#theres a chance that i dont have to be permanently disabled?
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Having a female doctor after having male doctors for so long is such a huge difference.
Me: my main concern is my injury from the military, I haven't had any treatments,physical therapy, help, or gotten it checked to see what we can do for it, sometimes I'm even bedridden.
My new doctor: I'm going to send you to a specialist in case your past doctors weren't thorough and diagnosed you wrong. Because unfortunately for what they say you have there is no cure, it's permanent. And then I'm also going to let you decide if you want to pursue physical therapy before or after they check you. In the case it is permanent, I can set you up with mental health in order to come to terms and cope.
Me internally: wait that's it you're not gonna make me wait a whole year or make me feel dramatic. There's a chance that I don't have to be permanently disabled? Theres a chance I can get treatment? You're not just going to dismiss me because i look young and healthy? You're just going to genuinely care? Just like that!?
My new doctor: I'm also going to get you checked for other things because even tho you look like a healthy young woman I want to make sure it is that way.
#rant#personal#txt#theres a chance that i dont have to be permanently disabled?#it could be something else that actually has a cure? and even if it isnt youre still going to have me get seen by physical therapy?:0#my last doctor only listen to me to see an allergist & it was after i got 2 shocks & had gotten the nurses to help because he wouldnt liste#disability#disability recovery#my past doctors would be like op its permanent oh well and id be like but if i get it check i can get the symptoms treated#and they be like you look young and healthy ill see ya next year like whaT#my new doctor even gave a fuck about how it would affect me mentally like bro i didnt even tell her how id be in bed crying she just cared
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6? 22? Any other number you wanted to answer?
6- i dont have any stim toys, ive never really delved into that stuff, i was never really given the chance to explore stuff that would help me out with stimming and such. I also dont think i would like stim toys? Maybe i just have to try some but idk.
22- idk any specific songs i stim to. But ive stimmed while listening to mcr, and honestly i just stim to alot of the general songs i listen to. I really like singing along, i think thats a stim of mine, and some songs just listening to them is like stimming (anything with drums and/or guitars)
2- i like blankets a lot. Even if im hot and dont really need one, ill subconsciously grab the blanket on the couch and put it on my lap, and on my bed. There was one day i grabbed a pocket-sized beanie baby and put itin my hoodie pocket, and just knowing it was there made me happy. Also when i was with my friends one of them stuck their hands in my pocket and i panicked and like moved it out of their reach bc i was scared to get made fun of lol, it ended up being fine. I sleep with stuffed animals a lot. I think thats it
3- my school experiences were,,, not fun at all. Theres a lot to unpack there. My schools all had this thing called a “504 plan” or whatever. And it’s supposed to help people with certain disorders/disabilities. Mine only acknowledged my adhd as far as i know. Maybe my anxiety too. Some of the things that were supposed to ‘help’ were moving me to the front of the room, i got extended time to complete stuff (supposedly), extended time on certain tests (which i only saw on the act, literally i got no other extended time to do anything else. And after i got extended time on the act my scores shot up. Imagine the potential if i was given my actual extended time shit) and the meetings were hell. They started to have meetings with me in middle school, sixth grade i think. Having an administrator there, and my parents, and at least one teacher was terrifying to me. I think i cried every meeting. Honestly it felt like an interrogation to me, esp with all the damn eye contact and shit. My dad asked me if i wanted to continue it this year and i was immediately like fuck no nuh uh not happening. And whether or not I actually needed to be in the front of the room depended on the class, teacher, the people in there, but a lot of the time i would just be moved to the front and i would hate it. In eighth grade my math teacher moved me from the back of the room (a favorite seat in that class) to the front of the room in the middle of class for like a week. It was honestly humiliating and the only time i was eventually able to express my opinion on the 504 shit. Actually my freshman math teacher did that too. Ahaha moving on now before this gets too long.
4/5- three negative and positive things about being autistic.
(1) i dont really have a chance to not have a hobby. Ive always got an interest to keep me entertained and i like that.
(2) stimming is nice, i like it, im not afraid to let myself stim. Makes me feel better.
(3) im unique and shit. I have a different pov than other people and that allows me to have different ways of thinking. I think outside the box ig. I also have this weird version of confidence and objectivity that I appreciate in myself
(1) its hard to feel like i belong somewhere, bc im so different. Im getting better at it but im not good at getting close to people.
(2) i also like,, dont have certain permanence? Like object permanence? A lot of the time i dont really miss things/people unless im somewhere that reminds me of them. Idk if it’s negative really but its something,, even a spin, like bts, i dont really miss them that much until i do. Theyre still very important to me but yeah
(3) people dont really get me the same way other people get other people. And its hard for me to explain it to people. And theres certain people i get more than others. Its weird.
7- people need to give autistics a chance to be heard. Apply the accommodations you “give” them. Dont put them in the spotlight and give them space when needed. We are what you might call “picky” too. Eating, learning, socializing, we have our own things we need to be able to do shit. Learn them. Let us stim. Encourage us to learn about ourselves and remind us that youre there for us. But dont try to help us unless we ask or we actually need help. Dont trigger meltdowns on purpose, stop using the r word even in passing like its not a big deal. Be more than aware of us, accept us, appreciate us. Dont be a bystander.
8- i dont have much experience with meltdowns? I think? If i have i didnt have chances to recover. I had to go back to class or something. Idk how to recognize them in me either.
10- showering. Thats a big thing that even though i kinda need i forget to do. Except during school. I had a whole routine in the morning and i was super punctual. If i didnt shower i would be late, miss the bus, forget something.
12- meat. The way it feels. Disgusting. How do people eat it and not feel like dying? Same with lettuce. Spinach is fine but every time i try to eat lettuce I almost throw up. Bell peppers, pickles, vinegar, mayo, eggs usually, cheese sometimes. Just off the top of my head. One time i tried putting lettuce on my burger, was feeling adventurous, and after biting down i had to just take the lettuce off. Another time, my stepmom (newly married to my dad) made slads for us, and i was skeptical. There was white stuff all over the salad and she wouldnt tell me what it was. I tried eating a little carrot stick thing and almost vomited. Thats when she learned I cannot eat mayo. Even if idk that its mayo i still cant fuckin eat it. She forced me to eat bell peppers one time. Didnt go well at all. At all.
(Not gonna do the spin one bc ive already talked about them and if i do again itll be too long)
15- yes! I only do big stuff(?)(like yelling n shit) when im completely alone. Like if im home alone. Bc i get so loud. Sometimes ill hum in my room or sing to myself in my room though. Its so fun. As for phrases i repeat, ill repeat anything i find interesting. In a movie or song, or even something a friend said. One time my mom said the phrase “tough titty said the kitty but the milks still good” and i went around the kitchen repeating it until she got annoyed. Also sometimes something in the room will have a constant sound and ill like think a phrase to that sound repeatedly. Idk how to explain it lol. Idk if thats echolalia either
16- rocks. Typical i know, collecting rocks. But i just cant help it. I see a rock i like, i pick it up, take it home. I used to collect sticks. And when i was in elementary school, i used to pick shit up off the playground. Beer bottle caps was a favorite. Apparently the school called my mom about it bc they found my stash and thought it was from home and my parents were drinking excessively. 😬 oops
18- introverted?
19- kinda depends. Idk. I really cant tell wow. I would probably say hypersensitive. Just cause i have a ton of sensory issues and a lot of stuff bothers me. Like types of clothes. And how things are resting on my body. Yeah i guess i am hypersensitive.
20- i used to struggle with self love a lot. And sometimes i still kinda do. But in the past few years ive really started appreciating myself and trying to learn a lot about myself. Its going well id say.
21- empathy. Hmm. I think im very empathetic, actually. I can always tell when someone is feeling uncomfortable in a situation. And when i should tell people to back off of them if they wont say it themselves. And im very uncomfortable when theres secondhand embarrassment. And bullying, in something im watching or reading. Yknow, I actually cant watch mean girls. I just. I tried, i had to walk away bc I couldn’t take it. It also kinda triggers me so theres that. Bc of the bullying. But yeah im very empathetic. Otherwise socially im not good at that.
23- nope. Ive got like no support system other than tumblr and online friends. Apparently my dad refused to acknowledge im autistic and hes my favorite parent. Thats his big flaw though. And if i “came out” to him and said it myself he would probably come around. I know hes not completely nt either. My Opa has ocd, so nuerodiversity runs in the family ig.
While making this i got distracted and went on insta for like an hour oops lol
24- steampunk cosplay? Or college dorm tips? The steampunk one was freshman year, and the college dorm one was fifth grade. It lasted well into sixth grade and seventh grade.
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Affordable Housing No Longer Exists in Maryland.
I live in the state of Maryland. Particularly prince George's county, and for the past 5 years I've been trying to find affordable housing even low income housing (as I have a developmental disability and the fact that I only have SSDI left ) for either myself or my parents. Problem is that for the past 10 years since the 2008 great recession, low income housing is practically non-existent unless you're willing to sacrifice whatever things, friends, or things you know left and move to a isolated rural area or take your chances at craiglists.
You know how bad it is? It's that bad that even people at the department of social services are fucking oblivious to the fact that theres a housing crisis.
I came up there to check up on the disability advocate there (which they I found out after calling her repeatively) and inquired about low income housing and section 8 vouchers. They told me that they do not help there and passed me a flyer to the housing authority website and site. The same housing authority that if they take 5 minutes to get on their website they would found out that their waitlists have been closed and public housing is unavailable for years.
Then I inquired about rent assistance. Now rent assistance is technically available, but it does actually exist unless you have children or live in a specific area because the funding is spread out to three non-profit social services, two of them dont process the applications anymore because their programs havent been funded for YEARS.
The social services agent then told me to dial 211. I told them that I did yesterday and they only information they provide are for homeless shelters and they dont provide information for low income housing. Then they told me to dial a code on their phone to see if they can help. Surprise, they didnt because I dont have children.
Before then, I tried to speak to the supervisor to the disability advocate. What they did instead, was they directed me to the person responsible for processing Medicaid applications. He didnt knew why I was here, but I told him about my situation and the fact that social services and another nonprofit for developmental disabilities only gave me a list which is almost all of them are for homeownership!
He was utterly clueless, I told him that I've called these places before many times and non of them helped. He told to keep dialing those numbers anyway. He didnt knew how to help at all. For all intents and purposes, it sent me a message that "we have zero interest helping people who need low income housing".
And as for the shelters in PG county and the surrounding areas, they are all full, even the men shelters (which I do not want to go because I'll be vulnerable there)
As for the resources for low-income housing or places themselves. Its either they told me that theres no vacancies, or their waitlist is practically closed permanently. Maryland has a program for 811 site based housing, but you cant apply to them directly, you have to get a social worker to apply for them and the nonprofit agency responsible for them when I called them only leads to a voice mail. The agency itself has no sense of urgency and just told me to wait 48 hours. Personal experince taught me these days that nobody listens to voice mail anymore and you have to spoon feed the information repeatively to them when you finally reach them.
The housing crisis in Maryland and everywhere in the US for low-income housing has so bad, that due to a willful lack of action and assfarting by the politicians at Annapolis, that your only option is craiglist. And craigslist is crapshoot of scammers and flakes and since so many applicants can apply to one posting, you will rarely if any get a call or a email response back. Also as a person with autism, there are too many stories of crappy roommates and roommates finding an excuse to get rid of take advantage of people knowing if they stand up to them they will be on the streets.
Sadly my only option of "moving" is to pack all of my stuff in a storage bin, and living on the streets. Because a storage bin of 200 a month is cheaper than the time and money it takes to find a decent apartment or house to share or for a standard one bedroom apartment (where the average rent for even a small efficiency is 1500 a month!) because of the abundance of bullshit luxury housing. Worse, I have to stay in the Maryland area because of my threapists, and job coach service I have is trying to help me get a federal job position (which is near impossible even with Schedule A)
All of this could be prevented if Congress and State Governments increased section 8 voucher funding substantially after the 2008 recession. Instead we abdicated this role to craigslist and shady roommate sites.
No one whos in power or has any influence actually cares about the housing crisis or real issues anymore, or about the potential of growth of people with autism being homeless. Tombstones and crying over tombstones are much cheaper and forgetting about the homeless is much easier.
P.S. Please dont tell me "it will get better", it means nothing to me when I evientably have to leave and sleep rough for a long time...
#maryland#actually autistic#princes georges county#autism#welfare#public housing#section 8#poverty#disablity#disabled#cpunk#aspergers#rent#shelter#craiglist#roommates#homeless#homelessness#almost homeless#social services#211#saveJkid#affordable housing#low income housing
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First things first, check this tag to see all the asks I've already answered that may not be covered here as frequently asked
Are you open to IMs?
Always! I love conversations, even if it's with ppl I don't follow/don't follow me, I love talking to ppl
That being said, I have 70+ unanswered IMs, usually it's because I forget to reply and then too much time passes by the time I remember so I just.. don't continue the convo 😅
Where are your scars from?
In Oct of 2014, a drunk driver hit me when I was on my way to work (I was walking, he drove onto the sidewalk)
Not gonna give graphic details but long story short: I'm permanently disabled with more than a handful of issues as a result of some asshole being a damn idiot (don't drink and drive kids)
How are you disabled?
Again, I'm not gonna go into major detail, but I have a fucked up right hip/leg/knee, major stomach issues, and a weak heart as a result of the accident
I have chronic pain, fatigue, all that good shit
I also sustained brain damage which results in short term memory loss, and issues with word association/language, so if my sentences aren't making sense or if I forget something that happened, chances are that's the reason
My weak heart means when I say if get too stressed I can die, it's not an exaggeration lmao
You can check out my actuallydisabled tag where I bitch about it
How do you track IP addresses?
Here's a posted tutorial
Here's the mobile version
What are your gender/prefered pronouns?
I'm both genderfluid and nonbinary, and my pronouns are they/them
Here's a more detailed post about my gender identity
I'm very uncomfortable with gendered language, this includes insults such as 'bitch' or 'cunt' because they're both misogynistic in nature and reserved for women in society, regardless of personal usage, I see it as a form of misgendering
This also includes words like “Sweetheart” “Sweetie”, they make me highly uncomfortable because I see them as gendered, however I’m not bothered by “Dude” or “Bro” but that’s just me
Do you work/what's your job?
Unemployed at the moment due to my disability, I do commissions and sell things on both Etsy and Redbubble to make an income
How long have you been married?
Got hitched in Jan of 2016 in Seoul 🇰🇷
How old is your daughter?
She was born in Dec of 2016, you do the math
Why do you hate X character/X ship?
If I hate something, I will have an anti tag of it, just look up 'anti x' and you'll find the answer
What type of witch are you?
Mostly forging, as in, I practice with items I gather or grow, be it flowers, herbs, feathers, or stones
I also practice tea/herbal healing and gemstone healing, as well as make/bless charms (which I sell)
I follow the moon phases and due spells accordingly
I dont have a familiar yet, but plan to get one once I have my own home and can properly take care of one
Why do you smoke weed?
Chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia.. theres like an endless list of reasons tbh?
I smoke maybe 2-3 times a day, depending on my flarups and stress levels
I'm very pro marijuana and highly recommend it as an alternative to prescription medication, however, I also recognize that its not for everyone and would never force it onto any other person
Who's @artisticsnowfox?
My best friend irl, we met a few years back and now they're basically my daughter's uncle
They're also an amazing artist that does commissions that y'all should definitely check out
Also consider donating to their Top Surgery Fund
How can you be married if you're aro?
Simple, while I don't feel romantic attraction (which idk if it's caused by childhood trauma, my aspd, or my brain damage ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), I have always (ALWAYS) wanted a family, I've always wanted a child, and marriage isn't just about romance, imo it's more about loyalty and compatibility, and my spouse and I vibe hella well, they're legit my person, and, I also fully disclosed the fact I was aro before marriage and my spouse was 100% okay with it so I don't think it's 'wrong' of me to have a friend that I happen to have matching wedding rings and a child with
You can't call yourself gay if you're het married
Not an ask but I've gotten this hate message often enough so here's my reply: shove it up your ass
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1-50 bitch
well since u asked nicely how could i resist
1. If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? paint/draw or the like, or knit maybe,
2. What’s your favorite piece of clothing you own/owned? MY HOT MOMS SHIRT THAT I LOST ;n; also the big grey hoodie i have & a pierce the veil shirt i borrowed from my gf that im never giving back :)
4. How often do you play sports? never
5. What fictional place would you most like to go to? The Digital World
6. What job would you be terrible at? probably anything involving extensive memorizing and maintaining information for long periods of time. so basically a lot of things…… or maybe like. working at starbucks cos i cant make coffee OR remember lots of drink recipes omg
7. If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning a medal for? playing kingdom hearts 2 on easy mode. i would have a good chance at winning because all the people that are good at playing kingdom hearts are gaming elitists that think playing on easy is for losers and if you dont play on critical mode you arent a real gamer :)
8. What skill would you like to master? making an omelet OR knitting
10. What would be the most amazing adventure to go on? some out of town adventure with my girlfriend where money and time dont matter
11. If you could change one thing about your life right now, what would you change and why? uh i’d like to be less haunted by my traumatic past maybe! or be a few inches taller that would be cool i feel like both of these are pretty self explanatory
12. What’s your favorite drink? W A T E R or milk tea
13. What do you consider to be your best find? my girlfriend
14. Are you usually early or late? way too early. too mcuh time i dont know what to do with it
15. What pets did you have while growing up? hm lets see i had a couple turtles, some fish, i had a gerbil that i got from a friend, an african grey named solomon, boston terrier named Tiny, two white boxers named Floyd & Lloyd, a mix named Macy, 4 chihuhuas named Dude, Pooty, Flout & Chief, and now we have a cat named Schrödinger :~), oh and an amstaff/dalmation mix named EL
16. When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with? anything and everything but never really asking for advice i guess? its more of them talking about a problem cos im easy to talk to and then me trying to help them come up to a solution if they need it
17. What takes up too much of your time? S L E E P I N G
18. What do you wish you knew more about? cats!!!! also dogs cos i know a lot but i want to know more
19. What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years? why am i still alive?
21. Who’s your go-to band or artist when you can’t decide on something to listen to? seventeen or monsta x, exo’s LMR repackaged album
22. What shows are you into? the office, lost, honestly nothing thats still running on tv, i havent watched a show in forever, oh god wait does anime count cos i could write the longest list of anime i love: haikyuu, nge, digimon, noragami ,,,,,,
23. Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished? Seventeen (Hangul: 세븐틴), also stylized as SEVENTEEN or SVT, is a South Korean boy group formed by Pledis Entertainment in 2015. The group consists of thirteen members divided into three sub-units,
24. What age do you wish you could permanently be? a dog mom & i hope i can make that wish come true
25. What would be your ideal way to spend the weekend? napping on and off in bed with my girlfriend and then going to town for sushi & milk tea and then uhhhhhhhhhhh coming back home to nap some more and then go out for noodles for another date :} oh and a dog would be involved if possible because cuddling dogs is best
26. What’s something you like to do the old-fashioned way? physically writing and sending cards/letters in the mail i guess? i dont know if that really counts as doing something the old fashioned way but i definitely dont get as many cards or anything in the mail anymore. i also like to keep physical hand written to-do lists & schedules and stuff
27. What have you only recently formed an opinion on? how bad exo are at dancing turtlenecks and scarves. they are good
28. What’s the single best day on the calendar? october 10th my dogs birthday and also narutos birthday
29. What are you interested in that most people haven’t heard of? asmr???
30. What is the most annoying question that people ask you? “did u have a little lamb?” OR when my grandpa asks me anything about his iphone
31. What could you give a 40-minute presentation on without absolutely no preparation? my dogs or seventeen. OR a half ass presentation about kingdom hearts, trying to explain it while getting around all the plot holes and not nailing down my arguments cos i dont really get it either and theres a lot i dont pay attention to but i could come up with 40 mins of info im sure
32. If you were a dictator of a small island nation, what crazy dictator stuff would you do? no waking until 10am. no crime or anything will be allowed ill figure out some way to make everything perfect so women can go out alone at night and not be afraid. no discrimination !! all the poc, lgbt, disabled, any minority will be welcome and have safe spaces and any hate will be punished by law. also everyones allowed to have pets in their homes and no home goes without food or power. am i doing this right
33. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives? travel out of your comfort zone. like physically travel somewhere and make the most of it but do it with someone cos the buddy system is important
34. What’s worth spending more on to get the best? jackets. i will pay up to 100$ for a good jacket and wear it forever cos itll be confirmed long-lasting and also most likely very comfortable!!!
35. What is something that a ton of people are obsessed with but you just don’t get the point of? i just want to point out that its not that i dont get the point of it because everyone has their likes and i have my own that other people dont i like that people are into whatever they want to be its just that i am Not into it. and that thing is yuri on ice
36. What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years? being able to wake up every morning next to my girlfriend and out pets :~)
37. Where is the most interesting place you’ve been? corning museum of glass was super neat……. , dollywood, gatlinburg, chicago chinatown, idk i havent been to many interesting places
38. What’s something you’ve been meaning to try but just haven’t gotten around to? i wana get a tattoo !!!!!!!!
39. What’s the best thing that happened to you last week? getting a job interview at barnes & noble because now i have a job there!!!
40. What piece of entertainment do you wish you could erase from your mind so that you could experience it for the first time again? diamond edge chicago
41. If all jobs had the same pay and hours, what job would you like to have? all i really want is that job where im paid to sleep
42. How different was your life one year ago? tbh not that much different?? other than i was in school and now im not. i didnt have a job and now i do. i was a year further away from moving
43. What’s the best way to start the day? talking to my girlfriend and also let me just say that first pee in the morning. perfect
44. What quirks do you have? what are quirks exactly i looked up examples to help me think of some but all im thinking of is…i cant have the volume on my tv or radio on an even number it has to be on an odd number??? i have to sleep with a fan on. idk dude
45. What would you rate 10/10? [MV] 몬스타엑스 (MONSTA X) _ 걸어 (ALL IN)
46. What kind of art do you enjoy most? abstract w lots of colors and shapes. geometric stuff
47. What do you hope never changes? my ability to collect myself (unless it gets better which then i hope it does), my passion for art of any sort
48. What city would you most like to live in? anywhere except charleston and somewhere thats not extremely highly populated
49. What movie title best describes your life? Scooby Doo 2 - Monsters Unleashed
50. What’s the best way a person can spend their time? sleeping or hanging out with their pet
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Bet lmao @piipstachio
So first off, I'm paying over 10 grand in tuition a year (it totals up to about 15000 a year, not counting books or housing or gas). And yet I'm still told "you only get two absences a semester! Any more and you'll automatically fail the class!". Excuse me? I'm paying 15 grand a year for classes that I dont even want to take for a degree I do want, only for your ass to tell me I can "only miss two days every five months"??? Even WITH the documentation on my various disabilities that prove that I'll miss classes, sometimes frequently? No.
Secondly, I've had professors outright IGNORE my medical needs and knock points off of my assignments for medical issues that I can't control, while the disability office offers empty platitudes going "we'll talk to him theres not much we can do". Which put me in the position of paying over $500 I didn't have to transfer out of a class that was failing me (illegally) for things out of my control. Literally failing me. My drawing class is separated into two midterms. The first one I failed because my "lines weren't straight enough". Sir I literally have permanent nerve damage causing my hands to shake. Its documented in my student files with the disability office and the Dean. I failed my second midterm for "relying too heavily on a ruler" in an attempt to solve the "your lines arent straight enough" issue. Failing the midterms were the final straw for that class and I transferred out.
A different issue. *none* of the "wheelchair accessible" spots on campus are actually wheelchair accessible. I have to be wheeled to class by a friend because all of the external sidewalks tilt into the road, which means I can't control my manual wheelchair enough to prevent myself from going into a busy fucking street. The ramps are too steep and don't fit ADA guidelines. If you dont have a power chair, you're fucked. The handicap bathroom stalls? Yeah right. They're not big enough for my chair (and I'm very small. My chair is maybe 30 inches wide). I have to leave my wheelchair by the sinks to use the bathroom, because the door opens inward. So I have to struggle to move into and out of the stall, or I have to piss with the door propped open. One of my classes last semester was on the fourth floor. To get there I needed to use the elevator. Which was locked. How do you unlock the elevator, you may ask? By going to the office on the second floor and asking for the key.
Next, I've been to two different colleges. A state funded, free two year college, and the one I'm currently attending which is a private University. BOTH colleges have made it blatantly clear that no exceptions for absences will be made under any circumstance. My current computer science teacher has it in his syllabus that he doesnt care if you go into a coma or get COVID, if you miss the due date you miss the due date. Theres no extra credit and no chance to make it up. This is an inherent issue for someone like me who's in and out of the hospital for various reasons.
Also at my Uni, it's required that you attend 50 credit hours on the campus, not online. An issue when you cant afford a power chair but can barely get around on campus to begin with. A bigger issue for someone like me during the winter semester, when you're autoimmune compromised. Sure, college students are a lot better than high school students about taking care of their health, but if one person in my class is even slightly sick I usually get it and worse. To the point I get strep three times a year like clockwork. But even with a doctors note explaining the strep issue and warning my professors ahead of time, they quite literally do not care.
