#fire law
Clan Politics
Bonefall comes up with such good names for things, you guys should also follow them if you aren't already. Seriously! Their Better Bones redo is so good! BB!Heartstar and BB!Brokenstar are my blorbos (actually I'm pretty sure they all are). This was a tad intimidating because a lot of my ideas either overlap or were inspired by Better Bones. Also, I haven't attended a political class in like 9 years.
What @bonefall calls Thistle Law would meet its WCR Equivalent, Tiger Law/Tiger's Law (because Tigerstar is an uncreative dickhead) OR more Eloquently Put by Leopardstar, The Law of Tigers. Started by Clear Sky, revived by Thistleclaw and expanded by Tigerclaw, this is the ideology that gets cats hurt. The unsustainable, ego driven law that drips with blood. This is fascism.
Not as far as Tiger Law, but not very free itself, is Codeism, or, Law of The Wild. The Warrior Code should be thought about in every situation no matter what, and cats outside the Clans* do not fall under that protection. This can be used for good and bad. Not every Codeist is a xenophobic bigot, as Rowanstar was one, and tried his best to both follow the Code, and be as helpful to others as possible. Ashfur used it to hurt others, and prined Hollyleaf to be almost the same way until she realized where that path could lead. It's complicated and messy, but hey, that's politics for you.
* aside from kits. Kittens are the future, not just for the Clans, but for Cats themselves. Many cats in Clan history have been found in the woods or given up by parents to the Clans. Some lost kits have been returned to parents as well.
The Third is Fire Law, the ideology that Firestar created, he wanted to call it The Law of Cleansing Fire but Sandstorm told him it was a mouthful, maybe keep that to an unofficial title. It is about freedom of choice, extending kindness towards others, challenging the Warrior Code if it does not help in a situation, and doing what is good for as many cats as possible. Forward thinking and long term thinking, doing things, not for yourself, but for those who will only know you from memories long after you are gone.
The other 2 are Skyclan exclusive, though as of River, some notions of Sky Law are starting to leak.
The Fourth is, of course, Sky Law! Made for Skyclan and expanded by Leafstar. It is welcoming of outsiders, allowing for Daylight Warriors, Medicine Cats to have mates, development of new roles and systems with an emphasis on creativity, justice, and coexistence. This does not mean rolling over and allowing others to take advantage of you, of course, but the goal is finding peace through making treaties and alliances.
The Fifth is... Sharp Law. Created by Sharpclaw in retaliation against Leafstar. Exclusionary, though NOT meant to be deadly. While this Law also allows for more "radical" things, like allowing Medicine Cats to have mates (because Firestar never bothered telling Skyclan that it was banned at all) it DOES NOT allow for Daylight Warriors. It demands full loyalty to Skyclan full time. It also pushes all cats (within reason) to have battle training, to expand through pure strength and muscle. It isn't full blown fascism, but... S'not great, captain.
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wow.... i cant believe they were abandoned and Luffy collected them like treasures.....
the rest of the strawhats/friends that were gonna be in this post but i decided against it
Not all of them were abandoned by individual people like family members and their community, but the government. Specifically Franky and Law.
Vivi was gonna be in there too but i couldnt,,,, really,,,,, fit her in there.
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cup-o-stars · 2 months
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Happy B-Day to the Corasante!! ❤🕯🎂🕯❤
(Featuring way too many drawings)
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matchabot · 6 months
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swordmaster fashion
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innerfare · 19 days
Wearing His Hat
Summary: You wear his hat
Characters: Luffy, Ace, Sabo, Law, Mihawk
Genre: I'm going to say fluff, but Ace's and Mihawk's are fairly suggestive, so be cautioned
Luffy is very protective of his hat. It’s his most prized possession, given to him by his beloved father figure. He’d fight the bloodiest war in human history to get that hat back should someone steal it from him. It’s for that reason he’s shocked by his own reaction when you get a little tipsy one night and pluck it off his head, placing it atop yours. 
“Call me Captain,” you tell the crew, going member by member and giving them orders, getting onto Zoro’s case for not saluting like Usopp and Chopper did. 
He doesn’t feel the urge to snatch it back, doesn’t feel even a touch of anxiety that you could misplace or damage it. Rather, he feels a sense of pride- everyone knows him by his straw hat, so if you’re wearing it, everyone knows you’re his. And it’s in that moment he realizes that you’re his- not his belonging, but his person. You’re the one he wants to walk through this life beside, the person who chose to wear his hat. 
He works so hard- it’s one of the things you love about him. You typically try not to disturb him while he’s in the middle of a book, but every once in a while, you can see that he’s not lost in the book so much as he is holding it in his hands to keep the people around him at a distance, allowing him to think a little too much about what’s stressing him out. 
You can tell by the tension in his neck and shoulders, the way his eyes don’t really focus on the pages but rather look right through them. 
