@Metallikato on AO3
71 posts
Meli/Cai - Any pronouns - Author of Kintsugi, Warm Horizons, and a variety of other fanfictions - Unironic mpreg writer
Last active 3 hours ago
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warmhorizonss · 8 hours ago
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Tweets about lockdown. To me
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warmhorizonss · 8 hours ago
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Optirachnia. And megop i guess 😐
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warmhorizonss · 8 hours ago
he would not fucking say that but it would be funny if he did
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warmhorizonss · 18 hours ago
Just updated my Ko-fi for fic writing rates! If you want a flash fic (fic under 2k words) for like $10 (so like $5 per 1000 words, I suppose) and up, give me a holler! I do both original fiction and fanfiction, and as long as it fits Ko-fi's TOS, I'm down!
Please email me at [email protected] for further consultation if interested.
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warmhorizonss · 20 hours ago
Jetstorm and Grimlock don't hate each other. However, they only like to get along with each other when their shared loved one (Jetfire) is involved. Even then, they antagonize each other a lot. Jetfire wants them to stop fighting but like everyone else thinks it's funny when they fight because Grimlock is an asshole ✨.
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warmhorizonss · 20 hours ago
i think people get so used to their own creative work that they forget how amazing it is so i’m making this post as a reminder You are the only person capable of making art the exact way you make it. nobody else on earth can do that. there are always going to be those little habits and intricacies and details that simply cannot be replicated whether it’s in writing or painting or textiles and you make life all the better for it i love my friends’ art i love art from strangers im trying to love my own art I LOVE YOU!!! THE PERSON READING THIS!!!!!!! YOU ARE A PART OF THIS WORLD NEVER EVER STOP MAKING THINGS THAT CAN IMPACT IT
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warmhorizonss · 1 day ago
Imagining JetByte babies....omg. they have two big ol shark babies named Fang and Snaggletooth. They both like to torture their carrier by gnawing on him with their little gummy maws. Sky byte thinks it's funny but jetfire has work tomorrow and now his paint job is ruined by his toddlers! Sky byte likes to write little poems in their daycare lunch containers too. Jetfire comes home from late nights at the lab sometimes to find fang and snaggletooth curled up together, having fallen asleep while waiting on their carrier. Sky byte thinks the pups are both too cute to move 😭
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warmhorizonss · 1 day ago
quick question...
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warmhorizonss · 1 day ago
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Found a couple of bumblebees laying around
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warmhorizonss · 2 days ago
“That’s my Dad!!” Hear me out cake clip but make it one of the other Stunticons adding Knockout and/or Breakdown to the cake and Wildbreak freaking out. 😙
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warmhorizonss · 2 days ago
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Open for commissions~!
I like my new job but it only pays for so much and school is expensive.
Please message me here if interested and will give you my discord if you wish to discuss more throughly.
I use paypal and kofi
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warmhorizonss · 2 days ago
Imagining Blitznut conjunx ritus I'm gonna start tweaking
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warmhorizonss · 2 days ago
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🦂Blitznut week. Day 7 - Free day
🦂So Blitznut's week has come to an end. I want to thank a couple of people for their participation. This is the first time in my life that I have organized a peyring fest, but I hope that next year more people will gather for blitznutweek
🦂Good night and have a nice day, everyone💛✨
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warmhorizonss · 2 days ago
POV me rewriting this chapter
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The Fic FKA Night Changes AKA Ignition (which is what I named this fic project now)
When Jetfire imagined his eventual reunion with his conjunx, he didn’t imagine that it would go like this. While he wasn’t much of a romantic, Jetfire usually imagined their first meeting after Jetfire’s inscription to be much more sensual - with Grimlock meeting him with biting kisses, and a smoldering look to his optics. Usually, the Dinobot of his dreams would be gentle, but persistent and stern with his touch - his claws tracing over Jetfire’s elegant and trim frame with a barely suppressed desire for intimacy.
However, Jetfire instead found himself here, sitting beside his conjunx, his eyes affixed to the ground. Beside him, Grimlock watched through the window as Optimus and Sentinel Prime discussed the circumstances of Jetfire’s stay on Earth. It seemed the Dinobot king was confused, with how he kept shifting his gaze from Jetfire, and then to the meeting. Before Jetfire could say anything, though, Grimlock began to ask a few questions.
