#to avenge the past
plutonicbees · 6 months
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fun fact it's been exactly 3 years since I read young avengers for the very first time :)
here's some scarlet witch + scarlet witch and quicksilver panel redraws,, haven't drawn these guys in forever :p
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fohatic · 5 days
Tony Stark / "Human"
a fill for square K5 of my @tonystarkbingo card: "weakness"
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ir0npvrker · 11 months
bucky: *walks in covered in blood*
steve: great costume, buck! happy halloween!
bucky: oh, right, it’s halloween. that’s convenient
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incorrectquotesmcu · 9 months
Tony: I want to do something for humanity.
Sam: How about sterilization?
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hanakihan · 4 months
to continue rider!dantes brainrot
I Like the idea of him being his cheerful sweet self but he also has that same dantes unhinged-ness that makes him equally terrifying as his avenger counterparts
man be really nice and sweet and next moment he’s pulling some insane jack sparrow shit on ship that works in long run while having zero self preservation skills because he’s gonna end up in château d’If anyway so why hold back lmao
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Hiiii :) okay so this kinda deviates from your prompt list but doesn’t Yano?
Wandanat x r where r has been in a bad relationship and her period was always something that caused her to get in trouble, r would fear Wanda and nat seeing her on her period, but it’s now painfully obvious bc she’s leaked on her suit. One of them mention it and that caused r to have a panic attack and get so caught in her own mind she reacts instinctively to protect themselves but the girls are there to comfort and love their gf
~ a writer you follow 🕯️
Period Panic
Pairings: Wandanat x R
Word count: 1.4K
Summary: After hiding her period from her girlfriends due to past relationships, what happens when you leak on your suit during a mission?
TW: mentions of past abuse, panic attacks, period / blood, canon typical violence, non sexual nudity, past trauma, flinching, crying
A/n I love this idea. I hope I did it justice. I am happy to explore any requests that aren’t on my prompts list as long as they follow my do’s and don’ts so I’m happy to write it. It was quite fun to write :) Also would you like to be 🕯anon? (So I can know when its you) Im very excited to get a request from a writer a follow (I only ever really follow my favourite writers so it means a lot)
Standing in your bathroom you quelled the anxiety rising in your chest. Sure, Wanda and Natasha had always been amazing. They were by far the best girlfriends you could ever ask for.
But that didn’t stop the fear you felt at the idea of them finding out. Past relationships had ingrained fears in you that were hard to shake. As a child your period was simply a fact of life. Something you would deal with and move on. However, after your last long-term relationship you began to fear it. Your partner had made snide remarks, insults and mean comments whenever you expressed anything to do with that time of the month.
At first you simply had brushed it off. However, as time went on, they had only seemed to become more aggressive in their actions. Eventually, by the time it ended you were afraid of that time of the month. The unbothered feelings you had towards your period were gone, replaced with a deep-rooted fear of inadequacy and disgust for yourself.
A knock broke you from your thoughts and you sucked in a sharp breath.
“Detka?” It was Natasha, most likely back from training and wanting a shower.
“Y-yes?” You cursed yourself for the waver in your voice, knowing as a trained spy she wouldn’t miss it.
“Are you ok my sweet?” She asked.
“Yes, I’m fine, I'll be out in a minute.” You called slipping on that mask easily.
“Ok love.” Nat said and you sighed softly in relief. Maybe she hadn’t realised
Quickly you went to your hidden stash of period supplies. You didn’t want Wanda or Natasha to ever know when your period was so everything you needed was kept hidden. Pulling the pad from where it was tucked inside the centre of a spare toilet roll in a small cupboard you stuck it in your underwear as quietly as possible. Shoving the wrapper in your pocket to dispose of later you washed your hands and exited the bathroom. Making sure you had left no blood or evidence before leaving.
As you entered the bedroom you caught a glimpse of Wanda pulling off her shirt as Natasha smiled at you and took your place in the bathroom for a shower.
“How are you this morning my lovebug?” Wanda asked and you smiled.
“Im good. Are you ready for the mission?” You asked and Wanda sighed.
“I wish we could just stay here and cuddle.” She said and you nodded.
“Me too.”
“We better get changed into our suits the jet leaves soon.” Nat said leaving the bathroom in record time. She had a towel around her as she grabbed her suit and retreated back to the bathroom to change. Wanda nodded and grabbed her own suit, slipping it on in the corner of the bedroom. Once Nat left the bathroom you took her place and changed. Wanda shot Nat a confused look, normally you had to issues getting changed in the same room as them. Nat shrugged and decided to keep a close eye on you for the mission.
