#tintin and the picaros
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tintinology · 2 years ago
What is Tintin’s favourite music record?
In Tintin and the Picaros, Tintin tells the Captain to be quiet and insists on playing a record that "he simply adores" to drown out their conversation while he reveals that the villa they’re staying at is bugged:
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What record does he play? In the comic, it’s clearly Bianca Castafiore’s famous Jewel Song:
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But what of the adaptations based on the comics? Tintin and the Picaros only has four adaptations: three radio plays (in German, Danish and Swedish), and the 1991 Nelvana TV show.
The TV show is the most similar to the comics, in that it also uses a record of Bianca Castafiore singing to drown out the sound of their conversation.
The German radio play (1984-1987), has Tintin play a rock song:
In the Swedish one (1970s-1980s), he puts on a mambo record (had to add as video because the audio file didn't work, sorry!):
The Danish one (1972-1983), despite being hard to hear, has him put on Dancing Queen by ABBA:
It’s clear the TV show was concerned with being accurate (and maybe didn’t want to choose a song that would age poorly or that people wouldn’t associate with Tintin), while both the German and Danish radio plays went for something that was popular at the time. The Swedish one is probably the most realistic of them all, because they would probably be more likely to find local music among the records at the villa.
Are any of these actually songs that Tintin likes? One can assume that he’s just putting on whatever is at hand, but it is interesting to see what each adaptation thought would be a likely choice for him to find in the villa he and his friends are prisoners in.
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doubtspirit · 14 days ago
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Tintin and the Picaros (Tintin et les Picaros), 1976 Tintin returns to the country of San Theodoros, in a Latin-American tale of a coup d’état, complete with hostage-taking and guerrilla warfare. Hergé dreamed up a carnival troupe named the Jolly Follies (Joyeux Turlurons). Hergé’s archives include photos and articles about carnival processions, and the author was partially inspired by the famous group of revellers, the orange-throwing Gilles of Binche.
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tintinfarsi · 2 years ago
پگی آلکازار
پگی آلکازار همسر ژنرال آلکازار و دختر باسیل بازاروف، تاجر اسلحه است. آلکازار او را کبوتر می‌نامد. پگی جزو معدود شخصیت‌های زن در این مجموعه با شکل و شمایل متفاوت است. او سیگار می‌کشد، رویای زندگی در کاخ را در سر می‌پروراند و از این‌که شوهرش بدون اطلاع او کاری انجام دهد متنفر است! علی‌رغم شخصیت غیراجتماعی و تحمل ناپذیرش، پروفسور تورنسل جذب شخصیت او می‌شود. سرانجام، پس از به‌قدرت رسیدن همسرش در سن‌تئودوروس، او موفق شد در کاخ پایتخت زندگی کند
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loveydoveylex · 3 months ago
tintin I love you 🩵🩵🩵 Handsom 🩵🩵🩵 Handsom e boyfriend
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thenerdyolive · 5 months ago
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This post did make me think of all the times Tintin used his wits to outsmart the baddies! So..
• He checked for spy cams & mics in the picaros (which were indeed there).
• He knew his phone was being tapped in that bordurian hotel in the calculus affair.
• Of course when the tyres burst in the seven crystal balls, the first thing he thought like (everyone else did) was that it sounded like a shot.
His alertness saves him every time but yeah, this poor guy, though he's fearless, can never be ignorant of the fact that people are always after him.
The Nerdy Olive
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26labrd · 1 year ago
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oh my god. anchor patterned dressing gown
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dimdiamond · 2 years ago
Haddock watching over a kid or Ange:
Modern Family S4 EP18
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Thank you nonnie <3 sorry for being so late but here:
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Haddock is a natural confirmed.
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edorazzi · 2 years ago
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It's Tintin Day again! Have another Barbie meme. 💖
My favourite bit of character development is Haddock becoming allergic to drink after Calculus tests his new anti-alcohol pills (in Picaros). Time for a healthy glass of iced water and a long hangover! 🥂
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aboardthescheherazade · 9 months ago
The Tintin Timeline
So the Tintin canon continuity is, uh, a mess. It's a "floating timeline" specifically, which is a literary term for when serialized media takes place during the present of whenever it's being worked on. However, nobody seems to have taken a look at the exact timeline within the canon, and exactly how long the stories take place within Tintin's life. All of the following data is approximate, with most of it taken from the setting boxes (i.e. "Two days later") and by studying how many nights pass within each story.
