#(poor man must be so touch-starved and I have to be the one to fix that)
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jelly-drop-buttons · 2 years ago
how i look thinking about holding Jonathan’s face and watching him relax and melt at the simple, warm touch of my hands:
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bingusbongu · 1 year ago
May I humbly request some Dr. Flug general dating hcs.. (hES SUCH A LITTLE GUY RVRGGGRGRHR)
A/N: SORRY IM ALITTLE LATE URG URG URG, well, i did do some Flug canons awhile back, BUTTTT since he is my favorite character of all time ill do some more:) I WANNA KISS THE BAG MAN. Also im going to be trying out some tumblr post styles in the next few posts i do to actually make my work appealing and attract more people! So dont mind if it looks different^^
《 Masterlist 》
《 Rules 》
TW: Stalking, mentions of neglect and abuse, murder and insane scientist behavior , mentions of starving,
Dr. Flug General Dating HCS
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• okay, the fact that he even managed to start dating you is truly bizarre to him. Even the fact you found out he liked you was by pure accident
• you either found out from Demencia who spilled the beans on accident while blabbing about the doctor, or Flug accidently fumbling out an "i love you" after you either do something for him while he wasnt paying attention.
• though, it worked out right after he found himself with a partner, and he STILL is so befuddled about it
• does not know a single thing about being in a relationship. You are going to have to be the one taking the lead. Slowly showing him the ropes of how a relationship works. He litterly took notes while you tried to explain everything to him, ITS IMPORTANT TO HIM OKAY??????
Once he gets an understanding of how a relationship works, he kinda starts,,, watching you abit more? Not only is he worried about you but he also tries to figure out your favorite things. He gets even more observant of you. Documenting you like you are some wild animal.
oh? You like a certain food? Writing it down. Certain type of chocolate? Writing it down. Special interest? Favorite music? Favorite animal? Favorite color? Everything about you he has down in his brain and his notes.
• though, he is usually to busy to actually go out and buy you certain things, so, instead, when he occasionally had time, he might tinker something small for you or fix something you need up! Just go to him and ask! Or if you dont, you might find it mysteriously fixed the next day
if YOU get him something, he has to stand there and pause for a second. You, got him something? You took your time to pick him out something? You put thought into a gift for him? He absolutely gets butterflies. And when i mean Butterflies, i mean he gets BUTTERFLIES. He stutters a thank you so bad as he is stimming in his spot.
if its an item like a plane thing he treasures it SO MUCH YOU DONT UNDERSTAND. He will start crying. Anything you buy for him or make for him, he puts it up somewhere so he can always see it, always. When he gets stressed he will look over at it and it automatically calms him down its SO SWEET
• he is so nervous to initiate physical affection that he clams up. He has gone so long without any actual form of touch that isnt to harm him, that he completely forgot what gentle touch feels like, so you are going to have to go slow as to not overwhelm the poor baby:(
Starting by holding his hand, gently slipping it into his own hand during a random time like just walking. He nearly jumps, but once he notices, he gets so flustered just by the little hand holding that he eventually slowly closes his fingers around yours in a gentle hold.
Occasionally putting your hand on his back when he gets upset or angry ir stressed is a MUST, He immediately relaxes
I think he needs a massage, like desperately. Rub this mans shoulders, rub his back gently. He shivers at your touch but completely folds. He has so many knots in his back its sad. So, occasionally, Flug will let you try abd work them out for him
Cuddling would take awhile im the relationship. He still gets so flushed under your gentle touches, that he has to adjust. Once he does though? You best believe he is coming to you for it. After a long day, he will go and find you and collapse into your chest while mummering something and letting you coddle him while listening to him rant, and MAN he appreciates it. He also likes it sometimes when you just are quiet together and he isnt doing something and leaning on eachother. Either he is tinkering or reading something and your are next to him with your head on his shoulder. Its really nice for him to get some quiet.
• kissing??? That also advances over time. You have to start slow. So your first move is definitely a cheek kiss. Slipping one onto his bag on one occasion, he nearly overheated and passed out. Like actually fainted
your form of kissing is just you occasionally pressing soft kisses to his bag. Which would usually happen in the mornings, when no one is looking in his lab, or at night. But each time he nearly explodes.
ACTUALLY kissing him though???? A DREAM. he has to get used to your bag kisses to actually think of kissing you for real. And he gets so flustered by it. Everytime you kiss his bag he cant help but wonder how an actual kiss with you would be like. So, he would stop you one of the times after you kissed him, and shyly ask you for a real kiss. He nearly coward out of it when you happily agreed. Though, you gave him his time, as he lifted his bag up only ever so slightly, and you leaning in to kiss him
Mfs heart actually almost stopped GIVE HIM CPR STAT. It was just a quick kiss, but you had to catch him from falling over before he passed out again
Will occasionally give you kisses back, mainly in the mornings before he goes straight to work, he gives you a little kiss and sluggishly leaving to slave away.
• Dates are alittle tough. Flug is ususlly pretty busy, but, atleast once a month you guys go out with eachother, going who knows where but enjoying some much needed time together
• cant flirt for the LIFE of him. Its always something science or plane related. Its adorable yes, but he doesn't have no capability of flirting with anyone, even if he tried.
• your guy's relationship is very secretive. Especially with Flug being a villain it puts a target on you. Even if you work alongside him, he dosnt want anything to happen to you, so he does everything in his power to protect your guy's relationship. Who knows what would happen if the big Hat himself found out?
The only ones who know of your relationship is Demencia and 505, and his bots
• SPEAKING of 505, he ADORES you. You become his second parent. Adding you in drawings and EVERYTHING. when Flug first started liking you, 505 definitely did his best to edge his father on and talk to you, he is such a good son UGHHHH.
• Flug finds alot of comfort in your presence. You can just walk into a room that he is in and he immediately relaxes and becomes much calmer.
You are his safe place. Eventually, he will open up to you, you just have to give him time. He has been keeping in his emotions for so long he forgot they even were there. So, if you let him vent out everything to you and you just hold him and listen to everything he has to say, just holding him and letting him actually cry for once, it makes him feel so safe. Like he dosnt have a reason to fear around you.
Will show his face to you eventually, just give him time
• usues nicknames only in private, like 'mi amor' or 'love'. And will have a heart attack if you call him one right back
• you are always there the moment he gets hurt, patching him up while he complsins that he could do it himself. But, underneath, he feels do special to have someone care for him for once in his life
• Flug is VERY protective over you. You are way to special to him for anything to happen to you. He makes sure you have a bot with you 24/7 to protect you incase he isnt there to do so, and to keep an eye on you. He dosnt knoe what he would do if he were to lose one of the only things that actually matters to him. So he always has your vitals up and always knows of you are okay or not.
Benefits of having a mad scientist of a lover, you have to be used to it. He tries so hard to hide that gruesome part of himself away that you just have to accept him for who he is. Even if you do, he still would prefer to keep you away from his work as to not traumatize you, no matter if you are used to it
Though, if someone is bothering you, being mean to you, just automatically tell him if he dosnt already know, they will go missing within an hour after you tell him. He would litterly do anything for you. You can say "kill this man" and he will attack without hesitating.
• he doesn't get to jelous, he mainly gets insecure. If your talking to someone else, he eternally freaks out, thinking about how he is a bad partner and your are going go leave him. You have to reassure him that you love him and are not going to leave him
• is very hesitant when you offer to help him out in the lab. He dosnt want you to end up hurting yourself, and he would feel awful if you were to do so. When you do try and help him out, its mainly just giving him tools and listing to him rant about the new invention. Regardless, the two of you enjoy the time together.
• just, out of random, you are the cook. Flug has so much troubles trying to cook its sad. He never really had time to learn for himself, and he is used to his bots doing it for him instead, or not at all. So, to make SURE this man eats, you make him food! Keeping Demencia away from it and bringing it down to his lab to eat, instead of starving himself. And boy does he appreciate it so much
Speaking of his bad habits, you have to make sure he actually eats and drinks water and rests. He is so stubborn and fights you sluggishly on it, but you always win and are dragging him to bed.
• Flug wont say it, but he depends on you so much, you are his rock, his caretaker. What on earth would he even do without you? You guys actually have a healthy relationship. You are aways with him and supporting him, no matter what the situation is, he knows he has someone who actuslly looks to him as a human being, who gives him the love he needs
He loves you so much, you are the sun to him, brightening him up and bringing him warmth and comfort.
He often asks himself
How did he get so lucky?
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minniepetals · 5 years ago
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— summary: running away from your master is never easy so you deem yourself this will be the last time if you are fatefully brought back to his hold again. so what happens when you stumble upon seven men who says they won’t bring you back? what happens when they promise you their love and care instead?
— pairing: bts x reader
— genre: angst, fluff, hybrid!reader, rich!bts
— word count: 9.7k
— warnings: mentions of abuse, running away from an abusive household, hybrid cruelty, hurt and comfort
— rec music: bts - heartbeat
Soaked and damped, your hair wet with a sweet smell of cherry blossom fragrance as the pretty tiny bubbles surround you. In the room the lights are bright and you feel a little shy as you sit inside the pretty porcelain bathtub while his fingers run through your hair in a gentle manner.
You have never felt this kind of touch before. It's so sweet and gentle and just...kind.
Oh so kind. 
You purr when he scratch along your kitten ears and Jimin chuckles lightly as he goes on, cleaning the area around it.
"It's a little torn," he frowns at the sight, fingers careful not to brush around it so that he doesn't inflict more pain. He's sure you've been through enough. He knows you've been through enough. "Does your neck hurt when you move around?" He asks gently, noting at the gash that circles it. You have cuts and bruises almost everywhere and something about that makes his stomach drop while his heart yearns for you.
"It does," you say in a small voice so sweet and careful. He doesn't know why anyone would ever want to hurt such a poor little thing.
"Where else does it hurt?"
Your old bandages were thrown in the trash, left discarded for you to never see and be reminded of the sad memories again. They weren't fixed up in the greatest way but what else could you do? You had no experience with those things, he can tell.
"It's okay, everything else are just scratches," you tell him and Jimin pats you gently on the head.
"You don't have to worry about asking too much, dear one, we're all here to help." You turn yourself slightly to meet his gentle eyes with your own that are painful and yearning for love and care. His heart hurts a bit at the sight so he reaches for your hand through the wet bubbles. "If it hurts, tell us. You won't be bothering anyone."
Your lips form into a small pout, eyes a little confused at his kind gesture. "But...my last master always told me I should never ask for help."
Jimin frowns. "No baby, it won't be like that anymore I promise you."
"It...won't?" You tilt your head just a little because it'll hurt the gash around your neck so he goes to hold your head and allow it to return to its original position. "You won't..bring me back?"
"Oh dear, of course not."
"R-really?" You're almost afraid, too afraid that if you let yourself trust in his kindness, it will backfire on you. What if he's lying? What if he becomes tired of you? What if he comes to find you annoying and brings you back? What will be the consequences then?
You're too afraid to think of the punishments that will happen. You're sure it's something way beyond your own imagination. What if this time when you return, you really won't ever see the light ever again? What if he starves you for weeks? Months? What if he hurts you even more? Or worse, what if he leaves you to...to die?
"This..." you hesitate and he sees the tears already swimming in your eyes. Your fingers hold onto the edge of the bathtub, gripping against it tightly, while your eyes cast away from him and towards the tiles of the bathroom floor. "This isn't the first time."
"No?" You shake your head and had forgotten about the pain on your neck so it hurts you and Jimin lets out a little gasp. "Careful sweetie, you're still in pain."
"I..I-I'm scared." Maybe you shouldn't have told a human this but what difference would it make? He knows anyway just by your tears alone. "I'm so scared."
"We won't bring you back, love," Jimin promises you as he lightly runs his forefinger along your jawline until it reaches your chin. "We won't bring you to the shelter or anywhere you wouldn't want." He carefully allows himself to tilt your head up. Carefully. Because he doesn't want to put you through any more pain. Your skin is soft and wet from the bath, the bubbles covering your shoulders and down so that he cannot see anything else below it but your collarbone peeks out just slightly. It's soft and pink.
Just like those pretty lips of yours. It's glossy. Pink and glossy and looks oh so sweet.
"We'll even keep you safe in here if you want to stay."
You blink for a second. "You'll let me stay?"
"Of course," he hums.
"Even if it means..." your cheeks blush as you bite your lower lip, small figure shrinking for a moment. "Even if it means..forever?"
Jimin smiles and you think it's just a kind gesture he's showing you to show appreciation for the fact that you wish to stay but that his answer would be no. They're always no's. A soft smile before whispering the reluctant reply and you're left to fear for where you will go.
A shelter, a pound.
Either way, you find yourself back in your owner's home and he rewards you with severe punishments. It is never fun but perhaps this is your destiny. If Jimin says no then you will give up. This will be your last run. You won't run away anymore even if it means you will never receive hope and kindness because it lasts for just a little while.
These kind gestures are sweet but the more you have it, the more you understand that it can never last forever. They never do. Because the next thing you know, you're waking up and returning to that dreaded mansion.
"Yes baby."
You stop breathing. You stop breathing.
"Even if it means forever."
You don't know why but those words itself hurts you even more than when the humans that have told you no.
"I'm not..I-I'm not always a good girl," you tell him.
"None of us are," he replies.
"I'm a mess."
He hums. "Me too."
"I'll always be seeking for attention. Loud noises frighten me. I-I get scared very easily. I can be a brat. There are so many things I wish to do and wish to wear. I-I'm not a good person. I'm very selfish."
"Oh baby," he pouts, "are you trying to convince me otherwise? Because it isn't working, you know."
Your brows knit slightly. "It isn't?" Why not? It always worked, so why doesn't it work on him?
"Not one bit," he shakes his head.
"Even so," you look away again, "what about your..friends?"
"Them?" Jimin chuckles. "I'm sure they'd love it if you stayed with us. Taehyungie and Jungkookie really loves little kittens. We've always wanted to get ourselves a hybrid but never got around to it so this must be fate."
"..fate," you whisper.
You think you like this word.
"Mhm. So don't worry about it, okay?"
"But..." you squeeze the bathtub again, hands trembling. "He...he'll come looking for me," you say. "He always does."
Jimin frowns and takes your hands into his. "Baby look at me." You do as he asks and he gives you a determined gaze. "No matter what happens, I promise you we will keep you safe."
"Even if he offers you a ton of money?"
"He's not the only rich resident living on Earth." Ah. You can tell Jimin is rich. After all, this bathroom is anything beyond what you can ever afford. You're sure that even his shirt alone is more expensive than an average human's apartment. "And even if any of us weren't so well off, we still wouldn't fall for such a sick joke. Your life is worth so much more than anything money can offer, baby, value yourself more."
Jimin is so kind you almost forget that this is your first meeting and he doesn't know you so much yet. But he's so willing to keep you safe that it makes you want to cry.
"It's illegal to keep me without owning me," you say.
"Seokjin's a powerful lawyer, baby, he can defend your honor, and Namjoon's a prosecutor who'll go up against your owner if he has to," he tells you otherwise. "We'll fix this, baby, by law or not. He won't ever touch you ever again."
"A-are you sure?" You ask him timidly. "What if you have to face consequences because of me?"
"It doesn't matter."
"You're willing to do this..." you press your lips together, thinking, and then meet his eyes again, "for me..?"
Jimin smiles. "For you." He runs his fingers through your hair again. It's dried a little from the air and by now he's sure you'll end up cold. "Now," he pets your head, "can you tell me your name, kitten?"
No one has really ever asked for your name. Your owner always called you by rude names sometimes you'd even forget you had a name. But you told yourself that if there is anything he can take away from you, it is that he will never be allowed to take your own name.
"..Y/N," you say. "My name is Y/N."
He kisses you gently on your forehead. A sweet, soft kiss.
"I'm Jimin."
Jimin helps to dry you up while Yoongi helps to clean around your cuts and gash and bandage you up.
You sit on the white tiles of the bathroom floor in just a simple piece of Jimin's grey button up shirt. It lays down to your thighs, covering you up well as you face Yoongi with your back in front of Jimin. Your fluffy tail sticks out from the shirt and it's a little too intimate, really, just sitting there in nothing but Jimin's shirt as the two men help clean you up.
But the blowdryer against your soft hair feels so soft it makes your head spin with bubbles and clouds and cherry blossoms you just want to fall asleep right then and there.
Jimin's fingers against your hair feels nice while Yoongi wraps a long bandage from your left wrist to your fingertips. He's already fixed up your neck and tummy, wrapping it with white bandage wraps. He just needs to do your right arm and your legs.
"Did you...fall of a tree?" the older man asks with a small frown.
"I.." you hesitate. "Mhm," you hum to confirm his fears.
Yoongi lays your left hand on your lap gently before moving on to your right side. "That must've hurt."
"It...it did," you admit. "It was scary. I-I fell asleep on the tree because I was scared someone would see me if I slept on the ground and woke up when I began to slip but it was too late to hold on then."
"You can't use your hands for a few days, okay?" Yoongi tells you. "And your legs aren't in the greatest condition either. We'll be taking care of you from now on so you don't have to worry about not being able to do things for yourself for a while." His voice is calm and steady. It's gentle yet demanding. A soft demand, something your master had never used. He's always been harsh and rude but the way Yoongi commands you makes you want to do it all. You don't dread his commands, you welcome it.
"You'll...be taking care of me..?" You ask him timidly.
Jimin presses a small kiss to your head at your question. "Of course, baby." Even though you've told him your name, he still opts to call you baby. You don't mind it, in fact, you like it. It's a pretty nickname and it makes you happy.
But you're still frightened to be happy because you know that happiness doesn't last for long when it comes to you, it never does no matter how much you wish for it.
As if sensing your fear, Yoongi looks you in the eyes and keeps it there as he place a small kiss against your knuckles.
"It's going to be okay, Y/N," he tells you. "Everything will be okay."
You aren't entirely sure yet. "How are you so sure?"
"Because we're here and you're here," he simply says. "Doesn't that already make things a little better?"
Not a little better, a lot better.
When you walk out of the bathroom, the maknae almost melts in sight.
You were pretty when they found you, broken pretty but pretty, and now here you are standing in their home with your body leaned slightly against Jimin for support. His shirt lays prettily against your frame, falling down to your thighs, with a fluffy tail swaying gently from side to side, and ears twitching a little at the sound of their feet padding your way. Jungkook wants to hold you and cuddle you but he knows that will be for another time when you're more comfortable.
There are bandages that hides your skin. One wrapped around your right ear, another around your neck. Two on both your wrists, hands, and fingers. Down your legs. He's sure you also have them hidden beneath Jimin's shirt and that itself makes him tear just slightly.
"How do you feel?" The maknae asks as he walks over carefully. When you don't flinch away and you allow him to run his hand gently against your head, Jungkook grins. "Are you hungry?" At the question, your stomach growls and he gifts you a sad smile. "We made food plenty for you to eat."
"I...um.." You bite your lip, eyes wavering with hesitation.
He reads your mind. "It's okay, you don't have to be afraid," he says and holds a hand out as a offer for you to take.
It's different from your last master. He doesn't hold his hand out, he just grabs you by the collar or hair and drags you about. You never have a choice on whether to go with him or not, he's always dragging you around.
So seeing this is different and it makes your heart confused because you really do want this, whatever it is, to last forever, but you're afraid of it being gone.
While a teardrop falls against your precious cheek, you allow yourself to live in this fantasy and place your hand over his palm.
Jungkook smiles at you. A sweet, sweet smile, and leads you into the kitchen.
"In this house, there are no rules," Seokjin tells you when he puts a bowl of porridge in front of you. Your mouth waters at the sight and smell. "Eat as much as you want, no one will punish you for anything."
You look down at your hands wrapped in bandages and is about to pick up a spoon when someone else takes it instead.
"It's okay to ask for help," Hoseok says with a sweet grin as he scoops up a spoonful of porridge and gently blows on it. "Tomorrow, there'll be more food."
As he hovers the spoon in front of you, you think that this is too good to be true.
"Want to go shopping?"
You blink your eyes at Namjoon's question. It's hard tilting with the gash around your neck so you settle with this instead. "For..what?"
He smiles and dimples appear before his cheeks and your heart almost swoons. It's charming. "For your clothes, of course."
You gasp. "N-no, you shouldn't..- you don't have to."
"But of course we should, Y/N."
You shake your head before wincing at the pain that shoots against your neck and it's their turn to gasp.
"Careful, Y/N, please be careful."
"I'm sorry, I'm okay," you promise Yoongi before turning to Namjoon again. "Y-you don't have to buy me anything," you tell him. "You shouldn't waste your money on someone like me. It's not worth it."
"Oh darling, is this what he's gotten you to think? That you aren't worth anything?" When you don't answer Seokjin's question and your eyes cast to the floor, they know that it must be true.
So Namjoon kneels before you and takes your hands in a gentle manner. He meets your eyes from the floor and sends you a sad smile. "All the things that he's told you are wrong, my love. You are precious as a gemstone, as the most beautiful flower in the universe, as the greatest person to have ever been born. You are worth more than anything in this world."
The sun shines bright from the morning day. It falls past the open curtains, through the glass windows, and touches you in a way you hadn't felt for a long, long time.
It's warm.
Just like Namjoon's hold.
Namjoon's hold is so much more precious. As if you are special, as if you are someone delicate and he doesn't dare to ever break.
"So let us do this for you, hm?" Taehyung says and you look up as he places a few pats on your head.
You feel nice. You feel like you're a good girl and you're being rewarded even though you've done nothing to deserve all this. "O..okay..." You say and they smile. "But I...I-I don't want to go out." You swallow a lump in your throat. Still afraid, still timid. "I don't want to..I don't want to risk anything. I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry, sweetheart." Taehyung smiles. "We'll go in your stead, me and Namjoon, and we'll get you all the pretty clothes that you deserve."
Namjoon nods as he stands again and when they're about to walk away, you hold the hem of his shirt just slightly but it's enough to make him understand that you still have something to say. "Please don't get too much."
Namjoon chuckles and ruffles your hair. "Don't count on it, baby."
You sneak out of your bedroom wearing a white cotton sweater that Namjoon and Taehyung got you a few days ago. It lays just against your upper thigh feeling oh so soft against your skin.
Tonight you can't sleep again but this is the first time you don't feel like staying in bed and doing nothing to rid of the nightmares. So you walk out, tiptoeing lightly though you don't know why because you're sure no one else is awake. But then again, you don't want to wake anyone up because you're being too loud.
They've already provided enough for you, you can't be ungrateful.
Still, you aren't sure why you're leaving your bedroom. Maybe for a drink of water, to clear your mind. Maybe hoping someone is awake? If they are, what will you do?
You don't know but your ears catch on something.
The light rapid tapping clicks of a keyboard just downstairs where the large living room is. You walk down with slow steps, legs better than it was when you had first met them. The bandages around them, your tummy, your ears, and your hands are all gone. Yoongi has checked on them everyday and was strict on when he'd take them off.
All that's left is the gash around your neck that still needs a little more time to heal.
It feels like a collar at this point but you don't find any ill will towards it. Yoongi wraps it around you after all.
The living room shows a bright light coming from the screen of a laptop and you find Hoseok sitting on the sofa, his brows creased with focus as his eyes run over the tiny letters written on the screen. For a moment he just sits there reading, a hand rubbing his chin, barely blinking just to keep himself from missing anything.
It's a similar scene to your last master but also so different.
Because Hoseok is kind and although his gaze is serious and firm as he's in his work mood, you know that he is gentle and that he will never hurt you in any way. The past few weeks with them have proved it.
You're mesmerized by the way he sits alone that you almost forget it's wrong to yearn for someone like him.
But seeing that he's awake, you definitely don't want to head back to your room now. You don't know what you'll do but you can't head back to that lonely place and you can't disturb Hoseok.
Yet when you take a step forward, something creeks underneath and you hold your breath as Hoseok looks up and over his shoulder to see who it was.
You think he'll grow angry that you've disturbed him but he doesn't. He isn't the same as your previous master. That isn't Hoseok or any of them because instead of shouting at you to return to your room, his face contours into a soft expression and the crease between his brows disappears for a moment.
"What is it, kitten?" His voice is strained from working over hours but it welcomes you in. "Can't sleep?" He asks.
You want to nod your head but your neck hinders it so you're forced to speak up. "Mm-hmm."
He extend a hand out at your soft hum, offering you to come along. You allow yourself to go at his request, feet padding softly against the floor.
He lets you sit next to him on the sofa, snaking his arm around your waist and pulling you in close yet deeming you not close enough so he settles you on his lap instead. You blush a deep rose color and hope that the darkness hides your face but the screen in front of the two of you only illuminates it. He chuckles gently, carefully placing you between his legs as he holds you close and breathes in your sweet scent. Hoseok leans in as if he can't get enough of you, places a kiss on your head, on your cheek, and against the bandages of your neck.
"Keep me company, hm?"
You've never felt so loved before. Not before leaving your master's mansion and accidentally meeting them.
But Jimin said it was fate. Jimin said this isn't accidental.
A serendipity.
You like that word. You like serendipity.
So you allow yourself to lay your head against Hoseok's chest, curling up against him. It's a little difficult with your neck but you do well eventually getting into a comfortable position. He smells nice, they always smell nice, and when he places a hand against your thigh, your tail curls around it subconsciously.
You can sleep now.
It soft and warm and you know you can trust him.
Some nights are better than others.
Some nights you'll wake up or you can't fall asleep at all and you'll stay cooped up in your bedroom, hugging the blanket, hugging the pillow, hiding yourself from the world, and cry silently to yourself. Those nights they can usually tell what has happened the morning after because you'll have bags under your eyes.
"Baby don't be afraid to wake us up if you have to," Jungkook tells you.
"Would you like to sleep with us?" Taehyung offers. "Will that make you feel better? Because it always makes me feel better sleeping with others. I can hug them and they'll hold me so that I won't be afraid of the dark."
They are too kind and you're too afraid of using that kindness to your advantage, still afraid of being happy and then growing disappointed all over again. So you sway your body a little from side to side because you can't hurt your neck and although they look like they want to say something further, they nod and let you make your own decision.
You will come around when you feel a little more comfortable.
Some nights are a little more unbearable and usually you can take it, usually the nightmares aren't that bad. But this time when you tried to sleep, any time you'd close your eyes, the images of your old master will appear to torment you over and over again.
The night is scary, you dread the night. Because unlike night, the morning offers you light. The morning offers you Seokjin's sweet pancakes. It gives you their warmth, their arms that wraps around you, their sweet good morning kisses.
So you try to stay awake through the night, hoping for it to just pass by like any other nights.
But tonight is harder than other nights and you're scared and you don't know if you can wait that long until the morning sun appears.
So you take the covers off your body and walk out, legs trembling as they lead you to the first door that is the closest to you. You knock on it softly. Three soft knocks.
It's dark and it's quiet and you think that perhaps the person behind the door can't hear the knocks because it's too soft but Seokjin is a light sleeper so of course he hears it.
Your ears pick up on his footsteps coming your way and you hold your breath, afraid, as he walks over and opens the door.
"I-I'm so sorry," you quickly apologize before he can say anything. "I just..I couldn't sleep and I know it's rude to wake you up in the middle of the night but I was so scared and the nightmares got a little too overwhelming but if you don't wish to see me then I'll gladly leave—"
"Nonsense," someone else speaks up. Their voice is deep and groggy and when you look up, you find Namjoon stepping up from behind Seokjin.
They've mentioned that they usually sleep together, often times switching it up between members because everyone would like a chance to sleep with one another. Split up in groups of two, two, and three. There's even a grand room with a bed bigger than you can ever imagine, that holds about seven or more people. They've told you that if you ever wanted to join along, you didn't have to be shy but you've always opted with sleeping by yourself.
Tonight you have Seokjin and Namjoon.
"Come here, pretty one," Seokjin says as he puts a hand behind your back and ushers you in. Namjoon closes the door behind you and you're led to their bed and laid right in between the two of them.
They hold you gently, careful not to be too strong and accidentally squish you but right now you'd really like to be squished, to know that they're here and they won't ever let go. But it's a little difficult with your sore neck, where the two of them place soft kisses against, and you think maybe you can ask for the tight holds when your neck heals.
For now, you let Seokjin sing you a soft lullaby to sleep even if it means repeating it a few times. He doesn't stop until he's absolutely sure you're asleep between their hold, where your soft purrs ring through the air and Namjoon goes on the brush away a small tear that escapes the corner of your eyes.
"She doesn't deserve any of this," Seokjin whispers into the night as he strokes your cheek.
