#tm 1 scene per episode
thunderandsage · 3 months
hannibal fic recs
(in honor of my first ever fandom… yea i get the implications of how that makes me look 😂 anyways, i tend to like the hannibal fics that are closer to the tone and content of the series vs some of the more popular ones jsyk, and i’m putting the more “same characters, different vibes ” fics in the bottom section. my absolute favorites recs are the ones with red titles)
Pièce Montée, 3k words, episode-style case fic with well-written original characters and plot, sympathetic killers, would kill (ha) for this to be an actual episode on the show
where there is smoke, there is fire, 3k, georgia madchen character study, reading experience comparable to the joy and dread of watching sparks catch on kindling
Foreplay, 1.5k, despite the title not a smut fic but is actually a hannibal character study which takes the premise “seeing people as meat” and seeing how he does/doesn’t view people’s humanity
Salome, 6k words, tension, delves into the dark obsessive side of oscar wilde’s work, excellent hannibal pov
As Smoke to Flame, 3k, wherein the seduction does include fucking and predictably doesn’t make anything better, focuses on the inherent angst and betrayal of will’s ploy
Trotline, 7k, takes the fluffy-sounding premise of “will takes hannibal fishing” and makes it uh hannibal, an incredible take on hannibal’s sadism/cruelty, gorgeous looming sense of dread
each according to its own kind, 192k, after getting released will ditches the fbi and leaves for the other side of the continent, a love letter to the pacific northwest, the best will graham interpretation i have ever seen, slowburn character study, bonus points bc hannibal gets decked not once but twice in glorious detail, john steinbeck vibes, one of my favorite pieces of writing ever
pitiful things sometimes born in hospitals, 8k, daemon au where will has yet another difference, not a hannigram fic, beverly/will vibes, bittersweet and tragic
your heart is a vast stone desert, 10k, a conversation goes left field and enters the thorny splendor of psychedelic imagery and the most sinuous dialogue you’ve ever read, takes inspiration from ives’s play venus in fur
Silver Springs, 2k, a Dolce “let’s make this worse,” non-linear writing, heavy angst but god it hurts so good, gorgeous feels from the eponymous song
Tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks, 6k, a short scene in the BSHCI, what it means to be loved gently by a monster, grotesque and tender at the same time
highway 190, 10k, will graham growing up as a queer man in the deep south and beyond, religious trauma, prose as vivid and striking as a poisonous snake
Churrasco, 2k, leans into the avant-garde vibes of the show, all characters start out using false identities and you get to see them revealed slowly
Au Natur, 9k, a bleak but beautiful imagining of post-fall hannigram, fully embraces will graham’s manipulative tendencies
forgiveness, 1k, a poem-with-footnotes format as Will attempts to explain what his life has become to his father
Sins of Omission, 15k, Jack Crawford’s perspective on the development of hannigram, regret, very good outsider pov
VIBES-ADJACENT (aka fics that don’t “feel hannibal” or are vy AU, but are vy good nonetheless)
Adrasteia, 96k words, Kitchen Nightmares AU, nsfc (not safe for chilton), a hilariously sarcastic and done(tm) will graham, the first long hannibal fic that i read
Black Swan, 10k, as per the tags “all serial killers are birds, some birds are serial killers,” a cracky Swan Lake AU
Separately to a Wood, 13k, a “love at first sight” leads to “proposal during the breakfast scene,” soft
They Came to Florence or: Plagiarize This Fic, 5k, hannibal is a huge fan of will graham’s novels and becomes incensed when someone plagiarizes them, the author was apparently inspired to write this after someone plagiarized one of her fics and i respect that
Poppies, 5k, wherein it is acknowledged that for all the horror she’s been through abigail is just a teenage girl and is allowed some soft moments
their beaks not yet turned red, 134k, magical realism au where the baby does miraculously save the marriage, includes hilarious takes on the inherent absurdities of hannibal’s trial
Be Your Dog, 4k, a rock band au that adapts will graham’s proverbial “descent to the dark side” with an ominous intensity
Sagittarius, 13k, a salem witch trials au where will seeks to avenge abigail’s death by any means necessary, dark but cathartic
a siphon; to pass through, 71k, will has type one diabetes and hannibal is an infuriatingly smug vampire, crack but extremely well-written
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
Hi Zoe! I see you're done with Party Crasher. If I'm not wrong, Frozer is up next. What do you think about the episode?
This episode is a prime example of why Season 2 has nearly no rewatch value after you've endured Season 4. It's so hard to watch with hindsight.
So, the biggest funk of this episode was definitely Chat Noir - it was him when the episode came out and it still is now. Literally opening the episode with another romantic gesture when Ladybug confirms this MUST be post "Glaciator" because she very gently and sadly reminds him that he knows she's in love with someone else.
Well, he took the rejection SO WELL in "Glaciator", so why should we expect any different here?
This episode (paired with "Glaciator") is the episode that launched the "Nice Guy(tm) Chat Noir" idea. He says things in this episode that I swear were pulled right from reddit. He decides they should go solo because she turned down his rose... "We don't always have to do everything together, after all. It's not like we're a couple." Seriously dude? All this time together, our partnership, our relationship, our friendship, it all means nothing because I don't want to be your girlfriend? Because I was honest about having feelings for someone else? THAT'S the kind of person you are? What a great role model.
But then he's over it, like, immediately. I'm so confused as to why this was even here. To make Chat Noir look like a dick? Way to sell your main love interest, show~
So Sadrien sadly takes his sad rose to fencing practice and gets his sad ass handed to him by Kagami, who's like "wtf kicking your ass is boring if you just let me" and he asks her "do you ever feel like you're stuck, replaying the same story over and over again and hoping for it change but nothing ever does?"
And Kagami's response is her infamous "the biggest mistake a fencer can make isn't choosing the wrong technique. It's choosing the wrong target. Change targets" advice.
First of all, her metaphor sucks. Fencing is a 1 vs 1 sport, you can't "change targets". You can switch from aiming for the chest to aiming for the leg, but it's still the same opponent, weirdo.
Second of all, nothing about what Adrien just asked you suggested he was talking about a person or a romantic suitor whatsoever. Your only hint was that he was holding his Reject Rose, but even so, why wouldn't your first thought be that he's talking about his father???
Seriously, this could've been a good lead in for the Adri////gami set up if Kagami had assumed he was talking about Gabriel and responded with empathy. "Yes, sometimes I feel like that with my own mother, but I realized I don't like feeling like I'm waiting for change to happen. I make my own change happen. If you want your story to be different, maybe it has to come from you."
And Adrien, still thinking romantically, is struck. 'Wow' he thinks, 'she understands me in a way that honestly? Not a lot of people would.' And he declares that she's right, he's going to change his story starting now, and hands her the rose, starting their romance story.
But no, sure, a bad fencing metaphor about how he should forget other hoes and look at her, that works too, who needs BUILD UP amiright? I was a fool to think that maybe Kagami would need a REASON to be into the Writer's Pet Adrien when he's OBVIOUSLY already PERFECT.
Not that any of this matters since Adrien all but tells Kagami to her face "I had a great time but I'm sticking to my original pick." and she says she'll wait for him, girl, have some self respect.
But that's getting ahead of ourselves. After the two part ways, we have a scene with him and Plagg about Adrien maybe switching targets, and uh..
Look, I noticed a real problem with the dialogue in this episode - there's a lack of connectivity throughout the episode with the things people say. I know I make jokes about the show having five writers per episode who don't communicate with each other, but here it reeeeeally feels like maybe that's not a joke.
Like here: Plagg suggests that Adrien is going to start pursuing Kagami and Adrien rejects this idea because he's in love with Ladybug ("No, no way. Ladybug's the only one I love), and it probably wouldn't work with Kagami anyway because it's his technique that's wrong and he needs advice on what to do.
This seems to suggest that Adrien isn't going to go after Kagami, and if he did, it would be to test out a technique on her. Like going out with Kagami would be practice. Now that's obviously not verbatim what he said and could justifiably be seen as reaching, but do you see my confusion? Not once does he say anything about being into Kagami or wanting to go after her (though admit-ably he did give her the Reject Rebound Rose).
