#medical m
Somebody just came into this specialists office pulling a dog behind them on a skateboard
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ghostlynimbus · 4 months
At the doctor's office today they were having trouble getting my blood pressure readings (they always do) but managed to eventually get it done and the nurse joked that it turns out I'm not a vampire after all and both spouse and I were just immediately like "how unfortunate"
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kommunistkaitou · 1 year
My fun hobby of running late for doctors appointments and running to make it and also getting really nervous so that it looks like I have high blood pressure when my BP actually tends to be low in my everyday life 👍
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A medical marijuana card refers to a document issued by licensed medical doctors or authorized to provide written recommendations for the medicinal use of marijuana.
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cherrymogai · 2 years
btw we're having thumb issues (AGAIN) so if requests get out a bit slow that's why :,)
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genderkoolaid · 6 months
medical literature about intersex people be like "there are problems that can be caused by forcing surgery on babies. luckily we are solving this by forcing surgery on even younger babies. it is vital that this baby CANNOT be left alone to develop normally. here is our 36 step guide on which surgeries you should force on which babies. also some people have said that forcing surgeries on babies might be "harmful" so consider that too I guess"
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mutant-blogging · 1 year
Another blood test for the chronically ill queen
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cheebuss · 3 months
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hyena ass thang
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nyanfaer · 1 year
First thing I did this morning was call paramedics
This after a week of non stop medical bullshit
I think every nerve in my body is fried rn
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time4hemp · 2 years
Please share this with your friends.
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vaxxman · 4 months
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lesbianshepard · 1 year
i think we need to put a moratorium on cis people using "AFAB" and "AMAB." they're getting a bit too comfortable with it.
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ghostlynimbus · 3 months
Headed back to prompt care 😔
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kommunistkaitou · 2 years
I don't know what's wrong w me like ok. I haven't posted about it on here bc I didn't feel like it but I had top surgery a week ago, and now I'm like, asleep or trying and failing to fall asleep like 60% of the time, and the other 40% of the time I'm either thinking about medicine or chemistry. The day after my surgery I was high off my ass and still did like four hours of makeup chemistry homework, more in one sitting than I did all semester, before grades closed at midnight? and brought my grade from an 81 to an 89 despite only getting 80% credit bc of lateness.
Then I've been like, dealing with my own medical stuff ofc, reading a book about the history of cancer, watching crashcourse organic chemistry videos in preparation for when I need to take ochem 2 in like seven months, and now even though I'm too tired to like play the video games i want to play or hang out with my friends, I just wrote a small essay, with sources, about Down Syndrome and pregnancy in that post, an essay that Literally Nobody Asked For
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nobigneil · 3 months
have you ever witnessed a man sarcastically unravelling earphones?
context: chat were begging him to do something about his permanently tangled earphones and he told everyone to Neil With It
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dashflashy-arts · 10 months
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Source <- the video in question
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