#trust administration
porziowealth · 29 days
Comprehensive Estate and Trust Administration Services
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Efficient estate and trust administration is crucial for protecting your assets and fulfilling your wishes. Porzio Planning offers expert services in estate and trust administration, ensuring that your estate is managed and distributed according to your wishes. Our dedicated attorneys provide personalized guidance through the administration process, handling everything from legal paperwork and asset management to compliance with state regulations. We work closely with you to address any concerns, resolve conflicts, and ensure that your estate and trust are administered smoothly and effectively. Rely on our experience and dedication to safeguard your legacy.
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lawassociate45 · 2 months
Comprehensive Guide to Navigating Probate and Estate Planning in Plano, TX
Estate planning is a vital process that ensures your assets are managed and distributed according to your wishes. Among the essential components of estate planning are probate, revocable living trusts, and trust administration. In this guide, we will explore these concepts in detail, focusing on their importance and the role they play in the transfer of property within the Texas probate process.
Understanding the Role of a Probate Lawyer in Plano, TX
A probate lawyer Plano TX specializes in guiding families through the probate process. Probate is the legal procedure by which a deceased person's will is validated and their assets are distributed to beneficiaries. This process can be complex, requiring meticulous attention to detail and a thorough understanding of Texas probate laws. Our expertise in probate law ensures that all legal requirements are met, minimizing the risk of disputes and ensuring a smooth transfer of assets.
The Importance of a Revocable Living Trust
A revocable living trust is a crucial tool in estate planning that allows individuals to manage their assets during their lifetime and distribute them after death without the need for probate. This type of trust can be amended or revoked at any time, providing flexibility and control over your estate. Establishing a revocable living trust can help you avoid the lengthy and costly probate process, ensure privacy, and provide clear instructions for the management of your assets.
Efficient Trust Administration
Trust administration involves the management and distribution of assets held in a trust according to the terms set forth in the trust document. This process can be intricate, requiring fiduciary responsibility and a deep understanding of trust law. We assist trustees in carrying out their duties, ensuring that all actions are in compliance with the law and in the best interest of the beneficiaries. Proper trust administration helps to prevent legal challenges and ensures the efficient transfer of assets.
Transfer of Property through Estate Planning
The transfer of property is a key aspect of estate planning. It involves the legal process of transferring ownership of assets from the deceased to the beneficiaries. This can be accomplished through various means, including wills, trusts, and other estate planning tools. Understanding the mechanisms of property transfer is essential to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and that your loved ones are taken care of after your passing.
Navigating the Texas Probate Process
The Texas probate process is the legal procedure for settling a deceased person's estate. This process involves validating the will, identifying and inventorying the deceased's assets, paying debts and taxes, and distributing the remaining assets to the beneficiaries. Navigating the Texas probate process can be complex and time-consuming, but with proper legal guidance, it can be handled efficiently and effectively. Our expertise in Texas probate law ensures that all steps are completed correctly, providing peace of mind for you and your family.
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eestateandtrust · 7 months
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Was your Estate Plan Prepared in Another State?
Just moved to Florida recently with your family? As a non-Florida resident, is your estate plan made out of the state? If yes, then you might need to update it. Learn more about why and how you can update your estate plan as a Florida resident so that your revised estate plan complies with Florida state laws.
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coulsonlives · 11 months
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This has been a reminder
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90363462 · 12 days
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Love this!!!! And yes, the mainstream media, minus
, brings the darkness!
FQ The media except Lawrence
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taddymason · 3 months
missed opportunity to make Agent Jay have the tone of voice that the Jay from Nya's vision had, and when he returns to the team and starts to trust them, he slowly lets his tone return to his voice of S6-S8
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coquelicoq · 2 years
gurathin, thiago, indah...starting to get the sense that if murderbot didn't have any specific person playing the role of "someone i deep down respect who i'm convinced hates me" at any given time, presaux would have to assign someone, for enrichment purposes
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houseswife · 9 months
as much as I love cuddy, foreman becoming house’s boss in season 8 was such an IT girl move I CANNOT
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Dharna Noor at The Guardian:
A federal appeals court on Wednesday evening granted the Biden administration’s request to strike down a landmark federal youth climate case, outraging climate advocates. “This is a tragic and unjust ruling,” said Julia Olson, attorney and founder of Our Children’s Trust, the non-profit law firm that brought the suit. The lawsuit, Juliana v United States, was filed by 21 young people from Oregon who alleged the federal government’s role in fueling the climate crisis violates their constitutional rights.
