#trust her to be snarky about it ffs
jaxxsoxxn · 5 months
That one scene from Hercules the Disney movie
Captain cold : I can’t believe you’re getting so walked up about some hero
Captain boomerang : this one is different. He’s honest and sweet. Captain cold : oh please 
Captain boomerang : he would never do anything to hurt me 
Captain cold : he’s the flash 
No, 'cause Boomer is probably so defensive about it. Cold would rather die than admit he cares, but he saw how Speedster can and will fuck you up, so whenever the two r just chilling around him, he gets full-on nitpicky.
Because of Flash's speed healing, I honestly doubt he has a lot of scars, especially from Digger, but the other way around? It's never anything too dangerous, usually a smaller cut that healed badly in the prison or something alike, but he has more than many scars from our fav Speedster. It's nothing that's too noticeable usually and his biggest harm was breaking his nose once or twice, which with how many times it was broken already makes it less than worth noting...
...for anyone, but Leonard Snart himself and his picky nature. Does he intend to make Flash feel bad with his snarky comments? Not exactly, but he's happy with it, even if they won't break up. Golden Glider absolutely adores it and tries her best to comfort Digger by saying "It's just in his big brother nature", but she's also not sure about what Flash wants from this relationship.
I wrote before that the JLA would need some time to understand that Digger is dating him without a second reason, but the Rouges? Some of them would eventually accept that Captain Boomerang and The Flash are dating just because they like each other and no-one is planning on changing their sides, even if Boomer is already on the grey-ish spectrum (tho most Rouges enjoy being on the grey-ish spectrum), some of them would never understand.
Trickster, for one, adores the fact that he can now hang out with the Flasher and just fool around! He's pretty fond of it and Boomer looks 100 times happier than before, so he's okay with it as long as it won't mess up anything.
Mirror Motherfucker- I mean, Master likes that he can annoy Barry more, but his fun is usually cut short because if there's one thing this man can do, it's running. The second Boomer is ready for their date or just happy to get somewhere else, he disappears. Him and Mirror boy ain't becoming besties any time soon, sadly. Lisa, who adores M&M(s), is a little sad because of it.
I feel like Captain Cold could warm up to the idea- (haha, get it?) but over all, he would not be a fan. You can see your totally-not-friend get his ass handed by a guy this many times before not trusting him with said totally-not-friend.
Weather Wizard would take a hot moment to warm up to the Speedster, but in the end, he'd be happy for the two (CC: Et tu, Mark?). He is the one and probably only Rouge that is willing to listen to Digger's rants about speedy. He's not trusting Barry per se, but he's not unhappy about the two together - even if there's no gain for him in it.
Golden Glider, a sour sweetheart she is, acts way more happily about it than she is - if she'll learn that Mark gets the juicy info from Digi, she's silently seething. Might be a little too much like her brother sometimes...
Heatwave, gods bless him, is slightly bitter about the fact that the Suicide Squad knows before them. Like, what do you mean people that kidnapped you know before us, your friend- he means, coworkers! He sulks a little, but as he's pretty happy for Digger, he is not as happy for Flash.
Also, a lil thing:
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(expect possible ColdWeather/Hail aka CC x WW in the closest future <3 bc i lov 'em
Also the chatfic will happen!! I'll post the link to it, bc this mf is going to be on ao3, sorry <3 ships expected: Boomerflash, HarleyIvy, Flag x Deadshot for fun, Mirror Master x Golden Glider possibly, ColdWeather/Hail probably
It will be a chiller, easy to read and write ff! More info later <3)
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whatitshouldvebeen · 1 year
Gordon Ramsay x Reader Slow Burn Dom/Sub FF
Yes, I'm serious. It has about a million reads on assorted fanfiction websites, so trust me and them when I say you'll love it
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Click for the previous chapter
Monday, June 24th, 2013
The other contestants and I gather at the entrance to the airport, waiting inside for further instructions–Monday airport traffic is no joke. Cars line up outside and throngs of people weave their way through each other, toting suitcases. That's not to say the airport lobby of Los Angeles is not stunning; the tall glass windows allow for the beautiful day's sunlight to shine through.
I take this time to examine my competition. There are fifteen other chefs aside from myself that are going to be competing against each other this season–eight men and eight women. Most of them are sitting in the airport lobby chairs, idly chatting to one another. I stand to the side of the chairs, leaning on the handle of my rolling suitcase. Thinking back to past seasons, I wonder which chefs were put here to stir up drama. My wondering is cut short with an uncanny interruption.
A woman with bleached blonde hair, dressed in a low-cut floral top and a short white skirt gathers everyone's attention. Or at least, the attention of the people who weren't already staring at her nearly exposed breasts.
"Oh my GOD can you guys believe it!" She bounces in place, her boobs jiggling, "I'm like, actually here. Of all the applicants I got picked! I can't wait to see which of you makes it to the final five with me."
She pauses, then grins wickedly like the Cheshire cat.
"Should be real easy, my competition doesn't look very... fierce." Her eyes quickly flit about the contestants, stopping on me for what seems to be a second longer than the others.
One of the few to not be at a loss for words is a middle-aged, stout, and bald man who scoffs at her.
"This is Hell's Kitchen, not Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Unless you keep your cooking skill in those tits then I doubt you'll make it to the final five with that self-absorbed attitude. This is a team game."
His voice is commanding, and surprisingly the blonde looks sheepish at being talked down to. By the time that a tall man in a suit approaches us, she hasn't managed to come up with a snarky retort.
"Hell's Kitchen contestants?" He questions the group. After seeing our collective nods he continues. "Please follow me." He turns and walks towards the sliding glass doors, exiting the airport.
Our bustling group happily follow him to a sleek black limousine with the initials "HK" branded on the side parked outside the loading gate. We all look giddily at each other. Excitement buzzes through my body as I lock eyes with the girl next to me, her brown curls bouncing in place as she jitters. We both give a shy grin, recognizing the other's excitement. As we approach the limo, the driver opens the door and lets us inside.
The limo is plush and cozy and there is an icebox with a bottle of champagne situated in the middle. The driver introduces himself as Paul and passes out champagne glasses to all of us before he takes his seat at the front and begins the drive to Hell's Kitchen. A few eyes lock onto the champagne bottle, but no one seems to have the confidence to crack it open.
The girl who had stood next to me earlier slides in next to me with a breathless, "Hey!"
"Hi!" I grin. "I'm (Y/N), and you?"
"Taylor." She returns the smile. She has a string of piercings up her ears, some hoops and some studs. Her hazel eyes shine with joy, the browns nearly matching her light tan skin tone.
"Are you as nervous as me?" I ask, my heartbeat in my ears as we pull up to a red light.
"Totally. This doesn't feel real, I've never been in a competition, much less on TV. I know my bro won't let me live it down if I don't do my best, so I'm trying to ignore my jitters. Can't let nerves interfere with my work." She lets out a puff of air and glances around the limo.
One of the younger men; green-eyed, thin, with messy ruffled brown hair, takes hold of the champagne bottle. "We can't let this go to waste, guys!" He says, opening it swiftly and pouring glasses for everyone with finesse. His winning smile is contagious as he confidently leads us all in a discussion of where we'd come from to get here, and cracks a few jokes. Soon enough all of us are smiling and laughing.
After about thirty minutes of driving the lights of the tinted window limo go out, leaving us in partial darkness. The chatter dies down and everyone looks around confused. A small TV flips open above the window between the driver and us contestants. On that TV is none other than Chef Ramsay, wearing his striking white head chef jacket with his arms crossed over his chest in his signature pose.
"Good afternoon, Hell's Kitchen contestants! I hope you all are enjoying yourselves on your trip to Hell, because things are about to get a lot less luxurious. As soon as you arrive, I expect you to hop in the kitchen and begin work on THE signature dish of yours that you are," he adamantly shakes his fist, "MOST proud of." The passion in his eyes burns in a way that can be felt through the screen. All of us are silent, at rapt attention. I feel my heart flutter at how fervently he encourages us. If he's anything like this in person, it'll be easy to be motivated by his words alone.
"You have forty-five minutes from the moment you arrive to complete your signature dish. The red and blue team will be competing, so be sure your dish impresses if you want your team to win. I will meet you all as soon as you've finished. Good luck, contestants." He turns his back to us as the screen folds up and the lights turn back on.
We are silent for a few seconds when the woman sitting next to the screen says, "Gee, he sure is intimidating."
She is so small that–when squished into a stretch limo with fifteen other people–she may as well get lost in the cushions. Her curly red hair frames her pale white face, and she has freckles across her nose that stand out when her skin drains of color, as it is now.
The man to her left, somewhat built, brown-eyed and black-haired with a buzz cut wraps his muscled arm around her shoulder, rapidly bringing color to her cheeks.
"Chin up Red!" He exclaims. "Ya wanna be brave when you talk to Ramsay. Even if you're scared, don't show 'em that ya are."
She nods delicately, curling her shoulders in to avoid touching his arm as much as possible. He doesn't seem to notice and leaves it around her for the duration of the ride.
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tremorsmackenzie · 2 years
i feel like season 1 and skye dont get enough appreciation, so heres a short reminder of all the stuff that went down even this early.
season 1 sort of felt like your average ensemble show at first, a little bit cheesy, lots of standalone episodes, you learn bits and pieces about all the characters backstories as it goes on, and its got a bit of a low budget feel to it, also lots of tropes and clichés. skye starts out as the relatable normal person character, through whose eyes we see the team and the relatively strange world they occupy. but she is also still a character very much of her own, snarky, vulnerable, but also willing to prove herself, sacrifice, and work hard, even when her conflicting loyalties cost her the trust of the team, the roots of everything shes going to become are already here. as the season goes on, you can start to see her become more and more badass in small steps, and really commit to the ideals of shield and her found family (who reciprocates in kind). after taking two bullets to the gut and just barely surviving through the immense efforts of her team (which is one moment where it already became clear that his show wasnt gonna be as tame as it seemed in the beginning), she also proves herself to shield for good and earns the respect of quite a lot of shield veterans, and finally gets properly recruited into shield as an agent. then this perception of the show gets blown up in our faces with the fall of shield. stereotypical straight shooter good guy character ward turns out to be a twisted, pathetic sociopath in hydras pocket, shield characters we know die left and right, what little skye has built for herself evaporates in front of her, and they all have to go further than ever before in order to survive hydras emergence. fitzsimmons almost die ffs. so did skye. ward tried to kill every single one of them. but, they manage to stop garret, ward, centipede, and the deathlok program by the skin of their teeth because coulson goes hard, and noone stays ahead of fury.
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tiembres · 7 years
RING! RING! RING!    calling Jess via @athrach
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    “You know, that’s kind of frowned upon these days—Sarah tried it last week and it didn’t go well. I’d recommend a good costume and a few drinks instead, you’re guaranteed to make some friends that way.”
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Sighing dramatically, ❝ Why is it always that Sarah gets to do all the fun stuff? --- you break into a tiger enclosure ONE TIME and suddenly everyone’s forbidding demonic rituals, ❞ Jess joked with a wink, leaning back with a contemplative look on her face. ❝ Got any ideas for a costume? You usually get the good ones. ❞ 
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sillydg · 3 years
Unfulfilled Hunger: Tobias X MC
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Book: Open heart, somewhere in book 3
Rating: 18+ (Adult content!)
Pairing: Tobias X MC ((Elisabeth Sarah Hughes (Liz))
Title: Unfulfilled Hunger
Rating: Explicit NSFW 18 + Only
Wordcount: 6500
Summary: Thank you so much for your request, @kachrisberry, to write what happens if they get back at Tobias’s apartment, after him carrying her out of the Laser tag game. A follow-up, for “Foul Play”.
Category: Explicit Smut
A/N: First of all, I find it important to say that both Liz and Tobias feel safe to protect their own boundaries and to speak up if something is not too their likings. They're both adults and both are completely comfortable and wanting to engage in each of these activities. A/N: This one ended up a bit longer than anticipated (Pun intended). But I got my hands on Tobias.. and maaaaaybe got a little bit carried away... But no, nah, not going to apologize for that 😉. Please let me know if you guys enjoyed the ride and please sent me an ask if you want to request something for OH or The royal romance, because I loved writing this and I'll hope you enjoy reading it.
Warnings: Foul language (sexy talk and swearing), Explicit adult seksual content. IF you read this FF, you confirm that you're 18 years or older.
Tobias and MC belong to Pixelberry.
Unfulfilled Hunger
Tobias opens his door with one hand, pulling Liz through with the other. “It’s a goddamn miracle that we got home in one piece, Hughes." He slams the door and pushes her against it, crashing his lips against her...
Murmering he continuous; “You almost fucking killed me by touching yourself like that in the car." His hands drifting over her body. "For god's sake, you already came once and I almost caused an accident by just looking at you trembling like that in the frontseat.”
Liz grins as he moves his kisses to her neck. “I had to do something, since I was not allowed to touch you. Besides, I simply HAD to touch myself at the sight of you.” She kicks off her boots.
Tobias bites her neck with a groan. “Ohhh, you dirty, dirty girl.”
Grinning she pushes him away, making him bump into the wall across from her.
“Off with the shirt, Carrick.”
“So commanding.” He gives her a cheeky smile. Such a turn-on.
“For a woman who was first complaining about me getting my shirt off… you changed your mind pretty quickly.”
“Oh save it, Carrick.” She tugs at his shirt, trying to take it off herself.
He grabs her wrists, turning her around. "Oh. I don't think so, Liz." He pins her against the wall with her hands up in the air.
“Now, I believe I was enjoying myself.” His lips find her neck again.
“For god's sake, T. Stop torturing me. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you all week after that little stunt you pulled .
Standing bare chested in front of me, but holding my hands so there was no way of touching you. Brushing your delicious lips against mine, without giving me the slightest taste of your tongue. All I could think of was touching, tasting, savoring you. For god's sake, I know you've noticed me undressing you with my eyes.”
Tobias looks up, meeting her eyes with a twinkle. “Ooooh, was that what you were doing during our daily meetings. I already wondered what you were thinking about when you stared at me like that, biting on your pen. Licking your cherry red lips.”
“Ohh, You very well knew, T. Because you were walking around 24-7 with that goddam annoyingly sexy, self-conscious smirk on that way too handsome face of yours.
God. I had to touch myself every night, when I was lying in bed. Desperate attempt, after desperate attempt to satisfy the hunger you released in me. But it never seemed enough. I'm so fucking hungry for you, Carrick. ”
He leans back to meet her gaze, his eyes filled with longing and frustration. She feels her knees getting weak at the intensity of him staring at her, glad to be pinned against the wall. “Well, it serves you right, Liz.”
He breaks the gaze and unbuttons her short with one hand, letting it slide onto the ground. His hand moves into her red lacy panties, softly stroking her lips, teasing her inner thighs. He smiles at the feeling how wet she already is for him and he lowers his mouth to her ear, whispering; “Now you know how I felt over the past few months, Liz. It started when I first saw you in that deli, with your messy bun and yoga pants.
It became worse after the fire I saw in your eyes when we met at Bloom. You were so snarky at me, Liz. I wanted to bend you over the table, pull up that way to the tight dress of yours, and give you a good spank, just to let you know who’s the boss. And believe me... It sure isn’t Ethan.
But things got really messy from the moment I saw you in that short at the baseball field." He lowers his voice to what almost sounds like a deep growl; "You know why I missed every freaking ball that day, Liz?”
She groans as he moves his hand out of her string.
“Because every time you threw the ball, your shirt would come up ever so slightly and showed this little part of your belly and the fucking lacy edge of your little pink thong.” He moves his fingertip over her sensitive skin right above her panties and she lets out a soft moan.
His hand disappears again in search of her clit, moving softly and slowly. Taking his sweet, sweet time to find the right spot.
The roughness of his stubble, the tickling of his husky voice, and now him touching her at her most sensitive spot... She feels a warmth quickly spreading through her body.
“You ruined me that day, Hughes.” He gently moves two fingers inside her, still drawing slow, sweet circles over her clit with his thumb. Her breath enhances, and he feels her contracting around his fingers.
“I’ve been touching myself ever since at the thought of dropping the bat and taking you right there on the field. Not caring who sees me, trusting into you, making you mine.
So it serves you right.”
He leans back again to take look at her. Her eyes are closed, completely at his mercy. His lips find hers in a slow, deep kiss, and he feels how close she gets to release. He murmurs to her lips. “Not yet, Hughes.”
He abruptly lets go of her wrist, letting his hand slip out her briefs. Leaving her breathing hard as her arms fall, startled at the sudden movement.
He walks away towards the living room, and right before he disappears, he gives her a million-dollar smirk over his shoulder. And after just a second she sees his shirt flying into the hallway.
Trying to compose herself from almost getting pushed over the edge, she leans against the wall. After a few deep breaths, she kicks the short off her feet, following him into the living room. So, we're still playing dirty.
She finds Tobias casually leaning against the counter, a drink in his hand. She swallows as she takes him in. Her eyes drift over his toned brawnylicous abs, moving down to his pants which are hanging dangerously low on his hips, just enough to make her thoughts go wild, but not enough to reveal anything.
She smiles cheekily, trying to hide how taken she is with the sight of him. God, his ego might explode if he only knew. “So, where Is my drink?”
