#toffee makes headcanons
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laskar1s · 14 days ago
Magna's favorite! <3
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flo-zoinks · 3 months ago
Could you please do headcanons for what candies the gang likes?
Of course!!! Thanks for asking me!!❤❤
I'm not very educated on different types of sweets soo bare with me plsss😭🙏
Dutch - Liquorice. Nobody else likes it at all but he thinks his taste is more sophisticated
Arthur - dark chocolate
Pearson - purposely eats cough-medicine type sweets in public to rant it was all he had when he was back in the navy
Hosea - hard boiled sweets. Hands them out even though nobody else really likes them but nobody says anything
Strauss - humbugs to suck on whilst doing his work
Kieran - sugary lollipops and when asked why said it's like his own horse sugar lick thingy
Sadie - Jake used to love taffy and got her into it, whilst she doesn't normally have a sweet tooth it's an exception
Mary-Beth - jellybeans, falsely thinks Arthur likes the orange beans so always gives him those ones (they are her favourite)
Tilly - bonbons, especially the strawberry ones and used to eat alcoholic filled ones with Karen until around chapter 4
Karen - insanely sour sweets. Anything that's sour and complains theres nothing actually sour anymore
John - Javier once bought a load of imported mexican sweets and made John try some so now he likes Betamex. Jack and Abi HATE it but once John saves them in 1911 the house has so many from when he went to mexico
Abigail - Fudge. Would buy it as a treat once a month during her working girl days
Jack - Javier also gave Jack a paleta payaso to try and he loves it it's his favourite
Javier - duros (do they count?)
Bill - Candied roasted nuts
Grimshaw - keeps werthers in her bra to give out or have to herself (me too girl me too)
Reverend - whiskey chocolate
Trelawny - makes a whole story out of his favourite sweet being DELICIOUSLY rich, though really locally made somewhere in mainland Europe, yet generally just likes a good lollipop
Sean - hosea used to give him sticky toffee so he would shut up when he was younger so now it's his favourite
Lenny - mints. Is the one people go to if their breath smells real bad urgently and always has the most mintiest breath because of it (sean thinks its nasty)
Charles - chocolate covered raisins. Never really gets it though, just if he had to
Uncle - anything but coconut candy. Literally ANYTHING but goes on rants for ages if he finds anything coconut flavoured in there
Micah - says liquorice but its rock (stick candy in the usa?)
Molly - huge truffle and chocolate addict
Are these okay??? Thanks for asking me so much ily❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏!!!!
U know the drill tell me who I forgot again pls😭
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springtyme · 2 years ago
𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐌𝐖𝟐 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ♡
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Imagines/Headcanons (141 + König)
Confessing They Want a Baby [5k]
Becoming/Being Parents [6.3k]
NSFW Headcanons
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Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
A Sweet Surprise [1.3k]
Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby
King Sized Mattress
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Simon “Ghost” Riley
Homeward Bound [1.6k]
Unmasked Love [2.2k]
Sweater Weather [0.8k]
Pumpkin Love [0.5k]
Kiss Me Through The Phone [3.3k]
Out Of Reach two parter
Here Comes The Sun [2.2k]
Let's Make Love, Let's Make Life [3.7k]
I Wanna Be Yours coming soon
Little Golden Ring
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Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Love Thy Neighbour series
Crimson and Clover [0.9k]
Nesting [0.5k]
Places [0.8k]
The Dress Looks Nice On You Still
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Captain John Price
In A Sentimental Mood [0.7k]
A Bowl Of Scouse [0.6k]
Toffees and Tea coming soon
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zomb1egutzz · 4 months ago
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🪽 - This boy loves popcorn!!! (his fav is toffee popcorn!!)
🪽 - He Plays acoustic guitar but never plays it for anyone
🪽 - His Fav artist is either Kimya Dawson or plastic tree
🪽 - is insanely good at just dance
🪽 - prefers movies over TV shows
🪽 - Loves comic books
🪽 - Hates horror but he can watch saw 1 !!
🪽 - Is really good at art and has a draw filled with his old sketchbooks
🪽 - Favorite Weather is snow!
🪽 - prefers reptiles but loves cats
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🪽 - His love language is words of affirmation, he says ‘I love you’ at least three times a day!
🪽 - sometimes he just stares, not saying anything, just stares at you, he’s admiring his boyfriend
🪽 - refuses to play guitar for you incase you think its awful
🪽- makes sure the house is always warm for you
🪽 - your cold? he has a million fluffy blankets, take one
🪽- falls asleep super easily
🪽- he hates going to public spaces so he sometimes either waits out side or at his dorms when you go get boba/coffee
🪽 - Loves it when you try and cook for him, sure it may be a little burnt and raw at the same time but he’ll eat it and say its delicious!
🪽 - when you guys study you never end up studying, but you do end up having a nice evening! with homade toffee popcorn, boba a nice movie and you two falling asleep straight away!
🪽 - Likes to go on walks with you, prefers to go on walks whilst it’s fall!
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I am so sorry if these are awful!! its my first time writing these!!
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 6 months ago
What do you think each of the crowd would smell like? Not to be creepy, I just want to smell like Inej Ghafa
Interesting question; I’m afraid that Inej canonically smells of nothing according to Kaz, except for during the bathroom scene when he says that she smells of the hotel soap she just used. Nina does say when on parem that the table where she healed Inej’s stab wound smells of her but it’s strongly implied that the parem gives her the ability to distinguish the scent of one person’s blood from another and it’s the leftover blood she can still smell even after the table has been cleaned and know that it was Inej’s blood.
Nina canonically smells of the perfume that’s used to falsely scent the White Rose’s flower arrangements at the start of Six of Crows, according to Matthias, and later on the Ferolind during the journey to Fjerda smells of the toffees she stashed and has been eating.
During Crooked Kingdom, Nina and Jesper (and Kuwei, if you’d like to include him) canonically smell of coffee because they’re wearing it all the time like perfume to hide from the possibility that the Kerghud soldiers can smell the difference between Grisha and otkazats’ya
That’s all the canon mentions of people’s scents that I can recall off the top of my head, but if anyone remembers any others let me know, and as for headcanons:
Wylan probably spends most of the books smelling of the chemicals he uses in his explosives, Kaz claims that the scent of smoke can cling to people’s shirt cuffs and I expect that would ring true for Wylan. Pre and post canon he probably smells of fancy soap and, if it exists in the Grishaverse, nice curl cream or other products that he uses on his hair, but even if that does exist in the Grishaverse I very much doubt he had access to it during canon.
