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manabie · 2 years ago
CEKAI SUMMER CAMP "ヒーロー/ヒロインになりきろう!" from CEKAI on Vimeo.
CEKAI SUMMER CAMP「ヒーロー/ヒロインになりきろう!」編 子ども番組のアートディレクションを手がける福田哲丸とアーティストのNAZE(なぜ)を講師に招き、子どもたちと一緒に、自分がなりたいヒーロー/ヒロインの仮面や衣装を工作しました。最終日には、プロ仕様の本格セットの前で、人気フォトグラファーの田川優太郎が子どもたちの撮影を行いました。カメラの前に立つと緊張しつつも、モデル顔負けのポーズで撮影に臨む子どもたち。生まれて初めての本格撮影体験、楽しんでくれたかな?!
CEKAI SUMMER CAMPは、第一線で活躍する現役クリエイター / アーティストが講師となり、子どもたちの創造性を刺激する本格的なクリエイティブプログラムを提供します。
#summercamp #creativecamp #cekai #cekaisummercamp #サマーキャンプ #サマースクール #小学生 #夏休みイベント #夏休み #代々木上原 #キッズアート #キッズスクール #映像制作
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manabie · 2 years ago
CEKAI SUMMER CAMP "人形劇の映像をつくろう!" from CEKAI on Vimeo.
子ども番組のアートディレクションを手がける清水貴栄を講師に迎え、子どもたちと一緒に、人形劇の映像を制作しました。 身近な素材を使ってパペットを作り、そのキャラクターが登場するお話をみんなで考えました。パペットの操演も、撮影の指示を出すのも子どもたち。プロ顔負けの表情で真剣に撮影する子どもたちの姿が印象的でした。
CEKAI SUMMER CAMPは、第一線で活躍する現役クリエイター / アーティストが講師となり、子どもたちの創造性を刺激する本格的なクリエイティブプログラムを提供します。
#summercamp #creativecamp #cekai #cekaisummercamp #サマーキャンプ #サマースクール #小学生 #夏休みイベント #夏休み #代々木上原 #キッズアート #キッズスクール #映像制作
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manabie · 2 years ago
Kinetic sound sculpture "Summa Fluctus" @ Share festival 2018 from Opificio Sonico on Vimeo.
Summa Fluctus is a prototype of a kinetic sound installation that explores the complex world of harmonics and their acoustic beats in the spaces. The work is inspired on the research of the French mathematical J.Fourier, who in the 1800's formulated the laws that govern the relationship between the harmonic waves produced by sound in nature. The artwork consists of six suspended floating loudspeakers that rise and fall to various heights, directly related to the frequency (sine waves) that each one reproduce. The installation is designed to represent organically the concept of "heights" of a sound, by mechanically change the structure; a synaesthetic experience for viewers who create their own wave series by an interactive touch-consolle. In the video clip is shown the first exhibition of Summa Flucts at XIII Share Festival in Torino (1,2,3 June 2018) that also produced the artwork.
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manabie · 2 years ago
ICONS exhibition from ◥ panGenerator on Vimeo.