“Put the book down. It’s time for dinner.” Coming up behind him, you give his shoulders a squeeze before sitting on his desk, kicking your feet a little bit. 
“Not hungry.” 
“Yes, you are.” 
He cast you an annoyed look but said nothing else. 
Knowing he wouldn’t budge unless you jumpstarted him, you snatched his hat off his head and placed it atop yours, 
“Y/n-ah.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Give me my hat back.” 
“If you want it so bad,” you told him with a small smile. “Put the book down and come and get it from me.” With that, you hopped off his desk and slipped out of the office. 
Law glanced down at his book. He didn’t give it another thought, just tossed it aside and climbed out of his chair to get that hat off your head, and possibly another garment or two. 
He was always putting that hat on your head. Everyone knew him by the orange cowboy hat, and if you wore it, they knew you were his. What most of them didn’t know, however, was exactly what he did to you when you wore that hat. 
You were sitting on the deck of the Moby Dick one evening talking to a few members of the crew over some sake when Ace passed behind you. He didn’t say anything, just dropped the hat on your head and went to talk to Marco. 
Your cheeks heated up. Grateful the darkness hid your blush, you finished your sake and told the guys you were headed to bed. Though they whined about you turning in early, they didn’t try to stop you. What you didn’t notice were the knowing looks they exchanged behind your back, the crew slowly catching on to yours and Ace’s code. 
When you reached Ace’s cabin, he was already waiting for you. He wrapped you in his arms the moment you entered. 
“Took you long enough,” he said, groping you as soon as he got his hands on you. 
“What?” You asked as innocently as you could manage. “Is there something you’ve been wanting to do?” 
“Lots of things I’ve been wanting to do.” He pushed you toward the bed. “We can start by you sitting on my face. And remember the rule- if the hat falls off, we start over.” 
You and Sabo were supposed to be sparring, but he wasn’t taking it seriously. You could tell by the way he kept looking over your shoulder, the way he pawed at you instead of striking when you gave him an opening. You considered complaining, but you knew better than to nag a man like Sabo. He would just ignore you like he did everyone else who tried to get on his case about something, the Army’s Chief of Staff being an expert at tuning out voices. 
So, you decided to get creative. 
The next time his eyes left your person, you swooped in. His arms went up to block you, more out of habit than anything else, but you didn’t strike him the way you normally did. Rather, you snatched his hat off his head with a victorious laugh. 
“Hey!” His eyes widened, and suddenly, his full attention was on you. “That’s mine.” 
“Is it?” You placed his hat atop your head with a mischievous smile. “If you want it back, come and get it.” 
Sabo’s expression lit up as you issued your challenge, and as he positioned himself back in his fighting form, you had to wonder if you would regret riling up the Chief of Staff.  
Mihawk collapsed beside you, completely spent. You had a way of doing that to him, of working him up into a frenzy. He quite enjoyed the hours you two spent between his silk sheets, liked the sheen of sweat that coated his skin afterward. Without your appetite, he wouldn’t have much work to do, and Mihawk loved having work to do. 
You stood up from the bed, a little wobbly on your legs after Mihawk had them over his shoulders for well over half an hour. Accustomed to feeling sore in places you hadn’t known existed until your man made you aware of them, you reached down and picked up Mihawk’s shirt, the light shining through the pale fabric as you sauntered toward the table in front of the fireplace to refill the crystal wine glasses the two of you had forgotten in the throes of passion. 
Taking a long sip of yours, you walked back to the bed. You sat down on the edge and handed Mihawk his glass. 
“Thank you, my love.” His fingers brushed against yours as he took the glass. His other hand fell on your thigh, his thumb stroking the soft skin. “You wear that shirt rather well.” 
You noticed his hat discarded on the floor. “I think I’d wear that rather well, too.” You stood up and picked up the hat, placing it on your head. Turning, you approached the mirror on the wall, admiring yourself in the moonlight filtering in from the balcony. You stroked the soft white feather, so wrapped up in it that you didn’t notice when Mihawk rose from the bed until he wrapped his arms around your waist. 
“You’re right,” he said into your neck, pressing himself into you. “I think you should wear it to bed.” 
Hope you enjoyed it! If you want more, you can check out my masterlist here!
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my-adhd-obsessions · 1 month
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clare-875 · 15 days
How do I look?
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_____ Pairings: Zoro x Reader; Ace x Reader; Sanji x Reader; Law x Reader; Luffy x Reader Summary: How he would react to you dressed up for a date. Warnings: Fluff Notes: The above images do NOT belong to me, Female Reader [One Piece Masterlist] _____
Zoro Zoro looks up from where he had been sitting on the floor, waiting for what seemed like forever for you to get ready. He had gotten himself dressed in much nicer clothing than he was used to after Nami had scolded him for the clothing he had chosen prior. "Are you serious?! You can't wear that to a date!" He still hears the sharp ringing of her voice as she passed him clothes muttering about how she couldn't believe you had actually agreed to date him. He had been exasperated, but now as he sees you smiling as you come out of the room you had been in, it is almost worth it. He feels the flush of his cheeks rising as he desperately tries to keep up his nonchalant facade. You are adorned in a beautiful dress, your hair pulled up perfectly and your makeup bringing alight your features. "How do I look?" Your voice is slightly teasing as you easily spot the rising red of his face but he turns away from you quickly before you see the influence you have on him.
