#too little thyroid hormone
wellextol · 5 months
Your Thyroid, Your Metabolism: How a 30-Second Technique Can Change Your Life After 35
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dalishthunder · 1 month
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wanderingsoul6261 · 2 months
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Credit for gif goes to creator, cinevettel
A Hint of Green
James Beaufort x Reader
Synopsis: Reader promised to support the Beaufort twins no matter what, having been friends with them for years. Reader adores Lydia, but loves James. But what happens when a certain scholarship student gets in the way?
Warning: only some swear words
P.S, a little self reflective because I've been dealing with thyroid and iron issues. Also, to the person that requested this, I'm sorry if this isn't particularly what you wanted. I'm a tad sick and so grammar and spelling might not also be the greatest.
(Y/N) was a creature of habit and instinct. She did things as they appeared normal for her, doing them in ways that she was used to, as if any other way would stress her out and be too overwhelming to complete. And she has made it work.
One of these such habits? Hanging out with the Beaufort twins. Who are often arrogant but not enigmatic as many thought them to be. Or at least, that's what (Y/N) thought.
But it was also surprising to many because (Y/N) was plenty different from most heirs and children of millionaires. She wasn't arrogant. She didn't use her parents' money as an advantage. And maybe that was why the twins were so drawn to her. She was real. (Y/N) was herself. They could be themselves around her. No trying to please or live up to the expectations held by their fellow classmates, the professors, or even their parents. They could just be, and that was enough.
When it was just Lydia and (Y/N), they did typical girl stuff. It was actually more Lydia doing the girl stuff and (Y/N) reading a book. Lydia appreciated her company nonetheless. She allowed Lydia to talk about Mr. Sutton when she knew she couldn't talk to anyone else.(Y/N) had created a safe place for Lydia. And it was something that both Lydia and James were grateful for.
When it was James and (Y/N), things might have been a tad different. They were agreeably closer. They went for walks together. Studied for the Oxford interviews. Sat in silence listening to music, often resulting in (Y/N) gazing softly at James as he closed his eyes, basking in the moment.
She allowed them to be them.
The three studied together. They went to parties together, even if parties weren’t much of (Y/N)’s thing. But it didn't matter, because James or Lydia was always right there. And they were there for her when she started having health issues and finally diagnosed with hypothyroidism and iron deficiency anemia. They were there for her when she got frustrated with the constant testing and the changing of meds. They knew that it was affecting her hormones and understood it would take time to balance back out. And she was thankful for them. That they never took her snappy comments and fatigued laiden excuses to heart.
(Y/N) knew it before, but when the Twins understood her health issues just as much as her parents did, when no one else would, it had only strengthened her want to support them and be there for them in every way that they were there for her.
And she did just that.
As much as it was wrong and someone should have been told, she saw how happy Lydia was with Mr. Sutton. Although, (Y/N) was certain that she could never look at him in the same way ever again.
She ultimately supported James when he started spending time with Elaine. Even if it hurt and it pained her, because deep down, her heart held a place for him, just waiting for him to come and take it. But she knew he was doing it for Mortimer, being the golden child of the twins. Although she didn't like Mortimer nor the way he treated either one of his children, she supported James wanting to please his father. Didn't mean that she didn't stress to James about being his own person.
And then Ruby Bell came into the picture.
(Y/N) was there for Lydia when she walked up to the group of them at the poolside of their home. James caught (Y/N)’s gaze from where he sat in the pool, her stomach doing a flip before the two went to Lydia, where they found out that Ruby Bell had walked in on her and Mr. Sutton. She was also there for her when ultimately, Lydia would tell her that she was pregnant.
(Y/N) didn't necessarily support James' way of trying to buy Bell out, regardless if it worked or not, but she stood behind him, supporting him regardless. She stood with him and the other boys when the Welcome party was destroyed by the strippers. Lexington was beyond pissed with him, but she supported James regardless for wanting to protect his sister. She wanted to do the same.
And now, here she was, supporting James, although very poorly, as he spent time with Ruby Bell on the planning committee. It was his punishment for the stunt pulled at the welcome party. She understood that. But it didn't mean she liked it.
She watched as over the weeks, the two had spent more and more time together. And although James and (Y/N) still texted plenty throughout the day, the time in which she saw him lessened and lessened as hours moved by. And she understood why, but she knew who he was with, and although she could tolerate Elaine, she couldn't tolerate Ruby Bell.
So (Y/N) did whatever she could to take her mind off of him and Bell. She didn't want to face a heartbreak if he became a couple with her. So she did what she thought was best. Love someone before James loved Bell.
Although it would have been best to talk to him, she did not. She knew this, but refused, because if James being with Ruby would make him happy, she didn't want to get in the way. Even if it tore her slowly apart.
And as the days since the enactment of his punishment grew in number, he spent more time Ruby. Less time with (Y/N). But it gave (Y/N) more time to go on dates to fill that questionable hole of the future. A future that she would prefer with James, but a future nonetheless. Unfortunately, it also left less time to spend with Lydia.
And over time, texts with James became small and quick. They often left (Y/N) staring at her phone in sadness before putting it away. Something had to be done, but she wasn't sure what.
If James cared enough, he would reach out to her. But she was also smart enough to know that it went both ways. But it was just as much her responsibility as it was his to mend things. But nothing had even happened to break things. So why was she acting like this?
And so (Y/N) spent the next few weeks going on dates. Most never made it past the second one. They were not James. And she knew that, yet she still continued to slowly break her own heart without even noticing.
