#six of crows hc
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violets-and-books · 2 years ago
The Crows watching Horror Films
Loves horror movies
Is basically the perfect horror film watcher
Watches intently
Never jumps at the jump-scares, the most you'll get out of him is a startled 'oh'
Always guesses who the mystery killer is
Always guesses it correctly
Loves slasher films
Not a big fan of most horror films
Likes the final girl trope
Prefers sci-fi horror to anything else
Will rant about the pseudo-sadist, purity-obsessed horror films and why they can be better to anyone who'll listen
Won't go out of her way to watch a horror but will make an effort if A) Kaz wants to or B) It's made by a diverse minority of some kind
Hates horror films
Watches them because Kaz and Wylan like them
Loves watching them with Wylan because it gives him an excuse to cuddle up to his boyfriend
"are you scared?" "no" (literally shaking in his seat)
Is that one guy who screams at the screen like a goat
"I wish Milo was here, I wish Milo was here, I WISH MILO WAS HERE, I WISH MILOOOOOOOO-"
"ThAt'S nOt WhErE bLoOd Is MeAnT tO bEeEeEEEEEEE-"
"Wy, hold me, I'm scared" "The film hasn't even started yet-"
Jumps at every jump scare. Every. Single. One.
Likes horror films, especially ghost ones
Finds them cathartic
Has long conversations about themes and analysing horror with Inej and Matthias
Has seen all the classics
Likes gothic horror films
Is the only one who'll put up with Jesper's antics
Can't watch slashers - too violent
If he gets scared, he'll cover his ears and scream in short bursts until he isn't scared anymore
Is that one guy who'll analyse the film while watching it
Points out how scientifically incorrect all the kills are
Has very specific catagories for what counts as a horror film
Loves cult films, especially the Wicker Man
Can't watch haunting films, hates them so, so much
Doesn't like horror films
Makes fun of Jesper for being so scared but then screams just as loud as him
Yells and swears at the characters for being so stupid
Ended up practically glued to Matthias' lap, if she didn't start out that way
"NO ONE would be that stupid to actually do [X]"
Quotes Scream at every given opportunity
(whenever someone on screen has sex) "Ooooooooh, you gonna diiiiie"
Laughs at the jumpscares
Not even like a nervous laugh, plain out, hilarious laughter
Knows everything about how the films were made
Loves horror, possibly even more than Kaz
"Jes, are you scared? You can hold my hand if you want"
Has to sit a safe distance away from Wylan at all times to avoid being murdered
Explains how they did that stunt on screen as the stunt is happening (but will shut up if asked nicely)
Really likes body horror
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applecidersstuff · 1 year ago
When Inej is away, Kaz visits the Van Eck mansion almost daily. He's bored and lonely, but wouldn't admit it to anyone. And at some point, he finds Alys there.
Wylan thought it might be good for his mother to talk to someone, and Alys is the only person for that - that comes to his mind. He would've asked Inej or Nina, but both of them are away, and Matthias, who would've been a good choice too, is very far away.
Both Wylan and Jesper are away, so Kaz, not wanting to go back to Slat and his boring papers, sits there and at some point joins the conversation. Marya and Alys were talking about children and their hobbies, at some point Kaz feared Alys might start singing. Well, Kaz didn’t really join in, truth is, at some point, Maria simply began asking him questions and explaining some things that Alice, in theory, should have known.
And eventually, after the shock had settled, Kaz really joined in. Both women were telling him all the tea they knew, and Kaz became an expert in Ketterdam's high-class rumors and scandals. He knows why a merchant's wife attending a ball in the same dress she wore before is scandalous. Why young ladies cannot be in the same room as gentlemen alone. Why men calling off an engagement is a scandal, but a woman doing the same is fine.
At some point Kaz visits them almost every time Alys and Marya meet for tea. And they do it every week.
Sometimes Alys brings her dog, and Kaz tries to train it. Marya offers whistle but both Kaz and Wylan protest against it. Wylan because he doesn’t want to have a headache every time Alys and the dog are visiting, and Kaz because he doesn’t want the dog to be manipulated as easily as Smits dogs were.
Eventually the dog, a little Pomeranian, is trained. And Kaz to everyone’s surprise makes it do tricks and sometimes puts on a little act with the dog. He makes it jump through fire, disappear in a hat and appear later with a rose in his teeth.
The dog adores Kaz and Kaz adores the dog. Sometimes Wylan thinks that Kaz visits just to see the dog.
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lilisouless · 2 years ago
Do you think that Kaz Brekker was ever so desperate to scam someone (by selling a fake painting or smth) he almost learnt to paint just to make a replica and sell it? (My friends and I need a second opinion on this)
Do that dirty hands seem apt for art?
Okay now seriously, i see Kaz as a pragmatic individual, he puts effort but favors efficiency. I think Kaz is most likely to have a forgery guy for that thing. Either Wylan or someone he is blackmailing pre meeting him since it seems like the easy way for someone who is more like a people person than an artisan
On the other hand, he is most likely to sell the real painting and reemplace the stolen one with the replica
So, i think it would be really really cool if he did learned how to paint but like i said he is most likely to find other solutions
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fairytalesofforever · 1 year ago
absolutely DEVASTATING kaz headcanon that has been visited upon me: so, it's a fairly popular hc that his mother died giving birth to him. and I love that because it means that the first thing he ever did was kill and it starts off this idea he has of himself as someone who can only break things.
but. BUT. his given name, kaz, means "destroyer". what if that was on purpose. what if his father looked at this infant that just took away his wife, split their family, demanded a life as the price for his own beginning, and bitterly named him "destroyer."
and then it gets better. because the name kaz gives himself later, "brekker", means "breaker." and he builds this mythos around himself (and buys into it tbh) that all he's good for is destruction. so is it nature or nurture? did kaz decide he was the destroyer, or is it something he was born to become?
