#triss x renfri
silverflameataraxia · 5 months
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i’ll be loving you always
hello remember me? i come back from my writers block and humbly offer you this nearly 2k of yennskier fluff  - hope you enjoy!!
another part of my made of love series
“It is my wedding day, you could at least pretend to be having fun.”
Yennefer turns and sees Triss heading to her, the grin on her face as bright as it has been all day.  It hadn’t been a big wedding - only Triss’ family and their close friends in attendance - but even Yennefer can admit it was lovely. 
They had practically emptied her shop for the decorations, flowers covering every surface. Yennefer had worried that it would be too much when Triss had come to her with her plan but looking at it now, she can admit it is nothing short of beautiful. 
“There’s a free bar with lots of wine,” she replies “I’m having a great time.”
Triss just snorts and wraps her arm around Yennefers shoulder, pulling her in close, Yennefers arm winding around her waist. Ever since she walked down the aisle earlier, she has been practically glowing with happiness; its in the slight pink dusting her cheeks a perfect match to the roses in her hair, the way she laughs whenever anyone asks her for a twirl in her dress, the way her smile brightens whenever she catches a glimpse of her wife across the room. Yennefer is not often a fan of such public affection and declarations of love, but when it makes her best friend this happy, she supposes she can endure it. 
Renfri has looked just as happy, a look of wonder and surprise permanently fixed on her face as if she can’t quite believe its real, and Yennefers heart warms to see it. She cannot help but smile now as she sees Renfri desperately try to escape Jaskiers hold as he twirls her around in some semblance of a dance, both of them laughing as they twirl around, crashing into almost everyone else on the dancefloor. 
“Idiots, the pair of them,” she murmurs to Triss, who laughs.
“But we love them anyway,” Triss answers. “For our sins.”
Yennefer just hums and takes another sip of her wine and Triss her champagne, the two of them content to stand with each other and take in everything around them. People often wonder how the two of them have been friends for so long, the two of them seemingly so different, but Yennefer knows that her and Triss are built from the same stuff; the fire that runs through both of them and the desire to do something that matters, the fierceness with which they care about those they love, the insecurity that has plagued them both over the years, pushing and driving them to prove that little voice wrong. 
The truth is Yennefer doesn’t know what she would do without her, without Triss she wouldn’t have Ciri, would never have left her old job and started the shop, without Triss she probably wouldn’t have even made it out of university. 
She loves Triss and is filled with a sudden need to tell her, but she is nowhere near drunk enough for that yet, so instead she just presses a kiss to her friends cheek, and from the kiss she receives on her head in return, she knows Triss understood the sentiment. 
“Mum!” a familiar voice shouts, and she turns to see Ciri running towards her from the dancefloor, skidding to a halt in front of her  “Come and dance with me?”
“That sounds like my cue to go and rescue my wife,” Triss says, putting down her glass on the table, and even now Yennefer can see the way her eyes light up when she says my wife and how she almost floats across the room to save Renfri from Jaskiers clutches. 
“Go on then,” she says, with a put upon a sigh that she knows Ciri will see straight through, and lets herself be pulled onto the dancefloor. 
Just like Triss, Ciri has also spent the whole day with a smile plastered across her face. She had been so excited when she was asked to be a bridesmaid, and she had taken her job very seriously.  Jaskier had cried throughout the entire ceremony and she was thankful she had had the foresight to fill her bag with extra tissues. Yennefer had been more composed, but when Ciri had walked down the aisle, flowers in hand and sent a beaming smile her way, she had let a few tears fall. 
Some of Ciri’s hair has come out of its intricate braid, unsurprising as she has spent the last hour running and spinning around the dancefloor, either with Jaskier or Dara, and she is breathless but somehow still be full of energy, as only children are able to manage.
She twirls Ciri under her arm, letting herself be free and silly in a way she hasn’t in years. She skips and jumps around, pulling out moves and watching in delight as Ciri doubles over with laughter. When she was in hospital as a child, she used tp spend a lot of time daydreaming, wondering if she would ever get to live a normal life, would ever get the chance to be truly happy - but here, dancing with her daughter at her best friends wedding, she feels as though she is pretty close. 
