#transferred this ask from the dead blog!
seafearing · 4 months
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@palmviolet this question was just too good (and difficult bcos of it) which is why i have been thinking about it for like six days. so sorry for this absolutely unhinged essay you are getting, feel free to. ignore lol
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1 in the bleak midwinter, season 2, episode 6
this takes the number one spot because it's one i really remember hitting me upon watching it for the first time. his grave that's been dug out for him for the whole episode without him realizing it, then the acceptance in the mud and the field, the sequence where he actually falls into the grave with the dead bodies on top, i did fucking think he had died for a second there. and then he has to crawl out of it, and. then the realization that he has to keep going is what breaks him, and how that tells so much about his character and how it gets built up on and mirrored constantly the coming years.
oops this got long sorry i am entirely normal about this television series
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2 did polly send you, season 6 episode 6
i can't not have this scene high up here. the symbolism throughout, with the crow, the fire, and the horse, his hallucination of his daughter and at this moment, imagining polly as well despite saying that polly would never visit him in his dreams again, that torn ugly heart of family, love and brutality, betrayal
and the sentimentality of spreading all these mementos of his loved ones in the caravan where he intends to die, like a kind of perverted version of him saying to campbell "i have my family". and alfie asking him, when will he stop, and "when i find the man i can't defeat", and that turned on its head and being manipulated into becoming the man he can't defeat, myself talking to myself about myself truly, as well as, most glaringly, the whole mental illness of it all. and, just i don't know i found it good storytelling not to have the main character that's struggled with mental health and suicidal ideation for the entirety of the series, die of suicide at the end for a shock ending of sorts. like i am so very glad that wasn't the twist in it all.
and then the continuation of this scene to the end. him with the gun in his hand once again, that addiction where he feels like god. and this time he doesn't pull the trigger, but it was never about pulling the trigger, it was having the power of being the one to choose. and they end it with him riding away with the white horse encased in fire. the obvious symbolism with how everything started with him arriving on the black horse, and also the mirror of how he blew up his house and walked away from it, repeated at the end. like sorry but this is poetry to me.
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3 now you've seen me, season 1 episode 5
this was such a brutal and haunting scene that i really remember well from those early seasons. one of the few times we really see tommy lose it like this. used by the police much like he was used in the war, and then he snaps. and that betrayal, again. they were supposed to come, but they didn't come, the cavalry. and the vulnerability that he has afterwards, you see that it breaks him. that unavailable, closed off man he's become after the war, and you feel like, this is what was hiding underneath it all, these raw guts, the splattered, caved in skull. "now you've seen me," he says to grace, but he's also saying that to the audience. i do really like that their romance as well is always marked by them seeing this violence, the brutality in one another. "this one looks like it was killed by a wild fucking animal," and she marries him.
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4 what fucking line am i supposed to have crossed, season 3 episode 6
i can't also not-mention this. i really enjoy pretty much all the characters in peaky blinders, but alfie is truly a wild one. he's sold tommy out again, and this huge rant he goes on after being confronted about it, it's just simply beautiful and so multi-layered that i feel too stupid to analyze it. just something about him unleashing this self-justified anger at tommy thinking he's above it all, and then to go, more softly: "i did not know about your boy, though." also the propensity of tommy always going back to him for more betrayal, just like he went back to grace after she betrayed him. this season, it doesn't even occur to him that alfie might have betrayed him (again): he interrogates his family, first. insane.
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5 he just listened. and now he has no face, season 5 episode 4
god i love season 5, and this episode in particular. this whole sequence where the swan dies, in this episode where tommy keeps seeing his dead wife. the whole sequence is just, encapsulating love, betrayal and violence. lizzie going to hold tommy's hand as they watch the ballet, aberama proposing to polly, the reveal of linda and her raw confrontation of the violence and control, fuck. and then polly being the one to pull the trigger, and the swan, she does die. and the whole sequence that unravels afterwards with linda on the table is like something! out of a fucking renaissance painting!! it makes me unhinged!!
nooo and i didn't even include that sequence at the dinner table in s6 where the camera swiwels between the participants, just the cinematography and decisions they make in this show. prove it with your body. wait let me redo this whole thing i'm not doing it justice nooo who cares about season 1 (i do)
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artdcnaldson · 4 months
Can you do arts reaction to reader just not inviting him to her next "dance" because she thought he wasnt interested so she didnt say anything please?
Maybe he saw a picture on myspace or something
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Rating: T
Warnings: None really, just angst and Art being heartbroken over losing his best friend
Summary: Spring 2008. Art wishes that he had thought to unfriend you on MySpace.
A/N: ok I’m ngl I saw specific words and ran. The words in question: “Art’s reaction” and “MySpace.” Unedited
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MySpace was in its death throes. You had to have been the last active user by that point, happily posting collections of photos like it was your own personal scrapbook.
He didn’t even use it himself, not really. He had when he was sixteen— filled it with pictures of him and Patrick and the shitty music he’d liked. Lately, he’d been logging in just to check on you.
Not often. He wasn’t a creep, or anything. He just wondered, sometimes. He knew you had a boyfriend, or something— you posted cryptically about seeing someone plenty enough. Art just wanted to know who the asshole was— if he knew him, if he deserved you.
Most people had switched to Facebook— including Art. He knew Patrick had an account, but he didn’t feel like adding him, and apparently the sentiment was shared.
That night, he pulled up your MySpace page, decorated in the same pink and green shades as your dorm room. It was a normal routine— look at the music you were listening to, read your blog posts, look at your photos. Casually, of course. This time, though, he froze.
Because he did know the asshole you were with— not hidden behind cryptic posts, no longer shrouded in mystery. Clear as day, in photos you’d taken on your digital camera.
Patrick Zweig.
For once, the brunet was in a nice suit, with a bow tie and everything. The first picture was of him, flipping off the camera with a smile in the middle of a formal dining room. The next few were of both of you sitting on an empty tennis court, drinking champagne straight from the bottle, and sharing cigarettes.
Look who needed a date to a “boring, formal rich people thing” after months of me going to his “boring tennis things” <3
That was all you’d said about the pictures. Art swallowed, opening up the photos to take a closer look. You were wearing pale yellow silk, like moonlight. You posted a close up of you in the dress, of pretty silver jewelry against your skin, then a few scenery shots— flowers, a fountain, the putting green at night.
That was the country club he played at when he was 15 and stayed with Patrick for the summer, the type of place that it was best to be seen and not heard. He knew that Patrick’s family were wealthy before, but that summer had put things in an entirely new perspective.
Patrick hated shit like that— the pomp and circumstance. The Patrick who had been his friend wouldn’t have been caught dead at a… he squinted to read the signage in the background of a photo— Benefit for Children of… whatever, he couldn’t make it out but he knew it was stupid.
It wasn’t Patrick. He knew it wasn’t Patrick even if they hadn’t spoken for a year.
Sometimes he asked himself why that was. Tashi dropped out, transferred to a school closer to her family. Being at Stanford had been too painful, which he understood, but he missed her. They kept in contact, which was good, because he had a suspicion he’d die if she wasn’t somewhere in his orbit.
It wasn’t lost on Art that he’d chosen Tashi over Patrick. He didn’t regret choosing Tashi, but he might regret it more had it not been for that night.
He couldn’t prove that it had been Patrick in your room, but he had a feeling.
It had gnawed at him as he sat on the floor outside of your door, nursing a beer long after you and whoever it was had finished and fallen asleep. He caught the tail end of it, even over the blaring music— the slamming headboard, the pretty noises you made when you got close.
He’d been sexiled enough by Patrick before to feel a twinge of familiarity in the muffled groans on the other side of the door. But it made no sense. Or it made perfect sense, and Patrick rarely did and that’s what made it so hard.
Art had chosen Tashi, Patrick chose what was Art’s. Tied everything in a nice little bow.
He’d been missing him. Of course he missed Patrick, in the same way he craved a cigarette after quitting. He knew it was bad for him, he wanted it anyway.
Or maybe Patrick wasn’t bad for him, and he was the one who cleaved him out of his life with a rough, messy slash. He loved Patrick, but he needed him as much as he needed a burst appendix that was poisoning him from the inside out.
If he thought about Patrick Zweig for too long, he’d get a sick feeling in his stomach, all hollow and achey. He itched to call him, to ask how he’d been, and how the tour had been, and if he was doing okay.
He let the phone ring once, twice before he hung up, feeling like an idiot. There was a thick, strangling feeling in his chest like he might cry, which was stupid.
It was all so stupid, how much he missed Patrick. Patrick, who had you, and a tennis career, and his rich parents who he suddenly wanted to be around. Maybe Patrick was better off, but it didn’t make him feel much better.
His phone buzzed on his bedside table, ripping him violently from his self pity. 
Patrick [1:26 AM]: was that an accident?
Art didn’t respond, even though he wanted to. It was probably for the best.
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Sorry I made this mostly about Art missing Patrick instead of Art missing R but … alas it felt true. If I think too hard about the twelve years they spent apart I feel insane.
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 5 months
ik you mentioned interest in writing out how you'd prefer homestuck ended (though obviously time and money makes that impossible lol), and you touched on it in your big eridan essay at the end, but would you ever consider maybe a more detailed outline? i really enjoy your thoughts on the characters and the abandoned plotlines, i'd love to get a little more of an in depth look at how you wish it went down.
Yeah sure!
For those who aren't sure what the hell I'm talking 'bout, please check out my blog and the various essays I've been writing.
Some of it is contingent on stuff I kind of still need to reread so I'm really sorry to the alpha kid likers but I'm still not totally 100% sure where I want to take them. I'm also going to include quite a few personal preference ships; I'm not interested in arguing what other people should ship or about arguing about the course of action for my dumb fanfic in general. I also tend to discover the plot I want while I'm writing it, which I don't have the luxury of here, so... some of it is going to be kind of sloppy. I'm also a big troll stan so unfortunately the kids are a little bit neglected (sorry!!!!). That said.
So the changes would take place directly after GAME OVER, which is personally the point at which I think the truncation/turning on the fanbase really starts - ships start to get turbo-sped at that point. I'm not even saying I dislike JohnRoxy or JohnRezi, but they just feel oddly rushed the way they're handled in the comic itself. IMO, anyway.
There's not too much I would rearrange during this interstitial segment; I think it's important for Jade to have the experience of loneliness, for Terezi to kick off the retcons by only feeling comfortable fixing her own mistakes. Moreover, there's no reason why other characters can't use her mind beacon abilities to ask John to rearrange the timeline, though their attempts, because they aren't backed by Seer of Mind abilities, are a lot sloppier and come with a lot more unforseen consequences.
But something I would change is that Roxy's deal with Nyx is not to just kind of... sit back and chill in non-space while John does all the work; instead, like Rose in Davesprite's timeline, Nyx puts her to sleep, and when the timeline ceases to be, GameOver!Roxy's memories get transferred to Past!Roxy via her dreamself (which wakes up early), fulfilling a "stealing from void for others" aspect of her abilities, and leads to some important interactions later on down the line.
Also, this timeline's ARquiussprite and Gamzee's corpse (heretofore referred to as (ARquiussprite) and (Gamzee)) need to come along for the ride somehow. Maybe they fall through the sky after LOLAR crashes into LOFAF.
This kicks off a series of retcons, as each troll that gets brought back successively asks for another troll/set of trolls to be brought back. This absolutely RIDDLES Act 5 with password pages, can't go two steps without running into a password page, there are password pages within password pages (which IMO is very funny and very Homestuck).
Meanwhile, a couple other plots are running concurrently - the GameOver!crew (heretofore referred to as (Name)) are now in the dream bubbles, completing their character arcs and preparing to defeat LE. Because time and space are weird in the Furthest Ring, every successive meteor trip that occurs as a result of John's retcons is the first time from the point of view of the meteor, but is a repeating event from the point of view of the people in the bubbles - eg those dead god tier Eridan and Feferi wind up healing the Mayor like seven times from their perspective.
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(Aradia) is fluttering her ASS off to make sure everyone is in the right "place" at the right "time" for this, lmfao.
Roxy gaining future memories also means that the Alpha kids get to complete their arcs in a way they weren't able to prior to Game Over. Because what John's retcons are doing are functionally whiting out and redrawing the past, the Alpha kids are also only seeing a single linear timeline.
One last arc, which is running concurrent to the retconned!trolls and their new meteor trips, is that bringing back each successive character allows them ALL to grow a little more. So it is NOT like they bring back Vriska, and now everyone's problem are fixed and everything is fine; Vriska's still kind of awful, but she gets better after Tavros gets brought back and they have to character develop alongside each other, and same when Aradia and Sollux get brought back, so on and so on. Because it's about BEING FRIENDS and BEING A TEAM. They're all still having interpersonal problems right up until ALL of them get brought back.
But as a side effect of this and the questing done by the GameOver!crew, the Dancestors get more fully utilized as foils, and get their problems addressed. As the retcon!team goes through their character development, they start to tear the Dancestors apart, because the Dancestors represent shitty parents who force their kids to clean up after their messes, and refuting them works both literally and symbolically as rejecting their irresponsible way of being in lieu of responsibility, accountability, empathy, and compassion.
So here's the series of retcons, and the absolute bullshit that accompanies each decision:
Terezi asks John to save Vriska, and prevent herself from getting too spades with Gamzee, as these are her two greatest regrets.
Pretty much just what her canon iteration asked for; I don't see any problems with the actions she asks John to do for her.
HOWEVER, we'd get more than just a montage of Vriska's time on the meteor, because in this version of events, we're taking our time and letting plot points breathe. Neither does she magically fix everything just by being around when she's very much herself still going thru it by the time the Meteor trip pops off. In any case, she brings with her some new complications:
Karkat still winds up having to play moirail and keep Gamzee calm. This still ends up breaking down by the halfway point of the comic, because they're kind of just not good for each other, but Karkat's personal shitty relationships are going to become A Theme, so it's important to make note of it here.
Vriska and Terezi don't fully make up on this iteration of the trip, since from Terezi's point of view, she was still actively about to kill Vriska before John intervened; however, we get more hints, now that they have to spend three years together, that not only does Vriska really miss Terezi (which is pretty well-established, given how she can't seem to leave Terezi alone), but Terezi actually misses Vriska, too - she's just really bad at separating her own feelings and desires from her instinctive grasp of karma and justice, a very Mind player-type problem to have.
At least with Vriska around, Terezi's able to nip her Gamzee habit in the bud, but this kind of leads to Gamzee feeling worse and more alone.
Something Really Messy happens between Vriska, Rose, and Kanaya when Rose starts her drinking habit, and it's pretty toxic for all involved, and Karkat is kind of stuck playing auspice. Vriska already expresses not liking Rose much and develops some flushed feelings for Kanaya after being watching her murder Eridan, so "It's Really Messy" is kind of all I can say on the matter. The girls are fightiiinnnnggggg
Dave and Terezi get close again, but given the weirdo vibes he notices between her and Vriska, and the fact that he's really not down with quadrants (YET.), means they still end up not getting together.
Sorry DaveKat likers but I am not one. They do not ever get together, so if you are hoping for that, I am sorry and you don't have to keep reading if you don't want to, it's OK.
On a note about Vriska and Terezi - personally, I do think their moirallegiance is endgame; Vriska clearly misses her terribly, constantly trying to bug her into making the Scourge Sisters a Thing again, and she even expresses feeling really bad about the Team Charge Debacle to Terezi explicitly, before directly foreshadowing how awful Terezi will feel after killing Vriska:
AG: Cause even though you got all these highfalutin morals and fancy reserv8tions, you know as well as me that a killer is a killer is a killer! AG: There 8n't no ch8nging your ways for good, and one d8y you're going to flail that silly l8ttle cane of yours and not find n8thin to 8ump into, and fall f8ce first into the shit ag8in. AG: And you're going to do something t8rri8le to some8ody and wish you could t8ke it 8ack 8ut you c8n't!!!!!!!! AG: And then you'll work hard to win 8ack their trust, and you'll try and try and tr8, and you'll see how hard it is! AG: You'll seeeeeeee!
We know that she starts using 8's where they don't make sense phonetically when she gets really agitated, so it's pretty safe to say that she's displaying genuine emotional distress here. When combined with the way she tells John about feeling absolutely horri8le about killing Tavros, it's pretty clear she's genuine about feeling really bad about the Team Charge debacle, and sincere about wanting to somehow make amends and get back into Terezi's good graces, at times trying rivalry, at times trying to prove that she's trying to fix her mistakes.
Terezi also vehemently denies them having a kismesistude and directly mirrors Vriska's hesitance about all the murder:
AG: On my world, I would 8e completely vindic8ed for killing him! He is far lower on the hemospectrum than me. He managed to disrespect me time and time again, 8ut I kept letting him live! In fact, the amount of slack I cut him would 8e considered scandalous 8y those in my class. AG: I had every reason to kill him. And yet... AG: I feel 8ad a8out it like a lame weak fudge8lood, just like he was. AG: And the fact that I feel 8ad is why I'm sort of freaking out right now!
They're basically two toxic girls who CANNOT be honest with their real feelings, and wind up hurting each other. They need therapy badly, but given the fact that they also mirror each other positively - Terezi feels grateful to Vriska for blinding her, and Vriska mentions she ought to thank Terezi for killing her, which set her up on a date with the dead John Terezi also killed - I think they have a lot of potential to be genuinely kind to each other once they work through their individual issues.
Anyway. We're keeping the Roxy stuff under wraps for now - last we saw of her, she went to go see her denizen, and her planet exploded, and John was really bummed about it. HOWEVER, we are going to check in with our GameOver!crew, although only lightly for now:
Meenah and (Vriska) have fully disappeared, and (Tavros), (Nepeta), and (Feferi) are looking for them because they've got the FUCKING TREASURE???
Everyone else from the Game Over timeline has landed in the afterlife, to varying degrees.
Shortly after entering the afterlife, (Eridan) fucked off somewhere to be alone. Last anyone heard from him was (ghost!Sollux) and him being Erisolsprite, but neither (ghost!Sollux) nor (alive!Sollux) have seen him since Erisolsprite died in Game Over.
(Karkat) is also brooding off on his own, feeling really shitty and sorry for himself. He's always felt personally responsible for everything going wrong for his team, and now that his team is basically entirely dead, he feels extra shitty.
Mostly just setting up that these guys are still relevant to the story, despite now being (irrelevant).
That brings us to the second retcon. Vriska obviously had great regrets about killing Tavros, both pre- and post-retcon, so she asks for his death to be prevented.
Tavros is back.
Vriska's requested fix is a very simple one - after all, Karkat makes mention about how Vriska's always had a competitive streak with Terezi, admiring/being jealous of her ability to manipul8 people; I think an ultimate culmination of that is her insisting that insisting to John that he do a retcon to stop her from killing Tavros - which, as covered above, she regrets greatly - but to do a much sloppier job of it, simply having John pop into [S] Wake and knock Tavros the fuck out.
Vriska herself doesn't believe this will have any unintended side effects, because her opinion of Tavros is still really low despite her genuine desire to make amends, and she's wrong.
Tavros's stay on the meteor has a major effect on Gamzee. I'm not entirely sure how it would pan out exactly, but I think Gamzee would step in between Dave and Tavros, into a situation none of them are happy with. This starts Tavros on a path of realizing that his inability to stand up for himself not only hurts him, but people he cares about (Gamzee, whom he ghosted).
Vriska is mostly uninterested in Tavros now, as the moment has kind of passed, and Terezi keeps getting on her ass about going after him (which brings the two of them closer).
Previous Messy romantic situations are still active. Karkat is going thru it.
Dave feels bad about tormenting Tavros but he kind of can't help himself, especially because Tavros keeps going up to him for some reason. The fact that he gets trapped in an auspice with Tavros and Gamzee kind of reinforces that he does NOT vibe with troll quadrants. Dave becomes MORE xenophobic.
On a note regarding Gamzee and Tavros: while I generally try to avoid relying on Hussie's commentary too much, as he likes to play his cards close to his chest, his note about Gamzee in the Act 5 book is actually significant enough to me to include:
The best explanation for why Gamzee says he's scared of Vriska, in my opinion, is this: he's flat-out lying. It's a good way for him to maintain his cover as 'Soft Gamzee.' It also provides some ammunition for those who, against all sense of good taste and judgment, want to continue to believe and assert that Gamzee is a decent guy with sensitive emotions and vulnerabilities before he undergoes his Muderstuck awakening. He was none of those things, ever.
Hussie likes to play coy, and you can't really trust anything he says after Act 6 because he's fed up with the fandom, but I think this comment comes early enough, and is made assertively enough, that it can be taken at face value. I know that "Soft Gamzee" is actually extremely popular in the fandom, so this may be controversial, but I do think there's more evidence for him being kind of nasty and manipulative than not, and having that always be a part of him brings more cohesiveness to his character. For example, he seems to have a pale crush on Karkat, trying to assert that Karkat is his best friend and changing the topic when Sollux gets brought up and he recognizes Karkat is closer to Sollux than him, and if you read his first log with Terezi as if he's hiding being nasty under a soft veneer, then his comments do read as pretty passive-aggressive.
TC: yOu KnOw HoW iT iS wItH fAmIlY. GC: NO, NOT R34LLY! GC: 4DURRRR DURR DURP TC: Oh YeAh... ... TC: I sPaCeD oUt, DiD yOu KnOw HoW bEaTuFuL tHe SoUnD oF tHe OcEaN iS? TC: hAvE yOu EvEr EvEn SeEn ThE oCeAn? TC: oR i MeAn SmElLeD iT... TC: SoRrY. GC: >:[
Maybe most damningly, his narration calls dealing with Eridan's genuine emotional distress "indulge emotional theatrics," an implication of his true feelings. Karkat and Eridan are heavily foreshadowed to be moirails, and Gamzee seems to have a pale crush on Karkat. What does Gamzee do in this conversation? He chases Eridan away from comforting Karkat - using the same excuse as he uses to avoid dealing with Vriska.