"Fine," his voice is low but in turn for the lack of words he shares, you feel instantly his warm hands that creep to hold you around your waist. "Just fine?" You say, rolling your eyes but when he turns down to meet your gaze, you see his eyes widen, face flushing redder than before. "Yes woman, now let's go." You laugh at his flustered state and feel warmth grow in your heart at the sight of the usually stoic swordsman showing you the depth of emotion his words cannot convey. Needless to say, you also do not miss the wide smirk on his face as he holds you to him, watching men who also stare at your beauty with pride. You were beautiful. Of course, you were. And you were his. Ace When Ace turns to you as you call his name, he feels himself at a loss for words. He almost combusts right then and there. "Ace!" You turn to your partner, finally ready for your date before doing a small twirl, feeling the ends of your dress flutter outwards at your movement. "How do I look?" Your face, already so beautiful gleamed wide with your smile, excitement in your eyes as it had been a while since you had gone ashore with your boyfriend. "Yeah, Ace, how does she look?" The shit-eating smirk on Thatch's face widens as he turns to the man who stares frozen at your form. It had been a while since he had seen you free of the clothes you wear out at sea. Flames lick his skin as he tries to ramble out the words he wishes to say, but unfortunately for him, Marco takes the chance to tease him further. "Well, I think you look stunning-yoi." Marco grins as Ace glares sharply from his side. "Oi, birdbrain, that's my girlfriend!" Ace quickly grabs you by the hand and drags you away from the Whitebeard crew after he hears enough of their prying and teasing. You just laugh along with them as Ace pulls you to a more quiet space.
"Ace?" You ask when he has seemed too quiet for a while. You feel slight worry at the sudden silence, however, it is a concern you don't need; he is simply trying to process your beauty. When he finally turns, his face is burning red and you can no longer tell if it is because of his devil fruit powers or not; probably not. He pushes away the fluster you so easily cause in him for a moment and grabs your hand in his, raising it to his lips. You watch wide-eyed at his gentle gesture. "You look beautiful [y/n]." It is your turn to feel the flush rising in your face as you turn to his earnest eyes. You smile at his words as he pulls you close to him. "Not bad yourself." You say under your breath and you see the wide smile on his face brighten even further. Sanji This is Sanji, so of course when he sees you leaving the confines of your room he is all over you in an instant. "How do I look?" Your words linger in the air, but you honestly didn't even need to ask; he would shower you with compliments anyway. You see his eyes enlarge, hearts almost pouring from them as he shouts to you words that have you smiling sheepishly. "Stunning, my love, as usual!" "The Gods have blessed me with an angel!" He continues, words splurging from him as he drinks in your form; so perfect. You were dressed in a beautiful dress that Nami and Robin had helped you pick out, your hair and makeup done intricately and highlighting your already ethereal features to the love-drunk cook. You laugh as he spews his words, "Stunning," "Breathtaking," and "Beautiful" to you, but quickly take the chance to grab his hand and allow him to take a breath. "Thank you, Sanji." You say, smiling gently as he freezes at your hold and stares at you in utter wonderment. Sanji almost melts to the floor; almost. However, he surprises you when you watch as his eyes that were ablaze with his devotion suddenly sober of his crazed adoration and turn into simple love.
"My love, you are truly divine," Sanji speaks his words softly this time as though in disbelief, eyes earnest as he stares into yours. His voice is filled with such sincerity you are almost taken aback by his seriousness, by his awe. You smile even wider then, and Sanji feels his world enlightened; you are smiling at him. You are dressed up and waiting for him. His arm is held out to you, ever the gentleman, as you take it in one hand and he guides you off the ship. His gaze never leaves yours and your smile never leaves your face, you were perfect, and somehow, you were his. Law Law sighs heavily under his breath as he pulls at the clothes he wears. He didn't know how you had convinced him to take the evening off, but here he was dressed up and waiting for you to get ready for a date. His mind could wonder but in all honesty, he knew you just had that way about you; you could convince him of anything, including this date. "Law?" Your voice is soft as he looks up to see that you have finally left the confines of your room, but the surgeon suddenly finds himself free of anything but speechlessness as he turns to you. He was so used to seeing everyone in boiler suits that he had almost forgotten the beauty you encapsulated, adorned in the clothes you now wear. "How do I look?" Your words are almost shrouded with shyness as you turn to your partner and captain hesitantly, unsure of his thoughts under his forbearing facade. Unbeknownst to you, Law is having a mini heart attack as he looks to you so perfect and gorgeous before him. He fights the flush that threatens his face and has to clear his throat before he turns to meet your gaze.