She dances with Ciri for a few more songs, until the music slows and she spots a familiar figure making their way towards them. She forgets sometimes, underneath all his stupid shirts, terrible jokes and annoying personality, that actually he is very handsome. His jacket is gone, discarded somewhere that he has no doubt completely forgotten about,  his shirtsleeves are rolled up showing off his toned forearms, his tie is hanging loose around his neck and the top few buttons on his shirt undone showing just a hint of the chest hair that she knows lies beneath. His cheeks are flushed from a combination of dancing and the drink and his hair slightly ruffled. It is a good look on him and Yennefer isn’t afraid to admit, it is a look that she is very much enjoying. 
He comes to a stop in front of her and immediately dives into a dramatic bow. “May I have this dance, my lady?” 
She scoffs, but stills allows him to take her hand and pull her into his arms, her hand in his and her other coming to rest on his shoulder. 
“You’ve just lost me money,” he says, setting his hand on her waist.  “I had a bet with Ren and said that it would take at least two more bottles before you made it onto the dancefloor.”
In response to that she just lightly treads on his toe, smirking when he lets out a quiet yelp.
“I dance occasionally. I just don’t feel the need to walk into the middle of the floor as soon as the music starts playing and make a fool of myself, unlike some people,” she replies and receives a quick pinch to her side in retaliation.
“I wouldn’t mind something like this,” he says, as the song changes tempo and he starts to sway them from side to side. 
A few years ago, a conversation like this would have had her running for the hills, but now it fills her with a kind of warmth and makes her feel slightly giddy. But that could also be the wine. 
She has started to think about it a bit, recently, weddings and marriage. It was hard not to with Triss and Renfri’s wedding planning taking over all of their lives. It wasn’t something she ever imagined as part of her future, her world always being too unpredictable to be able to do anything as big as swearing yourself to one person forever. She never saw herself in the white dress, with the ring on her finger, dancing with someone she loves whilst everyone watches on. 
But with Jaskier she can imagine it,can see herself standing in a room like this and promising to each other that  neither of them will go anywhere, getting to share their love with their family and friends. 
No, that doesn’t sound too bad at all.
Although, when they do get married, there will be some differences to this because as much as Yennefer loves her friends, their aesthetic tastes are very different. 
“Bit too many fairy lights for me,”  she muses “And too colourful.”
“Anything brighter than black is too colourful for you,” he replies. 
“Just because everything you own looks like it was caught in an explosion in a paint factory,” she retorts and he barks out a laugh. 
They settle into a comfortable quiet, content to just hold each other and listen to the music. Yennefer doesn’t pay too much attention to it, but Jaskier hums the melody in her, fingers tracing along her spine, and she lets her chin fall onto his shoulder.
She isn’t sure how long they stand there, it could be minutes or hours, but eventually Jaskier’s hums quieten and he pulls back to see him staring off into the corner with a small but wistful smile on his face, eyes glistening, and a quick glance over her shoulder confirms that he is looking over to where Renfri is dancing with Triss. 
He had been worried about today, fretting constantly for the past few months, and at first Yennefer had thought it was just due to him wanting to get himself involved, turn it into a spectacle, but she then realised it was something more than that. 
“I just want it to be perfect for her,” he had confessed to her one night whilst curled up together in bed “She’s been through so much shit and I just want her to have the best day.”
“She’s going to be marrying the person she loves. I think for her that will make it the best day,” she had answered, and now looking at the way they are wrapped up in each other, the huge smiles on their faces, she knows that they won’t remember this day being anything less than perfect.
“She’s happy,” she whispers to Jaskier, and he just nods, lips pressed together in a bid to stop the tears she knows are hiding underneath from spilling over. Normally, she would tease him about this rare moment of silence, but now she instead just squeezes his hand and presses a gentle kiss to his cheek. Family is a complicated subject for both of them, and Yennefer can only imagine how Jaskier must be feeling seeing Renfri so happy, knowing everything she went through whilst he was unaware that his sister even existed. 
Then he turns to her and she is almost bowled over by the way his eyes seem to shine in this light. They look like crystals, a clear blue that seems to cut right through her when he looks at her, and she knows that he is seeing her in a way that no-one else ever has. There was a time when such a look would have terrified her, when she would have turned and fled at the thought of someone seeing anything more than what she wanted them to. But it is different with Jaskier, whenever he looks at her there is no fear, because she knows that he sees every part of her and loves her all the same, just as she does with him. 