In the bathroom you looked at the pads wings that were visible on the outside of your undies with disgust. Shaking you head you pulled on your suit. It was rather tight but snug. The light grey colour was a risk, but you had no alternative. You simply prayed the pad would be enough and left the bathroom.
Wanda was sat on the bed watching Nat slip all her weapons into her suit before they stood and the three of you left to head to the jet. Tony, Steve and Bucky were waiting as the three of you got on board.
“Geez i almost thought i got stood up.” Tony said and shoved Nat toward the cockpit. “Do your thing Romanoff.” He grinned and Nat glared at him.
“Stark.” She said warningly. Tony put his hands up in a surrender and she suppressed a smirk. Although she was quite soft behind closed doors with you and Wanda, she had a reputation to uphold in the compound. Nat settled herself in the pilot seat and the jet rumbled to life.
The mission itself was rather simple. Tony and Steve had cleared the west wing of the base while Natasha, Wanda and you had done the east. After taking out a handful of agents and grabbing the hard drive of intel that shield needed, Nat holstered her gun and her and Wanda walked behind you as you made you way back to the jet. Wanda’s eyes fell on your ass as you walked. Widening slightly at the red patch between your legs.
You had never been one to make a big deal of your period with them, but Wanda didn’t think you appreciate it if the boys saw. Wanda nudged Natasha whose eyes were scanning the trees as you walked to the jet which was in the woods near the base. Natasha followed Wanda’s eyes and nodded in agreement. The two girls stopped their movement and as you realised, they were no longer following you, you turned around swiftly.
“What’s wrong?” You asked in high alert now scanning the trees for a threat.
“Honey.” Nat said with a soft tone.
“Sweetheart here take this my love.” Wanda said handing you a jacket.
“W-why?” You asked starting to worry.
“Love your periods escaping a little.” Wanda said trying to make you laugh so you didn’t feel bad. At the look you had on your face Wanda began to get worried.
Your eyes widened and your breathing picked up. Wandas hand still held out the jacket, but you made no move to reach for it. Nat studied you every move as your hands clenched and unclenched at your sides. Fingers trembling slightly. Your breathing was now short as ragged as you struggled to get the air into your lungs. Your chest felt tight, and your heart began to race in your ears. Tears dripped down your cheeks and for a moment the two girls froze, unsure of what was happening.
Before they could react, you began to apologise profusely. Seemingly afraid of what they would do. Nat carefully took a step towards you, but you flinched back before your legs gave out and you curled up on the floor. Nat soon became aware of how exposed you were and simply shoved down her feelings. Gently she picked you up in her arms, unbothered as her suit was black and didn’t show blood stains. Wanda went ahead on high alert to protect the both of you. You sobbed and buried your face in Nat’s chest.
“It's ok love, we aren’t mad.” Nat said rubbing her hand up and down your back. She whispered words of reassurance and began to exaggerate her breathing as she realised how pale you were begging to look.
“Breathe with me my love. In deep for four. One…two…three… four. And hold…. Two … three … four. And out… two … three…four. You're doing so good for me lovebug.” She said coaching you through the panic attack. Once back on the jet Nat took you to one of the small rooms and sat on the floor with you still tucked into her.
Wanda sat next to Nat and rubbed your back as you continued to cry into Natasha’s neck. The two girls began to get a hold on your breathing. Still talking softly and reassuring you. Wanda had told Steve to pilot the jet as he was just as qualified as Natasha just not as smooth. Soon you found your head in Nat’s lap curled into her stomach as your legs rested in Wanda’s lap. Wanda drew shapes on your thigh as your breathing went back to normal. You pulled a hand to your eyes and began scrubbing at it harshly to get rid of the tears. Nat took your wrist in her hand and pulled it away from your face gently.
“None of that now love.” She said and pressed kisses to your knuckles. You felt a warm feeling in your chest at how they cared for you. Tentatively you asked.
“You're not m-mad?” You said and Nat frowned.
“Never my sweet.” Wanda said and Nat looked at you.
“Sweetheart we will never, ever be mad at you for the things your body does. We love you just the way you are. Period or no period.” Nat said pressing a kiss to your forehead. You buried your face in her stomach again.
“Thank you.” You mumbled into her skin and Wanda chuckled.
“Anytime sweetness.” She cooed.
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lady-raziel · 2 months
'West Wing' creator spins scenario to save Democrats: Nominate Mitt Romney to stop 'dangerous imbecile' Trump (msn.com)
As much as this is not going to happen I absolutely love Aaron Sorkin's, the creator of one of the most successful political tv shows of all time, desire to write political fanfiction with reality. A man after my own heart
Love the idea of the classic narrative arc where the big bad from a previous season joins the other side in a redemption plotline to take down the BIG big bad but with Mitt Romney
please include this in the anime reboot of the west wing
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xxgwenstacyxx · 11 days
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Back on my post-endgame everybody-lives AU... in which Tony and Steve both have trauma and they bake about it.
