his order and lay back down on your thin mat on the floor. You can feel him hovering over you. Then suddenly, the blankets are being torn off of you and you're exposed to the now suddenly freezing cold ship. 
He’s exposed you. You wear nothing but a thin nightgown to bed every night. It’s the only thing that isn’t scratchy in your little bag of clothes and it does get surprisingly warm in the ship at night when everything’s closed up. It’s refreshing normally, but not now. Now you’re freezing and your nipples are giving you away in the darkness at how cold and excited you are for what might be about to happen. 
You hear him respire sharply into the modulator and your nipples somehow get harder and that tingle in between your legs is back. You just made Mando gasp ? You’ve never once heard that sound come out of him. Okay, once when the child almost fell out his floating orb, but that was only once and it was different . There had been fear interlaced with that gasp but not this one.
He was admiring you in the dark through his night vision. A gasp of admiration? 
Mando still hasn’t touched you at all besides the painful grasp on your arm earlier but that was it. He hadn’t ever touched you before that, ever. Now he had asked if he could and you were trembling already waiting to see what he had meant.
“Be like the pictures.” He cooed it out, the modulator garbling it all up but still. It was cooed, you heard it with your own ears. But you obeyed again, pulling the loose straps of your nightgown down your shoulders. It was easily wriggled off the rest of you and then, the nightgown was just a mess of fabric in front of your mat. 
“ Oh Maker. ” He speaks so softly it doesn’t even sound like Mando. You start to wonder if it is really him and then he says, “More beautiful. Much more.” He sighs it out and it makes you melt into the mat you're laying on.
You want him to touch you so bad. So badly it is sending electricity through you, starting between your legs. 
“Can you s-spread them?” He asked so cautiously that you were unsure that he even wanted but the sound he made when you bent your knees and let them fall open to your sides made you start to leak from the place he wanted to look at you so badly. 
“Like this?” You knew that, yes, it’s exactly what he meant but you were now so obsessed with listening to his voice that you’d ask him anything to hear him speak. 
“Yes. Yes.” It’s said hastily into the voice modulator, like if he doesn’t answer you’ll close your legs on him. “Just like that.”
You almost jump back at the feeling of the tips of his fingers on you. Pressing so gently into the soft skin on your thighs but you remember why you’re down here on the mat, naked below Mando. That’s all he does, just traces the pads of all five of his fingers up and down your thigh, stroking you with a feather touch. It almost felt like he might not be touching you at all, like you’re imagining it. 
He exhales deeply and it registers from under the helmet. 
“Were you- were you just holding your breath?” You ask.
Quiet, his hand still stroking your thigh so gently. 
You smirk in the dark and rest your head back on your pillow and let him do whatever he wants. Then an ungloved hand reaches and touches you the same way across your stomach. So lightly it almost tickles but you don’t want him to stop so you don’t move. You let everything be still underneath his hands. They move leisurely across your body, never stopping in one place, like he’s scanning the pages of a book and using his hands to follow along. 
You’re covered in goosebumps and almost quivering under him but it feels so fucking good that it doesn’t matter anymore. You reach out and try to put his hand where you’d like it but before you can touch him he removes his hands and you’re left alone in the dark again. 
He’s gone. You’re sure of it and you’re on the verge of tears when he says from the dark.
“Will you touch yourself?” This wasn’t a demand or an order, this was a sweet question asked by that innocent man who wanted to look at your notebook earlier. 
“You want me to do what?” Deadpan response to what’s asking of you. Because what in the stars is going on? Please help me understand, Maker. “You wanted to do it a minute ago?” Confusion. 
It’s not like you're confused about what he wants you to do, you have been with a man before but not like this and he definitely did not ask you to do that . No one else has even seen you do that before so why does he want you to do it all of a sudden? Like he’s at the theater and you’re the midnight showing. He stays silent for so long that you’re sure he left. 
“I w-want to w-watch,” Garbled muttering. “-you touch.” Now, you’re sweating again because the idea that maybe he wanted to touch you had you shivering on the floor in front of him, but now, the idea that he wants to watch you do one of the most private things you’ve ever done right in front of him? On the floor? And worse, you can’t even see where the fuck he is now that he’s pulled his feather touch away from you. 
