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onenicebugperday · 3 months ago
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Winged Arkys spider, Arkys alatus, Arkyidae (Triangular spiders and allies)
Found in eastern Australia
Photos 1-3 by doggy48, 4 by tjeales, 5-6 by benjc, 7-8 by michaeldoe, and 9 (for scale) by nicklambert
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keferon · 3 months ago
Chapter 3 of Jazzprowl mecha! >:D
Previous chapter
Under the cut⤵️
Jazz thinks Prowl is fucking weird.
With space around him and aliens and fucking teleportation and all that crazy shit...Prowl's weirdness isn't too obvious at first. But once Jazz stops marveling at the view outside the window, his attention shifts completely to his new companion.
And. Well.
"'Your plates are so squarish.'"
Prowl takes a break from reading something on his tablet and raises his eyebrows in surprise
"They are."
Jazz moves closer curiously
"No offense okay but isn't it... Hmm. Stupid?"
He raises one hand and lightly slaps the edge of his palm against the center of Prowl's chest.
"What's the point of making armor this shape? And with so many wide gaps? All the strikes will go straight through. It's kinda dangerous. "
Prowl purses his lips in confusion.
"Excuse me? As if your armor makes more sense."
"It does."
"You...wha...you know what. Humor me, explain what you mean."
Jazz shrugs.
"It's round. And the gaps are...uh. What's the right word. They're thin? It's very hard to grab with your teeth or get under with your tentacles. See? You are. Dude, no offense, but you're like, really grabbable."
Prowl just silently opens and closes his mouth for a couple seconds, trying to think of what to say in response. Finally he decides to focus, but not on the part Jazz might have been expecting
" You... were built to fight the Quintessons?"
Jazz nods
"Course I was. Why else?"
Prowl looks....Very worried and somehow sorry for Jazz.
That's weird.
Jazz lets this detail just linger in his mind. He's not sure what conclusion to draw from it yet. And it's very likely that his poor knowledge of the unfamiliar language is setting him up. He's not sure.
Prowl has wheels. Jazz gives himself a mental smack for not paying attention to them in the first three seconds, but it doesn't matter now.
Because Prowl has freaking wheels in his shoulders and Jazz has a bunch of questions in his head.
Why the fuck does he have wheels??? In a place like this??
Prowl looks up at him.
"Something wrong?"
Jazz reaches out his hand mesmerized and spins one of the wheels.
The wheel spins.
What an amazing world.
Prowl looks confused again
"What are they for?"
Prowl faintly twitches one of his weird little wings.
"To drive."
Jazz spins the wheel again
"But you can't drive them! I mean, they're...uh."
He tries to find the right words in his head to say "inside your shoulders" but. Shit. He doesn't know how to say it so he accepts his linguistic defeat and helplessly twitches his horns.
"...They're on top."
Prowl tilts his head, clearly missing the point, and turns one of his legs around
"I've got another ones here...?"
Jazz instantly squats down and. Yep. There are wheels in the legs too.
Prowl moves his foot away before Jazz can spin that wheel too.
"I can just show you if you want."
That's a great idea. A fantastic one. Jazz is hellbent on seeing how it would actually work, because all his brain offers him is "fall on your back and awkwardly drag yourself along the ground?"
Prowl doesn't fall anywhere.
Instead, he suddenly ALL starts moving and freaking folds into himself? Jazz isn't sure what exactly he was expecting to see, but watching another mech fall apart like lego sure as hell wasn't that????
Not falling apart, he realizes a moment later.
Is it reassembling? Into something else???
A second ago, Prowl was standing next to him, and now there is a
Is that a fucking car???
Jazz can't say anything more clever than a loud "HAH???"
It is indeed a car. The design is very odd and Jazz can't recognize the model, but it looks like something vaguely race-y?
He pats the roof of it.
"That's so cool!!!"
The car somehow manages to look awkward and moves away from him sideways like some weird metal crab.
What the- what the hell-
Prowl's mech has an amazing face.
Not that Jazz is staring, but he can appreciate the amazing attention to details. The eyes, the nose, even the lips. Who and why would make a mech with such lifelike face? That ..would make sense if Prowl had to appear in front of a camera, wouldn't it? Maybe he's some kind of celebrity like Blurr?
Jazz doubts it. Prowl doesn't strike him as someone who's used to attention.
But it's a good face, yeah.
Prowl valiantly ignores his staring, but after ten minutes gives up
Jazz shrugs. He's been doing that a lot lately.
"You have a really cool face."
Prowl chokes on air and looks confused again. If you look closer. What is this face even made of? It looks metallic but it bends??? Literally...how?? How does it work?
