#triangular pose
catmemey · 3 months
looking at the old neopet designs and comparing them to the new ones and GOD. it's old news now but so many of the redesigns are just travesties. completely wiping the expression and personalities from them.
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transgenderdragons · 2 years
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the aforementioned suit
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W.I.P of a Siren pirate captin for class. I don't think she's evil but she's definitely mean lol. Her crew mostly consists of other sirens and mermaids. Instead of a regular pirate though she threatens, kills, or makes a show of anyone who disturbs life underwater (sunken ships, noise pollution and just regular pollution) but ofcourse she still does the occasional looting for gold and such.
She's also bald but wears seaweed wig. She also carries a double edged sword, a one handed double barrel shotgun, and two daggers.
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crows-in-the-house · 1 month
matching Bill's freak brainrot
guys guys just listen, ok, like, Bill giving somebody dead stuff?? Best thing ever.
Idk about you but I really like to draw dead animals, like birds, fish or bugs. If he would get me a bag of dead rats and arrenge them in my name I would swoon over this man in no time. Like, they are still fresh?? And he possesed all of them just so they spell my name? In one night? It took time and effort guys, u just don't get it. Now scooch, I need to draw (maybe he would pose for me too?)
Ooooh and deer teeth?? Like girl pls, we can make matching bracelets or necklaces out of this!! No shop sells that! Isn't that an unique gift? No? Well then what about your mortal enemys head? Who would ever be so creative and romantic to give you something like that? Well, obviously, Bill.
And what if he makes me a bowl of worms instead of cereal? Well, at least he tried! How is he supposed to know humans don't eat those, he isn't one! And all that bug eating advertisments on earth don't make it easier!
Talking abt not being a human - I just need him to describe the colors my brain can't see! What do you mean you can see ultraviolet!! You just have to explain how it looks in nature and where can i find it. Hyperbeige? Ok now i hate my human body too. Fuck it, lets make a deal, he gets to posses me and I get to float unnoticed and stalk ppl around. Will I regret it? Maybe. But look how cutey my boy is laughing!
I bet he would be full of ideas of what to draw. Obviously, such a muse would inspire to make great art on every topic and in every medium! Like drawing him in all angles, paintng skies with stars and planets out of our world, making poems of how triangular piramids and mountains are, writting, well, weird equations of something looking like a portal, but hey, it looks pretty! Oh and sculpting organs, photographing the unknown! A great help to those with artblock!
I just wanna bite him, i cant
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peridots-pixiwolf · 7 months
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[Start ID. A redraw of the official icons of the ten named slugcats from Rain World, arranged in two rows: Survivor, Monk, Hunter, Nightcat, and Gourmand in the first, Artificer, Rivulet, Spearmaster, Saint and Enot/Inv in the second. Each is drawn in roughly the same pose as in the original art and fitted with speculative interpretations of their biology, and the second image is a “dead” version of this. For example, all ten have slug-like rhinophores in place of ears, cuttlefish-like colorful eyes with strangely-shaped pupils, cephalopod-like beak "teeth", expressive barbels or oral tentacles at the corners of mouths, spiny radulas, and the frilly mantle fringes of sea slugs, though otherwise their faces are squishy, simple and mammalian-shaped.
Cream-colored Survivor and yellow Monk both share triangular, bicolored spots matching their eyes (which are tan and brown, and two shades of blue, respectively), small, bumpy fringes, and relatively neutral looks on their faces. Defensive-looking Hunter is mostly a dull orange-pink, though their blobby fringe is a more violent red and their back is purple and marred with lumps. Nightcat is navy blue and flecked with dots of yellow and teal, their rolled rhinophores are a lighter blue, and their shading fractures into stars in some places. Gourmand is almost uniformly tan, their wide, very ruffly white mantle fringe bordered by a spray of white spots, and their beak sticks out from either corner of their smile. Primarily red Artificer, snarling, has yellow markings of multiple sorts, a prominent yellow dewlap and their characteristic dark scar taking out a chunk of its face. Rivulet is a darker blue than usual, with long barbels, red gills and rings, countershading, and a cheerful expression, sticking out their radula. Spearmaster is purple with orange accents, eyes and spots, a large fringe and spines down their back. Saint’s green caryophyllidia are marked by small, yellow diamonds, and their long, thin radula extends far below them. Enot is decorated with mottled red stripes, blue patches, yellow stars, and an uneven and almost cartoonish imitation of blush, though generally the same deep blue as Nightcat, a passive or almost slightly smug look on their face and their rolled rhinophores out to either side.
In the second image, nine of the slugcats’ eyes are crossed out, indicating that these are death icons. They look fairly the same, with mostly expression differences. Survivor is caught in the beginning of a threat display, a karma flower sprouts from Monk’s side, Hunter is burdened with overgrowing, purple and blue rot, Nightcat’s rhinophores are pinned back, and Gourmand looks mildly disheartened. For the final row, Artificer bites its radula between small plumes of smoke, Rivulet drops their expression, Spearmaster looks very startled, Saint looks almost entirely the same besides half-open eyes and their markings greater in number, and Enot grins confusedly. End ID]
If you'll excuse the unusually lengthy ID: the arena meme introduced by @pansear-doodles at long last after a nearly year-long wip status (or, rather, finished a month ago today to honor my own first time playing it!)
Design notes and shout-outs under cut! :]
The following people are some of those who’ve inspired my designs most since I started this eight months ago (or just inspired me to get a little weirder with slugcat biology), among many others for sure, and I thank them for it–but this is simply to bring attention to artists I find cool, and in no way an obligation to interact or anything :]
> @saturncoyote , @carpsoup , @charseraph , @gallusgalluss , @bitsbug , @dopscratch , and @0hmanit (and a special mention to dddeerbo and hunterlonglegs, who’ve since deactivated)!
Survivor: Surprisingly the hardest to pin down the colors for, since nothing with its sibling's palette seemed to match up right (I did have to add in a little blue somewhere for Monk, the beginning of making it clear how much I’m simply going based off of vibes for the colors of scug innards). I consider them, Monk and Gourmand to be part of the same gene pool of slugcats, and even possibly the same colony even if the latter isn't really related, so took a bit of Gourmand's coloring and fit them in with their inspiration: Goniobranchus verrieri. They serve as a bit of an introduction to my ideas of scug traits (i find it really fun how many people have thought to add so many silly sluglike fixtures of biology completely independent of me, buuut here I’m mostly talking about species variation), and like in-game they’re pretty average! They, Monk and Hunter have a couple scars sourced from a piece of Joar's concept art that I'm failing to find, those across the bridge of the nose, under the eyes, and across the rhinophores, respectively, and my Survivor interpretation features many on the back of the neck, as a result of survived lizard bites.
Monk: Their coloring is primarily based off the fact that I associate them with blue fruits, honestly, a bit because I was compelled to establish a familiarity with Rivulet, and lastly inspired by the spots of Goniobranchus kuniei (and geminus, less important to me as one of my characters is a kuniei instead, but more fitting). Between the yellow + blue and the circular marking in the center of their face, they’re meant to bear a little resemblance to an iterator that shares similarities with the characterization I’ve given them, and similar coding of her sibling can be seen on Survivor’s markings around the eyes. As both a “default” slugcat and one whose campaign I haven’t played, though, I can’t say I have much more to point out about em.
Hunter: The whole rot thing made for a really fun time drawing them, and while the color change on their back is a result of this, it’s also an excuse to relate them to Babakina festiva, arguably my favorite sea slug (mostly for sentimental purposes). And to Spearmaster, a fellow messenger slugcat, and it serves as a gradient between Hunter’s pink and the “traditional” color of Rot seen in the DLLs. Aside from their affliction, they’d actually be the plainest in terms of design, as they don’t have any patterns or quirks of body type, just the red + purple and strange lumps + possible malnutrition. I can’t remember if NSH had created them in particular or just...caught + released or something, but it probably wouldn’t be strange for a lab-grown slugcat to be simple like that.