Jesper most likely often smells of smoke and gunpowder, pre and maybe during canon he probably often had the smell of alcohol on his clothes as well, and perhaps post canon fancy soap and the tinge of engine oil.
The Barrel may smell terrible but that doesn’t mean Kaz has to reduce himself to it and he most definitely won’t; he probably smells of soap and leather most of the time, plus he clearly puts a lot of effort into his suits so you may be able to smell whatever they’ve been so well washed in. Also quite possibly blood. I’m now thinking maybe he would deliberately choose scentless soaps because I read a book where lingering perfume was recognised at a crime scene and he would want to avoid anything that might be recognisable.
We know for a fact that Hellgate was a disgusting smelling place with poor access to hygiene and clean water, but after he was freed I imagine Matthias became hyper aware of cleanliness because of this limited access to hygiene products and kept himself very neat and clean. He probably smells of soap most of the time. Pre canon I imagine there were pretty strict hygiene and general cleanliness rules for the Drüskelle so again he probably smelt quite clean, but also had something of the rugged air and cold Northern winds about him. He also may have had the scent of some kind of shampoo since he had very long hair that the smell would remain clinging to, but I expect that whatever he used was standardised amongst the Drüskelle.
At home Inej probably smelled of spices and perfumes and chalk, and at the Menagerie she probably smelled of cheap, overpoweringly strong perfume. It’s a combination of both of these factors that make me think she was actively choosing to avoid scent during the duology, hence Kaz saying “she didn’t even have a scent”, and choosing scentless soaps. Post canon she probably smells of salt and the sea most of the time, and would maybe pick up a scented soap every now again to practice testing her limits and branching out since we know she actively pushes herself with some of the smaller things like this that she finds difficult
Honestly I’m not sure if i have any particular headcanons about Nina, though I think she would avoid rose-scented perfume post canon
Thanks for the ask! This was pretty fun to think about <33
This has been another episode of DK Finally Gets It Together And Answers Her Asks Because It’s About Damn Time (Working Title), thank you for joining me, if you’d like to see the rest of the series you can find it in the tags or if that isn’t working (again 🤦‍♀️) then in my pinned post <3
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jasongracetism · 7 months ago
rahhh pjo headcanons part uno
annabeth buys two copies of all her favourite books so she can have one copy that she can annotate and highlight and dog-ear the pages and one that she keeps perfectly pristine on her shelf. if I had the money I would totally do that too
annabeth hated twilight sparkle from my little pony and then when she got a little bit older she realised that twilight was actually her. like literally her. that's why she hated her
jason hates toffee with a flaming passion he cannot stand it he will gag dramatically and aggressively if anyone eats toffee around him. the texture and the smell make him feel sick and so he does not eat it ever, he would rather get struck by lightning than eat a piece of toffee
hazel used to really like bubblegum in the 40s when it was new and now that its cheaper and more refined in modern america, she chews it all the time
leo sticks post-it notes EVERYWHERE like literally everywhere on every surface ever. he labels things he writes little notes-to-self he makes sure he remembers to do things by sticking a post-it note on it. he also tried to have them colour coded by importance but they all ended up labeled as "super important" so it didn't really work
leo is a no sabo kid 🙏🙏 THINK ABOUT IT the only person in his life who spoke spanish to him died when he was still little - he went to school in america and therefore grew up learning english!! he can understand spanish if it's spoken to him but he can't really speak it himself besides a few phrases and words IT MAKES SENSE
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azelmaandeponine · 5 months ago
"Maybe Toffee Peanuts are like black licorice and only a select few people like them" - Is that or Stan is really the only person in Glass Shard Beach that liked Toffee Peanuts. Damn Alex, you really should have thought about something better for Stan to leave behind. The same about that damn baby being Shermie.
Yeah. The idea of Toffee Peanuts being like black licorice/Stan being the only person in Glass Shard Beach who likes them is funny and all...but something explicitly belonging to Stan being left behind would have made more sense lol.
To be fair, I don't think Alex considered the implications or timeline issues when he decided the baby was Shermie. It makes more sense for the baby to be Shermie's kid, so that's what I headcanon.
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skylarsblue · 2 years ago
✦Call of Duty Bio Headcanons✦
(I know they have canon ages and heights and stuff, but listen. It's fiction, and I think I know better(/j). You can disagree, but these are my opinions. Also, obviously, not all of the info has changed.)