"One day she'll be strong enough to tell us who he is," Namjoon is sure, "and when that day comes, we'll get him and finally make her ours."
"Legally or...?"
When the younger man smiles, Seokjin can see it through the moonlight glowing past their windows. He doesn't have to say a thing for Seokjin to understand what he means.
Yeah, that'd be something all of them would like.
For you to finally be theirs.
"W-wait..-" You stop Yoongi before he can collect the first aid kit and he looks up a little confused but urges you to go on. "Why...aren't you bandaging my neck up again?" You ask him, eyes filled with conflicting thoughts.
Yet Yoongi only smiles. "You have no need for it anymore," he states simply. "It's all healed now with just the scar left."
"N-no, I.." Your voice trembles and his brows knit together as he wonders what's going on. Surely you'd like the bandages gone, right? Doesn't it feel uncomfortable? It's been a month since you've had it on. You take the first aid kit and place it back on the table and take his hand into yours. "Please wrap it again," you ask of him. "It..scares me. I don't want to look at the scars imprinted on it because it'll remind me of what he did."
"Oh, baby." If Yoongi can, he'd leave the house right now to beat up the man that had ever dared to call himself a man, treating you in ways too cruel for a human, hurting you, leaving you to starve and thirst. It's all his damn fault, he's made you this way. So afraid of the world, too afraid to trust that easily. Yoongi can only wish for you to smile. He wishes to see it but he doesn't think he's ever seen such a precious thing plastered on your face.
So he sighs as he take the roll of bandage to wrap it over your neck like the routine the both of you has gotten used to. He'll tell the boys about this later but for now, Yoongi places a soft kiss against your neck when he finishes.
"You are loved, Y/N, please never forget that."
"How do you feel? Excited?"
"Mmm.." you trail of at Jimin's question, feet hesitant as you stare at the garage filled of vehicles. "Scared," you whisper and he takes your hand to squeeze it gently.
"It's gonna be alright," the oldest of the group assures with a soft smile.
"It's been a while."
"It has, hasn't it?" Taehyung nods as he thinks about it. You were just a small little kitten that had fallen upon their paths and they decided to take you in without hesitation. "But you're going to do great, I know you will."
Jungkook takes the driver seat of the black minivan while Jimin sits in the passenger seat and Taehyung stays in the back with you.
You haven't been out since they've taken you in and quite honestly, you're a nervous wreck. But you also know that if you want to heal, you'll have to take measures into your own hands. They've taken care of you so well so you have to step up the courage for yourself. You'll be alright, you know you will, with Taehyung next to you to hold your hand steady and the other two who checks on you through the rear mirror every once in a while.
It's just a simple task of grocery shopping. You wear a light pink long sleeved plaid mini a-line shirtdress that falls to your thighs. Taehyung likes seeing you in dresses so most of your clothes are just him spoiling you with pretty dresses.
You don't mind it. Well at first you did but he was always so insistent and told you he wanted to spoil you so you couldn't go up against him, not when he's always so willing to give you everything.
It's different from your last master.
Everything is different.
Even the steps you take as you walk around the supermarket and Taehyung and Jimin holds your hand while Jungkook pushes the cart. Your master never allowed you out to do anything and even if he did, his eyes were always on you to make sure you didn't run away. You can never scream aloud for help, he's threatened you so many times to not do that. And because of his status and money, you were always way too afraid to go against him in person.
But here, walking along the maknae line of your caretakers, Jungkook smiles as he sees the swaying of your tail which indicates that you're alright and he has nothing to worry about.
"Hello, do you know where they sell coffee beans?" The boys have their backs turned away as you stare wondrously at the various meat to your side when someone approaches you. It's a hybrid, a she-wolf, and it shouldn't scare you but it does and suddenly your heart is quickening and you can't get any words out.
Jungkook must have noticed because when he turns around and sees you, he's quick to act. "It should be down there, aisle eight," he points and the wolf smiles as she thanks him.
When she leaves, the three of them turns to you. "You okay?" Taehyung asks with concern as he places a hand on your shoulder.
They make it all better so you let out a soft sigh. "I'm sorry."
He shakes his head. "Don't be, my dear. We're so proud of you." He rewards you with a little kiss against your neck and at this point, the neck kisses has come to symbolize their love and care for you. A sign telling you that they're right here, that they won't go anywhere.
"I think we got everything on the list," Jungkook says a few moments later after wondering around the store. He looks over the paper Seokjin had given him again before shoving the thing behind his jean pocket. "Want to buy anything?" He grins your way. "You can get any snacks you'd like."
They look at you as you think for a moment before saying, "Mochi."
Jimin raises a brow, amused. "Mochi?"
"Does it taste good?" You ask and he chuckles.
"I want some," you say cutely and they proceed on to the frozen section not long after.
"What flavor would you like?" They all look good but as you look around at the variety, Jimin sees that you're more drawn to the pink ones. "Strawberry it is."
When you walk back out to the parking lot, something drips against your skin.
Then another, and another.
Before the four of you realize it's raining and Jimin has his bag of groceries all in one hand while the other rushes to hold his jacket over your head as you all run towards the minivan.
He's quick to open the door and rush you inside while they head towards the trunk to place the groceries in before safely returning to the safety of the van.
You run your hand against Taehyung's hair to flick away the tiny drops of water that drips from the tip of his hair and he goes on to pat along your dress. "You alright?" The man asks and you nod. "Your bandage got a bit damped," he says, pressing his lips together.
"It's okay," you say and Taehyung smiles as he tucks your hair behind your ears.
"Let's get you home."
When you return, the first thing Hoseok does is pull the four of you aside to dry yourselves with towels and change out of your wet clothes while the hyungs take care of putting away the groceries.
"Did you have fun?" The man asks as you sit on a chair while he wraps a new bandage around your neck. You nod at his question and he smiles.
"Next time we'll go to some place more fun," Jungkook promises with a gentle ruffle of your hair.
"Will it be crowded?" You worry.
"It doesn't have to be," he tells you. "Until you're comfortable, we'll only do the things that doesn't involve too many people, alright?"
When Hoseok is finished with your neck, the five of you return to the kitchen where Jimin helps you open your snack.
"It's cold," you shiver at the feel of the soft yet freezing sensation.
The man chuckles as he picks up a piece for you and offers it to your mouth. You take a bite which make things a little more cold but you're too caught up by how sweet and delicious it is to care. "Wow!"
"Delicious, isn't it?"
"Mhm!" You nod enthusiastically and Jimin smiles fondly as he goes to wipe away the white powder that has made itself around your lips with his clean hand.
"I'm so proud of you, baby."
You frown cutely in confusion at your second bite. "But I haven't done anything."
"But you have, my sweet kitten," he tells you otherwise. "You've gotten more comfortable asking us for things and have decided to go out all on your own. We're all so proud of you."
The soft kiss he rewards you with on your forehead makes your heart flutter.
"I have a present for you."
It's a late night. The stars and moon are present in the sky, the curtains closed to keep any creepy things of the night from scaring you, and the lights are on as the eight of you sit around in the comfort of the living room.
You look at Yoongi with confusion as he pulls out a white box with a pretty pink bow wrapped on top. "We all decided to pitch in," he says. "There's two of each from each of us in here all for you."
"For me?" He nods as you look at the box, curiosity peeking in as you wonder how there's two of each gift from the seven men that sits and awaits for you to open the present. You take the box, sniffing instinctively yet smelling nothing that can ruin the surprise.
They watch you steadily, holding their breaths as you untie the pink bow and let it fall away. When you open the box, something unexpected greets you. There are rolls of soft silk that lays in the box, all in different colors, fourteen altogether. It sits prettily inside in rows, soft in colors, not too bright, not too dull.
You take one in hand, an ivory color, and the silk unrolls upon your fingers. Your eyes widen at what it has to offer, untangling into a long piece of silk that looks so similar to something you have gotten used to wearing.
"Th..this..." You look up at Yoongi who holds a steady gaze. It's calm and soft, just the way that makes your heart ache and flutter at the same time. There are tears swimming at the brim of your waterline before he even explains it.
"They're for your neck," he says gently. "We figured it'd feel much better to wear something that doesn't seem like you still have to heal, because you're already doing so well, something that doesn't look like a burden, something that will make you feel better about yourself instead of looking in the mirror and staring at the bandage wrapped around your neck. We wanted to make you feel pretty because you deserve so much more than what this world has to offer, Y/N. You deserve all good things that doesn't always have to remind you of your previous life because you are beyond whatever he had always told you. You are loved and cherished and there is nothing in this world would we like more than for you to know that you will never be alone. We'll always be here for you, Y/N, so you don't have to be afraid anymore."
It's a scary world.
A world that frightens you more than the sleepless nights you'd still sometimes get.
You aren't used to kindness, you aren't used to others seeing you as an equal. Heck, you were even afraid when that hybrid approached you for directions.
But to be here with the ones that have found you laying helplessly on the dirty ground, the ones that have taken you into their sweet home, cleaned you up, fixed up your wounds, fed you, allowed you to have your own room and bed, the ones that have never stopped showing you that they care. They'll always press a kiss somewhere on your body, remind you that you deserve all nice things, shower you with love and affection, and have never gotten angry at you even when you make a slight mistake.
It's as if the universe has finally allowed you to live well, as if this is destiny and that you're meant to be here with them, loved and cared for.
Sometimes you do wish there was something a little more but you know that you cannot be that selfish. You have them as this and for now, that is all you'll ever care to want.
So you push the box aside and you wrap your arms around Yoongi's neck and he allows you to climb into his lap, nuzzling your nose in the crook of his neck and allow yourself to tear up. "Thank you," you whisper.
"Oh, pretty kitten, you deserve the world."
You shake your head lightly. "I don't care about having the world, I just want you."
He meets the eyes of the others with a soft gaze. "You have us, baby."
"Do you ever want to be ours legally?"
You look between Seokjin and Namjoon who sits across from you from the coffee table and stop eating the half eaten apple slice in your hand.
It's a question you love and hate at the same time. Yes you want to be theirs legally, but that would also mean another thing. You aren't dumb, you know Seokjin and Namjoon can take care of these things because they work for the law, fighting for more rights for hybrids but you know that it won't be easy.
It will never be easy for your case.
"Won't that mean..." you trail off, eyes falling to your lap as you plop the last piece of apple in your mouth and return your hands to your lap. You chew onto the fruit slowly, swallowing thickly before looking back up at them, a little more conflicted. "It will mean having to deal with him," you say in a small voice. "It means..I have to see him...won't I?"
"No, baby," Seokjin shakes his head gently. "I will not allow him to see you if you definitely do not wish for that. He won't be able to hurt you ever again."
You curl up into a little ball, arms wrapped around your knees, head hidden halfway against it. "But he's scary," you say, voice timid with a soft whimper. "He'll think of ways to get me back once he knows I'm still alive and..and..-"
"Hey, hey, hey." Namjoon rushes to your side in a calm voice with arms circling around you. "It's okay, baby, we've got you. I promise you everything's going to be okay."
Seokjin comes to your other side. "Any hybrid mistreated by their owners are protected under the law. He will not be able to get past us, I promise you."
"How're you so sure?" You sniff as you lean in closer to their touches. "He's a powerful man."
"There's one of him and seven of us," Namjoon reminds.
"And two of us who knows the laws more than anyone," Seokjin adds.
"Have a little more faith in your freedom, baby, we've got connections too."
"I'm scared," you confess though in all honesty, you don't really have to because they can already tell. Why wouldn't you feel scared? Petrified? This is dealing with your last owner after all.
A man not worthy of being titled a human and Seokjin and Namjoon just wants the nightmares all gone at the snap of their fingers.
But they know that it will be much more than that, something more difficult.
And seeing you in this distressed state, lips whispering sweet comforts into your ears, they meet each other's eyes and there's a silent vow that they give one another.
A vow that they will fix all of this.
You're worth all of it after all and they will never give up on you.
The nights are long but the days grow longer. Insomniac. Trying to hold onto the last pieces of hope you have left in this life.
It's scary, not knowing what the outcome will be especially when the boys refuse to tell you how the case is going because all they wish is to protect you. You've told them plenty of times that you can take it, that you're strong and brave enough. But even then, they'll only pat your head and say, "I know, babygirl, but let us take care of everything, alright?"
Maybe they're right, maybe you'll go crawling back to your little hole and deem everything and everyone is scary and mean all over again, but it's even more scary not knowing anything.
Seokjin and Namjoon comes home so late and then locking themselves up in their offices. The rest of the boys hold you through it all, keeping you safe in their arms, whispering sweet comforting words to make you feel a little better.
It helps. You know you'd be in a worse condition if it weren't for them, so you allow their warmths to welcome you in.
It's just scary so you refuse to sleep, knowing the nightmares will tear you down all over again. So you stay in the arms of your sweet boys who cradles you and press kisses to your head, petting you, scratching you lightly on your kitten ears just to evoke soft purring out of you.
"Do you think we'll win?" You ask Jungkook timidly as he runs his hands through your hair with a sweet rose scented shampoo. Your fingers play along with the pink bath bubbles hoping to distract yourself but it doesn't really help. "Do you think I'll ever become yours?"
"Oh, baby," he sighs with a gentle smile curling along his lips, fingers stopping midway to press along your human ears and raise your head up. You're pouting just slightly with big round eyes that he can stare at for days if he could. Jungkook leans in, the tip of his nose touching yours, giving you a sweet eskimo kiss. "You're already ours even without the legality."
"I am?"
"If you want to, that is."
"Of course I do!" You wrap your arms around his neck, only to remember you're still in the bath soaking wet a little too late, and a cute gasp leaves your lips when you wet him. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean-"
"I know baby," he chuckles, "it's alright."
You place your hands back into the water sheepishly with your cheeks rose pink. "I'm just.." you sigh, "I'm just scared, Kookie, and I'm worried about Namjoon and Jin."
"Namjoon will make sure to throw him into prison, sweetie, and Jin will make sure you are legally ours and that he won't get to you. No matter what tricks he has up his sleeves, he won't get away with this, I promise you. They'll take care of him. The laws have been readjusted to protect the hybrids and their rights. We'll win this, I know it, and it may take a while for everything to heal but Y/N," there is a soft gaze resting on his face as he goes to lightly graze along the skin on your neck.
It doesn't hurt anymore but you still like covering it up and the only times it's out there for them to see is in moments like these. A scar to remind you of what has happened but that you're healing day by day, all because of them.
"No matter how long it will take, my sweet kitten, we will never give up on you, you got that? You've got us for the rest of your life."
You smile at his words. "Is that..a threat?"
Jungkook laughs. "No, baby," he shakes his head then leans in to place a soft kiss upon the scar, "it's a promise."
"Jin!" You jump out of Hoseok's hold and run over to the man that finally emerges from his office. Him and Namjoon are always either at the law firm or stuck in their offices trying to win this case and now here he is, hopefully to take a breather. The man welcomes you in his arms and holds you up, chuckling with you greet him with kisses because you miss him. "You alright?" You ask as he sits the two of you down on the sofa beside Taehyung.
He readjusts your position to something more comfortable and you look up from where he holds you, a thumb reaching up and slotting itself right in between his creased brows.
His tired expression softens and Jin sighs with content, knowing all of this will be worth it in the end. "I'm okay, baby," he assures you.
"But we need your help with something," Namjoon says as he comes in to join the group. His arm crosses against his chest, brows furrowed, a look of discomfort as he closes his eyes for a moment of hesitation as if asking anything from you is too much.
"What is it?"
He lets out a sigh before fluttering his eyes open again and meets your gaze. "Sweetheart...can you tell us what happened?"
You knew at some point you'd have to come clean about your past and tell them everything. Of how you were brought into his home, what happened, the details of what happened and not just the gist of everything because they know the gist. You're a hybrid who was unlucky to be bought by some cruel man like many other hybrids out there, therefore starved for days, hurt and beaten.
But that's all they know. And they can only guess what happened.
They don't know how you were hurt, how your neck was in such a condition, what horrible things he's made you do, what hurtful words he's told you, they don't know any of the details.
So are you ready?
Seokjin can feel you trembling so he holds you a little tighter, a little closer, pressing your ears against his chest for you to listen to his heartbeat because he knows it calms you down listening to the beat of their hearts. "Oh baby, it's okay. We're right here. You don't have to say a thing if you don't wish to. You don't have to revisit the past, baby. It's okay." He press kisses on top of your head, rubbing his palm upon your arm and back.
And he's right.
They're right here no matter what happens. Always here to comfort, always here for hugs and kisses or to just be the pillar you need when you want to be held, always here to listen.
They aren't like the master you had before. They listen, they care, speaking in soft gentle tones for you, spoiling you with gifts, allowing you to eat whatever and as much as you want, never scolding you for anything except for when you aren't taking care of yourself, but even then they'd promise they'll be the ones to take of you in your stead, until you learn to care for your own self.
The world is scary. Humans are scary, some more than others, some that just seems scary but aren't, most of them you may never come to trust.
But still, they're here. Right here, holding you, not forcing you to do or say anything against your will.
So you shake your head and lean back just a little, wiping away your tears, holding a hand against your heart and take in a deep shaky breath to steady yourself. "No, it's okay," you say, taking Seokjin's hand and squeezing it gently. You look up at the rest who has on the same worried expressions and can feel your heart fluttering with warmth, wanting to cry again but for a different reason. "It's okay, I trust you all."
The story is long and horrible and has you crawling in fear all over again as you relive your nightmare but they're right here for you. Even as you cry and have a breakdown, them telling you you don't have to go on, but you still go on.
For them, and for yourself.
Not everything is alright but they always make it better.
Weeks later, your ears pick up on the entrance door creaking open and Namjoon and Seokjin walks in, suit jackets draping over their arms with their briefcases just hanging on the tip of their fingers, hair ruffled and messy, tired eyes, looking oh so exhausted. They see you emerging from the kitchen floor and you greet them with a small smile just ready to comfort them into making sure they rest in between all of this mess.
Yet something feels a little different than the past days, and when you see their faces brightening at the sight of you, arms held open, you think you understand what that means.
The tears form along your waterline before you can even think of the thoughts, feet rushing at such a fast speed before you can tame yourself, running straight into their arms with sobs escaping you. And so they hold you there, laughing, hugging you back just as tightly, with sighs that indicates that it's over. It's truly over.
You're theirs now.
"You alright, little one?"
It's in the middle of the night, you're in your room head filled with thoughts as you sit on the floor at the foot of your bed, fluffy white rug underneath you, with a pretty familiar box that falls open in front of you. The rain falls hard outside, dropping against your windows, thunder crashing at one point or another, but you aren't afraid as you were before.
You welcome it, tail swaying gently from side to side. Perhaps it just goes to show how angry your last master is but even then he cannot win at this game called your life. You're sheltered in a home that will never let anything bad fall upon you. Sheltered in their arms.
When you look up, Yoongi walks in as the others follow, their eyes casting to the pretty white box you have out on display, scarfs untangled from their rolls, clashing upon one another.
You are more than alright.
"You've taken your scarf off," he takes note of your naked neck as he settles beside you. "You doing alright?"
He rakes his hand into your hair, scratching upon your scalp lightly. "How can I not?" You purr, consciously leaning in closer to him. "I don't think I'm scared of it anymore," you say, placing a hand against your neck. "But the scarfs hides the ugliness so I'm gonna keep wearing it."
"Sweet kitten," Yoongi sighs as he takes you into his lap. "Nothing about you is ugly, you got that?" He says, chiding gently.
"People will say otherwise," you pout.
They don't say anything but Jimin comes forth, putting the box of scarfs to the side, his hand holding your face. Before you can question what he's doing, he peppers kisses all over your face that has you bursting out with giggles because the sweet sensation feels ticklish.
"S-stop," you squeak but he doesn't relent and Yoongi only holds you still in his arms, refusing you to turn away and escape both their grasps.
"Not unless you say you're pretty," the younger man muse.
"Okay, okay! I..-" He lets you hold him still in front of you, faces just about an inch away. "I.." you stutter, "I'm pretty."
Your cheeks are bright pink under the light of your room from the embarrassment of saying such a thing and Jimin chuckles. "Mmh," he hums, voice dangerously low, "you sure are."
The next thing you know, Jimin's lips falls upon yours and your eyes widen, heart drumming loud and hard against your chest almost to the point of you thinking it'll probably take flight.
Your first kiss.
It isn't a peck, a small one that leaves too quickly for your liking, but even as he feels your surprise and hesitation, he doesn't stop there, not when your own eyes eventually flutters shut, and goes in to actually taste your sweet lips against his pillowy ones.
The world feels like it's stop just to allow this to happen, your head spinning in circles still not believing this is actually happening and not understanding why. But you don't pull away because his lips are so addicting, sweet and soft just as you've imagined them to be.
When he leans away a moment later, your face is flushed and Yoongi can feel the heat radiating off you.
"Ah hyung," Jungkook whines from behind the man that has just kissed you, "I wanted to go first."
Jimin chuckles when you avoid his eyes and go to hide your face in the crook of Yoongi's neck, curling into a ball against him. "Hmm...I'm guessing babygirl likes it?"
You never knew Jimin could be such a tease.
"Come on," Namjoon sighs, "we're supposed to take things slow, clarify things first, not just go straight for her lips."
"Wait, what?" You lean away from Yoongi's hidden shelter, eyes wide and filled with curiosity as you look towards Namjoon for answers. "What does...what did that kiss mean?"
"Shouldn't you, you know," Taehyung chuckles, "ask the one who kissed you?"
"I..-" You don't know how your body can grow hotter by the second but it does and butterflies are flying everywhere in your tummy, heart drumming frustratingly loud.
"You don't know what it means?" Jimin feigns a pout. He holds the side of your face, kisses you on the head and the temple. "You don't know, my sweet innocent kitten?" He tilts your head just a bit to press a kiss against your neck.
You think you do but no one's ever told you such words before.
"Can you..say it?" You ask meekly as you look up at him, eyes gazing through your lashes. "Can you say the words?"
His face softens at your insecurities and the tears that begins to form without your knowledge. "Oh baby," he breaths, "I love you so much."
"We all do," Hoseok says. He takes your hand as Yoongi holds you a little tighter.
"We love you," Seokjin declares.
A tear falls against your precious cheeks and their heart aches at how much you've had to suffer to finally find happiness, to finally find a home. Jimin catches it before it can drip down from your chin and wipes the trail.
Were you lucky to stumble into their paths?
Months ago you'd probably say so sitting in that bubble bath as Jimin washed you. But now you don't think it was ever a happy accident.
Perhaps Jimin was right when he said this is what one would call a serendipity. Hearts written in the constellations before the universe was even created.
And for that, you know you've found your home.
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dynamicduoofstackie · 4 years ago
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I’m curious why SamBucky is so rare-ish in these streets when it comes to pairing Bucky with an MCU character? I get it, I get it, with the Stucky ‘end of the line’; we been teaming up since the comic book days spiel. I personally see Bucky and Steve as brothers after Captain America: The Winter Soldier cause it felt like Bucky was ready to adopt Steve after his mother, who was his only remaining family, died.
That’s me. I know everyone not going to see it in that light. But Bucky gives me big brother vibes whenever he has to save pipsqueak Steve in the MCU. Plus the original comics had Bucky as an adorable, little sidekick that would make you think reverse big brother and little brother, with Steve being the big brother and Bucky the little brother. I don’t read the comics so it might just me. No offense. 
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Is it really about the, Steve knew him longer thing? I mean other than possibly Natasha in the comics, Bucky has no clearly defined MCU love interests. Bucky was a flirt before he met Sarah Wilson, so him being able to flirt, just proves he’s coming into his own. I’m not saying he doesn’t like Sarah that way. But he also flirted with Peggy in the first Captain America movie because he’s a lady killer and was more than willing to take the two girls off Steve’s hand at the Stark Expo when Steve floundered. Steve/Tony I sorta get with the enemies to lover trope. The Bucky x Clint thing is really mind-boggling to me because there were no interaction between them in the MCU; so something must have happened in the comics. So okay... But the fact that Sam had more interaction with Bucky in the MCU and had a whole comic book series with him and Bucky shouldn’t have the ships OF SamBucky and Sam x Clint at a 700+ fanfic difference. Fandoms are so weird sometimes... anyway...
Sam and Steve are the only ones in the MCU who really interact with Bucky outside the strong and beautiful people of Wakanda. None of the Wakandians seem interested in Bucky, except in maybe a familial way. Like they found a stray cat, nursed and raised it; but the cat is still an outdoor cat that might visit from time to time, but is mostly out there doing its on thing. Just the feeling I get with how comfortable Bucky was interacting with Princess Shuri and/or the Dora Milaje. They respect him, fixed him, and let Bucky roam free.
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Steve is somewhere on the moon or wherever, in The Falcon and Winter Soldier tv series and Sam is the only one willing to stay in contact with Bucky. Shoot in Endgame only Sam and Steve were Bucky’s only people because Steve protecting Bucky caused a rift between the Avengers. It was repaired, but Team Iron Man doesn’t know Bucky at all, and/or don’t seem interested. Team Captain America are either dead (Natasha), being with their family (Clint and Scott), or dealing with their own shit (Steve and Wanda). So that leaves Sam. That’s really no coincidence even though I’ll admit, Steve going to a support group to more Peggy instead of his two best friends that were recently missing was kind of shitty.
So again, getting back on track, why isn’t their more Sambucky love? We already know Stucky is default most popular in the fandom for Bucky pairing. But Sam, who has the enemies turn friends aspect about him and has been the only one, besides Steve, who openly tried to find Bucky. I mean what better love story is it for a man who went from thinking Bucky would be better off dead, to suddenly sacrificing his 9 to 5 and freedom to search for Bucky and help him escape the airport in Germany?
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I mean SamBucky is one of the few ships that has a foundation of amazing content from Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan’s interactions with each other. Mackie and Sebastian literally went from play pretending like they couldn’t stand each other, to damn near needing someone to chaperone them in their interviews because they so random shit, flirt and love to be close. Sebastian has talked about Mackie more than any costar and Mackie has a wonderful knack for finding Sebastian on any red carpet event to compliment the hell out of him. They literally had a show created for the two characters because of that amazing chemistry and Sebastian even co-signed on it with this gem below.
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The MCU was throwing Bucky and Sam together over and over again, way before they got their own tv series. They argued together, fought each other, tried to one up each other by ripping wings and dropkicking from the air. Even in the television show big-hearted Sam willingly allows Bucky to go on a top secret government mission with him. Checks in on him constantly to make sure he’s okay. The only one that defends Bucky against people like Zemo, Sharon and John Walker. 
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Sam really was the one person that helped put most of Bucky’s demons to rest in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. He gave him the tough love he needed in the end. He gave him purpose. He teased him like he was a normal person and not a former, brain-washed assassin. Sam watched over Bucky because he wanted to. Steve never asked him to check on Bucky. Steve never asked Sam to help him find Bucky. Steve never asked for Sam to sacrifice his freedom and go to the raft just so Bucky and Steve could escape in the airport. Sam volunteered to do that all on his own because he saw how worthy Bucky was. 
Why else would Sam have him on a top government mission? Why else would he try to bail out Bucky from jail or follow Steve and Bucky against his Avenger allies? Why else would he let Bucky talk him into let Zemo go? Or any of the other insane things they did together, unless he didn’t care? 
And that’s what Bucky needs, someone to give a damn about him. Someone to text him and chase after him. Someone to defend him and remind him that he’s not the Winter Soldier anymore. Someone to offer him a place to stay and normalcy. Someone who isn’t afraid to introduce to his family or watch his six in a battle. Someone touch him because he knows Bucky’s been touch-starved or tease him because he’s not afraid to be next to him. 
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Sam knows this Bucky. The Bucky who was determined to give the Shield to Sam. The Bucky who dangled kids off his arm while talking to Sam’s sister. The Bucky who has trouble sleeping at night because he still has demons. The Bucky who tried to kill him because he didn’t have control of his own body The Bucky who was just as broken as Sam when Steve just Peggy over them. The Bucky who is trying to find purpose in a world that has forgotten about him. He doesn’t have to remake himself into the old Bucky for Steve because Sam only knows this Bucky. Bucky doesn’t have to be anybody, but himself around Sam and he is.
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I mean maybe people  don’t care to pair Bucky with Sam because he was against saving Bucky the first time; or didn’t pull up the car seat; or didn’t want to jump in believing Bucky after he threw him across the room by his chin; or maybe because Sam’s black... WHO KNOWS. 
