#timer soulmate angst! my favorite
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quadrantadvisor · 6 months ago
DPxDC Danny/Jason Soulmates AU WIP
Jason's timer read 044389:21:08, when the display suddenly went dark. 44,389 hours. Five years, 24 days, 13 hours, 21 minutes, and 8 seconds until he was fated to meet his soulmate.
Or not. Because the time stopped.
It wasn’t supposed to happen. He did his research, and with the resources at his disposal (namely, a batcomputer,) he knew for a fact that there should be no way to defy the fate of a timer. People had tried. Avoidance, isolation, putting a hit out on your own suspected soulmate. Nothing worked. Trying to delay the inevitable put you on the path to meet it. Sure, there were people who lamented the unfairness of their own situation, who were devastated they never got time with their soulmate, famous deaths on opposite sides of a battle, etc. But soulmates always, always met eachother, face to face.
Not him, though. His soulmate was dead. Five years early.
Bruce didn’t get it. Dick wouldn’t talk about it. Alfred only looked at him with pity in his eyes.
Jason wasn’t sad that he was the only person on the planet who’d never meet his soulmate. He was fucking angry, because it wasn’t fucking fair. It was another person in his life who was supposed to care about him that he’d never get to have.
So when he found out he had a mom, somewhere out there, who he’d never had the chance to meet… he had to go. How could he not?
It was Sam who noticed, when it happened. Danny had just finished a stupid fight with Boxy, and he, Sam, and Tucker were finally ready to call it a night. Danny de-transformed and grinned, shaking the thermos proudly. “Gonna get these guys back into the Ghost Zone,” he said, when suddenly-
“Danny!” Sam yelped, and snatched at his arm.
Danny stumbled, nearly dropping his precious cargo. “Whoa, Sam, what-?’ he stopped, looking as she turned over his arm, baring his wrist.
His timer was dark, like people who’s soulmates were dead. The numbers still showed, faintly, but they were stationary. The countdown had stopped.
Ice spread through Danny’s veins, like the cold that rushed through him when he went ghost, but worse, so much worse.
Danny’s ghost form didn’t have a timer, which honestly freaked him out, but as a human it had always behaved completely normally. When he turned back, it would be there, the time having elapsed just the way it was supposed to. It had been so reassuring. He was alive. He’d make it at least five more years, and be able to meet his soulmate, who would hopefully be able to accept him the way he was. He wanted that so badly. He wanted someone beyond his friends to talk to, to know him as a person and a ghost. He wanted to not be afraid anymore.
He’d just passed the five year mark, not that long ago. He’d been so excited to be that much closer to someone so important.
And now something was horribly wrong.
“Dude, that’s jacked up,” Tucker said, noticing the problem with wide eyes.
“Did anything happen today?” Sam asked, her expression hardened with determination. “Did you notice anything weird while you were transformed?”
Danny shook his head. “No, no it- it was running while we were at school, and we’ve been fighting ghosts since then. I don’t know when it would’ve…” Danny could barely make himself speak. “Is it my fault?” he said, almost to himself. “Did I spend too much time as a ghost and it just-”
Sam gripped at his hand. “No, Danny, it isn’t your fault. Whatever the problem is, we’re going to figure it out, okay?”
“Yeah man,” Tucker added, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, maybe your parents can actually help this time? Weird magic science is kinda their thing, right?”
Sam looked less sure, but nodded all the same. “You’re going to meet your soulmate. Okay?”
“Okay,” Danny said, quiet, looking down at the stopped numbers on his wrist.
Edit: Added a readmore
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berryhobii · 1 year ago
Clouds (jhs x reader)
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x black!female!reader
Word Count: 6K+
Warnings: heavy angst, metaphors and illusions of depression, mentions of autism/depression/sociopathic disorders, mentions of the mistreatment of black women in medical situations(bc this very much still happens), overbearing mothers(but she comes from a good place I swear), feelings of being incomplete, feelings of inadequacy, a very bad date, mentions of fetishizing black women, Hoseok being a ray of sunshine, CRYING, mentions of codependency(bc it’s a soulmate au), one kiss but it’s very sweet, lots of rain and sun metaphors
A/N: Hi hi! I’m back with this sobfest of a fic 🥹 I swear I did not mean to make this this sad, it just kind of happened. I rewrote it a bunch of times and finally flowed on his particular idea. I love soulmate au’s, especially the cute ones with a countdown timer but I wanted to try something different. Something not as overt while still keeping the spirit of a soulmate au which is finding your other half. This is also a shoutout to all of the black people who suffer from depression. I know us being depressed isn’t taken as seriously especially to our families. Mental health isn’t taken seriously in black communities altogether and I really hope that will change. I see so many of us breaking generational curses; with our children, our friends, our relationships, and ourselves. I love seeing it. If you’re non black and read this, I hope it gives you some insight as well. To my black and melanated readers, I hope my stories can give you some comfort outside of just BTS. I hope you feel represented, I hope you feel important, and I hope you feel loved. Because you are all of those things🩵🩵much love. Stay safe. Criticism is always appreciated.
Dull. Stagnant. Lifeless.
That’s how you’d describe your world.
Each minute passed slower than the last, the monotony of your days only broken up by the arrival of the night. You didn’t even dream. Sleep was purely a necessity for you; you couldn’t escape to the vividness of a dream because color didn’t exist in your world.
You’ve accepted it. Accepted that you’d simply exist, drifting as another human among the billions of others. There was nothing special about you nor did you have any qualities people desired to interact with you for.
Mundane. Indifferent. Uniform.
That was you. Plain ol’ you.
“Are you okay, baby?” The voice of your mother called from the doorway of your childhood bedroom.
Rain pattered against the window, your gaze following whatever drop you found most interesting. You’d follow it until it disappeared or until it merged with other drops, the combined weight causing it to cascade faster down the glass.
You wished you could be a raindrop. Falling from the sky to nurture the earth then returning upward to form clouds. Then at least, you’d be useful. You could help plants grow, overfill the streaming rivers, bring relief to dry deserts.
Raindrops were so important.
You tore your eyes away from the window, looking at your mother. “I’m fine, mama.”
You could say that but she knew it wasn’t true. She also knew that asking you too many questions only resulted in her own emotional breakdown.
Why was her baby like this? What was wrong with you? Why did you look at her like she was just a stranger?
Swallowing back her tears, she managed a tiny smile. “The food is ready. It’s baked chicken, your favorite.”
Was that your favorite meal? You didn’t even know. Food didn’t matter much to you. It just kept you alive.
“Okay. I’ll be down in a second.” You said before turning back to the window, only to find the rain had let up. A light drizzle.
Your mother didn’t say anything, just backed out of the room, a single tear rolling down her face.
When you were born, the doctor’s considered you kind of a strange child. Not only was your mother’s entire labor pain free but you didn’t cry coming from the womb. You were breathing and all of your senses were completely fine.
You just wouldn’t cry.
You didn’t cry when you were hungry or wet, not even when you fell and hurt yourself. You felt pain but you didn’t cry.
Lots of people chalked it up to you just being a well behaved and calm kid. That should have been a blessing to your parents, right? A kid who didn’t cry or throw tantrums to do regular stuff kids did. Your parents should be so lucky.
But your mother knew something was wrong. That perpetual blank stare you always had, how you never smiled or found any real interest in toys or television, how you kind of just drifted around. You reminded her of a still flower on a rippling pond; so beautiful but unaffected by things around you.
She consulted many doctors on possible reasons for your seeming lack of emotions.
Were you chronically depressed? Did you have a sociopathic disorder? Were you autistic?
Maybe. Perhaps. A possibility.
Nothing was set in stone.
It even hit a point where your parents just completely lost hope. They still loved you the same. They’d just have to accept that you were the way you were.
But then your mother took you to see one final doctor who cleared up every suspicion anyone ever had.
Less than 0.0001 percent of the population were comprised of these special people. However, there was so little information on this phenomena that affected such a minuscule portion of the population. Did a such thing even exist?
Your father was skeptical. He thought you just had some sort of mental problem and that the doctors were misdiagnosing you. He worked in the medical field and he knew black women were more likely to be mistreated. He believed they just didn’t care.
But your mother believed. What else could she do? She was holding on to the little ray of hope that you could get better.
Soulmates were opposites of one another in a multitude of ways. Sometimes it could be something as simple as height or biological sex, other times it could be complex like gender or religious affiliation.
And in serious cases like yours, it could be something as deep as the very fibers of your being.
You were incomplete without your soulmate. Only they could shine the light and illuminate the darkness that surrounded you.
The only problem is there was really no identifying factors that could help find your soulmate. No marks, no red string, nothing.
And with so many people all over the world, the chance of you finding them was almost nonexistent.
But your mother wouldn’t give up. She’d fix you.
“He’s a very nice boy. His mother says he’s upbeat and friendly too. He might be the one.” Your mother gushed as she removed another flexi-rod from your hair, her oiled fingers working carefully to unravel each one.
You didn’t say anything, staring ahead into the mirror in front of you. You had become used to seeing your made up face; foundation, concealer, highlight and whatever color eyeshadow matched the outfit she chose for you. You didn’t really care but your mother insisted you wear some to impress your date.
That’s why she was doing all of these preparations; to send you on yet another date in hopes of finding your soulmate.
Now that your mother knew the cause of your “ailment”, she was working overtime to find whoever they were. So far, you’ve met 41 people, male and female, multiple ethnicities, and all from different backgrounds. The only thing that tied them together was that each other them were happy and bright people. Each of them were social and loved by many. That had to be who your soulmate was, right?
All of these people and meetings and you’ve yet to find your other half. Your mother had been expanding her social circle in search of the person who would “heal” you; children of close friends, children of friends of close friends, even random people she’d overhear talking about their own children. She was on a mission and nothing would stand in her way.
Your mother completed the final touches on your hair, her smile wide.
“Look at how beautiful you are.”
She told you that often, ever since you were a little girl. Words of affirmation recited to you in an attempt to build your self confidence.