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ell0ra-br3kk3r · 2 years ago
a sharpshooter Kaz would actually love a stray/rescued pet of some kind. He’d hate it at first but would grow accustomed to it. Especially if it brought joy to y/n or inej (depending on if talking canon or fanfic). He would of course never say this, but if someone could see in his office behind this closed door they’d see him occasionally petting the animal as it rested on his un-slept-in bed 🖤
no literally! like if the pet (we'll say... cat) was left in his office he'd just sit there and glare at it before it makes it's way to him and then over time inej would find the cat sitting on his desk while he strokes it's fur- like ahhhhhh it'd be so cute! and i also think he'd end up being just as if not more attached to it the inej would be <3
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jkriordanverse · 4 months ago
wait i kind of understand why Kaz renamed the Emerald Palace into the Silver Six now (i saw @randomfandom-3's screenshot and)
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do-not-pursue-the-beast · 2 years ago
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yes. I agree with both of these
okay you know what the idea is driving me crazy so:
we need more Crows with glasses. Wylan, with a pair of wired glasses, Matthias’s look like old man reading glasses (btw if you have these, you’re underrated they can look really cool), Nina with a pair of like red 1950’s cat eye glasses (also underrated), Jesper’s frames would be just really colorful, Inej with a pair of dark purple, small, metal frames, and I have no ideas for Kaz.
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I feel like Jesper and Wylan would install a more advanced lock each time Kaz lets himself in
Not because they want to keep him out, but to provide enrichment activities for him while Inej is away, like hes a cat 🤣
I know Kaz builds a friendship tunnel but still
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bazkrekkerbrokemyshin · 25 days ago
kaz brekker is the type of guy to have headphones on, but when you ask what he’s listening to, it’s literally just static
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violets-and-books · 2 years ago
I choose to believe each of the crows is allergic to something so, here's what I think they're allergic to
Kaz: Shellfish and it's bad
Inej: Light pollen allergy. Basically bad hay-fever
Jesper: So much. Fabric cleaner and dog hair and peanuts and one really specific fruit no one's heard of and coconut and pineapple bananas, for some reason. Piña Coladas are his worst enemy
Wylan: Cashews, the pretentious little fu-
Nina: Cats, much to her despair
Matthias: The sun No, he's allergic to dust and gluten-intolerant as well
Kuwei: Lactose intolerant. Also, can't have pretty much any kind of nut
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applecidersstuff · 1 year ago
Kaz Brekker is Marya's favorite crow.
Mr. Ghafa adores Jesper and Nina for the chaos they bring with them. Mrs. Ghafa finds Wylan charming and adorable. Colm likes Matthias and Inej because they are the ones with the most conscience.
But Marya choses Kaz.
Wylan can come into his house and find his mother - sitting at the kitchen table and ranting about prices on the stock exchange. While Kaz Breker - the bastard of the barrel - one of the deadliest people in Ketterdam - pours tea into a tiny cup.
Kaz regularly joins Marya and Alys for weekly "meetings." In those "meetings," they discuss the high-class "tea" and how one of the ladies was dressed on the promenade.
Marya teaches Kaz how to tell fortunes by tea leaves. He brings her flowers and little presents every time he visits.
Marya practices human interactions with Kaz. He does the same.
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barrel-crow-n · 11 months ago
Young Kaz hcs that are real because I am correct
(Edit: Kaz Rietveld edition)
He bit stadwatch officers
He subtly sassed Haskell all the time, but Haskell never picked up on it
He snarled at people like a dog
When in prison he would be really violent at the beginning to show inmates that they shouldn't mess with him (because he was 10 the first few times and suffering from malnutrition)
He smashed people over the heads with bottles
He put on disguises to try and sneak back into gambling dens he had been banned from
He would try make people feel sorry for him and then robbed them blind
He didn't talk a lot and just stared creepily
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jkriordanverse · 23 days ago
Jesper, who could've easily be written off as a typical side character comedic relief, was in fact given proper depth, character arc, background, and emotional growth as a character means so much to me. Jesper who could've been just "Kaz's right handed man" was instead writen as a poc queer ADHD teenager, who has a father who isn't really sure what to do with him but loves him despite. Jesper, who could've easily been paved away for Inej to enter as Kaz's love interest (or could've easily turned into a love triangle) gets to be happy with his own love of his life, who has may things to care for other than his social circle and in the end tries to fix every wrong he had ever done. I love jesper sm i love his character i love the way he was written and i will not stand any jesper slander.
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sarastellasari · 3 days ago
Kaz brekker is the type of guy who would bark at dogs to intimidate them
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Silly HC but when Jan dies Wylan will dispose of his ashes into the canal off the back of a boat heading to Belendt (the grave his Father planned for him)
However he keeps one tiny palm size urn of ashes, not for sentimental reasons, but so if hes having a bad day he can just lob Jans urn about to let off some steam
Just picture it, Jesper having a cat nap one day and Jan just flys by
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lunarthecorvus · 7 months ago
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just sibling things
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