artsysurvivor · 1 year
Idea: Berrigan also being trans and teaching Halt how to make his voice deeper.
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that-one-enby-ranger · 4 months
Happy Pride Month to all those lil' queer rangers out there.
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deutsche-bahn · 3 months
Ich sag's mit liebe, aber deine geschichten über deine gang aus ein-mann Polykül, Ornithologe et al klingen für mich jedes mal wie irgendwas aus 'nem roman. Sicher dass du die nicht irgendwann mal im sammelband zusammenfassen und verkaufen willst? Wird sicher 'n Verkaufsschlager.
I doubt it. Vielleicht schreibe ich irgendwann mal die etwas umfassenderen Geschichten auf, die das tumblr post Format sprengen würden. Aber ich glaub das hat nicht Spiegelbestseller-Charakter.
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ragingadhd · 2 months
It’s always t4t Willyss and never t4t Haline 😔
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
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alwritey-aphrodite · 11 months
Reading YA/TikTok books makes me realize maybe my writing isn’t all that bad if this is getting published…
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ok this is unprompted but if you pride yourself on being the reason people leave a space for something they genuinely love and have done no objective wrong - youre a piece of shit btw. like full send youre horrible.
#cheeri rants#this is brought on by me finally letting myself get back into smth i loved for like 5-6 years#and got squicked out of by senseless witch hunts and trans/misogyny and the like#im really sitting here remembering all the nights i stayed up with amazing friends#the shoulders i cried on and the hands i held for others#the people who stood with me through some of the toughest times i can remember#we all loved the same silly things#we all poured bits of ourselves into everything we created and we shared that with everyone#i still so vividly remember lamenting that id never get to see our interest irl#and someone i didnt even know all that well dm’d me a few days later asking if i had venmo or paypal#because they were going to give me $50 to buy a ticket. they wanted to go but couldnt#for some reason i cant remember but they gave me their own money and told me to please enjoy in their place#and you know what? i fucking cried that night. you dont see that anymore#the all-nighters i pulled with my best friend watching the live reruns of our interest before we even got into the fandom#doing my homework while we were on facetime together squealing#and all of this came to a screeching halt because of some . PEOPLE.#who figured we were having fun the wrong way because they didnt like it#and we put up all the flashing neon signs to warn people#warn them of smth they should have already known#and just because people ignored those signs it was taken out on us anyway#and i have never been so heartbroken to watch one by one as some of the brightest people i ever knew#started leaving. breaking down. their light was being stomped out because some assholes cant mind their own#and i will be fucking damned before i stand by and let that happen again. to anyone.
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shinobicyrus · 2 years
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In a craven, pathetic, cynical, and transparently desperate ploy to energize his torpid 2024 campaign and match his rival Desantis, Twice-Impeached Ex-President Trump has shuffled out of his Florida tanning tank to join the gibbering chorus of Far-Right trans-panic by releasing a video on Truth Social. The full statement amounts to a hate-ridden, incendiary rant that proposes nationwide federal action that would threaten the health and well-being of trans people, in particular trans children, and will use the law to enforce a rigid, hetero-normative, cisgender social order.
You can watch the full video here on Forbes  if you choose to. I advise against it, personally. The years since his removal from public office and most social media seems to have had atrophied my tolerance. It’s probably why I was somehow shocked at how a video less than four minutes long can cram so much ignorance, falsehoods, hateful invective, and unhinged demagoguery in such a short period of time.
Pages of ink could be spilled breaking down every ranting tangent, from threats to prosecute doctors and hospitals providing gender affirming care, the distasteful novelty of calling trans children mutants,  inventing a conspiracy of pharmaceutical companies selling unsafe hormones and puberty blockers to children, and proposes using the federal government to “promote” aka enforce “positive education of the nuclear family” and the “role of mothers and fathers,” sprinkled with some good old fashioned sex-based bio-essentialism.
The crescendo, the real red meat dripping with bloody doctrine, is at the end:
“I will ask congress to pass a bill establishing that the only genders recognized by the United States Government are male and female and they are assigned at birth.”
“The Bill will also make clear that Title 9 prohibits men from participating in womens’ sports and we will protect the rights of parents from being forced to allow their minor child to assume a gender which is new and an identity without the parents’ consent. The identity will not be new and it will not be without parental consent.”
“No serious country should be telling its children that they were born with the wrong gender, a concept that was never heard of in all of human history - nobody’s ever heard of this, what’s happening today - it was all when the radical left invented it just a few years ago.”
He ends it all with a chilling conclusion. “Under my leadership, this madness will end.”
I’ve done my best since his departure from office to avoid talking about this sad orange failure puttering around his private golf course while lawsuits and legal investigations pile around him. But I’ve heard little mainstream discussion of this announcement; how Far-Right transphobic rhetoric is being elevated to the level of presidential politics.
While Trump was never friendly to the LGBTQ community, he was also prone to mocking the likes of Pence for his desire of wanting to “hang the gays.” Did his Administration do harm to the queer community? Yes, undeniably so. But to me it felt obligatory, with little energy or drive behind it, as Trump ultimately didn’t care. The callous apathy of an incurious narcissist.
Now, whether he believes the nonsense he’s spewing or not, Trump sees that the Republican base has been driven to a mad fervor over the existence of trans folks. So, like the cynical, amoral opportunist he is, he will regurgitate the vile hateful garbage his speechwriters feed him for political and financial gain.
Whether he gets the nomination or not, this announcement will set the tone for the entire Republican presidential primary of 2024.
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artsysurvivor · 1 year
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[Image ID: 5 digitally drawn drawings with a black tool.