"You are beautiful, love." Your stare widens with surprise at the sincerity of his words, and the depth of emotion in his eyes as he turns to you. His hands envelop yours in the stunned silence as he gently guides you through the polar tang, ready for your evening ashore on the Island. You feel the flush of your face and the thrumming of your heart. Even though the two of you had been dating for a while, you don't think you could ever get used to Law's softer side or the compliments he would offer when it was just you and him. When the two of you make it ashore in the comfortable quiet he turns to you once more, and you swear you see the upturn of his lips as he meets your eyes. In his mind was one thought: He was so lucky to have you.
Luffy Luffy has gotten used to the thrumming of his heart whenever you are around. At first, he thought the funny feeling you ignited within him was born from some sort of adverse reaction, but then Robin had amusedly told her Captain, that maybe it was the feeling of love. Luffy had never thought of such a thing before, his goals and responsibilities as Captain hindering any such prospects. However, as the emotions grew with every passing day, at every touch and during every time you shared your company, it finally led to the both of you dating. Despite him becoming accustomed to the sensations you would bring about him, he felt his heart rate rise abnormally higher when he saw you leave your room. You are dressed in a simple sundress, ready for a date that you know will turn most probably into an adventure, knowing your Captain. But when you look up you are surprised to see him quiet and not jumping to go to the island immediately. "Luffy?" You say, tilting your head in question before fidgeting at the hem of your dress in nervousness at his gaze. "How do I look?" Luffy finally seems to shake himself free of the thoughts that clouded his mind as he meets your gaze with his signature wide smile, brimming with joy.
"You look really nice [y/n]!" You are taken aback by his blunt praise and by the sincerity deep within his words, but you find yourself smiling as you let out a laugh. "Really?" Luffy grins further as he snatches your hand into his and turns to you. "Yeah, now let's go! I'm starving!" You continue to laugh at his words as he is forever drawn by the food that awaits but you also feel your love brim at the sight of his warm gaze, ready for another adventure to begin... with you.
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wwapich · 8 months
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op redraws and doodles
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shy-writer-999 · 22 days
OP Headcanons: Ace & Law on the phone
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A/N: How would Ace & Law act during a spicy session on the phone? (+ written description of what they’d say to afab reader) See Part 1 with the Monster Trio!
OP Headcanons: Ace & Law on the phone
Law: The Instructor
Sometimes Law calls you first, and sometimes you call him. You’re both a fan of phone sex because of how much teasing there is. Law loves telling you what to do. He’s in control, and he knows you’re going to follow his instructions exactly. Law wants to know how it feels when you finger yourself and rub your clit—he’ll ask you all sorts of questions and press you for longer descriptions, making you speak clearer through your moans. For him, the appeal is not only in helping you feel good, but also in envisioning you tensed up and wet, fingering yourself at the thought of him.
Law prefers to sit upright in a chair when you’re getting nasty over the phone. He’ll hold off on touching himself until he physically can’t anymore. Law gets off on the image of you pleasuring yourself to his commands, and he gets more worked up as your moans get increasingly desperate. When you don’t follow his instructions, Law gets annoyed, scornful, and cold. But really, he loves it when you get bratty (even though he won’t say it). Law’s voice is smooth and deep, making fire bloom in your core as soon as you hear him on the other line. When Law is instructing you over the phone, these are some of the things he says:
“I want you to touch yourself over your panties. Play with your clit, rub small circles around it.” “Are you doing what I said?” “Use your words.” “Keep going until you’re so wet it starts seeping through the fabric.” “Now, pull your panties off, prop your knees up, and spread your thighs.” “Do you want to touch yourself?” “Slide two of your fingers up and down through your lips, and when you’re done, insert one. Slowly.” “What does it feel like?” “I need you to say more than that.” “Curl your finger inside of you and then take it out. I said take it out.” “Do you want to keep going? Tell me how much you want it.” “I know you want it, but you have to follow my instructions. Doctor’s orders.” “Put another finger in and start fucking yourself with it. Tell me if it feels good.” “Say my name.” “Keep going. Don’t stop until I say so. Don’t cum either. I want to hear you beg for it.” “Do you like touching yourself to the thought of me?” “Wish your lips were wrapped around my cock?” “Fuck yourself with your fingers so hard that you cream thinking about me.”
Law spreads his own precum around his tip and down his cock, hissing through his teeth at the feeling of the lubrication, imagining for a second that he’s thrusting inside of you and dragging his cock in and out. He’s letting out guttural, filthy sounds. He needs to hear you moan his name one more time before he loses it. When Law cums during phone sex, he shoots ropes of milky white all over his abdomen. His hair is matted down on his forehead in sweat and he’s panting. Law loves to think of you following his instructions, he thinks of it like he’s helping you feel your best. When he tells you what to do, he knows that he’ll make you feel good. The next time Law sees you he acts like nothing happened, until he unexpectedly grabs your ass when he walks past you. He’s got the slightest smirk on his lips.