“Jetfire is carrying?” He asked gently.
Jetfire’s amber eyes averted away from Grimlock’s burning blue visor.
“Yes. The Elite Guard’s medic believes that I got sparked about two months ago - around the night we completed our conjunx ritus.”
At that revelation, a blanket of silence fell between Grimlock and his conjunx. For what felt like an eternity, the Dinobot was quiet. Deep in thought, he chewed on the inside of his cheek. There wasn’t a word that fell out of his mouth. Jetfire was unnerved to say the least. He shuffled in his seat outside the meeting room restlessly, his pedes swaying and knocking together. A wave of anxiety and panic threatened to lapse over him, ebbing away at him. However, before Jetfire could get lost in his head too much, Grimlock let out a heavy mechanical sigh, and got up on to his pedes. Before his conjunx knew it, Grimlock was approaching him, dropping to his knees on the ground in front of him. Jetfire was brought back to Earth by the soft thud of both of Grimlock’s knees settling on the ground.
“What are you doing, Rimmi?” Jetfire asked.
Grimlock then looked up at Jetfire with a soft, gentle gaze. He held out his hands, an uncommon, yet welcome gesture from the Dinobot king.
“Me Grimlock wants to hold Jetfire’s hands.” He stated.
Jetfire’s eyes widened in confusion. Still, though, he held out two pale servos to meet his conjunx’s. Grimlock grasped both servos with a pair of his own. Jetfire felt gilded claws interlace with his own, gentle with how they settled on the white plating. It was such an easy intimacy between them - something that was like a balm to Jetfire’s tired, aching spark. Jetfire looked towards Grimlock with misty optics.
“Jetfire is carrying.” Grimlock reiterated.
Jetfire nodded.
“Does Jetfire want to carry?” Grimlock asked.
Jetfire was confused.
“What do you mean by that?” He asked.
“Does Jetfire want to carry a sparkling?”
For a good amount of time, Jetfire struggled to muster up an answer. It should have been an easy answer for Jetfire - but it was just difficult for him to say it out loud. Still, though, Jetfire mulled over the question. Perhaps it was foolish of him to want to bring a sparkling into the world with such little preparation and planning - but surely, it couldn’t hurt to have another piece of Grimlock in the world. At such a thought, a picture suddenly popped into his mind - a picture of Grimlock tossing their sparkling into the air, smiling that beautiful, toothy smile of his while the child squealed with joy. Jetfire began to tear up as all kinds of pictures danced in his head - the sparkling meeting their uncle Jetstorm for the first time, or his sparkling playing with Swoop by chasing him through the air, or even Jetfire himself teaching his sparkling how to say ‘carrier’.
Jetfire felt teardrops well up in his optics at the last thought.
“I…- I want to. I want to carry the sparkling, but I can’t do it alone.” Jetfire stated. His voice sounded small and shaky as he spoke. “I- I don’t want to have the sparkling without you.”
Grimlock appeared confused at Jetfire’s fretting.
“Alone? Why would Grimlock leave Jetfire alone?” Grimlock unclasped his and Jetfire’s hands to gently caress the orange autobot’s cheek. Jetfire felt one of Grimlock’s claws carefully wipe away a stray tear. “Me Grimlock promised to stay with Jetfire forever while completing the conjunx ritus.”
A well of emotions pooled inside of Jetfire at Grimlock’s statement. Tears began to pool into fat, abundant puddles in Jetfire’s optics. He let out a sob, before he toppled over, and collided his frame against Grimlock’s. He crashed his body against his conjunx’s chest - tipping them both over. With the flying Autobot burying his helm into his conjunx’s chest, Jetfire sobbed into the Dinobot king’s broad shoulder, burying his face against Grimlock’s neck. Grimlock was taken off guard by Jetfire’s emotional outburst - but after a moment of apprehension, he wrapped his strong arms around his partner’s frame, and held the mech’s body against his own.
“I love you, Grimlock - I love you so much.”
Grimlock grumbled contendly, before responding in kind.