Gourmand: Like the two above, they’re rather plain in terms of coloring and adaptation, and like the two above, I find that fun. I decided it would be nice to avert the “all slugcats being of the same body type, and Gourmand’s out of place as the exception” thing by just...adding more fat to all of them, really. I did want to emphasize their sheer bulk even so, both fat and muscular (not like I couldn’t have still gone further with it, of course, but slugcat anatomy can be a little obfuscating sometimes, and they were intended to look rather plush considering personal size headcanons and therefore the lack of proper gravity), and the thick and flounced mantle looked like a good addition, as per their sea slug Glossodoris hikuerensis. Unlike Survivor and Monk, I didn’t attempt to hold their resemblance to any particular other character (which means a little less to balance out the “default gene pool” thing), so those are all the design notes I have for em.
Artificer: The second slugcat I’ve ever played, or finished the campaign of, my favorite for at least a long time, and the first thing I did was give them yellow accents, the shape of which have troubled me slightly (not quite like the spots or stripes of the others). They’re both a little more appealing and more explosive-looking to me, and considering how early on I played Arti, actually present in some of my older art. It does give them a little resemblance to Saint (completely intentional, two slugcats with strange relations to karma), as well as the fact that its radula is green for familiarity with one of its children (at some point it was going to have all-green markings, even!). I’m generous with their scars, partly because it was fun to overemphasize the one on their face and partly because it does seem like a reckless slugcat, on top of the dangers of its explosive abilities–I’ll probably just keep adding more forever. Mostly-red sea slugs aren’t too common, but Hexabranchus sanguineus works for sure. The ridged, yellow dewlap can expand for combustion purposes, or something along those lines. Arti’s where I began experimenting with a lot of the mildly-offkilter features seen in my interpretation of slugcats, as they’ve once again been a favorite from the start.
Rivulet: I've obviously given other slugcats spots, deeply enjoy the bubbly-soda markings of other peoples' slugcats, and thought seal riv would be cute. Despite not too closely resembling it, they've been government-assigned Hypselodoris bennetti, for color reasons and for a couple sentimental ones. Originally, the colors of every scug were meant to match up with the custom colors I gave them at the beginning of their campaigns, (though Arti, Gourm and Spearmy are the only three who actually apply here, since I've only played through half the slugcats: I gave arti the yellow as mentioned above, gourm brown eyes and spearmy light pink spears, furthered by the outskirts pearl accompanying me and that palette all the way to moon. Tolerance training for eternity in hell cause I already knew about the maroon pearl quest). I initially gave them the colors of the bi flag for fun... but with the limited palette of this image, I was left without pink for a while and decided to see how they'd look in red. I then realized how they now wonderfully matched Moon, and besides, red's a sort of camouflage in deep water! As a side-note, the difference between their eyes and those of others always bothered me a little for anatomical purposes, and the cephalopod eyes were probably influenced by this!
Spearmaster: Inspired as much as possible by @notyourfunnyman ’s wonderful spearmy: designed in a way that helps it fit in with scavengers, at least between the long sensory tentacles, big ruff, back spines and slightly thin/distended anatomy, a form of defensive mimicry. I always had annulate rhinophores in mind, for a little diversity sure, but mostly because the shape reminds me of radio antennae and communication towers (seems fitting for the comms array and being a messenger slugcat)! I started searching for a real-life slug to give them just by looking up their rhinophore shape...and was met immediately and coincidentally with annulate-topped nudibranchs that fit them more perfectly than I could've imagined: Flabellina and surrounding clades, I think Paraflabellina ischitana works very nicely. The orange was completely unplanned, but there wasn’t a place for light pink among the other slugcats’ palettes, and importantly it likens them to both Hunter and Seven Red Suns a little more.
Saint: I am very much a non-furred slugcat enjoyer, with respect to those who aren’t, so figuring out the only visibly furred slugcat was an interesting challenge. I’ve decided that they likely have other, milder adaptations for help in the cold, mainly just more efficient fat storage, and what looks vaguely like fur is instead a bunch of tubercles (called caryophillia, for the second reminder out of three). Their inspiration doesn’t have these, however, Miamira sinuata’s numerous yellow and blue spots (not to mention...whatever’s going on with that shape) and general effect of being the only really green nudibranch I could find were probably perfect for a strange green echo. Not pictured, but their beak-teeth are tiny and flat to make a surface for grinding soft food against with the lack of a functioning radula, which is tipped with a specialized spiny “grapple-hook” for better traction/grip (not to mention the numerous little teeth running down the whole thing).
(Best part of hiding this under a readmore means edits will be seen by all reblogs, I'm mostly sure, because I completely forgot to mention! The spots on their forehead are simple eyes. Their camera eyes appear closed in-game, I like to believe their complex eyesight is rather poor anyways or otherwise reason that they aren't seeing out of those, and while this was far from her REASON for attunement with the world, it does help compensate for mainly viewing it through a canvas of simple light and dark. This, and the fact that their swapped-out "fur" is not only to commit to a lack of hairs but contributes to sensory input!)
Nightcat/Enot: I guess you could say I found the “these two are technically the same person” compelling. (E.g. similar colors, both very strange and enigmatic, and Enot/Inv/Sofanthiel’s remark during the dating sim about getting removed from Arena Mode.) I doubt they’re the only two slugcats in their body, considering humans with DID tend to have more than a few (and I find it very funny that a slugcat bearing resemblance to Nightcat appears in Gourmand’s ending. They’re allowed in the colony and Enot isn’t </3), and I have to credit @faelingdraws ’s art for being what convinced me on it! Their design inspirations come down to trying to balance a few different ideas: making the patterns and palettes of both look oddly similar (special mention to the stars, since those are fun to draw), basing them off of Felimare sechurana and juliae respectively, using blocks of color with the same placement as in Enot’s official art, and specifically making Enot look...biologically reasonable and imperfect, whilst also clearly trying to imitate human displays of emotion (what with...the eyes and blush on that one piece of official art).
Lastly, here’s just a lineup with notes on body shape and size. Most of the nicknames (existing to give a little more space, that’s all) are obvious, and while I can’t remember why I shortened Nightcat to Nox, it is in honor of my friend by the same nickname :]
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#survivor rain world#monk rain world#hunter rain world#nightcat rain world#gourmand rain world#artificer rain world#rivulet rain world#spearmaster rain world#saint rain world#enot rain world#slugcat rain world#rain world#peridots-art#< feels like too long since that last tag's been used. i can say with certainty that the majority of the reason i haven't been just as#active here (not to mention not drawing as often since that's relevant) is just due to my life getting busier with a new school year but i#do miss putting my stuff here! and would like to reblog more on top of that.... so forgive not remembering exactly how to tag everything#(and how to write everything up there but to be fair it's not like long textposts were a staple of mine. i mostly just rambled and it was#fun hehehe.....some of those notes (parts of riv/spears mostly) were written around the beginning of the drawing itself)#OH i messed something up with the drafting and really did not mean to post it while tags were in progress! but regardless. i would've liked#to post it tomorrow to mirror how i was going to post it on JAN 29 a month ago......but it's not like i'm unhappy with this outcome :]#to sum it up really though it's been strange working on this for so long.....unfortunate to not get a chance to let it be seen and keep#experimenting with odd biology much earlier but i'm just glad it's out now cause i am proud of these!! it's been a lot of fun and slugcats#are still my go-to doodles :] if i had to end this off promptly though what's up with that secret pipeyard shelter as gourm that's not on#the maps. connected to vs_a04. doesn't appear on the miraheze or interactive maps for anyone strangely but i've only been there as gourmand#anyway! i'm sure there's a lot i could've said in the rush but goodbye dear reader anyway :]#i forgot spearmy initially. i'm so sorry
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horseimagebarn · 1 year
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horse standing in between two red barns the horse is covered completely except its legs mouth and eyes in a bright green dinosaur costume that bears bright yellow extremely triangular spikes all along the back the horse seems unfazed and its striking a pose in its delightful costume
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bookofthegear · 1 year
Aha! That statue is from the Vinča culture of Eastern Europe—you’d know it anywhere! Protruding almond-shaped eyes, the nose elongated until it almost forms a muzzle, posed with short, stylized arms held stiffly out to the sides…yep, classic Vinča. (Assuming 7000 years old is “classic.” Might be “vintage.” Or “heirloom,” you can’t remember.)
