#train of thought writing my specialty
dronebiscuitbat · 5 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 5)
Uzi was left by herself, N reluctantly taking his leave after she reminded him that he still needed oil, and as much as she didn't mind sharing, he would drink her out of house and home incredibly quickly if he stayed.
It's not like she wanted him to go… er, well she did, but only so she could gather her thoughts on the situation that happened today.
It was nice, spending a mostly stress free day with him, as so much of their time was spent dealing with nightmare fuel and ungodly eldritch abominations, she wondered if that counted as a “trauma bond.” It probably did.
She picked up a pen with her solver power, the purple glow lighting up the room, she spun it, letting the action itself distract her.
She hated that fact that “angsty teen” was a rather quite accurate description for her. But it wasn't her fault that shit kept happening and she was forced to deal with it.
And no, she wasn't dealing with it well. She wasn't dealing with the fact she was turning into a weird biological disassembly drone well, she wasn't handling her finding out her mom had whatever she has and it had driven her crazy well. And she certainly wasn't handling her father abandoning her well.
And she was totally not scared to go to sleep tonight and face her freaky nightmares again, no Uzi Doorman wasn't scared of anything.
She lost control of the pen, and it careened into the wall before sticking into it. She groaned, looking at the ceiling.
Doll still had her stupid bug.
If anything thats what worried her the most right now. Doll was stupidly overpowered with her mastery of her solver powers.The bitch could teleport! And if N or V was caught unaware by her… she really hoped that they were at least together.
And Uzi did want to master them as well, she did! It made her a cool spooky witch and more on par with her disassembly drone friends (freind? V was still up in the air) than if she were just normal, everyday Uzi.
She pulled the pen back out of the wall again, trying to duplicate it like she'd seen Doll do with the knives back at prom.
And was immediately reminded of that searing, burning, white hot pain that had coursed through her when she had boarded herself up in that cabin. When she'd lost all control.
The pen exploded, sending a shower of black ink all over her room, and she made herself jump, a small yelp leaving her mouth before she sighed in frustration.
She was a little bit scar- wary about using the solver. She went through way more oil when she was actively using it. And more recently it had felt… unstable. Like she wasn't quite herself if she pushed it too far.
Once, it had even flashed gold. Which had freaked her out enough that she'd relegated it's use to simple tasks and emergencies. But even still, she knew she couldn't get any better at controlling it if she didn't use it.
Which of course caused her to get more frustrated. Irritation crawling up her back, and now out of a practice object, she slammed her head down on the desk, filling the void with a thud.
She grabbed her black, cat eared headphones that were resting on her desk, sticking it into an MP3 player she'd inherited from her mom. Blasting Nightcore into her audio receptors loud enough so that maybe she wouldn't hear her own thoughts anymore.
It wasn't really helping. Now her angsty thoughts were just Nightcore flavored.
Her thoughts drifted back to her lovable disassembly drone companion. Wondering, idly, what he was getting up to outside the walls of the bunker.
Not anything that interesting, as it turned out.
N was perched on the top of a building, five eyes (technically seven, counting the ones in his visor) piercing even though the thickest fog cover Copper-9 could muster. His tail making wide swings behind him.
He hunted every single night. He had to, his systems drew so much energy and ran so hot that he could run through half a full tank if he was exerting himself. He was honestly getting a little sick of it, he could've been doing anything else right now.
Like finishing that movie he'd fallen asleep watching, that sounded way more enticing.
But his visor forever blinking with a “seek intake” message mocked him. Why the heck was he made this way?!
He knew the answer of course. But they could at least have given them an ounce of leeway when it came to oil consumption. Sure, his filters could make use of most types of oil, even motor oil in a pinch. But none of that mattered when he went through it so fast!
He took off into the air, scanning the ground for corpses he could drink from.
Which felt increasing weirder the more time he spent in the bunker, he talked to workers almost every single day and here he was desecrating their family members to keep himself alive.
He shook that thought out of his processors. He couldn't go without oil, he'd tried. And nearly killed himself.
Death by being boiled alive in your own shell wasn't fun. And so he kept searching, he'd normally always found a corpse eventually, J had always preferred a high body count rather than hunting for oil, so plenty of her kills were still full of it.
And hers were easy to spot. The more barbaric the death, the more likely it was J.
He saw a dim red light hooked over a streetlight. And landed next to it, it was the upper torso of a drone, the bottom half completely ripped off an thrown who knows where.
Yeah that was probably a J kill.
He gingerly lifted the poor drone, listening for the sloshing of oil before closing his eyes and snapping off the drones neck. And puncturing a small hole in its head.
He tipped it into his mouth, a sick sense of pleasure washed over him that he vehemently ignored, it was just another way for the humans to entice the disassembly drones to kill more, just like the sensitivity of his tail, and just like his programming telling him that the liquid was sweet when it shouldn't be.
The head was the easiest part to drink from, and often contained the most oil than any other part. So he concluded his hunt there, carrying what was left home with him. Where he'd put it into much less horrific containers. Where he could pretend he hadn't stolen it from a corpse.
How many of these drones were parents?
The thought smacked him upside the head like V when he'd annoyed her. Jolting him out of one morbid train of thought to another.
How many orphans did he himself create? How many children grew up alone, without their parents, because he took them away?
Uzi had mentioned, breifly, that her mother was dead. And he didn't have to be a genius to figure out what killed her, there was really only one option. Well three, if he was being technical.
He prayed, so badly it was J. So that way it was just another shitty thing he could blame on her. But it very easily could have been V… or him.
He really hoped it wasn't. That would be a cruel joke. Killing the parent of the person who changed his life, who cared about him in a way he wasn't sure anyone else had ever done.
But they all blended together, so many terrified faces that there was no way he could remember them all, the only small comfort was that he was the least brutal member of their team, if he had done it, he would've been quick.
He reached the spire as the sun rose behind him. V had already returned from her hunt, and he could see her tail hanging out from her nest over the spire, twitching.
He flew up to his nest, the lowest of the three. And dropped the head gently in the corner before landing on the salvaged blanket with a poof. Leaning back into it.
He'd stopped sleeping like a bat a long time ago. Dropping on his head one too many times being woken up by a nightmare. This was far more comfortable anyway.
He heard V's light snoring. Which at some point in his life may have made him blush. But now all he did was smile, he still deeply cared for V, and wanted her to be happy, and safe. But that crush had long since died. It had died the day they left the manor, but he'd held onto it a bit too long.
He missed Uzi's bed.
Speaking about things that made him blush. That did the trick, making a yellow fluster stain his cheeks.
So what? It was comfortable! His nest was lumpy and sometimes the blanket would slip and he'd be poked in the back by the jagged spire. Uzi's bed was squishy and was right up against a vent so cool air washed over him.
And if he was there, sleeping beside her. Then he didn't worry about where she was, or if she was safe. Because she'd be right there. Where he could protect her.
He thought back to that morning, which by now had seemed so long ago. How he'd fallen asleep holding her, and how she'd curled up on his chest with a little smile on her face, mumbling something in her sleep.
It had been the most relaxed he'd ever seen her.
He wished she'd always be relaxed, she always seemed to be stressed out about something, her solver, Doll, her mom, her dad. She was probably doing it right now, without him there to direct her attention elsewhere.
He heard V stop snoring, shuffling up in her nest before it slowly started up again, although this time slightly louder. The sun was peeking over the horizon. It would be beautiful if it didn't kill him.
V didn't talk to him much, which wasn't all that different from thier dynamic before, but now it seemed to sting more, after regaining his memories and understanding that before they were… this. They'd been freinds. More then that even.
And while he didn't ever expect a return to that. Heck, he didn't even want that. He did want to be there for her, she was going through a lot too, and she seemed to remember more than he did even now.
He remembered before and after he became a disassembly drone. But not the transition. It had been the gala, then suddenly he was in the pod, given orders to kill and eat any worker drone he came across by J.
He wondered if she did. And it was something that had made her so much different then who he remembered her to be.
Either way, it had made the tower uncomfortably silent, and that made him think. He didn't like thinking! Thinking often made him sad, and he'd been sad too much. Happy thoughts N, happy thoughts.
Tera came next, the litle droneling that had wormed her way in his head. How cute she was, and how strong her core beat was. He wondered what she would be like when she got older. With how happy she seemed to be just by seeing them.
Uzi also seemed happy, and he had the feeling that he'd glimpsed the softest part of her while she held the baby drone.
He really liked it when she was soft, not that he didn't enjoy her quick tongue, but it was something he knew she had a hard time expressing, she was loud and confident, and possibly slightly feral. But that was only a part of her, the other part was kind, loyal, and so… loving?
Was that the right word? It felt a little too strong of a word to use. It wasn't wrong, it just felt weird. But she was always making sure he was okay, like at prom. When she'd asked him to please stop putting himself in danger for her. He wouldn't, but still.
Or when she'd sacrificed her knowledge to save his memories, or today, when she'd assured him that she'd never abandon him.
And while he'd known that, boy was it really good to hear from her. So yes, she was loving, in her own way.
That's what he fell asleep to, curling himself into a ball as if he was trying to hold something that wasn't there.
Next ->
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timetravellibrarian · 4 months
Ace x reader
Just me writing something to clear my heartbreak. Cried enough already.
In another universe...
Where Blackbeard's plans had failed and Luffy managed to save his dear older brother.
In another universe...
Where Akainu couldn't get his last attack in because you managed to block it from hitting either of your favourite boys.
In another universe...
Where you had a df that could heal any injuries. Even if Akainu had placed a large whole in your best friend's body, you could still do something. Recreate all the missing parts and fit them in like they were never burnt to a crisp.
In another universe...
Where Ace could see that he is loved. That he deserves to live. That he is no curse but a blessing in many of the lives of people he met.
The both of you sat at one of the windows of the Polar Tang. Ace's head on your lap and you ruffling his hair. Death was so close to having it's clutches on him.  Now it was time for him to rest from all the emotions experienced on that battlefields.
Whitebeard was dead. His father figure was left to die standing back at Marineford. His crew retreating with tears threatening to spill. If it hadn't been for Shanks appearing out of nowhere there wasn't a doubt that they would have not left the place in a casket.
Luffy was being treated by Law and his crew, his body having caught up to all the energy hormones, the near death experiences, the amount of of power he had to use to try and save Ace. He gave his all. Even when his crew weren't by his side, he tried.
Your eyes trailed over Ace's peaceful state. You had forced him to wear a shirt. Since he had hung onto life by a thread, his power had already left, leaving him to experience temperatures he wasn't used to before eating the devil fruit.
Luffy still thought his brother was dead unfortunately. Everyone did. They hadn't seen him being picked up and healed along the way.
The sound of his steadied breath was comforting.
"Luffy's stable," Law approached the two of you silently, noting that the one was asleep." His body took on a lot. Needs time to repair itself."
"Thank you, Law." You head leaned against the wall as you looked at him, hands absentmindedly playing with Ace's hair.
"You alright? You look worse for wear." The doctor sat beside you.," I don't think reforming organs and tissues was your specialty." His tired eyes trailed over to the bandaged on your fingers.
"I try my best,"
Once Luffy had awoken, his eyes catching a glimpse of a tall dark haired male with freckles arguing with you over wearing a jacket he couldn't believe it.
