#to undo trans rights
sinsofsinister · 1 year
ive said it before and i guess i have to say it again but my blog is not a safe space for you if you’re the type of person that polices and argues about other peoples identities within the lgbt community like so what if someone has an identity you dont like or fully understand it truly doesnt fucking matter when it comes to our oppressors you’re just doing their work for them go away
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r0semultiverse · 3 months
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In case you didn’t know or needed to hear it, things do get better after you turn 18. Your life isn’t over even when you hit 21. 💜
This is me at vaguely around my mid-twenties. I’m trans & I’m here & while I don’t have everything figured out, I certainly have figured myself out way more than when I was younger. 💜 Yes it gets better. Yes you can grow older & be trans. There are people out there willing to love & accept you for you. There are partners, friends, family to be found. Don’t give up! 💪 Be proud, be loud, & let your rage out! Down with cis! Let’s rock this joint & keep on living!! 🖤 Things will be less noisy eventually, just please live! ⭐️
💖 You are worth it & it gets better! 💜
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lifeanditsquirks · 5 months
I remember my mum was friends with a "gender counselor". And that said gender counselor talked me out of being nonbinary and into being a trans man. I assumed that since they were a professional they had to be right. So I started wearing my binder more often. Almost every day in fact. Sometimes for more than 8 hours because I felt so dysphoric (don't do this. I ended up with chronic costochondritis). I dressed masc. I got an endocrinologist so I could start T. I tried changing my voice through vocal training videos. I got a top surgery referral. I was doing everything I thought was right.
I was miserable.
It took years to undo the brainwashing she put me through. Making me something I was not. Making me second-guess everything about my identity. It was horrific. She would constantly use he/him pronouns for me. She would constantly refer to me as a man. And she would correct others if they used they/them pronouns for me.
After she was arrested I spent some time really thinking. Why was I so dysphoric all the time? I stared unraveling the rope she used to tie me up. And I found that she was wrong about me. I wasn't a trans man at all. I was nonbinary! The identity I started with. I started using they them pronouns again. I let people know that I wanted to be referred to with gender-neutral terms.
I feel so much more confident in myself.
So I guess the moral of the story is don't let anyone tell you who you are. You know yourself best. Your identity is your journey. Don't let others move you in directions you feel uncomfortable with. You'll be alright. You've got this.
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girlballs · 1 year
tumblr changelog if staff wasn't idiots and actually understood how to get its current userbase to pay for ad-free browsing
posts marked as Mature no longer show up at all on the iOS version of the app, content policies relaxed, distinction between "Nudity" and "Sexual Content" added in community labels
literal fully-clothed images and drawings of trans people are no longer marked as "Sexual Content" what the fuck is wrong with you people
blocking someone gives you the option to also block them from selected sideblogs
option when filtering tags/etc. to fully hide filtered posts instead of displaying the "show anyway" thing
"Mutuals-Only" reblog permission
and obviously undoing the search suppression on some common lgbt tags and doing the inverse for popular terf/nazi tags would be a step in the right direction if you want to claim your website is the "queerest place on the internet"
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cherryredstars · 6 months
mmm how about a sub (ftm) trans!Miguel x fem!reader? 🫢
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Pairing: ftm!Miguel O’Hara x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Scissoring, Fingering, Oral Sex, Mentions of Top Surgery Scars, Nipple Play
A/N: It did not come to me in a dream, it in fact woke me up. 
Word Count: 960 (Not Edited)
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He’s been worked up all day. 
He needs a release, something to relax his muscles and quiet his mind. Something easy that you’re always willing to provide him. Something that you somehow always knows when he needs it most. And this time is no different. When he walks through the door, you’re right there to greet him. One look at his face has you cooing at him, helping him hang up his things before dragging him into the bedroom. 
Knowing the drill, he strips himself of his shirt, undoing his belt and zipping down his pants soon after. As he lays back on the bed, you take it upon yourself to finish taking off his pants. You slip the fabric down his muscular legs, letting them fall to the floor. Your hands hook into the waistband of his underwear and you look up at him. He’s already staring down at you, and he groans when you lean down and lick him through the fabric. You have a cheeky smile, like you’re proud of yourself, as you pull them off to expose him. 
He huffs out when you don’t give his cunt more attention. Instead, you crawl up the bed, kissing from his belly button up to his chest. A choked gasp leaves him as you reach his scars, kiss and licking at the discolored skin. Your tongue stays on his chest, leaving a trail of thin saliva up to one of his nipples. You suck on it, licking and nipping at it as your other hand slides to play with his other. His back arches, and his hands tangle in your hair as he groans. He can feel wetness spilling from him, and he whines. 
You pull away from his nipples with a giggle, the glossy look of his eyes driving you back to his cunt. His clit is twitchy, his folds slightly slick. You hum up at him, fingertips brushing over the bud. His hips jolt in response, and he almost chokes on the air he sharply inhales. He isn’t as wet as you’d like for what you want to do, but you have a simple solution. You lean down, face hovering over him. He pushes himself up on his elbows, spreading his legs so you can have better access to him. You hum in appreciation, two of your fingers spreading his folds apart. 
“You’re so pretty, Miggy,” you coo, purposely blowing hot air against his wetness. 
Miguel simply whines, the air against him causing his hips to back towards you. You smile, your hands holding his thighs in place as you give his clit a feather light kiss. It pulses under your attention, and you sooth it with a slow drag of your tongue. But it doesn’t seem like enough. Greedy thing he is. You give him more long licks from his leaking hole to his bud. Each one makes his hips buck, and when you reach his clit again, he holds your head there. You happily like and suck at it, moaning into his skin. He groans as the vibrations spread up his body, grinding against your face. You can tell he’s close, and you smirk as you force your head away. 