Whenever she saw James with Ruby, she avoided the two, even if James noticed her or not. She kept herself at a distance because she knew in the end she would potentially be safer. But was she really? Was she only doing more damage?
Whenever she moved away and avoided him, she could see the hurt evident in his eyes. Lydia was also confused as to what happened as (Y/N) slowly became quiet to the both of them. The Beaufort twins began to wonder if they did anything.
Neither of them technically did anything wrong.
It was all (Y/N). And she realized that.
News eventually spread that (Y/N) started dating, after for the longest time, she swore it off. She didn't think he would find out. (Y/N) wouldn't think that James would care. But secretly he did, and she was soon to find that out.
The Beaufort twin was jealous. Jealous of the ones that had (Y/N), even if he only had himself to blame. And she Would get her wish for James to do something.
(Y/N) was walking down the hallway, her bag slung around her shoulder and her face in a book. It was enough to distract her from who also was in the hallway with her, and it wasn't until she collided with another body that she refocused herself with her surroundings. Especially the person currently standing in front of her.
James Mortimer Beaufort.
She opened her mouth to say his name, but only closed it when her body wouldn't let her, even if her brain screamed for it.
(Y/N)’s eyes danced across his face, taking in his appearance, and in the spur of the moment, quickly turned on her heel, hoping for an escape.
She was quickly stopped, his right arm stretched out, his hand wrapped around her wrist. She now realized she had dropped her book.
“What are you doing?” He asked. (Y/N) stared at him in silence for several moments, before finally turning fully to face him and straightened her posture.
“What am I doing?” She asked. James gave her a hardened stare, almost similar to the one she heard he had given Ruby Bell after hearing what happened.
And both of them knew at this moment that it would be their first actual fight in the several years that they have been friends. Will they make it or break it?
James matched her stare and stance, his hand still wrapped her wrist and she basked in it,loved it, and then hated herself when she pulled it away from him to further prove her point.
“You are going to have to elaborate because I don't know what you're talking about James.” He let out an angry huff through his nose, and (Y/N) had barely missed the look of jealousy that flashed across his face.
“The dating, (Y/N). What are you doing?”
“Oh. I didn't know that you suddenly took on the role of my father, James. What is wrong with me dating?” She asked. (Y/N) was being genuine. What was the issue?
“You swore it off. So why start now, all of a sudden?” At this point in time, (Y/N) could almost feel the jealousy seeping off of James in waves.
“And what happened to hating Ruby Bell?” She asked. “You've been hanging around her so much.”
“What does she have to do with this?” James argued.
“What doesn't she have to do with this, James!” (Y/N) cried out. She threw her hands up in the air, tears threatening to spill. He noticed the tears, wondering really how bad things were. “You came to Maxton Hall after that day Lydia came to us with a sickening hatred for her.”
“Things change, (Y/N).”
“Yea. I guess they do.” She turned to leave again when James stopped her once more. “Let go of me.” (Y/N) snapped. James hesitated, knowing she’d probably leave, but was surprised when she didn't. Dare he say pleasantly surprised.
It was several minutes before one of them spoke.
“When was the last time we hung out James? The last time we were together as friends and not some acquaintances that would be forgotten weeks later? Or how about when was the last time we went over stuff for Oxford? Preparing for the interviews. Talking about the campus and what we'd do once we got there? When was the last time we were just “us” together?” She stared at him for several minutes before he finally spoke.
“And you thought the best way to fix that was by avoiding me? Not only me, but also Lydia?” He asked.
“Oh my goodness! What don't you understand James?”
“I don't know (Y/N). You might have to explain it to me. Because what does me being with Ruby Bell have anything to do with you and me and my sister?” She stared at him, realizing that the conversation had gone off topic. They were no longer talking about her dating. They were talking about them.
“I admit, it had nothing to do with Lydia and I feel like an ass for abandoning her-”
“Understatement.” He huffed out. (Y/N) stared at James, at a loss for words. What was she doing? She was willing to support the twins no matter what. And right now she is failing to do that.
Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stammered and she turned to leave once more, only to be stopped once again. James tugged her against him, his hands coming up to cup her face as she closed her eyes, letting the tears fall. She missed this. She missed him. And she was blaming herself because she might lose it all.
“(Y/N). Look at me.” She hesitated, but slowly opened them. James stared at her, and the jealousy and anger was gone and in was a look of comfort and apologies.
“You want to know why I questioned you about why you were dating?” James asked. A tear rolled down her cheek and he was quick to brush it away.
“Because a crazy rabid squirrel in your head told you too?” She asked, trying to make humor of the situation. He gave her a small smile, a huff of laughter escaping from him.
“Jealousy.” He answered. (Y/N) snorted and James frowned. “What's so funny?”
“Because that's the same reason I started trying to date. I got jealous that you started to spend more time with Bell and not me and I took the irrational way out. And now I feel like arse because I wasn't supporting You guys. I blamed you and it wasn't your fault.”
“But it was my fault. I should have devoted equal time to you as well.” He explained. the two stared at each other for several moments. James gently brushed her cheeks as one of her hands played with the strap of his bag.
It was several more moments of silence before (Y/N) spoke again.
“So are we just going to avoid the elephant In the room?” She asked.
“what's that?”
“We both said our actions were because we were jealous.” It took James a moment to process what she meant. And when he finally did, he glanced down at her lips and then back at her eyes before harshly pulling her in for a kiss. A tiny gasp left her, before she quickly followed suit. A small thud could be heard as her bag fell of her shoulder and onto the floor and her hands found refuge in his hair. She met the ferocity of the kiss equally, letting out a small huff as he pressed her flushed against the wall. One of his hands moved from her face to her waist, pulling her flush against him.