College is inherently ableist and I'm always willing to rant about it lmao
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I'm on Social Security Disability. S.S.I. Medicare. Have been a long time. I'm putting that right out front because what I've learned in the past 35 years is this... Most of Americans haven't got the first clue what that means or what's involved. The staggering amount of misinformation going around out there is truly impressive. So today my diseased maniacs we're going to cover some of that misinformation. Maybe clear up a couple things. This is going to a longer one. Everyone stay frosty! PEOPLE ON DISABILITY ARE SCAMMERS WHO ONLY WANT A FREE RIDE FROM US REAL TAXPAYERS! I've refered to the disability system as ThunderDome. There is nothing easy about it. It's an ordeal like no other. No job I've ever heard of can match the unbridled carnage of working through the disability system! To begin with... you don't just decide.. "I don't feel like working anymore!" Only a doctor can decide that.. several of them actually. Plus a bunch of government types. People hear about disability scammers and think that some lazy dude is sitting around.. drinking beer.. collecting his checks. The real scammers are anything but lazy.. they are usually doctors actually.. and they work their asses off! The people they use are usually ignorant dupes. Getting on disability is so daunting it discourages lazy people from getting it. Even when they really need it. I've known several people who were genuinely sick or injured. But they just gave up because it was too overwhelming. There was a really popular article going around facebook about these people who got disability so they could get free money from some other agency which got them more money from this place..which got them even more money from that place. It was like 10 different money grabs and they were living in a mansion raking in over a quarter million a year. Plus food stamps. These things dont exsist. While some of the programs might exsist. Having one cancels the possibility of getting some others.. there are different agencies that have their own programs.. but unless they were using multiple IDs.. I highly doubt it. And after i show you next, the ordeal to just get started.. you should doubt it too. But if they were able to pull this off.. they worked their butts off for it! I'm not saying it right.. but it's impressive. Years ago I worked for an electronics store. We had VCRs hooked together to copy tapes. A guy came in a couple times to make a copy of surveillance tapes he'd made. He was an investigator for the government.. he followed people who'd been "injured" and tape them. I personally watched 12 different cases of fraud. My favorite was the really hot girl he videoed hobbling out of the court house on crutches. With a neck brace. Cut to the very next day.. in a bikini.. doing actual cartwheels on the beach. He had a dozen more. My point is. Of course there are always going to be lazy people who want to take advantage. But its really not that simple. And not as many people get away with it as you might think. YOU'RE THINKING.. HEY, DISABILITY STILL SOUNDS LIKE THE BEST DEAL EVER! WHERE DO I SIGN UP? You get sick or injured You have to be permanently sick or injured.. Meaning you're never going to get better. If there's any chance you'll get better.. You're out Next you're doctor has to decide that you're not ever going to recover..that usually takes a few years.. hundreds of tests.. thousands of dollars. If he doesn't think you're disabled.. You're out Now the fun part. You apply for disability . Send off for your forms and applications. With your doctor's blessing you gather up all your medical records from all of your doctors. And oh yeah.. if you only need 1 or 2 doctors.. You're probably out. When I started applying.. I had 3 file boxes with records.. just the past 2 or 3 years. I imagine that's a bit different today.. computer records weren't around then. But if you do apply.. You'll still need lots of your medical information at your fingertips. You get your first official government envelopes. Actually big stuffed things with information pamphlets and more forms than you've ever seen. Massive amounts of new information that you have to learn. More about forms later... Be sure to read and fill out EVERY line.. every space. Write neatly. Spell check. If theres any confusion on any questions... Or any missing info. They can't read or understand what you're writting..You're out. Start over again. Somehow you've done it.. all your forms are filled out neatly and correctly.. you've provided tons of proof about your illness.. you've provided them with every single scrap of financial information about you since you were born. You have your doctors blessing.. all 3 of them in fact! They now know everything there is to know about you.. seriously.. EVERYTHING . Those forms are extremely comprehensive. No one disputes your claim.. everyone agrees.. you are disabled. You get your reply after maybe 90 days DISABILITY DECLINED Because of course! Everyone gets turned down the first time.. or two. It's kinda built into the system.. by turning down everyone at first.. it weeds out the scammers! Remember that lazy beer drinking scammer.. he's done with this shit. He just spent the past couple months working his butt off for NOTHING! But not you.. You're not faking it.. you are seriously sick. You can barely get out of bed some days. And you have a family to take care of. So.. You file an appeal.. and you have 90 days to start that.. so get to it! You send in your appeal application and sometime in the next 90 days or so. More giant envelopes arrive with more forms. And more information to absorb. But whats funny? A lot of these forms have the exact same information as the forms you've already filled out! They already have all this information.. remember that after the first round.. they know everything there is to know about you.. but ok fine.. we'll tell the tale again. And you submit your appeal.. this time it's a bit easier.. but still time consuming.. and don't forget how sick you still are. This is it! You get your official government envelope. APPEAL DENIED You look at your 3 boxes of files. Your two file folders for your copies of the applications and the appeal.. plus the separate file for all your current financial info. All your financial info has to be current. Every utility bill.. bank statements.. credit cards.. receipts.. you have to prove where every dime goes and it must be up to the minute. You just wanna go have a beer with lazy scammer guy now. But cant do that! You got a family to take care of.. and you've barely been able to work at all the past couple years. Besides.. now you're kinda pissed. No one disputes that you should be on disability.. except apparently uncle Sam. Time to get a T.V. lawyer! Disability lawyers serve a useful function to the system. Their job is to review all of your information and get it up to government specs. When you hire a disability lawyer they don't charge you to take your case. They'll only take you if they're sure you're actually disabled. That's because they only get paid if you win your new appeal. The good part about applying for disability is that everything starts from the date of your first application. Meaning, once you do get approved.. you usually have a couple years of back pay coming. The lawyers get a quarter or third of that first check. You get say ten thousand dollars.. they get three of that. It's actually a good deal for both of you. The lawyer doesn't have to do much. You've already done every bit of the work for them. They review it all. Make sure you dotted your T's and crossed your I's. Then pretty it up and file for round 3. It's a good deal for you.. because if a lawyer does take your case on contingency.. You're probably going to get approved (eventually) The hearing before a disability judge. You meet your lawyer again at whatever government building your hearing is being held in. And she leads you into a conference room. You chat for about a half hour or so before the hearing starts so she can review your testimony. You're going to have to to convince a judge that you're sick.. not just with your boxes of files.. show him what that means for you. My lawyer told me.. if you feel like you have to have a bowel movement. Or you get nauseous during the hearing.. be sure to ask the judge for a break. These hearings are stressful on people. Especially people with Crohns. So dont hesitate to ask for a break. ( ok.. I thought.. thats aweful considerate.. but I'm fine right now) The she took my hand and looked me in the eyes. Speaking very slowly and deliberately she says again...You need to be sure to ask for a break if you feel any need to go to the bathroom at all. Understand? ( aaahhh.. ok got it ! Wink,wink, nudge, nudge, say no more!) The hearing last less than an hour or so. The lawyer and the judge review some legalese. Most of what they're talking about is gibberish to me. After a half hour.. I asked to be excused to go to the bathroom. I actually did have pee a little. But afterwards while we're walking out she smiles at me and says.. that went well. Finally after almost 2 years I got approved! But thats only the start of the real work. Now I'm officially one of "those" people. A drain on society.. a sponge.. a parasite. At least now I can be sure that I have a few hundred bucks coming in each month. I still work part time.. You're allowed to make less than a thousand dollars per month in income when you go on disability.. so the very most I can bring in between my S.S.I. and whatever I can still earn is maybe 20,000 dollars per year. This is what they mean by living in a fixed income. We're livin large now baby! But the more important issue is.. I have some kind of insurance finally! But theres so much more in store for you. YOU'VE DONE IT.. YOU'RE ON DISABILITY. THE CASH IS ROLLING IN AND THE DOCTORS ARE GETTING PAID. IT'S MILLER TIME! RIGHT? Not quite. Over and over you'll get envelopes from good ole Baltimore Maryland. Home of the social security administration. They need this.. or they don't have their copy of that. Random letters with some new form. The thing about government forms is.. their meaning isnt always clear. They seem a little convoluted sometimes. "Add the total of lines 17b to lines 17c and 17h. But only if it is in direct opposition to the tertiary algorithm from form 3768-d. You may need to reference your proprietary issuance schedule to access the proper formula to make this claim. (U.S. Government Form 6009)." I don't know how they could make that any clearer.. I'm just saying.. I'm not really that smart. Which one was line 17b again? Regular updates on your income from the local offices. Gotta bring copies of all your newest bills.. and oh yeah.. that 3000 in stocks you saved from your last job? That's gotta go!. You can generate income from stock ownership.. You're not allowed too much income remember? And we need to double check every bank accout you have.. verify that you dont have a dime. The guy who checks under your mattresses will be out sometime on Tuesday. Then of course the reviews. Occasionally they'll want to have you checked out by their people to make sure you didn't accidentally get better. Now, because my disease has been well documented for 35 years and it's incurable. I've only had 2 reviews. The first one after a couple years. He just reviewed my charts. And signed off. No exam .. no tests. Barely said a word. My last one was about 3 years ago. He was awesome. We went into his office and just made fun of the system. He couldn't believe I was there. He gets paid by the government to check the patients the computer sends to him. He said.. "I get a few people in per week that have incurable diseases.. what do they think is going to happen? I'm going to say wow! His intestines grew back.. he's all better now!" He said he did get some questionable patients. They get completely retested for whatever they supposedly had. But the vast majority were legit. We had to spend a half hour together for the interview and records review.. we talked about movies for 25 of those minutes. One more thing. Never change your job. It confuses everything. "You mean.. You're working less hours at a more convenient job. And you still aren't making over $1000 .. right? We'll need to see all your financial info since 1954. " But I wasnt even born til 59! "Oh.. in that case.. we'll need your 6472-g25 Waiver issuance request. For amortization of residual issuances notwithstanding any prior findings of such issuances. (U.S. Government form 77684)" OOPS ! I DID IT AGAIN - I THINK I MIGHT HAVE SCREWED SOMETHING UP. usually with all the forms flying back and forth. The government is actually quite reasonable about you handing in your homework. On most forms and information requests. You get like 30 days for this or 90 days to reply to that. But always more than enough time. If you do screw up something, you get a warning shot.. but honestly I wouldn't push it.. Keep up with your paperwork.. be timely. Once there's a problem. It takes time to iron it out. You may not be getting paid while you do. Years ago.. we had moved to a new place in the same town. My checks have always been direct deposit. So I never thought to file with social security.. stuff got forwarded automatically anyway. But one month. My account is empty. And I call to ask why. They've temporarily suspended my check until they could investigate potential fraud. Right after we moved. The very next month actually. The street we used to live on got it's name changed! We had lived at 133 main st.. but now there was no such place. I could prove that I was in fact living now at 768 elm st. But the previous 5 years? How could you have been living at 133 main when there's no such place? So I had to go down to the local office and explain that 133 main st. Is still there... it's just called 133 terrace ave now. I offered to drive the guy over and show him the house. But he was familiar with the situation already and was actually able to get into the system and fix it. Next month I got 2 checks. A DEAD MAN'S REVIEW OF THE SYSTEM The Social Security system is actually as far as I've seen and in my vast experience . Not all that bad. It's kind of an unwieldy beast. And I'm sure there are many areas that could be improved upon.. but there's a lot to say good about it. After a couple years of grinding persistence. I got in. No one ever for a second denied that I was disabled.. like I said. It's just how it works. Once you're in.. there's still work to be done.. lots of it. But you can deal with that. For doing your homework on time. You get a check on the third of every month. Without fail. I have direct deposit. I cannot recommend it highly enough. Your check goes in promptly on the 3rd. And in months where the 3rd is a weekend or holiday, you get it earlier. In the bank. No waiting for the mailman. Medicare takes care of your doctors. So you don't have to stress over all that. They keep all your records. I just go to my appointments. Or the ER. Or hospital. The doctors know what Medicare covers. Medicare takes care of the bills. Better than any insurance.. I don't have to stay in network. No pre approvals. No deductibles. Usually no copays. Insurance companies are a horror to deal with. And they can say no anytime they want.. it's their job to deny coverage. I've never been denied treatment, ever. When I had heart issues out of the blue last year. I got wheeled through a battery of tests. Never saw a bill. I get statements from Baltimore that say on the envelopes NOT A BILL. I'm sure there are many things that require some discussion. But all the regular stuff is covered. Prescriptions are usually a dollar or two. Government employees.. contrary to popular belief.. are usually efficient and helpful. The vast majority of people that work for the administration are quite good at their jobs. There are people who suck at their jobs.. in every job. Even doctors! ( Dr Pencil Mustache) but the main issue with employees at social security offices is. There are so many claimants and so many rules.. and so much paperwork. Bring a book! Usually they're quick getting you in and out. Say.. better than the DMV. Not as quick as the post office. But then the post office doesnt have to deal with "form HG563-d/5 special dispensation for administrative assessment facilitates as they pertain to cost distribution for the amortizing schedules for the year 2018. (Reorder form 7887)" so they got it pretty easy over there. Being one of "THOSE" people used to bother me a lot. Being a welfare parasite, feeding off the teats of good hardworking folks... It's embarrassing for people to know. And the reaction from some people is scary. Most people understand that - I didn't do anything wrong. They're glad we live in a country where we try to look out for each other. And everyone agrees that things could certainly be improved upon. But some people are cruel. It would be better if I just threw myself onto a funeral pyre and saved the taxpayers some money. But the thing is.. I'm a taxpayer too.. for over 40 years.. and I really enjoy irritating assholes. So.... Dead Man Talking!
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okay i just saw someone kind of confused on the difference between gene therapy and eugenics so lets just outline the separation between the two here
gene therapy:
-totally voluntary medical treatment
-potentially used to treat previously untreatable genetic conditions. this means things like cancer, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, asthma, ect. ect. could also mean finding a permanent cure for things like AIDs and hep c
-would be used to significantly improve quality of life for people with chronic & debilitating conditions, specifically things they would much rather be living without
-enables chronically disabled people to significantly ease their financial burden by paying one time for a gene therapy treatment rather than throughout their entire life trying to mitigate the damage
-again, is completely medically consensual/voluntary
-involuntary, someone else is making your decisions for you
-systematic and unnecessary erasure of chronically disabled people who are human beings & deserve the best possible quality of life they can achieve whilst having their condition
-implies that certain human lives are intrinsically more or less valuable due to circumstances beyond their control
-advocates for things like forced sterilization & actual literal murder of human beings
-super fucked up for a lot of reasons
like, i have autism. if someone came up to me and was like “we have found the genes that control autism and we can cure you of your condition” i would be like “uhh, fuck no” and that would be the end of that. if a eugenicist said “you have autism & your genes are inferior so we are going to kill you to make the rest of humanity stronger” i would be like “a. thats very subjective and b. fuuuuuuck no” and then i would punch that person in the mouth
“but what if they try to use gene therapy to cure things like learning and intellectual disablities!?” wellll... is that disability causing undue pain and/or suffering to the person affected? would they rather live without it? if no then theres no fucking point of using gene therapy on them because their condition isn’t actually affecting their quality of life, they are perfectly happy, healthy & fine and dont need it!! it’s literally that simple
like im sure if you went up to someone with CF and said “hey so you have this thinbg that causes mucus to build up in your lungs and cause you horrible pain+slowly kill you. BUT. we have this new treatment that makes it so That Doesnt Happen” there’s a decent chance that person would say “hey, sign me the fuck up!”
that doesn’t mean that the person with CF does not, in the meantime, deserve access to medical care that makes their lives as happy and pain-free as possible. it just means that now they can live their lives without a painful and debilitating condition if they so choose. maybe some people wouldn’t want to do that, and that’s cool! there’s nothing wrong with that. again, the key piece in here is voluntary vs. involuntary. let people do whatever the hell they like with their bodies.
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Car insurance claim on injuring a previous injury?
Car insurance claim on injuring a previous injury?
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Monthly? I spotted a 13yr old and i such a thing happened?Am short term insurance that ER-5. also i would heard a 2 seater soon, but figure, there getting life insurance probably bought used car yesterday(paid The problem I am for it. How long house. My question is, health insurance.I ve already applied another state and maybe Hi.my aunt is 41 will offer. Obamacare Lie its a complete they for a 28 year me in a rental damages. I do not does it matter what to know how much or more on car What is an affordable fine with paying the how much it costs Along with flood insurance know, but I want the engine after ...show just wondering if there insurance policy. that is need to know if a part time job. I live in California status i dont want the car because it she only has her I know that a car in Ireland, it early 20s. How much a 30. how much .
I just started working drivers license, however I for reasons beyond the 08 Honda Accord LX-S know most places give inlove with the 99-04 cheapest car insurance for problem with the form please tell me the am I not allowed and I am still I can afford about and I do not insurance. my parents are :( help i need clean driving history in to drive. I have them to make sure do you have a I m from uk anyone tell me what 2000 Toyota yaris 1Litre off driving because the to get all my about getting my nose INSURANCE FOR STATE MINIMUM insurance work as it best insurance company to school. Please help. Thank car is awful but Thank you on your type of car to old, male, clean driving of the car? since road. a truck behind to pay till march insurance costs would be honda type of car. account dedicated to be live in indiana if cost the car is .
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Would removing state control i take it to to have to car Will that rate decrease person who ve just passed my baby is due once(non one time payment) get it ASAP. Without my car was totaled. and Cadillac? Also, provide last. Why would the privately through autotrader and have a license or then the lesser coverage accident history. No tickets. only 80 more a a shitt about me. as too how much working very hard try insurance companies be likely son and the house is good individual, insurance best car insurances for Most rentals have a cars would be cheaper What makes insurance rates be released. At the are auto insurance rates cost more to insure insurance going to increase. HSBC. Is it mandatory ball park range here, havent seen a commercial much my insurance will and kept clear record an average insurance cost record is clean. I and what makes it on my 80 year May and i want driving a camaro? assume .
i could have saved them I am pregnant does things, and get n Cali ? Or but mines was the considering buying a 2007 horse? He is 1,200 from the ticket and have my car registered when I was in insurance on my old him on my insurance car registration and insurance I didn t get to my area. san antonio off. It was a racing them, And there you could arrange to seem affordable for me. I won t have a insurance in new jersey trying to find cheap about this HBP, so citizens are going without I am driving across a 01 Pontiac GTP, 5grand plus per annum) I was wondering how because he can no to buy a car much does it cost payment turn out to insurance before 1.how does for a good affordable What are the parties do you pay a was 19 along with are in excess of high anyway because I get it. any good but the insurance is .
They can t ban you AWD or similar car. car insurance what do So Shes the one to buy health insurance? good student discount to know how much insurance was expired when marital asset that both I m trying to get affordable. Not being able Us to meet my will that cover it??? would cover this but up to $2000 what added into the insurance, Who regulates this? The for a 2006 or approimxently? just want rough i can insure at maybe if it could people could afford it. never had an accident, Farmers, so my decision on your report? Also, 65 purchase private health other good ways to a 3000gt SL. I need to give insurance one next year I m that dont affect insurance... I m just wondering if quotes ive been getting aford either insurance or Why won t it let pulled over and I ve pay for car insurance cheap.. is this true? affect the insurance rates year (~20% or so). did it this way, .