Jazz is taller than Prowl, so he has to bend down to get a closer look. He wants to ask if the mech's face was modeled after the pilot's, but. Shit. How do you put it into simple words ?
Man. Okay. Uh. Appearance. How do you say "real?" True-positive? Wait, no, true and false are from English, this new language must contain one state word for true and false at the same time.
Prowl watches Jazz's struggle with the patience of a true buddhist monk.
What word even summarizes the state of being true or false? Hot and cold is "temperature", heavy and light is "weight" and then..
Jazz fumbles his fingers helplessly.
"What's the word for. You know how."
He claps his hands hard, and then again, barely audible.
Loud and quiet.
"Sound-positive, sound-negative, right?"
Prowl nods.
"But if I speak. I-mouth-positive."
He claps once more, quietly, barely audible
"I-mouth-positive. Sound-positive. Word-question?
If I do “quiet” but say “loud”. If I do one thing and say another, that's called-?
Prowl twitches his little wings.
"Ah. That would be veracity-negative."
Jazz makes happy finger guns.
"Yes! This..."
He points to Prowl's face
He could probably phrase it more...accurately. Jazz chews his lips in concentration and tries to elaborate
Prowl tilts his head
" Uh. Yeah? That's what I look like. I didn't change anything. It's..."
He pauses uncertainly
"Why are you asking me that?"
Jazz gives a thumbs up
"How do you say 'impressive'? Something like "eyes-positive-emotions-positive." Or it would be "good." Good sounds kind of cheap.
Jazz decides to add a couple more positive modifiers on top just in case. He's always been generous with compliments.
Prowl's wings bounce up funny.
One of the passing lilac aliens whistles.
Prowl thinks Jazz is fragging weird.
Okay, to be fair. Prowl has never had to be anyone's guide to interplanetary interactions.
He'd heard that races making contact with the rest of the galaxy for the first time tended to be weird. It's alright. He can understand that. Which of course doesn't mean it's any easier for him to be at the center of it all...everything.
Jazz is clingy. Friendly. He's definitely never been off his planet before, so everything around him surprises him.
Prowl's obviously “surprising” too, but there's this weird familiarity in Jazz's attitude towards him.
Prowl thinks it's because they're both mechanical life forms. It's the only guess he has that makes sense. But Prowl realizes pretty quickly that Jazz only looks like a Cybertronian at first glance. It's the details. Small and disturbing details.
Jazz was built to fight the Quintessons. His entire body, his entire design was made for it.
Now that Prowl knows that, he's starting to see it. Now that he knows where to look, he can't stop noticing.
All the plates are either round or streamlined and sharp.
He has no face, but his head is shaped in such a way that it would be very hard to grab onto. Or to hit it.
Prowl's processor involuntarily tosses him numbers.
Every bend and edge. Every detail. The visor isn't just curved, it's arched at the most perfectly calculated angle to take hits. His chest plates have the perfect ratio of thickness and curvature so that any direct hit ricochets or slips without going through the plate directly.
And Prowl is scared to even begin to analyze the structure of those legs. He originally saw their design as something similar to Empurata's. But no. The Empurata had always made it their goal to humiliate and diminish their victims. The limbs that the Empurata created were simple and often horribly, impractically awkward.
Jazz's legs are an engineering marvel and Prowl honestly almost wants to take a closer look. They bend at...how many? Five? Six places?
He leans forward quietly, pretending to want to change his posture, trying to get a better angle. There's at least one more joint under the front plates. Seven then?
Jazz snorts
"Like what you see?"
Prowl flinches and quickly looks away. Idiot. Just because Jazz’s head is pointed in the other direction doesn't necessarily mean that's where his gaze was pointed as well.
"I apologize."
Jazz chuckles
"Hey, don't be sorry. You're giving me a reason to show off~"
Prowl gives up. Okay. Maybe it's just that Jazz's weird openness is contagious.
"Your legs are pretty..."
"Cool," Jazz offers
Prowl nods diplomatically.
"Unusual. I think cool too."
Would it be too weird to ask exactly how many joints are in them? Perhaps yes, that's personal medical information after all.
Jazz takes a few joyful little leaps
"They let me walk on walls."
"I have to admit that's impressive."
"Can I join you?"
The little furry alien folds their arms across their chest and says something that...sounds disgruntled. Jazz honestly can't understand a word of it. He just saw the aliens playing something remotely resembling cards and he got curious. He doesn't remember having a fight with any of them yet.
The alien stares at him expectantly for a couple seconds and then waves one of their limbs and switches to a language familiar to Jazz
"No. Go back where you came from."
Uhm. Rude.
One of the lilac creatures smiles guiltily
"We don't play with robots."
Jazz stiffens
"But I don't..."