“I love you,” he then says, with that stupid small, half-smile on his face and the crinkle in his eyes that means he is being completely sincere.
And just like every time he says them, those three little words somehow manage to completely floor her. She knows that he loves her, it is not a new fact -  she sees it every day in the little things he says and does. But here held in his arms with him looking at her like that, it feels like she is hearing it for the first time all over again. 
And here, surrounded by everyone she loves most in this world, surrounded by her family, there is only one thing she can do. 
“I love you too.”
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jaskicr · 4 years
yennefer/triss/renfri greek mythology au, with yennefer as hades, triss as persephone, and renfri as ares - they’re soft and get to kill stregobor together
Once upon a time, Yennefer had wanted the sky.
She’d reached for it, but Stregobor had taken it from her with greedy hands and a cruel grin, and she’d thought she would never see anything but darkness again.
But Triss is here, bringing life and colour to Yennefer’s bleak realm, a skip in her step as flowers bloom in her wake. Triss is here, and so is Renfri, who burns bright and fierce and wild, a vibrant presence in the darkness of the underworld.
With them by her side, Yennefer’s realm no longer feels so achingly lonely, their presence chasing away the weight of death and darkness and replacing it with a warmth that Yennefer has never experienced before, a warmth that she will hold on to for eternity.
Or: Yennefer is the goddess of the underworld. When she meets Triss, the goddess of spring, they’re drawn hopelessly to each other as Triss brings light into Yennefer’s life. They’re joined by Renfri, the goddess of war, and together, they find a home in the underworld (and take on Stregobor in the process).
Yennefer first meets the goddess of spring in the middle of a meadow.
She doesn’t leave the underworld often. The other gods annoy her, with their petty squabbles and childish disputes, and she has plenty to occupy herself with in the underworld anyway. But something draws her to the surface, to a stray meadow somewhere on the Continent, where a lone figure stands, surrounded by colourful stalks of flowers, swaying in a gentle breeze.
The figure reaches out a hand. The hand glows, warm and golden, and the figure sweeps out their arm, their gown billowing out around them as they turn, bathing the meadow in a soft golden light, and the flowers seem to perk up, vibrant colour seeping into their petals.
All at once, Yennefer knows who she’s looking at. The figure turns, and Yennefer meets warm brown eyes, crinkling gently at the corners as lovely lips tilt up in a sweet smile.
Triss, the goddess of spring, of new life and creation, of the flowers that bloom across the earth and chase away the winter chill.
Yennefer stays still, not dropping her gaze, and Triss swirls her hand gracefully. Around Yennefer, where the plants have wilted and died in her presence, in the presence of the goddess of the underworld, life and colour seep back into the previously dead plants, springing back to life and arching towards her, sunflowers beaming brightly, bluebells swinging their heads, rosebuds a vibrant bloom, and Yennefer, unable to stop herself, reaches out, marvelling at how the flowers remain lively and colourful even beneath her deathly touch.
A rustle of skirts draws her attention back, and Yennefer looks up to see Triss smiling at her, hands still glowing gold. Something warm tugs at her heart, tugs her towards this bright, lovely presence, and Yennefer unwittingly takes a step forward before she remembers herself, remembers the death and destruction at her fingertips, the darkness that roils in her heart, and she shrouds herself in shadows, transporting herself back to the underworld.
Triss is lovely, and something in Yennefer yearns. But Yennefer is the goddess of the underworld, the goddess of death, and she will not taint the soft, golden glow of the goddess of spring,
And yet.
She shouldn’t follow the tug in her heart, she knows. She shouldn���t. But the underworld is painfully lonely, and Yennefer finds herself seeking Triss out, watching her from a distance as she spreads life across land left barren by ice and snow, colourful flowers replacing the endless white canvas of winter. Triss notices her each time, turning to catch her eyes as she splays her fingers out, pulling new life from the earth, and Yennefer is rooted in place by those deep brown eyes, unable to run, unable to do anything but watch as Triss smiles at her, sweet and gentle.
