#tim drake isn't getting paid
Bruce Wayne: I’ll pay you to stop killing people. Jason Todd: Mm… nah. Bruce Wayne: You’d actually pass up five thousand dollars… every month, to kill people for this fruitless journey? Jason Todd blinks looking up from his gun. Jason: Five thousand dollars... A month?! Bruce: I can increase it. Jason: You can increase it? Dick Grayson falls from the side of the door where he and Tim were eavesdropping. Dick: I wasn’t even paid that much until I left home. Tim Drake, peeking from his corner: You guys getting paid? Damian Wayne: You aren’t apparently so that’s good. I get three thousand. Father, why the high amount, unless… you care about him? Don’t you? Dick: Aww that’s so sweet. I’m still pissed, but so sweet. Tim Drake: Yeah… great… sweet… no but seriously, I want to get paid! Bruce: How did this get introduced into the conversation? Jason, realizing this as well: Hmm… admit it. You care about me. Bruce Wayne: I’m not… that is not…Justice matters here. I am simply trying to teach you that the true justice is not killing people and seeing as you won’t listen to reason, I thought I could give you something better. So you don’t keep doing this and you don’t get hurt or worse. Tim Drake, stunned: Oh my God, you do care. Bruce: Where did I say I care about him? I want to protect this… man, he is a grown man, who I adopted when he was a child, yes. I do still appreciate him being around and don’t want him to die... again?! Dick Grayson, crossing his arms: That was a long-winded way to say that, yes he does care about you. Aww that's so sweet! Jason: I’m so torn. On one hand, jeez that's a lot of money... on the other hand… guns? Tsk, tsk, okay say the words, point blank, that you care about me and I’ll stop killing people. Or pay me. Tick tock, detective. Bruce Wayne, visibly embarrassed because his tough guy persona is falling: Five thousand and I send you weapons every month to end this conversation. Jason: All right! I’ll do it, just sign this contract. Jason pulls out a contract in backpack. Bruce: You have a contract? I… You… I need a moment. Bruce turns around, pretending to look like he thinks but is trying to hide his smile. Bruce: Okay, sure, I’ll look over this. I’m impressed, did you type this? Jason: Wrote it by hand. Calligraphy practice paid off. Bruce: I’m not saying it… but thank you for showing this side of yourself.
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introspectivememories · 8 months
yknow the veil/kotteri image redraw meme? the one that's been going around on twt? now make it timber. bernard who goes on to be a famous model after grieves and does shoots all over the world. one day he does one for a gotham brand and he ends up plastered all over the city. now tim who has managed to miss all this just by virtue of being too busy being a vigilante and running wayne ent. steps out of his car one day and bam! directly across from wayne tower is this giant electronic billboard, displaying bear's new perfume ad. in it he's wearing a fur coat that's slipped down his shoulders to reveal the muscles rippling across his back. bernard looks over his shoulders and laughs, lips painted a pretty pink. the ad reads "all new scent 14 from beams: the scent of love. it's like burning" bernard winks coyly and tim is burning all right. rock hard in his too tight work pants.
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 5 months
(#) = Notes at the end of post
Due to the high levels of ambient ectoplasm, all the citizens of Amity Park gained a permanent change in eye color. They don't glow or flare in response to rampant emotions like true ghosts or the halfas though. They're just an unnaturally bright yellow-green.
The thing is, nobody else on Earth has this eye color, and it's never been seen in the human race until the recently graduated Amity Parkers started branching out to other cities to find jobs.
Nobody paid this any mind at first, though. Many just thought the individuals liked strangely colored contacts or it was a trick of the light. It's not until Danny and Tucker are both hired for positions in Wayne Enterprises that questions start popping up.
At first, the other employees thought the two might be related. It could happen, it's not that strange. However, when both of them said they're nowhere near related, just childhood best friends, it left everyone confused. If they aren't related and they aren't wearing colored contacts, then what are the odds of too completely unrelated people having the exact same strange and unseen eye color?
After a while, everyone just stops asking questions. After all, both men are easy to get along with and are excellent at their jobs, so a strange eye color isn't really something to complain about. Their stares were just a bit more intense than most people, and honestly, they've seen stranger things.
It helps that they've started seeing other people with the same eye color popping up in celebrity, sports, and activist circles. (1)
However, It's not until the power goes out during a late meeting/presentation, and Tim Drake accidentally turns on and shines his cell phone light into Tuckers eyes, that he starts seriously digging.
Needless to say, the animal-like green shine of his pupils scared the shit out of him and got him wondering if two of his new employees were part of a previously unknown alien race that'd recently settled on Earth without anyone noticing. When he looks into the middle of nowhere town they came from, this idea is even further cemented when he sees every person he finds a photo of have the exact same shade of chartreuse eyes. Ignoring the ghost rumors and "sightings" as just a strange tourist trap for the strange little town to make extra income, he brings the info he found to the other bats and birds.
They aren't exactly welcomed when they go snooping around Amity Park, unfortunately... (2 & 3)
Now. To make this a bit more cracky, when confronted, do Danny and Tucker just come clean or do they milk the idea of them being aliens for all it's worth? (4) Add in a few strange, but perfectly normal for them, things they do that have people scratching their heads and make the assumption even worse/more irrefutable. This includes the unexplainable eye shine Tim discovered.
(1) Paulina became a supermodel and is coveted for her striking eye color and beautiful complexion. Dash became a coach for a well known college in Metropolis, while Kwan became a fitness trainer and sponsor for health related items that actually work, also partnered with the college Dash coaches at. Sam became a notorious environmental activist and is the enemy of many companys who are determined to turn the world into a toxic wasteland. With the help of Danny's parents, she's found many eco-friendly chemical compounds that dissolve many of the toxic substances damaging ecosystems around the world. Etc, etc.
(2) Ectoplasm exposure has made everyone a bit more territorial over the town, including their protectors. They don't need outside heroes/organizations interfering with their work and don't/won't take kindly to the sudden interest hero organizations gain over them and their strange little town. That hasn't worked out too well with other government sanctioned organizations in the past and they don't want a repeat, thank you.
(3) Maybe Team Phantom even established themselves right around the same time or even before the Justice League was formed and they just flew under the radar until now. Maybe Amity Parkers feel a bit superior due to their seniority in having an excellent team in the know about the supernatural/non-human side of the world/universe? Who knows? You pick! Amity Park has been through a lot by themselves, so it's no shocker if they have an extreme amount of solidarity towards those they call their own.
(3 cont'd) Also! Since Amity Park has become so rich and saturated in ectoplasm over the years, they were eventually annexed/became an outside part of the Ghost Zone. Jack and Maddy are border patrol and any ghosts coming through need a passport now. Amity Park is basically a vacation hub for ghosts? Ghosts can freely roam the streets, they just don't wreak havoc anymore. That'd basically be terrorizing their fellow citizens at this point anyway and that's a no no. That means jail time with Walker. Amity Parkers also aren't afraid anymore and in fact CAN hit back now. This does not stop the Bat Clan and eventually the Justice League from thinking they're a town full of aliens tho. Some are just more human looking than others. Or they've been on Earth and procreating long enough with humans that their hybrid offspring have also started looking more human, is the ongoing conclusion.
(4) The Anti-Ecto Acts are not an issue here! Team Phantom already dismantled and annihilated the GIW years before they even thought of leaving Amity Park on its own. Before graduating highschool even. Yes, Team Phantom is perfectly self-sufficient and able to handle their own problems and have kept the city-wide ghost infestation pretty isolated outside a few events that were handled quickly and with the world none the wiser. So the world is still pretty ignorant of the existence of ghosts/the Ghost Zone. Would Team Phantom and Amity Park prefer to keep it that way though?
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
DPxDC AU: Tim receives an interesting email from DalvCo explaining why the CEO is not to be trusted- It's an internal email and suddenly Tim is experiencing supernatural phenomena. He knows that the two events are absolutely related, but he's going to let the cutie stumble his way through data points and vague threats anyway.
(Sorry this got long lmao)
Tim is exhausted after a long night of staking out a new drug cartel with Hood (which in itself took a lot of energy from both of them to have the patience for the other- things are good, not great)... so right now he's logging into his WE email on the train to his office because he's incredibly late. And while he scrolls and contemplates the failsafes he has to make sure Tam doesn't murder him outright- he sees an unexpected email from Vladimir Masters.
Tim's curiosity is piqued, he'd thought that Vlad would have gotten the hint after Tim dismissed him at that Christmas gala a few years ago. Most people took Tim's snubbing as a fatality in the Gotham socialite scene- Most knew him to be 'an agreeable young man', and Tim's reputation had paid a small price for making Vlad's failed vibe check known to the room. The tabloids blamed it on the champagne glass he had in his hand- Has he mentioned how much he hates Vicky Vale lately??
Tim has a few stops to go and he's pretty sure that he's going to delete the email, but in sleep deprived inspiration, he decides it might as well entertain him while he waits. The letter isn't at all what he expected.
"Hello Wayne Enterprise's CEO Tim Drake, I'm sending you this letter on behalf of the entire Midwest to advise that you, under no circumstances, come into contact with or speak to the CEO of DalvCo Vlad Masters. He is underhanded and utilizes untraceable tactics to procure deals. We have reason to believe you may be targeted in the next few days and hope that you are able to take steps for your own safety to avoid Vlad Masters at all costs.
Sincerely, 👑"
Tim feels bewildered for a moment and then... Like a cat with a new toy mouse. A game was afoot! He needed to track down these hackers, he needed to be their best fucking friend (find out their secrets & Vlads) and he needed to apprehend Vlad ASAP! Untraceable tactics? Tim scoffs, but the challenge excites him.
Arriving at WE, Tam looks ready to throw a knife his way (he reminds her that Pru does it better) and states that if Vlad Masters tries to make an appointment- accept it but give him the run around. Make an appointment and continue to contest it, change it, delay it until Tim is actually ready for him. The lights start to flicker, both of them notice it.
Everytime Tim gets a second to investigate Vlad in his office, the room's temperature drops. Tim notices it, and having experienced a number of supernatural phenomena, he knows it has to be related.
Tim decides not to beat around the bush. He comes back to the office that night equipped with a Ouija board, candles and a bag of other occult accessories. He quickly finds, upon setting up, that there is now a groaning Teenager in front of him- lambasting his efforts and chastizing him for taking a meeting with Vlad. Did he not get the fuckin memo??
Tim quickly begins to ask his questions, grateful to not have to deal with the party game board, and takes diligent notes.
"Right, so, you're just a concerned citizen ghost who knows what kind of nefarious deeds Vlad gets up to, how?" ---
Danny is losing his shit. Here he is, having done all the ground work to tell this guy not to meet with Vlad and he's already got him on the schedule! Danny took a page from Technus' book and transported himself alongside the short email. He didn't get this guy at all! Tim was like, basically the same age and clearly super fucking smart, why was he acting like this was a fucking birthday gift? Scratch that, the dude has a Ouija Board- it's like a lame ass birthday party in here!
Danny cannot help himself but return to the visible spectrum and give this guy a talking to- Which, the atmosphere of a birthday party still doesn't change, for ancient's sake this guy is taking notes with a megawatt smile! He's smiling! Danny just described Vlad taking down like, three American dynasties and the dude is nodding his head along gleefully.
Then suddenly, Danny realizes that he might be on the chopping block. Tim asks his first question and it's not about Vlad at all.
"Er, yeah. Just a concerned ghost citizen." Danny cringes.
"Right, and that's why you hacked into the Mayor of your town's email... Right Tucker?"