I just thought it was odd that the fandom doesn’t respect Anthony Mackie as a whole, too. Like the poor man has to insert himself into interviews with his white costars just to not be pretty arm candy. But that’s another rant for another post. 
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colossal-fallout · 4 years ago
[ Classified ]
The full report - Eren Yeager
The following report details all information on Eren Yeager. Contains NSFW content and reader must be over the age of 18 to view this document.
For your eyes only.
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Name: Eren Yeager
Birthplace: Shiganshina
Height: 180cm / 5ft 9"
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[ A1 ]
Appearance & Hygiene practices:
Eren's chestnut brown hair is always clean and fresh. Whenever he pays you a late night visit, he'll have most probably just gotten out of the shower. Coconut scented shampoo of sorts? Whatever it is, it smells so good.
Prefers showers over a bathe. He says it's to save time, but he spends a good 40 - 60 minutes in there, easily.
Once he's dry, likes to throw on jogger bottoms and a hoodie over his bare skin. His bare skin that is now so soft and scented as his favourite shower gel which is either tea-tree oil or Coconut.
If he wants to remain clean shaven, Eren must shave every 2-3 days. Sometimes he likes to grow it out but nothing ever past a long stubble.
Minimal body hair.
Trims the hairs on his pubic bone/lower stomach. Has pleasuring you in mind as he does so. Will take into consideration the friction against you.
Totally clean shaven testicles.
Eren's nails are short but that's because he bites them. [ see section A3 ]
Beautiful set of teeth. Brushes twice daily in a modern AU.
Eren adores it when you brush his hair for him. He finds it extremely relaxing as you massage his scalp. His eyes will close and a small, barely audible hum will emit from time to time.
Eren's skin care routine is pretty basic. All of the steam from sitting in his hot, frequent showers for so long seems to do him wonders - his skin is flawless and worthy of envy.
Due to the healing power of being a Titan shifter, Eren has no scars.
Eren has quite large hands with long fingers. He doesn't wear rings or jewellery as it reminds him of the burden of when he had to keep that damn key on him at all times. Will however, put up with a wedding ring.
Body & Love language:
Eren is a pretty introverted person. His hands are usually tucked away inside of his pockets - be it either trousers or hoody/jacket.
He hunches a little too. Likes to feel hidden. He's had enough attention over the years and wants nothing more than to just shrink away in a crowded room. Or maybe, it's the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Brooding, moody exterior. Extreme "resting bitch face"
Shrugs a lot. At first glance, you'd think he was a moody teenager trapped in a grown man's body.
Likes to sit with his feet flat up on the chair with his knees splayed - you'll usually find him like this with an arm resting over a knee while the other is at a 90 degree angle pointing away from his hip.
Fumbles his hands together in formal occasions when he can't sit so casually or tuck them away.
Likes to drape his arm over you without touching you. His arm will rest above you on the top of the chair. A clear indication of "They're mine" and "I will keep you safe"
His hips will usually be swivelled in your direction, regardless of where you are in the room. A subconscious body language of sexual yearning.
Eren likes to hold hands with you when you're walking. He's not huge on PDA but likes the strong yet subtle showings that you're together.
Tends to rub his thumb over the back of your hand absent-mindedly when you do so.
His love languages include physical touch. Can get very needy and touch starved pretty easily. Not in a overbearing way, but even just a run of his slender fingers through your hair is enough to keep him going until the two of you are in a more private setting.
Bad Habits & Tendencies:
As mentioned above, Eren bites his finger nails. His toe nails too. It's pretty gross to be honest.
He never does it in public, but he has been known to do it in front of you when he feels comfortable enough to do so.
Get's very fidgety when irritated or annoyed, which is pretty often. Especially if Jean is around.
Short temper. He's learned to tame it more over the years where he doesn't show it so easily. But everyone has their limit and when his is reached, his yell is booming and pretty intimidating.
During an argument with you he has been known to raise his voice, but it's not the frightening roar you've heard him unleash on others before.
Always apologises to you after he's calmed down. Even though it wasn't that bad.
If you two ever have a bad falling out, will lock himself away for days. He'll be pissed at himself for letting it get so bad and depressed that you two are having such problems. But he'll do anything he can to fix it.
[ A4 ]
Common misconceptions:
Obviously everyone has their own cannons and opinions. But I don't personally see Eren as being an abusive partner. Yeah, he has his problems and treats his friends like shit but there's a reason for that we'll probably see in the last chapter. If you're worthy enough to pierce that cold and distant shell, you're a very special person and he'll treat you as such.
Eren actually has a large heart hidden under that huge chip on his shoulder. He cares and loves the people around him unconditionally. Even to the point of carrying out mass genocide to protect them.
Still... He does have a dark side to be weary of at times.
Even though he's gross while in Liberio, usually Eren is actually pretty clean.
[ A5 ]
Food & Drink:
In a Modern AU Eren loves fancy coffees with the weird names. The longer to pronounce, the better. He just likes the fact they give him energy and the fancier ones taste good.
Due to not having meat for so long, a good ol' fashioned beef/lamb stew is his favourite.
Doesn't drink in canon.
Modern AU, his alcoholic beverage of choice is bottles of beer and craft ales. Sometimes is a sucker for red wine.
[ A6 ]
Modern Au:
Eren wears loose clothing. Hoodies, loose jeans, those baggy cardigans too.
His texting style is spam over one long message. Especially if he's pissed off. He's too impatient to sit and type in paragraphs.
Drives a black car. Don't ask me what type, I don't know cars. But it's black, 'kay?
It also has "black ice" air freshener inside.
Likes to ride quads and mopeds along fields. He's a thrill seeker. Rollercoasters, bungee jumping... you name it he's game.
Eren plays the guitar. He took lessons for it but after about a year he just went his own way and self-taught.
If he sees a guitar at a party, he will pick it up and play it. He won't sing though.
He actually hates singing. He finds it embarrassing.
Always has in his air pods/earphones.
Likes any sort of music that is catchy.
Probably streams on Twitch. He won't talk much though.
Could have a wide range of jobs. Coffee shop, could be in college, might be a ride attendant... who knows? It's anyone's guess what Eren is doing. He doesn't talk about himself that much.
Romance & NSFW
[ B1 ]
Eren would definitely be in denial he has a crush on you at first.
• “Does y/n seem different to you?”
Armin; “No…? In what way?”
“I dunno… Just, different.”
• His poor stubborn brain would be ticking for weeks as to why he suddenly wants to be near you a lot more often and has urges to touch you, even if it’s just a slight brush against your arm.
• Will find any excuse to do extra training with you
• Once he FINALLY clicks on as to why he’s had these feelings, he’ll be pretty knocked off his feet and a little annoyed at himself.
I’m here to kill the enemy...
• Still though… Can’t seem to keep himself away.
[ B2 ]
First kiss & general kisses:
After the initial denial and keeping himself away, he'll just decide one day he's had enough of feeling this way and decides to to something about it.
He won't shove himself onto you. He'll do some sly probing to see if there is any indication of reciprocation.
Knowing Eren, he'll indirectly piss you off or insult you. He didn't mean to. He's just lacking social skills. Man aint smooth.
You'll slap him, probably, where he'll keep his head away from you for a few seconds, realising he's pushed you too far. Whichever side you palmed him away, he'll stay.
He'll slowly return his gaze to yours before gently holding your arms, apologising and planting his lips onto yours.
His general kisses are quite firm and forceful. Not in an aggressive way, but a "god I want you so bad" way.
Always either slides his arms around your waist or cups your face/head.
He tastes like sweetened tea <3 / Coffee in a Modern AU
Loves coming from behind and snaking his arms around you, nuzzling into your neck when you're doing something. Doesn't like it when your attention is away from him for too long.
When he's feeling soft and tender, will dance his nose with yours and catching your mouth in a caress.
When he's super turned on, he'll suck your tongue, bite your bottom lip and kiss anywhere he can.
[ B3 ]
Ha ~~!
Eren is up there with the best when it comes to sex. He knows what he's doing and he does it well.
Extremely skilled with his fingers and tongue. He'll have you crawling the walls with hysteria as he likes to tease you throughout the day. He more than makes up for it, though.
Gropes, nips, kisses, licks, bites, flicks... anywhere and everywhere he can.
Is the most vocal when you perform oral sex on him. Will groan so deeply, his entire body will vibrate.
Dirty talk is this man's second language.
"Look how desperate you are for me." / "Look how desperate for you you've gotten me..."
"Do I feel good like this?"
"Am I making you feel good baby?"
"You're so good at that. Fuck, such a good girl/boy"
"S'so fuckin' tight."
"You're my little fuck thing, aren't you?"
"You're perfect."
"I love you..."
Are some of the many things you'll hear while he's fucking you.
He doesn't really have a favourite position. He'll gladly take you anyway he can. If he's in a rough mood, he'll bend you over the sofa, take you up against the wall... But if he's feeling more soft he'll make slow, passionate love to you for hours.
He does have a strong soft side at times.
Dominic Dominant. He loves seeing you totally at his mercy, the power over you the most arousing thing in the world to him.
Big daddy dilf vibes. He knows what he’s doing and he’s fucking good at it too.
The only time he’ll sub is if he wants to be lazy - letting you ride him and use him to your heart’s content.
Dirty talk. It can get pretty degrading at times. If you’re not into that, he respects that boundary.
Will absolutely ruin you.
Low-key loves it when you claw his back in hysteria. He thrives knowing he can send you absolutely insane, and he can just heal the claw marks in a matter of seconds. Sometimes even during sex (which is the hottest thing ever)
In an AU modern, he would love to fuck you near a large mirror or record you both getting at it to watch at a later date.
A lot of hissing, humming and low groaning, especially when he’s close to unloading.
Likes to watch you masturbate, putting his head close and observing intently. Loses his shit if you moan his name while doing so.
Hair pulling is his overload language. Will tug fistfuls when he gets too turned on.
[ B4 ]
The risk of getting caught. He likes having risky sex in semi public locations. Makes a game of how loud he can get you to moan, knowing someone would probably hear you.
Light Degradation. When he’s in a rough mood, he doesn’t mind calling you a few names. Nothing too extreme. And if it’s not your thing, he’ll respect that boundary.
Loves a good ol’ 69. Having you on his face with your ass in view is just… *Chef’s kiss*
Speaking of ass, he loves to bend you over too, allowing himself in nice and deep with a great view and something Juicy to grab.
[ B5 ]
Aftercare with Eren isn’t anything special unfortunately. He’s another who gets sleepy after sex.
Won’t ignore you though. Often lazy pillow talk is on the cards and telling you how much you mean to him and how beautiful you are.
Will run his fingers across your scalp to soothe you.
Also will kiss any bite marks or finger bruises he’s left behind and ask if you’re okay.
Relationship with loved ones & becoming serious
[ C1 ]
Friends & Family:
When Eren meet's your friends family he will be polite yet quiet. He wants them to like him but he won't pine for their approval. If they like him, awesome. If they don't...? No big deal.
Same goes with your friends. He'll stay quiet until spoken to at first, but once he's been eased into conversation, he'll flow with it a lot easier.
Again, he'll be polite but don't expect him to kiss ass, because he certainly wont.
[ C2 ]
You couldn’t actually believe Eren had proposed. Although he was down on one knee in front of your very eyes, your mind just wasn’t accepting it. Folks and onlookers watched with bated breath, awaiting your answer. He sure kept this surprise hidden well…
Of course, you said yes and he picked you up by your waist in a spin, colliding his lips to yours.
And now here he was, watching you walk down the aisle, a lump in his throat and his heart racing.
You looked gorgeous, like something from a fairy tale.
And of course, he looked as handsome as ever. His suit was smart and his hair was up in its usual bun.
Armin is his best man, of course; who is standing and beaming with pride.
Eren holds back his chokes and tears as he reads his vows;
“Y/N… From the first time I ever laid eyes on you, all those years ago, I knew you would be in my life forever. Back then, I didn’t think it would be as my wife, but God I am so glad it is. I’m sorry for my stubbornness and irrational behaviour when we were young. But despite that you still loved, and stood by me and for that I’ll be eternally grateful. I vow to always stand beside you, whatever the world throws at us. I vow to hold you when you need support. I vow to remember how you always had my back no matter what. And I vow to always love you, with my heart and soul, until the day I die and after.”
The room erupts in cheers and tears when you seal your kiss.
The reception is wild.
Everyone is drunk (except Levi) and dancing. Reiner and Connie are dancing like weirdos, Reiner's blazer removed and at one point Connie is on his shoulders.
Sasha has too much to drink and is spewing in the bathroom.
Mikasa can’t stop crying with happiness and pride.
He carries you to your room afterwards where you spend all night sealing a special bond that will never be broken.
[ C3 ]
Eren has a soft spot for children, believe it or not. As seen before the expedition to the forest of giant trees. He sees his old self behind the innocent glint of unaltered admiration within a child's eyes.
He's not super into child play though. He wont pull weird voices or funny faces. He'll sit at their level and speak to them like they were anyone else. Obviously, watching what he says around them.
If they're unchecked and acting themselves, he'll become quickly annoyed as they wreck havoc around him and will have to leave the room or he'll get too agitated.
If his s/o discovers they're pregnant he'll seem to take it well. But inside he's falling apart and freaking out. He won't ever show it to them, but he doesn't know how he could be a father. Would he be like his own? Would he be able to be a good figure to look up to? What if he fails? Is it selfish to bring a child into this cruel world?
He'll be shocked but understandably so. After after a couple of weeks of self-reflection and brooding, he'll start to feel better about the whole thing.
More protective over his s/o than usual. Will make sure they're eating, drinking, resting and god help you if he finds you doing something you shouldn't such as trying to lift something heavy.
Will hold your hair and rub you back, as well as bring you water while you're having your morning sickness.
"Babe? It's four in the afternoon. How come you're still sick?"
"Eren, it's called morning sickness but it can happen any time."
He'll click his tongue. "....That's a dumb name, then."
The first time he feels the baby kick within you, his heart absolutely melts. His eyes enlarge and you could swear you saw them soften with that spark behind his emerald greens he had when you were younger.
His large palm is warm against your stomach as he feels around, the little flutter of your child hitting against his skin making him flinch in surprise at first.
"Woah..." He'll gasp in amazement. "They're already so strong. Hey, y/n? Doesn't that hurt?"
"Sometimes." You'll laugh softly.
He'll gingerly place his face to your skin, a little embarrassed he's doing this; but he feels the need. "...Don't hurt your mom, okay?"
As your pregnancy progresses and you get larger, he will not leave your side. If he has to, he'll be worrying and you'll be occupying his mind. In a modern au, he'll constantly call and text and will get Mikasa or Armin to check in on you often.
Will be so gentle during love making. He's terrified he'll hurt the baby.
One of the only times you've seen Eren panic in his adult life is when your waters break.
You'd gotten up in the middle of the night to pee. Climbed back into bed and felt a strange pressure, followed by a pop. Then a warm gushing sensation. You wait a few seconds to settle your own panic before you nudge Eren awake.
He'll bolt up, confused. "What? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?"
"Eren, my waters have broken."
"Shit. Okay. Shit. What do we do? Shit." He'll leap out of bed and throw the lights on. You get to your feet where more water will start to drop onto the floor. "Shit, shit. I'll get the bag. Do you need help getting dressed? Okay, where's my jacket? WHERE'S MY JACKET?!"
"Eren, honey I need to you calm down."
"Okay, sorry. I'm calm. Shit. Shit..."
Will hold your hand with a worried look the entire time you're in labour. Has water and snacks on hand.
Will watch in amazement as your child is pushed into the world. This magical moment changes something in him, but right now he's not sure what that is.
They will bond immediately. As soon as he holds your son/daughter he can't take his wide gaze off them.
They're inseparable.
Any doubts of being a bad father is washed away as he takes them under his wing and teaches them about the world.
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youarejesting · 4 years ago
Sly like a... ? Part 5
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[Master list] [Sly Master List] Beta: n/a (at the moment) Rating: All Pairing: Hybrid!BTS x FailedHybrid!Reader Genre: Hybrid au, fluff, action, adventure, angst, drama, slice of life. Some marked chapters will contain mature/smut scenes, BUT they will not have plot in those scenes and are 100% skippable without losing your place in the story. Words: 1.3k
Summary: Human’s strive to be better, faster and stronger looking to animal DNA. Thus Hybrids are born. As the rise for designer and Pedigree Hybrids increase, so do the failed attempts. There is one species scientists are unsuccessful in creating, but, folklore says they have been here all along, hiding and blending in with the humans for many millennia. How clever they are.
[First] [Prev] [Next]
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Between the passive-aggressive comments from Namjoon and Yoongi, the absolutely adorable moments from Jungkook, and  Hoseok, and Seokjin's loud nature you didn't have a moment to yourself. Pair that with trying to make Taehyung feel comfortable and Jimin wanting your attention. You were running ragged.
Well, when you looked around they all were wanting your attention, each hybrid was a little possessive over you as their owner. Even Yoongi who constantly claimed he didn't want to be a part of any government program or any home in general, would occasionally growl or hiss in the corner whenever Jimin or Taehyung got too close.
You thought perhaps he was the most protective of you as he was severely touch starved and secretly loved the idea of being loved and wanted by someone. He spent his days and nights cold and alone on the streets and having somewhere warm and dry with someone who cared for his wellbeing was filling a missing piece in his life. It must scare him seeing the opportunity there but not allowing himself to fully let you into his heart as he held it so close as it was left frail and weak from his previous hurt.
When the groceries arrived the poor delivery man had to deal with seven very protective Hybrids who hovered making sure that you were constantly safe at that moment. Having a stranger in the house was not exactly fun for them.
"Yoongi?" You looked over the table from the game of cards Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin had roped you into with their big innocent eyes and swishing tails. You saw Yoongi's ear twitch and his body tensing slightly as he opened his eyes lazily to meet you. You grinned at him watching his tail swish once before it stilled.
"What do you need?" He sat up stretching and walking over to the table and looking over your shoulder at your cards and humming. 
"I wondered if you wanted to pick something for dinner, there is a folder in the draw I filled with recipes I know how to cook, but if you want something else I can try to make it for you and also there is another folder of fast food menu's if you want something else?" You said turning your head he was very close his head almost on your shoulder but he restrained himself from the final move to touch you intentionally.
Perhaps he was scared of getting too close and eventually being abandoned once more. Yoongi was looking in the draws and frowning, "I can't find any folders"
Placing your cards down with a warning to the boys, you strode into the kitchen you saw him crouched by the draw searching and you smiled searching for the folder and found it. 
"These two purple folders," You handed them over making sure your hands brush trying to encourage subtle touches and his tail swished a few times. Knowing the kitchen counter was obstructing the view of you both from the others you took the chance to show him a bit of much-deserved affection, unable to stop yourself you placed your hand on his soft hair and tousled it with a bright smile. 
His cheeks went pink as he ducked his head, his tail was swishing back and forth rapidly and he took a deep breath and stood up placing the folders on the counter. He cleared his throat fixing his expression, not wanting to appear too pleased by the reaction.
Thinking it was best not to overwhelm him you returned back to your card game while he chose something for dinner. Upon returning you saw your cards askew from how you left them and some cheeky grins on the other boys’ faces.
"You sneaky rotten boys, what did I say about cheating!" you laughed shocked, and messed up their hair, the two feline hybrids whining and swatting your hands away to fix their hair back into place. Taehyung was overjoyed his tail rapidly swatting back and forth and leaning in wanting more.
You were scratching his scalp gently and he laid his head down on the table happily his eyes closed in content. Yoongi approached with the book hesitating behind you, not wanting to interrupt and you assumed feeling nervous to ask for something as simple as dinner. He was the type who didn't want to be a burden or feel reliant on you, but you turned.
"Did you find something for our dinner Yoongi?" You encouraged and his cheeks flushed, he held out the folder opened on the page and he shuffled not saying a word not wanting to bring himself to say the words.
"I wasn’t really sure, I picked one at random," suspecting he really wanted the dish but didn't want to seem too keen if you said no. You nodded wanting to give him anything he asked for, you were very good at reading Hybrids having grown up with Jimin and others just like him.
You placed your hand on his pulling the book down and pointing at the dish, "What meat would you like in it, and should we do noodles or rice?" 
"I like it with Noodles but if we make it with rice, I can make a lot of fun little side dishes which I like too, what do you like?"
"I am not sure?” he mumbled nervously at the thought of being given an ultimatum
“Good idea, I will start now and we can have all of the above, there are so many of us, it would be nice to have lots of everything,” You looked up at him an idea struck, you were supposed to teach these boys to be independent, “do you maybe want to help me make it?”
“Uh I have never made anything, but I can try, or if it’s too much we don’t need to eat?” Taehyung whined at his words and you laughed. 
“You don’t have to Yoongi, I thought you might like to learn for fun, so if every I am not home or if I might get sick or something, you will be able to eat good food” Clarifying that you were in no way trying to condition him into becoming your personal chef.
“I can help,” he nodded, you were still unsure if he was agreeing so as to not get in trouble but you would take it hoping to make the experience fun. “Okay, let’s get all the ingredients out it says, and put it on the counter right here”
“Do you need help with anything?” You smiled, placing your hand on his wave to gently nudge him aside to grab the bottle of sesame oil.
“I can’t find the garlic?” Yoongi was ashamed he had failed already.
“Oh, I bought a jar of minced Garlic to save time, so that’s all the ingredients found” Leading him from the walk-in pantry you lead him to the middle of the kitchen and took an apron, it was black and you slipped it over his head and walked around tying it up. “We can’t have your clothes getting dir-”
It was then you noticed how old and tattered his clothes were, the collar was stretched and the back of his jeans was ripped and stained from where he stood on the legs. Taking a small breath.
“Could everyone make a list of things they want or need in their rooms, in the bathroom or clothing and shoe wise? We can all go shopping tomorrow” Walking Yoongi to the sink you washed your hands together and smiled over at him playfully flicking water at him, he gave a tiny smile and wiped his face on his sleeve.
The two of you got cooking, as you taught him Seokjin sat at the breakfast bar on one of the tall stools and watched intently. It was honestly cute to see them all interested in everyday things, things that Hybrids weren’t exactly expected or taught how to do. 
Something as simple as feeding themselves. It was sad how many Hybrids were punished with no food or left to starve so it was nice to teach them how to cook for themselves and put some of that power into their hands.
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harveywritings92 · 4 years ago
MHA/BNHA: They get severely injured and you heal them
You're recovery Girl's granddaughter you have a healing quirk called Angel's Glow, which requires skin on skin contact to work, small wounds, bruises and bone fractures are healed in seconds just by placing your hands on the injured area which will glow blue and repair damage, however wounds that are near fatal are different story. In that case, it’s kind of embarrassing, but you treat it how you would hypothermia, stripping down to your panties (or naked) and lay down holding that person close letting your healing aura cover them, of course you've never been in a situation where you've had to do that, pretty much keeping it reserved for your romantic partner, So when you got a call that your boyfriend was severely injured in a fight and his chances of survival aren't looking to good.
Reader's age 26.
The last thing Taishiro remembered was fighting this crazy strong villain with an equally strong quirk! So, one can imagine his confusion when the last thing he remembered before blacking out; was fighting as Fatgum and then waking up after who knows how long as Fitgum and in a stranger's bedroom hooked up to a very annoying heart monitor that would not. stop. beeping! Taishiro slowly sat up; with a grimace expecting to feel pain shooting all throughout his body the second he moved, but to his astonishment nothing happened... 
He was sure his left leg was broken during that fight! he cautiously wiggled his toes and jerk his left leg around, nothing no pain... in fact he felt great; giddy like he had just eaten an entire buffet of his favorite foods! But how did... His train thought was cut short when he felt an slender arm around his waist.
Taishiro suddenly became hyperaware of the other person, a woman. laying in the bed next to him! His heartrate spiked causing the monitor to start beeping rapidly!
The blond carefully reached over and gently pushed the woman's hair away from her face, the BMI hero felt a wave of relief wash over him upon seeing the calm sleeping face of his girlfriend Y/n starring back at him. But the relief quickly shifted to befuddlement, why was she here? he then noticed their apparent lack clothes, His yellow eyes widened and felt his face burn; Taishiro swallowed hard as he checked under blanket... why were they just wearing boxers and panties? 
Spotting a some of his spare clothes in Y/n's closet, Taishiro quietly and carefully got out of the bed; unplugged the Heart monitor before taking it off, and got dressed in his track pants and T-shirt, then careful got Y/n dressed in one of his hoodies before tucking her into bed, Just as Recovery-Girl popped her head in to check on them as she couldn't hear the monitor beeping anymore, and got worried she smiled seeing her *hopefully* soon to-be Grandson-law alive and healthy.  
"Oh thank goodness you're awake..."
"Yeah, I jus' woke up. Sorry for intruddin."
"It's nothing to be sorry for, though I'm sure you're confused how you aren't in a coma or dead."
"...What happened to me?"
Recovery-girl gave him the run down after he was put out of commission, Taishiro was in pretty bad shape, the out come was looking grim when Y/n ordered the ambulance be redirected to her private-practice which also doubled as her home, they got got one of her intern's to use their quirk which could burn off his fat, they cleaned his cuts and got him stitched up then the y/ht woman told everyone to go home; save for her grandmother and Kirishima who refused to leave his mentor until he was sure hew was going to be alright.
it was only when he saw Y/n taking her clothes off did the flustered teen ask about those guest rooms, she offered and recovery- Girl lead him out of the room, the y/ht woman slipped into bed next her her unconscious lover and activated her quirk, Tai's whole body was soon surrounded in veil of blue light that slowly started to repair and heal his broken body.
Taishiro smiled gently as he caressed Y/n's cheek making her wince in her sleep. "The poor thing must be exhausted over using her quirk for two days." the pride the tall man had felt to shifted into concern. "two days?!" he croaked he remembered Y/n telling him that her quirk can also transfer her patients pain onto her to the lessen their burdens, and if he was in really bad shape as recovery-girl described... "Is she gonna be okay?" he asked voice cracking, the old nurse frowned knowing that her granddaughter told him about her quirks pain absobtion. "Well, the next couple days won't be very pleasant for her, I may have to keep her sedated." the blond eyes started to burn as he watched Y/n sleeping soundly, vowing stay by her side and to take her on very nice vacation when this was all over, they could both use it.
Shoto Todoroki:
Reader age 21, Shoto: 19
This poor touch-starved child was so confused and flustered when he woke up in a strange bed, wearing nothing but his boxers and y/n clinging to him very intimately, all while alarm-bells were going off in his head as part on his mind was still in fight or flight mode as he cautiously scanned his girlfriend expecting this to be a dream, and the villain that attacked him to pop-out at any moment...
After a few moments of waiting for the dream to end, Shoto cautiously used his fire to burn himself he winced feeling the pain burn his wrist, then the pain went numb the bi-colored haired man's brows furrowed before seeing the familiar blue aura from [y/wt] woman's quirk reverse the damage on his wrist, Shoto's stomach churred as realized what she had done, he carefully removed himself from the warm embrace of her bed and looked around the room for something to wear before spotting some a pair of sweat pants and a T-shirt left out for him, he changed then carefully got his girlfriend dressed into her PJs and her tucked in.
Shoto was the picture of calm as he kept a silent vigil over the [y/hc] woman carefully playing with her hair, but internally he was freaking out! Wondering how long had he been out for? and how long had Y/n been healing him? was she going to be okay?! he grimaced at he saw her wince in her sleep; even a blind man could see she was already suffering from the effects of over using her quirk! "Why would you do something so foolish?" he sighed using his cold half to keep Y/n's forehead cool he felt her temperature spike. "Love makes you do very rash decisions." Shoto jumped to see Recovery-Girl behind him and the dual quirked boy immediate bowed his head to her in forgiveness.
"Don't do that Todoroki, you don't need to apologize."
"But because me Y/n is..."
"It's not you're fault dear, Y/n knew the risks as soon as she heard you were in critical condition."
"How long were we like that?" he asked asked dreading the answer Recovery-Girl frowned as she checked her granddaughter's vitals over. "Four days, I won't lie the next couple days won't be kind to my Granddaughter." She saw Shoto wince knowing the guilt eating at him. "But knowing she has a handsome young man looking after her, should help her make a speedy recovery.~" the room's temperature suddenly spikes as a blush adorned Shoto's cheeks Recovery-Girl giggled jubilantly as she left the room leaving Y/n in Shoto's care.
Reader age 25 (note you're quirk can't heal his scars (you've tried) you were childhood friends with him, he kidnapped you and keeps you in his safehouse!)