Soon, she becomes a constant companion. After a few visits, Triss starts murmuring to herself, talking about her day, about the joy of mortals as they glimpse the approach of spring, about her fellow gods, high up in the gleaming city of Olympus, about her dearest friend, Renfri, the goddess of war. And Yennefer listens, lets her soothing voice drift over her, and lets herself forget, for a few moments, about the death that resides in her realm.
Triss is -
“Yennefer.” Triss says her name like no one else does, like it isn’t a curse, like the goddess of the underworld isn’t someone to be reviled, to be hated, like her name is something - something precious. “How have you been?”
It’s the first time Triss has addressed her directly, and Yennefer ponders her answer. She contemplates if she should stay silent, but Triss watches her patiently, her gaze gentle in a way no one has ever directed at Yennefer before, and that perpetual darkness residing within Yennefer melts away, just a little.
“Same as usual,” she murmurs, and Triss’ smile glows brighter than the light enveloping her hands.
“As usual?” Triss’ tone takes on a teasing edge as she steps closer to Yennefer, and though she’s still a small distance away, Yennefer feels so wondrously warm. “I don’t know what your usual is. I think you might have to tell me.”
And so she does. Yennefer tells her about the underworld, the overwhelming darkness of it. She tells her about the souls in Elysium, in the Fields of Asphodel, in Tartarus. She tells her about the river Styx, about how souls are judged, about the stray souls that come to her throne room, sometimes, and beg for their loved ones back, and Triss listens, her smile never wavering as she inches closer, and closer.
They start doing this more often. Talking, chatting, in the middle of a field, a meadow, on the top of hills and next to rivers, as Triss works her way through the land and Yennefer lets go of her duties for a few quiet moments to bask in the joyous radiance of spring.
read more on ao3, link in reblog!
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dapandapod · 4 years
Ok I'm curious about the dance AU. Do tell. xo
Aaah, thank you for asking!  ❤️ I am very excited about this one actually, but I have VERY limited knowledge about dancing so it’s basicly only a headcanon for now! But please have a snippit of what I actually have! 
Wip title game list!
Dance AU
The mood around them is high and excited. Jaskiers pulse pounds in his ears and his palms are sweaty. Beside him stands Renfri, her glare focused around them, summing up their competitors. They stand in the crowd around an open floor, marked out by a low railing. There are judges placed around it and speakers in the corners blaring out music. The music is loud but not deafening. Right now the salsa classes are taking place, and Jaskier and Renfri are the first out in the Lindy Hop that starts right after. They have their numbers pinned to their backs, ready to go. Jaskier is nervous but confident, they have trained all semester for this and their trainer says they are at least in the top 10. It’s not a normal dance competition, or they wouldn’t mix styles like this. Normally Lindy Hop would not have a place among all of this, but he is grateful that for once there is a place for them. 
He sneaks a peak at Renfri who looks calm and collected. She hates wearing dresses, but there is not much for it. She looks very handsome in it however, and more than one head turned when they walked in.
The music comes to an end, the pair on the floor makes a graceful bow and walks out. The next pair who walks in doesn’t start in the middle. The man has white hair, unusual for someone in his age. Does he bleach it? It was all the rage a year or so ago. But entirely unexpected for someone who dances salsa. His black shirt is buttoned almost all the way up and neatly tucked into slim high waisted black pants. The woman with him is strikingly beautiful, her dress is purple and sparkles with every step she takes. It’s like it is designed to show off her legs and graceful curves. She looks small next to the man, who has a hand lightly on her waist. 
Their music starts and they stride over the floor and Jaskier can only stare. Their steps are perfectly synced and Jaskier can’t tear his eyes away. 
(And then there is a party at night, Renfri is   s u p e r hot in bowlhat, shirt and pants and she and Triss dissapear. Jaskier somehow ends up dancing with Geralt and it is... an experience. A positive one. Possibly Im-never-letting-this-man-go-positive one.)