Sweating. It’s beaded across your forehead because what? You’re still thinking about what he’s just said when a strong, hot calloused hand cups your dripping sex with much more force than before. He’s pressed the flat of his four fingers and his palm against you. It draws a gasp from you in the dark and you bring your hands up to your mouth to cover them because if the kid woke up now you’d throw yourself off a cliff.
The child thankfully, doesn’t wake up. Just cooing quietly in his floating orb.
“I-,” He starts again in the dark, to talk to you again but he’s so hesitant to say it, you can hear him from inside the helmet stumbling again over his words. “I just want to w-watch. Here” 
You exhale so loudly and so hard because again, why? What does he get out of it?
“Were you just holding your breath?” He asks in the darkness.
Yes. You had been. Maker. 
“Maybe.” You retort quickly, the heat in your cheeks is back and now you’re embarrassed again. 
“What if I ask nicely ?” The garbles do nothing to hide the tone behind his voice. He’s aroused. Deeply aroused and Mando wants to watch you masturbate. 
An instinctual buck upwards of your hips slips his middle finger between your folds and instead of pushing away, he pushes back against you and you feel the rough skin of his hands against you and starts to slowly drag his hand up your middle. 
Oh, Maker, you feel him. This is not a feather touch. No, it's so much more. It’s like all of your senses have been heightened in the dark. You can feel everything. Every ridge and callous and the heat, oh Maker he’s so warm. Like he’s been held to flames until the exact moment he reached out to touch you. You feel like hes branding you with his finger it’s so fucking hot.
“S-so wet.” He sounds like he's in awe of what you’ve been hiding from him between your legs.
As the tip of his finger leaves you, your hand brushes his and his whole body is hot like his fingers had been, you feel as though you’ve been branded again but now, your head is spinning and he probably could have really branded you and you wouldn’t have cared. 
It’s too much, he’s been talking for too long and you know what he wants now, you don’t care why. You’re too tired, you’re too excited. You secretly have been wanting just this, well not this exactly but whatever this is leading to, you want him to give you that, so you do what he’s asking in hopes that he will satisfy you, do something other than just watch.
Mando rests one hand on your knee that’s closest to him and grips it so gently it's almost like it’s not even there at all. But regardless, your hands have found what he wants you to touch. 
“Yes.” He sighs softly. “Like that.” There is a sound of relief to his voice like he’s been anticipating this for so long and now it’s finally happening. Your two fingers start moving in slow, lazy circles. You dip your fingers down to your entrance and coat them in your slickness, moving them back up to your aching clit and tightening the motion, speeding up slightly. 
Mando’s fingers dig into you. Not hard but enough to know that he’s still there, he’s still watching. You wonder if he’s naked now, or if he still has his suit on?  He definitely doesn’t have his gloves on anymore but you wonder what else he could be doing in the dark. He’s just watching you touch yourself? Watching as your fingers start to move with meaning. It’s starting to feel good… so good. It’s good enough to make you close your eyes, little pants leaving your nose as the stimulation courses through you.
The hand on your knee is gone and you’re shuddering with the idea that he’s had his fun and now he’s most surely left you to have to finish what he started in the dark but no, his hand’s cupping your breast now. Squeezing it gently in his hand. Like it’s the most fragile and precious thing he’s ever seen. One finger moves across the curve of your flesh and drags so gently across your hardened peak.
“Oh Maker .” You pant, because you’re holding your breath again. It was such a small, gentle touch you’re barely sure it was there but then he grips you, is feeling how soft and fleshy your mound is and your fingers move faster because this is the most erotic thing you’ve ever done and it feels so good to have the burning hot heat of his hand on you and you’d wish he’d touch you more and then he does. It draws another gasp from your chest when he take your nipple between his fingers and gently starts to twist and pull and roll it between them.
“Don’t stop.” He says as your fingers start to slow at the new sensation he’s giving you. “Please.” He’s being so polite, and his voice sounds so breathless. It’s making you wetter than you’ve ever been, its practically gushing out of you. You can feel it dripping. 
