#tok kin
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 2 years ago
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self care for : link (loz: tok/botw) with soft things and fidgets
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acetheta · 3 months ago
if u ever need to laugh just be in the matt smith community as a raging lesbian
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musicalthought · 4 months ago
me seeing this after saying "I'm gonna kin stan marsh" for the fiftieth time
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seslimeram · 6 months ago
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Mahvetmek. Yolunda yürünen, ülkenin göstere geldiği yegane tahayyül olarak çıkagelen bir denklem olarak mahvetme bugünün, bugünkü yaşamın özetini oluşturuyor. Topyekun, tümüyle ve belirgin bir biçimde hayatın kuşatılması sırasında ortaya çıkan hemen hemen her eylem bunu doğruluyor. Erk, muktedir, iktidarın çarpık değil dolaysız hiç değil hemen her gün yeniden diri tuttuğu bir ön alma çabasıyla hayat yerle yeksan ediliyor. Mahvetme, bir sonucun ta kendisi olarak var ediliyor. Bütünüyle her yerde, hemen her şekilde sorular bertaraf edilirken, sorulmadan verilen yanıtlarla o mahvetmeye alışın buyruluyor. Hemen hiç eksik gediği olmadan bir yönlendirme, bu da bu toprakların gerçekliği diye yutturulup kanıksatılmaya çalışılan bir retorik değme hikayelere taş çıkartılarak yineleniyor. Neydi o şarkı durmak yok yola devam. Belirsiz bir karanlığın, sonu gelmeyen bir girdap silsilesini var eden fasit döngünün orta yerinde hayatın ehven olandan alıkonulması kesintisiz belli bir hakikate dönüştürülüyor. Onca lafla ve eylemle birlikte müşterek olan hayatın mahvını var etmek kesintisiz kılınıyor.
Toplumsal müşterek bahsin yerinde yeller esen bir menzilde var edilmiş hemen her eylem ortaya çıkan tablonun da nasıl bir mahvetme retoriğine tutuklu olduğunu göstere gelir. Bir biçimde hiç aralıksız memleketin cendereye taşınmış suretini imal ederken muktedirin bu sahneyi yaşamdan alıkoymasının da istikameti var edilir. Bir heyula, mübalağa değil afaki bir biçimde zorun çok daha zor kılındığı sınamalar içerisinde yaşam hakkının eğrelti eksik tam anlamıyla çürümeye rehineliği kesintisiz kılınır. Burası bir zamanlar ülkeydi her nasıl bu hallere konulduğu meselinin unutturulması sonrası yaşatılan / yaratılan / sunulan / pay edilen her şeyle o mahvetme retorik olmaktan alıkonulup yaşamın ortasına demirlenmiş bir gerçeklik kılınır. Bunca açık olanın böyle bariz kılınanın bir tahakküm veçhesi olduğu, bir anlık değil ömürlük kılındığı zaten her şeyin hesaplı kitaplı inşa olunduğu bir zeminde acı gerçekliği de gözler önüne serer. Mahvetmenin çemberine yapışık, bir asırdır ezberleri ile hayatı dar eden, onun çürümesine, eksik kılınmasına göz yumulan bir yer gerçekliğinin temsil değil, laf hiç değil, hakikat kılındığı yerdir, bu sahne. Anadolu’dan geriye her ne kalmışsa...
Evrensel Gazetesinden aktaralım: “Adalet Bakanı Yılmaz Tunç, İstanbul'da metroda satış yapan Suriyeli çocuğa saldırıda bulunan şüphelinin tutuklandığını açıkladı.
Tunç, sosyal medya hesabındaki paylaşımda, metroda satış yapan çocuğa saldırıda bulunulmasıyla ilgili İstanbul Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı tarafından başlatılan soruşturmanın sürdürüldüğünü belirterek, şunları kaydetti:
"Gözaltına alınan şüpheli, 'beden veya ruh bakımından kendisini savunamayacak durumda bulunan kişiye karşı basit yaralama' ile 'halkı kin ve düşmanlığa alenen tahrik etme' suçlarından sulh ceza hakimliğince tutuklanmıştır. Üstün yararını gözettiğimiz masum çocuklara sebebi ne olursa olsun şiddet kabul edilemez, etmiyoruz."
