#to see if I'd made this a desk or dresser
omnificent-orion · 2 days
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Day 5: Unique I thought a lot about this one since seeing the prompt list and couldn't really come up with something. I don't know that it's unique, but something that I never ended up expressing in the comic was how they modify their clothes. Their wardrobe changes over time which means I'm constantly checking that I've got their design correct for the chronology of any given piece. That said… I'd like to push that a little more in the future, cause some more problems for myself.
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peachsukii · 8 months
Bakugo hates Valentine's Day, but hates seeing you give everyone else one more during senior year. 『 ♡ - k.bakugo x fem!reader 』 -`✧ katsuki bakugo masterlist 
"Happy Valentine's Day, Izu!" you cheer as your latching your arms around him for a hug. Izuku picks you up, spinning you around and sets you down gently.
Katsuki rolls his eyes at the sight. He knows you two are best friends. He knows you're also one of his best friends. Why's he so bothered about a damn hug?
"You too, y/n! Here, I got you a card." Izuku shuffles through his bag and turns back to hand you an All Might themed valentine with a piece of your favorite chocolate.
"Thank you! That's so sweet of you. Here, I got you one, too!" You say as you hand him a mini-pack of mochi and a Mount Lady themed valentine.
Returning to your backpack, you unload all the valentine's you prepared onto your desk. Katsuki turns his head up with a shocked expression, judging the pile of sweets and cards you've prepared.
"Damn, couldn't pick just one valentine?" He snarks, turning toward you in his seat and crossing his arms. Deep down, he hated that you had one for everyone when he wanted you to only care about him. But that's stupid, he knows how nice you are and love everyone in class.
"Just because you hate V-day doesn't mean everyone else does, Kat. I made one for everyone." You say as you resume organizing the valentine's on your desk.
Katsuki huffs and turns back to the window, hiding his disappointment. He would never vocalize that he wanted something from you - he's not some lovesick puppy.
Your desk is empty after making your rounds in the class, hand delivering all of the cards you made to each person. The only person who you didn't give one to?
Once he realizes that you don't have any more, and he's still empty handed, he storms over to you.
"Hallway, now," Katsuki demands, grabbing you by the wrist and interrupting your conversation with Ochaco. You wave to her and mouth 'sorry!' in her direction as you're leaving the classroom.
"What the hell, y/n? Are you singlin' me out?" He growls, clearly upset by your exclusion. You sigh, knowing that this was exactly how this was gonna go.
"No, Kat. I didn't want to give you yours in front of everyone else."
He lets out a 'hah?' in confusion.
"I snuck it into your room before class. I know you don't care for all of that sappy shit, so I didn't want to put you on the spot," you explain, hands on your hips. "You think I'd forget your ass?"
Katsuki pinches the bridge of his nose, annoyed that he assumed the worst of you. He doesn't say anything.
"It's whatever. Happy Valentine's Day, Katsuki."
After classes finish for the day, Katsuki books it back to his dorm room. He smacks the door open to see a card, little box, and some snacks on his bed. The box had a little mabo-tofu character keychain alongside a bag of his favorite spicy chips. The valentine was All Might themed, not surprising, but had a short little message on the back:
To Kat, you're dyna-might to me. :) ♡ y/n
He smiles to himself, placing the valentine on his dresser and popping open the bag of chips. Suddenly, his phone buzzes in his pocket from an incoming text message. It's a picture of flowers on the desk of your dorm room. "aw kat, this is so damn sweet. thank you! i love them. ♡"
"sure. don't think i don't pay attention when you tell me shit."
Turns out he never needed to be jealous in the first place.
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reareaotaku · 5 months
Made into a Woman
Part 1: School Girls | Part 2: School is a Bore Summary: The last thing you wanted was to be in the bed that belonged to your bully, but here you were Tw: NSFW, Smut, Non-con/Dub-con, Degradation, Mean Miles, Blackmail, SAFE SEX HAHAHAHA! Taglist: @fxchild, @milesfairchild2, @blue-for-percyjackson, @applepiexx, @candykamikun, @casualcloddeputyherring
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Right, you had been dragged here. You didn't have a choice in whether you wanted this man's hands on you- But... it kind of felt nice. Though, you were confused why he had brought you here. It felt like he was toying you and you didn't know why.
Speaking of the man of the hour, he was messing with something in his desk. You looked around the room, taking in every detail. You had never been to a boy's room before, especially not some guy who seemed to hate you.
He throws something on the bed nearly hitting you. You picked up the box.
"Trojan. Her Pleasure?"
"They're condoms. You know what condoms are right?"
You stand up from his bed, causing him to finally look at you.
"I'm not having sex with you."
You were a little surprise that he had taken that so well. You were a little proud of yourself for finally standing up to him and getting your way. But your mood quickly shifted with his next words.
"But everyone in school is going to think we had sex."
"And why would they think that?"
He leans on his dresser, smirking at you, "Because that's what I'd tell them. You know they'd believe me. But if you... let me have sex with you, then I won't tell anyone what happened and I'll leave you alone... Forever."
You look back at the box. You couldn't believe you were being blackmailed into sex.... But... if he'd leave you alone, then you could do it. Just once.
"Okay what?" He knew what you meant. He just wanted you to say it. Say you'll have sex with him.
"I want to have sex with you."
That's all he needed before his lips were on you. His lips were softer than you expected. In fact, you had imagined that his lips would be rough and chapped, but they were soft and smooth like butterfly silk. You felt his hand on the back of your neck, pushing you forward so he could deepen the kiss.
His hands then move to the ends of your shirt, pulling at it. You lift up your arms and he lets go of the kiss to take off your shirt. His hands instantly go to your bra and squeeze your tits, while also groping them. His lips go down to your neck, sucking and kissing wherever he could.
Maybe he could mark you? Yeah, he'd like that. He pushes you down on the bed as his hands explore your body, feeling every curve and inch of you. His fingers findle with your skirt, before taking them off and throwing across the room.
You moan into his ear, as his fingers move your panties to the side and slowly finger you. Not entering you, but just circling your pussy. You breath heavily in his ear, before begging him to just enter you.
He smirks as he pushes them inside. While his fingers are busy fucking you, he takes the opportunity to shimmy out of his pants, while still keeping his fingers inside of you.
He spreads his fingers out, feeling your wet cum slowly coat his fingers. He thrust them inside of you, coating your walls with your own cum. He finally takes them out, causing you to groan in frustration. You were so close and he was just teasing you. He sticks his fingers in his mouth, sucking the cum off his fingers before moaning at the taste. He flicks his fingers before tilting his head at you.
"Aww, little princess didn't get her orgasm? I bet she thinks I'm such a bully. A tease, even. Well, now you know how I feel everytime you're around... in those little skirts and blazers- It's like you want to be bent over."
You don't answer- In fact you don't even look at him. You squeeze your thighs together hoping for some relief. He sees this and pushes your legs down, before sitting on your, cowgirl style. He reaches for the box, messing with it and finally getting a condom out. You lean on your elbows and he rolls over so he can take off his boxers and put on the condom. You took the minute that it took for him to do that to finally catch your breath.
"What do you think they'd do if they caught you in my dorm?"
"What?" You breathlessly ask, turning towards him.
He wasn't looking at you, focused on putting the condom on right. "If we got caught, how much trouble do you think we'd be in."
"A lot."
"Good." He moves over on top of you, his hands near your head, holding him up. He was looking directly at you and you had never felt so vulnerable before. "So missionary?"
"Yeah. Whatever."
Miles could sense your discomfort, he just didn't care. He wanted this for a long time and he was finally getting it. He mess with his dick, positioning it near your hole, before slowly pushing it in. He wasn't going to shove it in like some kind of monster.
Your hands instinctively go behind his neck and pull him close as he slowly pushes deeper inside of you. He groans, feeling your tight walls squeeze around him. Thankfully, the condoms were lubricated, so the push wasn't as painfully as going in dry.
You can hear him lightly groan in your ear as he finally pushes himself all the way in. You feel one of his hands travel down, his fingers messing with your clit.
Miles had seen pictures and read books that talked about the clit and how important it was. Maybe some sick part of him thought that if you enjoyed it, you'd come back for more, which is why his fingers circled your clit as he slowly started to move inside of you.
His thrusts start out slow and surprisingly gentle. Miles could feel your nails digging into his skin, causing him to lightly groan. It was hard enough for him to control himself and not go faster, but he needed this to go well. He needed you to forget about every bad thing he's done.
Your groans echo in his ear, motivating him to lightly pick up his pace. It nearly drove him crazy when you begged him to pick up his pace. Your legs wrapped around his hips, helping him get deeper inside of you. Your walls squeezed around his cock, causing it to be harder for Miles to not cum right then and there.
The sounds of his balls clapping on your ass echoed in the room and he could only hope that no one could hear or that nobody cared. He felt your gummy walls squeeze tighter around him and your moans because more inherent and he knew you were going to cum. So, he took his hand that was nearly your clit and pushed on it, before rubbing it in circles, cause your orgasm to hit you.
His hits him harshy as his cum soaks the condom. He stays like that for a few seconds, your heavy breathing in his ears. He finally takes off the condom and throws it away.
"Don't get to cocky about this." He says as he makes his way back to his bed. "It was just a hookup."
You heard him, but you didn't respond. It sounded like he said it mainly for himself than you. Like he knew he couldn't have feelings for you. He had to hate you. He had to bully you. He couldn't let someone hurt him in the way others have or the way he has others. He just needed this little control.
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ros3ybabe · 24 days
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Daily Check-in: Sept 6th, 2024 ☕️
My breakfast from yesterday, the amount of time I spent studying Japanese today, and the book I finished reading today! Still need to complete homework, journal, and so my self care night routine, but today's been pretty good <3
☀️ What I Accomplished:
moved the remainder of my stuff out of the house I left
put away clean laundry
cleaned and organized around my room and bathroom
picked up my ulta package from the apartment front desk
applied for a front desk position at a nearby medical wellness center 🤞
studied Japanese for 27 minutes
read for ~55min, completed the book I was reading, 7/10, it was a good read but way too much happened at the end, felt rushed
💐 Random Stuff From Today
tried vanilla fairlife protein shake in my iced coffee, 7/10 for flavor, ended up hurting my stomach
forgot to take creatine today haha
didn't work out, but I did take a nap so I think I made the right decision
making mac and cheese for dinner
wasn't as excited about my ulta package as I thought I'd be
joined the Step Up app (lemme know if anyone wants to be friends on it to "compete" and get our steps in!)
looked for a small vanity to replace where my 2nd dresser is + looked at walking treadmill pads on Amazon
my boyfriend works late tonight so idk if we're gonna video call ☹️
got to spend a little bit of time with my dad today
👑 Stuff For Tomorrow (Saturday, Sept 7th)
work an ~8 hour shift
morning youtube pilates workout for sure, but maybe do some carduo after work? we shall see
finish up any remaining homework
study japanese 15+ minutes 📕
morning + night journal
do my skincareeeee
perhaps do laundry again because I forgot to wash some items
today has been a really good day, I'm very happy with how it's gone! tomorrow is gonna be a good day too, I can't wait.
til next time, lovelies 🩷
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ivyyisbored22 · 29 days
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭— 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐅𝐅
Note: Check Description and other chapters first to understand the story ^^♡
(This chapter contains both POVs)
Chapter 10
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Aria & Bang Chan
"I'll be home by 3pm," Chris's voice cut through the air.
"Your dress will arrive anytime. We're leaving at four," Chris said as he grabbed his coat hanging on his chair, heading out to his office leaving me alone in his bed.
"See you later." He waved at me before leaving and the door clicked shut behind him.
Flashbacks replayed in my head. Chris and I went through it the whole night passing out literally breathless, I couldn't remember when we started and how we stopped. Heat flushed my cheeks as my eyes fell on the floor, our clothes were scattered around the bed, my hands ran up my face awkwardly at the memory.
His room was tranquil and completely minimalistic with grey furniture and dark curtains covering his windows. The walls were a cool, muted shade, enhancing the serene atmosphere. A wardrobe was seamlessly attached to the wall, blending in perfectly with the sleek design and a desk occupied the corner of the room, its chair tilted to the side, suggesting his recent departure. Next to it, his guitar leaned against the wall.
I quickly changed into my clothes and rushed to the other end of the hall to my room and directly to the shower. The cold water felt good against my skin, washing away the remnants of the night before.
Twenty minutes later, I stepped out and saw my reflection in the slightly fogged mirror looking back at me. My cheeks were still flushed and there were slight hickey marks on my chest, I turned away refusing to look at myself.
Last night had been a whirlwind of emotions and sensations, a stark contrast to the usual coldness that surrounded Chris.
I wrapped myself in my bathrobe and moved to my dresser, my mind still replaying the intimate moments and the passionate night we shared. It felt surreal, almost like a dream, but the tender way Chris held me, the way his eyes never left mine was unmistakably real.
But fuck all of that when it's the next morning, because somehow Chris changes his entire self going back to his smug, cold personality. It irritated me, making the contrast between the night and day all the more jarring. It felt like I was talking to two different people during two different times of the day.
A knock on my door distracted me as I was blow drying my hair, I opened the door to see Deliah smiling bright as she held a huge box which was definitely my dress. "Hello dear, this package arrived for you."
I walked towards her and politely took the box, it was heavy despite how light it looked. "Thank you Deliah," I smiled, she was warm and always so cheerful, another contrast to the cold elegance of the house.
"No problem at all, dear. Enjoy your evening," Deliah said with a wink before she walked away, leaving me with the box in my hands.
I carried the box to my bed and carefully set it down. With a mix of anticipation and excitement, I opened the lid to reveal the dress nicely wrapped and a little note laying on top of it.
"I hope this makes you feel as beautiful as you are. -Chris."
I couldn't help but smile at that note. It wasn't hand written by him but I'd take small moments and gestures like this over his cold demeanour any day.
It was also these fleeting moments of warmth that gave me hope, even when the coldness threatened to overshadow everything.
Before changing into my dress, I went downstairs and made myself a snack and shared a heartfelt conversation with Deliah. It was surely thanks to her I could make myself feel at home even though tiny specks of thunder roamed every once in a while.
Once it was almost 2pm, after helping Deliah around for a bit and walk in the garden, I finally began to get ready by the time Chris came home. One experience with him for not being "ready" when he said so was more than enough, I didn't want to repeat the same mistake.
I went uptairs to my room and sat infront of my dressing table, starting to style my hair with a simple hairstyle, pulling it back in a neat fancy bun. To maintain the elegance of the hair and the dress, my makeup was subtle yet enhancing, with a soft smoky eye and a hint of blush to complement the natural flush of excitement on my cheeks.
The hour passed by just like that taking the time for my hair and makeup, as the clock neared three, I slipped into the dress. The fabric hugged my curves in all the right places. Standing in front of the mirror, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and confidence. The dress was absolutely perfect, and for the first time in a long while, I felt truly beautiful.
My eyes fell on the note on my dressing table Chris sent with the dress, a faint smile painted on my lips. Just as I finished putting on the heels, Deliah softly knocked on my door and slipped in, "Mr. Bang just arrived dear. He asked you to come down when you're ready."
I smiled, nodding at her, taking a deep breath trying to hide my nervousness. "Thank you Deliah" I said softly, my voice betraying a mix of excitement.
Deliah smiled warmly. "You look absolutely gorgeous. Enjoy your evening," she said, giving me a reassuring pat on the shoulder before leaving.
Alone again, I took one last look in the mirror, adjusting a stray strand of hair and smoothing out the dress and getting my clutch purse. Gathering my courage, and after a few minutes, I made my way downstairs.
As I descended the stairs, my hand on the glass railing, I caught the sight of Chris waiting, his gaze fixed on me with an intensity that sent a flutter of butterflies in my stomach.
My breath caught in my throat. Chris looked remarkably handsome. The classic black tuxedo was a perfect fit, hugging his broad shoulders and tapering down to accentuate his strong frame, complete with a satin lapel that added a touch of sheen.
His white dress shirt was crisp, complemented by a perfectly tied black bow tie and a silver Rolex gleamed on his wrist. The tailored trousers featured a satin stripe down the side, and his polished patent leather shoes completed the look.
There was a strong confidence in the way he stood, a magnetic aura that made it impossible to look away.
"Wow..." Chris swallowed once I made it downstairs, his adam's apple moving up and down, as if he was trying to find his words. "You're stunning." His comment pulled a genuine smile from me, I felt my cheeks flush, keeping my eyes locked with his.
"Thank you Chris," I said tucking an invisible strand of hair behind my ear.
It was the first time- maybe the second, I got a compliment from him. The butterflies in my stomach just kept multiplying as his gaze was fixed on me. And for the first time since our marriage, I saw him smile, his deep dimple was equivalant to a lethal weapon.
"You look really handsome too," My words came out softly, earning a quiet chuckle from him, he looked at the floor then me.
"Thank you," He said.
"Shall we?" Chris held out his arm, I nodded gently as I slipped my hand in his, making our way out. His sleek Rolls Royce was waiting outside the entrance, my heart buzzed with excitement and anticipation as we settle into backseats of the plush interior.
Bang Chan
I've always stayed true to myself since I moved out of Australia to Europe; that I will never let feelings get in my way. They only cloud judgment, muddle decisions, and lead to complications I can't afford. Life's been simpler that way.
Clear-cut, logical, and driven by ambition.
Well, ambition since I returned to the States.
Yet here I am, battling a demon inside me trying to stop it from pushing my feelings further towards a certain woman; my wife, who's sitting next to me. That logic clearly fucked up my mind. I felt like an asshole. My mind didn't want me to get attatched to her but the goddamn muscle that's beating in my chest has other plans for me.
Even having grown up with luxury, Emotions are a luxury I cannot afford.
"What kind of event is this?" Aria's soothing voice pulled me out of my thoughts, I calmed my racing breath as I shifted my gaze to her. "It's like a Coperate Gala," I replied trying to keep my voice neutral.