You can’t tell off hand if the statue is a genuine Neolithic artifact or just a good reproduction. It’s pretty well intact though, made of terracotta and stands about eight inches high. Appears to be female, with two small holes punched in each arm. Like much Vinča art, it manages to be both alien and expressive.
Nobody’s ever worked out the Vinča writing system, so nobody knows if the figures are gods, goddesses, rulers, ancestors, or the local equivalent of Barbie dolls. “Possible Ritual Significance” is archaeologist slang for “dunno, looks important.”
Apparently this one is considered of possible ritual significance in the labyrinth, because small offerings have been left in the niche at its nonexistent feet. You see withered flowers, a small dried fish, and a dozen coins, only some of which you recognize.
One of the coins you don’t recognize is triangular and very thin. You suspect that you could use a corner to wind up the clockwork bee.
Of course, that would involve taking an offering from what might be a goddess…
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athena-gunpla · 1 month
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HGUC 1/144 E.F.S.F Mass-Production Locality Specialization Type Mobile Suit RGM-79D "GM Cold Districts Type"
More GMs!!! I had a lot of fun with the old 2001 GM, the new 2023 'The Origin' GM Missile Pod, and the GM Sniper II, so of course I had to continue the collection.
The GM Cold Districts Type is a suit that briefly appears in the opening scene of the OVA "0080: War in the Pocket". It's a pretty basic redesign of the classic GM, with the large star removed from the shield, and extra vents added to the face (resembling the GM Sniper II from the same series) and shoulders, and an antenna added to the back of the head.
This kit in particular is from 2003 and reuses a lot of the moulds from the 2001 GM kit. However, this kit seems to have a lot of drawbacks as well. While the shoulders have been competent redesigned in a manner that resembles more contemporary kits (and makes them much more secure), the actual shoulder joint is a peg directly moulded into the torso rather than being a ball joint or hinged peg like most other kits. This gives the shoulders very limited range of movement.
The kit also has the disappointing old solid plastic beam saber, with the hand itself moulded into the saber hilt as well! This is a really bizzare choice even for 2003, so I discarded the beam sabers that came with the kit and re-used a spare from my Origin RX-78-2 alongside a beam effect, which looks a lot better.
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I spent a lot of time detailing this kit. I used the old waterslide decal sheet for the 2001 GM rather than the limited foil stickers that came with the kit. I also tried a weathering method @radiofreemagica told me about where i sponged on black onto the sharp angles and high points, then drybrushed over the top with gunmetal. I also sponged on Vallejo pale brown and light rust in key areas to accentuate the weathered effect.
This was my second time using the Tamiya weathering set D on gunpla as well. I used the orange and blue on the gun to give a heat blueing effect, and the "oil stain" pigment worked great over rust areas to even out the light grey plastic.
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I think the overall effect worked especially nicely on the darker torso and shield. I also had to paint the face vents, rear camera, back of the shield, and shoulder vents, as well as the yellow waist V logo and the grey border on the bottom two chest vents, so be aware if you're not a fan of colour correcting kits. Also, as always for UC kits, I did the inside of the booster jets in red.
This kit comes with limited hand options, with a single left open hand, left open fist, and right pistol grip, which was a little disappointing as I'm used to at least one open fist for each hand.
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It also comes with a really neat machine gun with a large side magazine, triangular stock, and open bolt detail like a Sten MK II, but with an additional underslung grenade launcher.
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Unfortunately the stock placement and large square forearms make posing the gun rather difficult, and there's only really one pose that works.
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Overall I had a lot of fun building and weathering this kit, and I think I've really improved in making it look less plasticky. I think it's a great kit to round out anyone's collection, although I can't recommend it to gunpla beginners.
Thanks again to @radiofreemagica for the weathering tips!
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emillyverse · 4 months
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What happened when you wish on a star?
In the kingdom of Roses, everyone knows wishes do come true, thanks to their beloved King Magnifico, granting all their wishes overnight while they sleep. Everyone trusts in that, except Asha, an artistic and quick-witted young girl, for she knows in her heart that her deceased grandfather never got his wish granted. On her 18th birthday, when it was time to give her wish, Asha discovers a terrible secret, the king and queen are not what they seemed. With no one else to turn to, she makes a wish upon a star... And the star answered.
This is the cover I made for my friend @annymation fanfic "The Kingdom of Wishes", which you can read both on Ao3 and right here on Tumblr!
All necessary links for readings will be attached to this post.
Now let's talk about the cover itself.
At the bottom we have Asha on top of a tree, with Valentino. She's catching up to Aster, right above her. These 3 elements the tree, Asha and Valentino are illuminated by the light that comes from Aster, a yellow light and are shaded by purplish blue shadows precisely because yellow and blue/purple are complementary colors divided on the color wheel and this is a characteristic of my art I like to make colored shadows and not black ones.
Aster has a thick outline and no shadows because he is in 2d, while the rest of the universe is in 3d.
This pose was inspired by one of the promotional posters for the Wish film.
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I followed the same colors as the sky and wanted to place the wish balls and star sparkles making a circle around Asha.
I tried to leave Asha and Aster more to the left because the protagonists, in film posters, should always be more to the left.
Magnificent and Amaya are appearing in the sky, in the background, precisely to represent this subtle threat, but always existing throughout Anny's story. Magnificent and Amaya may not always be present in the same place as Aster, Asha and Valentino, but they are always watching, aiming and wishing for the star.
Unlike the film, Anny makes it clear that these two are the villains of the story and to rescue this I wanted to bring triangular shapes to their faces precisely because a triangle represents a warning of danger, sharp pointy things that can kill you and do you a lot of harm — this is even the case. a form often used in classic Disney villains. I also rescued the use of the color green for the villains, well seen in all Disney films; That's why both the light that illuminates them and the shadows are green, one lighter and the other darker.
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Making this cover was a lot of fun, it was a great experience that taught me a lot of things!
If you think it's beautiful, I invite you to follow me because I'm preparing several other illustrations for this same fanfic and they will all be posted here, with the same explanation of what they mean and my creative process.
I'm loving being part of this project and thank you so much for reading this far!
Kisses full of light and stars!
~Emy ✨
@annymation @uva124 @oh-shtars @signed-sapphire @mythartist21 @kstarsarts @spectator-zee @tumblingdownthefoxden @chillwildwave @gracebethartacc @gracebeth3604
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venerablemonk27 · 1 year
Now that spring is here, we're starting to see some changes in the local bird population. New faces are starting show up, and even the year-round species are out singing and generally being visible. There's territory to claim and potential mates to attract, after all. But while many species are just arriving or passing through, one that's dear to me is just about ready to depart.
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[ID: A male Dark-eyed Junco stands in the newly-revealed grass and dead leaves. Juncos are small birds, about the size of a sparrow. This one is the slate-colored variety, with a dark grey head and upper body, contrasting with bright white underparts. He's facing the camera and looking slightly to the left. His eye is dark brown, nearly black, and his triangular bill is pale pink. End ID]
The Dark-eyed Juncos are strictly winter residents of southern Wisconsin, preferring to nest in Canada, the Northeast US, and parts of Appalachia. This past weekend, I could tell they had migration on their minds.
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[ID: Another male Dark-eyed Junco, standing among dead twigs and sunflower seed shells. This one is darker grey in the head and breast, with lighter grey on the wings and a bit of rust color on the back. End ID]
For most of winter it's fairly common to see a solitary Junco or pairs or small groups picking through the snow under the birdfeeders in our backyard. But now they're forming a flock of at least 30 birds, foraging together and singing their loose trilling song. It's as if they know they have a long flight ahead, and every moment of daylight must be spent filling the tank and gathering their compatriots.