You guessed it must be true since she said it everyday.
You didn’t say anything again, her smile faltering just a tad but quickly widening again. She retrieved a simple necklace off the vanity, clasping it around your neck.
“There. Perfect.”
Suddenly, the doorbell rang and your mother sprang into action.
“He’s here! Come come.” She beckoned you with a frantic hand.
You stood from the chair, following her out of the room and to the living room. She handed you your purse and draped a shawl over your shoulders.
“Okay, you’re ready. Remember your manners and smile, okay?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
She pulled you into a hug, squeezing you tightly as she always did. Affection wasn’t really something you minded nor did you reciprocate it. Your parents hugged you all the time but you never really felt anything. You understood it was how people showed affection and love, the internet told you that.
You just didn’t get it. You didn’t feel it.
But you hugged her back anyway.
You stood there in her embrace for 23 seconds longer before she released you. Her hand came up to cup your cheek, her thumb running across the apple of it.
Her smile was gentle but it didn’t reach her eyes, that glossy sheen always misting her eyes. Your mother cried a lot but never in front of you. You could sometimes hear her or find her wiping away tears if you’d enter the room, that smile always pulling at her lips acting as if nothing was wrong.
It confused you. It was obvious she was cried so why did she hide it?
Oh well.
“Have fun, okay?”
Opening the door, you found date number 42 standing there. He was dressed sharply in a crisp suit, hair gelled back out of his face, a bouquet of flowers in his hands.
His mouth dropped when he saw you, eyes traveling from your feet to the top of your head.
“Wow.” He breathed out. “You look stunning.”
Remembering your manners, you answered, “Thank you.”
Clearing his throat, he held out the flowers to you. “These are for you.”
You took the bouquet from him then you remembered something your mother drilled into you.
“Always smile when someone gives you flowers. It means you appreciate them.”
Wasn’t saying thank you the appreciation?
Still, you put a smile on your face. A practiced smile that you’d rehearse in the mirror under your mother’s watch.
“They are lovely. Thank you.” You tried to add some inflection to your voice to sound grateful but it just came out robotic.
If number 42 noticed, he didn’t say anything, simply taking your thank you for what it was.
Holding out his arm, he asked, “ready to go? Our reservation is soon.”
Nodding, you placed your hand on his arm and let him escort you out of the door and down to his car. He opened the door for you, helping you inside and even making sure you put on your seatbelt before closing your door. He rounded to the driver’s seat and got in, buckling himself in and starting the car before pulling off.
“I hope you like seafood. The restaurant we’re going to has the best seafood pasta.”
You didn’t dislike it. Food was food to you. It was simply sustenance.
You stared out of the window as he began rambling about his favorite restaurants. You blankly watched the scenery pass, not really taking note of anything. Just watching.
Then you saw a raindrop hit your window, followed by a few more.
You heard your date make a noise of concern. “I didn’t think it would rain. Hopefully it’s only a drizzle. I hate when it rains. Don’t you?”
He glanced over at you, a little chuckle coming from him. “Ah you’re one of the ones who like rain, huh? Why? It’s cold and wet and makes you sick.”
You continued to watch the drops patter against the window.
Yes rain was cold. It passes through a thin layer of cold air before falling to the earth. Yes rain was wet. It was water.
But rain was also….
“Rain is important.”
He snorted. “I guess so. It’s just inconvenient in cities.”
Inconvenient, huh?
You didn’t say anything in response to him, silence engulfing the inside of the car.
He coughed to break the air before reaching for the radio. A low pop song began playing through the speakers, not doing anything to alleviate the awkwardness but doing everything to prevent any more conversation.
Thankfully(for him), you arrived at the restaurant just minutes after. The rain was still at a very light drizzle which was good since he didn’t bring an umbrella.
He opened your door, holding out his arm to help you out.
The restaurant was nice on the inside. It reminded you a lot of the places your parents would take you for birthdays or graduations.
Clean. Fancy. Stuffy.
You both approached the hostess that sat behind a podium. She greeted you both with a bright smile.
“Welcome to Rêverie. Do you have a reservation?”
“I do. Two under Lee Jihyun.”
Oh yeah. That was his name.
She scrolled through her tablet. “Ah yes. Right this way.”
She led you through tables filled with other patrons. For a Thursday night, this place certainly was busy.
Jihyun pulled out your chair and you thanked him before sitting down.
“Your waiter will be with you shortly.” The hostess said, bowing and then walking away.
After removing his suit jacket and draping it over the back of his chair, he turned to face you.
“So, y/n. Tell me about yourself.”
That was an open statement. You didn’t know what to say.
So you questioned, “what do you want to know?”
He tapped his chin in faux thought, a little inquiring smirk on his face.
“Hmm….what’s your favorite food?”
“I don’t have one.”
His smile dropped a little but he remained positive. Letting out an awkward chuckle, he ran a hand through his hair.
“Okay. What’s your favorite color?”
“I don’t have one.”
You saw the little twitch in his brow. Your father did that sometimes when he was really focused on his work. He told you it was because he was annoyed or frustrated with something.
Was Jihyun annoyed or frustrated with you?
“Then where are you from?”
He exhaled some air through his nose, tilting his head a little. This was getting nowhere.
At that moment, a waiter came to your table with 2 glasses of water and some menus.
“Hello there. I’ll be your waiter today. Can I start you off some drinks?”
Jihyun seemed to perk up at the arrival of the waiter, his smile returning full force.
“Yes we are. I’ll take a glass of your finest red wine.” Then he looked to you. “And for you? A glass of wine?”
You didn’t drink alcohol. Mainly because you just didn’t like it.
“No. I’ll keep my water. Thank you.”
The waiter nodded. “I’ll be right back with those and to take your order.”
Now you two were left alone again. Great.
A silence just as thick and uncomfortable as the one in the car encompassed your table.
Jihyun drummed his fingers on the table, thoughts racing as he tried to think of a conversation topic to get you talking. Then it hit him.
“Your mom set this date up, right? My mom’s been hounding me about settling down. What about you?” He curiously inquired.
He didn’t know? Hmm.
“She’s searching for my soulmate. She said that I’ll be happy if I find them.”
That seemed to spark his interest. “Soulmate?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
He tapped his finger again. “So…..how exactly does that work?”
You barely knew fully. The doctor who diagnosed you could only explain so much since soulmates still aren’t very common or explicitly studied.
“I can’t express or feel most emotions, specifically ones of joy or sadness. Whoever my soulmate is is the opposite of me. That’s why my mother set you and I up.”
He let that information soak in. His mother didn’t say anything about this. All she told him was that a friend of hers had a gorgeous daughter. And if he was being honest, he was pretty curious about dating a black woman.
You certainly were beautiful and your poofy hair was interesting looking.
Your personality though? It left a lot to be desired. He was expecting you to be a little sweeter, more responsive to him. You didn’t even react at seeing his super expensive car nor did you say anything about the restaurant. He was putting a lot of money into this date so he was expecting more.
At least you were pretty.
Now as for this soulmate business. It didn’t make a lot of sense to him. Of course he’s heard about soulmates but he thought it was a load of crap.
Then again, you were strange. You were expressionless and lackluster. Your monotone answers showed your lack of interest and you’ve only smiled once since he met you.
Maybe you did have a soulmate. No one could be this boring without reason.
Well, your personality didn’t really matter. You weren’t ugly, that’s all he was concerned about.
He snorted, waving a hand around. “You don’t have to worry about that. You have me now. I’m all you need.” He reached a hand over to cup your chin. “As long as you listen to me and stay pretty, it’ll be fine.”
Listen? Stay pretty? You already did that.
Your objective wasn’t either of those things. It was to find your soulmate; the person who was your other half.
The person who would help you.
“You’re not my soulmate. What could you offer me?”
His eyebrow twitched again, a forced laugh falling from his lips. He released your chin and leaned back in his chair.
“Ha! What do I have to offer? I have plenty.” He bragged with a huff and a flare of his nostrils.
But what? What could he offer you? Your mother said that only your soulmate could give you what you really needed. This man obviously wasn’t it so what could he give you? Why were you even still here?
“Never leave a date early. It’s rude.”
What was the point? Wasn’t the goal of this date to figure out if he was your soulmate? He wasn’t so why couldn’t you leave? All the lessons from those etiquette classes your mother instructed you to sit through danced around your head.
“You aren’t my soulmate. There’s nothing you could give me.”
That really seemed to piss him off because he was suddenly slamming his hands down on the table. The force caused your water to shake, the liquid rippling in the glass.
“How dare you?! I take you on this fancy date and try to be nice to you and you insult me like this? You should feel grateful I even entertained the thought of meeting you.” He ranted spitefully, his entire face blazing red and veins popping out of his forehead.
Grateful? You should feel grateful? How did you do that?
Other patrons were startled by your date’s sudden outburst, whispers and mutters sounding around the restaurant.
That’s when the hostess appeared at your table.
“Sir, please calm down or I’ll have to ask you to leave.” She attempted to soothe him, holding up her hands as if calming a wild horse.
But your date wasn’t hearing any of it. His anger was too much to contain right now.
He pointed at you. “I only went on a date with you because my mom said you were pretty but she didn’t tell me you were so disrespectful. She also said your mother was desperate to marry you off and that she’s been trying to push you on any person she could.” He bellowed with a hearty and mocking laugh. “Just how many people have you been with already?”
“41. You’re number 42.” You answered simply and that took his irritation from a 100 to a 101.
Letting out a growl of frustration, he stood from the table, grabbing his jacket and practically snatching it on his body.
“You know what? I don’t need this! I have plenty of women lined up for me. I thought dating a black girl would be exciting but you’re seriously a bore. I’m leaving.”
He stomped away from the table, leaving you alone and letting the mind’s of the strangers surrounding you racing.
Just as you were about to get up to leave, he came back to the table, snatching the flowers he gave you earlier from the surface.
“And give me these back!”
Ah. There goes number 42. Your mother would probably get that look on her face again. That misty look in her eyes…..that she’d just cover with a smile and reassure you that she’d find someone else for you.
