#training challenges with thistle
the-thistle-missile · 2 months
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This is the closest she has gotten to sleeping outside of her crate.
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bonefall · 11 months
considering spiderleg is like *that* and squirelflight being diehard fire alone i cant imagine them being friends in BB like they were sort of in the canon books. were they or did it disolve after time passed and spiderleg got more into traditional/thistle law. also who were her other friends? i saw daisy was in another ask but who else (really eager to know who booed at mousefur and thronclaw lol)
So to begin with, Squirrelflight is in an odd place, generation-wise. She is born while Firestar is on his quest with Brokenstar, and grows up in a period of peace and prosperity.
Unfortunately she keeps failing her goddamn assessments
So while Leafstripe is a fully trained Cleric, Sorreltail recovered from being hit by a car and graduated, and Ashfur tried to hold out for her for a while before moving up, Squirrelpaw is here absolutely eating leaf litter with her wrecklessness
Goldenflower, her mentor, even tries to tell Firestar that she's not being vindictive, just in case he got the wrong idea. He assures her that, no. No he understands <:/
So Spider, Shrew, and Squirrel end up as apprentices together. There was a time where they were really close, getting in trouble in spite of their three strict mentors. Bad influence trio, all of them coming from respected parents and doing their best to embarass them.
That only started to change when Squirrelpaw went on the Great Journey, but then returned just in time to see Shrewpaw die. A lot of things were different, now. Squirrelpaw came back exalted for being on a holy quest. Spiderpaw had watched a lot of his clanmates die. She was spending more time with Brambleclaw; he had become very protective of his little brother, Birchkit.
They had both grown in a flash. Hard times will do that to you.
During the Great Journey, Spiderpaw was really close to the other Clan apprentices while Squirrelpaw hung out with the Sundrown Patrol. Spider looks back at this time in his life with a lurch in his stomach that he can't put into words.
He was there when Paw Soup was made. Talonclaw and Smokefall were friends of his even more than they were friends of little Birchkit. Spiderleg just left it behind when they got to the Lake, where his little brother never could. Clan loyalty, strength, honor... all that. He felt like he had to make a choice.
As a person, Spiderleg is torn in many directions by all of the things that happened to him. His head-of-construction father, his educator mother, his friend who won status by breaking the rules, three dead siblings before his warriorhood, the destruction of his ancestral home, the journey that challenged everything, his mentor Thornclaw, the backfired meeting, ardor for Daisy, crashing down with unwanted kits...
His consistent trait is that he's easily swept up in whatever fills him with the most passion, tossing himself into things until a bubbling sense of disgust makes him break it off. Regardless of if it was the good thing to do or not.
Religious euphoria and self-flagellation just seems to stabilize that impulse, for him.
The last time he was friends with Squilf was during their vigil upon reaching the Lake. They did it together, because they were both long overdue. He thought about Shrewpaw, and wondered if she did too.
But neither one of them broke the silence between them. They still haven't.
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Hello, do you know fics in which Harry is dealing with feelings of insecurity and inadequacy whether about his work, his relationships, accomplishments etc? :-)
Hi anon! Ahh yes, love myself a struggling Harry finding his way after the war. Here are some recs for you, enjoy :)
Unseen by astolat (M, 11k)
When he wasn’t wearing it, he got jumpy, always waiting for someone to come at him wanting something—and now they did it even more urgently, if they ever saw him, because most of the time, nobody did.
Poor Unfortunate Souls by DoubleApple (E, 19k)
Draco is a potioneer. Harry is trying to save his sex-challenged marriage. Everything is a mess, but at least there's an octopus in the lobby.
A Year in Training by Omi_Ohmy (M, 25k)
Harry is finally living his dream and training as an Auror, but nothing seems to be going right: he’s just so angry all the time. And Draco Malfoy’s presence on the programme really isn’t helping with that, either.
Holly and Hawthorn, Thistle and Thyme by bryoneybrynn (T, 31k)
After the war, Harry can’t shake the feeling that something is very wrong with him and he has a terrible feeling he knows what that “something” might be. He has a terrible feeling Malfoy might know, too.
This is Never Happening Again by hpleems (M, 32k)
“Potter,” Malfoy said, shaking his head. “Do I look like I care about your holiday plans? Trust me: this is *never* happening again.”
Here's The Pencil, Make It Work by ignatiustrout (M, 49k)
Harry thinks "Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?" is a much simpler question than, "Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?"
Meet Me at Midnight by thestarryknight (T, 57k)
Harry was beginning to wonder if he’d ever make anything again when Malfoy stormed through the door of Harry’s furniture shop. Now Harry’s got an impossible Ministry commission to finish, and even less energy than ever to deal with his elusive muse. That is, until he stumbles upon the surreal and beautiful world of a mysterious fae creature…
Modern Love by tackytiger (E, 61k)
Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
The Beauty of Thestrals and Other Unseen Things by Writcraft (E, 63k)
Harry has terrific friends, an amazing girlfriend and his job as Head Auror enables him to work on challenging cases and Ministry reform. He just wishes he could work out why he’s been so out of sorts.
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) by nerakrose and dustmouth (T, 96k)
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry.