“Grimlock would never leave Jetfire alone with sparkling. Grimlock loves Jetfire too much. Me Grimlock Jetfire’s conjunx for a reason.”
Jetfire sniffled, before his face plate broke out in a dopey, lopsided smile. He raised his helm to press a kiss to Grimlock’s cheek. In response, Grimlock nuzzled his mouthguard against Jetfire’s neck. Jetfire then felt one of Grimlock’s arms wrap around his legs, before suddenly, Grimlock rose up from the ground. Grunting in exertion, he hoisted Jetfire in the air. The flying autobot let out a shout of surprise. He scrambled to wrap his arms around his lover’s neck.
“Woah, Grimlock! You have to be careful!” Jetfire laughed. “I have some extra cargo to carry now, you know.”
Grimlock let out a rumble of a laugh, before he lowered his head to rest his mouthguard on the lower half of Jetfire’s belly - approximately where one would assume the gestation chamber to be resting. He gently nuzzled the area, purring as if to send a sweet message to the sparkling developing inside.
“Sparkling will be okay - Jetfire is strong enough to protect it, after all.” Grimlock looked up at Jetfire with a soft gleam to his visor. “Jetfire will be the strongest and best carrier. Jetfire is already so powerful and beautiful."
In response to Grimlock’s words of admiration, Jetfire beamed from audial to audial, grinning, and beaming brightly.
“Oh, Grimlock…” He sighed. “You sure know how to make a mech feel special.”
Maybe it was selfish of Jetfire to bring a sparkling into the world with such little preparation. Yet, as Grimlock carried Jetfire away from the suffocating air of the Autobot base, Jetfire couldn’t bring himself to regret his decision to keep the sparkling to raise and adore very much - especially with Grimlock pledging to stay by his side. Besides, there was always another day to begin preparing for a sparkling. Jetfire was sure he could manage to get ready in about 7 or 8 lunar cycles. He had accomplished much more in much less time, after all.
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warmhorizonss · 3 days ago
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ive had this image of bee open in a tab on my browser for over a week
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warmhorizonss · 3 days ago
I had to deal with some school stuff but hey! I got the Grimjet juice eventually, right? Yipee!
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The Fic FKA Night Changes AKA Jetfire's Very Hard and Difficult Depression Arc
Jetfire tried to take the news that Red Alert gave him well.
During the next few days, the mech made an attempt to keep going through the motions of his daily routine. Jetfire continued on with his scheduled tasks of patrolling the bridge twice a stellar cycle, maintaining the computer systems on the ship once a orbital rotation, and then refueling during his 45 minute break every day, even if his tanks churned at the thought of swallowing down any fuel. However, it felt like everyday was more monumentally challenging than the next. As the days marched on, Jetfire began to grow more and more uncertain and anxious. With such a huge secret inside of his mind, it felt like - at any given moment - he was going to bend and break under the pressure. Jetfire found himself beginning to grow fearful of what the future had in store for him, and of what uncertainty that his present held.
Jetfire seemed to be so anxious and so withdrawn, in fact, that his anxiety was setting everyone on the Steelhaven on edge - even Sentinel Prime, who was usually absolutely clueless on how anyone was feeling. The premier Prime even ended up giving Jetfire some multivitamin capsules for mineral deficiency - which was what he believed was the problem. Jetfire remembered the awkward encounter where Sentinel Prime approached him, bottle in hand. Jetfire had looked at his superior with wide eyes - his processor jolted awake with terror.
“I see that you’ve been struggling with some, ahem, issues lately, Firehose.”
“Huh- What makes you assume that?” Jetfire asked. The younger mech’s fingers fidgeted against each other as he sputtered out an affirmative. “I’m perfectly fine.
Sentinel rolled his eyes, before he sat the bottle of mineral capsules in front of Jetfire.
“No, you're not. You may not see it, but everyone else can see how much you look like scrap. It’s honestly making me worried. Have you been getting enough rest lately? I feel like some rest would really do you some good.”
Jetfire was quiet for a minute. He felt oddly touched by Sentinel’s concern - maybe a bit too touched, honestly. For some reason, he felt like he was going to cry - which probably had something to do with the strings of carrier coding coursing through him. Instead of breaking down in tears, however, the young mech took a moment to collect himself, before he gingerly took the bottle of mineral capsules. He looked at Sentinel Prime with a soft smile.