Miguel cries out in protest, looking at you in betrayal. You only smile at him, licking your glistening lips. You can feel his sticky arousal on your chin, and you swipe at it with your fingers before cleaning them off. Miguel whimpers as he watches, eyes trailing your hands as you begin to  pull down your own pants. Your own folds are wet, excited from teasing him and for what’s to come. The clothing slides off your legs easily, and you hover over Miguel when they’re completely off. His eyes wall to your cunt, inhaling a deep breath as it glistens. 
You change your position, sliding one of your legs under his and changing the position of his legs when needed. Once you're done, the both of you moan out as your cunts press together. Miguel’s arousal mixes with yours, further slickening each other’s folds. You buck your hips, and Miguel’s eyes roll back as your clit drags against his. You let out your own moan, doing it again and again slowly before you build up a rhythm. It feels like heavenly torture, the way each of you grind and buck into each other. It jolts the sensitive buds between your legs against skin, spreading slick further up each other’s skin. 
Miguel is already close, the stimulation from your tongue carrying on to what the two of you are doing now. He moves his hips more desperately, and you place a hand on his lower stomach and his thigh to stabilize yourself as you try to match his pace. Miguel curses out, his legs stiffening as he reaches his peak. You can feel how much wetter he is, making you slip against him as you try to reach your own peak. Miguel continues to slowly move his hips against yours, wanting to help you finish. You cry out when Miguel’s thumb presses into your clit, and you explode against him. 
You give a few more weak grinds to ride out your pleasure before you still. The two of you pant heavily, and you can feel a soreness forming in your legs as you untangle yourself from him. Miguel holds his arms open for you, and you crawl into them, kissing between his collarbones as you settle against him. You sigh into his warmth, and Miguel’s hand rubs up and down your back gently. 
“You feel better?” You whisper against his skin, reposition your head so you can look up at him. 
Miguel hums, leaning down to kiss your forehead. 
“Yeah, but another round won’t hurt.”
Greedy bastard.
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rosedom · 2 months
A, C, and Z for Baizhu for the event?
We need to give him more love he's great. - 🪴 (Unless you already have someone who signs off with that, I have a few emojis I can pick)
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"you have summoned BAIZHU for the event . . ."
A/N : we so need to give him more love !! and since there were two, i decided to combine ,, i hope u two like this .3.
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✦ㅤㅤA = aftercare (what he’s like after sex, what he needs from his partner)
after everything, it's gonna be you to be left with the heavy lifting post-coitus. baizhu's already weak, frail—sex takes a lot out of him, the poor thing. lucky for you—lucky during sex, too, with the way you can so easily manhandle him—, he's practically light as a feather. it's easy, then, to nudge him up, carry him over to the bathroom, place him on the soft toilet seat. (sue me: baizhu definitely has a cover due to all the times he's sat on it while doing his hair, his make up . . and it comes in handy for these moments, though it is annoying to have to clean it of the slick and cum he smears on it in times like this.)
the tub, then, keeps the two of you warm n' comfy, lets you tug baizhu up in your lap to wash his hair. covering his eyes, letting cups of warm water drip down his face without getting in anywhere that'd leave him uncomfortable. getting a rag down between his thighs is always fun, and, half the time, you end up working him into a second orgasm, right there in the water . . you never want to overwhelm him, but sometimes, when the sex was slow, sweet, the mid-aftercare sex can be, too.
✦ㅤㅤC = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
baizhu is absolutely the messiest cummer; he's always wet as anything, and that doesn't let up in the slightest the nearer he gets to orgasm. in fact, it's to the opposite—he gets impossibly wetter, slicker. it all culminates in the ultimate show of his undoing: squirting. he's such a squirter—it's almost a shock ! such a frail guy who has such powerful orgasms. these are the types of orgasms that trap your fingers knuckle-deep in his cunt as he sprays all over your palm, or push your cock out from the force of it.
whenever your cock slips out during these however, make sure you slip it right back in. baizhu's greatest woe is that his orgasms tend to push you out—he wants nothing more than to cum around your cock, not bereft of it. (good thing it's easy, then, to keep him pressed down on your cock even as the pressure builds. you've learned a way to please him best: let your cock get pushed out, just for that moment, and rub it frantically against the head of his own cock. once he slows to a dribble, you can slide back in, press down on his lower belly . . .
it drives him crazy !!)
✦ㅤㅤD = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of his)
he's embarrassed, but he has the biggest thing for scents. god, the smell of you drives him crazy—from just your natural scent and cologne, down to the musk of your cock . . he loves it. while it's easiest to cockwarm you with that cute cunt of his, he adores warming you with his mouth. cis, trans—he loves mouthing at you, at the heady weight and taste on you on his tongue. best of all, though, is the way his mind is filled with nothing but the scent of you.
maybe it's part of that contract with the snake, but he's found himself very attuned to smells. it was helpful, at first, giving him the ability to sniff out the perfect herbs for his recipes . . . but it quickly became quite the conundrum once he fell in love with you. he's so, so embarrassed, but he can't suppress the urges to envelope himself in your scent. he dons your clothes quite often—his favorites are the ones that smell most like you, your cologne ,, gah. so what if he also bundles up the fabric to his nose while he desperately humps a pillow?
✦ㅤㅤL = location (favorite places to do the do)
another sweetheart, love-sick romantic—baizhu prefers to fuck in the comfort of his own bedroom. and, really, that's one of the only places you do fuck in; anywhere else is typically too uncomfortable for baizhu's weakened joints, but that doesn't mean it's always out of the question . . you just need to plan for a good day <3
on these good days, he adores being able to sit or lay across your lap as you're on the sofa. after a while, his knees and thighs ache in such a position, but—for those quiet hours—it's perfect. baizhu adores cockwarming in times like these ! be gentle, won't you? these locations are hard on him, and he deserves the best of the best. kiss his achey joints as you take him to nirvana, over and over, again and again and again.