ICONS an exhibition of panGenerator Iconic Things project by the National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw
Icons – a set of symbols transposing the impenetrable intricacies of digital processes onto a territory accessible to our, still very much Neolithic, minds. By dragging a text file to trash, we succumb to a useful illusion. Truth be told, nothing is in transit: the trash can does not exist; even the text file does not constitute any cohesive physical entity inside any hardware. However, by performing this codified, ritual-driven dance of clicks, taps, and swipes, we conjure digital processes to bring about a happy turn of events. Our exhibition takes a closer look at our shared cultural imaginarium of digital gestures, symbols, and artefacts, dragging them out onto a physical space, enabling audiences a direct, tactile confrontation and – also literally – a different visual perspective. We dispose of the illusive permanence of digital archives, transforming a selfie into a heap of gravel. We ask: “How much of our attention do we make an offering to tech corporations, succumbing to the ritual of ceaseless scrolling?” We perform an act of iconoclasm, deconstructing the cult, iconic Nokia 3310 – the gateway drug of our present-day smartphone intoxication. We place digital icons within baroque frames, depicting emotions associated with them. Paused by our gaze, the progress bar is our way of asking whether technological advancement goes hand in hand with the rejection of magical thinking... As an artistic collective composed of Gen Y / millennials, we have experienced first-hand the dynamic growth of digital culture: from the soothing dial-up tones of modems to video conferencing via Zoom. This exhibition is no different: it touches upon both what is today considered vintage, such as the first Pegasus-compatible (Nintendo Entertainment System clone) video games, and what is currently trending – the up-to-the-minute impact of social media on inter-human communication. We hope that in our exhibition the audience will find a reflection of their own digital culture experience. Even if the mirror is slightly distorting.
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manabie · 2 years ago
Augmented Shadow: Chasing Stars in Shadow (Trailer) from Joon Y Moon on Vimeo.
Chasing Stars in Shadow is a story about shadow kids who come and go between 2D and 3D.
'별을 쫓는 그림자들'은 평면과 입체 사이를 오가는 그림자 아이들에 관한 것으로, 설치예술을 통해 그려지는 이야기입니다.
More information :
art & engineering by Joon Moon, 문준용 3D art by Woosuk Lee animation by Dongyup Lee animation & SW engineering Youngki Min music by Tony Lim
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manabie · 2 years ago
Augmented Shadow - Inside from Joon Y Moon on Vimeo.
“Inside” is an immersive art installation that projects shadows on a stage with a floor of 10 X 10 M and walls of 6 M high. The scale of shadows is 1:1 where audience can enter. Objects such as doors, windows, walls, and chairs are on the stage. Their shadows display a virtual scene that connects with the real scene through the doors and windows. The audience participates in a story by lighting and revealing the world that the two scenes are constructing.
“Augmented Shadow - Inside”는 10 X 10m의 바닥과 6m 높이 벽면의 무대에 그림자가 투영되는 몰입형 설치 미술이다. 1:1 크기 비율의 그림자가 투영되고 관객은 그 안에 들어가게 된다. 무대 위에는 문, 창문, 벽, 의자 등의 구조물이 있는데, 구조물의 그림자는 현실과는 다른 가상 공간의 모습을 보여준다. 비슷하지만 서로 다른 현실과 가상 공간이 중첩된 것이다. 관객은 문과 창문 사이에 빛을 비추어 중첩된 두 공간이 어떤 세계를 이루는지 발견해 나가며 이야기를 직접 진행한다. [email protected]
interactive art installation by Joon Moon 3D art by Woosuk Lee animation by Dongyup Lee
BGM : True (Nctrnm)
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manabie · 2 years ago
TR4NSM/SS/VE from Christopher Rutledge on Vimeo.
A short experimental film of refractive caustic patterns, optics, dispersion, and transmission in glass and liquid like materials.
Created in Houdini and Redshift, and on and off project between March of 2019 and March 2021. Original score by Myles Emmons.
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manabie · 2 years ago
pitch-as-space-tiny-humans from User ID: 7060186 on Vimeo.
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manabie · 2 years ago
Present Shock from UVA on Vimeo.
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manabie · 2 years ago
The Great Animal Orchestra from UVA on Vimeo.
The Fondation Cartier invited United Visual Artists to collaborate on The Great Animal Orchestra, the 2016 exhibition that celebrates the work of musician, bio-acoustician and scientist Bernie Krause.
Krause has been recording animals for 45 years and has amassed a collection of more than 5,000 hours of sounds recordings of over 15,000 individual species in their natural habitats from all over the world.
UVA's creative approach linked together the various exhibition content elements throughout the basement space — soundscapes, spectrograms and art works — into a cohesive, immersive experience that three-dimensionalises Krause’s recordings and suggests scenes from the natural world.