They savored the moment. After so long of nothing, they were going to savor this.
At least that was until they remembered they needed to breathe. Oxygen was a fundamental after all.
“So you don't love her?” (Y/N) asked. James gave her an incredulous look.
“We are both out of breath after just kissing and you ask that? Am I in love with her?” (Y/N) only stared at him in silence, but a small smirk pulled at her lips. She was fucking with him. “Oh darling. You are truly something.” Her smirk softened into a tiny smile as it was now her turn to press a hand to his cheek. James turned his head softly, pressing a kiss to her palm, never breaking eye contact. (Y/N) swore her legs turned to jello just then.
“I missed you.” She finally spoke. “And I'm sorry for being so stubborn.”
“I missed you too, darling. and if anyone has to apologize, it's me.” James’ stare hardened, telling her that he was going to win this apology battle. And she gave it to him. “Oh. And one more thing.” (Y/N) stared at him, waiting.
He paused for several seconds.
“I'll give you the world, sweetheart. Don't forget that.”
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@lifeonawhim @honethatty12 @ashamedtobewhitemanswhore27
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
Women's Health: Daily habits that could be affecting your hormones
Hormones play a central role in the proper functioning of your body and overall health. They affect your menstrual cycle, fertility, bone health, mental and physical health. Your skin, weight, thyroid, energy levels, heart and breast health and much more.
These are some common habits that can influence hormonal balance:
Sleep: Irregular sleep can disturb hormone production, like cortisol, insulin, and growth hormones.
Diet: Eating lots of processed foods, unhealthy fats, and sugars while lacking essential nutrients can lead to hormonal imbalances. Extreme diets can also harm hormones.
Stress: Chronic stress releases cortisol, disrupting other hormones in the body.
Exercise: Too much or too little exercise can impact hormone levels. Overtraining raises cortisol, while being sedentary affects insulin sensitivity.
Caffeine and alcohol: Consuming too much caffeine or alcohol can affect hormone production and the endocrine system.
Plastic usage: Some plastics contain chemicals that disrupt hormones, especially when they leach into food and drinks.
Skincare and household products: Harmful chemicals in skincare and household items can act as hormone disruptors.
Medications and contraceptives: Some medications and birth control methods alter hormone levels.
Smoking: Smoking and secondhand smoke can disrupt hormones.
Environmental toxins: Exposure to pollutants like pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals in the environment act as endocrine disruptors, affecting hormone production and function.
Hydration: Staying hydrated is vital for hormone secretion and function.
Sunlight exposure: Natural sunlight helps regulate circadian rhythm and melatonin production, impacting other hormones.
Social interactions: Loneliness and social isolation affect hormone production and stress hormones.
Water bottles and food containers: Bisphenol A (BPA): Found in plastic bottles and containers, BPA can disrupt hormones when it seeps into food or drinks.
Laundry products: Some laundry products have chemicals that act as EDCs, impacting hormone balance through skin absorption.
Synthetic fabrics: Fabrics like polyester can cause increased sweating and heat retention, potentially affecting hormones.
Personal care products: Certain cosmetics and shampoos may contain harmful chemicals that interfere with hormone levels.
Intermittent fasting: Extreme fasting or calorie restriction may disrupt hormonal balance for some individuals.
Gut health: A healthy gut, supported by a balanced diet and probiotics, positively affects hormone metabolism.
Birth control methods: Hormonal contraceptives, like pills, patches, or IUDs, can influence hormone levels and affect individuals differently.
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x22817 · 7 months
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The DOGtor will see you now...
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Sooo the bloodwork came back!
The good news is that my thyroid levels are all in range! Yay! The better news is that my sodium and potassium are not just finally out of the critical range but both in range as well! Double yay!
The not so good news is that my DHEA and testosterone are basically nonexistent. The reference interval for DHEA-sulfate is 160-430 ug/dL. I am at 1, barely registered. My testosterone came in at 6.1, which is low even for a postmenopausal woman.
Suddenly, my life makes so much sense. I have always struggled with anything pertaining to sex and gender. Doctors told me I have the symptoms of a menopausal woman, but no one would ever help me with them. My OBGYNs told me that everything I'm experiencing is because of my traumatic experiences. Some of my doctors theorized I had hormonal imbalances or deficiencies but wouldn't test for it.
I have such little testosterone that even starting with low doses is going to be a big change. I honestly don't even care that much about the physical changes that can happen (other than the possibility I can have not painful sex). I'm scared I'm going to get angry. I'm scared I'm going to feel emotions in general. I've never felt human before, then I started the Addison's treatment and that's already been so overwhelming and life changing, now this too and I'm just scared to feel like a real person and I know I shouldn't be scared but I am for whatever reason because I'm just scared to feel. I've never felt anything, and I'm just scared to feel.
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viriborne · 1 year
Who wants to hear about my Beelzebub and Belphegor hyper/hypothyroidism hcsssss bc I’m crazy
Okay so for reference:
HYPERthroidism is when your thyroid produces too MANY hormones in your body to the point where you become hyperactive, have increased appetite, intense mood swings/irritability, and can cause you to be extremely underweight if you can’t keep up with your hormones.
HYPOthyroidism is the exact opposite where your thyroid produces too LITTLE hormones which makes you lethargic/tired all the time, depressed, have little appetite, feel abnormally cold, and can make you gain a lot of weight.
Now, pair this with the twins and you can easily see why this might be a viable explanation for their respective “sins.” And before someone tries to say that these tendencies were spawned by them falling from grace, it has been shown in later lessons that the twins had these issues even in the Celestial Realm as Belphie would sleep away his responsibilities in trees and Beel was still known for his voracious appetite.