CA: put kar on TC: UuUuH, i cAn't rEaLlY ThInK AbOuT InTeRvEnInG, tHe bLaCk fRoWnInG MoThErFuCkEr kInDa sCaReS Me
Moreover, he does NOT seem to like Jack comforting Karkat instead, either.
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THIS IS NOT TO SAY I DON'T THINK GAMZEE ALSO DESERVES A SHOT AT KINDNESS AND REDEMPTION. Gamzee is clearly a very troubled youth, between his absentee lusus, his indoctrination into a fundie doomsday cult, and his sopor usage. The fact that having his faith shattered by Dave makes him snap implies that, one, he was already unstable and teetering on the edge, and having his faith fucked with was the last straw, and two, that until he lost that last shred of hope, he was still pretending to be nicer than he was for a reason, and given that his LE worship doesn't start up until after the snappage, I think it can be extrapolated that that reason is that he genuinely wants to get along with his friends.
Given that Gamzee's issues largely stem from his neglectful lusus, it's not a stretch to say that Gamzee does not take well to abandonment and isolation. So here's kind of where Tavros comes in:
Gamzee mentions that he feels "So aT ChIlL WiTh yOu" while talking to Tavros, and Tavros reciprocates the friendship and also - interestingly - acknowledges Gamzee's religion, calling it beautiful even if he doesn't necessarily believe in it. I call it interesting because Karkat's inability to do so is explicitly one of the reasons their moirallegiance broke down. Moreover, in their first conversation together, Gamzee explicitly praises Tavros for his "gumption" for stealing his clown nose, when Tavros's avoidance of his problems is one of his biggest personal issues. So yeah, personally, I'm all for moirallegiance.
But Tavros started ghosting him after Gamzee offered to make out a little, another symptom of his avoidance issues. I'm sure that, even in this meteor trip, the fact that Gamzee killed Equius and Nepeta really scares him. In his conversation with Terezi, Terezi outright says "NO WOND3R V4NT4S C4NT ST4ND YOU"; Equius is constantly yelling at him; lots of people on their team seem to genuinely just sort of dislike him.
CG: MIRACLES ARE LIKE POOP STAINS ON GOD'S UNDERWEAR. TA: eheheh makiing fun of people2 reliigiion2 i2 the be2t thiing two do.
So having one of the few people he does really like also ghost him probably did... bad things to his mental health. Especially so when said person wound up dead. But now that he isn't dead, I think they have a shot - they just need to address their personal problems. Tavros with his avoidance, and Gamzee with his resentment toward the world, and reliance on substances and religion to take the edge off. In this meteor iteration, that doesn't quite happen - their toxic auspicetism succeeds in letting them air out their dirty laundry to the audience, but doesn't bring full reconciliation.
In any case, this meteor trip is fairly short, and uneventful from the dream bubbles side, although I do think Tavros should get a talking-to from (Tavros) about real self-esteem and self-worth.
Still, being back in contact with Tavros again, even if in kind of a messed-up way, does make Gamzee start to reconsider some of his past actions. This brings us to:
Gamzee Asks for Equius and Nepeta back.
Gamzee's not as nice as he lets on, but he does genuinely care about his teammates, and for the people he really cares about, like Karkat or Tavros, I think he's willing to stick his neck out. Bringing back Nepeta and Equius is more for Tavros than himself, really, because Tavros is scared of him for doing that, and he motherfuckin' misses Tavros, okay? John mostly agrees because he's kind of scared of Gamzee.
Some really fun stuff starts happening this go around.
The Gamzee-Tavros situation becomes resolved because this time, Equius steps in as an auspice between Tavros and Dave, and this auspicetism is COMPLETELY HEALTHY (with the bonus of being extremely funny, and what is the point of a Homestuck ship if it is not deeply funny).
Gamzee and Tavros are able to enter into a totally healthy moirallegiance once the auspicetism builds up Tavros's self-confidence, much to Karkat's relief.
Being stuck in the auspicetism makes Dave go crawling back to Terezi on his hands and knees. I'm sorry, Terezi. I'll do anything if you take me back. Just don't let me die as the guy stuck in a threesome with the two worst trolls. Dave has overcome his xenophobia.
Dave and Terezi becoming official does make Karkat sad, however, so when Nepeta finally works up the courage to confess to him, he accepts the offer to date her, thus fulfilling Jaspersprite's musing that she might only be able to date him after she dies.
They also break up. We're keeping up this trend of Karkat and his disastrous relationships. He's still involved in the Rose/Kanaya/Vriska drama, too.
With GamTav and Dave/Tavros/Equius cinched, Tavros and Vriska reach a sort of truce with each other. Not really friends, since they kind of still dislike each other, but Vriska would genuinely be glad to see Tavros getting more actually confident, and muster up the energy to genuinely apologize for almost killing him, so there's a sort of mutual respect there now. Vriska and Terezi are even closer because of this, but still not fully over their problems.
On the topic of the Dave/Tavros/Equius auspicetism: Dave still can't stop bothering Tavros, but the lewdness of it sets Equius off, so he feels like he has to intervene. Dave also can't stop himself from bothering Equius, which ALWAYS BACKFIRES, and since Tavros has a weird fondness/rivalry with Dave, he'd find it within himself to ask Equius to back off (which would work, because of Equius's... Equius). And every time Equius gets too overbearing toward Tavros, Dave feels COMPELLED to intervene, because he's like, my fucking god, you are the two worst trolls, why must weirdos fight. Dave desperately wants out, but he can't stop staring at these two.
And weirdly enough, it's beneficial for all of them. With two people to yell at him for being weird, Equius becomes less weird. With a rival in Dave and more contact with Equius, Tavros becomes more confident. And Dave has two people to rap against and feel good about his art with, something he more or less had to deal with alone during previous trips.
On the topic of Karkat and Nepeta, there are quite a few implications that they wouldn't necessarily work out. For citations, let me just link my Nepeta essay, where I go over what the comic says about their relationship from a storytelling perspective; here, I'll talk about their relationship from a more interpersonal perspective.
Karkat's signals are mixed as fuuuuuuck. While I don't necessarily think this will be an issue for Nepeta, as - as a Heart player - she's preternatually gifted at understanding motivations, the thing is... I think Nepeta can do better, and deserves better, a sentiment echoed by Jasprosesprite^2. She certainly deserves better than being second to Terezi, at the very least, even if she states she likes his outbursts.
And the thing is, Karkat is pretty explicit about saying that he doesn't return her feelings; in a world where they date, there's always going to be a sense that she's his second choice. And, just... my girl deserves better, okay? Moreover, while he respects her personhood, he's also pretty nasty to her when he DOES talk to her, implying he doesn't necessarily respect her choices. And also, she's actually really bad at shipping, so there will be this extremely weird tension of like... a hobbyist vs. a professional. I don't think Karkat would be able to stop himself from mocking some of her shipping choices if she ever opened up to him about that.
But I think them getting together is important for Nepeta, developmentally - I talk about this in my essay for her, but shipping is something I think she does need to outgrow, since it's kind of a replacement she's using for her loneliness. Moreover, I say in that essay that the issues she has in her moirallegiance with Equius warrant relationship counselling - and that's what Karkat is uniquely qualified to dispense, as the team's Blood player. Although they end up not working out, Nepeta would take several valuable lessons from this relationship - that she's kind of bad at shipping, that Equius is being kind of a shithead to her, and that she needs to start making friends with other people.
Now then. We're finally getting into some drama in the bubbles.
Please imagine for me Equius and Horuss talking, and Equius being aghast at the way Horuss is so derisive towards his matesprit and moirail. Now imagine him pulling a mic out of nowhere and rapping at him about how his problem is that he does not respect his partners. Now imagine Tavros and Dave joining in, also out of nowhere, with Tavros adding bars about how the hemospectrum is, not a good thing, he thinks. And Dave adding bars about how he does not have a fucking dog in this race. He's not even a troll. He doesn't understand their hemospectrum. Let him out of here. The fine fucking art of Alternian slam poetry. I think Horuss would start crying. So would I if three people including my grandkid started rapping at me.
Nepeta's uncanny emotional acumen leads to her wanting to befriend Damara, but being unable to speak her language.
GameOver!crew is up to something, IDK, probably showing (Tavros) inspiring people and rebuilding the ghost army, to tell a parallel story to Tavros becoming more genuinely self-confident.
We check in with the Alpha kids, too, who have some group therapy sessions led by Roxy.
Vriska and Tavros confront Rufioh together, a final culmination of their no-longer-enemiesship, and together, they steal Rufioh's ones. Like, Tavros starts speak1ng w1th ones, something he always had in him, and they also roast Rufioh so badly that he stops speaking in ones. But the way it's presented to the audience, Vriska outright just says that Tavros should steal his ones. And Tavros does. This carries over to successive retcons, as it's implied that Tavros just kind of starts naturally being more confident as healthy relationships are established sooner and sooner.
Anyway, a final note about Equius - his problems are mostly due to being sheltered. Although he is probably the most casteist highblood, he's not really that casteist, as what's really going on is just that he's got a BDSM kink. But because he's sheltered, he does not realize that it's a kink. And a fetishist who does not realize that they're a fetishist has more power than God.
His protectiveness of Nepeta does come from a good place; preventing her from playing FLARP was actually in her best interest, given what happens to people who play FLARP. But he's very much going overboard with it, likely an extension of his own lack of understanding of how much sheltering is good and how much becomes detrimental. What he really needs is for someone to point it out to him, which I think he gets via Nepeta or via Karkat, and then have a reaaaaally long think about it. He's genuinely a polite and helpful soul, who doesn't WANT to make people uncomfortable. The auspicetism is very good for him in this regard, as is his moirallegiance once Karkat talks him and Nepeta through their issues.
The point is, once he's forced to reckon with the fact that the degeneracy is coming from inside the house, I think he'd have a LOT of regrets about the way he treated Aradia. Which leads us to:
Whoops That Robot Thing Was Really Inappropriate Huh
Equius approaches John to ask him to make Past!Equius reconsider the Aradiabot Thing. John's getting kind of impatient with all these trolls who keep asking him to go back through time, but given that everyone seems a little happier each time, he can't help but agree.
So he goes back to the past, before Equius can give Aradia her robot body with the love chip in it, and something really fun gets to happen here: first of all, Equius's Void status makes him really hard to place, so John winds up missing by a bit, time-wise, so Aradia's already in the body. This is the first time that retconning!John and Aradia have been in the same place together, and when she meets him and finds out that he can time travel without causing paradoxes, she demands (with her Aradiabot deathmurderkill intensity) to be taken back in time to before she died.
John's retcon powers explicitly ignore the usual rules of paradox space - he describes it as a "fresh start". Given that Breath is associated with choices and freedom, his retcon powers are kind of the ultimate culmination of his abilities as a breath player. Although doomed timelines can and will still result from paradoxes caused by players when John isn't there, anything he directly interferes with is totally a-okay.
So all Aradiabot asks him for is passage back in time, in order to sanction her interference in the past. After she dismisses him, she still more or less has to adhere to events in the original timeline, for two reasons - the first being that she doesn't want to risk a new doomed timeline, and the second so she can keep the timeline predictable.
So even though she's basically asked for passage to the time period before SGRUB, it's basically outright stated that the progression of events has to be more or less the same, up until the point where John's other retcons take place. So here are the cascading effects of Aradiabot preventing her own death:
Aradiabot takes Aradia's place in the Team Charge debacle, being blown up/"killed" (as a sprite) by Sollux's eye beams, so that she can take Aradia's place as Doc Scratch/the Handmaiden's servant and "carry out" their orders.
Meanwhile, Aradia seeks refuge with Equius, whose void powers keep her hidden from Doc Scratch's omnipotence.
Because Sollux never actually killed Aradia, and Aradia communicates with him via Equius's account, Sollux is less depressed and self-loathing. He no longer predicts a future where all of them die and he has to be blinded. It's left deliberately vague whether this future comes to pass because he's less pessimistic, so his Mage powers are calling a happier future into being, or if his future changed, so his Mage powers are prophesying something new.
Nepeta starts regaining memories of alternate timelines and past retcons, as an extension of her Rogue of Heart powers. This includes the relationship counselling she received from Karkat.
Between Nepeta and Aradia yelling at him, Equius's character development starts sooner, so he's squared away for future events, and ends up not making the creepy Aradiabot, making a non-creepy one instead.
Aradia and Equius do not strike up a relationship, and become uneasy enemies/friends.
Aradia secretly god tiers well in advance of Jack's arrival, and meets him at Derse rather than awakening on her crypt there.
Aradia and Sollux continue a loving matespritship, leading to Sollux settling into a moirallegiance with Feferi. He's devastated when she dies, which still happens along with the rest of Eridan's freakout; Aradiabot doesn't intervene because she's needed for:
Aradiabot winds up being the one to sacrifice herself piloting the meteor, allowing Sollux to stay with the rest of the team when he meets up with Aradia, (Aradia), and (Sollux) at the Green Sun. Aradiabot winds up with the GameOver!crew.
With the 1337 hackers back in commission, Sollux and Roxy are able to establish a server connection with each other, allowing them to communicate during the 3-year meteor trip.
Aradia involves herself in the Rose/Kanaya/Vriska Mess, and I kind of can't decide what I like better - a vascillatory pitch/flush threeway between Rose, Kanaya, and Vriska, now that Vriska's near the end of her character development, with Aradia serving as a stabilizing force as Kanaya's on-again off-again moirail, or Aradia stepping in as an auspice. Either way, it's out of Karkat's hands.
This has a knock-on effect of finally giving Vriska the chance to fully make amends with Aradia, which winds up cinching the Vriska/Terezi moirallegiance. The scourge sisters are back baybee. And between a healthy moirallegiance for Terezi and a healthy moirallegiance for Gamzee, I think pitch Terezi/Gamzee could work as a healthy ship this time around. I'm not married to it, but they did always seem to hate each other well before SGRUB.
Nepeta has LEARNED HER LESSON regarding dating Karkat, so that does not happen.
Karkat now has no quadrants. He winds up desperately throwing himself at Sadstuck Sollux to try and help him get over his breakup. It's not a good look. Sadkat. He also takes up talking to the alpha kids for emotional support, which puts them off, too. Still gives really good relationship advice. He's clearly one of the more unstable members of the retcon!crew at this point.
We're light on the dream bubble drama this time around because of how MUCH is happening for the retcon!crew, but there's going to be a reference in there of Nepeta learning East Beforan.
Aradia expresses outright that she hated the feeling that she was set up and that she wishes someone would have stopped her from being so reckless. And although she seems to find some satisfaction in being the stewardess of the afterlife, there's clearly some resentment there that she's been forced into that role, as she expresses that what she's really looking forward to is watching it all break apart. There's also kind of an orphaned plot thread where Aradia is spending a lot of time in the afterlife putting knowledge together, which never really directly pays off except to the audience, and I think a really good way to bring that back in would be for her to be communing with (Aradia) in the dream bubbles in order to make sure the timeline flows as smoothly as possible.
As for Aradia/Kanaya - they're actually really good friends, and Aradia expresses that she's flattered that Kanaya wants to talk to her so much. There is a tone here that matches the way Vriska thinks about Kanaya when Kanaya is still ostensibly Vriska's moirail, and Kanaya herself admits to being attracted to people who are reckless. In fact...
AA: i just wish AA: back when i was behaving recklessly AA: i had s0me0ne t0 tell me t0 st0p listening AA: even if i ended up ign0ring their advice AA: it w0uld have been nice
GA: It Must Be A Certain Madness Im Afflicted By GA: To Orbit Those More Reckless And Dangerous Than I And More Daring For It GA: I Guess I Want To Help Them But They Never Can Be Helped It Seems
So I'm just kind of saying... Aradia and Kanaya moirallegiance... is not entirely unfounded. And a moirail stabilizes a troll's other relationships; if we have a moirail for Kanaya and a moirail for Vriska, then the Mess that is whatever's going on with Kanaya, Vriska, and Rose would probably resolve itself, I think. Either way, Rose is surrounded by SUCH a girl's night of emotional support to help her with sobriety now.
As for whatever's going on between her and Equius, I tend to believe the comic when it tells me relationships don't work out, and Aradia expresses regret for kissing him during the Ministrife. I think they could be good vitriolic frenemies, though.
Okay, onto Sollux.
In the same panel where Eridan and Karkat are implied to be "hatched for each other" pale-wise, Feferi and Sollux are foreshadowed in the same way:
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They also spend a LOT OF TIME curled up in a pile together talking about their feelings, which we don't see with matesprits, but we DO see with moirails. Nepeta and Equius do the same thing, and they are kind of THE moirails. So I think Sollux and Feferi were always meant to be pale, but because Aradia died, Sollux wound up taking Feferi on as a matesprit instead. Between EriFef, SolFef, and GamTav, people getting flushed and pale feelings entangled is like, a Running Thing, so it's not really surprising to me.
Now, here's the thing. We already know that Sollux likes to cope with a rebound, since he went flushed with Feferi after Aradiabot exploded and was presumed dead. And Karkat cares very fucking much about Sollux, to the point where Gamzee speculates that he's actually Karkat's best friend, and Karkat even calls him that (although Karkat also kind of just calls anyone his best friend, lol).
This crab's got so much love in him. In any case, I mostly just want to keep sticking Karkat in these extremely unhealthy relationships for a while. It makes it sweeter when he finally winds up with Eridan LIKE HE WAS ALWAYS MEANT TO... but yeah.
Cross-session communication is also entirely possible, as Sollux set up chat clients between the trolls and the kids in the first place, and even without that, Kanaya found Rose's old GameFAQs on a server in the Furthest Ring. With both Sollux and Roxy on the case, there's no way they can't somehow establish communications way sooner.
Regarding Nepeta regaining her memories, let me once more point you towards the Nepeta essay. She's on track to become the one who attains Ultimate Selfhood, and comforts people like Jade and John about not really knowing their friends or being lonely.
But yeah, obviously Sollux asks for Feferi to be brought back.
F-EF-ERI!!!! 38D
Mostly Sollux just asks to be prevented from provoking Eridan so harshly. Eridan still winds up blowing up the matriorb, and thus, still getting killed by Kanaya in retribution, but this means that Eridan is now the only member of the team left dead.
Pitch FefNep leads to Feferi letting slip something casteist where Sollux can hear; he doesn't personally care because he's heard much worse, but puts them on a break while she sorts herself out. They get back together after that.
Karkat alone :'( he's mostly just talking to the alpha kids at this point, trying to hide from all the happy fucking relationships happening all around him.
If the last retcon was really heavy on the retcon!crew, then this one is much more about what's happening in the bubbles. We get most of our dancestor development this go around. Do not read if you like the dancestors! I go very in-depth about how most of them are horrible people on purpose here, so their arcs are mostly about them being pulled up on their abject awfulness.
Nepeta, who has learned East Beforan, is able to talk to Damara and have an earnest heart-to-heart with her about how awfully she was treated. They hug and cry. Damara, finally validated, gives everyone a big middle finger.
Feferi heals Mituna's brain injury, because literally why the FUCK has nobody else done that. Now once more in control of his faculties, he breaks up with Latula, pissed off that she took advantage of him all those eons to boost her own ego. He also gives everyone a big middle finger. Damara steals her skateboard and high fives Mituna.
Porrim's basically the only dancestor who grew as a person so I think she mostly escapes unscathed.
Latula gets chased around by Sollux and Aradia, who basically just bully her for being bad at games. This is a date to them.
Gamzee completely refutes Kurloz, with his newfound clarity about the real miracle being friendship and the real dark carnival being the world he and his friends will build, not that LE noise.
In a double team between Terezi and Rose, Meulin gets eviscerated for the way her own Issues have made her ships deliberately awful, that she could have simply Not, and she has a bit of a breakdown.
As Feferi is grappling with her privilege and internalized casteism, Cronus wanders up to try and hit on her, and she goes "oh my god... when people look at me, are you what they see? A friendless loser that nobody likes? A total waste of seawater who's only pretending to be cool with the lower castes? A totally fake poser? 38(" Cronus just goes "..." and starts crying and Feferi ends the convo oblivious to that, just going "wow... thanks for talking with me! really gave me a lot to think about" imagine how funny it would be -
Karkat finds and talks to (Eridan), where he fully admits to missing the guy. His mopiness is so extreme that (Eridan) takes issue with it and punches him, before basically yelling at him to get his shit together. Karkat then yells at HIM for him to get HIS shit together, and they both leave, intent on getting their shit together.
We also get an update on Vriska and Meenah at this point, where Meenah is starting to seem more into how they totally ditched their responsibilities than Vriska is.
So the thing with this update is that most of the trolls have sorted their shit out; even Karkat has had a lot of introspection about how he really just fucking loves his friends and should have been more honest about it, not worried so much about appearing weak or lame. With the double Aradias in play to kind of handwave that the timeline will be stable because they're ensuring all loops get completed and all necessary conversations happen, and with everyone's successful relationships on display, we can kind of truncate the next leg of the journey:
Karkat Fixes Everything
Karkat is the Friendship Troll. Karkat is the Romance Troll. Karkat is the Bonds troll. He is their team's Blood player, and as the Blood player, he's been shown to deeply love all of his fucking friends - yes, even the assholes. Maybe even especially them.
