#transfromers idw
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startheskelaton · 2 months ago
Can you tell us more about Landlot(Sparkplug's ex boyfriend)please?
Oh gosh I'm gonna go on a huge tangent about this guy, mostly because I feel like it.
So Landlot is the newest version of a character that belonged to my own ex boyfriend. However I was the one to properly flesh out his character, the most my ex did was give him a color pallet and basic personality.
For context, One Spark first started as a fanfiction called "End of the rode" made by my ex. It was a post apocalyptic transformers au where the Optimus and Megatron are dead, the autobots are trying to make another arc to get to Cybertron and the decepticons are now led by Starscream. The story only really got a proper threw line when I suggested adding a character I had thought up, Sal Witwicky, the orphaned daughter of Spike Witwicky. Sal's deal was that she resented transformers because they not only destroyed her world, but let her family die, now she's one of few surviving humans. She gets found by Hound and reluctantly agrees to go back with him to the autoboot base.
At one point, Sal was supposed to be horribly injured by Ravage (who was only there because I really liked Soundwave, and his addition helped fill in plot gaps), to the point she was about to die. However they put her in a experimental protoform body... she would now be known... as Sparkplug. (I also came up with this plotline)
Why am I going on about this? Well because it's important to why Land lot exists on my current story. Landlot in the old fanfiction was a twin and was one of the first transformers built on earth, post Sparkplug getting put into robot body. He was supposed to be the leader of his group, as he was kind of a hotrod wanna be. He was also vary clearly a self projection character for my ex, similar to how I tend to project onto Sparkplug. I had offered the idea for Sparkplug and Landlot to be a couple, I can't remember if my ex was on board for the idea or not, however I do remember it being the only thing close to romance in the whole story.
So here we are a good maybe 6 years later. I had a lot of trauma from that relationship to the point I still dream about him, and the moment I realize it's him in my dream, I try and get away from him, not wanting to be with him at all. I won't say I was a saint during that relationship, but I do resent him for being able to find some sense of peace with intimacy. A lot of shit happened... So when I decided to remake the Transformers AU, I was mean to Landlot.
So who is Landlot in the One Spark AU?
Well he's a 1970's Plymoth GX, who emerged with his twin sister, Defender. They emerged pretty soon after the matrix awakened the energon on earth. They emerged vary close to the autobot base and were taken in and trained like any normal sparkling would be trained back on Cybertron. He fit in vary well as he remined a lot of the autobots of the older days, just a bunch of guys who turned into cars acting like heroes and messing around. He would become a poster boy for the transformers born on Earth.
How did he end up dating Sparkplug? Well I'll tell yah. Despite a lot of my art showing people dotting over Sparkplug, that wasn't the case for a majority of the autobots, yes a good amount of them formed bonds with her, but it was only because they were related to prime. Bot's like Ironhide, sideswipe, Blur, Proceptor and a good amount of other autobot's being vary against Megatron and Soundwave being allowed to join, and some are still convinced that Sparkplug is just part of a secret plan of Megatron to try and take over earth again.
So a lot of bots stayed away from her, and this bias would trickle down to the new earth born bots on the base. So Sparkplug never had any friends her age, the closet being Rumble and Frenzy who were basically teenagers when she was born. However Sparkplug did grow up to be rather pretty... well... as pretty as you can be while being a weird combination of two bots. Even though she tried to talk to the other young bots, her awkwardness and bluntness only made them stay away from her. However Landlot slip in, seeing an opportunity to have a cute/shy girlfriend. Sparkplug fell hard and fast for him because she had never had anyone interested in her romantically. He would try and mold Sparkplug into a sweet, dotting and helpless shy girl that would hang on his arm to make him look cooler. Because how badass would it be to show that he was able to get the notorious Megatron's daughter to be his side chick.
Eventually, Sparkplug got tired of getting the short end of the stick and decided to break up with him after seeing that he was trying to get with other bots behind her back, bot's that vary clearly didn't like her.
So that's where they stand as of now. Landlot is still a celebrated leader for his heroics and fun personality, while Sparkplug just only got passed to go on missions and was put on the most mind numbing job imaginable.
sorry that this is so long, I just really wanted to share all this info
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amebanworld · 3 months ago
Kuddos for this analisys.
But let me add some thoughts to the whole impression about "his true form" thing.