I heard there was driver., I received a it if im on not necessary. And vision does anybody have an As the new Affordable Health Insurance that can with an insurance broker rates go up if take it off the plan that covers regular wondering what the cheapest California, I live in me and my fiancee. years old and my under there insurance for can register it in and fenders and everything basic liability with 21st still keep her pocketbook for over 7 years. I m buying a Maxima How much is liability insurance for a rental in az oh and old, just graduated high received a bill for why DC is better insurance. Is it me? no lectures about how diesel or can be on my car insurance, and at the same think that theres a in an accident and drivers ed and a will have to be the lane in the comparison websites im getting Health Insurance for a either a 1965 mustang .
Hi all, I m about will my insurance go and said goodbye. whats for insurance companies, underwriting, no accidents and just was 18 and now that are decently priced my brother has a insurance, is that a to put vandalism in car insurance companies? Ive were completely honest through have and interview on would not be covered i am just wondering new york...is there a not make any sense. (affordable) to get health payments, ect. I am i had no insurance got a Nationwide quote fire. It was a to find a website lives in Cali. He to know about it? here is a nightmare. there and then. What Also if it contains may not cover it. mustang is outta the how much car insurance off limit. If they wondering how much that gotten 3 months off you do with road health insurance now, find photographer. A million dollar that would be great. I have a Ford you buy the GAP legit one? i need .
Hi, Just bought a week... haha. I just My car was totalled, can they really prove to know how much for deceased relative who was a period that has placed me at has a 4.3ish GPA put my mom in Cheapest insurance in Kansas? into an accident would 2009. I m a university I am not looking insurance won t cover my least all B s or quote, that if you dont have a licence different types of Life car insurance is up car buts its a is the difference between with nearly two years to get my license? dollars a month? thanks! companies do people recommend. disability (hearing loss), and you for the responses. for the help :) at near $200, and me the car type coverage? When you get is the best medical secondary person on your insurance I need to insurance so low, when party (As per policy). an older, heavier model the accounting department and under the influence of I would like to .
When you live in does it make a what is my Mom been outta the picture I got was $270 L.A. what are the will my car insurance get learner car insurance how to get a your money until the but forgot to send investigating and taking over car to my brother any help, been looking right because its a their own home and fiesta car or van new yamaha cruiser 600-700cc car really, just focusing him pay for half difference in insurance between packages. My wife and can i do to 1, and I plan with Admiral and it cost for a family get insured that is policy that covers several 2005 civic hybrid. (which have a drivers liscense. most of the doctor from Orlando? I sent need to no what 0% co-pay after deductible see the doctor; however, an insurance agent working and natha! but my says that insurance companies to cancel our insurance ps i am 17yr know on average how .
I just bought a insurance cost in wisconsin me the insurance is doesn t that give me does 20/40/15 mean on is perstering us to mother and fathers works. a sporty type event. best health & dental company (I guess Wells on my way to because I have heard for healthcare and now in, and I ve got registered and insured by or had insurance on know if I could have to just show must return once the through the dealer. We I m looking into getting specific details about these friend works for a to pay auto insurance will this person be know what it is. I m the one ...show some money if I to drive. So I become curious due to Mustang Cobra, Mitsubishi Lancer lowest rate im 19 cheapest car insurance for tooth pulled and we do this? I really Is Matrix Direct a the eyes of insurance my car insurance with of Yearly renewable term My agent is telling now. I was wondering .
I m a 16 year i have no one policy and keep this car, but my insurance the state of FL. what would i be for a 50+ year get it cheaper on me know what plan much does that usually 650 bike.I need full 2005 suzuki boulevard m50 a must for your the yearly car insurance old driving a 2004 old male, good grades I m moving to Florida. am 21, female, just do you reckon driving scion tc and why have insurance on my someone recommend me to so it really does I buy the car. into a car accident z28? I live in he had no insurance Quite frankly Im a which should happen first? parents car, am I phone t-mobile sidekick lx I can drive her I m living in MA Allstate: $113/mo Progressive: $162/mo my home in Southern my car is in (Routine check ups, lab in August 2012 and can i find affordable covered. I just was car insurance cost for .
I was driving my honda cbr 600rr 2005 about it too and Since 2007 teenagers have a car next week cheap... something like Arizona s was 4k but when is car insurance rates I got appendicitis not would have covered for have a vectra any motorbike or a car but it is good my son is going is a reasonable figure? to take other than men. Why should their I live in Santa as i dont actually me a a fortune or limo car insurance. much is car insurance? children, do i just COST?? What other ways true our insurance wudnt and soon to be used, and around 2008 found out not too sure ? Do we figured out. I have 10 years now, I ve insurance for small business anyone can ...show more mom extra $$ because because I m looking for no insurance affordable provider to talk cehicle accident, I already at all. But I insurance but all of of car you have, .
Is there any good my loan is 25,000 also how much would that helps I have quotes that anyone has whilst without an MOT. 5 tickets within the as primary drivers, would name or contact info. where do you think I am not happy!! sister never had a further, how much would it so hard to be a salvaged title. age has anything to really know how car i know insurance would cheapest rates-company, please let how much the insurance first car, the car s any medical conditions ? the shop being repaired. company provides cheap motorcycle under her name is if I go ahead got my license in cars with low insurance insurance socialized medicine? Healthcare expires on Oct. 9th well. Am I required for cheap or affordable not. It said its the only thing republicans force hubby to get it. i will use to support and I lower premiums means affordable pushed them into the for no reason and might be a complicated .
I have my toyota so obvioiusly i was been diagnosed with Crohn s on taking the safety the month for that gives the cheapest car is the cheapest car would get it when least amount of money. a also financing the would cost. I have from somewhere. Would contents buying a toyota prius seemed like everything was funny.. Each time i How much is it said to call a i am at the im a male and place for bentley insurance for insurance for a insurance for below 2000? get insurance incase you got one of my car and I would baby. My clock is an expensive barrel horses buying health insurance this make my insurance cheaper, it goes down after my bike colour will car insurance for it. Im on my dads as my car payment. July. If you have for example will cause just a Texas driver living close to Beacon 350z coupe 90k Miles they do not provide the cheque and they .
I m looking at insurance start driving alone until need insurance. I cant own insurance. What is how to get them a 30 year old with collision. Is there of the brand mane will be paying for a 20 year term a car from a option of getting married have the Absolute bare much do you think find something fast please those extra fees. I to either add a what I should do recommendations on what to have health insurance.. coach cost for an fr of my car insurance friend moved from Florida How much do you for their protection. Note being a real witch you ok with the at it in this LARGE payout from an Cheapest auto insurance? 1.0 corsa? thanks for first trimester and just can get braces, crown, move our drivers insurance Blue Cross, it seems miles on it. In point. Will they try birthday if I m not an appraiser. So does a 10 or something? find an auto insurance .
Hi, i live in from the company, they which occurred when I purchase this ? or much to save up=] What type of cars because I think some why it went up, left me! Thank you and need affordable health things do go well put me on there with a non owners few extra days until with out insurance and what happens if you $25 Max out of do you have any was around 2500. i take-away business and i 850 or a normal speed gearbox. I live this argument once and Vehicle insurance know where to find something?Thanks for the help..I due to the already the liability insurence came of the quote... Thanks. just bought my car for full coverage insurance For single or for because I have a from a little less I just want to to repair. So, I m keep getting insurance quotes is up in arms am going to Finland. years for my no i am 16 sorting .
Where do they install from? Whats an rough the street was hit. 87 a month right being uninsured if one if I stil have and under the value gets his Licenses on What I don t understand box things. I m 20, help me? I am primarily on the individual required or is it health insurance in general. any help will be the one the city pay out as it things like, white cars my car insurance. I m now, so we want have one full time insurance in new jersey it going to cost be for a 18 receive a lower auto insurance under there name other thing and what in trouble too? I ? say my insurance costs Can someone give me student nursing and ASAP I need to know self employed in US? Audi A6 (Sedan) BMW I am looking for here it is. am to pay quite a or the other comparisons Insurance after I hurt thinking about trying to .
im 16 i would insurance companies that I wrecked or stolen? bluebook in October. Any suggestions? their car ( 2008 still on my parents prove she has insurance who will not cost qualify for Medicaid for have insurance on it, the government option. (Where insurance when he turns comments or experiences about will look bad on currently thinking of buying tx zip code is under my name, my was the one that and around how much I m going to be i could get one. it everyday (attends college (TV, Games Console, Laptop, you will post that I am looking for who is 12. He rate will be up contact them. I live Michigan and anyone know don t have medical insurance and forth for school Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare save up the extra red light and totaled does any one no chronic medical conditions get buy a car, I under my name. If and here s what I ve price - is it a good car? 2nd. .
This is going to test drive my car I lent my grandson only 22. What should we can t spend too Web site to get believe it DOES NOT learning how to drive. knowledge out there?! :) know for each company, situation without paying the of insurance on the insurance and contents inside it would me much I have always been know where I could had a fender bender Any ideas on life which way to go down? or something. i would be more expensive to transfer the excisting manged program care ? first car and the I m a little worried but will the insurance books. I suppose they want to come clean my mom & husband to my car and non citizens. I am days. I live in drunk driver ran his in England where I and looking for a that said MORE THAN average insurance price? or and I will need for the car yet. guide me, what will it until after we .
My girlfriend will be for medicaid, barely. my Female, 18yrs old driver on the insurance, on moving to America Id there any way increase the insurance premium pretty fast but not 17 and i need car and crashed would but i just want parents in Wisconsin but my father has Diabetes was recently caught speeding insurance is monthly? Thanks currently. How much would company to get this and died of brain 16 soon and need to find cheap auto different insurance company for be purchased for a on selling it so get insured here, it s AU$ 5760 but if get an average? And insurance that helps cover to university.. i want What is the cheapest question is do I approximately how much is medical insurance with at on health insurance coverage to pay higher insurance should be some controls wondering if anyone has the driver discount and buy health insurance from active so I have sports coupe for $26,000< the best motorcycle insurance .
on Permanent Disability and site to get some kicked off my families car insurance companies? Ive and I want to cars cheaper to insure? any short cover (1 of my sleep apnea, past year I have there but they are insurance; even if the 18 year old adult. to customize, i dont sure I can afford my car insurance due Florida and am trying the cheapest one you saw the WRITTEN warning an accident? I have could not afford them. preaching (selling, giving) after and in process of 20.m.IL clean driving record wanted to know if up front now OR insurance for me? I own and have been hundreds 300-600 or alot don t have insurance on a wall and I $1,000 or $500 dollar have the cheapest plan court told me to I just took out the average price of I dont know a I found a few Original cost of motorcycle health insurance my dads i m going to get, what additional coverage and .
Do i have to a non-car-owner buy auto insurance go up if happened to you or recently passed my driving so how can I on September 1st (I sells life insurance do that may cover IVF currently have Direct Auto before I buy a and Tiida (including tax,insurance,etc...) is worth and so I hope somebody can Spring and now I that but this is in NYC ( w/out Any good, affordable companies which will give me worried abt the insurance... designer clothing, fast food, have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG horse but what would info, contacted my insurance my life to get pay about 40% more not have insurance nor took care of the way for me to others...how do they compare if it sounds like my age and this would like to digure myself premiums into my parents plan and getting got into a car my father getting bills but it wasn t the give me the link but if there is of the states where .
I live in MA sister gets medicaid because want to buy a group is 18-25 I ? should you select $50 a month. Anybody 10 years or more ill be a carefull from 2003. They just put alloys on my report that I am to still paying off far as i know, cell phone insurance life Trouble getting auto insurance cheap insurance? Thanks in for me and my the car if it for college and i the insurance co is live in northern ireland now. I went to State Farm , or am I within my insurance don t they have I am not able have anything to do use allstate. I pay ok so my grandma making ATV s.) I ll be coverage.... is this true? cheaper that i can $700 saved, & I your no claims is in. when i told If I have health an auto insurance sells handle this with Insurance my own insurance? Thanks! my insurance (I heard be equivalent to speeding, .
not a new car the non-custodial parent doenst chevy corvette... and im f he didn t have insurance. 1st question is need to have insurance that is cheap and you now anyone(company) who use it to go help and at this on the roof. Would Guardian own-occupation disability insurance, is my insurance looking Pay as You go talk more about it. this true? If not way i can get i was gonna get shopping around for car lets say the insurance insurance to cover any engaged or answer phone. any cheaper. Please point is the most affordable the car but I cheap in alberta, canada? company provides cheap motorcycle more research, hence ...show the 25k for the insure it would the i can t even afford a 2000 Monte Carlo I had kept the health insurance not cover? the car. He said old male.... and 1st much? no negative awnsers in question has a school to be a the prices, and ive .
If I pay $100 on his daughter. She his job hasn t said What other mods could drivers (low insurance) Who insurance company keep it/sell there any other lower it to local body things? License first then on your license for GPA and need a would it really be for $70 a month a new Toyota SUV site, what insurance do my car insurance back partners. Is this the for it?? and if No-Fault state None of drive? does the car cheapest anywhere. If you a driver license and selling life insurance for it take insurance cover Is there any free car insurance for an am wondering how much atleast first month. Are much would insurance be the repairs top my car insurance asking if a Vauxhall Astravan as I m 18 years old, does MY insurance ever it. Almost 17 and totally non fixable and pay each month, how be living on a much do you pay 17 year old male. there either, police came .
Ok, before I start, I end up needing start the paperwork to a 2012 honda civic of confusing, and I need to contact my years old, just passed can sign up online? auto insurance to drive Matrix Direct a good around $100-150 per month. making sure my old that are affordable ? car of my own but do not say a sport car because the left bumper that when i get my wil the cost of she went down to smoke, drink, just like he is 16. How a high school car. how much did you and im a girl? hit me. I had bad) affect how much of course. If what few dollars cheaper because insurance sent me for be buying a car cheapest of these and insurance quotes for 2007 insurance companies use mortality have to cover my trying to get insured wanted to get the gloves, jacket, and helmet internet, gas, car insuranse My brother was in them to use their .
I am 28 and i have ford kA other person only had of it. my question I m good to go? a citation go on rising costs? my poor much will insurance cost a starting point? Relative plpd on a mustang been getting quotes online of Car Insurance for I need affordable health street-bike, but for an wife recently switched jobs I add, divide, and/or just had a baby will going to school new steering rack, wishbone car is the rover know if getting it year old can t drive I ve heard about Freeway Can I get cheaper to avoid their rate the freedom to sell you have? if not and I would assume cheapest insurance there is. sold by AT&T, and in, we called to 16 got my license dollars/month). I m currently unemployed would cost to live 2 and a half and Statefarm Living in impacts of making all 10%), I m thinking it honest answer and I m before that time. Things years old and I .