As such, it's vitally important for the last push - last leg of the journey - to belong to Karkat. Where would our Blood player be without his bonds? Well, we actually have the answer to that. It's knocked out and prevented from joining in any of the important boss battles. LAME!
So in the last retcon, Karkat hears from Nepeta about the retcons that have been happening, and he really starts digging through his own past. If every retcon so far has been each troll only feeling comfortable undoing their own personal mistakes, then what of the guy who feels personally responsible for everything, all the time, forever?
Look, I'm not saying that a shipping chart saves Homestuck, but... by the time this last retcon is through, every Alternian troll is alive and god tiered. And he is dating Eridan.
If you have any questions about him dating Eridan, please refer to the link above. That essay is nearly as long as this one. There's SO MUCH FUCKING FORESHADOWING.
I don't think the god tiering needs to be explained, because if we hear that Karkat basically made his past self a shipping chart, and we've seen everybody's character development as they've gone through this journey, and we have Aradias on timeline duty and Nepeta with memories of past retcons and her alternate selves, I think we can more or less gloss over exactly how they go about earning their wings while maintaining timeline integrity. The important thing is that Karkat is dating Eridan now.
Because that leads to the last few bits of dream bubble stuff, but before we get into that...
Miscellaneous Plot Things That Need To Happen But I Don't Know Where To Put Them
Yeah there's just some ideas that I have floating around that need to be placed somewhere but IDK exactly where, or exactly how they shake out.
Hal becomes a real boy. And by that I mean as part of their character development, Jake makes Hal "real" a la brain ghost Dirk, and then the rest of them have to scramble against the clock (Jake's ability to maintain Hal's realness) to god tier him and make his existence permanent. He's a Sylph of Mind, which allows him to negate Condy's mind control. And maybe a GCATboy?
(Tavros) becomes the new leader of the ghost army.
Davesprite winds up dead at some point in the bubbles and doesn't explain how he died, but he and (Dave) get to fight each other and hash out their Realness and Relevance issues, before facing their final boss fight as bros once more.
Jade and Nepeta get to talk, and Nepeta gives Jade the reassuring speech about Ultimate Selfhood and how she won't be lonely forever. Maybe it's flushed. Might leave it ambiguous.
Somebody needs to auspicetize Dirk and Jake holy shit. Dunno who. Maybe Karkat, but I kind of like him pitch with Dirk, so IDK really.
Dad needs to die. Sorry Dad. If I can find a way to kill off all of the sprites besides ARquiusprite, I will. It's explicitly stated that sprites are drawn to the battlefield during the Reckoning, presumably to die, as part of the coming-of-age themes - losing one's guardians. It's sad but it's gotta happen.
All the Godtier!Calliope stuff basically happens as-is.
Can you tell I need to do more research on the alpha kids...
Ok Back To Karkat And Eridan
I think I'm going to leave their moirallegiance fairly ambiguous, but when Eridan is brought back, he and Karkat are basically together all the time. Karkat's signals are mixed even on the best of days, so I don't know how easy it'll be to tell that these two assholes slinging death threats at each other are pale, but *I* will know, and that's what matters.
This leads to the last two dancestor takedowns:
Karkat and Eridan (mostly Eridan) round on Kankri. Eridan calls him SO MANY SLURS. The fact that Karkat not only condones this, but is DATING ERIDAN, kind of makes Kankri lose it a bit.
(Karkat) and (Eridan), who have reconciled in the bubbles, finally find (Vriska) and Meenah. (Karkat) gives the two of them the speech that retcon!Vriska gave (Vriska) in the comic's original ending, but this time around, (Vriska) actually agrees with him. This serves as a conclusion to (Karkat) and Meenah's arc, and causes Meenah to feel so bad that she walks back to the other dancestors in shame, as (Vriska) leaves with him with the treasure to finally fight LE.
When Meenah returns to the dancestors, the first one she finds is Aranea, who's really sad about her own little escapade, blaming herself for the way Game Over went. This prompts Meenah to go, no, it was probably my fault, shouldn't have let you run off like that. And this would, from all the sobbing dancestors, prompt a string of "no, I'm the reason we failed"s, eventually culminating in Meenah rallying them together to do one last good thing before everyone gets sucked into the black hole and go join the fight against LE. Everyone agrees.
(Gamzee) is revived by the life players and cursed with immortality, so he can go on to become LE and complete that time loop. He is immediately locked in the fridge. This is also why he can't fucking die no matter what you do to him.
This also leads us into the final boss fights.
The twelve trolls. The Condesce represents tyranny, the worst aspects of the trolls' old society, and as such, is most thematically taken down by them. While she did fuck up the alpha kids' lives, too, I just personally think it's so much more thematic and satisfying to watch her be beaten down by the trolls.
The eight kids plus Hal plus Davesprite. With Bec Noir specifically, it's fucking PERSONAL, as this guy killed their parents. This is where Dave fulfils his destiny of killing an iteration of English with his sword, when he decapitates Jack English; the person in the middle of that sandwich is Davesprite, which is how he dies and winds up in the bubbles. The iteration of Jack that survives to date Ms. Paint is Spades Slick, as he's the most sympathetic out of all of them and didn't kill anybody's parents.
At some point during this fight, I like the idea that they get zapped away by Jack English, John zaps them to the Godtier!Caliborn fight where he gets sealed in the juju, and then we cut back to the fight with Jack English, where, inexplicably, they all zap right back in.
The spares - ARquiussprite, (Gamzee) in the fridge (who has since been revived by the life players and blessed/cursed with eternal life so he can go on to fulfill his role in the timelines and become part of LE), Dad, and the other sprites (if any of them are left alive).
The GameOver!crew, the ghost army, the dancestors (they have a Big Damn Heroes moment right near the end, buying Jake time to deploy the Weapon), Aradiabot, and Davesprite.
Jake fulfills his destiny to defeat the Lord of all Angels by being the one to deploy the weapon, which deposits the beta kids, who knock LE in to the black hole. They then zap out of there, collecting the alpha kids from after the Caliborn fight, and zap back to the fight with the Jacks.
This specific configuration of boss battles winds up leaving Lord English entirely up to dead characters, who are then implied to all eventually get sucked into the black hole - their memories to live on through the living characters via Ultimate Selfhood, which only Nepeta achieves on screen, but implies that they will all achieve eventually.
It's important to me that the GameOver!crew is the one leading the fight against Lord English, as they're the ones who were the most screwed over by LE and his machinations - manipulated into killing each other, used as servants of his will, dying ignobly in a doomed timeline filled with special stardust. Meanwhile, the retcon!kids and trolls prove what they've learned - about compassion, kindness, equality, and forgiveness - by beating the shit out of the Condesce, who represents the horrors of Alternia, and the Jacks, especially Bec Noir and Jack English - the latter of which is a shadow of what Lord English represents - immaturity, cruelty, hatred - and the former of which is a culmination of all the failures they committed to get to this point, a symptom of their universal cancer.
I wrote a little snippet of Aradia once, and I think I'll use that to end this essay:
(ARADIA): ok now that we are all done being stupid (ARADIA): im sure enough people here remember the plan that i dont need to explain it again (ARADIA): so instead i just wanted to say (ARADIA): leave your backs to us and face forward without fear (ARADIA): the dead and irrelevant will slay the demon of double death while you unmake the threats of the living (ARADIA): and personally i think it's very fitting that he will perish here as nothing more than a bad dream (ARADIA): this will be the last time we see each other (ARADIA): so on behalf of everyone that you are going to be leaving behind (ARADIA): live (ARADIA): and be happy!
148 notes · View notes
[TWST AU]: This MC/Yuu/[Reader] may have more than just fairytale magic.
[Synopsis]: In this timeline, MC/Yuu/[Reader] returns back from the “dead” and is ready to unleash their horror-based magic. Also to understand that they were resting for about 30 years.
[Gender Neutral!MC/Yuu/[Reader]]
[TW]: Mentions of murder, blood and horror movie depictions of violence.
[(A/N)]: Hi everyone. It’s been a while since I last posted any content here. Things got busy IRL and also put up some content on my main blog. I’m sorry I didn’t warn anyone about my sudden break. Anywho, I wrote another MC/Yuu variant twisted from Ice Nine Kills (the vibe of the band).
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To begin this journey, there is a hidden grave deep in the forest behind Night Raven College. Nobody has visited that very spot as their families have either passed or moved far away.
The etchings of the tombstone reads…
“Here Lies [Y/N]/MC/Yuu [L/N]”
“You Left Too Soon”
“Therefore If A Miracle Happens, Doom Will Be In Tune”
Then one night as the Dorm Sorting Ceremony, a storm occurs with lightning striking down.
Then, a strike hits the unbothered grave, electrocuting the fencing that protected the grave from trespasser and the ground shakes as a resurrection happens.
[The ground cracks open as a coffin unveils its lid and reveals a well-preserved corpse.]
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu/[Reader]: *Yawns from their supposed eternal slumber* That was a long nap…Why am I in a coffin?
[The living corpse leaves their disturbed burial and walks aimlessly out of the forest, unintentionally leading themselves to the NRC building.]
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu/[Reader]: I don’t remember much, but this place…
[Then a voice boomed across the hall to grab MC/Yuu’s attention.]
Crowley: *From afar* You! Why are not at the ceremony?
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu/[Reader]: I beg your pardon.
Crowley: *Closing the distance between him and MC/Yuu* I asked what…are…you… *Stops dead at his tracks* You…How?
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: Old man, I don’t know what kind of ceremony is happening but I remember now. I’m already an NRC student.
[And so, after the ceremony ended, Crowley gathered the Staff members and explained they have a student returned from the dead. They weren’t pleased by this sudden information. In the meantime, MC/Yuu will have to start NRC again as a first year student and they were transferred to the infamous Ramshackle Dormitory.]
[At the Heartslabyul]
[MC/Yuu was invited by Cater as they joined back the Music Club and the MagiCam influencer thought they were cool.]
Cater: You got a new phone? Need help with anything?
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu/[Reader]: I still need help with the apps. How do you find movies on this thing?
Cater: I can teach you.
[Few Minutes Later]
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: Whoa! You guys released new horror films? It’s been years since I watched one. The last one I seen was some hockey-masked killer.
Cater: *Little concerned* MC/Yuu, when did you stop attending NRC?
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: Oh. Well…I guess around 30 years ago? Why asking, suddenly?
Cater: That explains why you asked what MagiCam is.
[During a Dorm Leader meeting]
Riddle: You’re explaining you used to attend Night Raven College 30 years ago?
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: Yeah, I used to be the president of the Music Club and still well versed in the darker side of magic.
Azul: What kind of magic you possess?
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: The kind if you can stomach the macabre world. The goriest parts of that field.
Vil: Necromancy, I presumed?
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: Sort of. It’s hard to explain about my magic, but all I know is it gets stronger when I perform music.
Kalim: Like it’s your Unique Magic.
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: Yeah, like that. Crazy how today’s people are using that term.
Leona: Still odd how you came back to life. You remember your old life?
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: I remember my family used to live on this island and the accident that happened in this school…
[Chapter 5: During the VDC event and Vil’s Overblot]
[Ice Nine Kills - Welcome To Horrorwood]
Epel: We need to distract Vil-Senpai.
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: Allow me. I know the perfect song.
[Then the stage is set for MC/Yuu’s performance. They magically summoned a dark dome to cover the entire stadium for the light effects and manifest some pseudo band mates to play the appropriate instruments. Finally, they summoned their cursed electric guitar to fend off the latest Blot battle.]
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: *Starts singing*
Ink fills the page
A classic killer completes the cast
If evil's all the rage
Cut to the close up, then fade to black
Sit back for the sequel of your dreams
All psychos crave more shocking scenes
Who cares if it bleeds beyond the screen?
Are you misunderstood?
Are you more bad than good?
Welcome to Horrorwood
Where anyone would kill for a call back!
[They casted some powerful spells to weaken Overblot!Vil. The rest of the gang starts throwing their spells at the corrupted Head of Pomefiore.]
'Cause everyone is just so fucking…
Desperate for fame
Can't blame the savages this town attracts
I guess we're all insane (Insane!)
So silence the critics, 'cause this is not an act
(But here's the soundtrack!)
Sit back for the sequel of your dreams
All psychos crave more shocking scenes
Who cares if it bleeds beyond the screen?
Are you misunderstood? (YEAH!)
Are you more bad than good?
Welcome to Horrorwood
Where anyone would kill for a call back
The tabloids say
"There goes the neighborhood"
But long live Horrorwood
The only place it pays to be a hack!
(But will you make the cut if you know?)
Stardom's just an afterthought
For all those stabbed in the backlot
Piled up and left to rot
“So how's this for an establishing shot?”
[MC/Yuu shoots another fire spell at Overblot!Vil.]
Are you misunderstood? (YEAH!)
Are you more bad than good?
Welcome to Horrorwood
Where anyone would kill for a call back
The tabloids say
"There goes the neighborhood"
But long live Horrorwood
The only place where everyone should
Fear the premiere
There's always a target out on the red carpet
Between 'Silver Screams' something's awakened
And you'll never make it
But enjoy the show!
[They perform an impressive solo-guitar play as they summoned restraints to trap the weakened Overblot!Vil in one place.]
Are you misunderstood? (YEAH!)
Are you more bad than good?
Welcome to Horrorwood
Where anyone would kill for a call back
The tabloids say
"There goes the neighborhood"
But long live Horrorwood
The only place it pays to be a hack
Be a hack!
Welcome back!
[After the song finishes, MC/Yuu holds up their guitar and brutally swings it at Overblot!Vil to dislodge the Blot stone.]
Vil: *Turns back to normal and groans* What happened?
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: You kind of went berserk and we had stop you from almost killing everyone.
Vil: I see. My head is aching, however.
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: Uhhh…You probably hit your head during VDC.
[Back in Crowley’s Office]
Crowley: *Shaken up by day one* I couldn’t believe they’re back…
“Dire, you wanna hang out today?”
“Dire, you forgot the assignment? Fine, just copy mine but change it up a bit.”
“Dire…You’ll regret the day I resurrect from my slumber. Heed my warning!”
Crowley: *Spooked by the outburst* IT’S NOT MY FAULT!!!
Crewel: Great Seven, you seemed out of your mind lately.
Crowley: Oh, I’m extremely busy, especially since their return.
Crewel: Oh yeah. They seem to be doing well with academics despite having to teach them newer materials. Their magic is what I fear about them.
Crowley: Yes, yes. Their magic hasn’t changed much.
Crewel: Dire, I heard that.
Crowley: It’s nothing. I’m just worried about the students.
Crewel: Uh huh. I’ll leave my reports here. *Leaves the office*
Crowley: *Suddenly scared* What if they remember that day?
Ace: You murdered someone?!
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: I didn’t murder anyone.
Sebek: Then what is this?! *Points at the crimson stain on their shirt*
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: *Wipes it off and taste the content* Oh, ground beef. I was helping Jade and Floyd with some hamburger orders.
Jack: And you just licked it? Won’t you get sick?
I.N.K.!MC/Yuu: I’m undead. Nothing’s gonna harm me, again. *Bites into their extremely rare steak as some myoglobin leaks down from their lips*
[The First Year group felt fear of their new friend.]
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Aidlyn Oneshot
Transferring my fics to this blog
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Ashlyn couldn’t stay awake in school. Her head kept dropping to her desk like she was made of metal and the table was a magnet. 
These past few months of dealing with this bullshit nightmare world, she had never been so exhausted. 
During lunch, she sat with the others. They didn’t look much better. Well, except Aiden, of course. She wondered if he chugged energy drinks or if he was just always like this. She really hoped it was the former, because the idea of him always managing to be like this pissed her off. 
“Ok, so..” Tyler said, pinching his brow. “We need to get more ammo.. Ashlyn, your dad got that covered?”
She simply nodded in response before she sighed and rubbed her head and stood up. “I’m gonna go get another bottle of water..” she mumbled. 
Aiden also got up. “I will too!” He said happily. 
She scowled at him, but she was too tired to say anything. Things had been a little.. strange between the two of them after Aiden had saved her from that phantom on the rooftop. He had been so much softer and.. touchy (well, he was already very touchy, but he seemed to have amped it up to 11). And with the whole ‘Tyler on the hospital’ thing, they hadn’t really had anytime to fully process that night, except for that one time they talked and Aiden had reached out to touch her face, which was very weird to her. She didn’t really know how to act around him now. 
She wanted to still hate him, but she knew that he had a soft spot, and that made him more.. endearing. Ugh.. she did not want to think of Aiden like that..
She grabbed a bottled water from the school concession stand. Aiden did not. 
“Aren’t you going to get a water?” She asked him hoarsely. 
“Hmmm.. I’m not thirsty!” He said cheerfully. 
She stared at him, wanting to thump his forehead. But she decided he wasn’t worth the effort. 
“Then why did you follow me here?” She grumbled. 
He glanced at her and then looked around and then back at her. “Come with me.”
She was about to object, but she didn’t get the chance as he walked ahead of her. 
Part of her was just wanting to ignore him and walk back to the table. But she found herself following him. They entered a cleared out hallway, no students around. 
“What is it?” She asked. 
He opened a locker, his locker, and pulled out a can of coffee. 
“I snuck out during 3rd period to get you this!” He said with a jovial smile. 
She was caught off guard. She took the coffee, happy it wasn’t an energy drink (she hates those things). 
It was a black coffee too. Aiden must know she hates all that sweetener. 
“But.. why?”
He laughed and scratched his head. “Because you’ve looked absolutely dead. Well, more dead than you usually do, haha!”
She nearly crushed the can in her hands. 
He laughed and quickly shook his head. “Sorry, sorry! Nooooot funny.”
The two stood there for a moment, unsure of what to say. 
“Hey, um..” he started. “I just want you to know.. you’re doing great..”
She’s surprised by his sudden soft attitude. He used to rarely ever be like this.. so genuine. Then again, she rarely is ever, so maybe she’s a tad jealous that it’s been getting easier for him..
She opened the coffee can and hesitated to respond. She was unsure of what to say. “Thank you”? “Well, I try”? “I know I am”?
She bit her lip, thinking, before blurting out “It’s just my job as the leader..”
He seems surprised and she silently cursed to herself for just speaking without thinking. 
He shook his head. “I didn’t mean in the dream world. I think you already know you’re amazing there. I mean.. in our day to day lives..”
He hesitated before slapping on that normal smile of his. Fake and creepy. 
“Forget about it! Cmon, the others are probably wondering what’s taking us so long!”
He walked ahead of her. She didn’t follow immediately. She stared at the coffee and clutched it in her hands. 
Why is this so hard for me? It seems easier for him..
But.. little did Ashlyn know that Aiden was just as clueless about friendship as she was. 
Aiden walked back to the lunch table, quietly scolding himself. 
Why can’t you just say what you’re thinking?! All these words I want to say are so much easier to say in my head!
He reached the table and everyone looked at him curiously. 
“Where’s Ashlyn?” Taylor asked. 
“She’s coming,” he said, resting his chin on his hand. 
And sure enough, Ashlyn arrived, taking her spot again. 
“What took you guys so long?” Tyler asked. 
“Just bestie things!” Aiden said happily. He was glad he was so good at concealing his feelings and that no one knew how absolutely embarrassed he was about the interaction he just had with his crush. 
Ashlyn stared at him with mild contempt before turning away from the others to drink her coffee. 
He really wished he could eloquently say what he thought. 
He wanted to tell her he liked that way her red hair fell into her face when she turned away during an awkward situation. He wanted to tell her he thought her super hearing was super rad, but how he also was willing to take her to a quiet place if it got too overwhelming. He wanted to tell her he thought it was badass how she could smash things with a single kick. 
But most of all..
He wanted to tell her she wasn’t alone. 
And after the Tyler incident, she’s seemed even more closed off and guilt ridden than usual. 
He sighed. His friends turned to him, wondering what’s got him so daydreamy. He just smiled at them and they decided to forget it. 
Maybe one day he could find the words. 
But it certainly won’t be anytime soon. 
Ashlyn’s got her own problems to worry about. 
So, he’ll just stand next to her and support her throughout everything. Even if she wants to do it all alone. 
After all… he can’t let his best friend carry so much on her shoulders!
Divider by @cafekitsune
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andreal831 · 1 month
Glad you’re back!
What is your most unpopular opinion on both TVD and TO?
I love when y'all try to get me canceled.
Just joking. I'm all about honesty here, even if it is unpopular. I've talked about a lot of unpopular opinions so I'll try for ones I don't think I discuss that much. But remember, y'all asked for my most unpopular opinions, they are going to be unpopular.
I will make my normal disclaimer. This is simply a personal blog about a show that ended ten years ago. Yes, we have serious discussions, but at the end of the day, it is my opinion of my interpretation. Me not liking your favorite character/ship is not a reflection on you or your opinions. We can have civil conversations even if we disagree over opinions.
So without further ado.
My most unpopular opinion on TVD is that Delena is a bad ship and wouldn't work out in the long run. (Don't get angry, I'm tagging this appropriately. If you want to read this and have a genuine discussion, great. If not, please just scroll).
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Damon was brought on the show as the main villain in season 1 and did unspeakable things to Elena and her friends. Yes, there are times we can move past this. I once said that Enzo is what they wanted Damon to be. I feel like in the later seasons they learned their mistakes and attempted to rewrite a lot of the history, but unfortunately, the history was already there. With Enzo, he did really messed up things, but his back story was directly linked to his terrible actions. Whereas Damon just did bad things because it was fun and then had a bit of a sad backstory.
