#transformers tailpipe
intothefunkyverse · 6 months
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Entrap babysits Tailpipe and gets roped into becoming the next Cinderella. She reaaaally wants him to surprise Blitzwing with this on, because then she can dress him up like prince charming
Entrap belongs to @maxicaiman! Ty for giving me permission to draw this!
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thelastgherkin · 1 year
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A digibash come to life!
More like this:
Siege Leader Class Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime
Combiner Wars Voyager Class Battle Core Optimus Prime
Cybertron Nova Prime (custom)
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oozeandgoo-art · 11 months
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robotsprinkles · 1 year
It's been somewhere around eleven years and I still have no idea where I first got the idea that tailgate was a girl.
Logically it's most likely something to do with the MTMTE "the ingenue" thing, but that doesn't feel right. If nothing else because,
a) I didn't start reading about mtmte on tfwiki until some time in 2013-2014 (I say "about" because I didn't manage to actually read anything more than tfwiki articles and previews and pinterest/google images panel and page excerpts until around 2015-2016) so I'm pretty certain I never saw the promo that called him "the ingenue" (I've no memory of seeing it prior)
b) I didn't know "ingenue" was feminine until I saw the tfwiki article about it
c) I have concrete memories that when I did start reading the tfwiki articles I was like. "wait what? why are they saying tailgate's a guy? tailgate's a girl. she's a girl. where did they get the idea she's a guy?"
having just checked my copies of the dreamwave transformers universe profiles (which were in chinese because I got them as a gift when I was a kid for I think lunar new year), which was my main theory for where I got the idea that Tailgate was a girl (that the translators might've switched some of the characters' genders since that's a thing that happens), I can say that unless I misread something, the chinese translations of the dw tf universe profiles were not what gave me the idea
(and the art used for tg in the book looks like this so I don't think it was a case of kid me seeing the art and going "yeah that looks like a girl")
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(on the other hand I still get "tailgate is a girl name" vibes in my head when I see it written down/think about it)
(I know this isn't a case of me misremembering or confusing myself or anything because up until like. 2020 I still had a thing in my brain that would try to automatically correct every instance of tailgate being referred to with he/him to she/her)
my current theories are that I either got the idea from youtube comments under a random video (which I think is unlikely considering that tailgate basically didn't exist to most people prior to 2012 and I mostly watched toy reviews and clips/episodes of tfa, cybertron, and armada)
or that I somehow stumbled on a forum where people were discussing the ingenue thing and got the takeaway that tailgate was a girl (possible, but I didn't really browse anything other than youtube prior to 2013)
or that I read about or saw the tfp arcee backstory about arcee and tailgate and somehow misinterpreted it as arcee and tailgate being lesbians (possible, but I think I remember getting annoyed at tfp for making tailgate a guy/cliffjumper repaint. though if this theory is right it might've been a case of "reads tfwiki article about tfp arcee's backstory and seeing the tailgate bit, somehow getting 'tailgate is a girl' out of it, then later seeing the actual episode or going to the tfp tailgate article and seeing that he was a cliffjumper repaint and being annoyed". I still don't think that's the case though)
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ragingbookdragon · 9 months
I Do My Hair Toss, Paint My Nails
Bayverse Transformers x Reader Blurbs
Word Count: 1.7K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: I fucking wrote TF fanfiction omg. Enjoy! -Thorne
It’s only the fourth glance she takes out the window that has her nail tech snorting. “Are you worried someone is going to steal your boyfriend’s truck?”
She startles at his words, barely missing the drill bit going into her skin around her nail as she replies, “Huh?”
“You keep looking at the truck,” he says. “It’s your boyfriend’s, isn’t it?”
Her cheeks begin to warm as she swipes a fifth glance at the black GMC. “What makes you say it’s my boyfriend’s? It could be mine.”
“Please. You work in private security. And I know you drive a pink Porsche.” He takes his own look at the truck. “It’s a nice one. It is your boyfriend’s, right?”
“Something like that,” she replies as he dips the brush into the acrylic and begins to lay it over her nails.
He snorts again. “Okay, Miss Mysterious, keep it secret.”
She gives a smile as he continues to work on her nails and she admires them when they’re done, a sleek black stiletto. “Thank you, Ray.”
Giving a mock bow, he replies, “I do my best. Now off with you.”
Waving, she steps outside and nears the driver’s side of the truck, only to be caught off by a sports car slowing to a stop beside her.
“Hey baby,” the man greets, practically hanging outside of the window. “Where you headed?”
She blinks, offering a deadened stare and grips the door handle. “Nowhere you are. Have a nice day.”
“Now don’t be like that, sweetheart,” he replies with a smirk and starts to get out, but he stops when the truck rumbles with a violent noise. “What the fuck?”
“Easy, Ironhide,” she murmurs, and opens the driver’s door. “Have a lovely day.” Shutting and locking the door, she’s thankful that Ironhide’s windows are tinted and watches as the car pulls away in a hurry.
“You okay?” Ironhide asks. “I can always blast their tailpipe in.”
She laughs. “Thank you, but I think they got the message.”
“Hmm, I disagree, but I’ll take your word for it,” his voice hums through his speakers as he pulls off onto the street. “What did you do in there? You were gone for an hour and a half.”
“Oh, I got my nails painted!” she chirps and flashes her hands down. “See, I painted them black like your paint.”
This time, Ironhide rumbles but it’s with a subtle pride as he compliments, “As beautiful as my weapons, love.”
“Thank you,” she smiles and leans forward, pressing her lips to the center of the steering wheel. “How about we take a drive out of the city?”
“I think that’s a fantastic idea,” he replies and turns off to the main highway pointing out of the city.
“I do not understand the process of painting your nails,” Rachet comments as he watches her gently apply a mustard yellow to her nails.
“Which part don’t you understand, big guy?” she replies, not looking up, focusing intently.
“Perhaps it is more so I don’t understand why.”
He nods and gets closer, staring at her hands. “Why are you painting them?”
She looks up at him. “Why me specifically or why do humans paint nails?”
Rachet takes a moment to ponder her question. “Both.”
Sticking her hand under the small gel light, she answers, “Most people paint their nails as a form of self-expression. Others do so as it’s fashionable. Some just do manicures and pedicures to stay groomed. Think of it like you and the others maintaining your own bodies and staying in good condition.” She starts on the other hand when the first is cured. “Some cultures have historic context with painting nails or the length of nails and it’s symbolic to their people.”
“And what of you?” he asks.
