#topic: legality
onepiece-oc-archives · 2 months
is is ever mentioned when you're officially an adult in the one piece world? because Luffy sets sail at 17 and Koby joins the marines with 16, so perhaps you're considered an adult by that age? But according to Sabo you become a world noble at 18? (aren't you one either way if you're born into a noble family?) But then again, if Sabo wasn't (as some say) planned from the beginning, perhaps one should not place much value in this reasoning - idk. It rather feels like you're considered an adult at 16/17... since the other younger strawhats were also more or less on their own out their (or in Sanji's case having an actual job)... and then again there's Bonney who is 12 by the time she arrives in Sabaody with her own crew so... then there's that^^ (but she might be an expection since she usually looks like she's an adult)
Hi, thanks a lot for your question!
I don't think there's a set age for when you're an adult and in a lot of cases it probably doesn't really matter. Why? Because we're in a world of pirates and many children and teenagers have to learn how to fend for themselves early on, that's just the cruel reality. I'll try to give some ideas regarding the examples you gave and then name my headcanons for what I think the more "official" age limits might be.
First of all, I'd say Bonney is outright disqualified because of her devil fruit. One Piece doesn't really have a form of ID, so they can't check her age, but even if they could... you can't tell me Bonney wouldn't have a fake ID or get her way either way because she's a pirate.
Luffy setting sail at 17 is most likely because Ace sat sail at 17. Also, Luffy is Luffy, so he probably doesn't care about age limits.
I wouldn't say that Sanji having a job is really an issue here because cabin boys are common amongst pirates and so are kids helping out chefs in kitchens. Also, he begged for that job on his first ship and then got given the job by Zeff when they opened Baratie. They did open Baratie together, even though Sanji was a kid, so I can't see him not getting a job here. Who knows if he actually got paid either. I don't think we can apply our definition of what constitutes a job in this case.
Now with Sabo and Koby is where it gets interesting, so this is where I'm gonna get into my own headcanons.
I think the One Piece world might be working with similar age limits/requirements as we do here in Germany. That means you're legally considered of age when you're 18, but you already get to make some important legal decisions when you're 16, very rarely also as early as 14, usually with a legal guardian's approval.
Why do I think this is the case? Being of age with 18 lines up with what you said about Sabo and becoming a Celestial Dragon. Yes, you're born a Celestial Dragon but you probably only get the full privileges of one when you're of age - so, most likely 18. Koby joining the military 16 wouldn't work here in Germany, but it's only one year off and I'm pretty sure the bar used to be lower - which, One Piece takes place in a more historical-esque setting, so we can probably assume 16 would be the minimum age requirement. Especially with the Marines being this present in day-to-day life and supported by the Government.
Why did I say Germany instead of any other country with the same age limit? Well, on one hand because I live here, but also because of one specific reason: Alcohol. Usopp (at least in the live action) got completely wasted at Baratie and I'm pretty sure Baratie is a place that would check your ID if you wanted a drink (at least if it's running normally, not like when Koby and Helmeppo showed up). Usopp is 16 but he still managed to get wasted, most famously off that huge bowl of fruit punch or whatever that was. I'm very sure that that stuff would fall into the category of drinks you'd be allowed to get at 16 in Germany. Light alcohol like wine and beer at 16, hard stuff at 18. Some more hints towards it being like that in the One Piece world too are that Zoro and Nami had no problems getting rum, which is hard alcohol, and they're 19 and 18 respectively. Helmeppo was also easily able to order shots for himself and Koby and he's 20 at that time. What we can definitely be sure of is that the limit isn't 21.
Whatever the age requirements are, I believe that, while they would be universal for anything involving the Marines or the Government and probably be enforced too, in the realm of pirates they don't really matter. Like, as a bartender, are you really going to deny a pirate crew some vodka for their 14-year-old cabin boy? It's either you give alcohol to a kid and maybe pay a fine or you lose a limb - I think the answer is very clear. Different kingdoms could probably adjust the age requirements to their liking, but I don't think they could lower them too much. But I don't know, that's just speculation at this point.