A quick note: Certain spans of time in the book are designated with vague quantifiers, such as “several” or “a few”. However, 7 days is always designated with “a week”. I explain my estimation where necessary, but I usually see the former spans as being within 3-5 days. Again, these are all approximations and I am not claiming any sort of canon declaration; these are presented for entertainment purposes.
Land of the Soviets: 9 days
Congo: 22 days (Tintin spends at least 17 days in the Congo, while his journey there on the boat is said to take “several days”. Given the mode of transport and the distance, I have estimated it as being about 5 days.)
America: approx. 3 weeks (20-23 days)
Cigars: approx. 2 weeks (15-18 days)
Blue Lotus: approx. 4 weeks (25-30 days)
The Broken Ear: approx. 6 weeks (39-42 days)
Black Island: 7 days
Ottokar: approx. 2 weeks (14-15 days)
Crab: approx. 2 weeks (13-14 days)
Shooting Star: approx. 5 weeks (the main story elapses over 20 days; the last page has a scene “some weeks” later, which I interpreted as a fortnight)
Unicorn: approx. 10 days
Rackham: approx. 48 days (The main story seems to elapse over 45 days, and the last page seems to happen some days later)
Seven Crystal Balls: 9 days
Prisoners of the Sun: at least 41 (there are three unaccounted-for periods, when 1. Tintin’s group is climbing the mountains [“days go by” until “one morning”, which I interpreted as being at least 3 days], 2. when they trek through the jungle [”the days go by”, again 3 days], and 3. at the end of the book [”several days later”, interpreted as 6 days])
Black Gold: approx. 27 days (13 days + “some weeks” estimated as a fortnight. The ensuing album opens with Haddock and Tintin returning home, where they hear Calculus has been gone since three weeks before)
Destination Moon: approx. 144 days (This one has the larges jumps in time. The first 36 pages happen over 41 days, then “some months” pass, estimated at 3)
Explorers: 10 days
Calculus Affair: 11 days
Red Sea Sharks: 30 days
Tibet: 33 days
Castafiore Emerald: at least 21 days (there are 18 accounted-for days, and then a period indicated just with “The days go by”. Given how most time lapses in the book are spans of 3 days, this period was at least three days long as well)
Flight 714 to Sydney: 1 day + 7 days (main story; pages 60-62 take place about a week later)
Picaros: 15 days
Total: The events of the The Adventures of Tintin take place over approximately 613 days.
But is it a linear timeline? We have no word on how much time passes between each album, but we’ll add at least one week between each one - except for America/Cigars/Lotus, Destination/Explorers, Crystal/Prisoners, and Unicorn/Rackham - just to give each album’s settings enough time to transition into a new story. This gives us an additional 17 weeks (17 x 7 days). With all of this calculated together, the series happens over the course of approximately 2 years, 2 days...at least, according to a bored fan who likes to count (ง ื▿ ื)ว
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iukasylvie · 8 months ago
Liosta greannán Gaeilge
Asterix ag na Cluichí Oilimpeacha. Le Goscinny agus Uderzo, Dalen, 2019.
Asterix agus a Mhac. Le hAlbert Uderzo, Dalen, 2020.
Asterix agus an Corrán Óir. Le René Goscinny agus Albert Uderzo, Dalen, 2014.
Asterix agus an Fear Feasa. Le René Goscinny agus Albert Uderzo, Dalen, 2021.
Asterix agus an Mac Mioscaise. Le René Goscinny agus Albert Uderzo, Dalen, 2022.
Asterix agus an Pota Pinginí. Le René Goscinny agus Albert Uderzo, Dalen, 2023.
Asterix agus Cléópátra. Le Goscinny agus Uderzo, Dalen, 2018.
Asterix agus Coróin Labhrais Chaesair. Le Goscinny agus Uderzo, Dalen, 2020.
Asterix agus Creachadóirí Chríoch Lochlann. Le René Goscinny agus Albert Uderzo, Dalen, 2022.
