#tired o clock
notebookpapers · 1 year
Hey, fellas! It’s time for
Ace✨Education✨Power Hour!✨
As an ace person myself, I forget that this is a concept that, for some people, can be hard to understand. So, in an effort to hopefully make it a little easier, here’s the best analogy I’ve found for it so far:
Asexuality is kind of like the inverse of what you feel for a one night stand.
I know how it sounds, I know, but bear with me here.
With a one night stand or a casual hookup, you don’t have to have romantic chemistry. You definitely CAN, but in some cases, even though you might be sexually attracted to each other and have great sexual chemistry, the romantic side isn’t really there. Sure, you’re sexually attracted to them, but you can’t really see yourself going on a date with them or building a life together.
Asexual attraction is kind of the opposite of that. If the sexual can exist without the romantic, then the romantic can also exist without the sexual.
And now, you might be asking yourself, “well, how is that bond any different from what you’d feel for a close friend?” And, to be fair, it can be similar.
You want your partner to be your friend, first and foremost, but there are things you’ll do with a romantic partner that’s different from what you’d do with a friend. For example, I wouldn’t daydream about taking my friends on a cute sunset walk on the beach while I hold their hands and kiss them under the moonlight. I don’t get that same flutter in my chest when I hold my friend’s hand.
Now, obviously, friends do hold hands sometimes. Hell, I’ve kissed my homies goodnight before, ain’t no shame in that. But it’s a different kind of intimacy. Does kissing your girlfriend feel the same as kissing your friend you’ve known since grade school? No. No, it doesn’t.
Asexuality is different for all people. Some feel small amounts of sexual attraction, some feel none at all. Some still have sex for their own reasons - to bond with their partner, to help them sleep, or to just have fun. But some people don’t have sex at all. It’s not the same as sex repulsion or abstinence - they’re just not interested. Many aces still feel romantic attraction, but some are aro-ace, and they don’t.
I hope my weird little tired-o-clock ramble helped somebody who’s struggling to understand. At the end of the day, though, if you don’t, that’s okay with me. I’m not expecting everyone to understand us. All I ask is that you respect us and those who have found comfort in the label of Asexuality. Our ace identities aren’t hurting anybody, and so all we ask is that you don’t hurt us, in return.
Hope my little 3 am word vomit helped somebody. That’s all from me for today, folks! :)
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wilcze-kudly · 9 months
Ok @i-put-the-ass-into-sass and @justlikedsstuff the floodgates are open.
Imagining all the Beifongs, not just Toph having extremely sensitive seismic sense.
Just i imagine it's a very strong experience, strong enough to literally replace a sense. I imagine that it can be incredibly overwhelming for people who use it alongside other senses, eg. not replacing a sense like in Toph's case. I also imagine that the younger you learn it, the bigger difficulty you have 'turning it off'.
I like to imagine it can cause migraines and overstimulation in frequent users. But being unable to use it can cause anxiety and distress, as losing any other sense would.
Lin and Su knowing when their mother is lying about coming back home before dinner.
Su listening to her mother and sister's heartbeats and wishing that they'd just speak what was on their hearts.
Lin hearing Tenzin's heart speading up when he would look at Pema and not her. Lin having difficulty walking and keeping herself balanced after losing her bending to Amon, feeling literally blinded. Trying to keep it together in front of Amon and the Equalists but having a panic attack the moment she's alone because she can't feel anything, she can't feel anything, she can't feel anything
Su being hesitant to teach Huan and the twins seismic sense, because she knows how difficult it is for children to handle. But of course, they're stubborn little things and they start learning by themselves.
Its a very rare ability, but it comes surprisingly easy to the Beifongs. Though the cost is thay children are made to deal with senses sharper than their little minds are meant for.
I always headcanon that Huan has a particularly well developed seismic sense, which is the reason he's so testy and emotional. He can feel almost everything around the house (think dolores from encanto lol) and he has difficulty processing the overwhelming amount of stimuli. He tries to express it through art and he wears thick soled shoes to block it all out.
The twins are quite the opposite. They lean into it, so much so that they refused to wear shoes when they were younger. They were also heavily affected by being suspended in a wooden cage after the family's capture. To this day they feel incredibly anxious if seperated from it for too long.
Thinking about Opal and Baatar Jr not getting the sheer magnitude of feeling everything around you like that and thinking that their siblings are just being dramatic.
Thinking about the Beifongs pulling up their feet or trying to touch the ground as little as possible when stressed or overwhelmed. Or walking barefoot if upset or unsure, to get that connection.
Thinking sbout sensing heartbeats. Hearing the moment something or someone dies for the first time. Is it an animal, a random baby bird killed by an alley cat, a beloved pet? Or is it a person?
Lin killing a criminal in the line of duty. It wasn't her fault, technically. She did everything right, she defended the civilians he was holding hostage. But she tried to block the bleeding, hearing his heatbeat get slower and slower, until it stopped completely. How empty her head must've seemed when she could no longer hear it. How visceral the guilt must've been.
Arguments must be difficult. You can feel when you hit a nerve, sense the other person's anger, tell when they go completely cold towards you.
You can never lie, not to your family. No little white lies that make day to day life easier. No secrets. All blunt honesty and beating hearts filling your ears.
You immediately know when you've said something wrong. When you've hurt someone's feelings. The guilt is instantaneous. The slight skip of someone's heartbeat is like a slap to the face.
You know when someone's lying to you. You know they're lying when they say they'll be back for dinner. You know they're lying when they tell you they'll hang out with you tomorrow. You know they're lying when they say that they love you.
Do you call them out?