“I guess mine is more so expression and maintenance. I work a lot so I can’t always have my nails maintained the way I want, y’know painted and with length. But I always try to keep them clean and nice looking.” She smiles as she paints a red line through them. “Sometimes I’m lucky enough that I get to paint them pretty.”
At that, Rachet tips his head a bit to see. “I’m no human but I do not think red and yellow are technically considered ‘pretty.’”
She gives him a fond look and pokes his nose with her cured pointer. “Really? Because I painted them to look like a similar Autobot I know. Or did you forget you’re red and yellow?”
He coughs slightly and looks away. “Well, now that you mention such a thing.”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’re flustered, Rachet.”
“Nonsense,” he retorts as he stands up straight, and she has to crane her neck to see him. “Autobots don’t get flustered.”
“I think you’re leaking oil, big guy,” she teases, and he turns hurriedly, patting himself down.
“What! Where!”
“I’m joking,” she says with a grin. “Still set on not being embarrassed?”
She sits at the station next to Bumblebee as he fumbles with the metal Rubik’s cube she had made for him. “What color should I paint my nails, Bee?” she asks, opening the case, and she really shouldn’t be painting her nails at work, but considering most of the higher ups are in meetings and the facility is a ghost town, she doesn’t have much to do.
Bumblebee looks down, optics zooming in on each color she lifts up for him to see.
“I’ve got blue…red…black…ooo, what about green?” she offers a deep evergreen up and he scowls and shakes his head. “No?”
He sticks a finger into the case and carefully digs around until he pulls out a tiny tube and hands it to her.
“This one?” she asks and looks at the bottle. “Sunrise Yellow,” she says and looks at him. “It matches you.”
This time he gives her a smile of pride and hands her the black bottle as well, gesturing to her middle and ring fingers.
“You want these ones painted black and the others yellow?”
“Yeah baby!” the line from a comedy movie comes over his voice and she snorts.
“Okay, Bee,” she answers and opens the bottles. “Nails that look like you coming up.” she watches as he grins to himself and dances slightly. “You keep it up, Bee, and everyone is going to know you like me.” She pauses and looks at her hands with a deadpan stare. “Actually, they’re going to think I like you.”
He bends down and gets face to face with her. “You do like me.” The words are easy enough to decipher in his rumbles and she looks away.
“Get outta heeya,” she mocks with warm cheeks, and he laughs at her. “Hey, you better stop laughing at me, or do you not remember how you practically tripped over yourself when I wore a dress the other day and you weren’t paying attention. Ran right into the high-beam and maintenance is still working on fixing it.”
At that, his battle visors come down and he hides his face as embarrassed rumbles escape him; she takes the opportunity to slide up onto his leg and sit with a smile as she paints her nails.
She greets the soldiers around her with a smile as she enters the facility and wanders back to her desk to set her things down. It’s only a few moments before Lennox finds his way to her desk and simply stands in front of it until she looks up. “Good morning, Will.”
“You’re late,” he retorts and crosses his arms over his chest. “We had training this morning. And you missed it.”
“And I think you forget I was transferred to private security.” She smiles amusedly. “I don’t work for the military anymore.”
He rolls his eyes. “Jesus, you get out and you turn into a completely different person.”
“I am not. Excuse me for enjoying not waking up at the ass-crack of dawn to go running.” She turns on her computer and sorts some paperwork on her desk. “I had an appointment if it appeases your annoyance, your royal eminence.”
“Oh, it’s not me that needs to be appeased. It’s a certain Autobot that was worried about your lateness,” he teases as she feels her cheeks heat up.
She gives him a surprised but pleasant look. “Optimus was worried about me?”
She knows she’s said too much when Lennox’s face splits into a smirk and he gloats, “I fuckin’ knew it was Optimus. Epps thought it was Sideswipe.” His grins grows as she throws her pen at him and he saunters off with, “Guys owe me fifty.”
A few minutes pass as the embarrassment begins to fade when a noise startles her and she lets out a groan and gripes, “William, go awa—Optimus!” she hides her files on her desk as if it will take away the fluster she feels. “I—I didn’t know you were there.”
The Autobot leader bends down to get level with her. “You weren’t at training this morning,” he notes, and she can’t help how her neck disappears into her shoulders.
“I was busy…I had an appointment.”
“Oh?” He blinks, blue optics watching her carefully. “Was it a medical appointment? Are you well?”
“I’m fine,” she replies. “I went to go get my nails done.”
He blinks again, this time almost confused as he asks, “Your…nails?”
She shows her hands, and he lowers his, gently taking both of hers in one; they only rest on one finger as he examines them. “In human culture, men and women paint their finger and toenails different colors. It’s called manicure and pedicure. I have acrylic nails. Made from acrylic glass and hardened with a liquid monomer. It creates a hardened surface that can be drilled and painted. Like mine.”
Optimus looks them over before he murmurs almost uncharacteristically quiet, “They are painted like my paint.”
Her cheeks warm and she looks away. “I…know we can’t exactly be open…people wouldn’t understand but…I just thought it would be a romantic gesture I guess.”
“I am honored,” he says with a smile. “They are painted beautifully…like you.”
“Optimus,” she replies with a warm smile. “Thank you.”
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
Excerpt from the Substack Distilled:
In the last few months, the Biden administration has quietly passed multiple federal policies that will transform the United States economy and wipe out billions of tons of future greenhouse gas emissions. 
The new policies have received little attention outside of wonky climate circles. And that is a problem.
Earlier this year, I wrote that Biden has done more to mitigate climate change than any President before him. For decades, environmentalists tried and failed to convince lawmakers to pass even the most marginal climate policies. It wasn’t until Biden took office that the logjam broke and the climate policies flowed. And yet few American voters are hearing this story in an election year of huge consequence.
It’s been two and a half months since I wrote that article. In that short time, the Biden administration has passed a handful of climate policies that will collectively cut more than 10 billion tons of planet-warming pollution over the next three decades, more than the annual emissions of India, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Saudi Arabia, and the entire continent of Europe—combined.
One climate policy that flew under the radar recently was the administration's latest energy efficiency rule, unveiled at the beginning of May. The new rules will reduce the amount of energy that water heaters use by encouraging manufacturers to sell models with more efficient heat pump technology. The new regulation is expected to save more energy than any federal regulation in history. 
Most people give little thought to how the water in their homes is heated, but water heaters are the second-largest consumer of energy in the average American home and one of the largest sources of climate pollution in the country. 
A few days before the administration announced its water heater efficiency rules, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced another sweeping policy.