"Basically celebrating achievements in the coperate world. The awards ceremony was a week ago." Her eyes were filled with curiosity as I spoke, it settled an unfamiliar feeling in my chest that kind of felt...warm.
"Oh I see, that's interesting." Her face turned to the window. Goodness knows what answer I was expecting from but it was surely not that. "Will there be other guests you know?" Her tone remained cool and casual, it almost felt like she wasn't truly nervous about anything. I was definitely overthinking about tonight.
"Felix and Hyunjin will be there. Since they model for Louis Vuitton and Versace,"
I kept my gaze straight ahead before she turned to me almost twisting her neck causing my eyes to widen at her shocked reaction. She blinked rapidly, clearly taken aback by my statement. Her lips parted slightly as if she wanted to say something, but no words came out.
"They didn't tell you? My eyebrow arched, she looked down at her clutch purse then at me.
"No, not really but I did vaguely recognize them. Although, I am not so keen on the fashion industry" She was attempting to conceal her initial surprise, which I found rather cute.
I chuckled softly, the tension between us easing slightly. "Well, now you know," I said, a hint of amusement in my voice. "They've been modeling for a while now, quite successfully."
Her lips twitched in a faint smile. "It's impressive," she admitted, her tone more relaxed now that the initial shock had passed.
"Yeah, they're doing well," I agreed, feeling a strange sense of pride for my friends. It was rare for me to talk about my friends with pride—we usually gave each other shit, but in the end, they were thicker than blood.
After quite a drive, thankfully the traffic was much less than the usual nights, we reached the grand venue. The imposing doors of the Rolls Royce were promptly opened by impeccably dressed doormen, who greeted us with warm smiles. I walked to the other side of the car as Aria got out and stood before the entrance, she slid her hand into my arm as we walked inside.
Crystal chandeliers hung down the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the elegantly decorated tables, each adorned with intricate centerpieces and fine china. The soft hum of conversation of the guests dressed in tuxedos and glamorous gowns mingled with the gentle strains of classical music played by a live string quartet in the corner. But everything felt like a blur as Aria stood out, looking like a single, radiant star in a sky full of constellations.
I guided Aria through the crowd, introducing her to influential figures in the industry. My confidence and ease in these surroundings were second nature, essential traits I naturally inherited from my father; maintaining respect in the coporate world.
During cocktail hour, I introduced her to several other key executives, each conversation she held with them was effortlessly balanced with warmth and professionalism, as if she herself had multiple experiences at such events.
I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride having Aria by my side. Her presence was captivating, a blend of grace and intelligence that drew people in and left them wanting more at the way her eyes sparkled with interest and how her smile seemed to put everyone at ease.
I appreciated her being here with me, not just as a part of our agreement, but as a partner who could hold her own in my world.
A wave of relief and excitement swept through the room as Felix and Hyunjin entered, both of their custom suits, fitting their lean bodies perfectly. The atmosphere shifted as they made their way through the crowd, exuding confidence and charm.
"They know how to make an entrance," Aria chuckled softly. "Surely" I said as I glanced at her.
"Good evening Christopher," Felix and I shook hands, keeping our usual handshake down, maintaining professionalism. "And Hello Aria, good to see you again". He gently bowed at her, his manners impeccable. Aria returned his greeting with a warm smile.
"Good to see you too, Felix."
Hyunjin stepped forward, offering a charming smile. "You look stunning tonight, Aria," he complimented, his eyes twinkling with sincerity. She blushed slightly, her confidence unwavering.
"Thank you, Hyunjin. You both look quite dashing yourselves." The two of them couldn't suppress their smiles at her compliment.
"You were literally blue this morning. How did you manage to go platinum within such a short time?" Incredulity laced my voice as I turned to Felix. The guy's scalp was stronger than a tank's armor, a transformation faster than a Formula 1 pit stop.
Felix's grin widened as he spoke, "My stylist has their ways." He brought up his hand to fix his cufflinks, a smile so radiant I could get a sun tan just from him.
Hyunjin's eyes met mine, politely turning from Aria, "How's the project going?"
His words echoed as I exhaled a deep breath. The reminder of the project threatened a headache and the last thing I wanted while being here was a sharp stinging pain in the back of my head.
"It's progressing," I replied evenly, keeping my tone controlled. "We're gearing up for the launch next year."
"Oh great. I hope you're aware of what's on the internet," He continued.
"People's hopes are high along with suspicion when you announced sustainability and eco-friendly products in the high-end fashion industry. It's a big deal Chan" Hyunjin's tone matched my own in its controlled demeanor.
As COO of Aurelius, I was given the initiative task to launch a new sustainable luxury collection, increasing brand loyalty and attracting environmentally conscious customers.
It's quite a big shift since Aurelius was one of the top luxury brands in the world. Sustainable luxury products mean a complete overhaul of our sourcing, production, and marketing strategies.
I nodded, winking at Hyunjin, turning to find Aria engrossed in a conversation with Felix, probably talking about baking or how to bring sunshine during the thunderstorm just by stepping outside.
Her hand rose to her chest and covered her mouth as she let out a small laugh, I couldn't help but wonder why she kept doing that.
A few minutes later we made it inside the ballroom, exuded an aura of refined elegance, bathed in a soft, ambient glow cast by strategically placed spotlights. Rich velvet curtains in deep hues of burgundy and gold framed the expansive long windows, their lush textures adding a sense of opulence to the space.
As the four of us were conversing, I spotted my father; Current CEO of Aurelius, excused himself from his group and approached us with a soft but controlled smile.
"Good to see you Christopher," My father greeted as he approached.
No matter how much I'd grown and confident I became, I couldn't shake the reverence and unease that came with facing my father. His voice remained steady and neutral, rarely betraying any emotion— another trait I knew I had naturally inherited.
"Good to see you too, father," I replied meeting his gaze with a with a nod of acknowledgment. I turned to Aria, whose hand was slipped comfortably in my arm.
"Aria, you remember my father," I said. "The CEO of Aurelius." Aria smiled politely, her demeanor poised as she greeted him.
"Of course, it's a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Bahng," she said respectfully, her words measured and professional, matching the formality of the occasion.
My father inclined his head slightly in acknowledgment, his demeanor professional yet distant. "Likewise, Aria. I hope you're enjoying the evening. And I hope my son is treating you well."
"He is, sir. And thank you," Aria replied smoothly, her voice steady despite the underlying tension. She glanced briefly at me, a subtle reassurance in her eyes that belied the cool facade I presented to my father.
"Good," he remarked tersely, his tone betraying nothing of the complexity beneath the surface.
"I trust everything is proceeding according to plan." My father's gaze fell on me again, sharp and expectant. I nodded curtly, knowing full well that he wasn’t just talking about the evening’s event.
"Yes, father," I responded crisply, falling back into the familiar pattern of formal discourse with him. "The preparations for the new collection are on track. We're anticipating a strong reception."
"That's what I like to hear," he nodded, his approval measured and precise. "Remember, Christopher, Aurelius stands for excellence. Don't let anything compromise that."
"I understand," I assured him, my tone matching his in its unwavering resolve. Despite our strained relationship, there was an unspoken understanding between us. Expectations that hung heavy in the air, unyielding and immutable.
My father glanced at Aria once more, his gaze lingering for a moment longer than necessary.
"Enjoy the rest of the evening," he said finally, his tone softening imperceptibly before he turned and walked away, leaving me to ponder the weight of his words and the delicate balance I must maintain in both my personal and professional life.
"Sorry if my father was too...scrutinizing" I apologized quietly to Aria, my voice tinged with resignation. Despite my efforts to shield her from my father's scrutiny, his presence always managed to unsettle.
"It's okay," She said softly. "It felt like seeing an older version on you," I let a deep chuckle at her comment, not offended but acknowledging the similarities between my father and myself.
"I suppose I can't escape my lineage," I remarked dryly.
The evening passed by in a blur of conversations, laughter, and the soft clinking of glasses. Aria navigated the elegant event with grace, seamlessly blending into conversations and engaging with the other guests as if she belonged in this world of luxury and refinement.
And to me, she did.
Felix and Hyunjin's charismatic presence added to the ambiance, their effortless charm drawing admiration and respect from those around them.
The night wore on, we began to depart, bidding our goodbyes to my father, friends, and other guests. As we exited the venue, the slight evening breeze chilled the air, I felt Aria shiver against my touch.
I removed my tux coat and drapped it over her shoulders as we exited the building, slipping my hand in hers, a genuine smile tugging my lips. We madde it to my Rolls Royce which was waiting for us outside, entering the luxury interior and made our way home.
"Chris," Her voice cut through the silence in the car.
"Thank you for tonight." Her smile sent a pang of warm and fondness through my chest.
"You're welcome, Aria. I'm glad you enjoyed the night." I returned her smile with a soft grin of my own.
Once we reached home, Aria had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I gently carried her inside and upstairs to her room, carefully laying her down on the soft sheets, her peaceful expression a contrast to the whirlwind of emotions stirring within me.
I stood there for a moment, watching her sleep, unsure how I felt about the serenity and chaos she brought into my controlled world.
Taglist: @bowsnbang @bangchannie97lov @hwasmints @laurenalpha123 @mrs-hwangh @greyyeti @sociallyawkward18
If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know <3
Thank you for reading!
Next Chapter
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beemers-hell · 7 months
I've seen a lot of fashion doll posting on your twitter and like, I don't exactly know how to ask but if you ever want to infodump about it on here that would be so genuinely interesting
Not pressuring you in any way of course! I just like seeing your fashion doll posting
rubs my hands together maliciously
Ok so I don't actually have anything I feel like talking about doll wise atm, I prefer making one off posts here n there about the dolls I'm into on twt more than tumblr cause I feel like twt is better suited for one off thoughts while tumblr is better suited for dedicated n thought out posts, at least with how I use it. Which is why you see a lot more wips/shitposts from me on twt than tumblr. so instead I'll just show yall my current collection!!! ANYWAY long ass post time
I've been working on finding and filling out various release lines from different doll brands im fixated on and have been rearranging my collection set up a lot cause of it lol. My shit is scattered all around my room because of how me and my little brother have divided up space for us to display both of our separate collections of things (we are both autistic and insane about our special interests) so there's gonna be a lot of photos lol
TO BEGIN: here's my display case of all my old g1 Monster High dolls I managed to hold onto since I was a kid! I got all of these back when MH initially debuted (when I was around 8 or 9) and all of these dolls have survived through my childhood/teenage years, hence why they're not in super great shape unfortunately lol
the only exceptions to this being the Día de Muertos Howliday Skelita, since obvs that's a recent release, as well as the misc. dolls I have scattered around the top of the case, those are dolls that s0uless has gifted to me over the past 2 years teehee
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Moving on, to my current collection of dolls I began purchasing for myself over the past year: starting with this set of shelves next to my bed! I'm mainly using this as my Bratz shelf, but I ran out of room to fit my Skultimate Secrets Fearidescent Dolls where I usually keep my Monster High dolls, so they're there for now.
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I only have Jade's reproduction doll because when the Bratz reproductions first began releasing, I was being strict with myself about not indulging in dolls again so I only let myself get Jade since shes my fav. Which I'm sad about, cause I'd love to have all the girls together for both their 20th anniversary reproduction dolls and their Alwayz dolls together. Also, there's a spot left empty next to my Alwayz Cloe bc I have Not been able to find Alwayz Sasha in stores like ANYWHERE for the past 2 months, so I gave up and ordered her online. She'll be arriving here in a couple days!!
Next up is this series of shelves above my dresser that I mainly use to display misc. figures n other shit I've come to own since I was like 12 (you can tell bc of the MHA stuff lmao) but I recently cleared some space so I could fit my Skultimate Secrets Series 1 Dolls (and Spa Day Lagoona + Scare-adise Frankie and Draculaura) somewhere, as well as having a place to display my current set of LOL OMG dolls! And also Bank art doll cameo lmao
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Then we have the top shelf of my desk, which mostly has various Knicks knacks compacted into a corner but I put my two LOL OMG Tweens together there, as well as my single Licca doll that s0uless got me for this past christmas and the custom doll they made of my sona for me! <3
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(fun fact me and s0uless are currently in the process of making more custom dolls of Eb, Bank, and the triplets but you'll have to wait n see on that one hehe)
And finally for dolls, here's my desk setup, where I display my main Monster High dolls! I mostly just display each Signature Doll + Their Core Refreshes here, but Monsterball Draculaura didn't have space anywhere else so she gets to chill there too lmao
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Thats it for my actual dolls, but I have two other photos to share, which is just how I set up my Skultimate Secrets Series 1 Lockers + where I put the posters that come with each Bratz doll I have lmao
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ok thats all I'm done now, ill update this when Sasha gets here lmao
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winters-dream · 2 years
Villain slipped through the window of Hero’s apartment with ease, almost too easy. They were expecting some sort of security system to be in place to prevent such a simple break-in. But again, they expected a hero as respected as this one to have a better living environment. 
They closed the window they snuck through and turned around. They had snuck into the hero’s bedroom. Perfect. Hero had stacks of papers everywhere, on their dresser, the desk, bedside tables. Villain had hit the jackpot of information. 
They started with the dresser, rooting through the documents. They all looked like personal notes. Every piece of paper had a different villain’s name on it: their strengths, weaknesses, crimes they’ve committed. They stopped on the page with their name on it. They scanned over its contents, the information reading pretty accurate, more detailed than the rest. Villain figured it had to do with their much too frequent encounters. 
Villain shuffled through a few more papers before moving on to Hero’s desk. These papers held blueprints of Supervillain’s lair. Every little hideout, even ones that Villain didn’t know of, were all pointed out on these pages. And above Hero’s desk was a map with little red dots to map out the location of these spots. Villain had to admit, Hero was good at gathering intelligence. A little too good.
“I thought I heard something up here.”
Villain turned to find Hero standing at their now opened door. They didn’t look pleased to find Villain snooping around their room as they leaned against the doorframe with crossed arms. They let out a huff as they glanced at the contents in Villain’s hands. 
“What are you doing here?” they asked. 
Villain gestured at the piles of papers that surrounded them. “I’m looking for information,” they said. “You should keep all of this better contained. It could end up in the wrong hands.”
“Seems it’s already too late for that,” the hero shot. 
Villain made a show of holding a piece of paper to the light, like they were looking for a hidden message then put it down. “Well if it helps, none of this is useful to me. It’s nothing I didn’t already know.”
 They picked up another document, the paper being snatched out of their grip instantly. Hero was stacking all of their papers together before carelessly tossing it into a desk drawer. 
“If you didn’t get what you want then leave,” they said, their patience with Villain already thin to begin with. They pushed Villain away, but they didn’t budge. Villain caught their hands and held them close to their chest. 
“I might not have found what I was looking for, but I found something better instead.”
Hero rolled their eyes. “What’s that supposed to be?”
“You, silly,” Villain looked at them with a smirk. “You have a lot of secrets in that brain of yours, I'll just ask you what I want to know.”
“Fat chance,” said Hero. “I’m not going to give you information that easily.”
“We’ll see about that,” said the villain. They manhandled the hero to their bed. They ended up with Hero lying on their stomach and Villain straddling their legs with their knees pinning Hero’s hands in place. Hero tried to struggle out of their grip but with their hands trapped it was no use.
“I can easily get the information I want,” said Villain. Heron didn’t need to see their face to know they had a satisfied smirk on their face.
“If your going to torture me,” said Hero. “I'd rather you do it on the floor, it’s easier to clean up that way.”
Villain shook their head with a small laugh. “I’m not going to torture you, I have something better in mind.”
Before Hero could ask what they meant, Villain’s hands were already on them. They tensed, waiting for pain of some form to hit them, but the opposite happened. The villain was giving Hero a massage. 
“What—?” Hero wanted to question what they were doing, why was Villain giving them a massage. But as Villain’s skilled fingers worked away at the knotted tension in their back and shoulders, all words of protest died on the hero’s tongue. A sigh pushed past their lips and a smirk found its way onto Villain's lips.
Any moron could inflict pain to get what they wanted. Could use it to gain all the power they desired. Pain was a very useful tool in its own respect. But it was nothing compared to this. Heroes and villains alike were trained to withstand pain, but not this. Not pleasure, no one trains to fight what feels good. 
Pleasure was a much more powerful tool. To make your enemy melt into a puddle at the touch of a hand . . . it made Villain feel unstoppable.
They moved their hands to stroke over the back of Hero’s neck, gently working away the tension that seemed to consume the hero. They carded their fingers through Hero’s hair, hearing another soft sigh emit from the crime stopper. If Villain didn’t know better, they’d say Hero was falling asleep. Maybe they were. Nonetheless, definitely disoriented enough to spill secrets.
“Feel good, little hero?” they asked. They earned a nod in response, a slow movement of Hero’s head as they let themself relax under Villain’s touch.
“I can give you more, if you like,” Villain offered. “You just have to tell me some things.”
Another nod from the hero.
“Good,” said Villain. “I want you to tell me Superhero’s greatest weakness.”
Hero shook their head. “I can’t tell you that, nobody knows the answer to that.”
“Come on, Hero. You’re smart, I know what that brain of yours is capable of,” Villain leaned over them so their lips brushed over the hero’s ear. “They may not have said anything directly, but you’ve noticed some things. You always notice the little things.”
Hero didn’t know if it was the compliments to their intelligence, the Villain’s gentle hands on their back, or a mixture of both. But they wanted to spill everything, tell Villain whatever it was they wanted to hear.
“Hm?” urged Villain, their soft breath hitting Hero’s ear further clouding the hero’s thoughts.
“Magic,” they sighed out. “Superhero’s power is magic, it makes them practically invincible.”
“So what’s their weakness?” asked Villain, their breath had a small hitch in it, excited to finally be getting what they came here for.
Hero sighed. They knew somewhere in the back of their mind, this was a bad idea. Handing such important information to the enemy could jeopardize everything. But their filter seemed to have dissolved with every press of the villain’s fingers against their back.