Ace: The Sweet Talker
Note: She/her pronoun used for reader once, also "pretty girl," etc.
Usually, you tend to be the one to call Ace first—but sometimes he calls you first and his voice is so sweet it sounds sugar coated. When you’re feeling lonely and heat is blooming between your legs, you know Ace will gladly help you out, and you’ll do the same for him. It doesn’t take him long to get completely wrapped up in the fantasy. Ace will drop everything he’s doing to get you off over the phone; he’ll do it just as enthusiastically if he has to step away to the bathroom or wake up in the middle of the night from your call. Hearing your needy voice on the other line gets him hard in seconds—he anticipates the sounds of your desperation and looks forward to using his honeyed voice to praise you. Ace wants you to moan his name, but more than that, he wants you to put your phone up to your cunt when you finger it, so he can hear how messy and wet you are for him. Ace has always been fond of pet names, and when you’re on the phone with your fingers inside of yourself, he doubles down. He knows you like it when he sweet talks you, and for him, it’s a way of showing his love. When Ace is saying lovely things to you during phone sex, these are some of the things he says:
“I want to hear you touch yourself for me, okay princess?” “Mmmmmm, that sounds good, sweetheart.” “Pretty girl with her fingers stuffed in her pussy just for me” “Hold the phone up to your fingers, baby, I want to hear how wet you are” “Good job sugar, keep going, just like that. You’re doing such a good job.” “Does it feel good, beautiful?” “Tell me how good it feels” “Getting so hard thinking about you touching yourself for me, baby” “I know you want my cock, but for now you’ll just have to fuck yourself with your fingers for me, ok?” “Reach deep inside and find your sweet spot, I want to hear it” “Press on your clit while you think about me, angel, I want to hear it” “Doing such a good job for me” “Wish I could fuck you right now” “I want you to cum. Say my name, gorgeous” “Keep pressing on that spot until you cum, baby, I wanna hear you moan my name as sweet as you can” “Just like that. Good job, sweetheart.”
After you cum, Ace always says thank you. He doesn’t need to, but he thinks it’s the polite thing to do since you’ve been so vulnerable with him and so good for him.
(◕ㅅ◕✿) ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧˚ (´ω`*)
thank u so much for reading!! here's my masterlist!
also i have an idea for another fic, what do you think? reader means to call one one of the OP men for phone sex, but accidentally dials someone else. He’s surprised but goes along with it happily. (thinking of Sanji, Ace, Zoro, and Law, here…) Would anyone be interested in that…
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synchodai · 3 months
I get this impression that House of the Dragon doesn't get that "named" heirs aren't really the norm in Westeros. If it were that easy for someone to just give everything to their favorite child, Randall Tarly wouldn't have needed to force Sam to go to the Wall and Tywin could have simply chosen Cersei over Tyrion as heir of Casterly Rock.
If we look at the history Westeros borrows from, the concept of "naming" heirs wasn't really a thing in medieval England. Landed gentry didn't have direct say over the order of succession until the Statute of Wills in 1540. Before then, land and subsequent titles could only be inherited through agnatic primogeniture.
Agnatic primogeniture prioritized the living, eldest, trueborn son. Claims can only be passed on patrilineally. This means that a grandaughter can inherit a claim of her grandfather's titles through her father, but a grandson cannot be given the same through his mother. However, if his mother finally does have land and titles under her own name (not under her father's), only then does her son and other children enter the line of succession.
The reason it was like this was because it kept land and titles under one family. Daughters are less preferred because when they are married, they become part of their husband's family — meaning that any titles they receive will be inherited through a new line. This wouldn't be an ideal situation because it gives two families claims to the titles. The more claimants there are, the more unstable the hold the owner has.
In other words, agnatic primogeniture was practiced for stability. Because back in the day, titles weren't just property or land. They came with governorship over a people, so a stable and predictable transfer of titles was necessary to avoid civil conflicts and questions of legitimacy.
A landed lord or lady wasn't given the right to designate heirs for a few reasons:
Most of them were vassals who oversaw the land in the name of someone higher up. It technically isn't even theirs to give away (see: feudal land tenure).
The wishes of a human being are less predictable than having a determined line of succession based on birth order. What if he becomes incapable of declaring an heir either through illness or disability? What if he's captured and a bad actor forces him to name this person heir under threat of violence?
People died unexpectedly all time. This was before germ theory and modern medicine — child mortality was extremely high. With no refrigeration technology, a single poor harvest could mean dying from starvation. Bandits, cutthroats, and raiders were a constant threat. They could not afford to rely on a person choosing a different heir every time the old heir drops dead, because the landed lord/lady could die just as suddenly.
Even 21st century families stab each other in the back over who gets grandma's house — so imagine having an uncertain line of succession in the middle ages over a life-defining lordship and without a modern-day court system to mediate.
