#tfp x platonic reader
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in1-nutshell · 3 months ago
HEY HELLO‼️ SO hopefully, you'll get around to doing this before it gets deleted, but i was wondering if u could do Tfp Human buddy getting kicked out of their house and with no where else to go they decide on walking to the autobots base but obviously that'd be dangerous since it's basically in a desert and I'd like to see how youd go around it‼️ I can't wait to see what u come up with, it'd be like a birthday present cuz today's my birthday‼️ 🎉
Wishing you had a great day today!!! Hope this is a good gift for you!!!
Hope you enjoy!
Team Prime react to Human Buddy getting kicked out
SFW, Platonic, Angst, Human reader
It was late night when it happened.
The team had just finished dropping off the kids and had just finished their nightly patrols.
It was time to turn in for the night.
Ratchet was the one who noticed something strange on one of the larger scanners outside the base.
One of the kid’s phones, Buddy’s specifically, was slowly heading to the base.
Ratchet alerted Prime on this.
Optimus decided to investigate this himself and drove out of the base.
A couple of minutes passed before Optimus pulled in, transforming while cupping a sleeping Buddy in his servos.
Everyone was rightfully worried about the human doing so far out in the desert at night alone.
Optimus gently placed them on the battered sofa.
They didn’t move at all.
Optimus told the rest of the team that Buddy had told him that they had a fight with their parents that ended up with them getting kicked out of the house, something that happened a bit from time to time.
The best the bots could do now was give them a place to rest.
The Prime could not believe that someone, much less a parent, could do this to their child.
He wants to know why they even fathomed doing that to their child.
When Optimus pulled up besides Buddy, he could already tell that they were exhausted from their miles walk from their home.
It did not take a lot to get them inside his cabin.
Even less to get them to open up about what happened.
It hurt him to see them look so defeated and too tired.
He gently turns on the radio on a soft station and watches them fall asleep.
When they wake up the next morning, he takes them to Ratchet to make sure that they are okay.
 Optimus tells them that if they ever got kicked out again, to just call one of them and so they could get to the base safe.
Optimus: “If you ever need a place to stay, a home if you will, the base will always greet you with open arms. Never think for a second you are alone and a burden. You are our friend, part of our family, we will always be there for you.”
The chief medic is furious when he finds out why Buddy was outside at this hour.
He wishes he could do more for the human other than scan for any superficial injuries.
Ratchet makes sure to leave a water bottle, an apple and a blanket with them.
Makes it a habit to make regular scans to make sure that Buddy was doing okay.
Gets the least amount of sleep from the bots besides Optimus.
When Buddy does wake up, he makes sure that they are actually okay.
He might not know too much on human medicine, but he isn’t going to sit there and not try.
Eventually, does consult with June to see if he missed anything on his check up.
In which June is just as furious as he is when she finds out that Buddy was kicked out.
June and Jack make it very clear to Buddy that their house would always welcome them if their parents pulled a stunt like this again.
Ratchet does mention to Buddy that they could have just called and someone would have came to get them.
Makes sure to have a little list of what needs to be restocked and needs in case Buddy needs to stay at the base again.
Ratchet: “Make sure you have an extra tube of paste in your bag—no I don’t know what its called—Toothpaste?! Its made of teeth!?” Ratchet starts making a mental note to ask June what in the world was in the paste.
Arcee wants to beat someone up so bad but can’t.
How dare they do this to Buddy!?
Feels like she should have checked in with Buddy and the other kids before heading back to base.
Secretly fixes Buddy’s blanket from time to time when its her turn to watch.
Next morning after she gets Jack back to the base, Arcee watches over Buddy like a hawk.
Is happy to know that the Darby’s also have Buddy’s back in case their parents do this again.
Does casually mention that she would personally get them to the base if another fight broke out at their home.
She updates June on Buddy throughout the day.
Arcee: “… You want to ride around for a while? It’s a nice day outside, perfect driving conditions too. Just make sure Jack hands you the helmet before we go.”
Actually broke something in a fit of rage.
Ratchet is not happy that he has to fix another tool.
Is surprised that Buddy didn’t even wake up to the sound of something breaking.
It makes Bulkhead even sadder to know that they were this exhausted.
Gently strokes Buddy’s back for a bit before watching over them.
Next morning Bulkhead goes to pick up Miko and tells her what happened.
He is once again reminded that the Fury of Miko is not something he wants to be at the opposite end of.
The Wrecker does ask Buddy how they are doing once he gets back to base.
Miko already lets Buddy know that they can crash at her place when something like this happens or let her know to tell Bulkhead to pick them up.
Bulkhead also lets Buddy know that they can always call him whenever.
Now makes it a habit of going by Buddy’s place before leaving.
Bulkhead: “Miko and I are going Dune bashing in a few minutes, you wanna come? Its okay if you don’t wanna. I think Bee is having a movie marathon with Raf in case your interested.”
Just as upset as everyone else, but is a bit more concerned about Buddy right now.
He knows humans are supposed to sleep a certain amount of hours, how would this affect Buddy.
It unsettles him how deep asleep they are.
Throws a couple more blankets on Buddy and watches them for a while.
When Bumblebee goes to pick up Raf the next morning, he mentions what happened with Buddy.
Raf is just as worried as he was asking if they were okay.
Once they get to the base, Bumblebee pats Buddy’s head gently when they wake up.
Idly waits for them to get the green light from Ratchet.
He helps out Raf make a card for them.
It is also the day he learns that humans can cry out of happiness and sadness at the same time.
Mentions that if they need a place to sleep to call literally anyone on the team and they would come and get them.
Buddy gets more head pats than usual for the next couple of days.
Bumblebee: “Beep bop boop bep bop bop. (Raf and I are going to be watching some movies after the racing tournament, you want to join in? You can have first picks!”
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Concern Prime noises seeing Buddy alone at night.
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mizurale · 2 months ago
Chapter 2: a flight of fear
|Sky cotl x Tfp|
Sky moth saving Raf.
"What's your name?"
Your name? You don't remember, did you even had it? You don't know. You don't remember who you were, but you remember so much about your world. Was it real? Probably. We're those deaths of your kind on Eden worthy if your people are laughing at their dead cold bodies? No.
You don't remember your name.
You don't remember how you got in other world.
You don't know how to come back.
You just don't know
"Little one?"
Optimus's voice bring back to the situation you were. You were at Autobots base, the bots were asking you question before you zoned out for a moment, was it 10 minutes? You don't know, but you feel embarrassed.
You honk while nodding your head before looking at Optimus opticts and writing on the notebook. "` I apologize for not saying anything, Mister Prime. I just zoned out, got too many memories. Would you like to repeat the question?`" You showed him a notebook, still looking away as if all you could do is feel very shy and embarrassed.
Optimus hummed for a second before saying. "No need to apologize, everything is alright. I was asking about your name."
Ah. This again. You was a bit frozen when you heard his last words, you felt other bots and humans looking at you, everyone besides Bee and Raf were there, they drove away from the base because Raf needed to come home. You honked 3 times a bit angrily and write again on notebook, this time, June read it.
"`I don't really know how to answer this question, because I don't know if I even has a name, but I remember everyone calling me a moth back on my world.` So, your name is moth?" Asked June after reading your message.