According to the new rules, existing coal power plants will need to either shut down or install carbon capture technology capable of removing 90% of their carbon pollution. The policy will also require any new natural gas power plants that provide baseload power—the ones that run throughout the day and night, as opposed to the peaker plants that only run for a small fraction of hours in the year—to install carbon capture technology. 
The new power sector rules are effectively a death blow to coal power in America, which has slowly faded over the last two decades but still emits more carbon emissions than almost every country in the world. 
The water heater rules and power plant regulations will help the country meet its goal of cutting emissions by 50% by 2030. But impactful as they will be, they weren’t the most important climate policy that the Biden administration passed in the last two months. 
That honor goes to the EPA’s tailpipe rules, which are set to transform the auto industry over the next decade.
Today the transportation sector is the largest source of climate pollution in the United States. Within the sector, passenger cars and trucks are the biggest contributors to emissions. While electric vehicle adoption has grown in recent years, America lags behind many other countries in decarbonizing its vehicle stock. 
The EPA’s new rules will force automakers to reduce the amount of pollution and carbon emissions that come from their vehicles. The federal policy doesn’t specifically mandate that automakers produce EVs or stop selling gas-powered cars but instead regulates the average carbon emissions per mile of a manufacturer's entire fleet over the next decade. That means automakers can still sell gas-guzzling, carbon-spewing trucks in 2035. They’ll just need to sell a lot more EVs or plug-in hybrids to bring their average fleet emissions down if they do.
Like the power plant rules, the EPA’s new auto regulations are designed to avoid being thrown out by a conservative and hostile Supreme Court. 
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bad-tf-fic-ideas · 8 months
(129) Sunstreaker and Sideswipe find themselves unceremoniously dumped in the setting of Transformers: Prime. The Decepticons are way creepier, Oprimus Prime is way sadder, and—oh, yeah—this whacky little handful of personality disorders chasing their own tailpipes on Earth represents the pitiful remains of their entire species.
Obviously, something pretty dumb is wrong with this universe. It must, they conclude, simply be their job to fix it. Only... they can't quite seem to agree on how they go about fixing a whole universe. Even for two vehicles as awesome as them, the universe is a big place. After much deliberation (bickering), they decide to make contact with the Autobots so they can bring their trans-reality problem to Ratchet, who has the dubious honour of being the smartest person they can agree on in both universes.
Ratchet is as pleased about the sudden introduction of these two flashy sportscars into his personal space as you might imagine.
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Human Buddy the 5 year old and Sunstreaker being their new guardian
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Slight Angst, Human reader
Sunstreaker had known Buddy since they were a baby.
Sideswipe and he were good friends with Buddy’s parents, who worked with the Autobots.
How did they all became friends? They don’t even know.
It was just decided that they were going to be friends one day and no one objected to it.
Buddy��s parents showed him Buddy first since Sideswipe was out on patrol when they came in with the baby.
“Sunny! You’re back!”--Sideswipe
Sunstreaker transforming and stretching one of his arms.
“Yeah I’m back.”--Sunstreaker
Sunstreaker looks at Sideswipe holding something in his servos.
“What you got there?”--Sunstreaker
“Remember the baby?”--Sideswipe
“Yeah? Weren’t they due…”--Sunstreaker
Sunstreakers optics widen.
“No… Sides that not…”--Sunstreaker
Sideswipe just smiles and shows his twin the tiny baby.
Sunstreaker looks at the tiny organic.
“They’re so small…”--Sunstreaker
One of the parents comes to the two.
“I see you’ve met the baby Sunny. You want to hold’em?”—Parent 1
Sunstreaker is about to say ‘no’, but Sideswipe already places the tiny being in his twin’s servo.
Sunstreaker freezes looking at the baby.
He raises one of his digits and raises it above the organic.
The baby, with a tiny bit of drool on their chin, raises their hands to the digit.
They giggle a bit patting it.
“…As long as they don’t ruin my paintjob, I guess the kid’s fine.”--Sunstreaker
“Sure Sunny, sure.”—Sideswipe
Sunstreaker sends him a look before looking back down at the new parent.
“They’re at home resting. Buddy was quite the fussy kid.”—Parent 1
“Buddy?”—Sideswipe and Sunstreaker
“That’s their name.”--Parent
Sunny loves the baby so much.
Not that he would ever say it out loud.
So does Sideswipe, but he is a bit rougher in dealing with the baby.
Meaning until Buddy gets a bit older, Sunstreaker is the one who carries Buddy, or it has to be under his supervision.
Sunstreaker claims a lot of the time to not care too much about Buddy.
That car seat and booster seat says otherwise.
“Are you sure that the car seat is strapped in correctly Verity? I swear it’s still loose.”--Sunstreaker
Verity annoyingly tugs the seatbelt harder.
“It’s strapped in Sunstreaker. Nothing’s going to move it.”--Verity
“It better not.”--Sunstreaker
“Aww, Sunny you do care!”--Sideswipe
“I just don’t want the kid to smear their insides in me.”--Sunstreaker
Sideswipe and Verity having a flashback to Buddy fingerpainting on Sunstreakers pede and him encouraging their work.
“Sure Sunny, keep telling yourself that.”--Verity
Buddy’s parents started getting on more patrol together.
Which means babysitting.
Of course, there’s other reliable bots around the base who would love to babysit Buddy.
But if Sunstreaker is around, Buddy wants to be around him.
Does this strike up his ego?
Of course it does.
But he loves Buddy so there isn’t much complaint.
As they get older Sunstreaker sometimes takes them out of the base for a little drive around the neighborhood.
Sideswipe tried one time to sneak Buddy off into a drag race.
One time.
When Sunstreaker found out, there was just a yellow blur seen leaving the Ark.
Sideswipe racing with the other contenders.
“Buddy! We’re almost to the finish line! Can you see it? Can—”--Sideswipe
Sideswipe looks at one of his mirrors seeing a familiar yellow Lambo coming his tailpipe.
Ironically, Sunstreaker won that race, but he didn’t notice being too busy hunting down Sideswipe.
Miraculously, Buddy was asleep the entire time.
Buddy’s parents soon start going on more and more ‘missions’, leaving Buddy alone with the bots.
As much as Sunstreaker loves babysitting Buddy, he does make a point with Buddy’s parents about being more present in Buddy’s life.
They simply brush the comments off.
Sunstreaker doesn’t like it.
Soon Buddy being in the base suddenly becomes a regular appearance.
Even if Sunstreaker or Sideswipe were out on a mission Buddy would still be let in the base.
The first time no one was let known that Buddy was going to be at the base, they just wandered around.