Going back to HotD, whenever Targaryens did go against the established line of succession, they could only have done it by consolidating the support of their vassals. Only royalty seemed to have the power to bend agnatic primogeniture, but even then they were beholden to it.
When Jaehaerys I ascended the throne over Aerea, it was mainly because there were those who saw Maegor the Cruel's act of disinheriting Jaehaerys as null and void. This restored Jaehaerys place in the line of succession above Aerea.
And when Rhaenys was passed over for Baelon, Jaehaerys had to convene his lords and offer compelling reasons as to why — her young age, her lack of an heir, her Velaryon last name, etc. It wasn't a given that just because she was a woman that she was ineligible. If he was doing it purely out of misogyny, he still had to legally justify his misogyny in order to strip away her rights.
Even after consolidating support, the book mentions Jaehaerys I and Viserys I's respective hold on the crown was still weakened. Even though their claims were backed by reasons cosigned by a powerful majority, they still had to ensure the security of their rule through other means. There were people who doubted their right to rule, and those people had to be placated with gifts (by Viserys) or intimidated into submission (by Jaehaerys).
So we come to Viserys I who never gave his vassals a reason why Rhaenyra should supercede his three sons other than, "I said so." Had he convened with his lords and maybe made the argument that a first marriage takes precendence over a second one, then maybe he could have set a new precedent and gathered support.
But no, he didn't. He relied on the power of his own words and the lords' personal oaths — oaths that he didn't exactly plan how he would enforce posthumously.
And the Realm did not choose to adopt a different succession law after Jaehaerys's designation of Baelon in 92 AC or the Council of Harrenhal choosing Viserys on 101 AC. If those two events did change anything, it was that now women were exempt from the line of succession for the crown and only the crown. It did not set the precedence that monarchs could freely choose heirs. It did not upend the whole system; it only made a tweak, as most lawful policy-changes do, by carving out at an exception. It was a committee, not a revolution.
Before and after the Dance, no other monarch, lord, or lady "declared" an heir that went against agnatic primogeniture, save for Dornish who have cognatic (equal-gender) primogeniture instead. Ramsay had to get rid of Roose Bolton's living trueborn son AND be legitimized by the crown in order to be recognized as heir (only a crowned monarch can legitimize baseborn children which is another world-building pillar a lot of people miss). Randall basically had to force Sam to abdicate because he wanted his younger brother to inherit instead. And of course, Tywin despite his intense hatred of Tyrion is forced to acknowledge him as his heir.
The rigidity of the line of succession is a major and constant source of conflict in the series, so it baffles me that people really thought that characters could just freely choose their heirs. That's why we have a civil war. It wasn't a misunderstanding. It's the expected consequences of someone carelessly going against a foundational tenent of the society they inhabit.
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Another magma with @otaku553 and @fluffyartbl0g
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I was pink, Jen was black, loopey was blue
The first page i was being a mischievous little guy and i cheated at tic tac toe and i committed identity theft and they put me in jail.
Second page is a lovely little asl scene featuring Monica and Gorrilaz
And the third page we tried our hand in making them magical girls. Withhhhh Big Funky Hatsssss. I want to draw something with those designs so hopefully thats not the last youll see of them :3c
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grandline-fics · 8 months
Soft Mornings With You
DESCRIPTION: Lazy mornings with them
WARNINGS: none, just fluff
CHARACTERS: Ace, Law, Mihawk | Marco, Crocodile, Sanji
WORDS: 1,157
A/N: Couldn't get the thought out of my head and had to write it. Hope you all enjoy
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You both loved and hated the mornings on the Moby Dick. You loved the constant, steady warmth  in the embrace you shared with your lover that greeted you as you slowly woke. You hated the fact that you would soon have to pull yourself out of the blissful feeling and go about your tasks for the day. As the haze of sleep lifted you stirred reluctantly. While lifting a hand to rub your eyes you stretched your body out from the all too comfortable position you’d been sleeping in. As expected the second you moved, the arm that had been around you tightened and pulled you closer against his side, while nuzzling his head against your neck. 
“Ace, it’s morning…” You mumbled tiredly, unable to put too much insistence into your words. As much as you wanted to stay curled up in bed and relish a little longer in bed you knew it’d only drag out until the point both you and Ace got into trouble. With a tired huff, you tapped on his arm. “Ace, c’mon. Pops’ll get annoyed if we sleep in again.” You warned, thankful to hear his groggy grumble sound in your ear. Getting him to stir was the first and sometimes hardest step. It was time to be a bit tougher, slowly you lifted the covers and began to rise out of the bed. 
The second your foot touched the floor a small burst of fire appeared, startling you backwards as a small yelp broke from your lips. Your back hit against Ace’s chest as his waiting arms wrapped around you, pulling you back into the warmth and comfort of the bed. “Ace! You are such an ass.” You grumbled as he laughed in your ear. 