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bri1234 · 25 days
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Meet my MC: Ella
TCH Masterlist
Book: The Cursed Heart
Love Interest: Kieran
Pronouns: She/her
Birthday: March 19th
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Birthplace: A tiny village
Current location: The Moon Palace
Found Family: Kieran, Longclaw, Sir Monty, Oleander
Magical Animal Friends: Leaf, Plum (thistle bat), Kieran's ravens (occasionally, depends on the day)
Personality: Kind, caring, trusting, patient, loyal, curious, accepting, resilient, honest, imaginative, stubborn, clever, empathetic,
Many believe that Ella's kindness and willingness to trust others is her weakness, but it is truly her greatest strength. She defeated the Sun Court and a power-hungry Fae after all. She even was able to get Kieran to warm up to her, which seemed like a near-impossible task for a while. Her warmth and generous nature shine through in almost all her interactions.
Physical Appearance
Hair: Orangy redish, wavy with curls
Eye color: Blue
Height: 5'6"
Reading: She picked up reading while in the Moon Palace and became a huge bookworm. Kieran would often have to pry books out of her hands to get her to come to bed.
Healing: Despite this technically being a job, she loves being able to help others. She often finds herself reading about all the different Fae plants and learning more about their magical properties from Longcalw, which she finds fascinating.
Ice skating: Winters were normally brutal in the village she grew up in, but her parents would take her to a nearby lake to ice skate on days when the weather was decent. She became very good at it and often would challenge the other village children to races and "skate-offs," as she called it. She explained ice skating to Kieran and he couldn't believe that humans would willingly stand on blades just so they could move on frozen water.
The Past
Childhood: Ella has always been a curious girl. She often would find herself wandering into the woods despite her parents warnings. She dreamed every night of the world the was just past the woods, wonding whether or not the grand, magical tales her parents would tell her before bed were real.
Besides her curiosity, her mother trained her in the art of healing. Ella would often assist her in treating those who were ill in the village and others in neighboring locations. As a young child, she could tell you about any plant growing in the woods, whether it had healing properties, and if it was safe for humans.
When her parents died from illness, the owner of the local tavern took her in. That is where she stayed and when she was old enough, worked until the beginning of TCH 1. But, she did dabble in healing here and there when someone was ill. I like to believe that if fate hadn't brought her and Kieran together, she probably would of become the village healer, following in her mother's footsteps.
The Future
What happens in my HC: Honestly, I'm not really sure yet. I know for a fact that Ella and Kieran get married, but I'm still unsure if I want Ella to stay mortal like how book 2 ends, or somehow find a way to make her become immortal. Maybe I'll have to expore this in a fanfic someday, I'm just not sure when I'll make up my mind lol.
What doesn't happen in my HC but is fun to imagine: Kieran gives up his immortality at the end of book 2. Ella and him get married, have kids, and grow old together. I touched base on this in a fic I posted here. Genuinely want to continue this because I loved writing it soooooo much, so stay tuned lol.
Tagging @choicesficwriterscreations
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blueboyluca · 1 year
Hi hi! I was wondering if you know of any good dog related podcasts? I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts lately while I knit a blanket for Thistle, and am looking for more! I’ve listened to a lot of Shaped by Dog (Susan Garrett) but I’d reallly like to get some more thoughts and opinions so that I’m not limiting myself to one ideology. I’ve also read Don’t Shoot the Dog, The Other End of the Leash, Inside of a Dog, and The Year of the Puppy.
- the-thistle-missile 💜
Hello! I love podcasts so I've found lots of dog ones, varying in quality. There are more podcasts available, but I don't even bother listening to the ones that are for basic 101 training because that's boring to me. I much prefer the ones that discuss concepts or specific sports.
Here's my list.
Favourites: The Bitey End of the Dog Cog-Dog Radio Drinking From the Toilet Enrichment for the Real World Paws & Reward Podcast
Good: Animal Training Academy Shaped by Dog Off Leash The Functional Breeding Podcast Fostering Excellence in Agility Bad Dog Agility Podcast The Canine Ed Aus Podcast Canine High Jinks Constructional Approach to Animal Welfare and Training The Agility Challenge Podcast with Daisy Peel Hold the Line The Q Coach
OK: Animal Training Academy: Making Ripples Startline DogSpeak: Redefining Dog Training Go-Get-'Em Agility Podcast McCann Dogs Agility – After Class Podcast
I don't like it but maybe someone else does: Barks from the Bookshelf Barking from the Wooftops Elevated Canine Podcast OneMind Dogs – From the Dog's Perspective Worry Less, Wag More: The Behavior Vets Podcast The Wrong End of the Tunnel The Agility Rose The Good Dog Pod Running My Course The Paws in Pursuit Podcast
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Clan Politics
Bonefall comes up with such good names for things, you guys should also follow them if you aren't already. Seriously! Their Better Bones redo is so good! BB!Heartstar and BB!Brokenstar are my blorbos (actually I'm pretty sure they all are). This was a tad intimidating because a lot of my ideas either overlap or were inspired by Better Bones. Also, I haven't attended a political class in like 9 years.
What @bonefall calls Thistle Law would meet its WCR Equivalent, Tiger Law/Tiger's Law (because Tigerstar is an uncreative dickhead) OR more Eloquently Put by Leopardstar, The Law of Tigers. Started by Clear Sky, revived by Thistleclaw and expanded by Tigerclaw, this is the ideology that gets cats hurt. The unsustainable, ego driven law that drips with blood. This is fascism.