But then two scenes later when he's asking Marinette for help, he's describing Kagami as if he's in love with her, as if he's really interested in her. Where did THAT come from between scenes?! Writers! COMMUNICATE!
Also he says in the French version that they have classes together, and in English that they study together, and I would just like to see WHEN?!
There's another example when Marinette goes off to the bathroom after Kagami gives more..."advice". Tikki asks why she's sad, and instead of pointing out the very obvious "Oh, I don't know Tikki, my crush asked me for advice on how to get close to another girl, I'm third wheeling his date and am forced to watch them skate around holding hands, she practically claimed him when Phillipe was trying to recruit Adrien for his ice rink by reminding him AND me that Adrien is with HER, aaaaand I fell on my butt in front of him, her, and the guy who I also have caught feelings for but am feeling bad about potentially leading him on because of my lingering feelings for Adrien. And then my crush's date basically told me it's my fault that all these things are happening to me because I 'hesitate'. That might have something to do with why I'm sad."
But instead her answer is she likes Luka but doesn't know if what's between them is that they're just friends, like with Adrien????
Even if that WERE a part of it, that's not the thing that started this or even the thing that set her off. So why is that the thing they made her stuck on??? That's like the fourth thing on the list of Things That's Made Her Upset. Her answer sounds like it comes from a pre-edited script or something.
So yeah, the dialogue is...weird. But that's almost normal for Miraculous Ladybug at this point.
So anyway, Adrien vows to get advice from someone who is Not Plagg and realizes very quickly that every adult in his life is utterly worthless so he scouts out his friends. Except of the 4 couples he zones in on (Marc and Nathaniel, Ivan and Mylene, Alya and Nino, Juleka and Rose) 3/4 of them are together because of Ladybug and an akuma.
"Hey bro, I need some advice, how'd you and Alya get together?"
"Oh, Ladybug locked us in a panther cage during an akuma attack after you tried to set me up with her best friend."
Maybe it's not as crazy that he went to Marinette as I initially thought.
(That said this gave me flashbacks because for some reason all my friends came to me for relationship advice despite being chronically single for most of high school, so, I felt that pain Marinette.)
And just...wow, writers, I know Marinette is your punching bag but this was just cruel. Having her crush, the guy YOU'RE SELLING as her true love go off about how pretty and special and amazing this other girl is right to her face? Is this supposed to be an equivalent heartbreak to what happened in the first scene? Because this doesn't feel equal, this just feels malicious on the writer's end. Ladybug didn't grind into Chat Noir's face how AWESOME the mystery boy is and at least Chat Noir got to throw a tantrum about it, where's Marinette's tantrum?!
I'll say the one point I give to the Girl Squad is them telling Marinette she's crazy for agreeing to third wheel this date and that she should definitely cancel on Adrien. If he can't handle being alone with the girl he wants to date, that sounds like a them problem, there's being selfless and then there's being masochistic, girl.
But then they lose that point for yelling over her when she tells them she's going to try being Just a Friend for Adrien.
The Girl Squad scene is also frustrating in this way that Miraculous is continuously frustrating in that the characters just don't quite say the thing that makes sense (like in "Maledictator" with Marinette calling Chloe "useless" instead of things that would actually stick like "bully"). Marinette says she's giving up on Adrien because she stutters around him and dating would be impossible if she can't even talk to him, and that she's calmer when she's trying to be his friend instead of dating him.
But what she should have said was "he just asked me advice on how to ask out someone else, he's clearly not into me!"
She has a good point with the stuttering thing, but that puts all the weight on HER for the relationship not taking off. It's HER that can't get it together, it's HER that can't get her words out, it's HER that's stopping them from being together. Meanwhile Adrien's over here asking out other girls, calling her "just a friend", not showing up to meet ups that she'll be at... Hell, he tried to set HER up with SOMEONE ELSE ("Animan"). He doesn't want to date her! Message Recieved!
So she brings in Luka, (which honestly, smart move, because how much would Kagami have REALLY hated Marinette if she showed up by herself on THEIR date) and we get The Metaphors.
Marinette is clumsy, this is a known fact, yet the only times she's clumsy at the ice rink is because she's focused on Adrien - when she focuses on Luka, she's smooth, easily let's him guide her, and is pulling off professional moves. ALMOST like he's a good, calming influence compared to the chaotic energy that Adrien brings.
The "problem" (if you're writing for this show and want to encourage Adrien and Marinette being together) is that the episode never challenges why this should be a bad thing. They want her to be with Adrien, soooo why are they basically visually proving why Luka is the better option? Why does this whole episode feel like it's actively trying to turn Marinette away from Adrien?
I mean obviously they're starting the Love Rival drama, but I mean long term. With the Skating Metaphor and Marinette bringing up how her own inability to think clearly around Adrien is a problem, and then never COUNTERING those problems, why are we supposed to root for them again?
Oh because Luka gave his consent in the end, not because of any merit that Adrien brings to the table, got it.
Then there's the obvious Two Guys Reaching Out to Help Marinette Up and She Hesitates Because Her Heart is in Conflict Metaphor. I only give this one props because at least none of the characters explained that one, they just let that one speak for itself, even if it was obvious.
Though that one accidentally extended when the reason Marinette doesn't choose is because Phillipe forces his way into the interaction to beg Adrien to join his rink - kinda like random, out of pocket shit that she has no control over is CONSTANTLY MESSING UP HER ATTEMPTS TO MAKE MOVES.
Gosh Kagami, maybe Marinette would've made a choice if she'd gotten five seconds between them without INTERRUPTIONS! Maybe she even would've grabbed BOTH of their hands, then what would you have done?
Sighhhh, I'm sorry Kagami, I don't mean to rip on you. It's just that you were so freaking RUDE in this episode to anyone who wasn't Adrien (and also a little bit to Adrien tbh). You can turn Phillipe's offer down without telling him his favorite sport is basically trash. You can help Marinette up without rubbing it in that you got the guy first. You can let Adrien turn Phillipe down himself without peeing on him, as if you're jealous of a this guy just for asking Adrien to join a sport ("he already fences with ME!"). Let the boy speak for himself - maybe he actually was interested, did you check in on what he wants?
Yes, Adrien shouldn't just go along with people to make them happy, but he's not going to learn to stand up for himself if you just speak for him.
And Luka...well you're just here for a good time, aren't you? So patient, so kind, so the only person in the room who can read the writing on the wall. At least someone in this group isn't lying to themselves.
I'm losing steam, so let's rapid fire:
I knew I'd hate Phillipe as soon as I saw him and I was right. He's annoying and I bet he's the reason no one wants to come to his stupid ice rink because he's lurking there interrupting other people's dates. I was on Andre's side when he ragged on him for trying to force people to join (though dude you gave him ten minutes, what did you think would happen?)
Luka's so magical he can play electric guitar without an amp or any sound amplifying device, impressive. Or the people on this show have never touched an instrument.
Also Luka, your advice to just be natural and go with the flow is great and also WASTED on Adrien, his "natural" is a DISASTER.
Adrien panic-lying that he brought Marinette to teach him how to skate was pointless. Maybe Kagami would've thought it was endearing you were too nervous to go on a date with her alone if you were just honest about it, but now it's just Another Thing Kagami has to turn into a competition because she sees Marinette as a RiVaL (which honestly amazing jumping to conclusions because wut, where'd you get that idea?)
Also, does Kagami shoot a bow? She says she only participates in "noble" sports, like bow or fencing, but I can't tell if she's listing sports she considers noble, or listing sports she participates in. Also what does a "noble" sport even mean?
S-stalac-Tikki...and Plagg-lagla. I know it's Plagg-Glacier in English, but it's Plagg-lagla in French and it sounds like Adrien's VA is gargling or stuttering when he tries to say it.
What happened to Luka and Kagami, you're not even going to show them frozen?!
Frozer is so ugly omigoooood not looking forward to drawing him.
So yeah, anyway, Frozer is hard to watch, especially with hindsight, the bad parts with Chat Noir are really bad but don't stick around long, so there's that, and while it doesn't feel like the characters are being too bad during this whole "dating" fiasco, it suuuuure feels like the writers were~
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Hello, Anon who posted about 🚩🚩🚩 here.