Dabi woke up that morning with a splitting headache, crap how much did he have to drink? he growled taking a sharp breath as his eyes adjusted to his dimly lit bedroom, trying to piece together what happened last night, when he caught something blue in the dim light at first he thought it was his quirk acting up, but then he noticed some of his staples were missing around his stomach...
The it all came flooding back to him one of the Nomus had gotten lose before it could be "trained" and went on a rampage the villains and a couple heroes on the league payroll stropped it, but not without consequences, the beast managed to take a bite out of Dabi's waist, the scarred man somehow managed to make it home... walking through the front door was the last thing he remembered before blacking out, then he felt his stomach drop when he realized that this blue glow wasn't his flames!
Dabi quickly turned the light on above his bed and found a sleeping Y/n hugging his waist her quirk overworking itself trying to fix his scars, which weren't healing because the tissue was to damaged to fix, "You idiot!" he barked getting out of bed, then paused when he felt a rush cold air on his everything, his teal eyes looked down... Yep, naked as the day he was born, he cussed and checked under the thin sheet Y/n had covered them in, same story.
He check her temperature she was freezing!  "Tch" Dabi quickly readjusted the sheet around his girlfriend's shivering body then went and put on some black sweat pants, he quickly went to drawers and grabbed a pair of boxers and a t-shirt and put those on his y/ht girlfriend, then grabbed the discarded blanket from off the floor covering the couple.
Dabi used his quirk to boost up his body temp while rubbing Y/n’s arms trying warm her up. the last thing he needed was her getting sick, however he paused his ministrations and checked his burner phone... shit it been 2 days since the incident! He had a lot of messages from the league demanding to know where he was, He should probably get around to telling them he's alive... meh, maybe after Y/n recovered those f-ckers will live. 
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tosikoarts · 4 years ago
SFW Alphabet | Koito Otonoshin
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WAP reference? In my SFW alphabet? More likely than you think. You can check tosikowrites tag for more. Warning: there’s a lot under the cut.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
First of all, everybody in the radius of two kilometers knows that Koito has fallen in love. He isn’t loud about it but it is written all over his smug face 24/7: when he starts daydreaming about them (which he does a lot), faint blush covers swarthy cheeks and his eyes fixate at the farthest point on the horizon. Tsukishima has to call three times before the Second Lieutenant finally notices his presence.
Okay, maybe, he is a little louder than was previously stated. Koito hasn’t had a lot of love experience so for him it is a bumpy road of trials and errors. Considering his behavior in front of First Lieutenant Tsurumi, easy to imagine how he awkwardly stutters in the crush’s presence, switching between native Satsuma dialect and classical Japanese. As they grow closer, nervousness dies down, and Koito finally talks like normal people do! Oh, he is such a show-off. However, he is a sweetheart as well so his talk comes across as a nice kid trying to be overly cool. Makes tons of compliments but can’t take any himself. No, he does. No, he doesn’t. Koito is a mess that thinks about small compliments for weeks. You say he looks nice with hair parted down the middle and this young man never goes back to his previous haircut.
It is serious when Koito starts rapturously venting to Tsukishima about them. At first, Otonoshin starts asking subtle questions not to seem too inexperienced. Then he asks for advice on how to dress, what to give as a present, how to act in general. If there are any problems in the relationship, Koito will 100% craw to his Sergeant for help.
One of the first and generally the main way of affection for Koito is giving pricy presents. Even when he is trying not to flex on wealth, it comes across as disguised bragging. Gifts given are always unique and of quality, so there is no reason to be indignant.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
His best friend has to be either someone from childhood or the Imperial Japanese Army Academy. Koito won’t befriend anyone in the actual military (except one exhausted Sergeant) since he has a fear of becoming a career trampoline.
Koito squanders the money on entertainment with no remorse and no shame. If he gets a new Western-style suit, his best friend will receive one in the mail too. On nights out Koito generously pays for the food and drinks, saying that they will pay next time but the next time never actually comes. There is some money in his bank account, why not spend it?
His best friend automatically becomes a part of his family and friend of Tsukishima. Koito doesn’t ask, he confidently states it. If they for some reason do not want to be close with the listed contingent, Koito faces cognitive dissonance and, notwithstanding, tries to improve relations between them.
Koito is not a stranger to gossiping and petty drama. He doesn’t get involved ever since his family has a status to maintain, but he knows what skeletons are hidden in the neighbors’ bedroom closet. His best friend hears the phrase “You won’t believe what I know” more often than “First Lieutenant is so amazing”. By the way, yes, Koito is still that fangirl and they have to deal with it.
Eh, you can’t rely on him in troubles, though. He will unapologetically push the blame on another person to stay an innocent good boy that was accidentally dragged in the mess, but he will make amends after the noise dies down.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He is so touchy-touchy-lovey-dowey, oh my god, just like you would expect from a touched-starved young man. Koito has no problems with PDA, he enjoys gazes fixed on him, so it is not uncommon to see him with the partner on the lap. Tsukishima learned to turn a blind eye and do some extra work to give the Second Lieutenant more time with his loved one. Koito prefers spooning to any other position so he can press them against his chest and fall asleep in their warmth. Sweetheart cradle is the second-best option but, honestly, Koito is down to anything that includes any of his limbs resting on their body.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Too young (especially in the mental sphere) to think about settling down. He is 20 years old or something, right? Koito doesn’t even know what he wants, what his principles are, what his life guidelines are, so no, there’s no way he thinks about settling down any time soon. Perhaps in 3-5-10 years, after his father knocks some sense into the guy, Koito will come to the conclusion that it's time for a new chapter in his life but definitely not now. Oh, also, he is useless in the household. He can’t cook, he can’t clean (and he can’t tell how he got this ring).
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
That doesn’t go well at all. Pangs of conscience do not give him the chance to pretend and delay the moment for too long but Koito can’t just say “yeah, that’s it” and walk away as nothing happened either. He chooses the most feckless option – cruelly distancing himself and making them lose interest in the relationship. Once the decision is made, there’s no going back. Koito's interest in his military career rises significantly and, suddenly, he is always busy disciplining juniors, taking additional trips wherever First Lieutenant sends him, surprising everybody with an overwhelming passion for small arms… Yeah, I’d say that boy sus.
If the time spent apart doesn’t kill their fire, Koito will go full mean mode and start acting like a literal jerk. It’s small comments that hurt the most: he finds them too loud or too quiet, too touchy or too cold, yadda yadda. Unreasonable ostentatious attacks of jealousy? Hell yes. His goal is to get on their nerves even if it means still small voice will whisper what a terrible person he is. Regrets the childish behavior months later but won’t admit it no matter what. Fights the desire to crawl back to them for a year or so.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
It's too early to talk about it. Again, he is standing on the doorstep of real-life and significant changes like getting married and starting a family are not even close to his vision of the future. Koito hesitates much and overthinks more so there is no point in waiting for a proposal in the first two years of a relationship. There are vulnerable moments when he doubts his own suitability for marriage. They may lead either to deep conversations with psychological aspects (remember the gnawing feeling of being a family failure?) or to abrupt distancing but in both cases, Koito pulls himself together and remembers: if such an amazing person chose him among another than he must be special.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
One of the few soldiers who were left damaged but not broken, so gentleness does not just smolder, but burns in Koito's heart. When it comes to being gentle, he is a physical manifestation of fondness: it beams from his eyes, radiates from his touch, and hides in his choice of the words. Someone may find it inconsistent, but brutality outside the battlefield, in any type of relationship, seems unnecessary to him as well. In a physical sense, Koito is quite remarkable in his raring, so his actions can come off a little sloppy, rushed, and aggressive.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Exciting hugs! Koito trembles from the top of his head to the tips of the toes when he gets a chance to hug his loved one even if it is the tenth time this day. Most often, he starts with a fast welcome kiss on the cheek before pulling them into the tight embrace: it is heartwarming but never the same, which makes a person wanting to come back for another dose of unconditional love. Koito is down to hug at any time of the day, of the week, of the month and, honestly, he sees it as one of the most gentle and innocent expressions of affection.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Blurts it out by accident after half of a year of stale dating. The delightful feeling of sentiment overwhelmed him to the point of blinding adoration so Koito couldn’t stop himself from an unexpected confession. With head resting on his hands and cheek muscles twitching from the continuous wide silly smiling, Koito just blurted out what came to his mind at the moment, realizing what that was a few seconds later. To avoid embarrassment at all costs, he played dumb even though everything was written on his face in bright red color. Whatever. Conscious confession isn’t that easy. He is full of love but translating it in an understandable voiced statement is freaking work.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Whether he is a witness to his loved one being a flirt or his loved being hit on, Koito is l i v i d. In the first case scenario, his ego is hurt so badly, he storms from the room to avoid throwing a tantrum right there on the spot. Any attempts to speak with him after what happened result in loud indisputable “don’t touch me” and silent treatment for a good week or so. The mere thought of being replaceable terrifies poor Koito, it forces him into unhealthy coping like acting demonstratively independent and detached to show them he can do it solo. We’ll pretend it is not a desperate tactic to punish them, ok ok. When his love is being hit on, Koito does not even assess the situation. He rushes to the partner to save the day, steps between them and another person, laughs it off, and asks his rival if there’s any problem. Usually, confrontation is pretty effective against unwelcome suitors. Thank god, because Koito wouldn’t want to get physical anyway.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Awwww, have you ever imagined yourself as a teacher? Too bad because as much as passionate he is, Koito is hopeless. Literally. Lack of experience affects his (non-existing) technique. Couldn’t figure out he had to open his lips for a French kiss, leave alone any abstruse tricks, and knowledge of more sensitive spots to pay attention to. All preferences in the form of instructions have to be said aloud: Koito may act like he doesn’t need them, he is so cool and mature, and only losers need to be guided, but in reality, the opposite is true. Thanks to the above-mentioned features, his favorite kisses vary from pecks on the cheek to thigh and hand kisses but they never include kisses on the lips. If the partner is the same height or taller, he prefers to be kissed on the temple and top of his head. In other cases, doesn’t have any preferences.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
There are times when you have to do what you have absolutely no idea how to do, and it perfectly describes Koito’s relationships with kids. Somehow, they are on the same level but at different poles: he would rather cry because of how annoying capricious baby is than find any way to calm them down. Changing a dirty diaper is a challenge like no other, and going to the continent for a little girl protected by the company of bloodthirsty, armed to the teeth veterans sounds a lot easier (and not so disgusting) than babysitting a single baby. Older children are fine if they know how to keep themselves occupied and out of the sight. On his watch, there is always a small chance that the house will catch fire or the most active child will break their arm. Requires obligatory supervision of a more experienced babysitter.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
No one is leaving the bed in the morning. Sleeping in is inevitable. Do not plan anything for the first part of the day because if Koito chooses to devote the weekends to the lovely company of his partner that means he will squeeze every single second spent together out of it. It doesn’t matter what they do in the bed, like cuddling, talking, doing something spicy (youtube censorship much?) as long as they remain under a warm blanket. Koito giggles a lot catching their soft gaze on his lips, tickles them when silence falls. If the couple stays in the family house, servants are ordered to prepare the tastiest breakfast with gourmet chai tea as well as to find possible entertainment for the day.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
The end of the day is the last opportunity to let off steam before getting into a slower pace, and, finally, going to bed. To no surprise, Koito prefers activities aimed at the work of muscles and not of brains. Nothing too extreme though. Horseback riding is a common pastime if they are not in the mood for anything else. In other cases, Koito offers to play cricket in the summertime and go ice-skating in winter but his all-time favorite is swimming in sun-warmed waters of a crystal clear river. Despite the cold underwater currents winding around the ankles, Koito can swim in circles for hours without letting his loved one go ashore. If they are up for a challenge, competitions for who can hold their breath longer and swim to the other side faster are always a choice.  
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
As soon as they let Koito know that they are interested (doesn’t matter in him personally or in him speaking), the dam breaks. He is ready to talk about anything, from how the day was to the meaning of life, the role of the monarchy in the future of Japan, and what influence Heinojou’s death had on him. So to say, Koito sees no problem in opening up early in the relationship. There are no forbidden topics in his mind except, maybe, what is so below the beltline: starting any intimate conversation reduces Koito to a red stammering (in Satsuma dialect of course) mess. It gets better with time.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Chill enough? Not in the Tsukishima’s sense of “I have seen too much shit in my life so I am no longer surprised by anything and I expect nothing as well” but in a cheery and optimistic outlook. If he breaks a plate or cup, it is a reason to buy a new one, not to throw a tantrum on how Japan no longer makes quality dishes. How boring life would be without nuisances, huh? However, Koito immediately blows off when it comes to serious matters like life-threatening situations. Overall? Absolute ray of sunshine, anger is unnecessary, keep calm and take it easy.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Remembers nothing but anniversaries’ dates. Seriously. Don’t expect Koito to compliment your eyes’ color, he doesn’t remember it. Favorite food or place? Did you mention them at all? Hm. Blame it on the charm of the moment that hypnotized Koito and sent him into oblivion. He doesn't bother himself with writing down any facts and details and is visibly surprised if the partner expresses frustration with his forgetfulness.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Perhaps it will be a surprise but the most memorable moment for Koito would be doing “bad stuff” together. As for a person, who has not yet emerged from cheerful adolescence, drinking, smoking cigarettes, and, who would have thought, opium together leaves a weird feeling of agitation and gaiety. Hiding with the partner in crime, bottle covered under the lieutenant's coat as if he is some kind of thief, is something Koito won’t ever get used to. He drinks and mumbles gibberish then pulls his loved one closer for some sloppy smooches that never work out: someone keeps missing lips and laughing like a goofball after every failure.
Smoking opium, which happened exactly one time, was the complete opposite of previous experience. They ended up in semi-darkness in a distant room with artfully painted paraphernalia and one carved pipe that was passed back and forth for the whole night. An intoxicating sense of calm and emptiness hit Koito in the head as he was watching his loved one fusing with the thin lilac smoke: a situation they were in was too bizarre to be real but magical too so he had no right to complain. Memories of that night stayed with him for the whole life but Koito never had a desire to go for a smoke again.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
For the sake of justice, Koito has a protective side, but the carefree character often overshadows it. He meets dangerous situations in conditions where one large group of opponents confront another so everyone covers each other's back. When Koito has to fight one on one he can fully rely on the own strength and reactions but when there is someone to protect things get messy really fast.
Koito is ready to cover them with his body to save from a whistling bullet but this thought comes from a place of “I can’t come up with a plan what do I do what do I do” and not from rational thinking or self-devotion in the name of love. Nah, boy just no thoughts, head empty but HEART FULL.
Would want to be protected as well? He has no problem being viewed as one who needs help. Won’t want them to act recklessly though, exchanging their life for his isn’t fair a bit.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Youthful maximalism and all-encompassing love push Koito to new feats every day: he racks his head over which place to choose for a date, should he buy them expensive things or no because what if they look at him as at tasteless braggart, maybe, he should have not brought a bouquet today, maybe, he is too annoying… At the beginning of the relationship, he is excessively enthusiastic and scarred to mess everything at the same time. Often this mixture leads to an awkward situation but with some guidance, Koito calms down and begins to feel a partner on an intuitive level. Anniversaries will still be celebrated on a grand scale though. He has literally no chill when told to make that one day special. Lacks consistency when it comes to everyday tasks: either puts all of his effort in building a stool or does nothing the whole day.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
The bloated ego doesn’t seem a big problem at first but it keeps popping up now and then in the conversation and overall behavior. Again, it is not even close to megalomaniac extend but can be pretty annoying when Koito keeps putting himself in every story and boasting with every minor achievement.
Not the most independent, kinda clingy guy that needs somebody that he can always rely on. We have already seen Tsukishima's fate and this is what awaits for the person who decides to tie the knot with him.
LOUD. SO LOUD. DEAFENING! If you think Koito would lower the voice down or, for the frick’s sake, stop screeching but no! Excited? Yell! Scarred? Yell! Surprised? Yell! I can see him screaming louder than his newborn baby shocking midwives in the maternity hospital. Pray to God that it is not inherited.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not to call him obsessed, but Koito takes good care of himself and tries to be attractive in the eyes of others. He may spend a little bit too much time staring in the mirror during the mourning routine, brushing hair locks just the exact way he wants them to be. Several creams are lying in the drawer of his nightstand and Koito replenishes its stock with enviable regularity. Of course, he looks sharp: when circumstances do not oblige Second Lieutenant to strict dress code, he pulls off well-tailored looks, both traditional Japanese and Westernized ones. Just imagine him dressed to kill, wearing an all-leather long car coat with skintight gloves. Koito is too powerful in his handsomeness.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Has zero knowledge of how to handle break-up and that pretty much describes what a hell ride it will be for Koito. Obviously, the violent reaction is accompanied by complete confusion, he is at a loss for words and can’t find the right ones even in the Satsuma dialect. Well, if he had a gut feeling that they are planning on leaving later or sooner, Koito would lash out at them in the worst way possible: every wrongdoing suddenly transforms into hidden signs confirming that he was not loved at all, never ever. He makes a loud scene with eyes brimming, screams whatever nonsense comes to mind to stop them from speaking further. No explanation can overpower his growing resentment. If break-up comes up out of a blue, Koito remains silent, listening to whatever they have to say. None of the words makes any sense to him and there is nothing he can tell or ask. Nothing makes sense. He sighs while rubbing his temples, eyes shut tight to separate from the world as much as possible, and turn down the white noise coming out of their mouth. Koito leaves without saying a word with a plan to avoid them in the next few weeks.
In the case of their death, Koito is in no hurry at breakneck speed to take revenge but that definitely doesn’t mean he is indifferent. Revenge is a dish best served cold, and even such a hothead as angered Koito is can wait for a better moment to strike.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Since Koito joined the army, celebrations turned from long-awaited days into in minor verbal congratulations aaaand that’s all. The atmosphere is just not the same. In the beginning, he tried to keep head up but general disinterest killed his vibes and left him bitter.
The only person who does not mind supporting the Second Lieutenant is Tsukishima: he gladly watches Koito happily screaming as he launches a colorful kite into the air, joins playing hanetsuki and sugoroku on Japanese New Year, once he even gave Koito pochibukuro as a joke. Otonoshin was merry and embarrassed at the same time since, you know, pochibukuro is given to kids, not adult men who shoot people for a living.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Mysterious silent people aren’t the company Koito can tolerate. He hadn’t had a good experience with Ogata back in the 7th Division and doesn’t see himself with anyone hiding behind a duplicitous smile.
Scolding Koito for his frivolity won’t do anything good, quite the contrary, it will force him into acting withdrawn in their presence. Attempts to change Koito are pointless since action generates opposition: the more he is told to be a serious man, the more infantile he will become.
By the way, it is important for Koito to see a class in his surrounding. He himself carries an elusive aesthetic so lack of taste and sense of beauty is a bummer. Good thing they can be acquired just like other skills.
Comparison. Do not compare Koito to anyone, ever. His father probably did it a lot back in the days when talking about Heinojou’s success so Otonoshin became allergic to any “you are just like/you act like/you look like/wish you were like” comments.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
The most normal person in the 7th Division when it comes to sleeping. There’s literally nothing to describe: Koito falls asleep fast, he doesn’t have any problems with falling asleep or waking up, doesn’t use any medication, doesn’t have any evening rituals. Dreams are a rarity. Loves to sleep with someone by the side, so he can hug a person from behind with both arm and leg, and if the place next to him is cold and empty, Koito may hug a pillow or rolled blanket.
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fanaiceach · 4 years ago
@thesadsaint​ asked: “Do you really think there is even the slightest chance they won’t see it?“
potc starters || accepting
      He’s getting worse again. 
      Geoffrey has spent enough time around the Sad Saint to see the patterns -- against his better judgement perhaps, as though something in the exchange of blood has bound them. Or maybe there’s a deeper kinship there that the hunter would simply prefer to write off as some biological sense of obligation. Either way, a handful of months have passed since Geoffrey’s own reawakening, since he drank of the Saint’s blood and offered his own in return. In that time he’s come to learn the limitations of his own hunger, how long he can go without feeding before the gnawing chasm opens up somewhere between his gut and his heart. A reasonable time is the answer -- and he’s certain his fortitude will only strengthen with time and practice and patience.
      Sean, though, is well ahead of him in the martyr department, which is hardly a surprise given everything else he knows about the man. That he hadn’t taken his fill when the hunter bared his bloody forearm had been obvious at the time, and becomes increasingly clear as the symptoms previously displayed only dissipate a short while before making themselves known once more. His knuckles are cracked and oozing, the bandages he wears a constant shade of sickly red. And that’s nothing to say of the sores around his temples that now creep their way down to his neck. His mind seems more addled, and Geoffrey watches as he shakes his head minutely and fumbles over a prayer he must have recited a thousand times. Often enough not to falter. 
      “Hampton...” For a moment the eyes that meet his feel unfamiliar, though they’re the same pale shade Geoffrey’s gotten used to seeing. But there’s a glassiness to them, a lack of recognition in unfocused pupils -- and it lasts only a moment, only a breath, before Sean is again shaking his head and mumbling an apology. When he looks down at his hands, at the rosary tangled between wounded fingers, it grants an apparent moment of clarity. And he asks, sounding caught between fear and delirium, if Geoffrey thinks there’s a chance that the denizens of his night shelter won’t notice the state that he’s in.
      He could lie. He could tell Sean that all seems well enough, that no one will catch notice of the inhumanity seeping in along the edges. That he’ll be fine. Just like he’d try to offer some semblance of comfort to one of his own if they were in dire straits. But here there are consequences. Here there’s the matter of Sean losing himself, slipping away into the hunger, rotting from the outside in. And God help him but he’s come to like the man in the time they’ve spent together -- like him and respect the work that he does. Killing him would bring more trouble than it’s worth, and if he won’t kill him before he can descend then it seems only fair that Geoffrey yank him back from that starving precipice in some other way. 
      “You look like something the cat brought in and forgot about for a few days. So I’d say no chance it goes unnoticed.” People might not know the reason for Sean’s condition, but the signs of it are all but impossible to ignore. Sighing, mentally berating himself for what he’s about to offer, Geoffrey fixes the Saint with an even stare. “Starving yourself won’t help anyone, Hampton. And seeing as you aren’t the type to ask, that makes me the one who has to offer.” He sets to rolling up his sleeve, not waiting for the protest. “Better it be me than one of those poor bastards you tend to. And I’d like to assume I taste a touch better than a corpse.”
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shigarakis-fifth-hand · 5 years ago
Shigaraki x Todoroki! Reader; The Mask
Enjoy the series! one two three four five six seven
After shooing Toga and Twice to bed, Kurogiri and you slaved away over the two guys in the LoV lounge in a comfortable silence. You worked on Shigaraki on the couch, applying creams, anti-bacterial gels, and of course bandages to his terrible wounds that went up and down his leg.
You were so happy that his pulse was stable, and that he was just sleeping. You weren’t happy that you had to strip him of all his bloody clothes and keep him in his boxers only to treat the wounds on his chest and upper thighs, but it was more than necessary for his wounds. 
“So, how did he react to seeing your face?” Kurogiri asked, causing you to drop the bandage into your lap. “H-how did you know about that?” You asked, turning to see him, his attention not adverting from your heavily beat up brother.  Nothing some ice couldn't fix, but Kurogiri insisted on watching him throughout the night to make sure nothing bad happened, and that he kept breathing through his sleep. 
“Oh dear, I had to remove the mask to apply the anesthesia the moment you came in. Of course, at that time, I was the only one besides your brother to know your identity. I’ve known from the very beginning.”
You looked at Kurogiri with wonder in your eyes as he glanced at you. “Don’t worry dear, you and his secrets are safe with me. I was the one to help D- ahem -Touya with his bruises from your father as well. Of course, when I found out that Touya was Endeavor’s son, I was skeptical of course, being the 2nd pro hero’s son after all. But after hearing the way that Endeavor treated you poor kids, I knew that he had no thought of betrayal. That was years ago, possibly 10 by now. When Dabi gave me that look when he brought you in, and I saw your bruises and burns, goodness... I had no doubts you would be just as promising as your brother.”
You smiled warmly at Kurogiri, and returned back to fixing up the poor man laying before you. “Tomura, well... honestly, he tried to kill me at first. It was almost as if he was scared of me, the way he backed away from me and threatened to kill me if I stepped closer to him.” You explained as Kurogiri nodded, listening intensely to your words that he deeply understood. “But then, he brought my mask to my face and I think he truly understood that I wasn’t a stranger. He was just now learning my identity, but he knew me. That’s when he collapsed.” You looked over at Kurogiri, looking for answers. 
“I knew that something like that would happen. I’ve known Tomura since he was young, and he has terrible betrayal issues. I do believe that his greatest fear is that the people he trusts will betray him, and in that moment, he must have felt that. Do not take it personal though, at least he came around in the end. Tomura has become very... how do I say it... attached to you in a personal state. Something I’ve never seen before. When you wore the look of an enemy, he must have been freaked out.” Kurogiri came around the couch and stood before you, a sort of smile hidden in his voice.
“He cares for you dear, as we all do. I promise you, it will take time, but I do believe he could fall in love with you if you wanted him to. Now excuse me, I’m going to go fetch us more ice from the ice chest in the basement. I’d wake up Tomura and check on him to see how he’s doing. I’ll be right back.” Kurogiri patted your head and walked away, leaving you and Tomura on the couch. Sighing, and preparing for the worst, you slowly shook him awake.
Tomura opened his eyes to seeing your face hidden by a mask, and sighed happily, allowing you to help him sit up. “H-how are you doing?” You asked nervously as he looked at your one eye, finding fear in it. He took a moment to remember the last seconds before he had passed out, and his eyes widened. Grabbing your mask and ripping it off, he proved his memories correct as he stared at your worn out, beat up, beautiful face. God, how were you still gorgeous after all that had happened?
“Never better.” He began to smile, still shocked as you grinned nervously. “I’m guessing you have questions... and I understand that. Ask me anything, anything at all! I swear on my life I’ll answer 100% truthfully.” Shigaraki looked at you, a smirk hidden in his eyes.
“So... tell me... Explain to me why... you’re you I guess. Why would Little-Miss-Perfect go edgy?” Shigaraki told you as you blushed before bringing your eyes back to make contact with his. “I... my dad, he hits us kids a lot. Like... too much if you get what I’m saying. One day he hit me too hard and I snapped. I killed a few guys, and I realized that murder was the only way to be able to release all my anger. I tried to stop myself, but if I didn't kill someone, I knew I would snap. I mean, I had to be Little Miss Perfect all the time, so I had to release my anger some way. Eventually, I got a mask and decided to make a name out of myself and my new hobby.”
Shigaraki’s eyes almost shined as you continued to talk to him, finally feeling like he was getting to know you, the one thing that he had desperately wanted. “Anyways, when Dabi found me, my dad had stabbed me with this small knife he had in my hip on one of the burns he gave me when I was younger, and I ran outside because I saw you all. Dabi saw me, and I guess he took pity on me and helped me since he recognized my mask as a villain’s.” When you were done, you looked up nervously at the smiling man next to you, before he began to frown. “Wait, your dad is Endeavor. He... hit you?” Shigaraki asked, now very worried for you. How could someone ever lay a finger on your adorable self?
“Yea, like... a lot actually.” You pulled your sweatshirt down to reveal your shoulder blade, a large purple bruise on it. “That one is from when I snuck out to go to a party. When I got home, he purposely shook the ladder I was using and I fell onto the pavement from two stories high. He didn’t even help me, and left me out there all night in the cold rain with a fractured arm.” Shigaraki stared at the bruise, and then at your lips, as if he could see the past that you were describing to him. “I’m... I’m so sorry, I had no idea.” He murmured, feeling regretful and guilty.
“H-he put a blade in my shoe once at Shoto’s birthday party when he was mad at Shoto. He hot glued a blade to the edge of my shoe and made me walk around with it in my for four hours straight, but after two hours I passed out and was sent to the family doctor. Shotie told me after that Shoto had threatened to take me away from my father, and then my father did that to prove that he owned me. My father never intended to let me leave his watch until he died, since all of his children that left the house had rebelled against him, or in his words, “disobeyed and became rebellious souls”.
By now, you were weeping as you remembered the thousands of traumatizing memories involving your family. You showed Tomura the bottom of one of your feet to reveal lines where you had gotten stitches. “H-he made me keep the shoes just as a reminder to never rebel against him, and to show me that he owned me.” Before Shigaraki could react, you pulled him close and buried your face into his chest. In response, Shigaraki pulled you close, focusing on keeping his pinkies far out. At this point he might as well cut one of them off.