"You're gonna catch a cold,"
"No, I won't." Cue the sneeze. He reluctantly wore the jacket. He looked away when he knew your face would have an expression that screamed "I told you so.". His eyes met with his younger brother's instead.
The boy's eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing but his body immediately ran to his brother, tears starting to fall .
They both collapsed onto the floor as they took in each other's presence. It was a happy sight. One that brought a smile onto your face. If it took your hands bleeding to see this kind of exchange, going past your healing capabilities, then it was worth it.
Soon you were pulled into the hug. Being squashed between the two brothers.
"THANK YOU SO MUCH, Y/N!" Luffy screamed into you face, a waterfall of tears going down his cheeks. He continued to spew a thousand words of thanks while still squashing you in a hug.
Law watched from the side, a small smile on his face. Ace catching him in his peripheral before walking to him to talk about something.
But soon the time for everyone to separate came. Rayleigh taking in Luffy to undergo training. Soon you were left alone with your friend, watching as his younger brother retreated.
The feel of a larger hand intertwining with yours caught your attention. Eyes going up to the taller fellow beside you. His face had relieved itself from his carefree smile and had a thoughtful frown.
"You alright?"
No answer. Before you could ask again you were carefully enveloped into a hug. You're head against his chest. A small peck was placed on your forehead.
"Thank you."
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lazyjellyfishcreation · 3 months
My thoughts on witcher!jaskier
So, so. I have been looking at a lot of witcher!jaskier shit lately, and eventhough bear!jaskier strikes a cord in my heart, to me, jask will always be a cat. So, with Jaskier being a cat, he would know Aiden, that would be logical. My question: what would their relationship be? my headcanon, Jaskier is Aidens teacher! Hear me out. Julek (jaskier's first actual name) was a promising young witcher of about 50 years old when it happend. He doesn't go to the caravan often because he doesn't like his siblings all that much, but he occasionally does to gamble and drink without having to worry about prejudice. He gambles his fun money away and gets drunk as a skunk in the process. He then remembers just how much he doesn't like being at the caravan and in his drunken mind decides to leave the caravan then and there to continue on the path. On his way out he stumbles into the wrong cart and finds Aiden. Aiden came out wrong. When he went trough the grasses (i hc that eventhough the cats do take in witchers from other schools that came out wrong, they also made their own, and aiden was one of the later.) Usually, a cat comming out with weird mutations isn't a problem, that's the cats school's specialty. But Aiden was a step too far. Aiden was deaf after the grasses. And the mages wanted to know why, so they strapped him to a table, to dissect him later. that's where Julek finds him. at 12 years old, scared, feverish from the grasses, alone, unable to hear, and not knowing what is going got happen to him. Julek, drunk as he is, decides that this is the perfect opportunity to make a shit decision and just. Takes. The kid. Julek just steals this child, and when he sobers up he realizes that that was a shit desicion but can't go back now, not when the kid looks up at him with scared sad eyes and go god he is gonna get so attached to this kid. So, Julek raises Aiden to the best of his abilties. He feeds him, trains him, teaches him the speech of hands (sighn language). Aiden is a smart boy, and phenomenal with trowing knives, he truly has impeccable aim. He's large too. Whatever took his hearing made him grow fast as fuck. Eventually, just when Aiden is getting used to not hearing, after a year or so, fate is cruel to him once again and takes his silent safety. Getting his hearing back is excutiating. Everything is loud, and sounds are so sharp now and it is overwhelming and aiden just want's it to be quit again but it is never quiet and and and. He's not having a good time. It takes him well over a month for him to adjusted to sounds. But now his hearing is better then any witcher's. It's overwhelming and it hurts but at least he can hear the monsters coming now.
All the while they are getting chased. Rememeber: Julek took a kit that wasn't his, not only that, Aiden was supposed to be a sience experiment and the cat mages want him back. so, 3 years after aiden getting stolen they make the desicion to go back to the caravan and claim aiden as julek's kit, to keep them from being hunted.
only problem: only grandmasters can assighn a witcher a kit to go on the path with, and the current grandmaster won't do it, because the mages want to keep him. so, Julek does the sane thing and chalenges the granmaster. If he wins and kills the grandmaster, then he becomes the grandmaster and can claim Aiden. if not, well... he wont be around to witness what they would do to his kit (son) nobody expects this 50 something year old witcher to beat the grandmaster with a century of experience under his belt. Julek is good, but he's (relatively) young. They are all wrong. Julek wins. Aiden is his. He claims his kid, steps down from the grandmaster position and fucks right off. I have so much more for this au but it's late so i might write that later if you want.
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thinkingofchishiya · 3 months
kpopidol!reader x chishiya pls!
also, good luck in writing fics :)
Thank you my love, i’m actually having a lot of fun with it so far!! Hope you like this 🤍 feel free to spam my inbox if you have any more ideas
Chishiya x kpopidol! reader headcannons
warnings: brief mention of potential ED, slight angst at the end
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•when you first arrived at the beach chishiya had no idea who you were, k-pop isn’t exactly his specialty sure he’d heard a few songs but he wasn’t exactly knowledgeable
•it wasn’t until he saw the stares and whispers of other residents that he realised there was something special about you, it was kuina who excitedly informed him who you were
•in response he rolled his eyes saying being a celebrity in this world was meaningless, but he had to admit you were beautiful and just couldn’t tear his eyes from you, he felt annoyingly drawn in by you and he couldn’t figure out why.
•However it was his attitude towards you that made you like him, constantly being stared at and gawked over got tiring real fast but chishiya made you feel normal - he treated you like a regular person and the two of you quickly got quiet close
•especially after the jack of hearts, the two of you teamed up and aced the game together
•the other players at the beach were confused by the unlikely duo- cold conniving chishiya who barely spoke to anyone and the idol anyone would be blessed to talk to even for a moment. They thought it was unfair and confusing - how did him of all men garner so much of your attention ?
•him noticing your strict eating patterns and making sure you’ve always had a decent sized meal. The industry was strict on their idols and chishiya knew that but he wouldn’t have it +
+ when you accuse him of caring about you with a grin, he scoffs a “you wish” and rolls his eyes, but what you don’t see is the way his cheeks and the tips of his ears burn pink when he turns around beginning to walk away from you
•one time on his way back from a game he stopped in a 7/11 , and he saw you on the cover of an old magazine with your group
•sneakily picking up the magazine as if anyone was around, he flicked to find the page you were on. Titled “ group/name to come to shibuya for 2 nights in may” you were scheduled to be on tour performing when you arrived here.
•After this he started having angstier thoughts about you, how unfair it was that a girl like you who worked so hard to have it all was stuck in a place like this. Not only because you were famous but because you were sweet, not build for the borderlands in his eyes
•Despite his initial thoughts on you not being special, he now wanted nothing more than to protect you
•however what chishiya didn’t realise is your hard training for hours on end made you incredibly fit - games like spades especially were ones you mastered in
•chishiya secretly listening to your songs in his earphones and actually enjoying them, k-pop from your group alone his guilty pleasure
•listens intently whenever kuina begs you to tell her stories from your time with the group as you giggle at her interest
•likes watching you dance and sing, especially on drunk nights when you and the beach were extra hyped after a winning round of games
•when you guys start dating he worships you and your physique, always keeping an arm around your waist as you walk through the beach to smugly show you off
•loves getting under niragi’s jealous skin, brings you up during executive meetings just to piss him off
alternate pre-borderlands angst bonus
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•You’d been with chishiya for two years when one day he comes home from work to tell you about a young girl he’s had to perform surgery for multiple times
•she was a terminally ill patient and while it wasn’t chishiya’s job to arrange things for the make a wish organisation, he knew he had to get you to meet her when she mentioned being a huge fan of your group
•he rarely exchanged details about his personal life with patients, except for when it came to children and young teens. Speaking about his beloved partner he let your name slip , “y/n like the idol from g/n?” this is when chishiya felt extra proud to be with you as he explained , “yeah, actually her”
•the patient squeeled and this was happiest he’d ever seen her “no way! that’s so cool doctor shiya!”
• “she’s gorgeous, you’re so lucky!” and his smug grin in response “i know”
•after talking to you about it you agreed withought hesitation to meet the girl, it turns out you were her bias
•the meeting went well with many hugs and laughs exchanged as you spent time learning about her, chishiya even joining to stay for a little bit instead of working as he had a free moment
•you liked staying at the hospital as it meant being closer to shiya on his busy days but you never had an excuse to be there, on this day though you ended up staying with the girl for hours until the day was almost over
•when chishiya came in you were sitting by his patient giving her a final hug as the credits rolled for your groups tour movie on the hospital room’s television
•when it was time for you to leave together and go home, you barely made it to the car before bursting into uncontrollable sobs
•chishiya held you silently rubbing your back with your face in his chest as you let it all out, “it’s not fair!” you sobbed “,i know…i know” what you didn’t see was the way he fought back prickling tears that stung his eyes and the burning ache he felt in his chest
•this patient was his worst loss yet and the pain that was usually easier to hide was now tripled as you cried in his arms
•just two weeks later you were informed of her passing, her family had written a letter to chishiya thanking him for looking after their daughter in her short time and for his incredible act of kindness by getting you to meet her in what they described as “the best day of her little life”
•shortly after you were trending in the news with your pictures all over the papers, being held by your group on stage at a concert as you cried during the girl’s favourite song. You requested a replay and dedicated it in her name
•the two of you even attended her funeral, wearing what you learned was her favourite colour
a/n: i loved this request thank you so much anon!! It was gonna be something cutesy and light but the opportunity arose to write my first angst, hope i did well !! i really appreciate feedback and comments
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loguetowns · 1 year
deal or no deal
portgas d. ace x reader
making deals with a pirate is a dangerous thing
"we have a contract!" + ace
2.5k words
a/n. i did not intend for this to be so long, but i always forget how easy it is to write for my favourite loveable boy ♡ anyways, this takes place during ace's great blackbeard search cover story hehe
cw. angsty ending and goodbyes (but there's a small epilogue!)
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day 1.
this isn't what you signed up for.
chasing down mountain bandits and patrolling streets? sure. chasing down pirates at sea? absolutely.
what you didn't sign up for when you joined the marines was discovering pirates within your own naval base — a peculiar situation that you find yourself in at the moment.
"start talking now." you stare daggers at the tied up pirate in front of you. "what are you doing here?"
he squirms, doing his best to avoid your gaze. "i'm just looking for someone."
"to do what? rob them? assassinate them?"
"no," ace sighs. "i'm just trying to deliver a letter."
your surprise is quickly replaced with skepticism, ingrained into you by your hours of marine training. you lean in to study him, peering into his eyes to gauge whether he's telling the truth or not.
he has really cute freckles.
you blush at the intrusive thoughts, a wonderfully adorable sight that ace will surely tell you about later.
your eyes land on his arm tattoo, far too familiar for your liking. you recall a conversation you once had with vice admiral garp.
"you're one of whitebeard's men!" you gasp. you narrow your eyes at him. "are you trying to smuggle communications to blackbeard?"
his face hardens. "talking is the last thing i'd be doing if i found him."
disappointment floods you. gathering intel is your specialty, but it's been much harder to find information about blackbeard's coup than you'd like to admit. it would've been too easy if this pirate was in kahoots with him...
"look," he says, straightening up. "maybe we can help each other out."
you raise an eyebrow.