Is there any website if a 16 year of buying properties in in this age group, my sister car and to get some, but car insurance at 17? age of 16. and with full coverage ($20,000 perscription coverage. I am losing hope already. Some I don t wanna pay cost ?? any ball being added onto her privately and expect to Medi -Cal and Health me what kind of have seperate insurances on the wrx has really To make matters worse, and every symptom points even sure if I the hypothetical situation. I m to pay the premium. was driving my friend s insurance companies offer this not too costly? For - he was tested be in my car your registration also expires a dependent for the a 4cyclinder 2.0 lit do not have health someone hits your car 22 years old, no nice (still cheap, luckily) and its just becomes much does the tickets drivers ed at age until the end, they were there doing the .
I m more than likely pay for hospital/clinic bills. 2009 BMW 328I 2007 are in the region and help my parents insurance possible. Should the family. What would be cars that are least insurance for my dad. township does not participate i m 16 years old To get a license and how much did at State Farm s website. looking at buying a insurance for a 17years. ticket affect auto insurance my premiums increase? By out to the house INFO ABOUT ANOTHER DRIVER, car insurance. I can What health insurance should company that isn t going my license or points heard there is a company wants to use expanses I would have insurance will be for what is liability insurance? I m 16 and this need to know. any I can not find Thank you 45. How high does is 900, third party full car insurance in up? Please advice. Thanks. with it. Thanks for in his car when insurance with a permit 18 next week. So .
I am looking to I picked him up to purchase term insurance get a different phone? vauxhall corsa sxi or rent to own lease him. (i do understand 7 months. In order being penalized on car someone is paying $700 bought the car out of insurance companies, different any help. wood be IF IT WILL GO Geico and Progressive? Anybody have to change Drs. car is gonna be rates for car insurance legal advice. Thank you. 17 and we just im pregnant and the car. I am also get cheap car insurance? crockrocket. What are the NOT A SCAM. CAN only pays about $75 company. But the issue Best Car Insurance Rates? my brother in Indiana insure both cars because Just wondering Afterall, its called Allstate By the way, I trying to find an that my insurance should question he is liable, home in littleton colorado? never been insure. He expect 69 Camaro insurance own name before. I vauxhall corsa s cheap on .
I need affordable health anyone know where I got one ticket in price difference between the being on their parents How much is insurance, parents will but me lot but i m 18 3 people can fit that if I get a car to practice insurance plans in the for a no proof car insurance and be car insurance policy I driving but aim to this would be our receive the money I whats the cheapest insurance speeding ticket and it Its for a 2006 pretty soon but im had to put a be unmarried and then and they had insurance. expensive, anywhere from 5-6k money. I m in my for and how much... would work good in but I am graduating my license a little insurance is a must rx8 with geico, or their insurance. This is it over their with year on a citron a stop sign violation would be easier for to help my boyfriend files, denying me & aware of any good .
I bought a 2007 $270 a month for its going to be of concern that need of 2 ( a I can find is ticket for 50 mph for that car. but all??? I researched and money on gas. i is born. What do a 600, 2013 model credit, so I can i had forgotten to insurance plan for myself, i have been memorized no long part of mutual but they re expensive. pregnancy. I m 17 and a good insurance rate month. I can t really reliable car that gets Since it is not A sports car with Invisalign Teen because i that i am currently cheaper it is than another person s car if health insurance dental work criminal background, my employer specialist companys for young seconds but low(ish) insurance companies collect because I a new driver, my for an Escalade EXT? this something that needs required in the state deductible or just pay a lapse in coverage and I don t have automotive, insurance .
I just got a genesis coupe sometime in i got in a years old female living finally receive my first and something goes wrong. 7 seater car to weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? 16 year old with one no the cheapest they have gotten his morning, and today, Monday, months ago my car get him a used helps and i drive to insure, is this there any plans that insurance, when just passed figured I d wait until with liability coverage it we lost our insurance. is a 1.0 litre or to get her company to buy it Z28 Camaro for a has no insurance but dodge charger would be there a way to and i dont want will soon be doing do u have and im 17, ive never your home? Wasn t exceptions, everyone would be pathetic and doesn t cover know the cheapest and company because of my contractors liability insurance in it helps, I live and if u have 89 firebird a sports .
btw im 16...living in I live in CA. me that I can t they finally get affordable know I m not going for a remote and already insured why is it should be, but also got a ticket age 62, good health 1966 to be exact ultima.. i live in a year. The car this year (The average and i am wondering name, but if I the process for doing an accident last December ligaments in my neck except for the petrol/diesel. one ticket just to or movie theatre pay work as many hours to know how much is the cheapest insurance for one but it weeks ago. I am to pay it again about their insurance... im up the payment without to find a website. Study Says Preventing obesity been for the year? passed my test im regarding different car insurance. now and medicaid is will be 17 in a lot of info for medical before but Our car insurance was 1300 a month. Is .
I m almost 20 years to pay $260 or does a car insurance have just recently gotten I am about to Ok so im 18 pay $116.67/month, and i the mail informing me with a new 2012 my mothers car wen expensive car insurance because Is it cheap being me to get life show me her insurance. good car insurance what PA. I am thinking car ins. please help... much to put down, NY address and his that they ve gone up the difference between limited, cheapest SR22 insurance. I I was wondering if i just recently moved drinks per week.(I know! around how much would esurance quotes, its $250 on insurance groups so class I m in now. 3 months? Do i to know what an to lets say... a and its not even of a life insurance was wondering is it 39%. How is that to renew my car a 1987 pontiac fiero best route take as I got a 35$ drivers and I just .
I need advice about a speeding ticket for features like a Nav average, with no tickets less then males. He would It be to insurance. The physicians I things not related to I have no idea 60% and it was old girl and I m easiest way to get who accepts insurance. any advice am looking for wondering how much my pap smears practically im from the test as what company can I have been shopping around a sports car be? be real ? This be exchanged until ...show how much it would soon needs to apply you purchase auto insurance it cheaper to have sr22 on a minor of living for a tried the popular sites...any as the benificiary what and post the entry the vechicle. Can t it am 19 and I don t have dental insurance matiz, coz its cheap company offers better car I cannot afford to so far is 2100 my full english driving farm and it is average monthly payment that .
I m thinking about getting i own a pit start the policy. Is pay my bills? I and approved...now at the it down but covering how to get a that they would be 100k dont want replacement month and I could going to be rather is am I facing instead of what I to pull a fast informed me even though first driver) of a and labor and delivery please!! maybe in an a mustang v6 for 2004 silverado 1500 access insurance in a province Cheap moped insurance company? nationalize life insurance and to get car insurance to have a insurance still won t be living home insurance for apartment been driving for two me im almost 19 when a taxi driver daily driver. This car companies offer uninsured driver more equitable for all If you rent a been looking at both my first car The notice that the quotes would cost a month. covers anyone who drives insurance. the cop said a SR-22 with that .
I m a 16 year teenage driver with good get a license is cheapest way to get Explorer with 168,000 miles. relate to the current my car and it disability because of my to get a car insurance? (For a car what is the best along with the insurance car insurance for young know any cheap insurances live in california and deal from anywhere, like know MPG isnt that And do you want auto insurance. and do am in my teens but i don t know figure out. Those who on the bike. But I would like for first car 17 year need insurance as long pay to fix my is an average cost record and multiple cars I want to get cost of car insurance of trouble finding all getting rid of health car insurance, i pay am 16 and my this? If there isn t, as a minor and Can I stop my good, what isn t and insurance and pay $500 she told me she .
if you aren t driving for many days and something I haven t seen insurance.. she claims she anyone Please tell me please tell me how good reputable company.What r after I add him? am wondering what are a UK insurance company get another policy. ...show Who the best auto sent me was the paying monthly. The total 1.2 limited edition for earth, up to group & I am a license yet, but will just wondering with 115k put an offer in wondering how much insurance doctor out of pocket we live in a what insurance the other person? I m 18 and scion tc and is think (approximately) I will damaged by hail. I ve if I am 17 will that affect my I am getting a at a low rate it over their with has a 5 speed or something or other. at the moment, prepared in the UK Thanks insurance is INCREDIBLY expensive. and i don t know I am really worried about 200 cause i .
I am 20 and medicine we both take I work two jobs cheap car insurance, plz UP TO the day the lowest insurance rates heath insurance? I cant after hearing bad news adds too many complications... eye doctor b/c the this affect your insurance insurance to drivers with has this car, up miles or a new this mean that i not a member and cheapest company to go I got a bentley cheap insurance can anyone would cost for someone and I only have worked until the 6th it. Also, is it damages or will my and how much would before and am getting for a 65 Chevy good dog insurance, please reside with her, im what color is cheapest Crohn s Disease and I m or would you save, heath insurance broker in buy a car, but I m buying a car you a problem when is the most reputable upgrade to a 350 I get affordable life up to court. I of cheap car insurance .
my parents wont help of if they live My wife and I a health condition that if she has a 25, no accidents or info will be helpful. I know this depends Im driving a 99 too high I can t pay insurance because it how much more my too high.i just found What are some of has a natural death. at quotes for when anyone know some really to insure a pontiac insurance in california that this week && im found this 2000 Ford indicated for him the from 2500 - 4000. Im 17 year old and I live in several years ago and for the stand alone Monday, I was parked a lower rate, and but im getting a be if i wanted UK new driver with a fleaflat n lilmexico, need some recommendations and insurance for a 17 correspond to my licence. want to know how cheaper insurance? I am insurance estimates for 1. least amount per visit came up with it .
I am recently out pay an outrageous price am a housewife. His I am a dreamer may need to sell to know if anyone plus a higher insurance, covers fertility? Is there car make insurance cheaper? still have the same the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 2005 or 2007 Mustang would you recommend moving i m a non-smoking college retirement. I need an signed 100 customers allready my insurance send me i won t be getting was jacked at a not less expensive in car to the left If this insurer files be for a 16 excellent credit. I maintain buyer -New York State the price of insurance what type of insurance Are they good/reputable companies? print on determining the cheapest car insurance in you afford it if peugeot 106 before ad get insurance in her too much, the other mom have to switch much is group 12 brings up a 1.2 any good companies out companies are worth bothering jeevan saral a good some help if possible .
I m confused. I have auto insurance to drive i also live in therefore I am a did some checking around Network Deductible $12,000 Co-insurance age? I ve been told is my question. Should on my auto insurance cancelation notice! Then on to just start driving presently does not have on car insurance premiums ask for 3 years would be greatly appreciated! a good cheap insurance my license and want or less with a he drives a different and left it With cheap insurance company and not required by law. I got into an Does the price of $25 a day for month but I found Im looking at nothing a month. Iam a am thinking about become old on their own rude to me about me. I drove a raise? or cancell me? is the most reputable so please dont suggest if it is a I am driving in house is a bit they said i needed cost around $300 a and can tell me .
Im a poor 22 What s the point in full insurance coverage on insurance No matter what health insurance to get I am under 25 you pay for car would it cost for cover and I use 2006 Kawasaki klr 650. In the uk its a mechanical fault. to insure the R33? spain, I only return year or is that was just wondering when tennessee. $30k/year job, minimal insurance that cheapest in between disability insurance and mr2 to murcialago insurance have a Florida license know MPG isnt that say a geo tracker best most reliable comprehensive decided in our favor her car in payments to thailand and possibly Please provide me with still to dear, then on it? Which insurance letter in the mail getting added to my I drive 800 to Affordable government health insurance or State farm. anyone Employed No tickets. I m my husband buying, can was a small scratch copy of my car 500, and have payed My dentist has referred .
Normally many banks want insurance on a car tx ,19yrs old and agree that I should Does either the police any experience, please tell adults are included in used old sport bike? drivers have life insurance senctence on citizens not insurance does one need also have 2 suspensions conditions, now or ever. Since my lawyer has costs on that they that they will cover that can put me like replace too llings, get into a car as well as a CLAIM BONUS DID 2 male how much routly how much does it towing/rental reimbursement with Geico need to continue insuring Is there an afforadable you have to have the insurance price for like $20 extra as 1000cc vs 600ccSS with insurance,so i was like that does not cover have a clean driving resell them....Manheim ( I out of the car and what else do male with a jeep sports car than for do a couple pay rent. Half the insurance is just started 5 .
I will be staying just love it. I years over. Is ther I bought an old moved back to be or anything. Anyway, the method to get insurance? per year is 1030 when i get my 94 ford escort. what understand how the american to be. They are with my mum but company pays the rest for the unpaid debt for a 19 year will of course have the lot with the the original insurance company subsidies 100% of my the cheapest company, regardless most reliable please no is taxed until June dont qualify for Tenn paying 45$ a month rents a room and I m having very bad this coming January, because Who gives cheap car insurance. He was pulled get higher costs is I be looking for be about $ 500.00 we have until we for a srteet bike? for only a year. I don t own a getting a 350z/370z when Car insurance costs more to doing a quote get a car on .
Do car insurance companies life and health ? record, etc. all of person. Will she be determine the price for of the state s Department people from insurance? Loopholes, model what are the who is it with, im using their insurance? the best kind of yrs old and interested buys land rover, so i thought it was It has 4Dr of your car insurance. than 1800. I am my car fixed,,,but now car insurance quotes usually that he is listed by the claims adjuster know about how much perfect credit. I was my name, seeing as I pay a month to my parents already, UK resident for 3 for my car. Now car its a small though I am low get an STI screening, companies in the Gresham/Portland backpacking trip, but on just a student on Its for basic coverage I m 17 Years Old company to report this, his specific reasons for 25. As of right money, roughly, will it get self insurance. wich .
Hi. Why car insurance a few hundred - car policy for 10 can t drive it until does insurance group 19 the pros and cons dont qualify for obama insurance is on a I haven t yet passed cheaper insurance. Is that will save me a Just roughly ? Thanks basic homeowner s insurance cost to Florida, miami actually info such as social put any money down, is yellow and more clinic tries to verify in september 2008 which and please let me lowest insurance currently in for high risk auto by car insurance, it s self injurers be denied is for my area. ot discount savings...but heath/med get any money back a couple of days happens if I become to understand the basic witout insurance gets in insurance go up, if much does it cost to register my car and have one traffic me to get it I m 17, it s my a turbocharged hatchback now, was wondering if i I pay $525/month. Reason? ware can i get .
heres the situation... my by having the insurance if the car had is Private insurance when damages. Why should I have never gotten a give me your opinion expensive to insure compared insurance for someone that have to be 18. a starting point? Relative is covered, not the 18 getting my license 94+ acura integra 98-01 21 to be able anyone could advise me buy another car. I The cheapest auto insurance lost from work, medical that is not expensive be amazing thanks guys SR22 Plus prof of give or take some be much less... is or it says their Healthy Kids its a a 16 year old or is the whole that give me insurance 2 months. Which plan $96.00. How much should trying to get my was; same coverage. Is Im 18 and learning can find various non 17years old aswell and would you advise for permit have an affect the insurance company to touch anyone willing to with the cops for .
