Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Hi you write very well.
My request would be an Enid Sinclair x Male! Reader. In which the Reader (also a werewolf) is new to Nevermore and Enid shows him around. Over the weeks he gets the name lonely wolf from the Nevermore students because he hasn't made any friends or even socialized yet. Enid comes to him who likes him and asks if he needs some company. The Reader declines, as he doesn't want to damage her reputation, but Enid insists. Over the weeks and months they become very good friends and Enid wants more but doesn't know how to tell him and the Reader also thinks about it but he would never dream that she likes him as much as he likes her.
Thank you, and that’s a great plot I’ll have to try and make a short story on it one of these days.
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The human who didn’t know Pt. 2
Pairing: Normie male reader x Enid Sinclair and Wednesday Addams
Chapter 2: Trip and New friends
I apologize for taking so long on getting the second part on here link to the first part is right below this so read that before this or don’t (I recommend you do) also any poll on the author notes can be disregarded as the story is already on chapter 14 so until I catch up on here they can be disregarded anyways enough ranting please enjoy
Y/n pov
"So what exactly did you mean when you said I'd be someone worth following behind? I asked Blake as he lead me through a patio area
"Exactly that, you see my pack has its own rules and traditions we follow. When we meet someone we deem strong wether it be by there character or, by their strength we follow them. As those people are usually the best leaders." He stated in a matter-of-factly tone.
"So I'm your leader now? And what's with this pack your talking about." I asked incredulously
"Yes. My wolf pack when as I'm a werewolf or could you not tell? Either way when we turn 16 we are allowed to start or join our own packs. All you need to do is acknowledge me and we'll even get a mental link." He said with some underlying excitement in his usual monotone voice.
"What the hell am I even supposed to respond." I thought as we walked in silence for a couple of minutes to our dorm room.
Bland and boring is how I would describe the room, it was made of some sort of dark wood, the room layout itself was basic just two full size beds, two dressers and, two desks. One of each on either side of the room. On the back door there was a door that opened up to a bathroom. The front wall that you saw when entering the room was taken up by a big circular window that opened up to a balcony.
Stepping outside and onto the balcony looking out I saw that it overlooked the patio area we had walked through to get to our dorm hall. Nodding in approval.
"Hey I'm going to look around campus alright. Maybe see if I get to know some of our neighbors." I told Blake as I walked back into our room from the balcony and made my way to the door.
"Ok, just be back in an hour, as Ms.Weems is taking us along with Richard and Tommy to get stuff for our rooms." He told me
I nodded having forgotten of the other two as I exited the room, I noticed the door across from ours was open and there was music playing. I made my way across and knocked on the open door.
A 6' 2" Caucasian boy with brown hair walks towards the door.
"Can I help you?" He asks
"Ah sorry to bother you, I just wanted to introduce myself since it seems that well be neighbors."
"Oh I'm Xavier Thorpe, and you are?"
He said with a smile as extended his hand
"I'm Y/n nice to meet you Xavier. I responded and shook his hand
"So what are you?" He asks curiously
"What do you mean?" I asked confusion probably written all over my face.
"Yeah like what type of outcast are you? What else could I mean?" He said with a chuckle
"Oh well I guess a nerd." I said while smiling
Xavier's expression then went from a smile, to confused
"No your not understanding what I'm asking you. Like what are you? A werewolf? A siren? A vampire? A gorgon? A psychic? Or one something else?" He said
"Just a normal human just like everyone else is. " I told him annoyed
He stared at me then suddenly burst into laughter "Oh man you almost got me, no way a normie could make it into nevermore. What are you seriously?" He asked again while still laughing.
"I already told you I'm a regular human." I told him annoyed that he was laughing
He then looked up and saw that I was serious "You're actually just a normie?!" He shouted in surprise
"What the hell is a normie?" I asked
"It's a person that's just a human and not an "outcast" you know like the people this school is made for." He said now getting irritated
"Yeah outcasts like people who were bullied for being different" I responded irritated by the conversation that seemed to circle around.
"No not that type of outcasts you moron, did you even look up this school or it's history? Never mind it doesn't matter this school is for "outcasts" such as werewolves, vampires, psychics, etc." he said
"Well no I didn't read it I just saw outcasts and assumed it meant kids who got bullied for being different or quirky. Either way those things aren't real your just delusional." I replied quickly
"Me delusional, come on then I'll show you." He said confidently
"Alright then." I said not believing him at all.
We walked into his room. The set up was like ours, each side of the room was decorated differently. Xavier made his way to his desk, sat down and drew a spider.
"Oh man you showed me man." I said trying to hold in my laugh
"Oh shut up, and give me a second." He said focused on his drawing, his hand hovering over it, a couple seconds later it moved,and started crawling around his desk.
"Oh shit! What then hell! How'd you do that?!" I asked surprised making my way closer to his desk to get a better view.