✦ㅤㅤP = pace (does he prefer fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
baizhu's not quite sure if he'd like it fast, like it rough. after all, he was a virgin before he met you—he never quite cared enough to sleep around anyway. however, he's found that he's quite happy with the slow, sensual pace you set. neither of you even particularly desire to do it harder, rougher, honestly. baizhu can't imagine doing it any different.
it's the way you're so tender, so soft, with him that really gets him going. your fingers opening him up so gently, prepping him for your cock . . . baizhu doesn't even masturbate that fast, that rough. his cock is just so damn sensitive, anything other than that gentle pace you've set hurts. it's a bad ache, really.
good thing you've got it nailed down ƪ⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠)⁠ʃ
✦ㅤㅤZ = zzz (how quickly he falls asleep afterwards . . .)
out like a motherfuckin' light. once he's caught his breath after squirting all over you—your hands, your cock, your face, whatever—, baizhu's eyes are already slippin' closed. his body jerks into your touches, but his eyes never open; it's up to you to carry out your aftercare with him—that sleepy second orgasm, then, is all the sweeter<3 if he's dozing off of nothing but the first orgasm in the bed, he'll be knocked the fuck out. make sure not to let him fall under the bathtub.
further, he sleeps best post-coitus. he loves to nuzzle into your throat, his damp hair splaying across the pillow and your face, the arm you have supporting his head . . . he smells so, so good, all bath-warm and smelling like the soaps you washed him with. and don't worry about him kicking you or anything of the sorts: baizhu is a dead weight in his sleep, and nothing short of changsheng biting him will rouse him from it.
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a bit shorter, but i'm working thru them !
29 APR. 2024, @rosedom, rosey .
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mochinomnoms · 5 months
I'm a trans guy, but I have massive tits. So there's a surprise factor to the whole thing. Imagine, if you will:
You're friend, Floyd (or someone else, Ace, idk) just got out from detention. It ran extra long, so he's hungry. He keeps complaining about being hungry, and the vending machines are far away.
You don't really want to walk all the way there, so you decide: eh. Fuck it! He's by best friend (and you are so down bad for him rn). He's gonna find out one day anyways, with how often he stays the night at Ramshackle, and you can't keep sleeping in your binder cause it's getting a little hard to breathe at this point.
So you undo your tie, unbutton your shirt a bit, and pull out some twst cheetos from in-between your tits and hand them to him. They were being held nicely by the binder and your boobs, and they're warm! Bonus! But now he's starring at you, ah shit, time for the questions.
Fast forward about an hour. You don't know how you got here. But you are suddenly on your bed in Ramshakle with his face shoved right the fuck up in your chest. I mean, you are wearing a shirt. But you're kinda starting to wish you weren't...
"You need to breathe!" He said. "Don't worry, I not gonna think of you as a girl all the sudden or something" He said. And he doesn't! All he knows and all he cares about is that his crush just got a whole lot softer to cuddle with! And his mind is also going at a million miles per hour but we're not gonna focus on that rn
Nah but for real you're not supposed to wear binders for more than 8 hours and I always keep mine on for 12-26 hours straight with no breaks 💀💀💀💀. Anyways, thanks for coming to my T-Boy™ TedTalk
(babe, darling, love, honey, I'm BEGGING you to not bind for such long periods you need your RIBS AND LUNGS TO FUNCTION—)
Oooooh they don't care about having some sort of crisis about finding out you have boobs. I don't think so anyways, it's a magic world with talking fire cats and dragon fae, I like to think that queer people are the norm. Ace/Floyd is just delighted to find a soft new pillow that just happens to be right on top of his crush's chest~
Boobs are boobs, to be quite frank, and if you like someone that has them, it's just a bonus that you can suffocate yourself in your love's embrace and chest! Aaaaa Ace/Floyd is such little shit, he's shoving his face in your cleavage and bringing his hands up to squeeze your breasts so that his head is stuck in them! He likes how soft they are, and it's a bonus that he can hear how fast your heart beat is going as he squeezes. Maybe he'll take a lil nibble through the shirt~ Just to see your reaction 🤭
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beatrixstonehill2 · 6 months
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"Are you excited?" Shannon's mom asked her.
Shannon rolled her eyes. "No.... Of course not."
"Don't lie now, let me see that cock, darling."
"Mom.... Come on."
"Don't whine, let me see what a little liar you're being."
"I can't help it...." she complained, spreading her legs. Her previously tiny, two-inch cock was now eight inches, rock hard, super swollen, pushing out her panties. "There. Happy?"
"Oh it's so gorgeous! Look at how big that thing's gotten. Have they started you on testosterone yet?"
"Mom! I'm not going on T....."
"Of course you will, darling. Trust me, you can't avoid it forever."
"You're probably right..... Fuckkkk..... I'm so hard....."
"So masturbate, darling. Your next shoot isn't for another hour, you'll be hard as can be by then. Trust me! I'm so happy you actually decided to do this! You look like you're having so much fun doing these shoots and videos. I've never seen you smile so much!"
"It's called acting, mom. Well, OK, it is fun doing porn. I'm really happy you and dad talked me into giving it a try, but all these expectations are such a hassle."
"Well, we saw those huge udders you started growing and thought you weren't really into the whole school thing anyway. Porn is a much better fit for a girl like you. And the market is soooo hot for trans girls right now!"