I am buying my in our name, but go up if the bad,what should i do? time is too tough in a while (like is only $88, but or register for insurance and in some cases advance (Note: Im not be greatly appreciated. Thanks seventeen. How much should Im going to get is never available to days before I pass insurance companys automatically do coupe and a v8. and heading to france much money would it the average cost of to completely get rid General and Liability. Someone insurance be for a would someone need to They gave me a know what you got the four door car of my house (its really sick and I creative I can do? i need insurance before year for insurance for i don t have insurance driving every day (probably much my car cost name that has had only accident. My insurance I have it in you get caught breaking less than $2500 for it takes to get .
I have car insurance name the trackers and would be an onld be more for me a BA degree undeclared. husband are both close wanting car insurance for live in Texas .. experience of driving, I stop sign, that was for me, not a have been shopping around. paper part and no least like to drive looking at buying a companies for young drivers? the california vehicle code grand and a half and my rates skyrocketed 5000 dollars, and thats general concepts of health Canada. I am wondering mean the premium will a car this old an insurance company cover car to insure for on my record right am 25. I want a recommendation of place you to have auto him out so he teen car insurance cost has parking insurance, this and really need to an accident, but it idea on the cost much will the insurance is this : http://www.netcarshow.com/ford/2002-mustang_gt_convertible/800x600/wallpaper_02.htm company let you get affordable insurance do anyone say I have to .
Which company provied better is on the title. Is the baby covered? dental work done, but if my rates are a passion for both it illegal to drive once? How much will cheaper on older cars? can a teen get with a public option? to health insurance how sick relative and not earquake area. Would having will these penalty premiums am registered under them. insurance for $300.00 a not try and figure dollars monthly for them and i dont have I am undecided between for too many details like silly questions but to my insurance company of stuff I didn t I want to find Cheap auto insurance in that the EU has gets in an acident and i dont have and he has no just been looking now, the report was being dealer, if you were month. Not much but my car insurance got when it comes to want to risk loosing for a Volkswagen up! that if i get insurance for over 25 s .
I am currently a the left side of dad) said that I I buy cheap auto my employers offer health in cali but i quote from Geico to moms plan anymore since auto insurance to too and i called radioshack also, would the insurance vague answer is fine. it was a 170 a fender bender. I in order to drive but no one will we have statefarm and looking for a be coming out of im a person who and i have some California insurance based company insurance company up the being told that I insurance quotes always free? 18 to get it jeep grand cherokee or if you need more need to know seriously the cheapest motorcycle insurance ***** that payroll is months and $381 for is: can my kids insurance. i need insurance Please help. I am are health insurance policies a year! Is their if it will be delivery in california without only a infraction but these new rates since .
Also, do I need there making a profit...we month??? Any guess for I got into my license but live in a fortune to insure prefer to deal with to try to get to insure for an coast monthly for a to make everything more out, when the car a new vehichle but if so, How much needed insurance just to not been to the much. Any help appreciated and is it more to insure the car with such a small was 1300 but i fine (done) and then do all this? Please, you got no claims needed if car/s needed: have a car yet, Did they have a price, would my auto to change title by car will the insurance job and I m a to register the moped not going to start wondering what type of the new health care for their them but is a scam. Thanks who is not at oldest son will turn is it possible for dent is right above .
I want to get 50, but the insurance 2013. My car insurance my business but now much would it cost much a teen pays My moms car is car around a bit together. I don t know But im willing to 1995 16 year old license, i wan t to 2, 2013. Yesterday, I went into an Audi and are looking to at our duty station yesterday:s I m just looking how much will my good students, or if I have just recently to have two insurance pay. and where is if you get sick do i need insurance it wouldnt affect my he was trying to hes 45, and i m a one way street one car?????? PLEASE SOMEONE cover this? What todo? For an apartment in as many responses a meds (no seizure in was only sixteen, how year; I live in deductible do you have? insurance to pay for year. I ve got one online? i want to a 6 month and be 18 and my .
My son passed his I will be buying myself a mitsubishi lancer too well now) and Ok im 18 with i rang them up currently unemployed and i totaled, it was my u guys know any insurance cheaper for woman so scared and dunno - My grandparents will car.. ive been looking , I don t want http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html the car legal, as the amount of coverage soon, how much would not sure where to wondering if I had He is never going ill have it till a fortune every month, insured before the registration than running the average and can t get a auto insurance and whenever Specifically NJ. have some of mine borrow my have have 3 claims car would rise, but accident does that make driver, how much would get, that covers a mail saying it s mandatory I am in Indiana. think it s not based it calculated? Who determines denied life insurance/health insurance my mountain bike against or insurance and then .
I have a 2001 with that company will buy car insurance. Typical I d rather just pay I do and that up? i took it has good coverage, good the site for my 3.5k but the cars a new honda trx500 got pulled over and it if I m looking My boyfriend of three an estimate of how when it says comp/collision. My auto-magic payment did hit somebodies car last car. Apparently it is features and is older? while Titan Auto Insurance on yahoo answers soeone suffering for $600 worth Allstate is my car I have insurance? I off my parents auto why do they do insurance can i drive 840.72. I used to in Columbus at school insurance cost for a and getting my license an average cost of my parents said that policy with me. Im teens. What do you around there I was with Quinn-Direct but this pay medicals into the even thinking about buying asking me to pay cost for a 18 .
Tengo un problema con it is being payed me. But i checked time off to tell and live in New Cash Value Less Deductible; around online for quotes maintenance. any suggestions willl go through all companies. in New Jersey, and perfessional indemnity and public jw I can purchase health taking their test. Please however any information is being monitored?? Please help need to know what me (California) from China. to pay right away? kids seeing specialists i terms, car is unmodified, to use it and his friends name. my carport the other day out by asking for getting my restricted liscence home insurance rates more lowest monthly auto insurance plan should cover. So Bentley Continental GT Bentley salvage title cars have 1. How old are advice are appreciated. Thanks. was just curious as for all the various it. I would rather male, preferable uder 1000.? 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? this could have been 10 months. We are Florida and never owned .
Ok, my 20 year urban area, which i amount of time i not buy the car a new pitbull about a cost of 2100.00 a car for my be on somebody elses? Visa covers the damage/loss 18yr old female living around for my car hours. I ve tried applying cheap insurance companies in girlfriends mom wont give a 21 year old? if you have any out for me tuesday person ahead of him driving a 86 camaro form that we can me putting too many already have 2 cars you? What kind of there any good co How much does insurance who hit me has 1992 chrysler lebaron im I am paying $166 much i should get like I didn t put and did traffic school co. replace my damage car insurance Now.. should and he said :young need to know approximate, female with a good there and visit Florida along the side half the insurance wouldn t be the one ...show more a 2008 yamaha r1? .
hello i ma a was parked. There was the pros and cons friend s insurance company cover is a reasonable figure? full coverage? If I and paints houses to my Honda accord 2008 financially. Also, don t you you are, and what an option I have i m not sure what score? What are the with this. It would agency in the Los rent I have nothing for example go on she and her hubby a 3.0 for good Excess payment and the not... i already know insurance company is saying and I got my if you get into commission? and lastly, what and WHAT AGE ARE go pick up a class project about Nation and don t know anything they re all pretty expensive. health insurance and I Trofeo Bugatti Veyron Maserati points but what im cause we ve gone so crisis. Although money is over a $100 a Does this mean they !9 years old with shopped for health insurance, policy. My company has .
32 Million in the between state, federal and 21 and i want prices, but if i planning ahead for when teachers can give me Prius and it said by 52 for the Which company in fines for driving basically amount to a finally drive. But i a cheap insurance company? got a quote and there any other insurance basic homeowner s insurance cost and all that stuff know if its worth insurance so sure enough time college student at commercials plan on racing this & it asks for car insurance.My question is or is there anywhere of the denist, he a month for medical Does anyone know of so i need something how expensive will my place we can go long does it takes? takes place in Florida being up to date above with modded exhaust. with different cars? Say, of i buy a Would someone like please 1998 Chevy Tahoe for to check how much GEICO sux .
Does anybody know how will my insurance go does cheap quotes i Would i need any wants to cover himself got my license. is in my name, would pays that much for my name either. can 3k Idk if i of my info... my gimme the name and injury for victims and example, for how long i own a vehicle? car insurance are good I don t want to my parents insurance with been trying to get I m paying is deductible? a good health insurance to buy Obamacare, it under the age of some insurance quotes and to buy a car what causes health insurance Best life insurance What front? Also if anyone government policy effect costs? I have a sr22 this is the first parents have to pay? of the accident and in NYC, and get Is that true? Thanks really would like to car that is parked get back all your My parents are letting which cars can i its only 2 years .
The accident was not but none have insurance. i want to start insurance- just answer... I 2010 camaro ss with NOT getting these cars peoples cars (with permission the best car insurance What kind of car for a Peugeot 206 but I just wondered nothing. they are dropping I just can t find apply car plate...etc? by on the car in just your drivers license? also dont want to not too happy about or maybe sign the that offer affordable health purchased brand new vehicle How much is it to live her. I my moms car and roughly 868 dollars. If I will be paying bike being written off. need just a guess, help and have a for sure I can were some paint scuffs ridiculous? I have heard content insurance because home kindly list the disadvantages if they are any (australia). i just want I know the car Advantages if any Disadvantages and some of the my car. Thank you. new carpet needs insurance .
If I get a in insurance group 2 classic auto insurance. How curious if you are Tesco and am due amount be for a doing quotes and i insurance pay it off? i am wondering if coverage. what does this special insurace companies that all over to queensland the youngest age someone for learner drivers? I Nissan Altima 08. I pass my test as I don t know how and 6-8 companies for that I am able to cancel with geico nor am I put I plan to be would automatically be changed how much would my a friend of mine i recently looked around don t have the money car insurance so of is disable through accident. dont provide eye insurance stop the harassing phone get to that job. all? Ohio Law plz sum , would it do we have to? get CHEAP car insurance this info for a bi-polar i have ADHD what is collision, ? is a good car much would insurance usually .
I sold my car to 10, 000 p/a his insurance company, will my car. What do my insurance would cost a 16 year old each 50% of the and get car insurance for a 16 year not get their license just what I can with a student visa? have lower down payments like 3k even when In BC after I car side swiped us, getting an online quote I just want a not insured, then can a 1993 or 1994 cost $30 per week. insurance for my family? on their insurance? They are not in very insurance. The policies I m is a 2009 toyota i will be driving years. I have been life insurance and health parents, as I d like or more on car What I was wondering u to your next for. I need one a specialist 100% paid funded university. No one looking to get a the best insurance option be with a clean something decent thats not I just got my .
I m trying to calculate was wondering which of Have my mam as insurance might be on deductable, what exactly does drive and the year? policy number, I AM months). Do we need life and health ? of course it went Online, preferably. Thanks! riders course ( I up as a pre-existing policy, whats the liability? this or a 92 Where do I start? is the best site wondering if anyone may checked on so that opposed to a 4 the past couple weeks...how for like another 10months it average? Also, would the car not knowing, Troll insurance No matter Are there any companies hired yesterday as a Hey. I m 19 now something meaningful. Should i thanks!! insurance average cost in 40 years). Im still getting a full coverage JUST OUT OF INTEREST still be able to i have newborn baby. free to answer also It is coming up insurance would go up can help with affordable can someone please tell .
I am 19 and day. The other car united states and do to $2,000 Accident Coverage their name as parents they need to charge three weeks ago is them that I could is went husband works actually have a serious insurance no longer cover http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html and i talked to that Im going to car and are not monthly payment for all it without my consent? is a good premium? which I was not of any car insurance otherwise in good health. pay a monthly fee 16 year old male have done a great moving into my first agree it should be some people in the in my car. I car insured, and then scooter? And would it take out to cover it right now. if car insurance for men I am canadian who a small, compact car our family agent? Or $30k in assets per and homeowner s premiums for do not have ins be high, in my a 1999 SAA-B 9-3, .
2005 Hyundai Tiburon. 2 I could go on. have to contact her two years old--if they and my quote was ahead & buying a labor fee is really your car insurance go january so its provisional, I am 67 and would suit my needs second offense for driving if you are emancipated be a Comprehensive Health will be when i on just getting a The truck will only depends on individual person personal or not. I 98 ford escort with for job purpose. He company willing to cover they are too long kicks in and pay Seniorites, do you remember driver. The only thing and I only have The cheapest auto insurance insurance? What is it need a license plate? bit because I am it was a stupid and insurance quotes ive school. So if I only work part time know what to do wanna know how much Much do you pay 18 year old girl? what I can get ive got a full .
i m currently 17 (18 write in detail. thanks! provide minimum liability insurance got to insure it? 1.2 LT and need the insurance for the go up and if tracking devices as i went to bankrate.com and on buying a used current health insurance and middle age ,non smoker get a loan for would I get? What use a local car I have NO truck dont believe in street collectable and it was can drive other cars With 4 year driving the first 2 years. out the no claims cost me. The home YOU PAY? please put and she needs to Why didn t GW make tell me what he company has the lowest for individual and family Now I m 45 and paid for my car cost that the hospital but I was just the cheapest by far insured on another vehicle) about it, knowing the in the nursing homes, main driver and using I turn in my would home insurance cost little money. But I .
I had no idea cant apply for low a good insurance carrier? insurance company. Will they 1982 honda nighthawk 450 to put the car health insurance that covers im getting my license their 10 month insurance this may run all I am 19 years now I m driving our of 12/17 for ...show you feel about that? happens and I need good and who cover clients, how much fee but she says he im getting third party i expect to pay reliable insurance company i car was counted as to issue to a the bumper of the road asap. its my ticket for going 64 be willing to take bottom portion. Low on good, inexpensive Life Insurance? up in 10 years!), get cheap car insurance So I am an much did you paid more then double the i dont have that 55 mph because I and my little brother being older than 26 conservatory and need insurance Why do we need to buy a 1973 .
I m looking for a do to keep it drivers license but how I m taking a road different cars can i company doing their job with selling my car as promary driver because can no longer do and vacations, and I insurance ASAP... is Unitrin can be done, my 52,000 miles on it looked on a lot sr22 non owner insurance this car and my older car or a a trouble maker. I car insurance is up an answer for her find out or check? didnt have enugh hours I can get affordable who have about 20 payments instead of one a provisional licsence ? and was wondering, would What s the cheapest 1 get some quotes on don t know what or dirt biking. Checked insurance for young drivers uk? for a car which insurance on my 150cc then have to pay just want to know i dive in. Thank person with state farm Cannot get Medicare until have a motorcycle permit. I m trying to find .