“And... I remember when I was young and my parents were arguing and I saw him punch my mother to the ground. I made the mistake of yelling at him to stop... I can’t forget it, how my mother was screaming, begging him not to hurt her angel as he walked towards me, grabbed me with one of his hands, and burnt my hip. I remember the pain, how I passed out from it. He dropped me to the ground on my head, and then left me. My mother had to get up and bring me to the family doctor to get treated, and it scared.” You brought up your sweater to reveal the large burn mark on your hip. 
Without controlling his hands, he brought four of his fingers to touch the distant mark on your smooth skin. Anger was boiling through him at this point. How dare someone make such marks on your perfect body. You began sobbing into his shirt before he tilted your chin back with his finger to make you look at him. “Hey, he can’t hurt you anymore. I’m not going to let anybody hurt you like that ever again on my watch, and that’s a promise.” He assured you as you gave him a small smile before nestling you face into his shoulder, finding peace snuggled up with him.
“Where’d Kurogiri go? I could swear I heard his voice somewhere in my sleep.” Shigaraki asked as you grinned, still nestled into his shirt. “He went to get ice chest from the basement, after he recommended that I wake you up.” You explained before beginning to fall asleep on top of the guy below you. Shigaraki smiled at the thought of you finding security with him, before almost snickering out loud. There wasn’t an ice chest in the basement, it was in the kitchen. Kurogiri was one sneaky bastard.
As Shigaraki began to comb his fingers in your soft white hair, he found himself being overcome with his thoughts. You both knew that it was dangerous for him to touch you with his destructive hands, but you still let him. If anything, you encouraged it. Shigaraki couldn’t help but remember what Chisaki had said to him, and he frowned, glancing sadly at you. He hated how your father, someone who was supposed to love you, had hurt you, and him, someone who could very possibly hurt you, loved you. Such a scenario caused you to always be at risk, but Shigaraki knew deep down in his heart that he’d never hurt you.
But accidents happen, don’t they? Of course, he never would intentionally, but what about an accident? No, Shigaraki wouldn't allow himself to think such thoughts that struck true fear in him. You needed him, and if it was just pulling you closer or running his hands through your hair, Shigaraki would allow himself that pleasure. You were starving for love after all, and he knew that he could help you. He had already fallen for you, might as well go full out and fall in love with you.
Shigaraki found you interesting, mysterious, and even more intriguing now though. You weren’t just some stranger villain girl with a nice voice, but the daughter of the top pro hero in the world who had turned to the dark side of life. You had been through abuse, trauma, and now near kidnapping. And yet, he knew that you had one of the most innocent and kind souls. You had helped him when cut his finger on glass, and then saved his from Chisaki. He owed you his life, so the least he could do was let you rest on his chest if it brought you peace.
Little did Shigaraki know that you found him a stress-reliever, so matter if he had threatened to kill you earlier that night. Each breath he took was a reminder of his arms wrapped around you, and each thumb of his heart told you that it would be okay in the end. God, you were in love with this man, and yet all your nervous little heart could do was lay on his chest. 
As you looked up to look at his sleeping face, you caught him looking down at you, expecting you to be asleep. Blushing and without control of your bodies, he pulled you closer as you two drew to a long kiss. It was sweet, warm, and so comforting. Smiling, you kissed again and again before swinging your arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms tighter around your body, and you fell asleep on his chest finally, noticing how his heart beat had picked up immensely.
The time came to be ten am when you woke up, seeing that Shigaraki was still asleep. You smiled, remembering the past night before slowly getting up, removing yourself from his tight grip around you. You kissed his nose before going to the kitchen, jumping to see Kurogiri watching you. “Good morning Shiro. I’m guessing you slept well.” Kurogiri nodded your way as you smirked at him, realizing that he saw you kiss Shigaraki. “Why yes I did actually, what did you do all night?” You asked, remembering that he didn’t sleep. “Oh nothing much, just made a grocery list for Dabi and caught up on emails.” You looked on the counter to see a paper filled with items to get from the store.
“How about I get it? Toga and I can go! I haven’t left this place except for that terrible meeting last night.” You explained as Kurogiri pondered it. “Hmm, I guess you do stand out a little less than Dabi with no scars showing. If we add some makeup I’m sure you’ll be unrecognizable. Toga is asleep though, do you think you can handle it?” You nodded in response, smiling as Kurogiri pulled out a black ball cap for you to tuck your hair into, and handed you a scarf to wrap around the lower part of your face. “Lastly, I think you’ll need these. Those eyes are unforgettable.” Kurogiri joked, handing you colored contact lenses the shade of grey. You smiled sadly, reminded of Shoto. Was he worried about you?
“You alright dear?” Kurogiri asked, seeing your sad face as you put in the contacts. “Oh yes, I just miss my brother. I wish I could see him and tell him I’m alright, I know he would be okay with me going away. At least I would be safe, which is what he’s always wanted for me.” You explained as Kurogiri handed you the list, and gestured to the black jacket that Toga wore on her adventures out. “I’m sure you’ll see him eventually. Luck seems to be on your sides more times than not.” Kurogiri responded happily as you nodded, heading for the door.
You walked outside, through a few of the alleyways, and then out into the busy streets to the farmers market in the center of town. With the hustling of all the people around you, and the baseball cap hiding your hair with the scarf hiding the lower part of your face, you felt hidden from the world like a spy. You giggled at your own childish thoughts before turning a few of the streets, keeping your head low. It was true that you blended into the outside world like a charm, something that you had been nervous about.
As you finally entered the Farmers Market, you began shopping, enjoying the confrontation with other humans who had no idea who you were. It gave you the same comforting feeling as when you wore your villain mask, as to be hidden from the world with no way to trace your identity. Your bag began to fill with everything from the list, happily using your own cash to pay for everything. You had all the money someone could want stored at home, easily counting to a million in the handfuls of hundreds that you had stolen from your father over the years, and keeping it in your own personal backpack compartment.
You began to leave, before your eyes caught someone familiar from a far. It was your brother, stapling a missing poster to the lamppost nearby. You smiled, going to talk to him.
Shigaraki woke up to see that you weren't on top of him. He immediately sat up worried, looking around for you but not seeing you. Kurogiri was washing dishes, Dabi was eating cereal, and the two teenagers were laughing about something in the paper. “Where is she?!” Shigaraki asked frantically as Dabi smiled, liking seeing the man frazzled over his sister. “She went to the Farmers Market, do relax. She said she’d be back by ten.” Kurogiri explained as Shigaraki grew nervous. “You’re okay with this?! I thought you were protective of her!” Shigaraki yelled at Dabi as he rolled his eyes. “I am Crusty, but us three just woke up a few minutes ago. She left around eight.” Dabi explained as Shigaraki sighed frustratingly, turning to the tv to see the news.
It was the same thing, just Endeavor being interviewed alongside two other pro heroes Eraserhead and Present Mic, except now one of his sons was joining them. “Ahh, that’s Shoto Todoroki. He’s the one that Shiro is closest to, she told me about him. He was the one who wanted to take her away from their father.” Kurogiri commented as everyone listened to what Shoto was saying. “And what are you doing to help cope with your sister’s disappearance?” The interviewer asked the white-and-red-haired boy as he wiped a single from his cheek. “Ahh, I can only hope we find her. My father has promised that once she is found, she will come live with me and be able to live a few weeks and detox with Izuku and I. Daily, my boyfriend, my fellow friends and pro heroes, and I are looking for her. Like this morning, we are all going to the Farmers Market that Shiro and I used to go to when we were young to hang up posters and ask around about her.”
Immediately everyone turned to Kurogiri, immediate worry and fear in their eyes. “Oh god, she’s at the Farmers Market. It says that this interview was pre-filmed, that means he could be there now!” Kurogiri ran to the door, looking out to see no Shiro walking back. “He’s going to recognize her immediately, and she’s going to get caught.” Toga whispered to herself, grabbing her coat from the couch and beginning to put her shoes on. “They’re going to take her into custody, I just know it.” Twice muttered as Kurogiri punched the counter, receiving a surprised look from everyone.
“Shiro told me that Shoto has wanted his young sister to come live with him forever to escape the abuse. She won’t be able to explain to him that she enjoys it here, he won’t understand.” Kurogiri explained as a single tear wiped down Dabi’s cheek. “She’s... gone?” Dabi asked, leaning against the counter and beginning to cry. “Not yet! She’s not gone until we say she’s gone! Now pick yourself up, and let’s go look for her.” Shigaraki insisted, grabbing a hat, hoodie, and his shoes. 
The gang made their way down the streets, splitting up to search everywhere and not seem so suspicious. Behind dumpsters, in the streets, and even behind the market stands. They simply couldn’t find her anywhere. Shigaraki began to lose hope, only imagining the worst. By six pm that night when things began to get dark, Kurogiri forced the gang to regroup. “If she turns up on the news, we will know. If she finds her way back to the lounge, we will know. For now, let’s just... try to relax.” As Kurogiri turned to lead them back to the Lounge, they couldn't help but feel so anxious. Especially Shigaraki, who felt as if he were going to drop dead or start balling that very second.
His girl was gone, just as he had finally gotten a kiss from her. The five made it back to the lounge, walking through with a sad look on their face. Suddenly, a certain smell made them run to the kitchen. There stood Shiro, her earbuds in, her hair damp and curly, and wearing one of Shigaraki’s long shirts that went to her thighs. She was cooking, and dancing at the same time, pretending that a spoon was a microphone. “Shiro!” Twice screamed, running to her and wrapping his arms around her, causing her to almost fall to the ground. “Oh my god, you’re okay!” Dabi was second to run and grab her, giving her a bone-crushing hug.
“I knew you’d be okay! I just knew it, you’re too smart to let them take you!” Toga wrapped her arms around your waist, lifting you up off the ground before lowering you. Kurogiri patted you on the head, ruffling your hair. “I’m so happy you’re okay kiddo, we were worried.” He explained as you smiled back, before turning to Shigaraki who just stood there, staring at you. Back in his dream, he had seen you wearing one of his shirts like you were doing now, and you looked just as sexy. “I... I didn’t think that I would ever see you again.” He whispered, his voice hoarse from trying not to cry. “Aww, you poor thing.” You whispered back, running to hug him tightly, standing on your tip toes. Shigaraki didn’t hesitate with he hugged you back, loving the feel of his body against yours.
“Gosh I told Kurogiri I would be back by ten, why were you guys so worried?’ You asked as everyone stared at you, unable to believe the situation in front of them. “We saw your brother say at the interview that he would be looking for you at the Farmers Market, so we came after you.” Shigaraki explained as Toga sat up on the counter, loving to watch you two creepily. “Did you see him? Did you see any of the other pros?” She asked as you nodded your head yes, thinking about your interaction with your brother.
You began to leave, before your eyes caught someone familiar from a far. It was your brother, stapling a missing poster to the lamppost nearby. You smiled, going to talk to him before his boyfriend walked next to him. “I was thinking, where do you think she is? Your father has already raided seven villain bases, and there’s not a trace of her anywhere.” Deku explained as Shoto sighed, nodding. “I know, it’s so frustrating. I know she’s hiding from him, and he’s doing everything in his power to find her. I just... I hope he doesn’t find her, because he’s going to make her life a living hell.”
You stepped back, surprised by your brother’s comment. He was right, you father would never let his eyes off of you ever again if he found you. Not to mention, he knew secretly that you had run away from him, not kidnapped. He had hurt you, and you had run as far as you could from him. “S-Shotie.” You squeaked as Shoto and Deku slowly turned to see you, their eyes as wide as possible. “S-Shiro?” Shoto responded, his eyes full of happiness and surprise. You ran into his arms, only to be hugged back by two guys in return. Deku had always been a friend to you.
“Maybe we should take this in the alley. Come.” Deku led you two to the nearby alleyway, before ruffling your hair. “God, you’re okay! I knew you would be! I mean, Shoto was more calm than I was because I thought you were kidnapped and he thought that you were safely just hiding but I knew you were alive!” Deku rambled as Shoto hugged you tightly as if he never was going to let go. He glanced in your hand to see a grocery list. “I knew it. I knew you were hiding from him. What did he do this time?” Shoto asked as you sighed, beginning to explain everything.
“He stabbed me with that small army knife he carries around, right in my hip.” You explained as the two guys looked surprised once more. “The burned one?” Deku asked as you nodded, receiving a gasp from the green-haired hero. “So I ran out and saw some... people nearby who I asked for help. They took me in, and right now I’m living with them. It’s really cool, because last night this guy who I really like kissed me and I slept on top of his chest. There’s the butler guy, and this girl who’s my age and this guy who’s a bit older who’s besties with me and the girl, and then the other guy who I like is really hot and he kinda runs the whole group.” 
You explained, not wanting to give any of the villain details. “God, I’m so happy to see that you’re okay. You have no idea what Dad’s been doing. All of our house’s have been implemented with security cameras so he can see if we are hiding you. He’s also been having heroes like Hawks and Eraserhead and Present Mic all look for you. I told all of my friends not to look for you, but we have to say that we are on tv or else he will get mad.” Shoto took you by the shoulders, giving you the death stare.
“Shiro, whatever you hear on tv, please know that it isn’t true. Dad has no idea where you are, none of your siblings or my friends are looking for you, and he will never stop looking for you. Don’t trust anyone except your siblings, that group, and my friends. Got it?” Shoto asked as you nodded, smiling at him. Deku and Shoto hugged you once more, before beginning to walk back to the alley. “Oh, and Shiro?” Shoto called out as you turned to look at him. “Um, I’ll be here every Saturday if you want to... catch up. I can bring you money or like, something from home if you want me to.” Shoto smiled softly as you nodded before walking away and past the corner back to the Lounge.
“Wow! Your brother was lying, he’s really good!” Toga exclaimed happily, still overjoyed by your safety and security. “Yes, too good. If only he hadn’t of mentioned the Farmers Market, we might have been able to have lunch.” Twice smiled as you turned to the stove, revealing a pot full of noodles and a yellow sauce. “Sun dried tomatoes, some weird leaves I found in the fridge, cheese, noodles, and chicken! Bone apple teeth!” You smiled, returning to the stove to continue stirring it. “You mean the spinach?” Kurogiri asked as you nodded, giggling. Dabi rolled his eyes, remembering how his father forced every child to learn how to cook, but never the names of anything besides poisonous leaves and meat.
“Looks good.” Shigaraki murmured, hugging you from behind and not letting go. “Thanks, I’ve had a few hours since y’all have been gone for so long. I’m surprised I remembered how to make it, my mom used to make it all the time though. It might not be as good as hers, but the chicken is perfect and the sauce is soooo good. You wanna try it? I promise, the recipe is so g-” You were interrupted by Shigaraki lowering how hands from your waist to your ass, squeezing it strongly. “I wasn’t talking about the food.” You felt a blush creeping to your face slowly as your attention turned from the food to Tomura.
taglist: @debbiehehe @pnkcts @league-of-bnha @lilcura1209 @x-a-delama-x @bish-ima-clown @axerrri @fearsome-perfect-beauty-eren @kneecapstealingalien @bunniwritesx
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tahitianmangoes · 4 years ago
The Story of Ephraim Bird
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Sister Amata woke suddenly. She's not the type to wake during the night so suddenly, usually a heavy sleeper but that night felt different somehow. She left her sleeping quarters, the stone floors freezing under bare feet. 
The sound was faint, so faint hat she half wondered whether it was in her head but she followed it, somehow she knew she had to, right to the door of the convent. She opened it gingerly, knowing she’d be in trouble if Mother Superior caught her.
She realised, as she saw a basket on the front step of the convent that she had been woken for a reason. She knelt down beside the basket and the sound became louder; the cooing and gurgling of a baby. The baby was sleeping quite soundly, not undernourished or in distress.
Sister Amata took the baby inside and the convent decided to take care of it.
A baby boy. They called him Ephraim.
Ephraim grew up in the convent which was located a little over the border from New Austin, past Hennigan’s Stead. It was a pleasant childhood, perhaps a more sheltered childhood than most - Ephraim would help the nuns around the convent, fixing what needed fixing or running errands for them. 
He realised early on that he liked to help people - he found being needed and depended upon was addictive.
He would drive the wagon to Blackwater every Sunday for the service there and studied the bible alongside the nuns back at the convent. At first he was unquestioning and took comfort in the pages of the book but as he grew, he saw other children his age whenever he went to the Macfarlane’s Ranch to get supplies or even when he drove the nuns to Strawberry for their evangelism… They always seemed so happy and normal. They had their friends and their toys and most importantly, they had their parents.
He was eleven or at the oldest twelve when he asked Sister Amata about his parents.
She smiled gently at him, slipping her arm around his shoulders and squeezing him. “I knew this day would come,” she said more to herself than Ephraim. “The truth is, dear boy, we don’t know for certain.”
Ephraim hadn’t prepared himself for this answer. He blinked up at the nun who had raised him with unwavering love, kindness and benevolence, her clear, blue eyes met Ephraim’s.
“I had my thoughts over the years…”
“Tell me..!” Ephraim pleaded almost desperately. 
Sister Amata smiled kindly at the boy. “Well, there was a young woman who used to come to the church over in Blackwater. Always on her own she was but she came every Sunday without fail. I would talk to her and she was polite but never really said too much… I noticed that she was in the family way but when I asked her, poor girl started sobbin’... She wasn’t married but the man she was layin’ with was. She didn’t say much about him but he was important, that was clear and he wasn’t interested in havin’ a family with her or financing her and a baby...”
Ephraim chewed his lip. “Was she my mother?”
“I don’t know for sure, dear boy. But a few months later, sure enough you were left outside on our doorstep and that poor girl stopped coming to church.”
“What did she look like?” Ephraim asked shyly. His whole life he had searched the faces of women he didn’t know hoping to see something familiar looking back at him, hoped to run into her one day in the general store or at the butchers or even just on the trail. He dreamed about her coming to the convent to take him away with her where they would live happily together.  But she never did. 
When he caught his reflection in a mirror or water, he wondered what part of him was from her? Her eyes? Her mouth? And his father? Maybe the brow or nose?
He didn't look like anyone else he knew; his skin was coffee coloured suggesting maybe Mexican or Native… His eyes round and hazel, nose crooked and lips wide and full. His hair was sleek and straight, dark mahogany. He was without a doubt handsome, but what did that matter? he’d been discarded, like trash. 
"Why, she looked just like you." Sister Amata answered with a wistful tone to her voice. 
Ephraim did his best to stop his eyes from filming over with tears, clenching his fist in his lap so the nails dug into the soft flesh of his palm. “W-why didn’t she love me?”
Ephraim was taken aback when Sister Amata threw back her head in a light-hearted laugh. “Oh Ephraim, your mother loved you very much. She loved you enough to carry you and birth you and then to make the difficult decision to give you to people who would take care of you in a way that maybe she couldn’t.” 
Ephraim swallowed, unconvinced.
"I'll let you into a secret, child, mothers don't tend to give their babies up due to lack of caring… Usually due to caring too much."
Ephraim wrinkled his nose at this. He couldn’t quite believe her, even if she was a nun.
By age thirteen, Ephraim began to question everything. If God loved everyone then why did people suffer? Those poor folk in Armadillo dying of sickness and beggars in Blackwater thankful for even a cent thrown their way. If God loved everyone, why did Ephraim’s parents abandon him?
Maybe Sister Amata could see him becoming contemptuous and jaded because she tried to talk to him, to involve him more but the more she did, the more he withdrew until, when he was fifteen, he left the convent. 
He missed Sister Amata dearly, she was the closest thing to family he had and maybe ever would have. But he needed to find himself somehow and he couldn’t do that confined in the convent’s four walls. 
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Ephraim was naïve and didn’t know the way of the world. For that reason, he ended up falling in with gangs when he shouldn’t have but he found himself attracted to them. 
A few months after he had left the convent, he found himself weary and starving, feet blistered from walking and exhausted from the relentless New Austin sun. He collapsed somewhere outside of Benedict Pass and when he awoke again, he was lying on a bedroll and could smell cooked meat. When he sat up slowly and let his eyes adjust to the darkness of the evening, he could make out a large camp. He could hear chatter and laughter. That meat smelled delicious.
“Estas despierto?”
Ephraim started, looking around wildly at where the voice had come from to see a man who must have been in his late thirties or so, he was average build with a goatee and moustache, piercing dark eyes the held him in their gaze sitting beside him on a small stool.
He repeated himself, voice deep and for some reason, cast fear in Ephraim. 
“I...I don’t understand.” Ephraim stammered.
“Ah, English…” The man responded. He didn’t say anything else for a few moments and then, “are you hungry?”
Ephraim nodded hesitantly. 
“Then let’s eat!”
“Eat?” Ephraim repeated.
The man raised a thick eyebrow at Ephraim, “you think I would leave you to starve?  Flaco Hernandez might be a bastard, but I am not the devil.”
That was his name, Flaco Hernandez. He was the leader of a gang of ten or so men. He treated Ephraim with surprising care, feeding and watering him, letting him recuperate in the camp for as long as he needed. Flaco was unlike anyone Ephraim had ever met, he was boisterous, loud and had a presence that made most people shrink away. He fascinated Ephraim no end. And his gang, well they treated each other like brothers despite not being related in any way. But they were family. 
Ephraim rode with them for a while, going as far as Mexico for a month or two before they were chased by the law back into America. During this time, Ephraim learned to shoot a gun, albeit badly at first but his aim improved over time and he would often practice with empty whiskey bottles around the camo when the others were gone.
He tasted his first alcohol and had his first smoke, even had his first kiss. He learned to kill and skin an animal, how to clean and dress a wound, how to start a fire and take care of a camp. At the age of sixteen, he felt like a man and most importantly, he felt like part of something bigger than himself. He felt accepted.
But like all good things, it ended all too soon. Something had happened that caused a rift in the group - Ephraim had learned some Spanish here and there but not enough to understand the arguments. Some of the gang left for the Del Lobo. Ephraim wanted to stay with Flaco.
Flaco sighed and told him, “you’re a good boy but Flaco has to go alone. When you’re older, come and find me.”
He was being abandoned again.
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He was eighteen now and Ephraim  had nothing but a horse and a revolver to his name after Flaco. He felt bitter and betrayed, his veins felt like they knotted and twisted themselves with venom. He didn’t hate Flaco for living him, he loved the man like a father and it hurt. It hurt so much that it brought stinging tears to his eyes. He spent his time in saloons, drinking until he forgot or blacked out. 
Soon enough the money dried up but his thirst for booze didn’t. He was no good at pickpocketing and lacked the guts to rob a homestead without a gang to back him up but he had befriended a working girl in a saloon in Valentine who suggested that maybe he could probably charge for his services, too.
“You’re pretty and young enough and there’s plenty of lonesome fellers out here prefer a man’s touch to a woman’s.”
Ephraim thought about it for a few days. He’d been propositioned before but had been so scared that he had fled the saloon and ended up sleeping on a bench outside the general store for the night. 
There were indeed plenty of lonely fellers out there, he knew that much. Sometimes they bought him drinks and talked to him, glad of the company of a handsome young man. Sometimes they laid their hand on his thigh and he would casually brush it off whilst talking to them. Not many of them tried to push it any further, one or two but Flaco had taught him how to deal with men who wouldn’t heed notice.
The need for drink made up his mind for him.
“Five dollars if you want me to jerk you off, ten if you want me to suck it and twenty-five to fuck.” Ephraim told his clients firmly. The words felt crass coming out of his mouth, never had he spoken like this before but the working girls had told him that boundaries were necessary in this business, lest he wanted to be taken advantage of. 
To say he liked the work would be a lie, but he liked being close to someone even if it was for a short bit. 
He could get more money in places like Saint Denis or Blackwater, steered clear of places like Strawberry where folk like him weren’t welcome. But he found that wherever he went, the men he met regardless of age or profession, were the same in a way; lonely and touch-starved like him. 
Some wanted to talk, to tell him how their wives wouldn’t fuck them anymore and that they just wanted someone to hold them, others didn’t want anything but his body. Some men returned to him a few times, taking him out for dinner or a show, showering him with compliments and gifts and paying him extra; they didn’t want the sex, just the company. Somehow that was worse.
Regardless, he always felt unclean and worthless afterwards, whether they’d fucked or not, when they left and he cleaned himself up...
What would Sister Amata say if she could see him now?
The money added up nicely and he was able to afford himself fine clothes and fancy lodgings. But no amount of pretty shirts or coats could fill the emptiness that people could. 
He drank more until the pain became nothing but numbness. Got into a few fights because of it and now bore the scar from a broken nose.  One of his regulars cooed as they stroked the scar carefully, “you need to be more careful. Wouldn’t want to ruin your pretty face, boy.”
After whoring for a while, he met a mysterious woman named Madam Nazar whose intricately painted cart played music and boasted of rare oddities. She was beautiful with long dark hair and bright green eyes, Ephraim had never seen a woman quite like her before. She sold him maps of hidden treasures and when he returned to her with those things, she paid him handsomely. 
He found himself on the trail a lot more because of this but it meant that he wasn’t selling himself as often and maybe that was for the better. 
The trail was a lonesome place, sometimes he went days without seeing a soul and when he did, he  became so excited, he wanted to greet them, lured in by the thought of having a conversation with someone other than his horse. He found out that this was not always the best thing to do, to his detriment. 
One afternoon while riding through Roanoke Ridge, he came across a man who was complaining of illness. He remembered those days in the convent when he had helped the nuns and the rush of pride he got from doing so and, eager to help, hopped down from his chestnut Arabian and went to the aide of the man.
When Ephraim got closer, the man rose to his feet and pointed a gun to his face. 
“Your money, now!” He demanded. 
Ephraim felt violated but more importantly, stupid. So darn stupid. He handed over his money and then, when the man turned to leave, he drew the revolver that Flaco Hernandez had given him and shot him in the back. 
He took his money back and whatever else the man had in his pockets. 
His hunger for blood was spent but his hunger for human contact was not.
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 In 1898, Ephraim Bird  is 23 and travels the country looking for shiny trinkets and strange tarot cards to sell to the exquisite Madam Nazar, he tries to keep away from liquor but it seems it’s a vice he can’t shake. Along the way he beds many people in whatever town he stays in, some for cash and some for lust - men or women, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that he can pretend that he is wanted by someone, even if it is for a short bit.
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kylorengarbagedump · 5 years ago
Little Bird: Chapter 30
Read on AO3. Part 29 here. Part 31 here.
Summary: Survival, but at what cost?
Words: 3400
Warnings: emotions
Characters: Kylo Ren x Handmaid!Reader
A/N: It's technically Friday right?
I've been done this chapter for days and I've just been sitting on it out of pure anxiety. HAHA. But I did edit it and post it so here you go. Hope you enjoy. It's a bit of a break in some ways, not a break in others. Let me know what you think--I'm ever-molding, ever-receptive!
I love y'all! Stay safe with COVID. <3
You did not remember arriving home, exiting the Audi, stepping out into the searing sun. You did not remember the car ride: a murky journey spent in silence next to your Commander, a sentient shade. You did not remember being led from the balcony down the steps, through the halls, stares sticking to you like sap, stringing syrupy sinews to your skin. You did not remember the moment you stood, or the moment you breathed, or the moment you finally moved. Most mercifully, you did not remember the body--a gruesome, heavy pendulum--as it rocked in the cotton air breeze.
What you did remember was a sharp growl of breath as Johana flung open the front door, eyes rimmed red and burning with the fuel of exhaustion.
“Glad you could make it home, Commander.” She aimed the sword of her stare at you, but it pierced you like rubber. “You must have had a wonderful evening together. Won’t both of you come in?”
You followed him like a zombie, gaze trained on the ground, watching from outside your body as you climbed the steps, crossed the foyer, swept past the kitchen. Tile blurred to wood blurred to a soft Persian pattern. All you could stand to focus on was the wall, the rhythm of your breath, the thump of your still-beating heart.
Unlike hers.
It was only after Johana snapped her fingers in front of your face that you were aware that you’d taken a seat in the parlour room. You’d landed on a dark leather Chesterfield sofa (what was the preoccupation with Chesterfield, in this house?), your Commander and Johana standing at odds beyond the ebony coffee table at your knees. Her arms were crossed. He regarded her like one might regard a swarm of ants on the kitchen table.
“Well?” She looked between you. “What do you have to say for yourselves?”
Of course, you had nothing to say. So you said nothing. Kylo Ren also said nothing, but his silence was far more unreasonable.
“Don’t just stand there,” she said. “You can at least bother to explain why you left me alone in the house without so much as a word.”
