#tim drake missing spleen
You know if Jason did become Talia's son I have the idea that he would be someone very famous among assassins and mercenaries, but in the hero community He is an anti-hero who must be captured and nothing more and is also a popular gossip item when it comes to hero failures (along side Roy of course).
As for the heroes he is just a red hood, Crime lord and anti-hero who has a special and complicated relationship with Batman, But for assassins and mercenaries who know enough about the world he is
An Al Ghul, the first child of Talia Al Ghul, the eldest grandson of Ra's Al Ghul, one of the princes of the League of Assassins and Shadows, someone you really have to watch out for because of his skills and position. And they realized that Talia would do anything for her child, even going against her father
Without his helmet he is one of the most feared people in the underworld, he knows many assassins and mercenaries thanks to all the missions he has undertaken and is friends with most of them.
So imagine.........
Dick: You know it's a rare month that Slade isn't trying to recruit me
Jason: Oh, that's because I asked him to look for something a few weeks ago
Dick: you ask deathstroke, ask ?
Jason: Yeah he owes me something
Dick: how ?
Tim: Sometimes I still miss my spleen you know
Jason: want me to ask someone to get it for you
Tim: who you gonna ask,It's literally in ra's
Jason: I can ask so many people like deathstroke,lady Shiva, mother of soul,deadshot, Talia, Constantine drakon, Dusan, nyssa, Ben Turner, merlyn. And more that I can ask, which one do you prefer
Jason: what
Cass: I really want to know what happen to my dad
Jason: I can call someone to check on him, do you want
Cass: yes
Damian: this can be done if I can call my teacher akhi, but
Jason: which one do you mean Habibi I Will call them don't worry
Damian: how you gonna call him
Jason: I just call their phone number in my phone
Damian: you have their number
Jason: why not
Roy: you seem to be liked by all the assassin we just met huh
Jason: yeah they are my old friend
Roy: what
Jason: they just happen to be in the same misson with me
Bruce: Jay where did you find all of your trained goon
Jason: oh they are either fired form the league and join me, or just like me and follow me
Bruce: I'm not ready for that actually
Jason: good to hear
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veliya01 · 2 months
I can probably imagine the batfamily members try to guess why there's a scar in Tim's stomach
Jason: a C-section?
Dick: someone tried to eat his intestines?
Jason: did you have a C-section or something Tim?
Tim(changing into the red Robin costume): huh what you on abou- oh, yeah, they C-sectioned my spleen
is it a boy?? Is it a girl?? NO! IT'S A SPLEEN!! congratulations to the mother!!
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oilspill99 · 4 months
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Just A Kid Next Door - Chapter 8
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Bruce is finally back from being stuck in the time stream. Tim managed to save Batman and his loved ones. Now it is time for Tim to go home and rest. But the problem is that, Tim has no home. Or that's what he thinks so.
This will be a multichapter fic on how did Tim reconcile with his family. It will be full of angst, family feels and family shenanigans.
Here in the link to read the story in ao3.
-------------------------------CHAPTER 8---------------------------------
Jason was making his way back to his apartment after a tiresome patrol, but the former crimelord's mind was fully consumed by complex thoughts about his so-called family. He was clearly baiting on whether or not to go and see Bruce.
"I know you are following me, Dickward" Jason hissed, settling on the rooftop of a building.
 The figure behind him gave no indication of any acknowledgement. Turning back, Jason removed his helmet, his identity concealed by the domino mask which he always wore underneath his helmet and shook his head casually to get rid of sweat.
"What do you want? Did the Old man send you to keep an eye on me, making sure I fucking kill no one huh? "
"Why didn't to come to Manor?" Dick asked.
"Why should I?"
Dick let out a long sigh.
"Please, Jas-Hood. We thought we lost Bruce, we mourned for him, I know you mourned for him, so don't even try to fool me by saying you don't care."
Jason did not know what to say for that. Sure he missed  Bruce very much, but his ego was far too big for him to set aside the issues between them.
Did he forgive Bruce for what he did?
No. And he don’t think he ever will.
But did he understand why Bruce did so?
"I don't think the old man even wants to see me in the first place" Jason murmured
"Wha- No that's-" Dick was interrupted by the sound of blaring alarm coming from Jason's wrist.
"Welp, it was definitely not nice talking to you, but I gotta go. See ya dickface" Jason jumped of the building and grappled his way towards his apartment.
Jason did the best thing by installing sensor alarm all over his apartment so that he would know when Tim tries to break into his apartment next time. And he was correct. This time he is planning on locking that kid in his apartment till he gets his answers.
When Jason entered his apartment through the broken window, he was expecting Tim, but he was surprised to find three other figures.