Also, both disorders can cause muscle weakness a deterioration. Something that Belphegor is noted to have. Not to mention, Beel’s constant working out can both help him keep his muscle mass AND help him with his hyperactivity as well as explain why he never seems to gain weight despite eating literal tons of food.
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You're an artist! Please tell us a story about a time you had blood drawn.
(tw for mentions of needles
alright, here's the thing: i had fainted before. In fact, there was a full month or so during which i would frequently faint (and bonk my head on the way down, ugh) so I was already familiar with what fainting would feel like before I lost consciousness. It stopped after some time, but the knowledge remained.
fast forward to the day i'm getting my blood drawn. I haven't eaten anything for 12 hours, they're stabbing me with a needle, i'm v sensitive so it hurts like heck and i'm looking away bc I know seeing the blood doesn't help.
I'm holding up. I can do this. I'll be fine.
In comes the other nurse, holding something in her hands and crowding in to the front of where i'm sitting and saying "hi, i'm here to measure your coagulation" (I was not warned that would happen) and she stabs a needle in my earlobe in a way that feels like she'd actually cut me with a tiny razor. She looks at my ear for a second, thanks me, excuses herself and walks off.
All the while the blood-drawing nurse is taking what feels like the tenth vial of my life sauce.
(putting a "read more" below so I won't clog people's dashboards lmao)
And I'm thinking how I wish I didn't have to take these tests every six months to check my hormone levels due to my stupid hashimoto's. (It's an autoimmune disorder, if I don't take my hormones my thyroid antibodies start trying to kill my thyroid bc they're stupid little fucks).
Anyway, I suddenly feel it. Shivers creeping up my nape all the way to the base of my skull. A feeling like my head is suddenly hollow but also simultaneously too heavy to hold upright. Darkness slowly yet steadily devouring the corners of my vision.
Ah, crap, I think. I'm gonna faint.
Since I have no interest in suddenly collapsing and having - hell forbid - the needle cut my vein or whatever, I turn my swimming gaze to the nurse and say, very seriously:
"I'm gonna faint."
The nurse, suddenly wide-eyed, exclaims:
"Oh, no, darlin', please don't do that!"
To which, in my mind, I sarcastically reply "oh, my bad, cancelling the fainting now. Apologies, I did not know it was a bad time", but before I can make the joke, my entire body and brain decide to hit the snooze button and I collapse.
When I come to, I'm in a white corridor, being carried in the arms of a very attractive nurse guy, and I'm thinking like 'boy, I never believed in heaven, but it sure it's starting to look good'.
He plonks me down on my back on a gurney, and I foggily realize I am not dead yet. The man is relieved to see me well, and he practically begs me to eat a saltine cracker bc apparently my pressure had dropped to shit levels.
More or less the exact same thing happened three other occasions before I followed a nurse's advice and started having my blood drawn while lying on my back rather than sitting.
Whenever the staff on a lab says that "that's not necessary, just sit" or "oh we don't have a place to have you lying down" I now reply "okay sure, it's just that I always faint and I will definitely faint now too, just letting u know :)"... and suddenly a reclining chair or gurney appears.
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bygetoacademia · 2 months
Day Thirty-Two to Day Thirty-Seven (of a 100)+Week's Reflection
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Summary of my week bc hiatus... Which I'm officially ending today bc honestly.... I need to inhale smaus this coming week. More beneath the cut
What I did during the week
The strong stench of finals has woken me up. Also I'm very forgetful so idk I may be forgetting somethings here and there
-I had 2 quizzes (Biochem+Anatomy )on Tuesday so I dedicated this entire day to reading through topics that we were going to be tested on (Digestive System, Female reproductive system, Male Reproductive System for Anatomy) (Liver function Tests,Hormones, Renal function tests). I did Digestive System for Anatomy and Liver function tests for Biochemistry
Tuesday (D-Day)
- Got to school nice and early to squeeze in more studying, I studied Biochem (Liver function Tests) this was such a long chapter!! until 30 minutes before I had to write (At 11am), unfortunately for me I couldn't get to doing Hormones in time I didn't even finish Liver functions.... Luckily though there weren't too many questions on Hormones, so I FLOPPED but it was reasonable. Then I did Anatomy until I lost motivation at 3pm (I had to write at 6pm). I did Digestive System, and Female Rep system (I stopped halfway through this one) and then mainly focused on the diagrams. WHEN I TELL YOU I SUCKED ON THIS TEST?!? Half of the stuff that came out was literally 2 slides below where I had stopped. I felt like literal crap, so I just bought myself chocolate and a few icecreams to eat on the bus home, on a cold Monday night.
It was a holiday. But I was sad for most of the day, so I redownloaded TikTok. I scrolled and sulked until about 2pm, when I got random motivation and finished Liver Function Tests. The spent the rest of the day comforting myself.
I had another quiz, which was supposed to open at 12pm and close at 12am. So I started studying for it at 8am a little bit and slacked off at 11. But then it opened 20 minutes so late so I procrastinated until 11pm and wrote it then. But as I avoided studying what I had to study, I finished up the female reproductive system.
Redownloaded Tumblr
I started Renal function tests. And I was supposed to pull an all nighter but I fell asleep at 10pm
During I was genuinely struggling through Renal function tests, so I was incredibly slow took a lot of breaks before I quit. Around that time I heard there were new Biochemistry notes uploaded so I was baffled bc that meant I had another chapter to struggle through. So I tried to go print them out bc I like my physical copies, and the place was closed... So essentially I wasted a lot of time. But later that night I decided to drop Renal function tests for the time being and do other topics instead so I did Biochemistry of Bone + Gastrointestinal disturbances. I pulled off a mini all nighter... Not really bc I slept at 2am. In my defence that's pretty late in my books.
