#constipation medicine
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myhealinghands · 3 months ago
ConstacTab: India's First Patented Plant-Based Laxative Tablets
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ConstacTab is a plant-based laxative tablet that provides gentle and effective relief from constipation. It is India's first patented laxative tablet and is clinically proven to be safe and non-habit-forming. ConstacTab is formulated with six select ingredients to promote better gut health and ensure smooth bowel regulation. 
Here are some more details about ConstacTab:
Ingredients: ConstacTab is made with a unique blend of herbs that provides a gentle remedy for constipation without causing cramps or spasms. 
Safety: ConstacTab is designed for safe regular use and is free of side effects. 
Taste: ConstacTab has a pleasant taste due to its herbal blend
Are you struggling with chronic constipation or looking for instant constipation relief? With our Ayurvedic solutions, you can find the best constipation remedies and treatments. Whether you're looking for constipation tablets or natural care plans, we've got you covered. Natural ways to improve your gut health!
Constipation can be relieved gently and effectively with ConstacTab. We offer a safe, non-habit-forming solution to regulate bowel movements and support gut health in our 60-tablet pack. For its proven efficacy, ConstacTab is recommended by top doctors and trusted by numerous patients.
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rsg-energya · 8 months ago
Constipation Causes
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Here learn about, Constipation Causes. Symptoms of Constipation. Know, Where is Constipation Pain Felt? How to Prevent Constipation? Learn about, Constipation Treatment & Constipation Medicine….Also know how Energya Pankrase is the best constipation medicine.
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The Connection Between Doshas and Constipation: Balancing Your Body's Energies
In Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine that originated in India thousands of years ago, the concept of doshas plays a fundamental role in understanding the body's balance and overall health. These doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – represent different combinations of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether) present within each individual. The interplay of these doshas influences various aspects of our physical, mental, and emotional well-being, including the occurrence of conditions like constipation.
Constipation, characterized by infrequent bowel movements and difficulty passing stool, is often viewed in Ayurveda as a manifestation of an imbalance in the Vata dosha. Vata, composed of air and ether elements, governs movement, circulation, and elimination within the body. When Vata becomes aggravated or imbalanced, it can lead to dryness, erratic digestion, and sluggish bowel movements, ultimately contributing to constipation.
Several factors can contribute to Vata imbalance and subsequent constipation:
Irregular eating habits excessive consumption of dry and cold foods
Inadequate hydration and
stress can all disrupt the natural flow of Vata energy in the body.
To address this imbalance and promote regular bowel movements, Ayurveda suggests a holistic approach that focuses on pacifying Vata dosha.
How can you treat Constipation with Ayurveda?
Shri Chyawan Ayurveda has formulated a constipation medicine for adults – Constipation Care, prepared to provide instant relief from chronic constipation and its effects. It is composed of a churna and syrup.
Kabj Hari Churn: It helps in a lot of stomach related issues like gas, constipation and abdominal pain. Consumption of this churn will ease down the pain during constipation and ultimately will help you get rid of the regular constipation issues, gases and acidity. It will not only help you by treating Constipation, but also help with Acidity, Bloating, Gases and other stomach related issues.
Ingredients: Kabj Hari Churn is made using all herbal and natural ayurvedic ingredients like Harde, Sonth, Mulethi, Baheda, Hing, Variyali, Amaltas, Black Salt, Black pepper, Amla.
How to use: Kabj Hari Churn can be used by mixing 1-2gm of this churn with half cup of water, consume every day before going to bed.
Benefits of Kabj Hari Churn:
Improves Digestion: Shri Chyawan Ayurveda’s Kabj Hari Churn effectively helps to cure your problems related to digestive system and facilitates smooth digestion process.
Relieves Constipation: It effectively helps to give you relief from stomach issues and constipation.
Bloating and Gases: Kabj Hari Churn reduces stomach bloating, digestion issues and gases and reduces indigestion.
Pure and Natural Product: Kabj Hari Churn is made using all natural and herbal ingredients and ensures smooth digestion process.
2. Liver Care Syrup: Shri Chyawan Ayurveda's Liver Care Syrup is the best Constipation syrup for adults, formulated to cleanse your liver and support digestion process. It also helps to strengthen the overall functioning of the liver.