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chaosbeautiful · 5 years
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jaytodd1129 · 2 years
OK BUT Yennefer/Renfri heist!AU in which either:
a) it's like a White Collar type thing where Yennefer is the FBI agent OBSESSED with catching Renfri (whom she only knows by her grifter name, The Shrike)
b) they're BOTH expert grifters who realize they're working the SAME JOB and become RIVALS
c)Yennefer is the owner of a prestigious art gallery or jewellry store (idk idk somewhere fancy with a lot of expensive stealable goods ok??) that Renfri sleeps with in an event for said establishment. Yennefer wakes up without Renfri to realize her most prized possession was stolen on that very same night. She puts 2 and 2 together and decides to help catch Renfri NO MATTER WHAT (not JUST because of the blow to her ego because she's always prided herself on keeping her guard up and never letting anyone get the best of her, and not JUST because she just lost gods know how many millions of dollars but secretly what REALLY stings is that she actually opened up to Renfri in a way she hadn't in years on that night. She allowed herself to show a vulenrability that she had never shown anyone before and deep down she actually thought for a second Jaskier was right and perhaps love at first sight actually existed. Meanwhile, Renfri is back home trying to pretend everything is ok BUT IT'S NOT OK BECAUSE WHY CAN'T SHE GET YENNEFER (and since when do marks get a name after the heist is over??) OUT OF HER DAMN MIND and it's driving her CRAZY. She starts sorely regretting going through with the heist and maybe she meets up with Yennefer?? And tries to make peace with her and tell her that she can't get her out of her head and that she's sorry, because she never should've left the bed that fateful night, she should've just stayed in and had breakfast with her. But it's A TRAP cause Yennefer is HURT and she's not falling for THIS again! And maybe she's got a wire and the feds are in a van outside, I--
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bard-z-rivia · 4 years
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Two more charts cause I have absolutely nothing to do with my life and this is rather entertaining
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aconfusedkitten · 3 years
good omens au go brrrrrrr.
look, all i know is that geraskier are disasters and more than a little feral, or at least in jaskier’s case, triss and yennefer are your local witch-y nieghbors who somehow fall for renfri, a witchfinder, who falls for them in return, and that ciri is absolutely the anti-christ. 
i don’t know who dog is, or who the not-quite anti-christ is, but we’re getting there.
maybe roach is the demon doggo.
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Hello again, and welcome to the Continental Gal Pals bang! 
Here are the general rules for this event, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification if needed !
2. As this is a wlw/nblw event, one member of your ship must be a canon female character (as we have no canon nonbinary characters).  Relationships should not involve male characters.  However, genderbending and trans aus of canon male characters are allowed.
2. Polyamorous relationships are allowed, but should not involve male characters.
3. Participants must submit at least one work and cannot submit more than four in any combination (for instance, one fic/three artworks, four artworks, two fics/two artworks, etc.).
4. If a participant does not complete a check in, a mod will reach out to them and discuss the situation.  If needed, extensions will be granted.  If another check in is missed, it will be assumed the participant has dropped the event.
5. Check ins are just to ensure participants are working on their submissions and still want to be part of the event.  For those who would like more structure, more concrete deadlines (e.g. number of words or progress on art by a specific date) have been included, but are not mandatory.
6. Dropping out of the event without informing a mod will result in a participant being banned from the next event, but they may participate in the event after that.
7. Minors are allowed for works that are rated Gen and T. Mature and Explicit is allowed for 18+ participants.  If you are unsure what rating your fic warrants, check with a mod.
8. Fics and art must be original works that have not already been posted elsewhere.
9. Fics must be at least 7500 words.
10. Any art form is allowed.
Sign ups will open on June 17th, so don’t hesitate to ask us anything ! 
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dechart · 5 years
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his bestie: roach
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kuwdora · 3 years
Broodylicious (7 words) by kuwdora Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Witcher (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Renfri, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Duny/Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Triss Merigold Characters: Duny (The Witcher), Triss Merigold, Jaskier | Dandelion, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Renfri - Character Additional Tags: this is the broody Bootylicious cover you never knew was created for Geralt of Rivia, everybody wants to be ready for Geralt's jelly, he just isn't ready for THEIR jelly, Fanvids, Embedded Video, fuck stregobor forever Series: Part 11 of Kuwdora's Vids, Part 4 of Kuwdora's Witcher vids Summary: I don't think you're ready for this jelly, my body's too broodylicious for you baby.
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jaskicr · 4 years
apparently i’m ignoring my wips and writing yet more wlw fics - here, have some soft lesbians
Renfri bites back a curse as a familiar wave of painful cramps slams into her lower abdomen, sudden and brutal, and Triss lets out a soft, concerned hum.
