#starscream true form
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km3tt0 · 2 months ago
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save me True Form Starscream- save me…
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blueallihc · 20 days ago
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"I know who you are."
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soda-sparkss · 7 months ago
me omw to love and appreciate my gigantic wife
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yayasvalveplay · 1 month ago
Has anyone ever wondered how Skyfire would react if he saw Starscream's true form?
I mean
Look at this gorgeous giant
One more question i wonder about : how fast will Skyfire lose his "top" rights after it?
Or he will manage to get things work with this mad high difference?
I think skyfire would think true form starscream is the most pretty bot out there.
I don't think he'd loose his top rights, they'll just be switches by then.
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loxes-a · 2 years ago
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It’s an absolute shame we never got more true form Starscream :(
I do love this design tho, hopefully we get to see it as a figure one day.
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somerandomcockroach · 6 months ago
Ahaha.... so, finished "Till all are one", will just put a few screenshots I liked because who will stop me
Starscream and Bumblebee being an unhealthy in the most healthy possible way married couple... Just... I mean, I'm not sure if Bumblbee is real (like some spark dust) or really is his hallucination, but the way they talk, the way it helps him keep the sanity while he looks insane, the way he is alone once he really leaves
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And just sassy Starscream, his fear, the REAL him, OH MY GOD LOOK. LOOK AT IT, I was kicking my legs, I love Starscream being a sassy rat stabbing the backs, so seeing all these was a big surprise... Broken villain, somehow reminds the path Megatron had to path through... (Also, his true design reminded me of a Senator Shockwave haha... I have trauma, just the fact that it reminded me and the fact that it is the TRUE form, and the fact that Senator Shockwave was so close to that form)
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BLURR. I LOVED Blurr even before BUT, when you see first hand more of his character. A great owner of the bar that collects all kind of bots and all of them are in peace, he doesn't allow people with bad mind inside. He also has the opinion of most, he wants what they want and speaks for them. Everyone wants the better leader, who will hear them and fight for them, he collected all the people with that opinion, his bar is literally that little heaven
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Bonuses Knockout being a lovely husband...
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Just Swindle ehehehhe little pretty boy being reborned
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The great knowledge of Vortex XDDD
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doodlecat19 · 2 months ago
something something if starscream can have a true form so should ravage and the other animal cassettes
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I'm working on a laserbeak and buzzsaw one chat, I'll link it below when it's done loll ;–;
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prideicons · 9 months ago
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true form starscream for anon !!
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amebanworld · 20 days ago
And not only that. Just think about these...
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Starscream and HotShot / Bumblebee/ certain yellow bot ascended into upper ranks that becomes his voice of reason and emotional support...
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And, of course, Alexis / Windblade... whose relationship will change his destiny.
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And the great final...
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In short. The story of those two is very similar, but under different medias. The difference is people percives Armada Starscream as heroic but IDW as... whatever.
And regarding to Alexis and Windblade, even if mostly people agree with Alexis being some short of crush on him and it's seeing under certain aceptance, Windscream makes many fans to cringe. Why? Misogyny perhaps?
I might be stupid. I just realized that this
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Might have inspired this
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blueallihc · 20 days ago
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sunoflegend · 9 months ago
//share the tea sis how does spotlight megatron affects you?
IT'S SO FUCKING BAD IN THERE DUDE IT GETS SO BAD IN SPOTLIGHT MEGATRON IT MAKES SO SICK . Okay for context Megatron was temporarily dead (or out of commission. either way his ass was gone ) and shockwave was like. making him a new body. and in the meantime starscream was leading the cons, which in theory sounds great for her, right? NO megatron had made her such a joke over the years by treating her as unserious and beating the shit out of her in front of them that they all lost respect for her, so literally NONE of them listen to her and just. since they're stranded on an asteroid, they start eating each other for energon. very fun stuff.
anyways thats the context in spotlight megatron its about when he comes back after this and dude its so fucking bad for starscream it makes me sick the entire issue is megatron just being fucking horrible to her. literally for starscreams end of things it started with her being depressed as fuck in the main room and megatron being a little bitch and she's like "i know you're here to beat the shit out of me and mock me just get on with it" and she LITERALLY GRABS HIS ARM CANON AND POINTS IT AT HER LIKE JUST DO IT I KNOW YOU WILL. And all Megatron is thinking is "oh she's already depressed this isn't gonna be fun at all :/" LIKE HELLO WHAT THE FUCK MAN. AND PROCEEDS TO JUST VERBALLY BERATE HER. FOLLOWED BY THIS PANEL LIKE CAN I FUCKING HELP YOU
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Like it's just so fucking bad he's literally trying to gode her into fighting him back or saying something nasty or anything cause he doesn't think it's fun when she's just miserable like hello !!!! and she's so miserable that she's just like at this point i fucking hope you do kill me. and he's like oh well if you really wanted to die you would've fought back what you CLEARLY want is punishment so let me beat the shit out of you. and I use this part in my pinned graphic but eaugaugehaahgahgah i'm ill im ill im sick
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and of course at the end of all this fucking shit he's like you're welcome and you can work on repaying me for teaching you this valuable lesson. i'm punching a wall the entire issues so fucked up it's just a mental saw trap for starscream from megatron that ends in her getting beat an inch from her life. yay!! so fun!!!!!