Asterix agus Draoi na Bliana. Le René Goscinny agus Albert Uderzo, Dalen, 2021.
Asterix agus Troid na dTreabh. Le Goscinny agus Uderzo, Dalen, 2018.
Asterix ar Pháirc an Chatha. Le Goscinny agus Uderzo, Dalen, 2018.
Asterix Gliaire. Le René Goscinny agus Albert Uderzo, Dalen, 2015.
Asterix i gCoill na Cinsealachta. Le Goscinny agus Uderzo, Dalen, 2019.
Asterix i dTír na Sasanach. Le René Goscinny agus Albert Uderzo, Dalen, 2015.
Asterix na nGallach. Le René Goscinny agus Albert Uderzo, Dalen, 2014.
Asterix san Easpáinn. Le René Goscinny agus Albert Uderzo, Dalen, 2023.
Eachtraí Tintin: 7 Mallacht na Meallta Criostail. Le Hergé, Dalen, 2022.
Eachtraí Tintin: An tAonbheannach Mistéireach. Le Hergé, Dalen, 2020.
Eachtraí Tintin: Ciste Castafiore. Le Hergé, Dalen, 2019.
Eachtraí Tintin: An tOileán Dubh. Le Hergé, Dalen, 2017.
Eachtraí Tintin: An Piocardach i bPonc. Le Hergé, Dalen, 2023.
Eachtraí Tintin: Portán na nOrdóg Órga. Le Hergé, Dalen, 2015.
Eachtraí Tintin: An Réalta Reatha. Le Hergé, Dalen, 2021.
Eachtraí Tintin: Slat Ríoga Ottokar. Le Hergé, Dalen, 2019.
Eachtraí Tintin: Taisce Raga Rua. Le Hergé, Dalen, 2020.
Eachtraí Tintin: Teampall na Gréine. Le Hergé, Dalen, 2022.
Eachtraí Tintin: Tintin sa Tibéid. Le Hergé, Dalen, 2017.
Eachtraí Tintin: Tír an Óir Dhuibh. Le Hergé, Dalen, 2023.
Eachtraí Tintin: Todóga na bhFarónna. Le Hergé, Dalen, 2014.
Tintin agus na Picaros. Le Hergé, Dalen, 2021.
Greannáin eile le Dalen
Art Abú!: Dúrún Dhonnabháin. Le David De Thuin, Dalen, 2022.
Art Abú!: Scoil na nArrachtaí. Le David De Thuin, Dalen, 2022.
Art Abú! Spiorad na Coille. Le David De Thuin, Dalen, 2022.
Ortha an Tuama 1: De Bheoibh nó De Mhairbh. Le Jean Léturgie, Richard De Martino, agus Simon Léturgie, Dalen, 2023.
Ortha an Tuama 2: An Gorta ó Dhoras. Le Jean Léturgie, Richard De Martino, agus Simon Léturgie, Dalen, 2023.
Ortha an Tuama 3: An Tríú hUair Shona. Le Jean Léturgie, Richard De Martino, agus Simon Léturgie, Dalen, 2023.
An Triúr Triallach agus Foghlaithe Mhuir Chairib. Le Richard Everett, Thomas Platt, agus Julius Grützke, Dalen, 2022.
An Triúr Triallach: An Congó. Le Thorsten Kiecker, Andreas Pasda, agus Andreas Schulze, Dalen, 2022.
Na Trodaoirí 1: An Phrintíseacht. Le Jonathan Garnier agus Amélie Fléchais, Dalen, 2023.
Na Trodaoirí 2: An Bhrúid Dhubh. Le Jonathan Garnier agus Amélie Fléchais, Dalen, 2023.
Na Trodaoirí 3: Ar Aistear. Le Jonathan Garnier agus Amélie Fléchais, Dalen, 2023.
Na Trodaoirí 4: An Duibheagán. Le Jonathan Garnier agus Amélie Fléchais, Dalen, 2023.
Greannáin le Cló Mhaigh Eo
An Béal Bocht. Le Myles na gCopaleen agus John McCloskey, Cló Mhaigh Eo, 2012.
Deirdre agus Mic Uisnigh. Le Colmán Ó Raghallaigh, Barry Reynolds, agus Audrey O'Brien, Cló Mhaigh Eo, 2008.