“Their power is their own weakness,” they said. “If you trap their hands, they can’t use their magic. And it drains their energy faster than it can be replenished.”
“The more frequently they use their magic, the faster it drains their energy? Rendering them useless?” Villain earned a minute nod from Hero. “Their power’s an oxymoron.”
Villain smiled wide at this newfound information. “This is wonderful. Thank you, H—”
They looked down at the hero’s face to find them sleeping peacefully under them. Villain had done too good of a job relaxing their mind. They gently patted their head and carded their fingers through Hero’s hair once more.
“You did well, Hero. I’ll forever be grateful for this valuable piece of information.”
They moved off the sleeping hero and disappeared out the window they came in. it wasn’t until the next morning when Hero awoke, that they realized what they’d just told the villain. And how much that information really cost the hero.
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
Ghost stalking soap
Looking forward for part 3
@rodolfoparrasnumber1fan @aliebrokenwonderland143 @crieslikeafool AND ALSO 2 ANONS WHO ASKED FOR IT. Anyway, here's part 1 and here's part 2
Nsfw warning
Soap was ignoring Ghost. He was really upset. Every time he complimented Ghost or tried to get closer to him, he backed away. Wouldn't this be what Ghost wanted??
Whatever, Soap didn't care anymore. Ghost was just some weird ass creepy stalker and Soap didn't give a singular shit about him.
It was almost convincing.
Soap did ignore his texts, though. But... Soap caved around day 8 when Ghost called him. He really wanted to hear his voice. "Hello?" He pretended to be nonchallant, act like he didn't know who this was.
"Hello, Johnny."
"Who is this?" He lied, leaning back in his desk chair and huffing a little.
"Don't be like that. I've been texting you."
"Oh yeah, my stalker. I know I've been ignoring you." Soap rolled his eyes. "You hung up again."
"I panicked."
"Yeah, cuz I said I liked your eyes."
"Like I said. You make me so fucking nervous."
Soap snorted. "But not nervous enough to not stalk me?"
"I'd rather watch you from a distance."
"I don't want that though!" Soap snapped. He shook his head. "You're an asshole. You made me want you and now you're just going to... what?? Keep denying me?"
There was silence on the line and Soap prepared for Ghost to hang up again, irritated. "Tell me what you want, Johnny."
"I want you." Soap relaxed.
More silence. "One day."
Soap hung up, this time.
Soap had gone back to ignoring Ghost. It wasn't fair that Ghost would do all of this stuff, make Soap like him, and then just keep treating Soap so unfairly.
So, it'd been weeks since he'd answered his texts. Any note ended up shredded and in the trash. All new gifts were tossed.
Soap could tell Ghost was getting almost desperate. The gifts ramped up in price, the notes were longer, more pleading. Soap donated the more expensive ones and just continued to ignore him.
Soap came back to writing on his mirror, this time. Huge, scrawled. It looked shaky. WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO? The marker was under the mirror
It should have scared Soap. It should have shown him that Ghost was unstable. But... it excited him. Ghost was so desperate for Soap's attention. Soap's. No one else.
Soap smiled and then right under it in neat handwriting, wrote ME.
You drive me completely crazy.
Soap smiled at his phone, laying on his back. Where's the new camera?
I didn't put one.
Liar. Where is it?
The alarm clock.
The alarm clock that points directly at my bed? You really are a creep. Soap grinned. Can you see me right now?
Soap stood and started to undress, being slow and careful with it.
What are you doing, Johnny?
Soap checked it but didn't answer. He just continued to pull his clothes off. Does it have sound?
Of course.
Soap grinned again and moved his pillows so he could prop himself up a little once he was undressed, settling on them. He spread himself out, making sure he could be fully seen.
When he was settled, he made eye contact with the alarm clock and wrapped his hand around his own cock, slowly stroking it to attention. He imagined Ghost and bright blue eyes between his legs. He moaned, leaning his head back a little.
He kept his pace slow, wanting to drag it out. He wanted to put on a show.
It was exciting, doing this and knowing he was being watched. He continued to conjure images of Ghost. His body covering Soap's, his voice deep in his ear.
"Fuck- Ghost-" He moaned, stroking himself a little faster to the imagery.
Simon. Soap paused and frowned at the text on his phone.
My name is Simon.
Soap grinned. Oh. He didn't want him moaning Ghost. He wanted to hear Simon. Soap had no problem obliging. Soap used the opportunity to get the lube out of his dresser, coating his fingers in it and then repositioning himself.
He went back to stroking himself but carefully started to push one of the fingers in, moaning. It was always easier to take when he did it himself, but he wanted the stretch. He wanted Ghost's thick fingers (they had to be thick, the man was huge) stretching him out.
Soap made a risky decision and just shoved a second finger in himself, bowing his hips a little off the bed and gasping "Simon" as he did so.
He imagined Ghost stroking himself to Soap. He had to be, or he wouldn't have corrected him. "I want you to fuck me so bad..." He moaned and fingered himself, making sure he stayed on full display.
The idea of Ghost moaning with that gorgeous voice, saying Soap's name, maybe thinking of himself inside Soap drove him crazy. He was desperate for Ghost and it wasn't fair he had to settle with images in his own head.
Soap pressed in a third finger when he knew he was ready, moaning again. The pleasure wasn't enough and he knew what would be, but he was being denied.
Ghost could be so fucking cruel.
There was equal parts pleasure with frustration and Soap was losing his mind. He arched a little, pressing his fingers as deep as he could, and moaning Ghost's name again.
Soap stroked himself faster, getting desperate, and moved his fingers in time with his hand. He hoped this would be tempting enough to Ghost. That maybe he'd finally do something.
When he came, he cried Ghost's name, making sure it could be heard clear as day. He panted when he came home, disappointed in the feeling of not enough that it caused.
He closed his eyes and panted. He felt sticky.
When his phone buzzed, he quickly looked at it. You're a little fucking tease.
Soap had been... risky. He'd brought a random guy to his dorm. He wanted to push Ghost's buttons.
The sex was... not what Soap wanted, but he wanted to make Ghost jealous. He wanted to push Ghost into doing something. Anything.
When the guy had left, Soap waited, pretending like he wasn't.
His phone rang and he answered it, feigning innocence. "You're a tease."
"I don't know what you’re talking about." He grinned and stretched out, facing away from the alarm clock.
"You know exactly what I’m talking about."
"I have needs, Ghost. I have to get them fulfilled somewhere. You've made it clear you won't do it." Soap sighed, taunting him a little.
There was silence. "Tomorrow."
Jesus this is getting long. 
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rmedgg · 1 year
The human who didn’t know Pt. 2
Pairing: Normie male reader x Enid Sinclair and Wednesday Addams
Chapter 2: Trip and New friends
I apologize for taking so long on getting the second part on here link to the first part is right below this so read that before this or don’t (I recommend you do) also any poll on the author notes can be disregarded as the story is already on chapter 14 so until I catch up on here they can be disregarded anyways enough ranting please enjoy
Y/n pov
"So what exactly did you mean when you said I'd be someone worth following behind? I asked Blake as he lead me through a patio area
"Exactly that, you see my pack has its own rules and traditions we follow. When we meet someone we deem strong wether it be by there character or, by their strength we follow them. As those people are usually the best leaders." He stated in a matter-of-factly tone.
"So I'm your leader now? And what's with this pack your talking about." I asked incredulously 
"Yes. My wolf pack when as I'm a werewolf or could you not tell? Either way when we turn 16 we are allowed to start or join our own packs. All you need to do is acknowledge me and we'll even get a mental link." He said with some underlying excitement in his usual monotone voice.
"What the hell am I even supposed to respond." I thought as we walked in silence for a couple of minutes to our dorm room.
Bland and boring is how I would describe the room, it was made of some sort of dark wood, the room layout itself was basic just two full size beds, two dressers and, two desks. One of each on either side of the room. On the back door there was a door that opened up to a bathroom. The front wall that you saw when entering the room was taken up by a big circular window that opened up to a balcony.
Stepping outside and onto the balcony looking out I saw that it overlooked the patio area we had walked through to get to our dorm hall. Nodding in approval.
"Hey I'm going to look around campus alright. Maybe see if I get to know some of our neighbors." I told Blake as I walked back into our room from the balcony and made my way to the door.
"Ok, just be back in an hour, as Ms.Weems is taking us along with Richard and Tommy to get stuff for our rooms." He told me
I nodded having forgotten of the other two as I exited the room, I noticed the door across from ours was open and there was music playing. I made my way across and knocked on the open door.
A 6' 2" Caucasian boy with brown hair walks towards the door.
"Can I help you?" He asks
"Ah sorry to bother you, I just wanted to introduce myself since it seems that well be neighbors."
"Oh I'm Xavier Thorpe, and you are?"
He said with a smile as  extended his hand
"I'm Y/n nice to meet you Xavier. I responded and shook his hand
"So what are you?" He asks curiously
"What do you mean?" I asked confusion probably written all over my face.
"Yeah like what type of outcast are you? What else could I mean?"  He said with a chuckle
"Oh well I guess a nerd." I said while smiling
Xavier's expression then went from a smile, to confused
"No your not understanding what I'm asking you. Like what are you? A werewolf? A siren? A vampire? A gorgon? A psychic? Or one something else?" He said
"Just a normal human just like everyone else is. " I told him annoyed
He stared at me then suddenly burst into laughter "Oh man you almost got me, no way a normie could make it into nevermore. What are you seriously?" He asked again while still laughing.
"I already told you I'm a regular human." I told him annoyed that he was laughing
He then looked up and saw that I was serious "You're actually just a normie?!" He shouted in surprise
"What the hell is a normie?" I asked
"It's a person that's just a human and not an "outcast" you know like the people this school is made for." He said now getting irritated
"Yeah outcasts like people who were bullied for being different" I responded irritated by the conversation that seemed to circle around.
"No not that type of outcasts you moron, did you even look up this school or it's history? Never mind it  doesn't matter this school is for "outcasts" such as werewolves, vampires, psychics, etc."  he said
"Well no I didn't read it I just saw outcasts and assumed it meant kids who got bullied for being different or quirky. Either way those things aren't real your just delusional." I replied quickly
"Me delusional, come on then I'll show you." He said confidently
"Alright then." I said not believing him at all.
We walked into his room. The set up was like ours, each side of the room was decorated differently. Xavier made his way to his desk, sat down and drew a spider.
"Oh man you showed me man." I said trying to hold in my laugh
"Oh shut up, and give me a second." He said focused on his drawing, his hand hovering over it, a couple seconds later it moved,and started crawling around his desk.
"Oh shit! What then hell! How'd you do that?!" I asked surprised making my way closer to his desk to get a better view.
"Ah shit man, sorry for doubting you. That's dope as hell though man." I apologized while staring at the spider
He then snapped and the spider dissolved into dust. "What your not going to freak out and insult me like others do? He asked shocked not looking at me
"Bro let's be realistic even if I wanted to do that, it would be stupid to. Since I don't know the extent of your powers for all I know you can make that shit venomous and kill me in my sleep. Plus that was dope as fuck I wish I had powers." I said awestruck as to what I just witnessed.
"Wait if he has powers does this mean that Blake was telling the truth, and was being serious. Awe shit." I thought
"Wait so your serious about being a normie?"
"Uh yeah, no powers from me. I'm able to attend since I won the scholarship. I also didn't bother reading the website as I thought it meant like Emos, goths, otakus and those types of outcasts." I said
Then I heard it laughter first soft then booming, Xavier turned to face me and he was laughing. "Oh man your a total riot, what type of dumbass applies for a school without reading its history. I can tell we'll become great friends." He said as he wiped away a tear
"Alright man I'll leave you to it I'm going to go and explore the campus and see if i can make any more friends." I said as I waved at him and left his dorm
"Alright man, I'll introduce you to my roommate whenever he gets back from town. Before I forget careful of who you go telling your a human most here have bad experiences with them and would probably put you on some sort of kill list. " said Xavier seriously
"Thanks for the heads up man, but it'll probably be announced when Ms.Weems announces the winner of the scholarship. " I said
"Well if she does I've got your back." He said seriously
"Well thank you." I said as a smile painted itself on my face
As I made my way down the hallway to the staircase, and then subsequently down the stairs into the lobby of the residence hall. Which seemed like the lobby of some high end hotel only without a receptionist. I looked around looking at the furniture. There was 2 sofas and 4 arm chairs which all seemed comfortable enough to sleep in. Along with 2 round tall tables with 2 chairs each meant to be used for studying as there were wall outlets easily accessible. At one of those tables there was a tan short male with black hair and square framed glasses. He seemed to be watching a video of some sort. So I made my way over to him.
"Hey sorry to bother you mind if I take a seat?" I asked
"Huh, you asking me?" He asked seemingly confused with a stranger coming up to him
"Yeah." I responded "my name is Y/n L/n by the way." Stretching my hand out for a handshake
"Ah sorry I'm not used to being approached, but I'm Eugene Ottinger." He said while taking my hand to shake it seeming to have relaxed a bit
"Nice to meet you Eugene, would it be fine if I take a seat?" I asked
"Likewise. Yes please be my guest." He responded quickly "if you don't mind me asking what are your thoughts on bees?" He asked enthusiastically
"Well I like the honey they make, I have also wanted to try honeycomb but I've never had the chance too. Other than that I don't have any real opinion on them. Why do you ask?"  I replied 
"Oh I just love bees, I actually want to see if I'll be allowed to make a beekeeping club." He told me passionately
"Oh that sounds cool if you do I'll be your first member if you wouldn't mind having me. So if you don't mind me asking,why you're so passionate about bees?"  I asked him
"Really that would be great Y/n. Well you see I've never really ever fit in anywhere, or had friends. Well bees have always been there for me ,it's as if they can understand me and they're very good at keeping secrets." He said a bit downcast
"I'd assume they are good at keeping secrets. Well you won't have to worry about not having friends as you've already made your first." I said smiling
"Really we're friends?" Eugene asked surprised
"Of course, why else would I have approached you." I asked chuckling
A phone started to ring  "It was nice meeting you Y/n but my mother is calling me. I'll see you around." Eugene said as he got up from his spot at the table.
"Well see you around" I replied
"Ok so I've made 2 new friend not bad Y/n not bad at all, I still got 20 minutes to go and explore might as well" I thought to myself
Getting up from my spot in the table, and walking towards the entrance doors. I push one open and make my way outside. Taking a nice deep breath of fresh air and look around taking in the surroundings. There seems to be groups of people around this patio area.
"Yeah two friends is more than enough for today." I thought, as I needed an excuse as to why I shouldn't approach any of the groups. 
Looking around I see an open table, as I make my way over to it I observe each group. There seems to be 4 main groups, can't really tell what they are maybe Blake or Xavier can tell me later. When I eventually make it up to the table I take a seat and put my head down the weather is perfect for an afternoon nap. As I'm starting to doze off a excited voice greets me.
"Hi there, I'm Enid Sinclair." Said a blonde girl with blue and pink highlights with an infectious smile
"Huh, oh nice to meet you, Enid I'm Y/n." I said trying to purge the drowsiness from almost falling asleep.
"Oh I'm sorry did I wake you? She said looking concerned
"Ah no it's fine it's probably better that I don't fall asleep I have something to do in like 15ish minutes. So I should be thanking you." I said trying to reassure her
"Oh that's good, mind if I take a seat?" She asked
"Oh you're fine." I responded
"What happened for you to get that scar?" Enid asked looking at the scar on my left eye curiously
"A bit direct aren't you?" I laughed
"Oh I'm sorry if it's a sensitive topic. I was just curious." She said panic evident in her voice
"Don't worry bout it, I actually got this somewhat recently,. I was in a fight and he got me good but I got him back." I told her
"Woah, why were you fighting him? She asked leaning in closer
"Well we were fighting in the tournament for the scholarship." I answered
"Oh right that's a thing. So what are you? I'm a werewolf" She asked changing the subject abruptly
"I'd rather keep it a secret. Sorry." I told her looking away as to not make eye contact
"Don't worry." She responded happily "Do you have an Instagram? I could get so we can stay in contact? She asked eagerly
"Yeah let me just type it in." I said as I grabbed the phone she was handing to me
"Well I have to go." she said as she got up "I'm going to go get lunch, unless you want to come with me" she smiled
"I would love to but unfortunately I have to go with my roommate, to see Ms.Weems." I stated
"Oh that sucks" her smile faltering for a second "Maybe tomorrow then?" She asked
"Yeah why not, I shouldn't have anything planned." I said
She nodded as she got up from the table we were sitting at, and walked away.
"My goodness my eyes have been blessed with this beautiful woman." I thought as I watched her walk away.
Getting up from the table, I stared to walk about towards the residence hall, as I still had 5 minutes left before I needed to be there but I think I've had enough exploring for one day. As I made my way upstairs and into my room I saw Blake laying down on his bed with his headphones on.
"You're back earlier then I expected you to be, in all honesty, I thought I was going to have to hunt you down." Said Blake with a smile.
"Oh ha ha." I said as I took a seat on my bed
"We should make our way to Ms.Weems office, no?" I asked Blake
He nodded and got up
"Let's go then" he said
Background conversations was all that was heard as we walked towards Ms.Weems office, as we walked in silence. We approached a door that had a name plate on it which stated principal's office. Blake then knocked behind the door we heard a muffled voice that told us to enter. After entering Tommy and Richard where there sitting while on there phones. Richard was the first to look up, his face immediately turned from bored to a wide smile.
"Y/n how are you man, it's as if you disappeared on us after the tournament" Richard said excited to see me
"It because he was in a coma remember idiot Ms.Weems even told us." Tommy told him without skipping a beat or looking up from his phone.
"Oh right." Richard said sheepishly
During our interaction I could see Ms.Weems was staring at us smiling happily at the bond we seemed to have made after knowing each other.
"Ok, we'll be headed down to Jericho so you guys can get decor for your rooms, please remember that you are representing Nevermore so do try no to get into fights." She said looking towards our group seriously.
