#treat symptoms not cure
funsimplethings · 3 months
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bunnihearted · 3 months
having avpd and bpd which are at odds with eachother basically just means im in constant emotional agony 🤙
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see this is why I can’t do tiktok, I need to be able to freely say that my immune system is going to murder my thyroid eventually, I can’t switch to “unalive” or clinical terminology
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b-blushes · 4 months
r.e. last post. i also talk about my medications like they're normal because for me they are and i need them and would ideally like to not need them but i do and as such they are a vital part of my life. and i mentioned that i was starting a second heart med to a friend a little while ago and he was like 'well try not to take too many' and i was like. hello. u know how my heart does not beat right. and makes me feel so ill because of it. and i cannot make my heart beat right through any other means other than the medication that chemically tells it to beat right. you are saying try not to take this? it was genuinely such an interesting discussion to have, we are chewing on concepts nicely with each other!!!
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like-wuatafauq · 8 months
Having a female doctor after having male doctors for so long is such a huge difference.
Me: my main concern is my injury from the military, I haven't had any treatments,physical therapy, help, or gotten it checked to see what we can do for it, sometimes I'm even bedridden.
My new doctor: I'm going to send you to a specialist in case your past doctors weren't thorough and diagnosed you wrong. Because unfortunately for what they say you have there is no cure, it's permanent. And then I'm also going to let you decide if you want to pursue physical therapy before or after they check you. In the case it is permanent, I can set you up with mental health in order to come to terms and cope.
Me internally: wait that's it you're not gonna make me wait a whole year or make me feel dramatic. There's a chance that I don't have to be permanently disabled? Theres a chance I can get treatment? You're not just going to dismiss me because i look young and healthy? You're just going to genuinely care? Just like that!?
My new doctor: I'm also going to get you checked for other things because even tho you look like a healthy young woman I want to make sure it is that way.
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todaylikes · 2 years
Deep brain stimulation can be life-altering for OCD sufferers
Deep brain stimulation can be life-altering for OCD sufferers
Imagine growing up tormented by fears and life-consuming rituals that make no sense to you or those around you. Then imagine the shame of being told by mental health providers that, because you understand that your behaviours are illogical but keep doing them anyway, you must want to stay sick. One of my patients, Moksha Patel, who is a doctor himself, endured this from childhood until his early…
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troonwolf · 2 years
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True actually because if you’re not morally opposed to endogenic systems then you don’t understand how their ideology is inherently anti-recovery, pro-psuedo-science, and essentially just another new age internet cult that causes people to deny themselves mental health treatment.
OP is right but not for the reasons they think. :3
Whenever I see someone say “I’m not against the concept of endos I just think blablabla” my conclusion is they don’t fully understand the damage endos cause. You should be morally opposed to endos as a concept, in the same way you’d be morally opposed to anti-vaxx as a concept.
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fidicusbartholin · 5 days
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bongwater-supreme · 7 days
So I’ve definitely mentioned this before but when I was 17 I got a chronic UTI that caused psychosis after being resistant to treatment for a few months, and lately I’ve been like “wow I haven’t been this mentally unstable since I was 17”
Lads, I have in fact had a UTI for at least a month and have just been ignoring it because it comes and goes. This is the kind of mistake I should have learned from, and yet my absent minded ass is always just like “ahh it’ll sort itself out”
I am booboo the fool
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weightalive · 2 months
Diabetes Insipidus: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Diabetes insipidus (DI) is a rare disorder characterized by an imbalance in the body’s ability to regulate water, leading to excessive urination and intense thirst. This condition is distinct from diabetes mellitus, which affects blood sugar levels. What is Diabetes Insipidus? Diabetes insipidus is a condition where the kidneys are unable to conserve water, leading to the excretion of large…
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Can BP, Thyroid, etc. Be Reversed
Rising urbanization and the unhealthy diets, and sedentary lifestyles that go with it have enabled this unrecognized, rising pandemic of non-communicable chronic diseases. When the insulin produced in the body is unable to function as required, glucose builds up in the blood and, left untreated, leads to a host of problems like diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, PCOD/S, and more.
Read more to know how to reverse it: https://www.freedomfromdiabetes.org/blog/post/can-bp-thyroid-etc-be-reversed-like-diabetes-can/2889
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insightful-ink · 3 months
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thekimspoblog · 3 months
Feminists will say stuff like "the government should not be involved in the decisions people make about their own body" and in most contexts I would agree.
But at the end of the day I am a federalist, and I think "staying out of it" isn't going far enough with reproductive rights. Not criminalizing the life-saving procedures we already have is a good start. But ideally a strong centralized government would be actively helping support the citizenry in their family planning.
Ever since the witch burnings and other missteps, the science of gynecology has lagged a century behind the rest of medicine. And as part of my hundred year reign of terror, I promise to reallocate all the funding we were wasting on our defense budget into the burgeoning field of uterine transplant research.
Because when every rich person in the world is trying to immigrate into your country for your healthcare, that's how you get back on top as a global superpower.
I'm just saying, unless you're an anarchist, we should be talking about how a hands-off approach really is the bare minimum. It's not a huge problem that the first-time-maternity age is rising, but the privatized IVF networks still take a very "robbing Peter to pay Paul" approach, and it would be nice if someone put forward an actual solution besides "let's just force women out of the workforce again". It would be nice if "Have your career and adventures first, then settle down" was celebrated as the foundation of a healthy and educated nuclear family, and empowered women were not treated as a boogeyman in Great Replacement talking points. It would be nice if we lived in an era of Science, where biology was forced to conform to human happiness, and we didn't have a bunch of religious nutjobs trying to argue that it should be the other way around.
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floorse · 3 months
ok not that it matters BUT re the psych meds post, psychiatric medications are not without their own consequences either!
and i feel like practitioners aren't transparent about those consequences. in the interest of informed consent please do some reading into long-term effects of any sort of medication you might be prescribed.
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healthhub123 · 4 months
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