Ne Olmuştu?
İstanbul’da 22 Ağustos günü Yenikapı – Hacıosman seferini yapan M2 Metrosunda iki erkek, metroda çiçekli saç tacı satan Suriyeli bir çocuğa şiddet uyguladı. Şiddet uygulayan fail erkekten birinin çocuğa fiziki şiddet uyguladığı anlar ise yolcular tarafından videoya alındı.
22 Ağustos akşam saat 21:10 sıralarında yaşanan olayda, metroda şiddet uyguladığı anda görüntüsü çekilen erkeğin, çocuğa hem bağırdığı hem de eliyle tokatladığı görüldü. Dövülen çocuk ağlarken, yolculardan biri ise şiddet uygulayan erkeği engellemeye çalıştı.
Mezopotamya Ajansına ulaşan ve görüntüyü paylaşan yolcu, şiddet uygulayan erkeğin kendisini engellemeye çalışan yurttaşa da “Sende mi Suriyelisin, sen kimsin, kimliğini göster Türk müsün, değil misin?” şeklinde karşılık verdiğini aktardı.
Adalet Bakanı Tunç: Soruşturma Başlatıldı
Adalet Bakanı Yılmaz Tunç, İstanbul'da metroda satış yapan çocuğa fiziksel saldırıda bulunan şüpheli hakkında soruşturma başlatıldığını açıklamıştı.
Tunç, sosyal medya hesabından yaptığı açıklamada, İstanbul'da metroda satış yapan Suriyeli bir çocuğa fiziksel saldırıda bulunan şüpheli hakkında, İstanbul Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı tarafından soruşturma başlatıldığını belirtmişti.
Saldırganlar İçin Suç Duyurusu
Özgürlük İçin Hukukçular Derneği (ÖHD) üyesi avukat Hazal Bilgili, Suriyeli çocuğu döven saldırganlar hakkında İstanbul Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı’na suç duyurusunda bulunmuştu.
Dilekçede, 6-7 yaş arasında alan Suriyeli çocuğun şiddete maruz kaldığı ana dair tanıklığına yer veren Bilgili, Suriyeli iki çocuğun kendisine de saç tokası satmaya çalıştığını, daha sonra çocukların diğer vagonlara doğru ilerlediğini, bir erkeğin çocuğu önce darp ettiği ve darp etkisiyle çocuğun yere düştüğünü belirtmişti. Bilgili dilekçede, şiddet uygulayan erkeğin çocuğu yerden kaldırıp darbetmeye devam ettiğini anlatmıştı.
İki Erkek Şiddet Uyguladı
Dilekçede, metrodaki başka bir yolcunun çocuğu darbeden kişiye, “Ne yapıyorsun, küçük çocuğa vurulur mu, hangi gerekçe ile vuruyorsun” diyerek engellemeye çalıştığına yer verildi. Dilekçede şiddetin kameralara yansıdığı ve burada ikinci bir erkeğin de çocuğu darbettiği yer aldı. Şiddet failinin kendisini engelleyen yurttaşa, “Sen kimsin, kimliğini göster, Türk müsün?” diye karşılık verdiği belirtilmişti.
Bilgili dilekçede failler hakkında “Kasten yaralama suçundan” kamu davası açılmasını talep etmişti.
Dilekçede, metro içerisinde kameraların mevcut olduğu hatırlatılıp, bu kamera görüntülerinin ivedilikle İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nden istenmesi de talep edilmişti.
Çocuğa Saldırıda Bulunan Kişi Yakalandı
İçişleri Bakanı Ali Yerlikaya, çocuğa saldırıda bulunan kişinin gözaltına alındığını duyurmuştu.
Yerlikaya, sosyal medya hesabından yaptığı açıklamada, metroda yabancı uyruklu bir çocuğa şiddet uygulayan kişiyle ilgili görüntülerin İstanbul Emniyet Müdürlüğü ekiplerince incelendiğini belirtmişti.