"Ah shit man, sorry for doubting you. That's dope as hell though man." I apologized while staring at the spider
He then snapped and the spider dissolved into dust. "What your not going to freak out and insult me like others do? He asked shocked not looking at me
"Bro let's be realistic even if I wanted to do that, it would be stupid to. Since I don't know the extent of your powers for all I know you can make that shit venomous and kill me in my sleep. Plus that was dope as fuck I wish I had powers." I said awestruck as to what I just witnessed.
"Wait if he has powers does this mean that Blake was telling the truth, and was being serious. Awe shit." I thought
"Wait so your serious about being a normie?"
"Uh yeah, no powers from me. I'm able to attend since I won the scholarship. I also didn't bother reading the website as I thought it meant like Emos, goths, otakus and those types of outcasts." I said
Then I heard it laughter first soft then booming, Xavier turned to face me and he was laughing. "Oh man your a total riot, what type of dumbass applies for a school without reading its history. I can tell we'll become great friends." He said as he wiped away a tear
"Alright man I'll leave you to it I'm going to go and explore the campus and see if i can make any more friends." I said as I waved at him and left his dorm
"Alright man, I'll introduce you to my roommate whenever he gets back from town. Before I forget careful of who you go telling your a human most here have bad experiences with them and would probably put you on some sort of kill list. " said Xavier seriously
"Thanks for the heads up man, but it'll probably be announced when Ms.Weems announces the winner of the scholarship. " I said
"Well if she does I've got your back." He said seriously
"Well thank you." I said as a smile painted itself on my face
As I made my way down the hallway to the staircase, and then subsequently down the stairs into the lobby of the residence hall. Which seemed like the lobby of some high end hotel only without a receptionist. I looked around looking at the furniture. There was 2 sofas and 4 arm chairs which all seemed comfortable enough to sleep in. Along with 2 round tall tables with 2 chairs each meant to be used for studying as there were wall outlets easily accessible. At one of those tables there was a tan short male with black hair and square framed glasses. He seemed to be watching a video of some sort. So I made my way over to him.
"Hey sorry to bother you mind if I take a seat?" I asked
"Huh, you asking me?" He asked seemingly confused with a stranger coming up to him
"Yeah." I responded "my name is Y/n L/n by the way." Stretching my hand out for a handshake
"Ah sorry I'm not used to being approached, but I'm Eugene Ottinger." He said while taking my hand to shake it seeming to have relaxed a bit
"Nice to meet you Eugene, would it be fine if I take a seat?" I asked
"Likewise. Yes please be my guest." He responded quickly "if you don't mind me asking what are your thoughts on bees?" He asked enthusiastically
"Well I like the honey they make, I have also wanted to try honeycomb but I've never had the chance too. Other than that I don't have any real opinion on them. Why do you ask?" I replied
"Oh I just love bees, I actually want to see if I'll be allowed to make a beekeeping club." He told me passionately
"Oh that sounds cool if you do I'll be your first member if you wouldn't mind having me. So if you don't mind me asking,why you're so passionate about bees?" I asked him
"Really that would be great Y/n. Well you see I've never really ever fit in anywhere, or had friends. Well bees have always been there for me ,it's as if they can understand me and they're very good at keeping secrets." He said a bit downcast
"I'd assume they are good at keeping secrets. Well you won't have to worry about not having friends as you've already made your first." I said smiling
"Really we're friends?" Eugene asked surprised
"Of course, why else would I have approached you." I asked chuckling
A phone started to ring "It was nice meeting you Y/n but my mother is calling me. I'll see you around." Eugene said as he got up from his spot at the table.
"Well see you around" I replied
"Ok so I've made 2 new friend not bad Y/n not bad at all, I still got 20 minutes to go and explore might as well" I thought to myself
Getting up from my spot in the table, and walking towards the entrance doors. I push one open and make my way outside. Taking a nice deep breath of fresh air and look around taking in the surroundings. There seems to be groups of people around this patio area.
"Yeah two friends is more than enough for today." I thought, as I needed an excuse as to why I shouldn't approach any of the groups.
Looking around I see an open table, as I make my way over to it I observe each group. There seems to be 4 main groups, can't really tell what they are maybe Blake or Xavier can tell me later. When I eventually make it up to the table I take a seat and put my head down the weather is perfect for an afternoon nap. As I'm starting to doze off a excited voice greets me.
"Hi there, I'm Enid Sinclair." Said a blonde girl with blue and pink highlights with an infectious smile
"Huh, oh nice to meet you, Enid I'm Y/n." I said trying to purge the drowsiness from almost falling asleep.