Not as far as Tiger Law, but not very free itself, is Codeism, or, Law of The Wild. The Warrior Code should be thought about in every situation no matter what, and cats outside the Clans* do not fall under that protection. This can be used for good and bad. Not every Codeist is a xenophobic bigot, as Rowanstar was one, and tried his best to both follow the Code, and be as helpful to others as possible. Ashfur used it to hurt others, and prined Hollyleaf to be almost the same way until she realized where that path could lead. It's complicated and messy, but hey, that's politics for you.
* aside from kits. Kittens are the future, not just for the Clans, but for Cats themselves. Many cats in Clan history have been found in the woods or given up by parents to the Clans. Some lost kits have been returned to parents as well.
The Third is Fire Law, the ideology that Firestar created, he wanted to call it The Law of Cleansing Fire but Sandstorm told him it was a mouthful, maybe keep that to an unofficial title. It is about freedom of choice, extending kindness towards others, challenging the Warrior Code if it does not help in a situation, and doing what is good for as many cats as possible. Forward thinking and long term thinking, doing things, not for yourself, but for those who will only know you from memories long after you are gone.
The other 2 are Skyclan exclusive, though as of River, some notions of Sky Law are starting to leak.
The Fourth is, of course, Sky Law! Made for Skyclan and expanded by Leafstar. It is welcoming of outsiders, allowing for Daylight Warriors, Medicine Cats to have mates, development of new roles and systems with an emphasis on creativity, justice, and coexistence. This does not mean rolling over and allowing others to take advantage of you, of course, but the goal is finding peace through making treaties and alliances.
The Fifth is... Sharp Law. Created by Sharpclaw in retaliation against Leafstar. Exclusionary, though NOT meant to be deadly. While this Law also allows for more "radical" things, like allowing Medicine Cats to have mates (because Firestar never bothered telling Skyclan that it was banned at all) it DOES NOT allow for Daylight Warriors. It demands full loyalty to Skyclan full time. It also pushes all cats (within reason) to have battle training, to expand through pure strength and muscle. It isn't full blown fascism, but... S'not great, captain.
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pequenosol · 2 years
Alright, I don’t know how many days late exactly this is X”D But yeah here’s what I’ve been up to!
After beating the third gym, I headed over in the direction of the Dark Team Star Base, because Giacomo’s Pokemon were MUCH lower leveled than mine at the time totally not for any other reason, like my love of Team Star as a whole. Nope, not at all >>’
Along the way, I found a Ghost Tera den and somehow caught Osaimhthus (he/they) a Makuhita! He’s…level 35. Higher than any of my other Pokémon at this point X”D So, with the level and the fact that Giacomo’s base is Dark type, I added them to the team!
I traveled up the long path to base, along the way catching Gyokuro the Mankey (They/Xey), Tulsi the Misdreavus (He/Fae), and Nettle the Gastly(they/them)!
(Also, not as important, but when I first walked up to the base, the grunts guarding the entrance called me sassy >:] Hehe! In-character-ness achieved~) But yeah Giacomo was super easy! Cinnamon, Lemon, and Osaimhthus were awesome and then I got more backstory on Team Star that was fun! Penny/Cassiopeia gave me my LP and materials afterwards.
Then I caught Thistle (she/her) the Bramblin, who I added to the team because the next gym is Water and I would like to have more than one Pokémon that’s good against them. I spent. THREE. WHOLE DAYS TRAINING HER UP AND WALKING AROUND TO GET HER TO EVOLVE…Don’t make the mistake I did, thinking it would just evolve when it got the 1000 steps…turns out ya gotta level it up as well….so YEAH! DON’T WASTE 2 DAYS WORTH OF GRINDING LIKE I DID.
After that, I traveled to the city with the gym and a lady runs out and tells me that the gym leader forgot his wallet. And gives it to me.
(unfortunately you can’t take money out of it but IMAGINE IF YOU COULD LMAO)
So yeah she says that if I can return it to Kofu then it’ll count for my Gym Challenge, which I agree to because I’ve heard that the gym challenge for this city is BRUTAL. Then I head off into the desert. Accidentally go the wrong way and end up at a cliff overlooking the next route that happens to be next to the city Kofu went. Any person with any sense would’ve gone around. But. Not me.
I jumped off a cliff and lived >:]
And then got attacked by a group of Maschief :[
But then after that I caught Sugar (She/He) the Sableye! :D
Then I caught up to Kofu, fought the guy who was with him because he was like ‘shoo shoo smol child’, and then Kofu forced me to buy some seaweed for him at an auction for some reason (? Why can’t you buy it youself-)
BUT HEY I got 15,000 dollars out of it so in a way I did rob the old man ✨ ùvú
At this point, I was very nervous about fighting Kofu, because the description of his gym said it was meant for more experienced battlers, and this lady I met (I forgot her name but she’s the Elite four member who uses ground types and has a super gender design) did NOT make me feel any better about doing so because she said that this is the place where most challengers give up the gyms. So. Thanks for that >:( I hoped maybe Kofu would go easy on me because I didn’t rob him, but he said no…..
Thankfully my Pokémon were great and all OHKO’d all out his :D
After that I added Sugar to the team in place of Thistle and set out to fight in a bunch of Tera Raids to train up to level 35! Along the way, both Cinnamon and Fennel evolved! <3 Yay!!
Oh yeah and I’m WAYYYY behind on the refs X”D But here’s what I got done right now!