The Wednesday order from a panel of three Trump-appointed judges on the ninth circuit court of appeals will require a US district court judge to dismiss the case for lack of standing, with no opening to amend the complaint. The decision affirmed an emergency petition filed by the justice department in February arguing that “the government will be irreparably harmed” if it is forced to spend time and resources litigating the Juliana case. It’s a measure the justice department should never have taken, said Olson. “The Biden administration was wrong to use an emergency measure to stop youth plaintiffs from having their day in court,” she said in a statement. “The real emergency is the climate emergency.”
The lawsuit has faced numerous obstacles since it was first filed in 2015. A different panel of judges on the ninth circuit court of appeals previously ordered the case to be dismissed in 2020, on the grounds that the climate crisis must be addressed with policy, not litigation. But a US district court judge allowed the plaintiffs to amend their lawsuit, and last year ruled the case could go to trial. Olson said the fight for the Juliana plaintiffs is “not over”.
A 3-judge Trump-appointed panel on the 9th Circuit struck down the Juliana v. United States youth climate crisis lawsuit. The case can still be ruled by the full 9th.
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astragatwo · 11 months
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In contrast to my last two Rain World OC posts, these guys aren't one offs and are part of my current core OC group. More info about them under the cut since it's lengthy.
First starting with The Serpent —
The Serpent is one of AV's many bio-engineered slugcats - if you can even call him a slugcat at this point - as part of a simple passion of experimenting with flexible slugcat biology
They share several traits in common with red lizards, those being constant hyper-aggression, tremendous strength, projectile spit and size
As for similarities with slugcats, well, a general elongated shape? Oh, mobility, unlike red lizards, the Serpent is very adept with vertical movement
AV didn't really have a clear goal in mind with the Serpent unlike the rest of their tube babies, they just sort of... happened.
The spontaneity of their creation though has been very interesting as despite initially being created with the solitary lifestyle of a red lizard, the Serpent still keeps his slugcat instinct of adopting random children they find
Though the Serpent seems at first, displeased with this development but rest assured that if you ever LOOK at his pup wrong they will kill everyone in the room and then himself
Though not pictured in his reference since he was my first Rain World OC, created with very little knowledge of the lore and started as a one-off, he has a citizen ID drone which AV uses to keep track of him
He was also simply created out of my desire to have a long slugcat and my obsession with red lizards combined so there's that, too
Speaking of AV, moving on to Administrative Violence —
Named after the song of the same name by Lauren Bousfield, you'd expect them to be - well - violent. They're not, at least not with those they commonly interact with
They are actually quite sweet with Blown Blooms, their partner, and Peach the slugcat
Weather conditions, all things considered, are pretty mild where they are but far, far off into the distance their partner Blown Blooms isn't so fortunate and natural erosion as well as other random unfortunate events unrelated to weather, has taken quite the toll on them
As a result and fearing for Blooms in every way possible but especially for their communication's inevitable severing and also Blooms being lonely all on their own, AV created a slugcat who resembles a strawberry lizard - a species of lizard Blooms is especially fond of
Peach was designed for protection and companionship first and foremost and an emergency messenger/relay secondly.
Outside of worrying for Blooms' condition and yearning & longing for close physical proximity to them the way creatures who aren't supermassive structures have the luxury of, AV spends most of their time studying their bio-engineered slugcats.
Each and every one of them is given a citizen ID drone for ease of tracking as well as general classifications
They couldn't give a shit about whatever problem the other iterators are working on - just these funny little slugcats
They take the occasional interest in other animals too but it's mainly slugcats
And finally, Blown Blooms and Peach —
Blooms, like AV, is named after a song of the same name by Lauren Bousfield. Peach is just named after her colors.
Blooms, like their partner AV, has a complete disinterest in the great problem and a very big interest in bio-engineering
This time with plants rather than animals though they have a soft spot for small critters but they're usually never the subject of any experiments - just study and admiration
However, due to a deteriorating state, Blooms isn't quite able to use their equipment to manipulate genetic information like they used to - which is upsetting
So instead, they help AV with their current studies as well as keeping tabs on their own prior experiments
They have Peach now, though, which brings a much appreciated break from constant studying and nice close companionship
Peach will often catch prey outside and come back to eat it with Blooms and occasionally Blooms will play around with Peach and levitate the prey around for Peach to chase in anti-grav
The event that pushed AV to create Peach was when a creature entered Blooms' chamber and attacked them, partially damaging their puppet before being killed and then expelled from the chamber
Blooms is absolutely still capable of themselves and ultimately damaging the puppet a bit is nothing when taking account the sheer scale of an iterator - but AV will be AV
Plus, Blooms isn't complaining about getting a cute little companion from AV
And general trivia/info —
Everyone here is aroace. All of them. AV & Blooms' relationship is non-romantic in a sapphic way
The Serpent's pup's name is Pipsqueak
I know rudder tails shouldn't curve like that but I decided that after I finished drawing the Serpent and I wasn't about to redraw anything at that point
The other Iterators in AV and Bloom's local group are Illuminated Crown of Fire, Projections of Watchful Eyes, and an unnamed lunar-eclipse inspired iterator.