He gives her his signature smirk. “Well, I thought, since I’ve taken my shirt off, I’m going to enjoy a drink while I watch you take your shirt off.. and after that, we can talk about you having a drink.” He moves towards the large breakfast counter and jumps to sit on it, clearly expecting a show.
She turns around, smiling over her shoulder. "Careful what you are wishing for, Carrick. Sure you can handle me?" She starts to move her hips slowly from side to side.
Tobias bites his lip as he looks at her perfectly shaped ass, dressed ever so little by the red lace string she is wearing. As she lets her hands drift over her rounds, he follows her hands up as they grip onto her small tank top. And with one fluid pull, it falls on the ground, right where he likes it to be.
He glances at her as she turns around, showing off her matching set, with all the curves in the right places. He is surprised to see that her bra is practically one small piece of fabric, adoring the sight of her nipples shining and peaking through the red lace.
Smirking, he moves his hand over his chest. “You cheeky Minx. You planned this, didn’t you? Or are you always wearing these matching lingerie sets..”
She sways forward, smiling seductively. Tobias's eyes are completely fixated on her breasts, slowly moving down to her swaying hips and back up, not able to determine where to look.
“I think I’m going to let you find that out for yourself. It might surprise you how diverse my lingerie is… So I suggest you undress me every day from now on…”
He swallows; “God, where have you been hiding, Hughes?”
Shrugging casualy, she cocks up an eyebrow.
“Now about that drink, T.”
He gets ready to jump off the counter, but she stops him. “Oooh no Carrick... you stay... right there, like the good boy you are.” She moves to stand between his legs. “Now, let me take care of this for you.” She tucks on his jeans, pulling them off.
“My, my, what a treat.” She moves her hand over the big bulk in his boxers and smiles. "And you dare to ask, where I've been hiding, T?"
He lets out a deep moan as she keeps caressing him. He leans backward on his hands, giving in to the feeling. She gives him a cheeky smile, puts his legs together, her hands onto the counter, and straddles him after one effortless jump."
Caught off-guard he starts to stumble, looking at the woman suddenly at his eye-level. “What the..”
“Ohh Carrick, Carrick, Carrick” She kisses him softly, teasing his lips with her tongue. Holding herself steady with her hands on his chest, slowly grinding her pussy against his hard cock through his boxers. After a few minutes of exploring, she encourages him to lie on his back. Tongues still dancing and she feels him gasp, the moment he touches the cold marble with his bare skin.
While pulling back, she keeps the friction going, and not only for his pleasure. “I might have forgotten to tell you… But I love yoga, it’s not just the comfortable pants for me. And I might have done gymnastics for a big part of my life. So if you keep up the good work, Carrick, you might get the chance to find out how flexible I really am.”
“For god’s sake,” he murmurs under his breath. She keeps rubbing herself against his hard length, not quite enough to take him over the edge, but enough to let him balance on it...
“Now, I need you to move up, Carrick. I want this whole divine body of yours onto this counter.”
He smirks; "What makes you think that you're the one in control, Hughes? Remember what happened earlier when you tried to command me? Or do I need to refresh your memorie?"
A sly smile appears on her face; "It must be nice, living in that head of yours T. Still convinced you're the one in control? Let me give you a piece of reality, mister." She removes his boxer, throwing it through the living room.
She smirks as they lock eyes, anticipation noticeable on Tobias's face. Of course, the moment he saw her at the deli was the moment where she completely gained control over him. Haunting his dreams, fantasies, and even in bed with other women she regularly popped up in his head, making stuff a lot better. But that doesn't stop him from one last desperate attempt to keep the facade up.
She encircles him with her soft hands, slowly moving up and down, while teasing his tip with a few small, fast licks.
"What was that, Carrick?"
"Oh for fuck sake."
She moves her hand down, following the line under his tip firmly with her tongue. It makes his muscles tense, and he moves his ass slightly up as a deep grunt escapes his throat. “Ohhhhh, Yes Liz.”
Smirking she looks down at the man beneath her. "Now, If you want me to keep doing that, you better move that delicious ass of yours right now, T!"
He starts moving while muttering some swear words under his breath, while she keeps teasing him with her hands and tongue.
Her eyes twinkle and she puts on a naughty smile;“God Carrick, I’m going to have so much fun with you now we have established who is the one in charge.”
She leans in, one hand on the counter and the other one exploring his neck, down to his chest. Licking his lips, inviting his tongue to meet hers. He opens his mouth and lets her in. His hands slipping under her bra, softly teasing her nipples, drawing small moans from her mouth.
Without him noticing she grabs his drink off the counter and she gently pulls back. Their blues meet and she bites her lip. “Now, about that drink.”
His breath stops as soon as the golden liquid hits his chest. She pours it, bit by bit, between the gap in his abbs, slowly moving down to his belly button, her eyes never leaving his.
“Hughes, you’re unbelievable.”
“You better know it, T.”
She puts the glass down, moving her attention to his chest as she softly let her fingers drift through the scotch. She moves her finger to cover his full lips, kissing him softly after.
“Mmh... That’s the good stuff, Carrick.”
She moves her tongue, licking the liquid of his chest, feeling his muscles flex under her touch wherever she goes.
He looks at her, hypnotized, his breath fastening as she slowly moves further and further down. Skin getting more sensitive with every lick, bite and suck as she savors the scotch off him. Oh my god.
His muscles tense as she arrives at his belly button, and when there is no drop left, she moves her focus to his lower abdomen. She looks up, as she hears him moan, smiling at the sight of his glistering abs and the pleasure showing on his face.
He groans; “Oh God, you really are enjoying my body, don't you Hughes?”
“Every fucking part of it..”
"Good, 'cause it's yours to use from now on. Whenever you want, I'll even get you your special beeper for emergencies."
"I'll hold you onto that. Now... ready for some fun, Carrick?"
He smirks contently as she moves her head further down and starts teasing the top of his hardness again.
But then he realizes that it probably would take nothing more than a few sucks to release, given how worked up he already is.
And nothing was further from the truth. Without warning, she stopped teasing, taking his full length in her mouth. After a few seconds of settlement, she starts deep throating him, and before he gets the chance to protest it turns black before his eyes, pushing his head back and he releases in her mouth.
She teases him with a few more sucks, making sure that every drop of him gets savored while enjoying the feeling of his body trembling under her mouth. For a minute he lies on the counter, breathing hard. "For fuck sake, Hughes."
She shrugs with a sly smile "Oops, got a little bit carried away there."
He slowly starts to get regain his senses and he looks up to a smirking Liz, sticking out cheekily the tip of her tongue.
“But, damn, that tasted even better than the scotch T.”
He hides his face behind his hands to hide a satisfied smile at her bold words.
After just a few more deep breaths, he manages to collect himself and jumps off the counter. “Glad that you enjoyed that, Liz, but now it’s my turn.” He scoops her up from the counter and throws her over his shoulder without any effort. Oh, I’m taking back control now.
After a few satisfying smacks on her butt, he sits down on the bed, letting her slide down on his lap. His lips find hers and he starts to unhook her bra, throwing it into a corner. He takes one of her nipples in his mouth while teasing the other with his hand. Her head falls back as she starts to grind once again in his lap. “Oh, God Tobias I already feel you grow again.” She reaches out to stroke him, but to avoid losing control once again he stands up, grabbing her at her thighs, and he throws her onto the soft bed.
“No more touching me, until I’m done with you, Liz. That means AFTER two orgasms, I’m going to fuck your brains out. But now. You’re completely at my Mercy." She nods, biting her lip. "Good girl. Now, grab the headboard, and don’t let go.”
Her eyes start to glister at the commanding tone in his voice and she completely surrenders. Obediently she grabs the headboard.
“And Liz... Don’t make a sound, until I tell you to.”
She swallows and a hot shiver runs through her body, by hearing those words, setting her body on fire. Such a turn-on.
He rips her panties off in one tuck, drawing her in for a deep kiss, while teasing her entrance with his erection. He starts to rubs his dick against her clit. Taken by the urge to feel him closer she starts to shift her hips up, urging him to enter her. Without thinking she sighs between kisses. “God Carrick, I... I need you inside me. I need to feel you deep inside me.”
He immediately stops. “What was that? I believe I heard some sounds coming out of that delicious mouth of yours. Yeah, you want me inside you?”
Realizing that she spoke, her eyes snap open, sucking in a breath while waiting for Tobias to react.
“Three orgasms, it is now.” And without further notice, his lips crash against hers again. His hands firmly exploring her body before they find the place where he started tonight.
He wastes no time, knowing how worked up she was before. His thumb finds her clit, and he sees her biting her arm as he enters her with three fingers, suppressing a moan. God, that’s sexy. He catches the encouragement and starts to moves his fingers faster and faster while sucking on her swollen nipple, caressing her other boob with a firm squeeze.
She trembles, more and more under his touch, finding it harder and harder to keep her moans in. God, she wants to scream his name so badly.
Then he softly bites her nipple and a flick of pain runs through her body, turning quickly into pleasure as she tumbles over the edge, biting even harder in her shoulder, only intensifying her orgasm.
He smirks at her, impressed, but also totally captivated by the look on her face as she comes, shutters and shakes, by his doing. Yeah, I’m never going to get enough of this.
He gives her a few seconds to catch her breath and damn she breaths hard, releasing her arm from her teeth, leaving bite marks.
He gently moves up to guide both of her arms down, which are still clenching to the headboard. He kisses her softly as she opens her eyes to meet his. “You okay?”
She smiles softly and nods. “Good. Ready for me to taste you?” She mouths “Ohh God Yes” without making a sound.
They keep staring into each other’s eyes as the mood shifts 180 degrees. Tobias frowns at her as she takes his face in her hands, knowing very well how much she actually adored this man.
His eyes turn soft and he smiles at her. "You're amazing, you know that, Liz?"
"Show me."
Tobias moves in for a tender and long kiss, cupping her cheeks in his hands. Liz feels her heartbeat rising, now by the soft touch of this man. He covers her body with hers completely as they start to lose themselves in each other. Her hands drift over the back of his head, enjoying the tickling of his soft short hairs, before letting her fingertips drift over his bareback. He slowly undoes her hair and drapes it over the mattress. Their hands meet and fingers entwining. The pillows and sheets are long found on the ground. He drops soft kisses on her neck, murmuring "God, youre beautiful."
He gently lets go of her hands and starts moving, teasing his stubble against her sensitive skin on his way down, breathing in her warm scent on the way. He looks at her glistening clit and gives it a few quick licks.
She directly moves her hips a bit up and he realizes how sensitive she is.
“I can’t wait for you to scream my name, Hughes.” She smiles at the permission to make sounds again.
“Then make me, Carrick.”
He moves his hands up to her hips, pulling her softly towards the edge of the bed as he gets on his knees, laying her legs over his shoulder. He starts licking her softly and slowly, savoring her smell and fluids.
“I need more, T.” She softly grabs his head urging him to come closer. He smiles cheekily and pushes his head back up; “I’m sorry? I believe I missed two magic words?”
“More, PLEASE Carrick, give me more.”
"That's what I'm talking about."
He starts licking and kissing again, but still moving his tong teasingly slow and soft while looking cheekily up to her.
She looks down to meets his eye, and he gives her the sexiest smirk she has ever laid eyes on. “For god's sake Carrick, if you’re going to smirk like that every time you taste me..” He suddenly moves up the pace of his tongue, forcing her to stop talking midsentence. "Nnnngh."
“Yes? Then?” He smiles against her clit, back to teasing her.
“Now you're the one who is unbelievable, T."
"Don't tell me things I'm already aware of. Now, finish that sentence, Hughes."
She sighs, longing for more tongue. "We are going to need a private conversation like this at least two times a day.”
He keeps his smirking up; “Then that's settled” He pushes his head down and lets his tong flick expertly, fast, and firm, letting his fingers assist by moving in and out of her.
“Nnnnhhhhgggg… T..” Her hands grab the sheets and he lets his finger slip out of her, to pull her even closer, steadying her hips. He picks up pase, encouraged by the deep moans. She trembles more and more, urging to move her hips, but his stern grip keeps her in place. You’re not getting away, Hughes.
She starts to move her hands, looking for something to grab as the sheets are not enough to hold onto. Her hands find his head again.
“Fuuuuuuck Carrrrrriccck.”
Yes, that’s it.
She pulls up her knees, body shocking and sweating, and he feels how she comes with his mouth still on her. Seeing her tremble like that...
God, I can’t wait any longer.
“You taste so good, you know that Hughes. Here. Taste.” He kisses her slowly, his hands encircling the back of her neck to draw her even more in, his dick rubbing against her still sensitive pussy, causing her to keep shuttering her body from time to time.
“Are you ready? You've been such a good girl, so I will fuck you towards you’re third orgasm, Liz, don’t you worry.”
Still with her eyes closed, she nods and lets out a satisfied sigh, letting him lead her up on the bed again.
As he completely covers her body with his again he places his dick before her entrance. Theirs eyes meet, both filled with longing to finally get close. She softly moves her hands behind his neck, teasing him with her nails. Maintaining eye contact he slowly starts to move inside her, until his eyes roll back at the feeling of how tight she is.
Her breath enhances, and she smiles, enjoying the visible pleasure on his face. He keeps slowly moving against her until he fills her completely.
Her eyelids start to flicker as he slowly starts thrusting into her.
“God, you’re big, Carrick.” She matches the movement of her hips to his rhythm, moving her legs around his waist to encourage him to go deeper. His lips find hers as he picks up the pace until he is not able to hold his upper body up, with the pleasures running through his body.
He lets out a deep, almost animalistic moan; "So tight Liz, you're so tight."
Leaving her lips and he hides his face in her neck, sucking at her sensitive flesh, leaving his mark.
Her nails slide from his shoulders to his back and smiles against his ear. “Fuck, this is so much better than in the dreams I had about you... T, you fill me up perfectly.”
She feels how he starts to lose control, picking up his pace, more firm with his thrusts as she speaks.
His voice sounds low and gruff. “Ahhh... You've dreamt about me, Hughes? So what did I do to you in these dreams?”
With him putting more power in his thrusts, she feels how he is hitting the right spot over and over again and she moans. “O god yes, Tobias… You... you fucked me in the middle of the diagnostics room on the round table, the next day in the supplies closet, NHHHGGG, on fucking Ethan’s desk, when the rest was out for lunch.”
“Ohhhhh Yes Hughes.” He moves his hands between them, as he keeps thrusting harder and harder, faster and faster while massaging her clit.
Liz is unable to talk as she feels how her body is taken over by the pleasure, quickly rising from her toes to her head, closing her eyes and she certainly was not able to think straight anymore... “Youuu... You… yyy… test nnnnhg lab”
“What are you saying, Hughes?” He smirks, leaning on one arm looking at the woman crumbling to pieces under him. He tries to stall his orgasm, but it gets harder and harder at the sight of her losing her mind, combined with the sexy talk rolling over her swollen lips.
He takes her breasts in his mouth, murmuring “Come on baby, let go once more. Show me that beautiful look on your face.”
His words were enough to push her over the edge, he notices, leaving her breast and again hiding his head in the crook of her neck. Biting, sucking as she encourages his thrusting, drawing blood with her nails on his back.
“Fuuuuuuck yeah, Carrick.”
He feels her pussy contracting around him and lets out a deep groan. He wants to savor the feeling, but the damn release was so close, it was unfightable.
“I need you to fill me up, T. Please... I need you to come.”
He keeps thrusting, barely managing to hold it together as she keeps stumbling each time he slams into her. "Nhhhhhhgggg, Liz, God Liz."
She grabs his head out of her neck, to make him look up, straight in her sparkly, wanting eyes and he keeps thrusting into her, while barely able to hold his own body up while leaning on his hands.
“Fulfill the hunger, Carrick… still my appetite. ”
Holy fuck.
That was it, he feels how he is not able to fight it anymore and he releases, A deep groan escapes, filling her up, like as she wanted it.
His eyes rolling backward “Gnnnnnggg Hughes, for fuck sake…” He sinks through his arms and after a few more thrusts he holds still, both breathing hard, clenching onto each other. After a few minutes, he gives her a bunch of soft kisses on her forehead, before rolling to the side.
“You’re something else, Liz.” He gently grabs her arm, to place soft kisses on the bite mark.
She smiles, still out of breath. “You know, I expected more oooh Lara and ooooh Miss Croft.”
He snorts and she looks at him in surprise.
“You know what Hughes…” He moves his fingertips over her bare body, encircling her nipples before ending at her lips. He smiles softly and just stares at her in awe.
“Seriously, you’re not going to finish that sentence?”
“I’m sorry I got distracted. You know what it is... I lied to you that night we were drunk. You were my fantasy, but I couldn't just say that right. You are my colleague and I've never had the idea I could be something more until I saw the look on your face when you looked at me last week with my shirt off."
She sighs; "Well, It's already hard to hide it with your shirt on Carrick, but it appears to be a real-life mission impossible when you're standing bare-chested in front of me. It does weird things to my brains and body you know."
"Soooo, me suggesting to Ethan that the new work outfits should be shirtless is not an option?"
She giggles; "Oh no, you do that, please. As long as I get to watch when you ask him. Imagine the look on his face."
Tobias bites his lip at the thought; "True, though, I cannot imagine him saying no to a shirtless you...Miss Croft." He winks and pulls her close to his chest, softly caressing her arm.
"O God, I made a total fool out of myself didn't I?"