Danny blanches, not because the guy knew about Amity Park, but because apparently Tucker's online persona had been compromised. SHIT.
"Uh, I'm not Tucker." Danny attempts to lie- why was he so bad at lying again?!
"Of course you aren't, he's currently playing doomed, but it would have been smart to take the out I offered you. Do you want to tell me your name or do you want me to throw out another random guess? You should know that I've done my homework."
"...It's Danny."
"Certainly not Danny Fenton? Who is, sorry to say it, heir to DalvCo? The same one who totally doesn't have a school record of absences equivalent to well documented town hauntings?"
"Yep." Danny cringes, and giving up the goat, transforms back into his human self, "But seriously dude, you can't meet with Vlad. He'll just... take it all."
Tim blinks at him a few times, and his cheeks flush. Danny desperately tries to ignore that response as well as his own (he knows his ears are red, sue him).
"Right. Well, how would you like an internship? First order of business would be meeting with me and my PA Tam and helping us play ball." The guy has a feral grin. The grin kind of scares Danny, it definitely annoys him and a small part of him is curiously charmed.
"Dude you're not hearing me-" Danny tries before being cut off.
"Yeah yeah, supernatural bullshit is involved, Got that." Tim waves him off. Okay never mind, not charmed at all, Danny is completely annoyed.
"I swear to all the ancients-" Danny has to stop himself to calm down, "Dude consider yourself fucking haunted. I'm not helping you with a suicide mission to talk to the creep and I will be making your ass miserable for deciding to go down this path."
"Is that a promise?" Tim is basically batting his eyelashes at Danny and Danny is desperately trying to ignore that.
"Bet." And then he goes invisible.
"That's cute, pretending to leave me." Tim smirks and Danny can't help but let out an exasperated groan.
As it turns out, Tim is incredibly difficult to spook and his normal haunting methods are not fucking working. Has this guy just, like, seen every single horror movie?
Tim knows this is going to be fun, even if it means not going out as Red Robin for a while... Maybe he should get back into his night photography and give the guy a chance to enhance the creepiness of Gotham? Maybe start going to restaurants alone and get the guy to join him at a secluded two person table? Tim has plans on plans on plans.
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zahri-melitor · 5 months
One of the many tragedies of Jack Drake is that not only was he bad at being a parent, but that he had the perfect person to discuss how hard the experience was for him right there and yet the only conversation they ever have about parenting Tim is conducted at gunpoint.
Because look at Jack Drake. As far as he was concerned, he had everything under control until Janet died and his world fell apart.
Tim was a Good Kid™ as a kid. He was well behaved and polite and not a difficult child and that's obvious from the fact that many of his memories of his parents together are of being taken out in public. Jack and Janet had one kid and they clearly wanted that kid to enjoy the same things they did, so they took him with them to restaurants and museums and art galleries and the opera. And he enjoyed it and enjoyed that time with them.
Jack however clearly saw his role as a father and a husband in the very traditional position as the main provider. It was his job to work and bring in the income that supported their lifestyle (his depressive episode after losing the company and their having to move makes it very clear how much of his self-worth was tied up in that role). He had a son, but his time with Tim was pretty clearly about taking Tim out with him on a Saturday afternoon to watch sport, or play tennis with his friends, or go to the monster trucks, or go fishing: being able to spend a few hours with Tim and show him off to his friends and then return home and someone else took over looking after Tim. And in his mind, he clearly thought he was a good parent! He spent time with his son! His son was a credit who was worth showing off! He could take Tim with him when he and Janet went out for the evening, and Tim could be relied upon to behave. He was winning at being a father!
The part Jack never realised, of course, was that like many men in his position, he'd handed the day to day logistics of raising a kid over to his wife (Janet) and to people he paid to do it for him (Tim's boarding school). He wasn't the disciplinarian parent. He was the 'fun' parent, who got to have the good times with his child.
If Jack was ever actually involved in decisions about discipline and consequences of actions, it was probably at the ultimate stage: the 'wait til your father gets home' sort of threat. The nuclear option. He didn't handle the everyday stuff - he probably never SAW the everyday stuff.
So, Jack thinks he's a great parent. He can brag to his friends about how well behaved HIS child is, unlike those little ruffians you see screaming in public or whose parents can't take them anywhere because they're disruptive.
Then his world falls apart. He's injured and disabled and grieving. He's a single dad. And the kid he's got is suddenly not the child he remembers. Tim frequently acts out, lies, runs away and comes home with bruises and notes from school saying they’re worried something is going on. He also starts dating and possibly trying to have sex ‘too young’ (being caught with Ariana sleeping over and the couch situation, Steph being pregnant even if Tim insisted it wasn't his).
Jack Drake has to suddenly step up to be the main parent of a 14 year old who he's probably never had that dynamic with. He doesn't have the years of experience in how Tim reacts to various forms of boundaries and punishments, because he's never been the one who set them or enforced them. He's probably never sat down and talked to Tim about his feelings in his life. And Tim, I repeat, is fourteen years old, possibly one of the most difficult ages for a kid. Everyone's 14 year olds are suddenly more difficult than usual and pushing boundaries.
On top of that, he's got to learn this all on the fly, in circumstances where he basically has no support. "Help, I'm a new single father to a teenager' isn't really a genre of self help book or parenting group that gets a lot of love - most people who are single parents aren't men, and most people looking for advice on dealing with problems with raising their kids are talking about under-5s, because by the time kids are out of the toddler stage most parents have a reasonable idea of what works and what doesn't, have networks set up, and are usually reaching out for a bit of advice or support about a specific situation, not Dealing With It All.
What Jack really needs is a buddy or two who are also single fathers to teenage boys, who have experience navigating this, maybe who also acquired responsibility for their son in his teen years. Wow. I mean that's a big ask, but funnily enough, there's someone who lives right next door who exactly fits that description...
(The tragedy that Bruce and Jack only ever have the one discussion about parenting Tim, the kid they've been effectively co-parenting since Tim was 13 years old, and that that discussion took place with Jack holding a gun on Bruce).
So of course Jack is terrible at being a parent to Tim. He's inexperienced, he doesn't have any support, he doesn't SEEK support outside of marrying Dana (and Dana clearly while lovely is both ineffective and reluctant to interfere in Jack and Tim's relationship). Now, he fails on very specific axes, in ways that are both understandable and also signs that Jack has a bad handle on his temper.
His go-to threat is sending Tim back to boarding school, because: when Tim was at boarding school, Jack didn't have any discipline issues with Tim! It clearly worked!; Tim doesn't want to go back to boarding school, making it a threat to hold over him; again, Jack's seeing a kid who is sneaking around, lying, running away and he's at his wits end - there's a narrative in the circles he lives in that such kids DO need to be taught to behave and sending them to boarding school is a way to do that.
He runs hot and cold on paying attention to Tim because up until Tim was 14 that was...what he did! And it wasn't such an issue then, as he wasn't a single parent. And when he pays attention, he does tend to be focused (laser focused, in fact), in getting Tim out of No Man's Land, of the dramas at school during Cry of the Huntress when Jack's getting outraged over Tim's bruises and getting into fights, when he's arguing with Ariana's uncle over whether Tim and Ariana's relationship was going too far.
It's just that he never developed the day to day, in between level of parenting and boundary setting and discipline. He's got a temper, and he swings between "it'll be fine, Tim's a smart kid, I trust him" laid back permissiveness, and getting mad and going immediately to the nuclear option: "You are going back to boarding school!" and so on.
He doesn't know how to walk away and calm himself down when he's worked up. He's not particularly good at redirecting his aggression. And he gets easily frustrated, because in his mind everything went smoothly for years...until it was all his responsibility.
And the thing is, there are so many ways Jack could have tried harder to be a good parent, that were available to him. But because of his background and the culture he lived in and the demands of storytelling he never reached out for any of them.
(And Bruce was right there! They knew each other socially! Everyone knew Bruce had worked through having two teenage sons on his own! He could have asked for advice, and he even knew Bruce knew Tim, given Bruce had officially fostered Tim while Jack was in a coma and in hospital. If you were putting together a specific support group you'd kick yourself over how perfect this was)
It's just such a part of the tragedy of Jack Drake.
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002yb · 4 months
Dick who keeps a picture of Robin Jason in his wallet, the corners weathered with age, his face smudged like a thumb has gently stroked over it over many years.
Over the years the coffee shop owner of his morning route has watched him pull out his wallet and stare at the plastic window for several seconds, a sad forlorn look on his face before taking out his change to give over.
Then one day he turns up with someone else by his side, rosy cheeked and a smile on his face. When he opens the wallet there’s a new picture, this one bearing a striking resemblance to the man next to him. With the wallet open the stranger sees what is inside and immediately his face blooms red, stutters falling out his mouth.
Dick laughs, a huge booming laugh and he looks the happiest he has ever been. The photo smiles back at him.
Everyone always goes on about Bruce keeping pictures of all his kids in his wallet, but fffffffffff Dick doing the same. ;/////; And it's something his siblings tease him about relentlessly because it's actually just one picture and that one photo happens to be Jason, hahaha. Just Jason assuming he's Dick's least favorite in the family while everyone else knows Jason is Dick's favorite.
Which is a headcanon neither here nor there because anoooooon!! This is such a gift, thank you! You write beautifully. (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈) Dick's melancholy is so heartrending but touching and ahhhhhhh. This is just really sweet and made me smile. I love smitten/lovelorn!Dick!! Especially when the hurt ends with comfort and he's so brilliant and happy with Jason and ♡♡♡♡♡ !! Thank you for sharing this, anon~ //3///
Silly thoughts inspired by anon's post below the cut:
Where the day of the reveal (per above (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)), Dick and Jason are waiting in line at that coffee shop. And it's casual; lighthearted and comfortable as they banter and bump shoulders.
And Dick is fighting back amusement because Jason is adamant about treating him. Only the card he proudly pulls out is pretentiously black and has Timothy Drake embossed across it.
Despite Dick halfheartedly telling Jason 'no', Jason pleads his case. It's the perfect crime! The banks won't suspect it because the purchase will be small and ordinary. If the account isn't flagged, just imagine what else they could get up to. A paid honeymoon vacation, maybe. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Just Jason having zero faith in Tim checking his bank statements.
And Dick teasing Jason about how Tim at least has a bank account and a credit score to speak of.
Which Jason shoves Dick out of line for because wow, big bird. Jason has lines of credit everywhere. First and foremost: Tim.
'Not me?'
'It's based on net worth.' Jason would quip, which would earn him a shove this time and he'd cackle all the while.
Then Dick would get a call. From Tim. And it'd make them both snicker because the timing is perfect.
Dick taking the call outside, but not before handing off his wallet and telling Jason not to use Tim's card
Jason scoffs over it, but does as he's told (because he'll run this scam with Damian instead).
And it's as he's paying that he opens Dick's wallet and sees that photo. The old one which will be replaced with an updated one later. It's of them. Him.
It's from a lifetime ago. Worn and frayed at the edges in a way that tells of how often and carefully it's been handled. Jason swiping his thumb over it, mirroring all the times Dick would do the same. Jason would be able to tell. And his heart would ache and his breath would catch and--
When he looks out the window, wide eyed and with a pink stain warming his cheeks, Dick would already be looking at him. Just as wide eyed because he realizes he unintentionally exposed himself. It's a vulnerability that passes as quickly as it comes though because it's Jason.
Flustered as he is, Jason smiles. Sharp and brilliant. And he'd hold Dick's wallet up to flash the photo while pointing at it. Playing the menace although his cheeks are bright and flushed.