“I wasn’t aware I owed you my agenda.”
She blinked. “Oh, please,” she replied, “as if I care about your agenda, at this point. What if something had happened while you were gone? To the house?”
Kylo sniffed. “The Knights were present.”
“They’re your men, not Gilead’s. They can’t prevent me from being questioned by the Eyes.” Johana scowled. “They can’t prevent the Council from ordering this house to be torn apart.”
You stared at your hand, at the sprig of cuticle poking from your thumb--you pinched it, tugged it, pain shooting up your wrist. Real, restorative breath would not come to you. Neither would any coherent thought.
“You believe the Council would arrive at my home unannounced. In the middle of the night.”
She blinked, as if he’d asked if she believed the world was round. “After your display with your little slut last night?” she asked, gesturing to you. “I certainly wouldn’t be surprised.”
“She is my advisor.”
Johana snorted. “An advisor to what?” she asked. “Your cock?”
Kylo’s lip curled, and he stepped toward her, shoulders rolling. “Careful.”
She snarled, not budging an inch. “You think that the others don’t see how you look at her?” she said. “You think that they believe your intentions are innocent?” A disgusted, tired laugh escaped her. “Where did you go all night?”
Silence. Kylo was a wolf, thirsty for her rabbit blood. But she wasn’t backing down.
“You never answer my questions,” she said. “Not even after I… I’ve lied for you, taken responsibility for your thoughtlessness, thrown you parties to help with your ridiculously poor public image--”
His fists furled. “None of which I requested.”
“It doesn’t matter!” Her voice was rising. “I did it for you! I did it for Gilead, I--I… I did it for our future!” she said. “One day, we’re going to have a child together, and I want that child to know the Gilead that I know!”
The tear at your thumb split past the nail bed. A child. Your child. Just hours ago you would’ve been sickly elated to be pregnant. Now you wanted to rip your uterus out, barren with bare hands. Gilead was no place to create new life. And Kylo Ren certainly wasn’t the man to create new life with. What had you been thinking? Blood beaded, slipped in a fat drop down your knuckle. It was a relief.
“The Gilead you know is imperfect.” His hands were still balled. “You’re clinging to the past.”
“I’m clinging to what God would’ve wanted!”
“You’re clinging to what Moden Canady wanted.”
Johana’s face tightened, and she sneered, pointing an accusatory finger at her husband. “At least Moden would’ve thanked me!” she said. “Moden would’ve never had an affair with--with some whore, someone disgusting enough to be made a Handmaid to begin with!”
Flush heat bloomed red at her neck, in her cheeks. “Moden loved me,” she seethed, “he would never have left me alone, he would never have--”
“--forgotten his purpose as a husband, which is to protect me, to care for me--”
“--and he never would’ve humiliated me by having some whore wear my old clothes in front of everybody I know!”
A pause. Kylo glimpsed you for only a second--saw your bleeding thumb--but did not respond.
Johana trembled, veins bulging in her neck, and she advanced on him. “Where’s my dress?” When he didn’t respond, she screeched, whirling on you. “Where is my dress!”
You were a statue, a worthy target of her ire, as she lunged and charged you, hand shooting for your hair. Kylo growled, snatched her wrist, and she wailed, jerking back, teeth bared in primal rage. He met her with dispassionate irritation as she twisted, yanked, shrieked in his grip, the rabbit now caged by the wolf.
“Let me go, Kylo!”
She flailed, tried to pry him off, whined as she failed to budge even a single finger. Wrath collapsed into resignation, and she groaned, desperation swelling and dying in her chest, recognizing the futility of it all. Clearing her throat, she took a deep breath, smoothed her hair with her free hand and straightened.
“Commander,” she said. “Please, let me go.”
He did, and she whipped her arm back, rubbing her wrist.
“Your dress has been returned to your closet,” he replied. “Where it belongs.”
It almost sounded as if he’d apologized, though that couldn’t be right. It wasn’t for her benefit, anyway, if he had--but you were still too numb to notice.
Johana blinked, then recovered, crossing her arms. “If you think that fixes anything, Sir, it doesn’t,” she said. “Really, just keep the dress wherever you want it. Throw it out, for all I care. I’m sleeping in the guest room down the hall tonight.” She leered at you. “Enjoy.” Then she turned on her heel and left.
The word enjoy made it seem as if you could imagine nothing better than spending another night with the man who had murdered your only confidant in front of you. Ofarmitage’s betrayal was forgivable--after all, it was your trust in your own Commander that had gotten her killed. The fact was, her only mistake had been that she hadn’t been sleeping with Kylo Ren. You two had been one in the same. Equally enslaved, equally naive, equally expendable. Had Hux gotten his way, you’d be the one with the broken neck.
In a way, you envied her.
Alone in the room with your Commander, you continued to sit, unable--unwilling--to make eye contact with him, studying instead the dry red river that had now trickled to your palm. The air was still, emptied even of awkwardness. There was nothing between you, right now, that you wanted to feel. Behind you, beyond the large bay window, mourning doves cooed their soft, sage song.
He shifted, his gaze razor wire, slicing your skin at the thought of being around him a second longer. Glaring at the floor, you stood, marching toward the exit. Kylo reached for your arm, and you dodged him like he was a poltergeist.
“Don’t touch me!” you spat, shrugging your shoulder as if to banish his curse.
You stalked through the halls and up the stairs, head pounding with your audacity. He didn’t try to follow you, and you were glad. A storm ravaged your mind--what was the point of this, or the point of anything?
Enslaved in the home of malevolence manifested, tainted. Terrorized. Everything and anything turned to sand in your mouth, pouring and pouring down your throat until you choked and sputtered and wept into a soundless void. There would be no reprieve from this, in this future or any other future, not as long as you remained you, stupid and gullible and more craven than shadows in sun.
No saints in Gilead indeed--and next to Kylo Ren, you were the worst of them; he’d held you in his blood-soaked hands and stained you with his sins. You were worse than unforgivable.
You were unsalvageable.
When you made it to your room, you slammed the door, ripped your wings and bonnet from your hair, and threw yourself on the bed, smothering your face with your pillow.
There was no screaming, no tears--you held the pillow to your nose and mouth, sucking in nothingness, willing whatever black wraith that controlled your fate to guide you out of this hell and the next. You had no hope for heaven, you decided, if it existed--you’d been to bed with a barbarian, sought solace in his arms, spoiled your soul under his spell. You deserved nothing but utter damnation.
Another deep breath of nothing, and another, lack of oxygen burning behind your eyes, your lungs starved--just a little longer, and you’d pass out. Yet despite your self-loathing, the base of your brain kicked in, hijacking your intent, and you rolled over gasping, staring at the ceiling as static sizzled in your sight.
As you heaved, seconds tumbled into minutes, the desire for self-destruction crumbling with it. A soft sigh escaped. Killing yourself would do nothing but award Gilead another body. If anything, you would live out of spite, denying it the satisfaction of your surrender.
In fact, you’d do more than live out of spite. You’d do what you promised. You’d get the blade with Snoke’s blood and you’d turn it over to the Resistance the second you had a chance.
The resolution brought a calm to your chest. The rest of the day whittled away as you did nothing but lie in bed, apart from eating your quick lunch and dinner in silence. Neither Johana nor your Commander made an appearance throughout your day and into the night, allowing you some time to process. Staring into your ceiling, you picked at your thumb again, peeling the scab.
It was difficult to put into words what you felt for Kylo Ren, but you knew that whatever it was, it had been unlike anything you’d ever experienced, before Gilead or after. The sexual chemistry was one thing, of course, but there was something greater than that, something almost irrevocable. It was the vestiges of compassion in his eyes, the throttled tenderness in his hands, the buried loneliness, his persistent phantom--the phantom that knew you, too.
More shredding of skin, a rush of release shot through your veins. That was the fact that most attracted and disturbed you, the fact that bound you together, the fact that tore you apart--the fact that in the depths of Gilead’s despair, you’d found each other, seen the other with needle-sharp clarity, both born into an unspoken but magnetic understanding.
You’d peered into the pits of his pain, he’d held you, helpless and fractured. He’d been your savior, your asylum, your normality; you’d grounded him and challenged and incited him. And despite this ethereal intimacy that wove between you--
Kylo Ren had deceived you and bound you to insanity, eliminated all avenues of escape--except through him. He was a beast unleashed, devouring his prey and his protectors alike in a gambit to possess it all. He was agony and rage, seeking a home. Kylo Ren was a man so long tormented by demons that he had finally become one.
And you truly, unconditionally hated him.
You stared at your ravaged thumb through the darkness, your blood black in the moonlight. Crickets hummed in harmony outside. In the hall, footsteps creaked the floorboards. Long, strong strides. Your heart seized, face hot. Your door opened.
Kylo Ren--your mirror, your spectre, your Commander--stepped through and closed it behind him. Under the glow of stars, his beauty was a black hole, celestial and sinister, hauling you toward complete annihilation.
“I haven’t seen you,” he said. “All day.”
“I haven’t wanted you to see me.”
“You’re angry.” He stepped forward, inspecting your face. “Your life was endangered. You know that.”
Sighing, you refused to meet his eyes, focusing on your gnarled cuticle. “You made me watch her die.”
“It was important that they see where you stand.”
You balked. “What? Where I stand?”
“Your importance,” he said. “To Gilead. To me.” He paused. “And that attempts to disrupt that will not be tolerated.”
“But I’m disrupting Gilead,” you said. “You’re okay with tolerating that?” Sitting up, you shook your head. “You know from the party last night that I’m still working with the Resistance. Shouldn’t I be killed?” You pried more dry skin from your thumb--pain daggered up your wrist. “Don’t you want to hang--”
You frowned. “Answer my question, or don’t tell me what to do,” you replied. “I’m not different than Ofarmitage. I fucked you. I even--” The word stuck in your throat, a rock. “I even cared about you.” You sighed. “She wanted more with her Commander. She did what she had to do to get it.” Your nails were caked with blood. “Just like I did.”
Kylo stepped toward your bed. “Whether or not she is different is unimportant,” he said. “She is not you. She threatened you--threatened me.” He paused. “It won’t happen again.”
Hot indignation coursed through you. “What, so she’s just… a sacrifice?”
He came closer. “She was an example.”
“She was a person!” you snapped. “ She had--she had a life!” Your body shook with anger. “You killed her! And now no one will know. No one will know who she was.” Despair coiled your chest. “I didn’t even know her name.”
Kylo Ren was silent. His gaze wandered the room, lingering on the vacant window, your red cheeks, and settled on the floor, lids falling in a slow blink. He ground his teeth in thought, following the lines of the floorboards, tracking their notches. The knot in his throat bobbed, and he blinked again. A tiny exhale escaped his nose. Slowly, his focus returned to you.
“It’s… unfortunate,” he said. “But if protecting your life means that others die in your place, then so be it.”
You shook your head, folding your arms over your chest. “You don’t get to kill just because it pleases you.”
“Pleases me?” His eyes widened, a nameless turmoil bubbling to life within them. “Little bird,” he hissed, “I have no choice.”
“You keep saying that,” you replied, “but you’re wrong. You’ve had choices this entire time. I’m the one without a choice! I’m the one stuck here, under you!”
He edged closer, tone like a knife. “There is no choice regarding your safety.”
“But people aren’t expendable!”
Kylo Ren pounced, cornering you, fist slamming the wall. “There was nothing to me but Gilead!” His voice was living death. “Now there is you.” His chin trembled, teeth bared. “And I will keep you alive at the expense of existence itself.”
You stared at him--looming over you, agonized anguish behind his gaze--remembering the man you’d seen the night before, the man whose eyes found you when you’d woken in the morning, the man who’d said your name. Then there was the masked monster pulling the lever, the machine who’d massacred his leader’s mansion, the Commander who’d deserted his duty. Kylo Ren was all of these men--and all of them had done all of it for you.
Swallowing, you dug into your cuticle, popping another twig of flesh free and tearing at it. “You disgust me.” You weren’t sure if you were speaking to him or yourself.
A long, slow breath left him, his chest deflating.
“The worst part of this is that I understand why you did it.”
He eased back, looking between you and your mangled thumb. “You do.”
You’d kept the Resistance at arm’s length, paying less than lip service, avoiding their inquiries, denying them information that could liberate not just you, but thousands. Even after he’d killed Poe. Your loyalty likely came at the expense of other lives you didn’t know. At the time, it felt like you didn’t have a choice. Who else was dying, now, because of your reluctance? You supposed if you hated him, you hated yourself, too.
“I guess I’m still just… you.”
You drove your nail into your leision, seeking more thin skin, blood smudging your fingers. Having done that, you flayed another layer, twitching as capillaries were rended raw. Kylo sat at the foot of your mattress, watching you work.
“You’re hurting yourself.”
You shrugged. “I could do worse.”
He caught your hand, pulling you from your self-mutilation, and examined it, rotating your wrist. Holding you in his gaze, he brought your bloody thumb to his mouth and pressed his lips to it, a salve of devotion--and then guided it inside, sealing it between his teeth. Your breath stalled, pulse paralyzed as he sucked, tongue sliding up and around the tender wound, cleaning the crimson new and old. Shivers scampered over you, and he purred in soft satisfaction, laving your sensitive pad, dragging his teeth over the knuckle before pulling it free.
“My bed is open to you.” He kissed your thumb again, his affection like anesthesia. “Come lie with me.”
“Lie with you.” The words withered in your throat. No, you didn’t hate yourself--you didn’t even hate him. But this game of hopeless passion had become too deadly, too personal. You were done playing. “I don’t want to.”
He blinked. “You don’t.”
Frowning, you met his eyes, and found a terrified tempest howling behind them. Your hands quaked; you remembered the wisp of him on your lips, dew drops of worship in your ear, the wholeness you’d felt in his embrace. It thrashed in your chest, luminous and blooming into your blood. And you would sooner dessicate your veins than admit it was there at all.
“No.” You tore your hand from him, cradling it to your chest. “I don’t.”
He didn’t move. His eye twitched. “Come.”
“No.” Staring at the wall, you steeled your jaw. “Just… go away. Leave me alone.”
Kylo Ren swallowed, fear a fog in his gaze. With rash-red lips, he murmured your name.
Heat rushed your spine. You shook your head. “Don’t call me that anymore.”
Silence. He shifted on the bed. “Please.”
You speared him with a glare. “Get out of my room, Commander.”
Kylo looked to your hand, still clutched to your heart, and to your face, searching for something in the quiet of the night. Then he stood, staring out into the yard, fingers tensing. After a moment without a word, he turned, opened the door, and disappeared into the hall.
You collapsed into bed, gaze chained to the ceiling. Without him, ache filtered back through your body, your thumb now throbbing in pain. Hot shame streaked through you. Eyes closed, you pressed it to your mouth, futilely trying to taste his lips.
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ymir-me · 4 years ago
We will be just fine - a Levihan fanfiction
Rated T
Hurt/Comfort - Fluff
read on AO3
“Will this pain ever end?” He scoffed, unsure of how to respond to such a hard question. “Never,” he finally said, still watching the night sky. “But one day, you will wake up feeling better than the day before. You will never forget, but you will be fine.”
thank you to @fullmetal-hellmouthchemist dearest for the amazing beta job, u da best <3 <3
She shot the hooks of her ODM gear with skill, soaring several meters from the ground. Hange had always been extremely agile and flexible, her movements clean and elegant. Without an eye, though, it was harder to adjust her depth perception, making it almost impossible to move around without occasionally crashing against obstacles.
One mistake and she could end up as Titan shit (if only Titans had a digestive system), a fate she couldn’t risk now that she was the Survey Corps Commander–she needed to get better and better, she needed to perfect herself. She couldn’t waste Moblit’s sacrifice or betray Erwin’s trust, especially not as they looked down upon her.
The pain of the loss never faded, never dulled, not once. It was always present, lurking, waiting for her to be unoccupied to attack. Hange tried to drown that feeling by working until the first lights of morning and training until her muscles ached; she had skipped more meals than she could remember because thinking about food made her stomach sick. She was so tired.
One flip, one jump, a wrong move and she slammed against a tree with her back. The air left her lungs all at once as she let out a choked sob. She shot the hook again to reach a higher branch and sit on it to catch her breath.
“Fuck!” she screamed, and she punched the poor trunk.
“Oi, shitty eyes. What the hell are you doing up there in the middle of the night?”
She looked below her and there was Levi, standing on top of the roots of the tree.
“Just training, why are you here?”
“I was looking for you, couldn’t sleep,” he shrugged. “I made tea and brought you some bread because you’re apparently trying to starve yourself.”
She smiled softly and fixed her glasses over her nose, they were a bit too tight on her still-fresh wound. Levi being so attentive wasn’t really a surprise—he cared deeply about his soldiers’ and colleagues’ well-being, and they had been close friends for years now. However, facing him in that moment, as broken as she felt, didn’t sound like a good idea in her head.
“I appreciate it very much, but I think I’ll exercise some more. I’ll meet you inside when I’m finished.”
Hange rose on her feet and resumed flying around, leaving Levi alone with his thoughts.
Her declining to spend time together was new, but not completely out of character: she had lost two of her best friends in a matter of days and was coping badly, as most of their comrades did. The Survey Corps was accustomed to losses and grief, some deaths hitting harder than others. He knew how she was feeling at that moment and really wanted to cheer her up somehow, or maybe find solace in their shared experience.
After all, he had lost Erwin too. And Kenny, just before their commander.
He turned around to enter the barracks when a dull noise caught his attention. He couldn’t hear the gas of the ODM gear anymore, nor the metal wires pulling their user around.
“Oi, are you okay over there?”
No response.
“Hange,” he called again.
No, that silence couldn’t be good. Levi started running towards the woods and saw a bunch of fallen branches on the leaf-covered ground, clearly cut with blades. Hange was nowhere to be seen; she must have gone deeper into the forest. He followed the path and suddenly, out of the corner of his eyes, Levi spotted a figure dangling from a branch, like a puppet attached to its strings, upside down. Unconscious.
“Hange!” His voice shook in his throat as he rushed to free her from the gear, undoing the belts as fast as he could. Her body slumped on his; from his position, Levi did his best to secure her head and neck on his shoulder while carrying the rest of her limp body, tightly pressed against his.
As he approached the only lamppost around, he froze in his tracks for a second: there was blood dripping from a cut on her forehead, and some of her bangs had stuck to it, creating a bloody, matted mess. He lowered Hange to the ground, on the grass, and took her cloak off, using it as a pillow to let her head rest comfortably. Levi frantically checked for her pulse and breathing. Both were steady and clear; the cut wasn’t deep, and her neck was okay.
She was alright, she was alive.
With the help of her canteen, he rinsed her head from the blood and parted the bangs to keep them from falling over the wound again.
Suddenly, her eyes opened wide and she moved to sit upright, only to be blocked by Levi’s hands on her shoulder and forehead, pressing on the cut.
“Hey, calm down. You’re okay, you’re okay. You managed to knock yourself out,” he said calmly, pushing lightly to lay her down again. She hissed in pain.
“I miscalculated and crashed against a tree. I need to train more.”
“You need to eat and to rest, and to face your grief once for all, stupid. If you keep acting like this, you’re going to make yourself useless. You’re jeopardising their sacrifices by acting like this,” he reprimanded her, maybe a bit too harshly,
“I can’t sleep and I can’t eat, I can barely see from the eye I’ve got left and now you’re telling me I’m not allowed to be in pain?” She smacked his hand away from her in a fit of rage she was struggling to control.
“You know what I meant, Hange-” he tried to say, only to be interrupted by her word-vomit.
“I really don’t, Levi. I’m tired! I am tired of fighting, tired of this pressure left on my shoulders. I-I miss Erwin, and Moblit, and Nanaba and Mike-”
She stopped talking: she was afraid to let it all out, afraid to explode once for all.
Never being a man good with words, he tried to provide comfort by gently caressing  the angry skin around her left eye, her cheeks, her temples with the tips of his calloused fingers. He didn’t necessarily enjoy touching people, but touching Hange, for some reason, wasn’t something he hated; if anything, it was something he felt he needed , from time to time. She was a touchy-feely person, always looking for physical contact with her interlocutors, especially if they were friends.
Levi reached for her and lifted her body up from the ground, enveloping her in what he felt like was a very awkward hug. Hange, however, felt like she had received the final blow: she started crying uncontrollably, tears streaming down her cheeks, pained sobs filling the quiet air of the night. Hiding her face into Levi’s shoulder, she cried for what she felt like hours, clutching his shirt tight in her fists.
He let her vent her pent-up feelings, rubbing her back in an attempt to soothe her. When she finally calmed down, he was still struggling to find the right words (that didn’t really exist), so he simply opted to let his mind speak freely, as they were used to do.
“The only thing you can do is believe you will never have to regret your choices, or the others’ sacrifices. Our comrades believed enough in the Survey Corps’ cause to give up their lives and they entrusted us to carry on until the end. It sucks, but we need to keep fighting until we’ve fulfilled their wish. And the living count on you to stay by their side, too. You’re the only one they’ve got left.”
Hange sniffled, feeling tears welling in her eyes again because Levi was talking about himself: they were the last standing veterans, they had no family left, and their friends had been decimated by the Titans (and, lately, by some humans too).
He had lost so, so much; so many people in his life had died and left him alone in this cruel world and she, overcome by grief, had selfishly thought her friends had left her alone too. But she wasn’t alone, not while they still had each other.
“I’m sorry, Levi.”
He just waved his hand to say it was okay, it’s not like she had to apologise for something.
“You hugged me first tonight, you clean freak!” she teased him playfully, pinching his arm.
“Don’t get used to it, shitty glasses,” he replied and let her go, getting back to a sitting position. They enjoyed the silence surrounding them for a while, both watching the stars shining above their heads. Hange‘s voice broke the silence first.
“Will this pain ever end?”
He scoffed, unsure of how to respond to such a hard question.
“Never,” he finally said, still watching the night sky. “But one day, you will wake up feeling better than the day before. You will never forget, but you will be fine.”
She smiled, thankful for the honest reply, and proceeded to lift herself up a bit again, balancing on one elbow, the other arm tugging lightly at Levi’s hand. He sighed, clearly faking annoyance, and lowered to envelop her in yet another, much needed, tight hug. Who needed it more, they shall never know. His hand slowly stroked her damp, tangled tresses while his forearm sneaked around her neck to hold her close; Hange’s arms tightened around the man’s body as she settled into his embrace, wallowing in his warmth.
“You will be fine,” he repeated in a whisper. “We will be just fine.”
Maps stretched out Too many miles to count Let's just say we're inches apart And even closer at heart And we'll be just fine
Another pin pushed in To remind us where we've been And every mile adds up And leaves a mark on us And sometimes our compass breaks And our steady true north fades We'll be just fine
We'll be just fine We'll be just fine We'll be just fine I know that we will
I just know you will
Time moves slow When half of your heart has yet to come home. Every minute's adding up And leaving a mark on us
I can't get you out of my mind I can't get you out of my mind I can't get you out of my mind I solemnly swear I swear that I'll never try
We'll be just fine We'll be just fine We'll be just fine And I know that we will
We'll be just fine We'll be just fine It's a matter of time 'Til our compass stands still 'Til our compass stands still
(West - Sleeping At Last)
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nobody-wants-ice-cream · 5 years ago
Everything Wrong With The Umbrella Academy. Episode 3, Extra Ordinary.
We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals
Run Boy Run
Usual disclaimer: This is all in good fun! I wanted to do a really nitpicky re-watch of the series and found some really cool and interesting things I didn’t notice before. This is meant to have a Cinema Sins-esque tone. However, I did take off a lot more sins than Cinema Sins would have because I do genuinely like the series and the people that made it possible. So all of the good things got one sin off and all the bad things got one sin added. This is a really long post, so grab some popcorn. If there’s anything that I missed, feel free to add it!