I have little information on them right now, but they are each based off of solar eclipses, stars and lunar eclipses respectively
In all, this local group is just a bunch of experiment freaks to varying degrees except for ICoF whose presence is often forgotten because of how little they speak but is also ever looming
And that's all! Thank you for reading this far in <3
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lawassociate45 · 4 months
The Essential Guide to Navigating Probate and Trust Administration in Plano, TX
Understanding the Role of a Probate Lawyer in Plano, TX
When a loved one passes away, the probate process can be daunting and emotionally challenging. Engaging a probate lawyer in Plano TX ensures that the legal procedures are handled smoothly and efficiently. Probate lawyers assist in validating the will, identifying and inventorying the deceased's assets, paying debts and taxes, and distributing the remaining property as the will or state law dictates. In Plano, TX, our team is dedicated to guiding you through each step, providing the support and expertise needed to settle the estate promptly.
The Advantages of Setting Up a Revocable Living Trust
A revocable living trust is an effective estate planning tool that allows you to manage your assets during your lifetime and seamlessly transfer them to your beneficiaries upon your death. Unlike a will, a revocable living trust avoids the probate process, providing privacy and expediting the distribution of assets. It also offers flexibility, as you can modify or revoke the trust as your circumstances change. Our experienced attorneys can help you set up a revocable living trust tailored to your needs, ensuring your estate is managed according to your wishes without unnecessary legal complications.
Navigating the Complexities of Trust Administration
Trust administration involves managing and distributing the assets within a trust according to the trust document's terms. This process includes a range of duties such as valuing the trust's assets, paying any debts and taxes, and distributing the assets to the beneficiaries. Effective trust administration requires a thorough understanding of legal and fiduciary responsibilities. Our skilled attorneys specialize in trust administration, providing guidance to trustees to ensure they fulfill their duties accurately and efficiently, safeguarding the interests of all parties involved.
Efficient Transfer of Property through Estate Planning
The transfer of property is a critical component of estate planning, encompassing the legal mechanisms through which ownership of assets is passed from one person to another. This process can be intricate, involving various legal documents and compliance with state laws. Whether transferring property through a will, a trust, or other estate planning tools, it is essential to have professional legal assistance to ensure the process is executed correctly. Our team is proficient in facilitating property transfers, minimizing legal hurdles, and ensuring a smooth transition of ownership to your designated beneficiaries.
An Overview of the Texas Probate Process
The Texas probate process is the judicial procedure through which a deceased person's will is validated, and their estate is settled. This process includes proving the will's validity, appointing an executor, inventorying the estate's assets, paying debts and taxes, and distributing the remaining assets to the rightful heirs. Navigating the Texas probate process can be complex and time-consuming. Our attorneys are well-versed in Texas probate law, offering comprehensive support to executors and beneficiaries to streamline the probate process and resolve any legal issues that may arise.
Expert Guidance from Trust Administration Lawyers
Trust administration lawyers play a crucial role in ensuring that the administration of a trust is conducted in compliance with the law and the trust document. They provide legal advice to trustees, help manage trust assets, and assist in resolving any disputes that may occur among beneficiaries. By engaging trust administration lawyers, trustees can fulfill their fiduciary duties with confidence, knowing they have expert legal support to navigate the complexities of trust administration. Our team of trust administration lawyers is dedicated to providing exceptional legal services, ensuring that the trust is administered effectively and in accordance with the grantor's wishes.
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not-poignant · 4 months
Hi Pia
i know you said you're taking an indefinite break from Fae Tales and I completely understand and respect that but I'm just curious and wanted to ask if one day in the far far future there's a minuscule possibility that you'll continue Salt Water?
It's one of my favorite Fae Tales AUs and I'd love to know what happens at the end. Even if it's only a minuscule chance of it ever happening.
Ahhhhhh I feel bad about this one, but I don't even think about Salt Water anymore and haven't for like... oh god, such a long time.
I can't imagine ever wanting to go back and finish it. It's mostly that I explored Ash and Augus in another story - Strange Sights - so I got it out of my system! And also just that this style of fic comes from a different era of my life, and I don't think about writing this way anymore? I'm so sorry anon.
What happens at the end is that Ash and Augus go to the human realm to escape Stertes and we find out stuff about Augus that we actually find out at the end of The Ice Plague and Augus processes some trauma and Ash and Augus kind of fall for each other and have lots of sex. But some of those things happen in Strange Sights and The Ice Plague so you can see a lot of the threads that would have been in Salt Water, elsewhere. :D
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with all the discussions around pronoun circles and similar practices, I’d like to add my thoughts as a Baby Queer TM:
u don’t get pronoun privileges until I’m sure you are cool.