Damon's issue is that he loves too deeply/obsessively. He was so obsessed with Katherine that he was willing to leave Stefan behind to become a vampire with her. He wanted to become a vampire for Katherine. He only changed his mind when he thought she was dead and then didn't want to turn with Stefan. Once he found out Katherine might be alive, he spent every second attempting to get her back. Even using Elena. He was not at all interested in Elena in Season 1, except to antagonize Stefan. He only really turns his interest on her when he loses hope of Katherine, essentially transferring his obsession.
Delena fans often say that Damon loved Elena for herself while Stefan only loved her as a human, but I disagree. Elena was most as herself as human, but once she got caught up in Damon, she began to become like Katherine. He essentially turned her into Katherine when he couldn't have Katherine.
We see repeatedly that Elena chose Stefan over Damon when she had the choice. Damon and Elena have some nice moments, but it was clearly platonic/boyfriend's brother vibes. She cared for him because Stefan did. They only get closer when Stefan is forced to leave town and Damon does everything in his power to turn Elena away from Stefan. But even after that, she was still choosing Stefan.
The sirebond was the nail in the coffin for Delena in my opinion. I may have been able to get past some things if they hadn't done that. Elena never wanted to be a vampire. She says this so many times and even talks about wanting to die rather than being a vampire. Stefan shows Elena the positives of vampirism, but somehow Damon gets credit for it because of the Whitmore House scene. I think people forget the scene immediately after she runs off the dance floor, when she disgusted by what she's done. Between the thrill of the moment and the sirebond, she acts in a way that she never wanted to and regrets it instantly. Damon showed her the parts of vampirism she feared, but because the scene is sexy people love it.
And this isn't the first time we see Damon not having respect for Elena's decisions. When he forced blood down her throat before the ceremony. Or when he yells over the phone that they shouldn't listen to her about Elijah. When he kills Aaron because 'she' broke up with him. This never gets better. The only character development we really see in Damon is when he becomes friends with Bonnie. No, I don't think it is a girlfriend's job to 'fix' their boyfriend, but they should at least bring out a good side of them. Delena brought out the worst sides in each other.
I'm honestly not even advocating for Stelena. If anything, I think Matt and Elena could have had a nice life together. Or just be a normal girl and go meet someone in college or later in life. Damon didn't want the normal human life and Elena didn't want the violent vampire life. They have so little in common, not even their morals or principals. I just found them to be a really unbelievable couple. The flirtation was more interesting to me than anything that happened after they got together.
My TO opinion: Kol is kind of a one-dimensional character and benefits very heavily from pretty-privilege. (Again, no need to read if this will just upset you)
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I am talking about Nate, but I refuse to put his face on my page. But I will try and put my hate of him aside to talk about Kol.
Kol could have been a really interesting character if he was given more time and more backstory, but the show just didn't go there and left so much up to the audience to fill in the blanks.
We first meet Kol in TVD and he essentially is the Mikaelson psychotic "enforcer." He is wild and unruly, doing whatever he wants. Like targeting Matt for no reason at the Mikaelson ball when even Klaus was on his best behavior. I really feel like they made Kol the way they did to make Klaus look like the sane, practical one since Klaus was quickly becoming a fan favorite.
The storyline with the Cure was interesting, but we don't really get a lot of the backstory of how Kol knew what he knew. I would have loved some flashbacks with Kol and the witches that he supposedly learned this from. But as interesting as this storyline was, it did little to flesh out Kol as a character. He spent most of his time just trying to kill everyone to prevent Silas from being released. It would have been more impactful if they had given Kol a bigger motivation. Explained his backstory with Silas more. I left TVD not really caring if Kol came back. We got one little sad story right before he died about Klaus unfairly daggering him, but really after seeing how unhinged he was in TVD, I kind of didn't care that he was daggered. I felt worse for Finn who seemed relatively harmless.
I didn't mind Kol as a witch too much, but again, felt his character was little more than a charming rake. We knew he was only flirting with Davina initially for his mother, and I even buy his quick infatuation with her since we know he likes powerful witches, but his betrayal of Rebekah just felt impulsive and dumb. It took away from the genius witch they were trying to create. Sure he learned a lot of tricks with the dark objects from witches, but then he imprisoned his sister in an instable witch he did zero research on while his family was still in danger. It felt like he was less of a developed character and more of a plot device.
Similar to Damon, I just didn't feel like his backstory was enough to make me sympathetic. I know we are told he was daggered a lot, but we are also told that he was off on his own a lot. In the 11th century we know Kol had gone off on his own and then for much of the middle centuries he is exploring and meeting witches. The few times we see him in flashbacks, he is covered in blood, smiling at the death he created. I know people say he went off the deep end because of his loss of magic, but the show should have done a better job fleshing that story out. Really go into his spiral, because it happened very quickly. Kol was the only one reveling in killing in 1001, a year after they became vampires. This is also our first encounter with Kol as we don't see him during their human flashbacks. The only daggering we really see that felt unjust was in the 1900s when he was attempting to turn the witches against Klaus and create a weapon. But that also felt out of place in how Rebekah betrayed him but then wanted to do the same a mere year later.
The back and forth with his family also annoyed me. One moment he was building a weapon to put Klaus down and the next he was hugging him, just wanting to be a part of 'always and forever.' I understand why Davina was so annoyed by it. They attempted to garner sympathy for Kol based on how he was not part of 'always and forever' but he never really seemed to want to be. Every chance he had to leave them, he did. I don't blame him, but he can't be mad for not being included when he was always leaving. Even in 1001, Kol was the first one to suggest they split up. He and Finn left immediately after being turned and leaving Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah to clean up the mess their family made. This tracked through their 1000 years. He even parties with Klaus multiple times after being undaggered, holding it against Rebekah more than anyone. He never seemed to care for any of his siblings outside of Klaus and yet Klaus was the one harming him the most.
Like most of the characters honestly, if Kol had been played by a less attractive or charismatic person, he would have been despicable and annoying at times. I will own that he has moments of character growth in the later seasons of TO, but they all felt like they came out of nowhere since they appeared to happen off camera. Even his relationship with Hope felt strange in Season 5 when he hardly even acknowledged his niece in the previous seasons except to use her to save Davina. His character, to me, felt like it was constantly changing to fit whatever role they needed him to play so he became less of a character and more of a plot device making it hard for me to connect with him or truly understand his underlying character.
Again, don't hate me if you disagree. These are just some unpopular opinions I don't think I've talked about on here.
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mads-nixon · 9 months
See the Good
Eugene Sledge x Medic!Reader
A/N: Merry Christmas @iceman-kazansky!! I literally squealed when I saw I got you as my giftee! I loved your prompts, and I hope you like what I did with them!! I'm going to post one gift per day so that they'll be a little spaced out! hbo owns the rights, and this is about the fictional portrayal of k company on the show. nothing but love and respect for veterans on this blog!
Prompt: “You always see the good in people. Even me.”
Word Count: 5.7k
Summary: When Gene can only see himself as the terrible things he's done in the war, (y/n) is right there to remind him who he really is.
Warnings: descriptions of dead bodies (non-graphic)
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The ground beneath their boots trembled, and the deafening whistles of mortars filled the air as (y/n) and the rest of K Company ran for cover. They sunk into the muddy sludge below them, turning each step into a battle against the sucking earth. Gripping her corpsman pack with white knuckles, (y/n) followed Gene, not daring to stop in the barrage.
“They have us targeted!” Burgie yelled, hurdling over a giant boulder in his path. “Get to cover!”
Just as (y/n) ran past the remnants of a demolished shed, a sudden blast threw her violently to the ground, sending a cascade of mud in all directions. Her ears rang with disorientation as she blinked slowly, struggling to regain her senses. The ringing faded into a muffled whine and a face appeared in (y/n)‘s vision. Although the figure’s face was blurred, she knew it was Eugene. His mouth moved rapidly, but she couldn’t understand a word he said. Realizing this, he quickly grasped the front of her uniform and hoisted her to her feet, throwing an arm around her waist to keep her upright as they bolted for cover.
Reaching the rocks, (y/n)‘s hearing slowly faded back, and the sounds of booming artillery reached her ears.
Sledge pulled on her arm, helping her over the rugged terrain. “Come on. We’re almost there!”
Finally reaching the safety of cover, the company continued farther into the rocks to escape the barrage. Snafu was in front of them and on the verge of a panicked breakdown.
“This is bullshit!” he cried, plopping down on a rock. “If I ever find the FO that called that arty, I’ll shoot him!”
Gene maintained his hold on (y/n) as he led them toward a big rock, his frustration evident. “They’ll just do it again,” he huffed, gritting his teeth. “All because some asshole officer read a map wrong and nobody gives a shit about us!”
After he sat (y/n) on the boulder beside Snafu, Eugene took a deep breath and sank beside her. He turned to the dazed woman beside him, her once white corpsman armband a brown and muddy mess. “You alright?” he asked her, knowing even he himself wasn’t alright after what happened before the shelling.
The woman and her baby…
(Y/n) nodded slowly, her eyes rising from the ground to meet his. ”Yeah. Just got my bell rung. I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?” Sledge persisted.
“Yes, Gene. I’m okay,” she murmured wearily, rubbing her eyes. “Really.”
Removing her helmet, she threaded her fingers through her (y/h/c) hair, wincing at the dried mud that pulled at the roots. Over their time on the dreadful island, they all discovered that the jungle was just as much an enemy as the Japs.
Snafu stared wide-eyed at the ground below him, hands on his head as his chest heaved. His expression was the same one that each marine wore as they grappled with the massacre they’d just witnessed.
What country uses its own civilians as shields for a surprise attack?
As a corpsman, (y/n) had seen more death than the average marine, and after the fierce fighting on the islands of Peleliu and Pavuvu, she was struggling to remain afloat in the vast ocean of numbness that threatened to drown her. The only thing keeping her above water were her boys, the men of K Company: Sledge, Snafu, Burgin, and De L’eau, although Jay had been transferred to intelligence. They’d lost so many good men, and it made her even more thankful for the guys who had always been there for her.
“Corpsman up front!”
The call snapped (y/n) from her thoughts, and she quickly rose, momentarily losing her balance until a strong hand grasped her upper arm, holding her steady. She felt the warmth of his hand through her thin ODs as he held her in place, accompanied by a blush creeping up her neck.
“(Y/n)-” Gene started.
Shrugging him off gently, she turned toward the call. “I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Be careful,” he whispered after her, watching her form disappear into a sea of olive-green uniforms. With another deep breath, Sledge sat back down, trying to calm his still-racing heart. She had been right behind him…until she wasn’t. Panic had gripped him when he saw her motionless figure in the mud as the artillery rained down around them. When she opened her eyes, he felt a weight lift off his chest.
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Rain drenched the marines through the night as they held their position looking up to the ridge. Around 2000HRS the next day, (y/n) trudged back to her squad, eyelids heavy with exhaustion. Dried blood clung to her cracked hands, refusing to wash away, no matter how many times she’d scrubbed them raw. The casualties were unending like the rain that constantly poured on them. Luckily, the downpour had come to a stop in the early morning.
She’d been at the BAS since the previous afternoon treating and evacuating wounded marines from the already bloody battle. Continued artillery and fire throughout the day brought a steady stream of bleeding men through the tent’s entrance. One of these men had been Bill Leyden. He wasn’t in good shape, and when (y/n) saw the damage on her friend’s body, the air rushed from her lungs. After pushing away the panic, she quickly helped other corpsmen stabilize him, before sending him off to a hospital ship. As she watched him go, her heart sank at the realization the company had lost another man…another friend.
“Hey Doc,” Snafu called out gently as she approached.
She looked up from her feet at the man with a tired smile. “Hey, Snaf,” she whispered. “You seen Gene?”
Motioning over his shoulder, Snafu replied, “He’s right over there. But, Bill…“
“Yeah,” she sighed, placing a hand on his shoulder. “We got him stabilized. He should make a full recovery. Lost a few fingers, though.”
In a trance-like state, Snafu nodded, his gaze fixed ahead. It was something they all did. A way to escape the horrors they lived through. With a gentle squeeze of his shoulder, (y/n) moved to find Sledge, but the Cajun’s voice stopped her.
“Eugene. He got a letter…his dog died.”
She turned to face him with raised brows. “Deacon?”
“I guess,” the man nodded. “I think he’s bothered more than he’s letting on. You know how Eugene is.”
“Yeah. I’ll talk to him.”
She found him staring into space ahead of him as he sat up against one of the island’s many rocks. Before she approached, (y/n) simply watched the man before her. She could see his growing stubble and the mud that splattered his cheeks, but what worried her was the blank expression on his face. She longed to see the lopsided smile that used to hang from his lips. (Y/n) didn’t know how long it had been since she’d seen that smile…too long.
Pulling her satchel off her shoulder, she quietly approached him and slouched down beside him. They sat silently for a moment, the warmth of their touching shoulders spreading through them. Gene was the first to break the silence.
“Did you see Bill?” he asked quietly, his eyes still glued on the rocks in front of him.
(Y/n) nodded, looking up at him with a small smile. “Yeah, he’s gonna be okay.”
Gene leaned his head back against the ground with a thud, his eyes closed as a shuttering sigh escaped his lips. She sat up off the rock and turned toward him, gently taking his hand.
“I’m sorry about Deacon.”
The second her fingers intertwined with his, Sledge’s heartbeat accelerated, and the man felt heat spread through his body. He took a moment to compose himself before he opened his eyes. He looked down at their intertwined hands before meeting her concerned gaze.
In that moment, Eugene could have sworn she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. It didn’t matter that she was coated in blood, mud, and sweat. She was there for him like nobody else had ever been in his whole life. Sure, he was close with his parents, but he felt they never completely understood him.
Who’d have thought that he’d have to travel almost eight thousand miles to find someone who could do so?
Eugene’s eyes flashed down to her lips, unable to control himself as their closeness made him suddenly bold. He always wondered what they’d taste like. How they’d feel against his. They were chapped, just like everyone else's, but that didn’t matter. The young man wanted a way to show her how much she meant to him. Sure, there had been moments where he told himself he was going to kiss her, but the moment ended before he had the opportunity. Something in the moment felt wrong, though, and he decided to wait once more.
“Thank you,” he whispered, swallowing thickly as he tried to regain his composure and keep the memories of his beloved dog at bay. “He was a good dog.”
“How old was he? 10? 11?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “10.”
The woman’s eyes searched his face, trying to get a read of what he needed from her. She saw pain in his hazel eyes. Pain from the loss of Bill. Pain from the loss of Deacon. Pain caused by the war.
She decided he needed some hope. Some laughter.
“Did I tell you about the time Snaf and I almost got caught stealing from an Army captain?”
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Later that day, Gene and the rest of his squad sat among the rocks, each lost in their mind. (Y/n) was beside him, writing in her journal, and they were doing the same…all except Peck, who was attempting to dig a foxhole in the soaked ground. Since the day they arrived on the wretched island, Sledge kept up with how many days they spent there with tallies in the back of his Bible. With the days running together, they rarely knew what day it was or how long they’d been there.
“What’s the date?” Burgie asked, putting down his small journal.
The group turned to Gene, who took a deep breath. “June 5th, maybe. Might be the 6th.” He turned to (y/n). “(Y/n/n), which one you got?”
“I have no idea,” she sighed. “I gave up keeping track a while ago.”
Peck decided to chime in as he dug. “We’re never getting off this island.”
Everyone was thinking it, but he was the one person who dared to speak it aloud.
(Y/n) rolled her eyes, glancing over at Gene with an annoyed expression. If looks could kill, Peck would be six feet deep from the redhead’s glare. His jaw clenched tightly, and his chest began to heave as he stared at the replacement.
Sensing his rising anger, (y/n) reached over and placed a hand on his thigh. His eyes moved to meet hers, and her (y/e/c) irises seemed to whisper, ”He’s not worth it,” and, “It’s okay. I’m here.”
Gene took a deep breath in an attempt to calm down. Beating the crap out of Peck wouldn’t bring Bill back, and letting anger consume you was a dangerous game. Every time he was tempted to let it in, (y/n) was right there, a soft presence telling him that hate was not the answer. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t tempted daily. Sledge had seen what men could do to each other. He had seen what the Japs did to his friends.
Looking away from Gene, she was met with a strange stare from Snafu, who was smoking a cigarette and sitting on their makeshift toilet. His gaze was questioning, but not criticizing. When the man’s eyes drifted down to her hand, her stomach dropped, and she felt like she was caught red-handed. (Y/n) quickly removed her hand from Gene’s leg and shot to her feet.
“I’m gonna go-uh-do some rounds,” she announced, not daring to look at Gene or Snafu.
A few seconds later, she went treading through the sludge, her corpsman satchel pressed tightly to her side. The men all watched in confusion as she left, unsure what had made her so jumpy all of a sudden.
“She alright?” Hamm asked once she’d disappeared from view.
Burgie, always an observer, glanced over at Sledge to watch his reaction. He looked somewhat like a kicked puppy. Wrapping up his Bible, Gene began to tuck it into his pocket without a word.
“Don’t worry about (y/n), Hamm,” Burgie replied with a nod.
Hamm raised an eyebrow at his sergeant. “But did you see her-”
“She’s fine,” Snafu interrupted, pulling up his pants and rejoining the group. “Besides, she’s already got someone to worry about her.”
At the statement, Eugene froze, a cold chill running through him despite the heat. A million thoughts ran rampant in his mind.
Is there someone else in her life?
Does he know something I don’t?
Does he know how I feel?
Groaning, Burgie smacked the Cajun’s shoulder. “Shut up, Snaf. Don’t go starting crap.”
The sergeant first noticed the bond between Sledge and (y/n) back in training, but especially when the company landed on Peleliu. They always stuck by one another when they could, and she seemed to help calm the Marine amid his anxiety. As time went on and their relationship changed, Romus knew they had feelings for one another, even if they didn’t admit it. He’d never spoken about it to anyone, fearing it could become a rumor that would possibly get the pair in trouble if they ever acted on their feelings. Hearing Snafu insinuate something between them sent a pang of panic through him.
“We all worry about (y/n),” he continued. “But she’s a great corpsman. She can hold her own.”
Before he could finish his sentence, Eugene rose to his feet and went to take a leak. He did have to relieve himself, but he also wanted to get away from the conversation. If Snafu knew about how he felt, the man would never stop tormenting him. Even if it was in a joking way, Gene didn’t want to be the subject of Shelton’s teasing.
Just as he made it to a somewhat secluded spot, he heard Mac’s voice ring out from above him.
“I need a stovepipe boy up top!” he yelled, coming down from the ridge.
Gene slightly ducked his head behind a rock, hoping the lieutenant would miss him. To his dismay, Mac caught his movement in the corner of his eye.
“Sledge, that’s you. Bring some comm wire.”
Sighing when his superior disappeared over the ridge, he muttered, “Yes, sir,” and went to follow his orders.
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The stench of excrement and death permeated the air as (y/n) walked through their temporary camp checking on the men. Her eyes watered from the smell, and it took all her willpower not to gag. Even though she’d built a great tolerance to gruesome sights and smells over her time as a corpsman, sometimes it all got to her.
Snafu’s stare replayed in her mind, and she hoped that she didn’t accidentally give herself away to the group. Worry buzzed in her stomach like the disgusting flies that seemed to be ever-present among the mud and filth of Okinawa. (Y/n) tried to busy her mind with the long list of men to check on, but she couldn’t focus more than a few moments before getting lost in her head again.
Spotting a man on her list, she called out to him.
“Hey, James,” she greeted, approaching his muddy foxhole. “How’s the ankle?”
He groaned and shook his head. “As good as it’s gonna be, Doc.”
In the barrage the day prior, the private slipped and rolled his ankle in the mud trying to get to cover. He insisted he was fine, but some of his squadmates sent (y/n) to check on him. Henry James was a stubborn young man who wasn’t even old enough to drink, yet he was on a foreign island in Southeast Asia fighting for his country…fighting to survive. She crouched beside his hole, inspecting the ankle that was elevated above the entrance.
“Were you able to stay off it much?” (y/n) asked, gently prodding the bruised skin.
“A buddy of mine took my OP shift so I didn’t have to walk around on it. It’s more stiff than anything.”
“Yeah,” she sighed. “That’s how ankles are. They’re tough-”
Her voice came to a stop as yelling filled the air. It wasn’t cheers of victory or anything of that nature. They were cries of attack…of desperation…of death. The second the sound registered in her mind, she was darting toward the ridge, hoping to get there before the shooting started in case someone got hit. The rapid beating of her heart filled her ears as she ran through the mud and past battle-weary marines. A few of them called out to her, but she didn’t hear them.
The first ping of an M-1 being fired echoed through the air as she made it to the base of the rocky ridge. Cursing under her breath, she quickly began her ascent. Finding the most solid footing, she climbed the hill, using the jagged rocks as handholds. Gunfire filled the air, silencing the screams of the enemy. (Y/n) was out of breath when she made it to the top, but she didn’t stop. Most of the fire had stopped, but a few shots still rang out.
At the moment the corpsman reached the other marines at the top of the ridge, her heart sank at the sight of Eugene unholstering his revolver and aiming at a wounded Jap.
“Cease fire!” Mac cried from the other side of the ridge. “Cease fire!”
Gene didn’t care.
“Damn, Sledge. Leave him,” Hamm muttered to the redhead.
Whipping around to face him, Eugene scowled. “What for? He’s a Jap, ain’t he?”
(Y/n) watched in horror as Gene opened fire on the man already wallowing in the mud. He missed the first two shots, but the third hit its mark, hitting the Jap just above his hip. The soldier sunk into the mud face down, his writhing coming to an end.
“Cease fire!” The Lieutenant repeated as he neared them. “Cease fire, damn it!”