Gráinne Mhaol. Le Gisela Pizatto agus Bruno Büll, Cló Mhaigh Eo, 2013.
An Sclábhaí. Le Colmán Ó Raghallaigh, Cló Mhaigh Eo, 2001.
An Táin. Le Colmán Ó Raghallaigh agus The Cartoon Saloon, Cló Mhaigh Eo, 2006.
An Teachtaire. Le Colmán Ó Raghallaigh agus Tomm Moore, Cló Mhaigh Eo, 2003.
An Tóraíocht. Le Colmán Ó Raghallaigh agus The Cartoon Saloon, Cló Mhaigh Eo, 2002.
Greannáin le Leabhar Breac
An Broc-Chú. Le Hervé Bourhis, Leabhar Breac, 2016.
An Broc-Chú 2: Ar Ais i mBun Gnóthaí. Le Hervé Bourhis, Leabhar Breac, 2017.
Cáitín Chaoch: Práinneach. Le Bruno Heitz, Leabhar Breac, 2020.
Cáitín Chaoch: Preab san Aer. Le Bruno Heitz, Leabhar Breac, 2020.
Cáitín Chaoch: Seal le Sorcas. Le Bruno Heitz, Leabhar Breac, 2020.
Corp an Duine Uasail. Le Pénélope Bagieu, Leabhar Breac, 2015.
Corto: An Buille Scoir. Le Hugo Pratt, Leabhar Breac, 2014.
Corto: In Ainm Dé Uilethrócairigh. Le Hugo Pratt, Leabhar Breac, 2014.
Corto: Na Liopard-Fhir ó Rufiji. Le Hugo Pratt, Leabhar Breac, 2014.
Corto: Port na Farraige Goirt. Le Hugo Pratt, Leabhar Breac, 2014.
Corto sa tSibéir. Le Hugo Pratt, Leabhar Breac, 2016.
Corto: An Teach Orga i Samarkand. Le Hugo Pratt, Leabhar Breac, 2014.
Corto: Tóraíocht Eile. Le Hugo Pratt, Leabhar Breac, 2014.
Cú 1: Cosantóir. Le Paul Bolger agus Barry Devlin, Leabhar Breac, 2017.
Cú 2: Coimirceoir. Le Paul Bolger agus Barry Devlin, Leabhar Breac, 2018.
Cú 3: Fuascailteoir. Le Paul Bolger agus Barry Devlin, Leabhar Breac, 2019.
An Leathanach Bán. Le Pénélope Bagieu, Leabhar Breac, 2017.
Greannáin le foilsitheoirí eile
Azzi idir dhá Stól. Le Sarah Garland, An Gúm, 2012.
Cúan Clúmhach agus Scéal an Damhna. Le Janet Slingerland agus Angel Mosquito, An Gúm, 2013.
Dog Man. Le Dav Pilkey, Futa Fata, 2023.
Dog Man Scaoilte Amach. Le Dav Pilkey, Futa Fata, 2023.
An Droch Shaol. Le Christine Kinealy agus John Walsh, Coiscéim, 2016.
Fuinneamh is Fáilte. Le hAngieska Biskup, An Gúm, 2013.
Heartstopper Leabhar 1. Le hAlice Oseman, Futa Fata, 2024.
Kostka. Le Przemyslaw Wysogląd, Foilseacháin Ábhair Spioradálta, 2018.
Micí s'Againne. Le Caoimhin Mac a’ Bhaird agus Christopher Ammentorp, Éabhlóid, 2018.
An Rós Fiáin. Le Nicola R. White, Katia Vecchio, Muireann Bergin, Emily McEwan, Kara Brauen, Jono Doiron, agus Maria Nguyen, Bradan Press, 2023.
Ruaille Buaille Imleabhar 1. Coimicí Gael, 2015.
Ruaille Buaille Imleabhar 2. Coimicí Gael, 2016.
Scott Pilgrim. Le Bryan Lee O'Malley, Gliadar, 2024.
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all-action-all-picture · 1 year ago
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Tintin's blue jumper/white shirt/brown trousers ensemble first appears at the end of The Secret of the Unicorn. He keeps the look in its sequel Red Rackham's Treasure and from then onward (although his trousers change from plus fours to flared in Tintin and the Picaros).
