#tng hell
namorian · 9 months
The show: data has no emotion
Me, watching data act like an excited schoolboy about playing sherlock Holmes: yeah sure if that makes you feel better
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warpfactor9 · 4 months
the side eye these two share sometimes is absolutely lethal
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madame-saturns-stash · 4 months
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Sneak peeks of some Star Trek stuff I got in the oven. Jury is still out on whether or not I'll actually finish any of it.
Q is so entrenched in my brain he may as well have grown roots in there. No I cannot draw him consistently.
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kidpickarus · 5 months
ok I know I literally JUST posted qcard but they are living in my head rent free. Sorry
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risingchaos · 3 months
I rarely say this about straight couples in TV, but dear gOD LET THEM KISS FOR REAL.
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hellodarjeeling · 2 years
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freylaverse · 1 year
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It’s Worf Wednesday!
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knots-n-crosses45 · 4 months
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doodle from today. I desire campfire scene, so that may occur in the near future. trynna perfect that tittless pose
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namorian · 9 months
I've been reading various conversations over whether or not Data has had emotions in some form or another the whole time or not because it's the exact kind of historical fandom conversation I love to study and it's WILD to me how little people are bringing up Lal in what I've seen so far. I've seen people mention things like Tasha's death, Spot in general, the Most Toys and In Theory episodes but so far I've only seen Offspring mentioned on here and in 1 youtube comment.
Now I haven't even seen any of these episodes yet, I'm still in season 1 and only just now coming up to Tasha's death but I know enough about things to know that Lal should REALLY be the center of this debate along with the fact that he ???? wants these emotions to begin with? because why would an emotionless android want that to begin with?
But regardless of that part just -- Lal and Data's desire for a child, how he interacts with her, his reactions to her death are all logically really good fodder for this conversation????
And on top of that even if you take the stance that the show SAYS he has no emotions and that any we see are either his in-universe mimicry or a product of human (and thus emotional) writers and actors -- he DOES UPLOAD LAL'S BRAIN INTO HIS. SO LOGICALLY HE NOW HAS AT LEAST SOME CONCEPT OF/CAPACITY FOR EMOTION. While he didn't really get that from the uploading of the colonists minds when he was made, given the different context and how much more compatible her brain is to his and how IMPORTANT things like her feelings were to her existence it's INSANE to think they didn't get copied over into him and INSANE to think it doesn't impact him in some way.
Like via having her memories/experiences/programming in his own head now and the fact that she CANONICALLY experienced things like love and fear he AT MINIMUM now has experience with feeling those things even if second hand and now also has INPUT which would be processed by his subconscious functions and likely Do Something to him in the long run.
Just like --- even if you're a hardliner that he didn't feel emotions until the chip i just feel like you gotta explain Lal just like IN GENERAL and also how the FUCK having her mind downloaded into his wouldn't SOMEHOW effect his capacity for emotions.
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overseer-picard · 2 years
*slaps picard's bald head*
you can fit so much trauma in this bad boy
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manmadedonut · 5 months
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me and @bilgewaterbath tryna ask the real questions
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idol--hands · 1 year
“Brother. It is Data. Please Respond.”
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Spock: “Do you have something on your mind, commander?” Data: “Always, Ambassador.” Spock: “Your brother?” Spock: “Family, Mr. Data, in my rather extensive experience, regardless of how much you might attempt to remediate the issue…no one knows you better.” Spock: “And no one can hurt you more.” [As Worf listens and no doubt empathizes]
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steakout-05 · 8 months
ok so i'm a newer Star Trek fan and i've just been watching TNG (since that's the one i'm the most attached to + my dad really likes that one as well) and haven't watched much of TOS yet. but i am really interested in TOS and plan on watching it when i finish TNG, so for starters i thought i'd check out the main opening to the original series and oh my fucking god???? it sounds like a silly family sitcom and i'm just????? i LOVE it????????? but i wasn't expecting it at ALL because i'm so used to hearing the bold adventurous grand composition of TNG's opening, so when i got past the "space, the final frontier" bit only to have silly goofy sitcom music start blasting i just got struck with so much tonal whiplash that i actually thought i was listening to a spoof version at first. but then it set in and i was like "oh my god wait this is real this is what the opening actually fucking sounds like. holy shit. i love it so much" and i gotta ask: is the rest of TOS like this? just like a silly 60s space sitcom with spirk yaoi? because if it is then holy cow holy smokes i need to watch all of it immediately
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moonmothmama · 2 years
a human, a vulcan, and a klingon all walk into a bar
a ferengi laughs and walks under it
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Funny seeing fans talk about shows like Next Generation having longer seasons meant there was more room for character development while everyone who actually wrote for that show has spoken endlessly about how frustrating it was that they could barely do any character development no matter how many episodes they had. They had to really push just to be allowed to deal with the fallout of Picard being assimilated.
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dataentryspecialist · 8 months
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Brent Spiner then and now
Happy birthday, you blue eyed silver fox 🦊💞
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