Vanya was clearly about to sell her violin. She looked dejected and sad and was detached from her violin case. This is in character for Vanya on her pills, who must have decided that she wasn’t good enough at one point. Sin for putting Vanya through trauma. +1
The Umbrella Academy comics are priced weirdly. The one on the right is $25.00 and the one on the left is $15.00. What makes the one on the right more expensive? It even says on the cover that the one on the right was supposed to be $0.50. So why the inflation? Taking a closer look, all six heroes are on the cover, so it’s not that either of them are pre-Five leaving and therefore more expensive because Five is on both of them. Though, the one on the right does have a picture of Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Ben, and Reginald under where it says that the comic is 50 cents. To make a long rant short, the comics that Vanya looks at in the pawn shop window are confusing. +1
However, Gabriel Ba’s art. -1
The strange lack of technology means that Vanya’s book was written on a typewriter. +1
Vanya needed 6 pencils to write her book with. These are maybe supposed to symbolize Vanya’s 6 siblings, in which case, interesting detail, but still. Six pencils. As opposed to one pencil and a pencil sharpener? Why all the tools Vanya? +1
The six pencils (with two pointer up) symbolize Vanya’s six siblings, two of which turned around since the siblings they are supposed to represent (Five and Ben) are no longer around. -1
Vanya’s dying houseplant. Water that! +1
Vanya collects another houseplant and it looks relatively healthy. -1
The messy table garbage still has the same plate and same crumpled papers/napkins in the same position. Either Vanya was super lazy, or the set designer/director was. +1
Vanya replaced the dying houseplant with the fresh one. Poor houseplant. I will mourn you. +1
“Lost Woman” has some really on the nose lyrics. Playing the phrase “lonely woman” before Vanya starts narrating her book is ridiculously on the nose. +1
However, “Lost Woman” happens to be one of my favorite tracks from the series. -1
Luther should be part ape in this scene, (as it takes place five years ago, not seven), but he looks completely normal. This is a massive continuity error so I’m adding two sins. +2
“Starved for attention” is the line Vanya narrates over Allison reading it. On. The. Nose. +1
Diego is so pissed off at Vanya that he tapes her likeness to a punching bag and punches it. You know, like a rational adult. +1
Klaus is wearing birkenstocks and burgundy capris. +1
Also, Ben and Klaus work together to read a book. -1
But I have to ask, why did the rehab let Klaus read during group therapy. And shush his dead brother’s ghost. +1
Ben is pissed off by the line “and haunted by what might have been.” On the nose. +1
Five reads the harsh line “we all wanted to be loved by a man incapable of giving love” while next to Dolores, who is also incapable of giving love because she is a mannequin. Also, Five reads this book, full of vitriol and hate, as the last connection he has to his siblings, at age thirteen. +2
Reginald doesn’t read the book that his daughter wrote. As usual, Reggie is a dick to Vanya. +1
Vanya’s reaction to being late to rehearsal is so relatable. I swear I have done this a thousand times as a musician. -1
The Netflix captions (yes I watch with captions) say “Chamber music playing”. They have a conductor. +1
The conductor has the character of all conductors. Dick. +1
Vanya isn’t vibrating when the rest of the orchestra is. Late or not, you still need to follow the concertmaster, Vanya. +1
The rainy weather matching Vanya’s stormy mood. Foreshadowing. -1
Badass umbrella title screen. -1
However, why are all those people stopping in the street? It’s raining, get to where you’re going! +1
Allison and Luther watch the tape where Reggie dies over and over. This is weird, even if they are trying to figure out if Grace killed him. Who would want to watch someone die over and over? Not even I want to replay Reggie dying, and I genuinely hate him. +1
Luther says that Reggie thought people were out to get him. On the first watch, the audience can chalk this up to Reggie being a paranoid old man, however on the second watch we know that the Commission exists and that Reggie is probably not from this world. So either of those groups could have been out to get him. But who? This remains a sin until they explain it. +1
Training posters in the kitchen. The kitchen! Really, Reggie. +1
There’s this weird caterpillar thing with a face behind Grace in this scene. What the hell is that? +1
There was also a radio in the kitchen, which implies that Reggie either let them listen to tunes, or had training cassettes the same way he had training records. Either way, what the hell, Reggie? +1
There is a ridiculous amount of light sources in this one room. +1
Grace has a cactus full of toothpicks or skewers by the stove. Cute art project, whichever kid but likely Diego based on his fascination with pointy things. -1
The “your father was a great man” speech. Poor Grace. +1
Jordan Clare Robbins is an excellent actress. -1
Smiley face made of two eggs and a strip of bacon. -1
Diego doesn’t understand the chain of custody regarding evidence. Patch says that if he touches a piece of evidence, she can’t use it in her case. How many murderers have walked free because of Diego? +1
Hazel and Cha Cha use bullets from 1963. Dallas foreshadowing? Remains a sin until season two confirms the Dallas plot. +1
These bullets were found on the random local hires Five killed at Griddy’s. Why does the Commission use bullets from the early 60’s? Isn’t that a big red flag to their time organization? +1
Patch indulges Diego the Vigilante by asking for his help. You’re a police officer, you got this, Patch. Also, this foreshadows her death when she does things his way and gets killed for it.  +1
Diego tells Patch to investigate Five. Oh, the irony. +1
“I do give a shit” is such a weird line to try to portray as romantic with the music, tone, and lighting, show. +1
Beeman, unprofessionally, brings up the fact that Patch and Diego used to date while at a crime scene. +1
Vanya washes her hands for two seconds and then goes to talk to Helen. Almost like that was the real reason why she was in there. +1
Vanya attempts to compliment Helen Cho, who is overall, not interested. Is this Vanya’s repressed way of flirting? Pick a better time.+1
Seriously, what is with Vanya and starting conversations at the absolute worst time. It’s like she wants to get insulted. +1
No way in hell would one professional musician to another be this bitchy, Helen Cho. +1
Helen straight up calls Vanya talentless. What an awful thing to say! +1
She softens, as if she just gave Vanya legitimate career advice, but she didn’t. She really just insulted the time and effort Vanya put into her instrument. As a musician, I can confirm that what Helen just said is the equivalent of saying something really, really nasty. Tumblr hate anons have nothing on what Helen just said. +3
Vanya takes a pill after being called talentless. Pill foreshadowing. -1
Cha Cha uses a curling iron to cauterise the wound Five gave her from the shovel. Where did the curling iron come from? +1
“The entire fate of the universe” oh Hazel. Thanks for the irony. +1
How did no one in the history of this shady motel notice the hidden panel? You would think at least one person attempting to have shower sex or someone cleaning or  someone doing matinence should have noticed that, right? +1
Five stitches up his wound by himself despite the fact that multiple people are in the house that are capable. He’s going to pull a few of those based on the angle. Also, Five didn’t bother to clean the blood off his arm, so who knows if he bothered to sterilize the needle or his hands or anything. +1
The wound on Cha Cha and the wound on Five are eerily similar. However, what makes them interesting is that Cha Cha decided to cauterize where Five decided to stitch. Both are decent methods, but Cha Cha’s way is going to leave severe permanent scarring and Five’s way might heal. This could foreshadow the way they treat the end of the world. Cha Cha wants to end it, Five wants to fix it. Maybe not Cha Cha herself, but she does represent the Commission and their ideals. She is a stickler for their rules and uses her last moments to try to call them and get rescued. Point is. This is an English teacher moment full of symbolism, and I respect the show for this choice. -1
Billy the Choo Choo bandages. First of all, Five can never get away from the childishness of his current form. Second of all, Reggie let Five have “Billy the Choo Choo” licenced bandages??? +1
Or, Five chose to buy/steal these bandages. +1
Five puts a clean, white uniform shirt over blood that he still hasn’t cleaned up. At this point, that has got to be uncomfortably sticky. +1
Five didn’t bother to clean his wound until morning. “I guess I’ll go to sleep and bleed”???+1
Or, it took Five several hours to get the supplies. Bullshit. No way in hell did Reggie not have those supplies lying around. +1
Five still chooses to wear the full uniform ensemble even though he could at the very least get rid of the tie. +1
The teleporting kid gets the fire escape bedroom. It’s like Reggie was begging Five to sneak out of the house. +1
Dumpster Bagel: Do Not Eat. +1
“I’m done funding your drug habit” you never did in the first place? You didn’t pay him at all for that magnificent acting?? Unless Five did this before he left the mansion, in which case, Five funded Klaus’s drug habit. +1
Justin Min looks so incredibly creepy sitting on the dumpster. He has such a blank expression. Also, when did he move from the fire escape? +1
“I love you. Even if you can’t love yourself!” is a great line. -1
When Five drives away in the stolen van, he passes an absolutely bewildered guy. How the hell did Five function as an assassin? He can’t do subtlety. This contradicts “I know how to do everything”. +1
Was Aidan Gallagher actually driving in this scene? Because it kind of looks like the way a beginner would drive. This also contradicts “I know how to do everything” +1
There’s a lady passing Meritech that actually chose to wear a baby pink fedora. M’costume. +1
Five left his wife stuck in a bag and didn’t remember her. +1
He also left a bottle of some clear liquor on top of her. +1
“This is the place that it was made. Or will be made.” The delivery on this line was kinda bad. +1
Allison used her power on Claire. Claire was three years old. No matter which way you slice it, this is the shittiest thing Allison has ever done. She’s working on it, but the fact that it happened deserves a sin. +1
Emmy Raver-Lampman is a kick ass actress. -1
Allison has the most warranted case of impostor syndrome ever. Sin off because this is the one of the few scenes where two characters actually talk about their emotions. -1
Luther and Allison had that conversation sitting ridiculously far apart. +1
Leonard’s shop is called “Imperial Woodwares” Apparently, he delivers as well. How did Leonard get the business and woodworking skills necessary for running a relatively successful shop while in prison? +1
Leonard somehow knows that Vanya’s orchestra (which rehearses and performs in the Icarus Theatre) is far from Bricktown. At this point, he shouldn’t know that unless that is the only orchestra in the entire city. There is no way that that is the only orchestra in the entire city. +1
Leonard took up wood carving in prison. Is that allowed? +1
If a guy you just met makes a wood carving in your likeness you should run. Run like hell. Get a restraining order. That is so creepy. Obvious villain is obvious. +1
Also, I once read a fanfic (The Moon Laughs by Lady_Origami on ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/17959847/chapters/42417584) where a character is kidnaped by Leonard and tortured in this backroom where he’s showing Vanya the creepy statue. I can see where the inspiration came from. This back room has “place to keep the person I kidnaped and torture them” vibes.+1
Leonard stayed up all night to make the creepy woodcarving. He then insists that Vanya take it. And Vanya doesn’t recognize the creepy vibes. +1
And she does take it! +1
Leonard says that he made the carving for her and that she inspired him. Obvious manipulation is obvious.  +1
Leonard is a dick to Vanya by using Allison’s successful career. +1
Leonard doesn’t like the Beatles. +1
Why did Allison go to Bricktown to find Vanya when that is nowhere near the theatre or Vanya’s apartment? Was she just wandering around hoping to find Vanya? +1
Allison is the Queen of actually talking out her thoughts and feelings. She just apologized to Vanya and explained why she was so angry in the last episode. Well done. I respect that. -1
Allison and Vanya sisterly bonding. -1
Five sees children playing and then immediately starts having an apocalypse flashback. This shows that Five lost his childhood as soon as he time traveled to the apocalypse. I’m sad now. +1
Aidan Gallagher plays this really well. -1
If you look closely, you can see Five/Aidan Gallagher laughing at Luther/Tom Hopper because he can’t fit in the van. I can’t tell if Five is laughing at Luther or if Aidan is laughing at Tom. Either way, that slaps. -1
However, corpsing. +1
No one has written Klaus/Dolores fanfic yet. They really hit it off in the van, y’all. +1
Five throws an empty can at Klaus for messing with Dolores. +1
Klaus’s expression after Five says “does it matter, it’s Klaus.” Sinning because Five is a dick to Klaus. +1
“Did I ever tell you about the time I tried to wax my ass with chocolate pudding. It was so painful.” I love this line. God bless Robert Sheehan. -1
Aidan Gallagher contemplates this line then starts corpsing. I don’t blame him. I’ve been trying to figure out how that would be possible too. -1
How can you use chocolate pudding to wax any hair? +1
Aidan Gallagher laughs at this line, meaning Five found this funny, but didn’t want to give Klaus the satisfaction of laughing. +1
Luther and Five are dicks to Klaus. They kicked him out of the van! Assholes. +1
Luther is sort of trying to connect with Five, but he fails miserably because it comes out really condescending. +1
“I don’t think that I’m better than you, Number One. I know I am.” Hubris much, Five? +1
Luther is already sick of Five’s “I’m better than you, I’ve done things you couldn’t comprehend” schtick and Five has only been back for three days. And we make fun of Luther’s moon thing. We get it, Five, you’re a badass. Actions speak louder than words, old man. +1
On the side of the Variety Store Klaus steals from is a billboard for Clever Crisp Cereal, which is the cereal that  Reggie invented in the comics. I guess he did that here too. -1
Also, Klaus steals from the Variety Store and drops everything while running away. Why did you steal so much shit if you knew you were going to drop it all Klaus? +1
Ben’s reaction to this buffoonery must have been hilarious. Sinning the show for not showing us that. +1
“Now I’m starting to wonder if that was the wisest decision.” What? Kicking Klaus out of the van or Klaus deciding to rob the store? Because both were pretty stupid. +1
Does Agnes own Griddy’s? +1
Agnes just gave some valuable baking tips when it comes to doughnuts. Thanks, Agnes. -1
Agnes and Hazel are really cute together. -1
The Hazel and Agnes theme is my favorite instrumental piece from the whole show. -1
There are still bullet holes in the walls. Attention to detail! -1
Hazel and Cha Cha pretend to be social workers or private detectives concerned for Five’s well being. Oh, the irony. +1
“I mean who lets a kid get a tattoo” Reginald Hargreeves. That’s who. +12
Agnes is indignant about Five’s tattoo, citing his age. This whole episode has a ridiculous amount of irony. +1
Agnes draws the umbrella tattoo a bit too perfectly for someone who only saw it once and at the wrong angle. +1
Diego straight up threatens Luther at knifepoint. +1
This family meeting is a complete shitshow. +1
The monocle is likely to become a s2 plotpoint because Diego put it in a place where anyone could take it. If you’ve read the comics, you know why I think that’s important, but I won’t spoil it for anyone who hasn’t. Either way, that was a dumb way to dispose of the monocle, Diego. +1
Diego is a dick to Vanya until she agrees with him. +1
They are legitimately talking about killing their mother. What the fuck. +1
Klaus references the van when only Luther, Five, and presumably Ben know about it. This makes no sense. +1
Votes to kill Mom: Luther, Allison, Ben +3
Klaus hisses at Ben and no one thinks this is weird. +1
Grace definitely heard Luther and Allison voting to kill her. After she made them breakfast too! Luther and Allison are dicks in this scene. (And so is Ben but Grace couldn’t hear him.) +2
Grace tries to prove her worth by making cookies. Fuck Luther, Allison, and Ben for voting to turn her off. +3
Diego and Vanya actually have a civil conversation. Well done for doing the bare minimum, Diego? -1
Vanya’s pills suggest that she was friendlier with Diego at some point. +1
Pogo for sure saw that whole thing and he saw Vanya take the pills. Dr. Complicit. +1
Reginald is a total soccer mom in Diego’s flashback scenes. This amuses me. -1
However, Reginald raised six child soldiers as “crime deterrents” so +6
Luther is casually working out in his bedroom while the mission alarm is going off. +1
“Where’s my knives” was a phrase Diego practiced. Also, Diego would never lose his knives. +1
Vanya’s room is a fucking closet. +1
“Thank you, Mother” Dante Albidone is a treasure. -1
“Boys will be boys” this is the only time that phrase is acceptable. When you’re putting out a fire your son caused for no reason. -1
“You did it! I’m so proud of you!” -1
Reginald interrupts this. +2
Diego’s flashbacks were very unorganized, which makes sense. This is probably several years worth of mission flashbacks. -1
“It’s okay if you hated him” “I would understand if you wanted to hurt him”-2
David Castaneda and Jordan Claire Robbins nailed this scene. Two kick ass actors being incredible. -1
Did Five really sit there all day with no breaks? +1
Five is arguing with Dolores and losing. She is a manifestation of his subconscious. And she is winning this argument. +1
Aidan Gallagher looked directly into the camera. We made eye contact. It was weird. +1
Lance straight up sells those illegal prosthetics where anyone could see it. Lance is an idiot. +1
Agnes’s drawing led Hazel and Cha Cha to the Academy. +1
Cha Cha left the window down in the car. +1
Would that air thing actually work? If it wouldn’t then sin on Reggie for getting cheap locks. If it would, sin on me for not getting better locks sooner. +1
Hazel and Cha Cha don’t have their masks on. What if somebody saw them? +1
The portrait of Five comes back to bite the Academy in the ass. Why haven’t they gotten rid of it? Five has been back for three days. +1
Klaus has black nail polish on his toes. -1
No way in hell is Klaus able to have his eyes open in a soapy bathtub. +1
The ghosts are creepy. Sin because Klaus is traumatized. +1
“We’re Through” by the Hollies is one of my favorite songs to play on guitar. It’s a decent coffee shop piece and I like playing it live. Thank you show, for helping me discover it. -1
Klaus is taking a bath with the door open. +1
Luther has been eating his Wheaties, Cha Cha. If you call experimental ape drugs, Wheaties. +1
Luther describing sunrise on the moon. I like this bit of writing. -1
Where were Hazel and Cha Cha keeping their guns and masks? Special pockets? +1
Diego is the only person who could possibly bring knives to a gun fight and win. Diego is a badass. -1
Hazel and Cha Cha continue to have stormtrooper aim. There are so many times when either could have shot Diego, but magically miss because Diego has plot armor. +1
Reginald’s portrait gets shot though. Right in some lethal areas. This amuses me. -1
Grace is so out of it she doesn’t notice heavy gunfire. Reggie, you suck. +1
“Who the hell are these guys?”/”Who the hell are these people?” +1
Diego, Luther and Allison just saved your ass. Less arguing, more fighting the crazy people. +1
Reggie keeps convenient weapons everywhere like they’re lamps. +1
Vanya is still in the Academy hours after the meeting, and she doesn’t think to hide during all this crazy gunfire and fighting. Sigh. +1
Seriously, it’s like she’s trying to get killed. +1
But she doesn’t because she has plot armor. +1
“Hey, asshole” goes back to Five’s “hey, assholes” from episode one. So did Luther learn that from Five, did Five learn that from Luther, or did Reggie decide that that was an acceptable phrase to teach his children? I lowkey want to write all three in a crackfic. Nice. -1
Vanya probably has a concussion. Otherwise, she would have attempted to run, right? Please tell me she isn’t that stupid. +1
You know that b99 meme where shit is going down and Gina is just chilling with her headphones. Yeah. That. Klaus, get some situational awareness, please. Also, what are these magic noise cancelling headphones that can block out the sound of gunfire and where can I buy them? +1
Allison, I understand why you don’t want to rumor anyone, but your life is literally in danger. I think you can forgive yourself if you rumor Hazel and Cha Cha into not killing you and your family. +1
“You wanna rumor this psycho?” “I don’t need to because this bitch just pissed me off” These are both horrible lines. I can’t tell if it’s because of the writers or because of the actors, but both of these lines are genuinely terrible. +1
“We just want the boy”. Nice comics reference, Cha Cha. -1
Diego doesn’t attempt to fight Cha Cha and give Allison the upper hand. He just sort of stands there. What the hell, Diego? +1
And when he does fight her, he doesn’t use any long range weapons. Diego, this is your house. I’m assuming you know where the knife drawer is? +1
Ben attempts to give Klaus privacy. In this situation. That’s a sin. I would risk seeing my brother’s naked body if it meant he wouldn’t be shot. Just sayin’, Ben. Get all up in his face. Put your ghost hands through his head. Get his attention! +1
Luther and Hazel can go hand to hand as equals and the show never addresses why. +1
Vanya really is that stupid. There are plenty of doors. And the fire escape from Five’s room. Vanya, run!+1
Luther had plenty of time to get out of the way of the chandaller. Why didn’t he shove his siblings and follow one of them? The motion would have made sense. +1
This ape reveal makes no sense. It would have worked in episode one, but it’s weird in episode 3. Why didn’t they reveal this to the audience earlier? +1
The dinosaur footprint sound effect. +1
Why didn’t Vanya and Allison hear Grace humming? Also, why didn’t anyone hear Hazel and Cha Cha breaking in. It was established in episode one that there is no soundproofing. +1
Grace is cross stitching the moon exploding. Foreshadowing. -1
She is pulling the needle through her own hand though. +1
Who gave Grace that nice bracelet? That’s so adorable. -1
Diego killed his own mother. +1
However, it is a mercy kill. Who knows what Luther or Allison would have done to her if they had found out how screwed up Grace was. I’m really conflicted about this scene. On one hand, fridging, on the other, it makes sense. Therefore, it’s a wash. -1
What is this magic cloth that Allison gives Vanya to mop up the blood and where can I get it? Seriously, it cleans up blood ridiculously well. To the point where it doesn’t look like Vanya’s been injured. +1
Diego takes out his anger/sadness/frustration on Vanya. Also, Diego would be excellent at cinema sins. Vanya could have been killed and she was stupid to stay, but there is no reason to raise your voice at her like that, Diego. +1
“She is a liability”. And you are an asshole. Diego just said that line to Allison as if Vanya wasn’t even there. As if she was just some inanimate burden. Fuck Diego for this line. +1
Allison doesn’t even attempt to defend Vanya. Even if Diego made a good point, there is no reason to let him get away with that kind of emotional abuse. +1
The show kind of addresses Luther’s body image issues, but doesn’t let him talk about it. +1
When did Vanya get Leonard’s address? +1
“I didn’t know where else to go”. Home perhaps? To your apartment? And not into the arms of creepy Leonard? +1
Hazel and Cha Cha didn’t discuss what to do if shit went sideways. No wonder Five was better than them. +1
When would Hazel have kidnaped Klaus? We don’t see it happen so we should just assume that Klaus appeared there magically? +1
Hazel and Cha Cha have FRC 891 as a licence plate. Neverending Chaos. Google FRC 891 Umbrella Academy. -1
Overall Review:
I forgot just how important episode three really is. Here we learn just how harmful Vanya’s book was, that Vanya is in an orchestra, and more about Leonard. This episode carves out who Vanya is as a character before Leonard sinks his claws into her. We can see the effects of the pills on her ability to connect with others and her ability to play the violin. 
We also get a lot from the other characters. The Claire reveal is a big one for Allison. So is the ape reveal for Luther, even if it should have happened two episodes ago. 
As for acting shout outs, Emmy Raver-Lampman and Jordan Claire Robbins killed it in this episode. I can’t wait to see more of Emmy in s2 and I really hope that Jordan will return. 
There was some excellent use of irony in this episode. Like a lot of irony. What killed me was the Griddy’s scene. Hazel and Cha Cha pretending to care about Five’s well being so they can murder him and Agnes being indignant about someone as young as Five getting a tattoo is just amazing. 
As for plot things, this was really a Vanya-centric episode. It establishes a lot of things about her, which makes the twist at the end even more obvious. This is not my first, second, or even third rewatch, so I know what’s coming, but how did I not see it before? When I first watched it I thought that Five was the main character and that Vanya was a self-insert. Looking back, I can see that Five and Vanya had pretty equal backstory and screen time given to them. You could make the argument that they are the main characters. You could even argue that they’re the primary protagonist and antagonist, but to be frank, that discussion should be saved for episode 10. 
Total: 133
Sentence: Eating a dumpster bagel. 
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valkerymillenia · 5 years ago
Umbrella Academy
season 2, episode 4
New episode, new post!
This was the other post I had written out that got accidently deleted so I'm writing it all again.
1993? And Lila was 4? TOO MUCH COINCIDENCE! I still stand by my theory that Lila is one of the 43.
Yes, she has a father but that could just be her mother's husband. It's just too coincidental that the show would make her exactly the same age as the Hargreeves for no reason.
Ah the red heels. Hi Handler. These heels are really pretty though, very wicked witch with the ruby slippers. Even that outfit kind of screams wicked witch meets Cruella de Vil 😏
Kill parents, adopt child. Interesting MO, Handler. Like an evil Bruce Wayne (does this make Handler Owlman? I know, I'm not funny).
Oh, Handler pulling a Reginald with Lila!
Except, you know, she actually gives Lila positive reinforcement and affection, unlike Reggie. But her training seems just as brutal and inhumane for a child (and possibly even more violent) as Reginald's...
It's curious and interesting, a nice foil. Handler succeeds where Reggie fails- creating a loyal and effective soldier will into adulthood- because she was willing to give the kid affection and compassion. Reggie saw himself as some sort of hero creating heros but he failed at the most basic and human thing that even the villain understood.
-The filmography in these training scenes is brilliant.
-Ah, that prom look is the same as half of my classmates when we graduated 🤣 down to the blue makeup.
I'm guessing Lila's "prom"/"graduation" was her first solo assassination?
Wait, Handler wants to protect Five...? What the hell is she up to now?
Talking about killing people like it's a fun hobby 🤨
Oh, so the Swedes are triplets? I suspected but I like the confirmation.
Oh, Handler is lying ~~~~ 🎶
She's definitely following her own agenda here and she's leading Lila into danger. The question is if she's going to undermine the Commission for revenge of if she wants to prove her ability to get promoted back into administrative ranks of the Commission.
Either way, this will not end well for Five.
Lila is going to end up having to choose between Diego and Handler, isn't she?
Five stays in the car to give Luther space... No matter what Five says he actually cares about his siblings' feelings, doesn't he? He's the most overprotective of them all and always has been. It's sweet.
Ah, Luther and Vanya bonding over Five being an asshole. ☺️
"very warm and cuddly father" 🤣
Of course Vanya figured out Five was sparing her feelings, because she's not dumb
Oh, thank you for the honesty, Luther! Gotta love that.
I'm actually really happy to see Luther owning up to his mistakes instead of trying to act like the flawless leader. I think he grew a lot after accepting that Reginald wasnt perfect and I'm glad to see that growth still happening as he learns how to be an independent person. I just hope his guilt doesn't turn into even more self-hatred.
"you had kind of a bad childhood" -understatement of the century, Luther!
Luther, you have pissed off the mobster, you moron. You're on big trouble now.
Dramatic wall punch! 🙄
"when you get angry shit blows up" 😂😂😂
"you're our sister and a member of the umbrella academy" - oh, now you want to include her? The irony of this is that it's the one thing Vanya wanted for the first 29 years of her life and if anyone had said it then, the apocalypse would probably have never happened.
"I wonder if it's too late to be un-adopted" -ah, you know you love them, Five
Honestly, Allison actually keeps her cool really well, if I went through that phone call I would have broken something.
Why the hell does Klaus want menudo first thing in the morning?? Ew...
Klaus butchering "the frog and the scorpion"... You were doing so well but ended up completely missing the point of that story, dummy.
Diego's stab wound is healing really quickly...
Wait, he's healing quickly and Allison doesn't have a neck scar... Plus Klaus is immortal... Hmm, I wonder if quick healing is an ability they all share? Though that would put Diego's scars (and maybe Ben's death) into perspective...
Does Diego wax his chest? Those pecs are real smooth for someone who spent over two months in a 60s mental institution. 😆
"we've all had the urge" 😂 and Diego's sarcastic laugh 🤣
Who's the 12th of the Magestic 12? Oh, I WONDER WHO THAT COULD BE??? Maybe a certain monocled asshole?
"Mamie pink" is Klaus's new nickname, I don't make the rules.
Klaus, you are freaking the boy out with all this new information...
Oh no, the homophobia 😡😡😡
You know what's more heartbreaking about this homophobic disaster? Dave is likely in the closet and this whole situation here and the hate his uncle is showing must be so painful to him, it would probably bury him even deeper in the closet...
Klaus... The punch... Oh, baby... 😢 Oh no, I'm going to cry 😭😭😭
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Is Raymond really implying that Allison is a spy? Damn...
Just tell him the truth, Allison! How do you marry a person without telling them something so big about yourself??
Oh, so Klaus has been sober for 3 years... Interesting.
No, Klaus! Don't start self-destructing again! 😢😢😢
It must be so painful for Ben to watch this and not be able to stop it...
Oh shoot, the cult found him.
"prophet"? "holy wanderer"? Interesting.
Poor Klaus just wants peace.
They seriously couldn't get a suit for Five too? Is he not allowed to wear anything else?
Five is onto Lila 🎶
Luther, are you stress eating? Well, at least you're not going on a bender again.
Awww, Luther- Allison reunion. Cute. Please don't make it weird.
Oh God, the awkward small talk is back 😩
I'm glad Luther is being so mature about this. I like this dynamic better.
"Vanya is on a farm. And happy" and Allison finds the happy part weird. Diego in the "nuthouse" and Allison doesn't find that weird at all, even does that 'yeah, ok makes sense' face. Klaus "cult leader" and Luther isn't surprised at all, that little "eh" was so funny.
Lord, this family is mess.
"Doomsday" *awkward chuckle* -you guys are getting way too used to this.
"Diego, try not to do anything too stupid" 😆 ah, brothers.
Lila in red heels, like mommy... 😏
Reggie taught them ballroom dancing? And Handler had the same idea?
Um.... Ok, so new theories! Do Handler and Reginald know each other? Could Reginald have been in the Commission? I'm going to be thinking about this for a while...
Just let the girl lead, Diego. Stop being a little bitch.
So mom!Grace is either a cyborg or she was modeled after this woman... Makes curious about Reggie's relationship with this lady.
Diego going through the universal horror every kid goes through when realizing that mommy and daddy are "together". 🤣🤣🤣 "I can't picture it on my head. That's nasty"
She didn't tell him her name was Grace but apparently it is.
Am I the only one getting weird desperate and co-dependant vibes from Sissy?
Oh no! Save the baby!
Holy shit! HOLY SHIT! Vanya's powers are incredible! The special effects in this scene are unbelievable!
Save the child!
How did his lips get blue so quickly?
Ok, I need to pause to gather my thoughts... Ok, things I hope don't happen-please don't magically "fix" the disabled boy, and please don't make the powers transferrable (that's just lazy writing, don't rehash "Misfits").
However, other than that I'm just very curious what those lights will do to Harlan. Will they just save his life? Will he gain powers? Will he have some weird connection to Vanya now? I'm dying to find out!
Anyway, back to the ep.
Baby boy is ok!
Luther, did you think pissing off the mobster would end well?
Elliot just starting up at Luther in awe and visibly fighting not to poke him. 😆
Oh, Sissy... Poor woman.
There going to kiss, aren't they?
Melancholic music kicking in. Sad emotional talk. Sitting way too close. Yeah, they're going to kiss.
Aaaaaand there's the kiss! ☺️
But now I need to pause and digress again...
Yeah, Sissy's feelings for Vanya are not healthy at all. In fact they mirror Vanya's feelings for Leonard- she's unhappy with her life and clinging to the first person that gives her attention. She wants help, she wants to be rescued, she's touch and attention starved. She's co-dependant and emotionally manipulative.
I'm not saying Sissy is a bad person, she's not, she's a sad person stuck in an unhappy marriage, terrified of being abandoned (almost paranoid) and exhausted under a lot of pressure dealing with a disabled child. And then in comes Vanya, who is perfect with Harlan, so loving and kind and has nothing else to pour all her attention towards. Of course Sissy sees salvation in Vanya and is desperate to keep her.
I'm not saying Vanya and Sissy can't have a beautiful healthy relationship, they can, but not like this. Sissy is clinging too tight and using Vanya to make herself feel better and make her life easier. They both deserve better than that and I hope they get it.
I'm starting to think that all relationships in this season might be doomed to fail:
-Sissy and Vanya have a co-dependant and emotionally unhealthy infatuation and Sissy is married to a man that, while not great, still clearly loves her;
-Raymond and Allison have too many secrets between them that are causing a major rift, they can fix it but there's also the chance that Ray might not be able to accept the truth about her;
-Lila is a double agent using Diego to get close to Five, she seems to be developing feelings but the fact that she's lying about who she is and working for Handler is obviously toxic;
-Klaus is pining over a person that Dave has not yet become and while he only wants to save Dave's life, it's obvious there's too big an experience and culture gap between them for a relationship to flourish;
-Luther and Allison have become one-sided and less innocent and puppy-love than before, now it really is just creepy and unhealthy (whereas before it was understandable because they grew up together under an emotionally unavailable father and isolated from the real world, naturally they became attached and confused their feelings, their attachment wasn't healthy but it was justified and almost innocent... Not anymore though);
-we have no concrete proof yet, but it seems Ben MIGHT be pining over a girl that might not even see him, he's dead, it might be an interesting dynamic storywise, but it's not going to happen, it's unhealthy and unfair;
Some of these couples might still survive and become great, it's still really in the season after all, but they have a lot of growing to do before they get there.
Anyway.... Back to the episode.
Oh Klaus... Off the wagon...
Allison being a good sister and taking care of her brother. My heart ❤️
Luther, you idiot... Well, at least you're getting high in a safe environment.