Mando just holds you, his fingers still pulling and twisting your nub between his fingers. You slide two fingers into yourself now, and curl them upwards against your g-spot. You hold your breath again so as not to moan or groan or make any noise at all because it’s so quiet in the ship you’re sure it’ll wake up the child. It’s futile, you gasp softly and arch your back into his hand. It’s so good. You haven’t made yourself feel this way in so long and you can’t stop now. It’s so good, the little growing ball of warmth and pressure building slowly inside you.
“Oh M-maker.” You hear Mando whisper softly into the darkness. And then he’s still. Watching you plunge the two fingers back inside of you. “So b-beautiful.” He says it so exasperated.
The sounds of your excitement are audible within the ship's walls. Like it’s echoing. Your fingers are plunging in and out of you now, your eyes are closed and your heads thrown back as you're getting yourself so close. Close so that he can watch you come.
“May I?” 
You’re so confused because he’s just asked you to do it yourself and now he wants to? Reluctantly, with a small whine of protest, you move your hand and his other hand replaces yours. Two fingers push into you deeply. Gently. He holds them there for what feels like an hour. Not moving, just holding them inside you.
“S-so, so wet.” He’s breathless behind his helmet.
 You’re sure the sun is going to rise before you see bliss, and then it’ll be too late because the kid will have woken up. 
Then he withdrawals them.
“Go ahead.” He says.
“That’s it?” You’re disappointed. It’s evident in your voice.
“Keep going.” 
So you do. You replace your fingers and his hand starts to grope you again. Moving now between your two supple mounds. And then you hear him.
Over the wetness between your legs and your own ragged breathing, you hear the soft sound of skin slapping skin. He’s touching himself, he used your juices as lubricant to touch himself. To rub all over himself. Now the thought that Mando is kneeling on the ground over you in the dark, watching you about to bring yourself to orgasm, touching himself with your wetness just about does it. 
Your fingers speed and curl against your spot and you let your head fall back. You try so hard to keep your breathing steady, anything to keep yourself from crying out. Biting your bottom lip to try and stifle it, your fingers work faster. You can feel Mando’s body shaking and jolting with each thrust of his fist on himself in the hand he’s using to squeeze your breast. You pull your knees into your body, keeping them spread so he can watch, your head leans forward as you bring yourself closer. The pads of your fingers curling and uncurling against that place deep inside of you over and over again, the feeling of your palm pressed against your clit is too much. The sounds of his soft moaning send you over the edge though, his hand gripping your chest the way he is, like his life depended on it. Squeezing you with his strong, hot hand. You can hear the way he’s making himself feel good over you.
“I’m gon-” But the words are stolen from you as he pinches your nipple, the rest of his hand still groping you. He’s panting for lost breath in his search for pleasure. 
“P-please. D-do it, m-make it wetter.” He stutters and his breath is also ragged now, the sound of skin on skin is more frantic now and his groping at you is sloppy, like he’s can’t control his hands anymore.
It happens, the bliss and the lights behind your eyes. The warmth and pressure in your lower stomach explode and you need to use your free hand to cover your mouth again. Your hips buck up against your own hand as you coax the orgasm out of yourself. Maker, it’s so good. You haven’t had a release like this since before you got onto Mando’s ship.
Now  you hear him groan softly, he grips you tightly, like he had gripped your arm earlier. Your own heart is still racing, and you can barely catch your breath but you feel the warmth on your belly.
Did… did Mando just– Did he?
He’s still hovering over you. The ship is quiet now. Just the sounds of yours and his labored breathing. He’s still groping you, holding on like he’s going to float away into the void if he lets go. 
He definitely did. And he still is. He’s still letting go on your stomach, you can feel every time he empties a new rope onto your belly. 
You lay there, hands at your sides, panting. 
It’s tempting, to reach your hand up and swirl a finger to what he’s delivered to you and then taste him. You’ve never done that but something inside of you is screaming to do it. So, you take one of the two fingers that was just bringing you so much joy and you slide it through the puddle on your belly and bring it to your lips.
Mando gasps softly and grips you tighter. He’s still watching. 
He’s salty and musky and it’s different, but it’s good. It’s something you’d let him give you more of if he wanted. You’re still sucking him off your fingers when he pulls away.
Maker. Please, you don’t want him to leave-
Mando’s fingers are at your entrance and he’s running the first digit of two between your folds, he’s not even really inside you. Just tracing your opening. Teasing you. Then his fingers are gone. 