Yapılan araştırmalar sonrasında olayın Yenikapı-Hacıosman M2 metrosunda meydana geldiğinin, çocuğa şiddet uygulayan kişinin ise 41 yaşındaki D.A. olduğunun tespit edildiğini aktaran Yerlikaya, "Şüpheli şahıs bugün gözaltına alınmıştır. Çocuklar dünyanın en masum varlıkları, en büyük zenginliğimizdir. Çocuklara yönelik şiddet asla kabul edilemez." ifadelerini kullanmıştı.
EMEP: Sorumlu İktidar
Konuyla ilgili sosyal medya hesabından açıklama yayımlayan Emek Partisi (EMEP) şu ifadeleri kullandı: "AKP hükumetinin ülkeyi sürüklediği şiddet ve nefret sarmalının sonuçlarını bugün İstanbul'da metrodan toka satan mülteci çocuğa yönelik saldırıda görebiliyoruz.
İSİG'e göre Suriyeli çocukların yaklaşık 1 milyonu ilkokul çağında ancak çocukların sadece 4’te 1’i okula gidebiliyor. Geri kalan çocuklar atölyelerde, dükkanlarda, sokaklarda güvencesiz ve her türlü tehlikeyle burun buruna ucuz iş gücü olarak çalışmak zorunda kalıyor.
İktidarın nefret politikaları, çocukların ucuz iş gücü olarak kullanılmasına göz yumması ve ırkçı söylemleri besleyen burjuva muhalefetin tutumları bugün yaşanan tablonun sorumlusudur! Irkçı saldırılara, nefrete geçit vermeyelim!"”
Biteviye bir fasit döngü içinde mahvetmenin türlü çeşit suretini hakikat kılarak yürüyor iş bu menzil. Sıradan, kendi halindeki bir çocuğun hayattaki haklarından bihaber, onu buralı saymadığı, görmediği için saldırılan bir menzil gerçek kılınıyor. Çürümüşlüğün dibine ta en dibine yollanmış olagelen bir yerde çocuğun Suriyelisi, Türkü, Ermenisi, Kürdü öyle ya da böylesi olmazken, kalkıp cüretle kendisinde şiddet uygulamayı hak bilenler eliyle bir kere daha bir çocuğun canı kasten yakılıyor. Genel geçer değil, daimi bir biçimde iş bu ülkede sürekli güncellenen bir nefret edilecekler listesinin var edildiği, ismindeki zafer dahil her şeyiyle ithal bir proje olarak nazizm özentisi bir siyasi organizmadan, sokaklar / meskun mahaller, evler ve kent çeperinin önemli bir kısmında görünür olan ismine turan ya da bozkurt denilen ya da bunları da dışlayarak en akla seza teorilerle Türkçülük vurgu ve imajını sahiplenen bir ayrımcı yapı / kümelenmenin var edilebildiği bir zemin gerçekliğe kavuşturuluyor. Kimi sevdikleri zaten muamma olsa da bir asırdır sürdürüle gelen her hamlede kendini afaki bir biçimde bildiren ötekisinden nefret bir kere daha saldırıya dönüşür. Bu kez hedef çocuktur. Bu saldırı girişimi sonrası kendi sosyal mecraları üstünde çocuğun Suriyeli olmasının, kök kurutmak, ağacı yaşken imha etmek, bu ülkeye biat, itaat etmesi için dayağın elzem olduğundan, işkencenin okşama sayılması! gibi nice tahayyülün var edilebildiği bir karanlık cehennem savunula gelir. Basitçe yaşam hakkının gasp edilebilirliği söz konusu edilmesin istenir. Tümüyle antifaşist cephenin ses vermesiyle harekete geçilen bir soruşturma söz konusu olmasaydı kimsenin o suçu var eden insan / insanların peşinden koşmayacaklarını bildikleri için rahatça öznesi bir çocuk olan faili bir yetişkin olan saldırı sahiplenir. Bundan daha büyük bir çürüme söz konusu olur muydu, burası o tahayyüllerin aleni yıkıldığı insan eliyle bir cehennem kılındığı için teferruat addedilir. Hal budur!