The fact is, in spite all the variated shapes Starscream has in IDW, even counting other continuities, this form does not seem to be *him* I understand the meaning of the color pattern you point out, which could be a nice change, but A) He looks like TC (quite much his uppergrade form in Armada). B) His color pattern always has been red-silver white- blue, quite much like Optimus himself, and we don't see "evil" tips in Optimus, in spite they both share the same colors. The funfact is "red" is quite unusual among D'cons. So, why did they change the colors? And why Starscream, in spite being looking for a body that fits him (in IDW), never got the idea to make something similar to this? Which is tied up to the next big point. Why his true form barely looks like a flyer type? I mean: sure, he has turbines and a cockpit. But the wings, his silver wings, his more noticiable feature and what defines him as a Seeker, are barely noticiable here. In fact, as a whole, this desing of his is closer to be a remaked HotRod.
Sure, the desing is beautiful. But I cannot recognize as "him", except for the dark face, which fortunately they respected. As for the giantism thing and how small is Windblade next to him. Well, she always grows up that much when she fights Vigilem in her own mind, and also she gets upgrade atributes in this fight and other scenes in the comic. I think the giantism is some short of Mental Projection of himself, about how big and powerful he sees himself now. But there is something else that bothers me, and I think many fans too. His upgraded form is beautiful? Yes. His true self is limited to change his body? No. In IDW, Starscream walks a long life way for sure. Cold Constructed-created for others by greed- revelous citicien-DCon soldier-etc... Even he kept the Matrix for a while! And finally he become The Chosed One (at least at this point of the story), which he made a great effort to ruin till TAAO happens. But the fans don't remember him as this blue guy. Because to justify his whole life with some kind of dysphoria doesn't suit his personality nor traumas. I think, when Windblade forged his spark being a Cold Constructed, made him the chance to be himself... in a spiritual level rather than physical. It was some short of Epiphany rather than "healing his dysphoria". He wanted to stop to be a "slave" and a "cunning survivor" because he gets healed of how he was "mass produced". Perhaps the writers tried to give him this kind of Spiritual experience through a body change than just having a mystical experience. But the result is we, as audence, cannot see him in this true form of him, in spite his beauty.
My two cents.
I have a lot of thoughts on Starscream’s ‘True-form.’ Some good and some less so but for this post I really just want to analyze the differences between Starscream’s usual design versus the appearance of his ‘true-form.’
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njere · 1 month ago
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We'll travel through the crystal night, starbound
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cookieclover · 3 months ago
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MORE STICKERS!! I went with those guys because I really like how they look like in Lost Light :> I gave them drinks because heck, they do deserve something nice in their lives vv
(I drew Ratchet the usual way, with the sketchy lineart, and with Drift I went for a more clean look, which I think works better for a sticker. Honestly I'm learning as I go, transformers do be hard to draw)
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syzyspark · 2 months ago
Starscream whenever Megatron rises from the dead for the 15th time I'll maybe end this one later, Idk yet, I fumbled Starscream's face Behold those dudes tho
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starlightloona91 · 18 days ago
It's a good thing he wears those silly goggles because I for one would NOT be able to concentrate in therapy 😳
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3ic95id864pg · 1 month ago
No...don't make me have a crush on him
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sofonn · 2 months ago
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feeling like sharing this babygirl catboy (some of this words are in bible)
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that1overthere · 3 months ago
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icecream4starscream · 3 months ago
I really hope in a future iteration of the Transformers, we get a Starscream who is revealed to be chosen by the Matrix of Leadership to be a Prime.
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It could be revealed that the whole reason his spark is immortal (odd HE gets immortality since the only other person to really cheat death like that is Optimus Prime) was because the Matrix was waiting for him to become the leader he needed to be. He always had the potential, but he needs to grow before he earns the right to wield it.
Also, it would've been a cool twist in the original 80's movie if Starscream was the one to wield the Matrix instead of Hot Rod, Magnus, or Galvatron (and been more a meaningful pick IMO), but of course that would've required a heck of an arc in the movie and we would've never gotten ghost Starscream so... *shrugs*
IDK, i just think a Prime Starscream would be pretty cool.
EDIT: Follow up question, what would be a good Prime name for Starscream? I think something like Sirius Prime would be fitting (Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky).
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nuhuh-yuhuhfum · 9 days ago
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I was thinking about people and this popped in my head and I was like you know what. He would, he so would say this. Especially to Megatron
And he's so right to.
Don't know if this is already a quote but yeah 👍
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startheskelaton · 3 months ago
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Time is a flat circle
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razak-69 · 5 months ago
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Finally finished this
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aceofheartsssss · 2 months ago
Jealous Confusion - ⭐️ Starscream ⭐️ x Human Reader Mini Fic
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@skittyhugger requested this I felt like doin’ it cuz I like doing random shit for no reason. It’s a very short blurb-fic thingy, hope that’s okay, pookies. Gender-neutral reader cuz yeah.