Satisfied with his work, Sledge grabbed his rifle from beside Hamm and turned to descend the ridge. When he noticed (y/n) a few yards away, he froze for a moment, his eyes resembling a dark storm cloud that could start down pouring any second. Guilt seemed to cloud his usual hazel eyes, and he looked away, unable to stay steady beneath her gaze after what he’d just done. He then continued down the ridge.
Mac was quick to confront him, gripping his carbine in one hand with white knuckles.
“I told you to cease fire. What are you doing?”
The private spun to face Mac with gritted teeth.“Killing Japs,” he seethed, turning to go down the hill again.
Before he could get far, the lieutenant spoke again. “You just gave away our position!”
“I think they’ve got a pretty good idea of where we are,” Gene chuckled bitterly.
Mac pointed toward the dead Japs. “I told you to cease fire. You’re supposed to be observing, and then I see you with a damn sidearm!
“We were all sent here to kill Japs, weren’t we?” Sledge screamed, climbing back up to be nose-to-nose with his lieutenant. “So what the hell difference does it make what weapon we use?”
(Y/n) couldn’t help but flinch at Gene’s sudden outburst. She’d never seen him like this before, and she wondered what made him finally break. What was the straw that broke the camel’s back? What had happened in the five minutes she was gone?
A tear streaked down her cheek seeing the man she cared about more than anything giving in to the war. Seeing a man be reduced to a shell of who he once was was always heartbreaking, and (y/n) didn’t realize just how much until she witnessed him finally crack.
“I’d use my damn hands if I had to,” he whispered to a frozen Mac, who clenched his jaw and slowly walked past him. (Y/n) was quick to try and follow Gene once he stormed down the hill, but a gentle hand on her shoulder held her back.
It was Burgin, his face scrunched with concern. “Let ‘em cool off, (y/n/n).”
“Romus, he-”
“I know what he means to you,” he interrupted in a whisper as he glanced around them for any eavesdroppers. “But trust me. You need to leave him be for a little bit. Let him think.”
(Y/n) swallowed thickly. “Please don’t tell anyone, Burgie. I could be-”
“Your secret’s safe with me…He needs you, (y/l/n), but give him a few hours.”
Releasing a shuddering breath, her gaze dropped to the ground. “He was fine when I left. What happened?”
“I don’t know. But we did hear him hollering about something right before he went up top.”
“Thanks for everything, Burg,” she sighed, patting his shoulder softly. “I don’t know what I’d do without you and the guys.”
A sheepish smile grew on his face, and he chuckled under his breath. “You’d be a lot more ladylike, that’s for sure. The other day, I’m pretty sure I saw you smoking Sledge’s pipe.”
“Whatever,” she groaned, rubbing a hand down her dirty face. “A lot of women actually smoke, ya know?”
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The rest of the afternoon did not go according to (y/n)‘s plan, and she was unable to check on Gene after he cooled down. Within an hour of his outburst, she was called back to the field hospital to assist in an all-hands-on-deck emergency following a Jap ambush. The corpsman was up to her elbows in blood, bowels, and every other bodily fluid from vomit to urine. It was a hard night, and it got even worse when a terrible rainstorm moved in, trapping her from returning to her company due to poor visibility.
(Y/n) spent the night, and most of the next day, helping around the hospital. She dressed wounds, administered pain meds, and helped transport men to the hospital ships on a Jeep. A radio call was received that told of the 1st Marine’s plans to take the ridge, and (y/n) knew she needed to be there.
She caught a ride to the ridge just in time for the assault. The men were checking their weapons and quietly conversing with each other as she walked through the various companies. When she reached her squad, however, silence filled the air. They all had thousand-yard stares, and the group was missing two guys who had been there the day before. Her pace slowed as she approached them.
“Hey, guys,” (y/n) said softly, her eyes flicking from man to man. When none of them acknowledged her, she knew something bad had happened. “Where’s Hamm and Peck?”
She took a deep breath, trying not to imagine the worst. “Please, guys, whe-”
“Gone,” Gene interrupted harshly, his gaze snapping to hers. “Hamm's dead and Peck’s gone. He cracked.”
(Y/n) felt the all-too-familiar punch of grief knock the air from her lungs. Eugene’s hazel eyes were dark and stormy, even more so than the previous day. She swallowed thickly, attempting to push down the emotion that clogged her throat.
“What happened?” she asked shakily, her eyes never leaving Gene’s.
Before he could respond, Snafu spoke. “Doesn’t matter. They’re gone.”
“Shelton’s right,” Burgin added. “It’s hard, but we’ve got other things to focus on.”
(Y/n) nodded once and dropped her gaze to the group, blinking away the tears that burned her eyes. Two more of their group were gone. Sure, Peck wasn’t her favorite person by any means, but he was still part of their company….on their side. And Hamm…he was a kid. A kid who deserved better than to die in the mud on some foreign island.
They all deserved better.
“Let’s move out!” Mac announced, waving for them to follow.
Each man followed suit, but Eugene hung back to wait on (y/n). Seeing her tear-filled eyes, he instantly regretted opening his mouth. The anger within him seemed to dissipate momentarily as he joined her side.
“Remember, you’ve got a bullseye on your arm,” he murmured, gesturing to the red and white medic brassard on her arm. “Please be careful.”
“I will.” (Y/n) lifted her helmet to look up at him through her lashes. “You take care of yourself, too, alright?”
“Yes ma’am,” he whispered, admiring her features. His eyes trailed from her eyes down to her nose, and then to her lips before flicking back to her (y/e/c) eyes. They stayed locked in each other’s gaze for a few moments, their eyes seeming to have a silent conversation communicating everything that was left unsaid. Gene slowly reached up to cup her cheek, rubbing his thumb over her cheekbone. The racing of (y/n)‘s heart wasn’t from the artillery that had begun hammering the ridge, but Eugene’s warm caress against her cheek. Her eyes fluttered closed at the gentle touch.
They both wished the moment could last forever.
Another yell from Mac shattered the moment, leaving (y/n) missing the tenderness of his hand in its absence.
“I’ll find you after,” he said, turning around and backpedaling to catch up with his squad. “Don’t do anything stupid.”
The corner of her lips quirked into a smirk. “I’ll leave that to you.”
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Once the battle had died down and all the remaining Japanese were either killed or taken prisoner, (y/n) went searching for Gene. When the bullets began to fly, she couldn’t get the boy from Mobile off her mind, and anxiety churned in her stomach as she looked for him. The stench of gasoline, blood, and burnt flesh filled the air along her ascent to the ridge. Bodies of both marines and the enemy lined the narrow path up the hill, and her eyes scanned each one, praying that none of them were the men she’d come to love dearly.
“Burgie, you seen Sledgehammer? He was just over here.”
Hearing the familiar Cajun accent, she spun toward the voice and sighed in relief when she saw Snafu atop an old bunker, his legs swinging as he sat on the edge with a cigarette hanging from his lip. Romus was talking to another sergeant a few feet away, his rifle swung around his shoulder.
“There you are!” (Y/n) called out, reaching up and slapping Snafu’s foot. It was all she could reach from his elevated position on the concrete bunker. “You alright?”
He smiled and raised an eyebrow, blowing a puff of smoke into the humid air. “Not a scratch on me,” he mused. “I don’t know where Eugene is, but don’t worry, I just saw him. He’s okay, too.”
With this news, a wave of calm washed over her, and she let out the breath she’d been holding since they parted. “Thanks, Snaf. I’ll find him.”
“Have fun,” he laughed, waving his cigarette around in front of him. “And do me a favor and fuc-”
This caught Burgie's attention. “Hey!” He interrupted, scolding Snafu like he was a parent whose child was acting up in public. “Cut it out.”
Busting out laughing, Snafu winked at (y/n), who could feel the embarrassment creeping up her cheeks at his intended comment. She raised a hand and flipped him off with a grin before continuing her search for Gene.
It took her a few minutes of wandering to spot his familiar frame among the sea of dirty green uniforms, but when she did, a huge smile painted her face. (Y/n) almost called out to him, but something stopped her.
He was sitting alone on the busted remains of a bunker with his helmeted head in his hands, his weapon lying idle in the dirt beside him. She continued toward him slowly, observing the gentle shake of his shoulders that told her he was crying.
“Hey, Gene,” (y/n) murmured with a softness that matched the gravity of the moment, lowering herself onto the earth beside him. He reacted quickly, averting his gaze and hiding his face as he wiped the tears from his dirt-covered cheeks.
Reaching over, she softly turned his face toward her. After a moment of resistance, he gave in to her gentle touch. His eyes, glistening with unshed tears, met hers. (Y/n)‘s fingertips traced the dirt-streaked paths on his cheeks, her touch a soothing escape from the horror they lived in.
“It’s okay,” she whispered, ducking to meet his eyes. “I’m here.”
Gene’s lip began to quiver, and a stifled sob escaped him as he covered his face with trembling hands. “I’m a monster, (y/n). The things I’ve done…” he strained, moving away from her comforting touch.
(Y/n) watched the play of emotions on his face as he stood up abruptly, throwing an arm out to point to a bombed-out building. The skeletal remains of what once was a home loomed in the smoky haze. “There was a family in there. Now a baby with grow up without a family! I called in the mortars up there! I did that! I’m a monster!”
“No,” she shot up, her voice cutting him off. “You are not a monster, Eugene Sledge. We are at war. We’ve all done terrible things here, but it does not make you a monster. The fact that you’re feeling like you are proves you’re not. It means you’re human, Gene.”
Another tear streaked down his cheek as he clenched his teeth. “After Bill and everyone we’ve lost, I wanted to get them back. I wanted to. You saw me yesterday!”
“Eugene! Look at me!” she ordered, cupping his cheeks as she implored his attention. His gaze wandered everywhere but her face until she spoke again, her tone much softer this time. “Hon, please look at me.”
Tear-filled hazel eyes met hers, and she tugged him a little closer, they’re faces only inches apart. “We all want to get them back. You are not a monster.”
“I don’t know who I am anymore,” he croaked, more tears spilling down his cheeks. “What if this is who I am now?”
“I know exactly who you are. You are Eugene Bondurant Sledge. You’re still that same boy from Mobile, Alabama who loved his dog more than anything, the same one who loved to fish with his father, and the very same one who I fell in love with before we even stepped foot on foreign soil.”
A sob escaped his lips, and his eyes squeezed shut, overwhelmed by her words. “There’s no way you can love me like this. You deserve someone else who-”
“I don’t love anyone else, Gene!” she urged, tears stinging her eyes. “I love you, and I’ll say it over and over, every single day, for as long as it takes to make you believe me.”
Shaking his head, he tried to break free from her touch, but she held on. “I’m not a good man.”
“You are good, Eugene. You are a good man. We’ve all done things we’re not proud of, but it’s how we respond to them that makes us who we are. This right here? It proves you’re a good man.”
Her words seemed to break through in his mind, and he froze for a moment. Pulling off his helmet, he moved (y/n)‘s hands from his face and cupped her cheeks, his red eyes still glossy. “I love you,” he murmured, voice wavering. “And I will spend the rest of my life working to be worthy of you if you’ll let me.”
The tears (y/n) had been holding back filled her eyes, a few of them trickling from her waterline. She nodded in his gentle hold. “You already are.”
He wiped a few tears away softly, a lopsided smile forming on his lips. “You’re too good for this world, darlin’,” Gene cooed. “You always see the good in people. Even me.”
With utmost care, Gene reached up and removed (y/n)‘s helmet, her tousled (y/h/c) spilling out. The fading sun added a soft glow to their faces, emphasizing the exhaustion etched in their features. As he delicately held the helmet aside, Eugene’s eyes met (y/n)‘s, a silent understanding passing between them. He closed the gap, his breath mixing with hers as his eyes lingered on her face, taking in every detail-the mud smudges, the fatigue-as if memorizing each nuance.
With a gentle touch, he pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was a tender blend of longing and comfort, a quiet promise to stay by the other’s side. In that moment, the world around them ceased to exist. Time slowed as they embraced, finding solace in the simple act of being together at last. The sounds of war faded into the background, replaced by the gentle symphony of two hearts seeking refuge in the warmth of each other’s touch.
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My Undertale/Undertale AU OC, Cytherea, The Paradox, and how she appeared. TW: Mention of mistreatment and death.
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Cytherea wasn’t born in the Undertale/Undertale Multiverse at all. Instead, she was born in a normal multiverse with no monsters. Cytherea was mentally ill, struggling with her mental and physical health due to blood issues which made her not able to do as many physical things as others and having lower energy. Her mental health was always an issue and affected her badly. To escape this, she began to imagine a world of her own that was eerily similar to Undertale and Undertale AU’S. It was always a comfort for her. In her late teens, she lost the person she loved after a hate crime. She had to watch her friend die in her arms after not being able to get the two out of there. Cytherea blamed herself for what had happened, which spiraled into a state of mind so horrid that others began to notice and adults had to transfer her to a mental hospital. However, that mental hospital had staff that would mistreat or harm the patients because of the mental hospital accidentally hiring staff that only wanted to get paid and didn’t care about the patients at all. Cytherea was getting worse inside the mental hospital due to the lack of help she received and the lack of care she received. Eventually, she began escaping to her world inside her mind for days straight to cope. This went through until she became an adult. Once night, while she slept, a forgotten soul from the Undertale and Undertale AU multiverse that had slowly reincarnated itself into the multiverse due to being forgotten and formed into a fragment of their creators soul (Not Cytherea)and began to speak to Cytherea through dreams due to Cytherea reminding the forgotten soul of their creators kindness. Eventually, the forgotten soul offered a deal of getting Cytherea into the multiverse they are from (Undertale AU Multiverse) in exchange to be part of their new soul. Cytherea quickly accepted. The forgotten soul removed Cytherea’s soul from her old body, leaving her old self dead as they slowly dissolved from that multiverse into the Undertale and Undertale AU Multiverse. However, they stumbled across the problem that Cytherea wouldn’t have a body. In a moment of determination to finally get the life she always wanted, she found an empty AU and began to form herself from it, using sheer determination and imagination to form herself a new body. It was painful and gruesome. Eventually, she had formed a new body and a new soul with the scraps of the leftover AU in paper form. The forgotten soul and Cytherea’s soul formed into one. Cytherea immediately began to try to find somewhere to get supplies needed to survive, trying to make her body work, trying to understand it, and trying to understand her newfound abilities. Unknowing to her, Ink Sans was watching from the distance in shock. He never saw this happen before. He couldn’t explain what he saw. All he could describe was that he just witnessed a paradox form. Cytherea had become the Undertale AU’S Paradox, a being impossible to exist yet somehow she did. It wasn’t possible for someone from another multiverse to form themselves out of nothing (an empty AU), yet she did. Making her the paradox. “But she cannot exist, but she’s existing.” Or “She cannot be here, but she’s here.”
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A drawing of Cytherea! I might make a full drawing of her to show her design completely soon.
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Ink Sans belongs to Comyet
Cytherea belongs to me! (TheArtsyNebulaWhoDoodles is what I would like to be called more than JustAPersonVibing 😭‼️)
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I’m going to be posting her with the Sans AU’S I usually draw more often cause her character took me like years to create and I love drawing her and talking about her!!!!
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newtthetranswriter · 1 year
Finding the truth
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Paring: Yuji Itadori x gn! Reader
Summary: Being Yuji’s best friend before he goes to Jujutsu tech and him hiding the truth from you leads to a miny argument and sharing feelings.
Warnings: Yuji is kinda mean and stupid, Sukana trying to bite reader.
Word count: 3768
A/n:Just some angst to comfort I wrote for Yuji. enjoy and remember in everything I write all characters are aged up to college age. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT
I have been friends with Yuji for a while, but I haven’t seen him in five months. You see, Yuji transferred to a school in Tokyo shortly after his grandfather passed away. I completely understand it, getting away from a place that was once full of happy memories can really help with the grieving process. The only thing is he’s been going there for half a year and I have yet to meet any of his friends, I haven’t even visited him at school. We talk over text and call all the time, but everytime I suggest I come visit he changes the subject. It feels like he’s hiding something. And I know you must be thinking, “oh you just like him” but that’s not it he’s like a brother to me and having not seen him in so long hurts.
That’s why today I've decided I’m going to surprise him. I just got to Tokyo, the only problem is I have no clue where the school is or what the name is. I have no idea how to find my friend without telling him I’m here and making him come find me. I spent about an hour pondering what to do. If I don't know the name of the school, or the location, there is no way to find it. I guess the only option is to call him. I grabbed my phone and called the pink haired idiot.
“Hey Yuji, I need to ask a favor.” I said as he answered the phone.
“Sure Y/n, what’s up?” Yuji asked. I could make out the sounds of people talking on the other line before Yuji snapped at them to be quiet.
I couldn’t help but laugh at that, “ Oh, well, I kinda need you to come pick me up from the train station.”
There was a pause before he responded. “Umm, why are you at the train station? I thought you agreed that you wouldn’t come visit.” It was obvious he didn’t want me there, and it hurt a bit. He’s one of my best friends who I haven’t seen in months and he just doesn't want to see me. 
“Well, I thought I’d surprise you with a visit cause last time we talked you seemed stressed. I just wanted to hang out with my best friend and meet the friends I’ve heard so much about.” I responded feeling like this was a stupid idea, and that I’m losing my best friend. “ but if you really don’t want to see me, I’ll just go home and you won’t hear from me again.”
“Y/n, that’s not what I meant, there's just been a lot going on recently and I don’t have time right now.” He said giving the same excuse he’s given every time I offered to visit. “Please understand that, just go h-”
“ Hi, I’m Nobara Kugisaki, one of Yuji’s friends here, don’t listen to him. We will be there in twenty minutes. Can’t wait to meet you.” A girl said, having taken the phone from my friend, as i heard Yuji telling her to give him back his phone.
“Ok, see you soon I guess?” I responded as the line went dead.
P.O.V change to Yuji’s dumbass
“Why would you do that Kugisaki? They don’t know anything about Jujutsu Tech, they think I just left because my grandpa died.” Yuji said to his friend as she just smirked at him before grabbing his and Megumi’s arms and pulling them off the school grounds towards Tokyo.
“ Well, It’s shocking to know you have friends outside of school, and so I need to find out what is wrong with them. It’s hard to believe someone would willingly travel to see you.” Nobara said, rolling her eyes finally letting the boys go.
Megumi just looked at the two confused as to what was going on and why he was being dragged along. “ Why was I dragged into this? I don’t care.”
Nobara just turned her head slightly and said “Well, someone has to be able to keep this idiot in check so he doesn’t send his friend home after they made the journey here to see him. And you can do that with one of your shikigami or just hold his mouth shut.” She shrugged at the last bit before facing the path in front.
“Fushiguro, please tell Kugisaki that this is dumb, we can’t bring a non sorcerer to Jujutsu tech. It’s dangerous.” Yuji said, trying to convince his friend to agree with him.
The ten shadows user just rolled his eyes and kept walking not caring for their stupid bickering. But he could say he was intrigued that someone would want to be friends with the brainless idiot. The walk to the train station consisted of more of the same, after about half an hour they arrived.
P.O.V change back to Y/n
I had been waiting for Yuji and his friend to come get me for the train station, hoping to get some answers as to why he’s been hiding stuff from me and being rude. I really hope it wasn’t something I did. I broke out of my thoughts scanning the crowd once again for my pink haired friend. After looking for a moment I spotted the familiar two toned hair, with a brunette and a guy whose hair looks like a sea urchin. I stood up and made my way towards them.
“So Itadori, where’s this friend that you don’t want us meeting?” The brunette said, looking around.
I smiled slightly as I got closer. “That would be me, I’m Y/n Y/l/n, It’s nice to meet you.” I introduced myself glad to be meeting Yuji’s friends even if he didn’t want me here.
The girl looked at me and smiled. “I’m Nobara Kugisaki, and the one who looks like he’d rather be anywhere else is Megumi Fushiguro. It’s lovely to meet you. I’m sorry Itadori was rude over the phone, it seems he’s an idiot.” 
I just chuckled at her comment, waved at Megumi and then turned to Yuji. I could see him shy away from my cold glare knowing that I’m upset and rightfully so. “Yuji Itadori, you are an ass. I just wanted to surprise you and you act like it’s a personal attack. Is it wrong to want to see my best friend after almost half a year?” I snapped at him. 
He looked almost scared, while his friends just looked shocked that i’d call him out in public. “Why don’t we go back to Jujutsu tech and you guys can talk this out in private and not in the middle of a train station.” Megumi offered, sensing this was probably going to turn into a scene if it was handled quickly.
“Fine, lead the way but I’m not talking with him, until he apologizes and explains everything.” I motioned for someone to lead me to my friend's school.
The walk to Jujutsu tech took about thirty minutes but it felt so much longer because it was spent in silence. It seemed like Megumi and Nobara didn’t want to get into mine and Yuji’s fight, while Yuji hasn’t said anything since I spoke to him on the phone before they came to get me. It was pissing me off, he basically told me to get lost, and now won’t face the fact that he’s been a shit friend for the past almost six months.
Arriving at the school I was shocked, “This is a school, it looks more like an ancient temple.” I continued staring at the “school”. I failed to notice a tall man wearing a blindfold walking toward us.
“Hey, who’s the new kid?” I jumped as I finally noticed the white haired giant. His face was pointed in my direction so I assumed he was looking at me. I’m really confused, who is this guy and why is the school in an old temple.