Mahvetme eylemini / fikrini sahiplenen bununla kıvanç duyulan, hicap edilmeyen bir yer, zeminin geleceği söz konusu olabilir mi? Bu kadar kolayca kamunun sömürülerek ekonomik anlamda yıkıma terk edildiği bir zeminde aranan düşman olarak, hesap sorulacak makam olarak mültecinin / ötekisinin görülmesinin kaçıncı evresidir mesela bu yaşanan. Bir çocuğun canının yakılmasında dahi ama ve fakatsız itiraz hakkını, reddiyeyi savunamayan ama o da şimdi Türklerin arasına karışmasaydı bahsinden, kim bilir neler neler etmiştir ön yargısı gibi nicesine sığınarak ol mahvetmenin dört bir yana taşa durması söz konusu olurken bir yarını kalır mı bu yerin? Anadolu’nun çoraklaşmış bir yere dönüşümü sağlama alınmıştı. Sözüm ona metropol, tüm kültürlerin buluşup ahenk içinde yaşayabildiği bir zemin olarak bildirilen İstanbul’un da tahribattan payını aldığı bir yerin yarını ne olur! Sorunların müsebbibi ne mülteciler, ne gayrimüslimler, ne muhacirler, ne buralı olduklarını kanıtlamaya hiçbir zaman mecbur olmayan o öteki sanılan kimliklerdir. Bütünüyle bir girdap, insan eliyle kotarılan bir cerahat sarmalının var edilmesinin yekun sorumluluğu bu üstenci / ayrıştırıcı / nefret saçan siyaset erkanının ta kendisinindir. Dünü öyle bugünü böyle şimdisi simsiyah kılınırken bir yerin yarınlarının daha şu andan çalınması güncellenirken o şiddet sarmalı, bu ayrımcılığa geçit vermeyecek bir ülkenin yarını söz konusu edilebilir. Şayet bir ülkeden bahis açılacaksa, aynen bu şekil...
Misak TUNÇBOYACI – İstan’2024
Görsel: Francisco SECO – AP Photos via The Independent
Meramda Paylaşılan Haber
İstanbul’da Metroda Saç Tokası Satan Suriyeli Çocuğa Şiddet Uygulayan Kişi Tutuklandı - Evrensel
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numberoneangeldustkinnie · 11 months ago
A girl I follow on TikTok did an Angel Dust therapy session and it was…healing in all honesty
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ai-kan1 · 9 months ago
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Nothing tok serious really, i just wanted to draw some rot and share some thoughts ☝️😔
Basically i was looking at all those traitor arts of Ace where he breaks the mirror stopping yuu from going home so i wanted a scenario where it came back to bite him, so what if he does break the mirror but because Juno is from different world his consciousness is connected to the mirror so uhh now Juno kinning snow white and falling to "dead" sleep...
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wookiecookiesfactory · 10 months ago
Your style is awesome!!! I wonder how you would draw Tom Riddle =Voldemort & the death eaters ?
hii thank you so much, I am sure I have drawn them before (most of it on tik tok, so check it out maybe) but I have been rethinking them.
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I used to draw voldemort buff as a joke but lately I am fond of the canon skeletal horror snakey look he is has (I have to rethink his tom riddle look tho)
I actually think the movie look is pretty on point of how I picture bellatrix so this one is boring from me, she still looks like a queen.
Ah lucius malfoy, all pointy chin and nose up as if he perpetually smelling shit much like his wife, I was going for a "wow this guy is a complete loser" type of look, one he proudly gives to his baby Draco
Barty crouch jr, he looks disturbed and he is.