Even though Dick is on the other side of the window, Jason would still call, 'How embarrassing!’
And Dick can read lips. He laughs, incredulous as he shakes his head and calls back, 'We're dating!'
Jason loves to hear it.
But yeah, Jason cackling as he finishes up their order. Standing off to the side as they wait for their drinks and smiling the most biting of grins as he teases Dick for being a sap. Playing keep-away with his wallet.
Something something these two being in their own world. Crowded close as they flirt. Jason slipping Dick's wallet back into his pocket and being the most giddy/smiley boy because he's a romantic and Dick unwittingly romanced the fuck out of him.
Dick caressing his thumb over Jason's cheek and smiling this devastating grin because he doesn't need a photo anymore.
And then their moment is interrupted by the barista calling out, 'Loverboy!' because that's the name Jason told them to put down.
Dick laughs that big laugh. Loud and beautiful and contagious. The sort of laugh that makes even strangers smile and that makes Jason's heart sing. ;//////;
Dick taking Jason's hand as they go up to get their order. Bringing Jason's hand to his lips to brush a kiss over Jason's knuckles. And Jason is so soft about it because he can feel Dick's smile through it; his breath as he fails to bite back his laughter.
Just Dick feeling like the luckiest man in the world and it showing.
Jason being overwhelmed by that because he's not sure anyone has ever felt grateful for him. He gets it though -- to feel so lucky.
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thelibrarian1895 · 6 months
Gotham Rich People
So there are other millionaires and billionaires in Gotham besides Bruce Wayne.
I'll wait for you to get over the shock.
You good? Ok
There are other stupidly rich people in Gotham. A thought that if you've really made it in stupidly rich society in the dc verse then you have to have some property in Gotham where you stay for like a month or so every year like it's the regency society season. It's a sign that you're so ridiculously rich that it doesn't matter if someone steals your priceless painting or holds you for ransom because you can afford it and still be ridiculously rich. You are rich enough that your bodyguards are so skilled that they can keep you safe in Gotham. Because people are stupid and people who are rich and want to be snobs about it and show off tend to be a little more so than not.
Ridiculously rich seasonal Gothamites will also absolutely think that being kidnapped and held for ransom by one crime family or another or a rogue shows a different level of quality and status. Because they are just that bored and just that rich. And it lets them deal with the ✨trauma✨ ala gallows humor.
Lex Luthor has a bunch of snobby rich people look down their noses at him because he doesn't have Gotham property (Bruce keeps outbidding him when he tries and then Tim does the same when Bruce is busy because neither want Luthor in their city though sometimes people just won't sell if they find out it's Luthor trying to buy the property because they don't want him in the city either) and while he's rich enough to make mechs to go after Superman he can't afford quality Gotham caliber bodyguards.
Oliver Queen might have had a tiny by rich people standards apartment in Gotham, he inherited it. It may have been destroyed during the quake. He doesn't bother to rebuild or buy a new one and just stays in fancy hotel if he has to be in Gotham for any length of time and grumbles that Bruce won't let him crash at his place.
Tim gets Drake Manor back, if he didn't have it already, and puts it in his and Kon's name so Kon can be smug at Luthor because Kon has property in Gotham. Tim might come up with another secret identity as Connor Luthor's Gotham bodyguard just for fun. Superman may be Luthor's villain nemesis, Tim is determined to make himself Luthor's social and business nemesis because Tim apparently doesn't have enough people who want his head on a pike. Also fewer people give Tim well meaning lectures against villainy when Tim makes trouble for Luthor than when he's made trouble for Clark after Clark has said or done something dumb to Kon. Plus having a business nemesis makes being primary shareholder in Wayne Enterprises less mind numbing for Tim.
These other stupidly rich people also end up getting fleeced for millions by the Waynes for the Wayne charities because if they're going to have all these extra idiots to keep an eye on then these extra idiots are going to pay for things like the road work that the city isn't paying for because the city budget was embezzled by some jerk who ran off with the money to some other hole in the ground.
If Jason is bored enough he will be one of those rogues who kidnaps one of the Gotham elite visiting for their maintain the status month and the ransom money goes directly to literacy and educational programs. This way his preferred causes are funded and he doesn't have to be stuck in a suit at a horribly boring gala where he has to be polite. He is also considered the top tier platinum star in rogues to be kidnapped by since he is professional, has kidnapped Waynes before (Damian convinced him to do it so Damian could get out of a series of civilian parties and go hang out with Jon instead and a few times Cass has gotten Jason to "kidnap" her so she doesn't have to deal with a gala either) and is known for returning people when the ransom is paid. He has, on occasion, returned people after the ransom demands were made and denied and it is later discovered that he took the ransom anyway and the person who denied to pay the ransom finds themselves in serious physical and legal trouble. Seasonal Gotham rich people will absolutely brag about having been kidnapped by the Red Hood who clearly has good taste in hostages.
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lacrimosathedark · 7 months
THAT'S IT! This is a Janet Drake Defense Post
As may be obvious, I spend a lot of time reading fanfic. And there's this trend that drives me nuts, and it's villainizing Janet Drake.
I'm not gonna say she's an A+ mother. She's not. She chose her career and adventures over spending time with her child much of the time. But fandom portrays her as some rich pompous ice queen, which is never shown.
Janet Drake mostly appears in the story Tim's introduced, and in the story she dies.
So, let's start from the top: Haly's Circus.
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This event is the only time we see her really interacting with Tim before her death, but it shows that at least when he was young, she was an active part of his life. She was worried about bringing Tim because it might scare him. And then rightfully scolds her husband for being sexist because Jack Drake actually IS a jerk.
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...I don't like the art in this comic. Or that the writer doesn't know how kids speak.
But Janet is being supportive of Tim's clear interest in Dick's performance.
And then tragedy strikes and she acts like, y'know, a mother.
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Her priority is getting her son and herself out of there.
Also worth noting that the Drakes sent a copy of that final photo of the Graysons TO Dick, which is how he has it at all. If both of them were stuck up pricks, would they even bother sending a photo to a grieving child performer they hardly know? I can't imagine Jack really bothering, but I don't see why Janet wouldn't.
And then, by the time she's dying, we know that Tim's parents have been away for a very long time, he never knows where they are, but they've communicated enough that he knows that they've been fighting.
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They're passive aggressive to say the least. This marriage is clearly not working anymore.
It's worth noting that this is a time before smartphones. This comic was released in 1990, which was when pre-paid mobile phones had just started existing. Coverage isn't universal NOW, so back then it was even less, and Jack and Janet are archeologists (or archeologist adjacent?) so they're going to be in less developed and populated areas most of the time. It's unlikely they'd have consistent access to a functional phone that could call the states to talk to Tim regularly.
This isn't to defend their absence, because fuck that, but it's to give it some context. I don't think they were trying to ignore or abandon Tim. Communication was just not readily available and Janet seems to get wrapped up in work...and Jack's an asshole.
Also for note, Janet is probably the one sending Tim postcards in the first place. It being signed "Mom and Dad" is what makes me think that. Jack would have put himself first if he wrote it, it woulda said "Dad and Mom". That's admittedly pure speculation, BUT IT FITS SOOOOOO
My thought is if this were made modern, Janet would be sending extremely scattered texts and Tim would get next to nothing from Jack unless Janet prompted him.
(Fair warning, this story is a few levels of Yikes, but I'm gonna stay on topic)
Bad guy Obeah Man does...something? to the pilot, and they crash, and he has a group of people kidnap the Drakes and their assistant Jeremy.
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Danger really puts some things in perspective, for Janet, at least. And that continues for her. Jack is a bit delusional and in denial, thinking he has any control of the situation.
They are tied up and filmed for ransom, their assistant killed right in front of them.
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Jack just keeps raging, but Janet is having regrets. Notice how she doesn't cry until Tim is brought up. Could be nothing, could be something.
And then she dies.
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Her only other major appearance is when Tim is having a fever dream from the Clench and everything is kind of okay for a minute.
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Tim very clearly loves his mom. And we may not get a lot of characterization for her, but she's not cold or callous like people write her constantly.
And now, we finally have a little more about her as of Batman 134.
I haven't really been keeping up since the Gotham War stuff because What The Fuck Was That My Guy, but I recently saw this specific comic.
The multiverse is fucked up again, some way some how, and Bruce is lost (again) and Tim has to get him back (again). This time, Tim is going in after him. But he doesn't end up going straight to Bruce.
He goes to see an alt of his mom.
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Tim missed her so much that he ended up going to her before Bruce.
And her immediate reaction is to run up and hug him. Does that look like a mother who doesn't love her son?
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"Do you have anyone to take care of you?"
"I don't know how this happened, this miracle...but I just know, in my heart of hearts, it was to show me...that every version of my son is a good one."
Tell me again that this woman is heartless and didn't want her son, I fucking dare you.
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And we get more meaning to the name "Robin" and a little crumb about Tim's grandmother. As a treat.
This is all to say, please stop writing Janet Drake as a cold, heartless bitch.
Small final note though: Jack Drake is, in fact, a shitty person and a shitty father. He does still love Tim and Tim loves him AND THAT IS NOT UP FOR DEBATE, but the relationship is a mess. If either parent is actively abusive, it's 1000% Jack "smashed a TV because my son wasn't listening to me and threatened Bruce Wayne at gunpoint" Drake. Probably part of why the marriage was falling apart.
Anyway, yeah, let's retire the "Jack and Janet Drake are Bad Parents" tag and replace it with "Jack Drake is a Bad Parent" and "Janet Drake's C+ Parenting" or something.
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helloilikepurple · 9 months
DC X DP - Danny Drake
Tim's parents didn't intend to have another child. One was plenty. And then an one drunken night resulted in Janet getting pregnant. It's a bit of a predicament, seeing as neither of them want another child (who will need to be fed and raised and stuff) but are also both generally against abortion. So, she rides out the pregnancy, limiting public appearances so it remains secret. She doesn't want to deal with the publicity her being pregnant would get her. It's too much drama. So she keeps it secret from everyone but her husband, and gives birth in a private hospital.
She refuses to sign the birth certificate. She doesn't want this baby tied to her. She doesn't even bother thinking of a name. She gives him away as soon as he's out. A yet-to-be-named newborn Danny is handed off to an orphanage as soon as he can be. The Drake parents go through medical procedures to ensure another pregnancy won't happen.
He stays there for a only a few weeks before an over-eager, excitable couple comes by with their young daughter, in search of a son to teach all their ghostly hunting ways to because for all Jazz, even so young, is smart, she has no interest in their research. Also, Maddie doesn't want to go through another pregnancy since her first one wasn't very enjoyable (she was in a lot of pain for most of those 9 months, basically unable to work on her research).
They see Danny and are quick to adopt him (well, as quick as you can be, but, with it being a Gotham orphanage, it's a lot quicker than it should be). Jack claims he can see the ghost hunter potential in him and Maddie thinks he's adorable. She's excited to have a little baby again to take care of and hold. She'd always wanted a big family, and while 2 children isn't really a lot, it's enough for someone as busy as her. Jazz is excited to have a little brother, and takes to reading books about babies and parenting to better take care of him. She loves holding him, and brags to all her friends about her baby brother, who's undeniably the cutest baby ever.
Danny grows up with the Fentons, not knowing he's adopted. Everything happens as it does in the show. And then, when Danny is 15, his parents take him to Gotham for a ghost hunter convention, Jazz busy with university hunting. Going to Gotham should've been a nice vacation for him. No ghost attacks for a good two weeks. Just Danny in Gotham - with free reign of the most crime ridden city in the world. Yeah this wasn't gonna' go well.