“Ren, are you alright?” Triss murmurs, concern clear in the whisper of her voice, a gentle hand sweeping Renfri’s hair back from her face. “Ren, you’re shaking, are you -”
“I’m fine,” Renfri grits out, even as she curls further into herself in a futile attempt to stop the pain. “I’m fine, Triss, I promise.”
“No, you aren’t,” Triss whispers, reaching out to hold Renfri in her arms. “Please - tell me what’s wrong?”
Or: Renfri is suffering through her monthly cramps. Triss doesn’t experience those cycles anymore, not after her Ascension, but she tries to help her girlfriend, and they’re soft for each other.
Renfri is in bed, Triss’ arm curled tight around her, when she feels it. 
A slow ache, low in her abdomen, that pulls her from the realm of sleep, yanking her from the gentle sphere of warmth as Triss snuffles behind her, breath tickling Renfri’s ear. It’s a familiar sensation, one that Renfri had expected from looking at that wax and wane of the moon, but she closes her eyes, trying to ignore it.
Sometimes, it isn’t too bad. Sometimes, it goes away. 
So she evens out her breathing, presses back against Triss, and tries to fall back to sleep.
But the ache builds, and builds, and builds some more, until it’s a dull throb that keeps her awake, and she curls in on herself, pressing one hand to her abdomen. Behind her, Triss slumbers on, oblivious, as Renfri grits her teeth, massaging her abdomen as gently as possible, careful to not make any sudden movements that could wake Triss up.
It’s not that bad, not yet. It could fade away, as it sometimes does, ebbing and flowing with the pain nothing more than a distant throb, a constant ache that Renfri can usually ignore. She’s grateful, those days, that the pain isn’t so bad that she can’t get on with her life, grateful that the cramps, the ache, is something she can put to the back of her mind. 
But some days - 
Renfri bites back a curse as a wave of pain slams into her lower stomach, sudden and brutal, and she jerks slightly, hands curling into fists, eliciting a soft, questioning hum from Triss. 
“Ren?” Triss mumbles, the hazy shroud of sleep slurring her words as she buries her cold nose into the crook of Renfri’s neck, arm curling tighter as another wave of pain wracks Renfri’s body - this time, she keeps still, even as she grits her teeth. “Y’good?”
“I -” Renfri croaks out, then clears her throat. “I’m fine. Go back to sleep, sunflower.”
“Mm,” Triss hums, and Renfri lifts one hand to grab Triss’, squeezing it reassuringly. “Sure?”
“It’s early still,” Renfri murmurs, darting a glance towards the windows, barely a sliver of light passing through the gap in the curtains. It’s still mostly dark outside, only the briefest hint of sunlight peeking over the horizon. “Sleep.”
She feels Triss’ breathing even out, her arm around Renfri relaxing, and grits her teeth harder as she lets the series of cramps wash over her, piercing through her abdomen. She’s been stabbed, gutted; she’s had her skin sliced through and flayed open and singed, she’s suffered wounds that most humans would faint at seeing. And yet, this pain, this ache that assaults her every once in a while, an ache that she should be more than capable of forging through - this ache has her body all tensed up, curling in on herself in a futile attempt to alleviate the pain, her jaw hurting at how hard she’s grinding her teeth together.
Renfri has had worse. She has been through so much worse. But as the endless cramps assault her again and again, as they pierce through her abdomen and darken her vision so that everything is blurry, black spots dancing before her eyes, Renfri has to bite her lip bloody to stop herself from crying out, nails drawing blood as they dig into the palms of her hands, sweat beading at her temples as she fights through the pain. 
She can’t wake Triss up. Not with this. 
She curls into a ball, hands pressed to her abdomen, and a shudder runs through her. Gods, this hurts, and she wants it to end. The bleeding hasn’t started yet, but Renfri knows that it will soon - after all, the pain is a precursor and a companion to her lunar cycles, to the heavy bleeding that she so despises. 