Opening the top drawer of her desk she pulled out four envelopes all numbered one through four in Roman numerals
"These contain the prize money for each of you." She said as she handed them to each of us Blake receiving the one numbered 1, Tommy the one numbered two, Richard the third and me the fourth and final one.
"You guys can get whatever you may need or want. Just know towels, and other basic toiletries will be supplied for your as your dorms are the only ones with private bathrooms." Ms.Weems told us
"Will you accompany us ? Or will you just be dropping us off?" I asked
"I had planned on accompanying you, but I have a faculty meeting so I will have to drop you guys off and then when you feel your done you can just call me." She said as she got up from her desk and made her way to the door  "Let us go before it gets any later"
As we followed her to the van, I could see that the other students were staring at us as we walked through the patio area. We got into the car after walking for 5 minutes and Ms.Weems started to drive towards town. After 30 minutes of driving I saw a sign that read welcome to Jericho.
"Remember guys do not cause any trouble." Ms.Weems said in a very serious tone
"Ok." we all said practically at the same time
She then stopped in front of a furniture store. We all thanked her for the ride as we got out of the car. The town had a very creepy feel to it, it looked like a old style town that would be in a "Friday the 13th" type of movie.
"Alright let's go get furniture." I said walking towards the stores entrance
"Oh do you actually need furniture?" Asked Richard
"Yeah, you don't?" I asked looking at him incredulously
"Nah our families just bought us the stuff and sent it to us like 2 weeks ago man." He said nonchalantly
"well all I'm getting is clothes, since I didn't even have my own room back home." I told him
"So your not like us?" He said confusion on his face
"What rich? No or why else would I have applied for a scholarship?" I asked looking at there faces to see if they were joking
"Well that, and you didn't join it just to fight? Everyone who joins that scholarship is usually just to fight not for like actual financial help." He said
"Obviously he didn't idiot, he didn't even know what "outcasts" were." Said Tommy as he pulled one of Richard's rabbit ears
"Alright I'm going in, to look for a lamp and see what else might be interesting." I said as I walked into the store
"We're right behind you." Said Blake
As we wondered the store looking around I could tell that the employees were watching us intently, as if we were criminals with a record of being thief's. Eventually finding a nice desk lamp that reminded me of the one that crushes the I in Pixar movies, and paying for it. As we were walking out Blake, Tommy and Richard were looking at a couch. Without even turning around Blake asked "Do you think it would fit in our dorm?"
"I don't think it fitting in the room would be the issue, but rather how would you get it up the stairs." I told him
"Me and Richard should be able to jump it up to the balcony" Tommy said matter-of-factly
"What is our room going to be the hangout spot?" I asked
"Obviously it's bigger than our room."  Said Tommy
"Then sure go for it we'll make it fit if it doesn't." I said chuckling
"Ok." Said Blake before walking to an employee to purchase it and have it delivered to the academy
"Thank you come again." Said an employee as we left
"Well we have an hour before Weems comes and gets us. Let's get tattoos?" Said Richard looking excited
"Of what carrot muncher." Said Tommy
"Hey I'll have you know that's offensive, demon spawn." Richard said quickly "Anyway we could get our Roman numerals tatted on us. Hell I'll even pay for them." He continued
We all looked at one another and silently agreed. So we made our way to the conveniently place tattoo parlor across the street, because I mean who doesn't want to go get a tattoo after buying some furniture. As we walked in the man who was sitting at the desk, immediately smiled when he saw Richard.
"So you were able to convince them eh Richard?" The man said with a smile
"Something like that." Richard replied
After discussing where we would get the numbers we each sat at a different tattoo artists table. As we all sat down and the artists started there prep work Blake turned towards me and asked if I had though about what he had told me earlier that day.
"Look man do as you please, if your happy following a "normie" do as you please. Just think it through I wouldn't want you to be ostracized. After all I'm weaker than you" I said seriously
His laughter boomed in the small shop "Oh man you worried about me. I doubt my family would care in all honesty. Being a leader doesn't mean bring the strongest it just means you'll do what needs to be done, when it to be done."
"Normie?!" Everyone besides me and Blake yelled surprised
"Yes. I'm just a normal human being who was dumb and didn't read anything about the school." I said while smiling
"Oh man your a crazy son of a bitch man." Said the owner of the shop as his employees nodded there heads in agreement
I just laughed, and shrugged, and the artists just smiled and started to tattoo us. Tommy got his number on his trapezius, Blake got it on the left side of his neck, Richard got it on his arm, and I settled to getting it on the back of my right hand.
"Man Y/n not bad you only cried for 3/4th of the tattoo." Laughed Richard
"Yeah we'll I'm just a human, with normal pain tolerance." I responded eyes red
"Did you cry when getting all those earrings you have? Tommy said laughing
"As if these were way less painful." I responded chuckling
After Richard payed the tattoos and we tipped the artists. We decided to go to a cafe for the last 20 minutes before Ms.Weems was set to pick us up. As we walked up to the cafe named Weathervane and a bell jingled as we entered it.
"Welcome in." said a dirty blonde teenager wearing a brown shirt and red apron behind the counter.
"Hi, can I get a black coffee" asked Blake turning his head to ask what we wanted
"I'll take an ice coffee" said Tommy
"Me too" added Richard
"I'll take some green tea please." I said
"Ok coming right up." the cashier replied
We decided to take a seat at a booth with Blake and Richard on the inside, while Tommy and I were on the ends. I got up to use the bathroom quickly. After getting back and waiting a bit longer the server came over with our drinks, we thanked him as he placed them on the table. As we were silently enjoying our drinks, a drunk adult approached our table.
"Hey everyone! Look at these freaks thinking they can come to our town and act as if they're one of us." said a man as he put his hand on Tommy's shoulder causing him to tense up and turn towards the man
“Hey would you mind moving your hand from my buddies shoulder.” I asked trying to not sound as scared as I felt
“Oh tough guy aye?” He said having moved his hand from Tommy’s shoulder to the table and leaned in closer
“Hey leave those guys along Mr.Rodgers.” Said the cashier
“Oh stay the hell out of this Galpin! You fucking brat!” The now identified Mr.Rodgers yelled
Motioning my head for us to get up and leave, getting small nods from the other three as we started to get up
“Hey no need for problems sir we were just leaving anyways.” I said as I got out of the booth allowing Blake to get up too
“Oh you don’t want problems yet you had no problems coming to our town? He said as he grabbed my shoulder seeming to have gotten angrier by my statement
“Ah shit how are we going to get out of this one?” I thought as I something Blake told me earlier came to mind please work “Blake can you hear me?” I thought hopefully
“So you were paying attention to what I told you earlier.” Blake responded mentally looking at me from the corner of his eye for a split second with a small smirk
“I don’t know if it’s possible for you to communicate with Tommy and Richard somehow, if so do it and get out there’s a second exit they can use straight back and to the right. I saw it when I went to the bathroom earlier.” I relayed to him mentally
“I’ll let them know, and link them in as they’ve been part of my pack since middle school.” He reported “I was able to link them successfully sir.” he said with the tone of a solider
“Can you all here me? If so bend your right index finger in order ascending.” I said as I glanced at each of them trying to not make it obvious to the drunken older man
I looked down to Blake’s hand first and saw his finger bend, then Tommy’s and finally Richard’s. A subtle smirk made its way onto my face as I sharply exhaled trying to not laugh out of joy
“Something funny you punk.” Said the man as he shoved me back
“Run now, your all faster than me go and find Ms.Weems, or actually give me 5 minutes if I’m not out by then go and find her otherwise wait across the street.” I told them through the link
“Will you be fine?” Asked Blake mentally
“Oh please who gave you that scar? So now go!”
In the blink of an eye Blake turned around and ran towards the front door, while Richard jump over a table and ran, and Tommy turned and ran out both making there way towards the back door as the man went to grab Tommy I spartan kicked him in his stomach causing him to stumble back and focus on me.
“You’ll be fighting me.” I said with newfound confidence
“Oh I’m going to enjoy killing you, fucking freak!” He shouted as he rushed towards me
Quickly grabbing the mug that held my tea earlier I swung it and it hit him on the face landing a solid hit causing the mug to shatter against the left side of his face. Causing him to stumble the right, which i immediately followed up with a kick to the face that missed since I slipped on some drops of the tea that spilt when the mug broke. Catching myself from falling, I was able to push him down as he was trying to stand back up as he hit his face against the tough wooden flooring of the cafe a sickening crunch was heard. The empty shop was silent besides the heavy breathing of Mr.Rodgers, getting on one knee, and raising his head by his hair.
“You damn monsters thinking your superior to us, normal humans!” He said as blood pored from his obviously broken nose hatred in his eyes
“Unfortunately for you I’m just a human, I dumb normal human who didn’t know.” I whispered to him with a smile
A laugh escaped my lips as his eyes widen in shock at my statement. Know that no matter who he told they’d doubt him
“Oh and if I ever hear you talk shit about one of my friend or classmates, I’ll make sure you regret it. So I hope this makes you change your views on the Nevermore students. Since we’re 10 times more monstrous ” I said looking down at him with a smirk
“Now I hope we can put this behind us, and start on the right foot. Don’t forget to apologize to Mr.Galpin here. Sorry bout the nose.” I said as I pat his back and he just nods
“How much for the mug I destroyed?” I ask the cashier
With a surprised look “uh $4 bucks should be fine.” He replied not to sure what to say
“Sounds good I say as I put a ten on the counter. Take the change as a tip and sorry bout the mess.” I said as I turned to leave checking the time on my phone
“Oh thank you, please come again; don’t worry about the mess” He said smiling
As I made it out with 30 seconds left I made my way across and nodded towards the three boys, and motioned my head as for them to cross the road and join me
“Let’s not keep Ms.Weems waiting boys” I said as they patted my back
“That shit was dope man!!” Said Richard as slapped my back
“Ah shit that hurt you asshole!” I said while shoving him with my shoulder
“What did you tell him?” Asked Tommy
“Just that I hoped he would treat Nevermore students with respect, and that I’m a “normie” and I hoped we could put this all behind us. Oh and apologized for the broken nose.” I said as that last thing caused them to stop mid step and look at each other as I continued walking
“Oh man your rugged, where’d you learn to fight like that man?” Asked Richard excitedly
“Oh I just used to play a lot of MMA on the xbox 360 with my brothers and well play enough and having brothers you just start mimicking what you see and do in game.” I said laughing at the memories of my brother and I playing and play fighting
As we walked they just looked at me as if I’d grown a second head
“I look fine right?” I asked them
They just nodded still shocked at my earlier statement of where I had learned to fight. Ms.Weems was in her car waiting for us. I waved at her as we approached her car and got in. I was up front and the other three made there way to the back.
“So how was the trip?” Ms.Weems asked smiling
“It was fun I got a lamp and Blake ended up getting a couch for the dorm. We got tattoos and went to get something warm at the Weathervane.” I said smiling
“Oh that’s nice…. WAIT TATTOOS?!” She yelled while looking at us shocked as we just smiled and showed her
“Oh are you going to want to left over money back? I think I have like $100 bucks left.” I asked disregarding her worries about the tattoos
“No you can keep it, it is yours after all, I will be needing an explanation on the tattoos, so don’t think you’ve gotten away with it.” She stated looking at me
“When will your furniture be delivered?” She asked
“Tomorrow.” Blake stated
We pulled up to the school, thanking Ms.Weems as we exited the car and made our way to the dining hall to get some food. As we walked I noticed that Blake was to my right, Tommy to my left and Richard directly behind me, almost as if they were knights protecting a king. Causing me to smile, and make our way to the serving area and got our food I decided on some ground beef tacos with tomato, lettuce, cilantro,onion, salsa and sour cream. The others got more basic foods like two slices of cheese pizza for Richard, two chicken sandwiches for Blake and a grilled chicken salad for Tommy. As we all sat down and started to eat, I noticed Enid walking by and looking towards me so I wave at her and she does the same. At the same time I see Eugene walking with his food towards the exit.
“Eugene come and eat with us man!” I shout across the hall
He turns and walks towards us and sits down.
“This is Eugene guys, Eugene the guy with the werewolf ears is Blake my roommate, Richard is the one with the rabbit ears and Tommy is the one with the horns.” I said introducing them to one another
As the meal progressed Eugene started to open up more and more getting more comfortable as time passed. Talking more about himself and bees as we just listened and asked questions and joked around with one another. After an hour and a half of eating and conversation we decided to make our way to our dorms. As me and Blake enter our room we fall onto our beds exhausted from todays events. Then we realized we didn’t lock the door so we had to play paper, rock, scissors to see who would get up and I lost. Getting into my bed I fell asleep as soon as my head touched my pillow.
Thank you for reading the second chapter of my book. 
There will be one more chapter that takes place prior to Wednesdays arrival and it's going to basically be the next day, then some school related things and probably building the relationships between Y/n, Enid and Xavier and possibly Rowan.
Or let me know if there's someone specific you may want to make a relationship with
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paperficwriter · 1 year
"The Second Floor" (Metal Bat x Garou)
I figured I'd go ahead and start doing some cross-posting here...I don't know if I'll post everything here because not for nothing but I get harassed more here than Twitter, which is saying something.
Regardless, here I am, coming back to my roots. It's my take on what all has been happening in the main comic, so a bit different from the 'Monster in my Bed' universe. Enjoy!
Cut is for length, not for content. AO3 link and tags in the reblog.
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“Alright, so…here it is.”
Badd opens the door to the second-floor apartment, stepping inside of it to let Garou pass. He’s glad, then, that he came up before and gave it a good cleaning, got the windows open, the place aired out a bit. That was the first time he had been back inside since his parents died, and even though his uncle had straightened it out and made sure there wasn’t anything left for Badd and Zenko to have to take care of, the place had felt…strange, like it had been put into some kind of suspended animation for the past eight years.
Badd watches as Garou wanders around with the kind of caginess that Tama had when they brought her home the first day. There’s a wariness to his movements, and…did he just see his nose twitch. “This is the main room,” Badd says. “You can see the kitchen right there.” He nods at the window cut into the far wall, showing the small, sunlit space with a full-sized fridge, stove and sink. “The door across from that’s the bathroom…s’got a bath, though it might be small for ya. Then there’s a bedroom.”
Garou looks down at the squat table in front of an old television—already old when Badd was a kid, when he would come up here and pretend he was a squatter if there wasn’t anyone living in the apartment. “It’s gonna be a tight fit,” Garou finally says in his cold, rough voice. “But I guess I’ve lived in worse places.”
A flash of anger rises up suddenly in Badd’s belly like the gas on the old range had been turned on in a rush of blue flame. “Now, listen—”
“I guess I’ll take this front room, though.” He scratches the inside of his ear with a pinkie finger. “Just don’t wake me up when you’re cooking.”
“Wait…no, dammit, I’m not living here!” A warmth travels across his nose and pinks his cheeks as Badd stuffs his hands in his pockets. He’s not wearing his hero uniform today, but a bomber jacket with a tiger on the back and jeans. “This place is just for you.”
Garou looks surprised, white eyebrows going up and then back down. He starts wandering around again, somehow even more suspicious, touching the walls, opening the cabinets in the kitchen. Badd follows him.
“I got a couple of things…some basic stuff. Noodles, sauce, some canned stuff. There ain’t much in the fridge ‘cause I didn’t know what you liked other than…meat. Though I did get ya some of what was on sale at the supermarket.”
When he says that, Garou has his spiky head shoved into the fridge, taking out the wrapped packages, eyes gleaming. Badd can’t help but grin a little because he has the kind of expression he’d expect to see if he left him a basket full of candy and not a couple of strip steaks…
After a quick inspection of the bathroom and then the bedroom, which has a desk, an empty bookshelf (what the hell is going to go there, Badd wonders—this is Garou living here, does he even know how to read?), a dresser and a rolled up futon, the former Hero Hunter turns to Badd. His gold eyes are narrow as he steps up to him. “What’s the catch?”
“You said you’re not living here. Is the old man paying you? Or are you going to start charging me rent or something?” He says it like he’s expecting Badd to tell him he needs to start selling his organs downtown.
“What? No!” Badd growls and cracks his socked toes against the soft wooden floor. “I don’t need any damn money, alright?! I live downstairs in the apartment under this place! The first floor!”
“Why do you have a spare apartment?”
“My folks bought the place like this and used to take tenants…anyway, it don’t matter! Do ya want it or not?”
It’s a little weird, but Badd only realizes after he’s said it that they actually haven’t discussed at all or not Garou wants to live here. Because initially, the conversation didn’t even happen with him. It happened with Bang, at a cafe, after Badd’s patrol but before he had to go pick up Zenko from piano practice. “You want me to let Garou come live with us. Are you serious, old man?”
Bang had picked up the tab for their tea and a few small desserts, and he was eating a pastry and taking a stupidly long time to answer Badd. “I am. He doesn’t seem…comfortable, living with me. Not that we haven’t mended some of what was broken between us, and I wouldn’t ask you this if I didn’t think it was safe.”
“Maybe he’s uncomfortable because he doesn’t think he can get away with being him when you’re watching.”
Bang shrugged, sipping his tea. “I think you two will have more in common with each other than he does with me. It’s good for young men to spend time together. They grow from mutual experiences.”
What planet was this geezer on?! “There is no way I got anything in common with that guy! And if it’s about age, why not one of the other heroes?!”
For a moment, Bang took a breath, like he was gathering his words. Then, finally, he said, “You two have the most shared history at this point. And I have caught him watching the news about your hero work from time to time.”
Badd didn’t know what to say about that. He didn’t know what to say when they parted ways, except that he did have some space and so long as Garou didn’t do anything to make him regret it, he could stay there. And he still doesn’t know what to say now, because Garou is staring at him like he’s still waiting for this all to be taken out from underneath his feet.
Finally, Garou shrugs. “Sure. Whatever. It’s better than being stuck up in that place above that smelly dojo.”