“It’s your fault for trying to get out of bed too soon.” He murmured with a low yawn as his fingers lightly traced patterns on your arm and across your back. “Another little while won’t hurt.” You scowled lightly as you felt your body reacting to his touch as he knew it would. With every movement you could feel you body relax more and more and with every second it was getting harder to refuse him. 
With a long yawn building in your chest, you snuggled closer against Ace and let your eyes fall closed again. “Fine, but if we get in trouble you’re taking most of the responsibility.” You mumbled, a small content smile growing as he laughed in your ear which was the best sound to drift back to sleep to. 
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Law’s the Captain and also as the doctor he knows the importance of getting a good night’s rest. He knows but when it comes to himself, it’s advice he conveniently tends to ignore. He tells himself that there’s just too much to do and he needs to be ready at a moment’s notice should something on the ship need his attention. For the longest while he’d stay up for as long as he could, only grabbing quick naps and a handful of hours sleep at most. That was his routine, at least it had been his routine. Thanks to your interference into his life, everything had changed. 
No longer slumped awkwardly in the chair by his desk he now found himself waking each morning in his bed with you draped over his chest, your hand on his heart. Law would allow himself the extra moments to listen to your even, deep breaths, just enjoying the calm of the morning and the tranquility you brought him. Eventually though he knew he had to be the responsible captain and get up but your body would react anytime he tried to rise without you to grant you a little longer in bed. 
His hand lightly ran over your back and immediately you stirred. Your hand found his and you squeezed it in an affectionate greeting as you stifled a yawn. Pushing yourself up you smiled to give Law a slow kiss that he happily returned. “You can stay in bed for a little while longer if you want.” He told you when you pulled back and began to sit up properly. 
“Now Captain, I’d hate for you to be giving special treatment.” You began with a smile only to roll your eyes when Law gave you a pointed look. What you two did in the privacy of his room was completely different and that was special treatment you certainly only wanted to be the one receiving. “You know what I mean. Chores and routine I’m to be treated equally.” You clarified needlessly but it was worth it to see the carefree amusement light Law’s eyes. 
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“You’re staring.” Mihawk didn’t even need to open his eyes to know you were already awake and observing him. Although what you found so interesting about his face after all these years together and so early in the morning he didn’t know. He shifted in the bed and relaxed his head further into the pillows which unintentionally shielded him from you. When your fingers pinched his chin and turned his head towards you again, Mihawk finally cracked his eyes open to see you smiling warmly at him, your stare alight and focused. “Something I should be self-conscious about?”
“Not in the slightest.” You grinned, letting your fingers trail up along his jaw to run over his cheek and finally through his hair that had become dishevelled from sleep. “Perfect as always. I just like committing it all to memory since we were apart for a while.” You explained, noting the way Mihawk’s expression steeled slightly. It was just how things were with you two. 
You both had your own journeys to take and usually it meant being without the other. But when you reunited again, things were always on the softer side, not that a certain swordsman liked to have that kind of reputation be public knowledge. “I especially love the cute little faces you pull when you’re sound asleep.” You teased to break the tension, grinning when he caught your wrist and pressed a kiss against your palm before letting it settle on his chest. His lips quirked into a small frown which only made your smile grow. “You can’t say you don’t make cute faces, you’re always asleep when it happens.”
“If you’re talking nonsense then you need more sleep, love.” Mihawk muttered pulling one of the pillows out from behind him to drop it onto your head, unable to fight his own smirk when you laughed and returned the playful attack by hitting his chest with the same pillow. Faster than you could react, Mihawk rolled onto his side, tucking his arm behind your head and securing his other arm around your waist to hold you close. You smiled at Mihawk lovingly and settled again in his hold, more than used to his own way of showing affection and being clingy in his own way. 
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the-phantom-peach · 22 days
Really liked your recent Four Swords art. Though, I have one question. Does Ruby like arson?
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of course!
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botanicalsword · 3 months
Moon & their security & emotional needs
Understanding Emotional Needs
Emotional stability is a state that can arise, varying based on our emotional needs and response.
>> Indicator • Nurturing your soul • what makes you a Healer
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✧ Moon in the 1st House
Strong self-awareness
pursuit of validation
their emotional needs revolve primarily around themselves
exhibit nurturing qualities
Source of Security - independency, take care of others and your own emotions and needs more independently
✧ Moon in the 2nd House
A passionate worker - highly focused on work
place great importance on a sense of gain or loss
Excellent concentration skills
Source of Security - material foundations, financial stability
✧ Moon in the 3rd House
excel at gathering information
find satisfaction in gaining knowledge
Source of Security - lies in acquiring information, continuous learning, thirst for knowledge, the ability to effectively communicate and interact with others.