Ingredients: It consists of Chitrakmul, Amla, Harde, Baheda, Bel Patra, Dhana, Aloe vera, Ajwain, Punarnava, Giloy Satva, Neem Chal, Tulsi. 
How to use: Consume 1-2 teaspoonful of Liver Care Syrup, thrice a day or as suggested by your physician.
Benefits of Liver Care Syrup:
Reduces Acidity: Shri Chyawan Ayurveda's Liver Care Syrup helps in reducing acidity and also reduces acid reflex issues as well.
Detoxifier: Liver Care Syrup acts as a detoxifying agent and flushes out toxins from your body.
Aids in Digestion: It also helps in digestion of food and boosts metabolism and solves constipation problem as well.
Maintains Liver Health: Regular intake of Liver Care Plus Syrup helps to maintain Gut and Liver health.
100% Natural: It is made from all herbal, ayurvedic ingredients and is 100% natural and safe to use.
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Shri Chyawan Ayurveda’s Constipation Care is by far the best and instant Constipation relief medicine recommended to cure chronic constipation and its symptoms easily without causing any side effects.
In conclusion, the connection between doshas and constipation underscores the holistic approach of Ayurveda to well-being. By understanding and addressing the imbalances within your body's energies, particularly the Vata dosha, you can proactively manage constipation and promote optimal digestive health. Balancing your doshas through mindful lifestyle choices, nourishing foods, and stress reduction techniques can lead to a harmonious state of overall wellness.
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Kabj hari churn, a best ayurvedic powder for treatment of chronic constipation without any side effects. It consists of herbal and natural ayurvedic ingredients like Harde, Sonth, Mulethi, Baheda, Hing, Variyali, Amaltas, Black Salt, Black pepper, Amla.
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Ayurveda has provided us number of herbs which are beneficial for making number of ayurvedic medicines in form of syrup, churn and creams. One such ayurvedic medicine is Constipation care Pack, an instant constipation relief medicine formulated with combination of pure and natural ingredients.
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thebrightness · 7 days ago
okay TMI time I'm so fucking miserable rn lol I'm exhausted, my ankle is throbbing, and I know if I want to get a full night of high quality sleep, I need to take my (opioid) pain meds. which I went out of my way to obtain so I can sleep well and heal quickly. however I am so constipated from taking these that my shits would violate the geneva conventions. so I am deeply afraid !
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balajihospital · 2 days ago
Expert Chest Physician | Pulmonology Care at Balaji Hospital
Consult top chest physicians at Balaji Hospital for expert diagnosis and treatment of respiratory conditions, lung diseases, and pulmonary care.
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heardatmedschool · 2 years ago
“Anal fissures are truly painful, does anyone here have a personal experience that they may want to share?”
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cheapcheapfaker · 1 year ago
On one hand i would like to have a large baby. my family and gilgamesh’s come from a long line of beefy, nine pound plus chunkers. I was 9 and something lbs with a full head of hair and almost a week late. I want that baby fully cooked and maybe a little overdone. tons of studies not just anecdotal show that they just seem sort of… nicer and easier to deal with, like the biggest of the litter. they sleep more. they dont struggle in general as much and they gain weight easily and they also move a little slower. not saying they dont hit milestones but a fat ass baby will stay in its potted plant lump stage a little while longer before jumping into the running around sticking fingers in outlets stage.
on the other hand, i am so so concerned for the sanctity of my gooch. a nine pound baby will tear my grundle asunder. my taint to shreds.
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spilling-blood · 8 months ago
The face of a baby who is dramatic and stressed and costing me 600 dollars but that is fine.
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Ayurvedic Medicine for Constipation - Kabj Hari Churn, its ingredients and benefits
In Ayurveda, constipation is a commonly recognized digestive disorder that is referred to as "Vibandha" or "Malabaddhata." It occurs when there is difficulty in passing stools, and the bowel movements become infrequent and challenging. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, views constipation as an imbalance in the body's doshas (biological energies) and attributes it mainly to an aggravation of the Vata dosha.
The concept of doshas in Ayurveda:
Vata: Governs movement, including bowel movements. It is dry, light, cold, and rough in nature.
Pitta: Governs digestion and metabolism. It is hot, sharp, and intense.
Kapha: Governs structure and lubrication in the body. It is heavy, slow, cool, and stable.