( for the love me I couldnt find peter in my folders but I have drawn him, I think is again in my tik tok lol)
And ofc my sevy kins is plastered all over here, I mean he is my kitten
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krisbianbitchface · 7 months ago
I know at this point im a daemon retractor however i got a little bit worried when i saw how the girlies in tik tok are glorifying this man...First of all,he choked Rhaenyra when she just hinted she was the promised queen,second, he willingly leaved Rhaenyra when she NEEDED him the most to Harrenhal and JUST when he sees a premonition of the black witch is when he "believes Rhaenyra", third,in his own words he doesn't even give her the benefit of her own success,he told her "his brother was right" he kneels with the weight of his sins on his shoulders and the regret of knowing his kin will go through an apocalypse and be washed away with blood and war,now that he does know what the Iron Throne holds,he no longer wants it himself...Truly a cowardly man,he fought tooth and nails for that fucking throne and now he wants none of it...but Yeah!!! Let's glorify this murderous coward without eyebrows or own judgement for kneeling before the Rightful Queen he denied a thousand times 🤡
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kathegoose · 5 months ago
Fun fact about toki pona some of it WAS inspired by Finnish. Tok pisin and Finnish are the two languages most of toki pona's words derive from!!! For example the words sina, ma, kala, ike, kasi, kin, kiwen, lipu, mije, nena, nimi, pana, nena, suli, wawa and walo are all derived from their finnish equivalents or straight up is the same exact word :3 sorry saw your tags and I just had to info dump sorry againnn
some words i immediately recognise are...
sina/sinä: you
ma/mä: me
kala: fish
kasi/käsi: arm or hand
lipu/lippu: flag?
nena/nenä: nose
suli: melted?
wawa/vauva: baby?
walo/valo: light
...some of these might be wrong, but it's those i understood :D
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starlight-reaper69 · 4 months ago
About me!
Hi I'm Kody! I've been the Redacted Audio fandom since like 2021(back when it was called Redacted ASMR)
> He/they
>Transgender and Gay
>I was apart of Redacted Tok before it got too toxic so i stopped posting.
> I may not be the nicest person but when i eventually get comfortable with someone i become hella chill
>I love video games and music. Also I'm low key chronically online
•My chemical romance
•Ghost Town
•Pierce the Veil
•Hollow Knight
>Redacted kins- Tank/Darlin, Damien, Warden, David(yes I have no dad). (And honestly who ever Pet is in imperium😈)
Other VAs I love:
•Rambol VA
•Angels&Bread ASMR
•Love Boldly Voice Acting Audios
Here's all of my socials!!
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thevoidz-blog · 2 months ago
Okay so I just saw a tic tok of someone wearing hoofs and like these pants things to look half human half goat(?) And i was like
"Fuck.. That's me"
And at first I was scared of like shit what does that mean for me? Am I something new?
I just found another trait to my monstrous void thingy (that I tag as ?kin) so woo! Guess I have hoofs.
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cloverwood · 2 months ago
Hi!! I’m a Therian who is questioning fairykin. Do you have any signs I may be one? I feel really connected to them and nature. (I always just assumed it was bc of my theriantropy). I’m apart of the so called “fairy-tok” and the more I’ve gotten into it the more really felt connected to fairies. Walking on my toes to feel as if I’m frying, having dreams where I can fly, feeling right when I’m wearing wings, pretending to do magic as it feels like I should be able to. It all feels right but I’m not sure? What things would you recommend me to look for to know I’m a fairy kin?
hi hi friend! this...ended up longer than expected apologies in advance (^_^")
well for starters, anyone who knows me or who has been in my discord will know that I am very against "deciding" someone else's kintype for them or the idea that you have to have exact specific experiences to identify as anything. So the only person who can find this out for you is yourself BUT! I will share some thoughts that could help you and others with similar feelings.
For starters, what experiences would equate one person to be a kin of something could be entirely opposite to another's experiences of the exact same kintype. even more so with fairies with how broad of a concept we are. The 'little humanoid figure with wings' concept of a fairy for example (of which i am one also) is very unique to folkore of only the last couple hundred years or so and modern media (tho i believe modern media counts as just modern folklore. pixie hollow fairies are as valid as the sidhe.) But it means one persons "fairy wings and flying" fairy would be another's "troll tail and three fingers on each hand" fairy. Just something to keep in mind in regards to "signs" and why its very much up to your own personal interpretations and feelings.