Gotham is dark. The air smells like sewage, death and bitter hope. The people feel like candles flickering in a storm, stubbornly refusing to go out. Danny decides he likes it. The hotel his parents choose is fancy (paid for by Vlad at the insistence that Maddie couldn't stay in some random, run down place after catching wind of their trip). Danny thought it suspicious but figured he'd deal with it when he needed to.
Anyway, Danny has his own room right across the hall from his parents. It's got a queen sized bed, full sized bathroom with a jacuzzi bathtub, a walk-in closet, a tv and a balcony. It's very nice. Danny sets his bags down and collapses onto his bed with a huff. He lays there for a minute, and then reaches for his phone to text Jazz, Sam and Tucker that he made it to the hotel safe (something they insisted on).
And then he stews.
Mum and Dad, for all their brilliance, can be forgetful when it comes to their children. Danny basically has free reign to do whatever for most of the 2 weeks they'll be in Gotham (which is his whole winter break and a little of the first week back).
Vlad's invited the Fentons to a few galas he's attending, insisting they'll be able to show off their inventions to a bunch of people. Danny knows its an excuse for Vlad to spend time with Maddie, make digs at Jack, and show him off as if he was his son. He's not looking forward to it, but the offer came with free, great hotel rooms so it could be worse.
(Plus, with Vlad paying he can spurge on room services and bleed him dry.)
Besides, Danny could do whatever he wanted the rest of the time. He could go to the planetarium and stuff. All he had to do was not out himself as a meta-adjacent person in a meta-hating city. Easy peasy.
All in all, what better time for all this to happen than on Christmas?
Honestly, even with the galas, the garish Christmas decorations all over the place, the music, and Vlad, this is seeming like a better Christmas than usual.
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
In my evil era. I've come to spread the misery
So I read a wingfic a while ago and I recall there being a titans tower scene where Tim tried to fly away but Jason grabbed him by the wing and his wing got fucked but don't quote me on that
So here's my idea
Author decision on if anybody other than Tim has wings or other bird features and instincts, but Tim has bird traits like wings, talons, bird noises and maybe a tail if you pick
And for whatever reason, Tim hides his bird features
Who cares if binding his wings and other means of hiding it has proven time and time again to have horrific effects on one's health in studies older than him?
It's annoying how during the night—typically when he's Robin—he needs to take off the bindings and whatnot to keep himself from deteriorating too fast but it is what it is
Besides, his cape covers it up and he's trained in passing for human
It isn't until his wings are used against him in battle—like say a goon or a rogue (maybe even Jason at Titans Tower) being lucky enough to grab them and beat him black and blue due to it—does he reconsider how he views his wings
Tim Drake became Robin with a mission. A mission to restore Batman to the symbol of Justice he was withering from, one that expanded to putting everything into supporting all heroes
But more importantly his generation of Teen Titans and the Bats
His wings were just used against him, and in such a serious way that he's lucky he could nurse himself back to health
It was one time too many
He has a mission
The deadline is Death
The next morning, Luthor Corp down hundreds of millions and they'll never notice until months later. Too late to recover the assets
"Mind letting me in on what it is I'm guarding or even assisting you for?"
"We covered this in the contract Deathstroke; You guard this safehouse and in the future me while I take care of a very time-sensitive case. Benifits are just as negotiated.
"I will be locking myself in the room I will do my work. You are under no circumstances to enter unless told to. Rest assure, it can fufill my physical needs.
"If I open the door and I say 'Asylum,' it means I will be out of the safehouse for a time where you are to protect my room in addition to the rest of the safehouse until I return.
"If I open the door and say 'visitors' or shout it through the walls, it means we're being invaded through my room, and you have all the permission you need to kick down the door to come and assist me.
"If I open the door and say 'mission half-finished,' do so through the walls, or by passing a paper with that text, it means I've finished my mission with no loose ends, but am injured and require your assistance in my recovery.
"And if anybody ever asks; you had to take care of personal matters during your haitus, the Bats will never even come to mind when inquired on this period you're off the grid"
Weeks or Months later (authors pick)
A paper slowly shifts under the door, he picks it up
Mission Half-Finished
he forced the door open to his client shivering on the floor
the timeline is as goes;
Tim tells the bats he's going to be off the grid for a few months for a mission
Tim hacks LexCorp for Lex's future paychecks and assets to-be used for villanous plots
Tim contacts Deathstroke to be a glorified bodyguard + maybe physical therapist/doctor for an indefinite time
25% upfront pay. Deathstroke will only recieve the remaining pay if he fufills his duties as followed and doesn't bail or rat Tim out
Half the reason Deathstroke is being paid six figures is to stay hush
Tim isolates himself in a room that can fufill his needs for a time
Tim isn't working on a case at all. He is preforming surgery on himself to get rid of his wings, tail, and maybe other bird traits, everything short of instincts (or not, your pick lol)
After Tim is finished, he does end up needing Deathstroke's help recovering from the aftermath, but he does everything to make the mercenery believe that it was a mission that fucked him up
Tim recovers and gives Deathstroke the rest of the 75% pay
Deathstroke leaves the safehouse while Tim stays a bit longer to tie up loose ends
Loose ends tied
LexCorp learns of the stolen money and assets, tries, and fails to find where they went
extra notes
That 'Asylum' code word was meant to throw Deathstroke a false trail to follow if he ever gets curious about what Tim was getting up to during their contract
The 'visitors' was in case the safehouse did get broken into, and 'Mission Half-Finished' in the likely case Tim legit needed treating the aftermath or physical therapy after what he did
SO yeah. This could go a lot of ways
(assume when I say wings, I use it as an umbella term for all his removed bird traits)
In Tim's ideal world, he's either bury his wings where they would rapidly rot into nothing, or keep them in his house or safest, secure, and isolated place where he preserves them and looks at them to remind himself to never let anything, anything bring him down again
But he doesn't live there
Maybe the Bats find out that Tim lost his wings, and later on, that Tim did it to himself, and are promptly horrified but Tim is all like "they were pulling me back, I had to for the mission!"
Cue more horror
Esp if Jason was the one to yank Tim by the wings
Maybe whoever yanked Tim by the wings assumes it's common knowledge that Tim is birdy^2 and is confused when everyone says the Robin is human or at least has no wings
Imagine if it's not even a rogue but a goon who even has photo evidence of the Robin's wings but recent photos, he doesn't have them at all?
And word spreads a Robin literally had his wings torn from him literally and it reaches rogues and even the Bats?
All hell breaks loose
Deathstroke thinks he's safe because he was 'busy with his personal life' until he realizes the Robin they're talking about is the one that hired him and needed his help recovering from something
He is screaming, he didn't wanna be caught up in this!
Or perhaps Deathstroke gets suspicious about the possibility he's been lied to on the contract despite how squeaky clean everything seems, and gives up that 75% to confront Tim
Only to find the kid just starting or in the middle of surgically removing his wings
Or maybe Deathstroke sniffs around after Tim needs his help recovering from his mission and find's the stash of wings he's planning to dispose of or preserve
either way he's going "What the Capital F Fuck is this?"
I think any conversation between people and Tim could be dumbed down to this
"Why did you remove your'e wings??!"
"They were a burden, besides, it's not like I'm becoming disabled am I? I'm just becoming more passing for human then ever"
"That's not how it works!!"
Ooh. Okay. I think, in this AU, most of the Bats don't have wings. The exception would be Duke and Babs (Cass used to as well, but they were taken from her). For Barbara, the bullet that injured her spine also went through one of her wings.
I think Cass, who would bond with Tim using their bird instincts and who's wings were forcibly taken, would be especially devastated.
You're absolutely correct that Tim would do such a fucked up thing, but gods does it hurt.
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dairy-farmer · 6 months
Hmm Jason having some weird oedipal feelings where he wants to kill Bruce and make Tim his mommy...
!!!!!!!!!!!!! yesssssssss!!! i love the idea of jason sort of harboring maternalistic attachment for tim. before jason debuts as red hood, when he's still stalking bruce and staking out gotham and learning everything he can about the new robin. that's when jason finds out about how bruce and his new little robin are fucking.
little timmy drake is sleeping with bruce wayne and they think no one knows. it makes sense why they think it, they're good at covering their tracks and acting somewhat normal around each other when people are around. but jason has figured them out and its because he happened to stumble across them in some hidden little rooftop they thought was far enough away from patrol no one would notice. jason has seen bruce press some button in his gauntlet, likely for it to temporarily lock their location in one place before grappling to a distant rooftop and climbing in the top floor of a department store. when jason had first spotted them he'd thought it was some cache they were stopping in to resupply. only for him to grapple down and peek in the windows and be greeted by the sight of bruce bending his robin over a dusty wooden crate. the top level of the uptown department store was apparently meant for storage twenty years ago. it housed mannequins, crates where merchandise was shipped and heavy floor furniture to be shipped out to homes of customers. but then a fire had broken out one night. it hadn't spread but the damage to the top floor had been done and so the owners of the entire building had just decided to board up all doors and staircases leading to the top floor, allowing it to collect dust. however, they hadn't considered the rooftop access as being the one way two vigilantes looking to fuck could break in.
so unlike the others, jason is aware that bruce and tim's relationship isn't all 'wholesome' as the rest of the family would like to believe. and it could be such prime blackmail. it would be perfect as something to use against bruce while jason enacts his plan to ruin his life.
but...something stops him. and jason knows what it is.
jason has always had these weird....feelings about all those socialites, models, and women bruce would bring home. jason is...WEIRD about the women bruce sleeps with. that whole thing jason had with talia was evidence enough because she hadn't even been jason's type but he'd fucked her anyway, if only because bruce had had her first. and for awhile after he'd been resurrected jason had sort of had some weird emotions about her, an odd...clinginess because he'd been stuck on her lowering him into the pit, helping breath life into him again like the waters of the lazarus pit had been the water of her womb...
it's clear jason is a little fucked in the head about women. he's got mommy issues galore and a disturbing attachment to people bruce has fucked. at least he's not like dick who is still in denial about HIS psycho sexual issues despite the fact that dick only ever wants to hookup with girls that remind him of bruce.
so tim fucking bruce...even though that should have alarm bells ringing given tim's age because jason would never find it acceptable for any other creepy old man to shove their dick into teen pussy and given the fact that bruce sleeping with his kid is all kinds of fucked up...still...jason never says anything. he just buckles down when he gets an alert about the little tripwire he set up to alert him of bruce and tim going back to that little attic of theirs. at first jason's obsession stemmed from wanting to be closer to bruce by sharing a partner, wanting to deepen their connection by fucking the same hole. but...then something shifted.
as jason watched, the more he listened, the closer attention he paid to little timmy drake. something...something about him just held so much more potential. talia wasn't the kind of mother jason wanted. selina was too in her own head and got all kinds of uncomfortable about kids. jason's pool was limited but...tim. there was just something so right about him, so fitting. and the longer jason watched the more he wanted.
but bruce doesn't share. he isn't very willing to part with a tight little hole that takes his cock so good while gasping into his mouth.
but....god does jason want this. he wants warm hands carding through his hair and stroking his back while he fucks into a pink, puffy, sloppy little hole while praises get pressed to his cheek. it's what he deserves.
and if bruce is what is standing in the way of it...then maybe jason should amend his plans.
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Bruce Wayne: You're not a drug dealer are you?
Jason Todd spits his drink dramatically.
Jason: Whaaaaat... Noooooo. Oh my God - How could you even... Why would you accuse me of something so awful?!
Jason proceeds to fake cry covering his eyes.