To the anon who posted that we aren't in charge of the show... you're correct, we aren't but... that wasn't the reason for the response to that anon's ask about M and N staying around for S7.
The purpose of it was to illustrate that HOPE is a good thing and negativity is exhausting. Every season and after every episode there are people who hide behind anonymous asks spewing nothing but negativity about how Buddie isn't going canon🙄 . They send them to blogs like this one where it's clear the person who's the owner of it is hopeful the show will allow Buck and Eddie to be together.
If those anons have given up on Buddie, then that's their choice and they have every right to their opinions but the issue is they go to someone's blog who clearly likes Buddie and tries to convince them and their readers that they should lose hope too and it's unnecessary. They should post that mess on their own blogs or communicate with all the "ANTI" blogs that are available because trust and believe, there are plenty of them out here including the ones on 911blr.
Now as far as KR is concerned... that's a whole other story. Not sure if anyone else has noticed but there have already been significant changes and they are very evident.
The show is obviously on a new network (FOX ➡️ ABC) but there's already been a shift in the way the show is being promoted including the main cast member who's out front. AB is being heavily promoted again, as she should be since she's top billed (her name appears first), she's the most well known and she's the highest paid. This seems to be a calculated move to draw new viewers and it could be related to her recognizable name🤷‍♀️.
TM is back and all the mess that happened in seasons 5 and 6 with promotions is no more since they're already 100% better than they were. There are actually trailers and promotions now and they're being played months in advance of the March 14th premiere! For the entirety of season 6, BTS pics, trailers and promos were delayed or nonexistent and the stuff that was submitted didn't get released until a day or two before an episode aired (this doesn't include the pics and videos shared by the actors).
They're serious about where the show is headed and even if KR is still the CO-SHOWRUNNER (emphasis on CO) it appears ABC isn't and won't deal with her inability to run an expensive TV show like 9-1-1.
ABC is ACTIVELY engaging with the fans which is something that's clearly been lacking since season 4. Is it all KR's fault? The viewers will never know but 9-1-1's social media accounts are engaging and asking for feedback from viewers. It appears it's being done on purpose and it's likely they're very aware of the show's most popular ship (BUDDIE) even though it's not even Canon.
Do any of these changes mean Buddie will go Canon?
NO! It doesn't but... it does mean things have changed and the creators are working hard with the network to fix all the BS KR messed up. She's written some great scenes and episodes but sometimes it's hard for people to admit they're not good at certain things and being a showrunner who has to coordinate everything for a show that costs 10 million per episode to produce didn't appear to be her strong suit.
TM has his faults too but IMHO, they worked better together, especially when his attention wasn't divided between OG and LS.
Finally, KR doesn't have the final say in anything because she's not one of the creators. RM, BF and TM are and they're working hard to make 9-1-1 a success again like it was when it first premiered since it's now on ABC.
Basically, hope is a good thing and no one should allow anyone else to diminish the hope they have for Buddie to go canon, simply because they've chosen to give up on it.
Amen. Thanks for saying this. 10000000% agree. Antis STAY AWAY.
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prettyflyshyguy · 5 months
F*ck it I had a little skim, S5 is a season that wasn't overly 'monstery' compared to the early seasons but I settled on some specific eps to perhaps glance at (only if you want to though!!! I totally get the disenchantment and wound up listing more here than I meant to) (the 'for fun's' are obvs subjective but there's certain scenes that might trigger doodle ideas)
Ep 1 sorta settles some fallout from the S4 finale. Might not be interesting but lays out some context.
Ep 2 not 'monstery' per se but might tickle a particular itch if you possess it
Ep 5+7 for fun?
Ep 8 for fun and an importantish reveal
Ep 9 is fun
Ep 10 is one of the bigger episodes for S5's overarching story
Ep 11 was one I quite liked personally
Ep 14 was one I also quite liked
Ep 15+17 might brush lightly against a particular itch
Eps 18 onwards head off the "f*ck destiny" journey, but for specifics 19 is a personal fave and latter half of 21 introduces one of my fave dudes
Again, wound up with a longer list than I thought, but I also totally understand the meh-ness after the Heaven plot! Hopefully there's something on this list that works for you
Anon we gotta cover a few things here
1) seriously have my swear card you can say Fuck
2) you are a local legend for providing me with this list and i am very gratefull!! You are my personal hero
3) you can't just say "this might spark a doodle idea" and leave me hanging like this like wtf
You can send me doodle ideas (cannot guarantee I'll do them but I love a good bit you know me)
I'll absolutely kick off s5 with e1 cause I always need the closure but I think it will be where the cherry picking starts, for my sanity. I'm not strong enough nor have the time to watch everything to completeness (NOT WHEN I WANT TO REWATCH OLDER EPS LMAO)
I trust you understand My Brand (tm) if you've been following my journey so I trust your recs!
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lastoneout · 2 years
“He just joined up with like Starfleet Black Ops, that’s still technically the good guys, right???”
I don’t watch Star Trek media save for lower decks, but aren’t black ops SPECIFICALLY meant for shady stuff (if not utter fucking atrocities) that can’t be connected to the military/navy/etc. for fear of sullying their “respectable” reputation? That’s pretty evil (maybe I’m just paying too much attention to the evil laugh).
Also lower decks has been sending the not so subtle message of “twust the systewm uwu”, and consistently portraying star fleet (space navy? Idk) as the “good guys” which just seems like bullshit to me, but then again this is just my two cents as a non-trekkie.
Nah that's fair, I haven't really seen a whole lot of Trek that portrays Section 31 so I'm not entirely sure exactly how they operate, it's entirely possible Clone Boimler is gonna be getting up to some Morally Grey shit, it's just that when someone says "oh he's evil" my first thought was "he's a spy or traitor or not even actually a transporter clone" not that he just joined a different, less squeaky clean branch of Starfleet.
Especially since like, his story still doesn't add up?? There's no way Boimler of all people, clone or otherwise, could have made it out of that situation so quickly or like...at all? He was trapped under rubble and there were Packleds 2 seconds away from stabbing him to death plus the exit was blocked?? Lower Decks had set up the expectation that even the little details are important in the previous season, so having such an obvious plot hole just led me to believe it was on purpose and Clone Boimler was going to turn out to be evil, especially with all the "what's going on with the Packleds really is someone helping them behind the scenes" plot line set up. It's genuinely disappointing for them to just be like "yeah nah don't think about it to hard he's not evil/fake/a spy" when anyone with a brain can see that his story doesn't add up.
And the rest of season 2 kinda gave me the feeling that the writers were like, suffering under their own format's restrictions? They seemed to WANT to tell deep, intriguing stories with drama and plot twists and character conflicts that lasted more than one episode but they couldn't because they were a comedy cartoon that only gets ten twenty minute episodes per season. And sadly in this season it kinda feels like their solution has just been to more or less give up.
(And yeah in season 1 they really had set up the idea that this show was going to be about, in part, how Starfleet ISNT perfect and how they do fuck up a lot and that seemed to be an integral part of Mariner's character, like what it was like for someone who was disillusioned with Starfleet due to something in her past, but that also hasn't really gone anywhere which blegh. I liked the concept of a character like Mariner who takes issue with Starfleet fundamentally but still sticks with it, but they gave that up in favor of her just needing to rely on her friends more, which is development, but not really as interesting as what they initially teased.)
But that's just my take, yeah Section 31 is still shady so Clone Boimler def is more morally grey than Original Boimler, but the show hasn't done enough to make Starfleet seem morally grey for me to believe he's really Evil(tm). And hey overall the episodes are still enjoyable(except for the Peanut Hamper one god I hated that episode so fucking much) and so if this is the status quo I can live with that. It's just all turning Lower Decks into a show akin to Miraculous Ladybug, where I'm more in it for what it could be, not what it currently is, you know?
I just wish Clone Boimler was actually a spy or something. That would have been cool.
Edit: also not a fan of how this season it making it seem like the solution to Mariner's likely very legitimate, fundamental issues with the way Starfleet operates is that she just needs to just blindly trust authority more. Like...ehg feels kinda weird :/
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lililove87 · 7 years
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The Mentalist - one scene per episode Red Sauce - “You have no reason to be grumpy anymore” 
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starkjoy · 3 years
Aaand now for my Taylor Trauma TM post. Let's revisit her appearance in Brawl, now that we know the writers originally intended this scene to follow the events of Ghost Stories.