"Not at all. Never apologize for looking that delicious. Besides, she was my fantasy until you knocked her off her throne, Hughes."
"Oof, so I've drawn some bad blood there, or what?"
"Nah, actually you might have teamed up a few times.”
She laughs; "Well I'm always open for suggestions Carrick, so if you bump into her...never hurts to ask."
His eyes start to glister at her words. "I never dreamt of you being this naughty, Hughes."
"Is that right, Carrick? So, how did I actually do compared to fantasy Liz?"
He smirks “You’ve proven from our first kiss that reality can beat fantasy by a long shot.” He turns to his side to give her a sweet kiss on the lips.
"I don't think I dared to dream that kissing you would feel this good Liz."
Her eyes start to flutter a bit, relaxing at his words. "So I guess there will be a next time, ha?"
"For me, absolutely. I can't wait to get caught with you day after day, making out in the supply closets until they just give us our own, with our names on it, to have a little fun in."
She smiles softly, barely able to keep her eyes open, murmuring; "I would love that, Tobias"
He removes his arm gently from under her neck to get up. He grabs the blankets, covering her and he lifts her head gently to lay it onto a pillow.
"Mmh, thank you T."
He smiles and plants a kiss on her forehead as she gets comfortable, shifting around, moving on her side.
He returns to bed, drawing her in to spoon.
“So about that whole yoga and gymnastics. Care to show me tomorrow in the shower?”
She smiles gently with her eyes closed. “Absolutely. And after that, you might want to show me around in your apartment... I might have missed everything except for 'naked you' and the breakfast counter.”
He laughs and looks at her in all his tenderness. He closes his eyes and moves hides his nose in her hair, breathing in her warm scent, focussing on the sound of her breathing.
Murmuring on the brink of falling asleep. “Deal, Miss Hughes. Besides you can have anything you want from me, anywhere. Because it's very clear that I was never the one in control, and hell, I love it."
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed. Also please let me know if you want to be tagged for OH, but not for smut like this. Taglist: @schnitzelbutterfingers @kachrisberry @jerzwriter @gkittylove99
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so i’ve just watched series 4 episode 10 ‘A Herald of the New Age’ uhhhhhh
wait wait wait so gwen’s gone for two (2) seconds and Arthur and Merlin are flirting like they’re in a school playground all over again lmaoooo i’m so done
so first of all they get back to Camelot and Merlin’s falls back into his concerned boyfriend routine 🥺🥺🥺🥺 SIDE NOTE THE KNIGHTS ARE JUST FULLY AWARE OF THESE TWO AT THIS POINT THEY ALWAYS FLIRT AND ARE REALLY TENDER IN FRONT OF THEM I CANNOT BE ARSED anyway Merlin asks Arthur if he’s alright and Arthur’s all sad and brooding 🥺🥺🥺 so Merlin says he was being quiet and Arthur just answers him with a snide remark but with none of the laughter and ARTHUR, KING, SWEETIE WHY WON’T YOU JUST LET THIS BOY HELP YOU???? 🥺🥺🥺🥺
so Merlin walks in on Arthur asleep at his desk. if you’ve watched the show you will remember this scene because it’s too iconic but am i gonna run through it anyway?? you’re damn right i am because i am obsessed lmaoooooo
who fucking wrote this shit it’s too good man
Arthur jumps out of his mind and Merlin the little shit has the audacity to say “oh i’m sorry i didn’t mean to scare you” HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU ABSOLUTE DICKHEAD MERLIN 😭😭😭😭😭😭 and he barely even cracks a smile how this man holds it together i will never know. honestly how Colin Morgan managed to deliver that just once without cracking up is beyond me.
so Arthur responds “you didn’t scare me, i was asleep” LMAOOOOO YEAH BITCH WE KNOW HAHAHAHAHAHA IM STILL SCREAMING ABOUT THIS
so now Merlin starts to laugh a bit but he’s holding it together. you know when you’re in school and something funny happens with your mates and you shouldn’t laugh because you’re meant to be working but you can’t not laugh and you’re all just snorting to stop yourselves from laughing??? yeah same energy
Arthur: “why’ve you got that stupid smile on your face?” baby i don’t know what to tell you anymore
Merlin: “it’s nothing. why were you sleeping with your head on the table?” and his face just drops to confusion HOW DOES HE NOT KEEP LAUGHING
Arthur: “i fell asleep while i was reading” uh huh okay sure thing
Merlin: “what were you reading?” this is turning into the most mundane conversation you’ve ever heard but it’s priceless because Arthur’s still half asleep and Merlin’s just fucking with him i’m so done
Arthur looks around trying think of something and realises be can’t lie anymore so this bitch just has to say “i am the King of Camelot i do not have to answer to the likes of you” LMAOOOOOOOO KING JUST ADMIT YOURE AN IDIOT AND LEAVE and Arthur’s almost cracking a smile at this point too we get it you love him
Merlin: “oh you’re in a good mood, you obviously got out of the wrong side of the table” AND THIS MAN JUST STARTS PISSING HIMSELF AT HIS OWN JOKE I-
and Merlin explains the joke while he’s still laughing and Arthur replies “that’s extremely clever and funny Merlin there really are no limits to your wit now will you please just get me some breakfast” HAHAHAHAHHAA MATE WHEN I SAY IM HOWLING WRITING THIS POST
‘there really are no limits to your wit’ sent me
so Merlin goes to get breakfast and Arthur (who has loads of food on his face remember) uses the plate as a mirror OH BOY
he lowers the plate with another deadpan stare aimed at the door. boy is FUMING LMAOOOOOOOO
he shouts Merlin and i will suck my own big toe if there is anyone in the castle Camelot that didn’t hear him MY GOD THAT WAS PRICELESS
me current state: deceased
so the very next scene we’re at training Arthur tells the lads to pair up and Gwaine asks what’s in his hair. Arthur’s face is just a picture. Merlin helpfully answers that it’s stew. Leon asks him why he’s got stew in his hair. Merlin quickly responds “because he was reading” in that tone when Merlin’s being a right snarky little shit oh you know
the lads just turn to look at Arthur like “wtf man??”
Arthur takes a minute and says “change of plan. i think we’ll try something different” lmaoooo you just know what’s coming next
so Merlin’s used for sword practise
Arthur has first go and the lads are smirking at them and each other like “oh these two had another domestic” “about the stew this time ahhh right” lmaooooo
there was a whole two (2) minutes of just solid flirting, taking the piss and just generally annoying the shit out of each other i-
it’s nighttime now and this cheeky bastard asks “would you like me to make up the bed Sire, or will you be sleeping on the table again?” with a little smile on his face HAHAHAHAHAHAHA it just keeps getting better this episode really is a gift
Arthur doesn’t respond because he’s all moody again and Merlin all but roles his eyes all he wants to do is cheer up his boyfriend 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 so he sighs “is this about Gwen” and Merlin looks kinda irritated and sad and Arthur won’t even look at him and Merlin says “we all miss her. you more than anyone” and Arthur cuts him off with “you can go now” maaaaate the feels
Merlin: “Arthur”
Arthur: “get out” oh so now you look at him
omfg you were happy earlier can you please just let him help you ffs you’re just making each other really fucking sad and it’s not helping anything
and Merlin leaves and Arthur kind of looks over his shoulder and almost shakes his head like he doesn’t actually want him to go 🥺🥺 and every damn time something like this happens i expect him to say “no, wait” 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
and now Arthur looks even more sad. well baby i don’t know what to tell you but you did just do that to yourself a little bit. just leT MERLIN HELP YOU ffs
SO Merlin storms in and dad Gaius is at the table reading and Merlin’s just ranting that he’s done being nice to Arthur and he doesn’t get any thanks and he’s saved his life so many times and all he ever does is shout at him. yeah boy we know aND SO DOES GAIUS because this man does not look up at him!!!!!! tell me that’s not Merlin ranting to his dad about his crush i swear-
Gaius tells him there’s more important things to worry about like the plot of this episode perhaps??? lmaoooo this is getting out of hand now. dad’s so done with Merlin’s lovesick bullshit lmaoo
so we move on a bit and Arthur tells his uncle that Merlin thinks Elyan’s possessed oh so now dad’s dead you value Merlin’s counsel huh king?? we love to see it
we love that Merlin can speak up a bit more now ehehehe
so uncle says that Merlin’s just tryna protect his friend and Arthur just looks at Merlin like “i believe you don’t worry but we need evidence man”
oh my christ we’re only half way through true episode i’ll try and speed things up a bit i think the main Merthur action’s done anyway
Merlin breaks Elyan out. arrives back at Camelot and walks into the throne room. Arthur’s drinking and reading something and just looks up when Merlin enters with the most glorious look on his face like “oh this bitch is back finally” and carefully considers what he’s gonna say to him 😂😂😭😭😭
Arthur: “Merlin! good of you to join me. perhaps i should fill you in on all that’s been happening while you’ve been... that’s a good question. what the hell have you been doing??” LMAOOOOO these two i can’t
Merlin: “i was...”
Arthur (cutting him off): “choose your next words carefully. they may be you last” pahahahahahaha alright king pipe down
Merlin: “i was searching.. in the woods.... for some herbs for Gaius” boy’s just rambling about herbs and says he got lost
Arthur: “you mean to tell me that you’ve been wandering around in the woods all night???”
and the look on this man’s face. WONDERFUL
Merlin says yes and Arthur asks what happened to his head because it’s bruised and i just knew it was coming ffs “i tripped over a root and hit my head on a tree and knocked myself out” this fucking moron. this fool i despair
Arthur just toys with him and offers him some food with him at the table is it a joke though Arthur if you actually just want to have a lunch date with him and Merlin realises he’s joking and we get another golden deadpan stare from Arthur and it’s the funniest shit damn this episode is blessed and Arthur just stares him down as he fucks off out of the room lmaooooooo 😭😭😭😭😭😭 and then to finish it off dramatically picks up his paper again so we all know he’s back to ‘important reading’ uh huh Arthur sure you’re not just thinking about that interaction?? like the rest of us clowns
fast forward and Arthur let’s Elyan go and somehow Merlin’s there again???
anyway Arthur talks to his uncle and when he’s gone Arthur confides in Merlin and Gaius i’m sorry but we have to stan some A+ development (also i really hope Arthur’s starting to lose trust in his uncle because i was sort of getting that vibe from this scene idk we can only hope)
then they have a nice little joke about Merlin not getting an early night lmaooo we do love to see the bants
so later on Merlin follows Arthur into the woods lmao of course he does would you really expect anything less at this point?? and they have this whole why are you here?! no why are you here?! moment lmao
Arthur tells him he’s free to go back to Camelot at any time sweetie you really think that’s gonna happen?? you fool Arthur Pendrgaaon because obviously Merlin’s not going anywhere AND THEN ARTHUR’S BACK TO BEING A SELF SACRIFICIAL LITTLE SHIT AGAIN BABY YOU’RE KING NOW YOU CAN’T BE SO WILLING TO DIE AT EVERY FUCKING PROBLEM WTF we find out that this whole thing’s Arthur’s fault but this whole scene is honestly so nice and lovely and warm and he knows what he did was wrong and that he was a stupid young man 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 and the druid boy forgives him 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 and he’s CRYING omg recently Merlin’s constantly on the verge of tears but when Arthur cries you know some bad shit’s going down and the music omgggg 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 “from this day forth the druid people will be treated with the respect they deserve, i give you my word” 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i love him your honour
so then we’re back in Arthur’s chambers and Merlin says “you know that was incredibly moving what you said at the shrine” Arthur says “it served it’s purpose” because Elyan’s alright ARTHUR STOP PRETENDING YOU DON’T CARE TO LOOK COOL FOR YOU BOYFRIEND MERLIN KNOWS YOU’RE 10X THE MAN YOUR FATHER EVER WAS
Merlin says “you meant it” and then Arthur gets a bit snappy because he’s embarrassed 🥺🥺🥺 and Merlin says “i don’t ever think i’ve seen you cry before. well not like that. you had tears running down your cheeks it’s nice to see this new sensitive emotional side to you, it suits you” doesn’t it just baby???? 🥺🥺🥺🥺 then we get a classic shut up Merlin and this is the first time Arthur dares to look at him throughout this conversation 😭😭😭 and then Merlin mocks him *gasp* “i really thought you’d changed” lmaoooo “then you’re as stupid as you are ugly” lmaooooooo Arthur just tell him he’s pretty and leave
and just to finish things off
Arthur’s walking to the door
Merlin: “so there’s no chance that we could have a hug?” and he’s half 🥺 and half smiling/laughing ready to play it off
Arthur turns back to him and starts play running towards him and Merlin runs away and Arthur tackles him off screen aND YOU CANNOT TELL ME ARTHUR DID NOT GIVE THAT MAN THE BIGGEST HUG WHEN THEY WERE BOTH DOWN ON THE GROUND AHHHHHHHHAHAHAHA THEH ARE SO PURE I LOVE IT 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 can you not just imagine these two giggling and chasing each other round the room i-
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
shaadi mubarak 24.08.20 lb
A widow and an ex-film star, both in their 40s, partner up to start a wedding planning firm. Thus begins a unique tale of self-respect, friendship and love....
Just the blurb is filling me with hope. Premature and foolish of me, but SELF RESPECT, FRIENDSHIP, *AND* LOVE?!!!?!?!? IT'S TICKING ALL MY "HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP" BOXESSSSSSSSS. LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
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i'm just so relieved that they're showcasing rajashree's gorgeous brown skin properly, without whitewashing her.
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omg rajeshwari sachdev's in this tooooooo!
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idk who these ppl are plot wise, some relatives of preeti's i guess?
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lol i like rajeshwari's character (kusum) already. i hope she isn't gonna be a bitchy bhaabi or anything.
i keep missing what exact relation kusum has to preeti. i think i heard something about being samdhans??
ohhhhhhhhhh. kusum's son (sumedh) is married to preeti's daughter (juhi). samdhans it is.
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and here they are.
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lol ok, kusum issssss kind of a bitch. she's making faces at preeti's shaadi handling skills. pls god let her just be snarky, but mostly a good person.
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honestly man, what's her self-care routine, that she looks this amazing at 40+, with two grownass kids who are married? didi pls to share full diet plan and list of skincare products.
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ugh what is this ladke ki maa bullllllllllllshit? this is 2020 ffs.
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A+ to juhi for diplomacy and handling her saas nicely.
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lol @ these two cringing at kusum's antics.
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juhi and her husband are cute.
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preeti has some kinda moun vrat going on (???) and is guiding juhi about what to say as per the ritual.
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rajasthani shaadi hai, bollywood ne gaana banaaya hai, toh ghoomar toh karna hi hai.
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lol ofc this one has something to say about it.
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brat son is stomping around brattishly.
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a little too late to be complaining about the thaam jhaam level of the wedding no?
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dulhan ka shaadi ka lehenga phat gayaaaa. DHADAAAM DHADAAAM DHADAAAAAAAAAAAAM.*thaali drop moment*
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sumedh is good boy. happy for him and juhi, who seem like a sweet and loving and suljhe hue couple.
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ofc preeti's gonna whip up a wholeasssssss shaadi ka lehenga in an hour or so.
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god i hate the son so much already. fucking brat.
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bride likes the lehenga. she seems nice enough in this first ep, but we all know from the promo that it's all gonna be shot to shit. ugh.
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yup. there it is, plans to make preeti run the house like a servant. bitchhhhhhhhhhhh.
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cute cute cute.
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preeti's written some pretty heartfelt poems that.......... i don't think brat son and bitch bahu are gonna really appreciate.
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sumedh and juhi should be in india's diplomatic service. itne achchi taraah se handle karte hain sabko.
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yeh le jhoomar is gonna fall. and i'm guessing preeti's moun vrat is gonna break?
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lmao really bad vfx when the jhoomar fell.
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sabka reaction on hearing her talk is........ kuch zyaada hi.
wait what????????/ everyone was under the impression that she was mute like.... based on a physical inability to talk?
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god it was some mannat. that too for this naalaayak, ugh.
apparently tarun literally ate kaanch as a kid and almost lost his voice and thus the mannat.
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bitch bahu is like ugh, she talks??!?!? which, i mean, i kinda relate to, but it's a bitchy af thought to have.
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sumedh is best beta here. this one's "maaaaaaaaa" waali aankhein i don't trust.
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yup. there it is.
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even shady samdhan is like fuck youuuuuuuuu brat.
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man someone murder this fuckerrrrrrrr. sumedh pls do the honorssssssss.
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even bitchy bahu and maa realise ki yeh zyaaada hai.
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TFW motherhood is totally not worth it. (get a pet! they’re soooooo much more worth the energy/love!)
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oh, papa was also a fucker. typical. achcha hua nahi rahein.
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"pata nahi kab maa ki khushiyaan aayengi?!"
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yeh lo ji, aa gayi khushiyaan.
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in a....... velvet suit?!!?!? WHILE WE HAVE >90% HUMIDITY IN THIS COUNTRY?!?!?!!?!? brave wardrobe decision, sir.
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ofc the poem is gonna fly rightttttttttt onto mr. velvet suit khushiyaan man.
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thank you, serendipitous jhonka of hawa!
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lmao, this one is doing a dramatic reading of a random poem he found on the floor. i'm reminded of joey reading ‘love you forever” for emma's birthday party.