Luther and Klaus are self-destructing, my poor boys.
"you are super weird" - Luther, you have no zero right to call anyone weird, have you looked in the mirror??
"the woman I love loves someone else" -the woman you love is. your. SISTER!
I really like poor Elliot, I hope nothing bad happens to him.
Jesus, that's creepy, Luther.
Didn't I say Reginald was the 12th? 😏
Roswell? Reggie probably has a vested interest in that.
Blink out of there, Five.
I love that Five's main move is always 'teleport onto their backs and go for the throat'.
Wait, why did Five's teleportation glitch???
The music!!!!
Wait, did Diego's aim just glitch too???
Could these power glitches be connected to Vanya's magic lights going into Harlan? Or could it be something about the Swedes? Or about Reginald's presence, seeing as he dodged Diego's power before? Hmm...
Oooh, Lila has to choose between Diego and her mission already? Interesting... Of course she chooses to save Five.
Badass Lila is amazing!
So she could have helped Diego after helping Five but instead she just walks away? Huh, unexpected.
Diego, you adrenaline junkie. Good moves though.
The ancient Greek is a surprise! I really want to know what Five said to Reginald!!! What did he say? I need to know!!!
Another great chapter!! Very emotional too!
I want more!!!
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dontdietwd · 5 years ago
Day 69, part 2
Dinner was half amazing, because the food was wonderful, half terrible, because the silence was so tense and awkward I wanted to get up and run away from it. Terrible. Glenn tired, poor guy, to come up with something to talk about but somehow only made it worse. Really, terrible.
Even worse, I ended up sitting right across the table form Andrea.
I didn’t move my eyes from my food for a second, because if I did I’d throw myself over the table to punch her.
After eating, people thanked for the food and started leaving to go back to their tents or upstairs to their rooms as Maggie, Beth and Lori went to the kitchen again to do the dishes. Carol had a tray with food and juice and went upstairs to bring it to Daryl. He was probably starving. I went up a bit after her and got to the hall as she was leaving, closing the door behind her.
“Hey,” she whispered, standing with me. “Please see that he eats, he sure need it.” I nodded with a little smile at her. “What he did for my baby today… I have no words,” and she took a step to leave, but stopped to touch my arm. “It’s a god man you got there.”
Oh, how right she was… I watched Carol leave quietly and faced his door, taking a deep breath. I had no idea what I’d say or do, if I’d act on my feelings, it I’d call him out for losing the horse and getting hurt to that extent, I had no idea. But I had to be in there now.
Daryl looked over his shoulder at the door as it creaked open, and kept looking as I entered and closed it behind me. I was nervous as I stared at him, saying nothing, my eyes fixing on the bandage on his head and lower, to his back that was turned to me. There was a tattoo there I didn’t know he had, and scars. Many of them. Long, deep scars that looked old. They’d been there for a long time, probably a childhood thing.
I let it pass for now, my eyes travelling now to the other bandage on his side. He turned back to his position, looking away and trying to bring the sheets higher over him, to hide, but in a moment looked over his shoulder again, at me. He seemed confused by my silence. The bedroom was dim and he didn’t say a word, and try as I might, I couldn’t find anything to say. There was a huge lump on my throat, it had been there since the shot, and it hurt.
Forcing myself to move, I let go of my own hands and crossed the bedroom, rounding the bed to stand opposite Daryl. He followed me with his eyes, turning, still saying nothing. I hesitated for a moment before turning around and sitting on the bed with my back to him and reaching down to untie my boots and kick them off. Without thinking too much of it, I scooched up on the bed, turning to my side and lying down facing Daryl, an arm moving under the pillow I rested my head on, and the other curling around myself, hand resting over my lips.
He stared at me suspiciously, eyes a bit wide, but still said nothing, his hand gripping the sheet high on his chest, but still leaving the bandage on his side visible. We kept like this for a while, lying down facing each other, quiet. My eyes still wandered all around him, his face, both bandages and even his chest moving as he breathed, because I just needed to see him, know he was there and alive and it had all been just a scare.
“You –” Daryl started after a while and stopped to clear his throat, licking his lips before speaking again. “You stayin’?”
I nodded with my head on the pillow, eyes on his. “Yeah. Not ready to have you out of my sight.”
His eyebrows moved a bit down at that, “I’m fine.”
“Yeah, I know… But you could not be.”
“Was just a grazin’ –”
“– you could’ve died, Daryl,” I said firmly over him, my eyes suddenly filled with tears. “I could be mourning you know instead of lying here looking at you!” At these words, my voice caught I closed my eyes tightly making the tears spill, running over the bridge of my nose. “Fuckin’ hormones,” I muttered as I angrily dried my eyes.
He said nothing, stunned. Hormones my ass. There were no excuses for those tears except the truth, that I dreaded the idea of losing him.  He watched me dry my eyes and sniff and look at him again, and I wandered all over his face how. So Daryl cleaned his throat again and spoke of something other than my tears.
“Still don’t know for real what happened.”
“You know you were shot in the head, right?”
My change of tone was apparently something Daryl could work with because he relaxed a little.
“Gathered that much.”
“It was Andrea! Daryl. Andrea shot you in the fuckin’ head!”
“What the fuck?”
“Yeah, she though you was a walker. The way you arrived on the field… But I told her not to. Rick and Shane were close to you, they’d take care of it if it was a walker, and I was right there and I told her not to shoot ‘cause she didn’t need to, that Rick and Shane were there and she’d waste a bullet and the noise is dangerous, I fuckin’ told her and she just motherfuckin’ did it anyway!”
I finished turning abruptly on my back, the mattress shaking strongly, and growling loudly as I covered my face with my hands.
“It can’t go unpunished!” I let go of my face, angrily staring at the ceiling, gesturing with my hands. “She shot someone, one of ours, she could have killed you! I gotta do something, I wanna ban her. I wanna punch her in that fucking face of hers and then ban her from this group!”
“Hey, you gotta stop!” Daryl reached for my left upper arm, making me stop and look at him, breathing hard as if I’d run a marathon. “We’ll deal with her later, just stop.”
“But Daryl –”
“I’m okay, Sam,” he spoke calmly and in a low voice, calmer than he probably felt, because he’d just found out who had shot him. “Ya told me not to die, remember?”
I quieted at that and turned again to my side, facing him, one arm once again moving under the pillow and the other now resting on the mattress between us. Sniffing, I closed my eyes briefly and looked at him again. “Yeah. I did.”
“I heard ya.”
Pressing my lips together, I felt my eyes fill up again, and I nodded. “What of this?” I diverged the subject pointing at his side.
He lifted his arm from the mattress and looked quickly at his wound and then back at me, his hand resting close to mine. “Fell from the horse. Rolled down a slope and fell down a waterfall, landed on an arrow that went right through here. May have hit my head as well ‘cause then I was all hallucinatin’’ of Merle talking ta me.”
My eyebrows were up. “Holly fuck, Daryl. And then got shot in the head!”
He smirked sideways, just lightly, “And then got shot in the head.”
“Merle must have said all kinds a shit to you.”
“You know him, even jus’ in my head.”
“Yeah…” I breathed out hard, my cheeks ballooning up for a moment and we went silent again. I turned a bit, trying to get more comfortable, nearly on my stomach, getting even closer to Daryl, but didn’t stay in this position for a second, returning to my side but turning just a little further, my bump up.
“Damn,” I muttered placing a hand on it, “if I lie on my stomach, I can feel the bump… ‘S weird, like Imma crush the baby. Pro’ly wont but feels weird.”
I looked at Daryl and found his eyes glued on my small bump, a little of it showing under the shirt that got lifted a bit with all my moving. I let him look, my own hand feeling it, for a long moment, until he blinked, cleaned his throat and looked at me.
“You showin’… Didn’t know you was showing.”
“Well, barely… But I am,” and I lifted the shirt a bit further, the whole little bump out now. “’S kinda bizarre… Little person growing inside me.”
“Do you – Do you feel it already? Move, I mean?”
“Nah… Too soon I think. But I do feel like… Kinda something. Like there’s a butterfly batting the wings in there. Or like, you know when we got that eye twitch, the muscle movin’ on its own?” I asked smiling and he nodded. “Like that, inside. Was feeling it when I laid here.”
There was silence again and I felt like I could breathe again, lying there so close to a living, breathing Daryl, his eyes alive and attentive on me, the heat from this body radiating to me. It felt safe, it felt right, and I could close my eyes and breath out slowly, a little smile playing on my lips. I knew he was watching me and it felt comfortable. When I opened my eyes, I caught his own traveling from my bump to my hand on it and up my arms, studying me from my forearm sunflower tattoos to the colorful mandala on my upper arm, the little green chameleon on my shoulder and the black and grey butterfly low on the side of my neck. And then he met my eyes, catching me watching him.
He didn’t look away as I thought he would. My eyes were locked on his, my expression relaxed because I was feeling relaxed after it all, and he knew I wasn’t mad he’d been looking. I accepted it, I believe my look showed that. He kept looking and the moment elongated. His nervousness started to fade, I could see, as if my very look was relaxing him.
After what felt like a life, I smiled reached my hand to his, holding it up and guiding it to my baby bump. Caught off guard, Daryl found himself with his palm against the bare skin of my belly.
“Do you feel it?” I smiled. He looked down at our hands, trying to focus. “There, again!”
“No… Didn’t feel nothin’.”
“No… Must be too small yet.”
“Yeah...” my smile faltered a bit. “Wish you could feel it.”
And still I held his hand there, hoping he’d be able to feel maybe the first real movement of the baby, even though I had no idea it was already time for the baby to start moving. I wasn’t even sure the little things I’d been feeling really were the baby, maybe they were just my stomach growling or gas or whatever. But all I was sure now was that his big palm as covering nearly my entire bump and it was warm and comfy to feel it there, and I wished he wouldn’t let go even if he felt no movement. I was still watching him when he looked up from the bump to my eyes again.
It was when I felt the tiniest movement of his thumb on my skin. Slow, soft but surely back and forth, his eyes unsure on me as if asking if this was okay. The tiniest smile on my lips told him it was. It was more than okay; it was welcome. I could feel the strong muscles on his hand working under my fingers as he kept slowly moving his thumb. Just as slowly, scared I’d spook him to stop, I moved my fingertips over the back of his hand, up to his thick, strong wrist, to his forearm, and there I mimicked his slow strokes, our eyes still fixed on one another, softly, interrupted only by slow blinking.
The farmhouse around us had gone silent, people retreated to their rooms or back outside to the tents after diner, meaning a long time had passed as we just laid there, soft strokes and eyes deep into the other.
God, how I wanted him…
I licked my lips before whispering, breaking the long silence, “Daryl…”
His thumb stopped and I regretted speaking, I didn’t want him to stop, so to show it I kept stoking his forearm and smiled softly at him, hoping it would make him see I was not asking him to stop. It worked, because after a moment he hummed in question and his thumb moved again.
Well, here we go.
“Just… I wanted to tell you that… Just in case you want to, if you’re thinking about it… It’s okay if… If you want to kiss me. I’d like that.”
Ok, not as eloquent as I’d wished, but well.
He stopped again, frozen, eyes still on mine, not moving. My heart started beating faster, a bit faster to each second he didn’t move, wondering if I’d made a huge mistake voicing what I’d been thinking. But the moment was so real, so long, so soft, I’d felt certain he was thinking it too, but maybe he wasn’t, and my face started feeling warmer. I stopped my fingers on his forearm. Seconds elongated and the longer it passed, the more I wanted to get up and leave the room apologizing for the mistake. However, Daryl hadn’t moved away, his hand still resting warmly on my stomach, his body close and his eyes deep on mine.
And then he moved.
His hand left my skin leaving it a bit cold where it had been, but I only noticed it for a moment because his hand was now on my face, covering my cheek, fingertips under my ear, and he was moving slowly and careful to me, his eyes clear as the sky closing slowly just as he got so near I could feel his intake of breath before his lips touched mine. I closed my eyes and allowed him to softly press his lips against mine and I thought my heart was going to burst in my chest. I felt like crying; his touch as so gentle, so careful I couldn’t believe this was the same Daryl, the fighter, hunter, the ill-mannered redneck I was glad to call a friend. No, this was the other side of him, the one I believed not many people had had the pleasure of knowing before. This kiss was being given by the loyal, soft side of him, the one that cared about other people more than he cared about himself, the protective, kind one I though not even Daryl himself believed to exist. It was clear on the heedfulness of his touch, on his gentle hand on my face.
I lifted my hand to rest on top of his on my face, holding him there, telling him I liked it, that I was welcoming his touch and his kiss, and allowed myself to wonder for a second if I had even been touched so gently before and came out with nothing. Nobody had ever given me such a tender first kiss and I had never felt so overwhelmed by a kiss that I felt my eyes prickling with tears under my closed eyelids.
Slowly he let go, his lips on mine making a soft kissing sound. I kept my eyes closed for a moment longer, my hand holding his on my face, and I could still feel it, my lips tingling, wanting more. I lazily opened my eyes. Daryl hadn’t rested his head on the pillow again, he stayed there, halfway between our spots, looking at me with many questions in his eyes, like he wanted me to tell him what to do now that we’d crossed the line, now that there was probably no turning back. I had the answer, I knew exactly what it was.
I let him know by closing the space between us once again to kiss him, my lips pressing firmly against his, more firmly than he had, and my hand let go of his to run down his forearm to his elbow and upper arm and rest on the back of his shoulder. His own hand on my face slid back into my hair, his fingers purchasing their place on my scalp under the locks, and it felt so good I whimpered against his mouth, parting my lips against his, an invitation; my hand tightening on his shoulder as a pleading, so he parted his own lips to allow his tongue to touch my lower lip. I responded to him instantly and we both took deep intakes of breath so we wouldn’t have to let go anytime soon. I slid closer to him, our chests touching now, and then we both just let it go, our kiss deepening, tongues dancing together, lips getting to know each other, moving slowly and intensely, the effects starting to make themselves present on our bodies.
Daryl moved over, his hand sliding from my hair to my back, turning to nearly get on top of me, his mouth never leaving mine, but just as he turned a bit too far, the fresh stiches on his side stung from being twisted and he hissed, letting go of my lips and returning abruptly to his position on his side. Startled, I covered her mouth with my hand, eyes wide watching him. His face showed more annoyance than pain, his eyes tightly closed for a moment before he looked at me.
“Sorry!” I told him. “Did I hurt you?”
“Was me, can’t turn. It’s fine,” he said in a strained voice.
“Did you open a stitch?”
“Don’t think so. ‘S fine,” and he relaxed, the pain subsiding, and rested his head on the pillow again, with me still there real close to him. “Come here,” his voice gentle once again told me as he pressed his hand on my back, trying to bring me to him.
“Maybe we should wait… You’re hurt, don’t wanna make it worse,” I said even as I approached, our noses nearly touching.
“Ain’t no way this will make me worse,” he told her with a shy smirk and I laughed against his lips as he tried to kiss me again.
“What I mean…” I pushed him softly to be able to look into his eyes. “Is that if we keep this up I’m gonna want… More… And you can’t, you’re convalescing.”
“I’m convalescing,” he repeated, eyebrows up. “I’ll have ya know I’ve gone huntin’ with a broken leg. I’ve tracked deer with a concussion.”
I was smiling but a bit more seriously now, as I held him close. “You were shot, Daryl… Got an arrow to your side,” and I lowered my head to the pillow, pressing my face against his neck and pulling him tightly to me. “I’m just happy you’re here, alive, and that I can hold you… And that now I can kiss you, and not just keep liking you from a distance…”
He chuckled, hugging me against him. “You like me?”
I laughed, face hidden on his neck, “Shut up.”
“I think ya like me.”
“’Course I like you, ya jerk,” I looked up at him again and slapped his shoulder. “Why you think I’m in bed making out with you, all cryin’ and ooh please don’t die and shit?”
Daryl was looking at me with a playful smile, but halfway through my speaking he got bit by bit more serious and his eyebrows went down in confusion.
“You serious ‘bout this?”
I took a moment to answer, staring at him before saying “Yeah. Why did ya think?”
“I… I dunno… ‘Cause ya was scared.”
“I was scared. I was fuckin’ shitless scared,” I was serious now. “I think when they carried you into the house I stood frozen like an ice statue for like ten minutes in the front yard, unable to move because I thought ya was dead and what the fuck was I gonna do with my life without you,” and I was breathless again and tried to let go of him to sit up, because I knew I had said too much. There was something about a living and breathing Daryl lying so close to me being all gentle and kissing so good that made me talk too much too soon. We’d just kissed for the first time, finally, and here I was opening my heart and talking feelings and shit.
But he held me, not letting me get up, “Hey, don’t – I know. I know, alrigh’?” and I stopped trying and looked at him again. “I knew ya liked me, jus’ can’t understand it. Not used ta people likin’ me, is all, specially girls. And I didn’t know it was… Like this, that ya wanted me like this…”
“Fuck, Daryl…” I settled again, replacing myself on his neck and holding him tight again. “You got no idea, do you?”
“Nah, think I don’t…” he whispered. “But I ain’t about to argue that now…”
“Good. Hope you don’t argue it later too, ‘cause I ain’t going anywhere.”
He just hummed, holding me in his arms, and we went quiet. His hand was travelling up and down my back and I relaxed on his hold, my face on his neck, feeling the smell and the heat of his skin, my hand on the back of his shoulder also starting to softly explore. I knew I should stop touching him because I’d only want more, but it was impossible. My hand moved to the nape of his neck, fingertips light on his skin.
“Don’t know why I can’t find her…” he whispered into the silence, hand still roaming on my back.
I took a moment to answer, wondering if he’d say more. I knew Daryl. I knew he didn’t talk much, specially about feelings and stuff, so I should give him room to keep speaking if he’d like, but after a while he remained silent.
“Not sure why…” I started. “But with how hard you trying, got no doubt we’ll know soon enough.”
“Wanna find her alive…”
“I know… But you gotta know, Daryl… Won’t be your fault if ya don’t.”
He stilled in my arms, his hand stopping stroking me and I could feel him tense.
“Yeah it will,” he disagreed.
I lifted my head again to look at him, “You’re doing all ya can. You nearly died for her today. You’re out there every day, doin’ what everybody else shoulda. What I shoulda too.”
“Nah, ya can’t,” he shook his head. “Ya gotta take care of yourself, ‘s dangerous out there.”
“And yet you’re still out there all day,” I agreed firmly. “Nobody’s tryin’ as hard as you.”
“Promised her momma I’d keep trying ‘till I find her,” Daryl mumbled looking down, at somewhere near my throat.
“That’s…” I paused to lick my lips. “That’s some real serious thing to promise someone… Why you doin’ that?”
Daryl looked back at me, “She’s twelve, alone in the woods. What kinda prick wouldn’t do that?”
“Well, Rick, Shane. They ain’t doing that.”
“Yeah, but you told me to.”
“What?” I frowned.
“The day she vanished, back on the road. You put me in charge of finding her.”
“I put you in charge of looking for her,” I corrected firmly. “I never said find her, and I never promised Carol Sophia would come back alive.”
“You don’t think I can do it?”
“Yes, I do. I think you can find her. If anyone can, that’s you. We just can’t know if she’ll be… You know, still her when you do. And if she’s not, that will not be on you. It won’t even be on Rick, who’s the one who left her alone in the woods in the first place, why would it be on you who’s nearly getting killed looking for her?”
Daryl’s face was hard, his emotion hiding behind angry eyes, even though he hadn’t let go of me, not for a moment. He said nothing, just kept looking at me and I think he was repeating my words in his head, trying to make sense of them, wanting to believe them. After a while he closed his eyes briefly and when he opened them again, it was a bit softer and he looked down again.
“Carol said I’m every bit as good as Rick ‘n Shane, ‘cause I’m tryin’,” he whispered, his hand restarting his caress on my back.
“Now there I disagree with her,” I said and he looked up at my eyes again, a bit startled, and I smiled softly at him. “You’re better.”
His eyebrows went down and he scoffed, his hand sliding from my back to my waist as he turned a little away from me. “Come on, jus’… Don’t.”
“I mean it, Daryl,” I also moved, lifting up to rest on one elbow so I could look at him, and smiled, “You really got no idea, do you? Nobody knows you like I do. Them all, they don’t see it. But ya’ve been by my side all this time, since before, since you went to the diner to warn me and then to the house to save me from those assholes and took me to your place and never left my side.”
“Don’t know what kinda asshole wouldn’t do that…” he mumbled looking down, away from my eyes.
“Many of them wouldn’t,” I replied quickly. “I chose to stay close to you Daryl, you know I could have left on my own, maybe even survived alone, but I didn’t even want to, I wanted to be with you. Merle was a package deal, but it was for you that I chose to stay, that I chose the three of us was a group that’d stay together. Ain’t regretted it for a second,” and then I placed a hand on his chest making him look at me again. “You might got trouble believing or understandin’ it ‘cause o’ some crap people told ya your whole life, but I’ll say it all until you believe it.”
I laid down on my side again, nudging him to turn to me and he did, facing me with unsure eyes, but he said nothing. I knew he didn’t feel like what I was saying was true, not someone like Daryl who believed himself to be nothing, who’d grown up with a brother like Merle who probably put him down at any chance he had and God knows what other crap he had to face growing up, but I was sure of what I was saying. I adored him, wanted him by my side for the whole of the end of the world and I was decided to make him see it eventually.
So now I just kissed him again, holding his face in my hand, tenderly, trying to convey my feelings with no words now. He took a moment but kissed me back, just as softly for a while until deepening it again, his hand on my hip pulling me closer once again. The kiss was quicker to heat up this time. Daryl’s fingers tightened on my hip and sent electricity all over my body. My hand slid down on him, from his face to his neck and chest and rounding him up to his nape again, where I pressed and made him let out a low throaty sound, unconsciously imitated by me. Encouraged, Daryl moved his leg between my knees and I complied by parting them to give him room, our groins together now, his hand going down to press on my ass.
Damn, yes, that what I’d missed.
I moaned on his mouth at the feeling of him hard inside his pants and rubbed my thigh against it. He motioned me rhythmically and we moaned together against each other’s lips.
“Fuck, girl…” Daryl groaned as he slid his lips from my mouth to my neck, burying his head between mine and the pillow.
“Can add that you’re a fucking amazing kisser to all that,” I smiled to the feeling of his tongue on my neck, goosebumps rising all over my body and my mouth finding his shoulder.
“Ya said somethin’ ‘bout maybe we should wait?” he asked with a smirk just before pulling my skin into his mouth, making me moan and softly bite on his shoulder.
“Got no idea why I said that,” I moaned with a longer rub of my hip against his as my hand slid down from his nape to his upper back and then down, my palm opened as to feel as much of his skin as I could, the raised skin from his scars – which I’d seen briefly before when I entered the room.
But he stopped all he was doing with a strong, involuntary flinch, pulling away from me, his hand on my hip pushing me from him, not too far but fast, enough to startle me. I immediately let go of him, holding my hand up in the air, eyes wide. Daryl looked at me as if he didn’t even know why he’d done it, shame instantly filling his eyes as he lowered them, his lips working on saying something but no words coming.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered as softly as I could, even with my startled expression. “I’m sorry, didn’t mean to – Won’t touch if you don’t want me to, I’m sorry.”
“Sam, I –” he started but paused to clean his throat, still not looking at me. “You did nothin’, I just… You don’t wanna touch ‘em.”
“I don’t mind touching ‘em. Really. But won’t if you don’t want me to.”
“Is not ‘cause of you…”
“I know.”
“Please don’t apologize for that. It ain’t your fault,” I lowered my hand from where it was still raised between us to rest on his cheek, making him finally look back at me. “It was done to you. Not your fault.”
“Jus’ don’t like being touched there.”
“Then I won’t. We’re learning, Daryl… I’m learning what you like… And what you don’t like, just as you’ll learn me.”
Daryl nodded weakly, eyes lowering again, still ashamed even with my reassurances, his hand light on my hip. I let my own hand slide from his face to his chest and rest there, right on his heart, feeling it was beating fast.
“Who was it? If you don’t mind telling me…”
He was silent for a moment, unmoving, before groaning out, “My old man…”
I also paused before speaking again, because I didn’t want my first reaction to be calling the old Dixon ugly names, but it ended up being “Son of a bitch” in a whisper all the same. Daryl looked up at my eyes at that, shame still there, but now also surprised.
“I understand you, Daryl…”
“Ya don’t, Sam…” he disagreed gently. “You might wanna, but ya had a good daddy. Can’t know it.”
I didn’t answer, just kept looking at him, my eyes soft once again at him for a long moment until I slowly started untangling myself from him. Silently, Daryl tried to hold me there so I wouldn’t go, but I insisted, pushing him gently until he allowed me to sit up, now not an inch of him touching me. I missed it, wanted to go back. But this was important. He had to know.
I didn’t go far. I stayed there, only turned to sit with my back to him, still close, and quietly crossed my arms and reached for the hem of my shirt, slowly but certainly pulling it up and off. My locks were momentarily lifted by the shirt only to fall back heavily over my back as I discarded the shirt on the bed. I looked back at Daryl over my shoulder and, my eyes not leaving his, reached back to slide the dreads over my opposite shoulder, showing him back, only the beige strap of my bra partially blocking the view.
His eyes left mine to look at what I was showing him. My skin was adorned with another tattoo on my upper back, just under my nape, a lotus flower with little, delicate chains and jewelry. Then, right under the strap of the bra, on my right side, was clearly as the day a burn scar tissue. I knew it looked quite healed because it had been there for a long time, with about 8 inches’ long, rosy on my white skin.
“I may have had a good daddy,” I started with a soft voice, still looking at him over my shoulder, and he looked at me, “but it don’t mean I had a good momma.”
He stared at my eyes for a moment longer and then looked again at the scar, a hand slowly reaching out to it but stopping before his fingertips could feel it.
“When?” he asked simply.
“Was four. Mom was tryin’ to quit drinking then,” I told him as she turned my head away, looking down at my hands. “I was being annoying or something, I don’t know, kept calling her. She was cooking and telling me to shut up but I wouldn’t, so she took this pot from the stove with boiling water and threw it at me. I guess I saw her reach for it and turned to run cause the water fell on my back.”
“Shit…” Daryl whispered behind me and sat up, groaning a little as his stiches ached, but he rested his weigh on his hand and sat behind me.
“’S why dad got my custody,” I told him. “They were separated already and he was not my real daddy but he’d already adopted, so when I was at the hospital he got my custody and left her for good.”
“You saw her again?”
“She tried a few times after she got outta jail ‘bout three years after. But she couldn’t be alone with me and she got all angry and frustrated with it and never showed up again,” I sighed heavily. “Years later I heard she’d gotten a new guy, had another baby and moved away from Georgia, but never knew anythin’ more than that. But it don’t matter,” I looked over my shoulder at him again. “What I mean is I understand. I know what’s like to get hurt by the person who should love you the most.”
He nodded as he bit on his inner lip again. I couldn’t really tell, bit he seemed to be feeling things, his eyes were a little shinier, but I couldn’t look more to be sure because he lowered his forehead until it touched my upper back tattoo and kept looking at the scar, braving up enough to touch it with his fingertips. I shivered slightly, but it was because of his gentle touch, not the scar. He traced the entire expense of it gently and slowly, and I leaned back into him. He stopped touching the scar to hold my waist as he lifted his head and placed a kiss where his forehead had been.
It was only then that I noticed I was actually nearly naked, right there only on my bra, but strangely, as much as I’d wanted to be like that with him, I knew this didn’t mean anything right now. This wasn’t sexual, and at the moment I didn’t even want it to be. I just wanted to be here with him, my skin on his, to hold him and feel him hold me.
Now he just motioned me to lay down on my side with him, my back to his chest, and he slid the sheet over our bodies, one arm pillowing my head and the other circling me to rest his hand once again on my baby bump. I held both his hands – one on the mattress and the other on my stomach, and sighed, closing my eyes.
“Thank you,” I heard Daryl whisper behind me, close to my ear, and I snuggled back on him, my back flush against his chest. For a moment I thought of questioning what he was thanking me for, but I didn’t. I knew then what he was grateful for. So I held up his arm under my head until his hand reached my mouth and planted a little kiss there.
“Don’t gotta thank me… You ‘n I… We’re it.”
Daryl lowered his head to my shoulder and pressed a lingering kiss there, the hand on my belly stroking me lightly, and said nothing. He held me tight, burying his face against my neck and I melted against his chest, and I could feel his heart hammering right there on my back.
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