However that isnt to say that comparing experiences can't be useful and it can certainly be joyous. I've def had some people open up to the idea of possibly being fairykin without ever them considering it before bc they described some experience i was like 'oh thats similar to how i feel as a fairy' and they go 'REALLY!?' bc many folks just don't know that much abt fairies or some other reason. But again its more about finding connection less than finding 'signs'.
Secondly it never hurts to just dive into some research. Learn about all the different kinds of fair folk throughout history and cultures. Different fairy media as well if you're more modern inclined (Brian Froud is a big influence on me). Fairies are very very broad and it may help to try find different ideas and concepts you're drawn to and help you specify ur feelings, tho def not necessary.
And thirdly, my advice to anyone questioning a kin (even tho i need to start taking this advice myself XD). Just try it! Just call yourself that even if you arent 100% sure yet, plop the label on urself for a while and if it it sticks? great! if it doesnt? oh well! now you know! It's really the easiest approach. Because theres literally no harm in being wrong here. it can feel a bit embarrassing or weird after but its hurts noone, truly.
hope this ramble made any sense at all lol. again i have strong feelings about trying to confirm kins using other people or looking for specific "signs" because theres really no sign other than "i feel this". At the most it gets tricky when knowing you feel a way towards a 'type but not the exact relationship (ie where i am with homo-cladotherian rn, not sure if its kin or hearted or a more complex relationship) and that one is a pickle but again just rly smth only u can figure out with lots of time and introspection. It's not a race.
I can't remember who said this, but I once heard "Your kintype is an identity, not a diagnosis." and it very strongly aligns with how i feel about approaching this kinda thing.
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theforgottenmcrmy · 7 months ago
live reactions to house of the dragon season 2, episode 5
as always, these are just my opinions🖤
(spoilers below the cut)
Oof, even the recap of the battle still hurts🥲
I have subtitles on, and I just love how the intro says “(epic theme playing)”
Lord Cregan and Lady Jeyne spotted in the tapestry?👀
Corlys pleaseee, I’ve tried to be strong for a whole week. Don’t do this to me.😭
I’m so conflicted with the fact that he might have stepped out on Rhaenys at some point, because it’s so evident that he loved her greatly.
Such a dumb PR move by the Greens. Thats all I’ll say.
You can literally HEAR one of the small folk ask, “they killed a dragon?👀”
Rhaenyra WILL answer this 🔥
Meleys, you deserved so much more💔
And just WHAT do they think they will do with Rhaenys’s body?!?!?! (If that’s what’s in that cart)
The irony of Alicent’s favorite child now becoming something she can no longer control…
Oh shit, wait- is that…. Surely it’s not-
You’re seriously trying to tell me there was NO other way to get Aegon back into the castle?!?! Seriously? If you insisted parading Meleys’s head around for the small folk, you at least could have brought Aegon into the keep by a back gate or SOMETHING.
And now that I’m thinking about it, what the hell did Aemond say when he returned back without Aegon? What did he tell Alicent?
Wowwwwwww. I knew Aemond was cold, but I guess I didn’t realize HOW cold he’d become. Imagine dracarys’ing your brother, then coming back to gloat over his burned body and announcing the obvious that someone will have to rule in his stead,
They seriously just LEFT Sunfyre there?!?!?! And what the hell does Cole mean? Is he dead?😭
“Our largest dragon has been killed” yes BUT so was Rhaenys?!
Seriously though, all these men talk a big game about battles that haven’t truly occurred in DECADES.
I’m really hoping the swap the sacking of King’s Landing for Rook’s Rest. Quite frankly I don’t think I can take another emotional blow this season.
I love Jace and Baela’s dynamic so much.
Real talk though, would the Brackens or anyone else for that matter even be able to hear Daemon over Caraxes and the horses?😂
Mmmmm, Fried Bracken.