"Oh I'm sorry did I wake you? She said looking concerned
"Ah no it's fine it's probably better that I don't fall asleep I have something to do in like 15ish minutes. So I should be thanking you." I said trying to reassure her
"Oh that's good, mind if I take a seat?" She asked
"Oh you're fine." I responded
"What happened for you to get that scar?" Enid asked looking at the scar on my left eye curiously
"A bit direct aren't you?" I laughed
"Oh I'm sorry if it's a sensitive topic. I was just curious." She said panic evident in her voice
"Don't worry bout it, I actually got this somewhat recently,. I was in a fight and he got me good but I got him back." I told her
"Woah, why were you fighting him? She asked leaning in closer
"Well we were fighting in the tournament for the scholarship." I answered
"Oh right that's a thing. So what are you? I'm a werewolf" She asked changing the subject abruptly
"I'd rather keep it a secret. Sorry." I told her looking away as to not make eye contact
"Don't worry." She responded happily "Do you have an Instagram? I could get so we can stay in contact? She asked eagerly
"Yeah let me just type it in." I said as I grabbed the phone she was handing to me
"Well I have to go." she said as she got up "I'm going to go get lunch, unless you want to come with me" she smiled
"I would love to but unfortunately I have to go with my roommate, to see Ms.Weems." I stated
"Oh that sucks" her smile faltering for a second "Maybe tomorrow then?" She asked
"Yeah why not, I shouldn't have anything planned." I said
She nodded as she got up from the table we were sitting at, and walked away.
"My goodness my eyes have been blessed with this beautiful woman." I thought as I watched her walk away.
Getting up from the table, I stared to walk about towards the residence hall, as I still had 5 minutes left before I needed to be there but I think I've had enough exploring for one day. As I made my way upstairs and into my room I saw Blake laying down on his bed with his headphones on.
"You're back earlier then I expected you to be, in all honesty, I thought I was going to have to hunt you down." Said Blake with a smile.
"Oh ha ha." I said as I took a seat on my bed
"We should make our way to Ms.Weems office, no?" I asked Blake
He nodded and got up
"Let's go then" he said
Background conversations was all that was heard as we walked towards Ms.Weems office, as we walked in silence. We approached a door that had a name plate on it which stated principal's office. Blake then knocked behind the door we heard a muffled voice that told us to enter. After entering Tommy and Richard where there sitting while on there phones. Richard was the first to look up, his face immediately turned from bored to a wide smile.
"Y/n how are you man, it's as if you disappeared on us after the tournament" Richard said excited to see me
"It because he was in a coma remember idiot Ms.Weems even told us." Tommy told him without skipping a beat or looking up from his phone.
"Oh right." Richard said sheepishly
During our interaction I could see Ms.Weems was staring at us smiling happily at the bond we seemed to have made after knowing each other.
"Ok, we'll be headed down to Jericho so you guys can get decor for your rooms, please remember that you are representing Nevermore so do try no to get into fights." She said looking towards our group seriously.
Opening the top drawer of her desk she pulled out four envelopes all numbered one through four in Roman numerals
"These contain the prize money for each of you." She said as she handed them to each of us Blake receiving the one numbered 1, Tommy the one numbered two, Richard the third and me the fourth and final one.
"You guys can get whatever you may need or want. Just know towels, and other basic toiletries will be supplied for your as your dorms are the only ones with private bathrooms." Ms.Weems told us
"Will you accompany us ? Or will you just be dropping us off?" I asked
"I had planned on accompanying you, but I have a faculty meeting so I will have to drop you guys off and then when you feel your done you can just call me." She said as she got up from her desk and made her way to the door "Let us go before it gets any later"
As we followed her to the van, I could see that the other students were staring at us as we walked through the patio area. We got into the car after walking for 5 minutes and Ms.Weems started to drive towards town. After 30 minutes of driving I saw a sign that read welcome to Jericho.
"Remember guys do not cause any trouble." Ms.Weems said in a very serious tone
"Ok." we all said practically at the same time
She then stopped in front of a furniture store. We all thanked her for the ride as we got out of the car. The town had a very creepy feel to it, it looked like a old style town that would be in a "Friday the 13th" type of movie.
"Alright let's go get furniture." I said walking towards the stores entrance
"Oh do you actually need furniture?" Asked Richard
"Yeah, you don't?" I asked looking at him incredulously
"Nah our families just bought us the stuff and sent it to us like 2 weeks ago man." He said nonchalantly
"well all I'm getting is clothes, since I didn't even have my own room back home." I told him
"So your not like us?" He said confusion on his face
"What rich? No or why else would I have applied for a scholarship?" I asked looking at there faces to see if they were joking
"Well that, and you didn't join it just to fight? Everyone who joins that scholarship is usually just to fight not for like actual financial help." He said
"Obviously he didn't idiot, he didn't even know what "outcasts" were." Said Tommy as he pulled one of Richard's rabbit ears
"Alright I'm going in, to look for a lamp and see what else might be interesting." I said as I walked into the store
"We're right behind you." Said Blake
As we wondered the store looking around I could tell that the employees were watching us intently, as if we were criminals with a record of being thief's. Eventually finding a nice desk lamp that reminded me of the one that crushes the I in Pixar movies, and paying for it. As we were walking out Blake, Tommy and Richard were looking at a couch. Without even turning around Blake asked "Do you think it would fit in our dorm?"