It’s so quiet again. He left you in the dark with his good time spent still all over your belly. Running both hands over your face, dragging them down your cheeks in exasperation. 
All these new thoughts are going through your head at warp speed and then you hear from so close to you, his modulated breathing. 
“Are you still here?!” Whispered exasperation.
It's been so quiet again for so long.
“It’s my ship. Where would I go?” 
“Oh my Mak-” You’re almost in tears because he’s right. Where would he go? His bed is just across the room. “What are you doing?” 
“Tasting you.” 
You’re now a puddle in front of him. His fingers are back at your entrance again, still, just tracing and coating themselves in your wetness. Then they’re gone again.
“You’re delicious.” 
Mando was still tasting you. Currently. Doing it as he spoke to you. You hear him let out the softest sigh of satisfaction as your flavor touches his tongue. 
“I like it.” It’s said like you should know it. Like you’ve accused him of taking too much from between your legs. 
“Okay.” Is all you can manage to say because you’re hoping he does it again, you keep your knees open in anticipation but he doesn’t. You don’t hear him breathing anymore either.
You lay there and slowly close your knees. Brush the hair that’s gotten in your face away and sigh. Wonder where the fuck Mando is in this Maker forsaken dark room. You hear him now, shuffling across the room and he’s getting closer to you. When had he left? 
Mando kneels down beside you again. Maybe this is round two? So you slowly open your legs for him but he stops you with his hand and then you feel the coolness and dampness of fabric on your belly. The Mandolorian is cleaning you off, wiping you tenderly, not missing anything. He reaches down and wipes between your legs. Very thoroughly. You wish he’d move the cloth and touch you again but his touch is gone again. 
You almost groan in disappointment but you stop yourself. You didn’t hear him leave.
“You really are so beautiful. Just like the pictures.” He garbles quietly.
“They’re doodles.” You explain into the void.
“Who was the man?” 
You stay silent. 
“It’s from my imagination.” You say quietly, your cheeks flushing in embarrassment again. 
“So a made up man in my beskar?” 
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Maker what do I say? 
“Okay.” You retort. He doesn’t say anything for a long time and you wonder if he’s still there in the darkness next to you. You don’t dare reach out for him in fear of being rejected again. He didn’t let you touch him earlier even though he got free reign. 
“I don’t look like that.” 
“Okay?” You whisper again, exasperatedly. 
“I’ll pose for you next time you want to doodle. ” And you hear it, the sarcasm in his voice. You honestly didn’t even know it was possible for him to do that or if he knew what it was. 
Then you hear him walking away. He’s gone, back to be a part of the void and watch you in the darkness behind his helmet. You put your nightgown back on and lay there on your thin mat on the floor behind the cockpit. Mando gets into bed, you hear him moving in the sheets. 
It’s still so dark and you wonder how much sleep you’ll be able to get before the child awakes and returns to his normal state of chaotic green cuteness.
If Mando ever asked you to do it again, you would. Not in so many words next time, but yes. You would. 
Your notebook. You wonder if he put it back in your bag but it’s too dark and quiet to check now. 
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Hey, let's chat real quick.
So, this was the first Pedro character fic I ever wrote, and it was so heavily inspired by the legendary Rough Day (I'm saying it twice so no one can said I never said it)
It was supposed to be just a quick, hot, sexy little one-shot between you and The Mandalorian, but I ended up spiraling out of control and wrote over twenty chapters.
I have one chapter left until it's completely over and I thought I'd start posting it here so that once the final chapter is done-- I can post it to AO3 and Tumblr at the same time.
I'm pretty critical of my own stuff-- but this one particularly.
My disclaimers are- there will be spoilers to everything- season 1-3, the book of Boba Fett, and maybe even other things- I don't know because I didn't watch any of it.
All the crazy Mandalorian facts that come up in later chapters are just researched online. I misuse Mando'a and Manda'lor constantly so... punch me right in the face if you want... or yell at me in my asks.
Let me know if you like it with comments and reblogs and like and all that good shit. I love them.
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alltimefail · 6 months ago
Agency Assignments: A comprehensive to-do list for saving Dead Boy Detectives!
