#trauma rehabilitation
sukinohealthcare · 7 days
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bamsara · 8 months
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dream dream dream dream dream
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Btw if you believe that prisons should be abolished and criminals should be treated with respect, you should also include offending pedophiles, zoophiles, and people who have done hate crimes, people who have torture others, etc.
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
shoutout to recovering abusers, especially those who are abuse/trauma survivors themselves. you and i both know that, unfortunately, once we do something, we can't take it back. i know it hurts to know that, but recognizing it for what it is... that's what allows you to do the only thing left to do - be better. it's not easy, nor pleasant, and likely, a very isolating experience.
so i want you to know, there's at least one person out there who's rooting for you, who's proud of the person you're becoming. you are not doomed to do horrible things forever. you are not beyond leading a happier, healthier life. growth is an option. healthy relationships are an option. they have to be, for all our sakes.
if you want to stop hurting others, and stop hurting yourself, your choice is right here. i believe in you. you can do it. you have to. break the chain.
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the thing is, if the unsullied really believed they were free, she would not have an army of 8,000. like, we are talking 8,000 individual human beings with 8,000 different backstories, personalities, hopes and dreams…
especially considering how traumatic their training is, there must be a (significant) number who would gladly leave fighting behind forever—if truly given the chance.
we know their training doesn’t really strip them of all individuality. some of them choose to reclaim their original names or make up new ones. in the past, when sold in too-small groups, their training would fade and they’d assimilate to whatever group they found themselves with. they do things like overindulging in food, stopping by a tavern for a drink, seeking out intimacy with women. in short, despite their traumatic pasts, they are still humans with human desires and motivations.
if they really believed they were free, some percentage would want to return home, some to travel to places they have always wanted to see, some to settle down, find love, raise families. some may be in love already and dream of a future together. some must have family who are also enslaved—like missandei—and dream of finding and freeing them.
but we’re supposed to believe that, given a choice to do absolutely anything they wanted with the rest of their lives, every last one of them chose to *checks notes* keep doing the same thing they were doing when enslaved? all of them? really? All Of Them?
unless, of course, they didn’t actually have a choice…
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 9 months
🌹🌹🌹🌹 for whenever needed :)
I wrote this in a haze last night when I should have been sleeping and I'm not sure if I'll ever expand it into a proper fic, so I'm sticking it here. Part of it is under the cut because it's a) long and b) is about Jamie's Amsterdam story
Roy makes it about a week before it all comes spilling out. They've been playing shit, 'cause Lasso may have rediscovered Total Football but he sure as shit hasn't rediscovered how to coach it, and if he's being perfectly fucking honest neither has Roy. Or maybe he would, if fucking when I was fourteen... didn't keep playing on loop in his head. He picks Jamie up from his front door every day and he's grinning, bouncing around like the chipper twat he is, twenty-five and whole, and all Roy can think about is the twiggy kid he had been, hair stuck up in every direction and mud smeared on his shins. He'd dug up pictures, is the thing, that first night back — got home aching and more exhausted than he'd been after a full ninety minutes back in his player days, and instead of going to sleep he'd dug around through the depths of City's website, through a mountain of those bullshit player profiles he refused to do but Jamie loved, 'til he found a picture of the Man City 2010 U16s. Recognized Jamie right away, the big dark eyes and prickish smirk and long sleeves 'cause the muppet always got cold. And he was a fucking child. A tiny, scrawny little lad, must've been one of the youngest on the team the way most of the others dwarfed him. No one could ever have mistaken him for an adult, not that it would've been any less abjectly fucking horrifying if he'd looked like a full-grown man by the age of thirteen.