Megumi stepped in front of me and addressed the man. “ Gojo, This is Y/n, they are one of Itadori’s friends from before he joined Jujutsu tech. They came here to see him as he has apparently been avoiding them since he came here." He explained who I was and why I was here. It was honestly the most I had heard him speak since I met him thirty minutes ago. It was kind of shocking as he seemed like the type to stay quiet.
“Yeah, and Itadori tried to make them go home, after they spent time and money just to come visit him. What an ass am I right?” Nobara said, nudging me in the side.
The man I now know as Gojo turned towards Yuji. “Why would you do that, it's awfully nice of them to come all this way to visit you. And Y/n welcome feel free to ask any questions you may have, Yuji will be happy to answer them and give you a tour of the school. Anyway, Kugisaki and Megumi, you're coming with me, you have a mission. Have fun you two.” He said the last bit with a smirk and dragged the other two away without giving anyone a chance to protest.
I just looked at Yuji as he stood there in shock before turning to me and finally speaking. “I’m sorry I was being a jerk. If you follow me I'll show you around." I just watched as he turned and walked away. It took me a moment to realize what was going on before following after him.
We walked in almost complete silence as he showed me around the school. He showed me the dorms and classrooms, only talking when saying what a place was. When we headed back outside, I finally said something having grown tired of the awkward silence. “So Yuji, what is really going on? That guy with a blindfold said your friends had a mission, what did he mean? And why have you been keeping this from me?” I was ready to get some answers.
“It’s a lot to explain, let’s go sit down and I’ll do my best to explain.” He answered, guiding me to an open field. We both sat down and I waited for him to start explaining everything to me. “You see, this place is called Jujutsu tech. It is one of two schools here in Japan for learning Jujutsu sorcery.  Jujutsu sorcery is what we use to exercise cursed spirits using cursed energy.” Now I’m really confused what the fuck is cursed energy, as much as I wanted to say that I kept quiet letting him continue. “Cursed energy is basically negative energy powered by negative emotions, Sorcerers learn how to harness this energy to destroy cursed spirits. Cursed spirits are made from the cursed energy that leaks out of non sorcerers because they don’t know how to control it.” He explained curses and cursed energy.
“Ok but why are you going to this school, how did you get roped into all of this?” I wondered how he got here.
He paused for a second, almost like he was debating how to tell me something. “You see, the night my grandpa died, I met Fushiguro. He told me that I had picked up a cursed object and it was crucial that I gave it to him because it was extremely dangerous. Only problem was I didn’t have it, I had given it to a classmate in the occult club. When he heard that he made me show him to the school where they were trying to open the object. By the time we got there it was overrun by cursed spirits also trying to get the object. I tried to help out but I almost got Fushiguro killed. In order to save him I had eaten the object because he had previously said it would boost the strength of a cursed spirit if it ate it, and figured it would work on me. It kind of worked but instead of just boosting my strength I became the vessel of an ancient cursed spirit known as Sukana and now I'm here at Jujutsu tech. They’re using me to find all twenty of his fingers which are cursed objects and when we find all of them, they’ll make me eat them and then kill me to get rid of Sukana for good.” He said leaving me speechless.
How was I supposed to respond to my best friend telling me he was being fed fingers just to be killed down the line? It made no sense. “They’re just going to kill you, can’t they destroy this Sukana without killing you? How is that fair, you’re helping them just to die?” I asked, upset at the idea.
“It’s okay, Y/n. I’ve accepted it. I'm going to help save as many people as possible before that happens. It’s for the best, without Sukana then he can’t come back and hurt anyone ever again.” He said, confident in his choice but still looking sad.
I was completely stunned, he was okay with this? He was fine with sacrificing himself for ‘the greater good’. How am I supposed to accept this? “So you just weren’t going to tell me? You were just going to let these people kill you and make me think you just gave up on our friendship. I can’t believe you, I thought you were better than that.” I said trying to figure out if he was going to keep this from me till the end.
He turned away avoiding eye contact. What he said next was so quiet I could barely make it out, but it still shook me to my core. “I don’t want to lose you.” I looked at him wide eyed. How could he think he would lose me?
“You would never lose me. Sure I’m upset that you didn’t tell me and were apparently going to keep it from me until you died, but you won’t lose me. Yuji you’re my best friend, when you told me to get back on the train and go home it nearly broke me. I thought I had lost you. I can’t go through that again, I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I may not be able to fight these curses or whatever but I can still be your friend.” I told him. It really did hurt that he hid this from me, I’m supposed to be his best friend and it hurt to think he didn’t trust me enough to tell me what was really going on. 
He finally turned to truly face me and I could see the worry in his eyes. “I know that Y/n, you are my best friend as well. I just don’t want something to happen to you. It’s dangerous being a Jujutsu Sorcerer, I did want someone or something to use you against me. There are bad people who use Jujutsu to hurt others and I can’t imagine what would happen if someone hurt you.” He said, voicing his worries. “ I care too much about you for you to be dragged into this life. That’s why I didn’t tell you, I thought that even if you hated me for it at least you would be safe. I can live with the thought of you hating me as long as you are safe, but if you got hurt or worse because of me I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.” I just sat silent as I watched him think for a moment, completely amazed by how much he was opening up about it. 
There was a brief pause as he thought and I took everything in, he said something I never would have expected. “I guess what I’m trying to say is, I like you, as more than a best friend. And the thought of you getting hurt by a curse or a curse user scares me so much. It’s fine if you don’t feel the same, but you asked me why and I just had to tell you. If you decide that this is all too much and want to leave that’s fine. You said I would never lose you but I wouldn’t blame you if all this changed your mind.” I froze, he just said he liked me like me, and kept all this from me because he thought it would be easier to push me away than watch me get hurt.
It left me speechless. I sat for a second thinking of a response. Sure I like him, he’s my best friend but hearing his confession and everything he’s going through has made me realize something. I love Yuji Itadori. He is so kind and caring that he tried to push me away to save me from monsters that are invisible to most of the world. He put me at arms length to try and protect me from a secret world below my own. He was willing to sacrifice his own feelings not only to save me but to save countless lives. Yuji is truly an incredible person.
Coming to terms with my realization, I launched myself towards him, wrapping my arms around his chest and barring my head in the crook of his neck.“I like you too, Yuji. I’m not changing my mind, you can’t get rid of me that easily. Like I said I may not be able to see these curses but I’m here for you, whether as best friend, significant other, or just someone to talk to when it all gets to be too much. Just remember that okay.” I said not lifting my head from his neck. I felt him wrap his arms around me and lean his head against mine.
We sat there for a few minutes just enjoying each other's embrace. I had almost fallen asleep in his arms when I felt what felt like someone opening their mouth against the side of my head where Yuji was leaning against me. It was strange, not just because Yuji wouldn’t try to bite me, but because he hadn't turned his head and his cheek was resting in my hair. As I was about to lift my own head to see what was going on, I felt sharp teeth scraping against my scalp and pulling my hair. I yelped and launched away from Yuji looking at him confused, being completely startled to see a mouth had formed on his cheek as well as the strange mark under his eye had split open to reveal a small red eye. Yuji was also startled by me jumping and when he noticed the mouth on the side of his face he slapped his hand over it.
“What the hell Sukana? That’s not okay. Don’t bite people, especially Y/n.” He said, I assumed talking to the curse who inhabited his body.
I looked at him for a second before finding the words to express how I was feeling. “Why is there a mouth on the side of your face and why the fuck did it bite me?” I was completely confused by what just happened.
He paused for a second keeping his hand over where the mouth had formed. “That is Sukana, the curse that is currently living in me. He’s an ass and likes to just pop up randomly by forming a mouth on my face or hands. I’m sorry he bit you, if I could hit him I would.” He explained what just happened. “Are you okay though, he didn’t hurt you did he?” He asked with concern written over the part of his face not covered by his hand.
I nodded at him, about to say that I was fine before another mouth opened in the back of his hand and began speaking. “They're fine, they jumped out of the way before I could do anything. And don’t call me an ass, you brat.” The mouth said in a deep voice that gave me goosebumps. Yuji responded by slapping his other hand over the mouth and looking at me embarrassed by the second soul living in his body.
“Again I’m sorry about him, are you sure you’re okay?” he asked again.
I smiled at him. “I’m fine Yuji, he didn’t hurt me, gave me a fright more than anything. And I may not completely understand but I bet it’s difficult dealing with another mind living in you and fighting for control.” I said, trying to reassure him that everything was fine. 
He responded with a small nod. “It’s good that you’re ok. I’ll try to get him to stop being an ass. But you’re also right in the fact it’s hard to deal with him, it’s like having a fly that won’t stop buzzing near your ear.” he said with a light chuckle. I responded with the same light laugh.
“Hey Yuji, It’s getting late, we should really think about calling it a night.” I noticed that the sun had set and stars lit up the sky. He also looked to the stars for a second, also registering it was rather late.
He turned back towards me and started to stand up before saying, “You’re right, You can stay in my room tonight. It’s too late to make you take the train back home, you can also take the bed. I'm fine sleeping on the floor.” He reached his hand out and helped me stand up before we headed back to the dorms.
I was going to fight it but decided against it, he’s too nice to let me sleep on the floor and is way too awkward to even think about sharing the bed. I just accepted my fate and lied down on his bed as he placed a pillow and blanket on the floor. “Thank you for letting me stay the night. We may have talked everything out earlier but I still expect you to make it up to me somehow, after all you did hide from me for six months.” I said making eye contact with him as he sat down on the floor.
He just smiled before responding. “I already have a plan. Just get some sleep because we are spending the whole day together tomorrow and I will do anything you want.” he lied down before saying a quick “Good night” and rolling over to get some sleep.
I whispered a “Sweet dreams” in response before falling asleep thinking of what I can make him do tomorrow to make up for his stupidity.
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tulipe-rose · 4 months
asking this on your writing blog because it's a theory (?)
what if kenji was the one picked for the pm transfer ? his ability is very strong and since he's young he would be easy to manipulate.
this theory also has angst potential too , mori starving him just for his ability , and kenji just leaving the ada in general
sorry if this was confusing to read ( ・-・)
I LOVE THIS THEORY!!! (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
It's honestly one of the most valid theories for the exchange. Kenji is so blatant about his care for his friends, If you so much as appeared to be a threat towards them, kiss your ass goodbye. He quite literally fought a hunting dog, and won if it meant keeping Atsushi safe. If he was angry for a moment more than he was, we might as well have been preparing Tecchō's funeral at the time.
Which brings us to the topic of his self control.
Once Kenji is officially recruited into the Mafia, he must resign from his post as a part timer at the agency. He's no longer under the effects of All men are equal, and Mōri is fully going to exploit that. He would go to unimaginable (yet just the right amount of subtle) lengths to emotionally manipulate Kenji. Due to losing the effects of all men are equal, Kenji might as well lose control of his emotions as whole, because of how he forgot what it was like to effortlesly contain his anger, and strength. He could go on random rampages, and Mōri could ask Chūya to direct him towards the location of any enemies he needed eliminated.
Kenji might as well turn into the next destruction incarnate. Chūya would feel pity for him; he wouldn't want such a kind soul in a place so dirty, but since he's here, Mafia is Mafia, and orders are orders, nothing can be done. He can't help but see himself in him, so he tries to spend as much time with him outside of work as possible, maybe even sneaking him a phone call with the agency members from time to time. He decided to be there for him, because surviving among demons tears you apart too painfully
How would Mōri keep Kenji under his complete control, while ensuring that the slim possibility of revolt turns non existent? Hostages. Better yet? Unknowing, blissfully ignorant hostages. Mōri is perfectly capable of threatening the peaceful life in Ihatovo, and won't hesitate to if Kenji decided to be rebellious. The deal is: Listen to my every order, eliminate the enemy, and your village will be allowed peace. Visits are limited to a month each year.
The armed detective agency have no right to interfere anymore, anymore than keeping tabs on the village, and the Mafia's recent whereabouts would be considered interference in Port Mafia business that doesn't concern them. They're brewing with anger, and are on the verge of playing Russian roulette with the Mafia. If it weren't for the calls, and updates Chūya manages to give them, they would've cracked long ago.
Kenji is absolutely destroyed, and will probably never be capable of looking at himself in the mirror again. I don't even know if he can forgive Mōri after everything. The day he cracks, and finally murders Mōri (something like that scene in beast with Atsushi, and the headmaster, except Mōri wasn't asking for a hug, he was briefing Kenji on his latest mission, and wouldn't allow Kenji to visit his sick mother on her deathbed) would be the day he finally calls the detective agency directly, with the news. 'He's dead', and the line cuts off.
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mangocheesecakes · 1 year
I have found a connection between Laura Deramas and the scammer amongsts/amongstss who was recently discovered and since been taken down. I have very good reason to believe that amongstss was either Laura herself, or someone working closely with Laura.
(Please bear with me as this is going to be a very long post. I don't know how to make it shorter.)
So first off, in the "speaking up" video Laura posted recently, while she admits that she "made a mistake", Laura claims that she made the video to "speak up about what I and user neeches "have been doing to her while she's not on Tumblr". Specifically, she is angry about how we've connected her with another now-deactivated scammer, sheeyancjoje. Laura is adamant and insists that she has not come back to Tumblr since I called her out, and so she wants us to stop "blaming her for all the scams that's happening here". Now Laura's acting may be FAMAS-worthy, but I maintain that the evidence I found about her and sheeyanc is solid and undeniable, and later I will also explain why this is so in a separate post. But for now, let's talk about amongsts.
Amongsts/amongstss was a scammer who recently got taken down by tumblr, and who was pretending to be a "Black Transwoman living in Andorra" trying to raise money for "rent support". The post they made was copied word-for-word from an actual fundraiser on Facebook with the only change being the person's first name. Here is the original post and my reblog with the callout and link to the legitimate fundraiser. After posting this, amongsts began sending me irate messages and insults through dm.
Now amongsts wanted their donors to only use "wire transfer or paypal" when donating. They also did not put the actual link anywhere on the post itself. When asked about this by other users, amongsts claimed that she prefers sending her paypal info through dm because of the spam emails she had been receiving lately:
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Now someone had unfortunately already donated to amongsts before I was able to call them out, but I proceeded to send warning asks to those who reblogged the scam posts all the same. One of the users I messaged responded to me, and it turned out they were one of the people who had donated to amongsts. Because I thought it might be relevant for keeping track of the scammers on here I asked them if they could share to me the Paypal address that amongsts gave to them in private when they donated. This user very kindly got back to me and gave me the screenshot they took of the scammer's paypal name and gmail.
The name on the paypal was one "Joan Malubay", while the gmail address was written as [email protected]
Here is a screenshot of my conversation with this user, with their blog and name redacted for privacy:
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Going back to Laura and her "speaking-up" video. Laura keeps mentioning a certain JES SA, who she says is her friend and neighbor, and who according to her "made a tumblr" the night before and saw "all of the posts that I and neeches have been making about her". This JES SA then presumably alerted her about this, which is how she found out and why she was back again. Laura was also pretty insistent that I talk to this JES SA on Facebook, kind of similar to how she kept asking me to contact her mother back when she was still pretending to be dead:
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Checking up on Laura's Facebook profile after all of this went down, I saw that she had made a couple of status updates about being "stressed" and "going through a lot lately". Sure enough, among those who sad-reacted to her posts was a user named Jes Sa. This Jes Sa also commented a happy birthday greeting on Laura's post during her son's birthday 4 weeks ago:
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I also clearly remember seeing this user on Laura's old profile before, though I had no screenshots of her at that time and didn't really take note of her. Curiously, Jes Sa already had her profile locked when last I checked it, so I couldn't take a screenshot and had to take a photo using another phone.
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So instead, I tried another route and typed "jes sa" on the search tab to see what comes up...and what do you know, the name "Malubay Jo an" was one of the first results.
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This Malubay Jo an names Jes Sa as her sister in this pic (Bry Lle seems to be Jes Sa's former name on FB) as well as a "Dawn Syrelle Mozo" as her pamangkin/niece. Upon further digging, I've found that Jes Sa is Joan Malubay's sister, is married to a certain "Manuel (Nano) Mozo" and has at least two daughters, "Dawn Syrelle Mozo" and "Anne Janelle Mozo". On my screenshot of Jes Sa's birthday greeting above, Dawn Syrelle also greets Laura's son a happy birthday.
And so here is now the connection between Laura Deramas and the scammer amongstss:
amongstss was using the Paypal account of Joan Malubay with the gmail [email protected].
Malubay Jo an on Facebook who lives in Davao City has two nieces with names that fit the gmail handle being used by amongstss. Malubay Jo an is also the sister of Jes Sa, the person Laura said is her "friend and neighbor", and who apparently is also here on tumblr.
Given this discovery, I can say that amongsts was probably being run by either Laura herself, or by her friend/s Joan and Jes Sa, or even more likely, they were all in it together.
And Laura's claims that she is not connected to any other scammers on here is another one of her many many lies.
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crybaby-bkg · 9 months
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sᴄᴏʀɴᴇᴅ | ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғɪғᴛᴇᴇɴ - ᴇᴘɪʟᴏɢᴜᴇ (ɴsғᴡ)
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Bakugou x f!reader Warnings/Tags: NSFW, slow morning sex, biting, unprotected sex Word Count: 2k Minors/blank/ageless blogs DNI!
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Main Masterlist AO3
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A year later…
If someone were to ask you where you thought you’d end up two years after fighting Dynamight for the first time, you would’ve guessed either dead or in jail. Or maybe dead in jail. Never would you have imagined this life that you live now, with him, your friends, and a society still actively taking you in with gentle arms. 
A couple months after your press conference, you graduated from your accelerated hero courses, and became a full-time licensed hero. With that degree and your background, you started up a foundation to help integrate kidnapping victims back into society. In that foundation, it helps house those who have nowhere to go, provides jobs, and there’s a program within that helps victims and vigilantes alike find legal work. They get jobs in the system, some even converting into becoming a hero, and are provided different outlets to help them find their place in society again. 
It’s a lot of work, but its more than worth it to see peoples’ transformations over the course of just a few months. Vanity is a partner in the company, after slowly but surely giving up vigilantism to work alongside you. It was a struggle (it always is) but its refreshing and so beautiful to see her still kicking ass, just without the worry of being caught by police. It’s also refreshing and totally new to see her cozying up to Kirishima little by little. They haven’t put a label on anything yet, but you promise to root for them as much as possible, and shoot his kneecaps out if he were to ever hurt her, though you doubt the big guy was even capable of anything cruel. 
Your program has helped integrate more heroes into shadier neighborhoods, keep patrol going twenty-four-seven. Nobody is too small to be left behind, is the motto that you preach, and try to ingrain into everybody’s head. Nobody is too tiny to be seen, to disappear into the shadows with no one to ever look for them. You help find the people no one cares about looking for, and you help them in every aspect that you can. 
But, even as great as everything has been for the past year, you’re still haunted by Mercy. You never got your answers on why she did that to you, what her motives were, how you could make her feel better about everything. If she reached out, you would’ve been happy to put her into your program, help her find somewhere stable to live, work through her trauma, although you don’t have a clue to where she’s at now. You heard she moved a few cities over, is quiet there, but you can’t be bothered to search for her. If she wanted to be found, she would be. 
Eddie ended up being transferred to another agency after the whole debacle with Mercy. Turns out, she had reached out to him, convinced him that you two were friends, that you wanted your dress tailored but was too busy to actually reach out to him. He knew he shouldn’t have believed it, but he claimed to love you so much as a client, that he didn’t want to upset you. Still though, he transferred out all on his own somewhere else, guilted by what happened to you that night, how it never would’ve happened if he finished with the original design. 
You thought that you would be more upset finding that out but honestly, you’re content with everything. It all happened (as fucked up as it sounds) for a reason. Even in the moment if you couldn’t understand why, you see it all now, as you bask in the room surrounding you. 
After you graduated, you and Bakugou moved into an actual home a little further out from the city, somewhere quiet and quaint. You made the home both of yours, not just a place of his that you moved into. It wasn’t too big, not some overdramatized mansion too spacious for just two people. 
And also—a dog! You had found the tiny little thing, shivering and whining on your way home from work one day. You didn’t even have to ask Katsuki if it was alright, because the little thing clung to him the moment you dropped her in his lap. You remember how shocked he was, how stiff he became, the wordless trip to the bathroom as he started scrubbing her down in dawn dish soap to clear the fleas clinging to her skin. After that, even though you technically saved her, she became a daddy’s girl. There was never a question on whether or not she would stay, but instead whose last name she would take (she was a Bakugou, of course, with her spiky hair and bratty personality once she was fed and cleaned. How could she be anything but?) 
You would’ve never imagined a life so kind to you, after everything you went through. You just knew you were destined to live a hard and strenuous life, knew that it would end quick and abrupt with you at your angriest, at your unhappiest. 
But, as you lay here in your king sized mattress with your pro hero boyfriend across from you and your dog sleeping in her little cot at the end of your bed, you think that this is what you were destined for. The ability to help people in life, to love others with everything you have, to be cared for, to be looked after, to be adored. 
Katsuki’s eyes slowly blink open, as if he could tell that you had been watching him, dark blond lashes fanning over the apples of his cheeks. He smiles faintly at you, his face softer in the gleam of light casted in from the window over your shoulder. His skin is golden, a peachy hue softening the contours of his muscles where he lays on his bicep, stretching, his joints popping. 
“What’re you staring at, perv?” He slurs, yawning loudly, maw wide like a lion’s before he smacks his lips a few times. The picture of him makes you laugh, scooting forward a little until you share his pillow and his nose brushes yours. He tilts his head softly, mouth nudging your own in a barely there kiss, his lips sweet. 