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amebanworld · 3 months ago
Kuddos for this analisys.
But let me add some thoughts to the whole impression about "his true form" thing.
The fact is, in spite all the variated shapes Starscream has in IDW, even counting other continuities, this form does not seem to be *him* I understand the meaning of the color pattern you point out, which could be a nice change, but A) He looks like TC (quite much his uppergrade form in Armada). B) His color pattern always has been red-silver white- blue, quite much like Optimus himself, and we don't see "evil" tips in Optimus, in spite they both share the same colors. The funfact is "red" is quite unusual among D'cons. So, why did they change the colors? And why Starscream, in spite being looking for a body that fits him (in IDW), never got the idea to make something similar to this? Which is tied up to the next big point. Why his true form barely looks like a flyer type? I mean: sure, he has turbines and a cockpit. But the wings, his silver wings, his more noticiable feature and what defines him as a Seeker, are barely noticiable here. In fact, as a whole, this desing of his is closer to be a remaked HotRod.
Sure, the desing is beautiful. But I cannot recognize as "him", except for the dark face, which fortunately they respected. As for the giantism thing and how small is Windblade next to him. Well, she always grows up that much when she fights Vigilem in her own mind, and also she gets upgrade atributes in this fight and other scenes in the comic. I think the giantism is some short of Mental Projection of himself, about how big and powerful he sees himself now. But there is something else that bothers me, and I think many fans too. His upgraded form is beautiful? Yes. His true self is limited to change his body? No. In IDW, Starscream walks a long life way for sure. Cold Constructed-created for others by greed- revelous citicien-DCon soldier-etc... Even he kept the Matrix for a while! And finally he become The Chosed One (at least at this point of the story), which he made a great effort to ruin till TAAO happens. But the fans don't remember him as this blue guy. Because to justify his whole life with some kind of dysphoria doesn't suit his personality nor traumas. I think, when Windblade forged his spark being a Cold Constructed, made him the chance to be himself... in a spiritual level rather than physical. It was some short of Epiphany rather than "healing his dysphoria". He wanted to stop to be a "slave" and a "cunning survivor" because he gets healed of how he was "mass produced". Perhaps the writers tried to give him this kind of Spiritual experience through a body change than just having a mystical experience. But the result is we, as audence, cannot see him in this true form of him, in spite his beauty.
My two cents.
I have a lot of thoughts on Starscream’s ‘True-form.’ Some good and some less so but for this post I really just want to analyze the differences between Starscream’s usual design versus the appearance of his ‘true-form.’
Seguir leyendo
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scribe-of-hael · 2 years ago
Guys the way Starscream looks if he wasn't Cold Constructed - God make say heart hurt. This is what he could have been but I also Love Starscream as he is. But the inner conflict of what he COULD have been, what he SHOULD be but can't be.
He's is such a BIG BOY dear God and look at his purple optics-
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baby star i love you no matter what you look like CRYS
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cosmics-beings · 11 months ago
What do you think of Starscream's true form?
Oooh so I do like his true form, and i actually like the color scheme, but i also think in a funny way , if he did get his true form, he would go back to changing it or at least, modifying it?
I think it's something he desires because it's something he ultimately gets to choose, but then i think he would also choose, per starscream's personality, to change and modify it.
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ask-physalia-prime · 3 months ago
2 Things I Gotta Point Out
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Doesn't say a single word when Optimus lists his crimes, then when he finishes, just stands up and waits for whatever punishment Optimus deems fit.
You can see it all over his face. He KNOWS everything Optimus just said was true.
We know Optimus dropped his mask so Megatron knows he was speaking as Orion, and coupled with the tear stains, Megatron was convinced Orion was still in there somewhere.
So he faces him head on, fully prepared for anything EXCEPT banishment.
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The faded optics say it all: This thing standing in front of him wearing his best friends face is not Orion Pax. He died when Megatron killed him, and the thing he just destroyed Cybertron to get rid of just told him to leave and not come back.
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The second thing is the pause right after Optimus says this.