IMAGE 1: Halt with long hair and a dress, looking sadly at Caitlyn, shorter than him wearing boys royal clothing. Caitlyn is saying, "Sometimes I feel like we should be swapped."
IMAGE 2: Halt's looking away from the chest with an annoyed look on his face. He is tying bandages around the breast.
IMAGE 3: Halt with a cloak on, dagger in hand. The other hand is holding out his hair, the other is about to cut it.
IMAGE 4: Halt has short messy hair, a binder, and is now smiling with slight tears in his eyes. He's saying, "It fits great, Pritchard." Pritchard's head is in the corner, he is smiling widely saying, "Yay!" Beside him is an arrow pointing to him from the words, "Pritchard says Trans Rights & To Bind Safely!!"
IMAGE 5: Pritchard's in 3-quarter view, showcasing a bottle (a "Facial Hair getter thing") in his hands. He winks as he says, "Walla! Happy Birthday, Halt." In a circle in the corner, it's Halt with a clean face and he is flapping his hands excitedly.
IMAGE 6: Halt is now old (probably around his 30s/20s) and looks as he usually does. He gazes in the corner, thinking "Murder." He's having period cramps. /End ID]
I read on tumblr that it was trans visibility day and said to myself that it was a perfect time to post this. But I got too tired, so here it is now. :D
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Imagine young early apprenticeship Will being terrified that he won't be accepted in the corps when they find out he's a trans man.
And then he finds out his mentor is a trans man
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onemoregayapollokid · 10 months
Rangers Apprentice:
Will Treaty:
Whispers of the Dark Pt.1
Whispers of the Dark Pt.2
A Father's Love
Fragile Bonds-Request: While on the battlefield, Will gets mortally wounded while saving Madelyn. As he lays heavily wounded in the infirmary tent, Maddie is hysterical and out of her mind, but Halt hears Will whisper a name. "Alyss"... Will he live or not? Will Alyss welcome him in the afterlife or kick his ass back to the living?
Threads of Time- Death keeps running into Will. Finally, at the end of Will's life, they sit down for a conversation.
Of Arguments and Heartbeats
The Final Answer
Will Treaty/Horace Altman/Gilan Davidson:
United Hearts- Request: Can you write a fluffy fic where Horace, Will and Gilan are all married to each other?
United Hearts pt 2- Will wakes up with a severe fever, leading to him having fever induced nightmares. Horace and Gilan do their best to soothe the man they love.
Shifting Ties-Gilan tells his father about his relationship; it doesn't go as planned. Years later, David shows up on Gilan's step. Will they reconcile or is some pain too much to bear?
The Cave and its Secrets- Will and Horace end up in a cave as the sun sets. Horace is alone and claustrophobic. Will helps.
Bucky Barnes:
Echoes of Home- Bucky has spent decades yearning to know what happened to his sister. When he discovers she's still alive, will he let her back into his life? Or is he too damaged for even family to accept?
Percy Jackson:
Scars-Nico shows his scars to Will for the first time
Sunshine-Trans! Will Solace shows Nico his top surgery scars for the first time. Part two of Scars.
Overdue Homecoming- The reunion between Sally and Percy, post Heroes of Olympus
Shelter in the Storm- Trans!Will Solace comes out to his family and it doesn't go well. Nico attempts to support him. TW: Transphobia
Tending to Shadows: Will notices Percy is pulling back and makes a discovery that breaks his heart. TW: Self Harm
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iwanttobepersephone · 1 month
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They're so right oml
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ragingadhd · 6 months
Aggressively bisexual man (Halt) and his aggressively transgender son (Will)
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doppelnatur · 1 year
Cis people be texting frfr
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theythemsam · 2 years
Deine Scheiß Ideologie ist der Grund warum Lesben Struggles haben sich zu outen und du checkst es nicht mal aber Hauptsache über "Homophobie" rumheulen, ist anscheinend nur dann schlimm, wenn es dich persönlich trifft. Bei anderen kann man auch mal mit homophoben Schimpfwörtern rumschmeißen, alls für ein bisschen Bestätigung von Männern, die wegen einer Pornokategorie glauben sie seinen Lesben.
Jaja, Lesben und Trans Frauen sind Schuld am Patriarchat und Homophobie, du klügster Mensch dieser Erde.
Ich (und andere afab Lesben die ich kenne) hab nie von trans Leuten Probleme bekommen dafür dass ich lesbisch bin, komischerweise warn dass immer cishet Leute... Wow, wenn da doch nur was existieren würde dass uns Lesben wirklich davon abhält uns zu outen... so wie das Heteropatriarchat, Sexismus und Homophobie oder so... aber du hast sooooo recht, du Blitzgneißer, trans Menschen sind Schuld dran. Sind ja auch soooo ne mächtige und starke Personen Gruppe, so im Hintergrund unterwegs, fast so wie die Illuminati oder die bösen Juden, geh?
Was meinst du mit homophoben Slurs? Wenn du terf meinst, dann ist das kein Slur. Ist ne Bezeichnung für das was du bist. Aber da du behindert als Schimpfwort verwendest, ist eh klar dass du keinen Plan davon hast. Homophobie kenn ich und ist scheiße, hab ich auch schon erlebt und ist scheiße (ja fast so als ob trans Menschen Auch von sexismus und Homophobie betroffen sind) aber ich verwende keine Slurs gegen andere, weil anders als du bin ich kein Arschloch.
Lies mal Leslie Feinberg statt Alice Schwarzers rassistische Scheiße, vielleicht lernst du ja was.
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esoteric-terror · 1 year
god i hate transmeds so much
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