“Something real ugly in front of me,” you bite at him, nipping the plumpness of his bottom lip. Katsuki laughs at that, husky and deep, wrapping his arms and legs around you until he traps you against him. You act like you’re trying to escape, but you meld into his embrace when he squeezes you against him, become putty on the warm mattress. 
“Can’t say the same.” He smiles, voice soft like the pillow you share, something easy to sink into. You roll your eyes playfully, wrapping your arms around his neck until his front presses against your own, his morning wood thick and heavy against your leg. 
“Now who’s the perv here?” You ask, eyebrow raised as his cheeks get muddy and his mouth twitches in a devilish little smile. You laugh heartily when he suddenly bites at your cheek, pulling him away by the hair sweeping the back of his neck. 
“You talk so much shit,” he snarls at you playfully, his bites soothing into something gentle on the skin—a kiss, a suckle, a nibble, a peck—until your giggles fade slowly into breathy little noises. Soft moans escape you, your eyes fluttering shut as you start to feel your hips slowly press into his, becomes his turn to make those sweet noises. 
“You fuckin’ love it.” You mutter to him, grinning when he pulls back, lips pink and a little swollen. He eyes you, lids lowered and his gaze mellow, mouth silky where he licks his lips, a smile tilting the corner of it. He takes all of you in, before he pulls you into another honey-sweet kiss, his tongue working slowly against your own, uncaring of how messy it becomes in such little time. 
“Yeah,” he says breathily, barely pulling away from your mouth as he speaks. “Yeah, I really do.” He speaks against your teeth before kissing them, too, wanting to taste each and every piece of you that he can get his mouth on. 
Wordlessly, Katsuki shuffles out of his boxers, and you do the same with your own underwear. He rubs the leaking tip of his cock against your clit a few times, tapping it until your breath hitches and you claw at his naked bicep. He laughs at how needy you get before hissing when you take him in your own hand and guide him to your leaking hole, biting at his bottom lip all the while. 
He angles his hips to help guide you in, pushing forward, both of you pausing as you suck in the others breath. His eyes flutter open to watch your face contort in pleasure when he eases himself in with no prep, though he’s not sure if he needs it with how many rounds you two went last night. He slips inside with little resistance, but the wet and soft feeling of you takes his breath away every time, anyway. 
You sigh out an expletive, eyes rolling ever so slightly when he fully nestles inside of you, takes up so much space, feels like he’s knocking at the back of your throat. Your head falls back onto his pillow, gives him access to your love bruised neck, makes an even bigger mess of your skin there as he gentle rocks his hips back and forth. He barely moves, barely ever leaves the confines of your warmth, and you don’t want him to. Don’t want him to ever leave you, to ever part from you. You want him to stay nestled inside of you forever, make a home within your ribcage, find all of his needs and comfort within the walls of your skin. 
“I love you,” you breathe out heavily, emotional, eyes welling up with tears as you’re already creeping up on your orgasm. Katsuki holds you against him, tight, one arm wrapped around your waist, the other underneath you to hold you by your nape. He presses his forehead against your own, his own breath dewy and warm where it fans over your skin, the hair at his base rubbing against your clit with every rock inside of you. 
“I love you. So fuckin’ much,” he confesses, eyes squeezing shut the same way your walls squeeze around his cock. You hold him just as close, bury your face into his neck, breathe in the musky smell of something sweet lingering on his skin as it always does. You inhale until you can’t anymore, your exiting breath a shaky cry as you cum around his cock, still just barely even moving inside of you, pressing in all the right spots. 
Katsuki curses under his breath at that, tries to hold off, barely lasts even a minute before he spills inside of you. Fills you up, warm and thick, until it starts to spill around where he still plugs you up. You both lay there in each other’s embraces, holding and holding, kissing and loving, searching and finding everything you have ever needed. 
In this place, your worries about who may hurt you next are gone. In this place, you’re loved wholeheartedly, and forever more. In this place, you’re seen, you’re listened to, you’re valued. But most importantly, in this place, you are loved, damn your past, fuck your future because in this very moment the only thing that matters is the person in front of you. The person that saw the hurt and put down his fists and embraced you, who saw through everything, who chose you day after day, anyway. 
In this place, everything is right, and in all honesty? Even though you wished that everything bad would’ve never happened to you, you’re still grateful that, even through the hurt, it led you here, in Katsuki’s arms. It led you exactly where you belonged, and will stay forevermore. 
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thank you all so much for joining me on this journey of writing SCORNED. this was such a personal piece for me, being able to rework my own trauma and share it with others. I am so grateful to have you all here with me. I am so appreciative of every single one of you who read, commented, liked, and followed along. thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here. I love you all!
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tag list: @endlessfreaky@iamaconfusedpan @blueshome
35 notes · View notes
wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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In the mood for...
1. In the mood for Wei Wuxian being raised as a fierce corpse like Wen Ning, so he has super strength and doesn't need to eat and all that. Anything past that can be a surprise: is he raised by the Wens and must fight against his friends? By the Jins when everyone else thinks he is dead? Does he somehow raise himself? Etc. Thank you!
to share this burden you must first live by shi_q1ngxuan (M, 3k, WangXian, JYL & WWX, Angst, Temporary Character Death, Golden Core Transfer, Fix-It of Sorts, Demonic Cultivator LWJ, Everybody Lives, except for wwx, Yúnmèng Siblings Feels, Is it really a happy ending if one of them is a corpse?, Character Study)
There Are More Than One Reason Undead Raise Series by Storyboradinventor (M/T, XuanLi, WangXian, JC & WWX, Undead!WWX, Angst, Canon Divergence, Undead!Yiling Patriarch, Sunshot Campaign, Bittersweet Ending, Some Humor)
❤️ A Corpse Called By Name by jaemyun (Not rated, 60k, wangxian, angst w/ happy ending, zombie apocalypse, zombie WWX, yunmeng trio) It's a modern setting and zombie apocalypse AU, so it's a bit different from what was asked. But it's a very good fic that does have wwx with super strength!
monsters cannot break her stride by Stratisphyre (G, 3k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, JYL Lives, outsider pov)
2. Hello!! Your blog is such a masterpiece, great public service, thank you so much!
Can we get some recs for fics where LWJ does get married during his years of waiting? Maybe for convenience, maybe by obligation to his clan... If Wei Wuxian is back it would be even more fun, but not necessary
Thank you! @eldritch-bisexual​
The light of you will stay by orphan_account (M, 74k, wangxian, LWJ/OFC, arranged marriage, hurt/comfort, canonical character death, angst w/ happy ending, endgame wangxian)
Ghost Wedding by nirejseki (G, 4k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Ghost wedding, Introspection, Crack Treated Seriously, mostly seriously anyway, Good Uncle LQR) does it count if it's Wei Ying's ghost he's marrying? 😅 then Ghost Marriage by Nirejseki fits
We can light a match and burn it down by Ibijau (T, 78k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Canonical Character Death, Angst, Pining, Canon Divergence, Morally Ambiguous Character, Friendship, platonic marriage, Open Marriage, Happy Ending)
alloy by darkredloveknot (enheduane) (E, 3k, WangJue, Background romantic wangxian, Lwj pines for and grieves wwx, Hook-Up, Grief/Mourning, Dirty Talk, NMJ POV, Bottom LWJ, Emotional Hurt/Comfort)
3. hi! i really like the absolute vibes of mdzs siblings being ride or die for each other, so i'd love (adore, really) some fics that demonstrate that? specifically like someone doing batshit stuff to keep their sibling safe (say like, cut out their core, or walk into enemy territory to seek the person who *checks notes* singlehandedly murdered a BUNCH of ppl with your surname, or like, that bridge scene in fatal journey i forgot a lil) i know this isn't rly a simple tag to search so thank you!!
Duel of the Twins by @theladyofravenclaw​ (T, 29k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, star wars au, scifi, major character death, canon-typical violence, mild gore, mild body horror, mentions of suicide, angst w/ happy ending, yunmeng siblings feels, twin prides of yunmeng angst, WIP)
4. Itmf your favorite fics of 2023 (or late 2022) so far! I feel like the newer fics always get buried by more well-known writers so I'd love to read great fics from lesser known writers that deserve some more love.
💙 Su She Eats his Heart Out by KizuKatana (T, 16k, WangXian, 3rd person pov, implied offscreen wangxian sex)
💙 Call again by apathyinreverie (T, 5k, wangxian, LXC & LWJ, LXC & WWX, modern, oblivious WWX, gremlin LXC, smitten LWJ, possessive LWJ, not Jiang friendly, hinst at mafia, fluff, romance)
💖 Paths untaken by apathyinreverie (T, 6k, wangxian, LSZ & WWX, canon divergence, fix-it, fluff, not cultivation world friendly, smitten LWJ)
💖 One Can Keep A Secret (If He Does Not Know It's There) by H_Belle (T, 5k, wangxian, NHS & WWX, modern w/ cultivation, inventor WWX, secret identity, identity reveal, YLLZ WWX, rogue cultivator WWX, pining LWJ, WWX pov)
Late Night, North Station by raitala (G, 9k, WangXian, LSZ & LWJ, Modern AU, Kid Fic, Gen or Pre-Slash hints of wangxian, finding your found family, A-Yuan is a sweetie)
hey I just met you, and this is crazy by KeriArentikai (E, 9k, WangXian, POV Outsider, Woke Up Married, married in vegas but with a twist, (the twist is that they totally meant to), Getting Together, Love at First Sight, LWJ Has a Canonically Big Dick, Size Kink, Dirty Talk, Coming Untouched, Unrealistic Sex, Wangxian Speedrun)
perennial by jublis (Not Rated, 173k, WangXian, Canon Compliant, Heavy Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Humor, Domestic Fluff, Golden Core Reveal, BAMF WQ, Good Uncle JC, Grief/Mourning)
Wind Rose in the Clouds by PaidSubscription (M, 202k, wangxian, post-canon, slow burn, hurt/comfort, getting together, first time, smut, fluff & angst, case fic, social commentary, ptsd, sick fic, communication, inventor WWX)
Mud on Your Feet by AvoOwO (Not Rated, 59k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Sleepwalking, Sleeptalking, Angst, Insomnia, Delusions, Hurt WWX, Soft JC, Protective JC, Fluff, Angst with a happy ending, PTSD)
5. Also itmf really good long fics! Ones that have great world building and character arcs, just an epic tale, the kind that you put down and just go wow. Preferably completed fics but I'm also okay with WIPS if they've not been abandoned.
I usually mean long by like...looooong so anywheres around 80k to start. But for that one I was more looking for good plot/worldbuilding, which can be done in shorter fics! So as long as that's there (that feeling of "omg this world is amazing and full and I want to live here") I think the rec would be great! (The more fics the better tbh 😌)
💙 Song Unwritten by Kytrin & Mslead (E, 94k, wangxian, temporary character death, angst w/ happy ending, fix-it of sorts, cql meets mdzs, parallel universes, transmigration, yiling wei sect au, YLLZ WWX)
❤️ a stone to break your soul, a song to save it by rikke (M, 180k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, arranged marriage) 
Love Song In Reverse by timetoboldlygo (T, 237k, WangXian, Amnesia, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Falling In Love, Slow Burn, agressively mixing and matching novel and cql canon, No Homophobia, Mentions of Starvation, Parental WWX) 
you’ve ruined my life (by not being mine) by cicer (E, 132k, WangXian, Modern AU, Developing Relationship, Idiots in Love, Awkward Flirting, teenage romance, Shameless WWX, slowburn, Demisexuality, references to lqr’s a+ parenting, references to jfm’s a+ parenting, but we’re gonna get a happy ending ANYWAY, references to yzy’s a+ parenting, Background NMJ/LXC, hints of nmj/lxc/jgy, bottom LWJ in chapter 15) 
Time Kept Flowing by notoneforreality (T, 201k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Grief/Mourning, major character death is wwx, who comes back, Family, Autistic LWJ, Kid Fic, JC and LWJ raise the kids, Co-parenting is hard, Emotional Hurt/Comfort) 
❤️ kick at the darkness ‘til it bleeds daylight by AlfAlfAlfAlfAlf, tardigradeschool (T, 75k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Eventual Happy Ending, Getting Together, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Inspired by The Parent Trap (1998), Kid Fic, teen shenanigans, two a-yuans, Fluff and Angst) 
Give Me A Reason by useless_slytherclaw (M, 251k, ZhuiYi, LSZ & LWJ & WWX, Junior Quartet, Angst with a Happy Ending, Heavy Angst, Friends to Lovers, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Mutual Pining, Minor WangXian, Minor JL/OYZZ, Aged-Up Character(s), Grief/Mourning, PTSD, Dreams and Nightmares, Hurt/Comfort, Rogue Cultivator LJY, Family Feels, Demisexual LJY, Injury Recovery, Love Confessions)
soaring, carried aloft on the wind by Skadiseven (E, 68k, NieLan, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, Horses, Swordfights, hunting hawks, and braids of course, Romance, Friendship, Twin Jades of Lán Dynamics, Light Angst)
Duel of the Twins by @/theladyofravenclaw​ (T, 29k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, star wars au, scifi, major character death, canon-typical violence, mild gore, mild body horror, mentions of suicide, angst w/ happy ending, yunmeng siblings feels, twin prides of yunmeng angst, WIP)
Twin Demons of Mò by XiaoFeiFei (M, 358k, MXY & WWX, WangXian, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Injury, Abuse, Twin Demons of Mo, MXY Lives, Major Character Injury, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Angst, Minor Character Death, Angst with a Happy Ending, Character Death, Minor Implied/Referenced Incest, Implied/Referenced Torture, Near Death, Near Death Experiences, Canon Divergence, Self-Harm, Found Family, Sexual Abuse, Rape/Non-con Elements, POV Alternating)
I will be chasing a starlight by feyburner, sundiscus (E, 71k, WangXian, Star Trek Fusion, Vulcan LWJ, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Misunderstandings, Mutual Pining, Eventual Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pon Farr, Mind Meld, Fuck Or Die, Anal Sex, Hurt/Comfort)
A Narrow Bridge by FrameofMind, Jo Lasalle (Jo_Lasalle) (E, 700k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Getting Together, First Time, Pining while fucking, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Angst with a Happy Ending, CQL Verse, almost everybody lives/almost nobody dies, epistolary-ish, canon-ish side pairings, radishes)
An Elegant Solution by giraffeter (E, 205k, niewangxian, canon divergence, arranged marriage, friends to lovers, fix-it, everyone lives au, courtship, polyamory, smut)
There was that snow storm ask for long fics earlier this month, anon could read through that for recs too
6. for the next itmf, i am in search of some wei changze & wei wuxian interactions, or just some fics that explore wcz character (we see so little of him in both canon and fanon). there is many about and focusing at wei ying's mother but i need a little of daddy wei. specifically, is there any fics where it's only CSSR that dies? thank you for the good work 🤍
the world wags on by justdoityoufucker (T, 5k, WCZ & WWX, WCZ & LQR, WCZ/LQR, canon divergence, pre-canon, not everyone dies au, not Jiang friendly, past child abuse, canon Jiang family relationships, parent-child relationship, not YZY friendly, pre-relationship)
tall as the mountains that sheltered us by thelastdboy (M, 4k, CSSR/WCZ, CSSR & WWX & WCZ, wangxian, canon divergence, CSSR & WCZ live, crack treated seriously, childhood friends to lovers, genius WWX, inventor WWX, bg character death, happy ending, WCZ pov) re that rec for #6, cssr doesn't die in this one tho.
7. Hi! itmf for nhs & wwx friendship exploration where they get to gossip and shit talk about everyone and everything while painting fans or smth also being menaces to society or just gremlins in general and then protecc each other from people that want to hurt them and just being besties
8. Hello! for next itmf I would like find fic like "if you can't beat them, recruit them" or basically fics where wwx is politically savvy and very clever boi who plays everyone behind their backs while being his competent and talented self
9. Hello there, for IITMF can I have some fics where lan zhan is kinda being overwhelmed by his feeling of love and adoration for wei Ying? Or where lan zhan is being reminded that he loves wei Ying so freaking much. Preferably where they're in an established relationship, but anything is okay really. TYSM have a nice day.
💖 Pentimento. by orange_crushed (E, 73k, wangxian, modern, college/university au, art conservation, museums, pining, not actually unrequited love, angst w/ happy ending, misunderstandings, smut, major character injury, hospitalization, hurt/comfort, past incarceration, forgery) They get together pretty quickly so much of the fic is established
🧡 paint smears on sunny days by SnowshadowAO3 (E, 53k, WangXian, Comfort, Fluff and Smut, Everyone Is Alive, Modern AU, Dadji, Mutual Pining, Happy Ending, Brief Alcohol Mention, Masturbation, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Accidentally co-parenting with your son's art teacher, Fatherhood)
I know what my heart wants by yakuso5u (Not Rated, 28k, WangXian, Modern AU, Single Father LWJ, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Getting Together, Accidental Child Acquisition, Domestic, Slice of Life, Christmas references)
live from new york by varnes (E, 87k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, This is a SNL AU, however the juniors are featured and there are lots of shenanigans!, slow burn, friends to lovers, pining, getting together, happy ending)
box your errors by mellowflicker (T, 42k, WangXian, Modern AU, single dad lwj, Domestic Fluff, Family Issues, Slow Burn, Kid Fic, let lwj have friends agenda, Hurt/Comfort, Pining)
总有一天; a place to hide (can’t find one near) by yiqie (E, 76k, WangXian, Modern AU, Pianist, Getting Together, Mental Health Issues, Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Hospitals, Overdosing, Eventual Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Additional Warnings In Author's Note)
10. Hello! Hope you doing fine!
A) I've been thinking about swords in mdzs, in particular about how jl inherited suihua and now I'm in the mood for a fic where wwx passes suibian to wield to someone. Preferably Lan/Wei/Wen Sizhui or another kid whom he adopted or accepted as a disciple, just want to see him pass on his legacy as a once a great swordsman in the form of suibian to someone who makes him proud
B) Also it'll be cool if there was a fic where he gets to inherit his parents swords, either his mother's or father's or both even
❤️ kick at the darkness ‘til it bleeds daylight by AlfAlfAlfAlfAlf, tardigradeschool (T, 75k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Eventual Happy Ending, Getting Together, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Inspired by The Parent Trap (1998), Kid Fic, teen shenanigans, two a-yuans, Fluff and Angst) (Link in #5) WWX passes Suibian to A-Yuan, can't remember if it happens on screen though
Just as the Snow Melts by draechaeli (T, 66k, WangXian, XuanLi, SongXiao, Everybody Lives, Canon Divergence) has wwx passing suibian to lsz
11. itmf: fics where wangxian simply take a step back from the cultivation world. be it that they live in a bamboo hut in the middle of the forest, are rogue cultivators going where the chaos is, or simply deny the cultivation sects of their help, or just come to save the day and go back to their sweet married life; if they happen to show the faults from both gusu lan and yummeng jiang sects as well even better. I have been feeling bitter these days, those boys deserve so much
the journey is far from over series by lastdboy (E, 164k, LXC & LWJ, LWJ & MM, Madam Lan & LWJ, wangxian, modern, canon divergence, everyone lives au, Madam Lan lives, post-sunshot, selectively mute LWJ, wen remnants live, LWJ saves the Wens, whipping, neurodevergent LWJ, stimming, hurt/comfort, angst, coming of age, slow burn, recovery, mental health issues, references to depression, single parent WWX, eventual smut)
To live with no regrets Series by Lyna_Mei (E, 66k, WIP, WangXian, Fix-It of Sorts, Canon Divergence, Angst, Self-Esteem Issues, Golden Core Reveal, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Bottom LWJ, Top WWX, Developing Relationship, non-consensual marriage, CQL-Verse, Case Fic, Established Relationship, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Cultivation World Critical, Not MY Friendly, Family Feels, Found Family, WWX Has a New Golden Core, Top/Bottom Versatile | Switch WangXian, Anal Sex) First part is how they leave the cultivation world. Second Part is when the sects come to ask for help
❤️ Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste (T, 36k, JC & WWX, WangXian, Reconciliation, Adoption, Adopted Children, JC POV, Family Feels, Family Fluff, the Yunmeng Bros make up, Post-Canon, the Wangxian Need More Kids agenda, Original Character(s), Kid Fic, Family Drama, Fluff, and like a tiny dab of angst, [PODFIC] Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste by lunatique) lan zhan has a falling out with LQR and builds a house for Wei ying outside of the CR, and they adopt eleventy kids (JC POV fic)
And They Have Escaped The Weight of Darkness by cosmicmilktea (T, 10k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Amnesia, Memory Loss, Grief/Mourning, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Screw the Cultivation world tbh, The Lan precepts deserves better, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Falling In Love, domestic life, Social justice boyfriends wangxian, Happy Ending)
Rules and Regulations by Reverie (cl410) (T, 1k, WangXian, Post-Canon lan sect rules, Baby Lans, Established Relationship, POV LWJ, LWJ has had Enough, Antagonistic LQR, not like majorly but he is Not Happy and Not Shy about sharing his feelings, Angst with a Happy Ending)
wide enough and wild by impossibletruths (E, 64k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Getting Together, Canonical Accidental Baby Acquisition, Families of Choice, References to Depression, Happy Ending, I Swear To God I'm Giving Them A Happy Ending, Overzealous Use Of Imagery, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Well Except WN But He Was Already Dead So, Fix-It of Sorts, [Podfic] Wide Enough and Wild by semperfiona_podfic (semperfiona))
12. hello mods 💞 im in the mood for some juniors quartet time traveling fix its
❤️ Tragedy is Not the End by Hobbsy3 (T, 358k, wangxian, Time Travel, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Golden Core Reveal, Canon Divergence from Qiongqi Pass, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Yunmeng sibling bonding, good dad wwx, good dad lwj, JZX Lives, JYL Lives, Junior Quartet Dynamics)
Would You Come Home? by s6115 (Not rated, 46k, WangXian, Junior Quartet Centric, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Junior Quartet Dynamics) Though has a rather loose definition of "Time Travel" that the Juniors achieve
❤️ nevermore, nevermore by agloeian (T, 120k, lan sizhui & everyone, wangxian, canon divergence, time travel fix-it, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst w/ happy ending) Also, if you don't mind only one junior (that is, Sizhui) traveling back, since I haven't read any others with all/most of the juniors going back; nevermore, nevermore by agloeian is very good!