It only lasts about 3 seconds, but it's enough to make clear what Optimus ISN’T saying, "It STILL doesn't have to be this way."
He's hanging by a thread, BEGGING Megatron to fight back, to argue, anything but what he actually does.
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And even faced with that being the last thing he hears Megatron say before the war breaks out, he STILL does this.
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If not blowing Starscreams face off with a fusion cannon is Megatron's form of mercy?
This is Optimus'.
Even after everything, he REFUSES to compromise what he's been fighting for: the right to autonomy for all Cybertronians, even the one that killed him.
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mossyscavern · 3 months ago
Not spies, just a bit incompetent
Part 2
“… what?”
Bee squeaked, breaking the silence before tapping soundwave’s shoulder pad to whisper in his audible. “What is starscream talking about?” He asked, the blue bot turned and whispered back. “Conclusion: We believed you’ve possibly been captured.”
Soundwave answered, as starscream gave his speech to both the high guard and prisoners.
“… no, i wasn’t captured, they found me. I lived in sub-level 50 back at Iacon.” He told the mech, shrugging his shoulder pads before kicking his peds back and forth.
“Question: who had ‘found’ you?” Soundwave asked and bee pointed to both the blue helmed mech with the red chassis and the silver mech. “They did before we found the map and got our T-cog’s from alpha trion.”
… this concerned Soundwave to the point he scanned bee’s electrical impulses. Every word he said is true.. even the T-cog part is true. “Primus what had sentinel done to you?” Shockwave chimed in, just as concerned as Soundwave.
All before starscream had yelled. “Hey! What are you doing?!” Starscream yelled. ‘Aww, we missed the whole speech.’ Bee thought, pouting.
Then it changed to concern, seeing that D-16 is the one that stood up. “Doing what you’re not.” He first says, turning to the winged mech.
“I’m going out there to make an actual difference. I found out that Sentinel is rotten and I’m going to make him pay, today!” D-16 yelled, fury on his faceplate. “You think you can just insult me and walk away?”
Starscream questions, walking up close to the silver mech. “Nobody leaves unless I say so.” He threatens, invading his space. “Is that so?” D laughs mirthlessly, licking his denta.
“Well how can you say that? With my head in your teeth.”
He says, rearing back and knock his helm full force into Starscream’s. The winged mech stumbles, caught off guard as sparks fly. “Dee!” He hears Orion scream, but doesn’t pay much mind to it, he has optics on his opponent.
Starscream was about to fly kick right at D-16’s head, but the mech caught it, resulting a face full of plasma from the heel Strut.
It was all happening too fast for bee, that and the amount of times soundwave tries to shield bee from the violence, but bee has to see if D is alright. From the looks of it he was about to lose..
Everything became quiet when bee finally struggles out of soundwave’s arms, looks up and saw that D has the upper hand, and he looks… terrifying, scary even, with that huge canon pressed against starscream’s face on his forearm…
“Dee!” Bee shouts, desperate. D-16 stopped, his features softened and he looked up, blue meeting orange.. were they orange?
Immediately he let starscream go, went and knelt down, arms stretched out to bee. Shockwave stepped forward before being stopped by Soundwave, letting the young spark approach and the silver mech hug. “You ok bee?” He asks.
“Uh huh, but… that was really scary.” Bee mumbled, burying his helm in D’s chassis. “it’s okay.. it’s okay.” He says, hugging bee tight to ground both of them.. but mostly himself, he needed this.. both of them needed this.
Before anything, he asks bee to go back to Orion and elita and cover his audibles. Once he does the tasks he shouts to the high guard, loud and clear.
“Bear witness! This is the only time I show mercy to those who play king of thrones! Decide now: You can stay here in hiding, bowing before your pathetic leader, or follow me as we march to Iacon and take down sentinel! Once and for all!”
The high guard cheered, chanting his name loudly. Orion stares back at his friend, the voices and chanting fades in quiet as he stares more.
He turned back to bee audibles still covered like how d-16 instructed.
Orion felt like he was about to loose D… but bee had kept him grounded.. sparkling’s keep them grounded.. it’s a reason to fight for.
The distant chanting didn’t last very long as there was a sudden explosion and laserfire. “Bee hold on!” Orion yells, transforms into vehicle form to get bee to safety.
They can make it! They have to make it…
Ok, part 2 is done. It’s a bit sloppy but, eh.. I just wanted it to be finished.
So yeah.. part 2 is done! Forever. And for those who hadn’t seen part 1 yet, don’t worry I’ll just direct you to it.
(Prev) <- it’s here, right there… I hope you all enjoy. If uh… you want to hear the aftermath? Go here -> (aftermath) @yuukirita drew/wrote it best… I’m sorry.
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