#medication and maintenance
animatedtext · 1 year
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requested by laying-in-star-dust
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crimeronan · 1 year
been thinking about the rabies condition in writing lately, which is a GREAT post about stakes and characterization. basically exploring how if there's a 100% chance a character is doomed, then they can and will do extremely dangerous/damaging/contraindicated things for the slimmest hope of survival. which is one of my Favorite narrative devices
but while we're using health metaphors, i've been thinking about another somewhat complicated means of introducing character stakes, which i'm tentatively calling 'the autoimmune condition' for reasons that are. obvious
the premise itself is simple: the character has Something that they need to survive. they either can't live without this thing or they will lose something vital about themselves if they lose this thing. there is no replacement or alternative for the thing. what's most important are that the consequences for losing it are Extreme, rabies-condition-style
in the real life allegory, this is the immune system. which is great for being alive!
then the problem is introduced when this thing starts killing the character.
the character still needs it to live.
so: there is a 100% chance that you will die if you destroy the thing killing you. if you impair it through other means, there is a 100% chance of consequences, though the severity of those consequences is up to the author. (these are medication side effects in the real life allegory.)
if you do everything you're supposed to then you'll PROBABLY survive, but you're gonna have to play lifelong tug-of-war to balance everything, and you are often going to have to choose between two shitty options. bc there is no alternative.
this is a counterpart to the rabies condition in terms of stakes; with this condition, your character has to make complicated and difficult decisions about what they're sacrificing for their future. it's not the immediate life-and-death stakes of rabies, it's a slow decay instead.
what side effect consequences are they willing to take on?? and what are they NOT willing to take on?? where do their priorities lie in terms of symptom management?? what other solutions are they looking for?? what are they willing to sacrifice??
and perhaps most importantly: what exactly do they need to lose before they'll Accept the side effects / sacrifices that used to terrify them?? how high do the stakes need to be??
at what point is this character going to look back at the choices they've made up to this point, and realize that they no longer recognize themselves??
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tea-earl-grey · 10 days
i deserve to kill insurance companies actually.
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pioneer-10 · 2 months
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The main characters of my story, Connection Lost! I'm not going to post too many details atm as I'm still putting everything together, but I'm excited to share it with you all!
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clonefandomevents · 11 months
Announcing Specialist Bingo Card!
This month's new Bingo is a little different to the others, in that there are no prompts to choose from. Instead, it will be the 25 different specialties the clone troopers have, and to make a fill you will have to create something for the specific specialty. They can be oc's or canon clones, as long as they suit each category.
Specialties are:
Snow, Sand, Flame, Dive/Aqua, SpecOps, Slicer, Heavy Guns, ARC, ARF, Commando, Medic, Pilot, Maintenance, CommTech, Bridge Crew, Riot Trooper, Paratrooper, Bomb Squad, Flight Crew, Cadet, Mess Crew, Trainer, Officer, Security, Shiny.
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snarp · 9 months
Kept hearing an irritating, high-pitched sound somewhere in the house since the 2nd day of floor work. It sounded like the wind droning in a cracked door or window, but I couldn't find the source. Finally figured out last night that it was the HVAC intake: the filter had gotten so choked with sawdust and other debris that one of the gaps had created a whistle.
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myrtaceaae · 1 month
I don't actually realise often how much anxiety I have because it's been my reality for like 15 years at this point.
But my therapist suggested today that possibly the fact that I'm constantly alert to triggers and to what my brain identifies as dangers is exhausting to me.
And like I never really thought that hard about it because it's my baseline normal but yeah. Much to ponder.
Anyways lmao I need to take PRN (anxiety medication) for the third time today haha
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crimeronan · 1 year
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stormyoceans · 1 year
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little-eye-guy · 3 months
ohhhh this is about to be a real pain
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papookwrites · 3 months
Me: augh why does my body ache so much??
Also me: has not done the things that make my body functional for several days
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psychoticallytrans · 1 year
Me: where's that passive suicidal ideation coming from this time Me: wait I'm three days late on my shot. that'll do it.
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fvckw4d · 5 months
Still trying to come up with a somewhat professional way to say "hey, this should either be an entry level position or you need to pay $75 an hour because you want someone with a masters degree/multi year apprenticeship in a trade and 2+ years of experience, and the fact that youre trying to fill the position with someone who has the latter but will accept the pay of a former means your only applicants will be underqualified, be unable to land a $75/hr job for a fucking reason, or the position will just sit there unfilled for 9 months, or all three, which seems to be the case for you."
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ikkaku-of-heart · 6 months
I'm going out for drinks after fencing so I won't be around until late, so here's a Munday pic of my dog whose surgery thankfully went well and whose biopsy shows she's got a clean bill of health!
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tiredsn0w · 1 year
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Sorry for not posting, I did An Oopsie
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ephemeral-winter · 7 months
i really really really prefer not to know my weight but i'm historically pretty bad at going to the doctor and not learning it but this time i was SO brave and didn't look at the scale and managed to tell the nurse i didn't want to know it and she was so nice about it and didn't tell me ANYTHING and i was so proud of myself for advocating for my needs etc. and then i got emailed the after visit summary from the automatic system and there it was right at the top and like. now i am spiraling
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