The superman's clone ran towards Jason, and before he could react, Jason got punched in his gut.
"What are you doing here?" Superboy demanded, holding Jason by the collar of his jacket.
"You are the one to ask? It's where I fucking live, Cloneboy"
Kon left Jason and took a step back.
"Why would Tim ask us to bring him here then?” Kon asked, to nobody in general.
"Where is he?" Jason inquired
"Who?" Kon gave a confused glance to Jason
"Brittney spears, duh, Big brain. I'm asking for Red Robin. “Jason scoffed.
"Don't even dare to take a step closer to him" Kon sneered, taking a step closer to Jason, trying to be intimidating.
Oh right, he totally forgot about the titans tower incident. Tim forgave him for that a long time ago. He was strongly under the effects of the pit. Guess his little friends didn't know about that.
"Look, we resolved tha-"
"We need your help" Wondergirl interrupted them, shouting from the kitchen.
"Look, I'm not trying to hurt Tim anymore. If Tim himself has brought you here, it might be of a reason, okay. Chill out and let me go"
Superboy seemed to think for a moment, before letting Jason go to the kitchen.
On his kitchen counter was Tim sprawled on, unconscious, and bleeding. His counter top was messy with blood dripping.
"Fuck" Jason muttered.
"Hewasstabbed" Bart said, swiftly coming near Jason.
Another day in the life of a bat themed vigilante.
"Scoot over" Jason said to Cassie, inspecting the wound.
Jason took over stitching the wound with ease, due to years of practice and experience.
"Care to explain how the fuck this happened?" Jason asked, his eyes focused on the stab wound.
"He was trying to take over a bunch of bad guys on his own, knowing he was clearly outnumbered, and got stabbed by one of them."
"He called for help?"
"Actually no, we came to Gotham to check on him, you know make sure he is alive and all, but couldn't find him so I traced him with the sound of his heartbeat." Kon told.
This did not surprise Jason at all. Tim is a fucking over independent and self-reliant idiot.  
"Why not bring him to the Batcave?" Jason asked, already knowing the answer.
"I don't know man, he woke up in the middle and strongly suggested to come here, which was quite concerning, given the fact that he was completely knocked out previously” Kon muttered, exasperated.
Jason cut the remaining thread with his teeth and carried Tim over to the guest room, laid him on the bed and started removing the rest of his suit.
“Stop staring and help me out, will ya” Jason said
“Oh yeah, right”
Meanwhile Jason removed his helmet and mask as Kon was removing Tim’s suit.
Cassie let out a loud gasp followed by Bart’s ‘Oh shit’
Lying on the bed in his underpants, Tim’s chest and torso had multiple scarring and fresh bruises, which by he looks of it seemed to have happened recently.
Kon was just staring at Tim, his eyes never leaving the scars and bruises which littered his friend’s skin.
But Jason...
Jason was angry, angry at the person who did this to his little brother, angry at Tim for letting it happen, knowing that his dumbass purposefully avoided asking for any help and he was angry at himself for not being there from him, not protecting his little brother.
“I uh, Why don’t we go the living room and talk about what actually happened, huh?” Jason suggested, trying to break the silence.
“Uh, yeah, that sounds better” Bart said, sounding unsure.
The three of them exited the room, Kon reluctant leave to Tim’s side.
“You too, Cloneboy”
“Yeah” Kon said, his voice laced with worry.
The four of them settled themselves in the living room comfortably, each of them nursing a cup of tea, courtesy of Jason because he is a fucking great host.
“So, cash or card?” Jason asked.
“For what?” Bart asked, stuffing his face with the junk food from his pantry, which Jason was sure he didn’t give to him.
“My Window, it’s broken”
“Aww man, aren’t you a son of a billionaire or something?” Bart asked, sounding offended.
“I’ve never seen Tim like this before” Kon interrupted, his eyes on the carpet and his tea left untouched on the coffee table, sounding defeated.
The whole room fell into silence.
“Yeah, it was dangerous, the way he fought, it was- it was almost like he didn’t care if he got hurt” Cassie broke the silence, her voice sounding small.
“He is so closed off, like I know he values his privacy but I’ve never seen him be this stoic. He shows no emotion, don’t care about himself, avoiding everything and everyone, it’s just – it’s so frustrating. I just, I don’t know what happened to him while I was – while I was dead, but he is not the same person anymore, I feel like he just gave up on himself” Kon said, angry at himself.
Jason didn’t know what to do. Superboy was correct. His brother is definitely not the same person anymore.
“I want him back… I just want my Rob back. The Tim who was awkward and just don’t know when to shut up, the Tim who puts everyone in their place with his wits, the Tim who never stops trying, I just- I want him back.” Kon said, sounding in the verge of breaking down.