All in all, being in adult in the world of One Piece probably depends a lot more on the respect people have for you and how independent you are than your age.
I hope these rambles helped at all - have a lovely day!
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sergle · 11 months
(re: sssniperwolf and jacksfilms) It's laughable that she escalated it that hard. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty sure stalking him like that is illegal and it's terrifying regardless, but Jack said in a stream (can't remember which one) that he wasn't about bringing up past controversies of hers or cancelling. And now she shows up outside his house (wtf!!!). Like he was willing to only call her out for stealing and freebooting but she's gone and stalked him and Jack doesn't seem like the type of guy to take that shit. Actual WTF moment from her part. wild
omg long post below bc apparently I have opinions: YES!! THAT'S WHAT'S SO INCREDIBLE ABOUT THIS... Jack has been genuinely diligent about keeping things on-topic in his streams, and hasn't brought up any of her other Stuff, or anything Personal. Despite the fact that she kickstarted the whole thing by making it INCREDIBLY personal and attacking his physical appearance... His goal has been to call out and bring attention to content theft, and he's stuck with it. Dude's also cared about this for years, and she's not the first content thief he's criticized. He just hates the way that freebooting has become so accepted-- to the point where youtube praised her for "coming up with such creative video ideas"? Hey! Ew! Dude wasn't trying to get her cancelled though, there was no smear campaign of her character. He's been rallying to get her to CREDIT the creators that she relies on for all of her content. It would set a precedent for all other "react" channels on the platform for one of the biggest channels on youtube to actually give credit where credit is due. Or, god forbid, get permission first? It's not hard. It's already done the job of making some other people who do "react content" self-analyze whether or not their content is transformative, and to maybe care about crediting the creators they rely on for their genre to work. There is a way to make this kind of video that isn't so slimy. And making fun of her lackluster-at-best reactions is so far from even being a big deal. Bc she literally does just sit there and say nothing. Plus, his goal has a clear End built into it: if she started shouting out the creators she takes content from, and put links directly to their pages in her video descriptions, the job would be done! That's what he's asking her to do. Real bare minimum stuff. It legit would have been easy to steer away from the content theft and to also talk about her history of lying to her audience! her ghosting a dying kid with cancer who was a big fan of hers! the fact that she's been arrested for armed robbery! her history of transphobia! He would also get more clicks that way, which is what she claims is his sole goal- to get more clicks. I'll bring it up though! She's been a terrible person the whole time, and has kept a steady course of manipulating her audience of young children and/or, let's be completely honest, simps- into thinking that she's a Wholesome creator. (And now, into thinking she's an innocent victim.) All of the actual effort put in by her has gone toward optics, not the content she puts out. A carefully constructed online persona, for one, but also literal appearances. Jack totally can't say this, bc she already went off the handle and said the only reason he doesn't like her is bc he Hates To See A Woman Be Successful. But I can! That was a cheap shot for her to use that argument when, for once, it's not applicable! Much the opposite, even! Dudes online wouldn't go to bat for her if she didn't look the way she does. And it weakens any case she'd have against him by making baseless claims like that. She banks hugely on being an attractive woman to get her clicks/following. A massive amount of effort is put into her appearance. The makeup, the lip fillers, putting her hair in little pigtails, the chokers and tube tops, the big non-prescription Nerd Glasses, the thumbnails where she has her mouth open in That Expression?
I don't even have to say anything. But making a weird facial expression and putting your hair in pigtails aren't moral failings. Showing up at someone's real life home (whose address you shouldn't even have access to), filming the front of their house at night, doxxing them to your audience of millions of people? Because you were mad at them online? That is fully scary! Yeah girl I'm pretty sure that Jack can press charges! There is absolutely no way to take the moral highground now that she's literally stalked him, and doxxed his home. She tried to goad him and Erin (Jack's wife) out of the house, also, which creeps me out even more-- because what was she planning to do? The fact that she's been arrested for violent crime before does pop into my mind! lmao! Jack was streaming a game at the time that she was outside his home, and these clips of him, his friends, and Erin reacting in real time to what is genuinely a scary situation have been taken down in case he needs to use them in legal action. Shit is legitimately serious!