You nodded, knowing full well that the old bot was glaring at you for a second before looking back on panels, mumbling something to himself, and Optimus did heard what he mumbled.
"I see.. Then for the time you will be there, plead, let me introduce you to others." Without even knowing your eyes shined a bit more, as if you were happy that everyone was not going to drop you off from the base.
".. I can't believe that we will have 'magic' in our base.." mumbled Ratchet under his helm, not really being curious about you.
While Optimus introduced you to the team, he looked at Ratchet direccion, creating a metal note on his processor to talk about it with his old friend.
"Look, moth! We have some video games! Wanna play with us?" asked Miko, being excited to play with her new friend. You honked 2 times, shaking your head, you knew what video games was and doesn't really like playing video games.
You heard unfamiliar voice coming from big green screen where Ratchet stood. "Prime! We have a problem!" said the male. "And what that would be, Agent Fowler?" asked Optimus, being curious about what problem do they have. "The Cons are attacking Jasper! They are heading to Rafael's house, Soundwave already fighting Bee!" those words frozen the time for the team. Everyone were shocked, but Optimus didn't dare to stay quiet for a long time before saying. "Autobots, prepare to roll out!"
You were listening all this time to Fowler, you were as well scared for the boy, but you didn't wanted to just sit there and wait for the bots to return. When the Autobots roll out into the ground bridge, you run into it as well, nobody seen how you run into the ground bridge.
As you run thought the ground bridge, you see how Autobots already fighting the Decepticons, and you see where a Vehicon grabbed Rafael. You honked 5 times at the Vehicon before flying to Raf and grabbing him away from the Con. This picture was seen by Optimus and Bulkhead, before they returned to fight against Cons again.
You and Raf run into most close house, hiding from the Vehicons. You looked at the boy, who was breathing a bit heavily, you honked a few times as he said with a smile. ".. Thanks for saving me.." Your eyes once again shined brightly. Then, after a tough 10 minutes, you heard Optimus's voice. "Little one, Rafael, where are you?"
You two walk out of the house, still holding hands. You honked 2 times, looking up at him.
At the base:
Everyone was shocked about how the freak you could fly, Ratchet was arguing "Imposible! She doesn't even has any wings!" Before you jumped into air high before floating in the air, Ratchets jaw dropped off.
(And Optimus thinks it's cute how you and Raf were holding hands ^^)
Part two is here! (❁´◡`❁)
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cyberrose2001 · 8 months ago
Hi! Sorry if this has been done before (in that case ignore lol), but can you plz do TFA or TFP Prime and Ratchet reacting to Gen Z slang? Tysm!
TFP Prime and Ratchet react to reader using Gen Z slang
oh man this was a joy to write. thank you for requesting and i hope that i don't come off as too cringe
Warnings: Small mention of alcohol (high-grade), human reader, sfw
Word count: 475
"Man, doesn't Megatron just give you the ick?"
The two oldest mechs of Team Prime pause their intellectual conversation and turn to you, both staring perplexedly at you.
Casually leaning against the rail with your head resting on a hand, you stare back at them with a shit-eating grin on your face.
"It's giving... delulu with a side of obsessed."
"I beg your pardon?" Ratchet tilts his helm at you. Optimus follows suit, raising an eyebrow at your sudden commentary.
"Kind of cringe if you think about it," Your smile only widens, "Like bro, it's been millions of years; give it a rest and take the L."
The two mechs glance at each other in silent telepathic communication, hoping that the other has even the slimmest idea of what those words mean. Ick? Cringe? Take the L?
The flabergasted look on their faces as they turn to look at you causes a supressed laugh to catch at your throat.
"What the frag does that mean?" Ratchet pinches his optic ridge, clearly annoyed that he's even choosing to entertain you, "Why should Megatron be handed a letter of the english alphabet?"
"I believe it is what the kids call..." Optimus flicks his optics over to your concerningly reddened face, "Humour."
You're so close to loosing the plot it's not even funny. If you we're to try and explain, you would surley keel over and die before even muttering a word. Keeping your swave and casual stance against the rail, you make eye contact with Optimus.
"Periodt." You let a titter slip your lips when you hear the loud, maniacle laugher of the kids from behind the couch.
You can almost hear the cogs turning in Optimus' processor as he looks to Ratchet for assistance, but the medic offers no help as he glares daggers at you from behind his pinched digits.
"You say 'Periodt', but what does that mean?!" Ratchet's bubbling annoyance explodes into frustration as he looks towards Primus for an answer.
"Oop, Ratchet is in his salty era."
"My WHAT?" Ratchet whips back to face you, and the look on his face is the final straw for you as you keel over and burst into a furious howl, almost whacking your head on the rail as you grip on for dear life.
Optimus watches as Ratchet throws his servos in the air in a wave of surrender and removes himself, presumably to cry over a glass of high grade while babbling about his disdain for the human race. The Prime turns to you with a slight ammused expression at your laughter.
"Would it be correct to say that Ratchet has also... taken the L?"
You die, you die right where you stand. The kids joining you as your body clatters against the rails to the ground and howl in fit of unrestrained belly laughter.
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bird-in-the-space · 2 months ago
The Mysterious Painter being Alchemist Prime's Apprentice
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If you had been reborn in the time of the primes, and Alchemist Prime took you in as his apprentice.
(Author's note: This was something that has been on my mind, and I took some inspiration from Citlali's story quest)
Warnings: none much, some mentions of the caste system, and some doubting your art skills.
- Imagine being reborn at the time when the thirteen primes still existed on Cybertron. The society still lived in a mild kind of caste system, but this time it would not be so serious with the existence of the primes. You were still forced to learn proper survival skills so you wouldn’t end up angering the wrong person, but this time you painted more openly. 
- Your art skills were admired all across Cybertron, even though your art, name, and interest in organic lifeforms were considered odd.
- You respected all the primes and their dominions. You found them and their unique existence fascinating as they were Primus’s first creations. However, even they seemed too busy to notice the hardships of the less fortunate. You understood that their positions and duties were not something they could not ignore, so you never saw them in a negative light for it. 
- Your life was good. But then, one day, you found a container holding a strange liquid. You tried to return it, but since its origins were unknown, you were told to keep it or throw it away. 
- You did not know what to do with it until you got home and accidentally spilled a drop into one of your freshly painted artworks while inspecting it. It did something mysterious as it made your paint shine and materialize the painting into the actual thing. It was magical and strange at the same time. 
- You figured out it was some kind of chemical compound like an alchemy potion. It most likely belonged to Alchemist Prime as he was known for his mystical experiments with elements and materials. How it got misplaced, you did not know. 
- Your conscience said to return it as it was probably valuable, but seeing your painting come to life made you want to see what else you could do with it. Maybe you could borrow just a little to sate your curiosity. 
- For the next few days, you mixed the liquid with different paint colors and saw what happened. You did not expect much but your experimenting resulted in many curious outcomes. You even mixed some colors together and painted on different surfaces to see what would happen. 
- Alchemist Prime eventually left his home to look for the container as the liquid inside was an important alchemy compound. He wasn’t certain how it got misplaced or fell during the transport, but luckily, he had ways to locate it. He could have asked some of his people to bring him more, but unfortunately, the compound was not something that was easily found. 