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[ID: A male Dark-eyed Junco forages in the twigs and leaves for scattered birdseed. Juncos scrape at the ground with both feet simultaneously in a little hop, then inspect the freshly-exposed ground for tasty morsels. This one is mid-scrape, with debris flying around it. End ID]
So I decided to sit on the deck with my camera for a while to bid the Juncos farewell until next winter. I've been scattering seed back there every so often, and the other birds aren't exactly neat or careful when digging through the feeder above. As such, the Juncos have lots to choose from while poking around between the squirrels and the Mourning Doves. Once I sat down, they didn't seem to mind me at all.
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[ID: A female Dark-eyed Junco inspects the ground for bits of seed. The females are distinguished from the males by their paler grey upper parts, sometimes with more brown and tan shades mixed with the grey. End ID]
Though, the birds did seem to mind when my kid joined me on the deck, brandishing his bright green snow shovel. They scattered to the trees or the fence and stayed there until I convinced him to put the shovel away in favor of coating the deck boards in a thick layer of sidewalk chalk.
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[ID: A female Dark-eyed Junco sits on a wooden fence, waiting patiently for the danger posed by a nearby four-year-old to pass. The wind is catching the white feathers on her left hip and flipping them up like the flounce of a skirt. End ID]
As the sun sank lower in the sky, I figured I better get dinner started. I spent another minute or two listening to the evening birdsong before capping my lens and helping to knock the chalk dust off my kid's coat and pants. This sudden activity caused the Juncos to scatter once again. Have a safe trip little ones. I'll see you when the snow flies.
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[ID: A female Dark-eyed Junco stands in the dirt, looking at the camera with head cocked to one side, as though she's wondering what this person finds so interesting about her. End ID]
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pileofpawns · 3 months
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[Image description: A digital drawing of Sonic the Hedgehog standing and posing with a large disabled pride flag on a flagpole, smiling at the viewer, making a piece sign with his free hand, and wagging his tail. He has on a ring shaped chewlery necklace, knee braces, and wrist braces peeking out from under his gloves. There is a rainbow behind him and some hearts, stars, and little triangular shapes to show his happiness. Sonic is a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog with six long pointed quills extending from the back of his head, smaller quills on his back, a beige belly, muzzle, and arms, conjoined eyes with green irises, and a bean shaped black nose. He wears white gloves and red shoes with white straps and golden buckles. Here, is also depicted with top surgery scars, claws, eyelashes and pointy canine teeth. The disabled pride flag is a grey field with diagonal green, blue, white, yellow, and red stripes going through the center. The drawing is lined, colored, and shaded with solid cell shading and some highlights. End ID.]
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jackobbit · 7 months
It’s!!! It’s something!!! Certainly not my best work but I haven’t drawn in like a week so I’ll TAKE IT
Have some Solar Flare being a goober :]
Maybe I’ll do something similar with my Bloodmoon soon enough, but for now, we’ve got this!
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[ID: A filled, digitally drawn doodle page that depicts Solar Flare from the working for E.V.I.L. Au in various poses, all are placed against a white background. Solar Flare is a boxy orange and yellow robot with several bent Sun-like rays, large triangular shoulder pads and large limbs. They have dark eyes with lighter pupils, and an air vent for a mouth. From left to right, they are first depicted from the chest and up with a bashful expression as they press the tips of their index fingers together. Next, they are seen looking over their shoulder. To the right of that is a small doodle of the character as a melted ice cream bar on a stick, complete with one eye dropping further down than the other. To the far right is a picture of Solar Flare with an angry expression, smoke bellowing from their air vent mouth. To the far left is a drawing of Solar Flare winking as they hold a large bouquet of purple flowers behind their back, followed by a doodle of them stimming happily by waving their arms up and down. This is followed by a doodle of Solar Flare as an autism creature, and then one full body image of Solar Flare extending one hand out towards the viewer. The bottom right hand corner is comprised of three doodles, the first being Solar Flare smiling at a bird that has perched on their hand, Solar Flare standing with their arms behind their back, and finally a doodle of them holding up one arm to present a floating Star. /End ID]
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stupidgalaxybrain · 2 years
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If there's one thing I'm proud of as an artist, it's the fact I'm a style chameleon. I decided to sit down and recreate 4 artists I really love, and who better to do it with than with the most varied character in the entire franchise: King Dedede! This isn't just for appreciation though, but a study on how other people translate DDD's design, since character design is a passion of mine!
Let's start with @miniiieevee!
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Oh my gosh their art is super great, and I think the most important part of getting the style right was the sparkles. I have never seen someone do highlights this way, and it's both super recognizable and super cute! For the King himself, we have a nice round beak, visibly blue eyes, a distinct head, pointed crown jewel, an undershirt, and stripes along the top of the belt. Like most of us, they use the (owo) kind of mouth and really fluff up the coat. Separate fingers can also show up for posing, following Spongebob physics. The stitching on the gloves and the little round eyebrows are another really cool touch! Out of all of the styles I looked at, this one has the most pastel colors.
Next is @das-a-kirby-blog!
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Das-a-kirby-blog has such a cool variety in their work, from really shapey sketches to super abstracted color schemes, which while super amazing, didn't provide me the best ref material. The colors here are frankensteined from a few sources, so I hope they capture their actual base color palette. They go for the pin-shaped route for body shape, with the undershirt (though sometimes there's no under layer), typically black eyes, extra belt stripes, and a chunky diamond shaped crown jewel. My favorite touch is the cottonball on the crown. Like I said at the top, they excel at shapes in their art!
Third is @jojo-schmo!
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I've been silently reading their roleswap comic, but I should've been loudly reading it because I super recommend it! I'd also say design wise their Dedede is the most unique! Besides myself they're the only one here to pick the kimono, they have a single blue stripe at the top of the belt, a triangular jewel, and the coolest element of the style, spirals! I've not seen anyone stylize the trim this way, and it's so cool in execution. Another unique element that really adds to certain expressions is the spiky teeth (which matches real life penguins! ...Don't look it up).
Last but not least, @cosmicwhoreo!
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God, their art is everything. The flow of the lines is so clean and smooth and everything they draw is super expressive. Their Dedede is by far the hugest, and also marks the 4/5 DDDs with a separate head, and 3/5 with black eyes. We have the belt stripes, occasionally a shirt, and a smooth tear drop jewel, but a uniquely shaped crown band. This design sees a lot of influence from the anime unlike the others here, so the color scheme is the most unique.
As a conclusion, it's really cool to see all the different design elements that we pick and choose for DDD. Some give him his smash outfit. Some people give him a body type closer to K64 or KATFL. Some people draw his eye color, or separate eyebrows, and others don't. There's no detail that's the same across every version, but they're all our lovable king. If you don't recognize one of these artists, check them out! I can only do a fraction of the incredible work they do, and let me know if there's any other characters or artists you'd like to see this exercise with!
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mrmeowski · 2 months
Ooooh can you do a my hero reader insert with hawks and a fem!reader? :0 I was thinking maybe the reader poses as a normal person but is actually working for her villain parent? and she genuinely falls in love with hawks? haha
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˚✦𝐎𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐬✦˚
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Synopsis: Born into a family of villains, you didn't want to end up like them—facing heroes and inflicting suffering on defenseless people but it's not like you have a choice, to begin with. When darkness falls, you aim your gun at the head of the unfortunate. Despite looking like any other ordinary person in daylight, someone had caught on and had been followed by a specific hero of the skies. You couldn't help but depose him with a burning passion the first time he showed his ugly face yet destiny had other twisted plans for the two of you.
CW: Slight blood, slight angst, troubled childhood
A/N: I haven't watched/read MHA, my knowledge is based solely on Google and other works so some information might be inaccurate. Any feedback about this work would be appreciated greatly!