Sunstreaker nearly had a spark attack seeing Buddy on Teletran Ones desk looking downward.
His paint job was scratched that day.
Sideswipe is very concerned and angry too.
Shouldn’t Buddy’s parents be with them?
Sunstreaker and Sideswipe marching up to the human couple with Buddy by their pedes.
“Aren’t you two forgetting something?”--Sunstreaker
The pair look at each other.
“… I think we forgot to get the yogurt from the store—”—Parent 1
“Your kid! You forgot your kid!”--Sideswipe
“No one knew Buddy was in the base! They could have gotten seriously hurt if we didn’t come in.”--Sunstreaker
One of the parent’s huffs and waves their hand in dismissal.
“They’re in one of the safest places in the world. They’re fine.”—Parent 2
“And they’re FIVE! They need their parents around more.”--Sideswipe
“Again, with this? Look Sides, they’re still breathing and not bleeding, completely fine. And there is always someone on base, so they are never really alone.”—Parent 1
“Hey, Buddy isn’t your kid Sunstreaker, so stay out of it. We are their parents, what we say goes. Your opinion doesn’t matter.”—Parent 2
Sunstreaker clenches his servos to his side but keeps quiet.
“Now, it’s date night and we have a reservation we need to get to. Buddy’s overnight bag is in the main room.”—Parent 2
“Wait, this isn’t over—”--Sideswipe
“Can’t wait gotta go, thank Sides! Thanks Sunny!”—Parent 1
The human pair races out the Ark in their car, leaving the Lambo Twins with Buddy in their car.
Buddy pats Sunstreaker’ digits.
“Sunny? Where are they going?”--Buddy
Sunstreaker glared at the direction of the couple before softening his gaze as he looked down at the child.
He reaches down and scoops them up.
“Lets just get you too bed Buddy.”--Sunstreaker
They pout a bit.
“I’m not tired.”--Buddy
“Sorry kiddo, it’s bedtime. Don’t you want to see the new room Wheeljack made for you?”—Sideswipe
“… Okay!”--Buddy
Sunstreaker feels his energon boiling.
After Buddy parents bring them back home, the five-year-old is absent from the base.
As much as it feels good for Sunstreaker to get his point across, he misses Buddy being around the base.
Two more weeks pass, while on patrol when he gets a message from Sideswipe about coming back to the base.
“Sunny! You need to come back to base now!”--Sideswipe
“Now? I am literally across the city.”--Sunstreaker
“Don’t care. Come to the med bay now.”--Sideswipe
“Med bay? What is it that I need to come back so quick—"--Sunstreaker
“It’s Buddy.”--Sideswipe
“… I’m on my way.”--Sunstreaker
Sunstreaker is lucky that there were no cops or cameras on the roads he was using.
He is rushing into the base scanning for Buddy in their usual spots.
Reaching the med bay and is greeted with the sight of Buddy playing patting cake on Sideswipes chassis.
Also, by the number of Auotbots in the room.
Optimus, Prowl, Bumblebee, Ironhide and Ratchet are present.
 Sunstreaker gently picks Buddy up.
Buddy is just happy to see all their friends in one room, unaware of the danger they were just in a couple of hours ago.
“What happened?”--Sunstreaker
Prowl steps forward.
“I was out on one of my patrol routes when I saw Buddy on one of the park benches near an intersection.”--Prowl
“Now? At this time? But its almost midnight!”--Sunstreaker
“As I was saying, I saw a suspicious looking van nearby and took them inside and drove off.”—Prowl
All the bots in the room tensed.
“A van?”--Ironhide
“Oh yeah! There was a big white van! I kind of got scared seeing it, it smelled funny. But Prowl was there so I wasn’t scared anymore. And I saw a raccoon too! It was fluffy.”--Buddy
“I have already have a report on the van if you are wondering.”--Prowl
“I got drive thru on the way here!”—Buddy
Buddy pulls out a little yellow plastic car.
“Look Sunny! It looks like you!”--Buddy
Sunstreaker just looks down at the little kid smiling widely at him.
“Yes, Buddy that’s a nice car.”--Sunstreaker
He pulls Buddy a little closer to his chassis.
“Why were they out so late?”--Bumblebee
“From what they told me, their parents left them on the bench until they came back with the moving van, am I correct Buddy?”--Prowl
Buddy looks a bit sad at this.
“Yeah, they said they would come back. They promised!”—Buddy
Buddy looks at Optimus with slightly teary eyes.
“Optimus do you know where they are?”—Buddy
Optimus comes up to the child and softly pats their head.
“I’m sorry Buddy, I do not.”--Optimus
Buddy looks down a bit.
“Do you remember at what time they dropped you off at that bench Buddy?”--Optimus
“Hmmm… I think it was lunch time. That’s why I was so hungry when we got the food.” --Buddy
Everyone is furious at the news.
Sunstreaker wants blood.
He doesn’t care if those guys were once his friends, he wants justice.
The bots end up keeping a closer optic on Buddy until they eventually fell asleep.
Ratchet takes them to their room on the Ark.
It was now time to talk about what to do with Buddy.
It was clear that their parents had deliberately abandoned them.
“I remember hearing about the adoption system—”--Prowl
Everyone looks at Sunstreaker.
Prowl raises an optic.
“No? And what do you suggest then? You adopt Buddy?”--Prowl
“Oh Primus your serious.”--Prowl
“I want to, that if the system can even allow it. Let’s faces it, I’ve been more of a parent than they have ever been.”--Sunstreaker
Prime places a servo on Sunstreaker’s shoulder.
“Maybe Verity can look at that.”--Optimus
“Yes, that if Sunstreaker understands the weight of taking Buddy in and raising them. Then I see why not.”--Optimus
Sunstreaker firmly nods with determination.
“I do.”--Sunstreaker
“Well, if Sunny thinks he can, I’m behind him. Anyways someones gotta look after the two of them.”—Sideswipe
“And someones gotta look after you guys too! I’m in too!”—Bumblebee
Ironhide places a servo on Sunstreaker’s shoulder.
“We’re all behind ya Sunstreaker. You won’t have to raise them all by yourself.”—Ironhide
Sunstreaker smiles at this.
“Well you can all save your voice box with Verity.”--Prowl
Prowl opens one of his subspaces with a data pad.
A data pad with the digital version of adoption papers.
“Prowl? How…”--Bumblebee
Ironhide chuckles.