"I don't think it fitting in the room would be the issue, but rather how would you get it up the stairs." I told him
"Me and Richard should be able to jump it up to the balcony" Tommy said matter-of-factly
"What is our room going to be the hangout spot?" I asked
"Obviously it's bigger than our room." Said Tommy
"Then sure go for it we'll make it fit if it doesn't." I said chuckling
"Ok." Said Blake before walking to an employee to purchase it and have it delivered to the academy
"Thank you come again." Said an employee as we left
"Well we have an hour before Weems comes and gets us. Let's get tattoos?" Said Richard looking excited
"Of what carrot muncher." Said Tommy
"Hey I'll have you know that's offensive, demon spawn." Richard said quickly "Anyway we could get our Roman numerals tatted on us. Hell I'll even pay for them." He continued
We all looked at one another and silently agreed. So we made our way to the conveniently place tattoo parlor across the street, because I mean who doesn't want to go get a tattoo after buying some furniture. As we walked in the man who was sitting at the desk, immediately smiled when he saw Richard.
"So you were able to convince them eh Richard?" The man said with a smile
"Something like that." Richard replied
After discussing where we would get the numbers we each sat at a different tattoo artists table. As we all sat down and the artists started there prep work Blake turned towards me and asked if I had though about what he had told me earlier that day.
"Look man do as you please, if your happy following a "normie" do as you please. Just think it through I wouldn't want you to be ostracized. After all I'm weaker than you" I said seriously
His laughter boomed in the small shop "Oh man you worried about me. I doubt my family would care in all honesty. Being a leader doesn't mean bring the strongest it just means you'll do what needs to be done, when it to be done."
"Normie?!" Everyone besides me and Blake yelled surprised
"Yes. I'm just a normal human being who was dumb and didn't read anything about the school." I said while smiling
"Oh man your a crazy son of a bitch man." Said the owner of the shop as his employees nodded there heads in agreement
I just laughed, and shrugged, and the artists just smiled and started to tattoo us. Tommy got his number on his trapezius, Blake got it on the left side of his neck, Richard got it on his arm, and I settled to getting it on the back of my right hand.
"Man Y/n not bad you only cried for 3/4th of the tattoo." Laughed Richard
"Yeah we'll I'm just a human, with normal pain tolerance." I responded eyes red
"Did you cry when getting all those earrings you have? Tommy said laughing
"As if these were way less painful." I responded chuckling
After Richard payed the tattoos and we tipped the artists. We decided to go to a cafe for the last 20 minutes before Ms.Weems was set to pick us up. As we walked up to the cafe named Weathervane and a bell jingled as we entered it.
"Welcome in." said a dirty blonde teenager wearing a brown shirt and red apron behind the counter.
"Hi, can I get a black coffee" asked Blake turning his head to ask what we wanted
"I'll take an ice coffee" said Tommy
"Me too" added Richard
"I'll take some green tea please." I said
"Ok coming right up." the cashier replied
We decided to take a seat at a booth with Blake and Richard on the inside, while Tommy and I were on the ends. I got up to use the bathroom quickly. After getting back and waiting a bit longer the server came over with our drinks, we thanked him as he placed them on the table. As we were silently enjoying our drinks, a drunk adult approached our table.
"Hey everyone! Look at these freaks thinking they can come to our town and act as if they're one of us." said a man as he put his hand on Tommy's shoulder causing him to tense up and turn towards the man
“Hey would you mind moving your hand from my buddies shoulder.” I asked trying to not sound as scared as I felt
“Oh tough guy aye?” He said having moved his hand from Tommy’s shoulder to the table and leaned in closer
“Hey leave those guys along Mr.Rodgers.” Said the cashier
“Oh stay the hell out of this Galpin! You fucking brat!” The now identified Mr.Rodgers yelled
Motioning my head for us to get up and leave, getting small nods from the other three as we started to get up
“Hey no need for problems sir we were just leaving anyways.” I said as I got out of the booth allowing Blake to get up too
“Oh you don’t want problems yet you had no problems coming to our town? He said as he grabbed my shoulder seeming to have gotten angrier by my statement
“Ah shit how are we going to get out of this one?” I thought as I something Blake told me earlier came to mind please work “Blake can you hear me?” I thought hopefully
“So you were paying attention to what I told you earlier.” Blake responded mentally looking at me from the corner of his eye for a split second with a small smirk
“I don’t know if it’s possible for you to communicate with Tommy and Richard somehow, if so do it and get out there’s a second exit they can use straight back and to the right. I saw it when I went to the bathroom earlier.” I relayed to him mentally
“I’ll let them know, and link them in as they’ve been part of my pack since middle school.” He reported “I was able to link them successfully sir.” he said with the tone of a solider
“Can you all here me? If so bend your right index finger in order ascending.” I said as I glanced at each of them trying to not make it obvious to the drunken older man
I looked down to Blake’s hand first and saw his finger bend, then Tommy’s and finally Richard’s. A subtle smirk made its way onto my face as I sharply exhaled trying to not laugh out of joy
“Something funny you punk.” Said the man as he shoved me back
“Run now, your all faster than me go and find Ms.Weems, or actually give me 5 minutes if I’m not out by then go and find her otherwise wait across the street.” I told them through the link
“Will you be fine?” Asked Blake mentally
“Oh please who gave you that scar? So now go!”