Pairing/s: Takami Keigo x F.Reader
Word Count: 4.7k
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On an ordinary night shrouded in darkness, you lurked in the shadows, stalking your prey with practiced ease as he ventured back to his space for a well-deserved rest. The target is a figure with authority over law enforcement, Chief Tsurgamae Kenji, who possesses a quirk that turns him into a dog with heightened senses.
His instincts alerted him to your presence, causing him to twist and turn through the labyrinthine paths, evading your pursuit. His paranoia amused you, adding an extra layer of thrill to the hunt. Unbeknownst to you, an unseen observer perched atop nearby buildings awaited the opportune moment to intervene.
When the thrill of the chase reached its end, you grew weary of your prey, relishing the fear danced in its eyes. Yet, the monotony of your sinister endeavors led you to a decision—it was time to bring an end to the unfortunate life you were about to distinguish.
Aiming your gun directly at the target's head, you whispered ominous words to yourself, poised to pull the trigger, "Nighty night, chief..." However, before you could enact your sinister plan, a sudden disturbance caught your attention.
Red-like daggers materialized dangerously close to your figure, prompting a swift evasion that spared you from a potentially fatal strike. Carmine feathers grazed past your pace, one leaving a small but painful gash on your cheek. As you wiped away the warm liquid, looking down at your blood-stained hand, a scoff left your mouth. Your gaze then shifted to your supposed target—the fleeing figure of the chief, fear evident in his eyes.
An intruder had entered the picture and you could hear the soft footsteps approaching along a nonchalant voice addressing your recent activities, "Hey there, Ms. Villain! You're been causing such a ruckus lately... not cool, y'know?" You turned to the sources of the disturbance, glaring daggers in his direction.
His ash-blond hair was tousled backward, framing a pair of golden brown triangular eyes with small black triangles below his tear ducts and the top corners of his eyes. A set of vibrant, red-feathered wings sprouted from his back, giving him an avian-like look. Clad in what resembled an aviator's uniform, he wore a black shirt with a wavy golden pattern, complemented by a tan jacket featuring slits for his wings. Fur-lined cuffs and black gloves completed the ensemble, while yellow ear-protective headphones and a rounded, yellow-tinted visor shielded his eyes.
With a determined grip on your gun, you eyed him down and kept a poker face, you hadn't encountered this man before but his appearance hinted at his identity.
"We're all just trying to live our lives without dealing with your drama..." He eyed the gun on your hand, with a coy grin, he continued, "So, how about you pack your stuff and find a new hobby? Trust me, it's not gonna end well if you keep this up," he declared, there read deathers reattaching themselves to his wings.
The tension in the night air thickened as you aimed your gun at the enigmatic man, watching for the slightest reaction behind his visor as you pointed your weapon in his direction.
"Whoa, hold on there!" He exclaimed rather forcefully, he even put his hands up in mockery. "That's quite the greeting! Mind pointing that somewhere else? We don't want anyone getting hurt now do we?" A mischievous smile played on his lips. Your expression twitched at the audacity of his response. "And I just got these feathers dry-cleaned. You wouldn't want to ruin them, would you?" He casually dusted imaginary dirt off his feathers.
Your grip tightened on the gun as frustration and anger welled up within you.
"Do you take this as a joke?!" You shouted, incredulous at his nonchalant demeanor.
"Oh, you talk! I mean haha... of course I take everyone seriously. But life's too short to be serious all the time, yeah? Let's keep it light!" He responded with a casual shrug, his words pushing your buttons and escalating the tension between you two.
A low growl emanated from your lips, a manifesting of your frustration with the man's nonchalant demeanor. You had grown weary of his games and decided it was time to bring an end to this bizarre encounter. With determination, you pulled the trigger, however, it was no surprise that he effortlessly dodged the bullets.
Taunting you with a mocking suggestion, "You'll have to try harder than that! Maybe a shooting lesson would help—I know a guy!" His dismissal only fueled your irritation as you continued to fire but he skillfully evaded each incoming bullet.
He seemed content on dodging rather than engaging in a direct fight, underestimating not just the severity of the situation but also your capabilities.
Unbeknownst to him though, you had a hidden ace up your sleeve. Anticipating his evasive maneuvers, you aimed at his right, knowing he would instinctively dodge to the left. Swiftly, you retrieved a secondary weapon, catching him off guard as a bullet found its mark in his right wing.
A yelp of pain escaped him as an explosion of feathers surrounded his form. With how he started back at you, it appears he had taken the situation a little bit seriously.
"How does it feel hero, to have your wing clipped?" You taunted, reveling in the success of your surprise attack as you concealed your secondary weapon.
The avian-like hero inspected the damage in his wings and instead of succumbing to despair, he met the situation with resilient optimism.
"That stings a bit! But hey, they say battle scars add character, right? Time to ruffle some feathers!" He proclaimed with a spirited grin, embracing the challenge that lay ahead.
You had been waiting for this very moment—the true test of skill and strength!
As a cascade of feathers began to descend upon you, you engaged in a dance of evasion and precision. Some feathers you gracefully sidestepped, while others met the edge of the blade gifted to you. The hero, undeterred by the injury to his wing, wielded two of his primary feathers as makeshift blades, showcasing as well a surprising agility.
The battlefield had become a flurry of motion, a clash of blades and feathers, as both of you moved with swift and calculated precision. There were moments when it felt like the dance of his feathers might entangle you, yet your determination pushed you to dodge and counter with finesse.
The tranquil embrace of the night shattered only to be replaced by the continuous rhythm of gunshots echoing through the air. The ongoing battle painted the darkness with flashes of gunfire, disturbing the people nearby. The confrontation seemed ceaseless, with each participant narrowly avoiding the brink of defeat before orchestrating a reversal of fortune.
He found himself caught off guard by the remarkable combat skills displayed by someone lacking the traditional advantage of a quirk.
"You think those flashy feathers are going to save you, hero?" You taunted once more, a wry chuckle escaping your lips.
Sweat traced paths down your face and the atmosphere crackled with exhaustion. The intensity of the battle had taken its toll on both of you, but the resolve of triumph remained unwavering.
"You're not bad.. hah... Most folks can't keep up with these feathers!" He complimented, attempting to acknowledge your abilities.
However, his words only fueled your growing frustration.
"You're underestimating me, birdbrain. I've undergone horrendous... training for this!" You asserted, your voice carrying a weight of solemnity and pain.
The cracks in your composure did not go unnoticed by the avian hero. There was a palpable shift in the air, a hint that beneath the surface, there might be more to your story than what meets the eye.
"Training, huh? You and I are not so different after all!" He smirked, keenly observing the change in your tone from now on.
His perception led him to wonder if there were deeper layers to your character, realizing that judgment based on surface impressions could be deceptive. You hunted individuals of higher ranks, eliminating them and concealing their bodies with an elusive master that had left him perplexed. It was as if you seamlessly melded into the shadows, a skill that made tracking you an arduous task.
"We have nothing alike!" You retorted, your voice now laced with venom.
Your words mirrored the physical skirmish, as the shadows, as the shadows concealed not only your movements but the enigmatic layers of your true identity. He met your venomous retort with a hum, his gaze piercing and inscrutable.
"If you say so..." His response was enigmatic, holding an air of subtle intrigue.
Before your eyes could argue back, a swift transformation took place in front of your eyes leaving you stunned—the remaining feathers, once scattered, swiftly regrouped, finding their place back on his wings. With a deft motion, he repositioned his two primary feathers to their rightful spots. As you aimed your gun for a final confrontation, a sudden gale erupted from his wings, a forceful gust set you reeling backward, forcing you to shield your face with your arms.
"Until we meet again, Ms. Villain~" Were his last parting words as he launched himself into the night sky, disappearing into the distance.
"What a fucking pain..." You groaned, the adrenaline of the confrontation fading, leaving behind a surge of sudden pain from all parts of your body.