The Tera hats are stupid so I’m doing type-swap like designs! :D the ones shown here are an Electric Silicobra and a Psychic Grevard
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mightyecho · 2 years
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                    SORRY ABOUT THE BLOOD IN YOUR MOUTH                                          ( I WISH IT WERE MINE )
                           aleksei frey — assassin to the anastase family.
logan lerman . cis man . he/him . wasn’t that aleksei frey walking the palace grounds ? it’s nice to see the assassin to the anastaste family out and about on such a fine day as this. i’ve heard from the court spies that they’re notoriously reckless, whilst also managing to be quite charismatic. the thirty year old is eager to find out who exactly is behind the killings from what’s being said at court. i heard that they themselves aren’t vrajiit. it’s funny, whenever i think of them, i think of the plucking of a stringed instrument, getting up after you’ve been pushed down and the flash of poisoned daggers in moonlight. great to see the rogue around, isn’t it ?
NAME  : aleksei rian frey TITLE : assassin to the anastaste family AGE :  thirty GENDER : cis - male PRONOUNS : he  /  him SEXUAL ORIENTATION : bisexual BIRTHPLACE : danruba RESIDENCE  : currently trasnavda ALLIANCE(S)  : the anastaste family 
FATHER : demian frey MOTHER : naena frey SIBLINGS : older brother — tba* ALLIES : varian anastase ; danya hasri ; daphne funar ; thistle hawthorne ; madelinde amice tba. ENEMIES : mikhail volkov ; tba.
LABEL : the rogue POSITIVE (+) : attentive ( to detail ) — charismatic — mindful — discrete — loyal — determined NEGATIVE (-) : reserved — brusque — relentless — sarcastic — self - doubting 
SEE, I WAS BORN A SECOND CHILD . . . his father had been a guard for the lord of danruba and his mother had served as a healer to the warden house and even though they thought their family complete with the birth of their first child, the gods saw it fit to bless them with another— though, there have been moments when others wondered how much of a blessing he really was. his earliest memories are running after his elder brother through the grounds of the keep, watching with eager eyes as wooden swords clash against each other before they’re traded in for steel. they build them tough in danruba and when it came time for his own small hands to grasp the wooden training swords, it was not with a warriors solemnity and understanding of time honored tradition— no, aleksei had just been born to fight. 
he wasn’t good at it. where his elder brother had been strong and capable at wielding the sword, progressing in his warriors training faster than other boys his age, aleksei routinely had his ass handed to him, finding himself with his back in the snow and nose bloodied more often than not. he wasn’t stronger than the other children he trained with but he was faster, easily outrunning them by three leg lengths in any race that was challenged and more agile, sure-feet taking him with ease to heights the other children wouldn’t dare climb and leaping from distances that almost assured him broken bones only to tuck and roll to safety, mad laughter echoing throughout the keep. 
aleksei was seven when his brother’s powers revealed themselves and from that moment, he’d unconsciously held his breath, waiting for his turn. the elder frey was sent to the academy for the gifted and then back home to serve in the king’s army and aleksei grew, lungs screaming as the years passed, waiting. his father was one of the non-gifted but everyone had told aleksei his entire life he favored his vrajiit mother with her healing hands and with every passing summer, he wondered if the resemblance would remain only skin deep. no divine power swirled in his breast as he entered manhood and it was a bitter medicine to swallow, knowing that the gods had not destined him to be something extraordinary. 
his father had placed him on a fast track to following his footsteps in becoming a guard for the anastase, his mother eager to keep one of her sons close while the other fought in far off ottola, but aleksei had never been one to easily submit to authority— to fall in line and follow orders blindly— not when his mind could work so much faster and he could think of at least three other options that would work and work better. they butt heads- his father and he- and it only grew worse when a letter from the brigada was delivered to the keep in danruba from soldiers wearing the king’s colors telling the frey family that their eldest had been taken captive by enemy soldiers. his mother’s heart had broken, his father grew distant and aleksei grew angry. the anger would only grow when a stray arrow from an ottolan soldier deep in enemy lines would find his father’s throat and his mother became distant, eyes lost as they stared out into the danruban white, waiting for figures that would never ride home over the horizon. 
GO WEST, YOUNG MAN . . . he was seventeen when he left danruba — left the silver stag against navy banners and his mother’s sorrow filled eyes — and headed to see what else walochnia had to offer a young man with no vrajiit powers. he found himself in wenchinka picking pockets before he happened to pick what at the time felt to be the right pocket but time would prove to be the opposite. the man had been the leader of a rogue’s guild and while he found aleksei’s technique sloppy and amateur- but really, what else could you expect from a boy fighting clumsily like hell into manhood- but recognized something worth mentoring in the young man. perhaps it was the sharp eyes that saw more than he let on or the fingers that- with enough practice- were deft enough to rob you blind as he shook your hand and stared you in the eyes; or perhaps it was the smirking mouth and the quick-witted tongue that could charm his way into even the most secure holds. 
he had spent nearly a year before he was presented with another unique opportunity through his employers contacts— the perfect opportunity for you to expand your expertise, aleksei, you were meant for bigger things than petty theft, much bigger bounties. that was when he met mikhail volkov, the leader of an assassin’s guild and just as he had adjusted to the warmer southern weather, he was sent away to train under the assassin. when he arrived before mikhail, he hadn’t grown out of his resistance to authority- something his previous employer had found entertaining and amusing- but he quickly learned that mikhail had no tolerance for impudence and no patience for outright disobedience. 