✧John Price✧
Age: 42 y.o Height: 6'2" Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: "Sexy-Is-Sexy" (Or Pansexual) Middle Name: Samuel Likes: Whiskey, vintage radios, old westerns, horses, & mint ice cream. Dislikes: Streaming services, cigarettes(ironic), spicy food, dust, & cottage cheese. Birthday: January 1st Zodiac: Capricorn -Trivia- -Allergic to cats and didn't know until he moved out because his mother had like, four. Grew up around them his entire childhood and was honestly devastated when he realized they make him sick cause he loves'em. -He was definitely a fuck boy in high school/college. Not an asshole one, he made his intentions up front and he was overall sweet, but he didn't wanna be tied down. Ironic given how he ended up wanting the exact opposite later on. -Wishes he took better care of his teeth as a kid. They look great now but he has five fillings in his molars and one (now replaced), silver tooth all the way in the back. Phobia: Amenisphobia; The fear of amnesia Neuro...: Neurotypical
✧Kyle "Gaz" Garrick✧
Age: 26 y.o Height: 6'0" Pronouns: He/Him (I heavily support the trans!Gaz HC) Sexuality: Bisexual w/ a male preference Middle Name: Dylin Likes: Hot chocolate, the smell of lavender, coconut, licorice toffee, & nostalgic music. Dislikes: Milk, politics(irony again), Winter, grocery shopping, & spiders. Birthday: September 5th Zodiac: Virgo -Trivia- -Second oldest of four children, the only boy. He's a family man when it comes to his siblings, but not so much when it comes to his parents. Barely present father and a stressed out mother create for a shaky relationship with them. -Cannot cook to save his life. Man lives off of delivery, MREs, and cup noodles. He knows like...four dishes, and most of them are really simple. -Struggles decorating and making outfits cause he likes tons of different aesthetics. Everything from Scene Kid(for his inner teen) to streetwear. His version of housed decor are a bunch of plants. (Fake so they don't die when he's on deployment) Phobia: Arachnophobia; fear of arachnids/spiders. Neuro...: Neurodivergent (Dyslexia)
✧Johnny "Soap" MacTavish✧
Age: 29 y.o Height: 5'8" Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Omnisexual Middle Name: Neil (heh) Likes: Knickknacks, loud music, punk aesthetic, chickens, & football(aka Soccer for us pathetic Americans). Dislikes: Silence, sitting still, vague answers, being told what to do, & big dogs. Birthday: August 12th Zodiac: Leo -Trivia- -Constantly on & off with a caffeine addiction. He'll do really good about just drinking water, then he'll have one energy drink and he's fucked it all up again. -The scar on his chin is from a dog, the scar in his eyebrow is from a fight he got in as a teenager. He got in a lot of trouble as a teen. -Borderline pyromaniac, honestly. Hyperfixated on fire as a kid and now he's really happy to be a bombtech. Bro loves blowing shit up. Phobia: Cynophobia; fear of dogs. Neuro...: Neurodivergent (ADHD, hyperlexia)
✧Simon "Ghost" Riley✧
Age: 36 y.o Height: 6'4" Pronouns: He/It (Using "it" makes him seem more ominous, which he thinks is fun) Sexuality: Gay or Homoflexible, demisexual/demiromantic probably Middle Name: Achilles Likes: Birds, alternative indie music, dark chocolate, Victorian architecture, & murder mystery books. Dislikes: Snakes, graveyards, the dark(when it's completely pitch black), 99% of physical touch, & fluorescent lights. Birthday: December 30th Zodiac: Capricorn -Trivia- -He'll never admit it but he loves babies. They're super tiny and super cute, and Simon's heart always melts when one's around. Alas, he's also terrified of scaring them or getting attached, so he avoids babies as best he can. Can't have people thinking he's soft. -Makes the best steak in Manchester. Sometimes his seasoning is bland but the meat itself is perfection, you won't find any better. Melts in your mouth every time. It's a steak equivalent of 6 orgasms. It IS an orgasm. He makes great fucking steak. -Isn't fond of pure silence like Soap, but he doesn't often wanna fill it with loud sounds. He has a playlist of softer, more instrumental songs for this. Or he'll listen to nature sounds. He likes quiet, just not silent. Phobia: Taphephobia; the fear of being buried alive. Neuro...: Neurodivergent (Autistic, dyscalculia)
✧Alejandro Vargas✧
Age: 38 y.o Height: 5'11" Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Bisexual (Maybe Poly? He's not sure) Middle Name: N/A Likes: Hot drinks, the smell of roses, his nieces/nephews, physical affection, & cowboy hats. Dislikes: Sweaty palms, tourist-y Americans, caramel sauce, white-lies, & the feeling of glue. Birthday: March 25th Zodiac: Aries -Trivia- -Was with Valeria for awhile, but differences, stress, and Valeria discovering she was pretty gay broke them up. They had some tension, but he wasn't bitter towards her. Until she betrayed them, of course. -Was actually the last of his friend group to lose his virginity. He's a passionate, flirty man, but he's not throwing that kind of trust out willy-nilly. He had a few relationships but didn't reach that point until he was like, 19, about to turn 20. He asked a friend to share the moment with him. ...a close friend. -Cannot function in the cold at all. And his definition of cold is 21 degrees Celsius. (70 Fahrenheit for us Americans) He layers and complains all day, he's got a fuckin' heated blanket. A heated blanket owner in fucking MEXICO. Phobia: Coulrophobia; the fear of clowns Neuro...: Neurotypical
✧Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra✧
Age: 38 y.o Height: 5'9" Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Bisexual (Also maybe poly but he's very hesitant about it) Middle Name: N/A Likes: Ice baths, windchimes, baked sweets(mostly pie), clean handwriting, & naps on the couch. Dislikes: Cutting onions, heavy blankets, confrontation(with like, loved ones. Not on duty, obviously), slow walkers, & reptiles. Birthday: June 20th Zodiac: Gemini -Trivia- -Super good at singing, but he never does, because he's embarrassed. His mother would often encourage him to sing when he was younger at family gatherings, and now he cringes when someone hears him sing and comments on it. -His house is full of fans. Some rooms have more than one. They're running basically all the time, as well as the AC. Sometimes he has to get a family member to go home and turn them off when he's on a long mission. -He knew Alejandro before Alejandro knew him. When they were kids, Rudy was shy and had some problems with his health(exercise induced asthma mostly), so he didn't go out of his way to befriend other kids much. But he was a people watcher, and Alejandro was the most fun to watch. They actually met because one of Alejandro's friends pointed it out and called him creepy, only for Alejandro to defend him. Then they became super close friends! Phobia: Bufonophobia; the fear of toads Neuro...: Neurodivergent (Autistic, echolalia)
✧Valeria Garza✧
Age: 39 y.o Height: 5'7" Pronouns: She/It Sexuality: Sapphic Demiromantic Middle Name: N/A Likes: Expensive paintings, perfect nail-polish, sandalwood incense, lemon water, & flowers. Dislikes: Shaving, back-talk, tiny text on documents or books, chunky rings, & pineapple. Birthday: January 23rd Zodiac: Aquarius -Trivia- -Has a pull to religious imagery in a darker light because of religious trauma. Roman Catholicism is quite common in Mexico, but her parents were really heavy about it. To the point it makes Valeria bitter over it. She has a rocky relationship with God, but finds Mary comforting. Because when she was brought to church, but wanted to hide, she'd hide beside a Mary statue in a corner. -She has an odd sleep schedule. She often only gets four hours of sleep, but she doesn't seem to be tired at any point. In fact, the more sleep she gets, the more lethargic she is that day. -Her first girlfriend was when she was still in the military. A traveling medic from Italy. Unfortunately, the flame came and went thanks to the medic having to leave. Valeria has moved on, but she does mourn their lost time sometimes and has a little dream of meeting her again one day. Though she knows that's not practical. Phobia: Ecclesiophobia; the fear of church Neuro...: Neurotypical
✧Alex Keller✧