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Now, we all thought this scene felt weird, awkward—shady, even. We weren't wrong, per se, we just didn't have the right frame of reference. We assumed Taylor must have been digging for scoop on the hostage situation for a story, but after seeing this...
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...we know Taylor is harboring unresolved trauma about her past and hiding it from Buck. We're all guessing the man from the article who was charged with murdering his wife is her father. Yes, it's cliche, but if they can make Buck My Sister's Keeper, they can make Taylor Little Orphan Annie.
Perhaps she believes her father is innocent. For years, she tried to prove what really happened to free him—that's why she became a journalist (but not a detective, I guess? I don't know). Ultimately, she failed and moved away to Los Angeles for a fresh start, but clearly she can't escape the "ghost" of her parents and their case.
Which would explain why she looked so hopeful at the thought of Mitchell's son getting to see him, because she hasn't seen her father in years:
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And when Buck tells her no, and that he killed himself instead, she's immediately overcome with disappointment, heartbreak—maybe even guilt, because she moved away and gave up on her quest to find the truth about what happened. Maybe she even started believing he did it? She's getting older, her father is too...he very well could be nearing the end of his life. Could she handle never seeing him again with so much left unresolved?
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We'd assumed Taylor's above facial expressions were devious without the context, but with Ghost Stories? These reaction shots were very much intended by the directors/writers, and it makes so much more sense for them to be about whatever dark secret she's hiding. (Another reason why the episode swap was a bad choice, in my opinion.)
I see this storyline rolling out in three possible ways:
1) Taylor's backstory will be used as a plot device to deepen her relationship with Buck. Their tension comes to a head, she confides in Buck, and their relationship grows stronger. She's in for the long haul well into 5B, and maybe we even get a b-plot storyline about her proving her father's innocent.
2) Taylor's backstory will be used as a device for her departure from the show. Buck and Taylor's tension will come to a head, she confides in him and they reach a temporary impasse, but she ultimately decides she wants to return to Arkansas to see her father and prove his innocence. I doubt the writers would put Buck in another long distance relationship, so they'll break up mutually. Like Ana, we'll never hear from her again.
3) Taylor's backstory will prompt a breakup, but not her departure from the show. For the same reasons as above, Taylor will decide to leave (temporarily) to deal with her father. Given neither seem on the same page in the relationship anyway, Buck and Taylor agree to break up but remain friends. Then she'll pop back into the show here and there when needed, but now she's a character in her own right rather than just Buck's girlfriend who happens to be a reporter on the side.
For context, I don't ship B*ckTaylor. No offense to those reading this that do, you do you, but you may want to peace out for the rest of this post as it's not my intention to invite drama.
Whatever option, I hope they break up. Ideally by the mid-season finale per these theories, but at this rate...I don't know.
Personally, while I could see a spark last season with Taylor and Buck, I find their interactions now that they're a couple awkward and devoid of any chemistry, which further frustrates me as this is what the writers force fans to settle for just to avoid Buddie. Frankly, I do resent Tim/whoever is calling the shots for Taylor "getting in the way" of Buddie because it's so transparent they brought back Taylor—a small character from Season 2 that many disliked because she was a campy, one-dimensional antagonist—without addressing her past behavior at all and quickly shoehorned her into a relationship with Buck in an attempt to "friendzone" him and Eddie. God forbid Buck shows affection for his best friend after he's almost murdered without kissing a woman in the same episode, god forbid people start thinking he's in love with Eddie even though we're writing and directing these scenes like he's in love with Eddie! 🙄
Now, if the writers actually commit to building Taylor's character, redeem her for her past actions, and give her relevance beyond being Buck's beard hanger-on ala Ana, then breaking her up with Buck shouldn't be an issue anyway because she'll be a character in her own right. I wouldn't even mind sassy, campy, one-dimensional Taylor in the show, as long as she isn't co-opting screen time in favor of major characters or existing side characters who still haven't dealt with their own trauma or haven't had their backstories developed as of yet (cough, Karen, cough Eddie).
If TPTB actually want the fanbase to like Taylor, her screen time can't come at the expense of already well-loved characters and ships—otherwise their plan will backfire. As it seems to have already.
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decepti-thots · 3 years
Okie u can ignore this if u want of course but I'd be curious to hear abt why u hated Netflix WFC so much? Bc that seems to be a Super common fan opinion of the series but I don't rlly have any context as to why bc I'm a rlly new TF fan and WFC was actually my first ever TF media (unless u count the 1st Michael Bay movie when I was like 10 or whatever lol). And tbh I ended up rlly liking the netflix trilogy! But I have a feeling that's bc its literally the first thing I ever saw lmao. Thanks <3
Hey, first off, welcome to the fandom anon, since that wasn't that long ago and all! I hope you have a great time with us in Robot Hell TM! :)
Secondly, my dislike of WFC is definitely in part that WFC just... isn't really 'for me', I'll be honest. Like literally, I'm not the target demographic they had in mind for this show. Which probably sounds kind of weird, because WFC definitely targeted a) adult fans and b) people who are Nerdy TM about TF, both of which are me. However, when it comes to TF cartoons, I'm like... here for the kid stuff. I really like when TF, at least on television, is for kids first and foremost! So that element already just personally didn't vibe with me, and that's really a subjective thing.
In terms of why I really disliked it rather than just going 'eh', it's... mostly the pacing. Honestly. It's a much slower paced series than I really enjoy, and I felt like if they had halved the run time per series, or maybe even done it as three 'TV movie' style specials, it would have worked a lot better. Now, a lot of people can look past that, which is cool! However, as someone who almost never watches TV series because they take too much of my time, pacing is like, one of THE biggest dealbreakers for me in any show, so again, that's as much a me thing as anything else, haha.
I honestly can't really speak to the overall 'quality' of the show because the above means that all I really bothered with were 2 episodes of the first series, 1 episode and a couple sporadic scenes of the second, and... I think the same for the third. IDK. Not my bag! When I bounce off something I just go watch something else, haha, life is short.
(Still want the Ratchet stuff from s1 to come back somewhere though. Neutral Ratchet... that was a REAL nice idea.)
Also, just wanna say, it can sometimes suck to love something it feels like most of the fandom hates, but there's definitely other WFC fans out there. I promise not everyone hates it, anon, haha. I don't think you're 'missing' anything, you just like something some other people don't. (As someone who insists the Unicron Trilogy is mostly fun ACTUALLY, FANDOM, trust me, I can relate!)
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WBL meta ep 4.
On lucky ones and fools for love, of which there might be not one, but two, each, on broken means of communication and bridges, hierarchies and equal footings in relationships. Started out as typing along each scene, but then one scene stole all the paragraphs, so I cut it a bit short in the end. So yes, kinda my stream of consciousness again.
 -          We are reminded: Shi De’s mails have always been unanswered, his messages, after 1 year approximately, stay even unread. Communication and its multitude of possible errors will be touched on… good.
-          We are told: Little baby Oscar is Shi De’s brother. Ashley probably his step sister that helped take care of Oscar while Shi De’s mom recovered. Shi De stayed, because of his mother’s health and problems in the company, to help out the people he loves, because they are his family, too. Besides Shu Yi. That made two months into two years.
The scene that stole all the paragraphs:
-          Moving light on concrete walls, bowls and symbols of present and enduring care and nourishment, a fresh morning, fresh eyes, new awakenings. Man, that scene is everything, not only because it is the scene where Shu Yi will realize imo that this man before him did not cheat on him, without anyone explicitly  having to address it. I love this scene already. Will there be fic? Possibly. First, watch me type through it like this, if you want:
-          They turn towards each other, like really facing each other. At eye level. Do I make myself clear, lol? They are both sober and rested and calm and are looking right at each other, in a safe space, with morning fresh eyes, eyes open once more after their night TM, a period of darkness, that might have stretched longer than this actual night. Yeah, I am feeling dramatic alright.