Sunday (Today)
Woke up at 7, did Thyroid hormones for Biochemistry. And then for my BNS class did Skin Integrity and Woundcare, then Urinary Elimination (which I'm halfway through at time of writing)
How I feel about all of this
I want to chop my head off
What I'm doing tomorrow
BNS test at 8am.... I'm beyond saving.
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wellextol · 5 months
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Your Thyroid, Your Metabolism: How a 30-Second Technique Can Change Your Life After 35
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nokingsonlyfooles · 3 months
Health Update, for those who might notice or care!
So, here's my consequences for needing healthcare and trying to get it:
A humiliating phone appointment, wherein I did at least manage to plead successfully for an in-person appointment, and an assurance that the pharmacy should give me the generic patches that hurt less if I ask for them, and I didn't need to involve the doctor.
A week's worth of anxiety and research and note taking.
A hour and fifteen wait in a hot waiting room and exam room (AC was broken).
An anxiety attack stemming from clueless statements reflecting just how little the doctor knew or cared about the available medications and how they might help me.
Driving, paying for parking, and getting locked in a garage due to the long wait time.
A prescription for "more estrogen" that turned out to be WAY LESS estrogen.
More phone calls, research and anxiety to confirm the above.
More pain!
A brief callback that did not acknowledge any error and stated I could go back to my old prescription if I didn't like the new one.
When pressed that the entire point of this exercise was more estrogen and that I wasn't getting it, another callback with a demand to contact the other doctor she referred me to instead.
And a referral to (it turns out!) a doctor whose office does not answer the phone, has a full voicemail box, and isn't accepting email from new patients.
And the cherry on top: There's a shortage of generic patches and I will have to refill my prescription with the brand name ones that hurt more.
No apologies. All of this is MY problem.
This has been an utter cul-de-sac. 100% punishment, no reward! This is still more help than I was getting in the States, but I'm starting to suspect that, on this matter at least, it's just down to having more energy and irritability 'cos I'm getting better treatment for my thyroid. If I had a little less to give right now, I'd just give right the fuck up.
I am not attached to this assigned gender, and I'm not attached to these gendered pieces of myself. If I didn't get crazy scar tissue and pain from surgeries in the past, I would go out and trade my tits for hugs RIGHT NOW. I have no idea what the undercarriage needs to stop hurting, but I don't care what it looks like and I'd do whatever works. It's just, I don't think I should NEED to do that. There are plenty of options on the table that don't require thousands of dollars and general anesthesia and scar tissue, but they're being gatekept away from me. "A woman" couldn't possibly need anything beyond the most basic interventions, no matter what!
I think, unless I break through to this other doctor somehow, my options are: Beg for a referral to a gender clinic, or Beg the endocrinologist to handle all my hormones. I don't know why he's been so reluctant to do that. I know other people whose endocrinologists handle everything. Maybe he just assumed I'd prefer a lady-doctor for lady-things and he'll adjust if I tell him that's not the case. But I don't know. I'm gonna hafta find out, but I don't know.
All this is taking place while the spouse is dealing with this insane extra workload for the CPA exam too. I'm getting seriously concerned for what this is gonna do to HIS health. And I have an eye appointment on Saturday where I'm going to have to explain: "IT DOESN'T MATTER IF MY VISION IS 20/20 SOMETIMES, MY STAMINA IS SHIT AND I'M LEARNING TO KEEP READING AND DRAWING WITH DOUBLE VISION AND BLURRED LINES! I DIDN'T NEED TO PAY YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS TO HAVE THAT - I ALREADY HAD THAT FOR FREE!"
I don't know how much I'm going to be able to keep pushing on this for the near future. I wanted to write more and fix the website and put more things in the store too. *sigh* Sorry, my few readers, if you should see this. I got a lot goin on.
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1863-project · 8 days
Agggh, thyroid bullshit. Sucks. Sorry to hear that you’re dealing with it too. (Technically our numbers are always tiny decimals below the highest value considered “normal”, but it definitely does affect us even if it doesn’t concern our doctors yet.) Best of luck to you!
Ah, yeah, I feel you - doctors NEVER want to take it seriously until it's "out of range," even if you're still having issues.
I've had my Hashimoto's diagnosis since late 2012, so I'm in my 12th year of knowing that my immune system is a little bitch that tries to beat up my thyroid and ruins everything else when it does so, and I still have issues with getting doctors to listen to me regarding it - mine presses on my trachea if I lay on my back, and it makes breathing uncomfortable, but because nothing seems "bad" enough on an ultrasound they won't remove the thyroid and let me just continue with the hormones I'm already on (albeit with a higher dose to compensate for the gland not being there). I would be in significantly less discomfort but they won't do it, and I need to find someone who will.
Best of luck in getting your doctors to listen, you deserve it!