Age: 36 y.o Height: 6'1" Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Heteroflexible Middle Name: Sebastian (he's embarrassed about this) Likes: Golden retrievers, bad jokes, most seafood, provolone cheese, & hummus. Dislikes: Thanksgiving, the sound of rubbing styrofoam, being told to "do what he wants"(makes him feel aimless), tobacco smell, & overzealousness. (He likes simplicity...excluding his tattoos) Birthday: December 2nd Zodiac: Sagittarius -Trivia- -He doesn't really talk to his family excluding holidays. BUT, he will always keep in contact with his older sister, and his niece by proxy. They're the only two that made him feel wanted in his family. He wasn't abused in his mind, but he wasn't paid attention to much either. He always seemed overshadowed by something/someone, and as he got older, he got tired of feeling like an outcast in his own family. So he slowly drifted away and he goes on the guidance of orders he receives. -Probably born in a small town in a place like Utah. He's got small-town-mid-south manners. But I like to imagine he spent a lot of his time in California too, he seems like he'd enjoy the sun and the ocean. -Picks up languages really quick, somehow. At least, when he's around people that speak it. If he had to learn purely from books, he'd have choppy speech at best. He's fluent in English, Spanish, and Arabic. Also, knows a bit of ASL, but he's still working on that one. Phobia: Lilapsophobia; the fear of hurricanes/tornadoes Neuro...: Neurodivergent (Hyperlexia, SPD)
✧Farah Ahmed Karim✧
Age: 30 y.o Height: 5'5" Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Aliquaromantic Demi-Bisexual Middle Name: N/A Likes: Poppies, motorcycles, pretty much any food with chickpeas, super spicy stuff, and the sky at dusk. Dislikes: Overly salty things, riddles, genuine cockiness, the feeling of rust(that includes on spoons...), & long winded responses. Birthday: July 1st Zodiac: Cancer -Trivia- -Keeps her hair long despite the fact it's annoying to deal with sometimes. Purely for sentimental reasons. To her, it represents the growth she's had as a person. A far cry from the buzz-cut she was forced into when under someone else's control. So she refuses to cut it. -She will never use it, and she despises it, but she's semi-fluent in Russian. Being around it for so long made her pick it up. It works well if she needs to translate, but she'll be caught dead before she speaks Russian. -Honestly can't cook for shit. She doesn't know what the hell she's doing in the kitchen and basically relies on MREs or the skills of others. She's not a picky eater though, and she'll always finish what's put in front of her, even if she's not fond of it. Phobia: Agniophobia; fear of choking Neuro...: Neurotypical
Age: 28 y.o Height: 6'10" Pronouns: He/They Sexuality: Bisexual Middle Name: Obercht (Bonus)Last Name: Badubrecht Likes: Making bracelets, boxing(watching or doing), soda, heavy metal, & fresh bread. Dislikes: Certain kinds of wool, small cars, low doorframes, having to go to the medic, & the smell of hay. Birthday: March 9th Zodiac: Pisces -Trivia- -Was bullied all through high school for various things. His demeanor, his size, his hair(which was long), his cleft lip scar, etc. It took until he hit the largest growth spurt he ever had in secondary school when people began to stop poking fun, but instead avoid him. He maybe had 2-3 actual friends in his entire life before the military. And even now he mostly has acquaintances, not friends. -Doesn't talk to his mother, she was overbearing and cruel, mostly because Konig looks a lot like his father. He doesn't really talk to his father much because the man is hard to talk to. He's not completely cut off, but they are estranged. Konig's grandma hears from him almost every day, sometimes twice a day. She's a badass in her 90s who has never done him wrong, and he would blow up the entire world if anything happened to her. -Sometimes Konig gets comments that say he's got multiple personalities. (By uneducated people, clearly) Because he seems to switch dramatically between modes depending on time, place, and circumstance. Sometimes he's childish and giggly, cute even. Sometimes he's silent, unreadable, and withdrawn. And on the battlefield he's...inhuman, terrifying, and nothing short of bloodthirsty. Phobia: Equinophobia; the fear of horses. Neuro...: Neurodivergent (autistic)
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sangre · 4 months ago
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE.  REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG, with the information of your muse,  including headcanons, etc.
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name: lureva de león/lureva ingellvar. it's So complicated. she would rather use her maiden name, de león but is more recognized in nevarra as ingellvar. nicknames: her twin brother called her lulu as children. 'miss de león' by emmerich eventually, 'lure' from neve, which harding picks up as well. davrin & taash will occasionally use 'lu.' obviously rook is everyone's first call, but lucanis takes to calling her 'reva' once things get rolling between them. age: thirty-four. race: elf. gender: agender, largely she/her pronouns but won't scoff at any others, likes masc titles. orientation: bisexual. zodiac: capricorn. moral alignment: chaotic good. class/subclass: mage - death caller. lureva is a necromancer, through and through. interests/hobbies: Necromancy:) - She can see spirits and has a good sense of people who are being influenced by them (So she can definitely see like, Echoes of Spite lol - or at least hear him) - She takes up medicine/healing to follow in her birth mother's footsteps and likes studying anatomy/medical practices... kind of a nerd about this? She has 2 wolf-dogs (Saber and Scio) that used to live under her guardian (from house ingellvar)'s care, but are her dogs now. One of them (Saber) is undead. she likes hiking and exploring with her puppys, likes music! cannot play any instruments to save her life though and she envies people who can! she likes interior design a lot. growing up nevarran she has some extravagant tastes for the ways to make a room feel spacy and pretty and useful and she REALLY likes doing it. please ask her to help you move in somewhere. unfortunately she will have input. spoken languages: common, some elven and some antivan. profession: oh ya know, she's rook! height: ~5'3" colors: tealy deep blue, candlelit orange, milky bone ivory and the shades briar and toffee. fruits: grapefruit, guava, mango, clementines, passionfruit. drinks: hot teas and cold coffees! honey and lime. Not to be disgusting but I could see her as being the type to drink a glass of milk late at night. Once every full moon. This is so sick... alcoholic beverages: equivalents of.... a moscow mule lol, salted caramel rum hot chocolate, a daiquiri would please her as well as like. beer with lime. smokes: no. drugs: recreationally maaaaaybe! she struggles with the idea of feeling out of control physically and i think emotionally she probably tried something in early 20's and it was an unlucky bad trip that left her with a bad impression. she would try it again with someone she trusts. drivers license: in theory!? she could drive a horse. I guess. !? ever been arrested: i think she has definitely gotten into trouble with guards a million times but i don't think she's been arrested
TAGGED BY: myself i love coming back to this as you can see TAGGING: all my dragon age / DA prospecting mutchuals. Feel free to do it for rook or an inquisitor or any OC of course! @the-lovely-lady-luck @tactician @interstices
@fluffy-snow-fox @killdragons @roberthouse69 @shapeknight @bringbackthebriarwoods2k24
@pawnguild @lesbianbreastmilk @soloavengers @edgier-than-a-diamond
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lunarw0rks · 1 year ago
soap would love LOVE diy dates. those places you go to make your own candles or to paint your own cup? the employees know you both by name now and it’s a staple of your life. he also adores guests asking about some mug and him spending the rest of the night going through each mug and it’s story :’) more than once, you’ve almost gone through the windshield with the force he used to stop the car bc he saw some new store along those lines lol
i totally agree with this ask (it's such a cute headcanon); but may i present you the horror of
soap going to a self-serve frozen yogurt shop with you...