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oklotea · 1 year ago
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Tintin Character Requests! Pt. 1
The series where I draw Tintin characters in funky little outfits cuz they truly are funky little characters
In the first picture, we've got toxic yaoi, well, no, the first request was these two on their own but because I love them so much and their interactions in the 2011 movie I drew them together, and wow I am actually quite proud of how it ended up looking like!!!!! (Probably one of my favorite out of this batch of sketches)
Ty @mis3rabl3m3lody and @libraryidealist for the request!!!
Aaand behind curtain number 2, we've got certified best boy, Chang!!!! Where is he running off to? Idk. I would be embarrassed to admit how much time I spent figuring out how running looks like cuz I just suddenly forgot wtf running looks like
Ty @myfunnyvalentine !!! For the request!! You seemed quite enthusiastic
Next up, we've got AHHHHH MY SILLY MY GOOFY MY FAVORITE MANIC PIXIE DREAM GIRL!!!! PROFESSOR CALCULUS!!!! I drew him in polite little vest and turtleneck combo and some patterned pants, politely waving at you! I was watching a few episodes recently and AGEHHDHDHH I FORGOT JUST HOW ENTERTAINING AND AMAZING AND ICONIC THIS MAN IS he's so silly he's a genius he has no idea what's going on most of the time <3333 we need him in the hypothetical 2011 sequel (it's coming guys trust me)
Ty @unlikelyintelligent and @akasanata for the request!!
TADAAA!!!! IT'S GENERAL ALCAZAR!!! ok. As you know I've only recently started coming back to Tintin, and I'm ngl I forgot who general alcazar was. Then I watched Tintin and the picaros and pretty quickly I remembered. THIS GUY WAS SO COOL. my dumb kid brain didn't entirely grasp what was going on in that episode, BUT NOW I DO KNOW. AND WOW THIS EPISODE WAS WILD. every Tintin episode is on a spectrum of insane but this one tips closer to the more unhinged end. GENERAL ALCAZAR IS SO BADASS, HES LEADING A REVOLUTION, HE'S A MALE WIFE, HE IS A PRESIDENT NOW??? I miss the guy. ALSO I LOVE HIS DESIGN.
(Also if your wondering if every Tintin post I make I'll include a tangent of just gushing about how much I love some aspect of Tintin you better get used to it cuz I love rambling about how much I love Tintin)
Ty @tintinology for the request!!! AARRRGHRHRHHH GENERAL ALCAZAR!!!!!!
here's a couple characters ik little about, ik they were the original antagonists of the secret of the unicorn but that's about it! It's the bird brothers!!!! They're in some fancy suits, judging everyone they pass, their probably grumbling about something. From their appearance they look like their never happy sjhfjdjf
Ty @jimmyandthegiraffes for the request! :D
And last but definitely not least, IT'S JOLYON WAGG!!!!! if only the editing was better so you could bask in his graceful and obnoxious glory. I really like his voice! I really like his wardrobe! And he is some sort of anomaly to me, hes just popping up in the most random times, and most of the time it's to be an annoying little bitch (endearing), he has a medal of honor btw! If I ever met him, I would at first be very charmed, but then realize this is an entirely one sided conversation that'll go on for hours and hours that I won't be leaving anytime soon, and when I eventually get home I'll be completely exhausted by how much social energy I was using up just trying to keep up and look like I was really really invested in whatever this man was rambling about
But anyway he's silly and whimsical so I still really like him
Aaannnddd that's it folks! I'll eventually work on the other requests I have!!!! Have a good evening!!!!!