Shannon rubbed her uncomfortably big bulge, biting her lip. It felt divine to touch. "I'm lucky I started transitioning when I did. But.... it feels weird that I'm being asked to undo all of that. Like I'm sooo happy you guys got me into this industry, and I'm having a ton of fun, but going through guy puberty is really awkward. I'm already shaving like twice a day, and my voice is cracking during shoots."
"That's what consumers want, darling! Your agent said it, and all the directors and actresses, well, mostly now 'actors', I talked to said the same thing. Guys love seeing trans girls go through male puberty or completely detrans. I dunno, something about seeing a pretty girl with big tits having to become a guy, all the while trying and slowly failing to look like a girl, it gets them off."
"Ew, when you say it that way it sounds gross. But I guess it makes sense. I've only been off estrogen four months and my body is totally sprinting through male puberty like crazy! I feel so fucking horny all the time; I'm cumming insanely hard, too! I'm getting thick body hair already, even my boobs are getting hair on them..... It's so embarrassing, I can't believe guys like seeing this. Keeping up with shaving is almost impossible."
"So you should stop. Like you said, guys love seeing you girls having to go through this and lose all your feminine qualities. It is fun seeing you go from a confident, sexy, curvy girl to a weak, submissive, feminine boy."
"Mom!" Shannon coughed, her voice cracked. She subtly rolled her eyes and played with her cock through her panties. "I'm not becoming a boy...."
"You say that, but you sure are going to town on that thing."
Shannon blushed, giving up trying to hide it. She took out her cock, jerking off, her oversized breasts bouncing and jiggling with each pump. "OK, whatever. So I am going through male puberty. No more estrogen for me. But I'm not, like, going on T and steroids. Or getting my boobs removed. ..... Right?"
"Well, your agent and I have been discussing it, since your detransition is going so well."
Shannon pumped her cock harder. "B-But I'm not detransitioning, mom! I'm just going off my hrt to do porn cause that's what guys want out of trans girls. A bigger cock, the deeper voice, maybe some facial hair peeking through our concealer.... just cute stuff like that!"
"Boy, you sure are in denial, sweetie. You're already going through male puberty. Of course you're gonna go all the way for your porno career. Why wouldn't you?"
"All the way? What have you guys been talking about?"
"Well, see, your next scene is gonna start with you trying to work out in a gym. Some guys will see your bulge through your shorts and..... I wanted it to be a surprise, but you'll be getting your first shot of T! The actors are going to give you a big dose, possibly right into that growing cock of yours..... Then maybe a steroid shot....."
Shannon wanted to fake outrage, but instead found herself pumping way harder. "Mom....! I--I.....! FUCK! Oh! Mmmmmm......!" Shannon came, shooting ten loads of thick cum across the floor, trembling as she held her cock, which stiffened up again in seconds.
"My, my, look at all that stamina! Such a stud, my son is starting to become! Aren't you excited to finally be a boy?"
Shannon bit her lips, nodding, pumping her cock slowly.
"Good boy. You keep playing with yourself and take extra big shots of T, and all the steroids your agent wants, OK?"
"I will.... mom. I'll miss being a girl."
"I know you will, you were having so much fun being beautiful and having huge fat tits like that. But those will have to go, too, in good time. Such a pity, so many girls would kill to have breasts that big and sexy. But you're a boy, darling.... so they've got to go."
Shannon blushed again. "Mmmmm, please let me keep them a while longer? Men can make fun of them.... abuse them, I can do bdsm vids centered around my boy tits! Humiliating me for having ever grown such silly, girly things....."
"Oooo, I like that. OK, you get to keep them a little while longer. But don't get too cozy, dear. Lord knows I spoil you enough, just look at you! Trans girls are such little princesses..... It's about time I see how well you take a little punishment. And when I say those boobs are done getting pulverized, I'll finally pay to have them done away with, the silly things that they are....."
"Thank you, mom..... You know just how to make a boy like me happy...."
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oppopotamus · 9 months
angry sex
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trans asra x dom male reader
Warning: nsfw, hate sex/angry sex, spanking, hair pulling, asra has a pussy, petnames such as baby, slut etc, feminine words used to name his pussy, cunt, clit etc
"What the fuck, Asra?" You yell, you've both been yelling back and forth for ages. You've been mad at Asra for a long time, since he's often disappearing without a word, causing you to worry.
Although he tends to go away due to whatever he thinks is important it still gets on your nerves.
"Well, what do you want me to do!? I'm sorry that I sometimes leave for a while and don't mention it to you." Asra says, rolling his eyes.
"That's exactly what I'm fucking worried about. Don't you understand? I care about you but you leave without a fucking word, causing me to worry where the fuck you are." You pause before taking a breath continuing, "Half the time I'm worried if you're dead somewhere. You leave and come back without telling me and just fucking expect me to be okay with it?"
"I don't see what the big deal is, I mean I always come back. So what's the big deal?" Asra's words have you seething with anger.
"You really don't see what the big deal is?" You say completely dumbfounded.
Asra just throws his hands up in the air and huffs.
"Fuck you." He says after a moment.
You move towards him until you're chest to chest.
"Say that again. I fucking dare you." You say, looking down at him with your eyebrows creasing together. God this boy gives you a headache.
"What? Fuck you?" He asks a tad confused.
"Yes. Exactly that." You repeat, arms crossed over your chest as you tower above him.
"Fuck you then." Asra says, starting to get a bit nervous but shakes it off.
"If you say that one more time, Asra then I swear to god." You say letting out a breath.
"Or what?" He asks moving even closer towards you.
"You'll find out."
Asra hesitates for a moment before repeating saying, "Fuck. You." He spits out every word.
"That's the final straw." You say before grabbing his hips with a deadly grip.