“I did not think they would be so eager to die.”💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 Please, why is Daemon so unintentionally hilarious this season.
Not Daemon of all people making a decent attempt at ceasing a centuries long feud-
The Vale 💙 🕊️
Yep, Lady Jeyne is Rhaenyra’s kin alright.
Mysaria is right on point. And I’m loving seeing Rhaenyra putting her trust in others again🙌🏻
Go Elinda go go go
Why do I feel like whatever is going to happen with Corlys will not go well…
Oh Lordy, Alys is feeling creative tonight isn’t she…
My favorite WHAT?!?!?! 🤮🤮🤮
I wouldn’t be hungry either, the FUCK
“His family’s wealth” I’m sorry Ser Simon STRONG, is that not your family too?
I love their banter, that’s the hell😂
“The obvious choice is immediate successor, Aemond.” OH, so Aemond IS his heir? Almost exactly like I said on a tik tok i’d made, only for some people to argue with me that the Greens would have Jaehaera inherit before him? (Even though doing so would be hypocritical to their entire cause)
Ser Crispy, you can kiss any chance with Alicent you ever had goodbye 👋🏻
Aemond doesn’t miss a beat, immediately hopping to business. I’m weak as hell.
Alicent’s having a panic attack rn, isn’t she?
The dog😭💔
“What he has somehow become” girl be so fr. As if YOUR lack of investment and attention to him, and your willingness to ignore Aegon’s awful treatment of him for years (that you damn well knew plenty about) played absolutely NO roll in Aemond becoming what he is…
Cole’s been sipping some of Alicent’s delulu tea. He REALLY thought he was sparing her by stabbing her in the back to support Aemond as regent instead.🤡🤡🤡
What’s with the Frey’s and them ALWAYS EATING whenever they’re conducting business?
It’s realllllly fucking crazy to think that (show) Jace is bargaining away his OWN INHERITANCE and he doesn’t even know it like🫥🫥🫥
Even crazier for the Freys to think they were just going to be given Harrenhal without declaring for Rhaenyra.
If Daemon knows she’s a witch, why is he so keen to play buddy buddy with Alys literally every damn chance he gets? Sus.
Ugh, I hope Daemon has a moment of clarity. This change from FOB is NOT it.
I’m confused, I could’ve sworn Corlys was already named Hand.
Baela🖤🖤🖤 The icon, the legend. We love you.
“I am blood and fire. Driftmark must pass to salt and sea.” GODS could you be any more bad ass like-
Rhaenyra using See Alfred’s own subconscious opinion of her and her abilities against him in order to get him to do what she wants😂 you sure you aren’t a direct descent of Margaery Tyrell, ma’am?
Ser Simon’s probably thinking “would you like to regain control of this situation at any point, or…?”
Nice touch to have Rhaenyra with a lady (who is not the usual tone) who’s tugging a bit too much at her hair, since Elinda is busy off in King’s Landing.
Helaena KNOWS
Alicent sitting at Aegon’s beside, as she once did for Viserys…
Not the “mummy”���💔💔💔
“Will you fly before Vhaegar as Luke did?” Ma’am, that was TOO COLD💀😭
So is Sunfyre really gone then?😭 What the hell, these changes are starting to irk me.
Did not miss that Rhaena had an off-screen attempt to claim a dragon.
If only Sam from GOT had a dragon😂
Dragonseeds, here we go…
Glad to see they didn’t cut the mob scene with Helaena and Alicent from the trailer, but I’m curious to see the context of it now since it wasn’t during Jaehaerys’s funeral.
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mahoushoujodreams · 9 days ago
and here’s why!
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tw: abuse, sh, ableism, delusions/psychosis triggers , reality checking, system discovery, causes for OSDDID
image context in image ID
I don’t normally make posts like this, but now with my official DID diagnosis in hand and a 22 page long psychological eval pdf.. I feel the need to finally get this off my chest.
I experienced weird identity issues since I was a small child. I was a victim of severe, constant, various forms of abuse. This post isn’t for OSDDID discourse, just context.