“Why was that in your subspace?”--Sunstreaker
“Something that you don’t need to know.”--Prowl
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mychlapci · 6 months
From your post about tf humping random cars: now I’m imagining it as some National Geographic Channel documentary, like “and here the wild sportcar approaching an ambulance. See, you might think the size difference would discourage it, but the sportcar knows the ambulance’s strong body can carry big, healthy litters. Look, see how it’s pushing his bumper against the ambulance’s tailpipe? It’s making sure it’s primed for breeding…”
Man’s then, it’s all like, cars mounting each others, suspensions creaking and whining, tired squeaking and car alarms going crazy. At climax, sirens and clacson go off, scaring the whole neighborhood.
Also, funny idea, Drift being absolutely shocked when, finding himself stuck close to an incident, he can’t find Ratchet between the various ambulances, and he start talking with some random vehicle.
i absolutely had a cybertronian humping a car in root mode on my mind but this is somehow hotter. I like alt-mode sex.
Humans making a whole documentary on cybertronian mating behaviour bc they can and also if they didn't want them to, they shouldn't have been humping vehicles in car mode in the first place, lol. I'm imagining a bunch of camera-men staking out a hospital parking lot, waiting until a transformer shows up and starts to press their bumper against one of the ambulances, gently commenting how the cybertronian's probably too revved up to care, and is attempting to mate it regardless of whether or not it's sentient...
Two cybertronians getting really horny and they don't feel like transforming so they hump in car more... I frankly think we don't utilize sirens and car alarms and horns often enough in transformers porn, i feel like a cybertronian overloading so hard their siren/car horn/whatever goes off is so hot...
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robby-bobby-tommy · 1 year
As it is obvious from my blog, I adore TFP. It is the first Transformers show I've watched (I remember watching tf content before, yet i can't remember which it was). Yet as always, I have some criticism even to my most beloved things and now I want to talk about one of these. And the name to him is Dreadwing.
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Dreadwing is particularly interesting cuz he seems like one sane person in the whole Nemesis, who is undeniably loyal to the cause. Something that even Megatron isn't anymore. Dreadwing is a great example of what the decepticon should be. Fierce, strong, yet smart, noble, loyal and respectful to his own team. And this is an interesting since we've never seen this before, cuz everyone else on Nemesis strayed from this path and just using this cause as a way of manipulation. And still Dreadwing was most loyal to Megatron, with the only thing standing between him and total obedience is his love for his late brother (Skyquake, hun, sorry, but I literally forgot abt you the moment you died).
And this is a great start, but all this potential was, at least for me, wasted.
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Firstly. His position which he came in the show. He was presented to us as a) a threat; b) Wheeljack's enemy/rival. And that's when my first problem starts here. Let's look at the statistics.
Optimus prime — Megatron
Ratchet — KO (or Shockwave)
Bumblebee — KO
Bulkhead — Breakdown
Arcee — Arachnid
Smokescreen — KO (why does he have a beef with every child in the group?)
Ultra Magnus — Predaking
And then Wheeljack is like — ?????
And yeah, I am upset abt lack of Wheeljack in TFP, but it's relevant to my Dreadwing rant, since all the others I've mentioned has met at least once/twice and had some resolution to their rivalry (even though not the good one), but cowboy loose cannon and a flying samurai never even mention each other after their episode. It is cuz Wheeljack really likes to disappear from the plot for Primus knows how long, while this Seeker stays through all the season 2 until my greatest disappointment came.
Secondly, Dreadwing's death is the dumbest scrap I've seen and looks like a very rude way to get rid of character. I still have no idea of why Megan chose Starscream over someone who's loyal to you to the point of disobeying to save ur tailpipe! And don't start the 'but DW disobeyed him', WING BOY WAS PROMOTED FOR IT.
Furthermore, from the moment I saw him even if I thought DW was to die, I considered it would happen in a battle with Wheeljack. It would be so interesting to see a death match between two guys, madly loyal to their friends/family/team. But nahh, Jackie never tries to go after winged edgelord ever again and never even ask if he's up to rematch.
(Also, funny how Dreadwing is so mad at SS for bringing Skyquake back to life as a zombie, but not at Bee and OP for literally killing him..... Priorities, huh.. Just another scrap u to Starscream for no reason.)
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walks-the-ages · 20 days
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Decided to make a labled Cybertronian as an easy reference lol. based on "The Vitruvian Man" illustraton by Da Vinci.
Bullet point list of various body parts / references from an older post + what I've picked up from reading fic under the cut, which is archived here.
Spark Chamber - inside of chest, houses the Spark - the Heart/Soul of a Cybertronian
Sparkling - a newly formed or newly born / young Cybertronian, usually used for infants or unborn sparklings, which are "sparked off" usually two Cybertronians merging their Sparks during interface.
New Sparklings can be carried around inside the Spark Chamber until more developed, built a body, OR are carried in a more biological "gestation chamber" where they are born in a more biological way, either live birth or in mechanical eggs.
Cold Construction - Frame is pre-built and then charged with a Spark to create new life. Used to build "disposables" and low-caste members for the workforce.
Forged - A Spark is harvested from the Allspark (?) on Cybertron and placed in Sentio Metallico / a protoform, where it then shapes its own form and grows from there. Usually high-caste, and look down on ColdCons :/
Protoform - baby sparklings, OR base form of a Cybertronian, underneath all the armour and transformations
Mesh - base form of a Cybertronian, underneath all the armour and transformations; skin.
Root Mode - default mode; protoform.
Sentio Metallico - living metal. Cybertronian base composition
Alt Mode - vehicular/disguise mode.
Robot Mode - non-vehicular mode
Sparkmate - soulmate (after sparkbonding during interface, which is either casual and par for the course, or a much more intimate choice made rarely) or, generally, a spouse.
Conjunx - Spouse or partner
Amica - Best friend or platonic partner
Tailpipe / Bumper / Aft - butt
Piston / Spike - Penis
Valve - Vagina (^ usually both at the same time)
Plating - outer armor, skin.
Chassis / Chest Plate - chest
Vents - Lungs, and where expelled air exits from. Can be very loud like a stressed computer under duress or excitement.
Fuel Pump - stomach, usually used for emotional expressions
Energon Converter (outdated) - Heart
Manifold (outdated?) - guts, viscera, what holds them
T-Cog - transformation cog, effects balance and posture
Pedes - feet
Servos - hands
digits - fingers
Finials / Audials - Pointy head ornamentation, also doubling as ears some times
Chevron - V-shaped head ornamentations, "crowns"
Helm / Cranial Unit - head
Faceplate - face
Optics/ Opticals / Optical Units - eyes
Mouthplate - mouth or shield in front of it
Dente - teeth
Glossa - tongue
Vocal Processor - voice box
Lubricant - various bodily fluids: from keeping joints oiled, to saliva, to tears, to internal blood, to reproductive fluids
Energon - same as above, while also being food/drink, fuel for weapons, etc.