In the blink of an eye Blake turned around and ran towards the front door, while Richard jump over a table and ran, and Tommy turned and ran out both making there way towards the back door as the man went to grab Tommy I spartan kicked him in his stomach causing him to stumble back and focus on me.
“You’ll be fighting me.” I said with newfound confidence
“Oh I’m going to enjoy killing you, fucking freak!” He shouted as he rushed towards me
Quickly grabbing the mug that held my tea earlier I swung it and it hit him on the face landing a solid hit causing the mug to shatter against the left side of his face. Causing him to stumble the right, which i immediately followed up with a kick to the face that missed since I slipped on some drops of the tea that spilt when the mug broke. Catching myself from falling, I was able to push him down as he was trying to stand back up as he hit his face against the tough wooden flooring of the cafe a sickening crunch was heard. The empty shop was silent besides the heavy breathing of Mr.Rodgers, getting on one knee, and raising his head by his hair.
“You damn monsters thinking your superior to us, normal humans!” He said as blood pored from his obviously broken nose hatred in his eyes
“Unfortunately for you I’m just a human, I dumb normal human who didn’t know.” I whispered to him with a smile
A laugh escaped my lips as his eyes widen in shock at my statement. Know that no matter who he told they’d doubt him
“Oh and if I ever hear you talk shit about one of my friend or classmates, I’ll make sure you regret it. So I hope this makes you change your views on the Nevermore students. Since we’re 10 times more monstrous ” I said looking down at him with a smirk
“Now I hope we can put this behind us, and start on the right foot. Don’t forget to apologize to Mr.Galpin here. Sorry bout the nose.” I said as I pat his back and he just nods
“How much for the mug I destroyed?” I ask the cashier
With a surprised look “uh $4 bucks should be fine.” He replied not to sure what to say
“Sounds good I say as I put a ten on the counter. Take the change as a tip and sorry bout the mess.” I said as I turned to leave checking the time on my phone
“Oh thank you, please come again; don’t worry about the mess” He said smiling
As I made it out with 30 seconds left I made my way across and nodded towards the three boys, and motioned my head as for them to cross the road and join me
“Let’s not keep Ms.Weems waiting boys” I said as they patted my back
“That shit was dope man!!” Said Richard as slapped my back
“Ah shit that hurt you asshole!” I said while shoving him with my shoulder
“What did you tell him?” Asked Tommy
“Just that I hoped he would treat Nevermore students with respect, and that I’m a “normie” and I hoped we could put this all behind us. Oh and apologized for the broken nose.” I said as that last thing caused them to stop mid step and look at each other as I continued walking
“Oh man your rugged, where’d you learn to fight like that man?” Asked Richard excitedly
“Oh I just used to play a lot of MMA on the xbox 360 with my brothers and well play enough and having brothers you just start mimicking what you see and do in game.” I said laughing at the memories of my brother and I playing and play fighting
As we walked they just looked at me as if I’d grown a second head
“I look fine right?” I asked them
They just nodded still shocked at my earlier statement of where I had learned to fight. Ms.Weems was in her car waiting for us. I waved at her as we approached her car and got in. I was up front and the other three made there way to the back.
“So how was the trip?” Ms.Weems asked smiling
“It was fun I got a lamp and Blake ended up getting a couch for the dorm. We got tattoos and went to get something warm at the Weathervane.” I said smiling
“Oh that’s nice…. WAIT TATTOOS?!” She yelled while looking at us shocked as we just smiled and showed her
“Oh are you going to want to left over money back? I think I have like $100 bucks left.” I asked disregarding her worries about the tattoos
“No you can keep it, it is yours after all, I will be needing an explanation on the tattoos, so don’t think you’ve gotten away with it.” She stated looking at me
“When will your furniture be delivered?” She asked
“Tomorrow.” Blake stated
We pulled up to the school, thanking Ms.Weems as we exited the car and made our way to the dining hall to get some food. As we walked I noticed that Blake was to my right, Tommy to my left and Richard directly behind me, almost as if they were knights protecting a king. Causing me to smile, and make our way to the serving area and got our food I decided on some ground beef tacos with tomato, lettuce, cilantro,onion, salsa and sour cream. The others got more basic foods like two slices of cheese pizza for Richard, two chicken sandwiches for Blake and a grilled chicken salad for Tommy. As we all sat down and started to eat, I noticed Enid walking by and looking towards me so I wave at her and she does the same. At the same time I see Eugene walking with his food towards the exit.
“Eugene come and eat with us man!” I shout across the hall
He turns and walks towards us and sits down.
“This is Eugene guys, Eugene the guy with the werewolf ears is Blake my roommate, Richard is the one with the rabbit ears and Tommy is the one with the horns.” I said introducing them to one another
As the meal progressed Eugene started to open up more and more getting more comfortable as time passed. Talking more about himself and bees as we just listened and asked questions and joked around with one another. After an hour and a half of eating and conversation we decided to make our way to our dorms. As me and Blake enter our room we fall onto our beds exhausted from todays events. Then we realized we didn’t lock the door so we had to play paper, rock, scissors to see who would get up and I lost. Getting into my bed I fell asleep as soon as my head touched my pillow.