Jason felt bad. He never knew how Tim used to be before, as he was already pretty messed up when the two were trying to patch up. But Jason knew he wasn’t this bad. The replacement has always been quite cheerful and irritating.
His brother seems to share a special bond with these kids, Jason thought.
Cassie was silently crying and Bart had long back given up eating, now pacing back and forth.
“What really happened when we both were dead?” Bart asked, pointing to him and Kon.
Honestly speaking, Jason didn’t know. The replacement just started distancing himself from others after his friends died, and Jason still don’t forgive himself for giving his little brother some space to grieve. He should have scooped Tim up and let him cry on his shoulder.
“We both were in a bad place after you died” Cassie said, wiping off the tears, which made Kon look at her intently.
“We just didn’t know what to do, we didn’t know how to grieve. It was so hard. We were just expected to continue living as if nothing had happened, as if we weren’t snatched two of our family members. The tower, which was an escape haven to all of us, became hell. Every wall, every window, every little things reminded us of how happy we were once.  Reminded us how everything changed in an instant” Now Cassie was shaking, her body wrecked by sobs.
Both Kon and Bart went over to where Cassie was sitting. Kon sat down on the carpet and took Cassie’s hands, massaging it and Bart sat next to her and threw a comforting hand around her shoulder.
“And it was hard, it was so hard…so I joined a cult”
“YOU WHAT?!?” Kon and Bart shouted at the same time.
Now Jason can see why Tim is friends with her.
“But Tim was worse…he was in denial, he was not ready to accept and he kept on going as if..., he pretended that everything was normal, just like how he was when Jack Drake died. But that was all pretending. Deep down, he was broken. He buried down all of his feelings. He was so crazy and in order to fill the void he started cloning you both and I came t-
“HE FUCKING DID WHAT?!?” Now it was Jason’s time to shout.
Sure Tim is a little weird and stupid but this whole cloning thing is just extreme level of stupidity, even for him.
Kon was as pale as a sheet of paper, his whole demeanour stiff. Jason feels bad for him. He knew cloning was a sensitive topic for the kid and hearing that his best friend tried to do that again was not an easy thing to hear.
The whole room was enveloped by silence, each person trying to accept what they just heard.
Kon was he one to break the silence.
“Was he- was he successful?” Kon asked, his voice shaking.
“…No, he would have, but then I found out, so I stopped him. We had a huge fight, which resulted in us leaving the tower.”
Kon let out a long breath in relief.
“I joined the cult after that and Tim went back to Gotham….and within a day, Batman was found dead.” Cassie said.
“And he got so crazy, he kept on telling everyone that batman was alive even after we found his body and buried him. He cut off all his ties with everyone, me, Dick, even Alfred. I tried to convince him, but he was not ready to accept. After that he just left Gotham.”
“But he was right, wasn’t he? Batman is indeed alive.” Jason said
“Yeah” Cassie said, her voice sounding small.
“That Bastard is always right”
Kon, Cassie and Bart ended up sleeping on the couch that night, all reluctant to leave their friend alone.
It was almost dawn when Jason decided to call it a night and let sleep take over him, but was interrupted by a notification sound from his personal phone.
Sighing, Jason rolled over to see who decided to text him at this ungodly hour.
Unknown number:
Todd, it is of utmost importance that we talk.
What the fuck do you want now, gremlin?
The matter of discussion is Drake.
Jason sat up, felling very awake.
What about Tim?
I discovered something that belongs to him… from his time as Robin.
The content…is quite disturbing. I would very much like your assistance on this matter.
We shall meet at the Drake manor.
kk. See you in Drake Manor before patrol tonight.
Putting his phone aside, Jason tried his very best to fall asleep.
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tiger-grace · 25 days
headcanon that after Dick Grayson being Robin all of the batkids interchangeably use “holy ____ batman” even at the worst possible moments
Steph, staring down at Tim in the medbay cot: holy common cold, batman
Tim: please stop
Steph: holy spleenless sillybilly batman
Tim: steph please
Jason Todd on the floor, bruised and bloodied: dad?
(The timer ticks down to three seconds)
Jason: well holy shitballs batman I’m going to fucking di-
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ditzybat · 2 months
tim: ugh, i can’t go into the sewers to follow croc, can’t risk an infection
jason: what, are the sewers not good enough for your bristol bred sensibilities?
tim: i have no fucking spleen jason, of course i’m not gonna go into the fucking sewers - i’ll literally die
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thealexanderfiles · 5 months
Jason, to himself: If I can catch Tim off guard when he comes back from patrol he'll confess about breaking my favourite Wonder Woman's mug
Jason, as Tim wanders in: Got anything to confess??