Or do you keep the peace, grin and bear it?
Can you even lie to yourself, or will your own heart betray you to yourself?
You know when a sibling is crying down the hall, know that they will be witness to every intimate moment you have, as the you will be to them.
Like there's so much to do with seismic sense. I want it to be less of a gimmick and more of a deep psychological experience. Like it is in all its essence a sense. It's probably a big part of its users lives.
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footlongdingledong · 3 months
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mitamicah · 6 months
I guess I could only live so long on the high from the concerts before falling down a negative spiral again - I hate it
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blooming-cecilia · 2 years
sweetest dreams | venti x reader
venti wakes up in the middle of the night. he's still half awake, very much sleepy, and he doesn't know what woke him up. but as always, the first thing he does when he opens his eyes is to look at his windblume—only to find them already looking at him.
"huh...? windblume...? it's still dark out, why are you awake?"
they don't respond. in fact, it doesn't seem like they've heard him at all. they look dazed, in a trance, just looking at him. it's kind of creepy actually...but i'm not one to talk when i like to watch them sleep.
worried, venti lifts his upper body up to get a better look at them, squinting in the dark and gently placing a hand on their arm.
"my love? what's wrong, you okay...?nightmare...?"
they still don't use their words, but they do shake their head and scoot closer to him for a cuddle. his body moves to hold them close. their head on his chest, arms wrapping around them, his hands gently caressing their hair then leaning down for a kiss on the forehead as he always does.
he's still confused on what's gotten into his beloved at this hour, but it's nothing unusual. they're not a very talkative person, especially when they're all curled up in bed, so he does not push, and instead just lets himself relax at the warmth from their hug and their soft gentle breathing.
he's close to falling back to sleep when he feels them shift to look up at him again. curious, he looks back down and almost coos at the sight: his windblume is sleepy—droopy eyes peering up at him, the same fond look in their eyes that makes his heart flutter and their hand holding him by his waist, gently pulling him even closer to them.
"'love you..."
barely a whisper, but he hears it loud and clear. he hopes you too, hear his heart start to race as your words sink into him, his own fond look appearing on his face, and he quietly giggles, pulling you close and kissing your forehead again.
"oh windblume... is that it? is that what kept you awake? heh, so silly...but i love you too."
his hands go back to carding your hair, and you shift again to get comfy—finally resting now that your little mission is complete.
"go to sleep now, dearest. i'll make you breakfast when the sun rises in the morning. sweet dreams."
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benetnvsch · 2 years
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*burger king foot lettuce voice* that dog is looking awfully like my coworker- someone turned my coworker into a dog
(he gets good pats anyway-)
Does Kunikida even like dogs? for a show with the word dog in the title I feel like there's a fair amount of ppl who just hate dogs in it- anyway drew this during work so it's shit quality apologies KFJHK
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pebblezone · 1 year
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I don’t want a manga reprint I want him
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three-o-clock-things · 8 months
i don’t often actually label as lovequeer but it kinda sits in the back of my mind and shows up around this time of year because of the precedence on romantic love that’s pushed even harder around valentines
and this year it’s got me thinking about how i use the word love. i know that for a lot of people it’s a heavy word with a lot of meaning but i find that i just don’t always see it that way? and not just in the sense of ‘i use it for platonic love’ — i mean the word itself doesn’t mean as much to me as it seems to mean to others (and that’s probably at least partially the aromanticness speaking)
but it’s not like it means nothing to me. i still say it with intent and with meaning — i love my friends, i love my boyfriend, i loved my dog, yknow? that means something. it’s just not quite as heavy a word to me as it might be to others. that’s definitely in part due to not totally understanding romantic attraction, but that’s not all of it.
that’s where the lovequeer part plays in, i think, as well as the aro-ness. i can’t sort the people i love into neat little boxes of romantic and platonic feelings. there is so much overlap. there are friends i’m so close with and physically affectionate with that it’d look like we’re dating to someone who doesn’t know us. and there are also friends that i love so so dearly but am rarely that affectionate with.
the way i’m starting to see it is that instead of having the boxes labelled romantic and platonic that people are sorted into, everyone has their own little box made up of different things. and some of those boxes have similar materials, but they’re all unique in their own way. there are some that look similar from the outside, but when you get closer you see all the ways they’re different. because the way i love everyone is a little different. it’s so deeply situational and individualized that i can’t just label things platonic or romantic or even queerplatonic and be done with it.
anyways. it’s late. does this make any sense?
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theworstcreature · 9 months
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Idk what I was going for w/ the color scheme here but they both look pretty good
Thanks to @ah0yh0y for the request!!!!!!!
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I had to split it into two but now they’ll just be a
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melobin · 7 days
i just woke up it’s 11:46 am sorry for the rant hi LMFAO
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dockaspbrak · 1 month
Woke up at ass o clock to go buy veggies for my grandmother (i know im boring) and im soooo sore and its also disgusting to wake up at 6am it isnt right
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loverofallthingssmart · 2 months
hello beloved tumblrinas. i will be back and active SOON. SOON i prommy there have been many things to update.
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loudlyunladylike · 10 months
crying about a 5 minute presentation I need to do tomorrow
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allmyandroids · 3 months
the captain of the ship I wanted to go on, to go fishing on the first of july, called and said that there might be storm on that day. Soo, he asked if we wanted to go fishing tomorrow and ofc we said yes, im super exciteddd
which means waking up at 4 am to get a good place on the ship!
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bougonia · 3 months
I don't want to be up right now 😔
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This dog is going to kill me. He’s lucky he’s cute. I’m not lucky he’s so smart
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