You turn him around and push him forward so he hits the table with his hips harshly.
"Hey! That fucking hurt." Asra says, turning his head back to look at you.
You grab a fistful of his hair and push his head down onto the table.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Asra questions.
"Teaching you a lesson." You say, keeping your hand gripping his hair and trace your free hand down so you can grab his pants and rip a hole in his pants right from his ass to his cunt.
"Fuck! (Name), these were my favourite pants."
"I'll buy you new ones."
You take notice of how conveniently he's not wearing any underwear. You raise an eyebrow down at Asra and you can see the hint of a blush creeping onto his ears.
"What a slut, you're getting wet already." You say, ghosting a finger over his cunt.
Asra stutters for a moment and doesn't know what to say until you press a finger against his clit and he calls out your name.
You remove the finger and Asra whines though that whine suddenly turns into a moan as he feels your hard dick grind against him through the fabric of your pants.
"You don't seem to be too angry now huh baby?" You say mockingly.
"Fuck you! I'm still mad." Asra replies, you're not sure if he's still actually angry at you or he's just saying that because he knows it gets a reaction out of you.
Oh well, you're still going to fuck him senseless.
You release your hand from his hair and bring your hands to undo your pants and let them fall to your ankles.
While your hands are not holding his head down anymore Asra takes the opportunity to bring both his hands up to push himself up and turn back to look at you.
Asra's in bliss as he sees your cock slip free from its confinements and raise up, slapping against your stomach.
You smirk down at him as you see his expression, finding it amusing as how just a minute ago he was yelling at you.
He sees you looking at him and glares at you before avoiding his eyes and looking back ahead of him.
"Ah, don't be so embarrassed now, darling." You say tracing a finger up his spine over his shirt, making him shiver.
"J-just put it in already." Asra whispers out, "Do you think you really deserve it after what you just did?" You ask and Asra doesn't answer.
From his lack of an answer you raise a hand and spank him, causing him to yelp and jolt up.
"Fuck! Don't fucking do that." Asra says, turning to look at you again and raising himself up, attempting to fully turn to look at you.
You stand there for a moment before bringing your left hand up and grab a fistful of his hair and slam the side of his face onto the table.
"Shit!" Asra yells out as the side of his face makes harsh contact with the table and grunts as he feels the harsh tug of your hand pulling his hair back harshly.
"Don't." spank! "Fucking." Spank! "Talk." Spank! "Like that." Spank! "To me." Spank! "Ever. Fucking. Again." You say to him, pushing his face further into the table with each spank.
"Aah-!" Asra whines out each time he feels you hitting him, he attempts to move out of your grasp but can't.
"Nothing but a fucking brat who doesn't know when to quit and just behave." You spit out, leaning down to his ear to say the words directly into his ears.
Asra shivers as he feels your dick rub against him when you lean down to whisper in his ear.
You lean back and grab your dick, rubbing the tip up and down the entrance of his cunt, slapping it against it a few times before easing the tip in.
Asra moans out when he feels just the tip in, he forgets how mad he is at you at first until he realizes how rough you were being.
Your hand was still pushing his head into the table, his cheek starting to hurt from how hard you were pushing it down.
"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you." Asra spouts out as he feels you push in deeper and deeper.
You scowl at his words and without a second thought you grip his hair tighter and pull it back whilst roughly pounding your dick deep into his hole.
"Oh god, oh fuck, fuck." Asra moans out as you pull his hair back, pain shooting through his neck and continuously pound into his tight hole.
"Fuck, Asra. You're so fucking tight, your pussy is hugging my cock," You say, pausing for a moment then continuing, "Too bad you're such a fucking brat."
All you can hear throughout the room is Asra's loud moans and the sound of your hips making contact with his ass.
"I fucking haah-hate.. Fuck. You." Asra says, stuttering his words. He doesn't even know what he's saying anymore.
Asra almost feels his eyes roll into the back of his head and you drag his head back and with your free hand bring it down to his clit, rubbing it with your fingers.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck. I'm gonna-" Asra moans out feeling his orgasm creeping up on him from your harsh treatment.
"You're really about to cum just from this?" You say mockingly.
"Fuuck.. I'm, oh god- You're a fucking dick just-!" Before Asra can even finish his sentence he's coming. Hard. He feels you hitting his ass again and again as he chases his orgasm.
When you continue to move your cock in and out again he starts feeling too sensitive.
"Please.. No more, I can't." Asra shakes his head side to side, wanting you to just finish already so he can rest.
"Just take what's, fuck, given to you, alright?" You say to him, you don't last much longer until you're spraying your cum into him.
You let go of his hair and pull out slowly. You both lay there resting for a moment, you don't say anything to test out whether or not he's still mad at you.
"M'sorry.." He says quietly. You rest your hands on his hips gently, rubbing small circles on his waist with your thumb.
"It's okay, baby."
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kisakis-boyfriend · 4 months
Hey, y'all enjoy gunplay, right? Then maybe I can interest you in a fun character from P3?
I won't spoil anything in case I can also convince any of you to play the game yourself, but there's this gorgeous man known as Takaya. Takaya always carries a revolver around with him, so please allow me to paint a picture for you:
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Sub reader scenario
Takaya hugs you from behind, trailing his gun along your inner thigh while he presses little kisses on your shoulder and neck. He begins to rub the barrel against your cock — the gun is loaded, because why wouldn't it be? He's encouraging you to frot with his gun.
So you do. Hesitantly, you hump the gun and moan as it starts to feel good. When Takaya thinks you're going too slow he'll hump you from behind; grinding against your ass and forcing you to brush against his gun faster. All of this while his lovely voice is right next to your ear, whispering praise and also mocking you for being scared or not thrusting quickly enough.