"if you help me with my letter, i'll tell you anything you want to know about marshall d. teach."
"including where he is and what's he's planning?"
"okay, maybe not that" — your face falls — "but only because i don't know! if you're looking into him, we can look together?"
you cross your arms.
"that hardly seems like a fair deal to me - you get your letter delivered and you get information about blackbeard? i'm going to need more than just some outdated background info."
"i'll have you know that i'm a commander under the most powerful pirate in the world," he huffs. "but i'll tell you what - after all this is said and done, you can arrest me."
at this, you stop to think about it. it would do very well for your career to bring in one of whitebeard's big shots. on top of that, imagine if you also had intel about blackbeard's whereabouts! surely, you'd get that promotion you've been vying for.
and while you're fantasizing about the rewards for ace's capture, he smiles to himself. having someone on the inside will help him stay undercover and, if he's lucky, he'll get some answers about teach before he goes on his merry way.
for ace has no intention of being caught by any marine — no matter how cute they are.
"alright," you finally say. "you've got yourself a deal."
he grins, and you falter for what will not be the last time at how handsome he is when he smiles.
"nice t' meet ya, partner."
day 5.
"holy cow, look at the amount of food on that guy's plate!"
"i told you the rumours about the new guy were true."
"where does all that food even go?"
"what a freak..."
the gossip of your peers gets drowned out by the screech of a chair being pulled and the loud thud! of a plastic tray barely supporting the mountain of food on top of it.
"man, don't you love dinner time? you guys have it made!"
"what are you doing?" you hiss.
ace can only offer you a look of confusion, too busy stuffing his face with a drumstick in each hand.
"'you guys?' you're supposed to be one of us, remember?" you point at him with your fork. "and for a guy who's trying to stay undercover, you sure are calling a lot of attention to yourself."
"i can't help it," he says — or tries to say. his voice comes out muffled from the food he's shovelling into his face. "i have needs."
for what it's worth, there is something adorable in the way that this uncouth man looks so happy with his cheeks stuffed like a squirrel. you can't help but giggle, and it makes ace smile.
he thinks to himself,
what a cute laugh.
day 8.
ace yawns, stretching his arms before his hands land on the back of his neck.
"is this where taxpayer money goes? to pay two marines to go for a stroll when they could be doing that for free?"
"it's called patrol, and everyone has to do it," you nudge him with your elbow. "especially non-tax paying criminals disguised as law enforcement."
"y'know, being a marine isn't so hard. boring, but easy enough."
"easy, he says! it's only easy because i'm the one busting my ass to try and keep your cover under control."
ace gives you a sideways glance, flashing a lazy grin. "tomato, to-mah-to."
you roll your eyes, but ace knows you well enough by now to distinguish your seriously-pissed eye roll from your endearingly-annoyed eye roll.
he can say with 99% certainty that this one is the latter.
and to make up up for that missing 1%, ace waggles his eyebrows in the way that made you laugh yesterday. to his delight, you giggle again and he swells.
walking down a line of shoppes, your arm brushes past his as you point to his left, "see that parlour over there? they have the best ice cream in the world."
"that's a ballsy proclamation, officer."
"yeah? what makes you say that, officer?"
"you're talking to the ice cream connoiseur on this side of the ocean. i don't know if i can just take your word for it."
"so you're saying i'm lying?"
"no," he grins at you, devious, dazzling and dashing. he nods towards the store. "i'm saying that we should go get some ice cream."
15 minutes later, ace has to agree that this was, in fact, the best ice cream he's ever had. he laughs at your boasting and your "i told you!" and your sermon about the fruit-to-cream ratio, and he wonders if you know that the reason why he's enjoying this ice cream has nothing to do with the flavour and everything to do with you.
day 16.
"ace? what are you-"
"quick! run!" he grabs your hand and practically drags you down the hallway at lightning speed. you nearly trip over your feet as you run behind him.
"hey! stop right there!" booms a voice behind you.
"we gotta hide!"
like any well-trained soldier, it's answers first and questions later. "there's a closet on your right around the corner!"
ace darts around the corner with you in hot pursuit. he thrusts open the closet and quickly pulls you inside.
you hear running getting louder, and you decide to question ace later. in this tiny broom closet, you do your best to discern what's happening on the other side. both of you press an ear to the door and listen carefully.
footsteps approaching. footsteps slowing down. footsteps stopping just outside the closet.
you hold your breath.
it feels like an eternity that ace's pursuer stands on the other side and you don't dare to make a single peep. you lock eyes with ace, who stares back at you with an exhilarated smile.
a voice mutters, "i could've sworn-"
"commodore, sir!"
you gape at ace with wild incredulity.
commodore? you mouth with wide eyes.
he winks at you, holding a finger to his lips.
"they're looking for you in the grand boardroom, sir."
a pause.
"alright, at ease. let's go."
the two men walk away, but neither of you dare say anything until a solid minute after the footsteps fade away. and then-
you smack ace across the chest, "what-"
"-did you do?"
"that hurts!"
you shoot daggers at him.
he smiles sheepishly at you, "okay, i deserve that. but look what i found in his office!"
he holds up a sheet of paper with excitement. in the darkness of the closet, you can't make out the words and only look at him with confusion.
"there's a scout ship coming from the green shores. as far as i know, that's where teach was last seen!" he rushes through his words. "and comil's going to be on that ship! we can kill two birds with one stone!"
he looks at you expectantly as you process what he says.
"if vice admiral comil's on that ship then they'll definitely have detailed notes of their observations... there's no way they wouldn't have gathered intel!"
"that's what i'm saying!"
"ace, that's great!" you throw your arms around him. "this is it!"
it's not until ace instinctively wraps his arms around you that you realize two very important things.
one. if vice admiral comil truly is on that ship, that means that your adventure with ace is coming to an end soon.
your heart sinks.
two. you and ace are alone, hugging, in a very, very dark and cramped broom closet — and you don't want to stop.
your heart races.
you look up at ace and he's never looked more earnest. mischievous, startled, impressed, hungry, and even flirty — you've had the privilege to learn what each of these expressions look like on ace's handsome face.
but this — his eyes boring into yours with an intensity that burns as hot as your cheeks — is a first.
you swear that you can feel his heart beat against your chest. he feels warm, even in an open vest, and you realize that he felt just as warm when he was holding your hand.
he brushes hair out of your face and, for a second time in this room, you hold your breath.
do it.
"you're right," he says quietly. "this is it."
and then, as if he heard your prayer, he kisses you.
day 23.
"are you okay? are you hurt?" you look for any sign of harm under all the soot on ace
"relax, it's just fire." he grins, "they do call me 'firefist ace', y'know."
finished with your examination, you reach up to brush away a bit of ash on his cheek. given any other circumstance, that smug smile on his face would make your heart flush.
right now, though, all you can think about are his words, sinking into your skin like lead.
"i know who you are, ace. the problem is," you do your best to erase any emotion from your voice. "so does everyone else now."
ever impulsive, the implication of ace's actions doesn't hit him until now. silence settles between you for a moment, and in the background, the commotion becomes audible. between the ship fire and ace's identity reveal, you've never heard so much chaos happen at once.
"they're looking for you," you say quietly. "they'll find you soon."
you wish you had more time. in the past 3 weeks, you've realized — on more than once occasion — that this is not what you signed up for. this had started out as a purely transactional relationship between a criminal and law enforcement, i.e. the bad guy and the good guy.
but it's been so much more than that.
in all his smiles and stupidity, his companionship, and his kind, kind heart, ace has proven to you over and over again that he's more than just the bad guy that your training manual has made him out to be.
you thumb the seastone cuffs hanging from your waist, completely lost in your thoughts. your stupid agreement looms over you; you know this is your only chance to arrest him.
it's not until he says your name that you remember where you are.
"did you say something?"
ace takes a deep breath, looking far more serious than you've seen.
"the deal's off."
"but we have a contract," you cling onto the very thing that you were just cursing. "you can't just do that! you got everything you wanted, you- it's not fair-"
he takes your hand, and the small act of affection is enough to quiet your protests.
"will you listen to me for a second?"
his voice is gentle, careful, loving. you manage to nod.
"i think," he intertwines his fingers in yours. "we both knew that my arrest was never going to happen."
you say nothing, waiting.
"i have no intention of getting captured here," he takes your other hand. "and i don't think you want to do it either."
a pang in your chest. he's right, and you know it. deep down, you knew that you were never going to be able to hold up your end of the bargain. the idea of putting an end to his adventures is something that you could never do.
he presses his forehead against yours, and it's so, so warm. it makes your heart ache. you close your eyes, focusing solely on the warmth that blooms from where you and ace are connected — from your foreheads, from your fingertips — as if it might make this any easier.
"hey," ace's voice is barely a whisper. "look at me."
like a good marine, you do as you're told.
you look into his dark eyes, and they look into yours.
"here's what i want you to do," his breath fans your cheeks.
"you're going to tell the captain that i'm going after blackbeard. tell them that you have information on his defection from the whitebeard pirates for the murder of a crewmate, okay?"
you nod again, willing the tears that are building in your chest to stay where they are.
"and thank you," he says. ace's voice breaks, and that's when the dam cracks. tears fall onto your cheeks as he does his best to continue.
"thank you for your help," ace says, knowing that he's running out of time and conviction to leave. "and for giving me everything i wanted."
he tilts your chin up to wipe away your tears, "you are everything."
and he kisses you for what feels like a millisecond and a lifetime all at once. he tastes like unfinished stories and goodbyes come too soon — like the sweetness of ice cream on a summer afternoon, like the warmth of breakfast on an autumn morning, and the richness of hot cocoa on a winter night.
he tastes like what you imagine love to be.
"wait for me," is the last thing he says to you before he leaves.
and like a good marine, you'll do as you're told.
"mail for ya, sarge!"
you take the letter from the young postal worker, thanking her for delivering your letter. you inspect the letter, curiosity growing as you do. there's no return address or sender, just your name and what looks to be a burn mark.
you smile.
ripping open the envelope, you find a photograph of a freckled pirate in his orange hat in front of an ice cream shoppe, eyes smiling in that way that makes him look like a little kid.
there's a sign in the background that reads "best ice cream in the world!" and you laugh. flipping over the photo of ace, you find a short message.
gonna need you to come verify their claims - let's go together next time.
it's a deal.
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delulu-is-the-soluluh · 2 months
Scars of Flames and Wind | Chap 1
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Previous Chap: Prologue
Next Chap
A Dark!Rowaelin x afab!Reader
(Temporary) Summary:  Aelin and Y/N shared a deep bond since childhood, growing up together in the royal courts of Terrasen as their innocent crushes hinted at a future romance. However, the invasion of Adarlan shattered their world. Aelin was forced to become Celaena, while Y/N stayed behind, joining the rebellion and becoming their most lethal spy, never ceasing to look for the princess. That is until she accidentally meets with a famous assassin who’s eyes she knows for so long.
Author's note: This chapter is set one month before the events of AB.
Warnings: death, bar fight, daggers, mediocre writing.
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Chapter 1 | Echos of the past
y/n pov:
After that fateful night, King Orlon and his court were slaughtered. Princess Aelin was presumed dead a few days later, as survival from her fall into the Florine River seemed implausible. The once vibrant magic of the land vanished entirely as Adarlan declared Terrasen under their dominion and the land was marred by despair; hundreds went missing, and thousands perished. Countless faes lost their minds without their magic, poverty gripped the families who had relied on their abilities for sustenance and hundreds were now trapped in their animal forms, gradually forgetting their true selves. 