I'm very easily overwhelmed, so I wanted to break down all the ways to help "Save Dead Boy Detectives" that I have seen floating around. This is meant to be something you can reference when you feel like there is so much you need and want to do to help, but don't know how or where to start.
Note: I will be updating this post as we go when necessary, so feel free to bookmark it in your browser for easy access, add it to your homepage, whatever! I'll always have a link to it in my Pinned Navigation post on my blog as well!
It is of the utmost importance that we fight as an organized, well-informed front. We need to be on the same page if we're going to save our show, so let's get into it! 💜💀🔎
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➪ First and foremost, follow @savethedeadboys! They're going to be our best resource during this fight.
➪ Next, follow @deadboyagency for news and updates: they've been around since the show dropped and have been an invaluable source of information the entire time.
Now for some task breakdowns:
"One-Time" Tasks
➪ Like the header says, these things can only be done once. Once you do them, you don't have to give them any space in your mind.
Sign the petition*
Review & Rate Dead Boy Detectives on Google, IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes. Be sure on IMDB you don't just rate the show as a whole, but you also rate each individual episode! You can also "Like" the show on Google and click "Watched" which helps the show's engagement scores. (If there are other popular sites I haven't listed here, feel free to share them and rate Dead Boy Detectives highly on them!)
Notify Netflix customer service (through their online chat feature) that you're unhappy with the cancelation of Dead Boy Detectives. This is a short, 5-minute task that I wrote a guide on (with an example message) here!
"Repeat" Tasks:
➪ These tasks can become a part of your daily routine; do what works best for you! You don't have to do every single one of these tasks every day if that is overwhelming!
Share the petition* over and over again, on every one of your socials! Make everyone you love sign it!
Stream Dead Boy Detectives!* Keep it on a loop in the background on low volume as much as possible. Try to get others to stream it as well, especially if they haven't watched it before! Netflix cares about VIEWS: views save shows and I broke down the reasoning here. (Bonus: if you post over on Twitter about your rewatch, use the tag #ReviveDeadBoyDetectives)
Talk about Dead Boy Detectives!* You're probably doing that already, but just be sure that you're tagging your posts. Here on Tumblr use the "Dead Boy Detectives" tag at least (to boost our tag to trending) and anywhere that uses hashtags (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram for example) I would recommend #SaveDeadBoyDetectives and #DeadBoyDetectives as those seem to be the most commonly used tags! IMPORTANT: do not use more than 20 tags here on Tumblr! Any more than 20 and your posts might be marked as spam and hidden from the tags!
Create art, edits for TikTok, fics, gif sets, doodles, crafts, analysis posts, and so on for Dead Boy Detectives.* Having fun is important, too! This is an extension of the "Talk about Dead Boy Detectives" point, but it needs to be stated - don't remove the joy from the fight. If a drawing of our boys or a smutty fic with your favorite trickster cat king is what you can bring to the fight on any given day, that is a perfectly valuable contribution! It's not all emails and hashtags.
Daily request a show through Netflix. Bonus if you're signed in! (I do 3-5 times a day)
Send Emails advocating for Dead Boy Detectives (Email list & Email Template). You can do this as much as you want or just one time.
Send Snail-mail (physical letters) to Netflix advocating for Dead Boy Detectives. I also send a copy of my letters to Warner Bros. Studios. Again, you can do this one time or multiple times. There are dates set aside for "mass" mail sending as well, so check out info on that here!
Interact with articles posted about Dead Boy Detectives. Read them, share them, comment on them, thank the writer for writing them, etc. We want lots of press about the cancellation, and supporting journalists and publications will make them want to write about Dead Boy Detectives more.
NOTE: Anything marked with a * means it's extremely important; if you can only do a few things, these tasks are the ones that you should focus on first. Remember to take care of yourself. This is a marathon, not a sprint, so don't burn yourself out!
Say that to yourself as many times as it takes for you to believe it. We're doing this to get justice for the writers, the actors, for ourselves, and assert to these companies that diverse, queer stories are not disposable one-offs; they deserve to be told in full!
Hugs and Handshakes to you all - whatever will suffice. 💜 Always feel free to reach out if you have any questions, whether that be through private message or my ask box. I'm not going anywhere!
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