Again and again. Over and over.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw your waiter shuffling back over, a small brown bag in his hands.
“Um, we won’t charge you for the wine since it never reached the table.” He stated nervously, worried that you’d blow up next at his words.
He then placed the bag on the table. “Please take this red velvet cake. It’s on the house.”
The rain was pouring when you stepped out of the restaurant. The awning outside protected you from the brunt of the downpour but you could still feel the drops hitting your bare legs.
You should call a cab. A cab would take you home.
As if they had a mind of their own, your feet carried you out into the heavy rain. The harsh drops hurt your skin but you continued.
Cold rain soaked through your clothes and all the way down to your shoes, goosebumps rising across your skin but it didn’t bother you.
Nothing did. Maybe that was your main problem.
The stares of people you walked by didn’t bother you. The chill of the rain didn’t bother you. The pain of your feet in these heels didn’t bother you.
Why? Why were you like this? Why couldn’t you feel anything?
“Because you’re broken.”
That’s right. You were broken. Like a porcelain ballerina on a music box; anyone could see how poised and perfect you were, a true sight to see. Sparkling and beautiful, their expectations were high but when they turned your key…..
No music came out. The inner workings of your soul were rusted and stiff, your heart merely a muscle that pumped blood through your veins, your life just something you lived.
You had no purpose. You didn’t exist for anything. You were just a doll, one that would collect dust in an antique case until the end of time.
Your feet slowed to a stop, the assault of the rain feeling like daggers against your skin. You tilted your head back to stare up into the dark sky.
You wished you could be a raindrop. You just wanted to fall and then go back to the sky.
At least then you wouldn’t be so useless. You wouldn’t make your mother cry. You wouldn’t be a burden.
You wouldn’t be incomplete.
“Hey are you okay?”
Your ears itched so you lifted your hand to scratch at it.
“Why are you out here without an umbrella? It’s pouring.”
Why were your ears so itchy? Did you need to clean them?
“Did the rain come out of nowhere for you too? The forecasts are so unreliable sometimes, huh?”
You didn’t understand. Why was……why…..?
Your head slowly came down from its craned position and your heart did something other than simply beat.
It squeezed.
Something you’ve never felt before jolted through your entire body, so powerful and consuming that your knees buckled. You stumbled forward a little, the grip on the bottom of your heels doing nothing to keep your upright.
“Oh hey! Are you alright?”
Then you were met with warmth. No, something more than that.
Heat. Body scorching and all encompassing heat engulfed your body. It felt like someone had poured gasoline over you and a lit a match.
A hand touched your arm and that heat spread like a hot brand across your skin. You couldn’t even feel the coldness of the rain that soaked your clothes and skin anymore. It was like someone wrapped a warm towel straight out of the dryer around you.
Slowly, as if this bubble you formed would burst, you leaned your head back to look into a pair of eyes so iridescent and dazzling that you thought you were staring right at a cluster of stars.
Like the sun after rain, a rainbow stretching across the blue sky.
It was him. He had found you.
You two stayed locked in eye contact for a very long moment. The world seemed to fade away, not even the sound of rain or honking cars could bring you back.
Then like a ray of sunshine, he smiled but unlike your mother or other people you’ve met, this smile held no sadness, no pain, no ulterior motives.
It was pure. It was beautiful.
“Have you been waiting long for me? I’m sorry.” He lifted the hand that wasn’t holding the umbrella to cup your cheek, his thumb wiping away a stray raindrop.
Then the dam broke and for the first time in your entire life, you did something you never thought you’d be able to do.
You cried.
Loud and heart wrenching, as thunderous and roaring as the storm you two were in. Every emotion you’ve never felt since birth swelled in your chest, traveling up your throat and out of your mouth as you let out wails of sorrow.
Wails of joy. Wails of anguish. Wails of strife. Wails of gratitude.
You cried.
And he held you, shielding you from the rain and holding the broken pieces of you together before you could fall apart again.
His hand stroked your back up and down as he hummed a song to you. “It’s okay. Let it out. I know it’s been hard for you. I’m here now.”
Yes. He was here. He found you. You’d be okay.
The sound of a phone ringing woke you from your haze of sleep. Your head felt fuzzy and your body felt heavy.
Where were you?
Lifting your arm, you felt around the nightstand until you touched the object you were searching for. You turned on your side, bringing your phone to your face, eyes squinting at the brightness.
Why was she calling you? Wasn’t she in the next room?
Pressing the answer button, you held the phone to your ear.
“y/n! y!n, where are you? My friend just called me and told me you had a falling out with Jihyun. Are you okay? You didn’t even come home. I thought something happened to you.”
Jihyun? Oh yeah, your date. The memories of that awful dinner were starting to come back to you. You couldn’t even call it dinner since you didn’t even eat but whatever.
“Sorry, mom. He left me at the restaurant and it started raining really hard so I….” Your train of thought derailed, more memories of last night flowed into your brain.
Jihyun leaving you. Your walk in the rain. Bumping into someone.
That feeling in your chest….
Your soulmate! You found them. You never went home. You went with them instead.
“y/n? Is everything okay?” Your mother questioned with concern laced in her voice.
You felt something move behind you and you remembered everything.
“Mama, I promise I’m fine. I’ll be home later, okay?”
You couldn’t see the look of confusion on her face but you could feel it was there. “Uh, alright honey. Be careful. I love you.”
You smiled, feeling tears prick your eyes as your heart rapidly pounded in your chest.
“I will. I love you too, mama.”
And you did. You loved her so much. You could feel it.
Just like how you could feel her own tears even after you hung up the phone.
After placing your phone back on the nightstand, you paused and sat in silence for a moment.
So many feelings and thoughts rushed through your body like a rapid stream, rain had fallen and filled the cavern that was your soul, overflowing every empty crevice and nourishing the flora that had been withered and dry. With these new and unfamiliar feelings expanding, it almost hurt.
You were happy that it hurt though because that meant you were feeling.
You could feel now. You were so unexplainably happy.
Turning back to your other side, your eyes met the sleeping form of the person who made all of this possible.
Reaching a hand out, your fingertips grazed over his cheek. You could still so vividly remember how the cheekbone rounded when he graced you with that breathtaking smile. You wanted to see it again. You wanted to learn about what makes him smile, what makes him happy, what makes him sad.
You wanted to understand his feelings.
Your finger traced all across his face; his eyebrows, his nose, his lips, his chin. As if you were trying to memorize each atom of his face.
A part of this felt like a dream, one you were afraid you’d wake up from but if you did, you still think you’d be happy. Happy because at least you had this much. If this was a dream, you wouldn’t mind because this dream would be precious to you.
With another touch of his eyelids, he flinched causing you to do the same. His hand lifted to rub at his face, grumbles and mumbles coming from his lips. You watched as he stretched his body before flopping back down and then his eyes cracked open.
Your breath hitched in your throat, heart going crazy in your chest and another swell of emotions you couldn’t place surging as well.
He blinked sleepily before his eyes finally landed on you. Staring into the brown irises brought that heat back but even stronger this time. You didn’t really understand it but you wanted to.
“Oh, you’re awake? Did you sleep well?” His light voice croaked as he rubbed the drowsiness out of his eyes.
You nodded. “I did. Did you?”
Then he smiled and your heart squeezed.
“Yeah. I did too. For the first time in a while.”
There was a hint of something in his words but you couldn’t place it.
“Do you have a hard time sleeping?”
He looked up at the ceiling, staring as if it held the solution to all of his problems.
You felt like he had more to say and you were about to ask a follow up question when the sound of your stomachs growling interrupted.
His smile was bright and his laughter was contagious. “Are you hungry? I can make us some breakfast.”
“That sounds great.”
“I’m Hoseok, by the way.” He said as he placed a fried egg on a plate and then served it to you.
He let you shower first, even letting you wear some of his clothes since the dress you wore last night was still soaked through. You were actually already wearing a large t shirt of his and a pair of boxers that he leant you, both brand new of course. A part of you didn’t even want to shower because you didn’t want him to leave your eyesight. You finally found him and all you wanted to do was admire him and be close to him. He felt exactly the same but he was starving since he didn’t eat dinner last night. And now that you thought about it, neither did you.
Now you were both in his kitchen while he whipped up breakfast.
You didn’t even realize you never asked him his name. Hearing it now flared that heat in your heart again.
Hoseok. It was nice. It fit him.
“I’m y/n.”
He smiled at you again. You really liked seeing him smile.
“That’s beautiful. You’re beautiful.”
You’ve been hearing that for years, all your life really but hearing him say it, you truly believed it. From his lips, it sounded sincere, like he was looking past just your physical appearance.
He was looking at you. All of you.
“I have a question.” He said as he ate a blueberry.
You hummed in acknowledgment, letting him know he could continue.
“Why were you out in the rain like that?”
Any other time, you wouldn’t have hesitated to give the answer but your words got caught when he asked. Should you even tell him? Would he get upset? Why did you feel so guilty?
He noticed your hesitation and it was like he could see the cogs turning in your head. He didn’t quite understand you yet. What were you experiencing before you met him? What were the effects of your incomplete soulmate bond?
You felt a hand place itself over yours where it rested on the table, your eyes lifting from your half eaten breakfast to meet those sweet eyes.
“You can tell me. I promise I’ll accept whatever you say. I’ll accept you.”
Tears prickled at your waterline but you didn’t let them fall. You felt like if you cried again, you’d never stop.
Taking a deep breath, you admitted, “I was on a date.” When he didn’t say anything, you continued. “My mom would set me up on dates in order to find my soulmate. I was on one with this guy and he left me at the restaurant. I was about to go home but something told me to start walking.”
He listened intently, a little burst of anger firing in his heart at whatever asshole left you by yourself like that. He couldn’t help but feel a little relieved, however. Because if they didn’t leave you, he probably wouldn’t have found you.
“I see. I’m sorry that happened to you.”