Ted corners him in the office. Or rather, Ted knocks on the door while he's got his head in his hands and the lights off, same as he has every evening since Amsterdam. Pokes his head in with his jacket already on and his bag slung over his shoulder, says, "You know I'm always ready for a late night special on the go session of the Diamond Dogs but if sitting in the dark's what gets your brain juices going, I can respect that. Just make sure to skeddaddle on out of here before our good friends over in maintenance come lock up; I love this place but a night with a locker room aroma ain't to anyone's taste," and Roy says, "Jamie told me he was raped in Amsterdam." They both freeze, Ted in the doorway with that stupid folksy smile still fixed on his face, Roy with his elbows planted on the desk and his fingers twisted through his hair. He feels sick. Jamie's already been violated and now Roy's gone and done it again, just fucking spilled his private trauma without permission 'cause he couldn't handle it. "What?" Ted asks, breathless. "He told you— he was— he told you in Amsterdam, or it happened—" "Fucking both," Roy grinds out. "Oh." Ted's gone so pale he's almost grey. "He seemed fine on the bus." "Not when we were there." Roy says. "I mean, he told me when we were there. Happened when he was fourteen. Don't think he knows that's what—" he sucks in a deep breath, not that it does jack shit to make him feel better. "But it is. That's what happened, and now I don't know what the fuck to do."
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mollysunder · 6 months
Sometimes I think about the end of Padawan Lost arc and I'll remind myself that Anakin wasn't just apologizing to Ahsoka but to Shmi too. He couldn't save Ahsoka like he couldn't save Shmi. Even without the nightmares he must have been thinking, "It's happening again. It's happening again. IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN", because once more he's in a position where he has no power to save his loved one. At least in Shmi's case he knows where she is in theory, and felt something wrong. With Ahsoka, Anakin's completely in the dark from start to finish, he can't find her, can't feel her, all he knows is something bad DID happen but has to wait to hear something.
Even the end doesn't really provide any comfort because sure Ahsoka and the others were rescued, but it was out of pure luck Chewie's transmission worked. If the transmission hadn't gone through she and the other younglings were going to be brutally tortured, killed, and then turned into trophies. How do you hear any of that and not feel absolutely useless to the suffering of your charge? From Anakin's perspective, this must have been history repeating itself, but worse, because instead of being ignorant, he was powerless.
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famewolf · 4 days
baring my teeth at my friends when they send me nice, genuine messages about how much they care about me and replying in kind but wanting to bite something at the same time
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for a webbed site that claims to love rehabilitative justice tumblr sure has a love of vengeance huh. somehow we’ve created a digital atmosphere where literal murder is less bad than (checks notes) not emerging from the womb with a perfectly calibrated moral compass and the Correct Political Opinions
I’ve seen people on here say that, not only can people Not Change, but that people who try to change are a) lying b) manipulative and c) undeserving of the chance to change. besties…becoming a better person isn’t about whether or not you deserve to become a better person, it’s not even about becoming 100% perfect, it’s about doing damage control after you realize you fucked up. like yeah people you’ve hurt aren’t obligated to like you/forgive you/interact with you, but tumblrites seem to think that anyone who’s ever made a serious mistake should be exiled from society and/or guillotined. we’ve gone from reasonable and correct takes about how people change (ex. “it’s not my responsibility to teach you”— yes! of course it shouldn’t be up to underprivileged random people on the internet to educate the uninformed!) to utterly deranged ones (ex. “nobody with privilege will ever realize that they’re doing harm and the ones who claim to be in the process of learning are just virtue signaling and should be punished for it”— a take I’ve seen applied to men learning about feminism, cishets becoming allies, white people learning about antiracism, relatives of shooters who go on to advocate for gun control, etc)
you do realize that people can genuinely change for the better, right? I’ve seen my parents un-transphobia themselves firsthand, going from thinking that my sibling came out “for attention” to wholeheartedly believing in trans rights. my grandma’s father was every kind of asshole imaginable and she grew up indoctrinated, but as an adult she broke away from him and has spent the rest of her life working on unlearning stuff. my cousin grew up in the rural south and parroted his rural southern dad’s opinions until he was thirteen and started actually thinking for himself, at which point he did a total 180 and is now studying history with a focus on the evolution of the rights of the underprivileged
so when I see people on here say that people shouldn’t change because they don’t deserve to change it rubs me the wrong way. cause at that point it sounds like you’d rather have that person stay harmful so you can stay mad at them, instead of letting them change and gaining yourself an ally. again, you don’t need to interact with them, but. at this point it kind of feels like you care more about hating The Oppressors than about protecting The Oppressed.