Jason: This hurts me so much ... That you accuse me of that.
Jason keeps fake crying as Dick and Tim look on.
Bruce: Oh dear, I take it back!
Jason: How can I go on after this betrayal?
Bruce: Oh my God, um I can send you an extra thousand, right now. Stay there!
Bruce runs out the room. Jason looks up to see if he's gone. He continues drinking from his soda bottle.
Damien claps impressed.
Dick, sighing: You know that was wrong.
Jason: I'm not a drug lord anymore ... Mostly.
Jason looks behind him.
Jason: I'm like one of the lower CEOs, I stepped down too much drama.
Damien sincerly: Smart move.
Jason: Thank you.
Tim, chuckling angrily: He gave you an extra thousand... I'm actually pissed off.
Tim storms off.
Dick: Bruce says he won't give him an allowance because of the whole embezzling thing.
Jason: He was the one who told Bruce?
Damien: Yup.
Jason: All right then, I know how I'm about to get two thousand.
Damien: Make sure to sell it. Don't make the crying look too forced.
Jason: Good advice.
Jason walks out the living room.
Jason, fake sadness: Bruce, why would Tim lie like that?!
Damien: See that's why I do prefer him more at times.
Dick, smiling: Fair enough.
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soleminisanction · 10 months
The thing I keep coming back to, now that I've wrapped up the first part of "Batgirl, Repentant" and am starting to outline the second, is how much the book's hyper-focus on Steph hamstrings the story I think they're trying to tell.
I say I think because obviously I can't read the writers' minds so for all I know they taped the random lip service about hope and justice and fighting for the little guys onto the Stephanie-love-fest in a half-assed response to criticism, but I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt and believe that when the first arc ends with:
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And that gets followed up two issues later with Steph telling Damian:
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I want to take them at their word that that's what they're going for. But it's not the story they tell at all because, for all the lip service paid, there's not a single plot point that actually backs those themes up. Every single narrative element is instead 100% oriented around Stephanie, her feelings, her desires, and her ambitions, none of which involve helping or protecting other people.
Batgirl's first appearance in issue 1 isn't about bringing hope or protecting anybody, it's about, "Ooooh, who is this mysterious new Batgirl who's such a badass but looked down on by The Man for being a little chaotic? Ta-da, it's Stephanie Brown!!"
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When she talks about promises being made to her mom (by which of course I mean lies, she's just lying to her mother) or the supposed "promise" she didn't actually make to Tim Drake, it's all framed as unreasonable expectations that other people are piling onto Steph's shoulders, without so much as a second thought for how the person she supposedly made these promises to might feel.
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When Cass leaves her the Batgirl costume, it's not with requests to carry on the legacy or protect Gotham in her absence or even to look out for Barbara, it's all about Cass's relationship with Bruce (as though that was ever her motivation!) and then "Now the fight is yours, Stephanie" while she vanishes into the rain in her underwear. Like Batgirl is a toy she's letting Steph have her fair turn with now that she doesn't want to play anymore.
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When Steph thinks about the symbolism of the Bat and of Batgirl, it's not about how it can be a symbol of hope and protection in the darkness of Gotham, it's about how it makes her feel powerful. Even when she worries about messing up it's framed as, "Nothing I do ever ends well" and "It's just a matter of time before I get caught," not concerns about the harm her previous attempts that "didn't end well" wound up doing to other people.
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And despite the fact that there's a riot going on in the next few pages, she's not inspired to go out and help with that, but to assist a single dumbass cop who got in over his head.
And then again when Babs shows up to chew her out in the next issue, it's all about Steph and her safety. "You already died" this and "You have a death wish" that. Barbara Gordon, the original Batgirl, only gets to talk about the symbolism of Batgirl as it relates to Stephanie Brown -- "Wearing that Bat on your chest might scare off the smaller thugs, but you're literally asking, no, begging for attention from more dangerous criminals. You're a mark for anyone who wants to make theirs."
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Again, even the fact that she fucked up in the past and hurt people is framed around Steph -- "The last time you tried being helpful, you accidentally brought Gotham to its knees." And while Steph pays lip service to "doing this instead of sleeping" because she "thinks it's right," she doesn't ever elaborate on what exactly is "the right thing" she thinks she's doing, and it's not like she's gone out to protect people. You can't even argue, like you maybe could with the street race, that she's doing a flashy display to show ordinary people there's someone on their side -- she's beating up random goons in an isolated chop-shop.
Then of course there's the fact that nothing about Scarecrow's whole Thrill plot makes any sense because he's not being written with any kind of coherent villain motivation, it's all just being done to set up moments for Steph. Why do some of his goons decide to spike the punch at a random college party and then run away at just the right moment to make themselves look as suspicious as possible? Because Stephanie's going to be there and they need to hook her into that plot.
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And when Steph argues with Babs later about why they should work together to solve this case, does she express concern about her classmates or her university, or even point out that Barbara isn't working with an on-the-street agent like she has in the past and hey, maybe you'd be a little less stressed if you had someone to share the load?
Nope. It's just "I'm just as much a part of it now as you are!"
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To say nothing of my eternal, teeth-grinding frustration over Barbara's characterization. "I'm only being so hard on her because I'm jealous that she's Batgirl and I'm not anymore." Fuck all the way off, Bryan Q. Miller.
This whole thing is so bad that when you get to the climax of this arc -- when they've tracked Scarecrow and his goons to their creepy hospital lair -- the stakes aren't that anyone is in danger, or that there's any chance that Scarecrow might be able to escape in the next five minutes before the police arrive. In fact, if Steph's actual motivation was to make sure Scarecrow saw justice, it would've been a better strategy for her to stay outside watching the exits so she could jump him if he tried to make a run for it.
But she doesn't do that. Because the actual stakes for the climax of the first arc are that if she doesn't swing in and beat the shit out of Scarecrow right the fuck now, the police will beat her to it and then Stephanie won't get the credit for saving the day.
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They even try to clumsily raise the stakes by implying that Scarecrow works for Black Mask, a plot point that goes absolutely nowhere because -- whoopsie -- Black Mask is dead at this point and has been since before Steph came back to life. He only ever showed up again as a Black Lantern in Blackest Night, at which point Ivy fed him to a plant.
(They did not fix this in the trade paperback version BTW, I checked)
There's some effort to turn Steph's fight with Scarecrow into something more by having him spout some weird nonsense about how he's controlling people with drugs because, "Nobody truly has a choice little girl" while she represents free will fighting back against attempts to take it away, but that's seriously hamstrung by the fact that writing is all over the place.
Like, at the start of Steph's big dramatic speech, she's all but arguing against the concept of free will, echoing an earlier classroom discussion I've bitched about before, saying that people (by which of course she actually means herself) stay when things get tough "Because we don't know how to do anything else."
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But on the very next page she poses the question again and answers it with... frankly complete nonsense.
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Because the point isn't actually 'control vs. free will', the whole thing -- all of the forced, misunderstood philosophy that fills out this entire arc -- is actually just repeating the same question Babs was asking earlier, this time in metaphor -- why does Stephanie keep throwing herself into danger, why doesn't she just quit?
And her answers, apparently, are, "because this is who I want to be" and "because I don't know how do anything else." Neither of which spare even a passing thought for anyone but herself, which is kind of a problem if you're trying to present Batgirl's mission statement as bringing hope to the people around her.
Then there's the bit about "facing your worst self," which refers to slightly before this, when Scarecrow drugs Steph with Thrill (a move that makes no sense in-universe because again, Scarecrow is only here to set up set pieces for Stephanie and has zero internal logic of his own). What Steph sees during that sequence is her ex-boyfriend and previous identity tearing her down and telling her that she's not good enough to be a superhero, which implies that her 'worst self' is self-doubt, or possibly "letting other people make you doubt yourself." Again -- all about her, with other people framed as nothing but obstacles to her happiness.
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And just to remind you-- she has no actual reason to be here. She's not "saving the city," the city is not under threat. She's not doing anything heroic by throwing herself into this fight. She's only doing this because she wanted the credit for saving the day. That's the only stake the story ever establishes.
It's like there's this standing assumption that she must obviously want to be superhero for selfless reasons, therefore they don't need to bring that up ever and can just focus on how much she wants to be one and how noble it is that she's willing to fight through pain and hardship to be one.
But that's just not how it works? Maybe if you were still writing for the Golden Age when the storytelling was simpler and characterization was optional, but not in 2009. Part of the purpose of a solo book's first arc is to establish/re-establish the core hero's motivation and, if it's changed, explain how and why.
Just as a contemporary example -- Red Robin sends Tim Drake off on what's literally a personal quest and spends its first arc establishing how he's darker and more alone than he's ever been before... but it still opens with him rescuing a kidnapping victim, reaffirming that, whatever he's going through and whatever he has to do to accomplish his goal, he's still, at heart, a hero who will put his own needs aside to protect an innocent. That's also the role that Tam Fox essentially plays in the second arc, giving him someone to protect even when he's isolated from the normal push and pull of the DCU.
Whether you're approaching Batgirl (2009) as a new reader who's never met Steph before in your life, or as someone who read her previous material, there is nothing in this first arc, or those that follow, that establishes her motivation beyond, "I want to be Batgirl and I won't let anyone tell me no." She'll occasionally say she's being selfless and heroic, but it's not backed up by her actions or her thoughts.
Perhaps the most blatant self-contained example of this "It's all about Stephanie and obviously she's a perfectly selfless hero so we don't need to bother establishing it," mindset comes in the denouncement of the first arc. They recreate the vow in the dark -- not the most iconic scene in Batman history but still one that's well-known, a moment that goes all the way back to the first appearance of Robin, when Dick and Bruce vowed an "undying oath" to fight together against crime and corruption and never to swerve from the path of righteousness, symbolically committing themselves to act as a light in the darkness and protectors of the innocent.
Batgirl (2009) recreates this scene... by having Barbara vow to support Stephanie Brown and only Stephanie Brown in everything that she does "for as long as she wants it" so she "won't go out alone" and end up in a chair like Babs did. Meanwhile, Steph's response boils down to, "Oh yeah totes me too," because, according to the book, she doesn't need to take an oath, it's just completely self-evident that she's already made her right choice and will obviously continue to do the same forever and ever, no doubt about it.
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Two extra little details scattered throughout:
Through the entire series, Steph is constantly doing this obnoxious humble-brag thing of, "I'm Stephanie Brown, and I'm just a normal girl tee-hee" over images of her doing badass Batgirl things that are obviously supposed to be ironic, and she always uses her full name. The trade paperback version is literally called, "Batgirl: Stephanie Brown" because there's nothing else to say about this story. Tim Drake: Robin didn't use his full name this much and it was actually in the title.
And that's not even getting into how often they waste entire pages on splash images of just... Stephanie. Not Stephanie doing anything special, just, Stephanie, and we're supposed to be very awed and impressed by her because she's Stephanie Brown and she's Batgirl now wowie wow wow.
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That one tiny little caption box in the upper-left corner of the last page of the storyline? That's literally the first and only time that the concept of "Batgirl makes sure everyone gets home to see tomorrow" is ever mentioned.
This his is all just the first storyline. This same pattern continues on into the rest of the book, only getting worse as they add in other Batfamily member guest-stars for Steph to show up and prove wrong, and stock civilians who do nothing but shower her with praise and adoration. The tiny little sprinkles they offer up of, "Oh yeah I'm doing this to bring hope to the people of Gotham!!" just don't compare to deluge of "Steph gets to be Batgirl because she wants to be Batgirl, that makes her the coolest motherfucker on the planet, and if you disagree you must be sexist."