Boy do I love that Shi De just starts to speak. Apologizes sincerely, and for the thing that shows that successful communication actually can happen between those two, when they are together, that Shi De actually has listened to Shu Yi and his side and considered it and is aware of where his fault lies, to a degree.
He admits that he realized he didn’t believe in Shu Yi’s forever.
I understand the following lines as carrying the sentiment: Shi De always loved Shu Yi, but as he said to Dad, he wanted to be with him forever the moment he got together with him. Before that was his one sided love, a vague concept of love, but the dream to be together with Shu Yi was just that, a dream. One that became concrete and true, and that was the moment Shi De actually felt and decided he wants this forever.
It became a decision to commit, and the process of it becoming real for Shi De, a decision that reaches into his reality, it took ten years. So he was reluctant to believe that for Shu yi that process of reaching certainty could have happened much quicker. He only had his own love as reference, and used to carrying it all by himself, that standard made him question, if Shu Yi COULD be as certain as Shi de was, after arriving at his decision after 10 years, versus Shu Yi’s rather recent-feeling awakening.
– maybe Shu Yi loved you for longer, even if his knowledge of it was asleep, Shi De, you know he comprehends things in his sleep, we know that about him, right? Sorry side tracked –
Shi De realizes, and TELLS Shu Yi, I mean that scene, he just tells and talks, the marvel… sorry, Shi De realized he DID not believe Shu Yi’s devotion to be the equal to his, thought that Shu Yi was just swept off his feet by the moment, and then he realizes, that the fault for that lies in his own insecurities. And he says that. To Shu Yi. InternalYesScreaming.
-          Okay. The intricacies of miscommunication and manipulation. Dad’s arguments were received by Shi De with open ears, because they were thoughts and insecurities, he’d already had himself. The worry of being not good enough, of holding Shu Yi back. That’s why they work even if Shi De realizes he’s being manipulated by that entire put together scene.
-           And then Dad presented that broken phone, the symbol of broken communication and broken bridges between them, on a silver platter almost, I mean do you remember the way Dad orchestrated that meeting with the food and the waiter handing him the device on silent cue? It must have felt like things were truly broken beyond an immediate chance of repair.
-          BTW : Dad holding the cards, ahem, the phone, the means of communication between them in his hands? We will remember that later, right.
-          So yeah, the only chance Shi De saw to salvage anything of it, was in the future. So he gave himself those 5 years, to be worthy to stand next to Shu Yi.
-          I think that is about the time that Shu Yi realizes, finally allows himself to let it click, that this man never looked at anyone else but him. Like, that for Shi De, there is no one better on this planet than Shu Yi, there’s no arrogance that a cheating situation could have been born out of.
-         Also? He sees that Shi De actually has always perceived himself as inferior to Shu Yi, deep down, and/or is afraid Shu Yi might see him as such, which is a reversal and touch on their theme of who is No 1 and Mr. Second, see conclusion waaay down below in highlighted on this monster of a meta.
-          The power of it. For Shu Yi to be able to finally SEE Shi De and who he is enough again, that he can overcome his doubts. Without Shi De addressing the misunderstanding, but, and that is important, by Shi De TALKING. About himself, without pretense for strength. The misunderstanding is made nil by communication per se, not communication about it but by the essence of communication, of baring yourself to another, who listens, and understands.
-          Gah.
-          The way Shu Yi finally acts, when Shi De mentions someone better for Shu Yi. Like there would be someone. How he makes him face him again when Shi De starts to get lost in his own self-flagellating thoughts. Reminding him, this is not a monologue this is a dialogue, by making him face him again. So important, because that happens with them when they are in a room together. They can draw each other out of their heads and communicate.
-          Btw, there are wet spots of tears on both their pillows.
-          And yes, he puts it in words. That it is his call to choose Shi De, and decide to want to stay with him forever. Not Shi De’s for him, not Dad’s.
-          Stupid Gao Shi De. And that affectionate slap on his head. Because they will always be physical like that.
-          And there it is, the bracelet that was never gone, and what follows is a renewed wedding vows scene if I ever saw one, is humility and forgiveness and renewed promises on an equal footing. I think that scene deserves way more words, but I might put that in fic or another meta, this is getting ridiculously long. But I think the feels in this one are quite clear. But let me say this:
This episode poses the question who is the lucky one. Also, related to that, who is Mr. Second, and who is No 1? Is it who we thought it was? Or was it reversed, was Shi De the lucky one after all? OR was it the two of them from the start, two lucky ones, two fools for love? And finally: a sense of growth, away from the hierarchy and the illusion of No 1s and Mr. Seconds, of winners and losers in relationships:
You can be equal only through honesty and vulnerability and shared responsibility.
 -          Please let me know what you think the statue, the rabbit and the crystal ball symbolizes, knowing the show it might symbolize something, but I am lost here, lol. Is it a chinese character thing? Soundsalikes? Three syllables? Am i interpreting too much into it?
-          I actually will skip some scenes now, because I just want to mention the ones that tie into the topics I started on above, communication and bridges, because else this will break all limits lengthwise.
-          The scene where Bing Wei tells Shi De of the magnitude and depths of Shu Yi’s love. Once again solidifying, that it has always been Shi De’s love’s equal, devotion wise.That Shi De is the freaking lucky one, too.
-          The matter of the phone as the symbol. Shu Yi crying alone with the phone, the broken symbol of the broken communication between them, and then Dad taking that out of his hands.
-          How it ties into when they both realize at the same time, Dad’s involvement and interruption of their communication might have even started earlier, with blocking the emails from the start when they were apart. You lose sympathies in this ep again, dad, lol.
-          The scene on the bridge. BRIDGE. Yeah, besides that it has history for them, look what they do in that scene. They reconnect further, mend bridges, by their shared history in highlights, but also by levelling the ground between them, each admitting and being told that they both have been idiots in this for their own parts, laughing about it even with tears in their eyes. Teasing each other with it, but pulling each other closer over it, the teasing, careful, long unused steps around each other, but on a bridge between them that they revisit, that has been mended, that is secure again under their feet.
It’s the ground they can stand on, the ground they can and WILL use to talk about all that stuff, the bridge between them, their equal love.
-          Also, Shu Yi is eating in that scene, happily.
-          Oh man, I will end it here, because there’s just too much to say, and I will, in fic and more meta, let me know what you wanna talk about if you made it this far.
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 4 years
dSMP but make it a TV show
*kicks down door*
HEY! I think it would be cool if dSMP was made into a TV show. Obviously this won’t happen I just think it’d be neat. And I have Ideas, too. 
First of all it would be animated because it would suck as live-action. Second of all each episode would be 40mins-1hour long and there would be ten episodes per season. The minecraft stuff would have to be re-worked but it totally fits into a more fantasy-type setting with some modern elements. The potential world-building is actually kinda fun (for example, maybe some characters come from a distant city where technology is more advanced, and act accordingly?) the potential is endless lol.
Anyway I came up with a list of episodes and what happens in each one so buckle up buckaroo! We’re going on a journey!
Season 1:
The Disc War Part 1 (intro to characters, basic plot, tommy & tubbo vs dream team, and the discs) 
The Disc War Part 2 (end of the disc war, into to some minor characters? the badlands etc etc) 
Wilbur (flashbacks of sbi home yes ik its not canon fuck u, the pet war, wilbur shows up at the end) 
L'Manburg (the story of this bitchass country) 
The War Of Independence (you know, the duel, the discs, etc etc) 
The Election (campaign trails, jschlatt (flashbacks of water/lava rising? maybe jschlatt big city schlatt & co backstory??? CONNOR??????) ends with the exile moment TM) 
Pogtopia (you know, also tensions rise back in Manburg, techno arrives, ends with 'I want to be your vassal') 
The Festival (the tensions, theyre rising, badlands dont pick sides, white house content please and thank you) 
Loyalties (quackity joins pogtopia, fundy and niki too, ends with eret being dethroned) 
The Finale (big battle, you know, death, then connor, puffy, and ranboo get introduced at the end maybe during quackity’s speech which everyone sleeps on and no im not bitter)
Season 2:
Rebuilding (literally rebuilding, tubbo president, PHIL SNEAKING AROUND and being sad cause uh he killed his son, ghostbur, schlatt’s funeral, tommy and ranboo steal from george at the end) 
Bloodvines (the egg uwu, dream being a bitch, but also tommy and tubbo exile you know the drill) 
Desolate (tommy in exile, fundy adoption arc, ghostbur my beloved) 
No Hope (more tommy in exile, ranboo my beloved, phil and techno wholesome moments TM, quackity fundy and tubbo prepare the butcher army)
The Prison (the prison is introduced, tommy still all alone, tubbo struggles with responsibility, more egg stuff) 
New Ally (techno gets got by the butcher army, tommy does his thing and runs away to techno, i imagine the two events happening at the same time, perhaps shown with cross-cutting the scenes (eg as the anvil falls, so does tommy?)) 