- While looking for it, he would ramble on his thoughts. His brethren had been asking if he would take an apprentice soon like they had. He had considered it but so far no cybertronian had shown similar fascination for alchemy like he did, or that they just did not feel right to him. It was honestly a hassle. 
- He once even doubted he would ever find the right apprentice, and then he started having visions. He envisioned colors, many different and marvelous colors. He was not certain at first what those visions meant, but then he figured out that whoever was to become his apprentice had connections to colors. 
- He would then be surprised by finding traces of the liquid in small flowers growing on the street walls. He was puzzled as organic flora did not usually grow below Cybertron's surface and these flowers looked unusual. The colors were vibrant and the petals looked like they were made from some kind of liquid. Alchemist touched the flower petals and found paint smearing his finger. This made him curious. It was now clear someone had found his compound and used it in a very peculiar way. 
- He would then follow the traces to you, finding you using it as a mixture of paint to make more flowers on the ground. He would then see the paintings come to life. He looked around and found the secluded alley filled with different varieties of these flowers. It was lovely and Alchemist was filled with excited intrigue. Not many ordinary cybertronians knew how to manipulate the elements of his field and he had never seen any of them used this way. 
- He then looked at you, sensing something different about your spark, but seeing you made him realize you were the apprentice the visions spoke about. Colors were connected to art so it was you. 
- Alchemist would excitedly show himself, startling you as you knew who he was and then realize you had gotten so lost in the art experiments that you had completely forgotten to return the container. 
- You apologized for taking it, but he brushed it casually and asked how you managed to use his compound to bring your art to life. You then relaxed and explained how you mixed the liquid with different paint colors, finding different results.
-  Alchemist was surprisingly easygoing, and he listened to everything you said with keen interest. 
- He then complimented your art, and then, out of the blue, he asked if you wanted to become his apprentice. 
- He claimed you had a natural curiosity and talent for alchemy, so it would be a wasted opportunity for him to not give an invitation. He could sense that your spark was different compared to other cybertronians, and he would like to see your skills in the art flourish even further. 
- It was a golden opportunity, and you had always found his mystical arts fascinating so you accepted. And that is how you became Alchemist Prime’s apprentice. 
- He was a patient and a good teacher. You listened to his lectures well and felt comfortable learning at your own pace. He encouraged your interest in researching and finding ways to enhance your paint, giving them qualities and abilities to do things ordinary paint can’t – such as materializing things into existence, controlling elements, and making a color that would stay vibrant for eons. 
- He was like that one cheerful uncle and when you showed him the new paint mixtures and their unique capabilities he would marvel at them with joy and pride. 
- As his apprentice, you had the chance to meet the other primes, which was an exciting experience and you befriended bots who were mentored by them. Alchemist encouraged this as it was always good to be surrounded by friends. 
- With Alchemist, there was never a boring day. Though he sometimes had little accidents with his experiments and something blew up, you would always laugh about it. Trial and error were natural parts of creating something. 
- You did not forget your passion, continuing painting and making many art pieces. You would remain humble and decline invitations from high-class bots when they found out a renowned artist such as yourself had become a prime’s apprentice. You did not want your art to be appreciated by a single group. It was something you wanted all to enjoy and find inspiration. 
- You would utilize your newfound abilities to help many bots who had it rough. Your kindness would touch the sparks of many and the art of painting would inspire new artists which delighted you. 
- There was one painting opportunity you accepted. Alchemist asked if you would like to paint the thirteen primes in a historical moment on a great wall. Due to the respect you held for him and his brethren, you accepted even though you felt slight pressure. Painting such respectable figures was something that had little room for errors, so you needed to pull this off perfectly. 
- You worked hard for many cycles, painting every detail and refining the colors. Some doubted you could make a wall painting great enough to capture the power and magnificence of the primes, but you were not deterred. However, the painting did lack the life that captured those features, so you decided to try something new to achieve that. 
- You created a new type of paint. It was something you had been working on before the start of your great project, but this time you decided to finish it and bring new life to the painting of the primes. It took many cycles to perfect it, as it required spiritual involvement, but you finally succeeded and it was time to use it. 
- You felt a little doubt and hesitation to use it because if something went wrong then the whole project would be ruined. But with Alchemist’s reassurance, you used it and finished the painting. 
- Everyone then watched as you used your abilities to activate the paint, making the great painting glow with marvelous colors. The bots and primes were enraptured by the beauty and life your mixture brought to the painting. You were glad that the paint worked and that the artwork had the life and magnificence it deserved. 
- Alchemist smacked your shoulder with a proud laugh, saying you had outdone yourself. 
- You received many compliments and the painting of the primes became one of your greatest works. 
- When you finished your training and Alchemist had nothing left to teach you, he gifted you a special paintbrush, especially made for you. It granted you the ability to manipulate your paint and colors at will, allowing you to utilize all your abilities with a single dip of the brush. It was a mystical gift— like you had your own magic wand. You made sure to promise you would use it wisely and only for good. 
- Alchemist had no doubts in your words. He knew the gentle nature of your spark, thus he did not feel hesitant to gift you such an item. 
- As time passed, you would come to be known as the legendary painter. Many bots would still wonder about the secrets of your paints and not come even close to discovering the elements and techniques you used. Your marvelous paintings would still exist even after hundreds of years--- even after the thirteen primes ceased from existence. What became of you was everyone’s guess. Some say you disappeared when the war arrived or that you left Cybertron to seek more inspiration or undiscovered colors. No one really knows. 
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How about someone who was recently turned into a Cybertronian and Team Prime tended to and comforted them? They have a lot of adjusting to do! 👀
TW: A bit of implied disassociation because, holy shit, suddenly you're a giant metal robot and that's kinda hard to wrap your newly non-organic brain around.
((Knock Out is here because there is not enough Autobot!Knock Out and I love him.))
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Team Prime comforting Reader, who just got turned into a Cybertronian, would include...
Optimus reassures you from the first moment that you have a safe home with Team Prime, should you choose to stay with them. Of course, you do. He makes sure you have the time and space to adjust and be comfortable with your new body before jumping into anything. He's just there if you need him, which some days is more helpful than everyone's else's efforts to offer unsolicited advice right off the bat.
Bumblebee helps you adjust to having wheels by challenging you to races that double as training whenever possible. He is almost certainly going easy on you, but nobody ever tells you as much.
Bulkhead is the first to realize that maybe you just really need a damn hug right now, if only because he's not very good with words. He hugs you and reassured you that it will be okay, and you're amazed how warm and fuzzy you feel afterwards, even though you're fairly sure your new body doesn't actually feel such minute temperature changes.
Ratchet tries to be "comforting" by explaining how your new body works... in detail that goes way, WAY over your head. But eventually, you get him talking about Cybertron's history and culture, and realize that your two species aren't all that different after all, which helps more than an anatomy lesson ever could.
Smokescreen is quick to remind you that you don't have to go back to your boring human school/job/house/whatever. Depending on how much you liked/disliked your old life, this is either incredibly helpful or incredibly irritating. If you get upset with him though, he's quick to apologize, and it's hard not to be comforted by that well-meaning smile and a servo patting your shoulder.