Low/High Grade- Energon which is consumed as alcohol. Can also simply be drinking more Energon than is required for a full tank called "overfueling"
Stasis - Long Term Sleep for storage or transport; medically induced coma.
Recharge - Sleep.
Defrag / Defrag cycle - Pre-sleep routine, usually requires reliving the events of the day to process them for memory storage; dreaming, nightmares.
Offline - unconscious; dead
Energy Signature - A lifesign unique to each Cybertronian, used to monitor health; if it vanishes from sensors, they are dead, or in a different dimension (rare lol)
Mech - general term for a singular or group of Cybertronians
"x looked at the other mech" "the stadium was full of mechs" etc
Femme - feminine; either an indicator of gender or physical expression.
Seekers - flying types, usually Decepticon.
Elite Trine / Trine - Seekers born, mated, or platonically bonded in groups of three
Aura / EM Field - a metaphysical field around living beings that Cybertronians can sense or train themselves to see, which emotions can be felt through like an empathic field.
Frame - Body in general, or specific body types.
Brain Module / Core Processor / CPU - the brain
Circuits - nerves, veins, etc. Catchall.
Biolights - bioluminescence, can be used to convey emotion
Kibble - decoration that is there just for aesthetic value; the equivalent of jewelry or piercings probably.
Functionism - Eugenics, Racism, and Ableism all wrapped up in one big ball of Autobot Supremacy
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intothefunkyverse · 4 months
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I haven’t posted on here in forever, so have some doodles of Tailpipe as a sparkling i made
complete with a plush of her papa! Skyfire!
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hasbr0mniverse · 9 days
Transformers Battlefront 1985 - Autobot Smokescreen - Smokescreen has great intelligence and above-average speed. He is very skilled at his function and possesses several enhancements to increase his effectiveness. In vehicle mode, he can emit a thick cloud of black smoke from his tailpipe; the smoke is attracted to metallic objects, gravitating toward his Decepticon foes. As a robot, his two shoulder-mounted ECM missiles disrupt radar, guidance systems, and most electronic surveillance equipment. His electro-disrupter rifle shorts out electrical-based targets.
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crissiebaby · 9 months
Double Diaper Dare: Chapter 8
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, public humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, WAM, hypermessing, hypnosis, diaper filling, slime transformation, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
“I Double Diaper Dare you to go sit in Rebecca’s lap and mess yourself while you exclaim how horny pooping your diaper makes you.”
Codi’s words echoed in Crissie’s brain as she inched her way across Jane’s office to where Rebecca and Jane were stationed. She silently cursed herself for taunting Codi so much, practically egging her on for a blushy dare. She was no chicken, though. If this is what Codi wanted her to do, then she would do it, for better or worse. Sitting next to Rebecca on the lounger sofa, she took a deep breath and said, “Umm…Miss Rebecca?”
Stroking Jane’s hair as the overworked therapist rested her head in her lap, Rebecca looked over at Crissie and gave her a warm smile. “Yes, Crissie? Did Codi decide if she wanted that change or not?” she asked, reminding Crissie of her botched scheme.
“N-Not exactly,” said Crissie, her cheeks turning red before she even said what she needed to, “Do you…mind if I sit in your lap…just for a minute or so?”
Taken aback for a second, Rebecca's warm smile shifted into one of excitement. She’d been told how quickly Crissie could ascend and descend the Little Space Tower of Terror but to see it happen in real time was something very different. And to Crissie’s credit, the entire scenario was making the avid porn writer feel smaller by the second. “Of course, you can, baby girl!” said Rebecca, tapping Jane on the head and ushering her to sit up. She then placed her hands on Crissie’s waist and lifted her onto her lap.
For Crissie, this was both a dream come true and a living nightmare. After writing about Miss Rebecca so many times, it was a bizarre and unforgivingly tantalizing prospect to be babied by such a dominating figure. At the same time, though, she knew what needed to be done if she was going to win her dare. Glancing across the room at Codi, it was obvious how much her roomie was eating up the spectacle, which only added to Crissie’s internalized humiliation. And with Crissie, when it came to ABDL humiliation, arousal was always soon to follow.
Folding her arms, Jane puffed out her bottom lip in disapproval. “Stupid Crissie, cutting into my Miwth Webecca time,” she muttered just loud enough for Crissie and Rebecca to hear. She turned her head away in a sharp huff, doing little to disguise her dissatisfaction.
Snickering at how adorably bratty Jane was acting, Rebecca stretched her arm out and pulled Jane in, giving her as big of a side hug as she was able. “Awww! You make such a cute face when you’re jealous,” she said, planting a wet kiss on Jane’s forehead, “Good thing Miss Rebecca has two arms so she can cuddle both of you.”
While Rebecca was preoccupied with showing Jane some love, Crissie geared herself up to do what she had to do. It was more than just the standard mental block that someone new to ABDL might get when trying to use their diaper for the first time. Contrary to popular belief, messing yourself in someone else’s lap is not as easy as it sounds, especially with someone you don’t really know and have fantasized about. Adding to the difficulty, she didn’t exactly have to go number two at the moment, forcing her to strain as she leaned forward just enough to lift her tailpipe up and began to push. 
Watching Crissie’s struggle from across the room, Codi was practically giddy as she attempted to block the purring vibrator in her diaper out of her mind so that she could enjoy the show. A feat that became more and more difficult thanks to the mortified faces that Crissie was making. There was just something about the way that Crissie looked when she was fully flustered that made her appear too cute for words. She really was the ultimate adult baby.
Thankfully, with Crissie occupied, Codi was able to resume her intimacy session, sneaking her hand under the waistband of her diaper again and planting her fingers against her sopping kitten. She’d already squirted enough from her previous climax to make the padding extra squishy on the back of her hand, adding to how turned-on she was. As much as watching Crissie added to how horny she was, she wished she had the room to herself so she could attack her throbbing clit from outside of her squelchy diaper; something that would be far too noisy to pull off at the present.
Letting out a soft grunt, Crissie expelled the breath of air she was holding before sucking in another giant lungful and readying herself from the second big push. Unfortunately, not even so much as a small toot came out of her rear on the first attempt. Sweat began to form on her browline as she began to worry if she’d wind up losing Double Diaper Dare for failure to complete a task instead of a simple refusal. She puffed out her cheeks and squinted her eyes, pushing with everything she had.