Breaking & Entering (techno and tommy cause chaos TM, dream is a bitch, more egg stuff) 
Betrayal (tommy and techno end of friendship sadface, RANBOO, sad ghostbur, perhaps introduce foolish and his relation to puffy here, ends with ranboo’s meltdown?) 
Destruction (kaboom yknow, explosion time, boom, more ranboo smile, ghostbur ressurection attempts yoooo glatt, more egg shit) 
The Discs (the discs!! ‘what am i without you’ ‘yourself’, ends on a hopefull note w/ ghost wilbur or whatever)
Thanks have a nice day
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joysmercer · 4 years
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7: A Timeline
Season 6 Finale: Wednesday, 5/8 to Wednesday, 5/15/2019
E1 (“MANHUNTER”): Thursday, 6/6/2019
E2 (“CAPTAIN KIM”): Friday, 6/7 to Monday, 6/10/2019
E3 (“PIMENTO”): Tuesday, 6/18 to Thursday, 6/20/2019 + Thursday, 6/27/2019
E4 (“THE JIMMY JAB GAMES II”): Friday, 6/21/2019
E5 (“DEBBIE”): Saturday, 6/22 to Sunday, 6/23/2019
E6 (“TRYING”): Monday, 6/24/19 to late January 2020  
E7 (“DING DONG”): Day 1 to Day 3, mid-March 2020
E8 (“THE TAKEBACK”):  Friday, 3/27 to Monday, 3/30/2020
E9 (“DILLMAN”): around 4/10/2020
E11 (“VALLOWEASTER”): Thursday, 10/31/2019 +  Friday, 2/14/2020 + Sunday, 4/12/2020 to Monday, 4/13/2020
E10 (“ADMIRAL PERALTA”): mid-May 2020 + around 6/17/2020 + Friday, 6/26 to Saturday, 6/27/2020
E12 (“RANSOM”): Day 1 to Day 3, mid-August 2020
E13 (“LIGHTS OUT”): Day 1, around 10/20/2020
explanations for the dates are under the cut!
Things to keep in mind:
The B/C-plots, for the most part, are not included in the calculation of the times here, because they rarely have the same number of days as the A-plot. 
I didn’t take weekends into consideration unless otherwise noted. There is a weekend squad, but we know that the regular detectives also sometimes work weekends (enough so that on more than one occasion, Holt has rewarded them with “weekends off”).
Time-stamps within the episode are used as guidelines, but not always as the rule, unless there is a specific number of days given.
7x01-early 7x06 all have to happen in June so that they can start The Amy Way in July. Please refer to 7x06 for the explanation for the dates on these episodes.
Season 6 Finale: 5/8-5/15/2019 
Has to start and end on a Wednesday; two or more weeks must pass until 7x02.
7x01:  6/6/2019
As per Amy's period in Trying, it has to be at the beginning of the month. 
Continuity: Since patrol cops spend “6 months on the same beat,” which Holt is still doing in December, assume that when Debbie says it’s his “first week on the job,” she means his current beat.
Continuity: her period technically is supposed to start somewhere between 6/2 and 6/7. Assume when she says it’s “late,” she means by just a few days. After all, for the July calendar to be accurate, it can’t be late by more than a week.
7x02: 6/7-6/10/2019
Day 1 – cold open // Day 2 – they meet Cpt. Kim // Day 3 – Party // Day 4 – last scene
Kim got an “email from two weeks ago” from Wunch. Cold-open is on 6/7, a Friday (because Rosa has the weekend off and, therefore, wouldn’t be there to meet Wunch on Day 2 of the episode). The timestamp on the last scene—Day 4—says that it's a Monday. 
7x03: 6/18-6/27/2019
Day 1, 6/18 - cold open
Day 2, 6/19 - visit Pimento’s doctor; Pimento spends the night at Charles’s
Day 3, 6/20 - HR seminar + Pimento in hospital
Day 10: “One Week Later” from Day 3.
Per the cold-open, Amy is ovulating during this episode. Also, Jimmy Jabs are on 6/21.
Continuity: The Masked Singer finale/premiere dates don’t make sense. But the contestant they mentioned didn’t even exist in season 1 of TMS, so it’s excusable.
Continuity: The last scene takes place during “Trying.” Roll with it.
7x04: 6/21/2019
14 days since Rosa last took a vacation—7x02—and a Friday because Amy skips a seminar that was probably wasn’t scheduled for a weekend.
Continuity: Rosa and Jocelyn had apparently been dating “a year” at this point. It was probably shorter than that.
Continuity: This episode most likely takes place before Trying: Jake mentions Amy being more, erm, adventurous now that they’re trying to conceive, and that doesn’t really fit in with the overly-scheduled sex UD-ing that was happening from July 2019 and onwards. Plus, the stress/potential injury that such a competition would bring definitely doesn’t fit in with The Amy Way.
7x05: 6/22-6/23/2019
Debbie steals the cocaine at end of 7x04; assume 7x05 is the day after. The final scene is the day after the rest of the episode.
Continuity: They mention Debbie’s journals from “this year,” and specify that they were written on “August 21.” Assume this means August 2018.
7x06: 6/24/19 - late January 2020  
On the calendars in the war room, “Menstruation” lasts about five days and starts around the 4th of every month; “Ovulation” starts around the 15th of every month and lasts about a week. Amy presumably took a pregnancy test at the very end of every month—not only were these scenes always followed by calendar flips, but she would have to take the tests at least two weeks after ovulation but before she got her period.
The calendar invites/The Jake Way happen in June—so Amy still has to be ovulating at the start of the episode—because they start The Amy Way in July. 
The Amy Way fails for the last time in December. The pregnancy test she takes before Hitchcock announces that his girlfriend is pregnant was late December (around 12/30). The next test she would take—the last scene in the episode—would be late January (around 1/30).
Assuming it isn’t a false positive (which is unlikely, considering her doctor would have double-checked this before putting her on fertility medication), the earliest she can get pregnant would be mid-February.
7x07: lasts about a week and ends mid-March 2020.
Has to be after 2/14 but before 4/12, based on Holt’s uniform changes in Valloweaster. 
It’s very likely that Amy’s just a few weeks pregnant here since she wasn’t suspicious at all until her doctor brought it up; if the hormones messed up her cycle a bit and she got pregnant mid to late-February, she was 3-4 weeks pregnant in this episode and wouldn’t have noticed until taking the test.
Continuity: I’m assuming that the “Ebola Doctor” was Craig Spencer. He contracted the virus in 2014, so “six years ago” makes sense.
7x08: 3/27-3/30/2020.
Since it’s Holt’s first day back, this episode is relatively soon after 7x07, but with a week or two in between to account for paperwork and official promotion procedures. 
Day 1: Friday (The bachelor’s party is over the weekend)
Day 2: Saturday (heist)
Judy’s friends were clearly arrested at nighttime, and that + the change of clothing indicates that Jake and the Judy’s had to have come home the next day.
Day 3: Sunday (Jake comes home)
Day 4: Monday (last scene)
Continuity: The screen on the computer that one of Judy’s men hacks into says “Last Login: March 27 2015.″ Since this episode obviously takes place in 2020, just ignore that.
7x09: ~4/10/2020
Earlier than June—Terry’s kids are still in school (Spring Semester). Also probably(?) a Friday, since Terry’s kids have a concert and it’s unlikely they’ll have one in the middle of the week.
The Friday before Easter (7x11) is April 10.
7x10: Mid-May 2020 (cold open), ~6/17/2020, 6/26/2020-6/27/2020
Cold-Open: pregnancy reveal and end of 1st trimester. 