oh, you think you're going to pig out? take too many toppings? eat "too much" in front of him?? good fucking luck, sincerely.
anytime the workers see the mohawk, they have their refills on stand by FR.
picks the biggest size. no, two of those for HIM. and then, without asking, grabs you the largest cup too.
big ass swirl of red velvet yogurt, then some chocolate to be safe.
gets to the toppings stand and adds hot fudge, m&ms, brownie crumble, probably some toffee pieces in case it's 'not sweet enough' (his words, not mine)
and of course tips the workers for being patient — then you both sit on the curb and consume an ungodly amount of frozen yogurt. probably more him than you; but there's no chance he was going to let you get a small.
// note: just picturing the employees have a look of "oh fuck" anytime they see johnny walk in 💀💀
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kleinergeist · 9 months ago
Some TCODC headcanons/interpretations and stuff (Mostly Jane and Cesare)
(Warnings: mentions of abuse, including starvation)
- Jane and Francis both end up in the asylum after the events of the film. Caligari is still the director. Either he somehow framed someone else to maintain his position of power, or him being caught was the only part of the story made up by Francis. Idk, I'm still figuring out how to piece the two endings together.
- Jane's delusion of being a queen manifested as a response to her very limited control over her own life. It only really became noticeable to others after her attempted abduction. Her parents begrudgingly sent her to the asylum after it became impossible to hide. She doesn't remember her previous identity for the most part, but some days are better than others.
- Cesare survives collapsing from exhaustion. I'm still working out exactly how, but he eventually ends up back in the asylum, though under a different name. Without Caligari controlling him, he spends most of his time awake now. Meanwhile, Caligari is waiting for the opportunity to bring him back under his control without making the other doctors suspicious.
- Jane befriends Cesare in the asylum. Neither of them of them fully remember the other but have a vague feeling of having met before, as if in a dream. She appoints him as her "royal advisor." Together, they try to find out what happened before they arrived here (and what exactly the asylum director's deal is.)
- Poor Francis is having an awful time. He's the only one who knows who Caligari really is and the only one of his friends who remembers Alan's murder, and no one believes him. Having to see the man who (albeit unwillingly) killed his friend every day certainly isn't helping matters. Eventually, he hesitantly joins Jane and Cesare in their quest to find out what's really going on (and hopefully escape). He's still very suspicious of Cesare, though.
- Caligari enjoys touching Cesare (as seen at various points in the film). However, he dislikes feeding him or really anything that reminds him that he's a human being. He prefers to think of Cesare as a puppet without bodily needs or functions. For this reason, he tends to put off feeding him for as long as possible.
- Cesare, consequently, has an unusual relationship with food. He eats all kinds of inedible stuff when Caligari's back is turned; paper, bugs, his fingernails, splinters of wood from his box, really anything he can get his hands on. Someone at the carnival gave him a toffee apple once, and he ate it so quickly he got sick.
- Caligari has taught himself Italian (specifically a 18th century Northern dialect) and Latin. He's tried to teach these to Cesare too, with some degree of success. Sometimes while "predicting" a future at the carnival, Cesare will randomly start muttering in Latin.
- Caligari has collected a few different outfits for Cesare, including a black and white harlequin costume and a ghostly Victorian style nightshirt. He likes to play around with his hair and makeup, too.
- Cesare has a really hard time adjusting to normal (or relatively normal) life in the asylum. He's awake now, but he has no idea how to look after himself. He forgets to eat for long periods of time if nobody reminds him. His sleep pattern is irreversibly altered. Initially, he doesn't even know how to wash or dress himself.
- Gender, sexuality and romantic attraction are foreign concepts to Cesare. Jane doesn't really experience romantic attraction either, much to Francis's dismay.
- Jane hates being touched. So does Cesare most of the time, but he's kind of like a cat; if he randomly decides that he wants affection, he's holding your sleeve or resting his head on your shoulder and there's nothing you can do about it. Of course, he only does this with people that he trusts (i.e., Jane). It takes her some time to get used to it.
- Jane has a lot of empathy for animals considered unlikable by most. She's definitely been scolded by her parents before for catching a spider in her hands to release it outside.
- She also loves collecting stuff. Rocks, porcelain, bones, flowers, really anything that strikes her fancy. She hides a lot of her treasures in drawers and under her bed because her parents don't approve. The habit continues while she's in the asylum and is picked up by Cesare. They share and exchange trinkets like a pair of crows. The flowers Cesare is holding at the end of the film are a gift from Jane.
It's a bit messy (and poor Alan hardly gets a mention) but there it is. Maybe someday I'll write a story.