Thank you for reading the second chapter of my book.
There will be one more chapter that takes place prior to Wednesdays arrival and it's going to basically be the next day, then some school related things and probably building the relationships between Y/n, Enid and Xavier and possibly Rowan.
Or let me know if there's someone specific you may want to make a relationship with
#enid sinclair x male reader#wednesday addams x male reader#jenna ortega x male reader#wenclair x male reader#male reader
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The human who didn't know Male reader x Wednesday and Enid
Like I said on my previous post here is the link
(on Wattpad) A normal human boy is able to enroll into nevermore academy through a scholarship program thinking it was a school for people who were bullied or different, little did he know that he had gotten himself into a school of people who despise normies . Come and join him on his journey through life as the only normie on a campus full of outcasts. First chapter or two will be set a bit before Wednesday actually joins the academy so don't be surprised if you don't see any of the actual cast for a bit. There will be some OCs This is also my first book so there probably will be mistakes and such. I do not own any characters or plot from the show Wednesday, I only own some of the plot, and some of the characters.
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The Human Who Didn’t Know
Pairing: Normie male reader x Enid Sinclair and Wednesday Addams
Summary: A normal human boy is able to enroll into nevermore academy through a scholarship program thinking it was a school for people who were bullied or different, little did he know that he had gotten himself into a school of people who despise normies . Come and join him on his journey through life as the only normie on a campus full of outcasts.
First chapter or two will be set a bit before Wednesday actually joins the academy so don't be surprised if you don't see any of the actual cast for a bit. There will be some OCs. This is also my first book so there probably will be mistakes and such.
I do not own any characters or plot from the show Wednesday, I only own some of the plot, and some of the characters.
Chapter 1: The Tournament Of Nevermore
(Currently taking place about a month before the start of the semester.)
Y/n pov
"Tch, the things I have to do for a good education. Oh yeah y/n apply the tests you have to take aren't that hard. Damn liars what would you know." I thought with a scowl
Sure it may be for "outcasts" but, but man how bad could it be to attend school with some weirdos. I mean probably rich and snobby but weirdos nonetheless.
Either way those were my thoughts during the 100 question exam we had to take that only ended up leaving 8 of us.
The faculty, then rounded us up into a waiting area and said to wait be to called.
This scrawny looking kid and I were then called up first, into a colosseum looking place. Ms.Weems the principal of Nevermore Academy then said "ladies and gentlemen thank you for joining us at our quad annually held scholarship tournament. With out further to do, here we have our first match between the humans Donavan McDonald and y/n."
"Match? Humans? What is this woman talking about?" "Excuse me Ms.Weems what exactly do you mean match?"
"Ah right, Mr.L/n you see this scholarship only has 4 spots available so in this tournament of eight people only 4 will get a spot of course each spot has there perks but we'll get to those after the winners of said spots have been chosen just know the higher you rank the better the outcome."
"So please get ready for this fight, and do not worry as we have trained medical teams to assist in case of any emergency or accident matches will be stopped if we believe that one of the contestants life is in danger or if they are at risk of being permanently injured." Continued Ms.Weems.
"I forfeit, I am not about to allow myself to become some sort of sick entertainment for all these people over some dumb school." Said Donavan.
Groans could be heard from a small crowd of people that were watching, yet out of all of the people there, two seemed to be the most disappointed. A tall slender lady in a black dress with pale white skin, who was holding hands with a shorter, rounder man who seemed of Latin descent.
"Ah I see that is fine Mr.McDonald, you shall be escorted out, thank you for coming out for our test." Stated Ms.Weems with a smile. "You may go back to the waiting room Mr.L/n."
"Uh, ok." "Man that shit was weird but I think this means I've made it."
As I walked in there was a boy who looked at me with curiosity, as if he wanted to ask me something.
"What?" I asked I asked not liking the way he was staring at me.
"Nothing I was just going to ask what happened out there since the walls here are sound proof and there's no way to see what's going on out there."
Said a teenager who looked to be 16 or 17 years old like me. He has orange colored hair with gray rabbit ears protruding from his head which I found kind of weird but this was going to be a school for outcasts.
"Ah right I'm Richard Scott, nice to meet you" said the rabbit boy
"Oh yeah nice to meet you too, I'm Y/n." I responded
"Right let me introduce you to my friends the one horns is Tommy Onini, the one with the dog ears is Blake Davenport." Said Richard
I looked at each of the boys as he introduced them to me Tommy had light brown hair, a stoic face with eyes that seemed to be staring into my soul along with 2 horns that stuck out of his head. Then there was Blake he had a bored expression on his face as if he was forced to be here or just didn't find it enjoyable, or maybe the floor just seemed to be more entertaining then a room full of people who were his competition. He like tho other two mentioned had something sticking out of his head but his seemed to be dog ears.