“I’m not.” You quickly responded, moving your hand so your fingers could entwine with his. A look of surprise crossed his face, his gaze going to your linked hands. His own heart thudded wildly like a stampede.
Then you smiled and what an absolutely wonderful smile it was.
“Then I’m not either.”
You two tucked back into your food in silence, hands still locked on the table.
“I have a question too.”
“Why were you out in the rain?”
He made a noise, shrugging his shoulder and finishing off the last of his breakfast. “I couldn’t sleep so I took a walk. It started raining on my way back home. There was a convenience store on my way so I got an umbrella there.” He explained as if it was so simple but something told you it wasn’t.
“Why couldn’t you sleep?”
What a good question.
“Whenever I try to sleep, I get this overwhelming feeling that keeps me up. It’s like…..I’m always uncomfortable.”
“Uncomfortable?” You parroted.
He hummed. “Like whenever I try to sleep, I can’t. It feels like….something was missing.”
“Like what?”
He pondered in thought for a moment, trying to figure out how to explain it to you. He’s been asked that question before and he could never quite answer. To him, showing emotion came so easily. He could empathize with most; he cried when others did, he rejoiced when he was happy, he got angry when something didn’t go his way. All of it came naturally to him.
But when it was time to shut those feelings down and rest, he couldn’t. He took walks often as a way to both clear his head and try to tire himself out. He slept sometimes but never more than a couple of hours, those feelings always startling him awake again. He slept but he didn’t rest.
Something was keeping him awake. Something was missing. Something that he didn’t have.
His eyes left his empty plate to finally lock on the beauty of you. With you, all of those conflicting feelings calmed down. They settled in his heart, that heavy weight that once constricted him now lifted. Like when you curled up next to a window, a book in your lap and a blanket over your shoulders as a gentle rain fell.
A soft smile stretched across his face, his eyes holding so many feelings that he’s always been able to express but never truly able to receive. Looking at you now, he knew he could have it all now.
He could have peace. The reason he couldn’t sleep was because there were too many emotions storming around him, leaving him lost in the torrent of his own life. He had friends who loved him, family who supported him, and bonds that could never be broken but even with all of that, he still lacked one thing.
One person.
He rounded his small kitchen island until he was standing next to you, his hand that wasn’t holding yours moving to cup the back of your neck. He leaned down just a little. Your lips were so close, a few centimeters closer and they’d touch. A frenzy of everything was happening in both of your bodies; anticipation, fear, passion, and more things neither of you could make.
His eyes flickered from your lips to your eyes, back and forth.
“I’m so glad I found you.” He whispered.
“I’m glad you found me too.”
And just like that, your lips joined. As did your hearts, as did your souls, as did your beings.
Like the sun shining through the clouds after a rainy day and the rain returning to cover the sun, you two fit together in a delicate cycle.
One that could never be broken.
The sun. The rain. The earth. The sky. The moon. Red. Purple. Orange. Green.
Blissful. Confusing. Playful.
The colors that made up your world were bright now.
All thanks to your sun ☀️
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angelsfics · 4 months ago
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Timer by JulietsEmoPhase
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2015-10-29 | rated T | 2,105 | read november 17, 2024.
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter. Soulmates, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Fluff/Angst, Happy Ending.
“If a clock could count down to the moment you meet your soul mate, would you want to know?” Of course, Harry had to miss the moment his clock ran out.
My Favorite Quote: Without squandering any more time, Harry pulled him into a hug, wanting to make up for so much lost time between them. Warm relief swept over him as Draco reciprocated immediately, squeezing Harry as close as he could against his body. “I’m so sorry,” Harry said into his neck, his body tingling as the scent that was so distinctly Draco engulfed him, their skin almost burning where they now finally touched. One of Draco’s hands was tangled in Harry’s hair, the other stroked possessively up and down his back. Harry just clung on tight, his fingers digging into Draco’s clothes.
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mr-walkingrainbow · 1 year ago
What do you think about soulmate aus btw
I actually like them! They’re not my favorite trope obviously (that pedastool will forever go to thunder angst). But I do feel soulmate aus can be pretty good! I’ve even written one myself! (Though of course it was the fear one. As in ‘you feel your soulmates fear’) lol. And of course I made it thunder angst.
ooooo low key considering giving that to you as a prompt. Maybe maybe
buf like. It also depends on the soulmate trope I think. Some can be pretty boring or outrageous. But I do like the creativity of some! (Example. The fear one lol. Also the one where whatever you write on your arm shows up on your Soulmates arm. Theirs others I can’t remember.)
I do know some I don’t like. Like their name being tattooed on your wrist cause that one’s so basic. Oh and the red string one. Seems random as hell. AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE SONG LYRIC ONE. I can’t even. The one where you hear whatever music your soulmates listening too? I just. Ugh. Idk what it is but I despise that one. Soul timers too! Like that concept is just so weird how the fuck are you born with a gigantic appliance just inserted into your fucking wrist like where does that come in while you’re in the womb. It’s so random
sorry for the rant. I have very passionate veiws
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popponn · 1 year ago
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heloo! happy holiday everyone, hope when you are reading this you are having a good time 🌟 so i am doing a little event, welcome! without further ado what is this event actually?
INTRO — so, in this small event, when you put in an entry, i will give you: a playlist made of 3-5 songs, two 2x3 moodboards, and a ‘part’ of a fic — it could be a summary + 2 excerpts or 3 excerpts. so pretty much, i give you a ‘what if this is a fic?’ ehe ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ however, as of now, the event is CLOSED!
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before we go on, some stuffs you should know ❀
you can enter your entry through my inbox!
fandom: blue lock (all major characters), genshin impact (all playable characters, but only platonics for the kids ofc), twisted wonderland (all nrc cast)
this is an sfw event in an swf blog, so while i will ask for tropes, please do stick to sfw ones!
anyone can you join this event! and while anon can enter this event, i advice to just use your acc! so in case i feel like i need to ask something—either if something i feel is not sfw or need more info—i can immediately go to your inbox. but of course, the “i will ball” option exist.
and of course, be polite and patient! :> i will try to do it as quick as possible, but please do remember that i have other stuffs including my rl and this is a thing for both you and me to have fun too. i believe in you though, hehe ( ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ) …also, if you greet or talk a bit to me before you go on to your request, i will appreciate it, in a very ‘grandma waiting for her grandchildren visit’ way ahaha ( ;´ - `;)
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going on, what should you submit?
number one, is of course, your choosen series & fave!
two, do you want this to be an au or not? if you do want au, which one do you want? i will give some examples and list to help after this (❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡
three, give me 2-4 tropes to work with! of course, i will take creative liberties though hahaha i will also leave a list in case you need help (❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡
four, as we are a reader insert blog, tell me about yourself! :> from your alias, your likes & dislikes, your personality, your zodiac sign, your mbti, hobbies, favorite movies, love language, and such as! the more, the better!
five, are you okay with songs that is not sung in english? because i might put songs in other languages (most probably japanese or indonesian) & classical musics. so in case you prefer it to be just english just tell me okay
six, do you want angst or we go full fluff? :> yes. very important.
an optional question that you can skip if you want, what is your favorite part from your fave? which part of him that charmed you? you can go on with a paragraph, a whole new message, or a simple ‘they can cook. they hot.’
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a menu to help you, though you can call it a suggestion!
post canon au
high school au
college au — if you pick this, heads up, you can put your and your fave’s major, or you can leave it up to me!
soulmate au — if you want to add additional note like ‘string of fate’, ‘timer’, ‘soulmark’ the better
royalty au
fantasy au
writer / artist au
office au
spy / detective / crime au — phantom thief au is included here too hoho
coffee shop au
florist au
roommates au
time travel au
and so the list goes on! just suggest anything you like :> explanation or additional notes could be added!
arranged marriage
second chances
enemies to lover
friends to lover
strangers to lover / meet cute
pinning / mutual pinning
childhood friends
fake dating
drunken confession
body swap
vacation / holiday
and so on! you can of course add what is not listed here :>
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with that said, that's all. i hope you will have fun on this first time little thing i have ahaha. have a nice day and take care! ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)
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ggukkieland · 3 years ago
📕BTS Fic Reads - 2022 Mar to May (Pt 1)
I have been doing this monthly reading lists for years now 🥺.