aleksei— for all his faults— was a fast learner, driven by a need to prove he was something more than ordinary. mikhail taught him how to bleed and how to make others do the same, taught him how to take life without remorse. everyone has a bounty on their head, it was just a matter of making sure you got there before someone else— and avoiding letting your own contract come up for grabs. he spent years working under mikhail, working his way up in the ranks, ever fueled by that desperate need to prove himself— and the money wasn’t half bad. his focus turned to poisons- the different plants and concoctions from across the kingdom that could loosen a man’s tongue or take him down with nothing more than a drop. 
it was a job in crysala— two warring merchant families, each taking contracts out on the other. he’d gotten greedy, playing the two against each other with that wolfish grin and when the sun rose on the seaside, both families had been slaughtered. there’s something about ending a family’s line completely that changes a man and while in the moment, his eyes had been veiled with the focus of an accomplished killer that saw nothing more than targets- contracts to fulfill— but in the light of day, no amount of scrubbing could wash away the blood from his hands and no amount of prayer to whatever god was listening could remove the mark on his soul from taking purely innocent lives.
 it became a horror too terrible to bear and instead of returning with the coin he’d collected from the contracts, aleksei fled back to the only place he thought he could escape the wrath of his employer: he went home.
& THERE MIGHT NO BE MEANING, SO FIND ONE AND SIEZE IT . . . tail tucked between his legs and back in danruba after close to a decade, aleksei appealed to the lord of danruba for his protection. the loyalty that his parents had raised him in was fierce and if there were ever a cause to throw himself to that might absolve him for his past sins, it was to devote himself to the warden family that had cared for his the whole of his life. his skills and training made him useful and he became a blade for the anastase, working in the shadows to protect and defend danruba from those that would try and harm her in the dark. 
he has been in the employ of the anastase for nearly four years now and his devotion to the warden family is stronger now than it was when he first arrived, begging for asylum and purpose outside of killing for coin— which, of course, is still part of the deal but there’s the underlying deeper purpose that drives him forward and turns his eyes towards loftier goals. his eye has been on the master assassin position within the king’s small council though he remains rooted in danruba at the service of the family that had for all intents and purposes, saved him from himself. and for now, he’s content with that. 
+ aleksei loves music and is able to play most stringed instruments. the interest came after a bard’s performance at the keep in danruba when he was younger and became a passion his parents encouraged in him. he has a worn gusli that he carries with him when he travels, posing as a bard when opportunity arises when on missions for his lord. he loves an audience and who says it has to be all work and no play? 
+ while he is well versed on sword fighting, aleksei prefers not to carry one unless absolutely necessary. instead he fights with daggers that he has hidden and strapped across his body. it’s about a 50/50 chance of getting a poisoned dagger versus a not poisoned dagger.
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the-thistle-missile · 7 months
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Have any of you done the “Take a Breath” exercise with your dogs? I’m having some trouble understanding it and she seems frustrated and not understanding what I’m looking for. She starts offering other behaviors, like trying to target my hand, doing position changes, and giving me her paw. I moved on to something else when she whined at me because it felt like it was defeating the purpose of the exercise to me.
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bonefall · 2 years
what are the plot beats of bonefall tpb? i know youve mentioned its very politically focused, but what does the story really look like (if youve got that hammered out yet)?
It's very similar to Canon TPB in terms of plot beats, it's the least reworked arc because I think it's the one that needs the least amount of fixing. Even as-is I think it's a really good narrative against isolationism that just has some moderate stumbles (namely the introduction of BloodClan as the endgame enemy)
The majority of its problems come from its treatment of disability and its... terribly written romance. Even ships that should check out in theory like FireSand I think are just... frustrating at best.
So anyway I'll walk you through the changed plot beats off the top of my head. I'll also make some off-brand title changes for fun
Book 1: Into the Clans
Fireheart is aware of BloodClan to begin with and knows about their warnings of Clan Cats
Smudge has actually been seeing Spottedleaf in the darkness of the forest, she looks like an apparition of death because of her leaf-blight spots and bone-shaped markings
To begin with, more time is spent on Firepaw's apprenticeship before deposing Brokenstar
We're introduced to Channeling, which is an illegal way to contact a spirit... if they're willing to come when called. Spottedleaf does this to try and talk to her brother.
Redtail is not helpful because he is a jerk. Fireheart learns to not be afraid of death because of Spottedleaf's blithe attitude towards it
I also plan to establish at some point here that Longtail and Sandpaw's dads are Runningwind and Redtail and have Firepaw realize that the death of Redtail has affected them deeply
He considers this because he does not know what it is like to have a single dad let alone two, but if it's like losing a mom that's rough
Spottedleaf, Lionheart, and Rosetail die in the same raid where the Frostfour are snatched
Fireheart joins that patrol to retrieve the Frostfour from ShadowClan. Bluestar is on it, also.
Deerfoot is established as a rebel and Tangleburr as a Brokentail loyalist.
Deerfoot and many others don't like what Brokenstar has done, but he's a popular leader and they need help getting rid of him
Bluestar agrees to send the reinforcement they need. Tigerclaw is upset about this, citing that Clans aren't supposed to meddle in the affairs of others. They should just take the kits back honorably
An explanation of the ancient tradition of kit-stealing is given to Firepaw, which he is horrified by, but then he tunes back in to Bluestar rebuffing Tigerclaw with the Queen's Rights. He bows his head and agrees.