#sergle answers#long post#LONGEST POST ON EARTH I'M SO SORRY#saying all this out loud only takes a few minutes but typing it... girl this is a BOOK#clearly I have thoughts on this Online Drama but also this isn't online!#these are people who exist in real life. and compromising a person's safety bc he criticized you for stealing tiktoks#is a real life thing. this isn't confined to online spaces! you can turn off your computer to get away from An Argument#but someone going to your house?? that's absolutely terrifying#and all of this is just because he's been telling her to credit the creators. it could have been resolved so simply.#I hope he takes legal action against her bc he genuinely has grounds to do so.#and I can't imagine how terrified and upset I would be if someone was outside my door. filming my house for their audience.#also the 'what if the roles were reversed' argument is rarely made in good faith... but she's already brought up the topic.#this would be getting even more coverage and the optics would be Even Creepier if a strange man with millions of followers showed up#at the home of a woman- just bc she criticized his videos- filming her home address for all to see and trying to get her to come outside.#It's just as creepy that sssniperwolf did this as it would be coming from ANYONE else#it's been downplayed bc her being a little skinny woman means that A Man shouldn't be threatened by her#which. even if she wasn't going to Do anything. any one of her rabidly loyal online followers MIGHT. she's not the only one who could go to#his house now! anyone could show up.#sergle.txt#Jacksfilms#Sssniperwolf
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briony-poisoned · 2 months
I believe the victims and Neil Gaiman is quite clearly a predator, but it is absolutely bonkers that the podcast breaking this story is hosted by Boris Johnson’s fucking sister. What is even going on in the UK
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fruitless-vain · 3 months
Today was scary
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pommunist · 5 months
i'm.... going to be that person again cause hi o/ i've done professional translation -subtitling, proofreading, typesetting and script translation- for film in latin america (where im from) and..... 1$ per minute was kind of.... the standard payment for translation and even a little high....
and even with that, i was lowballed by other translators MULTIPLE times (i had multiple instances of people telling me my rates were "too high for them". yes at 1$ a minute for translation, and then 2$ extra each minute for syncing and typesetting)
even when i worked with an european (german) company as an outsourced translator, this was more or less the expected rate
so idk. im once again sitting here in the "let me stay in my corner cause this is just standard pay for me" and it's the weirdest feel im not gonna lie
Thanks for the input !
After a quick research on this (adding it to the long list of random stuff i’ve googled because of this situation), it seems like translation pay rates can vary a lot depending on :
-Your country of residence
-The currency of said country
-The language pairing your working with
Seems like the consensus though is that translation work in general tends to be heavily underpaid 🫠🫠
For this admin’s case (who is from brazil from what I understand), SINTRA (Brazilian translators union) recommends a rate of around 6$/minutes for videos subtitles but yeah idk exactly what the average rates for EN>PT translation are, in any case it should be enough to offer a good hourly salary for translators.
Moment of silence for Lumi and any others in a similar situation who got a grand total of 0$ for her translations btw
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aromantic-diaries · 1 year
My favorite thing about running a somewhat popular aro (and often ace) blog is the assumptions that aphobes occasionally make about me as a person because they automatically projected some asexual strawman onto me as soon as they read my post. I hate to tell you but you know nothing about me
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ekubogender · 2 years
Dimple being the only one who knows how to do math at spirits & such is so funny to me. Of all the things to retain from your past life
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brother-emperors · 5 months
Could we get more thoughts on the possessiveness of your version of Pompey please?
a lot of it has to do with wanting everything sulla had and more, and crassus is at that very fun intersection of something sulla had and more. so naturally. he wants crassus in every way sulla had him, and in every way sulla did not. and he'll never get crassus coming to him (like crassus went to sulla) but he can get something else that is more valuable on this stage of politics: a partner.
crassus' own attitude is complementary to pompey's, since he decided to be co consuls with pompey! more than once! in a way, crassus bet his life on pompey. wow.