@sixty-silver-wishes :)
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violets-and-books · 10 months ago
Grishaverse Holiday Headcanons
I've had a lot of thoughts about how holidays would translate into the Grishaverse and my wonderful friend @jesperfaheys-defenseattorney has convinced me to make a Tumblr post about it so. Here I am
Christmas - Sankta Clauda
This is one of the few holidays that is celebrated worldwide with very few changes across countries
Sankta Clauda is the Grishaverse version of Santa Claus
It takes place in mid-winter and is a one day celebration
Sankta Clauda is all about giving the gifts of the Saints, so people give presents to their loved ones
There's a feast of dried fruit from Autumn and bread
People get drunk a lot, especially in Kerch
Usually, there are plays or concerts depicting the story of Sankta Clauda or other feel-good stories
Kerch has pantomimes and other comedy plays - they have a more relaxed approach to Sankta Clauda
Some smaller villages in Ravka, the Wandering Isles and Novyi Zem have talent shows for Sankta Clauda - people giving the gift of music to their whole community
Halloween - De Dag van Sankta Dood
De Dag van Sankta Dood is a three-day celebration to celebrate "the death of the Saints"
It takes place from the 30th of October - the 1st of November
Each country has a varying level of piety about it, as each country has a different view of death
Kerch takes a very lenient approach with it. Day one is a day to spend time with family and remember those you've lost. Day two is a day to party and get absolutely sloshed. Day three is recovering from day two and trying to be slightly more pious about it. That's the day to remember the Saints (or Ghezen, depending on your religion)
Sankta Dood parties are common in Kerch but also all over the world. People dress up as Saints and have feasts and dances. There are lanterns and, more often than not, masks and very good booze (usually cider or wine)
Novyi Zem, on the other hand, takes a very demure approach to it. Most of the time is spent in worship or with the family. White is commonly worn, as it's a colour associated with mourning and remembrance. More often than not, day 2 and 3 of Sankta Dood are for remembering family members who have passed on, and honouring their memory
Sankta Dood is more often than not an excuse to spend time with those you love, watch scary films and eat good food
The traditional food for Sankta Dood is Appels van het Dood, which are a type of toffee apple
The Days of Harvest
Most common in Novyi Zem and Ravka, countries that rely heavily on farming
It takes place during the last week of September and came out of the tradition of schools being nearly empty during that time, as so many kids were out helping their parents in the field
It's a time to spend outside, under the stars. People stay up all night, star-gazing and telling stories around campfires
Traditionally, people eat a lot of dried food. Preserved fish, smoked meats, that sort of thing. It's to symbolise the beginning of rationing food at the start of the winter
Valentine's Day - De Dag van Sankta Valentin/Maradi
This is celebrated practically worldwide, like Sankta Clauda
The main change is which Saint the day is named after. Sankta Valentin is common in Kerch, Ravka and the Wandering Isles. Sankta Maradi is more common in Shu Han, Novyi Zem and Fjerda, although crossovers between the two can occur
Sankta Valentin/Maradi celebrate all different types of love, not just romantic
The traditions differ but there's always some form of gift giving to loved ones. In Novyi Zem, necklaces called Maradi Beads are made and given as declarations of love. Different traditional foods are given in the Wandering Isles and Fjerda. In Kerch, people usually exchange detailed letters. In Shu Han, people usually exchange bracelets made out of beaded ribbon or string. In Ravka, people give each other favours like handkerchiefs or short, sweet messages
The actual day of it varies, but it often takes place at the end of February
A very Kerch-centric holiday
Takes place over April, the most fortuitous time to trade in Kerch
People get four weeks off from school to "go into business" and "learn the ways of Ghezen"
In modern times, it's an excuse to chill for a month and have fun with friends
People usually attend ceremonies to worship Ghezen but it's not enforced. Mostly, on the very religious families or merchers with reputations to uphold go
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chaneajoyyy · 2 years ago
down bad series, forever is a long time series, obesessed with you series, revindicare series, flight rendezvous, bad for you mini series ( with 'where you belong and what happened in hawaii"), try me, daddy's got you, the artn of eating p*ssy, maps, super soaker, safety net, give me besos, full throttle, full throttle extended, cupid's kisses, touch starved, what kinks lewis has, "do i feel good daddy? you like that?", "look at yourself", cockwarming lewis, sinful and unholy thoughts 1&2, anal exploration, picture drabble, picture drabble 2, first time after pregnancy, never too mad at you, marks, case closed, it's been a while- @mauvecherie-writes
plus baby makes three, she calls me daddy now, one night; 1,2,3; if this is love... mini series; a long time coming series, just do it, show me, 4am drunk calls, forever & ever & ever & ever --- but not right now, lil' love, true peace, thirsty or parched series, taste the rainbow, love will remember, anon ask 'imagine... headcanon, forgive me, i am not a sinner mini series (search lewis hamilton fanfiction)- @royallyprincesslilly
i'll teach you, family hair day (search lewis hamilton x reader)- @shaytheeprettiest
, prompt list 8 "you said you wanted to be my friend", prompt list 7 "can you read my essay?", pormpt list 9 "can you pick me up?", it's just us against the world' jealousy, jealousy (search lewis hamilton imagine)-@thisismeracing
between us series (with: when our eyes met, clubbing night, i want you, not your girlfriend, commitment, grenanda, paddock time/paddock queen (2), tension/you got what you wanted/memories, yacht day, carnival days, you could never be me, paris fashion week, abu dhabi, welcome to namibia, halloween party/my little bunny, feels like vegas, welcome home, what are you afraid of? parts 1 and 2, bikini posts, wrong one, more tna a face, unimpressed, no matter how much they want it, i want it more; a part of you, lewis birthday, long distance relationship, confession, world champion, surprising paiama, twins dream, chocolate never tasted that good, family dinner, i know your secret, rovos rail, first red carpet, i wanted to protect you, just you and me, broncos game, pillow talk, friendly- @peyiswriting
cuff it, breaking point series (search: lewis hamilton x black reader)- @hopefulromantic1
instagram au, y/n pregnant headcanon-@words-4u
imagine series- @writinginfinite
the hamilton series- @yourstrulynix