I was supposed to do something for my blog anniversary but I couldn’t find the time  👉🏽👈🏽🥺.  I couldn’t organize my readings enough to share (and went back to silent reading too 🥺). But anyway, I’m sort of back and here’s my attempt to organize fics reblogged, commented on, bookmarked, etc. from March to May🌹
💟 Please show these authors appreciation the most by commenting/ reblogging their fics and sending them nice asks =). Thank you, dearest authors! Days are usually tough and your stories have been part of my activities to de-stress💟
[around 100+ fics]
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Note: if link doesn’t work, click on author link and go to their masterlist
🥕 Ongoing - most recent chapter [as of date this list was posted]
🥕 Completed - drabbles | one shots | series
🥕 S - smut | F - fluff | A - angst
Mostly Mature, 18+ only please
I read different members, different genres so please take note of the tags, description per fic
Don’t forget to reblog/comment on author’s work, too 😊
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🥕 [Ongoing Series]
↬ Yoongi
Bad Cop Chronicles @sunshinerainbowsbts - [4/?] | 3.5k+ | Single Dad!Yoongi, Bad Cop!Yoongi, bad boy!yoongi, secret agent!reader, action | s, a
Cardiac Affairs @joheunsaram - [1/?] | 648 wc+ | drabble series, surgeon!yoongi x surgeon!reader, enemies to lovers, coworkers au, hospital au, medical au | f, a
Dating Advice @taleasnewastime - [8/?] | 19k+ | strangers to lovers, bar au, bartender!yoongi, drabble series, dating woes (for reader) | f, a, future s
Only Yesterday @borathae - [6/?] | 58.4k+ | neighbor au, strangers to lovers, small town au, slice of life, tae shop au, memory loss/amnesia, hurt/comfort fic | f, s
Renai @flowerwrites06 - [1/?] | 2k+ | fantasy au, gods/goddesses, prince!yoongi, princess!oc (Kiku, my favorite OC 🥰) | a, f
Summer @thottae - [9/?] | SMAU | frat au, rapper au, nerd!reader, college au, Just Friends!Yoongi | f, a
The Spork @chimcess - [1/?] | 7.8k+ | coworkers au, journalist!yoongi, artist!reader (Cartoonist), pianist!yoongi, slow burn, yoongi pining over ex, reader will help yoongi get ex back | s, f, a
Wish You Were Sober @prodsg - [1/?] | 4.2k+ | friends to lovers, unrequited love, pining!reader, fuckboy au, best friend au, college au | a, f
↬ Jimin
Unorthodox @chaoticneutralwriter - [30?] | 224.6k+| guardian demon!jimin, slice of life, comedy, slow burn | f, a
↬ Taehyung
Almost Deadly Desserts @kpopwitches - [5/?] | 6.3k+ | mafia!taehyung x baker!reader, comedy (taehyung’s men accidentally kidnaps her instead of rival’s daughter) | f
Lake Nantahala @kimnjss - [27/?] | SMAU with written parts | childhood friends (ex-friends), enemies to lovers, ghosted reader | a, s, f
Latte Love @pleuvoirr - [3/?] | 3.9k | drabble series, college au, barista!reader, idol!taehyung, age gap (Taehyung is 26, OC is 20) | f, future s
Poison Heart @wishesunderthestars - [2/?] | 7.6k+ | Prince!Taehyung x Queen!Reader, Royalty AU, Queendom, hurt/comfort | a
Saudade @kimvvantae - [4/?] | 86k+ | soulmate au, soulmate system is a timer (and OC’s timer points to centuries ago), supernatural au, vampire au | a, f, s
The End is You and I @yonkimint - [8/?] | SMAU | college au, friends to lovers, best friend au, advice column/secret identity | a, f
↬ Jungkook
A Business Proposal @jjeongukkie - [2/?] | SMAU with written chapters | fake dating, ceo au, comedy, boss-employee | f, a
Behemoth @bearseokie - [2/?] | 7.3k+ | lycan!jungkook, werewolf au, horror, supernatural | s, f, a
Coquet @shina913 - [3/?] | 12.4k+ | fake dating au, escort au, strangers to lovers, brother’s wedding (taehyung, cousin!jimin, THERE IS ONLY ONE BED trope (woot woot) | f, a, s
Lion and the Fox, Part 2, Part 3 @/flowerwrites06 - [3/?] | 22.8k+ | vintage au (1940s), mafia au, journalist!oc |  a
Midnight Suck @kainks - [4/?] | 24k+ | vampire au, supernatural, slow burn, soulmate au, sort of mystery too | a, f
Sweet Tooth @btsgotjams27 - [3/?] | 13.6k+ | vampire au, slow burn, blood donor!reader | f, eventual s
That Time @dfdph - [2/?] | 3k+ | drabble series (not chronological), slice of life, break up au, established relationship, exes au | a
The Fallen @whoretan - [1/?] | 3.6k+ | Fallen Angel!Jungkook, fantasy au, demon au, god!jimin | a
The Hit List @/whoretan - [2/?] | 4.5k+ | Fratboy!jungkook, fuckboy au, introvert!reader, college au, popular bangtan, drunk jungkook ends up at OC’s doorstep, mistaken identity (he thought she was someone else), comedy | f, future s, a
To Be Damned | The 7 Deadly Sins @jungk0oksthighs - [5/?] | 31.5k+ | fantasy, college au, witch au, history major!reader, slow burn, demon!jungkook, witch!reader, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers | a, f, eventual s
Total Eclipse @jungkookienoona - [7/?] | 10.2k+ | action, superhero au, fantasy au, some supernatural themes, friends to lovers, archaeologist au, turned roommates of some sort knight!jungkook | a, s
Until You Survive @/ughcore - [4/?] | 21k+ | hunger games au, strangers to lovers, slow burn, war au (this was part of my reading list a year ago or so too under the author's other pseud) | a
Why We Broke Up @/jjeongukkie - [8.5/?] | SMAU with written parts | this is a repost/rewrite, break up au, chaebol!oc, rich au, rich girl x poor boy | a
↬ Multi/OT7
Seokjin x Reader | Yoongi x Reader
The People’s Princess @i-am-baechu​ - [13/?] | 35.9k+  | arranged marriage (with seokjin),seokjin also has another love interest, established relationship (prince!yoongi), fantasy, some lucid dreams, royalty au (western, not saeguk), fairy tale-ish | a, f, s
No Refunds @foreignfingers  - [2/?] | 5.3k+ | fake dating au, neighbors au, friends to lovers, strangers to lovers, love triangle, fwb!yoongi, cooking class instructor!seokjin | s, f, a
Jungkook x Reader | Jimin x Reader
Knife’s Edge @readyplayerhobi​ - [6/?] | 40k+ | mafia au, love triangle, infidelity au (with jimin), arranged to be married to jungkook  | s, a
The Way of a Criminal @agustdakasuga  - [2/?] | 6k+ | mafia au, reader’s father recently passed, sudden appearance of mafia!bangtan, father with secret identity? | a, f [on hiatus], also on ao3 → until chapter 7)
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🥕 [Completed Fics/Series]
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Best (Friend) Man @jjungkookislife​ - drabble | 735 wc | brother’s best friend, enemies to lovers | s, slight f
Butterfingers @jincherie​ - one shot | 8.2k | strangers to lovers, coworker au, hybrid au, teacher!namjoon, teacher assistant!reader, super fluffy | f
Meet me in your Memories @jamaiskookie​ - one shot | 11.8k | lucid dreams about OC, established relationship (in the dreams), memory themes, writer au, themes of mental health, themes of grief | a, f (my heart cried over this)
Pups Series @ubemango​ - drabble series [18/?]  | 12.1k+ | established relationship, boyfriend au, college au, extra hot and super fluffy | s, f
Rely on Me @spiderlilyserendipity​ - drabble to Top Drawer | 792 wc | established relationship, hurt/comfort, producer!namjoon x producer!reader, bad day kind of fic | f, a
Ride or Die @jungcock - one shot | 6.9k | part of the themed series: BTS Road Trip Collab, childhood friends au, bestfriend au, unrequited, OC in a toxic relationship with Jungkook, bad girl!reader, infidelity themes | a, s
Something in the Way @tayegi - two shot  [2/2] | 12.2k+ | werewolf au, ceo!namjoon, hired!reader to help with the heat, sex worker au (I guess but make it werewolf universe), sugar daddy au, strangers to lovers | s (there was supposed to be another chapter but tagging this is two-shot
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A Dose of Relief @bangtanlalaland​ - one shot | 5.7k | scientist au (both of them), coworkers au, crack/humor | s
I Can't be with You @jiminiesfavouritecolourisblue​ - one shot | 3.5k | exes au, rich au, Seokjin from prominent family | a
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Across the Hall @gukslut - one shot | 4.7k | humor, neighbor au, flirty!oc, writer!yoongi, mission to seduce yoongi | f, s
Broken Hearts Club @bbangpanmen​ - SMAU | broken-hearted OC (yoongi too), best friends to lovers au except you’re not the best friend, strangers to lovers | f, slight a
Canvas @kidguk - one shot | 3.2k | soulmate, but kind of sad (emotional constipation themes), soulmate system: colors indicate how much you’ve fallen for your soulmate | a, s, f
Caprice @mytaerminology - one shot | 3.4k | husband!yoongi x brat!reader, vacation au | s
Fermata @jeongi - one shot | 5.8k | pianist au, kind of rivals (known since childhood), composer!yoongi | s, f
Fuck Being Friends @strawberrynamjoon​ - one shot | 12k | unrequited, pining!reader, best friend au, college au, fuckboy!yoongi, tired OC x oblivious yoongi | a, f
FWb with Yoongi @btssmutgalore - drabble | 1k | part of the themes series: FWB with BTS, fwb au, secret relationship | s
Kiss Me at Midnight @jungshookz​ - bulleted | 8.1k | rom-com, CEO!reader, secretary!yoongi, secret pining, comedy, new year au | f
Lovers’ Paradox @taesthetes - one shot | 10.5k | part of a themed series Bangtan Police Unit, slice of life, humor, enemies to lovers, coworker au, office au, this is super cute (the bangtan police shenanigan is in full force) | f
Make Me @ppersonna - one shot | 4.4k | best friend au, dirty fluff (trust me on this), sleepover feat. very noisy neighbors | s, f
Mezzanine @/mytaerminology - one shot | 3.4k | idol au, pining, the one that got away (totga), coworker au, staff!reader | a
Recite @blkjmn​ - drabble | 844 wc | pastor!yoongi, taboo | s
Soon @ppersonna - one shot | 3.1k | established relationship, impreg kink | f, s
The King’s Serpent @apotaeose​ - drabble | 1.6k | daechwita!yoongi, mercenary!reader, assassin au, badass!oc, royalty | s (implied)
The Story of Us @eleventoes​ - one shot | 7.1k | exes au, mutual pining, a bit poetic (at least Yoongi’s POV) | f, a
Virulent @honeyedhoseok - drabble | 3.7k | kind of bad boy au, unstable/moody yoongi, on-and-off relationship | a, s
Yoongi, It’s Y/N @seokjinish​ - one shot | 13.9k | action (? the car racing part was exhilarating), badass!oc, coworker au, racing au, mechanic!reader, engineer!reader,  racer!yoongi, i love how this made the world of racing so fascinating (didn’t know about such politics/favored racers, etc) | a, f, s
💟Yoongi Birthday Reblogs (40 fics)💟
🎂 around 40 fics
🎂 some of my favorite yoongi fics from long ago
🎂 couldn’t add to this list because of limit (but will create a separate fic rec list for yoongi instead 🥰
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100 to 1 @mytaerminology - one shot | 6.7k | established relationship, LDR, boyfriend au, idol | s, f
Double-cross (my heart and hope to die) @taesthetes - one shot | 9.2k | part of a themed series Bangtan Police Unit, humor, slice of life, police au, strangers to lovers, muralist!reader, secret identity, artist!reader, office set up (but make it the precinct) | f
Heat @writtenyoongi​ - one shot | 23k | racer au, street racers, rivals, enemies to lovers theme, secret identity (oc wears a helmet all the time), star-crossed (kind of), secret relationship, college au, poor!hoseok, action | a, f, s
I Flirt in #MyCalvins @bxebxee​ - drabble | >3k | humor, staff!reader, model!hoseok, coworker | s (but it’s really just flirting)
Next @dreamscript - one shot | 2.8k | humor, best friend au, college au, a drabble about pick up lines! (cute) | f
Show Off @taeverie​ - one shot | 7k | roommate au, camboy au, sub!hoseok | s
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💟 PART 2 | Maknae Line 💟 
posted: 2022 June 16
link to other reading lists
other fic rec lists (by theme)
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kokomochi · 3 years ago
a collection of all of my completed and on-going tokyo revengers fanfiction!
side note: proceed with caution! all of my fanfics contain angst- some contain angst with fluff while the majority are angst with no to little comfort.