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ms-hells-bells · 6 months
not western online weirdos mass attacking a random kpop girl because she bought a drink from starbucks. what do you think the chances are of this random korean teen that likely didn't even graduate highschool, and spends her days living at a company and practicing dances and doing photoshoots knows about the intricacies of the global companies that have presence in israel or ceo statements about the israel-palestine conflict. these people are insane. this is not normal behaviour.
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communistkenobi · 11 months
It reminds me of why the stop the steal people lost their legal challenges to Biden’s election. It’s not that it’s impossible for right wing people to use legal architecture to halt democratic processes (cf Bush v Gore), it’s that they did it in an openly stupid and nonsensical way. In terms of American fascism I think the lessons they’re learning re: interacting with institutional power is that they can’t use twitter posting tactics in the courtroom
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cistematicchaos · 8 months
im so tired of the casual ableism surrounding covid yall. living in a household where it is not taken seriously is wearing me down to a nub. this is so fucked.
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potassiumprincess · 5 months
will adrien keep the orange shoes this, will adrinette break up that...
when are we as a fandom going to discuss the important things, like how emilie agreste has secretly been mr. banana this whole time?
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neorazorhands · 7 months
Tumblr media
wanted to test out a new rendering style! 😊🌸✨ really loved part 40 so I wanted to do some fanart for it 🕊️🕊️🕊️
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sevens-evan · 22 days
diy hrt is obviously a net positive for the world and i think it's fine to promote information about it but it is crazy how a) a lot of the people who do promote it have an insane superiority complex about how much better and braver they are than people who go through a medical institution and b) how many of them actually know nothing about it. saw a diy person on here the other day talking abt how finasteride "is well known to literally only affect hair loss and not do anything else" and it's like. it's true that finasteride use in trans men is not studied and anecdotal reports vary wildly but if you know Literally Anything, Even A Single Thing about what finasteride actually does in the body and what dht does as a hormone you would know that's a stupid thing to say. which leaves one to conclude that that person Thought they knew what they were talking about without doing even a single second of googling. not good!
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mellomadness · 3 months
I just fell down a rabbit hole about (legal) body disposal and part of me is so anxious wishing I could tell the FBI agent monitoring my internet searches that I’m just morbidly curious and I’m not planning on dying anytime soon (or planning anything ELSE, for that matter)
#I swear I’m innocent#I just didn’t know there were multiple types of cremation#and then I got curious about other legal burial/body disposal methods#and then I learned that you can have your ashes basically made into a starter reef in the ocean????#THERE HAVE BEEN SO MANY ADVANCEMENTS IN BODY DISPOSAL AND PREP GUYS ITS KINDA INSANE#YOU CAN MAKE YOUR BODY INTO SOIL!! which seems like it would be easy but apparently it’s a rather new advancement!!#and I mean like proper soil not just like. decomposed and mushed up remains I mean like Actual Human Compost#hi I’ve always been interested in morbid topics I swear#I’m not insane I just love the art of the funeral and the way we honor the dead#I always thought I wanted to donate my body to the army to have them drop my remains out of a plane#but uh… becoming part of the coral reef and helping sustain the reefs is definitely a more appealing option now#and like I always knew you could do the become a tree thing but there’s more options for that too!!#also there’s multiple ways to cremate and two of the three that I’ve researched don’t use an incinerator!!#they use a mix of water and highly alkaline chemicals?? which is so cool?? I thought the only way to get ashes from a body was to burn it#but apparently not!!#dude. science is so fucking cool#mortuary science is so fucking cool specifically#alright to the FBI agent assigned to me: sorry if I’m flagging shit with these searches I’m trying to keep the wording respectful#and non-incriminating lmaoooo#MelloMoans#mortuary science#morbid curiosity#funeral services#I guess??
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lindensea · 1 month
Just learned that my mom got my dad's hospital bills and kinda wanna burn down the country now
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