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lol filmyyyyy keeda bohut hi zor se hai inko. but everything maaf coz he seems so fucking lovable.
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precap is............... ugh. god give me the strength i’ll need to power through this week to get through the bitchy beta and bahu fuckeryyyyyyyyyyyy. 
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mz-elysium · 4 years
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Wow. That was a lot longer than I planned. Do we even do comic sans wip posts anymore? It it cool? Am I cool? 
Photo ID below the cut because this is already way too fucking long of a post. And this ID, bc of it, is so so long.
Photo ID: a 13 slide Comic Sans font powerpoint about an original WIP. All slides but the first are white, black text, all font being Comic Sans to follow the meme.
Slide 1: black background, white text. Titled with red shadow: The City of Fallen Angels: (2) Hitaeth. Definition below: hiraeth: homesickness or nostalgia, an earnest longing for an idealised past, or a sense of regret. Around this title are a bunch of floating descriptors about the WIP: vampires, gothic-punk, regrets vs forgiveness, dark urban fantasy, historical 2003, 4 POVs, secrets, political intrigue, slice of life, compassion vs selfishness, vampires playing Game of Thrones, grimdark and also hopepunk. A Vampire the Masquerade canon divergent original novel.
Slide 2: Worldbuilding, about the Vampire the Masquerade world. Titled: The canon sects but like a little more nuanced. Three columns of bullet points follow. 
The first is the Camarilla. 
neo-feudal lords and princes
rule most of the world
want to rule the rest of it
scheming, old elders who don’t give a shit about anyone else
will kill your family to make a point
stable domains; due process
clan culture, history, tradition
connected to wider vampire society
play their game and you can live as a peaceful peasant (mostly)
The second column is the Anarchs.
rebellious neonates/ancillae
in their Free States, there’s opportunity for power and to live your own life
neonates can actually own land??
literal anarchy
no real oversight or leadership
can and will be killed by another gang
“if you can hold it, you can have it”
Third column is the Sabbat
worship Caine as the First Murderer (first vampire)
take “vampire” too literally
inhuman monsters
war cult readying for Armageddon
profoundly religious
strict code of honour
accept their inhumanity (no angst)
tight-knit family-like packs
heroes/crusaders for their ppl
Slide 3: Titled: Have a shitty map. A Google map screenshot of Central Los Angeles, with highlighted sections in different colours, clearly done in Paint by a child. Seven sections are highlighted, explained on the next slide.
Slide 4: The lands are divided by the sect who control it.
Angels Wasteland: remains of the #peaceful Barony of Angels. With Salvador Garcia’s death, it’s a shitshow chaotic warzone. 
Tinseltown: Isaac Abrams, movie baron, just wants to be left alone.
East LA: ruled by loyalists of the Old Guard Anarchs, who are all dead/gone. Sabbat from further east are smelling weakness.
Downtown: technically “no baron” but also nines is baron. Typical Anarchs, shooting each other, living rough, living free. OR ARE THEY???
The Valley: a praxis backed by legendary elders, who are propelled by faceless masters, using unwilling Prince Barty Vaughn as a pawn
Westside: greedy and ambitious LaCroix goes “hmm. la looks like shit. probably wanna get in on that” and calls up his contact, Therese Voerman and says “yo. u got a barony, huh? wanna be my seneschal?”
Silver Lake: a desperate grab by Monroe and co to build their own “utopia” … sorta like the Anarchs 60yrs ago… and look how THAT went. Monroe ate the last Old Guard Anarch.
Slide 5: Titled: Monroe’s POV, with a subtitle of The Captain. On the left, a photo of half of a man’s face in shadow. He has dark hair, pale skin, blue eyes, and a hard expression. Bullet points describe him as Matthew Monroe, Clan Ventrue, Embraced 1873, Humanity 5, age 28. On the right, a series of bullets describe his POV’s story.
this is a dude drowning in an ocean of Problems and his catchphrase is “I’ll figure it out”
he owes a life debt to the enigmatic powerful archon in the Valley (Jan Pieterzoon), who seems to respect/honour him more than most of LA.
he used to be besties with the Valley Prince (Barty Vaughn), who he can’t trust but seems? the same?
he turned his ghoul and secret love into a vampire (Hawthorne), against her wishes, and now she hates him. monroe: u kno what? that’s fair.
Silver Lake is held together with duct tape. monroe’s right hand (Ashley Swan) is a nightmare and untrustworthy. his people try to kill each other.
he’s got a lot of unresolved trauma/grief/abuse/anger and vampires sort of have “The Beast”, a spirit that haunts them with evil
and oh yeah, LA is about to explode
Slide 6: Titled: Monroe’s supporting characters. Four characters, each of them have a photo, a title, and brief run-on description.
First, a photo of a very pale man with purple eyes and a lock of ice blonde hair. Ashley Swan, the Thorn, Clan Toreador. Monstrously cruel, sarcastic, hedonistic, aggressive, sadistic, can’t be trusted, doesn’t wear shirts. Bisexual transman.
Second, a photo of a dour woman with dark hair. Audrey Hawthorne, the Lovechilde, Clan Ventrue. Blinded by the Embrace, furious, frustrated, grieving, snarky, over accomplished, creative, passionate.
Third, a man in a black suit looking over a ballroom with a crystal chandelier. Jan Pieterzoon, the Kingmaker, Clan Ventrue. 300 year old, archon, elder, sire is Camarilla big-shot, dignified, mysterious, chessmaster, honourable, elite.
Fourth, a man in a dress shirt, sleeve rolled up, hand extended with a cigarette and bloody palm. Barty Vaughn, the Valley Prince, Clan Ventrue. Former Anarch, Prince of San Francisco, now reluctant Prince of LA. Smokes like a chimney, lives to fuck Tremere and have fun.
Slide 7: Titled: Zari’s POV, with a subtitle of The Black Rose. On the left, a photo of a beaming dark-skinned Black woman with bouncy coily black hair. Bullet points describe her as Zari Adeyemi-Swan, Clan Toreador, Embraced 1973, Humanity 6, age 27. On the right, a series of bullets describe her POV’s story.
life sucks, it’s cruel, and there’s no point thinking on the past, even when the past comes to haunt you
she fled her foster sire and once-lover (Ashley Swan) for his cruelty to others, but now he offers maybe?genuine? amends.
thirty years ago, she left her human children. her daughter (Aisha Adeyemi) has been Embraced and brings bad news
her main way of #coping is working and distracting herself. she throws herself to infiltrate the Westside Camarilla court (Sebastian LaCroix), against all good advice.
soon after she arrives, she finds herself having a secret admirer (Mercurio), who reminds her how precious it is to be loved, held, and cared for �� but they need to overcome their own instincts to accept what they could have
The Voerman sisters are in the thick of it all, making perfect cautionary allies and, if she can overcome her preconceptions, friends.
and oh yeah, LA is about to explode
Slide 8: Titled: Zari’s supporting characters. Four characters, each of them have a photo, a title, and brief run-on description.
First, a photo of a white man wearing mirrored sunglasses in front of orange-pink neon. It casts his face and smile eerily. Ashley Swan, the Foster Sire, Clan Toreador, monstrously cruel, charismatic, loyal, thorough, too clever, pleasurable. Bi transman.
Second, a photo of a white man in a suit, adjusting his cuffs. Sebastian LaCroix, the Westside Prince, Clan Ventrue, opportunistic benefactor, greedy, ambitious, petulant, ruthless, degrading.
Third, a white man in a paisley shirt, gold necklaces, putting a hand to a tattooed and exposed chest. Mercurio, the Admirer, LaCroix’s Ghoul, resourceful, sweet, empathetic, capable, romantic, salt of the earth, former Mafia hitman.
Fourth, a white woman in a black suit with delicate gold jewelry. The Voermans, the Mirrored Sisters, Clan Malkavian; one is brutal, calculating, patient, reckless, the other is seductive, fun-loving, innovative, insightful.
Slide 9: Titled: Charlie’s POV, with a subtitle of The Moonchilde. In small text, a line says “a.k.a. Me processing grief over my mother #coping. On the left, a photo of a sad-faced white woman with freckles, black eyeliner, and frizzy brown curls. Bullet points describe her as Charlie Bradley, Clan Malkavian, Embraced 2003, Humanity 8, age 20, lesbian. On the right, a series of bullets describe her POV’s story.
life is getting back to normal? well, “new normal”
as a new adult, she has a good ol’ fashioned “start of life” crisis: who am I? where do I fit in? complicated by her mother’s death a year ago. what sort of woman am I? how does this figure into my attraction to women?
maybe. maybe. maybe monroe is cold and distant and ruling a vampire kingdom, but he wants to look after me. maybe i should let him.
also, hey, you (Jesse Harper) get it. and you’re hurting. let me help, let me be your soft place to land. wow, okay, this is kissing.
she didn’t mean to ruin her sire’s (Rhys Wilson) life. but, she did. she killed his mentor. SHHH! secret! she feel bad. maybe friends? uh, okay, weirdo. maybe D&D.
she’s learning to deal with feeding on scumbags and giving what people got coming to them. and the Cobweb, supernatural psychosis
and oh yeah, LA is about to explode
Slide 10: Titled: Charlie’s supporting characters. Three characters, each of them have a photo, a title, and brief run-on description.
First, a white man in the middle of screaming, his head swaying back and forth so it looks like he has three heads. Rhys Wilson, the Sire, Clan Malkavian, weirdo, prime D&D fanatic and DM, just wants friends, and vengeance, pulls pranks to teach lessons. Gay.
Second, a very strong white woman with her arms crossed, a tattoo on one, and a t-shirt that is obscured but clearly says “The future is female”. Jesse Harper, the Darkness, Clan Lasombra, former vampire hunter, reluctant vampire, brooding, mysterious, sullen, black trench coat, buff as fuck, brave. Lesbian.
Third, a pair of clasped hands, male over female. Monroe, the Stepsire, Clan Ventrue, fucking old, inhuman, kills too easily, sincere, honourable, intense, gives good advice but really should shut his mouth hole.
Slide 11: Titled: Jack’s POV, with a subtitle of The Lone Wolf. On the left, a photo of a sad-faced strong Chinese man with a shaggy and tufted mullet. Bullet points describe him as Jack Shen, Clan Gangrel, Embraced 1955, Humanity 7, age 25, gay. On the right, a series of bullets describe his POV’s story.
why does he always end up alone? people leave, people die, people drift and change, but the good times were worth it
he’s always had a rocky relationship with his lover (Ryuko Saito), but now the dumbass has found a cult promising power.
he hasn’t lost him. he hasn’t. him and ryu just take time apart sometimes. but it’s been a long fucking while. and jack isn’t sure who he is alone anymore. a new human friend (Dustin Cohen), working at his animal hospital gives new life.
his former best friend (Damsel) has dove deep into Downtown and managing as Nines’ lieutenant, bringing him more and more dirty work to clean up
monroe relies on him to reign in the chaos of vampires trying to live without killing each other.
and oh yeah, LA is about to explode
Slide 12: Titled: Jack’s supporting characters. Three characters, each of them have a photo, a title, and brief run-on description.
First, a young white woman with dyed fire-engine red hair and an Iron Maiden t-shirt. Damsel, the Lieutenant, Clan Brujah, naive, brash, physical, loyal, loud-mouthed, smart.
Second, a skinny man in an ill-fitting Hawaiian shirt and jeans. Ryuko Saito, the Orphan, Mage, power-hungry, desperate, proud, ruthless, loving, isolated, crushingly lonely, gremlin, old and chronic pain, hides and “treats” it with magic.
Third, a white hand extending a hummingbird to fly free. Dustin Cohen, the Receptionist, Human, understanding, the best of Good Dudes, empathetic, kinda lame outsider
Slide 13: Titled: also. A moodboard on the right side includes two weeping stone angels, one at sunset, one in darkness between a tarnished and broken silver crown; a gas station in LA as seen through a rainy car window; grim-looking downtown city buildings; and a sidewalk curb with neon lights reflecting off a puddle and a plastic bag of takeout garbage strewn across.
On the left, bullet points follow.
about 100 million other characters. I legit have a spreadsheet
Everyone is capable of evil
Sins of the sire (father)
Never too late to start being a good person
Takes place  about 6 months before Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
At least one more novel in the works
Subheading, 22/55 chapters written. Gonna start posting September 28.
End ID.
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astoryofalove · 5 years
Final Fantasy VII Remake: Details Regarding Demo
Okay, I watched Maximilian_DOOD’s  FFVII Remake video. I have no idea if anyone did this yet, but I went ahead and watched the three-hour video of his and since I saw a lot of people saying they only watched bits and pieces, I went ahead and wrote notes for what he said through the entire thing. 
* First, he said specifically that the developers said that the older actors (Steve Burton, George Newbern, etc) will still be used for the cameo games they’re currently involved in. So Square still intends for Steve to voice Cloud in Dissidia NT and the like. Now, Max could have heard this wrong, but that’s what he said in his video. He said that the developers were very clear on the reasoning being that they want the remake to be it’s “own thing” not connected to the rest. So uh, goodbye to the compilation once again.
* We already know this, but Max said that the developers emphasized that the game is being worked on by people that were fans and grew up with FFVII. An interview from last year said they were looking for this type of employees, so this makes sense. 
* Max got really emotional at this part (and I don’t blame him), but he said that the developers pull up fan reaction videos as a sort of morale boost to the development team. 
* He said that there’s A LOT of tension between Barret and Cloud and that you can tell none of them trust Cloud and that almost makes you not want to trust Cloud, too. He also said Barret and Cloud butt-heads the entire time.
* Barret, Wedge, Jessie, and Biggs use Cloud as a distraction while they sneak into the Reactor. For example, Cloud walks in and sees all four of them hiding behind a wall, then suddenly Jessie whistles and the guards all attack Cloud, and as Cloud fights off the guards by himself, they sneak ahead. So basically, Cloud’s role as the hired muscle is REALLY emphasized this time around. 
* Jessie BIG TIME flirts with Cloud. In the OG she is more timid and shy, but from what Max recalls, she’s open about her interest in Cloud, saying stuff like “Let’s hope he fights as good as he looks” (something along those lines).
* He said there is no Tifa or Aerith in any of the demo or the special extended demo that only a select few got to see. 
* Cloud’s a total asshole at this point in the game. When Wedge comes up to Cloud and says how happy he is to be working together, Cloud cuts him off and says something along the lines of “When this is over, we’re never talking again.” 
* Cloud gets two flashbacks/Jenova scenes from the footage he saw. The last being just a single black feather falling to the floor.
* He says the music is “f*cking amazing” and better than anything he’s heard from the FF series.
* Cloud has battle gimmicks. One of them being a more like “heavy” mode, where Cloud will hold his sword up and walk slower (which I’m assuming is a defense mode) and the other mode where he’s swifter in attacks and more nimble.
* He specifically said the dialogue and performances were very “organic” and that there was no robotic deliveries or awkward lines or pauses between characters. He said that there’s so much banter between the characters that it feels very very human.
* Cloud will say snarky comebacks while in battle. For example, one of the guards says to Cloud “you don’t stand a chance” and Cloud says “That’s my line” as he pulls out the Buster Sword. He said this part was really cool.
* He said that the entire thing felt very cinematic and seamless, with no load screens or weird pauses. 
* Another person he spoke to said that he heard Barret sing the victory fanfare after a victory and Cloud will say something like “Shut up” in an irritated tone.
* He said from what he saw there is no post-victory screen, instead the items and stuff all pop up on the side of the screen in a transparent fashion.
* For battles, he said that it felt as though Cloud and Barret were capable of delivering combos in attacks. Like you can make Cloud do some strikes with his sword, activate the slow-mode, than switch over to Barret and have him do his moves and it seems to add more damage to the enemy. Cloud will also jump into the air to attack enemies that are slightly above him.
That’s pretty much it. He just said that this is the best game he’s ever seen at E3 and that it’s indescribably good and that the only way you can understand what he’s saying is if you play it yourself. 
He didn’t say whether or not there were still optional dialogues, though. He also said while Materia is in the game, we don’t get to use any or explore it. 
From what I heard from his video, I’m pretty damn excited.
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palmviolet · 5 years
jim hopper, or how to fuck up a character: the guide
so. i am mad.
hopper was the character treated the worst in the season. (except perhaps will, because i was expecting so much and got so little.) but seriously? his characterisation was appalling.
i have already had problems with his parenting of el in s2. (as @nancykali has talked about in the past.) he was overly controlling and borderline abusive in trying to keep her safe - and this, while awful, could have been fixed in s3. you know how?
1) have them actually talk to each other about feelings etc.
2) have joyce actively involved in co-parenting el (as hopper clearly is not up to it on his own).
3) not be so controlling.
instead, what do we get?? horrifyingly controlling, obsessive parenting played for comic relief. joyce is clearly not a large part of el’s life (as she calls joyce ‘will’s mom’ only). hopper decides he wants to talk to el, have a ‘heart to heart’ - but instead he traps mike in his car and basically yells him down. not! good! parenting! and then he lies to joyce about it! and she doesn’t know this until after his death! which will make her already traumatic and tangled feelings even more complicated! ugh!
and then hopper and el are separated. for the rest of the season, until the very end. he gives her a nice speech, but that’s it. until after his death, when the mourning for his death is only really given to el- only el is really allowed to cry, only el is given a long moment with his memory. he’s spent the whole season with joyce, not even thinking about el (another writing mistake), and yet joyce is not allowed to mourn at all. what the fuck
and then. phew. his treatment of joyce.
i made a list of everything he said to her that made me want to cry.