TL;DR (and sorry this got so long) -- Bryan Q. Miller et. al seem to be either under the impression (or want to give the impression) that they're telling the story of Stephanie Brown, the plucky young girl who never gave up on her dream of being a superhero no matter the haters or setbacks she faced, and how seeing her succeed despite being so average and relatable inspires other average people to have hope and fight for a better tomorrow.
But the story they actually tell is of Stephanie Brown, a teenage girl utterly obsessed with becoming a superhero to the exclusion of all else, including her own well-being, future, and relationships with her friends and family, apparently just because she likes the way it makes her feel, has no self-control and can't imagine herself doing anything else, who is applauded and cheered for this by everyone she meets, save for a small handful of haters who are just there to be proven wrong, beaten up, or both.
The first could've been a good-ish story -- ish, because it doesn't actually engage with Steph's previous characterization, but that's a different post -- but it's just not the story they told.
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sasheneskywalker · 10 months
batfamily fic recs which are told through unusual formatting
a hat fashioned from tin foil by discowing (ameliafromafairytale) nightwang @karakurachou – 8 hours ago jason todd is alive and faked his death so he could become robin: a conspiracy theory thread
Batfam conspiracy theories meet social media.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | No Relationships
occam's razor by BeatriceEagle r/SolveIt • Posted by u/Phalangefier 3 days ago
It's the fifth anniversary of Jason Todd's death
Today is the fifth anniversary of the day that Jason Todd and Sheila Haywood were murdered, so I thought I would post a write-up unifying all of the information that we have on the case. There have been a lot of posts about Jason over the years, but this case is so weird and has so many branches to it, I don’t think that anyone’s ever compiled all of them in one place.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
Send to All by kerosceene I, _______________, hereby acknowledge that this form represents my wishes should I contract phytoaphrodisiac-induced delirium (hereafter referred to as “PAID”) during engagements with or while apprehending Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley (“Poison Ivy”).
The bats have a sex pollen release form. Because of course they do.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon & Dick Grayson, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
Batman Hits the Red Hood with His Batarang by redboard (Ink) Batman hears whispers of a new crime lord in Gotham, trailing blood and carnage in his wake. The Red Hood is skilled and ruthless, and quickly seizes control of the drug trade, seemingly for his own ends.
Red Hood, after years of planning, your moment has finally arrived. Why have you come?
An "Under the Red Hood"-themed tabletop game, for one or two players. You will need colored dice (or a dice roller), your imagination, and, optionally, a friend who has as many feelings about Jason Todd as you do.
(Yes, I'm serious. This is not a bit.)
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
#Justice4Gotham by Havendance So, uh, Hi. I’m still alive. I didn’t die of the clench (barely). I’m kind of sorry for disappearing on you for so long but life just got really busy and I didn’t really have time to chase after Batman and Robin anymore. I’m not sure how many of you guys still check this blog, but if you are out there, I’ve got a big favor to ask you all.
On June 27th at 7:03pm, Gotham City was hit by the worst earthquake the east coast has seen in, like, ever. And now we could really use your help.
[Or: When you run out of things you can do, there’s always yelling at the world from the blog you made when you were ten.]
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | No Relationships
Night Blogger by AnonDude There's a blogger catching the internet's attention with a long, insane, and twisted tale. The problem is, he seems to persist under the impression that he's just a random anonymous blogger looking for advice on his relationship. That's all.
QuillsNFrills: I like your first entry! But I'm a little unsure as to what genre you're aiming for here; it seems a little confused and all over the place. It's clear you want it to be something more lurking under the guise of a simple relationship blog, but is that…mystery? Thriller? A dark romance? Sci-fi/fantasy/magic (with the…whatever is going on with BF's head)? I'm also kind of wondering if I'm reading right that maybe there are hints this isn't a reliable narrator? Maybe that will continue…eyes. Anyway, keep up the good work! – April 15, 2023 –
BlueberryPancakes: this […] only continued to get MORE wild, and despite the "clearing up"…I still don't know whether to believe […] it's supposed to be an obvious red herring and this is all an Experience^tm, or whether this is really OP's life. – April 17, 2023 –
M | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Tim Drake/Jason Todd
A preliminary examination of potential significant others (last saved by T. Drake) by Betty, Elf_Herself, Petra thefourthvine wrote, "I want the story where someone sits down and thinks that, and lists every single person in the canon (probably in some kind of database, with numerical codes and assigned weights for each category and stuff) and weighs all the pros and cons and finally, after a lot of careful deliberation, selects a candidate for the position of Significant Other."
This is the first step in that process.
G | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | No Relationships
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real reason Damien hates Tim
so a while ago I posted that the reason that Damien hates Tim was because he looks like someone in the league that he looked up to or someone who he saw as a brother i wrote some of it ----
Jack and Janet Drake will be the first one to tell you that they're not the best parents. Not only do they travel for long periods of time they never take either of their sons with them. Outside of the month of april and odd days where they would come back for Gotham, they never really saw their children. They paid for anything they ever needed or wanted. They Made sure the kids had a clean house and a nanny looking after them. If it weren't for the pictures they had in the house or were taken by the press the boys wouldn't have known how their parents looked like.
They liked Daniel but because of him a one night stand ended in marriage. Both Jack and Janet came from old money and having a child out of wedlock would be a huge scandal. Not that the quickness of the wedding wasn’t a scandal in itself, that churned out rumors. From saying predicing about the child to saying that they were marrying for a business deal. There weren't short rumors to explain why the wedding was happening in two months7Normally you can't plan a wedding in two months. You need to plan months in advance not only for the wedding venue, the reception area, flowers, dresses, and caterers; the list is endless. It’s only thanks to the combined forces of their ruthlessness, money and names they managed to get everything set up in time. They managed to settle the rumors with the wedding taking place, sadly Daniel came prematurely and started all the rumors up again. The only reason they didn’t get completely buried by the scandal was that Danneil was born premature and was so small it helped them gather sympathy and help them stomp down whispers.
Daniel was a sickly child due to being born premature; he also had a heart condition that led him to being in the hospital longer. The now, Drakes tried being for him as much as they could but then things started popping up. They made more connections which led to more parties which helped them with more connections that made them more money.
There weren't around as often for Danny after the first few months, he was a baby what was he gonna remember anyways was their train of thought and they're right sort of. As a child Danny doesn't really remember his parents much, only that they'll stay for a couple days and then leave just as quickly he would remember an endless rotation of nannies and cleaning ladies coming in and out of the house. No one was there constantly since Jack didn't want his son growing attached to people below his station like that airhead Brucie wayne.
Jack and Janet never really planned to have any more kids after Danny since he was an accident baby, and had used contraceptives to make sure they wouldn't repeat that accident  which makes Timothy a surprise as well Danny was eight when his parents came home and stayed home for a longer time. Jack and Janet had arrived at Gotham a few weeks before the Wayne Christmas Gala.  They wanted to arrive early and spend some time home unwinding from traveling so much. They also wanted to see Danny, they felt a little guilty since they rarely see Danny and the few days they do see him they are usually busy with other things or berate him on his shortcomings. ‘Speak up Daniel’  ‘you shouldn't cook Daniel we have servants for that,’  ‘sauce isn't a good career choice Daniel do something that will further the Drake name.’
a03 link 
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A Small Threatening Secret
Part 1 of 2- A Big House And A Small Guy.
This is so much longer then I intended, Its at 6k and this is only part one. I hope you like my take on meta human Tim!
TW- angst, Tim has a horrible time.
"I'm heading back to Drake Manor, see you guys later." Tim hopped off the med-bay bed in the batcave and started making his way towards the lockers in the back to change. He could feel his skin starting to itch a bit and he was already starting to feel extremely tired. He was home free until Damian spoke up.
"I think you should stay the night Drake, that injury on your arm looks much more severe than you think." Damian pointed out as he climbed down from his own bed and headed towards the lockers with him.
"It will be fine Damian." Tim tried to insist as he and Damian entered the locker rooms.
"I insist on it, Drake." Damian practically demanded as he glared a little up at Tim.
Tim didn't like this, Damian usually didn't care very much when Tim went straight back to Drake Manor after patrol and he found it quite strange with how persistent he was being on the matter. What was he planning?
"I'm fine Damian, if it isn't any better by tomorrow I'll just come back and get it patched up." Tim walks over to the locker holding his civilian clothes and quickly starts to change, the irritating itch and burning feeling slowly spreading across his body. He needed to get home fast before anything could happen.
"I just think-"
"Everyone is staying here tonight." Jason cut in as he walked into the locker room, his right arm in a cast and a large bruise on his left cheek. "Me and Dick got ambushed so Bruce's mandated that we're all staying here tonight; Dick is okay, by the way." 
Tim listened closely to what Jason said as he finished changing into his civilian wear and started making his way towards the elevator leading up to the manor. Maybe he could convince Bruce to let him leave. His hand was already starting to shake and the horrible itching burning feeling was starting to spread even further across his body.
Tim shoves his shaking hand into his pocket as he starts looking for Bruce and finds him sitting in the dining room, he walks past his seat and opens his mouth to speak but is instantly interrupted.
"You're staying here with everyone else Tim, I can't take any risk of anyone else getting jumped tonight." Bruce informed the teenager as emotion for him to go to his seat so they could wait for everyone and have dinner.
"But-"  Tim bit his tongue for a moment realizing arguing with Batman of all people wasn't the best of ideas, hell it might make him look more suspicious.
"Fine. I'm taking my dinner to my room then so I can work on some cases; I don't want to fall behind while I’m stuck here." Tim headed into the kitchen and asked Alfred for a plate of food to go up to his room,and quickly headed upstairs doing his best not to spill his food with how shaky both his hands were starting to get. Tim paid close attention to the second pair of footsteps following him down the hallway and once he got into his room started trapping his door. He wasn't going to let the secret get out that easily.
Tim was a light sleeper and knew even the smallest of sounds would wake him up, so he set up some bells attached to his door that would start ringing the minute someone opened it. For extra measure he placed some random assortment of items on the floor of his guest room in front of the door and finally sat down at his desk to start eating. He needed to eat before he let the process takeover despite how much his body itched in pain.
After 2 hours of working on cases and Tim very slowly eating away at his dinner the searing pain of his body itching and burning became far too much, Tim begrudgingly closed his laptop and laid down on his bed not bothering to change into any pajamas. It would only last the night then he would be back to normal and no one would find out.
Tim hoped he was right as he closed his eyes and felt his body stretch and squeeze as it always did as he started shrinking and borrowed himself into his blanket.
The first thing Tim heard as he woke up was the sound of small bells ringing out, someone had opened the door to his room and he needed to hide. He quickly scurried underneath the large pillow that now loomed over him and covered his mouth as he listened closely to figure out who had come in.
"Time to figure out what you're hiding Drake- Huh?" Tim cursed quietly to himself as he quickly recognized Damian's voice and heard the young boy walking around his room, his footsteps quietly echoing around his empty room as Damian was probably trying to figure out where he had gone.
Tim needed to get out of here before Damian started inspecting his bed and possibly noticed him hiding underneath the pillows, he was now very grateful that his mattress liked to slide around in the middle of the night from his bed frame, making a small gap between his headboard and mattress. Tim crawled underneath the pillows heading towards the back of them and sighed in relief as he heard someone else walk into his room hoping they would make Damian leave.
"Damian, why are you in Tim's room?" Tim smiled once he realized it was Dick and carefully slid down the back of his bed mattress, he started looking for the small hole the board of the mattress had for lifting it up.