bubble baths; god, i love you, motivate, wildside, we're meant to be, you're all mine, lace fantasy, baby angel, temporary fix/2, mykonos, partition, my champion, dress, the 1 series, purple frosting, baby steps, moments, on his thighs/ 2 (on his tongue), toffee- imthebadguyyy
call it what you want series- l@lew8s
lazy mornings, miami, fighting and making up, love songs, premiere, knight in a black race suit- @theundercoversquid
soft, soulmate shorts series- @itsfeckinwimdy
our cave, collapsing/epilogue, feel so close, freefall, in our humid afternoon, feel its idle hum, til kingdom come, ocean blue, when we're cheek to cheek (i feel it in my teeth), lay all your love on me, lights out, slow show, out your hands on me, between days, only now i see the light, a familiar home, take me back so tenderly, i stand in ruins behind you, both our skin, just the two of us, short form fics (lh)- @lewisyellowhelmet
the final push, matchmaker (search: lewis hamilton x reader)- @justjams2003
getting eloped (search: lewis hamilton)- @venus2eros
expect the unexpected, the best mistake, worth the wait-(search: lewis hamilton imagine)- @pierregas1yx
tiny hands (search lewis hamilton x reader)-@bellinghamilton
untouchable/2, the merc boys (search lewis hamilton)-@yungbludz
good boy- @tamix44
out of time series, acquainted series, professional series, rendezvous series, old flame series, forbidden fruit series, ina another life, miami, how do i make you love me?, the edge, into the nght, teammated, between friends, violet skies, ordinary life, the teacher, la petit mort, wicked games, rescue me, paris, his attention, boy dad, did it work?, our spot, the stranger, you know better, birthday girl, you're mine now, trouble, cabin in the woods-@lostinlewis
anonny ask: parents lewis x reader, anonny ask: breal, anonny asks: teasing, after hours, anonny asks: morning fun, off limits, anonny ask: post wedding s*x, anonny ask: babymaking, anonny asks: possessive!lewis, anonny ask: more than friends, anonny ask: overstimulation-@paradisehamilton
sweet escape series, falling through the cracks (search: lewis hamilton fanfic)- @lvis44
graduation- @saintslewis
antartica, workplace crushes and life lessons, little white lie, living the dream- @formula-hamilton
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howlsofbloodhounds · 3 months ago
Hiii, Delta anon's here again! I'm making a small follow-up to the most recent ask I sent in, but in the meanwhile, I had a small question.
There was a headcanon out there (I think by Toffee?) about the Epic Sanses + Beta having friendship bracelets. My bestie made me some bracelets inspired by their trio, so I wanted your opinion, what would their friendship bracelets look like?
(I would send you pictures but I don't wanna come off of anon lmao.)
I don’t have many ideas right now but I just had one for Color. If anyone else has ideas, feel free to chime in—and i might add on if i remember to.
I feel like whatever Color’s friendship bracelet would look like, it’d primarily be centered around his friends and the six souls. The others have to remind him to feature himself in somehow, which confused him because his friends and connections are him.
But to appease the others, he works a little butterfly or dragon (maybe a firefly or dragonfly, to represent both) charms somewhere on the bracelet. Most of the souls will either be little colorful hearts to represent their souls, or they’ll be little clay beads—these distinctive, but still not fully separate parts of Color. Or to safe space, a little rainbow or opalescent heart or firefly—in which case he’d be represented by a butterfly charm.
Beta, Delta, and Epic would get their own little charms to represent them. Beta would probably get a little lion or his favorite fighting gloves as a charm, while Delta is perhaps a mechanical gear charm or a phoenix. I’m not quite sure what Epic would be represented as yet, besides his signature purple color, perhaps a cookie charm or even a little chicken.
I feel the string would be rainbow— a darker shade of rainbow, to not distract from the charms. He wears it on his left wrist, because he likes being able to actually see where it is and see the charms glint when they catch the light.
Wearing it on the right wrist, where he can’t see it but can hear it anytime he moves that arm, would become both confusing and annoying for him real quick (misophonia.)
The friendship bracelet actually helped him a lot during his first few years outside the Void. It gave him a grounding tool when overwhelmed or dissociated, and acted also as a stim toy. It also helped him reassure himself that his friends are real, are present, and he didn’t just hallucinate them—easing fears that he’s actually still trapped in the Void and just that ‘pathetic’ and ‘desperate’ to dream up strangers who look like him for love and understanding.
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lil-oreo-crumbles · 1 year ago
Wanna share those headcanons?
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Toffee and Eclipsa Friendship Headcanons✨
Disclaimer: These headcanons are heavily skewed toward my specific interpretations of young Eclipsa and especially young Toffee, along with being specific to fitting into my AU, so I don’t know how “general” these are and can be taken. These also aren’t even all of them just the ones I’ve come up with just a lot of the non-angsty and non-spoiler ones💗
These also come with childhood Toffee and Eclipsa best friend headcanons, their dynamic in their current adult stages is different lol and even more skewed toward my AU than these are (and way more spoiler-y)
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Let’s get the obvious out of the way: Eclipsa gave him the nickname “Toffee.” Toffee isn’t his real name, and Eclipsa was the one who nicknamed him.
She gave him the nickname because, in the lighting, she mistook his eyes as having a more carmelized color. It was only later that she realized they were actually gold (YES this is inspired by the super cute fic and accompanying comic, sue me!)
Eclipsa loves playing with Toffee’s long hair. Whether it's brushing it, braiding it, decorating it with leaves, flowers, or ribbon, or simply just playing with it with her fingers. She always remarks about how weirdly soft it is
Going along with the last one, Eclipsa was such a bow girl. She LOVES bows and wore exclusively bows in her hair until she transitioned to hats. Argo, she loves putting bows in Toffee’s hair. He isn’t the biggest fan of it, but enjoys making her happy.
Eclipsa loves crafting and making things like flower crowns. While Toffee appreciates the gesture, flower crowns are serious reminders of his late mother, and seeing it hits the wrong way sometimes.
Contrary to popular belief, and no matter how smiley Eclipsa can be, Toffee is “the smiley”
Eclipsa loves chocolate while Toffee can’t stand it. If he eats chocolate it’s exclusively dark chocolate. Otherwise, he’s much more of a strawberry-flavored guy. Eclipsa fundamentally doesn’t understand why he doesn’t like chocolate, specifically Snookers
Eclipsa is fascinated by the Septarian’s regenerative properties.