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𝐁𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 | 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 ��𝐚𝐧
suffering from a terminal illness- l/n y/n takes it upon herself to complete her little list before her time runs out. what she thought was a journey for one, turned into an adventure with roppongi's haitani ran
status: completed genre: angst no comfort
𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘 | 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮
PAST LIFE AU! falling in love was something that he didn't expect- having a broken heart was the last thing his brother wanted.
status: completed note/s: this book is a sequel to bucket list! genre: angst and fluff
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐖𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐃 | 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮
SOULMATE AU! BONTEN TIMELINE! they say that soulmates were typically connected through the red string of fate- some believe that they are connected through tattoos appearing on their skin, or even a timer on their wrist. in this story, however, is through glowing hair. bonten's executive, haruchiyo sanzu, never thought that he would be soulmates with the youngest sibling of the notorious haitani brothers.
status: completed note/s: some chapters describe violence genre: angst no comfort
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐎𝐊𝐘𝐎 | 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨
being the daughter of one of the big-shot mafia bosses out there, l/n y/n found it hard to take after her father despite being one of the 'debt collectors'. however, she saw the opportunity to break through the tradition of 'men can only rule' by seeking a fake marriage with the guy who crashed her bike.
status: completed note/s: slight mention of gore and violence, misogyny if you squint genre: fluff
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 | 𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢
life as a young manager of the bouncing ball corporation has become bland. staring at the same blank walls, writing until your hand cramps- everything that normal people wanted is seen as mundane in her eyes. she needed a change of scenery- and that's where mitsuya takashi comes in.
status: completed genre: fluff to angst
𝐃𝐄𝐉𝐀 𝐕𝐔 | 𝐤𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐞
years have passed and just when you thought that ten years are enough for her to forget her first love- it wasn't, nor does it look like she'll move on anytime soon. with her business spiraling down, her father hired her a new secretary in hopes to save the business. what she and her secretary thought was a simple office relationship, turned into something even more.
status: completed genre: fluff with slight angst note/s: sequel to favorite crime
𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐒 | 𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐧𝐚
you've heard about future telling- but have you heard a story wherein you can see the future in your dreams? it's both a curse and a blessing, really. in this story, we're joining hands with hitto y/n into figuring out what her dreams mean- and if she's able to beat the clock into changing the future.
status: to be added genre: fluff and angst
𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐃𝐄 | 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐦𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐣𝐢
INSPIRED BY 'THE END OF THE FUCKING WORLD' after the death of his best friend, hanma shuji became a street rat. drugs here and there- casual fights when he's bored, he's never really seen in one place considering as he's a wanted criminal on the run. he thought that his life will be as boring as it currently is- until he met a runaway bride.
status: to be added genre: fluff and slight angst
𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐓𝐔𝐓𝐎𝐑 | 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐬���𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮
he knew he was dumb- just not enough to figure out that he's actually so close to repeating the grade. his teachers advised him to get a tutor- but every one that he had met was either boring or just... boring. that soon changed when his friend, keisuke baji, introduced him to a friend.
status: to be added genre: fluff and angst note/s: major character death, valhalla arc spoilers
𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 | 𝐛𝐚𝐣𝐢 𝐤𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞
after a year of being away from one another- baji keisuke finally reunites with his childhood friend. the two have planned to hang out every day until halloween, a tradition for both of them to exchange gifts. for the past few years, baji keisuke has given her nothing but tricks. this year, however, will it finally be a treat, or will baji continue on with his trick streak?
status: to be added genre: fluff and angst note/s: major character death, valhalla arc spoilers
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deadwriter16 · 3 years ago
Hi! I was wondering if you could recommend me some Christmas themed BkDk fics! Any AU, length, and they can have other ships too. It doesn’t have to be fluff~ Anyways tysm!
hi! i definitely have some sitting around, but i cant remember them all so i'll give you the christmas fics i can remember offhand :)
ok so now that i've scrolled a bit i found some more that i didn't remember so i have a good amount to give you and anyone else who wants some! i probably have more somewhere but this is what I've got for now! these are all oneshots btw cuz that's almost all i read-
First Kisses and Damn Cliches - hibahime: this one's really cute! established relationship gift giving fluff, recently reread it, adorable
Warm All Over - hotshott: not linked because it's rated explicit, but its a cute one where pining bkdk goes to australia for christmas!
Unread Emails - dimigOd: i haven't reread this one in a while but the first time i read it i remember absolutely adoring it. its told mostly through bakugou's emails to deku as they're forced to plan a christmas party together, and bkgs growth is depicted so well as him and deku grow closer. this is definitely one of my old favorites
Silent Nights and Cold Hearts - LylacRaeven: bkg gets cold in the winter and deku immediwtrlt makes that his problem to fix. its really cute, deku is the absolute sweetest and kacchan is having a Time
christmas sweater get-together - todorokitops: i read this a while ago, but its a bit longer (still under 20k though) and it's definitely different from a lot of these in that there's both fluff and angst!! bkdk are forced in one of those get along sweaters during christmas and actually have to talk their issues out and repair their relationship
Tender Traditions - SaysiWrites: bkdk have christmas traditions, self explanatory. super cute, bkdk are pining messes, as they should be
paper ornaments - lucyheartfilia: college au in which bkdk spend winter break on campus together and bkg reluctantly falls for deku. i just remembered this fic existed and im gonna reread it tonight lol
he likes spring, I prefer winter - stardxst: oh god this one is so freaking cute. bkdk christmas fluff. like that's it. they are once again pining messes, it's so adorable. i love this fic its. SO SOFT. very good
Once Upon a Book - RewriteTheUniverse: short and sweet soulmate au, bkg's countdown timer leads him to deku on christmas eve...
Under the Mistletoe - MakeshiftDust: fake dating except its a oneshot and forgoes all the miscommunication (so exactly my shit lol). deku needs a fake bf to get his mom of his back and bkg is well...he's there. it's all fine and good until Mistletoe Happens.
Put on your Deku Jammies - Resonant Archivist: this one also has a bit of miscommunication and bkg has a bit of sorting out to do but no worries because it ends cute and its a good read! there is underage recreational drug use in this fic, so be aware of that
Thanks for having me - SaysiWrites: adorable. insecure bakugou my beloved, as well as some sweet bkg moments with other characters besides deku! but of course deku is also there being his sweet sunshine self. bkdk christmas date, dadzawa, unexpected but wonderful platonic bakuiida, this fic is peak u guys. i love it
Hidden in the Mistletoe - RewriteTheUniverse: hnnngh this fic is short and sweet but its also the absolute cutest. established relationship christmas proposal and its even better because we also get a flashback of bkdk getting together! its so sweet i love this fic a lot. i reread it quite often bc its so cute, basically just pure fluff
alright that's all i got!! you are welcome and hope yall like these :)
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noxiatoxia · 3 years ago
hitachiincest fic recs shakes you shakes you shakes you
OH MAN YOU CAME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!!! I love a LOT of hikakao fics but there are so many so. here are just my personal favorites :3
The Simplicity of a Razor / Crazy_Pairing_Person (Rating: Gen) very simple one shot that I love a lot!! Kaoru is ignoring Hikaru and refusing to talk to him. Annoyed and concerned, Hikaru seeks answers from Haruhi who advises him to learn about Occam's Razor: "The simplest answer is usually the correct one."
Overthinking / TheFanficMaster (Rating: Teen) super short one shot. Kaoru has been spacing out so during their club act, Hikaru decides to pull a little 'surprise' on him.
We Are Glass / ephemerality (Rating: N/A) I love this one for how poetic it is! A short flowery-worded one shot about Kaoru's perspective on his relationship with Hikaru.
One Sick Day / N/A (Rating: N/A) Established relationship with lots of fluff and comedy. Kaoru gets a cold and Hikaru must go to school without him, causing him to be in a bad mood by the time he comes home. Kaoru cheers him up quite easily, though.
Maybe Soulmates Aren't for Everyone / N/A (Rating: Mature) A 2 chapter fic and DAMN is it good. The premise is a soulmate AU where everyone has a timer on their wrists that count down to the day they meet their soulmate, and Hikaru's is due to go off in 8 days. I won't spoil much but it's angst with a happy ending and dabbles with the idea that, sometimes, maybe the name on your wrist isn't correct. I can't recommend it enough. NSFW in the second chapter be warned!
Of Curiosity and Cats / Yellow_Soul (Rating: Teen) Another 2 chapter fic but this one is quite short. Chapter one is from Kaoru's perspective, and chapter two is from Hikaru's. I especially love the dialogue and antics in this fic, as it really does feel like something that would happen between the twins.
What Am I to You? / N/A (Rating: Teen) Hikaru asks Kaoru to back off of Haruhi because it makes him feel jealous. Of course, it's because Hikaru is also interested in Haruhi....right? If you don't like characters jumping to conclusions, this may not be the fic for you, but it has a happy ending and is very entertaining to read, since Kaoru's approach is less mopey and more mischievous.