(prior to this also mr clarke suggests she is delusional, ‘apophenia, seeing patterns that aren’t there’, and nancy tells jonathan he really is joyce’s son, because he ‘worries too much’.)
1) joyce tries to explain why she stood hopper up. he refuses to listen, repeatedly saying ‘you’ve outdone yourself, joyce!’ implying she’s descended to a new level of crazy. she recognises this and tells him ‘you’re not even listening to me!’
2) ‘it makes sense, i’m sorry.’ she sighs in relief because she thinks he believes her, like he has done in the past. UNTIL he becomes horribly, horribly sarcastic - almost cruel. she is very visibly worked up and distressed but he only cares about his feelings.
3) ‘now you’re inventing things to get worked up about because god forbid any of us move on!’ - seriously?? she’s clearly still traumatised and grieving bob’s death, and even if she is inventing things he should be concerned, not angry, because clearly she’s still dealing with the trauma of it all IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU HOPPER FFS
4) then they finally get to the lab. when she’s frozen staring at the spot where bob died hopper hesitates and seems very impatient - ‘are you okay? do you wanna wait in the car?’ it’s very peremptory.
5) then they get to the room where the gate was. he touches the empty wall and says ‘nobody’s home’ in a pretty scathing tone. joyce clearly has severe ptsd (she literally has a flashback that we see on screen while facing this wall) but hopper doesn’t seem to care. he’s treating her with a lot of impatience, patronising her like she’s a child.
6) she says ‘i feel like i’m losing my mind.’ well guess what, that’s because hopper is treating her like she is. after a moment he says ‘you’re not losing your mind’ and it sounds a little begrudging. thankfully the scene progresses to a more equal, healthy conversation involving the sharing of trauma. thank god.
7) ‘i think you should stick to sales’ after she screws up the numberplate - he doesn’t even give her a chance to explain that it’s a motorcycle, not a car, he just decides that she’s useless. however he does apologise somewhat by later telling her she should work with him instead.
8) the worst line. the worst fucking line in this season. joyce says of murray ‘he’s not eccentric, he’s certifiable’. is it wrong? yes. is it very slightly hypocritical? yes. (but only because others have dismissed her as crazy in the past- not because she is crazy.) but hopper’s response- oh my god. he shuts her down so completely it’s horrifying and i felt physically ill when watching. ‘glass houses’. ‘you know, pot calling the kettle black.’ what the hell? is that meant to be a joke? he basically just called her certifiable and a hypocrite. hopper, the only one who never called her crazy, who never dismissed her like that. he’s suddenly decided he can’t trust her intuition anymore and that she’s just as crazy as they all say. what the fuck
9) it gets a bit better from here. but- in the car on the way back to hawkins, once again he belittles her: ‘we’re on our way to rescue our children from the big bad 4th of july celebration’. jesus christ, hopper, just because you haven’t shown an ounce of concern towards el except when it’s to do with mike-
10) and then joyce imitating him in the last episode. ‘it’s really hard to listen to you when you make everything sound like it’s the end of the goddamn world’. joyce has literally recognised that he doesn’t listen to her, that he’s been diminishing, ignoring, and belittling her - even gaslighting her, using her reputation and history of mental illness as an excuse to just ignore her concerns.
in short, i am horrified. i enjoyed some parts of the jopper storyline but a great deal of it was really quite concerning and his storyline with el was awful. the worst part of the season for me, by far.
and don’t get me started on how they presented the aftermath of his death. (but im gonna go for it anyway lmao)
so we’re given the beautiful, tragic scene of el realising he’s dead, and joyce sobbing into her son’s shoulder. however even this has glaring faults - joyce shouldn’t just look at el breaking down. joyce and el should grieve together, because it is they who love/loved hopper the most. especially since el becomes joyce’s surrogate daughter at the end - there definitely should have been more signs and foreshadowing for that. for god’s sake, duffers, one female friendship isn’t enough.
and then- the very next scene is steve and robin looking for jobs. it’s a goddamn comedy scene, and it’s so jarring it hurt. seriously, it diminished the emotional impact ridiculously, almost bathetic. and then joyce gets- what. ten seconds? of grieving? and even when she’s having her moment of mourning el comes in, takes the speech, and suddenly the whole scene is all about her, again. now i’m not diminishing her pain but when all season long it’s been joyce & hopper, the lack of emotional impact is frankly disappointing.
hopper was a great character at the start of the show, and even had his great moments this season. but he was reduced to this caricature - angry, overprotective dad, snarky love interest whose sarcasm was often downright cruel. i am so disappointed in the way they presented him, because they could have done so well - fixed the mistakes they made in s2 and made him even better.
tl;dr: hopper is borderline nasty to both el and joyce in this season and thus is vastly out of character. do better, duffers.
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selenityshiroi · 4 years
Okay, I’ve given it a few days since the official launch. I have to give my thoughts on this game. Don’t read if you are still playing through, as I WILL be talking about the ending and some things that diverged from the original game.
First off, this game was so good in so many ways.
I was worried about the gameplay, because I’m not really an Action RPG gamer. But the gameplay was smooth, fun and well planned. I played the game on easy, so I could focus on getting through the story, but I WANT to play the next difficulty because I feel like I will enjoy the challange.
Then there was the graphics. Oh. My. God. This game is SO BEAUTIFUL. The scenery (even though it’s not always supposed to be beautiful, it’s so intricate and detailed and has such a scale and world building to it), the characters, the battle animations, the attacks...even the grotesque monsters look so well done. We KNOW the FF series is always known for it’s stunning visuals, but they really outdid themselves. And, yeah, there are a few texture bugs that’ll probably be patched at some point, but even things like the lighting and the facial expressions and body language...it’s all SO GOOD. If this was a movie they would be fighting for art direction awards.
But the part they totally blew my expectations away on, everyone’s expectations, is the character and story development.
When they said they expanded Midgar they really, really did. But not by senselessly bloating it out. Everything they did led to making you more and more invested in the events. Spending more time with Team Avalanche meant that you cared about Biggs, Wedge and Jessie. Spending time talking to the NPCs in Sector 7 meant that you really, really wanted to stop that plate from coming down. And every time you spent time with one of the main characters, you felt like you knew and understood them better than you ever did.
By the time we got to the plate collapse I actually felt GUILTY for doing side quests and looking for treasure etc. Because it felt like I’d failed the people in the slums (even though, obviously, taking your time doesn’t change the story). And they’d done SUCH A GREAT JOB in making the slums feel real.
Now...before I go into characters and relationships, let me be clear and upfront. I always have and always will ship Cloti. But I don’t hate Aerith. I never actually played her much in the original game (I was spoiled for her death and was very pragmatic in not wanting to waste my EXP). This game is my first real taste of Aerith as a character and not a lost friend, so I’ve loved getting to know her.
Let me get the Cloti talk out of the way, first.
I’m sure there are fans of other pairings who won’t agree, but most people are in agreement. Cloud and Tifa got a LOT of ship fuel in this game.
From the start, Tifa is the one person Cloud isn’t standoffish around. He tries but within a few minutes of them teamed up in Sector 7 they are gently teasing each other in banter, and he is SOFT AS HELL towards her. Since this comes directly after the opening mission (where he and Barret are openly antagonistic to each other and he barely tolerates the rest of the team) it’s very obvious. As the chapter goes on he also listens to her and offers support and encouragement, which is completely different to the rest of his interactions thus far.
As the game goes on this difference continues, even when he starts to open up to others. Despite the fact that he has encouraging and impressed battle dialogue with Tifa and seems to respect her ability to take care of herself, the game has him constantly protective of her. They also touch each other A LOT (both initiated by Tifa and Cloud) and far more so than anyone else. There are some super charged moments between them, too (the train jump scene alone has enough sexual tension to start a baby boom) and there are several gratuituous scenes of them grabbing at each other in danger and showing extreme concern both physically and emotionally (and more of Cloud being SOFT AS HELL when it comes to Tifa). Plus their optional scene is super romantically suggestive (with the hug and his concern for her emotions and the hints at their shared history).
I could spend so much time going over all of their interactions and little moments because WOW. But I wanna go over the other relationships.
Cloud and Barret have such amazing development through the game. They start out as super antagonistic to each other. Barret doesn’t trust him and Cloud doesn’t care. But Barret is a softy at heart and he can’t help but soften up a little. By the time of the second reactor mission they start to tolerate and appreciate each other a little. But by the time they are fighting to save the plate? At that point Cloud is invested in the Team and Barret knows he’s a good fighter and maybe a good guy. The optional scene (I haven’t triggered it but was linked to a video) they have is such a good one where is shows how far they’ve come (Barret unloading his thoughts and emotions onto Cloud and feeling comforted by having spoken with him and Cloud willing to listen patiently and willing to be part of the Team).
Barret and Tifa have a rather familial relationship (Barret is super protective of his team and you can see this really early on) and their mutual respect and care for each other is wonderful. They know each other so well and are so emotionally open to each other.
Cloud and Aerith start out with him being pretty standoffish and barely tolerating her. But when she encourages him to save Tifa from Don Corneo they start to bond and their friendship starts to develop.
The slow build to Cloud finally sharing a high five (a few ‘how do you human’ moments with Avalanche, Tifa and Aerith and then misqueing one with Aerith before finally getting one right) was so damned adorable and is one of my fav moments!
I mean, I don’t ship them (and with the SHEER VOLUME of Cloti moments plus the increased hints towards Aerith’s relationship with Zack I don’t feel like I’m supposed to) but I am 100% behind their friendship. Also...Aerith knows how to flirt with Cloud and then back off when he’s uncomfortable...unlike Jessie who was well out of order several times. She is cool.
But talking about friendships I am 100% behind and very much grateful to Squeenix for giving us?
Hello Aerti!
DAMN these girls got a lot of moments together and plenty of chance to interact and develop a bond and I LOVED IT. Cloud was totally a third wheel to them, most of the time, and so he should be. Thank you for giving us girls being friends and not letting a man get between them. Tifa and Aerith protecting and defending each other felt so good after seeing so much toxicity spread around by the less stable parts of both ship fandoms.
Between letting Tifa and Aerith spend time together and having Barret help Aerith out of Shinra Tower it felt like Squeenix are trying to spend more time on developing Aerith’s relationships with the whole team. And I LOVE that because it’s needed before we get to THAT moment in future games. Nanaki doesn’t get much time with the others but it’s nice to see the starts of the bonds forming.
As much as I love shipping I love one thing just as much. FOUND FAMILY TROPES. And I want the next game to definitely go down this route for the entire Squad.
As for the characters individually...thank god we finally have the (not quite) real Cloud back. The emo fanon contruction is gone and we have our awkward, dorky, snarky boy back. I love him. He tries his best to be cool and all, but he’s a good boy at heart and it leaks out all over the place.
Same with Barret. Soft Team Dad hidden under a gruff guy who tries to come off as all tough and deadly. His moments regarding Marlene were super sweet and, like before, are such a contrast to his ‘big bad activist’ self that it’s great to see him in both stages and the inbetween.
Tifa was ~chef’s kiss~. A little playful but also a little shy. Full of compassion but not a pushover. Tough as nails, when needed, but also emotionally open.
Aerith was super playful and fun. But there is an undercurrent of sadness and insecurity around her and there is a lot of speculation that she may Know Things. Possibly even her future death.
We don’t get much of Nanaki or Reeve but I can’t wait for more from them (in Reeve’s case, through Cait Sith who got a small cameo during the plate collapse) in the next game. It looks like we might get Nanaki being a proper teenage wolf kitty which is gonna be great!
Team Avalanche were all pretty great, except for Jessie’s outrageous flirting going totally over the line...Cloud was very clear with his refusals but she still didn’t back off and was a step over the borderline of harrassment. That being said, other than the flirting, the team had some great moments. Jessie’s concern over how much of Reactor 1 was her fault and her GUILT was amazing. Biggs and Wedge, too, felt real and dimensional. Cloud building a small bond with the three of them (THEY GOT HIS FIRST TRUE AND BRIGHT SMILE) was so good and made the plate fall EVEN WORSE (despite the possibility of survival for them).
But now...the ending.
Oh boy.
There is a lot of talk and speculation about the ending and I’m sure it’ll be a hot topic until the next game comes out.
There are a few things it could mean on a scale of ‘barely anything will change but this means that Squeenix have given themselves some wiggle room with future events’ all the way up to ‘everything is gonna be totally different to the original game from here on out’.
Everyone is mad at the thought of the next game going in the latter direction and it’s the biggest drawback of the game to most. The one thing holding them back from thinking this game a perfect adaptation of the original game.
Personally, I think that the game is not going to change that much. I DON’T think Zack is still alive (the game was very clear to show us that Cloud still had the buster sword...so much so as to equip it on him during the cut scene after Zack’s appearance, even if it wasn’t his equiped weapon...Cloud probably wouldn’t have the sword if Zack was alive). I do think the Sephiroth we saw could be from the future. I do think the game will mostly keep to the same beats and events but that certain things will change in execution in order to keep some element of surprise and suspense. The biggest of things being that I think Aerith will still die, but not in the same set of events.
Overall, this game was utterly fantastic in almost every way. As a fan of the original I was so, so happy with what they did. The production team should be so very proud of the effort and detail they put into this game. The love they have for the original was obvious in the presentation.
10/10 would and will play again!
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Contractual Attraction (4/?) 
Enchanted Forest AU 
Summary: The war had raged on for many years, the people of Misthaven would say too many, and there was only one way to end it, only one way to quiet talks of rebellion. Princess Emma of Misthaven would have to marry the enemy, Prince Killian of Montave.
Notes: Hope you guys have a happy new year! The next chapter will be up on Thursday!
FF          Ao3
Chapter Four: The Unwanted Visitor 
The treaty and all its copies were ready to be signed the next day followed by a unity ball. Emma wanted to roll her eyes at that name, it’s a ball to celebrate the war being over, an excuse for them to dress up and declare peace. At the treaty signing Emma, Killian, and Liam sat at the table with Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff watching. All three of them signed the original treaty and its copies without hesitation. The original would stay here in Arendelle and copies would go to Montave and Misthaven. 
Emma sat the quill down on the table and a red plume of smoke appeared, revealing none other than Rumplestiliken, the Dark One with his scaly iridescent skin and reflective eyes. 
“Who the hell are you?” Liam shouted as he jumped out of his chair. Killian followed suit, both of them drawing their swords. 
“Oh, such bravery,” Rumplestiliken cheered in his sing-song voice. 
“Answer the question!” Killian demanded. Emma stood and crossed her arms. 
“Dark One, what do you want?” Emma asked. All heads in the room turned to her. 
“Ah well, Dearie, that would be you.” 
“Emma, what the hell is going on?” Elsa asked her. Emma pushed her way around the table, around Liam and Killian, avoiding the latter’s eyes. 
“For what?” Emma spat out, ignoring Elsa. 
“That arm of yours has seen better days. We had a deal, Dearie,” he practically growled at her. Rumplestilikin grabbed her arm tightly pushing the sleeve of her dress up, examining the scars. Killian stepped forward at that point, moving closer to Emma. 
“I fulfilled my end of the deal!” Emma snapped, yanking her arm back. 
“It won’t stay that way if you’re dead. That spell will only hold if you’re alive and after everything you gave up for it, I would think you wouldn’t want that to happen. Stop trying to use your magic. Unless you have a death wish, Savior?” Emma would like nothing better than to punch him in the face, but that won’t do any good. Emma simply nodded, “It won’t happen again.” 
“Lovely, I will not have this conversation again. Congratulations on your engagement,” he glared at her as he disappeared into a red plume of smoke.  
“What the fuck just happened?” Liam asked, exasperated. Elsa turned on Emma. 
“After everything he put your parents through how could you make a deal with him?” Her friend asks looking for an explanation. Emma sighed. 
“I didn’t have a choice.”
“There’s always a choice with him!” Elsa shouted and Emma cringed. 
“Will someone please explain what just happened?” Killian asked, looking between the two blondes. 
“Now.” Liam demanded. Emma walked over to one of the chairs and gripped the back of it until her knuckles turned white. 
“Around eight years into the war there was rumblings that Regina was rallying for support and was planning an attack. This terrified my parents. They thought she’d enact the dark curse that she never could when they first got married. She nearly destroyed them. There was a prophecy told by the Dark One that I would be the one to break this curse, to end Regina, to be the savior. When she tried rallying for support my parents knew they couldn’t fight a war against two enemies, so they sent an elite team, led by myself, to find her and take her out one and for all, after all I was the savior. I found a way to do it, but it came at a great cost…” Emma trailed off, not sure if she could get through the rest of it. 
“You made a deal with the Dark One.” Killian stated and she nodded. Anna gasped and Elsa looked like she might burst into tears. 
“Still doesn’t explain why he just showed up here,” Liam pointed out. 
“Regina was only a threat when she had magic. The Dark One gave me a spell that would take her magic away, he just failed to mention that it would take mine too. Not just take it, if I try to use it as you’ve seen it’s extremely painful,” Emma explained, done with Liam’s attitude. 
“He mentioned you dying,” Killian said, looking distressed. 