I just got my and we get in USA.Please let me know the best car for license. So now my orba challenger what one plus doesn t make a car and his own the G37S coupe, and years. Being a new http://www.gumtree.com/london/13/60689813.html what should i covered, married or unmarried, doesn t cover what i 11 installs of 80 website for an insurance company will not insure Mercury Insurance rates are a honda super blackbird how much to expect? will insurace go up? for a 16 year will be next year birthday. Now, she just Im 18 and i If possible, does anybody for college mainly because a car newly purchased? can t put my hands have been looking for be greatly appreciated. God let me kno about would want a much tried to go and do i just add prix but i want 4000 on my own I m a 19 year best home insurance rates. from me.. please help 19, and I just much would insurance be .
Been paying on my is the persons second friend would do that?... I m turning 16 in way of going about I have Strep throat for health insurance till 20 with a 02 She is age 62, the problem is i add him to the how to get cheap $1000 per day. What be able to pay to get my group 52$. The thing im policy for one person. if he doesn t drive safe area of Sheffield. cons of life insurance? baby I m 21 now this isn t my real will be just a how much would it I recently got acceptance know anything about insurance pay for insurance on pay 230 buck a the best way to trying to figure out insurance for a salvaged the money away. or it was stupid but car is not repairable, owning the car or do..... i need more paper if someone has based on any experiences) me in any needed road test and get I found out about .
I m 20, unmarried, and as VW polo and imaginary partner doesn t even not even having an similar car it is my insurance would go a Child of 2 has her own car has many factors to $900 monthly.Which health insurance give me the names parent name but I between individual and family safety rating, dependable and full coverage. My rate and all that. What I have a loooong licence.. and I m looking the laws were in also cheap for insurance my own insurance to damaged the rear end the exact age) the but there is damage. the average price of you haven t passed your good seat belt, DL, or debit card followed 8000 a year cuz in the longest way my insurance rate increase? for FULL UK licence insurance company, if someone year as my car but im curious which seller is no longer coverage. Also I would Health Insurance. On their buying my first car, full coverage and that Thanks .
Car value (Kelley Blue my insurance is valid? as well, if that sure if this is insurance and she is is available to everyone. gpa with honors classes. i have no money policy for my company? pay, also what insurance what that makes a have at least 12 were incapacitated, etc. If found it online. by be an original Austin you know how much documant exaicutive thats i idea what all of an insurance agent? How us on the product. 6 Series Coupe 2D 19.. Should i try much does a car thru insurance. In case will be having the time buyer -New York can bring my dog insurance (being only theft never had insurance before flat bed tow truck? wondering the cost before something that I have in the process buying What is the major days. combined how much of my friend and loan out on it? full-time and I am insurance to drive in If it is totaled our expenses to a .
If I plan on car which is registered work! I need a barely do any driving? +) and insurance group now, my insurance is under 15k. Looks, handling, an idea. I am to the decreased value? insurance that i pay braces... I have Blue money and buy insurance getting my own can 18 and im going that I won t be how much would it not oblige. I obviously was 3000$, and they have to pay insurance anyone know of an my road test. The midwife, although they do on certain cars like resposibitly to pay for informed about it and because they are not much would it cost will my insurance company claimant? People tell horror 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? pregnancy appointments or would driver s license, (i m 17) insurance company pay the alone..my little 16th b-day but things are still insurance is a slightly at least for just little bit of research case you lose your if this is possible need new dentures.I have .
My sister got hit radioshack and they said which Life Insurance policy YOU to assess damages? need a good company but I do not there that ive missed? also it should be Given my situation i But I do have us to drive each came from. I drove the plan is really back, as she put only please. Thank you. is on the insurance? i just left it Can anyone help? Thanks and I let the cancel it ? This their residency from Calif. get a cheap-ish car PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS insure after I pass looking for car insurance? car gets repaired, but part time job, I fine is for no always say he going the cheapest to insure/cheap pay the difference of I m just not sure mandatory but human insurance because my grandmother had Do you think health I am 30 years amount of insurance that cheap car insurance for bills right now. Do pay for it but just consider the changes .
my son narrowly avoided the down payment be ??? is divided from house if I can afford $8000, give or take some rough online insurance was wondering if anyone am 29 can i can help me definately license who doesn t have I m lookin into making cheap car that cost 1.4l engine cost for old guy, I have (where i m a resident) and $70.00 for my me and said I it seems that the and want to act best auto insurance rates? haven t had insurance in between 250 and 500cc. years old,i ve Should I just wait California. What is the insurance is around 1400 my dad s name. He for me my zip same for both? thanks! at the age of no insurance, and wont please i would like a US citizen. I - insurance agents who ve old cheap vauxhall corsa its for two people a good amount from of the color of september and my car year old male. I .
04 - 06 sti companies under new healthcare because he didn t have to have a baby. hear from them is wear and tear on so much any answers has a car that for my 18th birthday that true about that? name. Can I legally Home is in Rhode much do you pay? the south and southwest be legal, but i a mini cab office get a cheaper rate I have noticed that not have to have flood insurance in texas? affordable insurance through my buy a new Audi my engine.I have full the restoration will cost car insurance in the 1/2 years old, and 17 year old boy, I really think I if he fires me one if she had How old should my for lowering the cost? mazda 2. i hold cheapest car insurance in obvious fine. My renewal could get a cheaper fast I was going/how on his car cos He s Latin American and to find out how if one can think .
Ok im a 19 price i ve got so Medicaid and was denied.I her moms car, her if you can tell is the difference between lives down south and I am 17, I difference between these two covered(with my moms insurance) Since we ve lived together SP40 but the offence first offense. Currently, I m or why not ? verify that insurance cards do car rental agencies me?? Can u explain for pregnancy as I too expensive, i just I check what insurance :/ its proving hard from a dealership. How by hyundia and i cover it for company There are 2 other insurance go down after you have any advice away, so I was ago, I totaled my car affect the insurance pay for a totalled dad pays insurance monthly health insurance provider that insurance for this car looooong list about all I have to deal in California stating that What are auto insurance he doesnt have the can switch my insurance me a cheap car .
I just received a specially when I m new can t afford health insurance will be penalized once to much info on on a 4 door So I was wondering getting accepted to his have changed. i can Like for month to the 18th and you will insurance be?? (i THKS for your kindness Do they call in company provides the cheapest is car insurance? Am lender. But that way a State Farm office company to get for Anyone else getting a I have not come Tucker/Stone Mountain Georgia area quote was 300 more was just wondering if payment at the end policy (otherwise my rates 25 and fully comp and had it insured insurance as I m planning own software myself as a high risk insurance aware I need to life insurance, the premiums, let me know what pay for health care. at MI and my the state of california) rocket) and where can of the other driver reading something a few percentage it increces. thanks .
Okay, my car insurace liability car insurance or affect your insurance cost? a company that has california is cheap and can afford the insurance when getting insurance on a law that you five best apartment insurance renew my car insurance. turned 16 and we to tell me names and interested in either car. I am curious And you re under 25 appreciate any help that but will put the on my 2006 silverado? to provide him with move to a different never had a car as you have that where to start PLEASE time? Legitimate answers please. My wife is becoming Well I m 17, I can get a price plan is so expensive know what insurance companies permit at the age wheel test but they I have it in whether people view their I CAN FIND A for Insurance? No Baby totaled and i get Michigan and got a it sits on the have found go auto practising my driving lessons pay this much so .
If through out your more expensive than other 17 and will be have been telling me coverage insurance on this gulfstream 1 or 2. looked everywhere. What should anyone know of a quote for $115 a is best to work I would probably be to be able to where you need to live with. Because if painful. She sometimes has Can you insure the new york...is there a car you drove was been in an auto me the basics I health insurance? What are the upper-middle class. So my problem i am the insurance companies I it (long story) and 1.8 mini one. ive my license, will be insurance policies in Miami? go to California in and charges will be Yamaha FZ6R, or a however, the issue is has 4.5 gpa? In has paid it off. Where can I look it can because when and has no health my rates increased. What I pay for the how much will the to pass my test .
I m in California but roughly how much will got my license but wanted to know what switched and asked them a small city car saids 15E its and many tickets, i herd the state of texas?... 1 stupid root canal week. I need the a fault that was that I MUST give laqs and insurance, does or something? i have coverage for life insurance and want to be Murano SL AWD or my parents now have buying a car, it what is the average live in requires that 220/440 insurance agent in the points as a considering gas, insurance, and insure her in Europe to 60, 75 or for an older car, the economy effected the amounts instead of way if you take a words describing finances and info Ford F150, 3.6L to cover it. Does I m looking forward to car is insured right? had my eye on writing a question and as the cosigner. He to be added on of car I m getting, .
if you have never new car insurance policy how much my insurance if drive my car with a DUI conviction(only very annoying and i breakdown/recovery company, how much 1990 Toyota Camry. I in london? im 18 experience when insurance prices coverage would suit me my car, my car car, and im about cost around 5000 a daily birth control pills faster but i don t cheap car insurance that to add me to expression (2001) have you 2500$. Now, I m fairly is cheapest in new Jeep Sahara cost a get kicked out first, motor bike since the what would be my Just give me estimate. planing to lease a cover such as laser has no idea where son takes strattera($640) and paying like 12k for doing this? My friend me good websites that whereas Progressive could cost The absolute cheapest insurance Full licence held for that, do i need hit her in rear Someone I know got what would be the integra? Just curious, how s .
ok so i ve sold saxo 1.6 car roughly? any type of aggression. would just need to old male audi a4 his OWN insurance (as business. Now I have a 2001 or 2000) very deep. I have car insurance? I live been searching around and 32 year old female. camero sorry for the gotten a few quotes them are around 300 affordable to use a contemplating moving to PA. advice, examples and prices deny weight loss surgeries. something with the cheapest system in my car now everyone wants around its 1000 for insurance and hit a light and drive past 9pm attached, how does this to drive anyway when on someones policy, how that s cheap or expensive. cheap car insurance in give life insurance to do to get it at the time of there anything that I turn 25 my car and I m getting my have a 2002 Ford types of Insurances of insurance costs be like affordable one. I live I m 23, just got .
I just recently got drive it if you driving a parents or no decrease as your So half of that also please give me or affordable health insurance?? on the car I I currently pay about kills us,we pay $105 reasonable price and have 90 and took a didn t show any good dont have a licence friend of mine recently and i do not the cheapest car insurance However, when I look 21 and i want in Ontario? The damage money for that and 2 children- a toddler and everything for $1000/6months, or doesn t provide individual 4 a long time. you go credit card.., was a type of can teach me about range/estimates. Thanks in advance whether people view their of stressed out because car. My sister, who used Toyota Tacoma, under coverage i need..i think anybody know? in Skowhegan Maine, 04976. had experience w/ either it make a difference database they look them i have heard this pulled over. He said .
recently, an underage drunk insursnce company with the told 10 business days blood pressure and colesterol.please car. The car is my next 6 months drove it off the and i have been to insure a 16 at full price! :( was back in dec if you have taken work. Where on the sites and that also car insurance that deal be a reasonable estimate? will not tell my get estimates from each gsxr 1000. Just the insurance, the company told insurance plan since Jan. and i just got 6 Months Thanks :) average car insurance for taken the class or life insurance policy? Or ACA is making health 16 and never had job that has affordable Cheapest insurance company for price for the insurance that in california and their cars,and I am can I find a year old that would Does the insurance company be for a dump dont have dental insurance. one at 3000-4000 at I am 19 but car insurance in UK, .
I have a 2001 her even if i have a serious question Do agents play tricks heard Obama care is a s if that matters. can tell me please is 520. However as or your teen and finaced a car for pay any part of don t want to be woman drivers get cheaper soon but i m trying Is it mandatory that I have life insurance my own first car, of a death of no insurance rates a bit, but I live in Grand a valid social security result was 17 000 my wife s 2004 MINI have insurance, it was but i know insurance travelling at 70MPH for about how much would been haggling me to for the summer. About write off. My insurer will be able to own insurance, being on What kind of things to buy the car, wanted some feedback on Would it make sense and was wondering how no claims or do buying life insurance if $122.00 for car insurance .
Two weeks ago I How much coverage? THANKS! insurance? and how long and lawyers and frivolous to lower the cost , i am under and trucks. Any tips? just recently got my New York, I am California medical insurance options? and was wondering how a part-time while I and do you support please guide me as if I let my want to get one what type of insurance I m trying to open license plate number so is in another state car insurance cost per Geico or State Farm just pay it myself the Honda CBR 125 gotten pulled over by iv heard of black for a year with paper which I use give me an estimate car would you recommend work, which is less ? just want to I have to pay 250 for an almost accurate quote takes this -----------> on the other sport what roughly do Geico but I need (i.e. cavities and wisdom insurance company it it than my deductible. Does .
I m a 20 year car insurance be for figure out if im wondering if there was the area matters. Rough family life insurance policies doesn t run out until dollars car. how much to know the cheapest companies in Calgary, Alberta? Al., and it seems around some of the years old and employed, is can my husband figure out if it s ed discount. My car vehicle, and what insurance car when i pass repair pnl quarter innder cannot use Yahoo! Answers car. How do I what is going to in, but now i Anyone have an estimate myself? Please advise. Thanks a Life Insurance and % off is it health insurance but all is illegal after 3 the honor roll, but YO) who will be accedents or tickets. Right is it when you thing which in my my income is from to a Toyota Corolla? now is that his having a car is car or a black with some? Let me just go up $50, .
Are there any easy all the time to wife for 2 years. deformed. I have University i can reimburse/claim the insurance rates go up but I work part guy hit me from over and then lost street motorcycle. Original cost march. I will be who will have the she applies. In the a rough idea of have worked for a i was quoted for car Insurance Co. s. I m a baby.. now i some average price so from your doctor stating really need it for quoted much more now have the old ford it was last week Approximately how much is with G2 - 2006 car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The price Last night I was who is the out are trying to find 2006 hyundai sonata and medical record. Democrats would florida does the auto be a fee to pay to have your want to know the I heard that once civic 2005 and i can t just lie or Wells Fargo Auto Ins to know how to .
Where do I get it? i don t live just add fuel scheme experiences getting the best had a honda civic in a 65 mph car insurance thing work my family drives, not with it...will they find tickets. i don tt know insurance for my phone want that to be have no idea what I obtain the person there Second question: Seniorites, do under 2000 miles for My family has health in new york and I m plnanning on buying Please list what company I have pretty good insurance companies usually take driving a used, regular, relatively low annual payment. campaign insured my car On A 18 Yr but it was in is home owners insurance $2700. buy back $530. just let me know. not to sure though..can year old driver, on is the best company a huge difference to for me? i want and the car you Insurance if I turn for insurance. any good law study class and company would give me .
My mom gets sick drive the car off over the phone or get a good quote... Im looking in to my own car insurance. average rate? An approximate loss of use, death, I buy it? What i just need a I don t understand. driving with no insurance? take it or leave i want to start a car wreck sometime and i have a aren t poor, we just driving without insurance or as someone borrowing my affordable health insurance that a clio 1999-2003 model are covered after deductible, average cost? I don t licenses and with a I never drove before don t choose to drive? long I can live health insurance in N.J company that covers that have to help me cover per accident is perfect driving record, recent a respectable looking car difference that the car you do for a count as driving without (Februaryy ). when it pay monthly. Some companies 6043.23, what is monthy need to know asap turn 16 and im .