Eyes On Me / lachoy (Rating: Mature) Post-last episode fic of Hikaru and Kaoru realizing their feelings for each other; Hikaru's perspective. Be warned this one is NSFW.
Creative Writing / N/A (Rating: Teen) I think the summary says it best: "Kaoru is a member of a website where he lets out his feelings for Hikaru, disguising it as a fictional story. But Hikaru knows better when he stumbles upon it by accident." Fun concept and great execution.
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fallinfl0wers · 3 years ago
【100+ Follower Special】 As you like it
"From now on, forever, let's get along." -As You Like It, E ve.
Hello friends! I'm Melody and I want to thank you all for the 100+ followers in this blog ><!!!! Also thank you for your support in these past months I've been so busy with school!
To celebrate this milestone, I've prepared this event for everyone to enjoy!
How to participate? Easy! There are 3 types of requests you can make for this event, I'll explain each of them! This time, you can only request one character per ask.
Duration: December 15 - December 27. Requests for this event after that time might not be written!
v v v Everything you need to know is down here v v v
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Part 1: Letters for you
To get a letter from your favorite character in which they are cheering you up, comforting you, confessing their feelings, telling you they miss you... anything you want! You can even ask for a break-up letter if you want some angst, it's up to you!
Request example: Letter from Kohaku confessing he loves fem!reader.
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Part 2: The small moments
Fluffy headcanon prompts of simple moments:
How they kiss you
How they hug you
How they comfort you
How they spend their time with you
How they solve your arguments
They trying to impress you
Exchanging hobbies
Cooking together
Seeing their pictures of when they were a baby
Staying up when you can't sleep
BONUS: What they gift you for [christmas/your birthday/valentines/special day of your choice]
Request example: Riku + 3 + gn!reader + specific details
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Part 3: The big moments
Headcanons of varied AUs:
Self-aware AU (Genshin Impact only): The characters are self aware, they know they are inside a game and you're playing with them.
Rol reversal AU: You play their role in their story, and they play yours.
Soulmate AU: red string/timer/etc.
Idol AU: You or them as idols.
Streamer AU: You or them as streamers.
[Reverse]Isekai AU (Genshin Impact only): [You/They] get isekaid to [your/their] world.
*Hypnosis Mic AU: What would they be like [with you] in a world like Hypnosis Mic's.
Actors AU: [Them/you] as movie/musical/theatre/voice actors.
Royal AU: [Them/you] as royalty
Marriage AU: You and them getting married
BONUS: Hanahaki AU
BONUS 2: Unrequited [Turned requited] Love AU
Example request: Xiao + Reverse Isekai + fem!reader + specific details.
*I've been getting into hypmic again these days and thought it would be interesting! it might not be 100% accurrate with hypmic's current canon because i'm going over everything again from the beginning.
**you can use max 2 AUs for the same request, example: isekai + soulmate AU.
Thank you for your support, and remember to check my rules before requesting!
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synonymroll648 · 3 years ago
Sokeefitz week prompts: day one is an au
Me: gosh! I'm glad it's so open! Means I can do anything :) :) :) :) :) what au do I pick
(I'm still struggling help)
ooh!!!! hang on hang on hang on i actually gave kay (@/winterfireice) a bunch of au ideas, lemme copy and paste real quick because these are all things that i think would be extra fun.
ok!! gottem below!! broke it up into two sections - misc and soulmate ones because soulmate ones are just. yeah. also the ones listed are supposed to be neutral/geared towards fluff since that's what kay asked for, but, there are some awesome angst ideas out there. if you want me to hit you with some, just tell me >:)
au where keefe lands in the healing center along with sophitz in flashback (this one also automatically combines the healing center prompt so. two birds w/ one stone here!)
coffee shop au because it’s a classic
college/university au (again, a classic; also very versatile)
au where sophie comes to the lost cities at 18 like the black swan planned
circus au (uncommon and underrated)
human au (the most versatile of all)
au where they didn’t have to leave alluveterre (i just think the location was Really Pretty okay-?)
also here’s a ridiculously huge masterlist of au lists in case none of these au ideas are clicking for you :)
here’s a masterlist of soulmate aus, if you need some inspiration. to potentially save you some time, though, these are my favorite ones that are geared towards fluff (or neutral in terms of fluff or angst potential):
herding goose that herds people towards their soulmates 
each soulmate has one half of a quote that is important to their relationship (you could either use one phrase split into thirds, two phrases they get half of for their individual relationships within their triad, or both, or something else you think fits better!)
two timers counting down until they meet a soulmate (ex: keefe’s first timer could hit zero when he meets fitz, but still have a second timer going for when he meets sophie)
songs sung by their soulmates is stuck in their head (could be really funny for the boys, since there’s periods of time for both of them where they don’t know english. this hilarity could also apply to the next two prompts)
whatever music that is stuck in their soulmates’ head is stuck in theirs too
there’s a radio in everyone’s heads that they share with their soulmates; the three of them can change the tunes
fold 1k paper cranes/planes/whatever you want -> meet one of their soulmates
red string tied around their pinky is connected to their soulmate’s pinky. invisible to everyone else. the strings shrink and expand depending on the distance between them. most people only get one, these guys get two 
throwing something they love on the full moon will land on one of their soulmates
somehow, they get a photo of each of their soulmates each year
soulmates’ first words to them are written somewhere on their skin (you could either have two seperate phrases per person, or, if you want to challenge yourself, have all of them have only one phrase)
if anyone would like to add on with their own au ideas for sokeefitz week, go for it!!!
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narukoibito · 4 years ago
Fic Recs: Angst
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Sure thing, Anon! Glad you are enjoying my lists! Though a lot of my recs in general are angsty, so many of these will be repeats from other lists, but I decided not to re-rec every angsty story since that would be too much. Everything I’ve rec’ed before is indented in case you are only looking for new stories. Saddle up, this is a long one. Enjoy!
Anything with * is a WIP.
Realising by @floreatcastellumposts
Missed Moment: Harry realizes he loves Ginny. It’s so painful and heartbreaking. Note that I also list a bunch of other favorite MM by Flo in my All-Time Favorites List though not all are angsty.
22 by @floreatcastellumposts​
Harry realizes he has outlived his parents.
the train station by @ink-splotch​
An absolutely chilling story of Ginny’s near-death experience in the Chamber of Secrets. The writing, like most of dirgewithoutmusic’s work is riveting. This is Ginny-centric rather than Hinny/Harry-centric.
Post-War Canon
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gone was any trace of you by @annerbhp​
Amnesia, Married: Again, one of my all-time favorites because I can’t not rec this for angst. Harry loses his memories. Counting this as post-war canon since there’s nothing in this that contradicts it being part of canon.
i just really need you here right now by @annerbhp
Harry and Ginny, like all couples, have things they need to work on. That doesn’t mean they give up.
as the morning steals upon the night by @could-have-beens
My favorite canon reuniting after the battle story.
Chambers by starfishstar
After the war, everything isn’t okay, but maybe eventually it can be. A Ginny-centric post-war story.
Ghost of You by blacktag189
An incredibly angsty story of Ginny suffering from mental health issues after the war and how she comes to recover (with a lot of challenges to her and Harry’s relationship along the way). The author does a good job depicting mental health issues and long-distance relationship challenges. 
A Life Closed Twice Before Its Close by tosca
Halloween comes around again, and Harry can’t shake a feeling of unease. I loved how tosca depicts an established Harry/Ginny in this story.
will you stay by NaruKoibito (me)
“So? What was the verdict? Any Veelas?” Harry and Ginny after the war.
Next Gen
Between Walls and Harvest Moons by @ellizablue​
During Albus’s third year in Cursed Child timeframe. It’s heavily focused on the Al’s disconnect with his parents. Ginny pays him a visit. There are heartbreaking moments of Harry angsting over his relationship with Al, but I have such a soft spot for Ginny & Al stories, and this one hit all of them.
Put Your Curse In Reverse by @ellizablue​
The second part of the amazing It’s Tea Time* series. It is not heavily Harry/Ginny focused, but there is a lot of angst, great Hinny marriage moments, an epic moment where Harry encounters a Boggart that ripped my heart out, and much, much more.
Alternate Universe
The Changeling and Armistice Series* by @annerbhp  
You all must know by now that this is my all-time favorite story, but if you need an angst rec, this is it, my friends. There’s angst everywhere, really, but in my head we do everything right has some of my favorite angst ever.
Keeping Even the Broken Promises* by Summer Potter
Amnesia, Harry/Other is a part of this story: Four years after Harry wakes up with no memory, he begins a journey to discover what he left behind and the promises he inadvertently broke. 
you will bleed to death from the pain of it by lullabyknell 
Soulmark: This painful, amazing story inverts the trope in the best way. 
take what i took and give it back to you by fairytiger
Soulmark: Harry decides to breakup with his soulmate.
The World I Leave Behind by NES85
What if Voldemort hadn’t killed Harry in the forest but everyone thought he had? He traps Harry in the Chamber of Secrets – but what happens when Harry escapes? Oh Harry being Harry in this and his scenes with Ginny definitely are gut-wrenching.
Unravel Me* by NaruKoibito (me)
FWB: My canon-divergence story where Harry and Ginny never got together in HBP. After a drunken night, these two angsty idiots wind up in a friends-with-benefits relationship full of agonizing mutual pining.
Okay. Okay. Sometimes I dabble in the dark arts. Sometimes I read stories of such pure, unadulterated angst, just to cry my heart out. 
Warning: There are several stories below that contain a major character death. I oscillated between marking them or not, but some of them it’s better that you’re not spoiled. So...you’ve been warned that at least these stories below do not clearly end with Harry and Ginny together. Nothing but PAIN ahead! 
Without Love by @captainyellowsturm
Every time I read this, I cry. Every time. It’s such sweet, torturous angst. (No, seriously, I really go to reread this when I want to cry.)