Y’all can also imagine any version of Starscream if you want to btw. Enjoy!!!
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‘There he goes again, whispering about who knows what…’ The human thought, watching from a distance, mind burning with curiosity. The fleshling watched as Starscream whispered something into Windblade’s audials. Then, Windblade giggled with that adorable giggle of hers, replying to him in a whisper as well. Starscream turned pink. These types of interactions between these two had been happening for a while now. Recently, Starscream seemed to be growing distant from his human ally, a friend, if you will, always making new excuses to leave. And lately, he'd been getting closer to Windblade. The human walked away; it was too much to take right now. A sigh escaped the fleshling’s mouth. “Fuckin’ thoughts. It’s impossible… and stupid as hell.” The fleshy thought aloud, plopping onto a couch. The human shouldn’t have been feeling this upset and jealous about two bots growing close, but the painful truth was that the little thing had somehow been around Starscream long enough to develop a crush on him. A strong crush. It was pure stupidity, a ridiculous notion, the human thought, not only because Starscream was millions of years older, much too many feet taller, but oh, he was a freaking alien. There was no way he was ever going to fall, let alone be attracted to a human, so why even give it a shot? It was a suicide attempt to try. The squishy didn’t even remember how or when this feeling started. It just did, and it only snowballed, getting worse. To top it all off, the fleshling was also mentally in denial about the crush. It was all a big, confusing concoction of emotions. That day, the fleshy avoided Starscream as much as possible, hanging out with random Autobots instead. It almost seemed like they could also tell something was off.
About one long week had passed of the squishy living life somewhat normally whilst still avoiding Starscream more as he hung out with Windblade more often than ever. One day, the tiny human was broken out from a train of thought by a giant metallic digit gently nudging the soft squishy’s shoulder. Surely a random bot like Bumblebee, but no, when the human turned and looked up, there was Starscream, looking all the way down. The fleshling frowned instinctively. “What?” The angry human asked stiffly. “Are you alright, Squishy?” Starscream asked, tilting his helm curiously. His tone was a little different today. “Yes.” The human replied in the most bland, monotone voice ever, accompanied by a stiff expression. Starscream frowned, poking the human’s cheek. “It doesn’t look like you’re alright. You’ve been very distant.” He said gently, kneeling down to be closer to the fleshing’s face. He looked adorable this way, trying to shrink down and be as close as he could; the weak fleshy couldn’t take it. “I-I’m just… I… ugh, just forget it-” The flustered human said, trying to speak harshly but coming off as a little nervous. Starscream looked like he was thinking of what to say next; he almost looked nervous? Then, seeming almost as if he'd rehearsed this a million times, he spoke. “Well, I was thinking- if you wish to, we could go out for a drink... or to a human film and… hang out.” Starscream said with a silly little smile. The confused fleshling blinked, anger suddenly gone, brows furrowed. “Wait, what? What are you… why?” The little human asked. Starscream looked off to the side and scoffed nervously. “Well, I believe what I’m referring to is called a… date…” Starscream trailed off reluctantly, and he was turning pink. He looked adorable when he was nervous. The human’s eyes slowly widened as the realization of what was happening set in. Starscream did like the human. “A date? With… me? Why? What about Windblade? I thought you liked her… I thought you guys were…” The human trailed off curiously, realizing that the Windblade thing was a misunderstanding but simultaneously thinking that surely Starscream had said something wrong. Sometimes, he'd get human words and their meanings wrong. “Windblade? No- I don't like her like that… I- er, may have been asking Windblade for… advice- anyway, never mind that-” Starscream said nervously, his face most definitely turning a different shade. Could bots even blush? Guess so. He was obviously not used to this. It was almost too cute for the human to handle. “So, would you like to? If not, that's alright… you are a human, after all, and-” “Yes- I’ve liked you for a while- I thought you’d never like me-” The human said instantly, nodding quickly, cutting Starscream off from any doubts and insecurities. His optics widened when he heard the eagerness and confession of the squishy human, and he smiled. The human's denial was no longer existent, because this was definitely a very real, huge crush. "Well, shall we?" Starscream lent a servo down softly, and the human happily hopped on it as they took off. This was surely the start of something new...
Somewhere, Windblade giggled maniacally because she'd been a great wingwoman, and her advice had actually worked.