His attempt to explain is interrupted by the furry alien
"I don't care what you say. Whatever's underneath the metal, whatever scientific nonsense you come up with. This..."
He gestures toward the entire Jazz’s mech.
"...it's a machine. We don't play with machines. It's an unspoken rule. So go back to your corner and stay out of our way."
The lilac alien folds his limbs in embarrassment
"Hey, there's no need to be so rude."
"I'm just stating facts!"
"You could have done it politely..."
Prowl raises his eyebrows and moves away, making more room for Jazz on the bench.
"Kicked you out?"
Jazz sits down next to him and confusedly begins to play with his own fingers
"They wouldn't even let me explain."
Prowl taps him on the shoulder.
"It's hard to explain anything to them. They think you're a soulless machine just because you look like one."
Jazz snorts
"Well, that's just stupid."
Prowl shrugs
"They think you don't have a soul, so you shouldn't participate in their social interactions."
Jazz twitches his horns angrily
"That's..fucking idiotic."
"Well yeah" Prowl picks up "how can they judge whether we're sapient or not?"
"Where's the evidence that they themselves have more 'soul' than mold?"
"Ye..Wait what?"
(..What the hell??)
Prowl frowns.
"I should probably be more...sorry. You're new to this topic and...I'll try to explain in an unbiased manner."
Jazz nods awkwardly
Prowl pinches the bridge of his nose
"In general. We don't really meet their standards of ''alive and sapient being'' and they don't meet ours. Because of that, we...don't get along."
Jazz senses that something doesn't add up. Something dramatically big and obvious. But Prowl already looks annoyed, and Jazz is uncomfortable stressing him out with another game of charades. Probably should hold off on discussing such complicated topics until he's talking better.
Prowl finds himself mentally reevaluating Jazz.
He no longer thinks Jazz is just weird.
Jazz is terrifying.
When their transport is attacked by a bunch of Quintessons, Prowl's processor tells him they're totally screwed.
The monsters have the numerical advantage, the ship is full of tiny, fragile organics, and Prowl only has one random tourist on his side who's in space for the first time.
When Jazz excitedly jumps up and asks to be let "outside to have some fun" Prowl's processor says it's suicide. If you squint and tilt your head, the stats numbers add up into a neat little ship that goes down swiftly and surely.
Then he has no time for statistics. Because one of the organics opens the airlock for Jazz and before Prowl can say anything his space tourist is already out the window.
Frag, frag frag frag frag frag frg
"Jazz wait!"
Prowl climbs out onto the roof of the transport just in time to see Jazz tear a limb off one of the Quintesson monsters.
The sight is...creepy.
Jazz obviously doesn't have enough strength to just yank it off, so he sort of grabs the tentacle with his hand and then very quickly rotates his forearm a bunch of times literally twisting it off. The monster screams and wriggles and tries to rip Jazz's arm off, but he just lets it clench its teeth on his plates.
Prowl is in pain from just looking at this.
The monster clenches its jaws.
Its teeth cut furrows in the armor.
Jazz doesn't even twitch.
Things only get more interesting from here on out.
Earlier, all Prowl had was Jazz's word. Jazz said his job was to fight the Quintessons. Prowl automatically assumed that to have a job like that, Jazz had to be at least somewhat good at it.
This? It's not "good". It's a killing machine.
And Prowl is, just a little bit, fascinated.
Jazz tears through monsters with more than skill. No.
Prowl's processor is speeding up, analyzing the data.
These moves aren't just devastatingly efficient. They're habitual.
Jazz rips off limbs and locks jaws. Jazz knows exactly where to strike and for how long that strike will knock the creature down.
At one point, he just takes a moment to jump on top of one of the monsters and Prowl can have the pleasure of watching the sheer panic and confusion on the face of the usually inexpressively furious creature.
Quintesson twists and twitches and struggles to throw Jazz off, but he doesn't seem at all bothered by the constantly moving and shifting surface. He's clinging on tight as a damn insecticon. In a way that Prowl himself, with his angular legs, probably never could.
He also doesn't seem to react to pain whatsoever.
Either so used to it or unable to feel it at all? Prowl's not sure.
Jazz takes dozens of hits. He's been dropped, scratched and bitten. His plates are full of fresh grooves intersecting older ones, but they go completely unrecognized.
It's creepy. It's unnatural.
Three monsters at once try to squeeze Jazz into a circle, and Prowl curses himself for not thinking to ask for Jazz's comm. There's no sound in space, making screaming impossible, so Prowl just pulls out his rifle and shoots one of the Quintessons.
The creature twitches in agony and loses all interest in the battle struggling to shake off the sudden source of pain.