Day 2: Jake tells his father that they’re having a sex-reveal party “Next Friday,” indicating two Fridays after this day. Therefore, this conversation happened around June 17, 2020 (The Wednesday that is approximately 18 weeks from mid-February).
Day 3: Friday, Day of the party (June 26)
Day 4: Amy finds out; day after Day 3 (June 27)
Continuity: The entirety of 7x11 takes place before this one.
7x11: 10/31/19, 2/14/20, and 4/12-4/13/2020
7x12: Day 1-Day 3, Mid-8/2020
Day 1: Cold Open
Day 2: find cheddar
Day 3: B- and C-plots end
Shakespeare in the Park is usually held in Prospect Park over the summer. Halfway between 7x10 and 7x13 is the end of August; I made it mid-August so it’s still technically “Summer.”
Continuity: Amy’s only 6 months pregnant in this episode and her baby shower is the weekend after. However, in season 5, Gina also had her baby shower at around 5/6 months, so this isn’t unusual for these characters. Plus, this is Amy we’re talking about—she probably had a registry ready to go within days of finding out about the pregnancy. 
7x13: Day 1, late-10/2020. 
The elevator expiry is listed as 12/20/2020 and it was inspected “4 months ago.” elevators in New York are inspected every 6 months, which means that the last inspection was 6/20/2020 and it is now (mid to late-)October. 
Later in the month (10/20/2020* or later) matches up with Amy getting pregnant in mid-February: her due-date would be mid-November, and it makes sense for her to start maternity leave about 3 weeks beforehand. 
Continuity: Amy going on leave so early explains why she didn’t have a maternity bag stashed somewhere in the precinct—we all know that she would have had one had she been working right up to her due date. Also, although Amy’s FOMOW would make her want to stay at the precinct right up until she gave birth, if her doctor recommended her to take rest earlier (which is likely, given how stressful/strenuous her job is…), she would have followed those orders properly.
Thank you to @feeisamarshmallow​ for talking through this with me!
* baby Mac could definitely be either a Libra or a Scorpio :)
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eponymous-rose · 6 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E25 (July 10, 2018)
First show in the new studio! Ashley wasn’t nervous until Sam started talking about how nervous he was. There’s a lot of nervousness. Now with Dani Cam!
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Tonight’s guests are Ashley Johnson and Sam Riegel!
Announcements: TM is headed to San Diego Comic Con again this year! On Tuesday, July 24 (the Tuesday after their Saturday panel), the panel will be broadcast in TM’s usual time slot. Wyrmwood giveaways are back starting this week, but will be hosted in the Critical Role Twitch chat moving forward. New shirt in the store (featuring Nott and Jester’s detective agency!).
@critrolestats​ for this episode:
Yasha is practically tied with Fjord for highest average damage dealt per episode (35.875 for Yasha, 36.040 for Fjord).
Nott maintains her lead for the most natural ones (23). Sam points out that he’s using the same dice as last campaign and suspects the proximity to the baby may have been a curse on his luck. Ashley: “I feel like he couldn’t possibly be a curse on anyone.” Sam: “No, he’s a demon child. Have you held up a mirror to the child to see if it has a reflection? That’s all I’m saying.”
It’s been 34 days since the Mighty Nein met in Trostenwald. Ashley points out that it’s starting to be a substantial number of days for everyone to have been spending all their time together.
Kiri was with the Mighty Nein for 11 days.
Nott’s new crossbow is a +1 hand crossbow. If Sam rolls a 20, it magically resets and fires another bolt immediately. If Sam rolls a 1, it tries to do that, fails, and shoots Nott instead. Because it’s a magical weapon, it will deal magic damage even if non-magical bolts are fired from it. Sam’s holding out for a cupholder.
“Beau is-- I think more of Beau and Yasha’s relationship, whatever that turns out to be, I like exploring that in the game.” Yasha “got a kick out of” Beau playing up her injuries and didn’t mind carrying her around. “She’ll help a girl out.”
The official name for Nott’s flask is The Flask of Perpetual Booze.
Heroism for the sake of being nice is definitely new from Nott’s perspective---she and Caleb have mainly just been fighting for survival until now. Money is not what drives Yasha, so getting into a fight is more motivating for her than any sort of reward. She was very affected by getting the couple out of prison, and especially by what followed with Kiri. “She’s trying to not let things affect her, but they do.” She’s averse to getting emotional, because then people are likely to see the cracks; it’s easier for her not to engage, but Kiri leaving affected her more than she was ready for. (Part of it was bleedthrough from Ashley and Marisha trying not to lose their composure during that scene.)
Nott was surprised that the Schusters accepted a good deed from her even knowing she was a goblin. “It maybe changed her impression of how ready or willing people are out there to accept a little gobby into their world.” Traveling with the Nein for so long and having their respect has “definitely expanded her opinion of the world and the people who live in it.” She’s never had that experience before. “So far, mainly people throw rocks at her.”
Gif of the Week: the many faces of Sam-as-Burt-Reynolds.
Sam’s eyes were watering and stinging all night because of the fake mustache. “By the end of the night, I was struggling to keep my eyes open.”
Brian: “I have good news. The fly that was buzzing around everywhere and bugging us is dead. It’s in my drink.”
It was a big relief to everyone that Kiri made it through her time with the Nein alive and okay, but it was still really sad to give her up. “As Sam Riegel, I’m really sad to see the character go, but in the game I kept looking for a way to find her a safe place.” They both feel pretty good about leaving her with the Schuster family. Sam points out that they know where she is, so they can come back and visit. Brian gives Matt well-deserved kudos for how lovable Kiri was right from her first appearance.
Because of Ashley’s schedule, she knew Matt had to plan something for Yasha’s disappearance, but he hinted to her that something would happen at the end of the night and that she’d know what to do. “He makes it feel organic and part of the story. I like that it’s the three of us going together on this journey.” She didn’t know beforehand what was going to happen (and still doesn’t know more than we do) so it was a very exciting scene to play out.
Sam and Ashley realize anyone could have volunteered for that last watch---they’re so impressed with how Matt set that up as their choice, even knowing he might’ve had to scramble to get the right combinations of players ready to go.
Sam points out that they’re left with no obvious leader, there’s a lot of underconfidence with Caleb and Nott and a lot of overconfidence with the other two (”all misplaced”). No healer, one person with substantial magic, no tank. The clues basically consist of a bit of blood on the ground. “I don’t know how we’re going to find these people, and even if we found them, if the baddies were powerful enough to apprehend all three of them, I don’t know if we’d be strong enough to rescue them.”
Fanart of the Week: a gorgeous scene of Beau training.
Both Scanlan and Nott have “a visceral hate of goblinkind for different reasons.” Scanlan would kill one on sight. “Nott might ask them a few questions first, and then kill them.” She hasn’t come into contact with any goblins from outside her clan. “Maybe she’d have an open mind if she met a really cool goblin.”
“Yasha’s relationship with the Stormlord is still fairly new, so I think her connection with him and figuring out how to connect with him-- she’s still figuring that out, but I also think he probably knew she could take care of herself. She’s still figuring out what she’s supposed to do to reach in and connect with him.” It’s tied in with her backstory. “There’s a lot that she doesn’t understand about it.”
On Nott losing her detective partner: “They’re bad cop/bad cop. Without one of them, they’re just bad cop! How would that work?” Beau might be her first attempt at a new detective duo.
Ashley’s okay with the speed at which Yasha’s backstory is being revealed---in that basically none of her backstory has been revealed. “I would love to have revealed more while I was home, but her backstory is very sensitive and it’s not something she would be comfortable talking about.”
At one point, Sam was writing a pilot pitch for a CW-type show about “sexy minotaurs and centaurs in a high school.”
Stealing the gun wasn’t about messing with Taliesin; Sam has specific plans for the gun. “Let’s just say that Nott has a fascination with things and enjoys shiny things, but also enjoys chemical things, and it’s an interesting item to her and she has ideas of what she could try with it. It also helps that it bothers Taliesin. I’m not going to lie.”