“Thank you for the gift, sir.” The younger mech popped the bottle of capsules into his subspace. “I- I really do appreciate it.”
From then on, Jetfire was struck with the revelation that the clock was ticking against him. If even Sentinel Prime knew that something was wrong with him, there was only a matter of time before anyone with any medical know-how put two and two together and realized what Jetfire was really covering up. When he’d settled into his room for his scheduled down time, Jetfire had locked the door tight, and settled into his bed. He spent a moment staring at the ceiling, trying to give his processor a break from its constant cycle of worry. Soon, however, as his amber eyes drifted subconsciously towards his stomach, his processor began to wander far, far away.
Perhaps Jetfire was beginning to see things - between being woken up by space sickness in the middle of recharge, and having terrible nightmares on occasion, he wasn’t getting much sleep these days - but the seeker swore that there was a little bit of extra protomass that wasn’t there before. There was a small, but definite swell that had taken up residence on his frame. With curiosity, Jetfire hovered a servo before his middle, and then let it settle on where his gestation chamber would be sitting inside of him. He gently, but firmly pressed on his stomach. To his surprise, what he felt under his palm was a solidity so subtle, and so small that it almost wasn’t there - yet, a solidity that Jetfire felt nonetheless.
Life always had a way of throwing curveballs at Jetfire. He’d gone from a steelwright to a soldier. He had cheated death. He had been destroyed, rebuilt, and reforged. He was able to survive living through the worst of times to get where he was now. With sheer willpower, strength, and a bit of luck, he fought tooth and nail to get to where he was. Yet, as he rubbed gentle circles into his protoform, Jetfire felt a variety of feelings - a cocktail of fear, anticipation, hope, and dread. Here he was - Jetfire thought - carrying a sparkling he created with a mech nobody knew he was conjunxed to.
At the thought of his conjunx, Jetfire felt a pit develop inside of his spark. What would Grimlock think about Jetfire’s current condition? It was far too soon in their marriage for them to discuss having children. Besides, Primus only knew what Grimlock thought of sparklings - Jetfire was sure Grimlock understood what a sparkling was, but he wasn’t entirely sure that Grimlock would understand the responsibility and the gravity of bringing a sparkling into the world. Even on the best of days, Grimlock wasn’t much of a careful, calculated mech. Jetfire didn’t know if Grimlock would want to raise any children - let alone raise any children with Jetfire.
In all fairness to Grimlock, though, Jetfire wasn’t sure that he understood entirely what it meant to be a creator either. He knew that sparklings deserved caring, loving parents that were well-prepared to care for them - some qualities that Jetfire could safely state that he lacked. The seeker had no clue how he was going to balance his career and taking care of a family. Besides, how would he know anything about caring for a child? Jetfire grew up in a group home. Him and his brother have never had anything similar to a mentor or a creator in their lives. To bring anyone into the world without any of that would be a recipe for disaster.
Yet, there was something selfish compelling him - against all better judgment - to keep the newspark. There was a part of him who craved to have something of his own. Jetfire didn’t have much that was his own - he’d always had to share everything with his brother - but Grimlock and the newspark were entirely his own to love, protect, and cherish. Nobody - not Jetstorm, Jazz, or Sentinel Prime - had his newspark, or his love for Grimlock. For once in his life, Jetfire wanted to keep something to himself.
The thought of giving up everything in the life that he had built with his brother - the temptation of tearing off his badge, giving up the gun, and just being able to exist, separate from the unit that was he and his brother - crossed his mind for a moment. Yet, the thought of going solo, and leaving everything behind was also terrifying. Jetfire would be a fool to just give up everything he knew on impulse. Perhaps his fraught emotional core was going into overdrive.
At that thought, Jetfire sighed, before he turned around to face the wall. Reaching out for a cushion, he grabbed something soft, and wrapped his arms around it. He burrowed his helm into the soft fabric of the pillowcase, and closed his eyes. Hopefully, he thought, tomorrow would be a better day.
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warmhorizonss · 4 days ago
So I will be posting Grimjet exclusively today. Because I have a lot to share and I like the writing.
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