The injuries inflicted during your encounter began to make their presence known—small lacerations from his blade-like feathers, wounds that you had overlooked in the head of battle. Clutching your arms, you felt the warmth of your own blood seeping through your fingers, a stark reminder of the toll exacted by the fleeting encounter with the arrogant hero. The night bore witness to your retreat, leaving you to grapple with the aftermath of the confrontation in the solitude of the darkened streets.
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Upon returning home, the oppressive atmosphere welcomed you, a stark contrast to the relief one might expect from a harrowing encounter. Your father, unmoved by the visible toll the confrontation had taken on you, greeted you with a dispassionate inquiry.
"Had you killed the dog?" His indifference to your wounds struck a chord within you and frustration welled as you clenched your fist.
Did he not see, or worse, care about your condition?
Defeated, you mustered a weak response, "No, father. I-I was ambushed by a hero and he got away." Shame and disappointment rendered you unable to meet his gaze, to face the failure that stained your endeavors.
Rising from his seat, your feather approached, casting a looming shadow that intensified the fear gnawing at your inside. His hand seized your face with a vise-like grip, forcing you to meet his gaze. The anger etched across his face revealed a disappointment that cut deeper than any wounds.
"We didn't train you to be a failure, [Name]," he spat, his words dripping with disdain as if addressing a stranger rather than his own flesh and blood. The grip on your jaw loosened as he spoke again, "You disappoint me, [Name]. I expect a much better performance by tomorrow." With those cold words, he abandoned you in the desolate silence of the living room.
It was the last draw for the persona you had been building up your entire life, as everything collapsed before you. Holding back tears, you retreated to your room. The façade of strength crumbled, and the weight of a life forced upon you became unbearable. In the quiet solitude, you grappled with the harsh reality that you never chose—a life of villainy, ruthless training, and a father who saw only failure in his own daughter.
In the safety of your room, the weight of today's events pressed upon you, and crying became inevitable. Alone in the quiet room, you succumbed to the overwhelming sorrow that enveloped you. As your tears feel like silent rain, each droplet carries a weight of frustration.
The melancholy solitude was abruptly interrupted by a soft tapping on your window. Startled, you raised your eyes, and there, perched on the window sill, was a familiar figure. A surge of frustration and anger coursed through you—you hadn't been careful enough, and he had followed you back.
Gritting your teeth, you regarded him with a mixture of annoyance and weariness. Despite the desire to close the binds, you found yourself drawn to the window.
Your body moved almost involuntarily, and against your conscious will, you opened the window to control the intruder, "What do you want..?" Your voice was tinged with cracked vulnerability.
Silence was in the air as he nonchalantly hopped into your room, avoiding your question altogether. The resentful glare you cast upon him did nothing to deter his approach.
"S-Stay back!" You stammered, a tremor in your voice betraying fear.
"Or what, you'll shoot me?~" He chuckled, his words laced with dismissive amusement. You grimaced for your beloved weapon wasn't in your person and though you excelled in physical combat, you are no fool. Facing in a hand-to-hand combat with him would only lead to your downfall. "I didn't expect to find someone like you in tears..." Advancing toward you, he offered a gentle smile. "Hey... tell me, what's going on?" Each step he took prompted you to retreat.
"Leave me be! I don't want your pity, hero..." You hissed, voice laced with defiance as he closed in on your shaking frame.
"I'm not here to fight, I just want to understand," he asserted, his words carrying a sincerity that clashed with the prevailing tension in the room, "to understand you." Despite his seemingly genuine plea, you struggled to believe his words.
Your eyes had gone red and puffy from all the tears you shed. Shaking your head in disbelief, you dismissed his claim, unwilling to accept the possibility of genuine understanding from someone on the side of heroes.
"You heroes don't care about people like me—I'm just a criminal to you. So stop pretending you want any of it!" The bitterness echoed through the room.
Yet, your conviction against him and all heroes remained ignored by the man, imploring, "Perhaps if you fill me in, then I won't be like them." All his words carried a genuine curiosity.
Skepticism painted your perception, convincing you that it must be an act, a ploy to exploit vulnerability. However, the weight of your internal struggle proved too much to bear and your knees gave in, collapsing to the cold wooden floor. Tears, seemingly endless, streamed down your face as you buried it in your hands.
"I... I-I didn't want any of this!" You screamed, the anguish in your voice living through the air. "I never wanted any of it..." You looked up at him, your body trembling with the weight of your pain.
He knelt down to meet your gaze, his eyes shifting between your tear-streaked face and the untreated wounds that marred your body.
"I'm just a tool of them..." You uttered in a hushed tone, the confession heavy with the burden of a painful truth. "They never saw me as their daughter... only someone to do their dirty deeds." The words hung in the air, resonating with the silent acknowledgment of a fractured identity.
Quirkless and subjected to a life of cruelty, you were molded into a weapon by the very same people who should've provided you with love and care. What more could they have done to you if you possessed such abilities? His decision to follow you home, go easy on you in your earlier confrontation, and uncover the mystery shrouded in the shadows, had been justified.
As you sat defenselessly on the ground, the man enveloped you in the embrace of his wings and arms, a tight yet oddly comforting hold that you lacked the energy to resist. You surrendered to the almost crushing, warm hug, your tears soaking his clothes but he seemed not to care. It became evident that beneath the mask of a villain, you were, at your core, a broken individual.
His fingers gently reached out, tangling with your hair in a tender gesture, offering a moment of peace in the midst of the emotional storm. The world narrowed down to the cacoon of that embrace a fragile sanctuary where vulnerability could be acknowledged without judgment.
However, the fragile moment was abruptly shattered by a knock, followed by the concerned voice of a maid, someone you had grown close to during your time in this broken home.
"Ms. [Last Name? I heard a scream and wanted to check up on you..." She expressed from beyond the door. "Are you alright, dear?"
"That's my cue then," the man hummed, releasing you from the embrace as he rose to his feet. His gaze lingered on you with a soft, genuine smile. As he made his way to the window, he glanced back, "I hope to get to know you more... Ms. [Last Name]~" As you watched the winged man vanish into the night, you gathered yourself and stumble your way to the door.
Responding to the concerned maid, Alice, "Yes, I'm alright, Alice... Thank you for checking up on me," you replied with a sigh.
In a world where your biological mother was too preoccupied with chaos, the mad served as a comforting presence almost like your real mother. You wished she was your mother.
"Are you sure, Ms. [Last Name]?" It seemed your tone had betrayed you as she caught the lingering pain in your voice, "May I come in at least?" After a moment's hesitation, you relented, unlocking the door to allow her entry. Shock crossed her face as her eyes fell upon your wounds, some still bleeding. "Oh dear, look at you! And you left the window open, you might catch a cold, young woman!" Her worry was palpable, and you couldn't help but crack a soft smile.
"Sorry... I simply want to look at the stars. They're quite fascinating..." You lied, shielding the truth about the unexpected visitor in your room earlier, a hero no less.
You eyed her as she closed the window.
"Ms. [Last name], please sit for a moment; I'll tend to your wounds." Before you could protest, she had already left the room to get the essential things for your wounds.
Left alone with your thoughts, you couldn't shake about the winged man and his true intentions—his name also remained a mystery to you.
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The next day arrived, and thanks to Alice's care, your wounds were now bandaged. With a warm coffee in your hand, you sat alone in a nearby café, the comforting aroma enveloping you as you attempted to find respite from the storm of thoughts that raged within.
The tranquility was abruptly shattered by the chime of the bell, signaling the entrance of an unwelcome presence. Although you didn't bother to look up, you sensed someone approaching you and much to your dismay, occupying the vacant chair across from you.
"What is it that you want this time..?" You demanded, locking eyes with the audacious interloper.
His response was a simple smile, brushing off the hostility you directed at him.
"I don't think I introduced myself yesterday, I'm Takami Keigo, by the way," he offered, extending his hand.
Gone were the safety of his black gloves, and he appeared in ordinary clothing, devoid of the heroic attire he donned the night before. A slight hesitation lingered in the air before reluctantly accepting the handshake.
