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lillified · 2 months ago
I love ur art so much! I remember seeing your Megaempress design and I thought it was so pretty! She’s very underrated alongside her 4 Guards. But I was wondering what Lunaclub, Moonheart, Flowspade and Trickdiamond would look like in your artstyle cuz you make all ur characters very cunty and they always serve :3
hi, that's a great question!!
I absolutely have plans for Emp and her heralds, but right now the one with the most concrete background I have is Trickdiamond :)
AKA "Tricky," she's a smooth talker with an unmatched mind for brokering and bargaining--and a bit of a vice for gambling. Before the war, she took a variety of odd jobs, including a stint as a manager for career gladiators (a lucrative position for anyone who loves money and lacks a conscience). She even managed Megatron for a while!
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^ here's a low effort doodle of her!
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elfdragon12 · 1 year ago
While I'm okay with genderswapping Transformers in shows to better balance gender ratios, I do wish that wasn't apparently the first resort for writers once they've grabbed Arcee, Elita-1, and/or Windblade instead of just... Using one of the many female Transformers that already exist.
Other female characters I want to see animated:
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Autobot Road Rage, my tippy top pick. She is so cool and sexy.
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Decepticon Spacewarp. She's a deep space explorer that has lots of different adventures and finds herself questioning the Decepticon cause.
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Megaempress and the Four Guards. For the love of all things good, please pull a Ruckley and write these ladies something decent because the Unite Warriors comics are terrible with them.
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Autobot Javelin, sharpshooter and warrior! She has a really cool design and I think there are some really interesting ways you can take her character, especially if you bounce off the IDW2 story where she's traumatized from getting a head injury in combat!
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Decepticon sleeper agent Flip Side. I want to see a dedicated story arc based off of her story with Blaster and how she deals with realizing her life was a lie.
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Pyra Magna and the Torchbearers/Rust Renegades. While Victorion showed up in the Prime Wars trilogy, the separate components didn't seem to do so. I think either story from IDW1 or IDW2 would be fantastic story to explore in an animated story!
What female characters who've never been animated (or perhaps showed up for maybe 5 seconds) would you like to see?
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fantasist-art · 6 months ago
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arceespinkgun · 18 days ago
In a just world Megaempress and her 4 Guards would be framed as a terrifying group of energon-thirsty supremacists and Tarn and the DJD would be framed as ridiculous jokes and Tarn's Megatron fixation would be treated like Lunaclub's fixation on Starscream where she has a Starscream shrine in her room and acts like this:
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Also, Trickdiamond was so valid here:
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cleverthylacine · 10 months ago
Japanese G1 continuity is absolutely not normal about girls but damned if they don't give us some of the best ones
There was a significant amount of Transformers continuity released between 1987 and around 2007 that was produced in Japanese and is really only known to most English-speaking fans through fansubs, dubs that were only released in Australia, and the like. Shows like Headmasters, Victory, and Zone. Manga like Victory and 15 Go Go Go Teletraan (which was really mostly Kiss Players). Radio shows like Kiss Players.
I'm gonna be super up front. Japanese G1 is not normal about femmes in any way, shape or form. At the same time, it gave us some of the BEST and most underused female characters in the Transformers universe.
Headmasters, which came out right after the US G1 show ended, is particularly egregious. In Headmasters, Arcee has been reduced to Fort Max's administrative assistant, uses ridiculously polite and subservient language, and is also the only medic. And being a medic would be kind of badass if they let her be as badass as Ratchet, you know? But they absolutely do not.
Also, in Headmasters, Carly (now married to Spike) allows her son--a freaking child, not even a teenager--to go on missions when Spike can't and a human is needed, because uh, for some reason it's better for a 12 year old boy to go, not an adult woman?
But most of the good femmes don't come from Headmasters. And some of the best femmes we have are from Japanese G1.
Super-God Masterforce made it up to us by giving gave us Minerva, a human girl who is a Headmaster with a robot body (transtector) making her basically a bad ass mecha pilot, and who actively does fight.
The Victory manga gives us Esmeral, Deathsaurus' incredibly classy wife, and Lyzack, Leozack's twin sister, who is in charge of defending the homefront but really does want to go out and fight. Illumina appears in both the Victory manga and the anime. She's a little human girl who has a crush on Jan Minakaze and is always trying to get people to choose nonviolence.