Jazz smacks one of the remaining monsters in the face and quickly bounces back to a more comfortable distance from the huge teeth and looks toward Prowl. Spotting a rifle and happily making finger guns again.
Prowl looks at the fresh teeth marks on Jazz's hands and thinks...wow...that's some wild dangerous alien slag.
Then he looks at the angular visor and the little moving horns and bouncy movements and corrects himself. Not slag. And not that weird. Probably.
The weirdest thing he's seen was organic life and he highly doubts that anyone or anything can overtake it.
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doctorsiren · 5 months ago
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Got some mini canvases yesterday :)
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anglerflsh · 2 years ago
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leviachanbaka · 2 months ago
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Did anyone post these already? 😭
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jadecantcreate · 5 months ago
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theyre holding hands……(and being shy about it)
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hootsie and gricko doodles (mostly hootsie)
both requested by @nicohasperished !
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xerith-42 · 7 months ago
Billford being canon is so funny because it low-key makes Stanley the protective sibling who doesn't know his brother's new boyfriend, but he doesn't like what said boyfriend has been doing to his brother and wants them to break up.
And then when his brother's shitty ex comes back with a plot to destroy the world but it's really just to get his brother's attention, he punches his brother's shitty ex directly in the face and tells him to get bent.
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stardust-falls-blog · 4 months ago
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Bill leave him alone bro!!😭 I can't help but think that Bill was a little sassy growing up, especially as he got older and hit his teenage years, y'know back talk and snarky comments when he's upset or annoyed. Steve was a lot more chill and clung to Bill, following him around silently and rarely spoke unless alone. He's not much of a talker and I'd go as far as to say that he's semi nonverbal.
The autism brothers 🔥🔥🔥 anger issues vs semi nonverbal🔥🔥🔥
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krysmcscience · 4 months ago
BILLDUMP TIME (with transparency, because I can). Don't mind me, I'm just yeeting my goofy art at some way more talented individuals out of nowhere and then hauling ass back to the security of being a weird silent lurker ahaha
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@tesscourtes and @beccadrawsstuff, respectively! These two Bills make a little prism of sorts together because of their recent crossovers on Patreon~ :3c Speaking of which, I highly recommend supporting both these artists! They do fantastic work! (TessCourtes and Beccup)
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@qoolk on the left, and @monobmp on the right! I am such a sucker for these outfits~ OuO Go and check these two out, their art is phenomenal!!! >u<
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@1spooky2me The most difficult Bill of the lot for me to draw, ahaha... Their art is so incredibly consistent and dynamic, I am, a little envious <:,) A little envious, but mostly impressed, so go look at their amazing art, what are you waiting for
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And finally, @ckret2, whose writing is sublimely in-character and just a delight to read - they're a great artist, as well! I simply Could Not resist drawing their Bill in this ridiculous incredible and very fashionable pink feather dress, even though he only briefly wears it in their fic, so I also did a little bonus doodle of him in his standard hoodie to make up for it. XD (Also, as far as I'm concerned, Bill and Mabel were both correct in that lime green accessories make the dress Much Better.)
This is just a small selection of the human Bill designs I enjoy. I may draw and post more later on, who knows! Feel free to reblog with some neat Bill designs, either your own or by other folks - if any of the designs particularly call to me, I'll add them to the little list I've got going~ :D (Alternatively, if you really like my stuff and want me to draw something specific, you could...mmm...perhaps, commission me...? OuO)
Also I'm tagging Billford because uhhhh yeah, sorry not sorry, every single one of these Bills is getting shipped with Ford by the artists in some way or another, lmao
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onesmolbean49 · 4 months ago
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I combined two sketches I did during class into one. I’m having fun making quick sketches like these, so I might do them more often!
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chillfaerie · 6 months ago
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If the Season of Moomin doesn't let us play music with Snufkin, I might start eating grass
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angstics · 4 months ago
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no comment
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brambletakato · 10 months ago
I got bored so I made a little chart of frequently seen eyes and their details in Professor Layton!
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mygrrlwednesday · 9 months ago
the real chants of sennaar weren't just the friends we made along the way, they were also me mumbling outloud basically every word I was translating like "you open door" "me open door"
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herpsandbirds · 1 year ago
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Triangular Spider (Arkys enigma), family Arkyidae, VIC, Australia
This spider was previously only known from Tasmania. This is the first observation of this species from Victoria.
photograph by erinilewis
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paradoxbeta · 2 months ago
Gah I wanna see NSH!!! He’s so silly!!! :0
He’s such a silly green rectangular guy! I wanna hold him!!
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you get a birthday suit nsh i forgot to post because i was trying to figure out how to do his plating. not final, but ah well
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