"[Full Name]..." You mumbled, your voice revealing a reluctance to divulge more information. "So, if I may ask again, what is your business here... birdbrain?"
"...Heroes need a break too, y'know?" He responded, leaning in and releasing your hand before resting his on it. "I'm just a regular guy looking for some good company," he added.
"Fair enough... but I still got my eye on you," you declared, taking a sip of your coffee.
"You truly don't trust me, do you?" He sighed rather dramatically, his expression reflecting a mix of amusement and resignation. "What can I do to gain your trust?" He inquired, his eyes fixing on you with an expectant glint.
"Nothing," you answered coldly, your gaze unwavering.
He pouted playfully in response to your lack of enthusiasm, undeterred in his attempts to keep the conversation alive.
"Well..." He kept being persistent, "let's start with something simple," he suggested, tapping his cheek as if pondering a question. "Like what do you do when you're not causing mayhem? Any hobbies?"
"Hobbies..?" You repeated, skepticism lacing your tone.
The notion that this hero wanted to get to you felt inconceivable, leaving you perplexed about how such information could benefit him. Questions lingered in your mind, like why he hadn't yet reported you to the authorities.
"Everyone's got something they enjoy, right?" He mused, his curiosity undeterred.
Your gaze shifted away from him, focusing on something else as you contemplated a response.
"I used to paint..." You began, "When I still have the time," you admitted, a small fleeting smile gracing your face as memories of a simple, more innocent time flashed before your eyes.
The warmth of the nostalgia was short-lived, replaced by a frown as the hero's voice but through your reverie.
"Painting, huh? That's pretty neat, ever think about picking up the brush again?" He inquired, a genuine interest in his tone that caught you off guard.
"I don't know. Maybe someday I will..." The idea of painting again had never crossed your mind until he mentioned it, yet a longing for your beloved brush began to surface.
"Well, if you ever decide to, let me know. I might not have artistic skills but I can be a good art critic!" He proposed a hint of camaraderie that caught you slightly off guard.
"Why... are you being so nice to me?" Your curiosity about his true motive lingered beneath the surface, demanding an answer.
"Why not? Being nice costs nothing." He shrugged, a sly smirk playing on his lips. "Besides, who knows? We might end up being friends or more if you prefer~ Stranger things have happened!" His slightly flirtatious tone grated on your nerves, scrunching your face in disgust.
"I'm leaving..." Standing abruptly, you grabbed your unfinished coffee, eager to escape the man's company.
"Hey! Where are you gooooing??" He whined, following beside you as you exited the establishment.
"Somewhere far from you," you grumbled, the promising start of a lovely day tainted by this unexpected intrusion.
"Heh, that would be a hard place to find! If there's even one~" His mischievous grin widened, aggravating your frustration.
"Are you simply here to bother me?" You accused, to which he responded by pinching your cheeks teasingly. "Hey—"
You were quickly cut off by his remark, "You do look cute when you're grumpy~ But no," he answered, releasing your cheek as you rubbed it right after, a faint ache lingering. "Can't I get to know you better? I'm interested in people's stories and yours seems intriguing!" He admitted, looking at you with a hint of earnestness.
"So you essentially cross people's boundaries out of personal curiosity?" Your remark made him pause in his tracks, his eyes widening.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, h-hold on! That's not what I meant at all! You've mistaken me," his chuckle carried a nervous undertone as he scratched the back of his neck. Suspicion etched across your features, you raised a skeptical brow. "No hidden agendas, no hero business. Just two people having a conversation. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I believe in the power of a good talk!" He reassured, attempting to dispel the doubts that lingered in the air.
You maintained your silence, casting a scrutinizing gaze at him before, without warning, you picked up your pace, leaving him be.
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The intrusion persisted for days, a relentless invasion of your life by the enigmatic avian hero, who you learned also goes as 'Hawks' but honestly, you rather refer to him as birdbrain. Even during your attempts at carrying out your grim assignments, he still would weave himself into the fabric of your existance.
His mere presence, devoid of confrontation, proved to be a disruptive force, effectively thwarting your every move. As the days unfolded, his interference mounted, exacerbating the challenges you faced, both in your dual life as a villain and under the oppressive gaze of your father's dissatisfaction.
Your once-covert operations became a chaotic dance, a tangled web of failed attempts and disrupted plans. Your father's wrath intensified with each perceived failure, each word piercing through your heart. You couldn't help but blame it all upon the man, the hero with an uncanny to infiltrate your life.
At times, he would tap persistently on your window until you either allowed him entry or pointed a gun at his face—a futile attempt to deter his meddling. Reluctantly, you found yourself letting him inside, providing you with sanctuary within the confines of your personal space.
Unexpectedly, as more days passed, you found yourself gradually opening up to the man. The guarded walls around your past, your struggles, and the torment inflicted by your family began to crumble apart. From the earliest memories of your childhood, where the weight of your parents' expectations pressed upon you, to the relentless pressure that molded you into the person you had become.
These people would cast you before powerful villains, using you as a pawn in their quest for world dominance. You were a prisoner in a family that sought to control everything even if it meant sacrificing their own daughter.
In recounting your story, you expected his indifference and disinterested responses. However, to your surprise, he listened intently, not letting any detail slip off. His comforting presence became solace in the storm of your tangled existence. The view of his actions being a mere act began to fade, replaced by the genuine concern and understanding he displayed.
Even if it so happened that he'll report you, it provided a sense of relief that you were able to share your side of the story, to vocalize the pain and suffering buried deep within. Alice had been a good friend and motherly figure, but there was something different about him.
The world is not simply shades of black and white. Each villain, including yourself, has a tale of experiences and pain that shaped them not who they are now.
Another unexpected turn is that a peculiar warmth began to swirl within you whenever he was near. His playful banter, occasionally laced with flirtatious undertones, wove through the confines of your heart, creating emotions you hadn't anticipated.
Now, you found yourself eagerly expecting his nightly presence in your room, a silent companion who brought comfort to the shadows that enveloped your life. Missions that should have been accomplished instead were ignored by stolen moments in the city with him. Together, you navigated through the urban labyrinth, experiencing the vibrant pulse of the city's nocturnal life.
In these hours he would fly you up into the moonlit skies, offering a view of the world from a perspective you had never imagined. The wind carries whispers of freedom and the soft glow of the city lights painted a canvas of serenity, it was a stark contrast to the chaos and darkness that defined your life.
From the very first confrontation, he had found more than just a typical villain in you. As he initially stalked you through the city's buildings, however, the more he observed, the more he realized he was mistaken.  Beneath the veil of a villain, he discovered a profound yearning for a normal life—a desire to break free from the chains imposed by what you call your family.
In silence, he vowed to become the catalyst for the change you sought, to be the friend you longed for, and to help you reclaim a sense of normalcy. He recognized the gray areas that defined the lives of those deemed villains.
He chose to keep his discovery of you a secret, he will shield you from the prying eyes of his allies, determined to handle the situation on his own terms and ensure your story remained untold to anyone who might exploit it.
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As the moon cast its silvery glow upon the cityscape, you found yourself perched on a rooftop alongside Keigo. The night held a peaceful ambience and his presence brought a sense of companionship that you had longed for.
As he pulled you closer with a gentle sweep of his wings, he whispered into your ear, "It was a pleasure meeting you, [Name]... I hope this friendship develops into something more~"
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*•.𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃.•*
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space-noods · 6 months
JJK x Neko! Y/N
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“Are pictures normally part of the physical?”
Shoko hummed. “Yeah, it’s to closer compare changes in your body before and after training.” She continued clicking the button on the camera. “You might as well smile and pose since I’m taking so many.”
Looking nervously away from her, you missed the devious smile on her lips. “Wouldn’t that kind of ruin the before and after photo?”
“We can retake the pose in the after pictures too.”
“Right… well do I have to wear this for the photos?”