She helped Toffee get better at regeneration faster than his peers because she kept accidentally slicing his limbs off. She always cries about it no matter how much he assures her that he’s fine
Eclipsa taught Toffee how Mewmans dance and Toffee (at least tried to) teach Eclipsa some traditional Septarian dances.
Toffee specifically requested to not be included in Eclipsa’s chapter.
However, Toffee IS the Septarian Eclipsa “dated” in her chapter. Despite the two not having romantic feelings for each other at all he agreed to the date for her research purposes. It was one date and neither took each other seriously and laughed and giggled the whole time.
Toffee eventually hooked her up with another Septarian to date instead since he had a hunch she’d be a tad biased.
(She was biased. That 9/10 was for him.)
Going along with the last one, Eclipsa illustrated what she headcanoned Toffee would look like as an adult. Toffee asked her, very confused, “Um… why did you draw me like that…?” (Little did she know how accurate she kinda was)
Toffee has tried to get Eclipsa to read some of his books (like the bookworm he is), but her short attention span pevents her from finishing the first chapter
Toffee helps Eclipsa with her magic training, holding the book open for her and helping her by reading off spells. He’s practically read the entire book up until Eclipsa’s chapter.
(Yes, this includes all of Solaria’s chapter. Yes he has read what Solaria has said about Septarians. Yes it terrifies him that someone like her exists.)
Eclipsa told Toffee all about the Butterflies, magic, the magic wand, and The Whispering Spell. Being the chatterbox she is, she couldn’t contain any secrets from her best friend. (She is the source for a good portion of Toffee’s information on the Butterfly Family and magic.)
Along these same lines, Eclipsa showed him Butterfly Castle’s secret tunnel system and other secret passageways she constantly uses.
Eclipsa and Toffee make up hypotheticals sometimes. One of those hypotheticals was about what a Mewni without magic would look like, since Eclipsa figured out magic was the source of a lot of monster’s hardships. They never really took it seriously as an option at the time
Despite all of Eclipsa’s attempts to bring them together and have them meet, Toffee and Globgor have never met
They’re the type of friends to come in a “package deal”
Eclipsa jokes about her trauma a lot to cope, Toffee does not.
Eclipsa, dramatically standing in front of Toffee: HE ASKED FOR NO PICKLES
Eclipsa tries to bake (and fails) but Toffee eats the (very burnt) sweets anyway with a smile on his face.
They make music together 🎶 Eclipsa plays the guitar and Toffee has this tambourine
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If I got into the angst ones we’d be here all day.
I’ve spent the better part of the last few days compiling as many as I can think of from my memory bank. I love these two, I’ve had them headcanoned as childhood best friends since Battle for Mewni came out. These headcanons are 7 years in the making so there’s probably a few lost to time that I’ll remember as I write about them more.
Their dynamic is overall similar to Star and Marco’s (Season 1 pre-romance), just with their own little personalities. It’s not a 1:1 ratio, but it’s akin to them.
Now I wanna do the video compiling all of the evidence for a canonical connection between these two… *sighs and puts it on my to do list*
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sleeplesssmol · 9 months ago
Can I make a request for headcanons of the suitcase fam looking at baby photos of Smoltin from the photobook from one of your post
Just like them going back and looking into the book and how they react to photos of Smoltin. Also have a good night or day.
Good day/night to you too!
This one had me stuck because we actually have no idea how the Foundation handles infants. If I had to take a guess...
It's probably kind of sad. Like the team will see Smoltin's silly behavior which they find adorable, but they'll also quickly realized how lonely this little baby is. When she gets assigned a Deskmate, things change! She seems very happy when she's with Sonetto but over time that changes too.
Although, she's pretty close with Matilda which kinda shocks everyone. Their are pictures of them playing and laughing or Matilda scolding a very amused Smoltin. But then when Sonetto enters the space, Smoltin is alone again because all the focus is on the number one student. Vertin is a friendly kid but her lack of arcanum makes things more complicated as the Foundation emphasizes how important is for them master it. This becomes more prominent as the children progress through school. However, Isabella and a few others remained true to their friend. Vertin had the most loyal companions despite being the black sheep.
Eventually, they get to the page where Smoltin is in a coma. Tooth Fairy is visiting her and leaving a handful of toffees in a small box for her. Vertin still has that box and uses it to hold various knick-knacks from her journey.
Vertin never told them about this and the passionate arcanists are furious! Hearing the whole story from Vertin (though she tried to downplay it) made them even angrier. How could they hurt a child? Vertin does her best to calm them down but that makes things worse because everything is so unfair.
Vertin eventually turns the pages and shows her, Sonetto, and Madam Z eating noodles. Vertin is teaching Sonetto how to use chopsticks like how Madam Z taught her. Madam Z is smiling at them from behind her favorite mug.
Vertin also flips back to their younger days. She points to her first check-up with Tooth Fairy. There's a photo of her and her friends playing in the snow long before the break-away event when things were simpler. Vertin highlights all the happy memories, grateful to have them instead of focusing on all the negative things. She's made so many new and happy memories with her crew. She tells them if they want to help her, they should focus one making more positive memories instead of dwelling on the past. However, she is moved by their devotion to her.
Regulus and the others still break into Constantine's office (she can turn things invisible) and glue all her furniture to the ceiling.
Other happy memories in the album:
Smoltin going cross-eyed to stare at a butterfly on her nose.
Smoltin getting caught feeding an army of stray cats and Carbuncles around the main building.
Smoltin being carried under a very angry professor's arm like a duffel bag. She just let's herself dangle but makes an effort to stick her tongue out at the camera.
Matilda, Sonetto, and Smolitn all asleep in the same bunk. Matilda was in the middle as a buffer since this was taken when Sonetto and Vertin were still at odds. Vertin was full on cuddling Matilda like a koala where as Matilda held Sonetto's hand.
Smoltin sleeping with her head in Tooth Fairy's lap. Madam is the one taking the picture.
As for reactions specific to each character, there are many! Too many lol
This kind of thing would be way more fun to explore in a fic!
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