For eight long years, Aedion had to rise through the ranks of Adarlan’s army, gaining their trust, securing a position of power, orchestrating battles, and inflating body counts. All this to aid the rebels hiding in the Staghorn mountains. I trained as a soldier, after relentless begging for Aedion and Darrow. Soon, I proved myself as a military strategist and a well trusted spy, with “lethal combat skills despite being human” to Darrow’s headache and “a specialty on being annoying” according to Aedion.
All this to find her. 
We often bluffed about her being alive to give hope to the rebels. And even if it was a dangerous gamble, it helped to ignite the spark of resistance. But I have never believed otherwise. Some part of me was certain that she was alive, that she’s surviving in her own way. Darrow often called me delusional and I often blamed him for his lack of will on tracking her. And even when Aedion tried to dissuade me, I couldn’t stop searching for clues. Looking for a familiar face in every woman I know. She could have changed her entire appearance, but you can’t hide those eyes. Those turquoise eyes with golden hues.. 
And working as a spy for them had me traveling around the continent: gathering information about the court, to recruit more allies, leaving favors to use in the future, tracking some groups to see if they’re doing any improvement, and to...seize threats, whenever needed. 
Sometimes I wonder if she would feel disgusted of me, of Aedion, after so much blood in our hands. Some of them were innocent who accidentally got involved.. Just thinking that she might be repulsed by this path I took, terrifies me.
I just never thought my path would lead me to the most hideous and filthy part of Rifthold. 
The smell of waste and sewage burned my nose, making my eyes water. Not even the night or the salt air could mask that stench. Each step through the narrow alleys and dimly lit streets painted a picture of despair and disgust.
I pulled my hood lower, trying to blend into the shadows as I navigated through the labyrinth of decay. The muffled clamor of a filthy bar nearby reminded me of my goal. The distant shouts, the clinking of bottles, the occasional scurrying of rats through the streets... Fuck this was disgusting, with all the blood money this kingdom has, I expect them to afford a little bit of soap or something. 
Finally, I reached the abandoned house, the wood rotting and the stones cracked as I entered. Hunter and Louis were already there, their faces tense in the dim light. Hunter was pacing while Louis leaned against the wall, arms crossed.
“So,” I greeted, pulling down my hood. “Any news?”
Hunter stopped pacing and looked at me, relief flickering across his face when he saw me. “Someone is trying to ditch us.”
I winded my eyes slightly in alert waiting for to continue  but it was Louis, who pushes off the wall and nodded “One from the Finn’s group got caught by the guards talking to Lady Balanchine and was.. bribed by to be their informant on us” 
“Bribed as beaten up, huh?” He nodded as I furrowed my brows “And Archer thinks the little fella knows about our contact on Eyllwe and wants her gone?
Louis went quiet as Hunter sighed “We just want to make sure nothing goes wrong. Having a royalty in the castle will be more efficient than a healer”
He was right. Sorscha has been doing a great job, but if we get a princess in there..
I bit my cheek in annoyance “And deciding, alone, to kill off the problem, will solve everything? Without giving a flying damn about how this will affect the other’s trust in the rebellion?” 
Louis walked to me, handing me a dagger “Just make it look like a bar fight.” He shrugged his shoulders “Nicky was always volatile anyway.” 
I looked at him in disbelief. What kind of people Archer has been recruiting? How can he be so nonchalant with this?
“It’s a life, Louis. A person. And, yes, she fucked up and I agree on this” I said pointing to the dagger with my head “but pull this shit and again I’ll show how volatile I can be.” I said, grabbing the bladed weapon and adding into my sheath. “Anything else?”
“It’s said Celaena Sardothien is around” Louis said walking past me
“Ah, the Adarlans Assassin” I smirked as I fixed hair into my hood. “She’s quite famous isn’t she? Love her style. Gotta be lucky to stumble on her, though.”
“I’m serious YN. She didn't get this title by nothing. She’s deadly, and if you get hurt, Aedion will kill me” Hunter said in annoyance.
I rolled my eyes, a smirk tugging at my lips. “I’m perfectly capable of surviving,” I said, striding to the table and grabbing a bag of coins. “Sardothien or not.”
Hunter sighed, his eyes serious as they met mine. “Y/N, this isn’t just about your survival. If Nicky says anything about this princess being involved, it could jeopardize everything we’ve worked for. We need solid intel, and we need it without drawing attention.”
I nodded, understanding the weight of his words. “I get it, Hunter. But we’ve handled tough situations before. We’ll get through this too.”
Louis crossed his arms, his gaze steady. “Just remember, if you encounter Sardothien, avoid her. Gather information and get out. She’s lethal, and we don’t need unnecessary risks.”
Adjusting my leather vambraces, I tightened the straps of my boots and pulled my hood lower over my face. My garments were dark and form-fitting, designed for stealth and quick movement. “Yeah, Got it. In and out, no heroics,” I said, my tone light but my resolve firm.
Hunter placed a hand on my shoulder, a rare gesture of camaraderie. “Be safe, Okay? I like breathing but I would be sad to lose a colleague” he smiled softly
I returned the smile and gave him a nod, “I’ll be back before you know it,” I promised, slipping out of the building.
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The bar was as dirty as I had anticipated. The stench of stale beer and unwashed bodies permeated the air, and the floor was sticky with fluids that I really don’t want to know what they were. My eyes scanned the room, seeking out for Nicky: Beaten up women, brunette, medium height, and a scarface. Easy target.
I located her by the final table on my right, defeatedly drinking her beer. Poor thing, already knows what to wait for. I bit my lip, thinking how I could rile up this place towards her. Maybe stealing drinks on her behalf or bluffing to the bartender that she caused me a huge default and would do the same here.. it wouldn’t be suspicious if she ended up stabbed. 
I was about to put my plan into action when my attention was drawn to a commotion at a table with five drunken men and women,who were dressed entirely in black, masked and hooded, standing out among them. They were accusing her of cheating at their card game,their voices grew louder as I stood from afar.
 Perhaps I won’t be the one to rage up the bar, then.
"You think you can just waltz in here and cheat us?" a burly man with a scruffy beard shouted, his face flushed with alcohol and rage. "We don't take kindly to thieves!"
The woman, her masked face revealing nothing but the level of her eyes, remained calm and collected. She leaned back in her chair in feline grace, crossing her arms over her chest. "I didn’t cheat. You’re just upset because I’m winning," she replied coolly, her voice carrying an overly sweet edge.
A second man, tall and lanky with a sneer plastered on his face, slammed his fist on the table. "Don’t lie to us! We saw you slip that card from your sleeve!"
The woman's eyes narrowed, and she stood up slowly, her movements controlled and deliberate. "I don’t need to cheat to beat you," she said, her voice dripping with contempt as she leaned onto the table. "But if you want to make a scene, be my guest."
The tension at the table was palpable, drawing the attention of the entire bar. I leaned back against the counter, smirking in awe, my plan momentarily forgotten, as I watched as the situation escalated. Damn, she was looking for ‘fun’ tonight. 
"Enough of this!" the burly man growled, reaching out to grab her arm. But she was faster. With a swift movement, she twisted his arm behind his back and shoved him face-first into the table. The impact sent cards and drinks flying, and the bar erupted into chaos. The tall man lunged at her, but she sidestepped gracefully, delivering a sharp kick to his midsection that sent him crashing into a nearby patron. 
Another one, bald with full beard, likely a regular at the bar, staggered towards her with a determined yet unsteady gait. The idiot raised his fists, clearly intent on joining the fray. But the woman barely seemed to notice him. With a flicker of disdain, she sidestepped his wild, clumsy swings, delivering a swift, expertly placed jab to his ribs. He crumpled to the floor, gasping for breath, utterly outmatched. It only added to the mesmerizing display of her skill and power, deepening my fascination with her.
There was a primal elegance, a wild, untamed energy on her that seemed to ignite something deep within me. It was quite hypnotic as if she was dancing on the edge of a knife. Admiration mingled with a hint of something darker, that thrilled me as much as it intrigued me.
The masked woman smirked beneath her hood. "Come on, guys, this is too easy. What does it take for someone to have fun here," she taunted, her confidence unwavering, her blue eyes gleaming with savagery and rage. Blue eyes that seemed..
A bottle was thrown and smashed above my head, quickly bringing me out of trance.
The fight erupted into a full-blown brawl, as I shook my head to ground myself and seized the opportunity to move through the chaos undetected. I crossed the bar avoiding the people who were now fighting among themselves, ducking and dodging bodies and fists, eyes locked on Nicky, who was retreating towards the corner of the bar. Nicky's eyes were fixed on the growing fight, her body tense and ready to slip away unnoticed. 
I moved swiftly, coming up behind her and, with a precise motion, plunged my dagger between her fifth rib. “Sorry about this,” I murmured in her ear, my voice laced with sarcasm and a hint of pity, as I twisted the dagger and pushed even more inside her. “But it’s necessary. We can’t afford any risks.” Nicky’s eyes widened in shock, tears streaming down her face as she looked at me, her mouth forming a silent scream.
I felt my eyes soften a little. No matter how many I kill, this never gets easier. I’ll always remember them. Agreeing or not, won’t change the amount of blood I have in my hands. 
I took the dagger out of her and turned away without looking back. The soft tremor under my boots was the confirmation that she collapsed. The fight was still raging,  with the bar’s patrons, already on edge from too much drink, joined in. bottles flew, chairs were overturned, and the air was filled with the sounds of shouts and breaking glass as walked towards the secondary door 
The bartender still yelled for order,voice drowned out by the cacophony, when someone slammed into me from the side. Instinctively, I shifted my weight, performing a swift maneuver to regain my balance and avoid falling. As I pivoted, I found myself face-to-face with the person who had collided with me.
The masked woman. And her eyes were turquoise and gold. 
Even with smeared black kohl, it was unmistakable.
The world seemed to stop as her eyes widened, as if she recognized me.
Before I could react, she bolted for the door. I sprang to my feet, weaving through the crowd in pursuit. The night air hit me as I burst outside, the woman already disappearing into the shadows. But I won’t let her go, not again. I ran after her, with my heart pounding with the need for answers.
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kadeeesworld · 2 months
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War of hearts
Chapter 1: MIA
I just wanna say I don’t much like this maybe it’s because it the first chapter or whatever who cares it’s proofread but not really enjoy!
Also it’s my first time writing for COD and I know some people are much better at writing their accents but I’m so American it’s painful so stick with me here!
Okay and trigger warning I suppose: mentions of drugs, and abuse, mentions of a gun and kidnapping, child abuse and rape.
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the task force was in the middle of a briefing Laswell breaking down the facts for them as everyone got a vanilla envelope.
“She’s a 16 year old girl highly trained and she’s escaped”
“Escaped? Escaped from where?”
John spoke up his brows furrowing as he took in the little bit of Information they had of the girl.
“A top secret facility buried deep in Russia, they kidnap young girls and boys train them into killing machines and send them out onto battlefields with our soldiers just to have them killed.”
Gaz looked around the table.
“How’s she only 16 though—“
“She was taken at 10 actually from the states right out of her front yard.”