The tension in Badd’s shoulders lessens immediately. Even though he should be dreading the fact that Garou has decided he will be living above him now, having to deal with him thinking that he was trying to con him out of something was worse. And at least if he’s there, maybe Badd will be able to catch him if he tries anything…
When he tries anything, Badd mentally corrects himself. Because he will. He’s sure of it.
Once he’s handed him the key, Badd walks back down the same set of stairs that he ascended. At one point, before his parents bought the place, the stairs would just lead to different levels of the house, and the landing where Badd has left his shoes would be the foyer. Now, there is a door that leads to his apartment with Zenko. He’s about to open it when he feels a prickle at the back of his neck and—
Badd jumps back from the door to shoot his gaze at Garou, who is watching him with catlike eyes from his upper floor, leaning over like a burglar. “Oi!” Badd growls. “What’re ya doin,’ punk?!”
“What? We’re neighbors now, right?” Garou has a sly smile. “I can’t check out what my neighbor is up to?”
Nevermind, Badd thinks as he goes inside of his apartment and closes and locks the door. Probably nothing could be worse than this.
It’s quiet, for a while…and Badd almost thinks that Garou has changed his mind and decided to run out. He comes back from his hero work and hears nothing from upstairs, and at one point he asks Zenko about it. “Have you heard anything from Garou?”
She’s working on her homework at the table where they eat dinner, as Badd cooks. He’s cut up some bell peppers that are softening with onions, and there’s some beef browning in a cast-iron skillet. They’ll have it with rice. “Yeah,” she says. “I hear him go out before I go to school and you leave for work.”
“Huh?! Only then?”
“Is that weird?” she asks, raising an eyebrow. “You’ve been working day shifts since he started living here. Don’t you think he would be going to his job too?”
That’s true. He figured that if Garou was going to do something, it would be under the cover of night, now that everyone knows who he is. Badd grabs the pan handle and gives it a shake that’s maybe a bit too aggressive, because two green slivers of pepper escape onto the stove top. “There’s no way a guy like that’s got a job,” he mumbles.
Zenko puts her pencil down then and he hears her sniff the air. “Big bro…something smells funny.”
“Eh?” He frowns. Zenko’s always liked his cooking…but then he realizes there’s a tickle of something else…acrid and burning…and there’s a haze outside the window. Could that be coming from— “Stay here!”
Making sure to move his pans to other burners, Badd runs to the door and opens it into the landing. Sure enough, there’s more smoke in the hallway, and he leaps to the top of the stairs in one bound. “Garou! What the hell’re ya doin’?!”
When there’s no answer, Badd acts on instinct and punches a hole in the door, tearing his way through it. The apartment is cloudy, although the window in the kitchen is open. He darts in to look through it and there’s Garou, perched on a section of the roof, holding a skillet with something on fire in one hand and his phone in the other. “This recipe is bullshit!” he curses, and he seems like he’s about to throw the pan probably into oblivion but then he stops, showing a degree of self control that Badd didn’t expect.
So there he is, just pouting, the flames going out slowly…and Badd has to laugh. It’s not like there’s any damage to the apartment other than the smoke, so…
Garou’s eyes snap over to him. “Hey! Shut the hell up!”
“Okay, okay…you just…look like you’re having a hard time.”
“I followed the stupid video. It’s not my fault.”
Badd turns on the water and watches as Garou crawls back in the window and puts his pan under the running sink. Whatever it was, it’s charcoal now. Badd could leave him to it to figure out what else he’s going to eat, but…Garou looks so pathetic and angry, instead he finds himself asking, “You want to come down for dinner? I’m making bell peppers and beef. I usually end up havin’ enough for a few nights in case I gotta work, so…there’s plenty.”
Garou doesn’t reply for a second, and Badd prepares himself to get shot down, probably with some snide remark. But then, there’s a high, strange noise that ends in a sort of warbling grumble, and Badd realizes it came from Garou’s stomach. Garou puts his hand over it like he can push the noise back in. With his long fingers over his abs, Badd realizes for the first time how thin he is, and, sure, he’s lean with all those muscles but…then he recalls the report from the fight in the woods between that gang of heroes, Genos and Bang, the one that mentioned him being found in a shack.
And other than that kid…he was all alone.
“Well,” Garou says loudly, with an exaggerate shrug. “I guess I’ll try it. It can’t make me any sicker than this would…”
Any sympathy Badd was feeling evaporates like the water hitting the hot pan. “Ya know, you could starve for all I care.”
“Nope, you can’t take it back now.” As Badd goes into the bedroom to open the other windows in the apartment, he hears a sharp, “What the fuck did you do to my door?!”
“Shut up! I thought you were burning the house down! I’ll fix it!”
When they get back downstairs, Zenko has already set a second place. Badd returns to the stove, grateful he had the foresight to move the food so it wouldn’t burn up too, and he finishes getting the rice done as he carefully listens to Zenko and Garou talking.
“Do you remember me?”
“Yeah, how could I forget? You were the dumb brat who tried to butt in the middle of our fight.”
“Who’s dumb?! I got you all to stop, didn’t I?”
“Okay, maybe you have a point. What’s that you’re doing?”
“Math homework. It’s Advanced Geometry.”
“Ugh…what do you need that for?”
“I want to be a veterinarian!”
Badd is ready to interject if Garou makes a smart-ass remark, but then he hears him go, “Yeah, guess you need to work really hard for something like that. Better give it your all and not quit school like I did.”
“I am!”
Did he really say that? It was…surprisingly thoughtful. Did Garou really drop out of school? They’re about the same age, and Badd just finished the year before, so…it would make sense.
Then, he hears Garou laugh. “Unless you’d rather just do something that doesn’t require any level of intelligence, like being a hero—”
“Alright, I’ve got plates of food here, so why don’t you shove this in your mouth, eh?”
Garou smirks as Badd puts down the plate of food in front of him, but when his eyes settle on it, he really does get quiet. With a quick ‘itadakimasu’ he’s stuffing his mouth like someone is going to take the plate away from him. Zenko and Badd exchange glances before beginning to eat as well.
Badd continues watching him out of the corner of his eye. How is it that the longer he interacts with him, the more he questions everything he thought he knew about him?
It doesn’t feel like he’s trying to trick him either…
After dinner, Badd walks Garou to the door. “I’ll fix the door this weekend. So just…don’t do anything dumb, yeah?”
“Like what? Leave it unlocked?”
“Okay, goodnight, smartass.”
It isn’t the last time that Garou eats some of Badd’s cooking (and to his knowledge, enjoys it). In the days to follow, Badd notices there are less leftovers in the fridge over the subsequent nights after he’s made a big meal. If there are three plastic containers, the next day there are two. If two, then one.
Is he seriously breaking in and stealing food?! Can ’t believe I was beginning to trust that guy…
He heads upstairs to confront him about it, but when he opens the door he nearly runs right into Zenko. She trips backward and lands on her rear. “Zenko! Are you okay? What are you doing?”
Then, he sees the empty container in her hands. She’s clutching it to her chest. “Nothing!”
“Are you…giving him food?”
Zenko stands back up, her nose in the air. She always does that when she’s trying to meet his height, to match his energy. “So what if I am? Clearly he’s terrible at cooking. Recently all he brings home are convenience store foods—”
“How do you know that?!”
“I say hello to him! Like a good neighbor!” Zenko crosses her arms over her chest. “Why don’t you say hello to him more? He’s your friend!”
The desire to fire back that no, he is absolutely not his friend, tickles his tongue, but Badd stops himself. Because he doesn’t hate him like he thought he would. But he doesn’t like him either, so…he takes the empty container from Zenko. It looks like it’s been practically licked clean… “It’s fine. I’ll…put some extra servings to the side so he gets a bit of everything.”
Garou doesn’t say anything for a while, and Badd wonders if Zenko has told him that Badd knows now that he’s feeding him. One evening, though, he’s about to take the trash out when he sees Garou coming down the stairs. He’s got the leftover box in hand. Badd nods at him. “Hey.”
It’s the first time he’s gotten to take a long look at Garou in a while. He’s different from how he was when he first arrived—softer, his brain supplies first, comfortable, less starved. There’s still that same air about him, like he’s prowling, ready to pounce, even if his form of attack is just to quip. Now, though…his body looks lived in, stretched out a bit.
Badd is surprised at how he kind of likes that look on him.
“I think this was my favorite,” Garou says, without any greeting of his own. This was a honey garlic stir fry he made with chicken and mixed vegetables.
“I hadn’t made it before. I’ve been trying some new recipes.”
“Mm.” Garou follows Badd outside as he goes to deposit the bags of garbage at the street. The fireflies are out, the late evening easing in and bringing with it a cool breeze. “How do you even…” He shakes his head. “There’s so much in it.”
Badd realizes he’s still talking about the dish, and at first he’s about to talk about all the steps he took to sauté the chicken and thicken the sauce before tossing it all together, but…instead what comes out is, “You could come down and watch. Maybe help a bit.”
A distant cicada starts buzzing. It fills up the silence, and Badd is grateful, because it’s taking Garou a while to answer. Finally, what he gets is, “…sure.”
The agreement is not nearly as surprising as when he actually knocks the next evening, ready to get started.
After a few weeks of dinners, Garou is about to head back upstairs when Badd asks him if he wants to give breakfast a try. “Broaden your horizons a bit. We could do some eggs, pancakes—”
“No,” Garou says quickly. “No mornings.”
Badd frowns. He’s really wanted to believe that Garou hasn’t actually been up to something, ignoring the fact that he’s gone before he and Zenko get up and always home by the evening. He’s even walked home with Zenko from school a couple of times. But… “Why?”
It’s like a door between them closes, and evenings of cutting vegetables and talking about hero movies and things that normal people might bond over disappears. “None of your business.”
Badd can’t let that slide.   
A few days later, Badd switches his hero patrol day with Genos so he can see where Garou goes when he thinks he’s gone. It works out perfectly since Zenko wanted to sleepover with one of her friends from class, and he gets up early without having to worry about coordinating it with her school day. Sure enough, Garou rises before the sun, leaves the house and starts running towards the east end of the city.
Badd takes off after him, dressed in a nondescript sweatsuit with his hair down. Granted, he can’t exactly be as covert as he’d like to be, because keeping up with the human monster requires jumping from building to building lest he chance catching up with him. They run for almost a half hour, so far that it’s almost out of the city entirely. But then Garou stops, shoves his hands in his pockets and walks into the konbini at the corner. There’s only one other person shopping and an old woman is stocking some drinks towards the back. Badd watches as Garou walks around behind the counter and into the back room.
When he comes out again, he’s got his hair wet and pressed down as much as he can get it, and he’s wearing an apron. From the rooftop across the street, he can’t hear what’s being said, but Garou and the old woman exchange words. She’s smiling and patting his arm, and as she disappears to get more products, he takes his place at the register. If Badd had never seen him before, he might believe it’s someone else—a cute guy with a serious face, who could even be someone’s boyfriend.
Garou has a job…and Badd feels like a complete asshole.
There are a few things he learns on his phone as he heads back to the house: the neighborhood where the konbini is located is small, largely made up of senior citizens. It wasn’t affected by the battles that had happened those few months back…in fact, it hasn’t been affected by any villains in years. It’s not even on the patrol map that’s used by the lower-tier heroes, let alone the S-class ones like him.
One article catches his eye about some kids who had been playing in the road when a moving van cut a corner too fast. They were saved by a mysterious man who dashed in and grabbed them so quickly no one could get a look at him. One of the kids, however, said he had “wolf ears.”
Subtle, Badd thinks.
For the rest of the afternoon, Badd sits in front of the couch without actually watching what’s on television. He thinks about the Garou he was convinced he knew before, and the Garou he’s coming to know now. And that Garou is the one that is making something tug in his stomach, an invisible thread that is coming out and trying to get to him.
When Garou comes home that night, he walks into Badd’s apartment, more than a bit doggedly. Badd has left the door unlocked for him now for…how long, he’s not sure. There’s that pulling sensation again…why does Badd want to give him a hug and welcome him home? He’s been working all day behind a counter miles away.
“Hey.” Badd gently elbows him as Garou washes his hands at the sink. “Listen, sorry if I was pushy a few days ago, askin’ what you were doing and all. You were right. It’s none of my business.”
Garou squints at him. “Did you hit your head today?”
“What?! No!”
“You don’t apologize for anything ever. Weirdo. What’s your deal?” With his hands occupied, he uses a foot to kick Badd in the ass. He’s grinning at him, though, so Badd can’t actually be mad. Instead he runs his hands through his own hair and grabs Garou’s fingers just as he finishes drying them. “Ugh, gross, I just washed these!”
Badd laughs. “What’re you, fuckin’ five? Think I’m gonna give you cooties?”
“Nobody wants to find your nasty gooey hair in their food!”
“It ain’t gooey!”
Garou stares at him for a minute, and his smile softens in a way Badd has never seen it do. “Actually, yeah…you wore it down today.” He starts soaping up again. “Not bad.”
In his stomach, Badd feels a fluttering like wings. Not butterflies, something bigger, more important. “Heh…thanks.”
They start cooking after that in silence. The quiet isn’t awkward, though. It’s warm and comfortable, a blanket they are sharing between them.
On the weekend, Badd comes home from a morning patrol to see that Garou’s door is open. It’s the first time he’s actually seen him reciprocate the availability that Badd has put forth. Not that he’s ever pressured him too—Garou seems like a man who needs his privacy—but then he’s also rarely there during the day and…
Before he can think better of it, he’s walking up the stairs.
Garou is sitting in the living room, facing the television and watching some kind of sentai show. The first thing he can’t help but notice is that he is very shirtless, his pale skin smooth and light in the sunshine coming in from the window. Once again, he notices how Garou has softened considerably since he’s come to live there with them; there’s a little roll of plushness that’s developed at the base of his stomach, and where the angles of his muscles once seemed sharp, like they would cut you if you touched them the wrong way, they’ve smoothed a bit.
Badd catches himself staring, even moreso as Garou lifts a wrapped taiyaki to his mouth. There’s a red bean filling, and it crunches in his teeth, warm and fresh. Badd realizes he’s never seen Garou eat something sweet before. Come to think of it, whenever he’s offered him dessert, Garou has turned him down…
Seeing him like this, it’s almost as though he’s kind of vulnerable.
He doesn’t want to spoil the moment, but he also doesn’t want Garou to suddenly catch him sneaking up on him. So he announces himself with a little clearing of his throat. “Hey.”
Badd expects Garou to jump, but he doesn’t. Instead, he puts down the taiyaki, turns off the TV, and pivots so he can nod at him.
Now, Badd thinks. Tell him now. “You got a minute?”
Badd leaves his bat at the door and walks inside, sitting down beside him. “There’s something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.”
“Ready to kick me out?” Garou jokes, but then his face changes when Badd puts his hand on his wrist. His pulse quickens under his fingers, and his eyes seem to adjust, blinking slowly and catlike.
“No. I want ya to stay. Now maybe more than ever.” Badd takes a breath, trying not to feel totally scrutinized as Garou watches him. “I like ya. Not just…as a neighbor, either.”
Garou’s chest rises so much that his shoulders go with it. He doesn’t pull away.
“And I’ve been tryin’ to figure out how to tell ya. It’s hard, y’know?” He uses his free hand to rub the back of his neck. His voice is rolling into that delinquent drawl that comes out when he’s working. “And that ain’t all. I gotta tell ya, one day I—”
“Yeah, I know.”
Badd’s eyes move up from where they had been focused in on the table, on the point of contact between his tan skin and Garou’s wrist. “Which part…?”
“All of it.” Now it’s Garou’s turn to search the room for everything but Badd’s face. “Knew you followed me that day. Knew you weren’t just…being neighborly for a while now. And I knew you were outside a couple of minutes ago.”
Badd’s face flushes, but worse than that his heart twists uncomfortably. Is Garou about to let him have it for creeping around on him? Or, worse, is he going to let him down and tell him he doesn’t like him that way? “Guess I wasn’t doing a good job hiding it.”
Garou chuckles. “No, you weren’t. But…” He finally does meet his eyes, and the gold there is bright, like sunshine through honey. “I don’t mind.”
“Really? Do you—”
“Yeah.” Garou cuts him off, and the way he sets his jaw makes a very clear message: I’m not spelling it out for you.
Badd takes a long breath. “Why didn’t you just say you got a job?”
“I don’t know.” Garou sounds annoyed, but not with Badd. He scratches his belly. “Everything about me is changing. I don’t recognize myself anymore. And if I said it out loud to someone it would mean that I have to admit that it’s happening, that I can’t get away from it. But…” He mrrrrs like a grumpy animal. “I don’t hate it. I guess.”
Badd nods. The hand that’s been on Garou’s arm moves to his hand, the cool skin there. Garou has pretty nails…he’s never noticed that before. “If it helps, you still seem like a huge jackass to me. Same as ever.”
Garou makes a short cackling laugh, a genuine one, and Badd grins at it. “Oh good. I’m glad.”
They look at each other, and Badd finds himself staring at Garou’s mouth. But instead of leaning towards it, the way everything in his body wants him to, he picks up the last pieces of the taiyaki and lifts it up to him. Garou is wary again, like that first day, but then he slowly parts his lips and takes a bite of it. The pink tip of his tongue picks up a scrap of a crumb, and Badd waits until he’s swallowed to bring the treat back. This next time, Garou takes the rest, and his pink lips brush Badd’s fingers—linger on them—and then he finishes it.
This time, Badd doesn’t ignore the tugging, the pull of gravitation, the magnetic drive that brings them together to meet in the middle. And that’s where he stays with Garou, longer than he ever believed could be possible.