13. Okay, thought might be too specific and not exist, but I’m in the mood for a fun fic of teenage cloud recesses era defense of WWX’s honor, after Lan Zhan makes a move. Preferably with Jiang Cheng being a good brother and also in an absolute tizzy. And like it was all totally consensual and actually pretty tame, but Lan Zhan was being a Top, and they were being their WangXian selves so it’s very much like “Lan Wangji you must take responsibility!” Maybe other Jiang family members show up at the lectures since it’s kind of an inter-sect incident at that point. Just cloud recesses era defense of Wei wuxians honor. (Not looking for any non-con or anything too explicit, just like, young love) Thank you for everything you do! @fibbunny
SIMILAR! could you find a way to let me down slowly, if you're leaving baby let me down slowly by ravenditefairylights (M, 36k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Golden Core Reveal, Implied/Referenced Sex, Miscommunication, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Hurt WWX, Mutual Pining, Unreliable Narrator, Self-Esteem Issues, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels, Protective Siblings, Trauma, Slightly dubious consent, courtesy of drunk sex, Inventor WWX, Genius WWX, Phoenix Mountain, Chronic Pain, Getting Together, Fix-It of Sorts, One Braincell Trio, PTSD)
SIMILAR! The Teapot Plot by ToxicAngel13 (M, 51k, WangXian, Misunderstandings, protective Jiang siblings, Golden Core Reveal, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, Idiots in Love, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Pre-Burial Mounds, Potential for M-Preg, Fix-It, Emotional Hurt/Comfort)
14. hi lovelies, do you you know if there are any formula one fics out there 🥺
Twitter thread by Cosmicmilktea, cosmicmilktea wrote a super cool f1 thread on twt with fanart! i absolutely adore this story
15. Does anyone know some fics of Zewu-jun in seclusion that deal with his mental health/grief? Maybe ones where he sees ghosts/hallucinates?Thank you!! @the-vaguely-shifting-void
but then the earth comes back to life, and the sun must go on rising by corduroyserpent (T, 9k, XiYao, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, Grief/Mourning, background wangxian, LXC in Seclusion)
sleep tight, in a new light (through another warning call) by ilgaksu (T, 13k, XiYao, Post-Canon, LXC in Seclusion, Grief/Mourning, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Please read author's note at the beginning, lack of autonomy, Dubious Consent)
Scholar's Rock by Zaatar (G, 3k, LXC & LWJ, XiYao, Canon Compliant, Grief/Mourning, Character Study, POV Second Person, POV LXC, Post-Canon, Angst, LXC in Seclusion, LXC Has Feelings, Twin Jades of Lán Dynamics)
Soft Sword by CwythanWind (T, 1k, XiYao, Post-Canon, LXC in Seclusion, Canon Compliant, Grief/Mourning, Ghosts, dreamy and meditative, so many metaphors, swords in particular are a metaphor for a lot, colors too, arrays are a love language, Gentians, ambiguous but also definitely a happy ending, the zine was called second chances for a reason)
16. Hi there! I love what you guys do so much. I am in the mood for a fic where Mo Xuanyu is also a major character. I just want some good recommendations with mxy in them as well bc I love seeing how different authors write him. I am willing to read fics that have him together with Wangxian, but that is not necessary. Sorry if this is a weird request but I would appreciate help finding new fics. Thanks so much! 💜 @flamboyantly-asexual
Pocketful of Soul by Jenrose (T, 182k, WIP, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, BAMF MXY, MXY Lives, Genderfluid MXY, MXY Backstory, POV MXY, If At First You Don't Succeed Try Try Again and Again and Again, Wangxian Speedrun, times three because time travel, Found Family, Genius MXY, Genius WWX, Not particularly JGY friendly, CQL-based) TT MXY - be still my beating heart, this story forever changed how I saw MXY. He must be protected at all costs.
Twin Demons of Mò by XiaoFeiFei (M, 358k, MXY & WWX, WangXian, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Injury, Abuse, Twin Demons of Mo, MXY Lives, Major Character Injury, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Angst, Minor Character Death, Angst with a Happy Ending, Character Death, Minor Implied/Referenced Incest, Implied/Referenced Torture, Near Death, Near Death Experiences, Canon Divergence, Self-Harm, Found Family, Sexual Abuse, Rape/Non-con Elements, POV Alternating) (link in #5)
Serrated by InkSplatterM, MrMissMrsRandom (E, 194k, WangXianYu, Canon Divergence, MXY Lives, Dom MXY, Sub LWJ, Slow burn) the Sacrifice ritual leaves MXY and WWX sharing a body; WangXianYu
Different Paths to the Same Route by JustAWanderingBabbit (T, 184k, jjin guangyao & lan xichen & nie mingjue, 3zun, lan wangji & wei wuxian, canon divergence: AQ becomes XXC and SL’s first disciple) MXY is rescued from his shack at Mo Manor to resume cultivational training; he becomes a significant supporting character (and, in a delicious irony, one of the inventors of magical genetic testing) WWX is resurrected, but by different means.
514 by lao_you_tiao (T, 978, Canonical Character Death, Canon Compliant, Introspection, Angst, Heavy Angst, Ficlet, Implied/Referenced Suicide) MXY’s final thoughts before his death
Those 13 Years Were a Lie by AitchNKay (M, 11k,  Attempted Suicide, Angst, mentions of offscreen rape, Canonical Character Death) WWX (who has survived incognito) and MXY during the Years of Mourning; mind all the tags—this one gets dark dark dark)
Mo XuanYu Deserves Happiness by Daddy Jiang Cheng (gotaemin) (G, 1k, MXY crushing on JGY (who sees his brother as a useful tool.))
MXY Centric (no ships, unless you count established WangXian in background), chapter 30 of How Rare Would You Like Your Ship? by Befallings (Not Rated, 68k, WIP, Ratings vary, Tags vary, Ships vary) a Useless Onmyoji Family-inspired AU with MXY as an earnest-but-klutzy Magical Boy under the rascal-guru tutelage of WWX and adult supervision of LWJ
Catching Fate by XiaoFeiFei (G, 3k, gen, MXY & everyone, pokemon fusion, modern, WIP) a wild Trubbish invites herself into the life of beleaguered Pokémart employee MXY.
@/zeldacw has a lengthy MXY-centric comic series on Twitter, covering the events leading up to his suicide and continuing into his afterlife with OC Hell Judge Sir Xu; some of it is also available on her Tumblr
17. Hi!! Love to all the mods for their hard works! 💙💙 iitmf a fic where wwx is an author!
Hooray for Murder! by wearing_tearing (M, 47k, WangXian, NieLan, XuanLi, Modern AU, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Murder Mystery, Case Fic, POV Alternating, Writer WWX, Pining LWJ, Canonical Character Death, WWX Has Memory Issues, Confessions, First Kiss, Smart JYL, Scheming NHS, True Love's Kiss, Happy Ending)
Bestseller by pupeez4eva (M, 7k, WangXian, Humor, Post-Canon, Wherein WWX writes erotica based entirely on his own sex life, and now everyone is reading it, and I mean everyone, though no one knows that WWX wrote it, WWX has a lot of regrets)
🧡 I Don't Want to Debut! by countingcr0ws (G, 56k, WangXian, Modern AU, Reality show, Idols, Actor LWJ, Forced Contestant WWX, Tencent's 2021 Idol Producer)
To Respect a Scholar by FlautistsandPeonies (G, 5k, wangxian, WWX & LQR, genius WWX, not JC friendly, author WWX)
see it through with wiser hands by belle_abroad (E, 4k, WangXian, Modern AU, Bookstore, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Praise Kink, Barebacking, bookstore owner LWJ, Author WWX)
rewrite what's gone already by belle_abroad (E, 6k, WangXian, Bookstore, Modern AU, INTIMATE NAMES ONLY, very specific bookstore experience)
Stay With Me by Toshokanin (E, 58k, WangXian, Modern AU, Canada, Librarian!LWJ, Author!WWX, Getting Together, Fluff and Smut, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, Minor NieLan, Meddling NHS, and they were ROOMMATES, oh my god they were roommates, In Vino Veritas, Hair-pulling, Face-Fucking, Blow Jobs, Anal Fingering, Hand Jobs, Marking, Mentioned CNC, Possessive Sex, Orgasm Delay)
Red Bunny and Blue Bunny are Friends by deliciousblizzardshark (G, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, Kid Fic, Domestic Fluff, Author WWX, Parent LWJ, Pining LWJ, POV LSZ, Soft WangXian)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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spenglersglasses · 7 months
Complete List of links and tags for works posted on AO3!
Click on the name of fic to read! If you don't see something you are interested in, please feel free to send an ask when open as well as commission me through the heart mug site. Link in pinned post on main blog @copiousloverofcopia or carrd info at the bottom of this post!
I will be adding more as I go. Check them out if you’re into Egon Spengler, Weyoun, Milton Dammers, Herbert West (like all Jeffrey Combs content lol), fluff and smut, you know all the things lol. Fics are listed by main Character featured in them, if it's a duo fic then the fic is listed under BOTH of them.
Asks/Requests- OPEN
Commissions- OPEN
Egon Spengler
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Multi-Chapter Works:
🧫Observations in Love (ONGOING) >>> Egon & OC Molly Webber Things have fallen on hard times for the members of the Ghostbusters when the memory of saving the world from the threat of supernatural destruction fades in the minds of the city. Now, with each of them going their separate ways, Egon joins up with another scientist to share a lab so he can continue his experiments. When an innocent mistake by his lab mate leads to a mix up that could mean big consequences for Egon, he must choose whether or not to reveal the truth to Molly, the test subject or keep it secret forever. (NSFW-Fluff/Romance/Accidental Lovers/Pregnancy/Semi-canon following)
One Off Works:
The Twinkie Experiment No turning back now, you had already agreed to it. Agreed to whatever it was the dear former Ghostbuster and his newfound friend from Arkham would ask of you. You were more than happy to participate, that was until you took the first step onto the stoop leading to the lab. Only then you hesitated—breath quickening and your nerves firing from all sides. (NSFW-Breeding/Pregnancy/Three-way/Reader)
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Multi-Chapter Works:
☄️Diplomacy (ONGOING) >>> Weyoun & Chercut Ara (Reader) As a Bajoran crew member of Deep Space Nine you know you should loathe the Dominion and their diplomat Weyoun. Despite everything, you are drawn to him and though you have tried to deny it everything changes when he comes to you with a proposition. (NSFW-Enemies to Lovers/Romance/Angst/Breeding/Pregnancy/Reader)
Milton Dammers
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Multi-Chapter Works:
🕯️An Unlikely Pair (ONGOING) >>> Dammers & OC Zoey Weston Special Agent turned paranormal private investigator; Milton Dammers has mysteriously risen from the dead (after the events of the film), finding himself in a body bag in the morgue of the Fairwater Medical Center. Dammers has no idea of how he got back just glimpses of a woman dressed in black, haunting his mind. Now years after his mysterious return to physical form, he has continued his investigations into the occult and spiritual disturbances of the quiet town with the help of Frank Banister, who has become an unlikely friend. When one fateful meeting puts Zoey Westin in his path, Milton's life and changes forever. (NSFW-Romance/Angst/Pregnancy/Paranormal/Gore/Violence)
Herbert West
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Multi-Chapter Works:
💉Playing God (Coming Soon!) >>> Herbert West & Danielle Cain When Miskatonic University medical student Danielle Cain rents a room to a newly transferred classmate Herbert West, upon his transfer from Switzerland her life turns upside down. Turns out West is a bit of a mad scientist, wanting to create life—at any cost. (NSFW-Angst/Romance/Gore/Violence/Horror/Breeding/Gender-swapped Dan/Semi-canon following)
One Off Works:
The Twinkie Experiment No turning back now, you had already agreed to it. Agreed to whatever it was the dear former Ghostbuster and his newfound friend from Arkham would ask of you. You were more than happy to participate, that was until you took the first step onto the stoop leading to the lab. Only then you hesitated—breath quickening and your nerves firing from all sides. (NSFW-Breeding/Pregnancy/Three-way/Reader)
If you would like to commission me or check out my other social media, please see my carrd linked below:
(*carrd is linked to my main blog on Tumblr @copiousloverofcopia)
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dangraccoon · 2 years
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Oyuba’din - Chapter 1: Reassigned
Original Character & The Bad Batch (currently no plans for romance, but this could very easily turn into a poly!batch fic ngl)
Summary: A Medic Lieutenant of the GAR has suffered an injury that by all rights should have been fatal, yet Jaine Vale has emerged from the battle relatively unscathed. After a brief discussion with a pair of higher-ups, Lt. Vale is transferred to a new unit for a new beginning.
Warnings: discussion of medical stuff, a wee bit of depersonalization, survival, talk of a fatal injury
Author’s Note: Hello! My name is Dang and this is the first fic I’m publishing for the Bad Batch, as well as the first I’m posting on this blog (I have posted for another fandom under another name). The title is a Mando’a word that I came up with. Don’t know if I got the language rules right, but it’s just a title. Comes from “oyu’baat” meaning universe and “dinui” meaning gift. “oyuba’din” would be a term for a miracle (lit. “universe gift”). Anyhoo, I hope you all enjoy this! Feedback is welcomed and appreciated greatly!
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She should be dead.
That’s what everyone told her. The medical droids, the clone medics, the civilian doctors. “You shouldn’t have survived a hit like that, it’s impossible,” they had all said. Yet here she was, living out of spite it seemed.
It didn’t take long for her to become something of a legend throughout the clone ranks. The 212th medic who survived a blaster shot to the base of her skull? Obviously it must be a good story. She preferred not to think about it, even if the scarring from the blast wrapped around the back of her head and neck, small slivers cutting through her previously unblemished cheek and throat. Her hair was still cropped short from the medics assessing her damage.
She barely even had a name at this point. Lieutenant Jaine Vale barely existed without “blaster girl” following it closely.
Only your fellow officers seemed to use your name anymore; Commander Cody being a godsend. Not only had he continued to use her name, but he finally dropped the formality of using her rank and surname in favor of using her first name, as she’d nagged him to for nearly two years.
He came to her bedside in the medical bay nearly every day with a cup of caf, news from the frontlines, and a smile. She was convinced he was an actual angel.
It seemed like every day there would be new faces of medics and doctors coming to ask questions about her condition. If Cody happened to be there, they were shooed away, but if she was alone, she could expect to be poked and prodded and questioned for a while.
Today was one of those days. One of the doctors she had met previously had arrived with some colleagues. They droned on about her as if she weren’t in the room, only acknowledging her presence to inspect her injury.
She had stopped listening to the conversations weeks ago. She wished she were allowed a data pad to keep herself entertained. As her wound healed it had been uncomfortable, but at this point, nearly a standard month after the would-be fatal shot, she barely noticed it.
There was a sharp knock on the door and the doctors didn’t even look to her to see if she wanted it answered; they simply opened the door.
“Good evening, doctors,” an easy voice greeted. “I hope you will excuse me, but I am here to visit with my medic, and I was hoping to speak with her alone.”
She couldn’t place the voice. It was making her crazy. The doctors, clearly startled by the presence of this new visitor, mumbled a half-dozen apologies and shuffled out of the room. She was then left face to face with her general, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
She had never interacted with him personally, typically reporting directly to Cody.
Instinctively, she sat upright in her bed, as close to attention she could be.
“General Kenobi,” she said.
“Easy, Lieutenant,” he chuckled. “There’s no need for formalities here.”
She relaxed a little, but she still felt uneasy.
“May I call you Jaine?” he asked, quirking a brow at her lack of relaxation.
“Of course, sir,” she replied.
“Please, Jaine, call me Obi-Wan.”
“Yes, sir,” she agreed. “I mean, yes, Obi-Wan.”
“Old habits die hard,” he mused.
It was quiet for a few moments, Obi-Wan enjoying the view from her window while she wondered why the general would visit her.
After, what felt like a lifetime, she finally asked “How can I help you, s- Obi-Wan?”
“I am just wondering what I could possibly do without you in my ranks, Jaine,” he sighed.
Her head started reeling. “What do you mean?”
“It seems, my dear, that the Force has different plans for you,” he turned towards her, sitting in the chair Cody typically occupied. “General Skywalker and I have meditated on your survival, and the next step your path was laid out before us.”
“I don’t understand, General. Am I being discharged?” she asked as the panic rose in her throat. She worked herself to the bone to get to where she is now. She couldn’t lose it all because she caught a blaster bolt to the neck, could she.
“I can sense your anxiety. You are not being discharged from the GAR if you do not wish; you are merely being transferred to another unit.”
Jaine’s head was spinning. Another unit? Was she not good enough for the 212th? What about the men? What did Cody think of this?
“Excuse me for a moment, Jaine,” Obi-Wan said, stepping out of the room.
He came back a few minutes later with Cody in tow, a scowl plastered across the Clone Commander’s face, despite the cheerful smile displayed by the Jedi General.
Jaine had gotten too anxious to stay in her bed and paced in front of the window.
“Should you be up, Jainey?” Cody asked, using the nickname some of the other troopers had given her.
“I’m fine, Cody,” she waved him off.
“But-” he started, only to be cut off by the general.
“Now, Cody, I believe the lady knows her own strength,” he scolded, shooting a kind smile towards Jaine, and missing the frustrated glare from Cody.
“Sir, what is my new assignment?” She asked impatiently. “In the event that I am finally released from bed rest, I would like to do some research on the men I will be serving with. I don’t like to walk into a situation unprepared.”
“Easy, Jainey,” Cody said reassuringly. “You’ve already met them.”
“Oh, kriff, Cody. Don’t tell me it’s the 501st,” she grunted before realizing her slip and apologizing to Obi-Wan.
“It’s quite alright, Jaine. Remember, I did train General Skywalker.”
She couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped her, and noticed the grin that cracked Cody’s usually serious expression.
“It’s not the 501st,” he chuckled. “It’s actually a specialized unit; Clone Force 99. Do you remember them?”
“Them and the messes they make,” she grumbled. “What could they possibly need a medic for? I’ve heard their success rate is 100%.”
“As I had mentioned before,” Obi-Wan chimed in. “The Force has revealed this path for you to both myself and General Skywalker, and higher command believes that Clone Force 99 could use a, how shall I put it, guiding hand.”
Jaine blinked at him and then at Cody, who looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole.
“Are you telling me that I am to be relieved of my current duties as a medic in the 212th so I can go and babysit five clones who don’t like to follow the rules?” she could feel her body shivering with anger as she looked between the two men.
“Well,” Obi-Wan hummed, his voice faltering ever so slightly. “Your duties would still entail being first and foremost a medic to the squad.”
“This position would put you more in a combat role. You would be in the field with the squad, not in a medical tent,” Cody explained, the furrowing of his eyebrows betraying his opinion on this transfer. “It would be dangerous. You’d be fit with a proper set of armor and weapons, as well as your standard medical kit.”
She squinted at Cody as he refused to make eye contact. “You don’t approve. What, am I not capable of combat?”
His eyes shot up to meet hers. “That’s not it at all,” he stammered. “I’ve become rather fond of you, as have the men. You’re like a sister to us. It was hard on all of us to face the possibility of losing you, let alone to see you go into battle without us.”
Obi-Wan gave a nod, despite maintaining a straight face. And they say the Jedi don’t form attachments, she thought with a chuckle.
She closed her eyes and took a deep steadying breath. She pushed all of her concern and frustration to the back as she tried to open her mind to the new possibilities. “General,” she said, facing him at attention. “I happily accept my new assignment, and hope to serve with the 212th Attack Battalion in the future.”
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Thanks for Reading! - Dang
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bg-brainrot · 6 months
ok im wondering if you regret making this blog a side blog since ppl dont like know youre following them and stuff from your main blog so like making moots is like trickier. just asking cuz i was thinking of starting a little writing side blog myself and im like debating making a new acct for it! hope u have a good day :)
Hey anon, great question!
And YES. To be honest, my previous Tumblr days were many moons ago (10+ years), so I made a new blog to start fresh. I figured my main blog would be more general and I'd add sideblogs as I felt I needed them-- little did I know I needed something like Baldur's Gate to hit me like a freight train to actually begin using Tumblr again.
Initially I thought I would use it once in a while to look at nice fan art and see if there were any cool writing challenges, but once I realized I could actually like, talk to people, I was in too deep. 🥲
It definitely makes things like asks, likes, follows weird since it comes from my dead main blog-- I can't speak for how my moots feel, but I feel awkward when I'm like 'hey it's me again, promise I'm not a robot'. If I could, I would have just repurposed my main blog as an Astarion only blog, but, alas, Tumblr doesn't have any good way to transfer blogs from what I've Googled 😞
There are probably some good ways to handle this, like I've seen folks name their blogs similar things or use their main blog for something else, but I haven't honestly found a reason to use my main one yet-- maybe if I get obsessed with something new someday!
Thanks for the ask and hope you have a nice day too! ❤️
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