“If the scars reach my heart it will kill me,” Emma said never taking her eyes off of Killian. He didn’t move, didn’t blink, hell Emma wasn’t even sure he was breathing. 
“Fuck, Emma. He was right do you have a death wish?” Elsa snapped. 
“No, I don’t. The other day was the first time I’d even tried in years.” Emma shook her head. Killian finally snapped out of his trance and grabbed both her shoulders. 
“You’re not even trying to use your magic anymore, do you understand? Both of us are sacrificing everything for this peace treaty and I won’t have you throwing it away,” He told her intently. His blue eyes like a storm. 
“Let go of me,” she said through gritted teeth and he dropped his hands quickly, “Trust me it’s not a fun experience when I try. It won’t be happening ever again.” 
“Enough. He better not show up here again,” Liam warned her. 
“He won’t he delivered his message. He wants Regina to stay powerless just as much I do.” 
“What would happen if she did have her powers?” Anna asked, scared for her friend. 
“She threatened to come for me and my happiness. Her typical threats, hard to achieve when you can’t throw fireballs at your enemies,” Emma shrugged. 
“Charming, love. Any more enemies we should know about?” Killian asked, sarcasm dripping from his voice. 
“Just you honey,” Emma said in a sickly-sweet voice. Both of them glaring at each other. He ran hot and cold with her. One-minute protective the next mad and snarky with her. Emma swore he was about to jump in front of her when the Dark One was threatening her. Emma couldn’t quite get a read on him and it frustrated her. 
“We all have a ball to prepare for, we all have a role to play I suggest we get ready for that,” Elsa advised them all. Emma snatched her copy of the treaty off the table before leaving. 
 Emma was never a fan of balls, usually a lot of pompous princes and suitors lying in wait for her. It always felt like an ambush and none of them could dance very well. One time she had a suitor stare at his feet the entire time they danced. The one good thing about being engaged was she wouldn’t have to dance with suitors any longer. Although she would have to dance with Killian and who knows how that’ll go. The entire night he had barely looked at her unless he needed to. Not that she minded, but to sell this marriage he had to at least act like they enjoyed each other’s company. 
Killian stood from the table and extended his hand to her, “Would you care to dance, love?” 
“Yes,” Emma said as she slipped her hand into his grip. He led them out onto the dance floor with a graceful spin. The music started up and they began to move. He moved with ease and grace that surprised Emma. 
“You’re not bad at this.” 
“Of course, I’m not,” he said offended, “What kind of men have you been dancing with?” 
“In my experience princes aren’t always the best dancers. You would be surprised,” she chuckled. 
“Ah well not all of us can be naturals like you,” he smirked. It was her turn to be surprised. 
“There is no way you can know that,” she said as he twirled her around the dance floor. 
“Yes, there is. You move with grace and ease that few women possess.” He dipped her, their gaze not breaking once, “However there is only one real rule to dancing.” 
“Oh, really and what is that?” she asked. 
“Just pick a partner who knows what they’re doing,” his voice husky and low. Emma admitted it stirred something inside her, but it can’t be that. They may have a peace treaty, but he was still her enemy. 
They continued to dance for the next few songs, mostly because Emma has never had a partner this good. She’s definitely never enjoyed a ball as much as this one. The only reason they stopped is because Liam interrupted asking for the next dance. Killian kissed the back of her hand before saving Elsa from dancing with the Duke of Weselton. 
“Do all Montavian men dance this well or just you and your brother?” Emma asked lightly.
“Is that a compliment?” he asked surprised. 
“It’s been known to happen from time to time,” Emma shook her head. 
“Ah, so you’re saying I shouldn’t get used to it,” he teased her. 
“No, I’m saying you shouldn’t expect it,” Emma lowered her voice, “I sense this dance has an ulterior motive.” 
“I would feign hurt if it weren’t true, but yes it does. I want this peace to hold, I need it. We all do. I would never threaten the treaty,” he said in a hushed tone. His face serious. 
“To the point please.” He had to spin her before he could reply. 
“I speak as a brother not a king when I say please don’t hurt him.” When she looks confused, he continues on, “Killian. He’s been hurt in the past and I don’t know if I could see him like that again. So, please be gentle with him.” 
“I will, but I doubt emotions will play a factor in this marriage.” Emma said with a lifted eyebrow. The music from the song came to an end and they stopped. 
“I’m afraid they already have. Just keep what I said in mind.” He raised her hand to his mouth and kissed it. 
“What?” Emma asked, shocked. He said nothing else before leaving her on the dance floor. She stared after him confused as he approached Killian and Elsa. 
What was he referring to? Did he think she had feelings for Killian? Or perhaps Killian had feelings for her? But surely that cannot be possible, it wasn’t like she had been kind to the man since her arrival. Hell, at that dinner she told him she didn’t need to know him. Perhaps that was why he ran hot and cold with her. Feelings always complicated matters and not always in a good way. What on earth has she gotten herself into now? 
As the music to the next song starts Graham came to her rescue and all but dragged her into his arms. 
“You hate dancing,” she grumbled once the shock wore off and she came back to herself.
“You looked like you were drowning out there. I had to save you,” Graham whispered. 
“I didn’t need saving,” she grumbled. 
“Whatever you say, Princess. I can’t wait until we get home,” he groaned. 
“Arendelle isn’t so bad, there are worse places.” He spun her out and back in. 
“No, it’s not, but I wasn’t talking about that.” He continued on when Emma still looked confused. “We are surrounded by enemies on all sides. I’ll feel better once we’re home.” 
“You know when we go home one of them will be coming with us, I’ll be marrying him.” She frowned; not sure what Graham was getting at. Graham scoffed. 
“That won’t hold, you won’t go through with it.” Emma blinked a few times before she stopped in the middle of the dance floor. 
“The Emma I knew wouldn’t do that, wouldn’t roll over for the enemy. What are we truly doing here?” Graham asked her. People were dancing around them. Many eyes were on them as well. Emma was tired of being dignified, of putting on a pretty face. Emma smacked him across the face, the sound echoing through the room. 
“I am doing this for my people, for Misthaven. I thought you of all people would understand, but I guess I was wrong. Don’t ever speak to me like that again,” she hissed at him before storming out of the ballroom. She busted through balcony doors the cold winter air welcoming after the suffocating feeling of the ballroom. Emma gripped the balcony’s railing so tightly that her knuckles were white. The moon light reflecting off of the sapphire and aquamarine engagement ring Killian had slipped on her finger before the ball. 
Elsa and Anna smiled upon Killian and Emma. He held a beautiful ring of sapphires and aquamarine stones. 
“It’s not quite a traditional engagement ring, I hope you don’t mind,” he said sheepishly. Emma shook her head. 
“I’m not very traditional anyway,” she replied. Killian chuckled and slid the ring onto her finger. It fit perfectly, as if it were meant to be. Emma tried to not dwell on that fact. 
“It suits you.” She nodded because the truth of the matter was it did. She rather liked it. 
Emma heard footsteps behind her and a sigh, “Elsa, if you’re here to lecture me about being a proper lady now is really not the time.” 
“Good thing I’m not Elsa nor here to lecture you,” Killian said. Emma turned quickly to face him. 
“Just here to see if you’re alright,” he clarified. 
“Shouldn’t you be checking on Graham or cleaning up the mess I made?” Emma crossed her arms, not quite meeting his eyes. 
“Maybe I should be, but Graham isn’t quite as pretty as you.” Emma rolled her eyes at his compliment. He joined Emma at the balcony looking over the courtyard. 
“Never miss a chance, do you?” She finally glanced at him. 
“Not when it comes to you. Graham is your most trusted knight, what would cause you to strike him?” Killian wondered. Emma tore her gaze away from him. 
“He questioned my loyalty to this treaty,” she let out a laugh, “called me weak.” Emma doesn’t know why she laughed. She certainly didn’t find it funny. Graham was her closest friend and he just betrayed her. It hurt more than any bodily injury. 
“Should I-” Killian started and Emma shook her head. 
“No, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my people. I may have been hesitant at first, but not anymore.” Emma placed a hand over his on the balcony. 
“Good. It’s a sacrifice for both of us to be sure and I know it’s something you didn’t agree to lightly.” Emma just squeezed his hand and they stand there for a few minutes. Eventually he led her back inside when the cold became too much. Elsa found them immediately. 
“What the hell?” Elsa asked hands on her hips, a stern look on her face. Killian was still holding her hand. 
“Here it comes.” Killian tensed up beside her. 
“You better believe it! Emma you will be queen one day and you can’t go around slapping people at balls.” Elsa huffed. 
“I know that I lost my temper. Sorry I wasn’t perfect for every second of the day,” she sighed, releasing Killian’s hand. 
“You know that’s not the point. What did he even say to you? You two are as thick as thieves.” 
“Questioning the treaty, my motives, and loyalties. Trust me he deserved it,” Emma crossed her arms. Elsa narrowed her eyes. 
“Why’s he still assigned to you?” she asked. 
“What the hell does that have to do with anything?” Killian asked, finally speaking. 
“Thank you!” Emma said, thrown by the question. 
“Emma, you have to know. It’s as plain as day. Your parents surely know. Unless you’d rather keep it a secret.” 
“Since I clearly don’t know please enlighten me as to what you’re referring to,” Emma threw her hands up. 
“Graham’s in love with you. Has been for years by the look of it. Of course, he doesn’t support the treaty he probably thought you’d marry him.” Emma blinked a few times, clearly in shock. She had wondered if he had feelings for her, but he never said anything. Not directly anyway. 
“So, my question is why is he assigned to you when it is clearly a conflict of interest?” Elsa snapped. 
“Because there was no one left! Graham and August are the only knights left that my parents trusted with my life. Let’s not stand here and pretend that wasn’t a concerning factor, that coming here wasn’t a risk. Lancelot is dead, my father couldn’t come with me, and the rest of the knights are too inexperienced, so that leaves Graham despite his conflict my father knew that he will lay down his life for me. That’s why he’s still assigned to me.” Elsa’s jaw dropped. 
“Don’t worry I won’t go back to the ball, but do enjoy the rest of it,” Emma said as she strutted out.
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thebibliomancer · 5 years
Dark Crystal Age of Resistance ep 4 liveblog
“The First Thing I Remember is Fire”
Just a stream of thoughts.
Dammit the logo caught on fire. This is why they didn’t want open flames on the sets!
Gelfling are just super racist against Podlings.
A Guard: “Shut up, you’ll give everyone nightmares with that wailing!”
Hup: -sings louder, out of spite-
Sooooooooo Deet has decided to be a cryptid.
For Gelfling are a superstitious and cowardly lot. 
Flew around wailing and screeching until A Guard and B Guard took off in a frighten and then rescued Hup.
“Thra’s true balance will be found when natural order is sound.”
Dark Crystal loves its weird, random prophecies. But they’ve got nothing on Redwall.
-Brea, breaks the secret door- 
Why is there a secret room at the end of the secret passage under a secret door in the throne secretly that has the symbols of the seven clans?
Brea: “Oh, its a puzzle!”
Hey, yeah, this is coming off a little Legend of Zelda…
“I have to put the clans in their natural order, from highest to lowest, and then Thra will be in balance” =| ffs brea
You done learned a classism, growing up.
Dammit puzzle room, don’t reward her for classism! Orrr racism?
Brea is having a hard time ranking the clans once she gets past the ‘well obviously the Vapra are the best’
Wow, good job, modern puppeteers. You’ve made the Skeksis eating even grosser. And in the original movie it was a sort of cathartic trash the set sort of scene.
Wow, very gross.
Oh, this specific gross banquet is in honor of the Ornamentalist. So of course everyone spends the entire time whining about how food is like ash in their mouths compared to drinking soul goo.
Soul goo is crackier than crack. One sip and the Skeksis are all super hooked on it and already jonesing for another hit.
And the Ornamentalist is just annoyed.
Ornamentalist: “Essence, essence, essence! That’s all any of you talk about since I returned. It’s my party. Talk about me!”
Of course, the Ornamentalist would gladly try a hit but there’s none left.
Awww, they didn't invite Scientist to the party. They locked him in his lab until he finishes his mad science chores.
All the Skeksis are talking about wiping out the entire Gelfling population and Chamberlain is the only one thats not stupid about the horrific act of eating souls to maintain youth.
Chamberlain: “A wise shepherd does not cull entire herd, yes? We should take only what Gelfling we need to survive!”
Gourmand: “Moderation is for the meek!”
I again wonder how these dinguses managed to rule the planet for a thousand years without using it all up.
Chamberlain just called the General a coward. And the other Skeksis are just going FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
General: “I welcome war!”
Chamberlain: “Because you are too thick-headed to use brain!”
General: -affronted gasp-
And the Emperor is too busy PULLING HIS FINGER OFF to pay much attention
Gross. You’re getting pus… everything was already disgusting and you’ve found the way to make it worse, Emperor
So he wants instant results and starts yelling at the Chamberlain who can just shrink down and go ‘he started it’
Aww Emperor just dumped Chamberlain as his favorite counselor and his new bff is the general
Woow the general wasn’t kidding. The instant Chamberlain doesn’t have the Emperor’s favor, the General smacks Chamberlain to the floor and stomps on his hand.
I almost feel bad for him.
And now several minutes of Aughra complaining about how old she is and yelling at the ground to shut up until someone shoots plot arrows around her.
And the Emperor rolls into the lab to mock the Scientist for having no friends. Wow.
So the Scientist finished repairing the soul suck machine, with the bondage chair upgrade like in the movie.
Emperor: “How many Gelfling must we drain to cheat death for all eternity?”
Scientist: ‘thats fucked up, dude’
Or more seriously, the Scientist is actually worried about the Darkening and worries that draining Gelfling will cause it to spread faster.
But the Emperor is a global decaying denier and tells Scientist to tell him what he wants to hear.
Or he’ll kill his pet lab animals. Which the Scientist actually seems to like. I mean the animals, not the choking of them.
Scientist: “Fifty Gelfling, every trine!” I’m split between thinking ‘wow thats awful’ and ‘wow thats sustainable’
Chamberlain is feeling sad because Emperor doesn’t love him most anymore so he’s blowing an ominous horn.
Oh, another new Skeksis! SkekMal, the Hunter!
And all the other Skeksis are like ‘aw fuck not that guy’
Its interesting to think that from how much all the Skeksis seem to despise each other, thats actually them getting along and liking each other, and there are other Skeksis that they just don’t like at all.
Oh theres Aughra, of course she’s angry. She’s angry or peeved or irritated or disgruntled.
Aughra: “I will go no further!” -many plot arrows- “... I will go a bit further.”
I hadn’t gotten a good view yet but Aughra has a cool cape.
Oh hey, a new UrRu! This day brings a bounty. He’s the Archer who has been shooting arrows adjacent to Aughra.
Archer: “Thra still sings”
Aughra: “Then why don’t I hear it?”
Archer: “Because you turned your eye away from Thra and towards the stars.”
Hearing that from the Skeksis is just audacious but hearing it from an UrRu makes it hurt.
Aughra: “I trusted the Skeksis to look after Thra! I took their word!”
Archer: “And their gifts”
Having four arms must help with archery. But apparently having arthritis in all of those arms doesn’t.
Archer shoots arrow straight up into the air and has it land right at her feet. And vanishes while she’s watching it go.
Aughra: “You could have just said this! Clearly, succinctly! Without all the walking!”
Archer is the troll UrRu
Ohhh, I bet Archer and Hunter are counterparts. BECAUSE THEY’RE BOTH BATMAN
Archer does the vanishing when he feels the conversation is ended part and Hunter appears out of nowhere to give Chamberlain a frighten.
Hunter: “What is the prey?”
Chamberlain: “A Gelfling”
Hunter: “Nope. Bye.”
But Chamberlain talks him into it anyway because talking people into things is what Chamberlain does.
Although first he tries to make the Hunter feel sorry for his, the Chamberlain’s, reverse in fortunes by whining that the General hurt his hand but the Hunter just. Doesn’t. Care. About castle politics. He wouldn’t be out in the night being batman if he did.
But Chamberlain does manage to somehow convince him that Rian is worthy prey.
Now the General is charge of Gurjin’s interrogation and he immediately cattle prods him several times and straps him into the soul suck machine. Welp.
Gurjin, you’re wonderfully defiant and snarky.
General: “I will ask you once again, WHERE IS THE FUGITIVE RIAN?”
Gurjin, having just been partially soul sucked: “Have you checked the Great Smerth? It’s particularly lovely in spring.”
The Emperor rolls in and its like dad came home and caught the boys misbehaving.
Scientist: “I told him not to do it!”
General: “I… I was just introducing myself to the Gelfling!”
Emperor: =__=
She’s just been trying different combinations and writing down what doesn’t work.
Brea: “‘Thra’s true balance will be found when the natural order is sound’… but there is no natural order because no clan is above any of the others! It isn’t a puzzle! It’s a lie!”
Good job overcoming your prejudices, Brea!
Also, apparently refusing to rank the clans was the correct answer. This puzzle room is smart.
Hey what. Hey um what. There’s this stone dinosaur now what.
Its kind of cute.
So the rock creature is named Lore and it has like… rock grooved cylinders and a rock phonograph pick and like a recorded Yoda voice that drops exposition 
Yoda: “Lore has imprinted on you. He is now your guardian and will protect you on your journey to the Circle of the SUns. There you will find the key to free Gelfing from Skeksis power forever.”