After Brokenstar is dethroned, Fireheart is named, and uses tarspot-blighted sycamore leaves to channel Spottedleaf for the first of many times.
Book 2: Blood and Water
Fire and Ice is basically unchanged, WindClan is retrieved, Silverstream is introduced, Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw apprenticed (though they are not below 6 moons this time), Brokenstar blinded, Cloudkit acquired, etc, but there's minor changes to motivations of scenes.
For example, the scuffle that gets Whiteclaw killed is an example of the Right of Challenge in action... and also Deadfoot and Leopardfur are equally matched the abelism in this fight bothers me.
Customary Deadfoot bonkening. All of his opponents get bonked once.
Graystripe's utter failure to train Brackenpaw is not forgotten, this is remembered. Fireheart is also asked to fill the role of Brackenpaw's mentor during the Warriorship ceremony later
Cloudkit is raised by Fireheart alone, Brindle just suckles him because Fireheart can't make milk.
Brindleface's kits are swapped! Ashkit is born later; the childhood friends of Cloudtail are Elderberry and Ferncloud.
Book 3: Old Secrets
In general THIS is the book where we would get an actual description of Thistle Law and its name
Fireheart also learns about Bluestar's Forget-Me-Nots, her old group of friends, and he starts to piece things together quicker than in canon.
For newcomers: The Forget-Me-Nots were a friend group of Bluestar, Deadfoot, Ashfoot, Barley Sr, Lizardstripe, and Oakheart. Her love of these people is what causes her to lead the way she does, helping all clans in a way unlike any other leader before her.
Similar to canon this is the book where Silverstream dies, Graystripe leaves, Tigerclaw is exiled, and Brokentail is poisoned. Not much else is different.
Book 4: Rising Fire
Runningnose does a little bit of epidemic. As a treat. Kills Cinderfur and Nightstar and installs Tigerstar
This is the book where Longtail starts to rise up as a close ally of Fireheart, more reliably than his younger sister Sandstorm who has more of her own mind.
The apprenticing of Elderpaw and Fernpaw is changed; Dustpelt is too young to have an apprentice and is rewarded for his loyalty by becoming the secondary apprentice of a Clan builder.
Frostfur gets Elderpaw, Darkstripe gets Fernpaw
Dustfern does not happen while Fernpaw is an apprentice, ick. She admires him one-sidedly while he is a young warrior arguing loudly with her awful mentor, though.
Snowkit is given some extra personality as being serious like his mom, and quite religious.
He is also a friend of Tawny and Bramble.
His death after the forest fire by a hawk is unchanged; and the start of Bluestar's cruelty arc.
We get Littlecloud and Whitethroat's thing, Cloudpaw's abduction, the beginning of Bluestar's cruelty arc, the forest fire, RiverClan sheltering them, and the deaths of Snowkit, Yellowfang, and Runningwind largely unchanged.
Book 5: Paths Chosen
Bluestar's cruelty arc continues
Ashfur is born in this book
Graystripe refuses to let Leopardstar murder Fireheart and is exiled; his kittens remember this
Cloudtail is made a warrior and Swiftpaw and Brightpaw go play with puppies
IMPORTANT: Brightpaw's "Dishonor Title" is SWIFTHOUND, it has nothing to do with her scarring. Her actions got Swiftpaw killed and that is what is dishonorable about this. Scars are a desirable trait in this rewrite.
It's a dare to StarClan; take her as Swifthound or make her live with this name.
Shuffle: Tigerstar lays claim to his kits after Swiftpaw dies, that was his oldest son and he says that ThunderClan is not capable of protecting his children
Shuffle: Sandstorm is the new mentor of Tawnypaw, Brackenfur is too young.
Firestar is aromantic, no confession scenes. These two actually have kittens together later as a form of honor-siring with coparenting.
They do the dog relay race, Elderpaw replaces Ashpaw because Ashkit is literally baby rn
Longtail replaces Graystripe on this race because Longtail's got zoomies and Graystripe's extra thick; NOT a runner.
Bluestar dies
Also as a side note the redux of Bluestar's Prophecy opens up right here, with Lizardstripe playing as her defense lawyer in StarClan and the trial framing the story. Thistleclaw also LEAVES StarClan in that book in protest to Bluestar being allowed in.
Book 6: Hour of Need (but also it would be funny if this one was called Before The Dawn and then TNP opened up with Dawn lmao)
Tigerstar actually offers BloodClan land in exchange for them helping him. This is important.
Fireheart evolves into Firestar like canon
Sorrelkit's poisoning results in her developing epilepsy after this, which will follow her for the rest of her life.
TigerClan officially forms... though I am thinking of pushing this back to the previous book so it's formed for longer.
The Bonehill is actually a really stupid idea in-universe and cats are working themselves to the BONE HHA to finish this incredibly pointless vanity project
I'm thinking a TigerClan rebel actually fetches Raven, Fire, and Gray to get them to help save the prisoners. Unsure who; maybe Primrosepaw or Reedpaw.
Execution of Stonefur like canon
There are several TigerClan rebels, one of which is Deerfoot, who help the Halfclans escape. Jaggedtooth is another, Primrosepaw, Reedpaw, Pikepaw, and Mosspelt as well.
In escaping, the only cat captured is Deerfoot
He refuses to rat out the other rebels, saving their lives, and is executed for it
Tangleburr is distraught
Later, WindClan is attacked and Gorsepaw dies.