Ghost flips the folder closed and tossed it to the middle of the table
“Bloody fucking ‘el as if we don’t have enough going on now little brats are being snatched?”
“She’s not a brat anymore, shes dangerous and she’s trained almost as well as you guys be careful.”
“She’s just a girl how hard could it be?”
The team suits up and gets ready to get on a flight to the states it was going to be a long 8 hours.
“Remember lads this isn’t a vacation this is a mission treat it as such, we get in we get this girl and we bring er’ home.”
“What if she doesn’t wanna go?”
“She doesn’t have a choice.”
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A few days pass.
“Who’d ave thought that finding one bird would be this hard we haven’t heard or seen anything.”
“Speak for yourself mate I’ve heard about this underground club where the company is exceptionally young, think our girl could be there?”
“Wouldn’t doubt it Kate did say she was only 16 and we haven’t found her yet it might be worth a shot.”
After a 45 minute drive to a part of town that seems all to sketchy they walk down into an alleyway and bang on the door the eye hole slides open and a man with a nasty scar over his face peeks through and then open the door and the file in.
Once inside it looks just like a normal club expect for the fact that only girls younger than 19 are the ones on poles and serving drinks it’s disgusting and quite frankly sad.
“This is beyond fucked up.”
“I know lad but it’s part of the job, let’s look around for our girl yeah?”
They break off and find places to sit they make conversation and eavesdrop on discussions all for it to amount to the owner has some of his specialty girls in the back they cost pretty penny though.
With a nod to the others price heads off to the shiny leather door and the back and knocks on it another eye hole opens
“The fuck do you want?”
“We’re er’ about uh your specialty girls.”
The man smiles it’s sick makes your skin crawl.
“Of course gentlemen,” he opens the door wide for them, “right this way.”
They all file in and sit down on a plush leather couch the girls scattered about the room and each of them takes them in
“Aren’t they beauties? I paid good money for them these are the youngest ones I have…”
John speaks up
“Have you got anybody new…maybe someone you’ve got recently I’d prefer…well we’d prefer someone fresh if you don’t mind.”
The man’s face lights up
“Oh of course of course only the finest! For my new guests and you can call me jimmy by the way.”
He holds out his hand to John and John shakes it with a faux smile.
“Right, I’ll be right back.”
Jimmy steps away and walks further into the back room coming back with a girl her hair was matted and he body covered in dark bruises some lighter and in different stages of healing and on her arms multiple needle marks her veins are definitely shot, the icing on the cake though was the way she seemed completely out of it her eyes glazed over looking off into space the looked so hollow…so empty.
“This is the latest that we have, picked her up a while ago I just saw her walking the streets it’s was late one night and I just knew I had to have her. I had to know what she smelled like, what she tasted like and let me say she didn’t disappoint.”
He pulled her down onto the couch by her arm and into his chest petting the back of her head and cooing at her.
The boys looking at her could tell this is the girl they’d been looking for but she certainly wasn’t the trained girl Laswell had spoken of…
Jimmy got up and walked around the large glass table and sat her down on prices Lap.
“She’s good right? You like her, all of you?”
Price looked into her face and a just for a moment sympathy and pain was etched into his face and his eyes told everything he couldn’t say in that moment ‘I’m sorry this is happening to you’
Price turned his head back to Jimmy
“She’s perfect…”
“Great! Now it’s 10 an hour!”
Soap looked almost surprised.
Jimmy spoke up with a joker like grin.
“No mohawk man, grand!”
John spoke up again before anybody could make a fool out of themselves.
“That’s fine we’ll take er…”
“Yes, she’s new hasn’t been with anybody but me yet she’s still fresh now if you’d like I could bring you another girl that would drop you down to about 5 grand an hour.”
Jimmy spoke as if they were conducting to most regular business transaction in the world he spoke as if he didn’t just bring out a 17 year old girl to four grown men knowing that if these weren’t good men she’d probably be getting fucked and all other manner of things.
“I don’t think so mate.”
“Mate? Well aren’t you funny sounding, where’d you say you’re from again you don’t sound American…”
“We didn’t say…”
“Right of course…”
Jimmy looked as if he’d just seen a ghost and deep down it’s almost as if he knew he was caught and it was only a matter of time—-
Jimmy hopped up flipping the table towards them and making a run for the leather door they had just come in soap being the closest hopped up after him tackling him to the ground they got what they came for na snow it was time to call it in and get authorities and ambulance here to help the girls.
While gaz and Simon did crowd control of the rest of the club ensuring nobody got away so they would be able the face what they’re down the way they deserve John sat with the girl in his lap he’d wrapped her up in a blanket and he held her.
“You know lovie we don’t even know your name…you didn’t have one on file it was almost as if you’d been completely erased from existence…even when we looked back to when you were taken and reported missing, nothing. It’s almost as if someone wanted to hide you away from the world forever.”
Simon tapped on the door
“Ey’ cap the coppers and medics are here, let’s get her situated yeah?”
Price looked back down at her and sighed
About a week passed and finally she’d woken up came out her drugged state and she was clear now the boys didn’t know what that would mean for them but for now all anyone else was worried about was the fact that she wouldn’t eat or drink anything she’s just lay there…
“I really am worried about her gentlemen, she hasn’t spoken a word or eaten a thing she’s losing what little weight she had and she keeps muttering something I can’t understand. I don’t know what’s going on or what was happening to all those girls in there but if this keeps up we’ll have to sedate her and push a tube down her throat to make sure she doesn’t die.”
Well that wasn’t fucking good.
“We’ll see about er’ ma’am thanks for the report.”
“Sure thing.”
The nurse walks back behind her station and the boys face her hospital room and walk in there’s one of the standing table trays over her legs a plate of food on top completely untouched and she eyed them when they walked In like predator does prey once they’ve decided you’re who they want for dinner.
“Hey there…heard you weren’t eating a thing lovie…why’s that?”
John just smiled at her and tried again.
“I know it’s shit bird but you’ve got to eat somethin it’s not healthy for you to starve like this, we need you healthy so we can take you back—“
Before he could even finish she up holding her fork to his eye trying To push in further down she’s is pretty strong but without eating for days price easily overpowered her pinning her down to the bed and she lost it. Screaming. Yelling. Kicking and scratching. The nurses rushed in and sedated her and slowly she calmed down her hands gripping onto John shirt before she fell unconscious.
It was hours later when she had woken up and her room was empty she sat up and threw the covers off of her sitting for a moment to gather herself before pushing off the bed and walking over to her window there was a single nurse behind the station and the men seem to have gone.
She quickly slipped out of her room and down a hall but before she could turn a corner soap and gas were standing in front of the vending machine staring at her and she right back at them. Nothing was said she just bolted and had and soap were hot on her tail yelling after her, she cut corners and pushed people down and out of the way to put distance between them and finally she caught a break and slipped under a sheet what was on a gurney after a moment or two she heard them run past but she kept still after a moment or two the gurney started to move and when it finally stopped she was in the basement morgue the room was empty safe for a few black body bags.
She got up off the gurney and started looking around for anything she could use to help her get out of there after a bit of searching she found a clear bag with a name on it something she couldn’t quite understand and inside was a gray hoodie and back jeans and a dirty pair of sneakers a wallet, a bus card and a photo of people she didn’t know must be the family of the deceased.
The hoodie had blood splatters and the so did the sneakers but clothes were clothes and this isn’t fashion week. She found a rag and wet it scrubbing the blood off best she could as to not stand out she didn’t need anyone stopping her asking if she was okay she just needed to get away from the hospital but first she needed a weapon.
She used the stairs to get back on the patient floor looking for anything when she was passing a room she overheard a doctor talking about a patient needing sedation in a nearby room and telling a nurse to get everything ready she watched the nurse ready the tray and take it into room setting it down before she left again to go get gloves with quick precision she slipped into the room grabbing the syringe and getting out after roaming the halls for a bit longer she found exactly what she was looking for. Security and because this is America of course he had a gun.
She backed into a room finding a medical waste bin and sticking her hand in to cover it in blood making sure to not wet her sleeve before pulling it back down and walking out she started up the the harsh hospital lights until her eyes started to burn and water then she walked over to the guard.
“Sir could you help me please my friend she’s a patient here and she passed out in the bathroom I think she hit her head she’s bleeding!”
She pulled him into the nearby women’s bathroom and once he rushed down to the other end with his back turned she stabbed the syringe into his neck pushing all the milky liquid into him before snatching it back out and watching him fall helplessly to the ground once his eyes shut she reached his body grabbing his gun and slipping it into the back of her pants before grabbing his wallet and taking out over $50 bucks shoving it into her pocket before heading back down to the basement it would be the easiest way to get onto the street without walking back through the entire hospital and risk being caught.
Once she got out, an open exit though the ambulance bay she stepped onto the just New York street finally breathing some fresh air but that didn’t last long before she knew it she heard a familiar British accent her eyes snapped open and there they were running after her, she ran right through the oncoming traffic dodging cars and running the sidewalk till she came across a lone man about to get out of his car she pulled the gun from her pants and pointed it at him.
“Woah! Lady what the fuck!”
“Give me your fucking keys and your wallet right now!”
The man tossed his keys and his wallet her feet and move she picked them up she hit him with the butt of her gun and sped off. Once price and the others finally caught up all they saw was her burning rubber hitting a corner and a man with his forehead split open.
“Clever girl she is…”
“Bloody fucking fast too, I don’t even run like that in PT!”
Gas grunted before hunching over his hands on his knees trying to clam his breathing.
“I guess Laswell was tellin nae lies bout’ the bonnie lass she’s quick.”
“Lots of stamina still for someone who wasn’t eaten in days she must be starving by now.”
“She is, that’s where she’ll head next.”
After some terrible driving and almost killing two civilians she finally parks the stolen car in an alleyway two blocks away from a Waffle House and she gets out she finds another parked car by the side of the road and steals the tag off it and switching them out before heading to eat she was in fact starving so much so it hurt.
Once she got in she seated herself and a waitress brought her a menu. She smiled so sweetly down at her.
“Do you have any idea what you might want?”
“What can fifty bucks buy me?”
“Oh! Well…”
A pile of plates later, and the cook and waitress watching her eat like an animal with her hands she had finished wiping off her face with her sleeve and wiping her hands on her pants and left the bill on the table and walked out, she walked the two blocks back to her stolen car and slid into the back laying down on the seat.
The rain came down hard hitting the roof of the car like pellets it kept her up she couldn’t sleep she just looked out of the window watching the raindrops race and how the city lights shined through as of giver her, her own private show of color.
The solitude though was short lived and she was napped out of her trance by a knock at the window it’s them.
“Alright now lovie that’s enough running for now right? You come with us you won’t have to sleep in a cold car tonight.”
Soap pushed past pulling the door open.
“Ye know for someone whose name we don even know you’ve given us hell since we’ve gotten ye!”
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 2 months
Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok. So. The Yotsuba Arc.
