#trans pagans
svgarg0re · 3 months
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starboystation · 6 months
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A zine about Lady Aphrodite and transsexualism as an offering for her :)!
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chrissy-kaos · 28 days
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Practice witchcraft and commit crimes
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original-username42 · 8 months
I'm so sick of queer spaces being so heavily anti religion to a comical degree. We always preach intersectionality or to look at nuance but then when religion is brought up it's all black and white "hur dur religion bad, you're bad because religion all religious people are going out in the streets murdering trans people and eating gay babies" like do none of us see the irony here? I'm trans, bi and religious and I've gotten hate for it but since I'm a pagan I get less hate than I've seen trans Christians or Muslims get. Not everyone who is religious is bigoted, not every religious person is the strawman in your head. Religion is not inherently bigoted, most of the time the stuff actual bigoted religious people use as justification for bigotry is mistranslations or blatantly wrong interpretations of religious texts. I'm not trying to convert anyone to any religion I'm just begging other queer folk to stop being hypocrites and to stop harassing other queer people for being religious
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thestrawberraefae · 1 year
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dragoncuspid · 4 months
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Idk why this shirt is so gender euphoria for me, it’s just a flowy white shirt but I feel like a dark elf who sells funny potions when I wear it 🧙‍♂️🧪
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whereserpentswalk · 6 months
I don't dream of a future where little girls grow up wanting to be ceos, or lockheed martin scientists, or soldiers, or whatever a human recourses developer is. I dream of a world where girls grow up wanting to be occultist practitioners, and sex workers, and unhinged artists, and boys.
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odinswitch · 9 months
May the Gods ease your gender dysphoria.
May they bless you with gender euphoria, and supportive friends and family.
May they guide you and help you on the path for your transition, no matter what form that may take.
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transtheology · 9 months
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from Lady of the Largest Heart, a poem by High Priestess Enheduanna & translated by Betty De Shong Meador.
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fairy-gothparent · 4 months
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During an era of rising Christofascism, it is disappointing that similar rhetoric can be found spreading in pagan communities as well. The bigoted narratives that queer and gender nonconforming people have never been welcome on this path, nor are we now. Many of those who oppose our existence draw upon their own biases along with misrepresentations of the past in order to justify their prejudice.
Make no mistake - the paganism of today does not need to conform to Iron Age social values, nor do we require recorded examples from our ancient ancestors to validate all of our modern practices.
Historical precedence is not necessary for our lives to be meaningful.
We just have it anyway.
Dreaming of the Trancestors is a zine compiling information from academic sources, archaeological evidence, historical documentation, and anecdotes from Norse lore. Filled with original illustrations and maps, it is meant to uplift and affirm LGBTQ2S+ pagans, connect us to the past, and guide us into the future.
Initial pre-order runs from 6/7 to 6/21.
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urbigfatdog · 24 days
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Finished the altar ☀️🏹
Please notice my T bottles 🏳️‍⚧️
I’m serious about the monster energy thing, do yall think he would like it
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mxmorbidmidnight · 14 days
Often the idea of divine feminine in spiritual contexts is based entirely on reducing AFAB people to their reproductive organs.
The mother, maiden crone archetype or the “life cycle” of a female revolves around reproduction and whether or not it is being done. Ones “divine feminine” and spiritual wellness is judged on reproductive factors being “in sync with your cycle” and the like.
I think it is time we move on from this. We are not defined by our ability to reproduce, witchcraft and paganism claims to be a freedom for women free from the misogyny that plagues all other faiths. Yet just like these other religions spirituality, paganism and witchcraft reduces AFAB people to breeders.
People with children are first and foremost people. Their spiritual purpose is not just child bearing and should not be forced into a lifestyle where they are treated as nothing but a mother.
A person who chooses to not have children is not “out of touch with the divine feminine” one does not need to have children to “spiritually level up”.
People who do not have sex or are perhaps on the asexual spectrum are still divine. Getting your tubes typed or going on birth control doesn’t make you of less value. Those who can have children are not any more divinely feminine then those who cannot
AFAB people who have periods and female anatomy but do not associate them with femininity should be respected. Reproductive organs do not define a person.
Trans women who cannot have periods are not any less divinely feminine. A trans woman who never got to be a maiden in the outdated, traditional sense should not be considered any less.
If the language you’re using to describe AFAB people is the same way that a dog breeder describes a breeding dog, you’re doing something wrong.
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bacchant-of-dionysus · 10 months
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Trans tarot card I designed
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transbutchblues · 11 months
The Gods are not trans allies.
The Gods are not trans-friendly.
The Gods do not ‘support’ queer people.
The Gods ARE trans. The Gods ARE queer.
The Gods are transgender, They are transsexual. ‘Trans’ means ‘beyond, across’.
The Gods are beyond gender. Beyond sex. Beyond flesh. Beyond normality and norms— thus, They are queer. They are trans. They are on the other side of gender, of sex— on the side we cannot even begin to understand.
The Gods are transsexual and transgender and queer not (only) within our human understanding of transness— They are not trans in the way we humans are trans.
But They are still trans. They are the original transness. The ultimate transsexuality.
Transness as a transition from a state to another state, from a form to another form— from Their divine form to one we humans can behold without being consumed by Their inherent queerness. From Their divinity to words we humans can attempt to understand and think of without being utterly lost in the enormity and infinity of the divine.
Transness as a journey, a constant state of evolution within the world— evolution of the world itself, for the Gods are the world, are beyond time, beyond space, yet constantly changing.
The Gods do not love trans worshippers despite their transness, despite their queerness. The Gods love trans worshippers for their transness. They love us because we are trans. Because we are queer.
As we defy norms, we become closer to Them— trans people are humans, mortals, but I firmly believe that there is something inherently holy in transition. To change yourself, to think the limits of the body and to alter your own flesh is to create, is to destroy. To understand how limitless the world is— how flesh and sex and gender are human things, social things, that are made by us and can be expended and transgressed— is to take a step towards the Gods.
The Gods love you. You are made in Their image. Or maybe— you make yourself in Their image. And that is beautiful.
(reminder that this is my vision of divinity, not a definite fact, even if i think there are a lot of things (in multiple cultures/religions) that point to the divine being beyond gender)
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thrashkink-coven · 3 months
Queer Luciferians celebrate the entirety of pride month as a holy celebration because of course we fucking do!
God is trans and he loves his queer children. Pride is not a sin but a virtue of love. Hail Lord Lucifer! Hail thyself!
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dragoncuspid · 6 months
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Spring is coming I can feel it !!!
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