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tlouxobsessed · 1 year
“College Friends”
Abby x Ellie
Summary - Abby Anderson is starting College, she meets her new roommate. They suddenly have a spark, a connection like no other.
i packed my last few shirts into the brown boxes my dad left on my bed. i walked over to my bedroom door reading the sign i had made when i was nine. "abby's room stay out or else..."
i walked over carrying out the last few boxes, packing them into my car. i sat down in the drivers seat clutching the wheel tightly while putting my head back onto the dead rest letting out a sigh of relief.
i was finally all packed and ready to start heading to college, i hadn't gotten my dorm assigned yet. i knew once i got there i'd see a few people from the meet and greet last week. i couldn't get one girl out of my mind weirdly enough.
she was a few inches shorter than me, auburn hair, up to her shoulders a little above. greenish-bluish eyes. freckles, a tat on her forearm. she was wearing a flannel and some old looking jeans. some black dirty converse and had a cocky smile. she was hot. but i didn't bother talking to her much. until i went over to the table assigned where you apply for dorms. i signed and i had seen her signing right before me.
"ellie williams" the paper yelled back at me.
ellie? what a cute name.
i couldn't really stop thinking about her. anyways i stopped at my nearby subway to quickly get some lunch before i was on the road. i was honestly pretty exhausted after today. i was so ready to plop into my new bed and not move for hours.
i pulled into the spot where my dorm was apparently located. i approached the large double doors expected the usual crowd, the group of diverse people.
the usual preppy white girls, jocks, smart people that actually care about their grades. frat boys, frat girls ya'know? them. some lesbians here and there but nothing crazy.
i walked over to the front desk ringing the bell, my finger tips sweaty sticking to the top of the copper material. "hi hun, first and last name?" i looked at the woman at the front desk studying her. she was around 5'2, southern accent. short brown hair laying just above her shoulders. her crystal blue eyes screaming at me and her pencil thin eyebrows sharp enough to slice through the thick awkwardness of this moment.
"oh sorry...abby anderson." i finally spat out, touching my hand to my head wiping off the beads of sweat that had collected across my forehead.
"room 2204, your roommate should already be there. there are some carts if you'd like to help carry up your stuff. none of those fancy hotel ones, just wooden and plastic ones love." i thanked the woman.
i put my four small boxes, two backpack fulls and a couple pairs of shoes i brought into the grey plastic bin. i pressed the number "6" on the elevator brining me up. the silence of the elevator giving me an uneasy feeling.
i quickly made my way into my door, holding my key tightly in my hand slipping it into the key hole. i walked in to find just some boxes and two trash bags. i decided not to be a weirdo and mind my own business.
i unpacked into my small brown dresser and put some plain white and grey striped bedding onto my small twin sided bed. once unpacked i laid upon the bed immediately drifting into some sort of sleep.
"oh shit sorry" the sound of the door slamming shut woke me immediately. i jumped up clutching my chest then brushing it off once i saw the girl from the meet and great.
her short auburn hair looking perfectly smooth, hee soft plump lips poking out just enough. her green eyes staring into mine as i snapped back into reality.
"oh you're all good, i'm abby- you?" i asked puzzled on whether to add that i think i had seen her prior to this awkward encounter.
"well hey abby, im ellie..williams. i guess we're roommates?" i nodded then stood up stretching. the hem of my shirt lifting a little above my bellybutton as i raised my arms into the hair yawing.
i walked over to the door locking it so i could get settled for the night. we had a small stove, counter top, sink and microwave. a toaster too that i had brought from home. we had a small bathroom as well, this college was more upper class, i was asked if i'd like the "mini house option" and of course i chose this one. the shower could fit two people comfortable if they squeezed together, a toilet and a smaller sink. nothing crazy but just enough for me and my roomie.
"are you stayin' in for the night?" ellie asked me looking over to the front door where i was standing.
"oh yeah i am, you?"
"yeah me too, what are you majoring in?" she asked me.
"oh um honestly i wanted to be in veterinary, well i am. i like animals and taking care of them so- i mean why not ha" i chuckled awkwardly touching the back of my neck.
she smiled back then replying, "i'm majoring in english arts, i enjoying playing music and drawing. shit like that ya'know?"
i nodded then grabbing a towel out of one of my boxes.
"hey ellie i brought 10 or so towel and a few cloths, you can use some if you'd like. i'm gonna go shower now but see ya after? we can talk more if you aren't already knocked." i walked over to the bathroom opening the door then shutting it. my heart beating a mile per minute. she was insanely hot. the way she smirked at me slyly when i shut the door.
i opened it once i was done, the hot steam rushing into the much colder room. i had on a pair of navy blue boxers and a black wife beater. i didn't bother having a sports bra on, i was going to bed so i didn't see a point. i hopped into bed, quickly glancing over at the very concentrated ellie. she was grilling at her phone, her brow furrowed in anger and exhaustion.
"you good?" i asked puzzled. she jumped not realizing i came out of the bathroom because of the darkness from the room. the room only lit by the slight moonlight peaking in from behind the blackout curtain i had put up.
"oh ya uh my girlfriend she's just being insane and weird" she replied going mute again.
i decided we weren't close enough for me to ask so i decided to leave things off on a positive note.
"i'm sorry, if you ever wanna like talk about it i'm uh here?" i said not meaning to add a question mark at the end of that sentence. i felt my face flush with a bright red palming my face once again.
"thanks abby, could i have your number? ya'know in case i'm ever locked out ha." she replied. i responded giving her it putting a contact into my phone.
"ellie williams dorm girl" i put making me laugh a little.
i turned over facing the wall, she has a girlfriend? i wonder how long they'd been together? whatever abby just go to bed i said to myself as i drifted off into a deep sleep.
I glanced over at the empty bed on the opposite side of the room, she was gone? maybe she had class. I dunno, not gonna put too much thought into it I reassured myself. I stumbled up, smashing my finger against the "shut off" button on my phone silencing the blaring alarm. 
My phone read "7:55" I knew I had to be quick, my first class started at 10:15 but I'd like to grab some breakfast and shit before going there. It was a three hour long block so I was going to become restless. I figured I'd come home around 1:30ish and hit the gym, hopefully I'd see Ellie at one point. I threw on a white T-shirt, some mildly ripped whitewashed jeans and my air forces. My hair looks like shit so I just braided it and laid it on my right shoulder. 
I picked up my backpack throwing it over my shoulders, it was a clothy material, my dad got me it when he found out I was going all the way to California from Seattle. My pack was brown and quite large, I could fit a good two full sized winter coats comfortably. I made sure I had everything I needed. 
"Okay Abby let's see wallet, keys, car keys, books, pencils, pens-" I looked over to see the door opening. It was Ellie and another girl, the girl was maybe two inches shorter than Ellie. She had brown eyes and short black hair. Maybe this is the girlfriend? I wondered as the two rambled before Ellie noticing my presence. "oh sorry abby, I thought you'd be gone by now" she replied with a slight smile out of embarrassment. The shorter girl took a step towards me moving Ellie out of the way, she held out her hand waiting for me to take it back. "Well hello, I'm Cat, Ellie's girlfriend. You must be the "roomie." She replied looking a little flustered. "uh yeah sorry guys but I got to go, I have class at 10, see ya later though?" I said awkwardly releasing my hand away from Cat's and heading towards the door. I shut it behind me letting out a sign of relief. I hurried into my car and started making my way to the nearest Cumberland Farms. 
~ Ellie point of view ~ 
I shook my head out of aggravation towards Cat. "Are you fuckin' happy now?" I asked practically yelling at her. "You didn't tell me she was MASCULINE. You had me thinking you were sharing a room with some pretty, lil' fem." Cat replied chuckling to herself. "Jesus Cat, even if she was some "pretty little fem" I wouldn' do that to you." I said Immediately embarrassed for being soft. "Aw El that's sweet, but I gotta get going, love you." She said her goodbyes kissing my on the cheek and leaving the room. I honestly didn't mind Abby, maybe I'd invite her to Jesse and Dina's party? She doesn't seem to have many friends, or bitches. Maybe she'd find somebody, ya'know what? lemme just go for it. I pulled out my phone not thinking it through completely. 
me - hey do u wanna go to my friends party tn? 
I pressed send quickly glancing at the time "10:35" shit she's already in class that's why she isn't answerin-
abby - sure! what time?
Oh she is able to answer? anyways I picked up my phone opening the chat right away, I began typing. 
me - 8 u can ride w me and cat tho if u want
she sent back a thumbs up emoji I laughed at the stupid character then walked over to her stack of towels grabbing one. I undressed and stepped into the shower feeling the hot water running down the peak of my back, my body arching when the hot liquid hit it. I finished washing up then threw on some sweats and a black sweatshirt I was assuming is Jesse's then laying down finally I was able to get some sleep. 
~later on~
I woke up to some mumbling, I looked over at Abby who was wearing a dark grey button up and some black jeans, her hair was down and she had on a backwards hat on. I kept staring until she looked back at me in the mirror catching my stares. "you should probably get ready, it's already 6:45" she said replying to my stares. "oh yeah hah" I stood up stretching my arms, I waddled over to my dresser grabbing out a reddish flannel, a white wife beater and some ripped jeans. I grabbed my clothes about to reach the hem of my shirt until I realized Abby was right there. I picked up my clothes carrying them into the bathroom. I threw them on along with some white socks. I looked into the mirror at my mess of a hair. I decided on leaving it down with just a small amount of it in a bun. I slipped my shoes on, grabbed my keys and looked over at Abby who had been sitting on her bed texting somebody. 
"Who ya textin'?" I asked not even realizing what I said until after the words had spurted out of my mouth like vomit. She looked up at me the smile fading, "Oh my friend Lev." Whose Lev I wondered. "Ready?" I asked looking at Abby who nodded in return. We got into my car, my aux connected immediately. Or Nah started blasting. 
"Do you like the way I flick my tongue or nah?" I bursted out laughing pressing the shuffle button on my phone.  "Oh um" Abby said holding up a pare of purple panties, she pinched the top of them holding them away from her. I laughed and grabbed them out of her hand, tossing them into the back seat. "Sorry HA." 
"So no Cat?" Abby asked after five minutes of deadly silence. I glanced in my rearview mirror checking for cars then continuing to pass. "Nah she wanted to go with some of her friends, I don't really like her friends but honestly we haven't been doing that great together either ya'know?" Abby agreed then I had to ask the question. "Have you ever dated somebody before?" I asked biting down on my tongue from embarrassment. "yeah I fucked a few girls, a guy or two but I dunno guys aren't really my thing. The only for real relationship I've been in was with this girl and uh it didn't end too well so hookups and one nightstands have been my thing for two years." The tension in the car became thick, I choked down a cough them decided to pry a little more. "What was her name?" Abby paused not saying anything. "Fuck Ellie" I cursed myself. "Sorry was that too much-" "no, It's fine, her name was Sam. How about you? any girls besides Cat?" Abby replied. I breathe out a sigh of relief knowing I didn't fuck anything up any more. "Uh no, I had a crush on one of my old friends Riley, fucked with a few girls here and there but nah. Cat was my first for the most part ha" I chuckled as we pulled up to Jesse's house. 
Jesse and Dina had been together since we were just 14, she loves him, he loves her. They made me believe in love. Dina is 20 and Jesse is 21. I'm 19. They live together while both going to college, the same one I go to. We all hangout a lot and they throw parties every other week. I love my friend's, they don't live too far. Maybe like 10-15 minutes away. Thankfully the car ride was shirt but felt like eternity because of the awkwardness. 
We walked into the house, lots of people already there. I walked over to Dina and Jesse. "hey guys! this is my roomie Abby" I said smiling and gesturing towards her. "well helloooo there" Dina said with a flirtatious smirk. "Uh hey what's up guys?  hah" Abby touched the back of her neck nervously and a little uncomfortable with Dina's full on flirting. "sorry Abby don't mind Dina, she's drunk and flirts with everybody. I'm Jesse" He held out his hand waiting for her ti shake it. "I'm gonna go grab something to drink, want anything Ab?" I asked. The muscular girl turned her head towards me, her muscle flexing in the darken lighting, was she always that attractive? I asked myself. 
~ Abby Point of view ~
"Hello?? Ellie? I said yes" I replied watching her stare into space, I looked behind me checking to make sure she wasn't looking at somebody else but sure enough it was me. "sorry what do you want?" Ellie's toned dried once she came out from her trance, her sudden demeanor towards me turned sour. I bit down on my tongue in an attempt to keep myself from letting tears roll. I wasn't super sensitive but weirdly enough for her I was. I choked my tears down in an effort to pull myself together. "uh whatever just get me something strong" I replied turning away. I searched around the room looking for a possible hookup for the night. A girl caught my eye, she was around 5'7 a nice height. She had curlyish dark brown hair that fell right above her breasts. She was wearing a small tight black skirt, a small purple shirt with thin spaghetti straps. She was pretty, I couldn't exactly see her eye color, all I saw was the side of her. She had a cute button nose, plump lips and a pretty smile. Her eyebrows were perfectly shaped. 
I walked over to the group near her, I heard her laughing. Even her laugh was cute, I walked closer to the cute girl, her friends walked away getting the hint that I was checking her out. "Hey, can I get you a drink?" I asked giving a small smirk after the quick attempt of a flirt. She turned to me, her cute button nose covered in freckles, her dark brown eyes bringing out the freckles. "Well hello there, you may, but could I get a name first?" The pretty girl asked me. "Abby, and you?" I returned. "Maya, can I ask you a question Ms.Abby?" she puzzled. "Yes shoot it." "What is a hot girl like you doing all alone, single I'm assuming, at a college party?" I chuckled at the stupid questions. "Well Maya I am single, very much. And my roomie invited me here." "Nice, now where's my drink?" Maya asked. We chatted the night away. Nothing too sexual, mostly just some flirting, talking about majors, jobs, schools, friends, then I decided to ask a more intriguing question. At this point the alcohol was speaking for me. "Can I get your number Ms.Maya?" I asked. "You may" She tore off a piece of red napkin scribbling down a number. I looked around searching for my ride before I felt someone suddenly pulling on me. "wanna dance?" Maya asked, I now knew the alcohol was speaking for her as well. 
Maya pulled me onto the dance floor, she guided my hands towards her hips. I held onto her as she turned around and starting moving her hips in a way I had never seen no other woman do before. I felt my face go bright red as she put her hands onto my chest dragging them down, she went down slowly then got back up. She moved closer putting her hands on my face pressing her lips against mine. She slipped her tongue into my mouth swirling it with mine, they intertwined, in sync we both kissed each other back passionately until I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I turned around to see Ellie, she was bright red. She looked furious. "It's time to head out Abby." I pulled away from Maya. "I'll text you!" I drunkingly slurred my words as Ellie dragged me away from Maya. I felt Ellie lead me into the car sitting me down pulling the car out of park and driving us back home. 
The tension was so thick I could cut it with a knife. "What the fuck Abby? I bring you to one of my friend parties and you're all over some bitch?" my mouth fell open. "What the FUCK ELLIE. YOU CANNOT BE MAD AT ME WHEN YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND-" She pulled over the car. 
We were now sitting two blocks away from the dorms, she pulled into a parking lot making sure the car was out of sight. Ellie leaned over and pull my face towards her, looking down to my bottom lip then up to meeting my gaze. She pushed her lips against mine, our face's intertwine in usion. I wrapped one of my hands around Ellie's neck releasing a slight moan. I smirked then pulling away from the kiss gesturing to Ellie to take her clothes off. 
She took her shirt off, we both headed to the back seat now. I pulled off the now stained white T I had put on under my grey button up. We both continued to swap spit until I reached my hand down further. My hand brushing against her warm thigh caused a slight chill to go down Ellie's spine, I watch as she tingled at the sudden wave of cold. I slipped my fingers past her underwear. She grabbed my hand before I could continue. "No" she said quickly pushing my arm away, flipping me up onto the back seat so I was now laying down. The auburn haired girl pushed my legs apart. She pulled my jeans then boxers off. She quickly slipped a finger in. 
Ellie was edging me, she slid it in then out but slighly pressed up leaving me wanting and needing more. "Ellie please" I moaned. "please what?" She asked looked up at me. "fuck me Ellie." She finally stuck her two fingers in completely. A moan escaping my mouth as I couldn't help it. my heart was racing. She quicken the pace then adding her tongue into the equation.She went faster and faster until I felt a knot forming in my stomach. I could see my hot juices streaming down her fingers onto her hand. I released and let out a loud moan gripping Ellie's head in the process. 
"jesus Ellie" I said as she pulled her fingers out and rested them on her tongue licking off any of my excess. "What about cat?" I asked.
"Uhh I dunno ha." Ellie said as she pressed "shuffle" on her phone. 
"...ahha i'm smoke this joint then-" 
we both looked at each other laughing. 
I hope you guys enjoyed this ;) This is my story off of wattpad but I know a lot of people don’t have it. I’ll probably be posting more of my one shots Ellie x Abby on here for all you Ellab shippers :) Have a great day loves
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starry-nights12 · 1 year
There's No Remedy For Memory
Read on AO3
Relationship:Ekko/Jinx (Timebomb)
Word Count: 3,731
Tags:Mutaual Pinning,Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending,Firelight Member Jinx (League of Legends), Brief Mention of Violence
Summary:What would you do if your friend mourned over someone you hated?
That's the predicament Ekko is in when Jinx wants a friend as she misses Silco.
This fic is based on my post!
Credit for the title goes to @creativepromptsforwriting
Big thanks to @mycomfortblanket for editing this!🥰❤️
You can listen to the fic's playlist while you read!
The budding community below was jovial and laughing together, Jinx had preferred to lay on the lone tree branch away from the commotion. Her ponytail hung over the edge, along with her leg swinging. 
The butterfly knife's sharp blade gracefully twirled around her hand with ease. 
Silco had an affinity for knives. 
After showing her the tricks he mastered with the butterfly knife she wanted him to teach her how. 
Her second favorite was the 16-inch hunting knife she brought to the shimmer raids. 
When the mission requires more stealth; she sneaks up behind one of the guards and slits their throat. Or during a fight, she would dodge attacks and see her chance, she stabbed them in the stomach.
She would clean the knife to stick it in her desk until the next raid: Just like how Silco had the knife he used to kill Vander -and almost her- idly in his desk at The Last Drop. 