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jimmyandthegiraffes · 2 years ago
i finally started my tintin stats project, where i go thru each book from soviets to picaros and tally up certain things with the occasional note. im mostly doing it for fanfic, cosplay and headcanon reasons, and was just going to do it and then post my findings book by book but then i thought well. it's kind of a resource, and people might have specific things they want to know.
so far my categories are:
vehicles - what vehicles he travels in, which ones he drives, any crashes
health - when he sleeps, if he snores, if he dreams, if he has nightmares; any injuries and what kinds; any time he loses consciousness and the cause; when he eats and what he eats, what he enjoys eating and what he doesn't; any time he gets drunk
any time he is violent to another person
physical activity - any time he swims, climbs a tree, rides a horse
the law - any time he is arrested (including attempted arrests), imprisoned, sentenced to death, or joins an army
emotions - when he cries and about what; when he laughs and about what; when he gets angry, at whom and why; when he is visibly afraid and of what; when he prays; when he sings or dances
le petit vingtieme - any time he actually writes an article lol
QUIFF DOWN!!! - any time his quiff is down lol. this is kind of a joke one bc this only happens generally if he's soaking wet but also i think its funny any time it happens so its getting tallied
at a later point i'm also going to chart the passage of time across each adventure so i can have a rought idea of how long each story lasts. in a similar vein, i'm also going to chart what clothes he wears and whether he still owns them at the end of the album (sounds weird lol but he goes thru SO many different outfits in soviets just bc people keep blowing him up and wrecking his clothes lmao. and at the end of congo he returns to belgium with only a rifle and the clothes he's wearing). i might later add things like, any time certain characters appear, but im still early on and he doesnt know anyone yet lol
essentially, i just finished doing this for congo, so before i get any further are there any other things people would like to see tallied/noted? i am doing this so u dont have to (:
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personnage-neutre · 2 years ago
In 2015, an international group of doctors catalogued Tintin's recorded health problems (from Soviets through Picaros) in a more thorough and less tongue-in-cheek study than Cyr et al. (2004) and published it under the title "Tintin’s travel traumas: Health issues affecting the intrepid globetrotter."
I cite from the abstract:
"We found 236 events leading to 244 HIs, 13 kidnappings, six hospitalisations and two surgical procedures. There was a median of eight HIs/adventure (range 1-30/adventure). The mean number of HIs per adventure was much greater before 1945 than subsequently (14.9 v 6.1; p 0.002), which was also true of the number of kidnappings (11 v 2; p 0.001). Of the 244 HIs, there were 191 cases of trauma (78.3%) and 53 non-traumatic problems (21.7%). The most common form of trauma was concussion (62%), whereas the most common forms of non-traumatic problems were sleep problems (15.1%), depression/anxiety (13%), and gas or chloroform poisoning (13%). Overall, we found 46 losses of consciousness (LoC), including 29 traumatic and 17 non-traumatic LoCs. Of the 236 events, there were 69 (29%) perpetrated by others against Tintin (including 55 homicide attempts), and 167 (71%) events that were not (including 69 events related to Tintin's actions)."
And as for head injuries: "Overall there were 118 cases of concussion (112 concussion alone, and six associated with polytrauma) accounting for 48.4% of all HI." Concussion grade was determined according to "an “Hergé” grading system" based on "clinically evident post-traumatic signs (symbols surrounding Tintin‟s head after trauma): stars (grade I), whirls or candles (grade II), and LoCs (grades III and IV according to duration)."
The tables showing the detailed results are reproduced below.
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Eric Caumes, Loïc Epelboin, France Leturcq, Phyllis Kozarsky, Peter Clarke. Tintin’s travel traumas: Health issues affecting the intrepid globetrotter. La Presse Médicale, 2015, 44 (6, Part 1), pp.e203-e210. 10.1016/j.lpm.2015.01.006. hal-01153737
All emphasis mine.
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loveydoveylex · 5 months ago
hi rebecca! thank you for the ask! :-)
send me a 👀 and i’ll answer with a pic of my f/o and gush about it
since I'm rewatching the tintin and the picaros episodes right now...
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THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THIS FRAME THAT I JUST ADORE AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS. BUT GOD, HE LOOKS SO CUTE. the short sleeves, his shirt collar being pulled down ever so slightly, his shirt being tucked into his belt - and speaking of which, him wearing a BELT... OUGH. I'm so gay for this man. ❤️
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thenerdyolive · 6 months ago
Tintin ask game: 5 for captain haddock <3
Sure thing!
5. A trait of Captain Haddock I wish was absent?
Come on! He's a great friend, a father like figure, a great sailor. He's brave, caring, protective towards his friends. Well.. if only he didn't drink as much as he does.
(After the Picaros he did stop drinking though)
I'm really worried about your liver, Captain. Just like tintin & professor calculus are!
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