#transformers marvel comics
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Marvel Comics Slayride
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redfoxdude07 · 7 months
Hot take: Transformers horror is an underutilized concept
Like, genuinely, there's so much fucked up lore in these plastic robots that they'd fit perfectly in the medium
Just the concept alone could be scary if done right, but with the simple addition of some of the more obscure parts of the lore, you'd get a really good psychological horror
Stuff like Silas and that one Ratchet and Megatron fusion would be fucking terrifying if put in the right context.
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dynomiteimp · 1 year
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satoshy12 · 16 days
Dan as Angel Danielle as a fallen angel and Danny as Devil
It started with learning shapeshifting, which then just turned into a prank and Danny enjoyed it much more than he thought.
Danny had no idea why Dan had angel wings and he got devil wings. Anyway, Dani got black angel wings and she loves them.
And after a while, the trio of siblings decided to have some fun, not that anyone would find them.
Dan as Angel told a hero to beat up the villain worse and worse. So he can't heal fast. Danny as Devil works hard to get people to help others. By giving ideas on how to fix the problem from the beginning.
And Dani was just making chaos and having fun. Not helping and not making it worse.
After a while Most heroes choose to follow the little devil on their shoulder instead of the angel. Around 3 villains got rehabilitated!
And Cass found a fun to make the devil blush. Danny looks adorable with that cute blush.
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finefett · 3 months
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The Transformers (UK) #63–65
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fruitful-gummies · 11 days
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Happy 40th Transformers G1 !!!!
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itneedsmoregays · 4 months
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
Jack decides he needs a bit of time away from family to mourn the loss of his one sided friendship with Vlad and Vlad's death. So he takes a trip to Gotham. On this trip, he runs into Damian and Tim, who are convinced he's Captain Marvel in disguise.
Meanwhile, Jason's also run into Jack as he's coming into his ghost powers. Jason starts freaking out because someone just saw him when his new powers started glitching. Panicking only worsens the situation as now he can't figure out how to get his foot un-caught in the cement.
Jack, despite not knowing if this kid is a halfa or not, decides to give him advice based on how Danny told him his powers work. It works.
Now, Jason has a sort-of mentor that he didn't ask for but definitely needs, and Jack has something to do while he sorts out his feelings on the whole Vlad-was-never-his-friend thing.
Eventually, Damian and Tim catch them while Jack is trying to explain how Jason might have a second form. While Jack explains, Jason just transforms. His ghost form isn't what either expected. Jack was expecting something similar to Danny's or Vlad's. Not a winged little kid with a mask.
To be honest, this just solidifies that this guy is Captain Marvel for Damian and Tim. Obviously he decided to teach Jason magic.
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i-am-trans-gwender · 3 months
The Transformers wiki feels like it was written by aliens who only know Earth through Transformers media
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arsnof · 5 months
ArsCo Presents the Inaugural Arsnof's Great American Yard Sard Comics and Sundry Sale 2024!
Hello there! I'm Arsnof. You may remember me from content such as "Canadian Illustrator", "Dungeon Mentat", or even "Transformers Meme". I'm here today to host a celebration of buying things, thinking they're so super cool, and then putting them away and never looking at them again. Comics, books, toys, anime, manga, CCGs, rare webcomic goodies, tiny figurines of yokai, a Little Golden Book adaptation of Gremlins that ends before midnight, Chuck Norris's Karate Kommandos, can you read Japanese because I can't, official Soul Coughing stickers, a hoard of well read Wizards and Toyfares, Funko Pops, feet pics (you can get off, but only if you can correctly diagnose what's wrong first), Transformers...
I could go on forever, but I got it, you want it, we can make a deal (no tongue).
Why is this happening? I'm shit broke and getting shitter. Going down like a Trump Casino. Guy paying his bills on time? I haven't heard that name in forever.
I've been taking care of my ailing father (tried to die on us three times so far this year) and the rest of my family (I don't owe you an explanation, cop) and then someone just up and decided to make my automobile a notomobile.
They didn't have insurance, but that's okay because we have full cov-*hand to ear*-what? We don't? Only comprehensive? Since when? FUCKING shit... Okay, but we still have uninsured motorist, so-four thousand? Four thousand. Dollars. $4,000. To replace an entire ass truck.
We are in desperate need of a car. I've got a lifetime of memories. You, on average, have some change sitting around. Can I have some? I'll trade you stuff.
I'm starting with my comics because they're easiest to catalogue. See something you like? HMU, as the kids say (please God don't let that be a sex thing) and I'll see what I can do. I'm giving the comic shop at which I used to work a vague preference, but I can be swayed.
Next up will be the trades and manga, DVDs of varied origin, toys, and so on.
If life can stop kicking us in the gender neutral pain zone for five fucking minutes, @paulyollyoxxenfree and I will get back to handicrafts. They're getting back into the amiguroove and I'm going to hit the pad - finish and print Kitty, start Dr. Doctor. Stickers and stuff. I'm not shaving for a while to put me in mall Santa shape by Thanksgiving.
But what if you've got too much money and you're sick of it, but you hate being given things? I take donations. If you put a special request in the memo, I won't even give you the thanks. I'll just spit. I take requests.
Fuck, I don't know, antelope? My email - [email protected]
I might make one of those kofi things.
Oh and, heheh, one more thing...
Launching in the fourth quarter 2024, ArsCo is proud to announce Alone With Arsnof, the happening new app that gives you the power to have some one-on-one time *gunshot* wit- *sudden fade to red-tinted black, gunshot echo. Sirens fade in. HE'S DOWN! OVER THERE! THE ROOF? A high-pitched whine. Bright light. The late afternoon sky comes into focus. Fireballs? The sun is so bright. Automatic gunfire. No, jets. Falling. Screams. Recognizable screams. Unrecognizable screams? Inhuman? The sun blinks*
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morninkim · 3 months
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that one movie sinbad did about the genie
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redfoxdude07 · 7 months
Hear me out on this...
This comic but animated in The Walten Files style
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I genuinely think that it would be one of the greatest Transformers fan films ever created
TW: disturbing imagery
Here's some examples for those who don't know what The Walten Files is
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theforswornelite · 5 days
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infinitealpacas700 · 27 days
Thinking about Blaster and the cassettes and Scrounge and
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supine-ly · 1 year
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found out transformers have canon human versions now I wanna watch the animated series
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theneptuneflytrap · 23 days
If I can recommend any single issue of the Marvel comics for every Transformers fan to read it's Marvel UK Transformers #278 "The House That Weekjack Built". It's so charming and I think every Transformers fan would love it.
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