She stared at the shark she had drawn on the blade and smiled wistfully. It was fascinating how a common household appliance could be used to watch the life leave people's eyes. 
The tell-tale sound of cheering alerted her that The Firelights arrived home safe and sound. 
She pocketed the knife in her black shorts and climbed down the tree branches. 
Over the crowd, Ekko spotted her and smiled at the blue-haired woman jogging towards him."Hey," 
"Hi," She gave him a quick hug and delicately took the items from his hand with a tentative smile.  "You remembered...!" 
"I told you I'd get them,”  He assured. 
She stroked the box fondly with affection in her gaze, she exhaled deeply as her smile wanted. 
She hugged the items to her chest. Her lips started quivering and blinked away the oncoming tears. 
Some people eyed her peculiarly but a glare from Ekko made the onlookers avert their gaze and walk away. 
Jinx used her sleeve to swipe at her eyes. She bit her lip and looked almost timidly at him, "Do you-" She cleared her throat and then sniffled, swiping under her nose, "Do you want to hang out with me?" 
Before the Firelights left the base for the market Jinx handed Ekko a small piece of paper: 
•ᴗ•Jazz records 
-JINX✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚
Ekko had looked confused. "Since when did you start smoking?" 
Jinx frowned and then held her arm, "I don't...it's stuff he used to have." 
Ekko stood outside her room as she told him to. He was the only one that came by to knock on her door whenever he wanted to talk to her. 
However, this would be the first time he would be inside her room. There was no reason for him to be in it anyway. 
Her diary lay open on her bed. Some days her mental health was worse, while lightheartedness was sprinkled within the pages. 
E +J=♡, Jinx♡Ekko, Ekko♡Jinx, Ekko♡♡♡♡
She drew stick figures of them holding hands and kissing with hearts scribbled. 
Her monkey mask sat on top of the dresser amongst black & white polaroids 
She and Ekko were sitting on the ground. He was leaning against her with her braid on his upper lip. She had an arm around his shoulder, flipping off the camera with both hands while wearing a wide grin. 
After her first successful mission as a Firelight, she took a picture of them when they got back to the home base. They were still wearing their mask and she and Ekko held out the rock’n’roll signs. 
Scar and Ekko can be so serious that it was no wonder those two were best friends. They can be so utterly boring that they could put her to sleep. 
One of her favorite past times was messing with them. She snapped the picture of the two men seconds after her glitter bomb went off. 
Despite their complaints, it was hilarious. 
And a couple of photos of Porofessor. Heimendinger was nice enough to let her hug it and take the picture. 
The last one was just for herself. 
Ekko had let her take this photo of him. 
He was in his white tank top and baggy shorts with his toolbox next to him. He sat by his hoverboard with a gentle smile and oil smeared across his cheek. 
She drew his hourglass symbol with hearts around it. 
He is so dreamy.
She always thought he was. Even though he was twenty-years-old his boyish charms never faded and still affected her. 
She especially wanted to run her hands up and down his muscular arms. They had to feel as good as they look 
A woman had needs. You couldn't blame her for her thoughts. 
I mean...awooga! Right?! 
She wasn't afraid of death. That's why she would happily be killed if he ever found out about any of this. 
She opened the drawer of her nightstand and hid the diary and picture frame inside. 
Jinx swung opened her door and beamed eagerly, "Welcome to my humble abode!" She exalted and gestured widely to her room with her arm. 
Half-melted purple candles were around her room. The curtains were partially opened letting the drawings in neon paint glow. 
Crystals, inactive chompers, and glowsticks hung above the ceiling. Her hoverboard leaned on her dresser with a few clothes sticking out of its drawers. 
A vinyl rack holder and bookshelf were against the wall. The music box he created for her sat on her nightstand. 
When Jinx closed her door, there were three crayon drawings on the back of it. There were drawings of enforcers but two stood out. 
Sevika had a mustache and a monocle, and her mouth was stitched closed. The words 'Liar', 'Ogre', and 'Dumbass' were written around her. 
Caitlyn's eyes were crossed out. She sported devil horns and pointed ears.  She showed off her fangs with a malicious grin. 
'Bitch' was written in red crayon numerous times. They each had throwing knives jutted from their faces. 
He had a small frown. He didn't know Caitlyn that well but Vi trusted and liked her. 
She was the only Piltie that gave a shit about Zaunites and seemed genuine about wanting to help his hometown. He gave her props for that. 
Even though he didn't gve a shit about the rest of the topsiders; At least Vi would be there to console her while she grieved her mother. 
They knew all too well what it was like to lose family members. 
Jinx carefully took the vinyl out of the cover and then placed the needle on the disc. 
She set her butterfly knife on her desk. There were unfinished blueprints of new inventions that were laid on the table. 
He look up at the crucified bunny plushie above her desk and then grimaced.  He draped his jacket behind the chair before he pulled it out to sit. 
In the corner of her room, she lit four red candles with Silco's lighter she held onto after the tea party. 
She lit the cigar and waved it around like an incense. She deeply inhaled the bitter scent then sighed softly with a small smile. She then set it in the ashtray on the small table with the lighter. 
She sat on her bed and undid the laces and buckles on her platform boots. 
Above was an old drawing of her, Vander, Vi, Claggor, and Mylo. Besides that was drawing of her as a child and holding Silco's hand. Along with a drawing of Silco with hearts. 
'I love you, Dad!' 
'I miss you SO much!!!' 
'I'm so sorry.'
'I didn't mean to'
She wrote the last two sentences with broken hearts and a frowny face with tears drawn. 
A dull ache reverberated in his chest. 
It's a memorial.
He had forgiven her. 
Although, it still stung how she choose Silco over him. He was with her when she pushed him away and had no one else to support her. 
No matter how much he despised him, he would always be her beloved father. 
He tore his eyes away from the drawings. He slumped over, staring at his hands folded in his lap. 
Her giddiness from a minute ago had dissipated. She looked away and bit her lower lip nervously. 
Oh great. You wanted to spend some time with him but your room is making him sad. It's only a matter of time before he wants to leave.
She breathed deeply and then rubbed her hands down her split purple and black stockings. 
She moved a nonexistent strand of hair behind her pierced ear. "You can...you can sit by me if you want." 
Ekko jerked his head up, "Huh?" 
Oh Gods, I made it worse. 
A flush crept across her cheeks. She shook her head and started waving her hand dismissively. "Nothing. It's fine. I-" 
"No, no. I was just surprised. I'm alright with it." He quickly assured. 
"Oh!" She nodded, fiddled with the long sleeves of her purple and black striped crop top. 
A smile returned to her face and she patted the empty spot next to her. He smiled shyly and took up on her offer. 
He had his back straight with his hands on his lap. Why was he so stiff? Did he hate being here? Was he ready to leave?
"I want to paint it. The ashtray. It's what his looked like. I probably should have done that first but I wasn't thinking. I'll show it to you later if you want," She rambled. 
"I bet it will be great. You're an amazing artist." 
She flashed him a smirk. "Thanks. You draw good, too." 
They sat in silence again-the music didn't count. 
Why are we being so weird? We're just sitting on a dumb bed. It's not like anything is going to happen. Just say what you need to say before he leaves.
Her knee gently bounced, her lips pressed together in a tight grimace. She inhaled deeply then sighed. 
"I'm glad I'm here with you. I really am," She toyed with her bracelet. "But if...I want him here. But I don't know if we'd ever reconcile if he was... " 
Ekko clenched his jaw before he scoffed, "He would have killed me if he knew I was with you,” he grumbled. 
Their lives were hard and they struggled to get by, but they were all happy. They had each other until Silco showed up and tore their family apart. 
Silco never allowed her to see him after the incident. When she snuck out to meet him it was even worse since she refused to go with him.
She wanted to stay with him. She told him she was happy.
Jinx's yelp of laughter startled him out of his thoughts.
Ekko's adorable, oblivious face twisted in confusion had made her giggle even more. 
If Silco found her with a man-not just any man. The leader of The Firelights of all people. In her room nonetheless. 
Silco would have been livid and even more determined to hunt Ekko and his gang down to feed his bloodlust. 
They've been a nuisance to him for several years, she was told to kill them, yet harbored a crush on said leader since she was twelve. 
The truth can be funny sometimes. 
Her friendly, affectionate pat on his cheek didn't help quell his puzzled expression. 
So, not only it was a known fact that she was crazy. But now, he had to think she was a complete weirdo, too. 
But honestly, he should have known this by now. If only he understood how comical it was, then he would be laughing, too. 
After her laughter subsided, she sighed and lay on her bed. She stared at the ceiling with a faint smile. 
"Thanks for being here," She looked back at him. "It's dumb. I know you hate him. He felt the same about you,” She chuckled weakly. "But I miss him... and I just wanted a friend." 
His expression switched to something softer. 
"I do," He affirmed. 
"But, I care about how you feel more. And I don't want you to think you have to deal with this alone. You can come to me if you want to talk about him and I can listen." 
She sat up on her elbows with a raised eyebrow. "You'd do that for me?" 
"Yeah, It's what friends do for each other." 
A smile blossomed on her face. 
That was Ekko for you. The Boy Savior had a big heart and always took care of others. 
She sat up and fixed her shirt by tugging it down. However, she looked at herself and chuckled. 
It was a weak attempt at modesty, really. 
It was torn in the middle revealing her black bra and cleavage. There wasn't anymore her outfit could expose to him. 
She dropped her hands by her side. She closed her eyes, inhaling the comforting scent of the cigar, listening to the soothing jazz music. 
"On cold, rainy days we sat by the fireplace. Before bed, he would look over his reports, I would be playing with toys or drawing while this played. Sometimes, he'd even dance with me." A fond smile crept upon her face. 
"He tried braiding my hair but he was terrible at it. He loved my desserts and tried helping me with varying results. He let me draw on almost anything. And you know how I click my pen sometimes?" 
Ekko curtly nodded. 
"It reminds me of injecting medicine in his eye. The first time I did it I was so nervous. But he encouraged me that I could do it and I actually did. He believed in me..." 
The corner of her mouth turns downwards, her shoulders slouched, with her eyes staring at the floor. 
"I can't convince you that he was a good person. But he treated me well. He loved me when no one else did," She croaked, and she wiped the tears with the back of her hand. 
I've always loved you.
Ekko pursed his lips and squeezed his hands. 
He felt like he was fourteen again. He wanted to confess how he felt about her but ended up backtracking. 
He was going to tell her someday, but now wasn't an appropriate time. 
"I've always cared about you, Jinx." He said instead, his heart in his throat. 
"I never want you to think otherwise. I'm going to try my best to help you. You're not alone, Jinx, I'm here for you." 
It was as if a damn burst. She clutched him and buried her face in his shirt. He immediately pulled her into an embrace while she sobbed. 
The only people who cared for her were Vi and Silco and they were both gone. 
She missed Silco and he was dead because of her. She even missed the close bond she and Vi use to have before her sister fucked it all up. 
The irony wasn't lost on her. She mocked him for being a savior on the bridge but Ekko was the only one in her corner that she had left. 
Some days she felt like she didn't deserve his kindness and wondered why he would put up with her. When will he get sick of her and change his mind? 
Her sobs eventually turned into whimpers and then sniffling. 
She closed her eyes and listened to his steady heartbeat. It was better than music she ever heard. 
He was alive. 
He was here. 
He was real. 
He stroked her hair and she sighed softly. It felt good to have someone play in her hair. 
"When it rains, we can listen to Jazz together. If you want,” he said. "And we can bake, too." 
He was being sweet and thoughtful and she appreciated it. He was trying to cheer her up but she couldn't resist passing up on the opportunity. 
"Your cupcakes are so hard, they can be used to knock someone unconscious." 
Ekko’s shocked laughter had his chest rumble. She cracked a grin and laughed with him. 
"I was fourteen! You gotta let some things go." 
"When you eat baking like that, it's hard to forget no matter how the years fly by." 
Ekko bumped his knee into her. "Shut up." 
"You tell me to shut up again and no one will find your body."She playfully threatened and bumped her knee into his. He nudged her arm then she shoved his. 
There was a stretch of comfortable silence between them. 
His posture noticeably changed. His shoulders dropped, and his hands were on his sides while slightly leaning back on her bed. 
She wiped at any remaining tears on her face. "Why are you so nice to me?" 
He gave a one-shoulder shrug. "We've been hating each other for seven years. I'd rather make up for lost time, yeah?"
Jinx hummed.  "Yeah, you're right." 
He smirked at her. "I know. I'm always right."
She scoffed in disgust and rolled her eyes. "Shut the hell up. This is why I'm never nice to you." 
Jinx hated feeling weak. It was why Powder was seen as useless to her family. It was why she had to die to become strong. 
But with Ekko her heart became mushy like over-chewed gum. Except she liked it. 
She liked when he looked at her, when he smiles at her, and when he laughed with her, when they teased each other. 
Maybe she was even more delusional, but she thought she felt his heated gaze on her when her back was turned. She would look over at him but he was looking elsewhere. 
Whatever it was, she liked that, too. It made her heart race and her insides feel warm and gooey like hot fudge. 
Her hand slid beside his and locked her pinky around his. 
His heart fluttered at their loosely connected fingers. He then moved his hand on top of hers and she turned her palm to stroke his knuckles with her thumb. 
His hand was big and warmer than hers. His fingernails were unpolished and she wanted to paint them so they could matchy-match.
She was dumbfounded at how he held her hand like it was something precious. As if she would slip away if he let go.
Her hands were forever stained with blood that had taken so many lives without remorse. 
While Ekko had remained kind-hearted as his hands created a sanctuary to help people in need. 
Without Ekko giving her a second chance, she would be alone, cooped up in her hideout. She would be scrounging on the streets somewhere for food until she was ultimately caught and arrested. 
Their arms were pressed against each other and their knees were still touching. Her pink eyes looked up from their hands to meet his brown eyes. 
They were so comforting that they made it impossible to look away from the warmth his gaze provided. 
She tilted her head in consideration then after a moment reached up to cup his cheek, her thumb slowly swiped along the corner of his mouth. 
His gaze dropped to her lips. His hand squeezed hers as he quickly licked his own and then locked on her eyes. 
Oh Gods. 
Can he hear her heart? It was pounding rapidly in her chest that it rang in her ears. 
She always wanted him to be her first kiss. 
She wanted to kiss him to thank him for everything he was doing. 
He forgave her despite her sins. 
He didn't see her as just the long-gone sweet, innocent Powder or the malicious, cold-hearted Jinx-not anymore at least. 
He saw her as a person capable of doing bad things but also being able to do good. 
He was the only beacon of light in this wretched world full of lies and betrayal. 
She wanted him to reciprocate her feelings but she was the grim reaper to everyone she cared about. 
She wanted to keep him safe. He deserved better than her because dear Gods. 
She couldn't lose another person in her shitty life. If she lost him, whatever scrap of sanity she had left would completely eviscerate. 
Her hand began to slide down. She pressed her lips into a thin line then turned her head with her eyes squeezed shut as if she was in agonizing pain. 
Realization struck him. 
She just finished crying over her father seven minutes ago and was most likely vulnerable yet he was ready to kiss her. She was probably coming to her senses that this was a bad idea. 
He didn't want to take advantage of her. That would never be his intention. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable or become something she would regret. 
I'm such a piece of shit.
His cheeks burned with shame and disgust at himself. She was far more important than his desire for her. 
"Jinx, I'm so-" 
Her fingers grasped his chin. His heart stuttered when she leaned in and pressed her lips against his cheek; her black lipstick marking him. 
Sure, she didn't kiss his mouth. But considering she couldn't muster to even kiss him on the cheek as a kid, it was a big step up. 
"Thank you. For everything," She said in earnest. 
He blinked himself out of his daze as he registered what had just happened. He gingerly touched his cheek which was warm for a different reason. 
He broke out in a sheepish grin. "Of course. Anything." 
She giggled softly while shaking her head. 
What a cute, stupid dork.
She released his hand and then engulf him in a bear hug as much as her thin arms could. "Thanks, Pippin." 
Ekko raised an eyebrow with an amused smile. "You keep calling me that. You seriously have to tell me what that means." 
She nuzzled his shirt and inhaled his scent. "It means annoying, smug, asshole. It fits you perfectly,” She murmured with a smirk. 
He chuckled, his eyes brimming at her with adoration. His arms wrapped around her frame to hold her tightly. He rested his chin on top of her head with a smile. 
She lo-no. Everyone she loves dies because of her. She...liked, liked him. That should suffice, right? 
She liked liked him very much and wanted him to know someday. Her heart belonged to him and she would give it to him if he ever asked.
He was her little man. 
Her boy savior. 
Her dreamboat. 
Her Angel. 
He just didn't know he was hers yet.
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moonfurthetemmie · 8 months
Previous | Next | First (with warnings)
Part 5
June 13, 20XX
Mercury is half inside a hazmat suit. He looks as if he'd been wearing it for a while.
"Well...I found Jade. He's um...He's not doing too good."
Mercury winces as he pulls off the hazmat suit.
"And I think I broke something trying to get out of there, ow-"
Once the suit is on the floor, Mercury feels his chest, and hisses in pain.
"Oooh, yeah, that's broken. Okay, let me just-"
He puts one hand under his shirt, pushes on his chest, and yelps. He fumbles for something in his desk, and continues talking as he treats himself.
"Right. So. Jade isn't immune to the fungus, but he's not affected the same way the others are. He-" Mercury winces as he moves wrong, "fuck- He's acting just the same, if terrified and wanting to get the fuck out, he's just...very much a vector of transmission. The mushrooms are growing on him, too, though they seem more obviously parasitic now. He said he can feel their roots and shit growing in his skin, and there's a few that are starting to cover his eyes."
Mercury finds a syringe in the desk and injects himself with some of the chemical inside.
"Never thought I'd have to do this to myself," he mutters. "Anyways. He told me that the others have been keeping him in his room, and occasionally visit him. Mostly it's Zircon and-"
Mercury falters.
