this blog is now on low-activity. not really feeling my link muse atm.
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Anonymously try and make my character blush.
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Send “Shield” for my muse’s reaction to yours placing themselves between my muse and danger.
Send “sword” for my muse to put themselves between your muse and danger.
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Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
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send one for my muse's reaction!
♥ – A romantic hug ☺ – A friendly hug ♫ – A hug while dancing ✉ – A hug goodbye ღ – A hug in greeting ❣ –A hug after being separated ✪ –A sleepy hug ✢ – An awkward hug ♢ – A familial hug ⊗ – A quick hug ☄ – A long hug ✾ – A passionate hug ☀ – A hug from behind ▲ – A surprise hug ☑ – A polite hug ✸ – A bear hug ✚ – A hug while cuddling ‽ – A hug around the waist ♠ – A squeezing hug ❋ – A silent hug ♣ – A spinning hug
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ID. ┋ 🗡️ ┋ ✧ MOMO.
YAOYOROZU SETS HER HANDS ON THE HILT OF STEEL blade with her own iron grip / fingers curl tightly around the handle. her stance widens, knees bent, and onyx hues glance over to the blond across from her / looking for validation. “ like this, right ? ” the younger student fakes a couple swings, slashing at the air as if it were a valiant opponent. it’s not as if she’s never used a sword, but advanced sword skills weren’t something she had to focus on in training her quirk.
❛ yeah -- that’s pretty good ! maybe try... not being so stiff. then it’d be PERFECT. you have to let yourself become natural with a sword... like second instinct. ❜ a sword coming from his right hand -- a basic, not too interesting one -- he held it in perfect position, standing side by side with her. ❛ see how i stand -- my back foot in the perfect position for if i need to pivot quickly. try standing like this. everyone is different, but it may help ! ❜
#♘ ⊱ — : • ° ✧ - ❨ a voice so quiet you can’t hear it call out your name. / ic. ❩#♘ ⊱ — : • ° ✧ - ❨ i’ll stand up && fight… ‘cause i know that i’m right. / v3 • bnha. ❩#creatisma#(#im ready for soft best friends#)
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arrives late with starbucks. i love my pan-son.
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fifty ways to kiss someone. send me a 💏 and i will randomise a number in order for my muse to kiss yours…
…good morning.
…where it hurts.
…where it doesn’t hurt.
…on a falling tear.
…to shut them up.
…in secrecy.
…in public.
…in joy.
…in grief.
…to distract.
…as encouragement.
…for luck.
…on a scar.
…on a place of insecurity.
…in a rush of adrenaline.
…in relief.
…in danger.
…as a ‘yes’.
…as an apology.
…as a suggestion.
…as a lie.
…as a promise.
…as comfort.
…after a small rejection.
…to wake yours up.
…to pretend.
…to gain something.
…to give up control.
…without a motive.
…because yours is running out of time.
…because mine is.
…because the world is ending.
…because the world is saved.
…out of pride.
…out of greed.
…out of lust.
…out of anger.
…out of envy or jealousy.
…out of spite.
…out of habit.
…out of necessity.
…out of love.
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arms wrap themselves around link from behind. now he’s safe! ( she always feels safe no matter what when he’s around. it’d be nice to make him feel the same. ) “ i love you , link ! “
❛ oh my ! looks like i’m safe from all the awful monster that are out to get me ! ❜ he always loved it when usagi gave him hugs. from the front or back – it didn’t matter to him. a small laugh escapes his lips, before he stops for a moment.
she loved him… how cute ! that was good though, because he loved her too ! the way she was always so sweet to him, wanting to protect him – she’s like the little sister he’s always wanted.
❛ well that’s good ! because i love you too, usagi ! ❜
☆ @prettyguard
#prettyguard#♘ ⊱ — : • ° ✧ - ❨ a voice so quiet you can’t hear it call out your name. / ic. ❩#♘ ⊱ — : • ° ✧ - ❨ a muted voice that shouts through a clamouring crowd. / answered. ❩#(#HE LOVES HER SM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!#)
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ID. ┋ 🗡️ ┋ ✧ LANCE.
bad question ? got it. he’ll do his best to avoid being invasive to the point where he’s causing the other to relive trauma from here on out——–that doesn’t make up for the damage he’s already indirectly caused due to his previous question. he’s just so eager to build some kind of familiarity with link. especially since they’ve already spent mass amounts of time together, with more to come ; he just has to know him.
❝ didn’t realize that would be a bad question to ask till now. i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to. ❞
he knew lance meant nothing by it. no ill-intent nor malicious tone. ( he didn’t think lance had a venomous bone in his body -- he was so sweet to him after all... ). he didn’t want to hurt lance’s feelings anymore, he was trying so hard, the least link could do was engage in an actual conversation. but what too say ? should he apologize for making lance feel guilty -- that’d make everything too awkward though.
❛ don’t apologize. it was a simple mistake. i understand you’re just trying to get to know me, && i appreciate it. i should’ve made more of an effort to talk to you. we’re friends after all, right ? ❜ that’s enough.
#♘ ⊱ — : • ° ✧ - ❨ a voice so quiet you can’t hear it call out your name. / ic. ❩#♘ ⊱ — : • ° ✧ - ❨ these hands could hold the world but it’ll never be enough. / v4 • voltron. ❩#bluechose#(#link vc: okay i'll say a few words to him#link: rambles on and on#link vc: perfect#JKSDHFJDS#)
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ID. ┋ 🗡️ ┋ ✧ USAGI.
wow ——— she wasn’t just imagining any of that, was she ?? ❛ … i … well, i want to protect YOU, too, then !!! let’s make it a joint effort !!! ❜ he was … so good. pure, too. a gift.
❛ how am i going to protect you if you’re trying to protect me ? ❜ it made no sense to the hero. but he knew he wasn’t going to win -- she was stubborn. ❛ fine. we’ll make a joint effort. i’ll have your back if you have mine. sound fair ? ❜
#♘ ⊱ — : • ° ✧ - ❨ a voice so quiet you can’t hear it call out your name. / ic. ❩#♘ ⊱ — : • ° ✧ - ❨ i followed without a word… i truly was a fool. / v1 • post-calamity. ❩#prettyguard#(#he is confusion#)
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like this if i owe you a reply. i’ve lost track.
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“Don’t get up. I’m comfortable like this.”
☆ : • ° ✧ platonic affection. // accepting
❛ huh -- o... okay. ❜ ice blue eyes blink in confusion, settling back down. the other’s head was basically on his chest, an arm wrapped around the hero’s smaller frame. link dared not to move -- wanting keith to be happy. an arm wrapped around the taller, pulling him closer. not saying another word, just leaning upon the other’s frame.
☆ @kogancs
#kogancs#♘ ⊱ — : • ° ✧ - ❨ a voice so quiet you can’t hear it call out your name. / ic. ❩#♘ ⊱ — : • ° ✧ - ❨ a muted voice that shouts through a clamouring crowd. / answered. ❩#(#comes in late with starbucks#im sorry#)
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i did nothing today and i feel guilty.
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like for a cute link in your inbox.
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this is sooo sweet <3
#(#frinedship at it's finest#)#♘ ⊱ — : • ° ✧ - ❨ scream out an unspoken name until someone can hear you. / about. ❩
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where’s links bf’s ?
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