The Stormlord is more of a protector figure than a distant, abstract figure to Yasha. “He definitely saved her from something. Before the Stormlord, she didn’t serve any gods. That was a foreign thing to her. I don’t think she knows what servitude means, yet, but she’s getting there.”
Nott felt like a protector and a keeper of Kiri. “Innocent little kid who needs to be protected and is also adorable!” She’s also very pleased to see Caleb coming out of his shell.
Ashley has confidence in the remaining four members of the Nein. “I think they’re going to be fine.” Sam: “Let’s be frank, Ashley’s been carrying us as a show for some time now, and losing her might sink the ship.”
There’s some speculation about why Matt keeps putting manacles into the narrative. Sam: “They might have some sort of a payoff later? Otherwise, he’s just kinky.”
Matt has said that he’ll figure out a way to bring Ashley in on Skype even if she’s the only one of the three available, but she also just wants let the narrative unfold naturally. They’ll see how it goes moving forward.
Unexpected Matt Key!
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Talks Machina In The Dark:
Weirdest stuff found during the move? Sam found a bunch of rejected things he was going to paste to the side of his flask. “Some of them were clever. Some of them were not.” Brian: “Taliesin’s coffin that he sleeps in.” They all found a lot of dice lying around. Ashley’s Gil dice is still missing!
Sam does some squats. Brian: “Totally normal. It’s totally normal.”
Everyone’s really sad that Laura couldn’t be there for Jester’s goodbye with Kiri.
Yasha “100%” did not feel qualified to give Caleb advice. “Just anybody coming to her for advice about anything. Why are you asking me? What advice could I possibly give you?” Sam demands to know if she’s ever had a friend. “Yes, of course. She comes from a very rural area, and raised in a certain way that she was-- You gotta wait. It’ll make sense. There’s a lot of life that she hasn’t lived yet. She doesn’t have a lot of life experience.” She’s around Ashley’s age (or the equivalent for an aasimar).
Both Sam and Ashley think Kiri would be good as a rogue. Possibly a bard? Ashley: “Matt’ll come up with something great if we ever see her again.” Brian points out the potential for a kenku using mimicry for Vicious Mockery.
Votes go to Marisha’s Fjord voice over Taliesin’s Jester voice.
We delve into the disgusting depths of how gross Sam’s flask gets. “We need to get you a little brush.” “We do. I might get tetanus from this thing.”
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comicsxaminer · 5 years
Own Rick Grimes’ Final Season
When Season 9 Comes to Blu-ray™ and DVD on August 20
  An iconic pop-culture character says goodbye when Season 9 of “The Walking Dead” arrives on Blu-ray™ (plus Digital), DVD and Digital August 20 from Lionsgate. New showrunner Angela Kang takes the helm as Rick Grimes prepares to make his exit from one of the world’s most popular TV series. “The Walking Dead” Season 9 stars award winner Andrew Lincoln (Love Actually, Heartbreaker), Norman Reedus (The Boondock Saints, Triple 9), Lauren Cohan (All Eyez on Me, TV’s “Whiskey Cavalier,” Mile 22), Danai Gurira (Black Panther, All Eyez on Me), Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Watchmen, TV’s “The Good Wife” and “Grey’s Anatomy”), and Academy Award® nominee Samantha Morton (2003, Best Actress, In America).
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Last season brought the culmination of “All Out War,” which pitted Rick Grimes and his group of survivors against the Saviors and their leader, Negan. With Negan’s life in his hands, Rick had a character-defining choice in front of him, and he spared Negan to uphold the values his late son, Carl, championed – values that created conflict within his group. Now, with our survivors rebuilding civilization under Rick’s leadership a year and a half after the end of the war, it’s a time of relative peace among the communities. However, the world they knew is rapidly changing, nature is literally taking over, and, as time passes, the communities confront unexpected obstacles and danger. But nothing can prepare them for the formidable force they’re about to encounter, threatening the very idea of civilization our survivors have worked so hard to build.
  The home entertainment release of “The Walking Dead” Season 9 includes multiple making-of featurettes, including a look at the memorable deaths of the season, deleted scenes, and a bonus scene. “The Walking Dead” Season 9 Blu-ray and DVD will be available for the suggested retail price of $80.99 and $70.98, respectively.
Deleted Scenes
“Seasons Change” Featurette
“In Memoriam” Featurette
“The Whisperers: Behind the Mask” Featurette
“Rick Farewell” Featurette
“Time Jump” Featurette
Bonus Scene: Episode 908
“Inside Episode …” Featurettes per episode
“Making of …” Featurettes per episode
Website: https://www.lionsgate.com/shows/the-walking-dead/the-walking-dead-season-9
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheWalkingDeadAMC/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WalkingDead_AMC
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amcthewalkingdead/
Year of Production: 2018-2019
Title Copyright: The Walking Dead © 2019 AMC Film Holdings LLC. Artwork and Supplementary Materials are TM, ® and © 2019 AMC Network Entertainment LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Type: TV-on-DVD
Rating: TV-MA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Action
Closed-Captioned: N/A
Subtitles: Spanish, French, English SDH
Feature Run Time: 751 Minutes (16 episodes)
BD Format: 1080P High Definition 16×9 (1.78:1) Presentation
DVD Format: 16×9 (1.78:1) Presentation
BD Audio: English 7.1 Dolby TrueHD, French 2.0 Dolby Stereo, Spanish 2.0 Dolby Stereo
DVD Audio: English 5.1 Dolby Digital Audio, French 2.0 Dolby Stereo, Spanish Dolby Stereo
The first major new studio in decades, Lionsgate is a global content leader whose films, television series, digital products and linear and over-the-top platforms reach next generation audiences around the world. In addition to its filmed entertainment leadership, Lionsgate content drives a growing presence in interactive and location-based entertainment, video games, esports and other new entertainment technologies.  Lionsgate’s content initiatives are backed by a nearly 17,000-title film and television library and delivered through a global sales and distribution infrastructure.  The Lionsgate brand is synonymous with original, daring and ground-breaking content created with special emphasis on the evolving patterns and diverse composition of the Company’s worldwide consumer base.
The Walking Dead S9 arrives on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital 8/20 Own Rick Grimes’ Final Season When Season 9 Comes to Blu-ray™ and DVD on August 20…
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rachel-bloom · 6 years
Ahh yes you hate D*lena and S*uffy. I can see why you hate how the comet quote is used in this videos. Trust me, a part of my soul dies when I see it being used for my nOTP's too. But with all that in mind, Leyton are the best ship ever and ILY for shipping them :) Coming to your blog and seeing so much Leyton content makes me a happy camper. Totally random question, but what are your favorite episodes for Leyton? Pick one per season and why?
oh yess! d*lena and sp*ffy is the epitome of ugly trashy toxicness idk how people don’t hate them.  um i’m really bad at explaining lmao but for season 1 i’d say the motel episode cause i just love the angsty sexual tension and then they make out and almost fuck dfshiufh s2 is so bad i barely remember anything i’ gonna leave that one out, s3, it’s probably 3x22 cause i just love all the flashbacks and her just realizing that she still loves him and the acting i’m Love season 4..... probably the cookie fight episode and i don’t remember if it’s the same episode but when they meet in the hallway and he’s like i’ve been waiting for you and she’s like i think we waited long enough...... and The Smiles TM and the perfect music in the background and the epic picking up kiss! ugh my heart they’re too perfect, s5 is obvi 5x06 cause that angsty ass scene with throwing the comet books is just too fucking iconic, i always get chills like man hilarie and chad really outdid themselves with that one. for s6 i’d pick 6x24 but then i thought hmm 6x01/6x02 is actually so much better cause they’re so fluffy and happy and you know they.. just have it for themselves there’s no one to butt their asses in between they just like enjoy being alone with each other, i’m glad they didn’t get married in vegas right away though cause when i watched that for the first time i was like what?????????? already?????? pls no, and then we were in luck and it was the s6 finale :D
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lililove87 · 7 years
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The Mentalist - 1 scene per episode
Flame Red “When I catch Red Jhon, I’ll cut him open and watch him die slowly like he did with my wife and child and if you have a problem with that, we should  talk” (1x09)
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lililove87 · 7 years
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The Mentalist- 1 scene per episode
“You want to drive?” Red Brick and Ivy (ep 1x10)
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