#medical m/
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letitrainathousandflames · 1 year ago
You're an artist! Please tell us a story about a time you had blood drawn.
(tw for mentions of needles
alright, here's the thing: i had fainted before. In fact, there was a full month or so during which i would frequently faint (and bonk my head on the way down, ugh) so I was already familiar with what fainting would feel like before I lost consciousness. It stopped after some time, but the knowledge remained.
fast forward to the day i'm getting my blood drawn. I haven't eaten anything for 12 hours, they're stabbing me with a needle, i'm v sensitive so it hurts like heck and i'm looking away bc I know seeing the blood doesn't help.
I'm holding up. I can do this. I'll be fine.
In comes the other nurse, holding something in her hands and crowding in to the front of where i'm sitting and saying "hi, i'm here to measure your coagulation" (I was not warned that would happen) and she stabs a needle in my earlobe in a way that feels like she'd actually cut me with a tiny razor. She looks at my ear for a second, thanks me, excuses herself and walks off.
All the while the blood-drawing nurse is taking what feels like the tenth vial of my life sauce.
(putting a "read more" below so I won't clog people's dashboards lmao)
And I'm thinking how I wish I didn't have to take these tests every six months to check my hormone levels due to my stupid hashimoto's. (It's an autoimmune disorder, if I don't take my hormones my thyroid antibodies start trying to kill my thyroid bc they're stupid little fucks).
Anyway, I suddenly feel it. Shivers creeping up my nape all the way to the base of my skull. A feeling like my head is suddenly hollow but also simultaneously too heavy to hold upright. Darkness slowly yet steadily devouring the corners of my vision.
Ah, crap, I think. I'm gonna faint.
Since I have no interest in suddenly collapsing and having - hell forbid - the needle cut my vein or whatever, I turn my swimming gaze to the nurse and say, very seriously:
"I'm gonna faint."
The nurse, suddenly wide-eyed, exclaims:
"Oh, no, darlin', please don't do that!"
To which, in my mind, I sarcastically reply "oh, my bad, cancelling the fainting now. Apologies, I did not know it was a bad time", but before I can make the joke, my entire body and brain decide to hit the snooze button and I collapse.
When I come to, I'm in a white corridor, being carried in the arms of a very attractive nurse guy, and I'm thinking like 'boy, I never believed in heaven, but it sure it's starting to look good'.
He plonks me down on my back on a gurney, and I foggily realize I am not dead yet. The man is relieved to see me well, and he practically begs me to eat a saltine cracker bc apparently my pressure had dropped to shit levels.
More or less the exact same thing happened three other occasions before I followed a nurse's advice and started having my blood drawn while lying on my back rather than sitting.
Whenever the staff on a lab says that "that's not necessary, just sit" or "oh we don't have a place to have you lying down" I now reply "okay sure, it's just that I always faint and I will definitely faint now too, just letting u know :)"... and suddenly a reclining chair or gurney appears.
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genderkoolaid · 1 year ago
medical literature about intersex people be like "there are problems that can be caused by forcing surgery on babies. luckily we are solving this by forcing surgery on even younger babies. it is vital that this baby CANNOT be left alone to develop normally. here is our 36 step guide on which surgeries you should force on which babies. also some people have said that forcing surgeries on babies might be "harmful" so consider that too I guess"
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cheebuss · 11 months ago
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hyena ass thang
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othertragedy · 3 months ago
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I really like how these turned out wahh
His early concepts are weird looking but i've come around to like how he looks now shjhfj Say hi to Sterling that's his surname.
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mrfuneralgay · 5 months ago
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hey guys this is the worst thing ive ever drawn also im like 60% sure someone has already done this and i havent seen it
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im very sick rn and yesterday i had a fever dream that approximately 10 medics were chasing me around saying they would heal me and asking if i had taken my meds. i woke up several times because of my throat hurting and every time i fell back asleep they were all there.
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nobigneil · 11 months ago
have you ever witnessed a man sarcastically unravelling earphones?
context: chat were begging him to do something about his permanently tangled earphones and he told everyone to Neil With It
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animatedtext · 2 years ago
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requested by laying-in-star-dust
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sandxhanitizer · 1 year ago
I scene build in SFM. I love you Emesis Blue. Happy 1 year of existence
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Edit -we got Garry's Mod backgrounds now!!!
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aemondtargaryens · 23 days ago
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paperback-rascal · 10 months ago
Please give someone to hug Mercy? He needs a hug…
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Surprisingly enough, and utterly counterintuitively, Mercy gets more physical interaction during Clone Wars than he ever did in the Jedi Order pre-war as clone troopers wear their armors (especially helmets on which have built-in filtration/rebreathing systems) most of the time which makes Mercy less hell-bent on keeping his distance.
I assume the ask is in relation to this post of mine -> [LINK]<-
See more posts about 347th regiment here -> [LINK] <-
My fanart masterlist -> [LINK] <-
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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dashflashy-arts · 1 year ago
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Source <- the video in question
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othertragedy · 6 months ago
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"Sure, a surgeon can stand to look at a mutilated body, but i don't think a doctor can stand to see a life wasted."
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cc-tens · 4 months ago
Listennn, I don't care what anyone says, medic characters in media are the fucking best. The battle between managing their emotions and distancing themselves a healthy degree from loss but also their love and devotion driving them to push through and try and do their best to save others, only to be destroyed when they cannot. How they try and cope with the situation they're put in - some by remaining quiet and distant, others trying to use jokes and levity to mask the pain. But GOD I love when a character who heals and saves others eventually comes to bend and breaks under the enormous pressure they're under and now other's have to find a way to save them. The people they've dedicated their lives to now trying desperately to hold tight and sooth the one who soothes them, to keep them whole and together not only due to that person being invaluable for what they do but also because everyone's come to love them for who they are as well.
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reggie-fish · 1 year ago
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goo medic and his forgetful sniper art style test
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nobigneil · 11 months ago
Neil learned what "zaddy" means
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thescaryhyperfem · 1 month ago
DOKTOR M - Back with another 'substance'
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back with the lapfort
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