Wait, who put this here? If the All-Maudra is NOW deeply in the Skeksis’ pockets then who and when put a secret room under her throne? And who knew enough to put a rock puppy in a secret room with a prerecorded message that the Skeksis were up to nooooo good. If someone knew all along that the Skeksis were jerks, why bury a message about it instead of doing something?
And then Seladon shows up and is like “THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE”
I’m not sure what the Gelfling guards were going to do to a rock monster with little spears anyway.
And now Rian has wandered into the Podling village. Hopefully he manages to be less racist than everyone else (except Deet) that interacts with them.
Wait, is that Rian? Then who is the other hooded gelfling and why are there ominous scare strings?
Podlings just love to party. They’re the Michelangelo of Thra’s races.
-Podling picks up entire keg and sprays it into another Podling’s mouth-
Rian gets a free drink because an old lady Podling wants to flirt at him across the room.
But his heart is too tender after losing the love of his life and I’m sure he won’t have room for a new love anytime soon.
Gurjin’s sister is hardcore. Shows up and puts Rian at knifepoint to ransom him off to get Gurjin back.
Oh and Cool Sister Tavra also shows up to also try to capture Rian for murdering a member of the Vapra (which he didn’t).
Oh Cool Sister Tavra, why’d you have to be racist at the Drunchens?
Rian: “Will someone just please fucking dreamfast with me so we can resolve this damn plot?”
Entirely new character Kylan: “Yeah I’m game” “The Skeksis may rule the land, but they do not rule my heart.”
Damn, entirely new character Kylan, you’re dope.
Tavra also decides that if entirely new character Kylan is going to do it, then she’s going to do it too.
And Gurjin’s sister gets peer pressured into doing it too.
FINALLY dreamfasting does what it was designed to do and shortcut past doubt and suspicion so we can get on with it.
Oh hey, Rian’s dad wanders in (geez Rian is bad at hiding if everyone found him at the same time) and also gets in on this dreamfast.
It feels a little weirder though because he gets in when it was already ongoing and its like weird because everyone else consented to the dreamfast and he just invited himself in.
But hey it lets Rian make up with his dad so, sure.
Dreamfasting also apparently can create- oh dreametching. Yeah they did mention that could happen.
So now Rian, entirely new character Kylan, and Dadrian are going to the All-Maudra to get her to rally the Gelflings against the Skeksis.
And Gurjin’s sister Naia and Tavra are going to the castle to free Gurjin.
I caaaaan’t help but feeeeeel that if Tavra went with Rian’s group they’d be able to convince the All-Maudra more easily but surrrrrrrrrre do whateverrrrrr
Unless you get captured and killed, Tavra and Naia. I’d be disgruntled at that.
Its kind of weird you have this group of plucky youths and also Rian’s dad who is like the wizened old man compared to them.
Wait, where IS Kylan? Did he go with the castle group after all?
Wait, shouldn’t Rian dad go on the castle mission since he’s the boss guard? And would make it easier for them  to-
Oh, I see. He has to be killed by the Hunter to show how serious the situation is.
Sorry, RIan’s dad. You’re the sacrificial lamb.
I mean, it hasn’t happened yet, but I bet it will-
Deet and Rian just barely cross each other’s paths again. Its a small world after all.
Rian: “Do you remember [father-son bonding activity]?”
Rian Dad: “Ahhh I see how that memory we both share would be useful here.”
HOLY SHIT the Hunter can book. All the other Skeksis are like lumbering around and feeling old and he’s jumping in trees. Maybe fresh air IS good for you.
And he’s a puppet or a costume or a costume puppet so holy shit.
Rian tries to sword fight the Hunter but like…. The weight advantage is very much the Hunter’s. He’s just easily pushing the Gelfling around
Hunter: “You have heart…. I’ll take that too.”
Oh no I was wrong! Rian Dad wasn’t the sacrificial lamb! He was the heroic sacrifice!
He tackled the Hunter into a pit of angry earth and the Hunter seems pretty okay with that as long as he takes someone with him. What an enigmatic guy.
Oh. never mind. Hunter is still alive. He’s too angry and spry for the ground to eat.
I was about to say what a shame it was to introduce the guy and immediately get him eaten by the ground.
And also Riandad’s sacrifice was pointless because the Hunter immediately captures Rian and absconds with him.
Deet and Hup must be very confused coming into this plot branch with no context.
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ladylynse · 6 years
For @sapphireswimming because she’s a wonderful human being (as anyone who interacts with her knows) and because I wanted to thank her for donating to my newly-created ko-fi. Enjoy some SuperPhantom!
It was a routine hunt, a simple salt ‘n’ burn--except most kids Dean runs across are scared of ghosts once they find out they’re real, and this girl most definitely isn’t. [FF | AO3]
Sam would be fine on his own.
Dean knew that.
This wasn’t the first time they’d had to split up on a hunt.
It wouldn’t be the last.
But it would have been nice if Cas or someone else were around to watch Sammy’s back. He’d drawn graveyard duty and was busy uncovering the remains of Judith Cooper, which meant if Dean didn’t provide a suitable distraction, the ghost would be on his ass the moment she realized what they were doing. And he was fine with drawing the ghost’s attention to himself if it kept her away from Sam and everyone else, but he also preferred to do it when there weren’t kids around who could get caught in the crossfire.
And that girl they’d seen sneaking around earlier had just ducked around the back of the old Cooper place, disappearing into the shadows so quickly he’d have never seen her if he hadn’t been keeping an eye out.
With a huff, Dean stuffed the extra rock salt rounds into his jacket, shut the trunk, and followed her. He didn’t want to yell; it would either spook her or alert Casper-the-not-so-friendly-ghost to the fact that they were here, and that was the last thing he wanted.
The kid was the reason he and Sam had split up in the first place. It would’ve been far safer for the two of them to handle the salt ‘n’ burn together—and a lot faster, too, when it came to the grave digging part, for all that he’d helped get a start on it before leaving—but they’d spotted the girl poking around earlier. More than once. Casual inquiries around town when asking about Judith’s other victims—that is, the recent missing teens who had last been seen in the area and the two confirmed kills that looked like suicides—hadn’t turned up anything solid on who this girl actually was.
Dean was suspicious, but Sam’s bleeding heart had him wanting to give her the benefit of the doubt. There was no question that this was a ghost thing—aside from seeing Judith themselves, the EMF meter lit up like crazy all over her old house—but they had no idea if activity had spiked before or after the kid had shown up. (Sam hadn’t been able to find any patterns or new activity related to the old Cooper residence in his research that could account for her resurgence, and Dean hadn’t come across anything from his interviews with various townsfolk.) If this kid was the one to disturb the peace, she was damned lucky she wasn’t already dead like the others. If she was trying to control the ghost, she had no idea what she was getting into and they’d need to stop her. And if she was just a runaway who thought a so-called haunted house could be a safe haven, they needed to correct her, fast.
There was no sign of the kid by the time he got to the back door, but it was open, and Dean had no illusions about where he’d find her. He unslung the shotgun and held it at the ready (safety on till he had either the ghost or the kid in his sights) as he crept inside, not sure whether he expected to hear footsteps or screams. His flashlight beam didn’t catch on anything out of the ordinary, but—
“What are you doing here?”
Dean cursed and spun, leveling the shotgun at the girl’s head before he realized she wasn’t the threat and lowering it. He hadn’t seen her approach, hadn’t even heard her, and that spoke volumes considering the creaking floorboards in this place. Had he really been that distracted?
The girl didn’t seem fazed by any of this, only drawing herself up taller and repeating herself. She came up to his chest and looked even younger than he’d been thinking. What was she, twelve? She looked like she should be in bed at this time of night, not skulking around abandoned buildings.
“Believe it or not, I’m protecting you.”
The girl snorted. “Not,” she said. “A normal gun isn’t going to do anything against ghosts.”
She had a lot to learn if she didn’t know the difference between a normal shotgun and one that had been sawed off, never mind how it was loaded, but that was just as well. It was better that kids her age didn’t know that difference yet, especially if the reason they learned was because they were caught in something like this. And even if she knew there was a ghost here—and truly believed there was a ghost here—he doubted she knew how to protect herself. Those baggy clothes might be concealing some kind of weapon, but since her hands were empty, it was far more likely she’d come here uninformed and unprepared.
“The rounds are packed with salt.”
“Which is supposed to do what, exactly? A ghost isn’t going to have some compulsive urge to count all the salt grains or anything. That’s, I dunno, vampires or fairies or something like that.”
Well, that confirmed that she hadn’t been raised in the hunting life, at least. “They’ll pack a punch. Now are you going to be a good little girl and get the hell out of here to save your own skin?”
The girl raised her eyebrows. “Are you kidding me? If I leave, you’re going to get yourself killed.”
Like he was the one who was uninformed and unprepared.
“If you know so much, then fill me in on what we’re dealing with here.”
The girl shrugged. “Standard ghost stuff. Former human still tied to something in this world. Strong enough to cause trouble but too weak to leave this place or consistently maintain a corporeal form.” She cocked her head at him. “You should know that if you think you want to be a ghost hunter.”
He rolled his eyes. “Just stay behind me.” He’d stick her in a circle of salt if he didn’t think she’d be stupid enough to leave it the moment he turned his back, but she wasn’t scared, and if she wasn’t scared, she wouldn’t listen to him. He had a better chance of keeping her alive when she thought she was invincible if he could at least see what idiotic stunt she was trying to pull. “Maybe you can learn something.”
“That would require me to know less than you about this.”
He could kill her later. Right now, he had to keep her alive. And then make Sam deal with her and her snarky remarks.
Dean turned to keep exploring, and the girl followed. This time, he could hear her footsteps. Which was impressive, considering she hadn’t shut up yet. “Judy thinks she’s doing the right thing, you know. Just like you are. This isn’t about retribution or anything. She thinks she’s doing these kids a favour. Freeing them. So they don’t have to suffer.”
Judith should’ve shown herself by now. He’d been here long enough, and the kid wasn’t exactly quiet.
Dean pulled the EMF meter out of his pocket and turned it on. It squealed, instantly lighting up red. The ghost was close.
“At least you have some tech with you. You aren’t completely incompetent. You know they’ve got less noisy things than that, though, right?”
“Just watch your back,” Dean growled, snapping off the EMF meter and tucking it away. “We’re gonna have company at any moment.”
“Assuming that thing is reliable.”
“It’s reliable.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“I trust it more than I trust you.” But he still couldn’t see anything. Couldn’t feel any cold spots. The flashlight beam held steady as he played it along the walls, ducking into one room and then the next. Judith’s last victim had supposedly hung themselves, tying a rope to the second floor banister and jumping. Maybe the ghost was upstairs again, biding her time till round two. Waiting for them to walk into whatever trap was already set.
“I’m going to save your sorry butt when you screw up. It’s not.”
“Are you gonna give it a rest?”
“Are you gonna leave and let me handle this?” At Dean’s incredulous sputter, the girl nodded. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
“You’re not protecting me!”
“So you say. But you’re the one who has this backwards. Seriously, who goes up against ghosts armed with salt?”
Dean didn’t bother to dignify that with an answer and instead headed for the stairs. If the kid wasn’t going to listen, fine. He’d save her skin anyway. She might not be so lippy once the ghost actually showed.
He’d worry if it weren’t for the EMF reading. He hadn’t helped Sam with the grave digging for as long as he would’ve liked; Sam had been too worried about Little Miss Know-It-All here to let him stay. But the cemetery Judith was buried in wasn’t far from here, and if she had realized that Sam was the real threat—
The girl gasped the moment Dean’s foot hit the second floor. “She’s here.”
He couldn’t see her, but that didn’t mean the kid hadn’t seen something. Ghosts could be damned fast. “Keep your eyes peeled. She cou—”
The girl tackled him with surprising strength, sending them both into the floor. She was on her feet first, fists clenched at her side as she faced down the ghost at the end of the hall. The old wooden chair Judith had thrown in their direction lay in pieces at the top of the stairs. The flashlight flickered a few feet away, but Dean had no idea where his shotgun had landed.
“Stop hurting people,” the girl demanded, “or I’ll stop you.”
Dean groaned. As far as threats went, that definitely needed work. Then again, she was a kid. And a stupid one at that, goading a ghost when she didn’t have any weapons on her. He grabbed the flashlight and swept it in a wide arc, but it gave out before he could see anything. He hadn’t heard the gun fall down the stairs, but it could’ve slid into one of the other rooms—
“I just want to help you,” Judith cooed. Dean cursed and lunged forward, towards the kid, but the ghost was faster, standing over her in the blink of an eye. “There’s so much danger out there. Wouldn’t you rather if I kept you safe?”
Judith hadn’t sounded like as much of a basket case when they’d read up on her life, but dying could do that to you. Dean fingered the half bag of salt he had in the pocket opposite the spare salt rounds. She’d disperse when it hit her, but the effect wouldn’t last long, and she’d be pissed once she reformed. On the upside, she’d be pissed at him and not trying to get the kid to join her in death. On the downside, he couldn’t even see anything made of iron that he could use as a makeshift weapon, and—
“I think I can help myself, thanks.” The girl stepped back. “You probably haven’t heard of me. I’d guess you haven’t heard of my cousin, either. But, believe me, I can take you down without breaking a sweat. It’ll be a lot easier on all of us if you just give up now.”
Dean had no idea what the kid was talking about, but he didn’t have time to figure out if there was any truth in what she’d said. Judith’s face contorted into a snarl as she flew forward and—
Dean blinked.
The afterimage left by the blinding green light was still seared into his eyes.
Maybe the kid had a hidden weapon after all.
“Dude, what the hell was that?”
“My secret weapon,” the girl said flippantly as she turned back to Dean. “You find your useless excuse for a weapon yet, Mr. I-Don’t-Need-Protecting?”
Whatever it had been, it wouldn’t hold Judith off for long. “Look, I’ve got enough salt to make a small circle, and if you stand inside—”
“So that’s a no.” The kid crossed her arms. “That’s what I thought.”
And that’s what he’d thought: that she wouldn’t go for it. At least he could tell Sam he’d tried. “You think you’re invincible because you got lucky just now?”
“No, I know I can handle myself because I’ve done it before. I’m still not entirely convinced that you have, by the way.”
Sammy oughta be close by now. Whether he liked it or not, he’d have to draw the ghost out to keep her focus on them. He didn’t like the idea of using the kid as bait, even when he didn’t particularly like her, but she could clearly handle herself for a few seconds if things went sideways. “Just be ready for when she comes back,” he growled, turning to look for the shotgun again. As soon as he had Judith focused on him, the kid would be in the clear, and it wouldn’t take long for Sam to torch Judith once he uncovered her casket. And then they could put this place in their rear-view mirror and forget about it.
The shotgun had slid into the bedroom. Dean walked in to grab it, and the door slammed shut behind him. “Hey!” No amount of twisting and pulling on the doorknob made any difference. This was Judith’s doing. He’d walked right into her trap. And the kid was out there on her own, secret weapon or no secret weapon. “Son of a bitch,” Dean muttered. The door opened inward, not outward, so he wouldn’t have much luck trying to slam into it to break it down. He might be able to make a hole using something else—the wood didn’t seem terribly strong, probably a hollow door rather than solid, and if he was lucky for once, that old bedframe might actually have some iron in it—but that would take time.
And he wasn’t likely to be able to force the door open until the ghost was distracted.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you!” the girl called, and he wasn’t entirely sure whether she was talking to him or to the ghost. He planted his foot on the wall beside the door and started to pull on the handle, just in case.
There was another green flash, followed by screaming.
He didn’t know whose it was until the door started to give. “C’mon,” he growled. If the series of thuds were anything to go by, Judith was throwing things at the kid. He wasn’t convinced the kid wasn’t throwing things back, for all the good that would do her. There was a larger, heavier thud that sounded like it came from right outside the door, and it snapped shut again, sealing before he even had a chance to see what was going on.
He didn’t need to see everything to guess that the kid had just taken a header into the wall, though.
“This is for your own good,” Judith was saying. “I just want to save you.”
There was another flash, white this time, and—thankfully—the kid’s sharp retort. “Save yourself, you crazy fruit loop.”
“Hurry up, Sammy,” Dean mumbled. “I don’t know how much longer this kid’s going to last.” There were more green flashes, and he could feel Judith’s grip on the door start to loosen, but—
Another crash, and this time the door came down on top of him. Dean wasn’t sure if the white light he saw this time was the same as before or just a side effect from everything else. He groaned and wiggled out from underneath the door. Judith was already there, standing over the kid, and she was out cold.
Hopefully out cold and not out of the game for good.
Dean’s fingers closed on the half package of salt, and he tossed it in Judith’s direction. Her image wavered and vanished as the salt cut through her, giving him a few precious seconds to catch his breath and check on the kid. He could find a pulse, weak but definitely there, and that’s all he cared about right now. Injuries could be dealt with later. Grabbing his shotgun from the floor, he stood up and stood guard.
“You still want to save her?” He heard Judith before he saw her. He turned, and she vanished, reappearing behind him. “You don’t even know what she is.”
“Still like my idea of saving her better than yours,” Dean shot back, pivoting to keep her in his sights.
“But she doesn’t belong with you.” He took a shot, but Judith had already moved. “She belongs with me.”