“Eeeeeeep!” yelped Crissie as a sudden onslaught of gas was forced into her diaper, followed by the smallest amount of something brown and sticky. It wasn’t much but so long as there was poo in her diaper, she technically completed step one of her dare.
Codi curled her lips inward as she held back uproarious laughter. Crissie’s sudden, split-second reaction was just too priceless for her to handle. She cursed herself for not having a camera ready to immortalize such a disgraceful expression. Knowing what Crissie had to do next, she felt her heart rate steadily rise as her sexual fervor reached its boiling point.
“Hehehe, I think Crissie made a stinky,” said Jane, wiggling atop her perfectly clean diaper as she giggled at Crissie’s increasingly rosy cheeks. 
Tapping her chin playfully, Rebecca released her hold on Jane as she draped her arms around Crissie’s torso. “If my nose is to be believed, I think you might be onto something, Jane,’ she said, planting her hand on Crissie’s tummy and slowly starting to rub in soft, semi-circles, “Well, Crissie? Did you make Miss Rebecca a present in your diapee?”
Biting her bottom lip, the adult side of Crissie’s brain was slipping fast. She leaned back on the messy center of her diaper and began to bounce in Rebecca’s lap, smearing the muck all over her bottom. “I g-gets kinsa horny when I go poopy,” she stuttered, feeling dizzy as the words escaped her mouth.
Luckily for Crissie, Rebecca was there to pacify her dizziness, squeezing her tightly as she held her in her arms. “Is that so? I never would’ve guessed,” she said sarcastically, letting out a light chuckle, “I wonder then, what would happen if I did this?” Suddenly, she started to bump her thighs up and down, forcing Crissie to squash her mess even more.
“Uh oh! I think Crissie may be enjoying herself a little too much,” said Jane, giggling as she leaned forward and pressed her hand into Crissie’s diaper, eliciting a moan from the naughty author. In a way, it was very cathartic to see Crissie in such a vulnerable situation, given the extreme embarrassment that Crissie thrust upon her only half a year prior. Looking around the room, she quickly tried to come up with a way to make Crissie’s predicament extra blushy.
Hopping to her feet, Jane rushed over to her desk, causing Codi to snap to attention. She ripped her hand away from her diaper, mentally cursing Jane as she was blue-balled for the second time in under five minutes.
“Excuse me for a sec. I need to get something from my desk,” said Jane, snatching the keys from the corner of her desk and bending down to open the bottommost drawer, “Hehehe, this’ll be perf…wait…where is it?”
Instantly, Codi’s eyes went as wide as dinner plates. Having seen Crissie pilfer the vibrating egg from the same drawer, there was no doubt in her mind that the small pleasure toy was the item that Jane was after. Closing her eyes, she prayed to whatever Goddess might be listening for Jane not to hear the faint buzz emanating from her diaper.
“Shoot, that would’ve made Crissie go crazy. Where on Earth could it be?” stated Jane, mildly annoyed that she’d “misplaced” her vibrator. Biting down on her fingernails, she hoped she didn’t leave it in the bathroom after cleaning it. If anyone found that out in the open, she’d be done for.
“MMMMMMMMM! M-Miwth Webecca!” shrieked Crissie, causing Codi and Jane to turn their attention to the amorous scene that was unfolding. Slouching down in Rebecca’s arms, Crissie went limp as Rebecca went to town on her diaper, rubbing the soggy front against her chastity-confined slit while continuing to gyrate her hips to ensure Crissie had the messiest experience possible. Even when locked within a chastity belt, Crissie could still find a way to get off in a time of need.
Reaching the peak of the mountain, Crissie unleashed a torrent of ejaculate into her diaper; her princess parts turning into a faucet at Rebecca’s hand. Chastity or no, this was practically heaven to the touch-deprived Little whose sex had only seen the fuzzy hand of a robotic teddy bear for the past several months. No longer was she worried about how humiliating everything was. She wanted nothing more than to let Miss Rebecca have her way with her as she experienced orgasm after orgasm. By the time Rebecca let up, she was so exhausted from her broken frustration and sexual high that she passed out in a flurry of pure euphoria almost instantly.
“My goodness, she must’ve been really pent up,” joked Jane, observing as Rebecca gently laid Crissie out along the lounger, secretly wanting nothing more than to trade places with her bratty bestie. Not wanting to disrupt Crissie’s blissful nap, she kept her voice low as she said, “Hey, Rebecca, if you’re all done over there, can you help me find my vib-”
In the absence of noise caused by Crissie and Rebecca’s playtime, Jane’s office went silent enough for the diaper-clad therapist to make out the faintest of buzzing noises. She lifted up the document in the bottom drawer, wondering if the egg had turned on and rolled under something. However, she soon came up empty, forcing her to follow the sound to its source, which just so happened to be the front of Codi’s diaper. As the realization of what happened to her vibrator hit her, a knowing smirk grew on her face, “Hehehe, well isn’t this a surprise…”
SubscribeStar: subscribestar.adult/crissiebaby pixivFANBOX: crissiebaby.fanbox.cc All CB Links: linktr.ee/crissiebaby
Edited by AllySmolShork
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BeelzeDerBock BlossomBitchDolly BlushyBen Exminister Gun1242 LittlePissy PrincessKittenLizzi Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca & One Anonymous Investor
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"California just cracked down on pollution from transportation in two major moves, part of an effort to improve air quality and cut carbon emissions at the same time. 
On Friday, the California Air Resources Board unanimously approved a rule that would ban the sale of diesel big rigs in the state by 2036. The mandate, which will apply to about 1.8 million trucks — including those operated by Amazon, UPS, and the U.S. Postal Service —  is reportedly the first in the world to require trucks to ditch internal combustion engines. The news came one day after California became the first state to adopt standards to limit pollution from trains. 
Trucks and Diesel
The regulations are intended to improve air quality and trim carbon emissions from transportation, the source of about half the state’s greenhouse gases. Trucks and trains spew diesel exhaust, full of soot that contains more than 40 cancer-causing substances, responsible for an estimated 70 percent of Californian’s cancer risk from air pollution. 
The trucking rule requires school buses and garbage trucks to be emissions-free within four years. By 2042, all trucks will be required to be “zero-emission,” meaning there’s no pollution coming out of their tailpipes. The deadline comes sooner for drayage trucks, which transport cargo from ports and railyards to warehouses — typically short routes that require less battery range. New drayage trucks must be “zero-emission” beginning next year, with the rule applying to all drayage trucks on the road in 2035. 