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starjxsung · 2 months
Hey Star. Have you actually lost 40 pounds and haven’t gotten your period in a while? Those two things could be hyperthyroidism symptoms. I don’t want to alarm you or anything but you should get some bloodwork done if you haven’t recently. Irregular periods are usually due to being under/overweight or thyroid/hormonal problems, in my experience.
yessirrrr it’s just been a rough few months tbh
since getting ass*ulted back in January I stopped going for runs outside so I was spending a lot of time indoors at the gym and I think I just got a little carried away w it. My workouts were averaging like 4 hours in length as of last month but I’ve shortened them since then and I’m trying to maintain a healthier relationship with the gym again
sooooo much of my hair has fallen out too oh my god I just started taking supplements for this last week and I’m eating protein again (had to google how to properly boil an egg omg….. a new low for me)
thank you sm for the kind advice though I will absolutely reach out to my doctor and see if they can run a few tests bc I’m probably deficient in a few things and I’m really not doing anything to help myself by just drinking coffee for meals and sleeping for 20 hours on the weekends
(I love u ⭐️✨🫶)
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larcenywrites · 10 months
How would young!Tony and older Tony react upon finding you curled up in a little ball in bed whimpering and crying because your period cramps hurt so fucking bad :(?
He would would be very concerned, and with good reason. He may not know much, but nothing should hurt that bad unless it requires a doctor or something, surely 😣 and may try to recommend it, though that doesn’t exactly help right now :/ tbh he’ll definitely cuddle up to you, and will probably want to just lay on top of you if you let him 🥺 he doesn’t know if it’ll help, but he is warm and cuddly and heavy so maybe it does a little 🥺 and he’ll play with your hair or wipe away/kiss the tears on your cheeks :( he’ll probably also do a lot of research on his own to see if he can do anything! But it’s kinda hard when you don’t know exactly how it feels :( so he may feel a little shorty and useless bc if it :((
But real talk rq, it’s normal to have annoying cramping a day or two of your period, but super bad cramps (especially consistently) is not, especially if it’s also accompanied by a really heavy and/or irregular flow! I recommended starting on a vitamin D supplement + an Omega-3 (provided you are not on any blood thinners, as omega supplements can interact negatively). Of course, I can’t recommend a dosage, as that depends on many different variables like age and weight and what not, so always do research! It is always smart to talk to a trusted doctor or medical provider about awful period symptoms if available, but often times they wanna prescribe birth control first, which is fine if you’re comfortable with it and believe that it’s right for you, and also be sure to do your research on it as well as talk with the doctor! But if BC isn’t an option, many of my friends that I have recommend those supplements to have seen improvements :) though, consistence is key, and it may take 4-6 weeks to start working. I would also recommend finding a good Women’s multi vitamin (I like Garden of Life’s Multivitamin Code:Women, it says 4 a day but I take 2!) as they are created with plenty of zinc and B vitamins, which greatly nourishes the ovaries and zinc may also help suppress ovarian cyst development. I also recommend Peruvian red maca root (make sure it’s Peruvian and not the weaker Chinese version, and make sure it’s the red. I use The Maca Team company, via their website, and take 3 raw capsules a day), provided you don’t have any thyroid issues or sensitivities, but again, always be sure to do your own research and/or talk with a medical provider, and to talk with them if you have any medications or medical conditions. Maca root may be too expensive, however (especially when you’re buying it with other supplements), and multivitamins (especially the brand I use) and omega-3s can also get pricey depending on your dosage and preferred brands and where you live, but Vitamin D is often cheap and easily available, and is the best place to start, as it greatly benefits every part of the body! Another great habit to get into is making sure to work avocado, blueberries/strawberries/raspberries, spinach, and/or sweet potato into at least one meal a day, as those are considered superfoods as well as hormone balancing foods! Chicken, eggs, turkey, and low mercury fish are also very good for that, provided you are able to eat meat. Frozen and canned works just as good, as long as they don’t have too much sodium or added sugar! However, I am aware that this can be an expensive option, especially if buying with supplements. If you’ve had your blood work recently and know that the issue isn’t low levels of any vitamins or minerals, be sure to talk with the doctor, as there are some cases where BC is really your only option, but that doesn’t mean you have to take it of course. It just depends on your level of comfort with your period or with taking BC, if anything at all seems to help in any way (such as Tylenol, heat pads, etc), and whether or not you have any specific medications or known medical conditions. I also recommend non-carbonated kombucha for the bloating (among other things) 😘 provided you don’t have IBS or similar digestive distress issues, and aren’t sensitive to oxalates (in particular, getting kidney stones due to high oxalate levels). But if you’re a first timer, don’t drink more than like half a measuring cup or a single measuring cup, and don’t drink it really fast 😅 And keep in mind that while it is vegan and gluten free, there are low but existing alcohol levels, should that be an issue! And no, not enough to require an ID or to get drunk lol. Again, if you have any medications or medical conditions, always be sure to do research and/or talk with your medical care provider! And overall, be sure to stay hydrated on your period (and all the time really)! It can help with headaches and cramps, and is overall important.
I hope everyone here is 18+, but in case you aren’t, you should definitely ask a doctor before following any of this advice and also do research. Also, often times periods are most painful within the first 3-5 years of getting it, as hormones are new and constantly changing with a growing body. I also recommend you not be on this blog if this is the case 😅
I was once in a rough spot with horrible cramps to where I’d was crying or on a few occasions sick and a very heavy flow, and absent periods for up to 80 days even. It’s unfortunate how little info or care is provided to us, even by doctors :( I suffered for years until I kinda just started doing my own research and it took a good few years to get into a good spot and figure out what I needed and what I didn’t. I wish you all good health and hope you can all find the best routine and supplementation for your bodies and cycles :)
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someoneinjersey · 5 months
weird day idk
finally got my new thyroid med put through and got to pick it up from the pharmacy, took deano in the car with me, but somehow on the ride home i caught i really bad chill (even though it was warm out) and started feeling sick. came home and laid in bed and felt a little better but got back up at 7 to watch the hockey game and was entirely fucked up. i was freezing cold, and then i was freezing cold and hot at the same time, and i had the shakes. thought it might be a blood sugar thing so i made myself eat dinner (leftover chicken parm, delish) and EVENTUALLY (after a xanax too) felt better. but it was just super weird because parts of my body would stay cold and parts would get hot and sweaty, like it'd feel like id just been standing in the sun. and even OTHER parts felt like i'd just applied icy hot (which i hadn't). idk if its me fighting a bug, or hormones, or blood sugar (I fear i may full on have the 'betes), or what, but it felt like shit and freaked me out.
then i shaved the dog because his fur was too long and it gets matted in his armpits and he looks ridiculous now because his head hair is too short and he wouldn't let me do his feet so he still has grinch paws.