Around 2019, when I was 14- I learned the term “kinnie”. At the time it was innocent, if you related to a character then you were a “kinnie” of them.
Quarantine hits when I’m 15, I’m supppeeeer into Danganronpa. I learn of a new side of instagram, called Kinstagram or more commonly “Kinsta”. Much of the environment there was the same as Tik Tok.
On that side they had more terms. They say “kinning” and “kinnies” aren’t real. You are “kin with” the character. ID/Spiritual being when you are literally that character and/or believe you were them in a past life. My whole world changes, I get HUGE on there for my identity with a character.
I had perma-shift in my bio. I acted as if I were the literal version of this character in the good age of 2020. I shared pseudo memories, or as they call it “kin memories”. In their community these usually come in dreams, daydreams, even medical terms like maldaptive daydreaming.
It was normalized to believe that I was the literal (this is an example, not who I identified with) Mary Jane Watson. It was normal to have self harm behaviors and panic attacks over “source trauma” and missing my partner Peter Parker. So normal in fact everyone did this and encouraged it.
I was praised, told I was THE Mary Jane Watson, even the IRL! I met friends like Aunt May. Strangers on the internet but trust them guys! They’re Aunt May! They must be, because they said so.
Then something else comes around. “Delusional Attachments. DA” I get some anonymous messages egging me for encouraging delusions, I have no clue what they mean until my gf at the time tells me. It matches up with the “kin with” stuff I promoted. My heart sinks.
But, being the sympathetic burnout I am- I tried to re-educate my audience. No, I’m not a kinnie. I AM Mary Jane as a DA. She’s me. Literally me. No doubles! I did SH if someone dm’d me about this. It was bad… and it was all encouraged. It was normalized to have double warnings on cosplays, kin posts, silly posts too.
My world breaks in two when I learn that DID is not what I think. It’s what I’m going through. Suddenly the Mary Jane insulting voice in my head is writing my friends texts, hurting my body, talking to my doctors and I can’t remember a thing. She tries to talk to me directly, I’m scared.
I’m scared because I was lied to as a child. During a detrimental phase of identity development. I’m scared because I was told this was fun and normal.
I’m scared because suddenly I have no education or resource on this.
I’m scared because suddenly this is out of my control.
What is my point of this post? Research before you attach. Talk to a provider. Even your school guidance counselor. Especially for the love of god if you’re a minor. It’s okay to seek help that’s not online. If you’re a kinnie that’s fine! But clarify if you’re coping and not encouraging delusion or behaviors like SH. Don’t share “kin education” without a disclaimer. This also goes for reality shifters, IRLS, etc. Both kin and psychotic online communities need to be more respectful and careful of others at risk.
On this note, if you’re currently being abused and cannot ask for help I know how you feel. There are some things that you can do from home. You can keep journals and leave a note that if an alter/part wants to contribute they can! But don’t force it.
I can make an advice post for at home coping mechs and communication methods if requested. I’m just tired. I fought so much that I wouldn’t have needed to if not for misinformation online.
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tenmillionpoundsofsludge · 9 months ago
I will say I am happy it's having it's flash in the pan on tik Tok rn instead of in like 2017. Can you imagine the ihnmaims kin community drama
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faerie-culture-is · 2 months ago
Hi!! I’m a Therian who is questioning fairykin. Do you have any signs I may be one? I feel really connected to them and nature. (I always just assumed it was bc of my theriantropy). I’m apart of the so called “fairy-tok” and the more I’ve gotten into it the more really felt connected to fairies. Walking on my toes to feel as if I’m frying, having dreams where I can fly, feeling right when I’m wearing wings, pretending to do magic as it feels like I should be able to. It all feels right but I’m not sure? What things would you recommend me to look for to know I’m a fairy kin?
this blog is actually run by the faerie headmates of the diamond castle collective, so while we aren't technically fairykin it sounds like you could be to me!
my advice would be to really engage with the fairykin community or maybe do some research on what type of fairy you could be? basically just connecting with the things that make you feel like yourself! - 🪷
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