"These guys must really like cosplaying or something"
"Nice to meet you guys too, like I told Richard here I'm Y/n."
"Skip the formalities" said Tommy with an annoyed look on his face. "Just tell us what we should expect out there" he continued
"Sorry about him but he's always been a jerk even to me and Blake, he didn't try to punch you or hurt you in anyway so that's a step up." Said Richard with a nervous chuckle
"Right, anyway it's a tournament out of the 8 of us that we're here only 4 will gain a spot in the scholarship. So from my understanding you have to at least win the first round to be eligible" I stated
I watched as the 7 other contestants looked at each other with shock, now knowing they would have to fight each other. Then something unexpected happened they all started to smile and laugh they were excited even Blake seemed to have gotten a shine in his eye when I had mentioned fighting.
At that moment I decided to sit against a wall and nap, for however long I got to since I wasn't able to get much sleep due to me being excited and, nervous for the test. I shut my eyes and let darkness consume me. I was Rudely awoken what felt like hours later by Richard.
"Huh? What's up man? You need something? How long was I out for?" I asked while rubbing the drowsiness from my eyes.
"The ceilings up, I don't but you need to get up since your up next, you were out for about 20 or 30 minutes." Said Richard
"What?! I'm up already so soon? Who won?" I asked surprised that there fights had come and gone in a blink of an eye.
"Heh why don't you look for yourself? He retorted
I looked around him and there they were sitting, unscathed, bored both Tommy and Blake. Once they noticed my movement Tommy looked at me from the corner of his eye, and Blake stood up and started walking towards the door saying only one thing.
"We're next."
My eyes widen in surprise, surprised that he spoke. I sighed as I got up from my sitting position and made my way out the door, and shutting it I hear Richard wishing me luck, which causes me to smile even though I'm facing his friend he's rooting me a stranger on.
"Well let's get this over with." I said to no one in particular
Blake was already standing on his side of the arena ready to fight, while I was on my side I was not ready to fight I was hoping I'd have a bit more time to prepare myself not only to fight but to fight in front of all these people. I started to jump in place like professional fighters do warming my body up. As I did that I looked around at the people who were watching the pale lady and Latino man were still there and were looking at me with interest.
"Welcome to the quarter finales of the Nevermore scholarship tournament the final 4 contestants will all be receiving a spot on the scholarship now there only competing for the prize. As I said before those perks will be discussed privately with each winner of each position. So without further to do Blake Davenport vs Y/n L/n, boys same rules as before. Whenever your ready, FIGHT!" Said/shouted Ms. Weems into the microphone.
I blinked and I was on my knees, it felt as if I'd been run over by a car going 60 miles per hour (96.56 km/h for those outside the states) I felt and heard some ribs snap, then I started to cough up blood.
"Ah shit that's not good."
I was then picked up by my neck by Blake to have our eyes meet.
"Are you this weak? Are you not going to fight?" He said with disdain in his tone of voice.
Then it happened the humans greatest power, the will to live. My fight or flight state of mind, kicked in but I knew on this situation it was fight or fight as the option to run would mean quitting and my pride, my ego couldn't just accept a defeat that came from giving up. I threw a right hook and it landed causing him to let me go and a collective gasp and breathes of relief to be heard from the crowd.
"Tch so you did have some fight in you." Blake smiled "I hope you can truly keep me entertained."
He charged at me. I knew he was moving at an inhumane speed, I shouldn't have been able to keep up yet all this adrenaline rushing into my body is allowing me too. So I prepare myself, when he is in front of me ready to take me down I try dodge last second but my body can't keep up with my mind and I'm knocked to the floor. When knocked to the floor he got on top of me in a full mount position and started to rain punches down on my chest and head while all I could do was defend my face and head.
"Oh come on don't tell me that punch was all you had in you, if you don't end this fight soon you might end up dead." Blake said as he laughed manically
"Shit he's right I'll have to throw in some punches, I can't just be on the defense now. Wait I got it."
Letting my blood gather inside of my mouth from all the damage I had been receiving, I spat into his face cause temporary blindness which allowed me an opening to punch him. As I punched his body I felt as if I was punching some sort of inhumane wall so I settled for his face which seemed more sensitive I landed a left jab straight into his nose and an uppercut which caused him to fall off of me. I then rushed to his back and wrapped my arm around his neck,and started to apply pressure effectively placing him into a chokehold leaning back with all my weight it still didn't seem like enough to effect this monster but I could tell it was started to bother him when he started to swing his arms wildly around. That's when I noticed them his nails had become like claws which caused me to loosen up my grip a bit, which was enough for him to slash my left eye with 2 of his claws.
"You damn bastard wasn't being stronger than me enough for you, you had to make my left eye useless right now!" I shouted in anger
Blake laughed "you are the first to entertain me in a fight and even made me use some of my transformation you'll...!"
"Oh shut up you mutt, an eye for an eye!" I yell as I use my own nails to scratch over his right eye
Gasps of shock and surprise were heard from the spectator area. Then came the hushed whispers of how this human was and is monstrous than any of them. The pale lady looked at her husband with a wide smile as she kissed him and thanked him for this wonderful anniversary gift.