The spectrograms form an abstract landscape, an interpretation of the various global locations and times of day that Krause made the original recordings in a way that envelops the audience and encourages them to linger in the space.
Video by Matt Watt, Hotmilk Films
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manabie · 2 years ago
"WHISPERS, LIGHT SOCIETY, 2018" submitted by Jennifer Chaput from CODAworx on Vimeo.
Synthesizing elements from ancient and contemporary practices, "Whispers" is both a supernatural experience and mind and body training session exploring the boundaries of elemental sensation. Executed to dramatic effect on a large scale, the piece enacts a sense of natural spectacle that simultaneously draws upon the notion of ritual. Unfolding over a period of 30 minutes, the piece functions in two states: a 12-minute wind therapy session and an ambient 18 minute rest period. Developing a hypnotic build and an overwhelming amplitude of strength, Whispers exists in the space between fear and enchantment, invoking the power of the invisible.
View project on CODAworx:
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manabie · 2 years ago
Sonos Sub Mini - Process Reel from FutureDeluxe on Vimeo.
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manabie · 3 years ago
Run Forever from Universal Everything on Vimeo.
Run Forever is a digital media artwork visualising the vision of Hyundai Motor’s sustainable design and green energy for a clean mobility society. In Run Forever, the runner is at one with nature, transforming from water, to hydrogen and oxygen, to pure energy, before returning to nature in the form of plants. Inspired by the water cycle, Hyundai Motor’s clean hydrogen fuel process is renewable, generating infinite energy for our runner to ‘run forever’.
Run Forever launches the new brand space Hyundai Motorstudio Busan. The Motorstudio is a hub for design, exploring the power of design across all disciplines. Experiences in the Motorstudio are guided by the theme ‘Design to Live by’, reflecting how great design enriches and reinvents our everyday lives.
Run Forever features on the Creative Wall at Hyundai Motorstudio Busan. The digital artwork is among a variety of arts and cultural exhibits in the space that allow visitors to experience the vision of the Hyundai Motor brand.
The five-story Hyundai Motorstudio Busan is based in F1963, a cultural complex in the former Kiswire Suyeong wire rope factory designed by renowned architect Choi Wook. Universal Everything and Hyundai Motor have previously collaborated on a kinetic display experience and large-scale video artwork for the Hyundai Motorstudio in Goyang.
Run Forever also features in Hyundai Motor’s commercial TV campaign about clean energy.
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manabie · 3 years ago
0107 - b moll from Hiroshi Kondo on Vimeo.
The city is made up of so much life, so much light. There is a loneliness in a city where self-existence is buried. However, that little light has a bright, shining life force to it. Each little light affects the life of the city, and The city is transformed by the many lights.
Director Hiroshi Kondo(
Music Ayako Taniguchi( 1st Album 'obsess' on sale
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manabie · 3 years ago
M O D U L A R - YouTube from Ash Thorp on Vimeo.
Modular is an experiment in two dimensional design, showcasing an instrinsic depiction of science and technology.
Client - Youtube
Director + Design - Ash Thorp Animation - Alasdair Willson Score - Aeph Producer - Monica Thorp
Special Thanks - Jason Sao Bento
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manabie · 3 years ago
単位しりとり / Unit-chain game from suge on Vimeo.
ⒸSyunichi Suge + Suzuka Fujita, 2015 created for Exhibition “Measuring” at 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT, 2015
21_21 DESIGN SIGHT 企画展「単位展 ― あれくらい それくらい どれくらい?」で展示された作品です。
企画・ディレクション:菅俊一 映像デザイン・アニメーション:藤田すずか
“Unit-chain game” Syunichi Suge + Suzuka Fujita
This is a “word chain” game that connects one object to the next via various units. The same object appears totally different when seen by a different unit.
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manabie · 3 years ago
Gummy Tron from Andreas Wannerstedt on Vimeo.
Sound Design by Antfood
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