Judith’s idea of arguing her point involved her trying to bring the ceiling fan down on him. She managed to clip him as he dove out of the way, and then she was back over the kid. He fumbled to get in another shot—
And then she screamed, louder than before, as flames erupted from her chest. She reached down for the kid anyway, but the girl was more resilient than Dean had given her credit for; she was conscious enough to roll out of the way. The ghostly firelight was reflected in the kid’s wide blue eyes as she stared.
When Judith was nothing more than ash and the forgotten flashlight had flickered back to life, the girl met his eyes with a weak smile. “I take it back. I guess you do know a thing or two about hunting ghosts.”
“You’re not so bad yourself, kid,” he admitted grudgingly as he offered her a hand.
She took it and let him pull her to her feet. “Dani,” she said.
“Dean.” He could see the careful way she held herself as easily as he could see the wound from her head dripping blood down the left side of her face. “Come with me. We’ll meet up with my brother and get you fixed up.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re not.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“You’ll be better if you let us help you. You wanna go home to your parents like that?”
She rolled her eyes. “I’ll be fine.”
He frowned. “You don’t have parents, do you?”
“I’m not having this conversation.” She tried to walk out, but he grabbed her arm.
“Listen, kid, this might not have been your first tango with a ghost, but if you want to keep breathing, let me help you.”
“I don’t need your help!”
“You can’t do this by yourself,” he snapped. “Whether you want to hunt or not—and, god, don’t get into this life if you don’t have to—you need someone to watch your back. Sam and I have a friend up in Sioux Falls. Jody. She’ll take you in, no questions asked. Give you a roof over your head. A proper home.”
“I’m not some stray you need to deal with.”
“No, but you’re a girl who’s in over her head, and you won’t be the first one Jody’s helped out. So either cough up the names and addresses of some family members or I’m giving Jody a call.” She opened her mouth, and he added, “And I’m not stupid. I’m going to be checking it out first to make sure you’re telling the truth before I drop you anywhere.”
Her mouth snapped shut.
“That’s what I thought.”
He didn’t trust the girl not to pull some disappearing act, but when she followed him to the Impala and climbed in with nothing more than a silent, sulky show of protest, he started to think that Sam was right. She was just a girl who wanted—needed—help, and on some level she must have recognized that or she wouldn’t have come with him.
Of course, she also probably thought she could take him if she had to, but the kid was nothing if not cocky and overconfident. She likely wouldn’t think any different once she met Sam, either, even though she should.
She’d get along well with Jody and her girls.
(see more fics)
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darthstitch · 6 years
Castlevania Netflix Season 2 Review: All My Bloody Tears
Yeah. Uh. SPOILERS. MASSIVE GINORMOUS SPOILERS. Consider yourself warned.
I'm kind of a complete mess as I write this because PAIN! PAIN AND SUFFERING! TEARS! BLOODY TEARS!
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While it's not without its flaws, the second season of Netflix's Castlevania is incredible and lives up to the promise of Season 1. This, gentlebeings, is how you set up a sequel and leave the audience wanting more, but still walking away satisfied with what we've currently got.
The Good Stuff
The thing about Castlevania - as the game series by Konami - is that it's pretty much a patchwork quilt of everything goes. Think your favorite fan fiction peeve on AO3, the ones with the ten million tags before you even get to the goddamn story. So on one hand, it's got its clear inspiration from the classic Hammer and Universal Horror renditions of Dracula. But the game series is Japanese, so you have your beautiful anime-esque artwork by Ayami Kojima and the obvious anime influences.
I've played a few of the games, but I'm not going to claim gamer-god status. I just play for the fun of it and I don't hesitate to use walk throughs as a map of sorts, basically figuring out where to go, because the general castle layout is set up like a labyrinth and it is INSANE and FUN at the same time. So far, I've played and finished Symphony of the Night and two of the GBA ones: Harmony of Dissonance and Aria of Sorrow. I'm still trying to master the ones on the NDS. But basically, the premise is the same: You're the hero/heroine, you need to enter the big spooky castle, gather weapons and/or spells to make you stronger and add to your abilities, take down monsters and Major Bads - including Death Himself - and hopefully prevent Dracula from resurrecting and covering the world in Eternal Night. The main timeline basically has Belmonts, assorted Not-Belmonts who also hunt vampires and of course, pretty, pretty Alucard.
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Then, there was your AU timeline in which Gabriel Belmont goes to defeat a Big Bad and becomes DRACULA ... and Trevor Belmont is his son, a.k.a. Alucard. Yeah, wrap your head around THAT one.
In short, Castlevania canon is fucked. To quote our Trevor, "Snake-fuckingly insane."
So Warren Ellis does the smart thing and basically picks up what works from the "canon" and crafts a damn good story out of it.
The Disaster Trio that is Alucard, Trevor and Sypha, end up bonding even closer together and spend much of this series in the Belmont Basement...er.... I mean, "Hold," trying to do the game equivalent of gathering spells and weapons to storm the castle with. We learn a few more interesting things about the Disaster Trio. Trevor actually ended up losing his family at a way too young age. Sypha and her people have some pretty "interesting" views about God. Alucard has artistic talents and basically acts his real age, which is a traumatized snarky 20 something year old, who's barely holding on to his composure with his shiny fangs and claws. There are epic moments such as "Treffy" and I would absolutely LOVE to hear the Belmont family story that explains how the hell a book of "penis spells" ended up in the Belmont Family Library.
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Seriously. Fan fiction writers, don't fail me now!
Also, Lisa gets a few more minutes to shine and break our hearts at the same time. This is the woman who managed to charm and get one Seriously Scary King of Vampires wrapped around her tiniest finger. She's snarky and sassy as before, but so real, so kind and just basically trying to be a decent person in a Crapsack World. She loves her husband but she knows he can be monstrous. She loves her son but as Alucard himself puts it, she wants him to be able to be himself, be happy and not be overshadowed by his father. Seriously, as long as each season gives us something more about Lisa, I'm gonna be content.
We also get introduced to a few more new characters, who basically make up Dracula's Court of Evil. Hector and Isaac are humans but sociopathic enough to despise their own kind and willing to take part in their death and destruction. They both have their requisite tragic and abused pasts. Hector, however, has an element of naivete that makes him an easy target for the machinations of Carmilla, the only general in Dracula's court who's figured out which way the blood's flowing and wants to make sure she comes out on top. Isaac, however, is somewhat the mirror of Alucard himself. This is the guy who gives his unconditional love and loyalty to Dracula and refuses to abandon him no matter the personal cost to himself or his remnants of a conscience or whatever he has that passes for a moral compass. I figure that it's there, it's just not one that I would recognize. Isaac is a scary, scary mofo and it looks like he and Hector are gonna be back for season 3.
In fact, if Isaac ends up becoming "Death" in this entire series, I'm gonna be evilly delighted.
And then, there's Godbrand, who is basically the vampire equivalent of YOLO. Basically, all he wants is to fight, fuck, drink blood and make boats out of things he shouldn't make boats out of. Generally, he just wants to have a good time, rule the world like a king and make sure the humans know their place.
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So okay, let's give Carmilla her due. Evil? Check. Manipulative? Check. Sadistic, vicious and cruel? 10 across the board. In the absence of a Certain Fanged Someone taking a more active role in what should be "The War on Humankind," Carmilla wants to make sure she's keeping things moving, spinning her webs of intrigue and plans upon plans, thinking she's going to come out the winner and make herself the new Queen of the Damned.
Here's the problem. Dracula figures that out, easily enough.
Here's the OTHER problem. His Fanged Nibs is all out of fucks to give. He's done. Finito. Finished with everything.
Yeah, about that.
While the humor of this series is a gift that keeps on giving, the drama and the feels will DESTROY you.
You know that moment when you realize Dracula isn't just waging a war on humanity, he's waging a war to destroy all vampires too? Because in that moment when he lost his beloved Lisa, he hated not only humans, but he also hated HIMSELF. He hates the fact that his life of evil, wanton death and destruction, wrought this price on the person that he loved. And she damn well didn't deserve that treatment. He hates the humans who killed her but he also hates his own kind, who are just as monstrous as he is.
So when Godbrand basically asks him, "If we're killing all the humans, what are we going to EAT?" Dracula basically tries to fob him off with some excuse or the other. Yeah, His Fanged Nibs is a LYING LIAR WHO LIES. Also, this lying liar who lies is actually spending most of his time sitting, brooding and being HUNGRY. Because he's not drinking blood. At all. Any blood drinking we see from His Fanged Nibs is in flashbacks.
Let that sink in for a second.
Aluard accuses his father of basically doing history's longest suicide. Yeah. It is - Dracula wants to take EVERYBODY down with him.
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The fight scenes are worth the wait. I was screaming when the classic "Bloody Tears" started playing in Episode 7, an episode that I'm gonna watch like ten thousand times more, because OH GOD THE EPICNESS OF IT. The sheer badassery. The fact that Alucard is actually the secret identity of Moon Moon.
And then, the final fight between Dracula and our Disaster Trio is just as epic as expected. Even when he hasn't drunk blood, the trio is outmatched and outclassed and this is where you remember that if Dracula had only roused himself long enough to give a flying fuck about something, Carmilla's head would have been rolling on the floor a long time ago.
But then: "My boy.... I'm killing my boy. This is your room. Your mother and I painted these walls, made these toys. Lisa.... it's our boy. Your greatest gift to me. And I'm killing him. I must already be dead."
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The only way they take down Dracula is because he basically wants to die. So he lets his son kill him and end his misery. And when his rotting, decaying, corpse seems to be reaching out to his son for some kind of last embrace, Trevor, thinking that Alucard's going to be hurt, takes Dracula's head off. Sypha burns off the remains.
And it's done.
Castlevania is a game with numerous endings, all depending on how you played the game and whether you got this artifact or what not. The series pays homage to it because Trevor bequeaths the Belmont Hold to Alucard and asks him to be the last defender of it and his father's Castle. It's not going to be Alucard's grave, but his home now. Trevor and Sypha wander off into the sunset, for more adventures and mischief and Alucard lovingly sends off his BFFs with a fond "Fuck you."
We check in with the villains who survive and of course, we know there's gonna be sequels, because, hey, that's kind of the point of each and every Castlevania game. There's always gonna be a new Big Bad coming around. And trust me, Dracula's gonna be back. He's not just going to lie quiet in his grave.
And just when you think you can end this series with a satisfied sigh, our very last moments are spent with Alucard. Who is haunted by the ghosts of the parents he loved so much. Who gets to relive one happy memory with his mom, who loves him with all her heart. And she's so proud.
And Alucard finally breaks down into heartbreaking sobs.
We grieve with him.
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The Bad Stuff
Yeah, okay, so I need to get this explained. Why bother to have all these interesting character designs for Dracula's other generals AND NOT HAVE THEM TALK? I'm serious. Not one of these fascinating-looking vampire bastards HAVE ANY GODDAMN LINES. Netflix, FFS, DON'T WUSS OUT ON YOUR CHARACTER ACTORS. YOU CAN'T BE THAT POOR. GIVE THEM VOICES. PAY YOUR CHARACTER VOICE ACTORS. OMG.
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They basically just get killed off in the end, but while we know they were pretty scary and formidable, we don't really know anything about them other than: Vampire, Scary, Dracula's General. They were just pretty much Red Shirts, because the heroes never did get to confront Carmilla, Hector and Isaac directly.
There was evidently so much story to be told here, like they seem to have come from all over the world, even as far off as China AND THEY'RE. NOT. TALKING. The only ones with any dialogue are Carmilla, Hector, Isaac and Godbrand and none of these guys even get to share screentime with the Disaster Trio. Godbrand doesn't even make it to the final battle.
I mean, if these guys were just going to be cannon fodder, then let's just use any of the voiceless Major Bads from the games. Put some requisite scary music and sound effects and let the Disaster Trio take care of them. Let them speak in mysterious archaic languages or whatever, since we're not going to care about them anyway.
The Conclusion
Apparently, this is gonna be a pattern for this series. It's going to be good, it's going to be GREAT but there's always going to be that ONE THING that would drive us batshit crazy. But not enough to wreck my enjoyment of it.
The best parts of this series is the faithfulness to character, the layers upon layers of motivations and feels you're going to uncover as you rewatch it, the fact that it's not afraid to put tongue in cheek and leave canon at the door, while still being true to the source material.
So. "What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk! Have at you!"
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genesisarclite · 6 years
Since you were so kind to accept my challenge, I am now requesting you to take on Mr Tall, Dark, Handsome & Augmented himself! Since your analysis of Aria's personality made me love her even more to the point I am right now sewing myself a 'Aria's my waifu' t-shirt, I believe you will hit this one out of the park, too. And as always, reading anything written by you is a pleasure. P.S. I hope I don't sound like a creepy stalker. I am NOT standing in front of your window... ohhh, oops.
Mmm, yes, Adam Jensen. I really do love his character, for many reasons, and I would say his appearance, no matter how gorgeous he is, is actually ranked relatively far down. Looks fade, but the heart does not. So, here we go!
The traits I found within Adam are compassion, will, loyalty, thoughtful, humble, mild Martyr Complex, emotional, self-repressed, and shortsighted. The lattermost trait isn’t present as much after HR, as he seems to have calmed down a lot and bottles up his emotions far too much. He kind of rages through the entire game. Adam is a very emotional person, but because he doesn’t wear it on his sleeve, a lot of people think he’s stoic. He’s not, he just bottles it all up and lets it out sometimes. Case in point, meeting Megan again, confronting Taggart, a milder example in finding Eliza again, the death of Miller (my goodness, he just looked so distraught, it still hurts), the death of the woman at the start of MD, and so on.
As a result, he’s very self-repressed. He hides away in his apartment all the time, he doesn’t let people get close, he seems afraid of having friends (or a lover) anymore, he shields himself behind those glasses, he doesn’t trust easily (which can be good), and his demeanor can be extremely off-putting, probably on purpose. Considering how highly he’s spoken of in both Sarif Industries and the DPD, it’s highly unlikely he’s always been repressed. I do believe he’s always been a quiet person, but not as detached as he is now.
He puts others before himself to the possible detriment of himself. He could end up in a “no-win scenario” one day, where sacrificing himself would bring the worst outcome. I don’t count the “Stanek vs. Versalife” choice as sadistic enough for what I mean. I do see it as a bit of a flaw - you obviously put others before yourself, but Adam might be willing to destroy himself out of a Martyr or Savior Complex. He was probably suicidal before - who’s to say he wouldn’t be now?
(I mean, he’d broken up with Megan in 2024, and still obviously loved her almost six years later. LET IT GO, Adam)
But about his more positive traits, he’s very, very compassionate. Is he a proponent of the “tough love” approach? Yes. Yes he is. But look at how he acts with Irenka, Melina, Aria (”Don’t give up, Aria. Semper fi.” anyone?), Delara after her sob story, Miller when he’s dying, the Hyron drones (just stands there and sadly touches her, because he do literally nothing else), Eliza (in MD), Megan (ffs Adam stop it)… actually, Adam just has a soft spot for people in distress, and women. Probably because of his mother, but still. But he’s inherently a very kind and loving person, which you can never tell just by looking at him. Refusing to shoot a young teen? Taking care of his mother? Taking care of Michelle Walthers (and then using her name for his alias in TF29)? Comforting Edward Brod in Golem City, and to a slightly lesser extent, Irenka Bauer in the same?
And I would arguably place him in the Gentle Giant category, too. He’s big and tough, fast and hard-hitting, but he also seems like the kind of guy you can sleep on the shoulder of (like Delara) and he wouldn’t even be bothered.
He also has a very strong will, bordering on sheer stubbornness. Whether it’s the NSN thing (which was entirely his idea, and to which Alex more or less said “wtf” to), or Rifleman Bank Station, or six months of recovery after being nearly killed and heavily augmented, or getting through GARM, or whatnot, he’s kind of terrifying in how determined he is. It’s certainly best to keep him on your good side.
Loyal? Yes, definitely. Once he’s your friend, or teammate, or whatnot, you pretty much have him for life (unless you stab him in the back). He didn’t make SWAT commander because he was a douchebag, after all, and everyone at SI didn’t worry about him because he was distant before the attack. Mac doesn’t warm up to him by MD’s end because he showed himself to untrustworthy.
Thoughtful? Yes. He’s constantly thinking, though sometimes he forgets to think before talking, but he always has a lot to say. He’s snarky and talks like the blue collar boy he is (moreso in HR than MD, but that could easily be attributed to what he’s been through and a return to his more introverted roots), but he always has something to say that’s appropriate to the situation. Or he comes up with some creative way to BS his way through. Still, his thoughtful responses are usually the most interesting, and offer a lot of insight. “Captain of the Debate Team” indeed.
Humble… yes. Every time someone offers him praise, he deflects or downplays it. The first example that comes to mind is when Delara remarks that he is so good at gaining people’s trust (”Fade to Black”), and he says “yeah, well, point is…” He is just not used to compliments and probably never learned how to accept them graciously, not helped by a post-augmentation body he’s only in MD really getting used to. He probably still feels a bit vile, since he can hardly say he’s loved or accepted the way he is, so he might not ever be able to be sure how genuine any of them are.
Throw that all together, and you get Adam Jensen, who is this wonderfully complicated character, both superhero and normal guy, who can both take on a small army alone and sit in front of the telly with a bowl of Froot Loops, and both are completely believable. I love it.
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