#i love sambucky
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f-misc · 1 month ago
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Captain America: Brave New World
the framed photos on the shelves in sam's office
highest shelf: sam and riley eye-level shelf: sam and bucky lower shelf: sarah, sam and torres     
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wxnters-children · 1 month ago
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That TFATWS to CABNW development got me sCreaming
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what-a-catch-dawnie · 19 days ago
EVERYONE SHUT UP AND CONSIDER: the aftermath of brave new world.
sam is tired. so, so tired. the adrenaline that’s kept him running far longer than it should’ve is finally wearing thin and he makes it to his and bucky’s apartment and all but collapses in his fiancé’s arms. bucky coos at him, he talks sweet and quiet. he scolds him a little for not properly dealing with those stab wounds, but it’s okay.
“it’ll be okay, sammy.”
bucky stitching him up, bandaging him. despite every feeble protest, he’s able to get sam to lay down finally and drink some water and take some pain meds. he makes him a sandwich that sam is able to eat about half of. he hates being coddled most of the time, but right now he’s in a bit too much pain to really care. instead, sam focuses on telling bucky he’s full of shit and that the serum would’ve definitely came in handy. he’s kind of mumbling, and his words come out a bit out of order and bucky just gives a roll of his eyes because someday, sam’ll get it. he’ll see himself the way bucky sees him, and he’ll get it.
and once bucky’s pretty sure he’s stable, or stable enough, he’ll crawl into bed beside him. sam’s already asleep and bucky will drive him to the hospital tomorrow for a proper examination, but right now he deserves a good night’s sleep, safe and sound in his own bed. their bed. the bed that took them both a long time to get used to, but when they’re wrapped in one another’s arms, it’s a bit more bearable.
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yikesdrama · 1 month ago
“I should have taken that serum. Bucky was full of shit.” 😂❤️
— Sam Wilson, Captain America
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potatomoonjuice · 12 days ago
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i thought i was over SamBucky... until i started hyperventilating when they were on screen together again
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bastianfruit · 10 days ago
Get ready for cat!sambucky
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yoshifan456 · 1 month ago
If there is a fanfic out there or there will be written one where Bucky has a ring on his finger and the Thunderbolts* are trying to find out who his SO is, but then at the end of the movie it is casually Captain America, please tag me.
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supposethismatters · 10 months ago
Enemies to lovers is about someone who has significant reason to hurt you but… actively chooses not to: It’s comforting.
The more it personally costs them to have you the more you know they want you: It’s flattering.
They lower their defenses understanding that you could truly harm them yet they have faith in you: It’s affirming.
Enemies pay attention to you in a way strangers, friends, and allies never do. Hyper aware of your motives, your skills, your every move for potential threats. But even with the intensive scrutiny we are judged worthy of their loyalty and vulnerability and love: It’s absolving.
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f-misc · 1 month ago
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Captain America: Brave New World sambucky gifset (part 7 of 7)
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wxnters-children · 1 month ago
How Bucky looks at Sam during the entirety of TFATWS ✨
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ex0rin · 1 month ago
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CA: TWS | CA: BNW ✨husbands✨
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saintchiron · 5 days ago
i’m always thinking that sam is constantly being left alone, either by choice (steve) or as a consequence of death (riley, nat, his mother and father), like until tfatws where he lived with sarah, every time he is on screen or mentioned he is alone, since the moment we meet him. in dc when he meets steve, in age of ultron he mentions looking for bucky alone, in infinity war he is snapped alone and when he comes back what he receives from steve is a job (it is honoring but it’s a job) and leaves him to deal with it alone because at the time bucky also left and ignored sam when he tried to reach for him.
like most of sam’s interactions with other ppl until tfatws was ppl needing him and he helping them. like for someone as outgoing as sam, he had few real friends and even fewer deep connections— and even the friends he has were formed by sam trying to help them (isaiah) or taking care of them (joaquin) and ppl talk a lot about how bucky found himself someone that can fly after his trauma of falling but sam found someone that will stay with him, no matter what. like bucky’s ass is not leaving, he goes out of his way to make sure sam is okay, promises to always be there, says sam can call him anytime, but i bet my left tiddie he doesn’t even need to cause the moment sam is not okay bucky is there (that’s not even me saying, that canon!) but more importantly in bucky sam found a relationship where he is not always giving something of himself like he always is but actually receiving the love and support he is constantly giving other ppl
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bebopintadfield · 23 days ago
all i want from thunderbolts is a sam wilson cameo so i can make the movie all about him.
bonus points if it’s an end credit scene of bucky coming home to their apartment and sam’s there because they fs live together
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asexualenjolras · 1 month ago
Captain America: Brave New World SPOILERS
I cannot believe that it's now canon that Bucky Barnes LOVES Sam Wilson. I can't believe we got to hear Bucky say the words "I love you, buddy" after Sam called him Buck ... A NAME THAT ONLY STEVE WAS ALLOWED TO CALL HIM.
Sambucky IS canon.
The MCU can't even deny it because those looks, and the love in their eyes, were right there for us all to see. I know that Anthony Mackie said that they were just friends, but he also said Bucky wasn't going to be in this movie, so we know he lies.
They are in love, and Bucky actually said the words.
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magnificent-buckless-butt · 1 month ago
Re: Sambucky is not not canon
So let's get back to their discussion:
The fact that when Sam mentions Sterns Bucky asks nothing means they are talking a lot. Because Bucky may have seen what was happening to Torres on TV (most probably in real time), Sterns was obviously not in the news so how could Bucky know about him? Plus, the timeline is fuzzy, but the movie spans over a couple of days at most. So really, Sam was keeping Bucky up-to-date almost on real time. (Yes, I am making a text fic once Thunderbolts is out.)
When Bucky leaves, he excuses himself because of fundraising and Sam nodds. Bucky is not excusing himself that he can't fight with Sam at the moment, he excuses himself that he can't stay to the end of Torres' operation. Which means, Bucky's absence since the beginning was something they had absolutely planned.
First conclusion: no divorce. The two of them just took on very busy jobs that don't let them see each other frequently and/or whenever they want. (Hence Bucky's grumpiness in the Thunderbolts trailer. I, too, would be grumpy if I could only see my bf once every full moon.)
We're not done yet!
Where is Sam sleeping? It looked like Sam went on a busy 72h-day in this movie. But we see a glimpse of his office: we can't see the outside but with a massive star on a massive window panel like that, we are not in Delacroix or in the suburbs. I'd say DC so he could be nearer the president (the White House is in DC, right?) but it can be New York or another big city. Point is: his office is huge and well situated. Who's to say there isn't an appartement on the upper or lower floor? And a spacious one.
And, as we have established, both Bucky and Sam are very busy. Sam, per working for the president, must have missions sending him anywhere in the US or the world (heck, that's exactly how the movie opens: with a mission in Mexico). Bucky, campaigning for himself, probably has to travel a lot. So both would have a home they're rarely come back to so they wouldn't want to waste a full house, a spacious apartment would be more than enough.
Full conclusion: as of today, there is no proof that indicates Sam and Bucky are not living together.
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queerdisabledmess · 1 month ago
Sam Wilson cameo in Thunderbolts* where all he does is fly in, says “you forgot your lunch” while handing Buck a paper bag, kisses him on the cheek, and then leaves (the entire audience cheers)
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