(Lyzack later appears in an English-language comic - the Wings Universe--wherein she's basically Deathsaurus' servant and Starscream hits on her. I don't like that.)
There are a number of great femmes who were only ever toys. The Cobalt Sentries set gave us Howlback, leader of the Decepticon military police (called the Cobalt Sentries). She is basically Ravage's twin sister but instead of being super stealthy she can turn your attacks right back on you.
(Later she appears in several English language comics and in at least one she is canonically trans. I'm not a fan of her depiction in the SG Recordicons Batman tribute arc, though.)
The Unite Warriors toyline - Takara's response to Combiner Wars, basically - gave us the combiner Megatronia, made up of Megaempress, and her four guards, Lunaclub (sometimes called Luna Clover or Luna Trefle), Flowspade, Moonheart, and Trickdiamond. They are incredibly awesome.
(IDW 2019 used Trickdiamond, but none of the others. Tricky was one of Swindle's contacts.)
Then there's the elephant in the room that everyone pretends isn't there...Kiss Players.
So, okay. There is nothing normal about Kiss Players whatsoever. On the other hand, I'd rather listen to KP than watch RID2015 which is just blatant copaganda from hell.
Kiss Players had an interesting plot involving little bits of Galvatron and Unicron getting into humans and creating the Kiss Players--humans who could give TFs a powerup by kissing them and then merging with their internals somehow. Then there are the Legions, the dick-tongued monsters that everyone who hasn't actually listend to the show or read the manga thinks are Megatron.
The dick-tongued monsters are gross. It is also gross that some of the Kiss Players are barely teenagers and definitely not adults and are constantly ending up in Situations.
But the plot centres around the apparent rise of Convoy, or Optimus, from the dead, and his transformation into a weird groomery dude, which many people don't understand there was an actual reason for, because it's not Optimus, it's someone else riding around in his body.
Melissa Faireborn is like if you chopped Marissa Faireborn's IQ in half, dyed her hair blond and threw out any pants or skirts that covered her knees. She is nothing like Marissa and I treat them as cousins, but Xiaoxiao Li is amazing and her real lover.
Anyhow, this female scientist (Dr Amaou) lost her mind over the loss of her daughter during the events of the 1986 movie et sequelae, and she's got to be stopped from turning Atari and her Autorooper robot pal into a permanent fusion to reincarnate her daughter Shizuku (whom for some reason I always want to call Setsuna instead).
It's a little confusing because most of the really good parts of the plot got jammed into a few episodes near the end of the season, although once you know what it is, it's clear that it's being set up. That artist just likes borderline lolicon way too much.
The second season of KP is very squeaky clean and sends the girls out to collect what they think are Allspark fragments, and they are very annoyed because Ravage, whom they call "black panther man" keeps getting in their way and fucking with them, only to later find out that the bots who gave them this task are Unicronian heralds and Ravage is trying to stop them from helping Unicron do what Unicron does.
Rosanna, everyone's favourite robot pop idol, comes from the second season of KP, although you don't see very much of her or her companions Glit and Sundor.
Incidentally KP sets up the Unicron Trilogy and some of its characters end up in the UT--which did come to the US, and gave us Alexis Thi Dang.
(This post is brought to you because I just wrote an Esmeral thing and someone was musing separately about Megaempress as a parent and I almost ended up writing this post while reblogging them, because I'm a nerd with a hyperfixation).
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yonker-tonker · 2 months ago
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Rip 2 Lunaclub. She’d love stan twitter
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cerebrocentric-bullet · 4 months ago
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Commission for @dustbunny105 based her short fic 'What is There to Say?'
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minersedgarsart · 1 year ago
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Team Stream (and Trickdiamond) by way of Metal Slug
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legofanguy · 19 days ago
A Transformers fanfiction using @cybertronia-obscura February prompt freebie.
The Decepticon arm dealer ask to her client as she show her latest product, “These weapons can create a powerful energy field. You can try it for a freebie.” and she then flee as her client fire the weapon, which trap them in a force field.
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warmhorizonss · 27 days ago
Post warm horizons marriage fic snippet woohoo!
Trickdiamond looked at Swindle, her vermillion optics filled with exasperation.
"So, you're telling me that you live in a house with him, sleep in the same bed together, created two sparklings with him, and you're only just now thinking about marrying him?" She asked.
"Well, it never came up before! I just didn't think about it. Besides, I really don't know what Lockdown would think about getting married. What if he doesn't wanna be tied down to all of...this?" Flailing around a large servo, Swindle gestured to himself.