Tim, very very high off Gotham Harbor fumes: Ra's pickled my spleen.
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kit04kat · 2 months
I like to think that all the bat siblings just randomly drop insane lore about themselves. Like- they all have so much going on that there's no way to update everyone on everything so whenever one person mentions something crazy that happened in passing, the rest of the bats that didn't know are super chill about it. Except Bruce. When he finds out something he doesn't know, he always freaks out a little bit (control freak).
(Tim taking his daily antibiotic)
Bruce (trying to remember if something happened on patrol): Are you injured?
Tim (casually): No I'm alright. I've just had to take these ever since I lost my spleen.
Jason: Word. Good to be careful I guess.
Bruce (internally panicking): You lost your spleen?
Tim: well, maybe lost is the wrong word. I'm pretty sure Ra's Al Ghul still has it in a jar somewhere.
Jason: Not even surprised. He's creepy like that.
Bruce: ??!??!?!?!!
(Dick, Cass, Tim, and Bruce after patrol one night)
Tim: Hey Dick that was a cool move you pulled back there
Dick: Oh that? Yeah I learned that when I was apprenticing for Deathstroke.
Cass (nodding): Skilled fighter.
Dick: Yeah, situation kinda sucked but oh well.
Bruce: (Trying to piece together when the fuck that happened)
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Bruce: imagine someone gave you a box full of everything you’ve lost over your lifetime.
Damian: It would be nice to get my sense of purpose back.
Jason: My childhood innocence! Thank you!
Dick: My will to live! I’ve been looking for this for years!
Tim: My spleen! I've been needing that
Bruce: Tim WHAT-
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yourlocal-edgelord · 4 months
*tim getting kidnapped as red robin*
Tims newest kidnapper: If you dont comply i will very painfully carve out your spleen and ship it back to batman
Tim: Lmao you can try, infact i encourage you, I’ll personally help you in whatever evil scheme you have if you can get my spleen and ship it to batman
Kidnapper: What-
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sparkoflena · 2 months
As much as I love fics of the Batfam dramatically reacting to the loss of Tim's spleen, here is what I want more of:
Bruce: So you don't have a spleen?
Tim: No, sir.
Bruce: Is Doctor Leslie aware?
Tim: She is.
Bruce: Do we have to be worried about whoever injured you coming to Gotham?
Tim: No, sir.
Bruce: Are you taking all required medication?
Tim: Yes, I am.
Bruce, releasing a sigh that is soul-deep: Okay.
Other Batkids: WHAT???
Bruce: Tim and Jason share the mantle of my Middle Child by age. They act like it. This isn't even the strangest thing I've learned about Tim.
Damian, Duke, Dick, & Cass: *all a mixture of sputtering and eyeing Jason & Tim suspiciously*
Jason: I'm offended but you're not wrong.
Tim: *shrugging in agreement and going back to whatever he was doing*
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rewrittenwrongs · 4 months
Talia should swagger into the Batcave without warning and slam down a jar on the table in front of Tim. The jar, of course, contains his spleen. Tim is relieved to see Talia went on the mission he sent her on and thus was not blown to pieces. The spleen jar is both a sort of truce offering and a ‘you are a large threat and I want to stay in your good graces’ gift. Everyone else is confused but Tim refuses to elaborate or even tell them what’s in the jar.
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veliya01 · 8 days
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This is how I think Tim's splenectomy scar looks like
-still red because it takes a long time for a scar's redness to actually leave
-long because I say so- JK! it's long because in my head the widower (the doctor of Tim's splenectomy) stabbed and as he pulled out he was sliding the weapon down to produce a much larger wound
-somewhat has a bruised corners because I often had those when I was younger
And yuh that's it. Thank you for listening to my yapping!!
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I see alot of posts about Tim's missing spleen and the batfams reaction to it but has anyone considered the much funnier options of Bruce, being an invasive psycho dad, doing some scan of his children finding out about his missing spleen and getting it back/replicating a new one. Like
Tim *bored and wanting to get a rise out of bruce*: the only thing I've ever truly lost is my spleen
Bruce *sipping coffee and reading a case*: batcave freezer underneath the popsicles but above the ice packs
Tim: wha-!
Bruce: if you hit the chunk of Jason from the explosion you've gone too far
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p0ssym1lker · 1 year
Red Robin: Hi I'm-
Danny: I saw your spleen in the ghost zone
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ahfrickenfrick · 6 months
bruce: i’ve decided i need a break
tim: yeah right, and i’ve decided i actually DO have a spleen, stop playing with alfred’s feelings like that :/
bruce: no, tim, i am legitimately taking a- what do you mean you don’t have a spleen?
tim: oh so NOW you listen
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