"And...Jasper. ...He said Jasper seems to be trying to resist whatever the fungus is doing to him, as he gets very distressed whenever he's with Jade and doing...doing things."
Mercury pauses for a moment.
"It seems like the transmission vector that the fungus favors is blood, though that might also just be one of the easiest way to infect someone. So with someone like Jade, who’s unnaturally resistant to any sort of disease or infection… It looks like Jasper can’t resist enough to actually do anything about it, though. 
“And apparently, Jade’s not supposed to leave his room. He told me he'd tried several times, but someone always manages to show up before he can."
Mercury winces again as he attempts to wrap his own torso.
"I, having just broken into his room, offered to get him out, but he got scared and just shook his head and said they were already coming. Sure enough, in just a few moments, Koroit and Zircon were there, ready to cut me out of my suit."
Mercury heaves a sigh.
"Fortunately the suit is made of rubber, so I only really had to worry about Zircon's swords. I made it out without compromising my suit. As you can see, though, I didn't make it out unscathed. Zircon and Koroit are probably our best fighters, and always made a good team. I'm probably going to have a dresser-shaped bruise for the next couple of weeks.
"In other fun news: the airlock-slash-decontamination chamber is done! Yay, I guess."
He's silent for a moment.
"...I wish Jasper could be here. We never...I mean, we always got along fine, but we rarely had chances to interact much. He was always cleaning, or cooking, and I was always stuck in here..."
He laughs dryly.
"That's probably why I'm dealing with this isolation so well, huh? With so much of the manor out most of the time, I was usually left alone. ...And I still somehow feel ten times more alone."
He is silent. After a moment, he reaches forwards.
The video ends.
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chardbones · 1 year
Summer morning (Ana Amari x Fem! Reader)
A/N so it's been a really long time since I've written any fanfics at all and I thought I'd jump back into the ring for fun. I've had this fic idea for the better part of two years now but for some unknown reason I decided to write it just now. I might make a second part to this but I'm not sure, like breakfast and maybe a bit and what the reader would do with Ana all day. I also saw that there isn't many fanfics of my girl Ana and she deserves it so I might post a fic or two more about her.I hope you blokes enjoy what I wrote
Y/N Pov:
I woke up to the light shining in my eyes, I slowly got up and looked over to left where I could see my wife peacefully sleeping. Ana and I decided a while ago that we both deserved a holiday together after going on countless missions. A few years ago, the both of us decided to buy a small house in Iilios, somewhere close to the beach and not too far from the town square where the market could be found. The light was thankfully poring slightly and only on my side so Ana wouldn't be woken up by it.
I slowly got up and made my way to the window, looking out I saw the clear blue sky and the vast never ending sea, in the distance I could see sail boats. Even though it was just the morning, looking at the sun, it was already quite hot but thankfully there was a cool breeze. After a bit I quietly opened the door and carefully made my way down stairs. My body isn't what it was 20 years ago, I'm still pretty physically well off but I can feel my body slowly but surely having enough of all the running around, carrying heavy ammo and making sharp moves.
As I walk down the stairs I look to my left and see the photos of me and Ana, most of them were of us during the glory days of overwatch. Boy, that was a long time ago. A lot of them were of the both of us and Fareeha, especially when she was just a kid. As I got downstairs and made my way to the kitchen, I stopped to look at a group of photos hanging over a dresser. One of them was of the three of us when we went Trick or Treating, Fareeha was just 10 years old then. Another was of Fareeha on her first day of school and another of her standing all happy with a trophy she won. One of my favourites was the wedding photo, that was taken year's ago, now the both us are old women.
Fareeha always saw me as her second mum and always treated me like one. And I always treated her like my own daughter, the best years of my life have been spent with them, seeing Fareeha grow and become stronger. Experiencing new things with Ana and loving her more and more.
Finally after a few minutes of remember wonderful memories I finally got to the kitchen and put the kettle on the stove, the house still had an old fashion stove oven that used fire, you almost never come across those in households over anywhere. I opened up a cabinet and took out a jar full of the best black tea and put it in two cup. As I waited for the water to boil I put in 1 and a half teaspoons of brown sugar and got out a desk to put the tea on. I placed the tea cups filled with hot and cold water on the tray and just incase the sugar if Ana wanted more.
I made my way back up the stairs and place the tray on my nightstand, I crawled back into bed and pulled Ana a bit closer to me so I could spoon her. The second I placed my wrinkly hand into hers, I could feel Ana stir in her sleep and see her eye flutter open.
"Good morning my love" I spoke quietly as Ana rolled over to look at me
"Good morning alsaqr" Ana said with a smile.
Alsaqr is a nickname she gave you because of how similarly you acted as a falcon in combat and how you armour resembled one.
"I made us some tea, drink some" I passed her a cup as Ana pushed herself up to sit.
"You're up quite early Y/N. Any reason why?" Ana asked as she put the cup to her mouth.
"Not really, I just did... I can believe that we're old women now. Looking at the photos it seems like it was just yesterday that I carried Fareeha on my back and ran around with her pretending that she was flying and I was her suit of armour" I spoke in a slight sad but glad tone.
"It has been, the time really does fly quickly, our little Fareeha has grown up really quickly and subsequently we have gotten older."
"I'm happy that you are the one I'm growing old with Ana. You're the only one I'd ever want to grow old with and have experience all the things we have gone through. I love you Ana."
"I love you too Y/N and I'm as every bit as happy as you are alsaqr"
The both of us put our cups away and kisses one another. It was a long and sweet kiss. As we parted we just looked into eachother worn eyes (well, I was looking into just one of her eyes). Even though we both look different then we did 20 or even 30 years ago, Ana still looks at me with the same passion and love that she did all those years ago. The same goes to me. We have said it many times before and shoe shown it to eachother on multiple occasions, and it's not going to stop.
The both of us just layed back down in bed and cuddle, the white sheets being partially draped over us. I held Ana in my arms while we gave eachother kisses. We could feel the breeze coming in every now and the through the open windows cooling us down.
And we just stayed like that until the sun started to shine on our faces and we knew we'd have to get up and start the day.
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super-ion · 1 year
Ion & Emily
Cannonball's Story - part 3
Part 1, Part 2
Sarah's room was exactly how Emily expected it to be. Every square inch of the walls was covered. There were vintage sci-fi movie posters, at least two period tables, dozens of photos and countless scraps of notes and drawings on scraps of paper. One wall was completely dominated by a blackboard covered in cramped equations and diagrams that Emily couldn't even begin to parse.
Every conceivable surface was covered with clutter, not just evil scientist gadgetry, but the typical detritus of a teenage girl's living space. On the top of the dresser alone was a plush octopus, a Tesla coil, a scattering of makeup containers, a jar of some mysterious glowing green substance and a jewelry box complete with chipped paint and a broken ballerina figurine.
"Aw fuck," Sarah spat.
Emily looked over her shoulder to see the other girl flop grumpily into a swivel chair at her desk. She slapped the side of her computer a few times before throwing her head back with a groan.
"I don't suppose you have secret tech powers?" she asked listlessly. "I tried setting this damn thing up to run some transdimensional vortex modeling and it keeps crashing."
"No," Emily replied. "Sorry"
Sarah blew out a breath.
"God, if I had a tech powered sidekick, I'd be unstoppable."
She blinked in surprise at her own words and leaned her head back to stare at Emily with a cautious, guarded expression.
Emily just shrugged, surprised by how much she just didn't care. Whatever Sarah did with her powers wasn't Emily's problem any more.
Sarah made her own shrug and sat up.
"You can watch TV if you want," she's said with a dismissive wave of her hand. "I've got physics homework to work on. Gotta maintain that B+ average."
"I thought you were some kind of evil genius," Emily said dubiously.
"Oh, I am," replied Sarah. "But I've got a secret identity to maintain. Gotta keep up that, 'oh, Sarah, you could do so much if you just applied yourself,' you know? Like I totally didn't build my first particle accelerator when I was ten."
"You… what?"
Sarah turned in her chair and pulled her knees to her chest.
"Growing up the way I did, I had some… interesting babysitters," she explained. "Like, I was maybe seven and the normie sitter cancelled at the last minute, but dad's got this really important heist scheduled. So he drops me off with Selene, you know the Antimatter Mistress? and she's like 'what the hell am I supposed to do with a kid? I'm trying to run an evil lair, here!' He's all like, 'I'm sorry, here's some baked manicotti' and of course she can't turn that down, because dad is semi famous in villain circles for his cooking. Anyway, he comes back three hours later and the two of us have a death ray disassembled on the floor and she's teaching me particle physics."
She paused and dug around through the clutter on her desk and pulled out a framed picture of a young Sarah grinning next to a severe looking woman in a risque steampunk outfit.
"Dad wasn't super thrilled when I modeled my new costume after her," she said. "Not sure what he was expecting after he let her mentor me."
Emily felt her face heat. Lady Lacuna's grand debut had been a spectacle to say the least and her costume certainly had been… memorable: that red and black latex and lace, more a suggestion of a lab coat than the actual thing; the thigh high stiletto boots and the fishnets underneath; the opera length lab gloves; the corset; the goggles.
The whole ensemble haunted Emily's nights for weeks after the grand reveal.
She found herself wondering what it was like to design your own costume with absolute creative freedom. She had some creative input, but her costume had been designed by a committee for optimum marketability.
Emily turned back to her circuit of the room. There was something so personal about it, like someone took the essence of Sarah and Princess Portal and Lady Lacuna and just exploded it all over a room.
She paused at one shelf and examined a slightly torn box.
"Is this a home tattoo kit?"
"Huh?" Sarah looked up and squinted over her glasses. "Oh yeah, just a stick and poke thing. Got it for my birthday."
She held up her wrist, E=mc² in flowing script.
"Your dad was okay with that?" Emily sputtered.
"Well… not exactly… I mean, he wasn't in love with the idea, but a little teenage rebellion is good right?"
Emily looked back at the box. Even if the League didn't have strict rules about piercings and tattoos, her parents would have gone ballistic. Not that any of that mattered. Emily's skin was indestructible.
"Hey, your portals," she asked as she examined the box. "How small can you make them?"
Sarah looked up from her homework once more. She creased her forehead in confusion.
"Like… could you do them like really tiny? Like needle sized?"
Sarah's eyes darted to the box and back to Emily's face.
"Oh no," she said. "No, no, no. Fuck no."
"Come on!" Emily begged.
The idea had taken root and she needed to see how far it could take her.
But Sarah was shaking her head.
"No, I can't. I mean, I'm good, but I don't know if
I'm that good. Like, you could get hurt, like really-really hurt. My whole B-list status is kinda dependent on me not actually hurting people. What do you think is going to happen if I explode your arm or something? And like if it's your arm specifically? They disappear people for that kind of shit."
She was probably right, but Emily wasn't letting this go. After everything else that had happened that day, she needed this. She needed the rebellion. She needed something to indelibly mark this moment in her life on her skin.
"Sarah please, put the ink in my skin! I need this. You're literally the only one I can think of who might even be able to."
She gestured to her clothes, the ratty jeans and the non-descript black t-shirt.
"Look at me," she continued. "I look like a baby dyke in her first outfit."
Sarah raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, a tattoo's not going to help with that," she said snarkily.
"Oh, fuck you," Emily shot back.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
Emily's momentum stuttered to a halt and she recoiled slightly.
At that, a wicked grin spread across Sarah's face. She took off her glasses and rose to her feet and squared her shoulders. The nerdy highschooler was gone and Emily found herself facing down the supervillain. Sarah took a step forward and Emily found herself taking a step back, her body bumping into the bookshelf.
"What do you say?" Sarah purred. "Should we LARP the 100k Cannonball/Lady Lacuna slowburn enemies to lovers that got posted last week?"
The… what?
Emily's heart was pounding. Why was it pounding?
Sarah took another step closer, her eyes blazing.
Sarah stopped and snorted a laugh.
"Fuck, I had you going, didn't I?" she giggled.
Emily's breath caught. Her brain was still reeling. Her heart was still pounding.
"You know which one I'm talking about, right?" Sarah asked.
"The… the one with the aliens?" Emily ventured.
Sarah threw her head back and made an exaggerated sighed.
"The one with the aliens… oh my god, it was so bad."
Emily pauses. I try to school my expression back to attentive neutrality, but it's already too late.
"Holy shit, Jen. Don't tell me that was you."
I shrug helplessly.
"I… might have dabbled in fanfiction."
She grimaces and tries to force it into an unconvincingly apologetic smile.
"Okay," I admit. "Yeah, It was bad. I was fifteen. Whatever, that's not important right now. So that's it? She figured out how to do the tattoos?"
Emily goes quiet for a moment. She takes a sip of her coffee and leans back on the couch contemplatively.
"I think… this story isn't really about the tattoos… Well, It is, the tattoos are definitely a thing that happened, but there's a bit more to it than that."
Sarah was still chuckling to herself.
"God, can you even imagine? You and me-"
Whatever she was about to say was lost as Emily closed the gap and took Sarah's face in her hands. She pressed their lips together with hungry, desperate need. Sarah froze and grunted in shock, but her eyes closed a moment later and she melted into the kiss with the same desperation. One of Sarah's hands landed on Emily's hip, the other on her back, just below the shoulder. Fingers splayed and Sarah gripped tight.
Holy shit, Emily thought to herself. Janice had never kissed her like this. With Janice, there had always been a distance between them, that unbridgeable gulf between the super and the normie. Sarah was an equal. She knew about Emily's powers and she didn't care.
Sarah's hands wandered to Emily's shoulders and gently pushed her away.
"Okay…" she said breathlessly. "That was… unexpected."
"I'm sorry," Emily said, her stomach twisting with guilt. "I shouldn't have-"
"No," Sarah said, cutting her off. "Not gonna lie, I've definitely had this fantasy before. You just caught me off guard."
Sarah chewed her lip.
"Look," she said. "You're surprisingly cool. I'm down to see where this goes if you are, but like… are you really sure it's a good idea? I mean, I'm a supervillain, you're a… well, I guess, as of three hours ago, you're a former superhero."
"I… I don't know," Emily admitted. "I'm not really sure of anything at this point."
"Fair enough," she replied and leaned in to kiss Emily a second time.
Once again, extra special thanks to @the-sword-lesbian for finding threads in my own stories for me to tug on. More than a few of the dialogue is taken directly from our chats.
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ljf613 · 8 months
OwlCrate Unboxed (01/24)
I just got my first @owlcrate box, and honestly, I wasn't really sure what to expect, or if this was really worth it-- I rarely spend more than $10 on a book, so the full charge of just one of these boxes (including shipping) definitely had me thinking twice. And what if, after all that, I didn't even like the book?
But one of the reasons I was willing to take a risk on this one was because the theme was clearly tailor-made for me specifically.
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"Enchated to Meet You"? Regency-esque romance with magic and royalty? That soft, vintage aesthetic that I adore? Yes, please.
And I was not disappointed. While I still haven't read the book, so I can't say if I'll like it or not, what I can tell you is that before I even got particularly deep into the box, I already knew that the price I'd paid was more than worth it even without the book.
(To avoid spoilers, product images and reviews beneath the cut.)
First up, this canvas tote bag:
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The design is based on a book called Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber. (It's on my to-read list, I'm just waiting for my hold to come in!) It's got a sweet, elfish woodland vibe going on-- I half-expect to see a tiny winged fairy peeking out from behind one of those toadstools. This bag is also has great functionality. I am always in need of a sturdy cloth bag to carry my books, and I am positive this is one I'll be getting a lot of use out of. The material is thick and durable, and it's wide and deep enough to easily hold at least half a dozen books without any stress. An all-around cute and useful item!
Next up, a reusable cleaning cloth:
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The design is based on a book called Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor. (I'd never heard of this book before, but it looks intriguing, so I suppose I'll add it to the list.) It's kind of generic, but I do like the colors. And it does look like the kind of thing that would be perfect for dusting my desk and bookshelves. It's probably my least favorite item in the box, but I don't hate it.
Moving on to the metal bookmark:
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The design is inspired by Emily Wilde's Encylopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett. (I just read it a few weeks ago, and the sequel is currently sitting on top of my dresser waithing for me to read it.) It's supposed to be Shadow, the dog belonging to the stories main character. However, my first thought upon seeing a large black dog in a forest, standing on a pile of skulls, was of Ruth from The Ancient Magus' Bride-- who just-so-happens to be one of my favorite characters ever. I hope no one minds if I continue to see it that way. (No hate to Shadow-- he's a good boy!) It's a very whimsical design and I like it a lot!
And now the coloring kit:
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I definitely wasn't expecting this from a subscription book box, but I am absolutely not complaining. (I've been thinking I wanted to sit down with some colored pencils and coloring pages one of these days.) The quote on the left is from Pride & Prejudice (my beloved), the top-most is from Bridgerton (read the books and liked them well enough but have zero interest in watching the show), and the one on the right is from Outlander (I think that's a show based on some books, maybe I'll look into it one of these days). The quotes are lovely, I like the simple yet elegant floral designs, and I love the soft pastel color palette (and will absolutely be holding onto those pencils).
The last item (aside from the book) is the enamel pin:
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The characters shown here are Sophie and Howl (+ Calcifer!) from Howl's Moving Castle (the book, not the movie, though I love them both!). I love enamel pins and happen to have a decent-sized collection, but I don't think I've ever seen a sliding design like this. This design is absolutely enchanting, and I'm looking forward to seeing more from this pin collection in future boxes. I included the envelope it came in because I think it's really cute, and it gives me some serious Violet Evergarden vibes. (The design on the backer card is also pretty! It's really evident that a lot of thought and care was put into every aspect of every item in this box.)
And, of course, there's the book:
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This is A Fragile Enchantment by Allison Saft. I'm not going to take pictures of every single customization in this one, but suffice it to say that it looks really pretty and I'm hoping the story inside lives up to everything else in here.
All in all, I'm really happy with this box, and glad that I got it.
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