Perpendicular by akissincrisis
AU Harry never goes to Hogwarts. This story. THIS story. Ugh, it packs such a punch. Harry never attends Hogwarts, but meets Ginny through a Muggle party. It’s beautiful, so full of hope and possibilities, the what-ifs, the why, whyyyyyyy... I forever wonder why at the ending. But I love this story (even if I imagine a happy ending).
When the Timer Pings by Alchemilla
I read this story 10+ years ago and it still gets me every time. Ginny is about to get married and runs into her ex-boyfriend, Harry. She’s hoping for closure, but is that what she finds?
Lacking by pinkdigi
If Ginny didn’t wait for Harry. Ugh, so painful. I love the author’s style, the hardness of their Harry and Ginny. My heart breaks and breaks, yet I keep coming back.
Couldn’t Keep Him There by Mad Maudlin
Ginny finds Harry after the war. The mood and tone of this really gets to me. This one moment where she puts a wrapper in his hand kills me every time.
Wednesday Dates by fizzmonkeys
I’m not sure whether this is just angst or angst without a happy ending, so to be safe, I’m putting it here. I loved this story so much that I printed and saved it from 10+ years ago.
Want more recommendations? Send me an ask or check out my:
All-time Favorite recs
Muggle AU / Coffeeshop AU recs
Post-War Canon recs
Missed Moments recs
Pregnancy recs
Outsider Perspective recs
Amnesia recs
In Every Universe recs
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writeforfandoms · 3 years ago
500 follower celebration!!
Alright there are 500 of you now! I am agog, I am aghast! In a good way, I promise. Thank you all for sticking with my shenanigans and craziness and chaos! 💖💖
So, in celebration, I'm gonna write some things for y'all. This time I'm doing soulmates because that is my absolute favorite trope of all time ever. Hands down.
More info and rules below the cut!
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Okay! I'm sure you all want to know what characters I will write for. In short, if I've written for them, it's a yes. If I haven't written for them, ask me first. I might be willing to branch out.
For those who don't know and don't want to peruse the master list:
Din Djarin, Boba Fett, Fennec Shand, Cobb Vanth, Ezra, Frankie Morales, Jack Daniels/Agent Whiskey, Marcus Pike, Marcus Moreno, Javier Peña, Pero Tovar, Dave York, Oberyn Martell, The Thief.
There are a few associated characters that I am willing to explore too but you'll have to ask about those.
Now! For the soulmate tropes:
Your first words to your soulmate are on their skin, and vice versa.
You see in grayscale until you see your soulmate
Soulmate mark - you and your soulmate share the same mark or tattoo
Soulmate marks - any marks you get also show up on your soulmate, from bruises and cuts to tattoos
Sharing injuries - you receive an injury in the same place your soulmate does though to a lesser extent
Flower scars - you receive a flower mark where your soulmate gains a scar
Empathy - you can feel what your soulmate feels, especially intense emotions
Your soulmate's name is written somewhere on your body
You have a countdown timer on your wrist/forearm that counts down to the moment of your meeting
You share dreams with your soulmate
You cannot physically harm your soulmate
You cannot lie to your soulmate
You can tell when your soulmate is in danger
You must sent your request in AS AN ASK. Otherwise it will be ignored.
Send me a character and a trope number/description from above.
I will write you a scene! Pretty much just a scene. I make no guarantees as to the length of this scene.
And of course have fun! If you have further requests (angst, spice, hurt/comfort, etc) you can always let me know.
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rae-gar-targaryen · 3 years ago
Favorite tropes/au's? OC's or y/n?
Oooooh thank you for this my love!!!!
I am a SUCKER for good tropes -- I love soulmate AUs (red threads, timers, the whole shebang), enemies to lovers, some good friends to lovers angst ... I'll really read it all, and I try to incorporate it into my own writing. 🤣🤣
I prefer y/n, but when I write it I try not to use "y/n." It doesn't inhibit my reading experience, I just prefer not to use it. I tend to give my reader characters endearments specific to them. 🌿💜
Thanks love!
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hypmic-writings · 4 years ago
Ahh thank you so much, that’s kind of you to say! The Gentaro Soulmate!AU is actually one of my favorite pieces I’ve written, so I’m happy you like it! I really enjoyed the layout of the timer and dividing it up into different periods of Y/N and Gentaro’s life. The angst was so fun to write too hehe there were lots of twists and turns!
I’ve never thought about writing a part 2 from Gentaro’s point but that could be a good idea! It’s one of the longest pieces I’ve written on this blog so it would definitely take time, but it would be pretty interesting to do another take on it! Good suggestion anon, I’ll keep that in mind!
Hope you’re having a lovely day and staying safe~
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allwaswell16 · 5 years ago
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This is a rec list of my favorite Larry soulmate fics as requested in this ask. There are 28 recs here in all. You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
Please leave kudos and comments for the writers if you like the fic!  
💞 Nameless Night, @greenfeelings​ (E, 155k, soulmate identifying timers, non traditional premise, angst with a happy ending, fluff, minor accident, kid fic)
💞 won’t you wear my watermark, @bottomlinsons (E, 90k, soulmate au, historical au, Regency era, slow burn, soulmarks, angst with a happy ending, pining, bl)
💞 Lend Me Your Hand, @becomeawendybird / QuickedWeen (M, 63k, historical au, Regency fic, soulmarks, flirting, hate to love, fluff, smut, light angst, Viscount Louis)
💞  waiting for the tides to meet, @nauticalleeds (E, 59k, soulmates au, lost soulmates, miscommunication, pining, art director Louis, photographer Harry, New York City, summer, bed sharing, road trip, smut)
💞 I’m On the Hunt Now (I’m After You), @afangirlfantasy​ (M, 56k, a/b/o, alpha Harry, omega Louis, wolves, soulbonds, mating bonds, heat, marking, mpreg Louis, kidnapping, older Harry/younger Louis, smut, knotting)
💞 It’s a Better Place (Since You Came Along), @phd-mama​ / phdmama (E, 51k, fantasy au, magic, cruise ship, spells, soulbonds, magical accidents, vacation sized margaritas, smut)
💞 Make Your Words A Weapon, @helloamhere​ (E, 36k, famous/not famous, famous Harry, rockstar Harry, music critic Louis, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, anxiety, alcohol, frustration, music, fame)
💞  with no way out and a long way down, @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed / we_are_the_same (T, 31k, soulmate au, royal au, soulmarks, Prince Harry, strangers to lovers, arranged marriage, emotional hurt/comfort, mild angst, no smut)
💞 And That’s The Tea, @2tiedships2​ (M, 27k, a/b/o, alpha Harry, omega Louis, heat, bonding, scenting, coffee shop, strangers to friends to lovers, panic attacks, NYC, humor, misunderstandings)
💞 some things fade (some never do), @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed / we_are_the_same (T, 25k, magic au, fantasy, magical tattoos, exes to lovers, getting back together, pining, angst with a happy ending, long distance relationship, tattoo removal)
💞 Things Gone Cold, @mediawhorefics​ / MediaWhore (G, 24k, famous/not famous au, famous Harry, singer Harry, exes to lovers, soulmate outing, car accident, fluff, angst)
💞 Love Me Please, @angelichl (E, 23k, soulmate au, uni au, hate to love, soulmate identifying marks, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, miscommunication)
💞 Bonded, @juliusschmidt (E, 20k, soulmate au, soul bond, pining, friends to lovers, fake relationship, X Factor au, not canon)
💞 Souls; Plural, Parallel, @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry (19k, T, one night stand, nerd Harry, mpreg Louis, unplanned pregnancy)
💞 I Just Wanna Give You Love, @lululawrence (NR, 18k, famous/not famous, famous Harry, singer Harry, fluff, Tumblr, world is b/w until you meet soulmate and then turns to color, no smut)
💞 it’s you i find like a ghost in my mind, magneticwave (M, 17k, canon, soulmarks, non traditional premise, humor, tattoo)
💞 Don’t Let the Tide Come, @sadaveniren​ (M, 14k, royal au, fantasy, forbidden love, soullmarks, King Louis, Prince Harry, rival kingdoms)
💞 a fire in us, @hereforlou (E, 12k, soulmate au, friends to lovers, long distance friendship, phone sex, masturbation, soulmarks)
💞 Wish You Would, @pocketsunshineharry​ / ishiplouis (G, 12k, strangers to friends to lovers, soulmarks, tattoos, plants, kissing, no smut)
💞 Strangers In The Night, @kingsofeverything​ (E, 9k, vampire au, strangers to lovers, vampire sex, blood drinking, embarrassing Harry, humor, loss of virginity)
💞 Drawn to You, @lululawrence (NR, 8k, soulmarks, fluff, what soulmates draw on themselves ends up on their soulmate)
💞 Easier, @allwaswell16 (E, 6k, a/b/o, omega Louis, omega Harry, soulmates au, soulbonds, soulmarks, exes to lovers, getting back together, angst with a happy ending, candy shop, fate, destiny, smut)
💞 Running Through A Cloud Of Steam, @allwaswell16 (M, 5k, soulmate au, friends to lovers, bodyswap, uni, London)
💞 cursing the cosmos, @hogwartzlou (4k, NR, coffee shop, friends to lovers, non traditional premise, countdown watch)
💞 marks that make us, @hogwartzlou (4k, T, friends to lovers, best friends, non traditional premise, tattoos) 
💞 A Sure-Footed Journey, @londonfoginacup​ / LadyLondonderry (T, royal au, assassin Louis, kingdom, servants, elves, King Niall)
💞 Thank You (To The One Who Let Him Get Away), @fallinglikethis (NR, 3k, proposal fic, soulmate au, soulmate identifying marks, first words, humor, fluff, cheating (not H&L)
💞 not yet a breach, but an expansion, @louisdaffodil​ / theweightofmywords (NR, 2k, soulmate au, exes to lovers, getting back together, fate)
💞 sweet, sweet fate, @bottomlinsons (T, 1k, soulmate au, humor, soulmarks, first meeting)
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