"I was…simply coming to see why he was late coming down to breakfast. Drake very rarely misses getting his morning coffee." Damian obviously lied. Well, Dick might believe him.Tim grumbled as Dick walked into his room, shaking the floor a bit and causing him to lose his balance as he carefully climbed through the small hole in the board that led to under his bed.
"Aw that's sweet of you Damian, but it's obvious that he's not here so you might have to look for Tim elsewhere." Dick's loud thundering footsteps headed out of Tim's room, and thankfully the ground stopped shaking as much as everything started to get a bit quieter. Tim stayed hidden underneath his bed as he patiently waited for Damian's footsteps to leave his room. Damian had keen eyes and would notice even the smallest bit of movement if Tim stepped out from underneath his bed.
Damian thankfully left a few minutes later, realizing there was nothing of interest in Tim's room and probably going to look for him elsewhere in the manor.  Unlucky for Damian, Tim was going to find a way out of this manner and make sure no one saw him. Tim had worked far too hard to keep everyone from finding out about his meta powers and was not giving up just because he was stuck in the manor like this.
Tim just needed to figure out how to get out of the manor and somewhere where he could properly hide. Maybe he should have eaten dinner with everyone and found out what their plans were for today…
"Man I wish I didn't have to head home, but chores aren't going to get themselves done." Tim jumped as he heard Stephanie's voice from the hallway and quickly ran across the floor towards the door that led to his bedroom. Thankfully Damien had left it cracked open so Tim was able to poke his head out and watch as Stephanie and Cass walked by.
"I can come and help you out. I'm sure the chores would go by much faster that way." Cass suggested, and Tim slowly started to form an idea in his head. If Stephanie was heading back to her home, Tim could hitch a ride in her purse and just hide there until he returned back to normal. Stephanie wasn't a slob but her room wasn't the cleanest either, there were plenty of small areas he could hide in and no one would be the wiser. 
Tim watched from the small crack in his door as Stephanie and Cass walked down the stairs and probably headed towards the kitchen to get something to eat, if Tim was remembering correctly Steph would leave her purse or backpack in whoever's room she was staying in that night. Tim slowly walked down the hallway sticking close to the wall and hoping the shadows would keep him hidden as he made his way to Cass's room. Tim started wishing he kept his finger skateboards on a lower shelf in his guest room at the Manor as he realized how far away Cass's room was.
At his normal size Tim could easily jog down the hallway and get there within a few minutes, but he was now roughly 4 inches tall and everything in the hallway towered over him. He would run to get there faster but Tim didn't want to risk exhausting his body, especially with so many people in the manner. Bruse made everyone stay here from last night so they most likely had a full house.
"Why didn't I just go straight back to Drake Manor, I could have just done my report there and sent it to Bruse. But nooo I had to make the mistake of coming here and now-" As Tim quietly complained to himself a door to someone's room swung open and Tim quickly pressed himself up against the wall thankfully avoiding getting crushed by said door, he listened closely trying to figure out who it was and sighed in relief as he realized it was just Duke.
Duke obviously had woken up late and probably assumed he was going to miss out on getting breakfast considering how fast he ran down the hallway, Tim slowly pushed himself away from the wall and started walking out from behind the door. Tim really hoped this wouldn't take away too much unnecessary time from him.
As Tim walked down the hallway he craned his neck back doing his best to look up at the large doors that towered over him and see who was still in their room, Tim didn't want to risk getting seen or possibly crushed by another door suddenly opening.
Sometimes Tim had to agree with his siblings that Bruce had a problem with how many kids there were.
Tim jumped as he heard a quiet twinkling sound from behind him and quickly spun on his heels to see where it was coming from, his eyes widened in horror as he saw the worst possible thing you could ever run into when shrunk.
There trotting down the hallway and letting out soft meows was one of Damien's pets, Alfred the cat. Tim slowly started to back up hoping the feline hadn't noticed him yet and considered going into Duke's room, considering how close it was, to hide. Tim could not in any way shape or form fight a cat or outrun one.
As Tim tried making his way into Duke's room he heard the soft sound of cat paws running against the carpet and wooden floors of the manor and started running himself heading straight down the hallway, maybe he could get lucky? Cass's room was only all the way at the end of the hallway and she usually left her door closed but Tim could possibly avoid getting eaten by a cat and hide in there!
Yeah. No.
Just as Tim thought he saw the familiar sign on Cass's door that let everyone know it was her room Tim found himself pinned to the floor and sharp cat claws digging into his back, Tim wanted to scream out for help but highly doubted anyone would hear him. He let out a pained scream as the cat roughly knocked him onto his side and trapped him in between its jaws.
Tim expected that to be the end as he waited to be crushed in the feline's mouth but instead felt that they were moving down the hallway- away from Cass's room and towards the stairs that led down to the first floor. 
Then Tim remembered something Damian had been doing with Alfred the cat, he originally thought it was dumb but now was thankful for it…a little. Damian didn't enjoy his pet cat bringing him dead animals as a present so he had trained the cat to not kill the animals, so Tim was safe for now. Until he was brought to Damian and definitely would not have a way of escaping him at this size.
Alfred the cat however did not care about Tim not wanting to be given to Damian as they were a cat and simply saw him as a new gift to give to their owner, so Tim started struggling against the cat desperately trying to free himself from their jaws and hopefully escape before they were too far down the stairs. Tim didn't want to get stuck downstairs of all places considering when it was a full house that was primarily where everyone hung out if they weren't hiding in their rooms, he also still needed to get to Cass's room if he wanted to hitch a ride to Steph's house. 
Tim quickly realized as the cat dug it's fangs into his skin and growled at him that he couldn't squirm his way out of the cat's mouth, he needed to do something else that would make them open their mouth wide enough for him to fall out. He looked over at the whiskers close to him and felt a small bit of guilt building in his stomach.
Tim didn't want to hurt Alfred but he wasn't willingly letting himself get caught by Damian of all people because his cat decided to treat him like every other bird it got its claws on, so with much hesitation and guilt Tim reached forward and grabbed a handful of the cat's whiskers and then as hard as he could yanked on them.
Alfred the cat screamed in pain as it dropped Tim to the floor and started pawing at its face trying to soothe itself. Tim fell to the ground with an audible thunk but didn't waste any time getting to his feet and running towards the closest object he could see, Tim only realized as he ran across the carpet onto the tile floors that he was on the lower floor and there was no way he was going to easily get back upstairs. Tim felt his heart skip a beat as he quickly dodged to the left avoiding getting tackled by a now very pissed off cat and took advantage of how slippery the tile floors were with his socks sliding away from the cat.
But Tim had been far too preoccupied focusing on escaping the cat as the doors to a nearby room swung open and Tim found himself kicked halfway across the floor and landing in one of the many potted plants that lined the hallway, Tim rolled over onto his side hugging his stomach and doing his best to not cry out in pain.
"What the fuck- did I kick you? Shit the brats going to kill me if you're hurt, come here cat." Tim recognized the voice as Jason's and was relieved as he heard the cat meowing and protesting and slowly being carried away, one problem solved at least but now Tim just had to figure out how he's going to get out of this plant and get back upstairs.
After lying in dirt for a few minutes and waiting for the pain to settle down, Tim slowly got up and poked his head over the brim of the potted plant he landed in; it was one of the vine plants they had in the hallway that reached all the way down to the floor. Tim thanked whatever cruel deity was putting him through this hell for at least giving him an easy way out of this potted plant and slowly made his way over to one of the vines that stretched all the way down to the floor below.
Tim checked once then twice to make sure no one was walking down the hallway as he carefully climbed down the vines of the plant and safely reached the smooth wooden floors that lined the hallway, considering Jason was the first person Tim ran into and he came out of what looked like a very large room full of shelves lined with books this was probably Jason's personal library. The raven-haired boy hesitantly walked in and climbed up onto one of the shelves using the dark corner of it to hide.
No one ever went snooping in Jason's personal library and he wasn't here to notice a tiny red robin hiding on one of his bookshelves, Tim let out a relieved sigh as he started rethinking his plan for escape. There was no way he would be able to get upstairs in time before Stephanie left or avoid being seen, he needed to find an alternate way out of the manner or find somewhere he could easily hide for the rest of the time he was stuck like this.
Tim slowly lifted up his shirt, his nose wrinkling at the large bruise that was already forming across his chest, that was definitely going to make him be stuck like this longer. Tim needed to find an alternative plan that would make sure he didn't end up hurt more, the more injuries he took the longer his body kept him like this to heal.
"We need to find him, Brown! Drake is not one to simply disappear without leaving a trace." Tim jumped as he heard Damian yell out walking past Jason's library, he hesitantly climbed out of the bookshelf and listened closely to the two conversations.
"Yes he is, Tim does this kind of shit all the time Damian and eventually we either find him or he comes home. Why are you so obsessed with finding him anyway?" Stephanie asked and Tim really wanted to know the answer to that as well. Damian and him may not hate each other as much as they used to but that didn't explain why he cared so much all of a sudden, nothing eventful happened that would cause it.
Tim counted the minutes of Damian's hesitation to answer which meant he was going to be telling Stephanie afib on why he actually cared.
"With Grayson and Todd getting jumped last night I just don't think it's not a good idea for us to separate right now, Father still hasn't figured out who sent those people after them and we could possibly be in great danger." Damian explained and Tim could tell there was at least a half truth to what he said, it wasn't the full story but it was definitely enough that would satisfy Steph.
"Yeah you make a solid argument. How about I help you look around the manor to see if we can find any clues of where Tim went? Tim's good but I'm sure he made some mistake that we can use as a lead to find them." Stephanie offered to Damian and with the sound of their footsteps getting farther away Tim assumed his little brother must have accepted the offer, which made Tim extremely grateful.
Well two bats were now actively searching for Tim that also meant he would have more time to get back upstairs and hide in Steph's purse, Damian may have accepted this help thinking he would be able to find Tim faster and succeed in finding out about his metability. But he had actually bought Tim more time and he was going to abuse that.
After resting a few minutes longer Tim climbed out from the bookshelf he had been hiding on and quickly ran across the floor heading towards the large open door that led out of Jason's private library. Tim just hoped Jason had locked Damian's cat up somewhere and he hopefully wouldn't have to deal with him anymore, he did not need more possible injuries from that feline menace.
Tim repeated what he had done upstairs and stayed close to the wall doing his best to hide and go completely still whenever anyone walked down the hallway, being stuck in a house full of detectives who could notice the most minute detail meant Tim had to be extra careful while walking around. Even if it was the smallest movement from him it would catch someone's eye and they would investigate, Cass was Tim's main concern with how observant she was of body language and always paid attention to the small details.
 Some part of Tim questioned why he was really hiding from his family as Duke and Kate walked by a potted plant he was hiding behind and made their way towards the living room cracking jokes and obviously having a good time, Duke was a meta like Tim and Bruse and welcome to into the family without any hesitation. 
'That's because what Duke can do is actually useful.' Tim quietly thought to himself as he stared down at his shrunken body, this was all his powers like him do, shrink to an inconveniencing weak size and make Tim sleep for long periods of time. Yes his body was healing much more quickly during those long periods of sleep but Tim was still small and extremely vulnerable like that.
Tim took in a deep breath and pushed those thoughts to the back of his head, once Duke and Kate were gone and Tim could no longer hear their booming voices or loud footsteps that shook the ground a bit he started running down the hallway where he could hear a low conversation going on. It was Alfred talking with Bruce and if Tim was lucky (and careful) he could listen in on their conversation and possibly find out what was going on through the manor today.