"What! What is this damn feeling I hate it! Is this pain?!" Thought Blake as he smiled crazily. He couldn't see through his right eye due to the blood that was flowing from the 3 cuts that his opponent had made.
"Be honored Y/n L/n you are the first person who has ever made me wolf out in a fight, your attacks have left a wound that will most certainly scar me, so be proud human. " stated Blake.
Those were the last words along with the gasps of shock and horror I heard as I blacked out.
"Huh! Where am I why can't I see?!? Help!" Is what you yelled out as you woke up suddenly
"Mr.L/n please calm down your in the hospital. I am doctor Sherman, I shall go and inform Ms.Weems of your awakening, and she can tell you the rest." Informed the doctor
"Ok, thank you doctor." I said while nodding my head.
"I see your awake now Mr.L/n, that fight of your was very intense to say the least. Anyways no matter how intense you still came in 4th place meaning you get all of the base perks of the scholarship which are payed tuition, payed lunch, and a $250 dollar room customization bonus. Along with an allowance of $20 per week as you came in 4th."
"Woah ok that sounds amazing in all honesty. I hate to change the subject so abruptly but I have some questions if you wouldn't mind answering them Ms.Weems."
"Of course Mr. L/n ask away."
"My eyes will I be blind? My internal damage how was that? I didn't damage Blake's eye did I? Was my family informed? How long was I out?"
"Yours eyes will be fine just some scarring over the left eye, they were pretty bad but we have some of the best doctors here and they were able to fix and place the bones where they need to be, you should be fully if not almost completely healed by now, his eye like yours only suffered some scarring, they were informed your mother was not happy but she said she would wait for your call as soon as you woke up and you have been out for a 29 days as of today. I would say very good healing time for all the damage you sustained and being only a human.
"I see, would you mind if I was to call my mother now?"
"Of course not, I'll dial her number for you and once your finished there'll be a nurse outside your door waiting to help you with those bandages."
"Ok thank you Ms.Weems"
"Oh man moms going to kill me for this."
"Hey mom how are you? Yes yes I'm fine I'm still alive and kicking. Yes it was very idiotic of me to fight with that guy, but in all fairness he didn't seem the most athletic or anything so I thought I had a chance. Either way I'm fine and I'll be discharged today and start school in 2 or 3 days. Yes mother I'll make sure to call you at least once a week. I love you too. Bye."
"Nurse I'm done on the phone if you could help me" I yelled as to get her attention
"Sir please do not yell we are in a hospital"
"Ah right sorry ma'am"
After a couple of minutes of having the bandages around my eyes removed the light blinded me. After 5 minutes or so of adjusting they brought me a walker to support myself, along with a change of clothes. After thanking the staff that helped me I made my way into a car with Ms.Weems.
"Man if school hasn't even started and it's already crazy how will the school year itself go." I thought to myself.
"Ah before I forget you will be sharing a room with Blake as he requested it himself as that was a perk of being the champion." Ms.Weems said
"Picking a roommate was a perk no offense but sounds kind of lame." I responded
"No he could have had his own personal room as but he decided he would prefer a roommate and that roommate would happen to be you." She replied
"Oh." Was all I could think to say.
"We're here." Says Ms.Weems as we drive up to some giant rusted gates with the name of the academy on the top.
"Man you would think they'd try to keep the gate in nice shape." I thought as we passed the gate and pulled to the schools entrance.
"Your bags will be delivered tomorrow, and school will officially start in two days. If you have any questions no matter the subject please let me or any of the faculty know. Blake should be waiting to show you to your dorm."
"Ok thank you for the ride. " I said as I got out of the car.
"Of course. " responded Ms.Weems with a smile.
I saw Blake and started to walk towards him hand outstretched. "Hey man, how are you? No hard feelings right?"
"I am fine. Of course not, but I could ask the same of you Y/n." Blake said
"I'm great, I mean I made it into the school I wanted to, like you I see no need to have any hard feelings over that fight." I stated while smiling
"Heh, you truly are someone worth following behind. " He said with a smirk as he turned and walked away "come on now let me show you to our dorm."
"Yeah sounds good, wait what do you mean follow behind!? Answer me damn it!" I shouted as I ran behind him to catch up to him.
Authors notes
This is my story, if your interested in reading ahead it’s already on Wattpad my account on there is rmedgg hope you enjoy. ill be making another post that will have the link to the book but I will be uploading the chapters onto here eventually
This is the first chapter of my first book, so please leave me some feedback both good and bad.
If you have any questions about anything just ask.
Some side notes: Y/n isn't aware that the outcasts the school is for is like "monsters" as he didn't read it he just saw outcasts and interpreted it as people who were bullied or just didn't fit in at normal schools.
I'm not to sure on if the who world knows of "outcasts" in the Wednesday verse but for the sake of my story they tend to stay northeast for the weather so in other states there more like urban legends.
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