While there isn't an insignificant minority of people in the fandom who share my train of thought, the two opinions I've really seen throughout my time with these motherfuckers (2017 to present) have been either A) the Yotsuba Arc is the worst part of the L v Kira but because Light became un-evil/they didn't try hard enough to make Lights characterization consistent or B) the Yotsuba Arc is the best part of the entire thing because Light became a precious uwu bean baby. While I can see how both of these opinions sprung from the ground, they are also BOTH WRONG
Allow me to explain:
It's made clear from the start that Light Yagami is not inherently an evil human being; just a judgement-challenged adolescent (as all are) who got kind of excited about the possibility of a magic notebook and didn't really consider the consequences of his actions. He asks himself "if someone dies, would that make me a murderer?" and then dismisses the question outright because "no one will die". While refusing to think through the philosophy and continuing on to test IF someone will die may seem callous (it is) it's not done out of apathy or hatred, just short-sightedness and curiosity (also age-typical. I say this as an 18 year old). We know this because, in the manga, he literally throws up when he realizes what exactly he's done. Also, we know that he never actually had a plan for the death note until AFTER he starts rationalizing away this really heinous, reprehensible act (that HE RECOGNIZES - "those were human lives, this can't be overlooked"), driving the point home. He starts writing names because he doesn't know how to live with what he's done otherwise. We watch him quickly spiral out of sanity (he's laughing five days in, roughly 60 names minimum).
I could elaborate on this as well but the point we're moving for here is leading to the Yotsuba arc.
The writing also goes out of its way to show that Light is not special in this regard. Misa Amane is just as flippant, if not more so, of human life, even though she was presumably a semi-normal, if traumatized, girl (especially considering what we see of her just literally living life through Gelus). Higuchi starts as an un-empathetic greedy business man and spirals into full manic cackling as he's on his way to slaughter likely an entire studio of people. Mikami... well, I really can't say anything about Mikami. He's just like that ig lmao.
On top of that, there's the assertion that the death note is a curse by Soichiro and L. Not literally, metaphorically... like watch the scene... but the point is the exchange has the purpose of philosophically pointing out that killing humans removes your own humanity as well. That's what Kira-Light is missing: humanity.
With that set up in mind, (and that set up is really the only reason we have to care about the Yotsuba arc, it's IMPORTANT), let's look at Yotsuba-Light.
It's at this point in the story that we ascertain not only what the manga/anime considers humanity, but also what it considers fundamentally LIGHT.
What changes with the revival of Light's humanity (take a shot every time I say humanity):
He is no longer willing to purposefully manipulate romantic emotions, and is in fact disturbed by the thought
He strongly values the preservation of human life, look at that scene where he poses as L
I wouldn't say he's more honest, but he's more open. He freely compliments, he fully faces people when they're speaking, (he gets those fuckin doe eyes GOD I wanna eat him), he expresses his emotions including anger, and he doesn't wait to be asked for his opinion, likely out of a desire to participate in general
He is genuinely upset when he realizes some of his hypothetical values align with Kira's enacted ones, because he thinks the method Kira went about accomplishing it was bad
What DOESN'T change (the fun part):
He's a snarky motherfucker (comments towards Ryuk + "that is his specialty" RUDE MY GOOD SIR)
He's damn good at lying when he wants to (all of his time as Kira + talking to Namikawa)
He's fucking brilliant. The loss of his memories does not reduce his ability to keep up with L in the slightest.
He cares about morality. That never changes, just his perception of it.
He is not interested in women
Whatever the hell that antagonistic punch you beat-for-beat dynamic is that he has with L 🤨
The entire point of the Yotsuba arc is to highlight these changes, highlight what exactly we're losing and how far Light is going, without even having to show us flashbacks into his boring past with no antagonistic morally dubious genius detective for him to bounce off of. It's an ingenuitive, inventive, honestly phenomenal piece of character-study stakes-raising writing all wrapped up as actually a huge master plan that eventually leads to Kira's win, and I would kiss Ohba and Obata on the mouth about it if they weren't so misogynistic. It's also why Light is my favorite character.
Also I'd like to point out that Light regains his humanity and is immediately attached 24/7 to literally the least human man you'll ever meet and they're both obsessed with each other, and I don't think the personal consequences of that is explored NEARLY enough. Personally the idea that the perception flips from "the 'good' detective catching the evil murderer and one of them is gonna kill the other" to "the morally-lacking torture-happy detective who is Not Amused by this change and will do his best to reverse it and Mr I Can Fix Him, Oh Wait" is a fairly appealing interpretation of that in that it's so fucking funny
I spent too long writing this and as such refuse to check it over so I hope it's coherent good luck I have a lot of feelings
Turning this ask over in my brain thank you. Firstly I have been made deeply aware of my own mortality because why are you YOUNGER THAN ME!!!!!!!! WHAT !!!!!!! okay. Okay!!!! hahaha. HAHHAHhh...
Secondly. Yeah no I think it’s interesting that Light has teenager level foresight. I personally subscribe to the notion that he does in fact have flashes of “hey wait maybe I shouldn’t do this, this is wrong” but he is actually an olympic gold medalist in cognitive gymnastics so the moments of clarity don’t last for very long. 
I really do love yotsuba arc light just because of, yeah, everything you said. It’s light sans the notebook. More importantly, it’s light before he went down “this dark and evil road” (thank you musical soichiro). We really don’t get this level of characterization fuel in a lot of other media, not where a character canonically becomes the guy they could have been without the events of the plot. It’s super fucking interesting and it’s fantastic food. Like. as a fic writer. It’s good to know what characterization bits are set in stone and fundamental to a guy and which ones are circumstantial and can be stretched or reinterpreted. Yotsuba light provides really compelling evidence to this question, as you said. He is absolutely fucking insane and sarcastic and a two faced piece of shit but he’s fundamentally not a maniacal murderer. He has the capacity for it, but not the will.
I really do love!! The yostuba arc!! Thank you for laying this all out lmfao i agree with you 100000% and i am shaking you about it. Thank you for “i can fix him” lawlight as an interpretation. I am rotating it so hard. This was lovely to read :]
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incesthemes · 11 days
since you asked me this question for wincest wednesday...what are YOUR headcanons on the boys' knowledge of languages? :o
YES THANK YOU!!!!!! :) i love talking about languages and supernatural and languages in supernatural
so when i first watched through the show, i actually had a pretty extensive list of languages i thought they would have reasonably acquired some knowledge on:
classical languages (latin, classical greek)
native north american languages (particularly of the siouan and uto-aztecan variety, and navajo, all for geographical reasons)
some modern italic languages (spanish, french, italian, etc), maybe less so modern germanic languages
some old norse (mainly via the two eddas)
some japanese, picked up later in the series and mostly by dean (to honor bobby's memory)
some other ancient or dead languages (aramaic, sumerian, old english, etc)
a very small spattering of enochian, whatever is available for humans to learn
american sign language (sam only)
my reasoning for this was for practical reasons: these are the languages of the cultures that the monsters they hunt originate from, and so the lore is going to be accessible only or predominantly through those languages. especially later in the series, you see them interacting with non-english texts quite often (whether or not they know the languages in question is up to that episode writer's whims, i guess, continuity be damned). i also like the interpretation of both sam and dean as being highly self-educated, and since they're both rather serious about hunting, this would be a natural extension of the knowledge they'd need to acquire to actually excel in their work. for this headcanon, i really like dean being more practical in his knowledge of languages and sam being more academic because it aligns with their areas of specialty in hunting :3
HOWEVER, when i started my rewatch, i also watched the pilot commentary with eric kripke, and he said something very striking to me:
Blue collar, low tech guys and their weaponry should be blue collar, greasy, worn down. It's always been really important to me. I'm mean—I'm just—I'm from a small town in Ohio, and you know, it's always been important to me that these guys just be, you know, Motorheads... and... love classic rock... and know how to handle a chainsaw, and that was to me, more interesting than—spells and magic. And... even to this day in the writer's room they always bring that stuff up, and I'm always like, 'Forget it! Where are the chainsaws?'
it's very obvious in the final product that this was the intention of course, and as i continued to watch i kept this vision in mind. there are three things that have stood out to me since then:
in 1x04, sam tells dean that "christo" is latin for god. it's actually greek (for christ, not god), and it would also be in the wrong declension, which could imply that sam actually isn't really familiar with greek or latin. this could imply that sam is actually just parroting something he's been told in the past (probably by john), without actually knowing it himself
in 2x04, dean flips through a book in ancient greek, and later when they dig up angela's coffin, they find more greek lettering on the inside. dean calls the letters "symbols" which could imply he's not familiar enough with greek to even know what kind of writing system it has, or to recognize greek writing for what it is. sam, too, seems equally baffled at the "symbols"
in 5x05, sam interviews a hispanic woman in somewhat awkward spanish. when dean asks about it, sam replies "freshman spanish," meaning he hasn't learned beyond a freshman, introductory level of the language, and that he learned it through formal education rather than on his own
these moments are super important to me because they really cut through the idea that sam and dean have extensive or even moderate training in foreign languages. instead, they paint the picture of rather sheltered kids who were largely kept away from the world or only limited in their exposure. i imagine, from this, that john was the one who did most of the research on their hunts, and if sam or dean participated they were relegated to controlled, prescribed roles. especially from the 1x04 example, i can extrapolate that they probably haven't examined the information they've been given too deeply; it implies a level of blind trust in john's skill, to the extent that sam isn't even aware of what language he's speaking in to reveal a demon.
as a result my most up-to-date headcanon is that sam and dean both grew up entirely monolingual, and that they didn't actually even start acquiring new languages (sam's freshman spanish exempted) until their network was cut out from under them (bobby's death and then garth's disappearance) and they found the bunker, with its myriad resources to research and study and its stability to house a library for those purposes. before then, i can see them picking up on very minor latin, like a few words here and there, but not actively pursuing any of this learning until they were forced to learn it themselves. what languages they know or how deep their knowledge goes is wildly contradictory in canon so that means i can do whatever i want, which is exactly the point where i wrap back around into my initial headcanon and start adding those languages back into their bunker era repertoire of skills.
(for the record i do generally have opinions about how much they each know of each of those languages and where their strengths in language learning lie, because i think WAY too much about this)
to my own dismay (as a lover of languages and linguistics), i've found this interpretation to be much more in-line with kripke's vision of the show, whether or not the more subtle details were intentional or not (seriously, who on the set of this show decided on "christo," i NEED to know). It also gives an interesting dimension to their early life as being highly sheltered and isolated and kept away from the hunting life while simultaneously being inescapably part of it.
this is a really long way of saying "monolinguals," but in my defense i've been building this interpretation and headcanon for nearly a year straight now. because i pay way too much undue attention to the use of language in supernatural.
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
Hi! I'm new on Tumblr so sorry if I trapass any line asking this.😅
Recently I read an immagine about our Batchers and their numbers and I noticed that they're a squad no? But normal clone squads are composed by 5 clones not 4.
And then I realised that 99 is the number of the clone force. What if the missing clone from the Bad Batch was in fact clone 99? And something happened in his gene modification and he turned out like that.
(I know it's long but I need a lot of word to express myself. Also English isn't my first language so sorry if there are any mistakes. Love your work btw☺️)
Hi there! Welcome ~
So, as far as I understand, Commando squads, such as the batch, are generally made up of four men.
For example, Delta Squad. Which is made up of Boss, Fixer, Scorch, and Sev.
The Batch follows a similar makes with Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, and Crosshair. With the same specialties.
Hunter/Boss being the squad leader. Tech/Fixer being the tech expert. Wrecker/Scorch being explosive ordinances expert. Crosshair/Sev being snipers.