Arcee might somehow be even more protective of you than she is of the humans - she knows what happens when bots overestimate how much they can handle, and she figures that's really easy to do when you go from being a tiny, fragile human to a giant robot. Sometimes it's hard to hear her remind you that you're still mortal, but she means well. "Okay Mom, I get it."
Wheeljack, like Bulkhead, isn't very good with words, but he's also not very good with affection. What he can do, however, is listen. He's there the first time you get frustrated with the rest of the Team - not because they truly did anything wrong, but because being cramped into a tiny base with people you've just met will irritate anyone - and he never breathes a word of what you vented to the others. The Wreckers had their spats too - he knows you'll all be cool at the end of the day.
Oh Primus help Ultra Magnus he doesn't have a comforting servo in his body, but at least he's honest about that. In fact, he's the best bot to go to when you're ready to have things less sugarcoated.
Knock Out doesn't understand what the fuss is about - why would anyone ever want to be a squishy, gross organic when they could be Cybertronian? Humans couldn't turn into cars, for one, and couldn't be polished. He gives you a fresh coat of paint and polish and tells you how much better you look now - it does help, in a way. Being able to pick out new paint makes you feel a little more like your new body is really your body.
But honestly? Your biggest comfort might just be Jack, Miko, and Raf, if only because they will remind you any time you so much as frown just how cool being a giant robot is. And then you remember, yeah, it is pretty cool, actually.
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bots-and-cons · 4 months ago
idk if requests are still open, if not I’m so so sorry ignore this 😅. But how would Breakdown and Soundwave react to a human reader who likes to be picked up and carried or just held. Like cradled in their arm against their chest, on their shoulder, or just in their servos. Basically a human friend that loves attention and cuddles.
A/N: Oh boy, it feels like I haven’t posted in forever. Can be platonic or romantic I guess, sorry these are so short, I couldn’t come up with much
•Soundwave doesn’t really mind it, he feels like you’re like a very affectionate cat
•And he really likes cats
•He really likes you too, but anyway
•Soundwave doesn’t mind you sitting on his shoulder while he works 
•He can type with his tentacles too, so he can hold you in his hand too if you want him to
•Soundwave actually quite likes holding you, because that way he knows where you are, and he can keep you safe if something unexpected happens
•Also the closeness is nice too
•Breakdown doesn’t dislike holding you, even though he sometimes acts like he does
•He makes a bit of a show of it being a bother, while still holding you or while you sit on his shoulder, and he won’t put you down
•He actually quite likes keeping you close for multiple reasons
•It’s just nice talking with you and having you as company
•He can also make sure no one accidentally steps on you or something
•Breakdown isn’t really the best at letting others know he enjoys their company, but he does try his best to tell you sometimes
•Especially after you thought he disliked being close to you, because of the way he acted
•It was just a misunderstanding, but he sucks at communicating so you’re kinda used to it
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quirekey · 2 months ago
Could you do a fem reader with TFP ratchet who’s in high school (sophomore year or freshman) and goes to a school where there’s a nursing class??
Obviously no romance, more like a friendship! I’d love to know how Ratchet would act if there was another human on the team but who was studying to be a nurse, Also if you can I’d love if you could add June in too since she’s a nurse too!
YOU ARE TOO KIND OH MY GOODNESSS!! HIII!! I’m so sorry i couldn’t get to you sooner, I hope you are having a great day because this one is so much funnn!! I love platonic :3
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[ ratchet & human!femme!freshmen!reader ] + [ platonic ]
You were a timid and cheerful freshmen that starred in the medical and scientific subjects. Curious about the newest things and willing to try new experiences knowing it could either be deathly or a cake-walk.
- The way you met Ratchet was somewhat strange. You were walking home from school and you saw an empty and vacant ambulance. This never happens and you knew this so you went to investigate. Once you hopped into the passenger seat, you looked around in curiosity, unaware of the consequences. Ratchet was having a bad day and did not want you to play with his buttons today. He drove off immediately to the base and dropped you off outside of it.
- Introducing himself as a Cybertronian was pretty hard. You were extremely afraid of him and he did not have the patience. Eventually you both got along and realised that you’ll be dealing with Transformer adventures and Medical school at once, great. Luckily you were assigned to partner up with Ratchet so at-least you guys somewhat knew each-other
- When you met everybody, Raph and June stood out.
- You and Raph were both really smart and related to one another because of both of your schedule problems. You both struggled balancing good grades and transformer duties due to them both being extremely important. You enjoyed how smart Raph was in Sciences and you both would share some new info to one another, it kinda scared Miko and she started calling it ‘Nerd Talk’.
- June was a nurse for your town and you knew her beforehand. Before you have met the crew, you went to June oftenly to ask for tips and information about the medical field. Your questions were definitely creative and it always had June thinking, this made you stand out to June so she remembered you too. Now that you two were gonna see each other more often, you can ask more questions!
- Ratchet isn’t the type to praise or compliment others directly but he knew that you knew that he was proud of you. He would listen to you cheer in happiness because you passed a class with flying colours. If he could during alt-mode, he’d just smile.
- Just like how Ratchet taught Raph, he will teach you. He has seen you exceed in the medical subjects for humans but he wanted you to push further into Cybertronian. He thought it would be pretty simple since he is a Cybertronian himself but he underestimated how annoying it would be. Learning about a whole new subject that related to engineering and Cybertronians was a bust. You had no motivation to try and it was merely too much for you to handle. Ratchet was disappointed but it was fair.
- You walked home often but every once-in-a-while Ratchet is willing to drop you off instead. This is pretty out of character for him but he thought that it would be best to get along with you and to talk to you as much as possible. Because of this, you guys got pretty close as friends. Your friends thought it was pretty cool but strange that you were being driven by an emergency vehicle and your parents always questioned themselves about Ratchet.
- You were extremely committed to your role as the doctor, always cheering the kids on when they leave for an adventure and checking on them after adventures. When June isn’t here (which is often due to her busy schedule) you replace her spot. You're still learning but this was an amazing way to get experience.
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gonnadafturpunk · 2 months ago
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”- C. S. Lewis
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tfa! optimus x teen! senior! reader.
rejection fucking sucks dude. I hate getting those rejection letters. I really do. But honestly, I can't help but appreciate and be thankful for the schools I've gotten into. However, something about this is grief is only letting me cope through writing it. Share it with me, yeah?
┕━»•» «•«━━━━━┙︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ - Not Edited
Look at you... A college-bound senior, getting ready to take on whatever comes your way.
You've made it thus far...what can stop you now? The challenges are getting good grades, staying on top of things, and doing well on every test. You stayed up most nights, studying or doing homework. You've skipped out on days at the base or to hang with the rest of your friends on days or weeks before tests.
You may have messed around years before, but this year, this is your senior year. No room for mistakes, no room for too much error.
You've impressed yourself and others with such determination to get good grades on everything.
If you were being honest with yourself, that really wasn't the hard part. The hard part was the fact that you had to apply to colleges, get the right documents in, and ask for recommendation letters.
The stress took and is still taking over the majority of your whole life.