“You” in this context can refer to a person or an institution, but the point stands. Unless I’m sure you’re gonna be chill about it, you don’t get pronoun privileges. Knowing my pronouns is a privilege, not a right.
Does having a compulsory pronoun share communicate to me that you’re cool?
Eh. Not really. It just tells me that I have to decide if you my pronoun privileges right now. And I’m probably not ready to share that yet.
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simply-ivanka · 11 months
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mareastrorum · 5 months
My day has been nothing but trudging through Medicare regulations and guidelines, which means I am also treated to the two genres of Medicare publication stock photos: (1) smiling doctors and (2) people sitting with a laptop and paperwork, either (a) staring at one in confusion or (b) staring into the distance as a full existential crisis sets in.
They know their audience.
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House Republicans are working on new legislation to prevent foreign nationals from influencing America’s political process, Axios has learned.
Why It Matters: The last two presidential elections have been colored by allegations that foreign influence helped the GOP.
• Now House Republicans are trying to flip to script and draw attention to foreign donations to Democrat-aligned and progressive nonprofit organizations.
• Non-U.S. citizens can’t contribute to candidates, campaigns, or super PACs, but they can give to 501(c)(4) organizations, which are tax-exempt groups that can engage in general issue advocacy, and support state ballot initiatives.
Driving The News: Rep. Bryan Steil (R-Wis.) chair of the House Administration Committee, is introducing legislation to ban such groups from contributing to political committees for four years if they accept foreign donations. He also wants to bar foreign nationals from giving to state ballot initiatives.
• “American elections are for American citizens,” Steil told Axios, ahead of a hearing his committee is holding in Atlanta today on election integrity. “Yet foreign nationals still find ways to influence American elections.”
• “The American Confidence in Elections (ACE) Act will close loopholes that foreign nationals are exploiting to funnel money to super PACs or ballot initiatives,” he said.
• His hearing will draw on a new report from a conservative group, the Americans for Public Trust, which tries to show how Hansjörg Wyss, a Swiss billionaire, has influenced U.S. elections and policy through two nonprofits he controls: The Wyss Foundation and the Berger Action Fund.
• “It’s time for Congress to close the foreign influence loophole that allows foreign dark money to flood the American electoral and political system," said Caitlin Sutherland, executive director of Americans for Public Trust.
The Other Side: "The Berger Action Fund does not support or oppose political candidates or parties, or otherwise engage in political campaigns," said Marneé Banks, a spokesperson for the Wyss Foundation and the Berger Action Fund.
• "Berger complies with all rules governing its activities and has established strict policies prohibiting funding from being used for get-out-the-vote or voter registration," she said.
• "We also support increasing transparency and accountability in our campaign finance system through the DISCLOSE Act."
The Big Picture: The combination of artificial intelligence, social media and unregulated spending will make the 2024 presidential election vulnerable to foreign interference on behalf of both parties.
• Malicious foreign actors, including Russia’s Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the Wagner Group, have boasted about how they ran influence campaigns in America during the last presidential campaign — and plan to do it again.
• Meanwhile, big tech companies are relaxing some of their policies designed to curb misinformation around COVID-19 and the 2020 election, making 2024 more of a free-for-all on social media.
• State and local election officials can work to safeguard the voting process, but in a free and open society it’s close to impossible to prevent foreign actors from trying to persuade Americans via open — or clandestine — influence campaigns.
Zoom In: Conservative groups are zeroing in on Wyss as a poster child for how wealthy foreign billionaires can influence U.S. elections, alleging that he has pumped $475 million into the U.S. political system.
• In 2021 alone, his Berger Action Fund gave some $72 million to a dozen different nonprofit organizations, including the Sixteen Thirty Fund, which advocates for progressive causes, according to the Associated Press and tax filings.
• Those 501(c)(4) nonprofits, like the Sixteen Thirty Fund, can give directly to superPACs that support the Democratic agenda, the New York Times has reported.
• "The problem is that c4's are a bit of a black box when it comes to campaign finance laws," said Saurav Ghosh, the director of the Campaign Legal Center, a Washington-based nonpartisan watchdog group.
Flashback: Republicans and Democrats have been hit with big fines for accepting foreign money.
• Last year the Federal Election Commission fined Barry Zekelman, a Canadian billionaire, $975,000 for steering some $1.75 million to a pro-Trump super PAC in 2018.
• In 2019, the FEC issued $940,000 in fines to the super PAC supporting former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's 2016 presidential bid and a Chinese-owned corporation that made illegal donations to it.
• In 2002, the FEC imposed $719,000 in fines in response to a 1996 Democratic Party fundraising scandal involving donations from China, Korea and other foreign sources.
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