Regular squads, such as Domino Squad, are set up a bit differently, being made up of five parts rather than four. Why this is, I have no idea. I can hazard a guess, based off of what I remember if their personalities, that the squads would have the same basic make-up as delta, but with an additional "face" person. You know, the charming one who is naturally good at dealing with civilian.
Of course. I could just be pulling this out my ass. It's entirely possible that squads are always made up of four men and domino squad is just weird.
As for 99...if I remember correctly, his proper designation is Alpha-99, which would put him in the same area as Alpha-17. If I remember correctly there was a problem with the increased aging gene with 99 so he aged a lot faster than his brothers and the Kaminoans didn't bother to try and fix it.
Although, perhaps 99 was meant to be their trainer? Which would explain why they have designations CT-9901 to CT-9904.
But really, this is just me rambling at this point. Train of thought writing, ftw lol.
And no need to worry about the language thing! You probably speak English better than I do and I'm a native speaker!
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forgloryforhonor · 3 months
may i ask if gintae can be considered as parallel characters? since they share a lot of similarities in values and all. what do you think? i love parallel characters as much as narrative foils
I always thought they were parallels as well as foils to each other
GinTae as Parallels
Roles in community and family
Both are in wish-granting or dream-fulfilling kind of business (otae in hospitality/hostess sector and Gintoki as an Odd Jobs guy)
Considered as bosses/leaders and top class in their specific areas of specialty
Aniki (boss man, big brother) / Anego (boss lady, big sister) persona
Gintoki is kind of the Joui Vanguard (in the Joui war he is the first to rush in, and in action scense he always works alone and is the first to deploy himself)
Otae is also first line of attack/offensive defense (Silver Soul Arc-Siege of Kabukichou)
both had strong mentors that defined their way of life and philosophy. Gintoki knew Shoyo best while Otae understood their father best.
Gintoki canonically sees himself as surrogate father to Kagura sometimes
Otae raised her brother on her own after their father died
Otae also wholeheartedly accepts the Anego title Kagura bestowed on him
Gintoki is considered by Shinpachi as his Aniki too
Speak and curse in the same kabukichou accent
both act as Boke (stupid man) to the other straight man characters (tsukkomi)
both tend to hurt the people they love in order to protect/save them
Both can be incredibly self-sacrificial and suicidal for others and for their core beliefs
Both can be truly cruel at insulting others and each other (fatphobia, ageism, classism, misogyny, etc)
both are very very good at finding each other's weakness and exploiting them to cause most damage (or get them to do what the other wants)
both are very good at finding/recognizing each other no matter where or when
both have been positive and negative change to each other in many ways
Friends and Admirers
Both of them have similar group of friends. They operate in the same circles.
both of them are well loved in their community for their strong leadership and cunning bastard personas
both of them have admirers that are mirrors of each other: Kondou-Sarutobi, Kyuubei-Tsukuyo
Both of then are parallels and foils of Hijikata
Both of them are used to mingling/hanging out with opposite sex and know how to play their charms well to their advantage
In my old posts, both Otae and Gintoki have preached the same things to other people at different points in time, which means they seriously have a lot of shared values and both live under the same life philosophy.
Them doing dogeza in Beam Saber Arc (nuff'said)
Their tragic future selves dying at the same time in Be Forever Yorozuya Movie and Novelization
Both risked their lives/ imprisonment/death penalty for Hijikata and shinsengumi
Otae earning Queen of Kabukichou title from Otose, Gintoki seen as Tatsugurou/Jirocho Protege
Similar Stands
Lots of manga panels where they mirror the same actions and dialogue on different pages
And etc
GinTae as Foils
Opposite Genders
Otae usually needs to be saved; Gintoki is usually one of the saviors
Gintoki can be quite a gourmet pastry chef and cook; Otae cannot cook ever
Different social classes / poverty level
Gintoki usually needs to be found, Otae does the finding (or is the cause) of the Yorozuya getting back together
Fighting style: Otae is rooted in reality and the traditional martial concepts; Gintoki is more freestyle, fantastical and wild
Fighting Style: Gintoki is Vanguard, Otae is backup/Rearguard or Home Defense/Baggage Train
Sexual experience: gintoki isnt a virgin and have slept with men and women, otae is a virgin through and through
I'm quite rusty on the GinTae nowadays so I hope you can suggest more too. But may I recommend my big essay "Otae's Involvement With The Odd Jobs" back in my older sideblog called @ukaiknowsbest ?
Thank you so much for the ask. I love questions like these.
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linkemon · 1 year
Boysband AU headcanons (4nemo) 1
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
For those unfamiliar with the concept, 4nemo is a group of anemo boys who started a boysband.
AN: it's very hard to keep up with haiku syllables in English but I'm trying my best to modify my orginal poetry.
When you were left without a job, but with a whole bunch of bills to pay, you decided to look for something new. The offer was quite enigmatic but it matched your qualifications. Attracted by the vision of money, you volunteered. You had to sign a non-disclosure agreement before you were hired and that was a bit of a bummer. Everything became clear when you were accepted as the manager of the not so long ago formed band 4nemo...
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✧ Quiet and mysterious type of man. At first you thought it was the label that made him look like that but you soon realized that it was not true. Xiao is like that in every way. Naturally, he has a lot of female fans who are attracted to his way of being. You can safely say thanks to your re-search that he has the most fans out of all team members. Not that he really cares because he doesn't like attention very much. At fan meetings, he always fidgets impatiently and wants to get away as fast as possible.
✧ In 4nemo he is a rapper. He's doing pretty well, though not great. Apparently, his mentor was a certain Zhongli. He's one of the few people you see him hanging out with that you initially thought were his family. You're pretty sure whatever his mentor was, he didn't teach him how to rap because the man is very calm and elegant.
✧ Xiao likes to sit quietly with you on the stairs sometimes. It's kind of your ritual. If he's not feeling well, he'll somehow catch you on your way out of the studio. You don't ask what exactly is bothering him because he won't tell you anyway. You stay like that together for a while, talking about various, unimportant things. You even fell asleep on his shoulder once but he didn't reproach you for it. He just woke you up brutally.
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Kaedehara Kazuha
✧ His specialty is dancing. Fans say he moves like he has the wind on his side. Perhaps because he trained martial arts in his childhood. He has offered you several times to join him as he practices new routine moves. He's managed to teach you a few things.
✧ He sometimes disappears and no one knows where he is. If he decides to hide, no one from the production will find him. You are one of the few people who are somehow able to locate Kazuha at almost any time. He was surprised himself.
✧ Kazuha likes to wander around the city. Preferably, however, surrounded by nature. Every frame he is allowed to record outside is a win. The same goes for photo sessions. There he seems to be in his environment. There was even a stereotype among the fans that if the music video has Kazuha and nature in the background, it must be a hit.
✧ The boy writes a lot of song lyrics. Most end up in a drawer but he showed you some sketches. On the side, he also writes poetry, saying it helps him. He wrote a haiku for you to thank you for your work for the team:
Bright glow of night light
Flowing the eternal wind
Our biggest support
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✧ He's the best at singing. Still, he also has the ability to play multiple instruments and if only the record label would let him, he would definitely use it on every single hit. All he has to do is satisfy the audience's hunger with covers or short videos showing his skills.
✧ He is the biggest prankster of the four. If there's one thing for sure, it's that every joke comes from Venti. Whether verbal or prank. He recently added a tinted shampoo to Kazuha's bottle and now the boy has red tips left on his hair. He left them for the fans, although you had to convince him a lot. The culprit, of course, ran away for the day.
✧ Venti had several scandals. Mainly related to him being in clubs. Some of them were not known to a wider audience but fans still remember his drunken incident when he sang a hit from the latest album (not yet published at the time) and someone recorded it. Somehow he always gets away with the public and that's probably the only reason he hasn't been fired yet. The label knows fans would probably boycott them.
✧ He loves social media. Even if he's given instructions not to involve you as a manager or limit it in the photos, he does it anyway. He vlogs non-stop. Tomorrow he will definitely post a picture of what he eats for dinner so that everyone will know...
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✧ Group leader. Very attached to his sister, which you noticed almost immediately. It was thanks to her that he even came to the preliminaries before 4nemo was founded. Lumine travels a lot but calls her brother very often. Very often you picked up a phone call from her to let her know there was a rehearsal still going on so she can't talk with her brother now. The boy often misses her and home but he tries to put on a brave face. You comforted him several times because he couldn't handle it.
✧ Modest is the word that defines him. Aether does not take credit for most meritorious achievements. This can be seen, among other things, in his speeches. He also mentioned you there, saying that no one sees your work behind the scenes. You were extremely touched. You have to constantly remind him how important he is because he will always forget about himself.
✧ He supports the whole group. Guys seem to orbit around him and you quickly noticed how he binds them together. He's the one in charge who will make a normal breakfast instead of stuffing himself with anything like Venti, nothing like Xiao or anything quick like Kazuha.
✧ Aether likes to ask what you think about their performances. He is very open to criticism and will definitely try to improve what you tell him at the next show.
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hughjidiot · 10 months
Total Drama Island Reboot Season Two: Episodes 2, 3 and 4
Okay wow, was not expecting three new episodes at once. Again I am baffled by both the local and international release schedules. But I'm continuing to watch and enjoy this reboot, here are my rough impressions of all the characters in all three episodes. Spoilers below the cut, obviously.
Chase is out second. Pretty obvious boot with how he behaved in the challenge, but that's just how TDI is sometimes. Glad he went early if I'm being honest since his whole subplot with Emma had run its course and there wasn't much more to get out of Chase. Speaking of which though...
Emma was out fourth, which kind of surprised me. I thought she might get an arc of finally forgetting about Chase and moving on, but then she goes and gets eliminated. Maybe they're saving an Emma arc for if gen 4 gets a third season? Who knows. A little disappointing but not a huge loss.
And between them, Millie is out third. Not surprising if I'm being honest; Millie had a chance to train up to be a stronger player with Priya's help, but neglected to actually study for it. And then in episode 2 when she tries to think creatively to help her team win, her lack of social skills is what did her in when she failed to consider how pissed her team would be for tricking Damien down the most dangerous slide. Her elimination feels like a natural consequence of her own actions and shortcomings instead of the contrived coincidences that Total Drama was guilty of many times in past seasons.
Then there's Damien himself. So far he still hasn't done a whole lot, but he's definitely shown to have become more self-confident with the way he called out Millie and how he was willing to brave that rickety bridge in episode 3. Time will tell if he makes it far.
Zee continues to be hilarious. Not really having much of an impact in terms of plotlines with other characters, but he always gets a laugh out of me. "Not thinking is my specialty!"
Gotta say, I thought Priya would have at least shown a little more of a reaction to her bestie being voted off. Still her plotline with Caleb is interesting. I can picture this leading to drama down the road where she realizes Caleb has just been trying to build an alliance rather than flirt with her. Or who knows, maybe Caleb will develop genuine feelings for her and it becomes a ship. Could go either way.
Speaking of Caleb, he represents the biggest difference between the writing of the reboot and previous seasons. Not once does the show portray him as antagonistic in trying to manipulate Priya into an alliance; he's just trying to form a strong partnership to make it farther in the game. Helps immensely that Caleb isn't actively cruel like Heather and Alejandro; he's genuinely chill despite his determination. Him literally carrying most of his team in episode 3 was awesome, not gonna lie.