If you didn't think the weekends were getting more like weekdays before, then you definitely are now. You could barely catch a break and if you ever did it was so hard to get back into the grind of things. As time went on, you found you had little interest in doing things you enjoyed before. You looked at your video games differently, you could barely stay entertained for a whole movie, and your homework wasn't getting any more interesting.
One day, you were sitting in base, telling Sari about the dangers that are ahead of her in the years coming, but when two bots came in just as you were talking about how you found no interest in things anymore, she couldn't stop but just stare back at you while staring at the bots behind her, working on something.
You honestly didn't care about talking in front of the bots about your problems though. You didn't think they'd care that much about the situation.
Sari couldn't get the look of worry off of her little face as she stared between you and the bots. You didn't care much about it until she got up and left as soon as Bumblebee came.
You sigh and lay back on the couch, looking to the side, hearing thumps behind you.
"We are no strangers to losing interest in what we may use to enjoy due to excessive stress, but that does not mean you can't try," Ratchet says crossing his arms. "It is always nice to have a hobby or something to distract you," Optimus chimes in, his deep voice making you finally look back. You sigh.
"Also we're here, it doesn't hurt to talk to others during times of struggle," He adds.
Ratchet then walks off, leaving Optimus and you behind.
"My communication issues suck, but not only that but it's hard for me to try to communicate my teenage feelings to a 8-year-old and alien robots who have little to no knowledge of what I could be going through in here," You point at your head.
"Yes, we may not know, but at least you know you have a support system," he says quietly. "You were talking to Sari earlier, yes?" he asks rhetorically.
You close your eyes, shaking your head, putting it down. "Yeah Optimus, thank you," you mumble. "It's just hard, plus not only do I have to stay on top of grades, but I'm really nervous about being accepted to these schools," you say, hands motioning how you feel.
You look up at him again. "I'm scared of getting rejected..denied..worse," I say mumbling again.
Optimus looked at you, living in his own stress and despair, it's not easy seeing such a young human like you stress like he does. Everyone has their own responsibilities, but it gets to a point. He doesn't want you to be scared of rejection, he wants you to accept it, to learn from it, to push you through it. He remembers how he was, getting kicked out of the academy, he felt rejected and denied. He was still trying to recover. He wants you to understand that it's okay to make mistakes, to make tough decisions, or to be okay with a school denying you. It didn't define who he was (partially) so it shouldn't defy you.
"I understand your fear, I was there once, I had the pain of being denied, of being rejected almost," He went on, sitting next to you. "You have to understand that rejection and failure make us stronger people," He finishes, looking at you. "Don't be afraid to be sad, but don't let it take over your whole life. It's one moment out of many successes you're yet to have." He smiles at you. You smile back, finding some peace in what he had spoken to you. Maybe he found peace in his own words too.
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swiftyangx12 · 2 months ago
Continuity Crossover! #5
[D/N] = Designation (Your name)
TFP![D/N]: *In their Holoform* Wait, you guys don’t have avatars?
MTMTE![D/N]: *Also in their Holoform* Weird. My crew and I use them whenever we need to visit Earth.
TFA!Bulkhead: We actually don’t have that kind of tech in my universe. *Rubbing his helm*
B-127: Not in mines, either. But, they look cool. You guys look so small.
TFP![D/N]: It’s the average human size, ‘Bee. Wonder why you don’t have these disguises.
MTMTE![D/N]: Oh, wait. One universe where humans haven’t evolved to existence yet, and they haven’t traveled beyond Cybertron until the next few cycles. The other was full-on Cybertronian propaganda led by a corrupted government who were extremely prejudiced against “Organic” life forms and other Cybertronians who possess flight-based frames. Also war-frames.
TFP![D/N]: Oooh right.
TFA!Bulkhead: If you put it that way…You’re kind of on point.
B-127: Technically, we both were led by corrupted governments, but I work for one now. We’re rebuilding everything.
MTMTE![D/N]: That’s true. Reconstructing a better system.
B-127: *Crouching at their level* What’s it like being in a human’s perspective? Are the frames softer like your human friends’? Can you do that “breathing” thing while using the avatars? I gotta ask Wheeljack if he can make something like your Holoforms.
TFA!Bulkhead: Why do you need them now?
TFP![D/N]: The kids need some supplies for school, so shopping for me.
MTMTE![D/N]: Roddy and I have some time off, just to hang and have fun on the planet.
B-127: Hold up. Are you two…
MTMTE![D/N]: *Blushing* No! No way! He only see me as one of his crew mates. His bro, y’know. I don’t think he sees me that way.
[Somewhere Far Away]
MTMTE!Rodimus Prime: *Sensors going off* Why do I feel a disturbance?
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fanged-fanfics · 2 months ago
Can I request headcanons of TFP Optimus Prime and Ratchet with a human teen who is like Luz Noceda from TOH?
And how would they react to reader coming to the base one day with a box, reader tells them it is their school proyect for tomorrow and wanted their opinion, only to then open the box and take out alive snakes!!
I can also see them becoming friends with Miko quick.
☆ Eccentrically Unique — TFP Optimus/Ratchet & Reader HCs ☆
Genre: Fluff, Platonic || they/them pronouns for reader || No warnings needed
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──────.𖥔 ݁ ˖˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ──────
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Optimus takes your oddball nature in stride. He's seen his fair share of rowdy bots all across his career, and though he'll still play parent for you by guiding you in the right directions, he's keen on letting you have your fun as long as it doesn't interfere with work
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Ratchet is a bit more snippy about it, but the medic isn't exactly known for his cheerful disposition. He'll talk to you about alien facts for however long you want, no matter how annoyed he pretends to be
ᯓᡣ𐭩 When it comes to school, the two are typically a little more out of the loop because of their lack of understanding to the earth education system. That's where Miko comes in, the two of you bonding over the advice she gives and your similar interests
ᯓᡣ𐭩 When you mentioned a project, the two bots wished you luck without thinking much about it. Ratchet did note the differences between human and Cybertronian sciences, but largely they just gave you encouragement and thought that would be all
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Oh how wrong they were. When you came back the next day excited about your idea, Optimus was admittedly curious to see what humans considered interesting sciences. That is until you opened the lid and they saw the snakes within
ᯓᡣ𐭩 The bots were curious, but Ratchet drew a line when one of the serpents kept gnawing at his fingers. Sure the poison didn't affect him, but some nerve to latch on like parasites! Especially when they get loose and start slithering along the base floors
ᯓᡣ𐭩 It took many dizzying moments of scrambling large mechs and some panicked humans to get the snakes picked up. Optimus let you know pretty soon after that wild animals were suddenly prohibited from base
ᯓᡣ𐭩 They both come together to reassure you in the end. They do like seeing your creativity and knack for the unfamiliar, but they'd also both seen quite a bit what impulsive workers can cause. Though Ratchet is more blunt than Optimus, they both assure you that you're still welcome to have your adventures with them anytime... just with less snakes
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in1-nutshell · 2 months ago
Hi! Glad that the requests are open! Happy late Thanksgiving Day!
What about a Cybertronian Buddy with Wolverine's abilities? You know, retractable claws, healing factor, enhanced senses? Looking tough as nails, yet a big ol' overprotective softy? That would be a great addition to your collection of Buddies!