"Swindle, he had kids with you - willingly. Two of them, even."
"Okay, and?"
Trickdiamond rolled her optics and huffed out a sigh as she poured a heap of dry coffee creamer into her coffee cup.
"Ugh, by Primus, you're so dense! If Lockdown didn't want you around, I'm sure he would make that known by now. He used to be a fraggin' bounty hunter. If he didn't want you to come barking up his tree, he probably would've had your helm mounted on the wall or something." Trickdiamond finished stirring her coffee, before taking the cup and placing it on the other side of Swindle. "You're basically the only mech that he wants around anyway."
Swindle felt a flush creep up his faceplate at that statement. He scratched the back of his neck, and sighed.
"I...guess I've never thought about it that way."
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elfdragon12 · 3 months ago
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I'm posted Trickdiamond separately, but then I started drawing all of Megaempress's girl gang in these outfits... So I'm posting all five together!
So my hf takes on Megaempress and her 4 Guard in outfits from UnknownSpy's DressUpTober outfits!
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autoacafiles · 1 year ago
So we've seen profiles for LunaClub, MoonHeart, FlowSpade and even the Mega-Empress of Destruction Kiloton herself, but what about Trickdiamond?
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dustbunny105 · 1 year ago
Title: What is There to Say? Fandom: IDW2 Ship: Trickdiamond/Andromeda Word Count: 100 Rating: G Summary: Andromeda wants a scoop but Trickdiamond just wants her attention. A/N: For TF Femslash February's prompt "secret"! If I'd been looking ahead, I probably would've saved Jump/up for this one instead but such is life. While you're here, consider donating to Care for Gaza.
Trickdiamond leaned back in her seat, a shrug hiding how her plating rustled when Andromeda leaned across the table after her, and stared idly out at the crowed. No one was getting too rowdy or paying them any mind. Good.
Andromeda huffed and said, "Come on, Trickdiamond. You know whatever you tell me is off the record."
"I don't know what makes you so sure I have anything to tell," said Trickdiamond, swirling her glass of engex.
"Ha! You've been entertaining me all night for some reason," said Andromeda with a grin.
Trickdiamond hid her own grin behind her drink.
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cleverthylacine · 1 year ago
Chapters: 28/? Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con 
Content Advisory: The site warning "Rape/Non-con" was applied because of a nonconsensual sexual interface scene in Chapter 24. There is a synopsis of Chapter 24 in the comments of Chapter 25 for those who elect not to read it.
Relationships: Megatron/Minimus Ambus (Transformers), Deathsaurus/Esmeral (Transformers), Drift | Deadlock/Ratchet, Lyzack/Nickel (Transformers), Deathsaurus/Tarn (Transformers), Drift | Deadlock & Ravage, Leozack/Vos 
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Mood Whiplash, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Mutiny, Betrayal, Everyone Needs A Hug, Rodimus is the True Prime (Fite Me), Primax 1020.27 Iota, Sexual Manipulation, idiots to lovers, Mech Preg (Transformers), Unhealthy Polyamory, Transformer Sparklings, Tarn's Gross Orientalist Fetish, Energon Siphoning (Transformers), Decepticon cuddle piles, Ridiculous Robot Pig Latin, Dubious Consent, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Corpse Desecration, Attempted Cannibalism, Mind Control, Body Horror, Parasitic Plants 
Series: Part 3 of The Voice of Stanix (Primax 1020.27 Iota), Part 9 of All Hail Ravage
Summary: Ravage has left the Lost Light--leaving Megatron without his amica. He's grown closer to Minimus Ambus, but the former Enforcer of the Tyrest Accord is losing his sense of moral certainty. Ratchet and Drift have reunited, but Drift doesn't want to go back to the Lost Light--or the Autobots.
And just as Deathsaurus and Esmeral are finally about to be married, Tarn shows up to make Deathsaurus an offer he dare not refuse.
Summary: Tarn gets to meet Terminus. Trickdiamond tells Tesarus to make his own dinner. Rodimus and Megatron have an argument. Moonheart confronts Nickel about her past.  Then Deathsaurus wakes up.
Soundtrack on YouTube
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toyboxcomix · 1 year ago
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Random Old Comic: Lucky Charms https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2017/06/11/lucky-charms/ https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2017/06/11/lucky-charms/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost
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