Nichelle continues to dominate and be awesome in challenges. However I can't help but notice she's not really trying to get close to anyone, like Caleb is with Priya for example. I have a feeling that could come back to bite her if people vote her off for being a potential threat ala Caleb in season one.
I'm loving Axel so far. She's much better about being a team player but also hasn't lost her edge. I also like how we're getting depth to her, like her love of poetry. And then there's her romance with Ripper which I did not see coming. More on that later.
Holy shit, I was hoping for more of the MK/Julia alliance, but I wasn't expecting this much! I'm loving MK's unorthodox strategy of disguising as an intern to get inside information, it's very unique.
Oh and MKulia might become a thing. "Oh stop it, you'll make me blush!" "If MK's brain drove a cool car, I would totally date it." Watching these episodes I was like Wait are they gonna go there? Oh my god they might actually go there! And if they do, I am here for it!
Wayne and Raj continue to be very wholesome and hilarious! I love the dynamic they bring to Team Skunk Butt, wanting to play fair while Julia and MK cheat. And stuck in the middle...
is Bowie. I'm loving the drama of his character arc: he's still willing to pull the same underhanded tactics he used in season one and is all in on MK's strategy, but now has Wayne and especially Raj are acting as his morality pets. Some are predicting this could lead to a Rajbow break up, but I honestly don't think they'd do that. What I think will happen is Team Skunk Butt loses a challenge despite MKulia cheating again with Bowie's knowledge, Bowie feels terrible, and to make it up he offers to eliminate himself if one of the Hocky Bros is about to be voted off.
Last but not least, Ripper. Gonna be honest, he was my least favorite of gen 4 in season one; I didn't care for his focus on gross-out humor and he survived eliminations over characters I liked more. I didn't expect much from him going into season two so I was blindsided here. Not only is his gross out humor significantly toned down (but still present) but he proved to be quite endearing with his insecurity over his crush on Axel. I was especially stunned in episode four when he actually tried to connect with Axel's interest in poetry and actually wrote a poem for her, something I could never see season 1 Ripper doing. And Axel reciprocating with a kiss despite not seeming interested in him earlier? My haw hit the floor. Before I was hoping he'd be an early boot, but now I find myself actually wanting to see Ripper stick around and see where things go with him as a character and his potential relationship with Axel. I... actually like Ripper now, which is a sentence I never thought I'd say.
A few minor issues aside, I am loving this new season so far. I haven't genuinely enjoyed Total Drama since the original TDI 15 years ago.
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androxys · 3 months
you can't just say that and not drop the character type specialties? the people want to know
Okay so here are some thoughts about a hypothetical Batman x Pokemon crossover that I'm almost definitely not going to write, but which has been on my brain.
I think Damian is the protagonist of this story, where he's going on his Pokemon journey and leaving home to try to find his father. These are the theoretical gym leaders:
I think Dick would be the first "gym leader" encountered, and is a flying type specialist
Jason is a ground type specialist, and his ace is a Cubone
Tim is actually a normal type trainer, but his "gimmick" is making sure his team is all double-typed for versatility
Stephanie is a fire type specialist, and I think her "thing" is that she specializes in double battles
Cassandra is a fighting type specialist whose strategy is maxing her team's Attack and Speed
Kate is a ghost type trainer who focuses on evasion, making her fiendish to get a hit on
Duke is an electric trainer, and the most "competitive" in his technique. He utilizes strategies like electric terrain and status conditions to full effect
Bruce is, as the dark knight detective himself, a dark type trainer and the eighth gym leader
If Damian is the protagonist, he's going to have a diverse team that he builds, though I have a soft spot for him as a bug trainer.
Maps is his "rival" character, and she's a fairy type specialist.
And I guess in this hypothetical plot once Damian has found Bruce, he gets trained to go against the E4 made up of the rogues? Maybe? IDK, I just think it would work to have Ivy/Grass, Scarecrow/Psychic, Freeze/Ice, Joker/Poison, and Ra's/Dragon.
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tytarax2 · 2 months
hi! how are you doing? I love your content and was hoping you could write relationship headcanons for liquido and Zoom Zahir (Sultan FC's captain) Thank you and don't forget to drink water<3
Hey there anon! I'm doing fine, thanks for asking <3
Sure thing, also don't forget to be hydrated
I got lazy today so, no cover images
And I'm also here like really embarrassed because of what happened in the Copa America in Colombia - Argentina final, with the Colombian extreme fans (called inchas here)
He’s the chill but very protective kind of bf
Any nicknames he comes up with for you are food-related. idk why
Those nicknames don’t always have to make sense though, and as long as they have a nice ring to them, Liquido is content.
You’re “the mozerella to his cheese”, “his precious chicken nugget”- and he’s lovin’ it. 
the dude is not really a jealous person, but he does have a habit of picking fights with people who seem interested in you.
In those cases, he’ll get really into the face of whoever thought they could hit it off with you and wouldn’t even shy away from fist-fighting that person
dates mostly take place in cafes, restaurants, bars
sometimes they can be interrupted by fans or coach's calls though- but even when that happens, he’s got his ways to deal with it
he’d be into spoonfeeding each other
intentional bites, like lovebites though...
Liquido isn’t one to put his feelings into deep words, but you can definitely count on random declarations of love coming out of nowhere.
Like when he’s done training and you hand him a towel- boom, there’s his cue to get all smooth and romantic
tons of hugs from behind!!! Surprise hugs like that are basically his specialty.
His face often just pops up next to yours and within seconds, he’ll turn your head towards his so he can steal a quick kiss.
Zoom Zahir
So that's his name?
I mean, if I usually say that all football babes spoil you…
Don't get me started with him
He's from Sultan FC come on
The fact is that this man spoils you like crazy
"I'm serious babe, I don't want anything too special for my birthday."
"Yes, yes, you don't have to repeat it to me, simple birthday"
"What is that thing in the garden shaped like an airplane wrapped in gift paper?"
Yea, something like that every year
There are a lot of unspoken words as he’s not one for flattery, but his actions speak for him.
He particularly enjoys taking you out on late-night walks
He has lots of things to do, so he likes to organize strict schedules so that he has enough time for you
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
Hiii! ❤️
First of all I just want to sing your praises again for your amazing LxMCxG fic! I’m still trying to recover 🥵
Second, since you’re pretty much the queen of writing Leander now, I wanted to make a request! I was going through your master list and noticed you have those fluffy happy family fics for all the boys except Leander. So I was hoping to request that whenever you can! (Assuming you haven’t already been asked for this!)
Keep up the awesome work and thanks again for getting me on the Leander train hahaha!
Thank you so much 💜 I appreciate you taking the time to message me. I would love to write this!
The First Laugh
Leander Prewett x F!MC (Mrs Prewett)
Fluffy family fic, little bit of spice 🌶💓
The staff room was warm and cosy, the smell of freshly brewed tea and baked cookies reached his nose as Leander walked through the door. He stifled a yawn and grabbed a seat, rubbing his face with his hand.
"Are you alright, lad?" Sharp asked. He eyed Leander over his tea cup. "Late night?"
Leander groaned and reached for the tea pot. "Well, not exactly," he said. "The baby kept us awake most of the night, he wouldn't settle, no matter what we tried."
Sharp gave him a look of sympathy but shrugged. "Sadly, I cannot help you there, lad. Babies aren't exactly my specialty."
Leander waved him off, fighting back yet another yawn. "It's alright. I might send an owl to my mother for advice."
"Maybe you should make use of professors quarters here at the castle and get a decent night's sleep," Sharp suggested.
"Oh, I couldn't do that," Leander said. "It's bloody tiring, but I could never leave MC to deal with it alone. Besides, William is my son too. I want to be there for him."
Sharp gave a nod but couldn't help look a little perplexed.
MC stood at the kitchen sink and stared at the mountain of washing up. Her hair was a mess and there was baby sick on her third clean blouse of the day. Her bones ached with exhaustion and little William would likely be awake again in about half an hour.
She thought she might cry. Being a mum was hard. Harder than she ever imagined. But she wouldn't give up. How could she? One look at baby William's gorgeous blue eyes and she forgot every hour's sleep lost, every exploding nappy, every screaming cry.
Her beautiful son. In fact, MC wandered out of the kitchen, blowing off the washing up, to go and stand and stare at William while he slept. This was one of her favourite ways to pass the time. Not catching up on her own sleep, or being a good house wife, but basking in the love she had for her baby.
This was where Leander found her when he returned home from his day of classes at Hogwarts. Dead on his feet, he hurried to find her, pausing in the doorway a moment at the sight before him.
His wife and his son. How did he get so lucky? He had to ask himself that everyday.
He crept up behind MC, his arms encircling her waist. He pressed a kiss to her neck. "Hello beautiful," he whispered.
She sighed. "Less of the beautiful, sadly," she said. "I'm sorry if I smell of sick. It's been a day."
Leander peered down into the crib at the chubby rosy cheeks, the perfect little mouth and the tiny curled fists of his son. "Look how amazing he is," he murmured.
"I know," MC smiled. "I love him so much it hurts."
Leander kissed her cheek, and then gave her bottom a cheeky squeeze. "Go get in the bath, relax, I will watch him," he said.
MC turned to look up at him. "But, what about your dinner?"
He shrugged. "I ate at work. I'm fine. Go on, get in the bath. I can fix you a sandwich if you're hungry."
MC smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him. "Have I told you today that I love you?"
"You could always tell me again," he said. He kissed her back, harder. His hands appreciating the soft curves of her hips.
MC glanced down at baby William and then gave her husband a little smirk. She grabbed his hand. "Come on."
With a baby due to wake, there was no time for the gentle build up. MC tugged at Leander's trousers, pulling them loose as she sat down on the edge of their bed. Leander was working on her blouse, eager to get his hands on her swollen breasts.
MC moaned and arched upwards as he entered her, wrapping her legs up around him as he began to thrust. It was hot and quick, but fun, both of them biting back their groans of pleasure. They wanted to hang on to every precious moment alone.
They lay on the bed, clothing in disarray, limbs entangled. Leander kissed MC slow and deep. "I love you," he whispered.
A small, snuffling cry sounded from the room next door. MC grinned and kissed her husband on the nose. "Your turn," she said.
As Leander was changing William, he was chatting away to him, telling him all sorts of nonsense about his day. MC was getting dried after her bath, listening to him natter on and William was making the most adorable cooing noises back to him.
MC wrapped a robe about herself and walked into the bedroom. She came up beside them as Leander was pulling on William's sleep suit, his long fingers brushing up against William's tiny armpit.
A tiny, adorable giggle slipped from his cherub lips. Leander stilled, eyes staring widely, then he looked up at MC, who was equally stunned.
"Did he...was that..." Leander stuttered.
MC felt tears spring into her eyes. "He laughed!"
"That was the first time, right? Tell me it was the first time," Leander said.
She nodded, laughing in delight herself.
"Gods," Leander breathed. He scooped up William half dressed as he was and held him close. He put his arm around MC so they could all cuddle together. "I can't believe I was here to witness it with you. I feel like I miss so much being gone all day."
"I'm glad you were here too," MC said. She smoothed a gentle hand over William's baby soft red hair. "We both miss you when you're gone."
"It's things like this that make all the sleepless nights worth it, isn't it," Leander said. "I wouldn’t change it for anything."
MC leant her head against his shoulder. She couldn't agree more.
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