Eventually, Takaya uses his other hand to jerk you off; wrapping his slender fingers around your cock and the barrel to stroke them both at the same time. Your back arches as your orgasm overtakes you. Cum covers Takaya's hand but he doesn't stop, not until you're a trembling mess against his chest. Not until you moan his name like a mantra.
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Dom reader scenario. Trans Takaya
Underneath you lies the most beautiful sight you have ever laid eyes on: Takaya pinned to the bed, squirming as you keep his hands in place. He's flushed and glaring daggers at you after you managed to wrestle the revolver out of his grasp.
A part of him feels excitement. This isn't something he's experienced before, seeing as most people wouldn't dare challenge him, much less try to take his gun from him. But you are bold and willing to do some crazy things just for the chance to have someone like Takaya in this position.
His legs involuntarily clamp shut when you trail the gun down his abdomen. You set the gun down long enough to undo his belt and wiggle his jeans down far enough to expose his pussy. The way his eyes flashed with a mix of fear and desire did not escape you.
Breathy moans slipped past Takaya's lips as you toyed with him at first. Briefly rubbing your fingers in between his folds just to feel his wetness leaking out before picking up the gun again to do the same motion. His eyes rolled back as you pushed against his entrance, attempting to fuck him with his own weapon. He didn't even try to fight back anymore, all Takaya wanted was for you to keep going — to see how far you would go with the power that you currently held.
His pussy leaked like a damn waterfall, covering the sheets, the revolver, and your fingers in his juices as you fuck him stupid. You make him cum several times, unwilling to give the man a break until he's on the verge of passing out. Unbeknownst to him, you're just going to fuck him later too, once he's had a rest.
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livseses · 3 months
Something that's been brewing for a while about our system (and broadly mental health stuff, or broader still a bunch of our life):
We're being a system on purpose
No we didn't make our system. We aren't a created system. We've been this way for as long as any of us can figure, and it just seems like how our brain works.
But so much of what makes us better/healthier/happier has been intentional stuff. Switching on purpose to spread the load. Talking about where our headmates are from to distract from the bad thoughts. Working on undoing and challenging the internal rules. Accepting, inviting, and seeking out the strange because it's fun. Building a headspace because we wanted one.
And like, there's a lot of ways this shakes out in other places in our lives. Being trans on purpose. Autistic on purpose. Adhd on purpose. Ace on purpose.
It really blurs this line between identities chosen and ones embraced. There's goals that we work towards intentionally. Which makes it easier to drop the pretense of doing it the "right" way and doing it the way that works for us. Grasping (in the "embracing" sort of way) the why and how of what we're doing. Looking for the steady bits of improvement and inches towards those goals, and dropping or tweaking what isn't getting us that direction. Trusting that when the progress isn't coming that we'll be able to navigate from there; either giving it more time or finding a new strategy.
There's this emphasis Roki puts on doing that we've been applying here since before he showed up, that he's put into eccentric but apt words. Turning existing from a passive process to an active action.
Doing it on purpose.
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aroarachnid · 1 year
all the people who r like : "its fine to play hogwarts legacy, just pirate it!! ^-^" "donate to trans charities!"
im sorry but if u want to play antisemitism: the game i don't care whether u pirate it or not i dont fucking trust you
also donating to a trans charity is nice but unfortunately wont undo transphobes taking away our rights
jkr is massively influential and her actions have and continue to directly harm trans people. i, as a trans man in the uk, have personally experienced the effects of this but im not comfortable going into detail here.
excerpts from Wikipedia of jkr directly affecting laws and societal views on trans people:
In October 2022, Rowling voiced opposition to the Scottish Gender Recognition Reform Bill aimed at expanding the rights of transgender people, calling Nicola Sturgeon a "destroyer of women's rights".[125]
May 2022, Rowling criticised an incident where a student was hounded out of her school after questioning a speaker about what defines women.[123] The writer called the treatment of the schoolgirl "utterly shameful", adding, "The girl's crime? Saying 'sex exists'." Education secretary Nadhim Zahawi called the incident "hugely concerning" and "unacceptable".[124]
In June 2020, the Equality Act was blocked in the U.S. Senate. Republican senator James Lankford cited Rowling's essay as part of his reasoning for opposing the bill.[97]
im sure theres more but. im tired.
the antisemitism in this game is absolutely abhorrent. heres a discussion of some of its awful tropes.
harry potter has already been criticised for its antisemitism, so to have this plot is ABSOLUTELY INTENTIONAL. not to mention the game being made by an alt right figure, so you can shut up about "oh but jkr has no creative infulence so its fine!! i wanna support the devs!!"
the hp franchise also has a long history of racism, and support of slavery. the treatment of the very few people of colour is offensivley stereotypical.
if you still want to play this game after knowing all this, i want nothing to do with you. if youre a content creator of any kind, i will unfollow you if you play this game. no exceptions.