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yuridovewing · 7 months
yeah this has been said a bajillion times i knowwww but sparkpelt and needleclaw had so much potential as "legacy" themed characters
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unknowingaddiction · 1 year
What can I do instead of participating in my addictive behaviors?
*The suggestions listed are not exhaustive, and are behaviors, habits, and hobbies I have used or heard from someone in a recovery program. If you would like to add something that has worked for you to this list, please comment below and I will add them to the list.
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Listen to music mindfully
Make or appreciate art- draw, craft, create music, write, sculpt, dance, photography
Go outside
Go for a walk
Plan a trip whether it be a vacation somewhere you have always wanted to go, or an outing alone or with friends
Think of what you can do to make your day
Think of what you can do to make someone else’s day
Partake in self care
Read a book
Call a supportive friend
Watch your favorite movie 
Learn something new
Build mastery
Pet your animal family member(s)
Join a hobby or interest group 
*Each individual is different with their own limits and abilities, not every replacement on this list will fit every individual. 
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sukinohealthcare · 8 months
Trauma Rehabilitation Center in Bangalore
The Trauma Rehabilitation Center in Bangalore offers comprehensive care and support to individuals recovering from traumatic injuries and experiences. Staffed with skilled professionals and equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, the center provides personalized rehabilitation programs tailored to each patient's unique needs. From physical therapy to emotional counseling, the center focuses on restoring functionality, independence, and overall well-being. With a compassionate approach and a commitment to excellence, it serves as a beacon of hope for those on the journey to recovery.
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arlo-venn · 10 months
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Bruh ❔
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not-poignant · 2 years
Fae Tales - Underline the Gold 02/? (Anton/Flitmouse)
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Title: Underline the Gold
Pairing: Anton Valenosk (the Brave)/Alois Flitmouse
Notes: An Underline the Black side-story
Summary: Alpha Anton is assigned a new omega, Alois Flitmouse, who is Hillview Rehabilitation Facility’s very first voluntary admission and an older, independent omega who is escaping unfortunate circumstances and seeking protection, and is too jaded and tired to consider bonding with anyone.
Its rating is Mature with some disturbing themes (mention of suicidal ideation, eating disorder, and historic domestic violence).
Underline the Gold - 02 - The Tail (Anton/Flitmouse) - $5+ tiers on Patreon
In which Flitmouse makes his first excursion off the grounds to explore the small town nearby, while still deciding if he can handle living with Anton, who cares for him far too much for his liking.
-Thanks to all the Patreon supporters for making this story possible! This will eventually make its way over to AO3 around May!
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ghostie000 · 1 year
spencer reid as a psychiatrist/psychotherapist. after the BAU he decides to give treating people in the early stages of criminal development a try rather than stopping them when it’s already too late. he’s always tried to save who he could, always had compassion for certain people who lost their way.    he works in residential care and specializes in personality disorders. he uses dialectical behavioral therapy, schema therapy, and humanistic therapy, a combo that helps his patients first to improve the high baseline pain of their lives, and then begin to pick apart their development and trauma, and finally what they might want out of life.    he’s extremely compassionate but he also has expectations and solid boundaries, and the two are sides of one coin. he provides the first healthy relationship that many of his patients have ever had. his analytical mind coupled and his outsider’s understanding of social skills and cues, give him objectivity, but his compassion, warmth, gentleness make him instantly trustworthy.    his BAU experience means he can find out the truth and get anyone talking, and that no one can scare him, which goes a long way toward not rewarding attempts to intimidate. there’s also that tiny part of him that understands rage and deviance. but he can also see through the behavioral problems to the scared, hurting kid in a patient with destructive behaviors, and give them comfort and reassurance, and also teach them to meet their needs in better ways, and reinforce good choices.    he can make the scariest person cry in his arms. he talks people who have drowned emotion their whole lives by intimidating others through new emotions and anxiety attacks. he knows that learning new ways of coping and leaving behind bad ones is terrifying, he expects relapses, and he never gives up on anyone. he’ll take care of the same patient as many times as necessary. he can’t fix everything, but he can produce huge improvements, and most patients see large gains in independence and quality of life
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hy-chu · 1 year
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Finally have designed my ideal Gym Leader team and motif, hopefully I’ll get something done after work
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