✧ Moon in the 4th House
are the guardians of their family
deeply care for and nurture their parents
strong sense of belonging to their home and family
Source of Security - A stable family, a familiar environment, a comfortable and safe space
✧ Moon in the 5th House
have a wide range of hobbies
find fulfillment through entertaining children
pet lovers
Source of Security - express through various forms of entertainment, adventure, creation, love, enjoyment
✧ Moon in the 6th House
appearing stoic on the surface but harboring great passion within
find security in stable employment and a harmonious work environment
have sensitive digestive systems
Source of Security - serve the daily affairs of life, be organized, and pay attention to order, practicality and details
✧ Moon in the 7th House
yearn for companionship
nourish their souls through intimate relationships
Source of Security -  their significant other, harmonious interpersonal relationships, good reactions and feedback from others, natural and gentle atmosphere
✧ Moon in the 8th House
highly sensitive and intuitive
prone to emotional vulnerability
easily become engulfed in their emotions
Source of Security - Understanding the truth, motives, and real emotional needs of others provides them with emotional security
✧ Moon in the 9th House
prioritize self-improvement
seek to overcome inner unrest through constant learning and personal growth
Source of Security - exploring the unknown and seeking spiritual resonance
✧ Moon in the 10th House
strive for wealth, fame, and success
believe that achievements can repair their souls and provide them with a sense of security
Source of Security - their professional accomplishments
✧ Moon in the 11th House
excel at maintaining balance in their social relationships
susceptible to external influences
Source of Security - interactions with groups and older female figures, seeking validation, acceptance, and support
✧ Moon in the 12th House
conceal their emotions
display negative and depressive moods
struggle with expressing themselves
have fear or barriers when it comes to communicating with women
Source of Security - solace in spirituality, healing, wisdom, and acts of charity
>> A note to ✦ Venus / Pluto aspect in Natal Chart
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Quick Access to : ❥ Astro / Asteroid Indicators ❥ Synastry / Composite Chart Observations ❥ House Stellium Observations ❥ Astro basic info / Brief reads ❥ Asteroid database ❥ Personal studies ✧ spiritual journal
Exclusive access : Patreon
/ instagram : @le.sinex / @botanicalsword
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innerfare · 1 month
Brushing Your Teeth Together 
Summary: general fluff and silliness when you two are brushing your teeth together
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Robin, Nami, Ace, Sabo, Law, Kid
Genre: silly fluff
Luffy: Turns it into a competition. “First one done wins!” “Luffy, no!” Also gets toothpaste absolutely everywhere. If he was in the habit of wearing shirts, all of his would have toothpaste (and food) stains on them. 
Zoro: Reaches for whichever toothbrush is closest. If it’s his, it’s his, and if it’s yours, it’s also his. He’ll also talk to you while he’s brushing his teeth and get annoyed when you can’t understand the muffled words. 
Sanji: Slings his arm around you, gets a little too distracted by the sight of you brushing your teeth, ends up standing there with his mouth open and his toothbrush hanging out. Ends up speed running his when you’re finished so he can follow you out of the bathroom. 
Usopp: “Special attack, toothpaste star!” You two always end up flinging toothpaste at each other and/or sword fighting with your toothbrushes. You make such a mess you’ve been banned from brushing your teeth together. 
Robin: Is most definitely equipped with disturbing dental hygiene facts and will educate you as you two brush. She’ll tell you all about tooth decay and gum disease and especially about how you need to remove the teeth from a dead body if you don’t want it to be identified. 
Nami: Turns it into a competition, but is the opposite of Luffy. It’s more of a, “who can do a better job?” than it is a, “I can do it faster than you!” She also bumps your hip with hers to try to throw you off. 
Law: Refuses to share his toothpaste with you and gets annoyed if you leave the cap off of yours. After you both brush and rinse, will wrap his arm around your waist and pull you in for a fresh, minty kiss. 
Kid: Was always too ADHD to stand in front of the mirror for a full minute brushing his teeth, always ended up wandering around the ship while brushing and then forgetting to finish; only started staying put when you began joining him. 
Ace: Never washes the sink out after he spits toothpaste in it. Always manages to get toothpaste on the mirror, too. And though he doesn’t consistently steal your toothbrush the way Zoro does, he has no qualms about using yours. 
Sabo: He didn’t get his pearly white smile by slacking off. When you’re brushing your teeth together, he’ll pause to inform you he’s better at it than you, that he has the best technique, that his dentist always compliments his teeth. Doesn’t explicitly challenge you like Nami and Luffy, but can’t help but get competitive. 
Hope you enjoyed it! If you want more, you can check out my masterlist here!
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prairieenyasblog · 4 months
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i can't believe i drew the cartoon time-traveling gay old men with separation anxiety in 2024. god. i found that lil doodle in my 2017-18 sketchbook and i decided to redraw it lol, n then i just made the dumb doodles below. fighting the urge to call them a found family even tho milo’s got a perfectly loving family at home isnidjuwhudjs
since i'm sick i decided to treat myself and make something self-indulgent real quick :) back to grinding now
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