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someone needs to investigate the link between hentai and furry because from the furry art i sometimes see on this website, most seem to have pornbrain. they almost always have the same anime like drawing style, im always embarrassed they call themselves artists when there is nothing creative about that drawing style. im sure there are some furries who treat it like cosplay more than a sex thing but it very much is a sex thing. if you type in furry in tumblr search bar you will see kink shit within the first few posts, and of course enlarged breasts. furries do have a zoophilia and zoosadism problem in their community too, unsurprisingly. how many kids first introduction to kink is through furry stuff online? you take these characters appealing to kids, often even from kids shows, and sexualise them in the wildest ways possible. my first exposure to vore was through furry fetish „art“ on this website when i was a minor still.
none of this has anything to do with being same sex attracted. and i think most trans people would also be offended to be compared to people who have a fetish for (cartoon) animals. and „dressing weird“ and „looking different“ are not inherently lgb characterisitics.
this is why i hate the term „queer“. to me its not a slur because im german and we have no equivalent (to my knowledge), the literal english term was introduced here as an umbrella term - we even have a „queer beauftrage“ („queer deputy“) in the national government. „queer“ is always associated with lgb and now trans people (who are already two different groups with divergent interests and the only reason we‘re historically tied is because transvestites used to be homosexual). now all sorts of kinksters and „sexual minorities“ attach themselves to this. we already have an issue with how bold both bdsm and pedophilia groups are in germany. they love that „queer“ is associated with gays and lesbians and their valid advocacy for same rights, same sex marriage, and so on, which gives legitimacy to the tqa++* since gay and lesbian acceptance has increased since the 2010s (and now back to decreasing because of gender nonsense and worse, these other groups), while at the same time not meaning same sex attracted which allows anyone considering themselves a „sexual minority“ - such as furries - to call themselves „queer“, leeching of the legitimacy of the gay rights movement while at the same time undoing progress of the movement by branding same sex attracted people „queer“, weird, different, basically the same as having a fetish. fuck off!
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crabcackes · 7 months
I don't want to talk about James Somerton anymore, that’s my fandom blog, lol  but in my poll about his wacky lies I noticed that a lot of people think that the lies he told were his originals.
That is not true.
Here a some examples of fake claims that he also plagiarized ( based on Todd in the shadow vid)
The record box office for a recent Chinese blockbuster was obviously faked - Grace Randolph, youtuber, who also lies a lot.
There was a deleted dickpic subplot in "Birds of Prey" - also Grace Randolph.
J.K. Rowling says Draco is pro-trans - Clickhole article (Yeah really clickhole, how is this real? How can you have so little critical skills )
Only Boring gays survived AIDS - Fran Lebowitz quote
Basically James Somerton is a human version of GPT (idk maybe he did use gpt in later videos but then again gpt is usually better at hiding plagiarism) he sucks up information from all over the internet both reputable and clearly fake and combines them into some horrible amalgamation without any critical thinking. (And sometimes he plagirizes badly and turns repetubale information into turds too) Some of the sources he stole from are straight up homophobic, right wing propaganda meant to harm and discredit the community.
That is why he is so damaging to the community. He not only steals, he takes fake harmful plagiarized information and then he sandwiches it in between two plagiarized academic articles.
His video about gay holocaust is a very awful example of that. Between all the academic papers he stole he inserted claims that SS and hitlerjugend had a lot of gay men which is a claim lifted from homophobic, conspiracy theory sources like pink swastika and similar.
Basically if you watched some of his videos, you've been fed disinformation hidden between something academically sound and believable and because not all disinformation he said is as obvious as examples above or in my poll, it is extremely hard to undo the damage. 
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haggishlyhagging · 6 months
From the start radical feminists have been accused of being anti-male for meeting with each other in women-only spaces. We are accused of hating men for opening women's centres and for simply wanting to meet as women. Recently the hateful term "TERFs" (trans exclusive radical feminists) has arisen as a cry against women-only space, and new forms of violence have been levied against lesbian feminists in particular claiming that meeting as radical feminists or meeting as radical lesbian feminists, even meeting as women, is discriminatory and exclusive.
What has been missing from this argument, which has become a widely accepted series of attacks on those of us who do want to meet without men, is the important detail that we need this, to heal from male violence we have experienced, and to provide healing space for those who have not felt safe to speak about, or even allow themselves to remember what has been done to them by men. It is in these women-only spaces that we can fully look at our past and find support without defensiveness, or fear of having confidentiality broken and be pushed into even more dangerous situations. It is in these women-only spaces that we are able to speak freely about the patriarchal system, understand what it is, share stories on how it has happened, on what women have been doing to change this, to simply feel safety, physical safety, to heal from the violence and to explore how to create a safe world for women and girls. All women and girls.
As a radical feminist I am appalled at the resistance to this simple need. Some time to speak only with each other as women. The many forms of violent responses to this only serve to keep the system that oppresses women in place. We need, at the very least, these moments to heal, to document our experiences, and to create a new plan. The resistance to women meeting is a tactic to prevent change. To attack radical feminism is to undermine the creating of a plan to undo male control over women, to undo a patriarchal system and replace it with a society that is peaceful and respectful of all people. The resistance to women meeting together feeds the current system of keeping women's ideas suppressed. These are discussions that pertain to ourselves as women, documenting what is holding us back. Radical feminists protect this basic right, for women to meet with women without fear, with a safety not available to us yet in the larger public, with the freedom to remember, to envision a different world, and simply, out of respect.
-Tamarack Verrall, “Radical Feminism: The Survival of Women” in Spinning And Weaving: Radical Feminism for the 21st Century
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Now that the Seaworthiest Ship in the Dungeon Tournament is finished, I'll make a funny comments post probably either Thursday or Saturday (busy week) and take a weeklong break afterwards. If staff haven't nuked my account for being a trans woman, I'll run a new tournament after that.
I hit 1000 followers on this blog during the preparation of the tournament that just finished. As I've announced, I have a plan for a tournament to celebrate it. It will be the Favourite Anything in the Series Tournament.
The idea is as follows: You guys submit stuff you like from the series, I put it all in a giant bracket, and then I run a tournament with that bracket to determine the ultimate favourite thing from the series. You can submit anything you like: Characters, monsters, dishes, outfits, ships, scenes, or anything else. You can submit as many things as you like. You can submit a picture along with your favourite anything if you like, and if you don't I'll just pick out a nice picture for you.