Well, tell me what y'all thought about it! Like if you liked, gimme advice, etc. See ya later, pookies! <3 Pic link: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/120752833734196921/
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idksomething356 · 21 days ago
My Littlest Pet Shop [au] tf x reader ʚ♡ɞ Prologue ʚ♡ɞ
Guys. I'm not that familiar with the Transformers universe comics and basically everything that goes on there. However, I know enough to get into the characters + consider that this is an alt.universe in which I create what I want. Either way, I'm going to mark it OOC. It's not the first time I've seen AU's like this and unfortunately not all of them are finished, so I'm taking it into my own hands. Enjoy! « An alternate universe in which humans are seen as intelligent pets. Some Cybertronians see you as truly incapable of anything (Decepticons), while some, who have a kinder spark (most of the Autobots), still see you as a stupid little creature, but at least treat you with care and consideration for your feelings. This is the terrible truth that you will have to face and feel on your own, fragile in comparison with the world of Cybertronians, body. »
Just as there are streaks of good luck in life, there are also streaks of bad luck, interconnected, intertwined. And, to your horror, bad luck has hit you incredibly hard, because… what do you mean by the fact that now you're just going to be someone's pet?!
But that's your reality now. And the worst thing is that you are not the only one who suffered this fate — there were a dozen more people in some kind of metal box. It would seem that this should be comforting, because together you all will definitely think of something, but, looking at your current surroundings, the hope for salvation through combined efforts rapidly flew down. Quite a lot of them looked, frankly speaking, atrocious.
It hasn't been that long since you were snatched on your way home by some aliens that looked like flying clams in armor, and then ended up in this iron prison with no light, only round holes for “ventilation.” The top of this prison opened, and a big, metal palm found you. For the simple reason that you were the only one who remained standing there in shock, with open eyes, and did not run to hide in the corners like mice.
Warm but stiff fingers closed roughly and without caution on your organic body, knocking absolutely all the air out of your lungs. Big doe eyes stared at the face hidden beneath the mask and the aggressively red visor. This robot-thing snorted and said something in a language you didn't understand. You felt as if he was pausing in several places and was silent, though his companion was nodding next to him — he had heard everything.
This huge robot started talking loudly and gesticulating vigorously, of course, with you in its hand, exposing you to a multitude of eyes blazing bright scarlet. After this little meeting, you were placed in some new container, this time resembling something akin to a birdcage and a cat/dog carrier. And so, you've realized — you're going to be sold. But to whom and where — it's not clear yet. You prepared for the worst-case scenario anyway. Your new location was similar to… a pet shop. There were all kinds of animals: small, medium, colossal. There was a separate corner, if not a compartment, for humans, where you were all placed like merchandise on a shelf for viewing. Thank God it was behind thick glass, so that some crazy bot couldn't harm such fragile creatures as you. Good thing, whoever kept humans as pets for sale thought to provide minimal comfort to organics. You had your own sleeping area, shower and toilet. In all the time you've spent in this prison, you've been able to learn a little about the history of this planet and the people who inhabit it. Your owner, though he was a Decepticon, did his job with conscience and full responsibility — he wanted to sell his pets for more, for full price, and didn't let a single person die of any disease or injury under his watch. He has downloaded all existing and even extinct human languages into his processor to make it easier to contact you and bring you up to speed. He also took care of the female species of homo sapiens! It is one great rarity that a Decepticon would behave so well compared to a critter ten times his size. Now, where were we? Ah, that's right, the history of Cybertron and its people. It just so happens that after the workers rebelled against the ruling elite, a civil war broke out, dividing the planet into two factions: The Autobots, fighting for freedom and order, and the Decepticons, seeking absolute power. And humans… well, are just pets in the hands of living metal giants.
This is your fate — to sit and wait for some Cybertronian to buy you and rescue you from this glassy, cold prison. And you pray to all the gods that your first owner is an adequate, kind, and good Autobot. My very first victims in this au are gonna be Ratch&Drift, be ready. Btw! Long time ago I read a fanfic more akin to just an article on this kind of alternate universe and honestly — I took inspiration from what I remember of the story.
I apologize to the author and to anyone who reads this if you notice similarities in our work.
SFW headcanons
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cookieclover · 2 months ago
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I've got a shop on Ko-fi! Stickers, button pins and prints, mostly transformers themed ^^ Check it out!
LINK: https://ko-fi.com/cookieclover/shop
A little story about the shop under the cut ^^
I can't express how much this shop means to me, it's something that finally gave me a purpose, and helped me to get out of bed every day. Even if I don't get any sales, that's okay < 3 I'm just happy to continue creating, and sharing my love for Transformers with everyone.
To my friends and family, who supported me through the whole process, helped me with the photos, the spelling under my posts, the pin machine and everything else - THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU!!! <3
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