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notumbusbumbus · 2 years ago
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Questor in Trees, by Notty Bumbo, 2015
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karanseraph · 1 year ago
This art has zero to do with my fic, but seeing this and knowing what I just wrote, I feel like they are standing in the trans-dimensional foam....
"Can you keep a secret?" Skywarp asked.
"No," Whirl said, "No. I don't think so. Probably not."
"I'll tell you anyway." Skywarp leaned in, letting the walking stick lean against the kiosk and putting his left gauntlet atop the counter. "There was a more ancient universe, apparently, at least one. And it got destroyed, I guess. But there are these...soft spots where reality can bleed between dimensions or universes. Like there's space-time here and then there's unspace, but it you imagine space being folded, then in places, reality is rubbing up against itself - or each other - and wearing and bleeding through and so we can end up with pockets, like bubbles of lubricating foam generating between the folds, and stuff's just different there. And if you know where the soft spot is you can sorta break through and go there and find fossil remains of older and other realities all mushed together."
"This is so hot," Whirl said.
"Right! So, I went there...."
(except from my WIP)
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hello-eden · 4 months ago
Right Answer Wrong Question
Based on my post and @grimdarling69 add on
Danny crash lands on Earth with five children. from a few months old to toddler age.  The Justice League picks them up and does some basics trying to figure out who this is and if they're from that universe.
They find out that this is an alternate version of Jon Kent. Danny is in and out of Consciousness for a long time and the only people who can explain what happened are children, only one of whom is able to understand their questions.
on Danny's side of things he was thrown into the DC Universe after Vlad went crazy. Vlad was on a Redemption path for a long time after Dani and Dan destabilized a lot. he was paying child support and was allowed to visit.
He was doing well for about a year and a half until the Fenton parents got caught up in it and attack leading to them dying not by a ghost hand but by the GIW.
leading to Vlad going crazy he ended up falling back into old habits and taking Danny. he's obsession to not be the only halfa leading to him making more clones again. it gets to the point where he is no longer safe and team phantom teams up to send Danny away from Vlad where he cannot get him.
On the Justice League side he is an alternate of Jon but the thing that really sets them off is that Dante (dan) is Kon's alternate causing them to run some tests. With Danny passed out they are turning to the kids for information.
they are trying to figure out if Dante is also a clone but Dante mentions being in his mom's tummy.( Danny incubated Dan only for about 3 months due to his disconnect from their timeline causing problems) this of course causes many misunderstandings and when Danny wakes up he only makes it worse.
Some of these misunderstandings being Danny locked up for a lot longer than he actually was. He was locked up for 5 months but they think he's been locked up for at least 5 years due to the ages of the kids. Danny gave birth to all of the children. Both of Danny's parents have been dead for longer than they have due to how long he's been locked up and more. 
Atlas-1 ½ 
Orin and Leo- 5 months
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v-risalab · 9 months ago
I think it's extremely fucked that no matter how many times laios demonstrates how capable and smart he is, ppl keep calling him a himbo just because he acts like an autistic person
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thatsbelievable · 16 days ago
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Me when men can like girly stuff and they aren’t femmified just for not being 100% manly>>>>
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yurei-uwu · 2 months ago
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i-m-abett · 1 year ago
All I want for Christmas this year is my own novel sent from the future so I can plagiarize my future self and finish my book and publish it and then send it to the past to complete the time loop
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transmechanicus · 10 months ago
Not sure how i feel about Ishida Sui’s choice to treat ftm crossdressing/transition as neutral or honorable in the same body of work in which mtf crossdressing/transition is associated exclusively with an offensive and predatory stereotype of an older gay man and also a literal sadist child trafficker, and by ‘not sure’ i mean i kinda hate it a lot, come on man.
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that-ghosts-art · 2 years ago
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@alcorian-wizard reminded me of the trans dimensional arc with this awesome art so I drew a Big Dipper stealing a Little Dipper’s hat :3
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jelly-drop-buttons · 2 years ago
how i look thinking about holding Jonathan’s face and watching him relax and melt at the simple, warm touch of my hands:
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ilovemutantturtles · 9 months ago
smth that’s confusing in the crossover for me
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So then we have the crossover…
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Why is 2012 Leo shorter then the 87 turtles? Like I get 12 raph a bit but why is 12 Leo like 2 inches shorter(only using 87 raph cause he’s my fav and he’s the same height as his brothers)
I rlly hope this make sense also ignore how blurry and low quality it is
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zharizard666 · 3 months ago
What is up why is people so negative
Enjoy your stuff stop being so judgmental
eat an edible
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formulas-fatal-to-your-mom · 2 months ago
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mindmxtters · 3 months ago
option 1 for an arcane au for lexi: lexi (and friends) are vastayan zaunites who get zapped by some mysterious prismatic magical energy that was released from deep underground at the exact moment viktor and jayce invented hextech and "woke up the arcane" in doing so. the magic (and their subsequent powers) are actually from an artifact the team discovers houses the essence of a strange, otherworldly being named zadavia, shenanigans ensue. option 2, less canon-compliant but also extremely conceptually funny: the hexgates start setting off alarm bells on planet blanc due to a metric shitton of Unauthorized Wormhole Use suddenly happening all at once. lexi comes to piltover on what is supposed to be a very boring bureaucratic visit to be like "hey u guys need to be doing the right paperwork to use those things" and shows up in the midst of the drama* like
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*which drama? you decide!
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walkawaytall · 1 year ago
I love this stupid franchise.
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