Oh, you can make Buddy (him) to take a special liking to the Team Prime kiddos (TFP)
Hope you have a good day!
P.S.: the name's Casey. Your writing is awesome!)))
Hi there Casey! And a Happy Late Thanksgiving to you too!
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy who is like Wolverine
SFW, Platonic, Mention of injuries, Cybertronian reader
Buddy was one of the last outliers to join the Autobots.
There used to be other outliers around, not a lot but enough numbers to notice.
Now as far as he could tell, Buddy was the last one left.
The bot was a peculiar outlier.
Most outliers had just one thing that set them apart from the average bot.
Buddy had a multitude of abilities.
For one, his frame seemed to mend even the deepest of stab wounds.
Something very unusual for a Cybertronian
Buddy stares unbothered by a large slash across his chassis. Bumblebee: “Are you okay?!” Buddy: “Eh.” Bumblebee: “What do you mean ‘Eh’!? You need a medic!”
Buddy’s servo’s had retractable ‘claws’, something he made as his signature weapon on the battlefield.
They could slash through some of the hardest and densest metals know to Cybertron.
Buddy: “Hey Screamer! You want to see my servo transform?” Starscream gets the birdy. Starscream: “What is—ACK!” Buddy leaps to the Seeker and tries to slash him with the birdy. Starscream: “How dare you—WILL YOU STOP DOING THAT! I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING!”
But probably one of the most uncanny ability Buddy could do was sense danger.
He didn’t have a scanner or and readings, he just knew something was going to come and it wasn’t friendly.
Buddy suddenly stops in his tracks. Helm finals twitching and tensing. His optics go wide. Buddy: “GET DOWN!” Tackles Bulkhead out of the way of incoming missile attacks. Buddy: “BULKHEAD GET YOUR BLASTED FENDER OFF THE GROUND AND RUN!”
The bot arrived on Earth shortly after most of Team Prime made it to Earth.
It took some time to get adjusted to team life once again, but it came just in time for the arrival of the kids.
Now, Buddy had already shown a bit of a soft spot towards Bumblebee in the beginning.
But no one thought much about it, everyone had a soft spot for the youngest bot.
With the children around, their fellow guardians were a bit worried about what Buddy’s reaction would be.
The bot wasn’t too found of humans after some had egged him in his alt mode.
The kids felt a bit uneasy seeing the bot glaring at them for a couple of days.
Jack: “Hey Arcee, what’s going on with… umm… him?” Arcee looks where Jack gestured. Buddy was brooding in the corner while buffing some old dents out. Arcee: “You mean Buddy?” Jack: “Yeah… why has he been all… what’s the word?” Miko pops up next to him. Miko: “Brooding? A Stick in the mud? Looking like a Con double agent?” Bulkhead: “Miko! Buddy isn’t a spy.” Miko: “Could have fooled me.” Arcee: “Buddy is just like that Miko. He’s actually been better these past few days.” Jack: “This is better? I’d hate to see him on a bad day.” Bulkhead: “Buddy’s been in a good mood since you guys showed up now that I think about it.” Miko: “Ha! Yeah right! He probably wants to kick us for being around.” Arcee and Bulkhead recall Buddy carefully holding a sleeping Raf, looking so stressed because he didn’t know what to do and didn’t want to wake him up. Arcee and Bulkhead: “Sure…”
Jack and Raf had no problem with the grumpy bot.
Buddy had attempted to bond with them after awkwardly asking if they wanted to join him on a drive so they wouldn’t be couped up in the base too long.
Buddy was parked in an empty lot letting Raf and Jack eat a bit in his alt mode. Jack: “You seriously don’t mind?” Buddy: “I don’t see the problem.” Raf: “Thanks!” Buddy: “… Just try and not to eat anything glittery or those spicy chips.” Jack: “What’s wrong with spicy chips?” Buddy: “The smell stays on the seat for days and I’m not exactly too fond of that.”
Miko feels like he targets her in particular.
Buddy always seemed to be around the corner whenever she tried to do something deemed ‘Mischievous’.
He has absolutely no problem scolding the girl for doing things she wasn’t supposed to do.
Buddy has Miko in his servo. She is kicking and tries to get out of his grip. Buddy puts her down and crosses his arms. Buddy: “What in the name of Alpha Trion where you thinking!?” Miko crosses her arms. Miko: “I just wanted to help!” Buddy: “By what!? By running into the groundbrigde all willy nilly, head first straight into battle, provoking STARSCREAM of all bot! WITH A ROCK! Are you trying to get yourself terminated!?” Wheeljack and Bulkhead try to step in. Buddy sends them a glare. Buddy: “No! You are not saving her this time! She needs to know there are consequences for these kinds of actions!”
Yes, they butt heads a lot.
Miko is convinced that he hates her.
Buddy doesn’t, he just worries for her safety as the human with the least amount of self-preservation.
Bulkhead does take some time to defend his teammate and friend.
Buddy had lost a lot of bots he considered family, he just didn’t wan this new one to go up in flames either.
The girl does tone down the aggression a bit and starts leaving doodles for Buddy to find.
Buddy acts like he throws them away.
… But a little yellow bot told her that he keeps every picture in a special drawer in his habsuite.
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You have no idea how much I want to give this Buddy a Deadpool partner! I need to start thinking on ideas!
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mizurale · 2 months ago
Chapter 3: An unknown world, hidden away
|Sky cotl x Tfp|
Sky moth showing Autobots a hologram of its world.
3 days after you saved Raf's life, Team Prime is on all ears by hearing about your world. You kept honking and honking while writing new words on notebook, smile was seen in your eyes. Ratchet was the only one who weren't the big fan of your stores, he was thinking that you were baffling about those perfect islands that you were talking about.
Today, you as always was talking to Optimus, he was the most biggest fan of your stores, telling you in return about Cybertron. Raf was listening to you from afar, while Miko was doing her homework, saying how lazy is it, but Bulkhead was saying that she needed to do the homework (he is her step father, I don't make the rules 😋).
Ratchet was doing another project of his, getting used to your honks and not getting distracted by you. Unknownly to you, a Manta flew into the Autobot base (it has a power to fly thought walls in my au), it's size were kinda small for Autobots, but for humans (+sky kids) it was big.
Arcee was the first one to notice it. ".. What is this?.." she asked quietly, but not so quiet as Optimus heard her question, he looked at before looking where she was looking. He was surprised, as he heard Ratchet, making everyone looking at him. "What by the Primus sike is that?!" you looked at Ratchet, honking one time before looking up, your eyes shine a bit brighter then before, as you honked much louder, waving to the Manta.
It looked at you before gently flying to you, Everyone was shocked and surprised. Miko asked with curious. "Is this a Manta??" You nodded to her question, your cape's stars started shining as Manta was recharged your cape. You honked in a bit announce, as Ratchet asked. "What is that thing doing to you?.." You honked before writing on the notebook before facing it to him, which he read. "`It recharged my cape because it was out of energy, I spend my last energy when I was saving Raf, and now I can fly high again! Thought for not very long.. I need the Manta to be around me when my cape is out of energy. `" Ratchet signed. "Will it be at least quit and not distract me from my work?" You nodded which yearned you a sign of relief from Ratchet and a small smile. "Good.."