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shubhragoyal · 1 year
Irregular Periods - Symptoms Cause and Treatment Options
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Women often experience irregular periods as a result of their hormones. Does this issue affect you as well? Do not worry about it because it is treatable, and you can also identify the causes to take necessary precautions!
There can be several reasons for irregular periods, like hormonal imbalances, stress, birth control, etc. You cannot control your periods, but tracking their pattern is a minor deal! If you want to find out more about the probable causes of irregular menstruation and solution or available treatment options for the same, make sure to read this blog!
What Exactly Are Irregular Periods?
You can generally get your period once within 28 days; this cycle repeats itself. Some women may experience it similarly, while some may get their periods in less predictable cycles!
This irregularity in the period cycle can be due to many reasons. You can identify whether you are going through something similar with the help of certain basic symptoms.
·        Changes in the number of days between your periods.
·        The blood flow during periods is less or more than you normally experience.
·        Variation in the duration of periods.
If you are witnessing these changes, there is a high chance of irregular periods! Well, this condition is treatable, and you can take proper measures after learning its exact causes.
Prominent Causes Behind an Irregular Menstrual Cycle
Are you curious about what causes the menstrual cycle to change dates every month?
This condition may have some underlying causes, most of which can be treated. It is also possible to work to ensure that your periods are regular.
The major and most common cause is hormone changes, which is why many girls hitting puberty or women approaching menopause to go through irregular periods the most! Besides this, the other major causes behind irregular menstrual cycle are -
·        Birth Control Pills: Have you recently changed your regular birth control pills? Because this can be a strong cause of irregularity in your periods. As the pills vary in estrogen or progesterone levels, switching from regular pills may directly influence your period cycle!
·        IUD: If you are using an IUD, it can be another major reason behind irregular menstrual cycles. It is even known to cause cramps, which can be relieved with pain relievers or heating pads.
·        Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Are you often missing your periods and noticing other changes like excessive hair fall? Well, this can be the impact of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. In this hormonal disorder, your body has higher amounts of male hormones, leading to growth in facial hair, thinning hair, and others.
·        Excessive Exercise: Excessive exercise may sometimes lead to missed periods or other irregularities. And in the worst scenario, your periods may completely halt! So, you should consult an expert or a trainer before taking up extreme physical exercises.
·        Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: During pregnancy, your periods will stop altogether for that definite duration! Besides that, breastfeeding can affect your period cycle too, and all these are due to the interference of the hormones!
·        Thyroid Disease: If you suffer from thyroid disease, your body will get either too little or excess essential hormones. However, if your periods come with heavy bleeding and last longer than usual, this can signify hypothyroidism! In the opposite case, periods last for short, which is hyperthyroidism.
·        Stress: In the hectic lifestyle of today's times, stress is something you can hardly avert! Taking stress over every aspect around you creates constraints for that part of the brain responsible for maintaining a balance between the hormone levels!
All these are some of the major reasons behind missed periods and other irregularities. You may also notice adverse effects of irregular periods on the body, like fatigue, bone health issues, or even infertility!
Read More: https://www.drshubhragoyal.com/welcome/blogs/irregular-periods---symptoms-cause-and-treatment-options
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indynerdgirl · 2 years
So I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes back in January. With the support of my wonderful & amazing doctor, my family & friends, and the help of a dietician who specializes in diabetes I drastically changed my eating habits and learned how to manage my blood sugar. Just with those changes alone I've been slowly losing weight all year.
Last night I had a moment in a dressing room that I thought would never happen - I zipped up a pair of size 22 jeans and they fit perfectly fine.
I was wearing a 26 in January.
I started wearing a 24 in August.
I haven't worn a 22 since high school.
I sat down on the little bench in the dressing room in total shock and almost burst into tears. Both in joy at this accomplishment and in sadness & frustration at myself, wondering how much sooner I could have reached this milestone if I had started this journey 10 years earlier.
I've been plus-size my entire life and (with the best of intentions of my mother & grandmother) have been on almost every fad diet since 5th grade. It wasn't until my mid 20s that I learned that both the weight gain and difficulty in losing weight were due to an underlying health reason - polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS.
[the rest of my story is under the cut because this post ended up way longer than I had anticipated]
TL;DR - I'm 35 and I've been working on my health this past year and while I'm so happy to celebrate my successes, I wish I had started this journey sooner. Please don't do what I did and ignore symptoms for years. And if you have a young girl in your life that has irregular periods, get her checked for PCOS. Because if I had been given that diagnosis & started treatment decades earlier (and no, being given birth control is NOT a treatment for PCOS - it's lazy medical treatment at best and malpractice at worst) I know my life would be different right now because the majority of my life has been dictated by my size.