Currently, medium and heavy-duty vehicles account for a fifth of greenhouse gas emissions statewide. In August, California clamped down on pollution from passenger vehicles with a plan to end the sale of new gas-powered cars in the state by 2035.
People breathing pollution from freeways and warehouse hubs have long called for stricter air standards. In the port cities of Long Beach and Los Angeles, some 6,000 trucks pass through every day, exposing residents to high levels of ozone and particulate matter, pollutants linked with a range of problems including respiratory conditions and cardiovascular disease. Long Beach residents who live the closest to ports and freeways have a life expectancy about 14 years shorter compared to people who live further away...
Trains and Locomotives
According to the new rules, the state is banning locomotive engines that are more than 23 years old by 2030. It also bans trains from idling for more than 30 minutes, provided that they are equipped with an engine that can shut off automatically.
The stage for the rule was set by a single line buried in the Biden administration’s proposed auto emissions rules, in which the Environmental Protection Agency said it was considering allowing states to regulate locomotives. Still, California’s new rules may spark a legal battle with the rail industry, which argues that the state doesn’t have the authority to make such sweeping changes.
Though railroads only account for about 2 percent of the country’s carbon emissions from transportation, switching to trains powered by batteries or hydrogen fuel cells would provide some benefits in the effort to tackle climate change. The public health gains would be even bigger: The California Air Resources Board estimates its new rules for trains, passed on Thursday, would lower cancer risk in neighborhoods near rail yards by more than 90 percent.
“This is an absolutely transformative rule to clean our air and mitigate climate change,” Liane Randolph, the chair of the air quality board, said ahead of the vote on the trucking rules on Friday. “We all know there’s a lot of challenges, but those challenges aren’t going to be tackled unless we move forward … if not now, when?”"
-via The Grist, 4/28/23
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witchofthesouls · 1 year
I don’t know what’s a better premise for a Humans-to-Cybertronians!Darbys in a Other!AU:
A world where the ‘bots and ‘cons are trying and failing to figure where the hell the random Cybertronian signal is coming from: it pops all over the place as if it can teleport or the disguise is so well hidden that no can tell what’s the alt-mode.
It’s Jack. And his “alt-mode” is a human teenager disguise. That’s why the ‘bots and ‘cons can’t fully triangulate on his position. His actual form is the Cybertronian equivalent of 10 year-old child. He’s an honest-to-Primus sparkling and it’ll drive everyone nuts since sparkling!Jack has no chill- 
Jack literally tore up Ratchet’s ambulance alt-mode when he was lured into a trap. Sure, the medic could withstand the damage from his naturally reinforced frame, but doesn’t mean it was an enjoyable experience getting clawed up.
Ratchet’s alt-mode was shaking at the base. He was literally bouncing on his tires from the sheer force, so the rest of ‘bots were prepared for a spooked child. When Ratchet unlocked his doors. Nothing. Until one brave soul approached to open the door and Jack came at them swinging with bladed extensions. He managed to cut a wrist and disable an arm before someone grabbed him by the scruffbar.  
Several hundred years ago, a Foundation site was working to contain an Artifact, which reacted extremely with several measures, so it induced a transformation within the personnel of the established perimeter.
Metamorphosis via scientific, magical, or alien measures is an occupational hazard. It was ruled that the new metal forms were a cross of Clockwork and the automata by Hephaestus, especially now they are sustained by fae-derived foodstuffs.
The Fair Folk had long since cultivated their crops and livestock by utilizing energon mines…
The personnel kept doing their jobs. Some managed to figure out T-cogs and transformative sequences far faster than others. Many opted to stay in a particular space in Elsewhere to take advantage of the strange time flow to get their new bodies under control to a degree they could return to mundane Earth. Sure, they can still go to the Night Markets as a 25-feet metal giant, but it would be nice to able to condense down and slap on an enchantment to go to the movie theater or the pick up the kids from a mundane school.
The Autobots are absolutely lucky that June is the one that fetched her son and not Grandma Darby because she would rain hellfire and brimstone.
This Jack has learned different lessons and is willing to stab and set people on fire. Much to Miko’s amazement and the ‘bots’ collective horror.
When Jack isn’t in his human form, he’s taller than an full-grown adult human, so he can actually give Miko and Raf piggy-backs if he needs to travel fast.
Then there’s a world where the Autobots stumble on the Other side because Raf calls Bumblebee on how to care for a robot baby that’s crying in his house -his sister’s room to be exact.
Raf, by sheer chance, came home to pick up things for a sleep over at the base because he needed to catch up the science project Of course, Bumblebee thinks it’s a weird toy or an advanced experiment because his sister just came home for a break-
And then Raf opens the window to the room and Bumblebee shits a brick because oh Primus, oh fuck, it’s a newspark-
Holomatter!Bumblebee and Raf carefully blanket-carry the infant to the black and yellow Urbana as Bumblebee is frantically hailing Ratchet over what to do.
Raf is riding with the baby in the back and has no idea that Cybertronians could be soft and kinda jiggling since his fingers leave smudges and the baby’s metal shudders and slightly warps while wailing and flailing rounded, short limbs.
Ratchet didn’t think it was funny and was chewing out the scout’s tailpipe until Bumblebee, after breaking so many traffic laws, hit the base and practically shifted with the newspark and Raf in his arms.
Autobots at the base: Bluescreen
Ratchet is trying to stabilize a premie infant when the intruders in the form of June’s friends (one former human and one hybrid) gets into a standoff with the Autobots over “kidnapping.” Pilar is there trying to diffuse the situation. June’s friends immediately nab Ratchet (and newspark!Jack) since he’s a well-trained medic that’s blowing a gasket over the baby and June really needs help from traumatic injuries from a breech containment.
Ratchet is spirited away. Pilar has to guide the others to the Other Half of Jasper Hospital where a fistfight almost breaks out.
June recovers. Grandma Darby is very grateful for the extra help, and hassles Ratchet about becoming a consultant since Ratchet is a treasure trove of necessary medical information with the new Cybertronians in the personnel.
Grandma also hassles June and Jack into the base because she’s utterly worried about their health and she’s flying blind about their new frames.
Grandma Darby, no matter the iteration, she’s the embodiment of “Do wanna start a fight? Do wanna catch these hands?”
Like if Airachnid tried to target the remains of her family, Grandma would pantomime the itsy bitsy spider using her fingers, shadow-stitching, precise weather manipulation, and Airachnid’s unwilling body.
Miko and Raf would be absolutely enamored by her since she’s willing to indulge their curiosity about the Other side as well as their heritage and how to tap into that potential should they want to utilize it.
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