As the medic in training, it was Shoko’s job to do physicals on all the Jujutsu students. This was nothing new to you. While your clan was a little behind the times, many members were accomplished doctors. As the strongest of your kit, you were closely observed. From your diet to training, everything you did was prescribed by the doctors in the family. So when Shoko approached you about your physical, you really didn’t mind. You were a little confused by how much the higher ups trusted a student to perform as a doctor, but you shrugged that thought off. She wasn’t just any student; she had a reversed cure technique.
In your physicals at home, you were often asked to wear a sports bra and running shorts and nothing more. And when Shoko handed you a bag with clothes you had assumed it was something similar. And sure, the material of the clothes was similar to sportswear. But once you put it on, you noticed there was a big discrepancy between the clothes you expected and the clothes you were wearing.
Instead of a normal sports bra, the cups in this one had little to no support and were more triangular. They barely cover your more sensitive parts and offered a generous amount of side boob. All tied together with a ribbon. The bottoms were worse. You had yet to even wear anything as scandalous as it. The amount of fabric used (or lack thereof) should be considered illegal.
“Just trust me (Name). As an up and coming doctor it’s like illegal to lie to you, I think.”
You weren’t convinced. “Right…”
Shoko insisted you pose and smile. Many times, she would physically force you to hold complicated poses. All while liberally petting your ears and tail.
“You’re tail is really long. I bet your anatomy is pretty wicked.”
“How many more pictures must you take Shoko? This feels a little excessive.”
“Just one more…” She went behind you positioning the camera close to your ass. It was at this moment that you realized what she was doing. Your tail whipped around grabbing the camera and crushing it. Shoko looked up slowly, her guilty eyes meeting your own glaring ones.
“Lucky for you, seems like we’re done!”
Taking the remains of the camera, she ran out. You put your uniform on angrily. Why were those three so hellbent on harassing you! Heading out of the ‘infirmary’ you stomped your way through the commons. Sitting on the couch Gojo and Geto eyed you as you walked past them. Gojo almost leaped out of the seat to jump onto you, but as he rose Geto held the back of his collar.
“Shoko must have done something to her. There’s no point in bothering that stubborn cat. Let’s go to the source.”
Nodding, the duo headed towards Shoko’s room. There, they found her smirking to herself as she looked through another camera. They didn’t bother knocking before making themselves at home. Gojo laid face down on one side, while Geto leaned on the drawer next to the bed.
“She’s acclimating to the modern world pretty quick, but not quick enough!” She evilly giggled to herself.
“Yeah, she used to speak so formally! It was cute! She was like a little alien. Remember how she spent a whole day looking at the microwave?” Gojo sighed fondly, stroking the pillow near him as if it were your head.
“What did you do to her, Shoko. Her tail was raised and she was chittering all the way back to her room. Even her teeth were poking out. You and Satoru need to stop bothering her.”
Shoko scoffs, not taking her eyes off the camera. “As if you have the right to critique me. I know you harass her as much as we do! Anyways… you two might be interested in what I have~”
Gojo’s head peaked and Geto leaned closer.
“She got a little pissed when she figured out what I was doing. She’s quick, y know? So she she broke my camera with her tail. I won’t lie, it was pretty cool. But there went 30 minutes of hard work. Too bad she didn’t destroy the chip~”
At the end of her monologue she flipped the camera, showing the tiny screen. As Geto and Gojo leaned in, they made out a picture of you bash fully posing in a black bikini. Instantly, they reached out for the camera, desperate to see the picture closer. Just as they reached it, Shoko snatched the camera away.
“If you want to see more, you’ll have to pay up!”
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Thanks for Reading!
More Neko Reader:
Neko Reader Blurb (JJK)
Neko Reader Origin (JJK)
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machveil · 8 days
Beautiful, cute, dulzura, A quick question, do you have any advice for drawing? I see your drawings and I just fell in love with them, I just started drawing again but it's difficult...
I don't know, sorry, English is not my first language, using translator jiji 🤎🍁
(note: this post is long, grab a snack lol) ah! no problem, don’t worry about the translator haha (pinterest link - this is my masterboard for human references! I’ll talk about it more below)
I think my best advice for anyone wanting to draw is to break down your piece into shapes! (also, depending on your style, using different line weights)
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from my experience, while looking at the whole reference is good, it’s easier to break down individual parts! while some parts can look complicated, a lot of things can be broken down into triangles, squares, and circles (or half circles)
I focus on character art, so I’ll be speaking about that - but it can applied to scenery and objects too. a lot of characters clothes are broken up into colored articles already - in the top reference, Ghost has a red bandanna on his arm! that bandanna helps break up his arm: the top near his shoulder is triangular, the bandanna itself is overall rectangular, and the bottom of his sleeve is a square
of course, depending on how you’re posing the character it can change the angle of what we’re seeing - there’s also an accommodation that your art probably won’t be a 1-to-1 copy with your reference. Ghost’s right arm (bandanna) has a white rolled up sleeve - while the model’s sleeve is square, I prefer to draw rolled sleeves more triangular
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I think line weight is also important depending on your style! I prefer thicker lines around the entire character, and defining qualities also get thicker lines
I like thinner lines inside the character to help define dimensional shape and form. I use thicker lines on the inside of the body if there’s a shape/area that’s more in the foreground - example: König’s chest and midsection have thick line art to help differentiate from his left arm (behind his body)
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I know a common piece of advice is to use real life references, and I agree… but, I never hear people talk about how to use references in a way that actually helps (“just draw from real life”, or “drawing with a reference is good practice”). I experienced that and wasn’t able to take anything away for years!
within the past year or so I seriously took a look at how using references can help me, so I want to try and talk about that - if I had trouble learning from references I’d wager someone else has
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here’s my best example of using a reference because I actually remembered to! I labeled the figure to make it a little easier to follow
(1) my first tip is using a reference to figure out how the body ‘flows’. the human body has a lot of soft, rounded lines when you look at a picture - very few things are legitimately straight and sharp. I used the reference specifically to figure out how men’s pecs are shaped (of course, this is just one reference… because this is my headcanon for König’s body type haha)
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(1) looking at references can help you understand how muscles move. in the reference with the woman, you notice how her right arm (down) muscles are layered - the shape portrayed by the reference lets you see how an arm’s muscles might be laid out in that position
(2) my second tip from the König reference is to look at negative space! the highlighted red portion between the arm and midsection is roughly the same negative space as the reference. if you’re using a reference and something feels off with the placement of what you’ve drawn I’d recommend looking at the space your reference takes up
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(2) the negative space trick helps me line up where proportions should meet up - the distance between her arms lets me gauge how the rest of her body should be proportioned
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(2) while it doesn’t match up 1-to-1 with the reference when layered overtop, it doesn’t have to! the negative space between the arms was enough for the sketch to mimic what the reference looks like. art doesn’t have to be a 1-to-1, but negative space can help you figure out ‘why does that arm look funny?’, “that arm looks funny because, compared to the negative space of your reference, it’s too (far away/close) to the body.”
(3) my last tip is the simplest, so I’ll just be referring to the König figure! when using references I look to gauge the distance between different body parts - it helps me get more realistic proportions. the bit I specifically compared to was the man’s stomach placement compared to his waist. I didn’t copy it 1-to-1 because I like the idea König has more of a tummy, but the reference allowed me to figure out an anatomical placement for where König’s stomach would be compared to his waist
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I hope my advice wasn’t terrible haha everyone’s art journey is different, but these are tips I would have liked to know a few years ago (specifically the reference material ones lol). I wanted to focus more on the reference material because when people say ‘just use a reference, it’ll help’ it didn’t do it for me
I personally needed a more in depth explanation on why I would use a reference, what should I be looking at - because just drawing a person doesn’t necessarily help, and how should I be learning from it - I accidentally taught myself negative space before I knew what it was
but uhm… yeah, I hope this wasn’t awful! good luck on everyone’s art journeys, just remember that you’re allowed to take your time and try different things
if you guys have any other questions about my art feel free to jump into my inbox; process wise, inspiration, etc - I’ll answer anything I can<3
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