I'd had irregular periods my entire life but for some reason, none of my childhood doctors or even my mother ever thought to check for it. I was checked for thyroid issues and vitamin deficiencies but for some reason, PCOS was never brought up (not that I would have known to ask about it as a child). But one day I was having a physical done by a new doctor (not my current doctor) and when I mentioned my irregular periods she started asking me more questions about them and after looking at the rest of my medical history decided to have me checked for PCOS. And low and behold I had it.
I can't tell you the relief I felt finding out there was an actual medical reason for why I had struggled with my weight my entire life. Because up until that moment I'd always been made to feel like it was all my fault that I was fat. If I just ate better or stuck to a strict diet or exercised more (I can't even begin to describe the embarrassment and humiliation of being forced to go to exercise classes with your mother when you're 12yr old and you're the only kid in a class full of adults). It was never ever directly said to me, but it was obvious in the way things were said and the way people acted around me.
The doctor also explained to me that I was pre-diabetic as PCOS can cause diabetes if left untreated (this will be important to remember in just a minute). So we started working on getting my hormones back on track and I was told to try to cut back on my sugar intake. Unfortunately not too long afterward, the job I had at the time decided to switch our health insurance provider. Suddenly my doctor was out of network and continuing to see her was becoming very expensive for me as I wasn't making a whole lot at the time (I was working at a childcare center). Add in the fact that she was on the opposite side of town from me and that it was almost impossible to get time off work for appointments, I just kind of stopped seeing her.
The next part of my story is where I wish I could go back in time and shake some sense into my younger self. Because did I try to find a new doctor that my insurance would pay for? Nope. Did I at least try to cut back on my sugar and eat a little better? Also, no. For the next almost ten years, despite knowing I had PCOS and knowing I was pre-diabetic, I didn't change my eating habits at all. Every once in a while I'd get on a "health" kick and go for walks at the park and try to eat more whole wheat bread than white bread, but those never lasted long. I wasn't in the best space mentally either so there was also a lot of emotional eating as well. I figured as long as I never had to go up another pant size I was doing all right just "maintaining". If I got sick and needed to see a doctor, I just went to one of those minute clinic things at Walgreens. Yeah, mid & late 20s me was an idiot.
Fast forward to a few years ago when it started being pretty obvious that I had crossed the line from pre-diabetic to actually diabetic. I had all the classic signs and symptoms yet I was still being an idiot and ignoring my health. Unfortunately, I've always had a horrible bad habit of thinking if I just ignore whatever issues or problems I'm currently having that they'll just go away. Yeah, I know. I finally get to the point where I know I can't ignore my health anymore and January of 2020 I make it my New Year's goal to start getting myself back on track. By the time I worked up the courage to call and set up an appointment with my old doctor (I had a new job by then with better insurance that included her again) two things happened: March of 2020 and the building her practice was in was destroyed in a fire.
So I told myself I'd just "wait until this whole covid thing was over" before trying to set up an appointment again. And we all know how the rest of 2020 went. Now it's December of 2021 and I still haven't made an appointment with my old doctor. But I was at an eye doctor appointment that I'd also been putting off for years despite knowing it was time for a new prescription. After checking my eyes, the eye doctor tells me that I need to see my doctor as soon as possible because he saw signs of diabetic retinopathy in my eyes. And as someone who's always had poor eyesight and one of their greatest fears is going blind, THAT was the kick in the pants I needed to finally see a doctor.
I ended up having a heart-to-heart with my mom about my health (something I would always avoid talking about with her) and admitting that I really didn't want to go back to my old doctor because I never really felt a good connection with her but I was willing to deal with that issue since she was also a practicing Catholic and it's hard to find not only a good doctor but a Catholic one as well (I know there are plenty of good doctors out there who aren't Catholic, but as a practicing Catholic, it does make things so much easier when your doctor also follows Church teachings when it comes to health & medical issues). My mom then suggested I set up an appointment with her new doctor who is not only a general MD, but also specialized in treating PCOS and also just happened to be Catholic as well.
So I set up an appointment with Dr. Holly for after the New Year and the rest, as they say, is history. She's just a few years older than me and I have never in my life been so at ease with a doctor. She and I hit it off right away and when I explained everything to her she didn't make me feel bad for waiting for so long to do anything like I was afraid she would. Instead, she listened to all of my concerns, validated them, and then right there came up with a plan of attack listing out all of the health issues we needed to tackle right away (getting the diabetes under control & start treating the PCOS) and what health issues weren't immediately pressing (some small patches of eczema & trying out meds for my ADHD again).
It also helps that she's diabetic as well so she knows exactly what I'm going through and have to deal with on a day to day basis. With her help and support (plus the advice from the dietician she recommend to me), I brought down my A1C from a staggering 12.7% to a much better 7.2% at my last appointment with her and, of course, have been slowly and steadily losing weight.
I decided early on that I wasn't going to obsess over the numbers on the scale, instead mostly tracking my progress by how my clothes are fitting. Since January I'm down not only two pant sizes but also a shirt size! I'm able to comfortably wear again all of the 2XL shirts I own and I've gone to a few events where I was able to buy a shirt as a souvenir because I didn't have to worry if they had a 3XL because I knew would be able to fit in a 2XL.
I still have a lot of work to do (I really do need to start actually exercising) but I am so happy with what progress I've made so far already. If you had told me last year that I'd be wearing a size 22 pair of jeans, I would have laughed in your face. I still can't believe it sometimes, but then I look at pictures of myself from last year compared to this year and the differences are kind of shocking. And that's been another little victory for me - actually not hating how I look in photos. I've taken more photos of myself/allowed myself to be in more photos this year than in at least the last five years if not more.
I never know how to end posts like this, so if you've actually read this far down, thanks. 💙
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