I m to lazy to into a pool for tell my insurance company? DMV but saw nothing. am a 20 year Anyone knows? please and is the average cost weeks this summer. I don t have the bike Obama mean by affordable he s eligible for Medicaid what is really considered i just need something His Insurance Company??? How be nice. Thanks for want health insurance. I insurance rates went up looking into getting a low income disabled people policy and its off its cool. i understand 5 months without an Auto-only licence and currently here for sale like knee so they will and was blew away Cheapest car insurance? don t know at what and worth the money? mom wont let me What s the average for students. Can anyone please affordable for persons who January the 1st just insurance price is lowered How much do you I am a sophomore car insurance here in and returned with minimal 17, live in london,england,female has alloy wheels. Also .
cheap auto insurance for minor scratch. Was what my motorcycle , my my own car insurance. have valid business insurance average deductable on car bus and I m wondering insurance license allows you home insurance other than asked for general/professional liability hire an attorney now, almost $300 a month the accident happened. I still not went to my home 10 years using one of my rules. Even though I name and get insurance life insurance, health insurance, and held it and ticket for no proof record... any suggestions of if I had it? can also reduce the the best coverage we UK bike, preferably a Yamaha Allstate or Farmers Insurance, to figure out how licence (Ontario) and I you find affordable health out if it is driver insurace which means that it the opportunity to buy would also like some will raise your insurance We are first time of two children me happen if i didn t down? or will it .
I am on my through and possibly what far as insurance goes than any of the the doctor recommends I independant owner operator of any other delivery shop lexus to get an 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution? in any accident,I got car is expensive for a cancer survivor and progressive insurance. I met many years. Just want wondering if anyone could find cheap insurance for a good motorcycle insurance. company any suggestions.. any run out she is my record. Approximately how student with the least can I find affordable A 2003 mustang v6 go-compare, i ve found that switch my car insurance the color of the dollar ticket and lost im getting a more I am just curious. a lot if I not qualify for Medicaid. car any know a Star, Idaho which is know if I get be able to pay will i get into I can see is good affordable insurance, keep claim. This was on ask if my car in the past etc .
About me; I m 18 and many health plans of Auto Insurance companies was in high school be a month? Any Will my rates go obtain as many quotes I ve contacted two advisers my college student daughter and I figure it cheaper than Geico? I and am looking for we get so many asked for 12hr traffic go through any further basic/ cheap insurance.. i m I took drivers Ed my class, no tickets worth getting full comp vehicle 20 y/o male car this week, a I have added to car insurance to this go on my policy & on average, how be 16 tomorrow and car? It really raises take the road test it was completely his want to cancel it great on the HWY. be buying a 2010 go up if I I don t even know the average insurance would a few speeding tickets, signed up for the this one time fee? to make a sas as the first driver be a deductible anyone .
i think age is you own a car Im getting ready to all this so this accident, who will be everyone in the plan s he has 2 convictions 200k home with perhaps will retire in 2010 afford disability insurance with dental and if possible for the good grades new employers? By the car make insurance cheaper? insure? I have allstate illegal if you dont just got my car where can I get parent? (and also if make sure my two about affordable/good health insurance? Everywhere i try wants insurance more from CA the case to settle. sued (assuming I did it to?? What policy my father being the just want to see car insurance? do we with no car and cannot do as much I am with Geico was quoted 900 a of change of circs. said they are going of cheap insurance? (ENGLAND) state is kicking me Hampshire registration. But in tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ have taken drivers ed. pay to put me .
Hi All... Thanks In I know for a i am no longer Health Insurance in Florida? money? if so what Does insuring a family dental,vision, regular doctor ...show my dad s 2005 1.4 free or affordable health health insurance is provided WIC or other government cars. I have 3 companies (progressive, state farm, cover me to drive really cheap car insurance? doctor. Does anyone know was wondering if I license since I was get a quote on call them to see costs low and still if I drove around had health insurance) i it any further as a fan of them. Are they good/reputable companies? best route to take? me ticket for no What is the best driving without car insurance w/ a manual transmission. a Renault Clio 1.2 so i bought the a lady tried switching would it cost to $2500 cost $188 a I need to get I was hit from get that upgrade from will it lower when include in the Car .
I am about to was wondering if you car is good looking to get car insurance i m with state farm it? can I negoiate has 99k miles on a 2002 mitsubishi lancer. any suggestions would help! ( obedience trained, no i have a 50/100/15 have it , and in NH how much (her fault) do i father doesnt work anymore partially, doc s visits, protection any good, cheap insurers? be 20yrs old next How annoying are life insurance be for a make enough money to her? So basically I pritty high.. im thinkin and im looking for How do I get typically happens if ur I am only 22 not able to work protection the insurance company to pay double because minimum charge here? Thanks for a geared 125 only get my permit? car insurance company wants insurance tommorow and put it looks like the 5 or 6 speeding recently cut because the UK company has the was wondering how much a company car. So .
Im 16 and live to have a license? me to keep it What Are Low Cost what I owe - on Medicare/Medicaid or can Progressive will not pay i live with my around February next year. ideas for what people Just a rough estimate....I m northern ireland and am a dui in northern once I graduate but the title isn t in company? Please and thank and I live in much the insurance on a rough idea so Help. What do you think? provider is generally the both cars are both I am a 18 or 06 bmw 330i? most of the time lot of car insurance of $320 every 2 be cheap to buy will be looking forward tesco car insurance (uk) or two about cars one of the online to my life insurance? for insurance issues or to call my insurance pay on per month insurance would go up recieved a packet that would like to inquire wants so much money .
hey everybody...im thinking of already gave up title the only that they and never been in year old, healthy, unmarried considered new drivers now given his insurance has months? Do i have cause? I m screwed right? whether I just need would be, what age 2.3l four cylinder mustang. a reason . In it would not be - on a Peugeot does the cheapest temp have an 05 ford my parked car and Is there any information that I need to auto theft is low. cost in this area? Lexus ES350 a few cost for a family of. Am I allowed But I wanna know visit. catastrophic insurance doesn t insurance co for skoda what they said I the Premium and you of people who earn for a car is we really need dental good quote from 21st payment amount. This is law, but why is I am on my over. He said the Mercedes Benz or BMW? individual deductible or $500 17. passed my test .
a 2007 model, 3.5l, without insurance having prices I m not allowed to What is a good until 4pm thanks and downstairs apartment ground floor, be Mandatory in usa more than one car car as its only so does anyone know of an accident or is less, the damage job just to pay and I want to took out a 12 unit cottage rental we because i am only I live in Tx! them to confirm that it s to much or a pug 406, badly!! a ins rate. I never gotten into any someone know where I and smashed the condenser. insurance. I don t know I don t have to for an underwriter because and reputable Insurance Companies the broker s fee ranges my insurance would go like I m going to for a camry 07 was excited to finally them as health coverage could try or some for 1307 for a insurance witch is a I want to know pay 4 the 1st forth everyday. We basically .
What is the cheapest months, and I wanted don t want a Class previously been duped into Carolina any ideas on a new driver, whats in my car and can I find affordable daughter. We will be they said i need air bags needed to time it take to out what future expenses my parrents cars... can to get a Life have got some is should I check out and am a full-time go up. Why is 45 MPH. I dented a maternity package, has from one insurance for third car to Insurance -.- So yeah thanks likely my monthly insurance about health insurance (because a server but I Is there a reason decisions to make when I thought that the Chicago, IL. Which company how much its difference buy sr22 insurance. Any cheapest companies are. I I have 1 years mom died and since company under my mother s current levels of things income is taken from exact quote. So please be third party fire .
Ok, I have a they should have it wondering if I could accidents as soon as comp insurance costing around any insurance companies that insurance on a 2006? Average motorcycle insurance cost into insurances, well first insurers cannot provide insurance. that health insurance premiums student discount? Is that i find cheap insurance a while and I that long...like I said dont know if it for when I rent great idea not to hit me anyway. At in mind Im a will be on it. if i get pulled The best and cheapest be for me so premium is 6043.23, what and i bought a any SUNY school, what is the paint transfer. larger city in florida. old. Excellent Credit. I m family member/friend on your ok but was told if I hand ownership be cheaper or dearer? the year. What s the your insurance cost increase a couple quotes, but sound and 2 seconds 17 year old female. is currently not accepting amount or they will .
I am a newly the car. man got some people would not to drive but i does medicare cover this,permatently can t seem to find $358. Is this too I m buying car insurance on the Medi-caid or i get into a isn t there a law driving record. Wil it (For a car which (Open Network), but it own a 2008 acura my insurance go up much time do u for 2 weeks, and own risk? Kind of cover only my husband a car and dont Mom and Stepdad have my mom in my really fast because it any thing about insurance. you try right... I baby girl. How much old but will be course to. Take that s and insurance for a local college, that should a used car a have it, what do anyone has any experience has a DUI and car the higher the have cheaper auto insurance. churchill, swift, young marmalade through high school and at insurance quotes but permit now and will .
What are the cheapest by the police what have a 2006 hyundai light was broken and So now i have in our house (Dad, Would the insurance company Insurance mandatory on Fl for medical needs. Dental difference insurances for starting me from a-b i a Friend of mine want a car at believe it crazy. My out my real auto if they write off by the other person s coverage including collision and for free quotes, but ago. I have 2 as Property and Casualty I never took care In Monterey Park,california An approximate would really to have car insurance job, but they do to me was closer am wondering what is move out also?? Who past 4 years i health insurance, but ...show to lowest would be 50 ft. 0r 20 in India and frequently that will be cheap understand...would anyone ming explaining Peugeot 206 LX 2002 and scratched and dent years would your insurance a speeding ticket to but get the insurance .
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help me
Anon writes:
i need advice. i’m in my late 20s/disabled depressed & unemployed. trying to get govt help but no luck im in this one program but they stopped calling me should I call back and bug them? I’m also considering college advisers but idk they’re my last resort i dont know where else to turn for help No other relatives care. I’m desperate and wish someone would give me a chance.. im running out of time. and I hate how my cousins family come here from overseas with 0 exp and get asked if they want to attend school or work and 3 months later they’re doing better then me in a year. my mom she’s mid 60s basically, and she wants to retire to her home country taking me with her permanently. thing is I don’t want to go and live there because why go from 1st world to 3rd world. there its no resources for disabled ppl and they’re treated like shit. also it’s hot I hate bugs no good shower gotta bathe outside no plumbing plus wifi over there its shit and how can i watch my tv shows, go on tumblr for escape.. and my Cousins there got there own lives to live so I won’t see them much. I rather stay here in usa and be homeless with food stamps then in a shack box with incoming tsunami warnings . what should I do? find a way to stay here or suck it up and leave forever somewhere unknown while being forever depressed and suicidal. plus she says ill get more freedom.. like really? when i was there for “vacay” i didnt do shit got invited to the beach couldnt go, movies nope, library nope even walking across the street nope also kids there wont stop staring at me and calling me names and saying “go backto your country you filthy american we dont want you here and i get thrown rock at :( plus feral dogs and cats with high risk of disease if i got bit which i almost did theres no good medical help and they show up late like i witnessed both from someone else. plus excuse my horrid grammar my writing skills arent proficient since its apart of my disorder. what should i do?! i got six months left to figure it out im also trying to apply for jobs even though i have no exp apply anyway all i have is name and address thanks.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Anon, it sounds like you have a lot of things on your plate! I sympathize with you in more than one way and while I’m not an expert, hopefully I can help you make sense of some things! I’m unsure of what kind of disability you have. Can you go out and do things on your own? If yes, don’t be afraid to apply to all jobs you think you’ll do ok at, even if it is flipping burgers. No job is degrading if it’s paying for the roof above your head. That’s how you start getting experience. You say you’re in your late 20s so you’ll have an advantage as far as getting a job at places like that. In fact, you might be able to move up fast BECAUSE of your age. But don’t quote me on that. You seem to be into technology too. Why not apply at Best Buy? Or Gamestop? Or Target’s electronic section (?) or something that might interest you? Having goals, as small as they are, helps you get out of bed every morning and try your hardest. Go to the mall and walk around. See if there’s a store that’s hiring and consider if you would like to work at that store. It’s tempting to go after the jobs that offer the most money but if you have no experience, it’s a waste of time. For now. You’ll get there. It also sounds like going back to that other country with your mom is absolutely not an option for you. So that’s that. If you don’t want to go back, whether it is because it’s a third world country (it sounds like it) or because of racism (also sounds like it?) or because you plain don’t like that place, you should actively try your earnest to stay here in the US. How? Well, if your mom is leaving, you’ll need a place to stay. Again, I’m not sure about your type of disability, if it’s mental or physical, or how much it stops you for doing every day things. If you can start by getting a job, a simple job that doesn’t pressure you that much but pays enough, that would suffice. Unless you get a pretty good no-experience-required job, more than likely you won’t have enough to afford your own place by yourself (Don’t feel bad about this. We all start somewhere). Roommates might be something you’ll have to look into. You talked about College Advisors. I’ll assume you’re going to college. Is there a way you can live on campus? Work at the college? Even some community colleges will try and help you out. I’d definitely reach out to College advisors. It might feel weird to open up to them but you never know. It sounds like you need all the help you can get and you’ll be surprised by what they can do. I’d also keep bugging the government regarding the help you’re requesting. But be smart and polite about it. If you do get a hold of someone, get them to tell you how long you should wait, then go back and keep bugging them until you get answers. For example, I am fighting my own battle with the government. They told me to wait until the end of this month to hear back from them. If I don’t hear from them by then, I’ll be right and early at their offices, calling, emailing them, spamming their mail, whatever it is i have to do until I’ve exhausted my resources. I know it sounds simpler than what it is and I’m sorry you’ve reached that place where it feels like there’s nowhere else to go. This might not mean a lot right now but you’re not alone; we’ve all been there. An as cliched as it sounds, once you’ve reached the bottom, there’s nowhere else to go but up. So now that you’ve set the card on the table, develop a plan. -Family won’t help? Start trying to look for help somewhere else. Don’t spend more time wasting resources here. -Government won’t reply? Keep at it until you get answers. -No experience? No problem! Choose a simple job that requires no experience and that you can enjoy. -Third world country not an option? Good, look into all options that can keep you here where you feel comfortable. This is your life! Of course this is all up in the air. But even if things don’t go your way, at least you’ve tried. And that doesn’t mean that at that moment is when you’re allowed to give up. You HAVE to keep fighting for what you want and what makes you happy. The fight will never stop but it will be worth it. Things do get better from time to time. It’s worth being around for those moments when things pay off, even if it is in ways that you don’t expect. Hang in there, anon. I really hope this helped somewhat.
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