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xvivinx · 4 months
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Life fast
Die young
Be wild
And have fun
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mako-neexu · 4 months
Id chapter is insane. im so stressed even after more than 2 months of its release. because the Class who won for the entirety of Ordeal Call (dare i say it: the entirety of FGO?) so far are the Avengers. (so far... at least for me..lets hope ruler and foreiner OCs are good...also idk read my og tags for this)
its probably just me overthinking... i dont know if sakurai thought this far but its just so good. because... like. the current arc's focus is on the Classes and the recent main story focused on Avengers.
Avengers. heroic spirits. Extra Class. Those who speak of hate yet are born from love and those who speak love yet are born from hate. The basis of each and all of the heroic spirits in the Throne are simply because they are all records. They are spirits and shadows of those who have lived long ago and those are currently living somewhere or those who have still yet to live and are from the future. Either way, anyone summoned from the Throne is what makes them a Servant. A copy of the real thing. Beings made of ether, ghosts who are a set of records and memories given form.
Avengers are the very embodiment of holding onto the past. Oblivion Correction, being able to remember even beyond time loops or universes could be considered more of a curse than a blessing for these flames whose lives burn endlessly from hate and anger and sorrow from towards those who have wronged them. Flames who would burn endlessly and would stop at nothing even should their retribution be at the cost proper human history's ashes.
Records. Human and beast shaped memories given form. They are beings of stagnacy and cannot grow well past beyond their current state. As only those who are currently living have the privilege of being the only ones to grow. Do you understand me? Do you understand what I'm getting at?
Avengers are more records and fragments of themselves - Alters, Innocent Monsters, collective will of hatred from many people condensed into one - beyond any Class of the Throne. As such they cannot grow. They will never grow for they will remain as flames and inhuman creatures that will ultimately consume and burn all that is within their sights.
And yet, the very Avenger considered to be the greatest, to be the representative and leader of the group was able to transcend the impossible.
Only the living have that right to escape their impending deaths, their doom, their fate. Servants, nothing more than familiars, don't have that right anymore. Not anymore as they don't truly exist in the present.
And yet. And yet.
The Count of Monte Cristo claws an eye out, splits his skull open, rips an entire arm out, bleeds himself dry to change himself. Change himself down to his very core and almost every aspect of him, all for the sake of one person alone.
He was able to take a step forward. An extreme impossibility in and of itself to these burning spirits who are broken records incarnate.
Just one step. Look away from the past without discarding it, still carrying it close, still remaining who he is and yet his sights are on the night sky above, to that star twinkling so gently, so brightly ahead of him that there is no helping that feeling of breathlessness he feels.
Far different from choking on smoke, far different from drowning beneath the icy waves of a prison tower by the sea.
To that person who is his fate, who is his star, his light, and fire in this second life, they extend a hand out to him with a dazzling smile.
The Count of Monte Cristo, far beyond salvation and absolution, must think, This in itself is poison. This in itself is ambrosia given form.
With a hand, a resolute gaze telling him he isn't alone, Edmond Dantes, King of the Cavern, the Count of Monte Cristo was able to move forward, change himself and turn into a flame that would pave the way for that star which seeks its own wishes to be fulfilled. To that partner, co-conspirator, accomplice who always walked forward and never wavered in wanting to fight by his side, the Avengers won here and now.
Because to be loved is to be changed.
And being able to change, find yourself capable of it, there is growth. And in growth, for these heroic spirits, ghosts, those who have long passed...
What is that, if not, victory to all of the Avengers themselves?
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worstloki · 11 months
Loki telling the Avengers he's never had a family before them all and Thor is sitting in the back of the room spitting out his coffee sobbing crying he feels sick to his stomach
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ironspidersblog · 2 months
POV I heard you ignore Tony starks character development
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lazywolfwiccan · 10 months
The reason I think why Days of Future Past's visual effects have aged so well is because they didn't just shoot in a green screen area, they shot in sets and on location as much as possible and had the actors do choreography fighting with the Sentinels.
Also the screen isn't full of visual noise to distract you. When Colossus's wrist is twisted and his head crushed, when Sunspot and Bobby's necks are snapped, when Blink is stabbed, when Warpath is killed, all you see is what you need to see.
Unlike Endgame where there's so much happening it's distracting, Days focuses on what needs to be focused on
But noooooo Endgame is the superior movie NOT
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albertonavajoart · 11 months
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#Xtober Day 29 Bishop
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tony-stark-ing · 1 year
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Iron Man (2022) issue #6 Variant by Phil Noto
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