“Ren.” Triss sounds more awake now, concern clear in the whisper of her voice, a gentle hand sweeping Renfri’s hair back from her face, sweaty strands clinging to her skin. “Ren, you’re shaking, are you -”
“I’m fine,” Renfri grits out, too harsh, too rough, and she softens her voice, tries to stop herself from shaking, determined not to let Triss worry. “I’m fine, Triss, I promise.”
“No, you aren’t,” Triss murmurs, pressing the back of her hand to Renfri’s cheek. “You feel - tell me what’s wrong.”
“It’ll pass,” Renfri tries to deflect, but Triss clambers over her so that they’re face to face, dark eyes wide and worried as they settle on Renfri’s bloody lip, realisation dawning on her gaze when she sees the way Renfri is curled into herself, hands pressed to her pain-wracked abdomen. 
“Does your stomach hurt?” Triss asks, hands reaching out, and Renfri feels the familiar spark and sputter of Chaos as Triss tries and fails to instinctively summon her magic. Triss’ lips flatten into a thin line at the reminder that she can’t use her magic, not so close to Renfri, and places a hand over Renfri’s abdomen, gentle and warm. “Please, tell me what’s wrong?”
“My lunar cycles,” Renfri admits grudgingly, and Triss makes soft noise of realisation. “They’re not always this bad, but - fuck.”
link to read more on ao3 in reblog!
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myidlehand · 4 years
I wanna see a Noir Detective  AU of the Witcher so bad.
But not a proper Noir Film version. Like one of these exaggerated black and white bottle episodes every cop show does at one point. With things that makes no sense plot wise but nobody cares because it’s just how it works!
Geralt obviously would be the non talkative but very charismatic detective main character. Renfri is his amazing but very sarcastic secretary. The entire time everything is monologued by Geralt off screen.
Jaskier would play the poor mistress that hire Geralt to prove his rich lover was killed by her wife for money. Complete with sexy outfit (it can still be a sexy dress and high heels), the fur coat and the sexy cigarette smoking in Geralt little office. Of course Geralt is instantly madly in love with this poor person who just lost their lover. But he can’t act on it!! he can’t! Jaskier is a client!
Geralt would like enter his office unaware of Jaskier smoking by the window. He would slightly turn toward Geralt, smoke rising from his plush lips Geralt notices right away. He then slowly uncover his face hidden by a half veil and on voice over Geralt would be like ‘He was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen... But the life of a detective, my life, is not made for beautiful things...”
The rich murdered/partner would be Yen. Her outfit is even sexier the Jaskier’s and she keep a superior and cold demeanour all the time, that Geralt can see right trough when he interview her. Geralt is conflicted because she’s his main suspect and doesn’t seem to mourn her wife (she’s just very private about it and Triss has been dead for like two months before Jaskier hire him) but she’s sexy as well. I want her to be super suspect the entire time and have an intense rivalry with Jaskier (she knew about the affair). There’s a conflicted kiss happening at some point and Jaskier sees them and is devastated by the betrayal! Exaggerated Gasp! Fleeing down the stairs! Triomphant smirk from Yen!
In the end of course plot twist it wasn’t even her, it was the cook Cahir who murdered Yen’s wife Triss for money! Geralt find out the truth, there’s a very badly choreographed fight involving a revolver. You think Cahir will kill Geralt but of course Jaskier shows up just in time and saves Geralt by hitting Cahir in the head with a lamp! Of course Jaskier nearly faints when he realise all the violence that just happened and falls in Geralt’s open arms. Yen with he police in tow, enter the room before anything more can happen between them but the tension is palpable. They take Cahir away and Yen gets to inherit the entire fortune and the mansion where she will keep living with her adopted daughter Ciri (who’s she adopted with Triss).
Scene cut to Geralt and Jaskier together in Geralt’s office that same night. (Mornful voice over by Geralt). Jaskier gets a bittersweet ending (it seems but of course not!) cause Triss’s killer got caught but now he has nothing. The stern detective opens up a little as a secret/not so secret romantic and in the end Geralt bends Jaskier backward generously and kisses him. Happy end for everybody!
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meteor752 · 4 years
Geralt is just a hopeless bisexual Tsundere pass it on
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finstermond · 5 years
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eddiestarchild · 5 years
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Who made this? I wanna thank them!
Alternate one: Triss is replaced by Jask, and we are the "you". Let's face it, Jask is already Geralts gf/bf
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