Update: Submissions close Sunday February 25th, 10am Central European Time. I'll ignore anything submitted after that.
Update: Submissions are now CLOSED. Any submissions made from now on will be ignored.
Things submitted so far:
Mayjack Chils Speculative biology Chapter 87 Chapter 95 Elf Senshi Warm Succubus milk Laios' autism Veggie scraps conversation Bath scene Marcille undoing her hair Senshi's Golem gardens Senshi's pantyshots Farcille Golem Chilchuck being divorced Fluffy Falin / Dragon Falin Italian Marcille Halfling Senshi Laios' creature drawings Izutsumi's sleep review Izutsumi and Yaad Laios' dog impression Young Senshi Senshi of Izganda Marcille's failgirl violence Kuro Namari's leg obsession Chapter covers Daydream Hour Izutsumi (Izutsumi) Senshi's mithril cooking knife Fullertom Chils Chimera Falin Chilchuck with a Fish-man head Falin's fangs Chilchuck's future plans Mithrun slapping Kabru Thistle's hairstyles Ambrosia Dungeon master Marcille Chimera Laios Laios' ultimate monster Chilchuck and Senshi's friendship Falin beating a monster with her staff Laios the Murderer Kabru's eject button Handsome Senshi The party asking everyone to help eat Falin Izutsumi being cat-like Theme of life, death, and consumpton Final chapter Falin's soul dragon Winged Lion Frog suits Mithrun getting manhandled Senshi's cooking equipment Marcille walks right into that Kabru's eyes Chapter 72 cover Mithrun of the House of Kerensil Thistle's diary of poems Inutade Fleki & Lycion Kabru's flustered face Daltian clan Mithrun's teleportation Chilchuck braiding Marcille's hair Laios consuming the Winged Lion Kabru loving drama Baby Delgal and Thistle Moe Thistle Chapter 47 cover Baby Kabru Marcille leaning on Laios' corpse Race swap panels Winged Lion eating desires "They let me milk a Minotaur!" "Now just keep that to yourself" Tallman Mithrun "That's not normal, Laios" Senshi's cooking explanations Laios being a good boy Studio Trigger anime Chapter 88 Characterisation / Character dynamics Falin's staff Senshi's journal Hippogriff soup scene Senshi's favourite food Changeling race swap Chilchuck making Izutsumi's backpack Half-foot union Kabru's goal Marcille and Chilchuck's matching purses Namari of Kahka Brud Leed Laios and Senshi's situationship Living armour biology Ogre designs Dungeon rabbit Winged Lion being cunty Touden party catching frozen Falin Marcille getting dressed for a cold day Marcille Donato Marcille's Dungeon rabbit dance Basilisk biology Elf queen and dwarf king communicating Marcille face Marcille covered in blood Namari's arms Demon's relation to desires Izutsumi and Marcille in the Golden Kingdom Laios liking elf ears Izutsumi drawings Healthy lifestyle advice Shapeshifter copies Izutsumi and Laios in the sauna Chilchuck's faithfulness proven by Bicorn Izutsumi comforting Marcille Chapter 47 cover Let's take iboprofen together panel Izutsumi Marcille's breakdance Chapter 65 cover Manipulative girlfriend Kabru Friends' reaction to the series Picky eater Izutsumi Kabru taking care of Mithrun Chapter 60 cover Kiki getting caught sneaking in Laios' reaction to sashimi Laios eating the Winged Lion's desire Kabru & Mithrun shapeshifter scene Otta's thing for Half-foot women Marcille's bird familiars Falin's dragon bulge Kabru deciding to murder Laios Thistle being carried like a backpack Izutsumi's heart attack Blushes Walking mushroom Medieval manuscript stylisation Chilchuck Tims Unicorn Eyes of the magician Food shots "What kind of person is he?" Orc sweat Ogre Marcille Marcille's love of seagood Stoned Fleki Pipi Mithrun and Cithis' friendship Dragon designs Chapter 73 cover Expression artstyle Demon breaking free Chilchuck & his daughters Halloween costumes Exorcism sorbet Marcille's pouty face Falin, Marcille, and Namari's outfit swaps Laios' dream page 1 Laios' dream page 2 Laios' dream page 3 Fullertom and Packpatty preparing to woo Laios Laios riding Kelpie Falin eating Chimera Kaka & Kiki going to gnome festival Chilchuck beating up Laios Senshi bread scene Reactions to Laios' funeral wishes Mermaid Dryad
Bloody Dungeon Lord Marcille Elf queen Demon grape form Laios' monster cape Golden Kingdom Falin with her eyes open Izutsumi diving into soup Persisting injuries Frog shoes Pattadol's crush on Marcille Marcille and familiars' POV split Marcille's hairstyles Yaad hugging Thistle Laios holding Falin's skull Elf queen lounging Laios and Marcille's relationship Union man Chilchuck Mithrun crying over purpose Laios' euphoric face Dragon kitchen page Unforgivable Dungeon Meshi Chilchuck's freakouts "That makes us more serious about this than you" Falin and caterpillar Chilchuck dating sim "Don't worry, we'll manage somehow" Chilchuck's grey hairs Werewolf monster tidbits Falin's birth comic Falin eating rabbit curry Mandrake-plucking dogs Marcilel jostling Laios' head with her staff Treasure insect sandwich Undine fight Nutritional value charts Laios caressing Big bat bones Horror Spread pages Winged Lion "Go in the dark" image We just fed her an emoji Falin feeding her soul dragon Characters in modern clothing Kiki's crush on Namari Kiki teasing Namari
Senshi squinting Gnome vs Elf magic Demon eating Mithrun's desires Zon's son Chapter 44 cover Touden sibling dog naming fights
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