Causes of constipation according to Ayurveda:
Vata imbalance: The primary cause of constipation is an aggravated Vata dosha. When Vata becomes imbalanced, it can lead to dryness and sluggishness in the colon, resulting in difficult bowel movements.
Poor diet: Consuming foods that are dry, cold, and lacking in fiber can contribute to constipation. Additionally, irregular eating habits and excessive intake of processed and refined foods can disrupt proper digestion.
Lack of physical activity: Sedentary lifestyle and insufficient physical activity can slow down digestion and lead to constipation.
Suppression of natural urges: Ignoring the urge to defecate or suppress it due to various reasons can cause an imbalance in the colon.
Dehydration: Inadequate water intake can result in dry and hard stools, making them difficult to pass.
Mental factors: Stress, anxiety, and emotional disturbances can also influence bowel movements through the gut-brain axis.
How can you treat Constipation with Ayurveda?
Shri Chyawan Ayurveda has formulated best ayurvedic medicine for constipation - Kabj Hari Churn; it helps in a lot of stomach related issues like gas, constipation and abdominal pain. Consumption of this churn will ease down the pain during constipation and ultimately will help you get rid of the regular constipation issues, gases and acidity.
Kabj Hari Churn is by far the best constipation ayurvedic medicine for adults available in the market. It will not only help you by treating Constipation, but also help with Acidity, Bloating, Gases and other stomach related issues. Kabj Hari Churn is made using all herbal and natural ayurvedic ingredients like Harde, Sonth, Mulethi, Baheda, Hing, Variyali, Amaltas, Black Salt, Black pepper, Amla.
Some benefits of Kabj Hari Churn include:
Improves Digestion: Shri Chyawan Ayurveda’s Kabj Hari Churn effectively helps to cure your problems related to digestive system and facilitates smooth digestion process.
Relieves Constipation: It effectively helps to give you relief from stomach issues and constipation.
Bloating and Gases: Kabj Hari Churn reduces stomach bloating, digestion issues and gases and reduces indigestion.
Pure and Natural Product: Kabj Hari Churn is made using all natural and herbal ingredients and ensures smooth digestion process.
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How to use: Kabj Hari Churn can be used by mixing 1-2gm of this churn with half cup of water, consume every day before going to bed.
Other Ayurvedic management of constipation:
Dietary changes: The primary focus is on a balanced diet that includes fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Warm, cooked, and moist foods are preferred over cold and dry ones. Drinking warm water throughout the day helps to maintain proper hydration and aids digestion.
Lifestyle modifications: Regular physical activity, yoga, and pranayama (breathing exercises) are recommended to improve digestion and promote bowel regularity.
Oil massages: Abhyanga, or self-massage with warm sesame oil or castor oil, is beneficial in calming the Vata dosha and enhancing bowel movements.
Natural laxatives: Ayurvedic practitioners may recommend natural laxatives like soaked raisins or figs, ghee (clarified butter), or warm milk to ease constipation.
Addressing emotional factors: Stress management techniques like meditation and relaxation exercises can play a role in reducing constipation caused by emotional disturbances.
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ritika-shah · 2 years ago
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Ayurveda has number of ingredients used to prepare medicines which cures a number of health condition. Constipation one such health disorder caused due to number of factors. Our ayurveda experts have prepared an instant constipation relief medicine in order to provide quick relief from chronic constipation and its effects.
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nileshthakurmktg · 2 years ago
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Kabj Hari Churn - Best Medicine for Constipation Trusted name in the field of Ayurved our product used by many got best result if you are looking to get solution of constipation our product of all natural herbs gives result and cure constipation from root.
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deepikashomeopathy · 10 days ago
Restore Bowel Balance with Homeopathy Medicine for Constipation
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Digestive issues can disrupt daily life and cause discomfort. Constipation medicine in homeopathy helps regulate bowel movements naturally by improving digestion and relieving bloating. Homeopathic remedies work by addressing the root cause, restoring gut health, and preventing recurrence.
Visit Us:-
Contact Us:- 7652005589
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balajihospital · 2 days ago
About Vadodara City | Explore Vadodara with Balaji Hospital
Discover Vadodara’s rich history, culture, and attractions. Learn about the city's heritage, tourist spots, and essential travel information with Balaji Hospital.
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heardatmedschool · 2 years ago
“Laxatives only work if the child isn’t scared to go to the toilet. Butt pain is very important problem that we have to take seriously.”
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