#to fix joint pain
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bananonbinary · 4 months ago
the draw of pseudoscientific medical practices is really interesting to me cause like...i kinda get it. these con men tend to prey on like...intuition? they peddle things that sound like they COULD make sense, on some "common sense" level, and then get you hooked in before letting loose the truly bonkers stuff.
like, chiropractic for example.
"the central nervous system is located in the spine." yes.
"everything in your body eventually leads back to that system." also yes. go on.
"problems in your spine (bulging disks, pinched nerves, etc) can have pretty big impacts elsewhere in the body." yep, good, with you still.
"so i will now fiddle around with that with no proven method or safety precautions and cure everything from halitosis to cancer. also i learned this from ghosts or something." now hang on i think we need to check ur calculations on that one, chief.
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tumble-tv · 1 year ago
i want to scrub all of my joints with steel wool and replace my cartilage with hot glue in hopes that maybe that will ease my pain for once in my life
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bizarrebazaar13 · 6 months ago
(terrible) innovative new idea: shapeling arts physical therapy
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chiprewington · 1 year ago
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rabbit-heart4 · 1 year ago
does anyone else with bad joints forget they're disabled? like you'll be sitting criss cross and doing something for a long time then you unthinkingly stretch your legs out to stand and your knees HURT. then you try to stand and your legs almost give out. and you have to lean against something while you wait for the dizziness to go down? or is it just me
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Have I ever told you how much my joints SUCK?
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gotyouanyway · 4 months ago
the awesome thing is you can have a hypermobility disorder and your body will slowly deteriorate as it tries to keep your skeleton together for 26 years causing you infinite tiny issues that aren't that serious on their own but together it all sucks really bad and makes life pretty difficult BUT you can have this and not have it so bad that you ever actually dislocate anything or get any major injuries to your knowledge so doctors don't give a fuck and you're stuck constantly doubting yourself and comparing yourself to others who Really have a disorder that causes them Real problems and-
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crippy-tangerine · 2 months ago
Pros of dissociating so much you cannot tell what’s going on: it is easier to ignore bodily disability symptoms! Yay! Get to pretend you are healed and abled!! Able-bodied and healthy!! Yay!!!! We are the epitome of health 🎉.
Cons of dissociating so much you cannot tell what’s going on: it is easier to ignore bodily disability symptoms…. (You are NOT healed, you are getting worse!) (your body is deteriorating and all you do is pretend it isn’t happening) (uh oh!!).
-> Our body is low-key falling apart and we are simply ignoring it. This is so healthy and good. We are so able bodied.!! (/most sarcastic tone ever… This whole post is in a sarcastic and frustrated tone! Cannot recommend ignoring your symptoms at all!!! We just… Cannot get the level of care we need right now, and it is taking its toll…).
#coming back to ‘reality’ in a body that does not want to be human-shaped is actually really fucking stressful!!#like oh I’m back in the body- aw shucks all the connective tissue is fucked up! and cannot fix it! great…#tmi but fairly convinced at least one organ is prolapsed- and has been for years. which would explain the pain. but oh well cannot fix it.!#like would it kill you to not fall apart right now. this is meant to be the best years of our life. and we’re spending it in medical rooms.#people we had as peers (before we dropped out of… the world…) are finishing degrees or travelling.??#oh you went to Greece? while we spent three months in a psychiatric ward? cool. that’s. ok. cool.!!#joints are destroying themselves and we are having to pick which ones we need the least to survive + can damage more….#like- have given up on our ankles and knees. if they get destroyed then like…. at least we still have working hands#sometimes it all hits us full force and we have to face the fact our body is not going to heal magically.#torn between getting our last gender affirming surgery as soon as possible (before body deteriorates more) and just…. putting it off.?#like- indefinitely… we’ve healed from the other surgery ok#but our skin did not respond how it was wanted to. and that was before massive decline physically. so..?#and honestly we may not even win the fight with the transphobe gatekeeping that surgery right now.! he is infamous for his transphobia! so!#tired. ramble vent in hashtags again oops. should probably tag for this…#sort of vent#cw vent#physically disabled#actually disabled#disability#disabled#physical disability#dissociative system#complex dissociative disorder#actually dissociative
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catboycumgutters · 7 days ago
born to be a jock cursed to be disabled
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ourceliumnetwork · 4 months ago
dry swallowing pills is my stupidest flex. i'm not even showing off anymore i'm just impatient
#this post brought to you by#the breakfast of champions#(a monster energy and a naproxen)#and my decision at a rather young age to figure out how to do it because sometimes juggling pills and water in your mouth is too difficult#obviously small dry ones are easier#gel caps and large pills are a lot more difficult *mostly* due to size#but the gels are also more prone to sticking to me accidentally on the way down which is Super Uncomfortable#that said i learned my technique on the dayquil gel caps when those were relatively new and thus the ergonomic tech on the cap shape/size#wasn't quite there yet but they did catch up#and also my hips which i think are the actual problem and not my lower back which is...really annoying mostly lmao#i can FIX lower back if that's wrong#idk how to un-dislocate (i assume) my whole pelvis and put it back into place properly#that post about ripping your spine out and fixing it manually out in the open but for the rest of the skellybones#that's how i feel#on the plus side something *did* big major pop back into place last night and i imagine at least some of this pain is related#but like#ow#that's not very nice and kind of you Mr. Pelvic Area#if my hips didn't part like god commanded them to make way for his people to escape egypt once a month every month#i probably wouldn't HAVE this issue#i'm Stretching i'm Moving as much as i'm fucking capable i'm Learning How Far Is Too Far and i'm just like#why isn't it WORKING#what am i doing WRONG#and it's just that my body hates me specifically and doesn't want me to have a good time hardly ever#also probably my hip joints are related to this#i'm relatively certain i have mild hip dysplasia (or however it's spelled) as well as the hypermobility#which i'm just assuming at this point is EDS due to all the other factors involved but like fucking hell#it's almost like a fucking chronic illness that causes pain regularly or something#i wanna speak to the manager of bones#i've got some Choice Fucking Words for them
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arctic-hands · 1 year ago
"hot showers are bad for your skin and pores!"
don't care I need to melt like the Terminator in order for these muscles to ease up and get any relief
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cipher-s618 · 6 months ago
i dont think its okay to stay up for three days and create a dumpster computer then go do school like normal and drink six energy drinks (that aren't recommended for ADULTS to drink more than half of ONE) in a row then end up falling down the stairs while leaving class and now we have bruised ribs from a fight and can't stand still for more than a minute andf im late on my work and we n4eed to clean our room anf we have tp finish that swereter and we need to make food and aiudgajksduilgsfg.kejbdrgsfgkld
@thereareeyesinsidethetrees sorry for tag but now we dont know what to do too much to do so hlep
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ratcandy · 1 year ago
hello abled person writing a character with a disability. i see you are considering "curing" their disability in your story. before you make that choice, consider: why do you want to do that. what compels you to make that story choice. why would it be necessary. what is the narrative significance of doing that. what message do you believe you may be sending by doing that.
answer correctly or i'm opening the trap door beneath your feet and you're going into the spike pit
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tophatandboots · 2 months ago
It's not particularly bracing but it works well enough to keep my kneecap in place while I sleep!
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regardingjenmish · 5 months ago
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gotyouanyway · 1 year ago
just remembered i'm like kinda disabled forever
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