Laterer Tigerstar gets unzipped by Scourge
Firestar calls to speak to Scourge, to ask what it is he really wants
He essentially learns that Scourge is sick of the dishonor of Clan cats, he was promised forest and he will have it. Diplomacy breaks down and the battle must happen
When Firestar and Scourge fight, Firestar dies once, revives, and beats him by ripping the collar off, but sparing his life.
"A true warrior does not need to kill to win their battles"
Scourge calls for a retreat
The Clans Win; but a lot of cats died on both sides
Longtail, not Graystripe, becomes deputy
Epilogue is ThunderClan, WindClan, and occasionally ShadowClan (but they're difficult) engaging in diplomacy with BloodClan, including trade and foraging rights.
Aaaaaaaand there you have it! Bonefall TPB summarized. If something wasn't mentioned here (like Tawny defecting) you can assume it happened in the book in a similar way.
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sitp-recs · 2 years
i’m going through life crisis so i need to ask! have you ever read anything of the sort with draco and harry? time to project myself into it 😤
Hi anon! I’m sorry things have been rough ❤️‍🩹I’m sending hugs and hoping you find comfort in these reads. I choose to understand “life crisis” as a broader term including all kinds of crisis we go through as adults 🥲 hope these work for you!
Poor Unfortunate Souls by DoubleApple (2019, E, 19k)
Draco is a potioneer. Harry is trying to save his sex-challenged marriage. Everything is a mess, but at least there's an octopus in the lobby.
Vale Sanare by RurouniHime (2011, M, 23k)
Draco’s world gains a new component just when he thought he’d sorted everything out.
A Year in Training by Omi_Ohmy (2013, M, 25k)
Harry is finally living his dream and training as an Auror, but nothing seems to be going right: he’s just so angry all the time. And Draco Malfoy’s presence on the programme really isn’t helping with that, either.
War Wounds by SilentAuror (2007, E, 30k)
Some wounds take longer to recover from than others. HP/DM, with background HP/GW. Themes of alcoholism, love triangles, and dubious fidelity.
Holly and Hawthorn, Thistle and Thyme by bryoneybrynn (2015, T, 31k)
After the war, Harry can’t shake the feeling that something is very wrong with him and he has a terrible feeling he knows what that “something” might be. He has a terrible feeling Malfoy might know, too.
He Who Must Not Be Normal by lettered (2013, E, 41k)
Potter has fame and fortune and posh clothes and all he wants is a simple life. Draco has a flat and a cat and a steady job and all he wants is a complicated life. Which makes you think this story has something exciting like body-swapping, but it doesn’t.
REVOLVEVLOVER by firethesound and zeitgeistic (2014, E, 46k)
The work Harry does is justifiable. It’s justice. He works for his country, and his country is a republic—the magical side, anyway. It’s not laudable work, it’s not work he’s proud of, but it’s necessary work. Harry has always taken the necessary jobs that no one else has the stomach for.
Here's The Pencil, Make It Work by ignatiustrout (2013, M, 49k)
Harry thinks "Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?" is a much simpler question than, "Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?"
Chocolate and Pastry by agentmoppet (2018, E, 50k)
When Pansy bets Draco that there is no chance he and Harry could carry out a genuine romantic relationship, he and Harry form a plan. But as their fake relationship progresses, Draco sees a side of Harry he never expected.
Meet Me at Midnight by @the-starryknight (2022, T, 57k)
Harry was beginning to wonder if he’d ever make anything again when Malfoy stormed through the door of Harry’s furniture shop. Now Harry’s got an impossible Ministry commission to finish, and even less energy than ever to deal with his elusive muse. That is, until he stumbles upon the surreal and beautiful world of a mysterious fae creature…
Modern Love by tackytiger (2020, E, 61k)
Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
The Arrangement series by RurouniHime (2012, E, 72k)
It's worked for years. Why change it now?
Running on Air by eleventy7 (2014, T, 75k)
Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years. Harry is assigned the cold case and finds himself slowly falling in love with the memories he collects.
Super Rich Kids by trishjames (2020, E, 81k)
Draco Malfoy has become disillusioned by the glitz and glamour of the scandalous lives of the Post-Second Wizarding War Pureblood Elite. Enter: one existential crisis, one group of thieving cynical friends, and several terrible, terrible decisions.
Balance, Imperfect by bixgirl1 (2017, E, 91k)
When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.
I Am Not Who I Became by mab_di (2019, E, 93k)
Draco left England after the trials and has travelled the world meeting wizards and Muggles from different cultures and with vastly different relationships to magic, each other, and the natural world. Now he's a fisherman in Finland on commercial vessels..
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) by nerakrose (2018, T, 96k)
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry.
Way Down We Go by xiaq (2019, T, 109k)
In which Harry and Draco both run away from their pasts and conveniently choose to hide in the same tiny American town. It's super.
Nor All That Glisters by sweet_s0rr0w (2021, E, 110k)
Lonely and frustrated on house arrest, with no prospects for the future, Draco begins brewing Felix Felicis in an attempt to improve his lot. Just in the short term, of course. He isn’t a total idiot.
Turn by Saras_Girl (2013, E, 306k)
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
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magicbeauty02 · 3 months
Ideal Physique with Extra Effective Health Tone Weight Gain Formula
Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for overall health and well-being. While many people focus on weight loss, there are individuals who find it challenging to gain weight. Being underweight can negatively impact your health, self-confidence, and quality of life. That's where the Extra Effective Health Tone Weight Gain Formula comes in.