The next 2 hours you were talking all about Manta and what was they to your world, showing some holograms of your world. Everyone was impressed (even Ratchet), but the only words from one bot make you happy. ".. Your world is beautiful, Little one."
Hehehe, Ratchet is angry 😈
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yandere--stuck · 2 years ago
Hello! I wanted to say AMAZING job on that platonic yandere autobot post- yandere posts with the kids in them always put a pit in my stomach but I can admit you wrote it really well!
Though that makes me wonder what would happen with others that are either new and don't have a 'sparkling' or ones that have already been there (Ratchet and Optimus) who technically don't have a sparkling of their own? Like I know it's unlikely but I can't stop imagining smokescreen or wheeljack randomly snatching a human in their mid 20s and going "this is my kid" and no one fighting them on it
Aaaa thank you so much!! With Wheeljack I can see him and Bulkhead being like omg twinsies!! when they realize they both took in a 'human sparkling'. I hope you like these ^^
I think if it's a situation where the 'sparkling' isn't taken care of by the whole team, Ratchet would be the most overprotective of his human sparkling. Like, you're not going anywhere without him there. You're not leaving the base even. You're lucky if he trusts the others to take care of you, or else he may just lock you in his resting quarters while he's away.
It's not that he means to punish you. You have to understand. He's just… Terrified. He loves you so much and it's terrifying. He can't lose another one. Please. He can't lose another child. It'll break him. Please, please, just understand. He loves you too much to let you be hurt again.
And it's not all bad! He loves to pick you up and hold you in his arms, pressed against his chassis. It's one thing he misses most about losing his little ones… He also enjoys playing games with you or indulging in interests and projects. He loves nothing more than to see a smile on your face and know how much you and your passions mean to him. Though, he has the tendency to go a bit overboard.
If he's delusional enough, he may believe you're somehow his child or grandchildren reincarnated. He'll tell you the memories he has of Cybertron with his family to try to jog your memory.
Despite his unconditional love for you, Ratchet is a grumpy old mech and has a tendency to be stern when need be - and even if not. He may raise his voice at times, but is quick to apologize and swoop you up into his arms.
Optimus' affection is more reserved than Ratchet's, but that doesn't mean he loves you any less! His adoration is usually expressed through praise and words of encouragement. I imagine The Matrix would try to curb this increasingly possessive parental attachment toward you, but perhaps Optimus can simply… Bend the rules just a bit?
It's only natural to see you as a sparkling, is it not? You were significantly younger and smaller than him and he'd taken on a protective role toward you, if anything, it'd be odd if he didn't see you as one. And it was his duty to protect the lives of humanity, especially against the Decepticons. He was doing this because he must. He must keep you safe. You're so small. So fragile. So young.
If he must keep constant communication with you to assure your safety, so be it. If he must disrupt your daily life to protect you from Decepticon attacks, he will do it gladly. And it hurts him to do so, but if locking you within the base is what stops Optimus from losing you, it is the price he is willing to pay. 
At some point, something glitches. Why should he be remorseful for his actions? You were family, after all. His sparkling. And he would do anything to keep you safe.
This glitch in his Matrix may also extend to Bumblebee, but perhaps less so because Bee is much less fragile than you. Optimus would love if the two of you began bonding. Not just to cement you as family, but it means another set of optics on you, as well.
Love the idea of Wheeljack either randomly being like "my baby now" with you without realizing Bulk was doing the same, so when they both go to show their kids off they get so hype because !!! Same wavelength! OR Jackie seeing Bulkhead getting his own Sparkling and being like 'hell yeah this planet has free kids' and zooming off to get his own.
Jackie would try to be as fun a caretaker as possible. Would love to joke around with you, play games, let you climb on him or sit on his shoulders. Also likes to tease you, usually about how small you are compared to him.  What? It's cute!
But, his patience can wear rather thin if you keep begging him to let you throwing tantrums, and while his punishments aren't physical in nature, they can be rather cruel.
For instance, if you're so insistent that he let you go, surely you wouldn't mind him driving you out into the desert and leaving you there, right? I mean, its basically the equivalent of what he'd be doing if he abandoned you when Cons and other dangers are everywhere on this planet! He'll drive out a couple miles before circling back and asking, rather smugly, if you got everything out of your system and were ready to come back to him.
Also! Two dads for the price of one! When he knows he's gonna be going down some dangerous roads and needs someone to watch after you, Bulkhead is the mech for the job!
I feel like Smokescreen would be more of an older sibling figure! No less protective of you than the others, but more of a different dynamic.
For instance, he really, really wants to impress you. He'll go out of his way to do tricks if it means your eyes are on him and smiling up at him. He loves to know you're happy and being the one to make you smile. He hopes you can look up to uim the same way he looks up to Optimus!
And for that, he's also hit very hard at any sign of conflict or disappointment from you. He doesn't really like the idea of punishments. You're far younger than him, you don't know what you're saying. You're confused and upset and so you're lashing out. It's okay, Smokescreen understands. If he ever does feel like you're purposefully trying to hurt him, he'll simply give you the silent treatment.
He loves scooping you into gentle hugs or holds, carrying you around the base. Also loves taking you out for car rides and just talking together.
And if any Decepticons even think about laying a claw on you, he'll make them wish they never existed <3
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porkcracker · 1 year ago
I just wanna say I really liked your Optimus father figure headcannons and Ratchet grandpa figure headcannons! It was really nice!
I was wondering if you can do a oneshot of those headcannons with a Non-binary reader? I think it'd be really wholesome and nice to see ^^
I was staring at this ask for a very long time and man I wish I had time to answer it quicker, because it hits some buttons. I'm happy you liked my headcanons btw. Still being probably months late, I still hope you enjoy this.
Dad!Optimus & Grandpa!Ratchet & NB!Reader It had been in no way your fault, but nonetheless you still found yourself shrinking into yourself as Optimus looked at you with a disappointed look in his bright blue optics. As the oldest of the humans on base, you had taken to watching over the three younger ones. Which as a result lead to you being equally in trouble, when they got in trouble and like in moments like this had broken something. You had been busy with yourself for a few minutes, so there was no clear way to say who had started it, but by the time yells and screams had drawn your attention they were running around the base, chasing each other with water guns.
To a degree you could understand them, the summer was hot, and even the base could grow uncomfortably warm at the height of the day, but to use water guns? Around a lot of technology? An exasperated sigh had left you, and you had to move to stop them, yelling after them. Alas, too late, an over enthusiastic shot from Miko had missed its intended target of Raf and instead hit Ratchets workstation. You watched with bated breath hoping it would do no damage, relaxing as it seemed to be fine and turning to the equally frozen kids, when there was a crackling noise and just as you turned back around the previously lit display darkened.
As the Bots returned, the children and their guardians were quickly sent on their way to bring said children home, which left you alone with Optimus and Ratchet. Ratchet had not left his damaged station since returning, attempting to fix the damage. Optimus on the other hand had turned to you. Which was what had led to this moment. The big bot wasn't angry, but the disappointment in his optics was far more disheartening in your opinion. Disappointing Optimus never sat right with you at all, not that you had been at this point very often before. No, rather, you were far more commonly sitting on his shoulder and conversing with him.