 Tim succeeded in getting to the large dining room where everyone had recently had breakfast, the smell of the pancakes and sausage Alfred had made still lingering in the air, and smiled when he saw only Bruse and Alfred were left. He quickly hid behind one of the nearby chairs legs and stayed completely still listening closely to the twos discussion.
"-So the only logical answer is that some idiot thought I'd be a good idea to jump Dick and Jason last night, which doesn't fully make sense because no one's really that dumb right Alfred?" Bruse inquired, he was probably going over the small details he had of the jumping last night. Tim really wishes he had read Dick and Jason's reports from last night but closer.
Tim flinched a little as Alfred walked by his hiding place but instantly relaxed realizing he was just getting the dirty plates from the table, there was no way Alfred had any idea he was there.
"Well with the rise of new people moving into Gotham, there could be a bunch of hooligans who don't know the rules of the streets yet." Alfred pointed out that he quickly walked to the kitchen and then came back to finish his conversation with Bruce.
"Maybe but I highly doubt it, maybe I should have everyone stay an extra night." Bruse considered as he stood up from the table and started to make his way out of the room, Tim wished he could follow after the two but as they would out Dick walked in obviously looking around for something.
"Hey B? Alfred? Have you seen Tim yet? Steph and Damian are looking for him but no one has seen him since last night." Dick explained as he walked by his father and continued investigating the dining room.
Bruce went completely still in the doorway with Alfred by his side, unresponsive for a few minutes.
"I have sadly not seen him yet master Dick, I was hoping he was sleeping in and getting some proper rest. Was he not in his room at all?" Alfred inquired as he followed after Dick making sure the crotch he was using didn't get stuck on anything or knock anything over.
"Nope, I actually caught Damien in there earlier looking for him too but there was no Tim shaped lump in his bed. You don't think he's already left right? Did he mention having any plans for today?" Dick stopped his searching for a moment as he pulled out one of the chairs of the dining room table and sat down. Tim had to quickly run with said chair as it was where he was hiding and considering he was now stuck in a room with three people who were definitely looking for him now he needed to be extra careful, Tim needed to find a way out of this situation or he was tost. 
"Hmm I don't believe hearing him mention anything but Master Timothy doesn't always tell us everything, he did seem a bit cross he was stuck here last night considering he ate in his room alone." Alfred pointed out as he stood right next to Dick. Tim looked over at the butler's shiny shoes and took a few steps back, scared that he would be seen in the reflection.
"Well I guess we just have to hope he turns up eventually, what do you think Bruse?" Dick asked as he repositioned the way he was resting leg and Tim, not realizing how far he had gone under the table now, was kicked sending him even further. Tim was a bit grateful though it didn't hurt as badly as when Jason kicked him.
"Dick. Can you come help me with something in the study? I need your opinion on something involving a personal case of mine." Bruse told his eldest barely turning his head to look over his shoulder at Dick, Tim really wished he could see the expressions on everyone's face considering how quickly they all exited the room and started heading for Bruce's study on the second floor.
Well Tim at least hoped whatever this case was would keep the three occupied until he made his escape, with the room completely empty Tim decided he would move on to a different one and decided he would head towards the TV room. What Tim really needed right now was an easy way to roam around the house without anyone seeing him in the hallway, maybe he could keep everyone who was on the first floor occupied with a very loud and obnoxious distraction. 
Well the house was full of the world's greatest detectives whenever the TV remote went missing everyone always forgot to look under the couch, even Tim was guilty of such a thing. Tim just needed to get up onto the coffee table where the remote was most likely left and push it down onto the floor, he couldn't hear anything in the living room so there most likely wasn't anyone occupying it at the moment.
Tim started to question his own plan once he got into the TV room and looked up at the coffee table that towered over him, maybe he should properly invest in some shrunk inversions of his gear to carry around from now on.
Because Tim had sadly forgotten that the new coffee table they had in the living room legs we're located right underneath giving no proper area to grip onto and climb up without gear, Tim stared up at the smooth metal that lined the bottom of the coffee table that helped support the glass top and slowly made his way over to the coffee table legs. It wouldn't be the safest option but climbing underneath the table could also help keep him hidden if anyone walked in.
Tim just had to climb up the table legs, which was much more easily said than done. The metal was extremely smooth and holding on to it was quite challenging the higher up Tim climbed, he had slid back down to the bottom five times now and gotten a new bruise each time.
Tim found himself mumbling out loud to himself and was getting ready to just hide underneath the couch until he could turn back to normal. He had already gotten himself kicked halfway across rooms twice today and given himself far too many bruises, Tim couldn't afford to put himself in more danger of getting caught with a plan he didn't even fully know would work.
Tim had no idea where anyone in the house was and was simply guessing they were on the first floor and possibly nearby the TV room to actually hear it turn on, hell he didn't even have a proper plan to escape the room after everyone showed up!
Tim stared up at the ceiling of the coffee table starting to feel exhausted again and knowing his body couldn't hold out for much longer, besides his meta powers being extremely inconveniencing they also worked as a way of making his body properly rest. If Tim didn't get enough sleep his body would force him to shrink and keep him unconscious for a few hours, sometimes it was helpful but in a situation like this it was extremely annoying.
"Why me." Tim mumbled to himself as he hesitantly closed his eyes and started to nod off. "Why did this have to be my meta powers? Why couldn't have been something useful, something that didn't make me so weak…"
Tim tried to open his eyes but failed, he was pretty well hidden so hopefully no one would find him. Tim just needed a few minutes of rest, then he would work on escaping again.
It was the soft sound of overgrown dog nails pattering against the wooden floors that filled Tim with enough anxiety to cause him to start waking up, it took far too long for Tim's body to move with him as he quickly made his way towards the couch and could feel dread building in his stomach as he heard Stephanie and Damian's voices echo down the hallway.
"Damian, I seriously don't think Titus is going to find him. If Tim's not in the manner we're not going to find him." Stephanie commented she walked into the living room and Tim could feel his body shaking from every single one of her footsteps, they were heavy and frustrated. Tim was more thankful now he had made it under the couch before she got in there.
"Are you doubting Titus's tracking skills, Brown? I'm positive Drake is still here and we will find him." Damian proclaimed and the light squeaking of his shoes against the wood floor made Tim start to feel a bit sick, fuck he was really out of it.
"You know I'm starting to think there's more of a personal reason on why you want to find Tim, did he borrow your favorite pen again? Or eat the last cookie? Oh I've got it! You miss your big brother and want to hang out with him?" Steph teased she walked around the room following close behind Titus who was sniffing around the coffee table.
Tim looked up at the couch hoping to spot somewhere he could hide but Bruce had replaced the old couch that used to have wooden beans underneath with a new one that sealed off such things to make sure Alfred the cat couldn't get stuck under the couch again, Tim really wished he hadn't suggested such an idea.
"I do not need to explain myself to you, Brown. Aren't you his best friend? Aren't you also worried that he just disappeared out of nowhere?" Damian asked and Tim could hear him moving something around, Tim didn't really care to figure out what it was as Titus slowly turned his head and stared directly at Tim.
"Yeah but that doesn't mean I need to know where he is constantly, Tim can take care of himself-" Stephanie didn't get to finish that sentence as Titus started barking and trying to stick his head underneath the couch, Tim slapped his hands over his ears as he quickly backed away from the dog and did his best to stay hidden underneath the couch.
Stephanie and Damien were trying to pull the dog out from under the couch now and they were both now yelling, Tim couldn't tell if it was at each other but he also didn't really care. He needed to find a way out of this, there had to be something under this couch he could use.
Tim got a big smile on his face as he noticed one of Ace's old balls underneath the couch and quickly ran over to it, Titus was still barking but Tim would rather ruin his eardrums than rest getting caught by Damain and Steph. 
As Tim started trying to push the ball out from under the couch to hopefully trick the two into thinking Titus was just overreacting to a stupid ball, the parking suddenly stopped and Tim couldn't hear anyone talking. Tim went completely still as he hesitantly looked over and saw one of Stephanie's giant eyes staring directly at him.
Tim had been caught, Steph saw him. 
Tim could make out his own reflection in her eyes and the look of genuine shock on her face made Tim want to crawl into a hole and never be seen again, he was fucked. Steph was going to tell Damian, who would tell Dick, who would tell Bruse.
Everyone was going to know Tim was a weak, worthless meta that had been lying to them for years. Everyone was going to hate him and honestly he couldn't blame them. He had been lying for God knows how long now, the fact he thought he could get away with it for so long is what made him a fool.
"Brown?" Tim flinched as he heard Damian's voice and noticed his shoes off to the side. "What is it? What was Titus barking at?"
Tim looked over at Stephanie, absolutely horrified and a small bit of pleading on his face, quietly begging her to not tell Damian or let him try and make a run for it. Tim felt the rest of his body starting to shake as Stephanie didn't respond but reached under the couch, reaching straight for him.
Tim closed his eyes waiting for the inevitable until he herded a quietly whispered "Hallway." Then it was suddenly extremely loud as Tim hesitantly opened his eyes and saw Stephanie holding the rubber ball he had found, quickly throwing it from under the couch, he simply watched a Stephanie quickly got up and started running after it.
"Titus! Pursue!" Stephanie yelled and both her and Damian were gone as Titus chased after the ball, Tim stood there for a few minutes taking in deep shallow breaths as the heavy footsteps disappeared and everything was quiet again.
Then he remembered what Stephanie had said, there was something in the hallway and he needed to get there. Tim's body was starting to ache again desperately trying to pull him back into sleep but Tim couldn't pass up this opportunity, this could be his last chance to escape and avoid any more people finding out the truth.
So well Tim's legs were still shaking he stepped out from underneath the couch and booked it towards the hallway, he just kept running until he finally rounded the corner and spotted the familiar purple purse Stephanie had brought to the manor.
He was going to get out of here. Stephanie would be the only person who found out. Tim was actually going to get away with this.
Was what Tim thought as he started running down the hallway ignoring the footsteps he could hear behind him and shook his very core, he shouldn't have ignored the footsteps as a shadow suddenly casted itself over Tim and allowed ringing noise could be heard everywhere as something slammed down around him.
Tim collapsed to the ground shaking violently as the noises around him just got louder and louder and he swore he could hear a familiar laugh above him, whatever had trapped Tim suddenly moved and he found himself scooped up into the air hitting his head against something that was metal. Why was he hitting his head against something that was metal? And why was said metal thing round?
"Aha! So Bruse did see something on the cameras!" Dick's loud and cheery voice rang in Tim's ears as he felt something warm and leathery wrap around his body, it was his brother's hand.
Oh. Oh no.
"You were certainly a pain in the ass to find."
No. No no.
"Now let's see who you- TIM!?"
No. No please.
Everything was starting to get dark, Dick's panicked and frantic voice drifting farther and farther away. Tim could feel air moving around him but that was really it, it was suddenly getting extremely loud and Tim could feel his body being moved in every direction by different hands.
Tim wanted to cry out for people to stop, maybe he already had considered how wet his face felt. He couldn't get his eyes to peel open, to see where Dick had taken him. With how cold it was, it was probably the batcave, Tim just started coughing as he felt something press against his chest and there was now a new strange liquid dripping out of his mouth.
Tim could make out that there was a lot of yelling, from a lot of different people. One of them was Stephanie, Tim could tell she was the loudest and for some strange reason that comforted him.
Tim was in pain, his body needed to rest and he wasn't going to win an argument against it. It wouldn't be bad if he slept for a while right?
It would just be for a bit, Stephanie would understand. He would explain everything to her when he woke up.
Tim fell into the darkness of sleep, hoping things would be better when he woke up.
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