 Extra Effective Health Tone Weight Gain Formula
Extra Effective Health Tone Weight Gain Formula is a revolutionary product designed to help individuals gain weight in a healthy and sustainable way. Formulated with a unique blend of natural ingredients, this product promotes weight gain, increases muscle mass, and improves overall body composition.
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brettbowden · 5 months
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renewableenergies · 6 months
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aerdendios · 2 years
August Daily Writing Challenge Day 6 - Rot
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Aerden had finally come to understand why so many soldiers really struggled with being back home from war. Despite the regular training and workout schedule, he felt as if he were rotting away from being so incredibly stagnant. Sure he had his surfing, his photography, his drawing, and he had plenty of friends to spend time with, but it wasn’t the same. It was as if a piece of him were missing, a piece he always left behind out on the field of battle.
Today was a restless day, he found himself bouncing between hobbies but nothing held his attention for very long. A part of him yearned to be surrounded by his military brethren, sitting around a campfire and telling stories while the sounds of war echoed in the distance, promising them an interesting tomorrow. It was such a bizarre feeling: A handful of years ago he would have been thankful to be home. Not that he wasn’t thankful now. He had his health, he had a comfortable life, and plenty of friends and even family. But he was, for lack of a better word, bored.
It had gotten to the point of overwhelming frustration that at times all he could do was spend hours upon hours in an intense workout so he would be able to fall asleep immediately after. Other times the sadness and anger would devastate him to the point of tears. 
War really did fuck you up. 
Today was one of those unfortunate days where he did both the extreme workout, followed by crying himself to sleep only to wake up after the sun had already set. The nights were always the worst. It was too quiet, and too many bad thoughts slipped through. He rubbed his bloodshot eyes, wincing as he sat up from the awkward position he had fallen asleep in. Everything was sore, the mostly-healed wound on his side ached, he felt dehydrated and just plain awful in general.
He knew being alone was doing him absolutely no favors, especially after a day like today. Pollux was already busy and Vixannya was neck deep in painting for her October show, but maybe Pyra was around. He hadn’t been a very good friend to any of them lately, not wanting to burden anyone with his issues. But it could help, he could use the distraction. They would understand.
Now Aerden wasn’t typically one for flat out requesting a booty call, but given it was night time there was probably no mistaking this and he may as well just be crystal clear in what he was asking. Picking up his comm device he typed out a message to Pyra, unable to help the slight flush in his face for being so forward. 
‘Hey! Wanna smoke some thistle & mess around? Daj is gone, so we got the apt to ourselves all night ;)’
@pyraelia @polluxhale @vixannya @daily-writing-challenge​
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ailuromachy · 4 years
i wrote an outline attempting to make thrushpelt a fully fleshed out character rather than just a narrative crutch for bluestar’s prophecy
-thrushpelt is born alongside thistle/rose/sweet so he's closer in age to bluestar and is tighter with thistleclaw
-he and bluepaw have been friends since apprenticehood, as have thistlepaw and snowpaw
-he becomes goosefeather's first apprentice. his dad wants him to be a warrior and is disappointed. thistlepaw doesn't get it either and thinks he's a puss
-whiles gathering herbs he comes across a group of loners and offers to give them a share of the herbs, which inadvertently leads to them raiding thunderclan camp
-ashamed, thrushpaw switches with featherpaw to begin training as a warrior
-things proceed mostly as they happened in canon. thrushpelt is seen as a good if not awkward and weak willed guy and kinda a pushover by the rest of his clan
-thrushpelt develops a crush on bluefur, she does not reciprocate
-thistleclaw is idolized by his clanmates but thrushpelt is afraid of him and pissed off by his dangerous political agenda. because thistleclaw holds so much prestige and is probably physically stronger than him thrushpelt is too weak willed to challenge him on his beliefs though. the two begin to drift apart (exemplified by the scene where thistleclaw attacks oakheart and assaults bluefur while thrushpelt does nothing to alleviate this situation)
-thrushpelt receives spottedpaw as an apprentice but she wants to be a medicine cat. having been in her position  before, he switches her out to featherwhisker
-thrushpelt finally grows a pair and poses as the father of bluefur's kits. he finally feels like he did something right this time, something good.
-bluefur never tells him but thrushpelt does eventually find out about what became of mistyfoot and stonefur
-when bluestar becomes leader she appoints him as her first deputy
-he finds out about the spottedpaw thing and is shocked and horrified before resolving that thistleclaw should not be allowed to live
-together with rosetail, they kill him and chalk his death up to a border skirmish. thrushpelt doesn't know if he did the right thing and is consumed by guilt
-he confides what he and rosetail did to no one but bluefur, who assures him he did right and will keep his promise as he once kept hers
-as a deputy, he does everything he can to sustain peace between riverclan and thunderclan, for reasons both pragmatic and personal
-tigerclaw has never particularly liked him, by osmosis from thistleclaw and because he thinks he is too soft hearted and weak
-in a particularly dramatic border conflict thrushpelt sees misty and stone present and retreats thunderclan, even though thunderclan seems to be winning
-tigerclaw gets pissed and offs him. maybe in the argument before the murder he has a dramatic epiphany about who killed thistleclaw
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