"(Y/N), I'm very glad that you watch the younger ones when you're alone at base, but if you need help than please do tell me. I would not want you to be overwhelmed by watching three other humans by yourself. I am quite sure, leaving one of the others at base to help you, would be manageable.", his voice was as gentle as always and perhaps the fact that he was seemingly more concerned for you than the damaged equipment and even considered leaving someone at base was worse. With the Deceptions being more experienced fighters and having no qualms, leaving someone to watch would be impractical. While usual Ratchet was at base, he was ready to leave base when necessary, so to stop that would be impractical.
Still you nodded and watched, still hunched into yourself, as Optimus joined Ratchet to look at the damage from the equipment. Coming to a decision, the next day, when the Bots and the kids left base, you made your way towards the workstation and had a closer look at the damage. It was quickly clear why such technically minimal water damage made this much trouble. The cables were sized for humans and while it must have been hard to connect when building the station it had no casing then and no it did, making it even harder for big cybertronian hands to work half hidden small human cables.
It didn't take long to get a torch and a few tools from your back, something you carried with you just in case, since you had started to get along better with Ratchet, often listening to his stories and grumbled life advice. Once back at the workstation, you turned the torch on and climbed into the casing of the workstation and working along the few small cables that needed to be fixed. Fixated on your work, it only registered that Optimus and Ratchet had come over, both not out with the others, when they began to talk, or well you assumed began to talk as you hadn't registered it before.
"It's almost amusing to watch you, how do the humans say it, mother hen them.", the sentence made you slow in your work with curiosity, wondering if they were talking about the other kids, your curiosity mirrored by the confused tone of Optimus. "What do you mean, old friend?" "Hah, it's obvious. (Y/N), you talk like you're their creator.", the way Ratchet said it was not judgemental, rather it seemed genuinely amusing. "I-", Optimus began, but was cut almost off immediately by a yelp. Both bots snapped their helms around, looking around, pinpointing the origin just as you crawled out of the casing of the workstation, your finger bleeding where you had slipped at the answer of the medic.
Before you could even fully get over the hem of the workstation, Ratchet scooped you up and walked off with words of chiding for injuring yourself. As much as Optimus had been caught off-guard by the words of his old friend, reflecting on them proofed them true. But alas, at least he was not the only one, he mused quietly as he watched said old friend fret over your cut with a rare care in his optics.
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Hii there! If you have the time, can I please request hcs or scenario of Knockout and reader being absolute chaotic bff's. Like they may both be a total pain in everyone's aft but KO and reader are also surprisingly efficient when together so it's hard to get mad at them (I hope my rambling is easy to understand 😅)
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((Do I have to say "Spoilers for Predicons Rising" in 2023? Probably now but i'm nothing if not paranoid, lol.))
Being chaotic besties with Knock Out would include...
- Megatron finally recruits another medic and- OH SWEET PRIMUS THERE'S TWO OF THEM OH NO
- Seriously, you get along like a house on fire and might one day actually set a house on fire. The leader of the Decepticons realizes he made a mistake the moment you actually giggle at one of Knock Out's snarky comments... but what can he do? It's not like he has a long list of medics he can just call up and have come all the way to Earth. He was lucky to run across another medic at all, so the resists the daily temptation to (literally) throw one of you off the Nemesis.
- Starscream is also absolutely devastated by this development. Now he has two idiots trying to suggest he upgrade his weapons, his look, his face... at this point, he's pretty sure both you and Knock Out are resisting the urge to just gesture to all of him when he comes in for a checkup.
- Of course, you can't be friends with Knock Out and not also be friends with Breakdown (who is very much alive and nothing bad will ever happen to him shut up). He also likes you immediately, if only because you clearly drive Starscream up the wall just by existing, and another medic means more of his friends, the Vehicons, are getting patched up in short order.
- (Okay but real talk, in some crazy AU where Breakdown gets horribly murdered, which totally did not happen in canon, having someone supportive who treats him with genuine friendship and respect by his side might have made him finally question his allegiance just a bit sooner? It's amazing what happens when a seeker who screams at you constantly is not your only source of companionship on a proverbially sinking ship. Whether it's sooner or not, you follow him to the autobots, and now your chaotic dynamic is their problem. Ratchet will never emotionally recover from this.)
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bots-and-cons · 4 months ago
Do you mind writing about Knockout, Ratchet, and or Breakdown with a human reader on their period. They fee nauseous and don’t have an appetite for the first few days, really bad cramps, chest pain, and migraines too. Idk if this breaks any rules or the character limit if choosing one character is better for you there will be no complaints from me thank you for taking request 😄.
A/N: I’ve got a couple of other posts with period stuff too, you can find those, here, here, here, and here. You get four extra posts for one request lol. I decided to do just Knockout and Ratchet, seems I’m in the mood for those two lately
•For like the first two months since he first met you he noticed that for about 6 days a month, you were pretty freaking miserable
•You barely ate anything and you seemed to be in pain and all around uncomfortable
•The first time Ratchet thought that maybe you were just sick, and he didn’t really know you that well yet, so he didn’t really express that much concern
•He did ask if you were okay a couple of times, but you assured him it was nothing to worry about
•But when the whole thing repeated a month later, he thought it was weird
•When he asked again if you were okay, and told you about his observations, you realized he probably doesn’t know about periods
•You had to explain the whole thing to him, because he obviously had no idea this is a normal human bodily function
•Ratchet is of course a bit weirded out by the whole thing, but he’s not grossed out
•He just finds it wild that some humans have to deal with something like that
•And all the cramps, migraines and stuff on top of that? How do you survive this every month?
•Ratchet doesn’t consider it his problem, but he will make sure everyone else is as quiet as possible when you have a migraine and are resting in a dark room somewhere in the base
•He wants to make sure he or anyone else doesn’t make it worse
•If you show symptoms he hasn’t seen before, he will ask about it, and he makes sure you’re doing fine
•While he insists it’s not his problem and that he doesn’t have time to take care of you, he still checks on you periodically
•Knockout notices you’re uncomfortable and he immediately asks you about it
•You’re leaning on a wall because you’re having a really bad cramp, and you’re just not feeling well in general
•You have to explain to Knockout that you’re not sick, you’re just having your period
•He’s like, “And what exactly is that?”
•You explain to him, it’s your uterine lining shedding and bleeding out of you
•He makes a very grossed out face for a second, before being like “Are you okay? That doesn’t sound healthy”
•You sort of chuckle, but you assure him that it’s natural, even if it totally sucks
•He asks how you cope with it, because that sounds like a mess and painful and all around not a good time
•He’s honestly kind of curious about the whole thing, even if he does find it pretty freaking weird
•How is it even possible for you to bleed for multiple days in a row? That doesn’t sound like it’s good for you
•Knockout constantly reminds you about drinking water, and he somehow got his hands on some dark chocolate for you too, because he read it might help with the cramps
•He’s worried about the migraines especially, because it seems you’re having a very, very bad time
•Knockout is worried about everything that’s making you uncomfortable, and it annoys him that he can’t really do anything about your pains or aches
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